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Tie up games - team death match (F,F,F,F)

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 5:43 pm
by Nevisben
Hello all

Been a long time since I’ve posted, lots going on.

Hope everyone is good.

Kerry, Molly,Vicky and Becky were best friends and loved tie up challenges. Kerry lived in a large house in the country. Multiple rooms, corridors and stairs cases. The four girls would write on paper a number of scenarios fold them up and into a bowl and everyone got a chance to pick.

All four girls sat in one of the living rooms and Becky picked from the bowl and open up the paper. “3 against one 1 with Kerry as the loser. “ said Becky. “O really I’ve got stiffed on this one, who wrote that one down” replied Kerry. The whole group laughed and Kerry stood up and got ready.
Molly then stood up “ Ok regular rules apply , when you caught your caught minimal resistance. You can tie your captive up how you like and with whatever you like. Girls if you get caught by Kerry, you can escape then do so, if you were not tied up properly that’s not your problem. Kerry if you manage to tie all three of us up, then we have to suffer 30min before you untie us. If we win then you suffer your 30min bound”

Kerry grabbed her small shoulder bag containing, rope, tape, ball gags etc. All the girls had their own kit bag.

Kerry had drawn the short straw on this challenge, the game picked from the bowl was 3 against 1, the being Kerry. This would mean the the other three girls would to capture her to win but she would have to get all three to win.

Kerry was hidden behind the door waiting to pounce on whoever entered. The door slowly creeped open and Vicky entered the room scanning around clearly hoping to catch Kerry off guard. Unfortunately for Vicky, Kerry was already laying in wait ,the open door to the room was now covering Kerry, Kerry waited for Vicky to come a bit further into the room before she jumped out.
When the time was right Kerry would jump out from behind the door, putting one hand over Vicky’s mouth and grabbing her from behind. “Got ya, your the first to get caught Vicky “ Kerry said. Kerry led Vicky over to the bed and pushed her on it face down. Kerry climbed on top of Vicky pulled her hands behind her back. “O dame I can’t believe I’m the first to be caught, well you got the other three catch before you win” said Vicky. “Don’t worry I fully intended to have your team join you all tied up” replied Kerry. As she said this simultaneously Kerry had crossed Vicky’s wrists and was wrapping duct tape around them. After Vicky’s wrists were secured, Kerry turned around to face Vicky’s feet and started wrapping duct tape around her ankles.
“ Right now the hard parts done time to finish if you off” said Kerry as she got off Vicky’s and rolled her onto her front and started wrapping duct tape around Vicky’s knees.
Kerry then pulled Vicky’s to side of the bed and sat her up, Vicky’s gave a little struggle but with her secured hands and legs but it was no use to many layers of tape were used. “Well Vicky cause you’re cool I’m going to let you chose your gag, you have to options of a tape gag, ball gag or cleave gagged with a bandanna” Kerry went into her bag and started pulled out Vicky’s options. “ Well since you used tape to tie me up might as well continue and tape gag me” said Vicky. “Very well your choice vicks” Kerry started ripping off bit of tape and placing it over Vicky’s mouth. After she was done gagging Vicky, she rolled Vicky’s back into the middle of the bed. Vicky’s started rolling and thrashing about and but with her hands tied behind her back and ankles and knees secured she was not getting free “ mmm mmmm “could be heard through her tape gag.
Kerry left the room and closed the door, she continued down the corridor towards the stairs case. Only two more to capture and then she won the game. She still had catch and tie up Molly and Becky. If she gets caught them by either of them she loses.

Kerry best plan of attack was to lay in wait till one of the girls came past and she could sneak up on them. She was outnumbered 3 to 1, so she had to be more careful. She decided on hiding behind the a large curtain at the top of the stairs, eventually one of the girls would pass. The curtain covered from floor to ceiling and was very thick as to hind her body shape from behind it.
Kerry hid herself behind the curtain at the top of the stairs and waited. After a few minutes she could hear someone coming up the stairs, was it Molly or Becky. Kerry would have to judge by the sound of footsteps passing her, so to jump out at the right time. To early and she would not have the advantage. Kerry listen to footstep and as they got closer and then started to move away. Now she thought, the person must have passed her. Kerry pulled back the curtain ever so slightly and saw Becky slowly moving down the corridor.
Kerry slowly came out from behind the curtain but the house was very old and sneaking up behind someone was difficult, everything creeks. Best plan was an aggressive offensive, Kerry ran and dived at Becky gabbing the her from behind “ Got you Becky” said Kerry, but as the two girls legs intertwined they both fell over but with Kerry still holding on. “ Right your mine, let’s get you tied up” said Kerry. “ Please don’t tell me I’m the first one to be caught and were the hell did you come from” replied Becky. “ No , I got Vicky’s first she’s all taped up In a room down the corridor, no more chit chat, I got a plan for you. I’m going to use you as bait to catch Molly”. Kerry said.

Molly was Kerry’s biggest rival in the tie up games, they were both great at capturing and tying up people. “ First let’s get you secured” said Kerry. Kerry stood up while still half restraining Becky. Kerry put Beck’s hand in front of her, crossed her wrists and put a zip tie around them. Then Kerry produced a ball gag from her bag “ Open up Becky” Becky did as she was told and Kerry put the ball gag in Beck’s mouth and secured the straps around her head. “Mmmm mmmm” from Becky through her ball gag. “ For added effect, I’m going to blindfolded you” Kerry told Becky. Kerry pulled out a a black bandanna. She spun Becky to face away from her and put the bandanna over Becky’s eyes, blindfolding her. Becky gave another “ mmm mmmm” through her ball gag. “ You’re coming with me” said Kerry, she took Becky by the arm and led the girl down the stairs. Becky gave a playful struggle as she was being escorted but being gagged and blindfolded with her hands zip tied in front of her made things bit difficult, Becky was more concerned with how was she going to be used as bait to catch Molly. She knows Kerry and Molly always have pretty out there plans to catch one another.
Becky felt that she had got to the bottom of stairs. She then felt her arms being lifted above her head. Kerry was had gotten another zip tie and put under and around Becky’s wrist and then securing it to bannister. Beck was now standing at the bottom of the landing with her arms tied above her head. Suddenly she felt her ankles clutch together. Kerry had just applied a zip tie around Becky’s ankles. “ You definitely not going anywhere this is one of the main staircases in the house and Molly is bound to come past it soon, she will see you and know I’m near but I will be waiting for her” . Said Kerry.
Becky was in a hopeless situation to warn Molly and all Kerry had to do was catch Molly to win the game.

Kerry hid to the side behind an large old free standing clock just to the side of were Becky was tied to the bannister. It was not too soon that Molly came past and saw Becky tied and gagged to the banister. “ O Becky, please tell me I’m not the last of our team left” said Molly. “ mmm mmmm mmmm” Becky replied through her ball gag trying to warn Molly it was a trap. Also were she was blindfolded she was unable to give eye signals either that it was was trap. Kerry clearly knew the gag and blindfold would stop this.
A small crash was heard and some grunting was heard by Becky, but with the blindfold she was unable to see what was happening. Had to be Molly and Kerry fighting it out. All she could do is wait. “ Your done Molly, I beat your team and it was easy” said Kerry “ ooo stop gloating Kerry, you just got lucky . There plenty of rounds left yet” replied Molly.
Becky’s head slumped as she knew the game was over and she was have to spend the next 30min tied up. She could hear the unmistakable sound of duct tape being used.
Kerry was on top, with Molly face down with her hands behind her back and started wrapping tape around her wrists . Kerry then turned around to face Mollys feet and crossed her ankles and started wrapping duct tape around them also. Once Mollys hands and ankles were secured, Kerry got off Molly “ I think a hogtie with a surprise you Molly is in order ” Kerry said with a big smile on her face. “ yeh yeh Kerry get on with it” replied Molly. Kerry got out a long zip tie putting over and under Molly duct taped wrists, she then grabbed Mollys ankles pulling them towards her back having it meet the zip tie and then around and under Molly ankles. Kerry then secured the other end and pulled it tight placing Molly in a hogtie. Kerry then went to Mollys feet and started undoing her shoes laces on her converse “ Hey I know what your up too, I will get you back for this” said Molly. Kerry removed Mollys converse shoes revealing Mollys black trainer socks, she took both socks off, went around to Mollys front and shoved both of the in her mouth then securing them in place with duct tape.

“ Right all done and I win. Your 30mims starts now.” Said Kerry. Kerry turned to Becky pulling off her blindfold “Thanks for your help” with that Kerry walked off. Becky looked around and saw Molly hogtied with a tape gag struggling around on the floor. She could see that Molly was barefoot and her converse were scatted across the floor. It was obvious Molly has been sock gagged. Becky felt that 30min+ of her ball gag might not be so bad.

Part 2

All four girls sat in the main living room and eagerly awaited the next challenge. They would have to pick randomly from the pot.
“ O god Kerry, gagging me with my own socks, that’s low” said Molly as she put on a new pair of black Trainer socks. “ hahaha you deserve it, you have a big mouth and plenty of socks can fit in there” replied Kerry. “ I will get you back don’t worry, girls you were lucky with your gags” said Molly.

Kerry then went over to bowl and picked out the next game. “O yeh team death match. Kerry and Vicky v Molly and Becky”. The group nodded in approval at the next challenge.

Kerry turned to the girls “ Right the rules of this game you must have both members of the team tied up to win and both members of the opposing team have to be tied to a chair using only rope, all gags and blindfolds are allowed.That should make things interesting”
“ Ok let’s get too it Kerry” said Vicky. Kerry and Vicky run off down the hall and up the stairs.
“ Molly we need to get them good, can’t let them win” . Said Becky. “ Don’t worry becks I have a plan” replied Molly.

Molly and Becky made their way to 3rd floor which had a long corridor linking each end of the huge house. The corridor had a number of room and reception areas and small stairs cases.

Molly and Becky took up position a bit further down in a small open planed lounge area. “ We will wait here and when them two come down the corridor, they will start searching the rooms, when they both go into a room Becky you follow them” said Molly. What why me as bait” replied Becky. “ Cause if I’m the bait they will know it’s a fake. Let them tie you up and I guarantee Kerry will come looking for me then I will come out and grab Vicky will take her and then wait for Kerry to return.” Said Molly.

“Ok Molly sounds like a good plan but don’t you leave me there all tied up for god knows how long” said Becky. Hold on I think I hear them coming. Molly said whispering.

Kerry and Vicky were making their way down the corridor checking each room they were working in sync as not to get jumped by the other team. Molly and Becky waited till they to a closer room. Kerry and Vicky open the door to what was an office, they both went in. “ Go now Becky” said Molly pushing Becky out into the corridor.
Becky walked straight into the room and convincingly in a surprised voice “ Ooo no you two” . “GRAB HER” Kerry and Vicky shouted lunging towards Becky . Becky falsely attempted to flee but she knew the plan, she would have to let them tie her up.

Kerry grabbed Becky from behind hand gagging her. “ Quickly tie her wrist together Vicky” said Kerry. Vicky took hold of Becky’s wrist took out some rope and started wrapping rope around Becky’s wrists in the front. Once Becky wrist were secured in front of her, while still being hang gagged by Kerry she was leading Becky over to a chair with arms. Becky was sat in the chair and Vicky then pulled out some duct tape ripping a bit off and stuck it over Becky’s mouth gagging her.

“ Nice job Vicky, right tie her properly to that chair. ,” Molly can’t be far I’m going catch and then we have won” said Kerry. “ Cool, I will secure her good to the chair and meet in a few minutes, hopefully your have Molly and we can tie up her real good” replied Vicky, Kerry ran out of the room and down the corridor.

“ Right Becky put your hand out and place them over the top of the arm rest. Said Vicky. Becky did as she was told and Vicky start wrapping ropes around the arm chair and her already tied up wrists. “ What a good little hostage you are, I’m going to tie your ankles, knees and maybe Chuck a blindfold on you as well” Vicky said sniggering”. Vicky’s secured Becky wrists to the arm chair and started uncoiling rope for her ankles.

“Mmm mmm” from Becky’s tape gag, “mmm mmmm” the continued muffled sounds. “If your don’t quite down Becky I will have to stuff your mouth with something” replied Vicky. Becky started laughing from behind the her gag. “ What you laughing at mmmmm” from Vicky. Vicky had not noticed Molly sneaking up behind her but Becky had seen it.
Molly hand gadded Vicky and pined her arms behind her back. “ Becky can you get free” said Molly. Becky started wiggling and managed to slide her tied wrists from the under the rope which had secured them to the arm of the chair. Becky stood up and ripped her tape gag off but her wrists were still tied in from of her. She walked over to Vicky who was still being restrained by Molly, Becky was still holding the strip of tape used to gag her. She quickly replaced Mollys hand gag with the tape. “ We will gag her properly in good time” said Becky.

Molly and Becky lead Vicky’s over to the same chair Becky was just tied too. Molly quickly forced Vicky’s hands behind the back of the chair and started securing them with rope. Then Molly undid Becky’s tied wrists. “ I will tie her upper body and you secured her legs” Both girls pulled out coils of rope and started tying Vicky to the chair. Once Becky’s hands were free she started tying Vicky’s ankles together.
“ Right we need to secure her to chair properly so she can’t run away, we have to be quick as Kerry will come looking for her soon” said Molly.

After tying Vicky’s ankles together, Becky quickly started wrapping rope around Vicky’s waist and upper chest but going around the back of the chair effectively tying Vicky to the chair. Molly pulled out a black bandana and tied it across Vicky’s eyes blindfolding her her. “ mmmm mmmm “ could be heard from Vicky coming through her tape gag.

“ We need her blindfolded or she will signal to Kerry its a trap” said Molly “ Good idea but we better hide now, I can sense Kerry is close” replied Becky . Becky and Molly took up positions behind the door and large chest of drawers at the side of the room.

“Vicky, Vicky, are you done yet I can’t take that long to tie her up” was heard coming from down the hall. Vicky with her hands tied behind her back and ankles tied and then secured to the chair was thrashing about trying to get free or at least warn Kerry what was about to happen. Her tape gag was muffling her sounds and being blindfolded as well she could make a signal to Kerry.

Kerry bust into the room, “ aaaa what the hell and jumped towards Vicky tied to the chair but she was pounced on by Molly and Becky waiting in ambush. “ Got ya” shouted Becky as she and Molly wrestled Kerry to the floor.
Poor Vicky who was tied up,gagged and blindfolded to the chair could only wait for the end result. She could here lots of rolling around and bangs like people hitting the floor. The low pitched screams then a muffled silence and the moving of what sounded like furniture.
Vicky’s was in complete darkness from the bandana blindfolded, she was still thrashing around and screaming though her tape gag. “Mmmm mmmm” it was no use she was completely secured.
All of a sudden Vicky’s could see again, her blindfold had been pulled off, her eyes adjusted and turned too see Kerry with her hands tied behind her back while sitting on a chair. Molly was hand gagging her while Becky was tying Kerry ankles.
“ Looks like you lost your both tied up and there no escape” said Molly. She released her hand from over Kerry mouth. And stood in between the two girls. Becky had finished tying Kerry’s ankles and immediately started wrapping rope around Kerry’s waist securing her to the chair.
“O dame, Vicky’s we been had, capturing Becky was just a decoy to get us together” said Kerry.
“ Well it appears we are the winners and game over, just need to gag you Kerry and Vicky I think you need a new gag” Molly stated.

Molly walked over to and bent down to Kerrys feet and removed her trainers revealing Kerry’s white ankle socks. “ oooo no” said Kerry, “ oooo yes, I said I would get you back for when you gagged me with my socks, so Just returning the kind act” replied Molly. Molly took both of Kerry’s white ankle sock off and Becky was already in place with duct tape to secure them . Molly didn’t ball up the sock but just forced one sock in to Kerry mouth stuffing the whole sock in Kerry’s mouth. Becky quickly started wrapping tape around Kerry’s mouth securing the sock in place.
With the other white ankle sock in her hand Molly turned to Vicky saying “ Sorry Vicks but you know rules of this round team members must tied up in the same” Molly balled up Kerry’s white ankle sock and ripped off her tape gag “ Open wide” said Molly to Vicky. Vick tried her best to stop it but Molly just pinched her nose and that forced her mouth open and Molly shoved the balled white ankle sock into Vicky’s mouth and Becky quickly secured the sock in place with layers of duct tape.
Both girls were thrashing around while tied to chair and “mmmm mmm” coming from both girls who had each been gagged with a sock and secured with tape.
“ Right girls your time starts now, well come and untie you in 30mins, enjoy” said Becky and she and Molly walked out of the room.
As Kerry sat there tied to the chair with her sock in her mouth, she though at least her socks were pretty much brand new she had only worn them a few times but further thought that makes no difference to Vicky who’s got Kerry white ankle sock shoved in her mouth. The layers of duct properly secured the socks in both girls mouths, there was no chance of spitting them out. They would just have to wait till the 30min is up.
To be fair none of the girls hated being tied up, in fact they all rather enjoyed it, why they play the game.

Re: Tie up games - team death match (F,F,F,F)

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 6:38 pm
by Nandaxyz
Ah that was good story hope you will be continue the story ;) .
And can you pls describe about their appearance like age, hair, or body? That make little appeal to me hehe :)