The turning wheel (M/M)

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The turning wheel (M/M)

Post by EzraMarubayashi »

Barry couldn't stop staring at the table or, to be more precise, at the male form bound on top of it. The lighting in the dining room was dimmed due to twilight, which made him realize he had been standing still for longer than he thought. Great, even then he looked like a loser.

The soft light coming from the window created shades that highlighted Jacob's muscles. Barry remembered his mother's words about him being on top of the school bullies someday. He had always believed them to be nothing more than a cheap comfort, and yet there he was, a successful architect who paid the guy who made his life miserable for years to have him as a slave for a night, not because he had a thing for male bondage or guys in general, but only to let him know who was the boss now.

The once all-mighty king of high school was tied up spread eagle over the large mahogany table, wearing as little as a jockstrap. Even though he knew he wasn't supposed to try and escape, he was a professional and never stopped flexing his bulging muscles, grunting softly from time to time behind the red ballgag that filled his mouth.

Barry was amazed by the raw physical power constrained by the ropes. It was likely that the guy had developed his body through the years, however, his teen self wasn't far behind. He remembered how Jacob could easily subdue him, tie his hands behind his back, shove a sock into his unwilling mouth, and put him into a locker. Watching the bound titan before him, he understood better what he had to face back then.

After waiting for a couple of weeks, during which he fancied the confrontation, the humiliation in his former nemesis' face, the things he'd do to him in retaliation for everything he was put through, Barry was now frozen. Even after the appointment was made, together with a deposit, he didn't quite think it would happen for real. Ever since he saw Jacob on that male escort service, verifying what a friend had told him, the idea had grown into his head but, like his mother's words, he was convinced it was all a dream. It took him this long to confirm he was wide awake, and it was actually happening.

The former victim didn’t mean for physical harm -nor it was allowed, according to their agreement-, but to make him feel embarrassed. He awkwardly began to pull on the scarce chest hair he found in a valley between two rocks, eliciting some grunting from his prisoner. Jacob had claimed he didn't recognize him, so now, as Barry started pulling on the armpit hair, he began telling some stories from the high school years, as if they were someone else's life he was talking about, but intending for the bully to recall. The eyes of the captive went from the ceiling to his tormentor, giving yet no signs of recognition.

Small metal clamps had been bought for the occasion and were attached to the tender nipples of the bound guy, with the chain that linked them being lightly pulled once and again. A very interested architect watched for every twitch and wince, with a chill going down his spine whenever he witnessed one.

The zapping sound of an electric wand preceded the muffled complaints of the slave, as it ran over some sensitive spots. Little by little, Jacob's soft skin began to redden by the kiss of the shaft. Barry, of course, paid special attention to the most responsive places, timing the most emotional moments of his story to match.

When the muscled guy seemed exhausted from the struggle and his body was all reddened and sweaty, Barry decided it was time for him to be more straightforward and insist on his identity so his slave remembered exactly who he was. Instead of a shocking or shameful expression, all he got in return was a curious gaze, the one of someone who tries hard to remember. Frustration tarnished his sweet revenge, especially when the kitchen timmer he had set rang, indicating the session was over and he had to release Jacob.

"I'm sorry, man, but no matter how hard I try, I can't picture you in high school", the escort said while rubbing his wrists, as Barry was still untying his legs.

A bit disappointed, Barry put his items aside and opened a small drawer where he had the money to pay for the service. He had no time to think before his left arm was twisted behind his back, and a big, strong hand prevented him from screaming.

"What I do remember is a puny, four-eyed guy trussed up and squealing like a pig", Jacob, whispered hoarsely into his captive's ear.

Out of fear and surprise, Barry didn't even try to fight as his arms were brought behind his back and secured tightly with the same cords that minutes before were restraining his assailant. Even though he had put on some muscle since he was a kid, he still was greatly outmatched. In no time, he found himself strictly hogtied and wearing the red ballgag, on top of his expensive mahogany table.

As the architect was helped into a sitting position, he couldn't help to feel like that scrawny teenager again, tied up on the floor of the gym showers, while Jacob and his crew made fun of him. The flashback became all too real when his shirt was torn open, exposing his slim, yet pale torso.

"You've grown into a kinky little sh#t, haven't you?", Jacob mocked as he applied the nipple clamps on his victim, making Barry grunt loudly. "I bet you were about to cum while you had me all tied up".

Barry tried to deny the accusations, but his captor had grabbed his hair, preventing him from shaking his head, and his moaning was a bit ambiguous.

Jacob went through the stuff he had brought and produced some scissors that he teasingly ran over the exposed chest of the architect, who gulped but didn't move a muscle, afraid he would get cut.

"They're closed, you wuss. You haven't changed a bit". Jacob dug his fingers between Barry's fancy pants and underwear and the hips, pulled the fabric, and started to cut it. The captive was horrified by both being stripped against his will by another man, and by the sharp object so close to his skin. So, he stood still once again.

When he got rid of the clothes, the captor took off the shoes and socks, leaving the bound guy covered by nothing more than the torn shirt over his butt. Then, Jacob put the architect back on his belly, adding more pressure on the clamps and making the victim grunt loudly for a second time. He finished the job with the scissors, cutting the remains of the shirt.

Barry didn’t know what to expect. He was hogtied naked, in hands of his long-time bully, and unable to speak due to the gag. The sight of a cellphone taking pics of him made him gather courage and he started struggling like a mad man. He thought he had somehow made a point when the clicking sound stopped, but he just wasn't aware that he was now being recorded.

"What I did to you was perfectly legal. I paid you! This is kidnapping", cried the tied guy when Jacob took the ballgag off him.

"Oh, the great architect talking about lawfulness. Tell me if these ring any bell to you", the kidnapper retorted as he tossed and spread some papers in front of the captive, so he could skim through them.

"What's this?", asked Barry with an already dry mouth, for he knew perfectly well.

"Maybe you forgot how to read. I'm no cheap w#*re, there's a reason why I take my time to answer any request. Turns out I have connections, and I take no client that I can't explode one way or another. You're in deep s#it". As he explained the situation, Jacob was untying and retying the limbs so each wrist was now bound to the ankle of the same side.

Barry was stunned by the way things were turning out. He could see no escape from his current position, and not just because of the ropes.

"So, are you still interested in calling the cops?"

Barry responded by silently shaking his head.

"I don't think you'll do much talking from now on, so this goes back in", said Jacob as he pushed the red ball into his captive's mouth. "Just so you know, I'm not really into guys, but this is a freebie. You better enjoy it, because you're gonna be my bit*# for a long time".

The architect panicked and started to hyperventilate when he felt two hands separating his butt cheeks.

"Don't get too excited. I'm just shaving your hole and keeping it on video".

The idea was almost as scary and shameful for the bound guy, who tried to hide his face from the phone. However, a hand grabbing his hair made it impossible. He was almost grateful that his captor needed both hands to shave his ass, forcing him to let Barry look away during most of the procedure.

While Barry could feel a razor over a very delicate part of his, he also had to hear the same story he was telling not long before, though told from a different angle, with the same emphasis in the most emotional parts paired with the touch on the most sensitive areas.

"If you thought you'd had a hard time in high school, you've seen nothing compared to what I'd do if you disobey me", Jacob told his captive as he pulled his hair with one hand and put the handle of the razor on the very back entrance with the other one. "You're mine now, capici?".

"Yes", Barry was quick to answer as soon as his gag was removed, yet his hair was pulled tight again.

"You know what I want to hear".

"Yes, master".

Post by Addictedtoropes »

I love your stories man. They always have guys getting tightly tied naked. The naked hogtie is awesome.
Hope there is a continuation...😍
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Post by Socksbound »

Wow, I got goosebumps reading that, what a great well written chapter. Hope there is more to come. Jacob appears to have lost none of his qualities as a bully. Jacob clearly is still the same kid who got bullied, he froze the second the tables turned on him.
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