If You Go Down To The Woods Today. (A horror TUG) (F Other/F+)

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If You Go Down To The Woods Today. (A horror TUG) (F Other/F+)

Post by RopeBunny »


Sometime ago there was a post on the talk section of this forum regarding horror themed TUGs. I posted, commenting that I was in the process of writing my own. And, here it is.

I will say now (fair warning) that it is prehaps not as TUGs heavy as other stories. The style of horror I'm trying to go for here prevents a tie up fest (sorry :( maybe in the next story ;) :lol: ). But, I'm very happy with the overall flow.

As a final note, chapters one through three are in kind of a different style, something I've never tried before, something that took me forever to write in a way that looked and read correctly. I hope it works.

Here's hoping it actually comes across as at least slightly scary.

Enjoy :D
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Post by RopeBunny »


[Timestamp 08/08/17 1430.]
[The camera shows Erika. Twenty three, skinny and toned with a slight belly. Wearing a D cup hugging pale grey Animal cut off tee and blue denim short shorts with frayed bottoms. Sensible brown boots are laced on her feet. Erikas long blonde hair is tied in a loose tail.]
[Driving, with sunlight pouring in from the cars rear window, Erika turns to scowl from behind her mirror shades at the camera.]

Erika. "Are you filming?"
Charlotte. "Yes."

[Charlotte turns the camera one eighty degrees, waving into the lens. Charlotte is twenty four, also skinny and toned, but without the belly. Her own short shorts are tight black spandex, with drawstrings hanging down from a thin grey waistband. Her D cups are hugged by a pale blue vest cut off with a plunging neckline, a white triangle bikini top is visible underneath. She also wears brown boots. Charlotte's shoulder length hair is dyed dark blue, cut in a shaggy curling style.]
[The camera turns back to Erika, who tuts.]

Erika. "Why are you filming this?"
Charlotte. "I've got to put something in my weekly vlog."
Erika. [Grinning.] "Fucking youtubers."
Charlotte. "Don't be mean Erika. Now wave and say hello to all my fans."
Erika. [Waving.] "Hi fans." [Reaching across.] "Should've guessed you'd be filming wearing that top."
Charlotte. "Hey, no touching the goods." [Both girls giggle.] "It's important I look my best. And this little adventure is too good not to film."
Erika. "They aren't even lost you know."
Charlotte. "I know. And I know they're both adults now, but neither of them checked in this morning. And I don't know about your Mum, but mine already thinks Beth's fallen down a bottomless pit."
Erika. "And how many bottomless pits are there in Crab wood?"
Charlotte. "Stop it." [The camera jerks as a pale heavily tattooed forearm appears in frame, giving Erika a playful shove.]
Erika. "Hey. Quit it." [Erika let's go of the wheel, shoving back.] "Take that."
Charlotte. [Laughing.] "Hey. Hands at ten and two."
Erika. "Fine." [Sticking her tongue out, putting only one hand on the wheel.]
Charlotte. "That's twelve."
Erika. "Hey." [Pointing at the camera. Smiling.] "When it's your car, when you actually bother learning how, then you can drive at ten and two, or four and six. But." [Moving her hand from the top to the bottom of the wheel. Giggling.] My car. My way. Now. Put that camera down and grab the map. I forgot which turnoff we need."
Charlotte. [Giggling.] "Okay. Hold on."



[Timestamp 08/08/17 1553.]
[Erika is stood leaning into the open boot of a dirty silver Audi A4, checking through the contents of a large dark red backpack. Loose gravel, with several large potholes, surrounds the car on three sides. Alongside the drivers door, on the forth side, sits a large beech tree, casting its impressive shadow across the Audis roof. Beyond this the woodland stretches out as far as the camera can see, endless trees forever. To the north clouds are massing, otherwise the sky is perfect blue all around.]

Charlotte. "Didn't you check that already?"
Erika. [Standing back up, hands on hips, looking at the camera over the tops of her shades.] "Hush you. Leave me and my OCD alone." [She tuts, pointing.] "Filming again then."
Charlotte. "Yes." [The camera pans up, zooming in on the clouds.] "Think it'll rain?"
Erika. "Damned if I know. Got your raincoat?"
Charlotte. "Yep. That and the tent."
[The camera pans back down to Erika, who seals her backpack, and hoists it onto her shoulders.]
Erika. "Fuck." [Wincing as she slams and locks the boot.] "Why are we bringing a tent again? We know where they're camping." [Erika points west, into the treeline.] "It's only two hours that way."
Charlotte. "Because. When we do catch up with them, we can all spend the night together."
Erika. [Nodding and smiling.] "And that's why all the booze."
Charlotte. "And that's why all the booze."

[Both girls giggle. Erika stays in frame as we follow her into the woodland.]



[Timestamp 08/08/17 1702.]
[Charlotte is holding the camera at arms length, smiling into the lens, the angle places the swell of her breasts front and centre. Over her shoulder the woodland can be seen dropping away down into a deep valley, whilst in the distance the land rises again in an equally steep slope some three miles away. To the north the clouds have multiplied, some are grey.]

Charlotte. [Pointing at the valley.] "That's where we're heading, through Dead Man's Lane and up out the other side. Beth and Sarah were supposed to be making camp about halfway up the hill, where the path runs through an old stone circle."
Erika. "I'd forgotten that's what this old hiking trail was called."
Charlotte. "Not me. My Dad used to tell us the craziest stories about this place."
[The camera angle turns and lowers, we see Erikas legs as she approaches Charlotte. Then the angle shifts again, giving an off centre view of the two girls faces in side profile as they hug.]
Charlotte. [Sniffing.] "Sorry. It's been eleven years now. It's just. This place. He always loved coming."
Erika. "It's okay. You miss him, ain't nothing wrong with that Char. This place, it's good to have happy memories."
Charlotte. [Sniffing.] "Thanks. Come on, let's...."
[Camera jerks upwards.]



[Timestamp 08/08/17 1726.]
[We're behind Erika as she walks between trees, occasionally having to push low hanging branches aside, keeping to the still visible, though overgrown in places, trail. She turns around, giving a brief wave. Normal glasses with small black rounded square frames have replaced her mirror shades.]
[At timestamp 1731 the ground begins to rise.]
[Passing through a gap between trees the camera pans up, then does a slow circle. Dark grey storm clouds are all that's visible overhead.]



[Timestamp 08/08/17 1740.]
[Erika is shrugging out of her backpack, letting it drop to the floor.]

Charlotte. "What's up?"
Erika. [Hunkering down beside her bag, rooting around inside, pulling out a small water bottle.] "I'm thirsty." [Erika takes a drink, then holds the half full bottle out to the camera.] "Here, you finish it."
Charlotte. "Thanks."
Erika. [Waving with her free hand.] "Give me the camera."

[The camera is passed across, and we're treated to an extreme close up of Erikas tight D cup hugging tee before the view spins around. Charlotte is now centre frame.]

Erika. "There. Much better."
Charlotte. [Giggling. Shrugging out of her own backpack.] "I guess I should really do my videos intro. Right?"
Erika. "Definitely." [Erikas arm appears at the bottom of the frame, hand reaching towards Charlotte.] "Give me the empty bottle."

[Charlotte hands over the bottle. We hear Erika jamming it back into her backpack. The camera angle tilts slightly as Erika focuses on this task, but we can still see Charlotte take several steps to the side, moving just off the path to stand between two tall pines.]

Charlotte. [Spreading her arms out.] "How's this spot?"
Erika. "Good. Better if we still had the sun, but...."
Charlotte. [Shrugging.] "Can't be helped." [Smiling. Doing a slow spin with her arms still outstretched.] "How do I look?"
Erika. "Perfect." [Laughing as Charlotte first brushes a stray hair out of her face, then reaches into her vest top, adjusting each breast in turn, maximizing the cleavage on show.] "For the male half of your audience huh?"
Charlotte. [Laughing too.] "Hey. Whatever it takes right?"
Erika. "Right." [Erikas hand appears in frame, giving a thumbs up.] "Whenever you're ready Char."

[Charlotte frowns, taking a deep breath, shaking herself slightly as she does. Then she looks directly at the camera, smiling.]

Charlotte. "Hey what's up you guys. Yes. Sorry about the weather." [She points upwards at the dark sky.] "It was sunny earlier, but, now we've made it to the middle of Crab Wood and we're miles from Erikas car. Say hi Erika." [Erika turns the camera around and waves, smiling, before returning Charlotte to centre frame. Charlotte is looking up, arms out.] "Now it looks like we might get wet. But don't worry." [Charlotte returns her attention to the camera. She pulls her vest top down slightly, giving a glimpse of both bikini and the tops of her breasts.] "If it gets too bad, I'll swim home." [Giggling.] "So. Guys. This place is huge. Trees everywhere." [Charlotte does a slow spin, arms out, giggling again.] "This part here is called Dead Mans Lane." [Charlotte starts to walk towards the camera, which backs away at an equal pace.] "We've already come down into the valley, that's where we are now, and ahead of me," [Charlotte points towards the camera.] "the path rises up towards...."

[The camera angle suddenly tips backwards, pointing at the sky, before falling. The image bounces as the camera hits the floor.]



[Timestamp 08/08/17 1747.]
[The lens is dirt smeared, showing only a blur of green and brown.]

Charlotte. "The camera's fine, S' just dirty." [The smear is wiped away with a cloth. Charlotte stares into the lens, concentrating, using a fingernail to scrub off the final spot.] "You're okay too. Right?"
Erika. "Yeah. Guess I tripped."
Charlotte. "Like on a root?" [The camera points up at the cloud filled sky, then down at the ground. It zooms in, focusing on a tree, then back out. The image statics briefly as Charlotte gives the camera a shake.] "There. Bomb proof." [Brief static again as the mic picks up the sound of Charlotte patting the camera.] "Now. Where's this root?"
Erika. "Over here I think?"

[Erika comes into frame as Charlotte walks over, she's using toilet roll to wipe a muddy stain from the shoulder of her tee, mostly succeeding. Erika smiles at the camera, stuffing the dirty paper, and the rest of the roll, into her backpack, which she closes, before pointing to a patch of ground.]

Erika. "Here." [Standing on the patch she just pointed at.] "I think?"
Charlotte. "I don't see any roots." [Panning the camera around.] "Wait. Look." [The camera moves in closer, and Charlotte's hand appears in frame. She indicates a rough circle around Erika.] "The ground is sunken."
Erika. "Like it collapsed?"
Charlotte. "Sure. Only...." [The camera pans around, searching.] "It's just this small patch. Maybe.... Wait." [The camera zooms in on a patch of ground some fifteen feet away, on the other side of the path.] "Found another one. I think."
Erika. "Where?"



[Timestamp 08/08/17 1804.]
[The roughly circular patch of weed and grass strewn ground is sunken the height of a coke can, and over two feet in diameter. The camera pans up, bringing Erika into frame. She's frowning, looking first down into the not quite hole, then off across through the trees, where we can just about make out the path, with both girls backpacks still sat on the ground. Erika looks back at the camera.]

Charlotte. "This is the third one." [The camera pans away from Erika, and the path behind her, turning to point further into the woodland. Charlotte zooms in on a patch of ground we can just make out as being a sunken circle similar to the others we've seen.] "Four if you count that one too." [The camera returns to the circle Charlotte and Erika are stood beside.] "All in a line, all around fifteen feet apart."
Erika. "Is it earthworks do you think? Someone laying a pipe?"
Charlotte. "Out here in the middle of the woods?"
Erika. "Pipes go all over." [The camera pans back up, focusing properly on Erika, who shrugs.] "My Dad told me that sometimes when you fill in a hole the dirt sinks a week or two later, so you have to top it up."
Charlotte. "Subsidence? Yeah. Maybe. But who'd want to dig up Crab wood? And besides, if it were a pipe it would be a sunken trench, not random holes."
Erika. "So what is it then?"
Charlotte. "I don't know."
Erika. [Giggling, stepping forward, putting a boot right in the middle of the sunken area. Charlotte pans down so we can see how much bigger the circle is then Erikas foot.] "Maybe they're footprints?"
Charlotte. [Giggling.] "Fuck off."
Erika. [Giggling.] "No. I'm serious. Every hole the same, all in a line." [Charlotte pans back up, bringing Erikas face, and over her right shoulder one of the sunken circles, back into frame. Erika shrugs.] "I bet if we carried on walking the line we'd find dozens more, all the same."
Charlotte. "Yes, but." [Giggling.] "There aren't any elephants in Crab wood."
Erika. [Pointing at the camera. Laughing.] "There is your Dads story though. What was it's name again?"
Charlotte. "That isn't funny."
Erika. [Giggling after every other word as Charlotte begins walking back to the path, leaving her out of frame.] "Hey. Wait. Char. It was just a joke. Are you mad?"
Charlotte. [The camera spins around bringing Erika back in frame.] "No." [Charlotte huffs out a breath.] "Sorry. It's just. My Dad used to say you should never call out the Devil, because he just might hear you." [Charlotte gives a small giggle. Erika smiles in response.] "Come on. Let's go find our sisters. I don't know how long we've got before the storm breaks but I'd rather we had the tent up when it does."
Erika. "Sure." [Erika starts walking, out onto the path.] "Come on then."



[Timestamp 08/08/17 1825.]
[Charlotte is stood beside a purple two man pop up tent. Around the tent, in frame, a small camp has been set up. Erika pans the camera around, both the tent and surrounding equipment are a mess. The tent is ruined, two of the ropes are snapped, hanging limply, and a large tear in the roof is causing the whole frame to sag inwards. The purple is stained and muddy. Small stones and half burnt logs are scattered all around. A cool bag lays on its side near the tent, spilling cans of beer and packets of food over the ground.]

Erika. "What the hell happened here? Did a bear attack them?"
Charlotte. [Shaking her head.] "This isn't America."
Erika. "Like what then, wolves?" [The camera pans right, away from the camp. A stone circle come into frame. At the lowest and highest points where the circle sits on the hill are gaps in the treeline. The circle itself is made up of over a dozen stones, each one taller then the girls, forming a large clearing in the woodland since no trees grow inside the formation. In the centre of the circle is a pink and grey lace bra. It's torn and dirty. Erika brings the camera back around to the camp, putting Charlotte back in frame.] "I don't like this."
Charlotte. "Me neither." [Charlotte pulls her phone out.] "Damn." [She waves it at the camera.] "No signal. Pass me the camera and try yours."
Erika. "Right."

[The camera is passed over to Charlotte, who points it at the grassy floor. The image shifts as she begins walking.]

Erika. "Damn it."
Charlotte. "No signal?"
Erika. "No signal."

[The camera suddenly stops, then spins around, moving slightly off to the left. A familiar looking sunken circle is now centre frame.]

Charlotte. "Erika. Shit. I think you need to see this."
Erika. "Coming."
Charlotte. "Over there." [Charlottes hand appears in frame, pointing at the circle. Erika walks into frame, peering down, she stops a couple of paces from the circle.]
Erika. [Pointing.] "Is that?"
Charlotte. "I think so." [The camera pans around, zooming in and out, searching. We catch sight of Erika walking the camp, also searching. Then Charlotte zooms in on one patch in particular.] "There. Beside the tent. Shit."
Erika. [Walking into frame, prodding the circle with her toe.] "It's the same as...."
Charlotte. "I know."
Erika. "But, that would mean...."
Charlotte. "Shhh." [Charlottes hand comes into frame, palm out towards Erika.] "Wait. Listen."
Erika. [Shrugging.] "To what?"
Charlotte. "Just listen."

[Both girls are silent. The camera panning slowly around the camp. A light mist of rain begins to fall.]

Erika. "Char. We need to set up the tent, or head back. We need to do something."
Charlotte. "But I heard something. Beth." [Shouting.] "Beth. Sarah."
Erika. [Shouting.] "Sarah. It's Erika."

[A crash. The camera spins around, focusing on a large pile of branches that had been leaning against one of the closest trees as it topples over. A girl staggers out from behind them, wearing only a dirty grey thong her whole body is a patchwork of mud and grass stains. Scratch covered arms are wrapped around her upper body, half covering her C cup breasts. Blonde hair is matted, plastered to her head. Her mouth is in constant motion, forming whispered nonsense. After a couple of paces she collapses onto her knees, sobbing.]
Erika. [As we hear Charlotte gasp.] "Oh my god. Sarah!"
[The camera is dropped. As it falls we see both girls racing towards Sarah.]
[The camera lands, bouncing once.]

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Post by Tieup1 »

Very good, lots of detail, I hope this is going to be scary. :shock:

I bet it took you a long time to write in that style, but it seems ok to me. well done. :)

The Blair Witch Project springs to mind. 8-)
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Post by RopeBunny »

[mention]Tieup1[/mention] Yes, it did take awhile. Plenty of going back through, editing, trying to write only what the camera sees without adding any extra (sometimes helpful) details.

Glad it reads okay to others though, thanks for commenting :)

Blair Witch yes, along with others I guess, plenty of found footage/camcorder style horror out there.
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Post by RopeBunny »


[Timestamp 08/08/17 2057.]
[Charlottes worried face in closeup, mostly in shadow, her black eyeshadow is smudged. Rain hammers on canvas close by. Brief static as the image shakes.]

Charlotte. "Seems fine still."
Erika. "That's great Char."

[Lightning flashes.]
[Crash of thunder.]
[A girl screams.]

Erika. "Shhh. Just thunder. You're okay."

[The image pans out, dark green canvas becoming visible behind and curving above Charlotte as her arm appears in frame. The image lowers, and bumps. Charlottes hand moves to the top of the frame, twisting, moving the image left and right, putting herself mostly in frame on one side, Erika and Sarah fill the other half. All three girls are sat down, wrapped in blankets. Water glistens on all of their faces and hair in the dim light cast by a single battery powered camping lantern, laid on the ground beside Erika.]
[Sarah's mouth moves, whispering unintelligible words as Erika rocks her gently. Charlotte stares at the floor.]

Charlotte. "Is she going to be okay, do you think?"
Erika. [Shaking her head.] "Honestly. I don't know. I can't get any sense from her. I don't know what happened. Or how long she was hiding, or from what. And everytime I mention your sisters name she just starts crying and shaking." [Erika drops her voice to a whisper.] "I don't know what to do Char."
Charlotte. [Also whispering.] "Me neither. We can't walk out of here in this though. But staying here, I just worry...."

[Lightning flashes.]
[Crash of thunder.]

Sarah. [Screaming.] "It's here." [She tries to stand, her blanket falling off as she does, revealing her naked body, still covered in stains, bandages on both forearms.] "It's come back for me." [She screams again as Erika grabs at her, pulling her back down, throwing her own blanket around Sarah, keeping her still. Without her blanket we can see Erika is only wearing a white push up bra and red boyshorts. Sarah's scream turns into a sob.] "Please." [Sobbing, head down, eyes closed.] "Please. I don't want to go. Don't make me go."
Erika. "Shhh." [Rubbing Sarah's shoulder. She looks at Charlotte.] "What's she talking about Char? Could it be....?"
Charlotte. [Shaking her head.] "No." [Charlotte looks at the tent door. She shakes her head again.] "No. It's the storm, and wolves. And our imaginations. Anything else is just stories."
Erika. "Then where's Beth? [At the mention of Charlottes sisters name Sarahs sobs wind up a notch. Erika hugs her tighter.] "Shhh." [She looks at Charlotte again.] "Can you tell me?"
Charlotte. "No." [She sniffs. Erika holds out a hand, Charlotte shuffles over to her, and the two share a hug.]

[Lightning flashes.]
[Crash of thunder.]
[Sarah screams.]

Erika. [Nodding at the camera.] "Turn it off for awhile Char huh."

[Charlotte reaches over towards the camera, her blanket partially falling off as she does, revealing that she too has shed her outer layers, now dressed only in a white bikini.]


[Timestamp 08/08/17 2332.]
[Silence. No rain. No wind. Grey patchy cloud fills the frame, a scattering of stars, and a grinning Cheshire cat moon, fill the gaps.]
[The cameras foward facing light flicks on. The image pans down, illuminating the tufty grass and dirt. We move forwards, the image rocking left and right slightly.]
[A tall grey stone appears on the left, coming into grainy focus, then passing out of frame.]
[A tree appears, growing to fill the frame. The image lowers until we can see grass in closeup. Sound of a tap running. A girl sighs. The image climbs back up the trunk and turns a slow circle until the grey stone appears in frame again. Forwards, left and right rocking, the sounds of twigs breaking underfoot.]
[A small tent comes out of the darkness ahead, the image lowers, pointing the light at the ground. Then we stop. The image lifts and turns, brief shot of the tents zipped closed door, then Erikas face fills the frame in closeup.]

Erika. [Putting a finger to her lips, whispering, keeping the camera on her face.] "The storm finally stopped. Sarah fell asleep quickly after that, probably exhausted." [She bites her lip.] "Charlotte's down too, but I was desperate for a pee. We still don't know what to do, but I think we're going to make for the car at first light. Hope the storm doesn't swing back around." [She kisses the lens.] "Sleep well."



[Timestamp 09/08/17 0217]

Charlotte. [Pitch black. No image. Rain drizzles.] "....sure I heard something."
Erika. [Sounding half asleep.] "Hmmm. What's going on? Why is it still dark Char?"
Charlotte. "Shhh." [Whispering.] "Try not to wake Sarah. I thought I heard something."

[Lightning flashes. Brief sighting of Erika, sitting up, arms stretched wide, mouth open. The image whites out.]
[Image returns to black.]

Erika. "S' just the storm."
Charlotte. "No." [Quiet rumble.] "That's the storm. Now listen."


Charlotte. "There."
Erika. "I heard that. What is it?"
Charlotte. "I don't know." [Thump.] "And again. Did you....?"
Erika. "Yes. I felt it through the floor. But...."

[Lightning flashes. Brief sighting of Erika, looking towards the tent door. The image whites out.]
[Image returns to black.]
[A girl whimpers.]
[Quiet rumble.]

Erika. "Char. Do you have the lantern?"
Charlotte. "Hold on." [Dim light fills the tent, casting long shadows towards the canvas wall and roof behind Erika and Sarah.]

[Sarah jerks upright, her eyes flying open.]

Sarah. [Shaking her head violently from side to side, her voice rising in pitch towards a scream.] "Not a storm. It's here. Here."

[Sarah scrambles for the door, diving between Erika and the camera. Yanking at the zip, tearing it open, she runs naked out into the rain filled night.]

Erika. "Come on." [Grabbing her backpack, plunging a hand inside, pulling out a pair of grey spandex gym short shorts with white stripes up each side.] "We've got to go after her."

[A high pitched scream from outside the tent.]

Erika. "Fuck." [Tossing the shorts back into her bag, crawling towards the door.] "Come on, and turn the camera light on."
Charlotte. "Right."

[We follow Erika out of the tent. Rain speckles the lens immediately, adding a slight blur to the image. Darkness surrounds the light cast by Charlottes camera.]

Erika. [Running. Shouting.] "Sarah."

[A girl screams. Erika turns right without slowing. The camera follows.]

[The edges of the stone circle loom into view. Erika stops. As the camera comes level with her, taking Erika out of the frame, the narrow beam illuminates Sarah, crouching on bent legs, arms hugging herself, huddled at the centre of the circle between two dark tree trunks.]
[Lightning flashes.]

Charlotte. [Whispering.] "It's real."
Erika. [Also whispering, said at the same time.] "Fuck me."

[The camera pans up.]
[The tree trunks are twenty feet long, bent slightly in the middle. Not trunks. Legs. Supporting a body and head that together are half that size. Long thick arms become a mass of tentacles halfway down the forearm, the longest of which dangles down beyond the monsters knees. The head, vaguely orb shaped and sat atop a short thick neck, is featureless. No eyes, no mouth, something that might be hair coils and tumbles in shadow above and behind it. In the harsh glare of the cameras light it's skin is all dark greens and blacks.]

Erika. [Shouting, running forwards.] "Sarah."
Charlotte. "Erika. Don't."

[The camera chases after Erika, catching her up after half a dozen paces. Charlottes arm appears in the lower frame, wrapping around Erikas waist. The image tips backwards, the camera light pointing at the sky as the image jerks and jumps.]

Erika. "Let me go Char. She needs me."
Charlotte. "No Erika." [The image angles down, illuminating the monsters left shoulder. A girl gasps] "Look. Beth."

[Beth is a part of the monster, her naked body half sunken inside its upper left arm. At the lowest point, above the elbow, sits Beths still neatly trimmed pussy, surrounded by a dirt smudged tattoo of seven black varying sized stars laid out in some unknown constellation. There's no sign of her legs. The rest of her body is at an angle, her left breast and arm are inside the monster, her right D cup, complete with dull gold nipple ring, and most of her flat belly, is exposed. Her right arm is half buried from shoulder to elbow, with only the bicep visible, whilst her lower arm reaches out, hand open. Her neck and lower face are visible, mouth open wide, but her head is tilted backwards, her eyes and hair buried inside the monsters shoulder.]
[As the light plays over Beths skin her right hand begins to open and close, and her mouth moves, though no sound emerges.]

Charlotte. [Screaming.] "Fuck fuck fuck." [The image drops, returning Erika to the frame.]
Erika. "I need to save Sarah. Char." [Erika turns to face the camera, she looks terrified, her whole body shaking.] "Help me save my sister. Please."
Charlotte. "Okay." [Taking a deep breath. Erika stands, turning around to help pull Charlotte up too.] "Okay. Let's...."

[Sarah screams.]
[The monster is still in frame behind Erika. It moves fast. Reaching down with it's right arm, questing tentacles find and wrap around a still cowering Sarah, who screams as she's lifted into the air. Erika turns around to face the monster, but doesn't move, nor does Charlotte. Only the camera moves. Sarah remains in frame, continuing to scream, her bound body wriggling, legs stuck together, arms forcibly pinned at the wrists, held high above her head as a tentacle wraps and slithers between her breasts, cupping and squeezing at one, turning her screams into gasps, then back into screams.]
[Erika puts a hand to her mouth, gasping, as the whole bottom half of the monsters head, and most of its neck, opens like four large petals to reveal a huge black mouth. The camera light is unable to penetrate inside.]
[A mass of tentacles erupts out of this gaping maw. A helpless Sarah wriggles and screams some more as the monster passes her from one set of tentacles to another. Kicking wildly with suddenly free legs before each ankle is wrapped separately and pulled in seperate directions, briefly forcing her legs wide apart, flashing her shaved pussy at the camera. In moments she's being reeled in as the tentacles retract, pulling her still struggling bound body closer to the darkness. At the last, as the jaws begin to close, the tentacle encircling Sarahs neck stretches up to her face, wrapping her mouth, muffling her final screams.]

Charlotte. "Run. Erika. Please." [The camera jerks, moving and spinning away from the monster, centering on Erikas shocked face.] "Please. We have to run."
Erika. "I.... It...." [Erika points, her mouth continuing to move, but sound no longer emerges. Charlotte's hand reaches out, grabbing Erikas.]
Charlotte. "Please. [Pleading.] "We'll get help. I promise. We'll save them both. But we need help."

[Off camera, behind Charlotte, we hear an inhuman trumpeting, like a distorted two tone fog horn from a huge container ship.]

Charlotte. "Shit."

[The camera spins, the monsters feet reappear in frame.]
[Thump. It takes a slow step closer.]
[The camera pans up, the image shaking slightly. A pair of C cup breasts have emerged, breaking through the skin near the top of the monsters lower left leg.]
[Thump. As the left leg comes back down, hitting the floor, the breasts bounce.]

Charlotte. [Shouting.] "Erika."

[Erika moves, she grabs hold of Charlotte's hand and runs left. We hear the trumpeting sound again as the light shines on a tall grey stone, before it vanishes out of the shaking frame and trees begin to appear out of the darkness.]
[The ground begins to rise as the image bounces, ghostlike trees flashing past, a small flying bug briefly illuminated by the cameras light. The only constant is Charlottes arm in the lower frame, her hand gripping Erikas tightly.]
[The girls run from timestamp 0241 until timestamp 0248.]

Erika. [Slowing to a walk, turning her head.] "Turn the camera off, it'll see the light."
Charlotte. "Right."

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Post by Tieup1 »

Wow ! what an action packed chapter, full of menace, and suspense.

Now the girls know what they are up against, what do they do, will they find a plan, for a rescue of some sort. ?
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Post by RopeBunny »


[Timestamp 09/08/17 0331.]
[Darkness, the rustle of leaves, the sound of breathing.]

Erika. "I can see the screens glow. Why are you filming?"
Charlotte. "I don't know. I just." [A girl sighs.] "I just need something normal right now."
Erika. "But what if it sees?"
Charlotte. "We haven't heard it since we came over the rise, and we've been here, in this spot, keeping still, for at least five minutes."
Erika. "Wherever here is."
Charlotte. "Wherever here is. Point is, I don't think it's close. And, like I said, I need this right now."
Erika. "Okay Char, sure. Just no light okay."
Charlotte. "Agreed."

[Neither of the girls speaks until timestamp 0340.]

Erika. "Tell me a story Char."

[Silence until timestamp 0344.]

Charlotte. "It's name is Shayde, sometimes, translated, called Green Fury.... or Natures Revenge. It depends on which text you read, different cultures, different times, different names. Like that. It's.... a friend to trees.... I don't remember why. Or what the fuck exactly that's supposed to mean. As for what it can do.... What it wants.... My Dad used to say, when I asked about any of his made up monsters." [A girl laughs, briefly.] "He used to say to me 'This isn't Dungeons and Dragons Princess, these things don't come with a character sheet.'.... I made a sheet for one of them once, some kind of huge fish. Slipped it into the big old book all his monsters lived in.... I remember his smile."

[Silence until timestamp 0358.]

Charlotte. "It's old. Something you summon.... or something that was summoned? Trapped now. I.... I felt.... when it looked at me. I.... doesn't matter."

[Silence until timestamp 0404.]

Charlotte. "We'll get them back Erika.... Erika? Okay then, sleep well."



[Timestamp 09/08/17 0459]
[Fuzzy darkness.]

Charlotte. [Whispering.] "I thought I heard...."

[The trumpeting of a fog horn. Loud enough to cause brief static.]
[A high pitched scream.]
[The cameras light blinks on, briefly causing the image to white out.]
[A scream.]
[The image clears. Light shines on the monster from directly below. Shayde looms, filling the frame. It's right arm is held out wide, disappearing into the surrounding darkness below the elbow. On the left lower leg a pair of mud stained C cup breasts bounce slightly. Above them, pointing upwards towards the knee, Sarah's cut forearms appear. A shoulders width apart at the elbow, they're touching at the crossed wrists, which are pulled tightly against Shaydes skin, wrapped in some kind of rope like vine that appears to grow out of the monsters leg. Below all of this a single foot, the right, sticks out at a downward angle. The foot is flexing, rocking back and forth.]

Charlotte. [Shouting.] "Erika."
Erika. [Screaming.] "Char. Help."
Charlotte. [Shouting.] "Where are you?"

[The image jerks sideways, then upwards, then down and to the left. Erika appears in frame, wrapped in the tentacles of Shaydes right hand. Both legs are held together, and one arm is pinned to Erikas side. As the timer runs, and the image jerks slightly left to right, Erika attempts to prise a tentacle from around her throat with her free hand, even whilst the tip slowly worms into her mouth, forcing it open, sliding inside. At the same time the tip of the tentacle wrapping Erikas upper body slips inside her bra, which begins to dissolve as Erikas left breast is wrapped several times, and squeezed.]
[Erika struggles. Grunting. Screaming. The image continues to jump around slightly as Shaydes mouth splits open, the tentacles inside reaching out, wrapping Erika up as the arm tentacles let go.]

Charlotte. [Sobbing.] "Erika. No."

[Choked screams come from Erika as Shaydes mouth closes around her, swallowing her tentacle wrapped body whole.]

Charlotte. "No." [Crying. Screaming.] "No no no no."

[Shayde trumpets, still mostly in frame. The image statics and hisses.]
[The image spins around, dropping, a leaf littered weed scattered ground fills the frame. The image begins bouncing. Ghost white tree trunks fly past on both sides. The only sounds the cracking of twigs and a girls heavy breathing.]

[This continues until timestamp 0537.]

[Passing between two trees, abruptly a road fills the frame. The image drops, pointing directly down at the road. A girl breathes. The angle swings first left then right, rising, pointing down the long straight two lane road in each direction. The camera points back into the dark woodland. Nothing moves.]
[A distant rumble sounds. The camera jerks right. Headlights cause the image to white out. The camera moves to the side, off the road.]

Charlotte. [The image bounces up and down.]
"Hey. Hey. Help. Stop. Please."

[A truck, a large flat fronted cab towing a box trailer, fills the frame, the engine roar loud as the front passes slowly, coming to a stop. A hiss of brakes. The clunk of a door opening.]

Charlotte. "Thank you."

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Post by RopeBunny »

Worth mentioning.

I always read my chapters a final time before posting, one last check for errors, one last check that it makes sense. Anyway. It could be assumed that this story is now finished, I can see how 003 might be read as such.

I wanted to say that it isn't, just so those of you reading my latest offering will know to look out for more soon.

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Post by Tieup1 »

Looks like much needed help, might be on the way :)
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Post by RopeBunny »


The large flatscreen in one corner of the small room continues to show static. In the middle of the room, sat on one side of the rectangular table, which is bolted to the floor, Sergeant Wallace picks up one of the three remotes arrayed before him. Pointing it at the DVD player slung underneath the wheel mounted flatscreen he punches a button, apparently at random. Nothing happens. Frowning, Sgt Wallace hits several more buttons. He puts the remote down, and, picking up another, begins to repeat the process of button bashing the remote. Across the table Charlotte, wrapped in a thick woolen blanket and with a still warm cup of chicken soup in front of her, lowers her head, shaking it from side to side.

"Sir." Constable Hawk pipes up, moving from her position stood beside the rooms only door, which is closed and locked. "Here Sir." She gently but firmly takes the remote from her commanding officer, placing it on the table before walking over to the wheeled flatscreen tower unit. On top of the DVD player sits Charlottes camera, connected to the flatscreen by several cables. Hawk switches Charlottes camera off, then simply unplugs the flatscreen. She nods at Sgt Wallace, then returns to the door.

"Well I could've bloody well done that." Wallace huffs, polishing his reading glasses. "Of course Sir. Sorry Sir." Hawk bows her head slightly in apology. Wallace huffs again, replacing his glasses, which perch on his nose, then stares over them at Charlotte.

The two police officers are at opposing ends of almost every scale. Wallace: fat, with a wiry grey beard and hair. At fifty eight retirement beckons. Hawk: skinny, wearing the uniform far better then Wallace, the white shirt and black trousers hugging her toned small chested figure. Blonde hair is tied into a sensible short tail. Hawk is twenty, nearing the end of her two year probation. Together they are the law in this small village station, the nearest, following the road Charlotte stumbled upon, to Crab wood, the first safe place the truck passed after picking Charlotte up from the roadside six hours ago.

"So then." Wallace peers down at his handwritten notes, no computer in this station, he sent the first two straight back, threw the third in the dumpster. Head office got the message after that. "Miss Waters." Wallace returns his gaze to Charlotte. "What exactly was this movie you were shooting about?"
"It wasn't a movie." Charlotte shakes her head. Apparently it's going to be a third go around for these particular questions. She sighs. "It's not a movie." She points at the dark flatscreen. "All those things, they happened. My friend.... my sister.... they." She hangs her head, sniffing. Wallace pauses, consulting his notes again. "But then why were you filming?" He asks. Charlotte let's out a long breath, trying to swallow the scream she can feel threatening to explode out of her. "I'm a vlogger."
"Ah. Yes." Wallace traces a sentence with one fat finger. "You work for youtube."
"Not for them. I." Charlotte shakes her head. "You know what, sure. Yes. I work for youtube."
"So they employed you to shoot this movie."
"It wasn't a...."
"Which," Wallace overrides her, "you should've filed an application for permission to shoot. Now." He holds up a hand as Charlotte opens her mouth. "I'm willing to overlook the permit this time. So." He shuffles his paperwork. "You're free to go."

"That's it?" Charlotte asks, confusion warring with anger inside her. "You're not going to do anything?"
"No." Wallace shakes his head. "Under the circumstances, first offence and all, there's no need to pursue charges."
"Not about the permit." Charlotte huffs out a breath. "For fucks sake." Waving a hand at her camera. "My friends were eaten by a fucking forest demon, aren't you going to help me?"
"Your movie?" Wallace glances at the now blank flatscreen. "I don't see what that has to do with this office?"
"You don't see....?" Charlotte is speechless. She waves at the camera again. "But you just saw it happen."
"Special effects." Wallace waves a hand. "I prefer a good musical myself."
"It wasn't a fucking movie. It. Actually. Happened."
"Sir?" Hawk steps away from the door, walking to stand next to Charlotte. "Yes Constable?" Wallace smiles at the young officer, once again glad she requested a transfer here, which is rare in itself, and even more so for a fresh academy graduate, most would shy away from such a quiet posting. "You have something to add?"
"Let me drive Miss Waters back to her car out at Crab Wood." Hawk offers, giving Charlottes shoulder a firm squeeze to dissuade her from wading in again. "I'll see she gets away safely."
"Of course." Wallace nods. "Jolly good idea Constable." He stands up, patting his large belly. "You take care of Miss Waters. See to it."

"Sorry about the Sergeant." Hawk glances briefly to her side, where Charlotte is sat in the passenger seat of the police BMW X5. Charlotte turns to face Hawk, and shrugs, before resuming watching the trees and farmers fields flashing past out of the four wheel drives side window. "What's the plan here then?" Charlotte asks. "Because, I've got to say, if all you're doing here is what you told your boss: just dropping me off, then the first thing I'll be doing when I make it home is visiting my own local station to show them the footage."
"There'll be no need for that." Hawk shakes her head, keeping her eyes on the road now as she walks the X5 up to sixty five on the familiar winding roads. "The Sergeant, he's just old, wants an easy life. Too stubborn to admit he no longer knows everything."
"So what about you." Charlotte turns back to face the young officer. "Do you believe me?"
"Doesn't matter." Hawk shrugs. "But I know what youtube is, and it ain't those kinds of effects. That stuff, to fake a monster that real, that's Hollywood money. Point is. We'll go walk the trail together, we can make the round trip easily before dark, and," Hawk points up into the blue sky, "no storms forecast today, so we're good. Whatever we find I can take back to the Sergeant. He might chew me out for not following orders. But, if we do spot your monster then he'll have to listen to a fellow officer."
"Thank you."
"Don't mention it." Hawk smiles. Charlotte smiles back as the X5 passes a sign pointing the way to Crab wood, only ten miles away.

"Over there." Charlotte points. "I see it." Hawk grunts, swinging the big wheel around, bringing the white BMW up behind the silver Audi. "Do you have the key?" Hawk asks, shutting off the engine. "It's Erikas car." Charlotte shakes her head. She looks down at herself. "There wouldn't be anything in there anyway, we took it all with us. Having arrived wearing only her bikini, Charlotte's had to make do clothes wise with whatever happened to be laying around the station. A black Alton towers tee, over ten years old now, the word Nemesis slashed across the back in red, and a pair of faded red drawstring gym trousers. The tee is a mens large, which makes for a baggy fit on Charlotte's slim frame. A pair of mud stained white Nikes are close enough to Charlotte's size, but the trousers are definately too small, constantly riding up her buttcrack and giving Charlotte an unfortunate cameltoe, which the tee mostly hides. Hawk circles the Audi anyway, trying each door, and the boot. Just incase. "No point in our breaking in?" She asks. Charlotte shakes her head again. "No. All our stuff is at the campsite." She gestures out into the woods, towards Dead Man's Lane. "You know, where the special effects monster ate my friend."
"I remember." Hawk grimaces, walking back to her own vehicle, locking it, pocketing the key. She shrugs, points. "Alright then, let's go to the campsite."
"Right." Nodding, Charlotte makes an 'after you' gesture, and the two set off, into the woods.

"Damn." Hawk whistles, looking around, scanning the scene. "Hell of a mess." Charlotte nods, looking around wordlessly at the camp she and Erika had abandoned last night in the middle of a storm, running and stumbling away whilst a monster from out of her Dads old book, Shayde, attacked and consumed Erikas sister. "So this tent," Hawk gestures at the still intact green one, summoning memory of Charlottes video, "is yours. Right?"
"Yes." Charlotte finds her voice, swallows, tries to focus on the present. She steps up to the tents still open door, flapping gently in the light breeze, gestures down at herself then inside. "Do you mind if I....?"
"Go ahead." Hawk nods, moving towards the second ruined tent as Charlotte slips inside to hunt for a more suitable outfit.

"Sorry." Emerging about ten minutes later, Charlotte continues speaking as she half ducks back inside the tent, dragging out a large backpack she's filled with a combination of the useful stuff from amongst her and Erikas belongings. "I think I've got every.... Huh?" Finally having stood up, turned around with the backpack now at her feet, Charlotte tilts her head down to look over the tops of her aviator mirror shades, left and right. There's no sign of Officer Hawk. "Um?" About to turn around, the blow catches Charlotte on the side of her head. She crumples to the ground, blackness closing swiftly in as unconsciousness claims her. She doesn't see Hawk, stepping out from behind the tent, dropping the rubber camping mallet, a small smile on her face.

"Good, you're awake." Hawk prods a groaning Charlotte with one booted foot, before shrugging. "Not that you have to be. The Shayde will take you regardless." Charlotte, groggy, unsure of what happened, tenses at the name, something which proves hard to do for some reason. With consciousness returning she can feel the rough grassy earth beneath her, tickling at the exposed flesh, of which there's plenty. She'd changed into tight camouflage patterned spandex gym shorts in three different shades of green, the kind that only just cover, and cling too, a girls butt, pairing them with a blue Quiksilver tee, changing out her day old bikini for a black thong and matching push up bra too. Coarse rope, from the tents, is digging in at each wrist and ankle, holding her limbs away from her body, as though she's been frozen mid star jump. Tensing again Charlotte gives an experimental tug on all four, discovering no slack. Hawk taking no chances. Something rough, a scarf maybe, has been knotted and forced into her mouth, she can feel her head resting on where it runs around and ties off behind. "Well." Hawk prods her again, in the side. "I can see you moving down there pretty girl." Another prod. "Come and join in the fun."

Charlotte opens her eyes, groaning again. As expected she's staring straight at the sky, seeing the occasional small white cloud drifting lazily across a sea of blue. And then Hawk leans in, towering over her splayed helpless body like a smiling giant. "Hey there sleepy." Hawk waves, hunkering down, tugging at the nearest wrist rope, nodding in satisfaction at how little it moves. Charlotte wriggles, glaring up at the young officer, at her unexpected captor. Hawk giggles. "I suppose you'd like an explanation huh?" To which Charlotte grunts a string of gag muffled obscenities, making Hawk smile. "Indeed. Going to be a one sided conversation I guess. Still." A shrug, and then Hawk sits down cross legged. "Don't worry Miss Waters." Picking up a stick, giving Charlotte a prod with it, making her grunt and squirm. "We've got time, so, whilst we both wait for The Shayde to arrive and claim my offering." Voice dropping to a stage whisper. "That's you by the way sexy." Charlotte glares, using her nearest hand to flip Hawk off. Hawk laughs, voice returning to normal volume. "Whilst we wait, allow me, evil villain style, to explain myself."

"We're called The Children Of The Shayde." Hawk begins, making Charlotte grimace internally at the overly corny name, even whilst she looks around, able, just about, to make out the ring of standing stones on the edges of her staked out view. She shakes her head, what an original idea: sacrifice the girl inside the ancient stone circle. Hawk is still talking. "We, the others and me that is, have spent almost two years researching and tracking The Shayde. Two years planning for this day. Two years waiting. And now." Hawk looks around, nodding to herself. "Today, when The Shayde accepts our sacrifice, we will become its gaurdians." She smiles. "The monster will do as we command. You see." Hawk lifts up the front of her white shirt, exposing a toned stomach, upon which sits a single tattoo. "Its mark is already on me." It's a black silhouette, roughly three inches tall. It kind of looks like Shayde. Sorry, Charlotte silently mock scolds herself, trying not to smile, The Shayde. "You don't know how hard it's been." Hawk stabs at the ground with her stick. "Working with that old fat fuck. Taking the posting just because when we looked at...." Cocking her head, falling silent. And then, in the distance, a thump.

Hawks face splits into a grin, even as a second thump reaches them, slightly louder. "It comes." Hawk stands, staring, shielding her eyes. A third thump, and this time Charlotte feels it too, through the ground.

The thumps continue, the gap between each one unchanging, yet each thump is louder, closer, then the last. With each one Charlotte feels the panic inside her rising higher. Hawk is ignoring her now, the young officer has moved a couple of paces away, can just about be seen kneeling, facing her, past her, in what must be Shaydes direction of approach. Because it is Shayde coming, of that Charlotte's in no doubt. Which means, when it arrives, unless she can escape her predicament, she's going to be consumed. Just like Beth. Just like Sarah. Just like Erika. Fighting to keep her breathing steady, to not lose her shit and succumb to mindless terror, Charlotte tugs and struggles, grunting, squriming, pouring every once of strength she possesses into attempting to escape. But she can't. Hawk has tied her too well, has staked her out with each limb stretched tight, denying her the ability to flex or really use any of her muscles. She begins to cry, to whimper behind her gag as realisation of her helplessness and certain fate hits home. A shadow falls over her, and Charlotte looks up, realising that whilst distracted by her failed escape Shayde has closed the distance. Is now here. For her.

Looming. Huge. Charlotte cringes, wishing she could burrow straight down. And yet, despite the fear, she can't help but stare. Seen for the first time in daylight Shaydes skin is indeed all greens and blacks. But it's textured like moss, and leaves, and bark. Run through with vines that writhe and twist. As though the forest itself has risen up, taken on form. The face is still featurless, Charlotte can't even spot which parts split apart to form the jaws of its gaping wide mouth. Over it's broad shoulders and atop its head a tangle of vine like hair can be glimpsed, like a collapsed mohawk. Beth and Sarah are still partially entombed within the monsters limbs, their skin dirty, Beth's hand still opening and closing. Her mouth still moving in a series of never ending silent screams and pleas. Sarahs foot still flexes, attempting to run away. But now they are three. Erikas face protrudes from the monsters pelvis, hair pulled taught as it dissappears back inside, jaws forced apart by a thick tentacle like vine that curls up from her buried neck, filling her wide open mouth. Charlottes friends eyes are never still, roving left and right. Searching. Below the head hang a pair of D cups, dangling almost straight down, the left one is cupped by one of Erikas hands, fingers splayed wide, the forearm dissappearing before it reaches her elbow. Charlotte sees all of this, and can no longer hold back on her fear as she begins to scream, shaking her head, panicking.

Shayde is still, tentacled arms by it's side. Beside her Hawk stirs, but remains kneeling in the dirt. She looks up, a rapturous smile on her face. "My Lord Shayde." Gesturing with open arms at Charlottes splayed body. "For you. I beg. Accept our gift." Charlotte holds her breath, all screamed out. The whole world seems to still, to be waiting with her. Watching. Even Hawk is frozen in place, arms wide, head bowed. Charlotte looks up, sees Shayde staring without eyes back down at her. It might as well be a statue, save for the constant movement of it's trapped victims. And then a foghorn blast of sound, two tones, loud enough to shake the ground beneath her as Shaydes mouth opens wide and the monster bends forwards, it's right arm reaching. Charlotte screws her eyes tightly shut, sucks in a breath. Wonders whether she'll still be aware once she too is consumed.

Charlotte feels.... a rush of air. Hears.... a muffled grunt. Feels.... her right arm jerked left, towards her head. Hears.... silence. Hears.... and feels.... thumping footsteps, six of them, growing fainter. There is no seventh.
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Post by Tieup1 »

Great chapter, the new characters were interesting, to say the least. A real nail biter of an ending, can't wait for more. :o
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Post by RopeBunny »


Eventually, because it's a choice between that or just laying there, Charlotte risks opening her eyes. Clear blue sky greets her overhead, no shadows looming, no young female police officer harbouring secret agendas beside, or, Charlotte looks around, anywhere nearby her either. And her right arm is no longer pinned in place, which means freedom, she thinks.

"So why am I still here?" Charlotte muses, bending at the waist, scooting her body forwards to better untie both ankles. She stands, slowly, scanning the expanding view as her eye level rises higher. Still no Hawk. Still no Shayde. "Um?" Confused, turning a slow circle, confirming she's definitely alone, in the middle of the standing stones, spying her full backpack leant handily against one of them. "Okay then." Nodding, decision made. "Time to get the fuck out of here."

Retracing her steps back to the carpark is easy: she's been walking Dead Mans Lane her whole life, but time consuming. According to her phone, surprisingly still containing ten percent battery when she located it amongst hers and Erikas scattered possessions, it's fast approaching dinner time. Still plenty of light left though, she thinks, looking from her friends Audi to the more imposing four wheel drive of her ex captor. "Or at least." Talking to herself, out loud. Again. Charlotte shakes her head, huffing, carrying on anyway. "She must be gone. Right?" Still looking at the two cars, only one of which she has the keys to, neither of which she knows how to drive. And besides. "Shouldn't I, like, tell someone about all of this crazy messed up shit?" Arms spread wide, talking to the sky. A slightly too wide smile splits her face. "You know, like the police or something?" Charlotte drops her arms, just as her phone begins to ring.

"Shit." It's her Mum. Beths Mum too. "Fuck." Staring at the screen whilst Tchaikovskys cannons fire, complementing the final rousing bars of Charlottes favourite classical piece. Shaking her head, silencing the ringer, then just turning the whole phone off, slipping it back into the mesh side pouch of her bag. "I just can't." Talking to the sky again. "I mean, what would I even say to her." Looking back along Dead Mans Lane. "What can I say?"

In the end, because she really doesn't know how to drive, Charlotte walks. Not all the way home, but back along the main road where, after a couple of hours, she finds herself in a village either large or once upon a time important enough to warrant its own train station. Buying a ticket, checking the times on the digital screen hanging from the platforms canopy roof, Charlotte sees she has a half hours wait. "Right. Good." Spying a fast food shop, the kind found on most high streets, the kind that sells about every type of fatty greasy fair a drunk, or suddenly hungry girl, could want.

Later, fed and watered, Charlotte exits through glass sliding doors into familiar darkened surroundings. Night has fallen whilst the train carried her home. She still has no clue what to tell her Mum, what to say, how to explain. And home means Erikas Mum too, and her Dad. What will any of them do with her crazy tale? She pats her bag, the camera safely tucked inside. At least she has proof.

But she has to go home, because, where else can she go?

Walking up her street, Uplands Crescent, part of a fairly new estate built on the outskirts of town, hers, well her Mums, three bed semi detached sits hallway along the curve, with Erikas parents semi nearer one end. Still not ready to face them, or anyone really, she enters Uplands from the other end, dragging her feet, grimacing, but plodding onwards anyway. "Because what choice do I have?" Charlotte asks a nearby tree, one of many tall Sycamores and Beeches that line either side of the road.

And then, as though it heard her, and was only trying to offer an alternative, Shayde lumbers out from behind the tree.

Charlotte jumps, visibly, a hand flying to her mouth. "Ohfuckandshitballs." She curses, peering from the monster to the tree, the sudden stab of fear momentarily forgotten as she tries to work out just how Shayde is here. "And how did you hide behind that?" She exclaims, pointing. The monster takes two lumbering steps forwards, coming closer, which brings the fear back in as a crashing wave, though one which freezes Charlotte to the spot instead of forcing her to action. She's like a rabbit in headlights, just as trapped now as when she were splayed out on the ground earlier today, back in the forest. Tearing her eyes away from Erikas endlessly wandering eyed face, just as Shayde finishes its second step, now close enough to have her for dinner, should it be hungry, Charlotte casts a quick glance up and down the street. She's only five doors away from home now, but, at this hour, every window she can see is darkened, every curtain drawn. There isn't even a late evening dog walker to offer Shayde an alternative to another meal of twenty something girl. "Shit." Charlotte returns her gaze to the monster, currently doing another statue impression, one spoiled slightly by the three half sunken girls who never seem to cease twitching and silently muttering. "Well." Spreading her arms wide, fear giving her a fatalistic sense of semi bravado, allowing her to, for now, literally laugh in the face of death. She laughs, a short bark. "What the fuck are you waiting for? Fucker. Chased me all the way here and now you're full?" Picking up a nearby stick, a relatively straight one with teeth marks at one end, throwing it at Shayde. "Come on." Shouting, coming forwards a step, as the stick strikes Shayde on the knee, doesn't fall, is instead slowly drawn inside the monsters body. "Well?" Half crying now, her insides a bundled up knot of emotion and nerves. "What are you waiting for?"
"It isn't going to eat you Charlotte."

"Huh?" Spinning around, finding a half familiar figure walking up the path towards her, dressed in faded blue jeans tucked into black steel toed workbooks and a plain black tee, from the direction of her house. Charlotte blinks, gropes after a name. Was he always one armed? "Uncle Keith?"
"Hi little Charlotte." Keith smiles, running a hand through his slicked back greying hair, coming to a stop beside her, leaning in to give her a hug. At which point something breaks inside Charlotte, like a dam, and she buries her face in Keiths shoulder, crying.

Later, eyes wiped dry, backpack dumped on the floor. Miraculously still alone as far as nosy neighbours are concerned. Charlotte stands beside Keith, looking from him to Shayde, who still hasn't moved. "Your arm?" Charlotte nods at the bloodied mass of bandages, apparently held in place by a couple of tightly cinched belts, that covers Keiths left elbow. He has no forearm on that side. "Long story." Keith winces, prodding at the still fresh wound. "A sacrifice was required."
"Lets me start at the beginning." Keith gives her a sideways look. "Okay?"
"Sure." Shrugging, not really able to take her eyes from Shaydes towering bulk for more then a moment, Charlotte begins to walk a slow circuit of the monster. "Tell me a story then." She calls back to her uncle, grimacing briefly as her words call up a recent memory.

"You know we're Irish, right?"
"Yeah." Nodding, stopping briefly to gesture with her hands. "Dads side. Your side." Walking again, calling back. "American now though?"
"True. Whole family emigrated." A shrug. "It was, like, a whole thing at one time." Waving his own arm, dismissing. "But this all started before that. Sixteenth century, sometime between Henry the eighth and that whole Spanish Armada thing."
"Right." Stopping again, directly behind Shayde now, having spotted Hawk. The young officer has partially re-emerged on one side of the monsters back, beside the vine like mohawk that runs halfway down to its butt. No head, but Hawks skinny flat chested torso is completly visible, her hairy pussy and six pack thrust slightly forward. All four limbs are sunken at elbow or knee, in a splayed out echo of Charlottes earlier helpless state. Charlotte shakes her head, noticing how a single vine has snaked onto Hawks belly, covering her tattoo as though to erase it. Charlotte starts walking again, completing the circuit, bringing her back to her uncle. She gestures behind her. "So it's old then?"
"Yeah. I don't know everything." Pointing back towards Charlottes house, the direction he'd just come. "There's a book. Read that."
"A book?" Looking halfway amused as a brief scowl crosses Keiths face. He nods. "Yeah. I'm not allowed to read it." Pointing at her. "Only the 'chosen," said with a teasing smile as he does the quote marks one handed, "gets to read the book."
"Yes little Charlotte. You."
"Right." Looking back over her shoulder at Shayde, who returns her gaze, it's eyeless face adding to just how fucking scary it is, in her opinion. "Prehaps." Returning her own gaze to Keith. "Prehaps you'd better carry on explaining."
"Sure." A smile. "Well." Scratching his chin. "What little I do know. Our family, in fifteen whatever, in Ireland, summoned this...." gesturing up and down Shaydes bulk. "Thing. And now it's bound to us. To the first born of each generation." He taps Charlotte on the nose. "That's you now."
"Now? What happened to..."
"He died three days ago." Keith shakes his head. "Shitty timing really."
"How so?"
"Shayde will come when called. Summoned. Whatever. By the first born. But you've got to feed it."
"And what does it eat?" Feeling slightly sick, because she's got a good idea what the answer is already, and then Keith confirms it. "It eats people." He points at Shaydes leg, at Sarah's breasts. "Once summoned it must be fed. Or." Pointing at what's left of Sarah again. "If we don't feed it, then it simply eats whoever happens to wander close enough."
"So they're...." swallowing, "they're all dead?"
"No." Shaking his head, a sad smile plays over Keiths lips. "But they might as well be. It eats their minds. When it spits them out, the four of them will be like walking zombies. Beyond breathing and eating." Shaking his head again." There isn't much they'll be able to do for themselves."
"But that's awful."
"Yes." Shrugging. "Welcome to the legacy our ancestors left us." Tapping Charlotte just above her breasts. "Left you."

"But." Looking at Shayde, at it's left arm. "Isn't Beth family?" Turning back to Keith to find him shaking his head. "No." He huffs out a breath. "You were young. From what your Dad told me at the time he and your Mum couldn't have any more kids, but they wanted one more. So. They adopted, and since you were young they hid the truth. Wanted you to really be sisters I guess."
"Fuck." Staring up at Beth, wiping a tear from her eye. "So it wouldn't of attacked her, if she'd been a proper sister?"
"Not if she'd been blood no. Of course." Patting at his stump, wincing. "She'd of had to prove it."
"Oh." Staring open mouthed as it all becomes clearer. "So you...."
"Yep." Another wince. "Long story short. Had your Dad not died you'd of been ready for this. We all would. But your Mum severed contact. After.... you know." Keith makes a gesture, Charlotte nods, he continues. "We knew, in the States, that it was you next. But Bill was healthy." Shaking his head. "Then he got in that crash. And died. Nobody realised the dates right away, Bill always kept things so well sorted. When we found out I hopped the first flight I could catch. Got here." Pointing back at the house. "Had a screaming match with your Mum until she saw sense." Charlotte grimaces. "She really doesn't like you?"
"Not so much." A grimace of his own. "She never bought into all your Dads 'legends'." Doing the quotes again, which makes her smile. "Took awhile to get her to even tell me where you were. Then." A shrug. "I finally make it to the woods, and it's only that tall ugly fucker there. So I came back here. Knew you'd have to return eventually. And here you are."
"So what happens now?"
"Now you tell it to leave, and we go see your Mum."
"Just tell it to leave?" Eyeing up the monster, glancing sideways at Keith. "How?"
"Just use your words." A small smile. "No special commands. It'll understand you. I saw Bill do it enough times."
"Right." Sounding doubtful, Charlotte nevertheless turns her attention fully to Shayde. "Right." Clapping her hands together, as though to get its attention. "Good work. But... um.... you can leave now." And, amazingly, Shayde bows its head, once, slowly, in acknowledgement, and then turns around, it's body seeming to melt and dissolve into the grassy earth even as it does so that, by the time its back is to Charlotte, the monster has vanished entirely.

"So." Walking together back towards her Mums. "What do I tell Erikas parents?"
"Taken care of." Keith shrugs. "It isnt clean. Or ideal. But that missing cop car you left behind will draw attention. And tomorrow. I think. All those ladies will turn up in the spots where it ate them."
"So the cops investigating the car will find them?"
"Right." Grimacing. "Sorry. I know it isn't ideal, but we can hardly tell Erikas folks the truth." Stopping, turning to Charlotte and putting a hand on her shoulder, turning her to face him. "You understand that. Right?"
"Sure. I guess. I just wish it wasn't my monster that's turning my three best girlfriends into zombies."
"I know." Pulling her in for a hug, Charlotte lets him. "I'm sorry. It's a shitty way to discover all this I know." Stepping back. Giving her a half smile, which she returns. "That's my girl. Just. Read the book. You've got a year."
"Yeah." A shrug. "Guess so."

Almost at her front door Charlotte suddenly remembers, and turns to Keith with keys in her hand. "Hey. Do you know anything about The Children Of The Shayde?"
"Who?" Keith looks confused. Charlotte laughs, which feels surprisingly good after the roller coaster of the past few days. She shakes her head, slotting her key in the lock. "Doesn't matter."
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Post by RopeBunny »


She doesn't wait a year. Almost, but the ancient tome she's inherited isn't clear on everything. Timing is one of those things open to interpretation. So, eleven months after meeting Keith outside her house, she summons Shayde to her.

The hardest part has been burying her guilt. Not that Beth and the two girls up the street from Beths current state is in any way her fault. She didn't know. But. She feels responsible anyway. What if thoughts plague Charlotte in the small hours sometimes, chasing away any chance at sleep. She helps out, visiting Erika several times a week, sitting with her, talking, combing her friends hair. Always searching that pretty, now slack and inward gazing, face for some sign of life. But so far, nothing. The book seems to imply Shaydes victims won't live to see ten more summers. Charlotte tries to ignore that too. It just doesn't seem fair that her friends and not quite sister were consumed by her gaurdian, a monster from a place with a name she can't easily pronounce that manifests itself from out of the very earth it apparently calls friend.

Eleven months.

She moved out. Just couldn't take the fear she constantly saw in her Mums eyes whenever her gaze happened to fall on Charlotte. Now she lives in a small bedsit above a Dominos pizza. At least nobody there is afraid of her. Yet.

So here she is, back in Crab wood.

It doesn't have to be here, in this wood, in this spot where a ring of standing stones marks out a rough clearing halfway up a hillside, but Charlotte's hoping by returning to where it all began for her she might feel something. Some form of closure even. All the prep, the planning, learning to drive, just for this she thinks, tugging on a rope knotted tightly around a pair of chubby wrists, even whilst she hears the first grunts and moans as someone wakes up to find they aren't at the gym anymore. She smiles, strangely okay with what she's done, having months ago discovered, courtesy of some very scary passages in the book, what would happen if she didn't.

The two girls, apparently two is the minimum to satisfy the monsters appetite, aren't anyone she knows. A case of right place at the wrong time for them. And now here they both are, trussed up against a couple of the trees nearest the clearing. Both still in tight fitting gym leggings and sports bras, the chubby girl, sporting a flat chest at odds with the curves everywhere else and short spiky two tone brown hair, is all in black. Her tie buddy, not real life friends, Charlotte thinks, is skinnier, with larger bra filling breasts. Her hair is black, and worn in a loose tail, whilst her outfit is all different shades of blue. Taking no chances Charlotte used about a mile of rope on each. Wrists behind the tree, then ankles together, then the rest of the mile crisscrossing their bodies up and down, from neck to feet. She gagged both, then used a pillow case to blind them. Both are awake now, cursing loudly, but, despite the skinnier ones visible six pack and muscled arms whenever she strains against the ropes, both are stuck fast.

Summoning Shayde doesn't require a proper ritual, it isn't even hard. A simple symbol, drawn onto the naked earth with a bloodied finger, and even as she's stepping back the monster is emerging, pulling it's hulking form up from the very earth.

Shayde bellows, mouth opening wide, the two tone trumpeting is deafening at this distance. She sees the two captive girls flinch, and smiles. "Hey you." Looking up. "Welcome back."
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Post by Tieup1 »

Very good story, a great read. Looks like the monster won this time, and probably will, next time too. :o

I imagine it was very difficult for you to write in in that style, but it turned out ok.

Not that much bondage in the story, but that didn't matter, because it was such an entertaining read. :)
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Post by RopeBunny »

I knew this story would spark much less interest then others I've posted, and can see from the view count that I'm correct.

Still. I wanted to try this out, and am glad I did, as a part experiment part test of my writing ability.

Wanted to thank anyone who actually made it to the end, probably the least TUGs filled story on the whole TUGs site :lol: . Special shout out to [mention]Tieup1[/mention] for commenting so regularly. Thanks :D .
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Post by wolfman »

I am a bit of a late Comer to this tale but I really enjoyed this.

The transition from Blair Witch style story telling to a more conventional style was handled so well and it was griping throughout.

This is a site about tie up stories and whilst there was not much in the way of tie ups, the quality of the story and depth of characters gave the bondage more context and meaning for me.

Thank you for this.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;


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[mention]wolfman[/mention] Thanks for commenting, glad you gave the story a try, and weren't disapointed :D
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Post by Solarbeast »

This was a great horror story that I think could easily be turned into a great horror movie.
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Post by RopeBunny »

[mention]Solarbeast[/mention] thanks for commenting, I'd definitely pay to see Shayde, and this story, up on the big screen :)
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