Nothing Personal 6 (F/F)

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Post by mrjones2009 »

Windrunner wrote: 1 year ago Comfortable satin pajamas (and a diaper) but spread-eagle on a bed, is probably a relief after so much time in those oh-so-awful-please-don't-put-me-in-one-I'll-DM-my-measurements silky nylon restraint bags (and a diaper).
Thanks for taking the time to read and comment. I am sure that Hayley was glad of the change! Well, maybe....
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Post by Caesar73 »

mrjones2009 wrote: 1 year ago
Windrunner wrote: 1 year ago Comfortable satin pajamas (and a diaper) but spread-eagle on a bed, is probably a relief after so much time in those oh-so-awful-please-don't-put-me-in-one-I'll-DM-my-measurements silky nylon restraint bags (and a diaper).
Thanks for taking the time to read and comment. I am sure that Hayley was glad of the change! Well, maybe....
She probably was grateful :) And who knows what awaits her next? At least the trip was not an entirely waste. She learned about "The Coalition" - the fog seems now a little less dense. The chemistry between Andersson and Hayley was quite interesting. The plot thickens and the stories pace is accelerating. Repeating myself here but: Excellent Stuff [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] I have the strong feeling this final part of the NF-Saga will be the befitting end for this magnificent tale!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 23

London, England

There was an envelope lying on the floor just behind the door. Constance wandered over and picked it up. Her heart skipped a beat when she read what was written on the envelope. Hayley & Kirsty. Constance quickly tore it open. Inside was a folded sheet of paper. As she opened the paper something fell onto the floor. Ignoring that Constance looked at the paper, there were lines of typed text on it. It was a set of instructions. Constance read the text through once and stopped, shook her head and then read text again. This time slower and more deliberate before glancing at her watch. “Penelope! Penelope!” Constance called as she ran up the stairs. “Get your shoes on, we need to go somewhere.” The tall raven-haired woman opened the door to her bedroom as Constance rushed past.

“What are you talking about?” Penelope asked, clearly confused by the urgency. Stopping Constance spun around and held up the sheet of paper.

“What is that?” Constance hurried over to the door and thrust the paper at Penelope. The Brit grabbed the paper and started to read as Constance sprinted toward her room. “Shit…..let me get my shoes.”

London, England

Forty-five minutes later Constance pointed to a warehouse. “That must be it.” Penelope nodded and pulled the car into a space out front of the warehouse and killed the engine. They would have been here earlier but they had to go back to the house. Constance had been reading the instructions again when they had mentioned an access card. That was when Constance had remembered that something had fallen into the floor when she had unfolded the paper. The sun was setting and the industrial estate was quiet this late in the evening as they sat with the engine ticking. Constance opened the door to get out and Penelope held out her hand to stop the young woman. “We should wait for a bit. See if anything happens.”

“You think this could be a trap?” Constance asked.

“It does seem a little easy,” Penelope replied. “I would hate to walk into some kind of trap.” Constance closed the door and they sat in silence with Penelope head constantly moving and checking the mirrors. After five minutes Penelope decided that it was time. “Better get this show on the road.” They both got out of the car slowly and walked toward the door. There was an electronic lock on the door and a card reader just off to one side. Constance removed the card from her pocket and moved it over the reader. The light above the lock turned from red to green and there was a buzzing sound. Penelope pushed the door open but did not enter, as if expecting some kind of trap to be sprung. Nothing happened. The two women looked at each other and they stepped inside, Penelope first, closely followed by Penelope. Stopping just inside as if expecting a trapdoor or large net to fall on them from above Penelope took a look around. The warehouse was sparsely used, a couple of piles of boxes spread around with some crates. The floor was split off into sections using white paint. There was a mezzanine floor that covered around one third of the ground floor with offices and smaller store rooms. All of the doors were shut and no lights could be seen through the glass panels in the doors. “Think that we are safe enough. What do the instructions say now?”

“Back right, behind a curtain.” Constance pointed and they both headed off. As they walked both felt a sense of foreboding at what they would find. At the back of the warehouse then found a section of about fifteen metres square that was hived off by a curtain of misted plastic slats about one foot wide. You couldn’t see what was on the other side. Constance and Penelope glanced at each other before steeling themselves and pushing through the apron of slats. What they found on the other side surprised the. The space was empty apart from a large crate and some kind of funny looking object sat in the room. It was a large, silver, hard skinned casket or box shaped like a large mummy sleeping bag. “What is that?” Constance nodded at the alien looking object.

“I have no idea,” a perplexed Penelope replied. “Let’s start with the crate then.” There was a crowbar sat upright, leaning against the crate. The crate was around seven feet long and lying on the ground. Grabbing the crowbar Penelope stuck the edge between the side and lid of the crate and gave it a couple of bangs to get it in before leaning on it with all of her strength. There was a pop as the nails holding the top in place starting to creak. Penelope took her time working her way around the crate Penelope popped all of the nails a bit before pointing for Constance to take one end and then making her way to the other. “One…two…three…” they heaved and took the lid off and flipped it over to the side.

“uuppffgg…mmppffhh…” Looking inside Penelope and Constance found themselves looking at a bound, gagged and blindfolded Kirsty. “mmppffhh…gguummhh…” Kirsty mumbled and squirmed around. The ropes looked tight and well tied. The crate was lined and well-padded and Kirsty’s head was positioned on a comfortable looking pillow. “mmpphh…hhmmhhh…”

“Just lie still and we will get you out of there,” Constance said, a sense of relief at finding Kirsty safe running through her body. Kirsty turned her head to allow easy access to the knots at the back of her head. The first thing that Constance removed was the scarf that had been tied over Kirsty’s eyes. Once that was removed a thick pad of cotton wool fell away and Kirsty blinked and screwed up her eyes as they were exposed to the light for the first time in a long number of hours.

“mmmuunn…” Kirsty moaned. Next Constance began picking at the knots holding the scarves over Kirsty’s gag in place. It looked and sounded like there was a lot of fabric involved in that gag. As Constance was taking care of the gag Penelope leaned in and started to work on the ropes on Kirsty’s legs. There was rope in four places, around her ankles, just above and below the knees and then around the thighs. The rope was of good quality and the knots well tied so it took some time before Penelope managed to get the first length of rope released from around Kirsty’s ankles. By that time the gag had been removed and was a mass of damp fabric lying on the pillow next to Kirsty’s head.

“Thanks,” Kirsty said. Then her eyes went wide and Constance read a look of concern cross Kirsty’s face. “Hayley! Where’s Hayley? Have you seen her?”

“Sorry, no we haven’t,” Constance replied.

“I thought that she would be here,” Penelope said. “The note had both of your names on it.”

“Help me out.” After helping Kirsty out of the crate, they quickly removed the finger control mitts.

“How did you find me?” Kirsty asked and Constance explained about the note.

“It was pushed through the letterbox of the house.”

“What is that?” Kirsty asked nodding at the casket.

“We have no idea,” Constance and Penelope replied in unison. They were all standing well enough back and looking at the object like it may suddenly come to life and attack them. Then Constance remembered something and stuck her hand in her pocket. “Wait, there is something on here,” she scrabbled to remove the paper from her pocket and scanned the instructions.

“You don’t think that Hayley is…” Kirsty let that thought sink in.

“Jesus…” Penelope said as they all stared at the casket. They all approached as if the thing could explode at any time. Constance found the panel, punched in the code that was on the paper and hit the button. “What the…..” Penelope said as the top of the casket hinged open. All three women stared at the interior dumbfounded. None of them had seen anything like it before. Inside was this plush, thickly padded interior with someone strapped down at its centre wearing a skin tight suit and some kind of diving mask.

“mmmpppfff…mmmuuurrr….” It was a mumble with an echo.

“Hayley!” Kirsty exclaimed. Before either Constance or Penelope could react, Kirsty has jumped into the casket and was clawing at the helmet, eventually getting it off. Penelope dived and released the cuffs on Hayley’s ankles. It was probably a case of more haste less speed but eventually they removed Hayley from the casket and got her on the ground next to them.

“Where have you been?” Constance asked Hayley.

“I wish I knew.” Hayley and Kirsty shared a long embrace. Penelope leaned around, caught Constance’s eye raised her eyebrows and mouthed “told you.” Constance rolled her eyes and shook her head. When Hayley and Kirsty let each other go, they all looked back at the object that Hayley had been in.

“What was it like in there?” Constance asked.

“Weird. Surreal. Discombobulating.” Hayley said with a smile. “Also, strangely comfortable and secure.” She shrugged her shoulders. Not knowing what else to say. “Anyway, I don’t suppose you have a set of clothes somewhere that I can put on?”

“Sorry,” Constance replied and shook her head.

“What should we do with it?” Penelope asked.

“Can we take that somewhere and have Danielle look over it?” Hayley asked. “Any information would be useful.”

“We can discuss that later. I think that we just get out of here.” The rest of the group nodded at Kirsty’s suggestion and they all headed for the door.

London, England

“I enjoyed that,” Hayley exited the bathroom into the bedroom drying her hair with a towel, bare footed and wearing only a short gown tied at the waist with a cord. “The muscles feel a lot more relaxed.” It had been a very long, very warm bath. During the journey back to the house from the warehouse Hayley and given the Kirsty, Constance and Penelope the abridged version of what had happened to her. Then Kirsty had told her story. Constance then explained about being darted and waking up to find Erin gone. Hayley could fill in what had happened. There was a bit to digest but there were other matters that needed to be attended to first. There was a knock on the door. “Come in.” When the door opened Kirsty entered and closed in behind her. “Hi babe!” Hayley was glad to see her friend. “Another adventure to tell the Grandkids.”

“Maybe not until they are older,” Kirsty replied as she took a seat on the edge of the bed. Hayley noticed that Kirsty’s skin was still flushed from a shower had changed into her pyjamas. “How are you anyway?”

“Fine, don’t worry about me. They treated me well.”

“That casket thing though….”

“Yeah, the transport wasn’t ideal. I shall mark them down on the online review,” Hayley and Kirsty smiled at that comment. “What about you?”

“Some marks on my wrists from the ropes but fine apart from that.” Hayley nodded and was glad that her friend was alright. It had been worrying being held at different locations, especially with a threat to Kirsty’s wellbeing being used to ensure that Hayley behaved. “Penelope arranged for her contacts to retrieve the casket from the warehouse and store it for collection.” Kirsty gave Hayley the rundown on what had happened in the past hour whilst Hayley had been soaking in the bath. “Emily St Clare is sending her yacht to pick it up. She has somewhere that it can be taken. Danielle is on a flight as we speak.”

“Sometime it helps to have a billionaire on the contact list.” They had decided to keep this strictly off the record. Kirsty had suggested calling Emily and seeing if she knew anyone that could look at the casket to see if it would give the any clues to the identity of The Coalition. “Anything else?”

“Gabrielle sent me a text,” Kirsty expression changed. It looked a bit puzzled. “Some kind of package arrived at the house for you. She opened it and sent a photograph. Kirsty played with her phone for a couple of seconds before showing Hayley the screen.

“That’s the clothes they had for me at the house where I was held,” Hayley was a little shocked by that. “I mean, they were nice but it does mean they know where I live.”

“Could it be some kind of message?” Kirsty asked as she sat her mobile down on the bedside cabinet. It looked to Hayley like Kirsty was getting comfortable.

“Maybe, I suppose that I shouldn’t be surprised. That is if they are as even half as powerful as they claim to be.” Hayley was talking whilst she finished drying her hair. “Might need to consider moving my copy of The Broker’s information.”

“Perhaps that is what they want you to do?” Kirsty suggested. “Get it out in the open where they can make a play for it.” Hayley considered this for a minute.

“Valid point.” Hayley had to concede that it was. “Have Gabrielle check the house for signs of an intruder.” Kirsty grabbed her phone, quickly sent a text and then dumped in back. “Thanks. Anything else? No would be the answer I am looking for here.”

“Nope,” Kirsty said as she sprawled on the bed. “Maybe a full debrief on your adventure but that can wait until you are up for it. Tomorrow over breakfast perhaps.” Hayley finished drying her hair and tossed the towel back into the bathroom.

“Thanks.” Hayley padded across to the bed as Kirsty rolled over onto her side and propped her head up on her arm. “All I want to do at the moment is go to bed,” Hayley said, “I really could do with the rest.” Kirsty looked at Hayley and arched an eyebrow. “No.” Kirsty reached out from her position on the bed and pulled the cord around Hayley’s waist to let her gown fall open.

“You shouldn’t look like that then.” Kirsty grabbed Hayley’s wrist, hauled her onto the bed and rolled on top of her. “Just lie back and let me do the work.” Hayley didn’t resist as Kirsty leaned down and planted a kiss fully on her lips. After a second or so Hayley responded and they two spent some time enjoying exploring the other woman’s mouth with their tongues before Kirsty brought her hand up, found Hayley’s right breast and began to caress it softly. Moving her hand slowly down Hayley’s body Kirsty’s hand came to rest on this inside of Hayley’s thigh. A soft moan escaped Hayley’s lips and Kirsty disengaged. “Let’s see if we can get some more of that…” The two friends enjoyed each other’s company before falling fast asleep.

The next morning

Hayley yawned looked at the time on the clock, rolled over and found Kirsty awake and looking at her. “What?” Hayley asked. Her friend blushed. “Just spit it out. Too early for playing around.”

“It…well…I have chloroformed a lot of women over the years and seen a lot chloroformed and never has it made me feel that way that you getting put to sleep back in that bar did.” Kirsty face was bright red.

“Oh, don’t worry about that babe,” Hayley reached out under the covers and grabbed Kirsty’s hand. She gave it a squeeze. “Well, don’t hate me for suggestion this but…” Hayley paused trying to find the right phrasing. “You might have a kink for this and perhaps I just trigger it. In your head you associate me with this.” Hayley let go of Kirsty’s hand and sighed at the look on Kirsty’s face. “I assume like me that you aren’t looking for long-term commitment. This is all just a bit of fun or a release of tension or, or pent-up frustration…” Kirsty laughed as Hayley made hand gestures to go along with her words. “That’s better.”

“But I don’t know how…”

“Maybe it’s the person or the situation and nothing to do with male or female.” Kirsty gave Hayley a look as her friend interrupted. “Now, get back to sleep.” Hayley closed her eyes and rolled back over. “Or I will be the one looking for some chloroform.” It didn’t seem longer than five minutes later when Hayley was disturbed again. “uuurrr…no…Kirsty,” Hayley flapped at Kirsty’s arm that was nudging her from a deep sleep. “I need my sleep.”

“No, it’s not that,” Kirsty replied. “She knew about us.”


“That woman. The slightly odd looking one.”

“Wagner,” Hayley said as she rolled back over to face Kirsty. “How did she know we are sleeping together?”

“She mentioned that I was horny thinking about the alluring blond bimbo with the boobs.”

“Bimbo?” Hayley looked down at her chest. “I never thought they were that large…”

“That is no what is important right now!” Kirsty exclaimed. “The question is how did she know about us?”

“Good question. Nobody knows.”

“Well, I think Penelope suspects…but, yeah nobody else.” They fell into silence for a moment before throwing off the covers and getting out of bed
“The house must be bugged.”

“Seriously?” Kirsty asked.

“No other explanation,” Hayley stated. “We don’t discuss on the phone and have only been intimate with each other in the house and now here.” Kirsty cursed silently. “It would also explain how they managed to set us up. They knew that I was meeting The Broker in advance. We discussed our plans at the house.”

“We called Penelope from the house,” Kirsty said suddenly joining in with some further evidence.

“Text Gabriella and tell her to get out of the house and call from a public phone. Somewhere random. Somewhere where none of us have been before. Shit!” Hayley headed for the bathroom as Kirsty scrambled for her phone.

“What are you going to do?”

“Tell Gabriella where the information is, tell her to go get it and get on a plane and don’t even tell us where you are going.”

Hayley’s House, East Coast USA

It had been an interesting flight back on Emily St Clare’s jet. Long bouts of depressed silence followed by spells of intense discussions at what to do next. The answer was that they didn’t really know. Maybe they could discuss with Jaclyn and she would have some suggestions. Hayley pulled the car into the drive and put her hand up to make sure everyone would be quiet. If the house had been bugged there was a good chance the car had been as well. Penelope had come along as she had nothing better to do. Once they were all out the car Hayley got them together. “Remember we all have to act like we don’t know that somebody may be listening.” They nodded and followed Hayley into the house. They only had three bedrooms but this time to avoid any issues Penelope was happy to sleep on a fold down bed in the living room with a sleeping bag. It was getting dark and they were all tired as the dropped their bags on the hallway.

“Takeaway and booze ladies!” Penelope exclaimed. She had made them drop into the off licence on the way home. “Where is the kitchen?” Hayley pointed and Penelope set off. “Better be ice in the freezer.” They had ordered takeaway when they were fifteen minutes away. Constance started to traipse up the stairs with a bag in each hand.

“Leave that until tomorrow, hit the living room and relax.” It was more an order than a suggestion from Kirsty. They retired to the living room and tucked into the takeaway and some drinks. Constance headed for bed after she had finished her food and left Hayley, Kirsty and Penelope drinking.

“So, all joking aside. Do you girls have a thing going on?” Penelope took a sip of her drink and looked from Hayley to Kirsty and back again.

“I don’t know what you mean,” Hayley replied coyly with a smile.

“I mean, it’s alright if you do. Guys it is for me but I have nothing against that kind of thing.”

“Very liberal of you,” Kirsty replied.

“I won’t tell Hot Stuff,” Penelope assured them. “Nobody’s business.”

“Indeed,” Kirsty said, “but we haven’t said anything yet.” Kirsty glanced at Hayley who had that smile playing on her lips. Kirsty closed her eyes. A couple of drinks and Hayley was in a playful mood. Then again, that may be a bonus later on.

“Would you like to join in?” Hayley asked. “I mean, if we did have a thing going.” Quickly Penelope got up and headed for the kitchen without answering.

“Anybody need a drink?” Penelope asked as she left the room.

“Was she blushing?” Hayley asked Kirsty.

“She did seem slightly uncomfortable,” Kirsty commented. “She also has magnificent tits.” Hayley gave her friend a look. “What? A girl can’t notice these things.” They smiled. “I mean it’s not like she makes me wet.” They both laughed.

“Do I make you wet?” Hayley asked flirtatiously. There was a cloth sitting and she held it over her nose and mouth. “mmmm…ooohhh…uuummm…mmmoohh…”

“Will you stop that,” Kirsty threw a cushion across the room. Just then Penelope returned with a full glass took her seat.

“What were you pair up to?” Penelope asked.

“Nothing for you to concern yourself with Penny,” Hayley replied with a wink. They had another round before Penelope said that they should call it a night. Hayley and Kirsty headed up the stairs and toward the bedrooms. On the top landing Hayley stopped and turned around. Kirsty smiled. “No babe, I genuinely need a good night’s sleep.” Kirsty’s face dropped. “Tomorrow night.” Hayley had a thought. “Perhaps it is time to have a little fun with our house guest.” Hayley mischievously smiled.

Hayley’s House, East Coast USA

“Penelope!” Penelope heard her name and turned round to find Hayley waving at her from the door way of her bedroom. “Could you give me some help with something in here?” Penelope replied with a thumbs up and headed back along the hallway. Hayley ducked back inside the room. As Penelope entered the bedroom Hayley closed the door behind her. Penelope turned around and then say that Kirsty and Hayley were standing on either side of the door.

“Sooooo,” Penelope had a strange sensation at the back of her head. “What so you need a hand with ladies?”

“I thought that we could have a little fun,” Hayley pulled out a cloth and slowly folded it into a thick pad. Penelope eyed it up. Hayley then pulled out a bottle and started to pour some of liquid onto the cloth.

“What is going on here ladies?” Penelope asked. “Is that what I think it is?” As Penelope took half a step back Kirsty pounced and grabbed her, locking her arms around Penelope’s chest in a bear hug. Penelope was slightly taller but Kirsty was a strong woman due to her regular workout regime. “Hey! What are you MMMPPPFFHHH!” Penelope cried as Hayley pressed the cloth over her nose and mouth. The fumes instantly caught the back of Penelope’s throat and she coughed, that meant that she took two large breathes of the soporific fumes. “uuummppff…mmppphh…” Penelope grumbled and twisted about trying to get free before the chloroform took effect.

“Shush Penny. Don’t fight it. Let the chloroform do its work.” Penelope locked eyes with Hayley over the thick cloth. “You know this is what you want. When you wake up, we will have lots of fun.” Hayley caught Kirsty’s gaze and the dark-haired woman rolled her eyes at Hayley’s theatrics. Struggling, Penelope tried to break free but Kirsty and a firm grip and if anybody knew from experience how to apply a chloroform-soaked cloth it would be Hayley. Penelope marshalled her inner reserves and focused all her energy on breaking away, but the all-too familiar fumes were having their usual effect: an initial wave of euphoria, followed with increasing drowsiness and loss of sensation. As the darkness closed in, Penelope's curiosity overtook her fear. What did they have in mind? She hoped the answers would be forthcoming when she woke up. Penelope moaned into the cloth as she felt increasingly tired and weak. She started to slump in the Kirsty arms. They eased Penelope over to the bed. Slowly, Kirsty laid Penelope down to the bed, letting her rest on her side with Hayley keeping the cloth in place. Penelope’s eyes were barely open as she took in more chloroform through relaxed and deeper breathes. With a final gentle sigh, she then slipped into unconsciousness.

“I hope that you are right about this,” Kirsty said as Hayley removed the cloth.

“Oh, I am,” Hayley replied. “Don’t worry about that.” They set about the task of stripping Penelope down to her underwear. “I tell you what Kirsty, you weren’t wrong about those.” Kirsty chortled as Hayley opened a draw and pulled out a selection of thick silk scarves. “Only the best for Penelope.” They divided up the scarves and quickly and securely made sure that Penelope was tied spread-eagled on the bed with the thick silk scarves. When they were happy with the bindings Hayley and Kirsty exited the bedroom, almost giggling like schoolgirls.

When they returned to the room both Hayley and Kirsty were wearing their sexiest underwear. Hayley in black and Kirsty red. “Didn’t realise you had anything like that.” Kirsty blushed; she did have a reputation for being very functional.

“I kind of bought it for…” Hayley leaned over and pecked Kirsty on the cheek. Then there was the sound of groaning from the bed. “She is starting to come round. Are you sure about this?”

“Yeah,” Hayley had a playful grin on her face. “I had Danielle look at her browser history. Besides, too late to turn back now.” Hayley started to gently tickle the sole of Penelope’s left foot.

“ooohhh…that’s…ooohhhaaa…just there…..WAIT!” Penelope bolted upright, well as far as the scarves would allow. Penelope still wasn’t quite in full control of her facilities. Then, slowly, Penelope tried to move and realised that her movement was restricted. “What is going on!” Penelope exclaimed. “Let me…ooohhh…aaahhh…” Hayley was still working on Penelope’s feet. “What are you doing?” Penelope asked. Hayley and Kirsty didn’t reply. They just started to embrace and then kiss each other deeply with their hands caressing the others body. Penelope had been thrashing around but suddenly stopped and found that she couldn’t take her eyes off the sight in front of her. I mean they were both attractive women and Penelope was sure that she was straight but this was getting interesting. A heat was starting to build. Hayley and Kirsty stopped and looked at Penelope.

“If you don’t want us to continue all you have to do is say.” Hayley leaned over and took all of the big toe of Penelope’s right foot in her mouth and started to lick it.

“GOD!” Penelope yelped. “No, carry oooonnnn!” Penelope squirmed and closed her eyes. As Hayley worked on Penelope’s feet, Kirsty moved up to the top of the bed and released Penelope breasts from the confines of her bra. “HEY!”

“Think that she is making too much noise Hayley,” Kirsty commented.

“Better do something about that then.” They had each selected a clean pair of underwear and Kirsty now balled these up and moved them towards Penelope’s mouth.

“What are yyoouu…ooohhh…” Hayley had attacked Penelope’s toes again, meaning that Penelope’s mouth was now open. This allowed Kirsty to push the wadded-up ball of silk deep inside. Penelope moaned but it didn’t sound like a complaint. Kirsty quickly folded another silk scarf into a thick band and tied it tightly over Penelope’s mouth. After finishing the gag Kirsty moved down and started to run her tongue over Penelope’s left breast. “Taste almost as good as they look.” Penelope let out a soft, very muffled moan. At the same time Kirsty’s hand reached down and slipped under the elastic of Penelope’s knickers. Penelope’s moans got longer and slightly higher in pitch as Kirsty hit the correct spot. “Naughty, naughty girl Penelope. Are we already enjoying this?” Penelope closed her eyes and moaned again; she could feel her nipples hardening.

“Would you like us to stop?” Hayley asked.

“mmmoohh…” Penelope mumbled and shook her head still with her eyes closed. Kirsty’s fingers had found the exact stop and were doing wonderous things with small and delightful strokes mixed in with more serious thrusts. “ooohhh…mmmhhmmnn…” Penelope moaned and groaned in pleasure. The combination of Kirsty’s fingers and Hayley’s mouth on her feet were blowing her mind. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back onto the pillow to just focus on the sensations flowing through her body. Penelope started to time the movement of her hips with the thrusts of Kirsty’s fingers. “mmoodd…uummpp…mmoodd…” Hayley noted this and stopped with the feet, gently running a hand up the inside of Penelope’s thigh, taking the time to rub at certain points. Penelope’s moans of pleasure got louder. Then Kirsty and Hayley both stopped and Penelope’s eyes went wide open and she stared at both women in turn.

“mmmooohh…uummppp…” Penelope groaned. It was almost a plea.

“I think that she is enjoying this.” Penelope nodded. Kristy smiled and jumped onto the bed between Penelope’s legs and ripped the bound woman’s panties off. Penelope groaned in anticipation as Kirsty bent over and started to use her tongue to caress the most delicate parts of Penelope’s anatomy. The reaction from Penelope was instant. Clear enjoyment. Hayley started to massage Penelope’s ample breasts. The tension was building in Penelope, it wouldn’t be long now. Kirsty could feel that and went to work with even more vigour. An appreciative tremble went through Penelope’s body as her breathing got faster and faster. The moans increased in frequency and strength as the climax neared. Then Hayley reached out for something lying on the bedside cabinet. A cloth was pressed over Penelope’s nose and gagged mouth again just before she climaxed. She didn’t care at this point, the sensations going through her body were so good. Like nothing she has felt before.

“uummpp…uuurrrmmm…” Penelope screamed but it was muffled by the gag and cloth. Penelope took deep, ragged breathes but just inhaled the sweet-smelling fumes from the chloroform and very quickly her eyes fluttered and closed over. Hayley then removed the cloth.

“What was that with the chloroform?” Kirsty asked Hayley, looking from her position on the bed at her cloth wielding friend.

“Spur of the moment thing,” Hayley replied with a shrug.

“Looked hot,” Kirsty confirmed with a nod. “I am doing that to you next time.”

“I really like that underwear Kirsty…wwhhooaa…” Kirsty grabbed Hayley’s wrists and pulled her toward the door.
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Post by LunaDog »

Having finally caught up with [mention]Caesar73[/mention] stories, i've had chance to read some of yours. And i've NOT been dis-appointed, FAR from it. I totally thank both of you for creating some magnificent works, that i've thoroughly enjoyed.

One thing both of you share, you both compose exciting and interesting tales that would be fantastic, even WITHOUT the bondage, both of you could make excellent crime/action fiction writers. Not that the 'rope work' isn't right out of the 'top drawer' you understand.
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Post by Windrunner »

First, ummmmm wow. That was hot.

Second, well-done. It brings out another side of the characters and the feelings they have that anyone who has experienced bondage knows - that mix of "oh this is going to be exciting" and "but I'm going to have no control at all" - that little thrill of risk, the unknown...
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Post by mrjones2009 »

LunaDog wrote: 1 year ago Having finally caught up with @Caesar73 stories, i've had chance to read some of yours. And i've NOT been dis-appointed, FAR from it. I totally thank both of you for creating some magnificent works, that i've thoroughly enjoyed.

One thing both of you share, you both compose exciting and interesting tales that would be fantastic, even WITHOUT the bondage, both of you could make excellent crime/action fiction writers. Not that the 'rope work' isn't right out of the 'top drawer' you understand.
[mention]LunaDog[/mention] Thanks for taking the time to read and also comment. It is as ever very much appreciated. I don't know if you correct but the comments do mean a lot, especially coming from someone who is no slouch on the writing front in their own right. Thanks again.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Windrunner wrote: 1 year ago First, ummmmm wow. That was hot.

Second, well-done. It brings out another side of the characters and the feelings they have that anyone who has experienced bondage knows - that mix of "oh this is going to be exciting" and "but I'm going to have no control at all" - that little thrill of risk, the unknown...
[mention]Windrunner[/mention] Again, thanks for taking the time to read and comment. Very much appreciated. Glad that you enjoyed this little interlude.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 24

East Coast, USA

It had been a physically and emotionally draining couple of days full of shocks and surprises. Most of them bad for a variety of reasons. The authorities in Miami had called off the search for survivors down on the coast. Hayley shook her head. People were dropping off the face of the earth at an alarming rate. Something didn’t add up. Picking up her mobile Hayley looked at the messages. Twelve messages to Natascha had went unanswered over the last three days. Natascha had really taken to lecturing and had taken a gig UCLA for a couple of months. Calling in a favour she had a patrol unit from LAPD take a swing by her rented apartment. There had been no answer at the door. A quick telephone call to UCLA had confirmed that Natascha hadn’t made her last two lectures. It as just another to add to the list of coincidences that probably didn’t add up. Just as Hayley was about to put the phone back down it sprang into life. “Hi Lucas,” Hayley said as she picked up the mobile. Instantly, she could tell that something was wrong and quickly signalled Kirsty who had just come down the stairs, freshly showered. “Where was she?” Hayley asked. Kirsty looked on confused as she could only hear one side of the conversation. “Alright, keep us informed.” The mobile went down and Hayley put her head in her hands. “Sasha has gone missing. She was back in France for a week and nobody has seen or heard from her in three days.”

“Seriously?” Kirsty said. “What about her mobile?”

“Found in a car that she had rented in a car park next to the start of a forest trail.” Hayley still had her head in her hands. “Still think this is just a coincidence.” Getting up Hayley walked past Kirsty and headed for the closet next to the front door. She grabbed her trainers and slipped them on.

“You alright?” Kirsty asked appearing at the door.

“Yeah, I just need some air. Going for a walk.” Hayley slipped on her short down jacket and headed out the door with no further words. Kirsty turned away and headed back into the kitchen. After making some coffee and toast Kirsty settled down to the at the table in the kitchen and unfolded the newspaper. The headline read.

US & UK Denies Dead Woman In St Petersburg Is Secret Operative

Not really concentrating, being worried about Hayley’s state of mind, Kirsty skimmed that story and the rest of the first dozen pages before finding a good news story about kids, dogs and a charity. Something pure to take her mind of her troubles for ten minutes.

“Something doesn’t add up,” Hayley told herself as she walked. Her mind was going at one hundred miles an hour. Stuffing her hands in her pockets she found a set of keys in each. That was a little strange. Pulling both out sets Hayley realised that one was for her own house and the other was the set that she had for Natalie and Charlotte’s. That caused her heart to sink a little. “Natalie. Where are you?” Charlotte had gone back to the UK and asked them to keep an eye on the house. Then Hayley had an idea. With her own house under surveillance, it was hard to do anything but Natalie’s was empty. Decision made Hayley headed in that direction at a furious pace.

East Coast, USA (Natalie Twain’s House)

It stirred memories and feelings, entering the house. The air was musty and some of the furniture was covered in heavy sheets. Walking to the dining table Hayley whipped the sheet off the table and one of the chairs. On the way to the house Hayley had stopped by a local store to get some supplies, a couple of papers, pen, paper pad, fizzy drinks and crisps. Opening a drawer in a cabinet Hayley found Natalie’s laptop and charger. Whistling Hayley set it up and waited for the charge to kick in a little. It was time for a can of juice. As she sat down Hayley grabbed a paper and looked through it. What caught her eye was the headline of the story that Kirsty had skimmed.
US & UK Denies Dead Woman In St Petersburg Is Secret Operative
Hayley picked up the landline. It was still live. It was time to start with a telephone call. Dialling the number from memory it was answered on the third ring. “In St Petersburg,” Hayley hesitates. “Was that Rogue?” The silence from the other end of the line confirms Hayley’s suspicions. “Thanks Jaclyn.” Hayley hung up. The laptop now had now charged enough to turn on. The password screen came up. Hayley smiled and punched it in. The screen sprang to life. “Too obvious Natalie.” As the laptop ran some updates Hayley scribbled a list of names on the first page. On the second she wrote Rogue Hart and then scribbled down some details of from the story. It didn’t make good reading. The laptop pinged to inform Hayley that it was ready for use. “Alright. Time to go.” Hayley opened the browser and set to work. This wasn’t like the movies. Most police work was 95% perspiration and 5% inspiration. It was never the clue that broke the case. It was usually either the criminal making a mistake or the police officer grinding it out, checking facts, chasing down a lead that made the case. It was time to grind. Hayley smiled. Kirsty would like the idea of Hayley grinding. Starting at the top Hayley worked her way through the list of names on page one of the pad.

American Academic Victim In Police Shoot Out

In a tragic turn of events college lecturer and researcher Rhiannon Scott was tragically killed today in Italy. Scott, twenty-eight, was an innocent victim of an exchange of gunfire between Italian Police and organised crime figures during a raid yesterday.

Hayley pounded away on the keys and worked her way through the list and then just started looking at stories of missing and dead people over the past couple of months that fitted with her theory or had something unexplained about them.

…author and journalist killed in explosion….
...rumours of British Agent killed in operation in… goes missing from film set in Europe….
…campaigner lawyer disappears from court…
…. American Academic Victim In Police Shoot Out….
..FBI consultant killed investigating case…
...Italian national missing in South Korea….
...tragedy as pirates strike hen party….
...Hollywood star snatched by Crazed Fan…
...criminal escapes from prison transport….
…burglar killed during break in at Dresden mansion…
…Interpol agent missing in National Park…
…Mayhem In Madrid…two women feared kidnapped as grainy CCTV emerges of incident…
…Vice President’s secret service agent reported missing on duty…
…doctor and police officer housemates go missing in Cambridge…
…billionaires boat feared sunk, all aboard missing…

That last story referred to Emily St Clare. It was now clear to Hayley that anybody with a connection to the Elizabeth Crawford case was being targeted is some way. So many people couldn’t be a coincidence. “Shit.” Grabbing her own mobile scrolled through her contacts until she found Danielle Snow and pressed call. It rang out and went to voicemail. “Shit.” Hayley tried again immediately. Once again it rang out and went to voicemail again. “We sent her to Emily St Clare.” Third time. Same result. This time Hayley left a message. Hopefully it sounded bright and breezy. Then Hayley checked Danielle’s social media. Not updated for days. That was concerning. Then she noted the four missed calls from Kirsty. Glancing at the clock Hayley realised how much time had passed. “Hey!” Hayley said as Kirsty answered. “Sorry, I’m at Natalie’s.” Hayley listened as Kirsty spoke. “Come round and I will order take out. Oh, bring drinks.” Hanging up Hayley dialled their favourite take away and put in the order. Then she decided to tidy up.

East Coast, USA (Natalie Twain’s House)

They sat around the table having listened to Hayley theory and logic. “It does sound plausible Hayley,” Kirsty said as she put her empty container on the table. They had gone through the list and had gone back to Louise Willliams.

“Louise would have no reason to escape. She had negotiated a good deal and just wanted to serve out her sentence and then live a quiet life.”

“Perhaps that was what she wanted Hayley. The escape wasn’t meant for her but then she saw the opportunity and took it. Maybe the reality of being in jail for a long period didn’t sit well with her.”

“Agreed, if it was an isolated incident but look…” Hayley held up her pad and the names that had been crossed off. “The Section 12 group has been dead for four days as well.” Hayley showed Kirsty the two messages that she had posted. There were no replies.

“You don’t even know that those women in Madrid were Raquel and Victoria,” Kirsty was trying to reason with Hayley.

“You watched the CCTV,” Hayley countered.

“Yes, it could be them but the images were grainy.” Constance and Penelope watched the exchange like a crowd at a tennis match. Back and forth across the net. “You are also assuming that the woman in South Korea was Alessandra or Fallon or whoever.” Hayley nodded, confident in her deductions. “We have no way of contacting Alessandra, Victoria or Raquel. We have no idea where they are or what they are doing,” Hayley replied with a shrug as Kirsty’s frustration grew.

“Have you managed to contact everyone else?” Penelope asked. “Who is left?”

“The four of us, Jaclyn, Natascha and Gabriela.”

“Wait,” Penelope said standing up, “that is it.”

“Yes,” Hayley nodded. “That is who we can confirm and we can’t contact Gabriela.” Penelope started to pace across the room. “She left last night. I told her to book seats on five consecutive international flights out of JFK flying to different locations and then try and book onto them. Pick one and get on it. Don’t tell us where she is going.”

“Did she take the files?” Kirsty asked. Hayley nodded.

“What about her family?” Constance asked.

“The team haven’t announced it yet but her husband had full shoulder reconstruction surgery last week. The rehabilitation period is six to nine months. So, she has packed him off with the twins and his brother and sister in-law and their kids. Told them not to bother letting us know where they are. I thought that it would be safer that way.” The other three nodded as Kirsty confirmed.

“What do we do now?” Constance asked. “Go to the authorities.” Hayley and Kirsty exchanged a glance. “What?”

“The thing is, this issue with my dad getting framed and a couple of other things that have happened. If the Section girls have all disappeared then that would suggest that there is someone high up with influence involved.” Hayley said.

“I think that we need more information, well clarity before we do that,” Kirsty chipped in. “Try and establish who we can trust.”

“So now you believe her theories?” Penelope asked.

“They aren’t without merit,” Kirsty replied. “It would be a wild coincidence if misfortune just happened to strike everyone involved with the Elizabeth Crawford case.”

“You guys have gone full tinfoil helmets, silent black helicopters and man on the grassy knoll.” Penelope said. “She is in jail.”

“I know that,” Kirsty replied, “However, you did seem concerned when we listed who was left.”

“Besides, we know it is not her,” Hayley confirmed. “As you said, Elizabeth is in jail. We are just speculating that it is something to do with the case. Not her.”

“I am getting on the first available flight back home,” Penelope stopped pacing and grabbed her jacket and headed for the door. “I am going back to pack.”

“Would it not make more sense to stick together?” Hayley and Kirsty looked at Constance as she asked that question. “Pull resource and watch each other’s back.”

“What the young girl said,” Kirsty smiled. Penelope took a seat on the couch and hugged her jacket. Staying for now.

“Could your new friend The Broker not put the word out?” Kirsty asked.

“I wouldn’t trust her after she set us up with The Coalition.” Kirsty raised an eyebrow. “Nor them either.” Kirsty nodded, understanding. “I think that we need to go to the source.”

“Are you sure Hayley?” Kirsty was concerned about what the visit would mean for her friend. “She did seem to have an unhealthy obsession with you.” Taking a deep breathe Hayley nodded.
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Post by Caesar73 »

It seems, the pieces are coming together - slowly. That Hayley and friends go back to the source seems the right course of action.

If it will pay off? What an intriguing plot!

My admiration [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] !!
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Post by LunaDog »

Having 'caught up' with this one, i see that the VERY high standard is being FULLY maintained with this latest post.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 25

Colorado, USA

“We should have brought two cars,” Penelope complained from the back. The tall woman was feeling cramped in the rear of the vehicle beside Constance and Kirsty. Hayley glanced in the rear-view mirror and smiled. In the passenger seat next to her Jacyln Smith stared straight ahead. Glancing across Hayley thought that there was something off about Jaclyn, she just couldn’t quite put her finger on what it was. After the discussions at Natalie’s house Hayley had called Jaclyn and asked her to set up the visit with Elizabeth Crawford. The reply had come back less than twenty-four hours later They were in. Well, Hayley was in.

“Only visitor that the prisoner authorises is Hayley King.” Jaclyn had told them as they had boarded the private jet the night before. In addition to arranging the prison visit Jaclyn had called in a favour and got them the use of this jet. Now, having checked into their motel the group were driving to the prison. The plan was to drop Hayley at the gate and then the rest would retire to a diner around a mile away and wait. As they got closer, they could see the looming grey of the structure of the prison on the horizon. There was nothing much else in the area to see. The occasional house, a store and then the diner with a gas station next to it. They prison was close enough now that they could see the guard towers and tall fences. The light glinted off the razor wire that was at the top of the fences that ringed the prison. The mood in the car was sombre and silent. As she pulled the car into the shale covered car park outside the prison Hayley steeled herself. “Good luck,” Jaclyn said as Hayley nodded and got out of the car. Kirsty got out of the back and walked around. The two friends embraced and Kirsty whispered words of encouragement into Hayley’s ear.
“These are for you,” Hayley handed over the keys and walked toward the gate. The prison was a mass of concrete and steel, large mesh fences topped with razor wire. The design was efficient. The colour palette was grey and black. The only splash of colour were the warning signs splashed around the place. As she approached two very large guards, one of whom had a large dog got out of the hut. Kirsty watched until Hayley had passed through that first line of security and was walking toward the second level before getting back in the car and adjusting the seat. Pulling the car out of the lot and making her way to the diner Kirsty’s stomach was in knots.

It took almost half an hour for Hayley to get through the various levels of security at the prison. As she progressed through each layer the butterflies in Hayley’s stomach seemed to get larger. The noises, footsteps echoing in the walkways, mechanical iron doors sliding open and shut, locks snapping into place automatically and the smells, a bizarre combination of sweat, smoke and cleaning products. It all added to Hayley’s sense of unease about the situation. Eventually the guard led Hayley through a final set of gates and into a small room through a heavy metal door. Hayley smiled and went inside. She jumped as the door closed behind her. In the room were two metal chairs, bolted to the floor either side of a metal table that was also bolted to the floor. Hayley took the chair with the back to the door and settled in and looked around. The room was perfectly square, but it was as if the walls closed in. The dull grey and off-white colour scheme seemed to suck the good energy from you and only give out the bad. Now all Hayley had to was wait. The wait seemed like hours and then the door creaked open. Resisting the temptation to turn her head Hayley picked a point on the opposite wall and stared at it. Hayley sensed a figure walk past her, the jangle of chains and cuffs as the person shuffled around the table and sat down in chair opposite. Hayley gawped in amazement. “Hayley, a pleasure to see you again,” Elizabeth Crawford said, “as delectable as ever.” Hayley just stared at the woman across from her, dumbfounded. “What’s the matter? Has meeting me again overawed you that much.” The woman looked at the camera in the corner and put her hand to her chest. “How sweet. I’m touched Hayley, I really am.”

“Who. Are. You?” Hayley said each word slowly and carefully.

“Your old friend Elizabeth,” the woman smiled. “You must remember me. We had so much fun together.”

“I don’t know who you are lady but you are not Elizabeth Crawford!”

“Oh, that hurts Hayley.”

“Who are you? Where is Elizabeth Crawford?” Hayley stood up and was starting to feel a sense of dread and panic of fear and confusion. Sweaty palms went onto the steel table that was bolted to the floor between the two chairs.

“I am Elizabeth Crawford.” Hayley looked carefully at the woman. She did look like Elizabeth Crawford but it wasn’t Elizabeth Crawford. It wasn’t even close. The woman had a smile on her face. Her eyes danced with humour at the situation, at Hayley’s sense of fear and confusion.

“No. No. NNNNOOOO!!!” Hayley screamed and smashed her fist down on the steel table.

“Hayley,” the woman said. “Watch you don’t hurt yourself.” The door creaked open again and the Governor entered.

“Miss King,” the man said, “would you care to explain your behaviour. I can’t allow this in my prison.”

“Who is that woman?” Hayley said to the Governor. Turning to face the man but pointing back at the woman.

“Elizabeth Crawford,” the man replied flatly.

“It certainly is not,” Hayley replied.

“Yes, it is.” The man nodded. Confident that he was correct. Hayley’s mind was reeling. She looked from The Governor, face impassive and then the woman claiming to be Elizabeth Crawford who sat there smiling. “We do random checks. The fingerprints match…”

“That is not bloody Elizabeth Crawford!” Hayley was getting exasperated now. It was like she was the only sane person. The guard from earlier entered the room know. It was starting to feel very tight and compact in the small room. “I need some air,” Hayley said and headed for the door.

“Bye Hayley,” the woman called, “see you again soon.”

Colorado, USA

It took the same amount of time to get out of the prison that it did to get in. Once outside Hayley had to bend over, stand with her hands on her knees as she was starting to hyperventilate. She stood like that for five minutes before she felt able to stand up and regain her composure. The plan was that Hayley was going to call Kirsty and then get picked up. That didn’t happen. Hayley decided to walk to the diner. It was only a mile and Hayley needed the fresh air and time to process what she had found inside the prison. There was no pavement so Hayley walked along the side of the long straight road until from the prison to the main road. Only one car went past and the man behind the wheel whistled and leaned on his horn. Hayley replied with a very rude hand gesture. At the junction with the main road Hayley turned right. The diner was only a couple of minutes along the road. There was more traffic so Hayley had to be careful. In the car park she found their car and sat on the bonnet, deflated. Hayley sat there, not moving, until Kirsty and the others noticed and came out of the diner. “You alright?” Kirsty asked. “What happened?”

“It wasn’t her,” Hayley said as she kicked the loose rock that made up the top layer of the car park.

“What do you mean?” Kirsty asked, perplexed.

“It wasn’t Elizabeth Crawford,” Hayley confirmed.

“They brought out the wrong prisoner?” Penelope asked. “They made a mistake.” Hayley shook her head.

“What do you mean then? I don’t understand.” Kirsty sat next to the clearly upset Hayley and put am arm around her friend’s waist.

“The person in there,” Hayley pointed to the prison behind her, “claiming to be Elizabeth Crawford is not actually the real Elizabeth Crawford!”




“They are sure,” Hayley said anticipating the next question, “Governor was happy, fingerprints…” Hayley trailed off. “I don’t care what anybody says. That is not Elizabeth Crawford.”

“So, where is she?” Kirsty asked.

“That is the million-dollar question,” Hayley replied. There was a stress and tension in her voice. Also, something else. Tiredness. Weariness. A sense of resignation.

“What do we do now?” Constance asked. Nobody answered. The sun was starting to set.

“Everyone is tired and stressed,” Jaclyn said soothingly. “Let’s get to the motel and rest up for the night. Brighter minds and clearer heads tomorrow.” The other four woman all nodded. “We can try and think things through then.” They all climbed into the car with Kirsty getting behind the wheel, Jaclyn in the passenger seat and other three women squeezing in the back. The journey back to the motel made in almost total silence. Nobody spoke, the only sound was from the radio that Kirsty had tuned to a local station to try and take everyone’s mind off the news they had just heard.

Halfway Inn, Colorado, USA

At the motel they have three rooms. Hayley and Jaclyn shared a twin room as did Kirsty and Constance, Penelope had a double all to herself. Slamming all the doors in the car, they headed for their rooms and waved a not very enthusiastic goodbye to the others. Jaclyn used the key to open the room and allowed Hayley to go inside before following her in. “Some day,” Jaclyn commented. Hayley took off her jacket and tossed it onto one of the beds before sitting down and starting to work off her boots. “You alright?”

“To be honest, I have no idea,” Hayley replied honestly as first her left boot and then her right were thrown across the room. “What is going on here?” Hayley was truly perplexed, her mind reeling. “Do you have any idea?” Jacyln ignored the question and flicked on the television. It was local sports.

“Find something to take you mind off things.” Hayley stuck out a hand and pulled the remote that Jaclyn had tossed at her out of the air. “Still got the reactions kid.” That comment caused Hayley to smile as Jaclyn closed the curtains over and turned on a standing lamp. It was now dark outside. Jaclyn’s mobile rang. “Let me just get this. Then we can talk.” It took just two steps to the phone sitting on Jaclyn’s bed. “Hello, Jaclyn Sanders.” Hayley watched as Jaclyn listened to whoever was on the other end of the call for a couple of minutes. A strange look came over Jaclyn’s face. “It’s for you.” Jaclyn said a little robotically and stuck her hand out. Hayley looked at her friend for a second or two before reaching and taking the phone.

“Hello, who is this?” Hayley asked.

“Good evening, Hayley. How are you doing?” The voice sounded far away. Hayley appreciated that they were on a mobile and the person could be anywhere. There was crackling and an echo, like the person was on speaker in an area that had very poor reception.

“Sorry, it is a bad line. Who is this?” Hayley repeated.

“I am disappointed and hurt that you don’t recognize the voice.”

“Who. Is. This?” Hayley asked again, not really in the mood. Whilst this exchange was taking place Jaclyn walked over to her bag and began to rummage around inside. She pulled out a large white cloth and folded it into a thick pad. Then she removed something that looked like a pen and held that in one hand and the pad in the other.

“I thought my voice would have been in your head Hayley,” the woman on the other end of the line said. Hayley froze. It couldn’t be. Then Jaclyn appeared in front of her with the cloth and the pen like object. Hayley mind was racing, not being able to compute what was going on. Then suddenly Jaclyn pounced on her, pushing Hayley down onto the bed. The phone went flying, the person on the other end of the line forgotten about momentarily. “Oft!” The wind was knocked from Hayley’s lungs as Jaclyn jumped on top of Hayley, straddling her on the bed. “What was that about?” Hayley asked. The older woman didn’t respond “Are you alright?” Hayley asked. There was nothing behind Jaclyn’s eyes. Hayley would have snapped her fingers but her arms were pinned by Jaclyn’s knees. Then Jacyln moved the cloth toward her face. “Jaclyn, Jaclyn…wait…what are you…mmmpphh” Jaclyn clamped the cloth over Hayley’s mouth. The expectation was that the cloth would be damp and have the sweet-smelling aroma of chloroform on it. Hayley’s expectations were not met. There was nothing on it, Jaclyn just used it to muffle Hayley’s screams. There was a soft noise and then Hayley felt something sharp jag into her thigh. “MMMPPPFFHH…uummppgg…” Hayley felt her thigh go numb and that sensation spread across her entire body. “mmppgghh….uummpgghh…” Hayley screamed into the cloth until her head felt fuzzy. Jaclyn seemed to sense this and removed the cloth and got off Hayley. The blond tried to move but felt her legs and arms heavy and unresponsive, only able to move them a couple of inches, very slowly and with great effort. Hayley could hear, see and feel but couldn’t move. “aaccwwyynn..” Hayley slurred. Jaclyn ignored Hayley’s attempts to move and to communicate and retrieved the phone. The phone was placed on the bed next to Hayley and Jaclyn pressed the video and speaker buttons. Hayley turned her head to look at the phone, drool ran from the corner of her mouth.

“Not very sexy Hayley. My fault I know.” Hayley moaned. The voice was clearly now and the face unmistakable, now with an added scar on the right cheek.

“uummrr…hhrruu…” Hayley mumbled and tried to move again. This time her arm moved slightly more and a little quicker.

“The drug you were just injected with cuts off communications between your brain and any motor muscles below your neck. Don’t worry, it won’t kill you or have lasting effects. The muscles that keep you alive are not affected. But it will make you be a nice cooperative girl while we chat.” Hayley groaned, her mind reeling at this turn of events. “It wears off relatively quickly so I won’t take long.”


“Just relax and when you wake you will be all nice and secure. The girls will take good care of you on your journey.” Out of the corner of her eye Hayley could see Jaclyn pouring liquid from a bottle onto the folded white cloth. “Enjoy your nap. I look forward to catching up on the other side.”

“eeasse…acckll…moh…” Hayley groaned and shook her head slowly as Jaclyn approached. The older woman loomed over her with the cloth held in her raised right hand. Hayley pleaded with her eyes. It was of no us; Jaclyn slowly lowered the cloth toward Hayley’s nose and mouth. The smell of the fumes caught Hayley’s throat as it got closer and closer. In her current condition Hayley was not in a position to resist, the result was inevitable. This time when the cloth was pressed over Hayley’s nose and mouth the fragrance of chloroform was overpowering. Already in a weakened state by the drug Hayley knew that it wouldn’t take that long for her to slip in unconsciousness. The fumes assaulted her senses and quickly Hayley started to feel groggy. Staring straight into Jaclyn’s eyes Hayley could tell that something was seriously wrong with the woman. What had Crawford done to her? The familiar smell and feelings washed over Hayley and she started to feel light-headed and her vision became blurry. Not long now. A couple of more breathes and with a final moan Hayley’s eyes closed over.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Apologies for the delay in getting the latest chapter up. Hope that you enjoy! All comments welcome.
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Post by LunaDog »

Extremely intriguing. And extremely good.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

[mention]LunaDog[/mention] - Thanks for taking the time to read and comment. Very much appreciated.
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Post by Caesar73 »

What an ingenius Twist [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] ! I definitely not expected something like that - so Crawford is out there!

And the brainwashing Jaclyn! One think is for sure: If Hayley is in trouble , ,, her friends might be too soon - knowing Crawford

Jaclyn was really creepy! Well done!
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Post by LunaDog »

mrjones2009 wrote: 1 year ago Very much appreciated.
And VERY much deserved!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 26

Colorado, USA

“Penelope, how can we help you?” Kirsty asked as she opened the door to find Penelope standing in the frame. There was something about Penelope that didn’t quite look right. Penelope didn’t move. Kirsty looked back at Constance sitting on the closest of the two beds and shrugged. Whilst Kirsty gaze was on Constance the tall English woman walked through the open door. “Come in.” The door closed the Kirsty followed Penelope into the room. Penelope got to the centre of the room, spun around and stood facing Kirsty. The room fell silent. “You need anything Penelope?” Kirsty and Constance both looked at Penelope who stood there unmoving. Then slowly, Penelope reached into her pocket and removed a cloth. Kirsty cocked her head and then her mind drifted back to Hayley’s house and that little adventure that they had. “I don’t think that this is the time for that Penelope.”

“What?” Constance asked suddenly confused. “Is there something that I should know about?” Suddenly, Penelope threw herself at Kirsty and tackled her around the thighs. Caught unawares by this sudden burst of activity Kirsty landed on her rear end with a thump, the momentum knocking the wind out of her.

“Oft!” Kirsty gasped as she hit her head on the carpet. “What are you doing?” Penelope snaked up Kirsty’s body until she was sitting on her stomach. “Will you get off me Penny?” There was no reply. Just a blank look as Penelope’s left arm reached out, grabbed Kirsty’s right wrist and pinned it down. “PENELOPE! What the fuUUMMPPFF!” Penelope pressed the cloth over Kirsty’s nose and mouth with some force. Kirsty was surprised, the cloth was damp and a split second after the cloth was applied the fumes hit Kirsty’s nostrils. “OOTTT….MMUUHH…MMOOLLOORRMM…” Kirsty started to twist her head in an attempt to remove the cloth and then bucked and thrashed in an attempt to throw Penelope off. On the bed Constance looked on in amazement for five seconds in shock before she reacted.

“Penelope. Penelope.” Constance got up and made the short walk to where the skirmish was occurring. “Get off Kirsty know.” Constance put a hand on Penelope’s shoulder and shook it.

“UUMMPPFF…MMOOHH!” Kirsty continued to thrash and complain as the cloth remained in place knowing that she had to remove it quickly before the chloroform took effect. Penelope looked around and Constance gasped. It was like there was nothing behind the eyes. Realising that she had to do something Constance grabbed Penelope with both hands and started to heave her backwards.

“Move.” “Off” Constance used all of her strength but Penelope hardly moved. It was like she was made of stone.

“MMPPFFHH!” Kirsty screamed into the cloth in panic and Constance locked eyes with Kirsty. They nodded.

“One. Two. Three!” Both women used all of their strength and eventually that combination managed to shift Penelope off Kirsty, the momentum such that Constance and Penelope ended up in a heap on the floor. With access to fresh air Kirsty gasped and sucked in lungful as she rolled onto her side.
“Shit,” Kirsty gasped. “What the hell?” She got up on all fours and just in time to see Penelope getting back up and come back at her. Constance took an ineffectual swipe and Penelope’s legs with a wafting arm. “Enough of this.” Kirsty braced and then lashed out with her right foot and connected on Penelope’s right leg just below the knee. The woman slumped to the ground with a loud groan. Talking the chance of a brief pause in action Kirsty got up. “You alright Constance?”

“Yes,” Constance stood up. “What…” Penelope launched herself at Kirsty again. This drive like a safety meeting the running back in the hole, pumping her legs and driving Kirsty backwards into the wall with a thump.

“Christ!” Kirsty called. The cloth appeared in Kirsty’s vision but this time she was able to get a hand up and block the cloth from being applied over the lower half of her face. The fumes were pungent enough that she could smells them from a couple of inches away. Throwing off the gloves off Kirsty thrust a knee into a delicate area of Penelope’s anatomy. There was a flicker but no real reaction. “Constance. When you have a minute.” Seeing this Constance looked around the room. Seeing a lamp on one of the bedside cabinets and hurried over and grabbed it. She ran back across, lifted it high up and then paused. “DO IT!” Kirsty roared as she struggled to keep the cloth from being applied.

“Sorry,” Constance said and brough the lamp down on the back on Penelope’s head. That did get a reaction and Penelope lost her balance. This allowed Kirsty to push Penelope back and get off the wall. Stumbling backward Penelope bumped into Constance and lashed out, catching the beautiful you woman flush on the temple with her elbow. Constance crumpled onto the floor. “That’s it bitch It is on.” Penelope looked back at Kirsty and ran at her again. This time Kirsty was ready. She fainted one way and then slammed a knee into Penelope’s ribs and followed that up with a chopping right hand to the jaw which connected a glancing blow. They two women circled and switched places. Penelope still mute. The only sound in the room was Constance groaning on the floor. Penelope lunged again but this time Kirsty was ready for it, bouncing on the balls of her feet. She rode the charge and moved backward with the momentum. They both fell back onto the bed with Penelope on top of Kirsty. It was a good position for Kirsty and she used it to her advantage. It a flash Kirsty and wrapped her right leg around Penelope’s and then used her left leg to pin Penelope left leg to her body and wrapped it around Penelope’s stomach. Kirsty’s left hand reached around and grabbed Penelope’s right wrist pulled the woman’s arm tightly across her chest. The two women were locked together as Penelope thrashed around and tried to break free but Kirsty was able to control the woman with some effort as she reached out with her right hand for the chloroform laced cloth.

“Idiot!” Kirsty sighed and grabbed the duvet and pulled that closer before, in one movement, snatching up the cloth and clamping it over Penelope’s nose and mouth. “See how you like it.” The application of the cloth didn’t seem to annoy Penelope any. There was no reaction, the struggle remained the same. That was until the chloroform started to work its magic and the struggles weakened. Eventually the arms and legs lost power and just lay useless on the bed.

“You alright Constance?” Kirsty called out as Penelope moaned and groaned into the cloth. “Shut up and go to sleep.” Penelope’s eyes rolled and then her eyelids slammed shut. “Constance.”

“Yeah,” Constance replied. “Just a bit sore.” Now that Penelope was properly dosed Kirsty removed the cloth, released her grip and rolled Penelope off her. The woman rolled off the bed and landed on the floor with a thump. Constance crawled around the unconscious form of Penelope lying sprawled on the floor and sat near to Kirsty with her back against the bed. “What was that all about?” the younger woman asked between sucking on deep breathes.

“I have no idea,” Kirsty replied rubbing her shoulder. It was an old injury picked up during her time in the army. “That was all very exciting.” They looked at Penelope. “Did she seem weird to you?” Kirsty paused. “I mean, weirder than usual.”

“I suppose,” Constance replied. “What should we do with her?” Before Kirsty could reply the distant sound of engines pierced the night air. “What do you think that is?”

“I don’t know,” Kirsty got up from the bed and headed for the window. “But I have a bad feeling.” There were starting to be too many what seemed like random occurrences for her liking. Peeking out between the curtains Kristy saw blue flashing lights appear. There seemed to be cue of them arriving at the motel. Looking at Constance she walked toward the door. Kirsty flung the door open to see two ambulances and two police cruisers pull into the lot outside the motel. “Were we making that much noise?” Holding her hands out away from her body with her palms open Kirsty approached the nearest police cruiser.

“What’s up?” Constance asked appearing at the door, moving her neck to work out the kinks after the fight with Penelope. “They arrived quick?” Kirsty looked left and right. No sign of Hayley or Jaclyn taking any interest in what was going on. The doors opened and two officers got out of the lead cruiser. They had indeed? Kirsty thought and stopped. She couldn’t make out their faces but they were both female. Then the flashing light rotated and Kirsty caught a glimpse of one of the female officers. Kirsty froze and alarm bells went off in her head. The light rotated again and Kirsty got a slightly longer look at the face. Her brain made the connections. “Hell.” Kirsty said.

“Freeze ma’am,” the lead officer said.

“RUN! CONSTANCE!” Kirsty screamed. “NOW!” Kirsty was already turning and heading away from the vehicles. Although confused and not knowing exactly what was going on or why she was running, Constance turned right and took off as fast as she could. Only ten paces later Constance realised that she didn’t know where she was going. The motel was L shaped with a parking lot. The office was a small separate construction that sat on it’s on. There was a gap between that and the motel with scrubland behind and then heavy forest about fifty yards behind. Constance decided that was her best chance of getting way from whoever she had to get away from. Any other direction would be across open ground. As she reached the end of the row of motel rooms Constance paused and turned around. Kirsty was gaining on her, she was by far the better athlete then one of the two women chasing her dressed as police officers pulled out her nightstick, cocked her arm and launched it. The nightstick hit the target, Kirsty’s calves and Kirsty fell to the ground with a grunt. Then suddenly from nowhere three figures swarmed over Kirsty. “RUN!” Kirsty screamed before a large cloth was pressed over the lower half of her face by one of her attackers. Kirsty felt the hands all over her as she was pressed into the tarmac and her arms were pulled behind her back. “MMOOHH!” Kirsty screamed in frustration into the cloth. She knew that there would be no escape from forced slumber with these odds. She only hoped that her capture would help Constance escape.

“KIRSTY!” Constance called and hesitated for a second before she turned and ran. She didn’t look back. Not once. She ran over the uneven ground and then burst through the low hanging branches and into the forest. As Constance ran, she felt the small branches pull at her face and clothes. They stung and caused grazes on her cheeks. Having no idea where she was going and there was a stumble or two but she ran, then walked and then ran some more. Eventually she stopped, her lungs burned and her thighs ached. All that should could hear was the own breathing. Something cracked behind her and she spun around. It was a pronghorn. “Jeez.” Constance watched the animal for a full minute before it turned and hurtled off. “Seems you know where you are going. Wish I did.” At least she hadn’t been followed. That didn’t mean that they weren’t searching for her. It was hard to get her bearings. Constance wasn’t an outdoors person and did not have the skills for this setting. In the end she worked out where she had come from and headed in the opposite direction.

Halfway Inn, Colorado, USA

“What is going on?” the elderly woman said. The flashing lights, noise and commotion had made curtains twitch and doors open. Vernie Beneteau, wearing the uniform of a state trooper had been delegated crowd control.

“Ma’am,” Vernie addressed the woman. “I would be grateful if you could go back into your room, lock the door and stay back from the window.” Vernie took a step forward to crowd the woman and hopefully encourage her to take a step backwards, closer to her room. “There were reports of fugitives staying at the motel. Safer you are indoors.” The woman showed no signs of getting back into the room and looking around Vernie could see some similar issues that her colleagues were having. Just then a tall man opened the door to the neighbouring room and approached.

“What the hell is going on here?” the man said. All the hallmarks of a travelling salesman.

“If you would just go back to your room sir.”

“Who exactly is in charge here?” the man asked.

“I am,” Harper said from behind Vernie. Harper opened a leather wallet and flashed her fake identification. “Von Ryan, NSA. Look, I will make this clear and simple for you people. This is a matter of national security. You didn’t see anything. We were never here. Talk to anyone and you will end up in a very dark cell for a very long time. Do we understand each other?” The tall man and old woman looked at Harper. “I need you to say that you understand.”

“Yes ma’am,” the man replied after he had swallowed. The old woman nodded and they both retreated to their rooms. Vernie heard the doors lock behind them.

“Thanks,” Vernie said. Harper just shrugged and they both turned around. Hayley and Kirsty were being wheeled unconscious strapped down on gurneys toward the waiting ambulances whilst Jaclyn Sanders was led to a waiting police cruiser in handcuffs. “What happened?”

“No idea,” Harper replied. “The room that Kirsty was staying in looks like a bull ran round in there.”

“What about Penelope?”

“We are taking her along for the ride.”

“And Sanders.” A cruel smile appeared on Harper’s lips.

Colorado, USA

Bursting breathless from the undergrowth Constance found herself on a single-track back road. It was more like a track. A farm track that ran along the edge of a property. Constance had been running and walking for about an hour. The first time Constance had stopped she had realised that the only thing that she had on her was her watch. It had been given to her by her Great Uncle for her eighteenth birthday. Looking left and then right Constance had to decide which direction to take. She was trying to remain calm. Take one thing at a time. Don’t think about what happens tomorrow or the next day. Try and survive the night. Just then the sound of a car engine drafted toward her on the still night air. Deciding that she didn’t want to take a chance of how was in the car Constance retreated to the undergrowth and hunkered down out of sight. Trying to remain still as to not attract attention as the sound of the engine got louder. The car screeched to a halt next to where Constance was sheltering. “Get in!” It was a woman’s voice called through the window of the vehicle. Silence. “Look, I know that you are there Constance.”

“Who are you?” Constance called.

“Your fairly bloody godmother,” the voice replied. There was a click as the woman leaned over and opened the passenger side door. “Get in the car now.”

“You don’t work with Elizabeth Crawford. Do you?” Constance wasn’t as sharp as Kirsty or Hayley but she had already joined the dots and worked out who was behind the attack at the motel.

“Even if did, which I don’t, would I tell you.” Constance had to admit that this was a good point. Seeing no other option, she emerged from her hiding place and got into the car. As soon as the door closed the car shot forward. Constance was thrown back into the seat and fumbled for her belt. Not wanting to interrupt the driver’s concentration as they hurtled down the track Constance sat quietly and grasped the seat tightly with both hands. She risked the occasional glance at the woman behind the wheel and there was something there that looked familiar. Soon the track ended and the car skidded onto the main road. That didn’t mean that the driver slowed any. The car continued very, very quickly until the driver was satisfied. Then slowed down. Constance finally relaxed and let go of the seat.

“Who are you?”

“Straight to the point,” the woman replied and glanced at Constance. Now that Constance could see the woman’s face better there was a striking resemblance. There was something else that was bothering Constance as well. If the attackers were looking for her and couldn’t then how had this woman found her with what felt like ease.

“How did you find me?”

“Just full of questions Constance, aren’t you?”

“Some answers would be nice.”

“Alright, my name is Sephora Abernathy. Stef to my friends when in more relaxed surroundings.” Constance knew that something else was coming. She caught the accent now. Swiss-French. “How I found you was easy.” The woman held up her wrist and Constance found herself looking at a very similar watch to that on her own wrist. “Great Uncle Albert thought of everything. Didn’t he little cousin.”
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Post by LunaDog »

Yet again, a VERY interesting and enjoyable chapter.
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]LunaDog[/mention] This was another amazing addition [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] : Crawford did plan this very clever from start to finish. Only one thing did not work according to plan: Constance did get away. I fear difficult times are lying ahead for Kirsty and Hayley. We do now, that Crawford is someone holding grudges. That does not bode well for the future. That leaves two questions open? Who shall safe the day? So far only Gabriella did escape capture or worse? And who is beind those mysterious deaths and disappearances? What a yarn did you spin her [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] !
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 27

Colorado, USA

“How do we keep finding ourselves in these situations?” Hayley asked.

“Speak for yourself,” Kirsty replied, “this is somewhat of a new occurrence for me. Must be the company that I keep.” Hayley smiled. Sometimes all you could do was keep your sense of humour. They were in a bad situation. A situation that they weren’t sure exactly what was going on. “You sure it was Elizabeth?” Kirsty asked. Not really believing what Hayley had told her ten minutes ago. Hayley nodded and Kirsty exhaled loudly. “I guess that explains the imposter I prison.” They had both come around from their initial chloroform induced naps around fifteen minutes ago. Hayley was still feeling a little bit off and believed that she had been sedated with something else on top of the chloroform. They were both strapped into what looked like specially designed or manufactured wheelchairs. Heavily padded straps around both of Hayley’s and Kirsty’s wrists kept them secured to the armrests. Similar straps held their upper arms to the back of the chair. There were also straps around their ankles plus large straps across their thighs and around their stomachs holding them tightly to their respective chairs. The chairs were thickly padded in all areas as were the strap so they weren’t uncomfortable. They were however held tightly in place. “I see the fashion hasn’t changed.”

“At least they had picked nice colours,” Hayley said as she looked down at the down filled suit. It was light blue. They had selected a lovely shade of purple for Kirsty. The suites were soft and comfortable. When she moved Hayley could hear and feel the smooth nylon rub against the seat. “They even have matching finger control mitts,” Hayley wiggled her fingers as much as the padded mitts would allow. Between their legs the somewhat comforting bulk confirmed that they had been placed in diapers.

“Where do you think we are?” Kirsty asked as she looked around the small room. The only things in the room were the two women strapped to the chairs. The chairs brakes were engaged so they were immobile. The reply from Hayley was a shrug, well as much of a shrug as the restraints on the chair would allow.

“I think the more pertinent question would be where are we going?” They two women feel silent, each deep in thought about what the future held for them.

“Or what Elizabeth has in store,” Hayley nodded.

“She has had some time to…” just then the door creaked open and Hayley stopped. “Don’t you know how to knock.”

“Apologies,” Vernie replied with a smile. “I didn’t think that I would be interrupting anything.”

“You never know Vernie,” Kirsty said.

“And manners cost nothing.”

“Glad to see that you both have a sense of humour,” Vernie walked between the two wheelchairs and deposited a small bag on both Hayley and Kirsty’s lap.

“Time to get you both gagged,” Vernie confirmed. “Will you see to Kirsty for me Perrie.”

“You won’t get an objection to that from me,” Hayley replied. “Kirsty here is not well versed in the act of conversation.” Kirsty stifled a laugh.
“I would enjoy a laugh whilst you can ladies,” Vernie said as she selected a large white cloth from the bag on Hayley’s lap and scrunched it up in her left hand. “I am sure The Boss has some big plans for you.” That statement hit home and Hayley and Kirsty both felt a knot appear in their stomachs. “Well then, if there are no final words.” Vernie moved the cloth toward Hayley’s mouth. “Open wide.”

Vernie stuffed the cloth deep into Hayley’s mouth, filling it completely. Hayley moaned and sighed as Vernie went back to the pile on her lap but didn’t attempt to expel the cloth from her mouth. Hayley watched on thinking what was next as Vernie picked up the bag of cotton wool and a silk scarf before reaching into the bag of cotton wool pleats and produced a large wad which she placed at the centre of the silk scarf that had been folded into a wide band. “I assume that the blue scarves are for you and the purple scarves are for Kirsty.” Vernie picked up the scarf and centred the cotton wool over Hayley’s packed mouth and held it in place whilst she took both ends of the scarf and walked behind Hayley who felt the cotton wool compress and the two ends were tied together, there was a brief pause in that increase as the woman freed Hayley’s blond locks from under the gag then pull it tighter, eliciting a muffled groan from Hayley before securing the scarf with a knot. “Sorry, have to make it tight as you know The Boss is particular about a lot of things, and especially gags.” Whilst Hayley got accustomed to that gag Vernie picked up another cloth and folded it into a pad, placing it at the centre of another folded scarf. Vernie lined the folded cloth up with where Hayley’s mouth would be and placed it over where the cotton wool was and then tied the silk scarf behind Hayley’s head, very tightly keeping, viciously compressing every other part of the gag, keeping everything snugly and securely in place. Hayley winced as the second scarf was tightened, encasing and compacting all of the material over her mouth. “Right, finished.” Vernie said and rubbed her hands. Without another word both Vernie and Perrie left the room.

“mmmpppffhhh…uummppff…” Kirsty mumbled into her packed and layered heavy gag. She looked on as Hayley blinked her beautiful blue eyes over the almost matching shade of silk scarf that had been used to gag her. Despite the situation Kristy started to feel hot and bothered. Even the tightness of the gag couldn’t distract from how beautiful it she was. If anything, Kirsty shook her head, trying to shake away those thoughts.

“mmugghh…jjhhnnmm…” Hayley mumbled and with great effort managed to jump the wheelchair a little. Then again. Then a third time. “mmuupphh…” Hayley mumbled and nodded. Kirsty thought that she knew what Hayley was after and with some effort herself manged to angle the wheelchair that she was in. After about ten minutes of extreme effort Hayley was almost close enough to Kirsty to lean down and try and rub the gag off. Maybe that would work and maybe it wouldn’t by she thought that she had to try. Then the door opened again and Vernie walked back in.
“Now, now. What have we here?” Vernie said as she walked across and looked down at the two women in the chairs. Hayley and Kirsty both had to crane their necks slightly to look the woman in the eyes. “You weren’t told that you could move. That means a punishment.” Vernie hands had been stuffed into the pockets of her short down jacket, when she pulled them out one had was a bottle and the other a white cloth folded into a pad.

“mmmooohhh,” Hayley and Kirsty chorused.

“Yes,” Vernie replied. “You will have to learn to obey the rules. The Boss is getting serious about this.” The woman seemed to take pleasure in taking her time soaking the cloth with the sedative and taunting the two bound and gagged captives. “Now, who wants to go first.” Another chorus of mumbled complaints. “Let’s go with Hayley first,” Vernie looked at Kirsty. “I hear you like to watch.” Vernie walked slowly behind Hayley’s chair and then smiled as she reached around and pressed the cloth over Hayley’s nose and heavily gagged mouth. The blond moaned in frustration as the very familiar scent of chloroform filled her nostrils. “Just relax Hayley, it’s nap time.” It wasn’t long until the chloroform started to work and Hayley felt herself getting drowsy. There was obviously a lot of sedative still floating around in her system for the chloroform to have so much of an effect on her so soon after the cloth had been applied. “When you come round just sit still like good girls,” Vernie said as Hayley started to slip away under the influence of the sleep-inducing fumes. The room fell silent long enough for Hayley to fully succumb to the fumes and slip into unconsciousness. Kirsty had watched all of this intently and getting embarrassed that her main reaction was how hot she was getting. “Now, you turn.” Vernie paced slowly around behind Kirsty and then leaned over and pressed the same cloth over Kirsty’s nose and heavily gagged mouth. Almost immediately Kirsty moaned. Partly, due to this being the same cloth that had just been used on Hayley and partly that she was being rendered unconscious. “Sounds like you ate enjoying this Kirsty.” The drug was causing her ears to ring and vision to blur so Kirsty didn’t really make out what Vernie had said. Pretty soon it was all over and Kirsty’s eyes slammed closed.

Colorado, USA

Little good little captives. They did as they were instructed. When they both come around this time they sat and looked around. Mostly in silence. The threat of the chloroform was enough to keep them in check. The time seemed to drag on until the door opened again and Vernie and Perrie entered the room. “Time to get you ready for that trip.” Hayley and Kirsty exchanged eyebrows. It was a combination of feelings, anticipation, fear, anxiety. There were all there. Hayley watched as Vernie leaned down and patted Hayley’s groin. “Need to stop for a diaper change.” The brakes on the wheelchairs were released and Perrie wheeled Kirsty out of the room closely followed by Hayley being wheeled by Vernie. Outside the room, the corridor had no windows and gave no clue of where they were.

They entered a room and Kirsty quickly noted the mats lying on the floor. Then her eyes scanned the room and she saw what was lying on the floor close of the mats and she moaned. “Nice bags.” Perrie commented as she wheeled Kirsty into position and put on the brake. Hayley was then wheeled into position beside her. “Just give us a minute to get prepared.” Hayley and Kirsty looked at the restraining bags lying open on the floor and their eyes went wide eyed in horror. Six bags in total, three light blue and three purple. They were the most massively puffy bags that they had ever seen. What monstrosities they were. They were lying open, waiting on their captives, waiting to envelope them in soft, smooth fabrics and masses of down. The captives managed to look away for a second to glance at each other before looking back.

“Shall we get started,” Kirsty heard Vernie say before feeling a sharp pain in her neck. “mmpphh,” Kirsty moaned and wondered what was going on until a cool and relaxing sensation seemed to flow through her body. Kirsty knew it was some kind of drug. She tried and failed to wriggle her toes with any kind of dynamism. “Just something to make you more pliable ladies,” Vernie said as she injected Hayley with the substance. “Wouldn’t want any accidents. It is all about your safety and wellbeing.” Soon both Hayley and Kirsty were being released from the straps holding them tight in place in the wheelchairs and laid down on the changing mats. They both mumbled and tried to move but the drug seemed to kill most of their motor functions. “Doesn’t last long, just long enough though…” The friends glanced at each other over gag mouths as used diapers were removed and fresh diapers applied. Padded cuffs were placed on their wrists just above the finger control mitts. Then three sets of padded cuffs were placed on their legs, at the ankles, just below the knees and around the thighs. The down padding of the suit helped ease the discomfort. “You will both be very familiar with the process.” A tinge of glee in the voice. The next bit was the removal of the mass of fabric that had been used to gag them. Respite was brief as the fabric gag was replaced by the thick pad with the ball at the centre. Hayley mewed as the gag was applied, sure that the ball in her mouth was larger than she had previously experienced. Vernie secured the strap of the gag brutally tight at the back of Hayley’s head so that it pressed down on her lips. “Bag time.”

“Hayley first?” Perrie asked. Vernie nodded. With her position and the drug still in her system Hayley couldn’t really see what was going on but could hear the distinct rustling on nylon. Hayley swallowed knowing what was about to happen from several bouts of first-hand experience. There was a soft thump just to her right and Hayley turned to see the thinnest of the light blue bags laid down next to her. Thin was relative. It was thin compared to the other two bags that she would be place in later on, but anyone would still consider it puffy. Without any words Hayley felt herself being lifted up and they deposited onto the soft and padded nylon interior of the bag. As Vernie pulled Hayley’s lower legs into the foot pocket of the bag as Perrie positioned Hayley’s upper body so that her head rested perfectly on the build in pillow of the hood. At least they were trying to make her comfortable. Once Hayley had been positioned to their satisfaction, they stared to pull the zipper up. As they did Hayley felt the bag tighten around her, embracing her like an old friend. The familiar sensations returned as the zip moved up from her thighs, body, shoulders and all the way up to her neck compression the fabric and down around her as it did. At the top the double zippers of the figure-hugging bag were locked together with a small lock and then Hayley knew there would be no escape. The room had been silent throughout except from the sound of nylon and zipper.
“Now, just relax for the second bag.” Hayley wasn’t really in a position to do anything else but lie still with the drug still inhibiting her motor functions. She just lay still as she felt her legs get lifted as they were slid into the second bag. This bag was larger, more down insulation and had a centre zip. Hayley heard and felt the sound of the two nylon surfaces against each other as the women went about the business of slipping the rest of Hayley’s nylon and down encased body into the larger, second bag. After a bit of fuss with the hood Vernie started to zip up the at a very slow pace, both for dramatics Hayley thought and because it was such a tight squeeze that she really had to force the zipper to keep moving. Hayley moaned as he felt the fat mass of nylon squeeze her from all sides. The zipper was pulled all the way up and Hayley could already feel the pressure all around her body as the zipper was locked in place. Double bagged. Hayley was starting to gain more control and movement as the drug started to wear off. However, even with no additional restraints the tight fit of the bags was constraining Hayley’s ability to move a fair bit. She started to squirm around a little.

“Now, time for the transport bag.” There was a massive whump and Hayley turned her head again. As Vernie and Perrie dumped the bag on the floor next to their already heavily cocooned captive and began slowly unzipping the bag, relishing in seeing the concern in Hayley eyes. Once the bag was unzipped it sat there ominously waiting to gobble up its soon-to-be occupant. Hayley could see the top of the bag even over the hood. It was monstrous, huge, massively overstuffed. Hayley thought that this was overkill. There would be no escape from the two bags. Why was a third needed? As if reading her mind Vernie spoke again. “This is just to keep you secure and safe for transport.” Hayley moaned and groaned. Despite her muffled pleas no mercy was coming, Vernie and Perrie picked her up and forced there captive into the massive blue bag before starting to zip it up and lock Hayley inside. It felt like the bag was swallowing her up. It took a bit of effort for the two captors to get the bag closed and zipped up, fighting the massive amount of down the surrounded the unfortunate Hayley at the centre of the massive down cocoon. Once finished the outside bag was locked off. The massive hood restricted Hayley’s vision to the extent that she could only really stare at the ceiling. Vernie face appeared. “Hope that we don’t get lost. Only the boss has the key for those locks.” Haley groaned. “Just you lie still until whilst we sort Kirsty out.” A grunt was Hayley’s response. Was there anything else that she could do? Once again Hayley marvelled at how comfortable she was in these bags. Her massive restraining bag prison was so thick she flet herself sinking into it. Realistically she had so much soft nylon hugging him from all sides that the floor was just as comfortable as on a feather bed. The sensation was almost like floating. As she lay still and heard Kirsty being bagged Hayley felt her movements get even more restricted as the cocoon tightened its grip as the down lofted up around her, moulding itself around her form. It was pointless to resist the warm, welcoming embrace of her down prison but Hayley did try and give it a go. She fought within her cocoon in spurts, running out of energy quicker each time and quickly felt isolated from the outside world. That alone indicated more than anything else the long solitude and immobility and helplessness that loomed over her. The amount of down meant that Hayley barely even shifted at all, quickly discovered that the addition of the restraining bags meant she could no longer sit up, lift her legs, or even roll over. Hayley could only lay on my back and squirm. It was not like Hayley was surprised at this. Perhaps the number of bags and the amount of down was a surprise but not the eventual outcome. “Enjoying yourself there Hayley,” Vernie asked. “See you ladies later.” There was the sound of footsteps and then the door opened and closed.

“uuummmnnn…” Kirsty moaned. Hayley could barely hear her. They lay together, close to each other but isolated in their massive down cocoons thinking about the fate that awaited them. On the screen in a neighbouring room Harper watched the process in full with grim fascination. Despite Elizabeth’s rules, Harper had never had the dubious pleasure of being bagged. It was not something that she ever wanted to experience. There was a vibration in her pocket and without having to check who was calling knew who would be at the other end when she answered.

“Did you get Constance?” Harper didn’t respond. There was silence for a couple of heartbeats. Harper was nervous. “That is a loose end.” Elizabeth Crawford’s voice was even. “And I don’t like loose ends Harper.” The line went dead.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

LunaDog wrote: 11 months ago Yet again, a VERY interesting and enjoyable chapter.
Thanks the support and feedback. It means a lot!
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Post by LunaDog »

It's a pleasure my friend. As is reading your work.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 28

Northern Norway

The sound of the rotors was almost drowned out by the headphones that Harper had placed over her ears. A glance over her shoulder confirmed that the two massive down cocoons were still strapped down on cots toward the rear of the large helicopter. Hayley and Kirsty had made the journey in comfort. How long that comfort lasted would be up to Elizabeth Crawford. Harper did wonder how The Boss would react to seeing Hayley King again. As the helicopter banked a little Harper looked out the window at the compound where they were now based. How Elizabeth Crawford had found it Harper didn’t know. An abandoned research station in Norway. To say it was secluded was an understatement. No roads, just a track from the nearest road to the single entrance that allowed access into the compound from the walls that surrounded it. Even then you need a snowcat or ATV to get here. The easiest way was by helicopter. Assuming the weather allowed it the chance to fly. The compound was on the edge of a fjord that made any attempt to escape or access the place from two sides impossible. There were seven buildings in the compound. All very functionality designed. Strong and sturdy to withstand the extreme weather that you go way up here. There was a harbour a mile or so away with access down to the water by means of a lift built into the rocks. All very bond villain lair. “Two minutes,” the pilot’s voice said into Harper’s ears.

“Thanks,” Harper replied and checked that her seatbelt was secure. Landings could be bumpy. This time however, it was relatively smooth as the pilot set the helicopter down softly. They all sat until the rotors had finished turning before making preparations to exit the helicopter after another successful operation. Harper heard the large rear doors of the helicopter open and the ramp come down. Getting out of her seat Harper headed to the rear to issue instructions. As she passed Hayley and Kirsty, she ran a hand over each of their massive down cocoons and marvelled at the thickness and softness. “Hello ladies,” Harper greeted Yelena and Nicole as they wheeled a gurney up the ramp and into the body of the helicopter. They pushed the gurney between the two cots and then undid the straps and clips that were holding Hayley in place before transferring her onto the gurney and strapping her in place. They then wheeled the gurney back out into the cooling air. “Take her to get cleaned up. The Boss wants to meet her.” Yelena nodded to confirm that she had heard the instructions and the two women wheeled Hayley toward one of the buildings. Once they had left Vernie and Perrie wheeled another gurney in and deposited the purple cocoon Kirsty onto it. “Take her to her designated room.”

It was strange. Hayley was exhausted. Lying encased in down for the journey you would have thought it would have been the opposite. Maybe it was the nerves and what awaited at the other end that had made her tired as she couldn’t have claimed to have been uncomfortable. As she felt herself being wheeled from the helicopter and out into the open the almost impenetrable down cocoon Hayley couldn’t really tell anything about where they were. It was only really the noise that told her that they had moved inside a building. Hayley was wheeled along a corridor and then into a large lift. The lift went up two levels and Hayley was wheeled along a corridor and into a room. The straps holding her to the gurney were removed and then Hayley felt herself lifted and placed on a bed. Not that it would have mattered. The amount of down around her she would have been just as comfortable on the floor. Hayley heard a click followed by the sound of a zipper being pulled. The restraining bags had lofted up so that they had her in a tight embrace. As they started to be removed Hayley felt the pressure release from around her body. It was a strange sensation. Yelena and Nicole worked quickly and efficiently and very soon Hayley was standing free all off bindings and ungagged. Yelena picked up a towel and threw it at Hayley. “Twenty minutes,” the Russian said and pointed at a door in the far away wall. Without saying anything further the two guards left Hayley alone.

“Well, let’s see what is behind door number one,” Hayley said as she waddled across with the down suit swishing away. Behind the door was a small bathroom with a shower. “Better than nothing.” Slipping off the down suit Hayley flung it in the corner of the room before taking off her bra and soiled diaper and depositing them in the trashcan. Hayley turned on the shower and let the water heat up before stepping under the stream. Selecting the most powerful setting Hayley let the hot water pummel her entire body before scrubbing herself thoroughly. It felt good and her skin was glowing as she stepped out of the shower and towelled herself dry. When she exited the bathroom, she found Yelena and Nicole waiting for her.
“Longer than I thought.”

“Lie on the mat,” Yelena instructed in her flat Russian tone. A shrug of the shoulders and Hayley obeyed the instruction. There would be no point in resisting. All that she had to do was fight off these two women, get out of the room, get out of the building, get past however many other guards were around… A fresh diaper was applied to Hayley and then she was helped to her feet.

“We should get you into this.” Nicole was holding a down suit. This one was bright white and looked like it was tailored to be a little more flattering on the figure. The suit was unzipped and Hayley stepped into the built-in boots and shoved her arms through the sleeves as Nicole pulled the suit over Hayley’s shoulders. The heft of the down was evident on Hayley’s shoulders as the suit was zipped up. Without having to be asked Hayley stuck out her hands and had the finger control mitts applied followed by padded cuffs around her wrists.

“Shall we go?” Hayley asked.

“Not finished yet,” Nicole said with a chuckle. “You should know better than that.” Hayley gave it a shucks kind of look and shrugged her shoulders. The pockets of Nicole’s short down jacket seemed to bulge with fabric as she pulled out the material for Hayley’s gag. “Need to make sure you are quiet.” A large cloth was balled-up and stuffed into Hayley’s mouth. Then a cloth with a knot was produced. The knot was forced between Hayley’s lips and the ends were tied tightly behind her head, forcing the mass of fabric in her mouth deeper. Despite her experience of being gagged Hayley still groaned. A further cloth was folded in a thick pad and placed over Hayley’s mouth and a very expensive, think and silky white scarf was folded into a band and tied mercilessly tight over the pad to make sure all of the gag was compacted.

“uummppff…mmppffhh…” Hayley mumbled. Nicole gave a thumbs up and then nodded toward the door. Nicole turned and headed for the door, a nudge in her back from Yelena and Hayley stumbled forward a step before regaining her balance and following Nicole, Yelena fell in behind Hayley so that they made a short column. Hayley noted that the interior of this building was very anti Elizabeth Crawford. All very functional and utilitarian, like a military or government building. As they walked along the corridor a mix of emotions flooded through Hayley’s body. Anxiety, trepidation, anger and fear were all in there. Perhaps strangely, so was relief. Yelena knocked on the door.

EC Compound, Northern Norway

“Hayley thanks for coming.” Elizabeth Crawford stood up from her seat as Hayley was marched into the room between Yelena and Nicole. “Please take a seat.” Hayley threw her right shoulder up to throw off Yelena’s hand that had gripped her upper arm. After giving the large Russian a ferocious look Hayley walked over to the chair that Elizabeth had pointed at and sat down. Nicole scurried over and put cuffs around Hayley’s ankles. Eliabeth nodded and the two other women left the room. Once the door closed Elizabeth and Hayley were left alone. Hayley scowled at Elizabeth but with the gag in and over her mouth couldn’t say anything. Her stomach churned and her heart was thumping in her chest. Elizabeth walked slowly across, wearing a gorgeous orange gown style dress, and took the seat across from Hayley, smiled and looked her up and down. “As alluring as ever,” Elizabeth commented, leaned in and ran a hand down Hayley’s thigh and then leaned back in the chair. “I can’t tell you how happy I am to see you again.” Hayley’s stomach churned. “Do you like the new surroundings?” Elizabeth held her arms out wide. “Not as nice as an island in the Mediterranean but at the moment I thought it best to keep a slightly lower profile. This place was built some years ago as a research station for clean and renewable energy but was abandoned. It isn’t even on any maps which is handy.”

“mmppff…uummppff…gguummhh…” Hayley mumbled and shook her head.

“I think that the gag should stay in place for the moment. Now, I am sure that you have loads of questions. Probably starting with your trip to the prison.” Hayley stopped mumbling and stared at Elizabeth. Her natural instinct was to try and find answers and this one had confused her. “The woman that you met at the prison. She was convicted of some serious crimes, I am not one to gossip so will spare you the details,” Elzabeth waved a hand dismissively in the air like it wasn’t important. “The woman in question was happy to swap places in exchange for a substantial payment to her family and the possibility of walking free in four of five years.”

“mmppff…uummppff…gguummhh…ffyyhhnn,” Hayley mumbled again.

“We arranged to fake her death and I swapped places with her.” Elizabeth looked pleased with herself. “Think that we worked that one very well. Only problem is that I have been stuck in this back water of a place.” Hayley looked at the woman, amazed, was there nothing that she hadn’t thought of. “I suppose you want to know why?” Despite being repulsed by the woman Hayley nodded. “What my long-term plan is? Why escape and live here? Well, you know me better than that?” It was all that Hayley could do to not to roll her eyes. “See, I need a Presidential pardon to make myself legitimate. Now, this current President is a no go, but he will only be a single-term President. However, the Vice-President and I have an understanding. So, fingers crossed in four or five years…” an evil smile crossed Elizabeth’s lips as she confirmed the proposed timescale. “We will have loads of time to get re-acquainted.” The rage in Hayley was stating to build. “That just left one person to take care of.”

“mmoohh…mmggffhh…yyuuppff…” Hayley mumbled.

“You silly,” Elizabeth said. “Certainly, make this dreary place brighter.” Suddenly, Elizabeth jumped up and took the three steps across to Hayley who turned her head in anticipation. After picking at the knots Elizabeth removed the silk scarves that had been used to gag Hayley and then pulled out the mouth stuffing. After sitting back down Elizabeth looked at Hayley. “Something you want to say?”

“You bitch!” Hayley screamed. “You arranged for Elise and Christina to be killed….you are behind all of this….you probably set up that incident in Italy….” Elizabeth Crawford smiled her cold, hard smile and leaned back in her chair. “What the fuck have you done to Jaclyn?” Hayley continued to rant. “Natalie! You must have Natalie you twisted cow!” Elizabeth had a wicked and knowing smile on her lips.

“Hayley, what are you accusing me of?”

“You did all of this just to what? Get my attention!” Hayley ranted as if she hadn’t heard Elizabeth speak. “To hurt me just because I managed to beat you. Then you bring me here to what? Gloat? To have me like a trophy?” That comment seemed to strike home with Elizabeth.

“I think that mouth needs to be quietened before you say something that we all regret.” The room fell silent for a moment. Suddenly, Hayley lunged at Elizabeth, pushing off from the seat but with her ankles bound when she went to stride forward Hayley tripped over and landed face down on the floor carpet. “Oh, Hayley, I wish you wouldn’t do things like that. I am worried that you hurt yourself.”

“Not as much as you have you bitch!” Hayley hissed as she rolled over onto her back. Elizabeth loomed over Hayley with a look of genuine concern on her face.

“Maybe a nap is in order.” Elizabeth rolled up and then reached under her underskirts and pulled out a bottle that had been strapped to her leg using a garter. Then a lady’s handkerchief was produced from her cleavage, hidden in the cup of her bra. “Hayley, I can understand that you are tired and emotional after the past couple of months. I think that it is best if the girls take you to your quarters and make sure that you are comfortable, very comfortable and are able to relax for a couple of days.” As she spoke Elizabeth prepared the handkerchief with a dose of chloroform. Hayley remained silent, not wanting to give Elizabeth the satisfaction of protesting. She would accept the chloroforming without complaint. There was a lot of things to run through after the conversation and Hayley just wanted away from this woman. If it took being sedated and then having some alone time then that was fine by her. There was the sound of fabric rustling as Elizabeth knelt down next to Hayley. “Just smell the chloroform please.” Hayley didn’t engage, just locked eyes and held Elizabeth’s stare as the handkerchief approached. The whiff of the fumes got to Hayley’s nose a fraction of a second before the damp handkerchief was pressed firmly over her nose and mouth. Despite her experience Hayley still grunted a complaint and shook her head a little before telling herself to just relax. “Good girl, deep breathes.” Throughout the process of being knocked out Hayley just took even breathes and stared intently into Elizabeth’s eyes until her vision started to get fuzzy and she could no longer focus. The fumes were inhaled again and Hayley’s eyelids fluttered and then slammed closed. Tenderly, Elizabeth used her free hand to remove a strand of hair that had fallen over Hayley’s face. “Sleeping Beauty indeed.”

EC Compound, Northern Norway

Whilst Hayley was having her meeting with Elizabeth Crawford, Kirsty was having her own experience with Vernie and Perrie. A similar experience of a welcome warm shower when she had been extricated from the bags. As she was drying her hair with a towel Kirsty looked around the room. It was a small room, well two rooms. A very basic wet room with a shower in one room and then a changing room off it. They had wheeled Kirsty in and then debagged and removed her bindings before leaving her to her own devices. There was no point over thinking these things so Kirsty took the offered shower and waited for the door to open. When it did Vernie and Perrie returned with arms full of items that Kirsty easily identified. “I see you are now appropriately dressed.” The two women had changed from normal everyday wear into the standard uniform of large ball gown style dress with a short down jacket on top.

“You gave up your right to comment when you turned traitor Kirsty,” Vernie replied with an edge to her voice. “I would be more concerned about you than us if I was in our position.” That comment hit home with Kirsty. She knew Elizabeth Crawford was not the forgiving type. It meant that she could be in for an uncomfortable time of it. The diaper was applied, a fresh purple down suit was put on followed by finger control mitts and padded cuffs. The mitts were thickly padded and severely limited the movement of her fingers. That combined with the silky smoothness of the fabric on both the inside and outside of the mitts meant that trying to pick something up almost impossible rendering her hands useless. A further strap was placed around Kirsty’s torso to pin her arm to her stomach. It meant that her upper arms framed her breasts. Then the large ball and pad gag was applied, much to Kirsty’s annoyance. The large soft ball at the centre of the gag was forced into her mouth. Kirsty reacted and closed her mouth around the ball as the pad was pushed against her lips. Kirsty felt it push down on her lips as a buckle was used at the back of her head to secure it in place. “Just one more thing,” a padded mask was slipped over her eyes and the elastic band pulled over her head.


“You will just have to trust us to guide you,” Perrie said. Kirsty felt a hand squeeze her right breast.


“Oh, stop complaining,” Perrie commented. “I am sure that there will be worse to come.”

“Much worse,” Vernie said with a flat tone in her voice. That spooked Kirsty and suddenly she felt warm, the sweat pooling at the base of her spine. A vicious grip grabbed Kirsty’s upper arm, she felt it even through the thick down suit. The grip pushed her forward and Kirsty was marched out of the room and along a corridor. With the mask in place Kirsty was entirely dependent on Vernie and Perrie for directions. Fortunately, it wasn’t a long walk. There was a sharp turn and they entered a room. Kirsty jumped slightly as the door closed and then the mask was taken off. “Welcome to your new home.” It wasn’t very promising. Not your standard Elizabeth Crawford layout. The decoration was plain, the lighting wasn’t great, there was a single window with the curtains drawn, a single large wardrobe and chest of drawers and against one wall a single cot style bed.

“mmmooohhh…” Kirsty moaned into the gag as she noted the three down filled restraining bags

“Ah, I see you noticed the three bags. Sorry, Kirsty but Miss Crawford is adamant that Hayley and you are subject to the new three bag system. From what I hear the comfort and feeling is unbelievable,” Vernie commented. “What I am hearing. You would already be aware of that after your journey here.” Kirsty looked at Vernie with barely disguised hostility. “I assume that you will comply. If there are any problems, then the chloroform will come out. The choice is entirely up to you.”

“mmoohh,” Kirsty shook her head to let them know that she wouldn’t cause any issues. She looked at the bags again, especially the largest one. It was the first time she had been able to get a good look at the bag. The massive bag's soft and silky nylon shell was a purple colour navy and the even softer nylon inside was slightly paler. The outside of the bag was puffy, with deep creases forming under each baffle and the inside was very narrow due to the sheer amount of insulating loft. It was stuffed to the limit. Tearing her eyes from the massive bag, Kirsty noted that the other two purple restraining bags weren’t small. Just by comparison to the massive bag beside them as if expecting a new guest. They were all lying open, lofting up, beckoning Kirsty to get inside them. Perrie went over and grabbed the thinnest, everything was relative, of the bags and hauled it up onto the bed. As Perrie fully opened the purple bag Vernie guided Kirsty over and pushed her down so that her bum was resting on the inside of the sleeping bag. “Legs together Kirsty.” Vernie then used three more of the padded cuffs to secure Kirsty’s legs at the ankles, just below the knees and around the middle of the thighs. This was a slight improvement to the system than the strap. The small chain between the cuffs meant that there was slightly less discomfort with the diaper around the groin area. “Swing your legs up and get in the bag” Vernie commanded. With a little assistance Kirsty managed to do as instructed. Lying perfectly still, Kirsty waited as Perrie pulled the top of the bag over her and zipped the bag. Kirsty could feel the bag tighten around her as the zip was pulled up to the top and locked in place. Out of the corner of her eye Kirsty watched as Perrie and Vernie grabbed another of the bags. “Kirsty please do not struggle whilst Perrie and I put you in the second restraining bag. Kirsty lay motionless as she felt her legs get lifted as they were slid into another bag. Kirsty didn’t struggle but she wasn’t going to help her captors either so she lay there as dead weight as the two women managed to slip the bag under her body, finally getting the hood under her head. This bag had a centre zip so Constance and Kendall brought the two halves of the top bag together and zip them in place, fighting against the loft of the down to get the zip up to the top before locking it off. “How are we going to do this?”

“Good point,” Perrie answered. The room fell silent for a while.

“We will need to take her off, put the bag on the bed and then pick her up and drop her in.”

“Agreed.” Suddenly, Kirsty felt herself being lifted up and set down on the floor. Then there was the sound of nylon rustling and grunts as Perrie and Vernie hauled the monstrous bag into position on the bed. “God, that was hard work for a bundle of nylon and down.” Kirsty felt her shoulders and ankles being grabbed and then lifted before being deposited onto the open massive bag.

“Now, we have to close this thing again,” Vernie grumbled.

“At least we won’t have to do it again for twelve hours.” Kirsty groaned at hearing that. Also, as the zip was pulled up, she could feel the massive amount of down press against her. That happened all the way up her body until the zip was all the way up and locked in place. There wasn’t much movement but Kirsty tried to squirm around, there wasn’t much give in the down surrounding her. Then Vernie appeared in her field of vision, which was severely limited by the large hood of the restraining bags. “Can’t forget these.” Vernie leaned over and forced an earbud into each of Kirsty’s ears. Suddenly everything went fuzzy. “Hand me that.” Kirsty was confused until Vernie held up her hand with some kind of padded item in it. It looked like a cover. That was exactly what it was. The cover had studs in it which matched exactly the clips around the edge of the hood. There were four quarter sized holes in the cover but they didn’t along much light in and Kirsty was now almost entirely in darkness. This and the earbuds were relatively new developments and Kirsty didn’t like them one bit. Thumping her head back into the soft, thick pillow she noticed that the thickness of the sleeping bags was increasing as the loft inflated, pushing the soft material of the inner shell against her body. Once again, she marvelled at how comfortable she was despite her movements being severely restricted by the down that totally encased her body. “That sounded very frustrated.” Perrie and Vernie laughed. “The Boss thought that she was being a little gentle with her captives. They escaped last time so she has tightened up a bit. The one-week initiation period has become a month.” Kirsty groaned. “Even that depends on good behaviour. Don’t worry though, you will be released to begin the re-education program run by Doctor Schmidt.” This time Kirsty swallowed. That woman gave her the creeps. “There is something delicious about knowing that you cannot escape,” Vernie said by way of a parting gift as she patted the massive down cocoon with Kirsty at its centre.

“mmmuuurr…mmmppphhh…, Kirsty mumbled nervously. The down loft was smothering Kirsty’s entire body up, squashing down every part of her. Her entire head and body had been engulfed in a massive down cocoon. Normally, this wouldn’t phase her but something about the situation made her uncomfortable. There was a hiss from the earbuds in her ear. A piece of music played. Then the same piece of music again. This time not as loud. This cycle went on until the music was very faint. Then a soft, soothing female voice seemed to be in her head. "You are comfortable. You are beautiful. You belong here. You belong in tight bondage. You want to be in tight bondage. You were born to be bound and gagged. If you are not restrained, you are anxious. Nothing eases your mind and body like being unable to move or speak. Your voice should be moans and your actions should be struggles. You want to struggle but not to escape. You want to feel the restraints. You want them tight. You want your mouth to be gagged. You deserve to be gagged. You need to be gagged. You cannot sleep if you are not bound. You want bondage for everyone. You live to serve and struggle and moan. You are perfect only when you are bound and gagged. You have never been more in love than you are right now with bondage. You want to stay like this forever. Feel the bags tighten, preventing movement, preventing escape, you like this, you want this, inescapable down around you. You don’t have a choice, making it easy to accept."

EC Compound, Northern Norway

“It is our largest bag yet,” Nicole confirmed as she pointed at the massive white bag sitting on the Texas King bed. It was a four poster with luscious bedding and pillows. Not that Hayley would be sampling those for now. It seemed that she had a date with three more bags. These were brilliant white to match Hayley’s down suit. It seems Elizabeth had fully embraced colour co-ordination. “But I forget you have already experienced its embrace on your trip here.” Yelena walked across and pulled the largest bag from the bed. There was a thump as it hit the ground. That was a thickly stuffed bag.

“Yes, I have,” Hayley answered with a smile. “Very comfortable.” Hayley nodded. “Looking forward to being in it again.” Nicole and Yelena exchanged a look. “Actually, looking forward to getting in these bags whilst awake. I was chloroformed previously.” Hayley winked at Yelena. “Please don’t knock me out.”

“As long as you behave,” Nicole said.

“I will be a good girl and get restrained,” Hayley replied with a nod. She took another look at the bags. They were massive. The largest was gargantuan. The biggest and most down-stuffed bag that she had ever seen. And that was saying something. If she was being honest there was a little part of Hayley that was looking forward to getting back in the bags. It would hopefully allow her to calm down and think this through. Elizabeth denying all knowledge of what had happened to her friends had knocked her a little. Not that Hayley was surprised that Elizabeth had denied it. The surprise was that she kind of believed her. Hayley was already diapered, mitted with wrist cuffs and upper body restraints. Without having to be asked Hayley waddled across to the bed. Yelena opened up thinnest, internal bag fully and Hayley sat her diapered bottom down on the centre of the thick by ordinary standards bag. Not waiting for the instruction Hayley swing her feet up and settled them into the box of the bag. As she squirmed around to get comfortable Hayley could feel the thickness of the down and smoothness of the fabric of the bag. She put her head on the small but plump internal pillow in the bags hood and lay still, allowing Yelena to apply the straps to her lower body that held her legs firmly together. “Do you have to make them so tight?” Hayley winced. It seemed like Yelena was tightening the straps a little to enthusiastically for Hayley’s liking. Yelena paused in her work and gaze Hayley a look. Hayley didn’t like that look at all. Maybe it would be better to keep quiet. “No chance I am getting out of these bags anyway you crazy bitch!” Hayley thought but kept that observation to herself. It really should have bothered Hayley more that she was about to be subjected to inescapable bondage but she was surprisingly relaxed about the situation.

“I do love a nice compliant guest,” Nicole commented. Hayley didn’t rise to the bait. Sometimes experience told. Now that Hayley was laying in the bag Yelena quickly pulled the top over and fastened the zip before the captive could change her mind and roll out, it was a double zip and Yelena clipped them together with a small padlock. Hayley was now encased in a down cocoon with no means of escape from inside. A down cocoon that was only going to get thicker and thicker. Yelena disappeared and Hayley heard another swish of fabric and groaned. There was nothing that Hayley could do to prevent what was about to happen, so why make it more difficult by resisting. Just lie on her back and await her fate. “Not looking forward to this then Hayley. That was a groan.”

“Bring it on,” Hayley replied. Perhaps she would see what Natalie found so exciting about the bags. Thinking of her friend caused Hayley to pause for a second. The loft of the hood meant that Hayley couldn’t see what was happening, the only sense that was of use to her at the moment in determining what was going on was her hearing. And what that told her wasn’t encouraging. “Alright time for bag number two Hayley.” Nicole and Yelena positioned the second bag next to Hayley on the bed. Then without warning Hayley felt herself being lifted as Nicole grabbed the shoulders of the bag and Yelena the feet and hoisted the down cocoon containing Hayley into the second bag. They moved Hayley around a little until they were satisfied with her positioning and Hayley felt himself partly sink into the loft of the bag, it felt like being swallowed up by some strange device. Finally satisfied at what she had been doing Nicole flipped over both halves of the top of the bag, it had a central zip, and slowly began to zip it up, given the loft that took a bit of effort and assistance from Yelena. When she reached the top of the bag Nicole locked eyes with Hayley, clearly enjoying the helpless look that the captives stunning features gave her framed by the hood. Hayley was now fully zipped into the second bag and could instantly feel the warm and comfortable embrace of the down embracing her all around her body. Not an entirely unpleasant experience. Hayley knew that it would be pointless to try and move, roll or even sit up. Just lie back and enjoy the sensation.

“Now for number three!” There was a hint of joy or excitement in her voice. The final bag was absolutely monstrous. The mass of shiny white nylon was unbelievably puffy, even Hayley had never seen anything like it. It made the puffy down suit and sleeping bags she was currently wearing practically look like nothing in comparison. “Had to get this specially made for you,” Nicole commented as she went about unzipping the bag and making sure that it was laid out perfectly to accept its occupant. “Made to measure size wise and a lot of extra down stuffing.” Nicole finished unzipping the massive bag, stood bag and left the bag lying open, awaiting its captive. Leaving Hayley to mull over what was about to happen. Hayley had drifted off in her head, thinking of other things whilst Nicole and Yelena got prepared. Hayley’s thoughts were interrupted by the two guards hefting her and her down cocoon up and placing it onto the awaiting mammoth sleeping bag. The bag was large enough that the down cocoon fit inside with relative ease. For Hayley it was like landing on a feather bed the down was that thick. Nicole positioned Hayley’s lower legs into the foot pocket of the bag then began zipping the bag closed. Nicole was zipping the monster bag shut at a very slow pace, both for dramatics and because it was such a tight squeeze that she really had to force the zipper to keep moving. Hayley moaned as she felt the fat mass of nylon and down squeeze him from all sides. The zipper was only up to her waist at this point, but he could already feel the pressure of her situation magnifying greatly. As the zip moved up the bag was nearly zipped closed now, and she could feel increased pressure of her brutal down cocoon imprisonment continue to intensify. As she was squeezed not uncomfortably on all sides by the thick wall of insulated nylon Hayley didn’t react at all. Not giving the guards the satisfaction. Once the bag was fully closed Nicole and Yelena seemed to ignore Hayley and busy themselves with other things in the room.

“Everything alright?” Hayley asked from the centre of the massive down cocoon.

“Yes,” Nicole called back. “Just getting something prepared. “What about you?”

“Fine,” Hayley replied. “Very comfortable.” Hayley raised an eyebrow. That comment was not a lie. Then Nicole appeared in her vision, a cloth in her right hand. That got an eyeroll from Hayley.

“A bit early for that,” Nicole said as she brought the cloth over Hayley’s nose and mouth. “At least wait until a have applied the cloth.”
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Post by Caesar73 »

So this is Crawfords new compound - and Hayley and Kirsty get different treatments, which proves again that Crawford holds grudges. I have the feeling that Kirsty is in for a hard time.

That Hayley snaps because she thinks Crawford responsible for the disappearances and deaths of her friends is understandable. We will see how this will play out.

Love the last line :) A dry sense of humour. At the moment it is hard to believe that Hayley will get out of this ....
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 29

Start of the El Camino de Santiago Trail

The middle-aged woman behind the desk gave Gabriella her “credencial” back, the Pilgrimage Passport: The Pilgrim Passport acted as proof that the pilgrim had walked at least the last one hundred kilometres of a route into Santiago, which was necessary to obtain the Compostela certificate, the official testament of the pilgrim´s journey. Gabriella stepped out of the small office and into the hot sun. She had obtained her first stamp. She was now a pilgrim, one of the countless individuals who travelled on the way to Santiago de Compostela. People did this for different reasons. Out of religious motives, for soul searching, for sporting achievement, for a challenge or because they searched for a new sense in life. Gabriella´s motive to undertake the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela was different. She did not search for something she had to get rid of something. Hayley’s telephone call had spooked her. International conspiracies. Bugged houses. Hayley hadn’t given her any instructions except what she needed to get the USB containing the information, get as far away as possible and don’t tell them where she was. The instructions to the location of the USB had been cryptic but Gabriella had worked them out. When Gabriela opened the box and looked inside, she was a little shocked. In addition to the USB drive there had been cash, a lot of cash, which she had also picked up. Also, there had been several passport and other forms of identification with Hayley’s photograph but not her name. With the cash Gabriella had booked several airline tickets and then hopped on one at random. As a final destination, Spain had been the logical choice. Her Chilean heritage and looks meant that she didn’t stand out and she spoked the language. Easier to blend in.

The tall and athletic Gabriella walked the small cobblestone paved road to the small spartan hotel where she had booked a room for two nights. Tomorrow Gabriella would begin her pilgrimage. The first stage would lead her to Roncesvalles. In the Lonely Planet guide she had read on the flight from the States to Paris, before using a roundabout route of trains to get to the starting point, this stage had been described as probably the most demanding stage on the Camino. Almost twenty-eight kilometres long. Its elevation profile was daunting. On the first ten kilometres alone over 1000 metres uphill, nearly 1350 in total.

The former agent felt the hot pavement through the thin soles of her simple leather sandals. She looked like any other of the many tourists in the small city. A straw-hat on her head, a simple yellow summer dress, falling wide around her toned calves. Gabriella checked for any signs of surveillance and detected none “I am really paranoid” she scolded herself. But one could never be careful enough. Her enemy was determined, resourceful and absolutely ruthless. For the time being though she was sure she had given any observer the slip. In her sparsely decorated hotel room, she kicked of her sandals, and drank greedily from a water bottle, in July it was incredibly hot.

The perfect time for undertaking the pilgrimage was May at the latest, but she had no choice in the matter. But now in July the blistering sun was hammering the pavement relentlessly. Gabriella threw herself on her bed and stared at the wall and felt a twinge of sorrow, she missed her two girls already. At least they were safe. To keep it that way she had to finish the task she had begun.

After she had rested a while, Gabriella got up and tapped on her bare feet to her red back pack and began to check her gear and placed the back packs contents neatly on her bed. Preparation was everything. Mostly her luggage consisted out of the items one would expect when someone went on a six-week hiking tour. The most important piece: her brand new lowa Renegade hiking boots in prune & mauve. Gabriella weighed the shoes in her hands. They were surprisingly light. Minor drawback, she had had no time to break them in, but that could not be helped, the Chilean sighed. Tomorrow would be hell. Besides the hiking boots, a pair of trekking sandals, the pair of leather sandals she had worn today, a pair of sneakers. Hiking socks of course, two pairs of trekking trousers. There were also several items one would not expect to find in the back pack of a pilgrim. A Glock 19M and four spare magazines, a KM2000 combat knife and a few other highly useful things. Gabby still was unsure were to stow the Glock, so it was in easy reach but concealed as well. And there was the most important item of all, her insurance. A heavily padded small metal box, ten by fifteen centimetres. Her life insurance, and the reason why she undertook this endeavour. Her smartphone was a prepaid with a Spanish SIM-Card, to make it more difficult to trace. She had also purchased several more cards, just in case. The best way to stay under the radar was to use the phone as seldom as possible. Gabriella looked on her watch, time for a light lunch she would go to bed early because she had planned to start tomorrow´s stage at 0500 in the morning at the latest, to make the most of the ascent, while the sun had not reached its zenith.

The next morning, 0445 AM:

Gabriella adjusted the shoulder straps of her back pack, grabbed her trekking poles firmly and stepped on the road. St. Jean Pied de Port was quiet at this time of day. The morning was cool and refreshing, but that would change, she knew “Now I am officially a pilgrim” she mused. And the Chilean looked the part, she had even purchased the shell of a pilgrim, a mussel and fastened it to her back pack.

Gabriella needed a while to find her rhythm. She had decided to start at a slow but steady pace. While in good physical shape, this first stage would be demanding, she had read several blog entries, about the difficulties that awaited her. Soon she had left the fortified medieval town behind her and began the steep ascent. Several steep paths forced the freshly minted pilgrim to walk leisurely. Gabriella had no eyes for the surrounding green she just concentrated on her step, her breathing. One step after another, she had adjusted the shoulder straps of her back pack a second time. As the Chilean found out, it took time to get used to the ten kilograms or so on her back. After two hours of trotting on she reached a small village, Huntto: at a small fountain in the village´s centre she sat her back pack down, stretched took a long swig from her canteen and had a small snack; bread and cheese, some nuts.

With a sigh she shouldered her back pack again. The Chilean left the pavement road and took up again a ground and steep slope towards a viewpoint. So far, she had met only a few other pilgrims on her way, among them a dark-haired olive-skinned woman, of lithe build, who had overtaken her with annoying ease and paced up the steep slope agile like a goat. She even found time to greet Gabriella with the traditional pilgrims greeting “Ultreia!” without losing a step, graced her with an impish smile as she overtook her. In disbelief Gabriella had looked after her. She considered herself fit but this woman was not only fit. An elderly pair of Pilgrims, Germans, judging by the accent, had made an attempt to make small talk with her. First the Argentinian had kept her silence, hoping the two would realize she had no interest in any conversation. But her sour attitude had not dissuaded the Germans, so the Chilean accelerated her pace to leave them behind.

The sun was up now – and Gabriella sweated, even if the temperature was bearable. She had Orrison in her sights as she saw the black-haired woman who had overtaken her earlier, sitting on a wooden bench, next to the shelter. She smiled at the Chilean. “Took you long enough” she teased Gabriella good naturedly in Spanish, to her own surprise Gabby swallowed the snide remark on her tongue and smiled back.

“Better late than never,” Gabriella retorted as she set her back pack down and sat next to the other woman “Mexican?” she asked her new friend.
“Guilty as charged, what gave me away? My good looks?” The enthusiasm of her new companion was infectious Gabby found “Oh, I forgot my manners I am Leonor” the dark haired woman introduced herself.

“Francesca” Gabriella returned.

“Your first time on the Camino?” the Mexican prodded.

“Actually, my first day,” Gabriella shrugged. She tried to keep her answers short, trying to give away as little information as possible, on the flight to Paris she had worked out a cover story, which she hoped was plausible enough. ‘Francesca’ was a banker who had taken a sabbatical to decide if she should stay on the job or take another road, on the Camino she hoped to find answers to that question.

“I see” Leonor had smiled “soul-searching. I did that myself when I walked the Camino the first time,” as Gabriella learned on the way, it was the third time the Mexican made the pilgrimage. She found that trekking with a companion made the way easier. For long times they made no conversation at all. In silence they made the ascent. Leonor often several metres ahead “Her fitness is really remarkable” Gabriella mused concentrating on her breathing.

She had feared the new boots would cause blisters, but to her surprise they didn´t. Around 1100 AM they had reached the highest point of the stage, the Collado de Leopeder, 1450 metres above sea level. By now Gabriella felt every metre uphill keenly. Once more she envied her companion. Leonor seemed barely to sweat. As they began their descend to Roncesvalles Gabriella found that downhill was at least as tiresome as uphill: With every step she felt the weight of her backpack more, while Leonor seemed perfectly at ease and untroubled “Humility is good for the soul” Gabriella thought ruefully to herself “Leonor is older than me and in much better shape!” At approximately 1300 they stood before the small collegiate church of Roncesvalles. Gabriella sweaty, heavily panting, her knees killing her, felt a certain pride as she obtained her first ‘real’ stamp in her ‘credencia’.

“Where are you staying,” she asked Leonor.

“Here at the Pilgrim Hostel” the Mexican grinned “We are early, so it should be no trouble to get a place there. I love the atmosphere. You?”

“I booked a room in one small hotel.”

“I see” the Mexican teased her. “A simple bed in a pilgrim hostel is too good for the banker?” Gabriella blushed a little.

“I just want a bit of privacy,” she returned a bit defensively.

“Just teasing” Leonor chuckled. “Why don´t we meet later for dinner? There is a small tavern around the corner, nothing fancy, just good and honest food, shall we say sixish?” To Gabriella’s surprise she heard herself saying. She was supposed to be keeping a low profile.

“Yes, why not? If I can still make it down the stairs,” she added with a lopsided grin. They parted ways on the promise of meeting up for dinner.
The Casa Sabina was situated at the main road. Simple and quiet, Gabriella´s chamber was situated at the backside of the House on the first floor. She sighed as she discovered that there was no elevator, her legs were incredibly heavy. The room matched the rest of the house, but that was all Gabriella needed and the bathroom was clean. With a sigh she sat her back pack down and let herself fall on the bed. Her first priority was getting out of her hiking boots. She sighed in relief and wiggled her socked feet. Gabriella put her boots out on the balcony, before she stripped off her thick hiking socks. They were slightly damp, she would have to wash them out and let them dry on the balcony, she inspected her feet: No blisters! Ten minutes later she stood under the shower and the steaming hot water drummed on her back. She dried her hair and laid down on the bed, after she had massaged her aching legs and feet with horse balsam, a muscle gel, its chief ingredient horst chestnut extract. The relief was instantaneous. She dozed off. The efforts of the day taking its toll.

Later that evening:

Gabriella awoke abruptly, her pulse raced before she realized where she was “I am in Roncesvalles in the hotel. How could I be so careless not to take any precautions” she scolded herself. “You are on the run Gabby remember?!” she looked at her watch: it was a quarter to five. Time to get ready for dinner “I could devour a cow!” only then she realized how hungry she was.

As she stood half an hour later before the large mirror she felt a twinge of sadness, the temptation to call home, to hear the twins voices was overwhelming, but the moment passed and she straightened herself. In her heart she knew, that the best protection for her loved ones was that she avoided any contact and fulfilled the task she undertook this pilgrimage for. Before she left her room, she had taken some simple but effective measures so she would know, if anyone had entered her room in her absence. Gabriella had slipped on her tracking sandals, one of the two simple summer dresses she carried with her and a sportive shoulder bag slung over her shoulder, mainly to hide the Glock, her eyes hidden behind large sun glasses “Tomorrow I won´t be barely able to walk down the stairs,” she mused darkly, as she stepped down the stairs, wincing with each step. The young woman behind the counter greeted her friendly as she stepped on the main street. She had thirty minutes left until the agreed meeting time, enough for a short stroll through the small city and to check if anyone followed. Gabriella considered it highly unlikely that she had been followed so far, but if she had learned anything since her encounters with Elizabeth Crawford it was to be prepared to expect the unexpected. While she strolled casually through the streets she checked for any surveillance.

Precisely at 0600 PM she met Leonor at the Monumenta de la batalla Roncesvalles. The Mexican waved at her. Her short black dress showed off the toned armed and legs, the lithe frame of a runner, Gabriella analysed. “You look good” the other women complimented after they had exchanged pecks on the cheeks.

“Thank you!” Gabriella smiled “You too! Where are we going? I could devour a cow!”

“Then I know right the place in this thriving metropole of Navarra” the black haired Mexican smiled “Come!” Fifteen minutes later they sat in a small rustique tavern. Enjoying some the red vino de la casa and some local cheese as appetizer Leonor told her about herself. “I am a photographer, a freelancer, my speciality are ware zones,” she got serious. “I have been practically everywhere: Syria, Iraq, Libya, Chechenia, Congo, you name it.” It was for the first time; Gabriella sensed the iron core of the other woman “But let us talk about something different” the Mexican demurred “Tell me something about you Francesca.” Gabriella knew she had to tread carefully. “If you tell a lie stay close to the truth” was the iron rule she intended to follow. Leonor was pleasant enough, but Gabriella could not afford to trust anyone. Not in her present the situation. Imitating a banker came naturally to her thanks to her former line of work.
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