Nothing Personal 6 (F/F)

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Post by mrjones2009 »

Sorry for the slight delay in updating the story this week.

Might be a couple of weeks until he next update as have to make a few tweaks following input from [mention]Caesar73[/mention]

Thanks for the views so far. Much appreciated. As always comments welcome! Enjoy.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Very intriuging chapter - so Hayley met the famous Broker at last. And as it seems all for nothing: The Broker has not interest in Natalie. Too bad. We still have no idea what fate has befallen Natalie. And the end of this chapter was rather myterious. Some hints maybe. If Hayley knew, she made the trip all for nothing .... poor Hayley, poor Natalie. And I have the feeling Hayley is sadly mistaken in one regard: The Crawford will never be her problem again ....

Now we have to wait ....

Thank you for mentioning my humble contribution [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] !
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 17

Suburbs of Washington D.C.

Agent Lindsay Ralston knew that something wasn’t right about the Vice President Elect. There had been something off with him and his daughter, Evan since the little trip to the island. A shudder ran down Lindsay’s spine as she thought about it. During the aftermath Lindsay had been forced to sign another Non-Disclosure Agreement on the whole subject. “National Security,” had been the answer when Lindsay had asked the question. Well, it wasn’t her style to sit back and do nothing. In the background she had been making enquiries and asking questions. Now, it was time to take some more direct action. After parking a couple of blocks away she made the rest of the journey to the Vice President Elect’s residence on foot. She was hoping that the build-up to the party that evening would mean that she wasn’t really noticed. At the entrance to the property Lindsay flashed her identification and was walked through. “What you doing here Ralston?” a fellow agent called.

“Checking the stuff that you have missed,” Lindsay replied. The man made a rude hand gesture. Feeling relaxed Lindsay made her way into the house and started to look around. It would be difficult to have a proper look around without causing suspicion but she had been right, the preparations for the party did cause confusion in the house. Staff, agents, caterers all buzzing around. It allowed her unchallenged access to the house. The agents knew her. They might wonder why she was here but they probably had other tasks to perform. Finally, she managed to slip into the study. “If something is going to be anywhere.” It was quiet with a nice big desk, an old leather chair, a large rug and a coffee table and some bookcases. She started with the book case, pulling out books and flicking through them. Not really knowing what she was looking for, hidden papers, a diary with confessions in it, a secret compartment. Finding nothing she tried the desk. The drawers were locked. Pulling the chair out of the way she looked at the desk. Something wasn’t right. She walked around to the other side of the side and knelt down on the rug. She chapped the desk. Solid. Moved her hand. Chapped again. Solid. Moved her hand. Chapped again. Not solid. “What do we have here?” Moved her hand. Chapped again. Solid. Moved her hand in the other direction. Chapped again. Not solid. Secret compartment. Lindsay was so focused on the task at hand that she didn’t notice the figure sneaking up behind her until it was too late. There was a whoosh and then something heavy being swung in an arc collided with her skull. Lindsay was out before her face landed on the rug. Evan pulled out her mobile phone and hit 1 on the speed dial. In was answered almost immediately. “Dad, we have a problem.”

Suburbs of Washington D.C.

This was not good. Not good at all. “Did you have to hit her Evan?” Mark Davenport asked his daughter. Lindsay Ralston lying spread out where she had fallen on an ornamental rug in the study.

“She was snooping around…I thought I was doing the right thing.” Davenport knelt down just to check that Evan hadn’t hit the women hard enough to kill her. He knew that Ralston had been asking question about him and digging around. It was something that he was keeping tabs on in case he had to deal with it. Well, now it had arrived in his study and he had to deal with it. At a particularly awkward moment.

“It’s alright. We just have to think about what to do with her now.” There would be no explaining this or buying her off. It was time to make a telephone call. “We need someplace to hide her for a while.” He was the Vice President of the United States. There was no way that he would be able move an unconscious woman without someone in his Secret Service detail asking questions.

“What about my room?” Evan suggested.

“That will have to do for now.” The next problem was how to get her there past everyone milling around the house. He couldn’t do it. Then he had an idea. He texted Martin Reeves, his Press Secretary and asked him to come to the study. The man had no scruples when it came to protecting him from a story that could damage his reputation. “When Martin gets here just let me do the talking.” The man arrived three minutes later. “Hi Martin, thanks for coming…”

“Who the hell is that?” Martin said as he noted Lindsay sprawled on the floor. “What the bugger happened? Does anybody else know?” Davenport held up his hands to calm down Martin.

“Whatever is going in your head it isn’t that bad,” Davenport tried to assure his Press Secretary. He could tell Martin’s brain had already jumped to the wors case scenario and was in full damage limitation mode. “Would you like to know what happened?”

“I would indeed.”

“Now, as you know Agent Ralston worked on my detail for a while but left,” Martin nodded. Davenport had slipped effortlessly into smooth politician mode. “We kept the actual reason for her leaving secret not to cause embarrassment to any of the parties involved.” Davenport sighed. “Agent Ralston had become slightly obsessed with Evan and made a pass at her.” Martin’s eyebrows shot up his forehead as he looked between the three people in the room. “Evan politely turned down the invitation by Agent Ralston wasn’t put off. One night Evan had a little too much to drink and Agent Ralston got a little handsy so we had to ask her to move on. Kept it all quiet though and would appreciate if you would do the same.” Martin nodded.

“That doesn’t explain this,” Martin pointed to Agent Ralston lying on the floor.

“Agent Ralston came around today uninvited and asked to see Evan. To apologise. Isn’t that right Evan?” Evan nodded. “Things got out of hand, words were exchange and Evan reacted by pushing Agent Ralston away, she stumbled and hit her head.” Davenport shrugged. “Now we have this situation.”

“I didn’t mean it daddy,” Evan said with a sniff and sob. Good girl. Perfect timing.

“And the party in a couple of hours.”

“Indeed.” Davenport let the silence linger. “I thought that to avoid this getting out of control we could just deal with this ourselves.” Martin nodded.
“I can’t really get involved as the minute I step out of the study the Secret Service will be all over me.” Martin nodded again. Davenport could see the cogs turning in the man’s head. It would be a favour owed. “Evan will take care of Agent Ralston in her room until she is in a fit state to leave but needs help to carry her up there.”

“Say no more,” Martin replied.

“Thank you Martin,” Davenport headed for the door and then stopped. Just give me ten minutes to make a call and then I will organise a meeting in the kitchen to keep everyone in there. On exiting the study, he headed straight for the rear of the property, through the kitchen and out into the garden. He stopped in the middle of the lawn which was as much privacy as she was going to get in his own house as Vice President. Pulling out his phone he paused for a second before dialling the number from memory. It rang five times before being answered. “We have a problem.” The voice answered. “That Secret Service Agent Ralston.” The voice asked a question. “My daughter caught her looking around and had to take action,” Davenport said, “she had asking questions anyway. It was coming to the time when we would have had to have made a decision anyway.” Davenport listened to the voice on the other end of the line. “No, not that kind.” The voice responded. “The woman has to disappear. I thought that was your speciality.” The voice responded. “I know who is in charge. You don’t have to remind me.” The voice responded. “That takes time to arrange.” The voice responded. “It takes time to arrange these things. It has to come across as natural. These women worked in the intelligence community.” The voice responded “We have a party this evening.” The voice responded “Fancy dress. That may actually help us.” The voice responded “I will find somebody on the guestlist as they will have been vetted and your people can take their place.” The voice responded “Alright. I will expect your team in a couple of hours.”

Ten minutes later

Evan opened the door and peaked out. The cost was clear. She held the door as Martin half carried and half dragged the unconscious Lindsay out of the study and then toward the bottom of the stairs. Martin was not a large or powerful man and it took all of his strength to haul Lindsay up the stairs and along to Evan’s room. “Just put her on the bed Martin”, Evan pulled some clothes of the bed dumped them onto the floor.

“That was harder than it looks on television,” Martin commented as he dumped Lindsay onto the bed. He then bent over and picked up her legs and spun them onto the bed. He then stood with his hands on his hips.

“You can leave now,” Evan said. Martin stood for a second before turning and leaving. Once he had exited Evan scurried across and close the door.
“Now, I should probably tie her up.” Evan went across to the bed and started by pulling off Lindsay’s shoes and put them on the floor. She then patted down the woman and found her wallet, phone and keys. These Evan stuffed in the shoes. The only experience that Evan had with tying up was from the island. She raided her drawers and found a pile of silk scarves and some handkerchiefs. They would have to do. Evan started by balling up a load of handkerchiefs and stuffing them into Lindsay’s mouth until there was no room for any more to fit in. Lindsay’s cheeks bugled with the mass of fabric that Evan had stuffed in there. “They mentioned that packing was essential for a gag.” Next Evan picked up one of the silk scarves, a nice plain green one, tied a knot in the middle and rammed the knot into the packing in Lindsay’s mouth before tying the ends together tightly at the back of Lindsay’s head. With a gag in place Evan set about securing Lindsay’s legs. The silk scarved were used to bind them together at the ankles, just above and below the knees and then around the thighs. The scarves were all different colours. Evan managed to roll Lindsay onto her back and brought her arms into the small of her back. Another scarf was used to tie Linday’s wrists together. “What…Ah!” Evan was looking for some way to secure Lindsay’s arms further and thought she had found the solution. She picked up a scarf and tied one end around Lindsay’s wrists before tying the other end to the belt on Lindsay’s trousers. The young woman smiled as her own ingenuity. Just then Lindsay started to stir, letting out a moan. Right then Evan decided to reinforce the gag with another scarf that she folded into a band. Now, Evan had to trust that the bindings would hold, after all, she had a party to prepare for.

Suburbs of Washington D.C.

After rushing around to find two women that were on the approved list and texting the details to his contact Mark Davenport had to rush around and get into his own outfit. It was nothing fancy, he was going as a cowboy, but he still wanted make sure he looked alright. If he was being honest fancy dress wasn’t his thing, it all felt a little forced fun, but it was all in a good cause. As he was checking himself in the mirror there was a soft knock at the door. “They have arrived dad.” It was Evan. She had asked the security detail to let her know when Miranda Grant and Esther Jenkins had arrived using the cover that they were friends.

“Thanks Honey,” Davenport looked over his daughter’s choice of outfit, Snow White. The irony didn’t elude him at that point. He popped on his hat.
“Let’s go.” They went downstairs to find that the party had started without them. People were mingling, chatting, eating and drinking. There were people dressed as Laurel and Hardy, The Terminator and Tom Brady. Wait, Davenport got a second glance at the man under the helmet. He was sure it was actually Tom Brady. As they got to the bottom of the stairs two women entered dressed as ancient Egyptian Priestesses carrying a Mummy on a sled on their shoulders.

“Wow! That is some costume.” A man dressed as Ferris Bueller commented. Davenport got pounced on by a couple of staffers and he had to stop and talk. He gestured for Evan to pick up the newcomers. Evan walked up to them and smiled.

“Follow me,” Evan instructed but got nothing back. She turned and headed back the way that she had come with the Egyptians following behind.
“How did they have time to organise this?” Davenport asked as the strode by. The women wore long white robes that fell to their ankles, sandals, black wigs what fell to their shoulders and decorative masks over their faces.

“What did you say Mark?” the person he had been talking to asked.

“Nothing,” he replied distracted. “I just need to go and say hello to some new arrivals.” Making his excuses Davenport went after Evan and her new friends. He wanted to ask what had happened to the real Miranda Grant and Esther Jenkins but thought better of it. They were both junior staffers so Davenport hoped that nobody would miss them. Oh, and obvious he hoped that they were both unharmed. Before he could catch up though he was grabbed by another well-wisher. This time it was a big donor and he couldn’t avoid the long and boring conversation that was about to occur.

Ninety minutes earlier

“I think that should just about do it,” Esther Jenkins adjusted her sexy pirate outfit so that the skirt showed a little more thigh. It had been tough to decide exactly what to wear. Miranda had wanted to go as Daphne and Velma from Scooby Doo but Esther had said no. It was clear that Esther would have been Velma, Miranda had the correct hair colour for Daphne and Esther wanted to look sexy and create an impression.

“Lookin’ good,” Miranda called as she stopped in Esther doorway. Esther turned around and looked at her housemate. She had gone for the Daphne outfit, purple dress and headband with a lime green kerchief tied around her neck. “Ready to go?” Esther gave her the thumbs up. “Just let me grab Scooby and we can phone a cab.” Esther shook her head; Miranda had managed to find large stuffed Scooby Doo toy that she could carry around. Esther went back to admitting herself in the mirror for anyone couple of seconds before grabbing her purse.

“Let’s go!” Esther called. “I do hope that Jacob from Senator Coughlin’s office is there. He is ccuuttee.” Esther waited for Miranda to respond. “Miranda?” She paused and looked at the end of the corridor where her housemate’s room was. The door was closed over. “I hope you aren’t changing outfits because I look so hot in mine.” There was a noise from the room. Esther walked over and chapped. “Miranda.” Opening the door Esther found Miranda. A figure dressed head to toe in black and wearing a mask held her housemate and had a leather gloved hand firmly clamped over Miranda’s mouth. Miranda’s cheeks bulged and the hand held a thick cloth over Miranda’s mouth, muffling her attempts to talk. Before Esther could react, an arm grabbed her from behind.

“Don’t say a word or your friend gets hurt.” Stunned Esther nodded. She was scared and she could tell from the look in Miranda’s eyes that she was as well. “We aren’t here to hurt you. Just need you out of the way for a couple of hours until we do a job.” Esther was trying not to cry. “Open your mouth.” Before Esther could, a balled-up cloth was pressed against her lips forcing her to open her mouth and accept the giant wad as stuffing. Esther choked and groaned as the cloth was fully pushed in. Now she knew why Miranda’s cheeks were bulging.

“mmuuhhrr…” Esther grumbled as a leather gloved hand pressed another thick cloth over her lips and held it in place.

“Now that you can’t shout, I can explain,” a third figure appeared and stood between Esther and Miranda, “we are going to tie you up and then leave.” That caused muffled moans and groans from the two gagged women. “There are worst things than being tied up.” The moans and groans ceased. “Right.” The figure held up a roll of silver duct tape. “Finish those gags.” The sound of tape being pulled off the roll and the figure approached Esther. I what was clearly a well-practiced move the gloved hand moved the tape pressed firmly against Esther’s left cheek. The tape was then pressed over Esther’s lips and tightly around her head, it caught the cloth that has been pressed over Esther’s mouth. The tape was wrapped around Esther’s head a dozen times, each wrap tighter than the last, compressing the fabric in and over her mouth. When the figure was satisfied with the gag, they pulled out a length of rope. “Wrists together in front.” Esther complied and the rope was wrapped around her wrists, cinched off and knotted tightly, binding them together. The figure nodded and then turned and Esther watched as the tape and rope were applied in exactly the same manner to Miranda. “Now get on the bed.”


“Just do it,” the figure said, “we are trying to make you comfortable here.” The two housemates exchanged a look and then walked around to different sides of Miranda’s double bed and got on, lying right in the middle of each side. What other option did they have? Once they well on the bed the black clad figures went to work. Ropes were used to secure Esther and Miranda’s legs together at the ankles, just above and below the knees and they around the thighs. A length of rope was then used to secure the rope around their ankles to the frame at the bottom of the bed. “Stretch those arms ladies.” When then did reach up over their heads another length of rope was used to tie the rope around their ankles to the frame at the top of the bed. The figures lifted up their heads and put pillows underneath and then without a word left.

“mmpphh...” Miranda looked at her housemate and mumbled. The thick cloths and tape making speech unintelligible and pointless. Esther gag talked back a little and they two of them tried to get loose, squirming around on the bed and pulling at their bonds but it was useless. They were secure. Esther’s mind drifted off to what these people wanted. It seemed a bit elaborate for a robbery. After about fifteen minutes he three figured came back. They were all dressed differently but still had masks on.

“Now ladies, you will just lay here nice and bound and gagged and not try to get free. Won’t you?”

“uuhhmm…mmeesshh…” both Miranda and Esther nodded.

“Do you believe them or should we sedate them to be sure?”

“mmoohh…uupphh…” both Miranda and Esther shook their heads violently.

“Good. We will call the police after we have finished our job to come and free you. Shouldn’t be more than three hours.” The three figured then left the bedroom and Esther and Miranda strained their ears to hear them leaving, Esther heard a door slam and then a van start then she looked at Miranda. They both struggled again for a couple of minutes but all them seemed to get were sore wrists and out of breath. They both stopped and looked at each. Three hours it was then. They hoped.

Suburbs of Washington D.C.

If she could just reach the knots. Lindsay Ralston strained her fingers to try and reach the knots on the scarf around her wrists. You wouldn’t think that silk scarves would be this good at keeping people secure but it seems like they were. “uummpp!” she cried into her heavy gag in frustration. After coming around with a pounding headache it had taken her a couple of minutes to regain her senses and work out what had happened. Her mouth ached from being gagged, probably the uncomfortable amount of fabric in her mouth and her arms and legs were secured with silk scarves. Lots of silk scarves. She had been rolling around on Evan’s bed for the past fifteen minutes trying to get loose before they came to check on her again. Focus. Deep breath. Try again. Just as Lindsay was about to try again. The door opened and Evan slipped inside. This time she held the door open. What followed behind had Lindsay staring in disbelief. Two tall women wearing what looked like ancient Egyptian dress carrying a Mummy between them on some kind of sled on their shoulders. The two women lowered the sled onto the carpet and Lindsay got a good look at the Mummy. It was definitely female shaped.

“So, this is her?” one of the women asked Evan.

“Yeah,” Evan said looking around nervously. The two women undid some hidden straps and moved the Mummy from the sled. “What are you dressed as?”

“Egyptian Priestesses,” one replied.

“You got somewhere you can stash this,” the second Priestess said pointing at the Mummy. Evan nodded. Lindsay watched all of this with interest wondering what was going on. The whole scene was bizarre. One of the Priestesses pulled a tray out of the sled and started to remove items from it. At that point the various cogs in Lindsay’s head lined up and she knew what was about to happen. What they were going to do to her. How they were going to ger her out of house full of people. Some would call it ingenious.

“mmppffhh…mmmooohhh…uummpphh…” Lindsay cried and started to thrash around on the bed. The nearest Priestess fell on top of her and pinned Lindsay down.

“What happened?” Evan took a step back at the sudden explosion of movement.

“Agent Ralston just worked out what is going on.” The Priestess put all of her bodyweight on top on Lindsay and held out a hand to her colleague. “Better give me that syringe now.”

“uummppff…” Lindsay screamed and redouble her efforts but bound and with a larger woman on top of her it was useless. Then a weight fell over her legs and her movement became even more restricted. There was a pinprick in her thigh that hurt for a second and then an icy feeling started to spread out from the pinprick.

“There, that wasn’t so bad.” The Priestess said. Lindsay had a strange feeling in her leg. It felt rubbery, like it wasn’t really part of her and she had no control of it. “This drug will just stop your muscles functioning for a bit whilst we get you ready.” Lindsay moaned. “You will be awake throughout and be aware of what is going on. Before we actually move you, we will give you some chloroform to put you to sleep.”

“Can’t have a Mummy coming to life,” the second Priestess joked. The strange feeling spread across Lindsay’s body from her thigh, up her leg and then across. She tried to wiggle her toes but couldn’t.


“Starting to work. We can get off now.” The two Priestesses got off Lindsay and she tried to move but found it very difficult. Her legs were useless and her arms were starting to feel strange as well. It was all that Lindsay could do to rock her shoulders.


“Looks like the drug is working.”

“The count of ten to make sure and then we start.” Lindsay could have told them they didn’t have to wait the count of ten. If she hadn’t been gagged. She was completely immobile. Once they started, they removed all of the bindings and the gag that Lindsay had been wearing and put them into a bag. Lindsay tried to move but found that her body was almost completely unresponsive. She could breathe, blink her eyes and moan a little. That was about it. They positioned her so that she was lying on her back with her legs straight out and arms by her sides. It was a surreal experience being woman-handled like this and not being able to respond.

“Diaper first. Can’t have any damp patches.” Lindsay felt her hips being raised and then lowered. When they were out back down her bottom landed on the thick inside padding of the diaper. This was embarrassing. Lying being diapered and not being able to do anything about it. The diapers rustled as it was applied and the secured with the sticky tabs. “That should hold it.” Lindsay felt a pat on the front of the diaper. The Priestess picked up Lindsay’s left hand and slipped a cuff around the wrist. The left arm was then placed across her chest just below her breasts. The cuff had a strap on it and a cuff at the other end. The strap was wrapped around Lindsay’s body and then her right arm was placed across her chest and the other cuff was placed around Lindsay’s right wrist. The strap was then adjusted so that there was tension in the strap and the arms were held in place. They couldn’t move independently. “Good.” Then straps were placed around her ankles and big toes. Next the Priestesses slipped Lindsay into a full body sock made of nylon and lycra, making it durable and malleable. It clung tightly to Lindsay’s body. It had a hood which they brought up and tucked Lindsay’s hair into. That process was repeated two more times to make three body socks in total.

“How long will you be?” Evan asked looking around.

“This does take time,” one of the Priestesses replied. “Tidy up the clothes.”

“Sorry about the interruption,” the Priestess said to Lindsay. The two Priestesses then pulled several rolls of silver duct and started to wrap Lindsay from toe up to her shoulders. It took some time and a lot of duct tape but they finally completed the process. One of the Priestesses pushed a cloth into Lindsay’s mouth and then plasters a large rectangle of micro-foam tape over lips, pressing it down firmly. Round pads of cotton wool were then placed over Lindsay’s eyes and held in place by crosses of more micro-foam tape. “One layer to go.” That layer was a layer of bandages. It took some time but eventually Lindsay was wrapped from head to toe in soft but strong fabric bandages. The only bit of her body not covered was her nostrils which allowed her to breathe. Lindsay could tell that the drug was starting to wear off now as she could feel the sensation start to come back into her arms and legs, not that it would do much good as tightly wrapped as she was.


“We should get going. That drug is starting to wear off.” Then without a large, damp cotton ball was placed over Lindsay’s nostrils. “Just relax and take even breaths, you will just drift off.” The sting of the fumes hit her nostrils and she tried to twist away but couldn’t. Almost instantly her head started to feel strange and an array of colours burst behind her blindfolded eyes. Just as she was starting to get the feeling back in her arms and legs, they started to feel disconnected again and she groaned. Almost without realising it Lindsay slipped into unconsciousness. The cotton was kept in place for a while to make sure that Lindsay was stay out for the duration. “Better get going.” The two women lifted the mummified form of Lindsay and placed her onto the sled before attaching her in place with the hidden straps and hoisting the sled onto their shoulders.

“Heavier with an actual person on board.”

“Evan,” the other said, “any chance you could get the door and then lead us down.” Evan nodded, scurried over to the door to her bedroom and held it open for the two women with the sled to pass through. As they descended the stairs the party was in full swing. Nobody really paid them any attention, which seemed strange but they were at a fancy dress party and the booze had been flowing. As Evan guided them to the door, she exchanged a glance with her father who was in a corner talking with Martin Reeves, and gave a thumbs up.

“Was that Evan?” Martin Smith asked Davenport. “I guess Lindsay is fine now?”

“Yes, just a bump to the head and a dent in her pride. Never to be spoken of again She just left.” They went back to discussing strategy for getting a bill passed. At the front door the security detail didn’t flinch as the women dressed as Priestesses and exited the building and headed towards a van.
“Miranda Grant and Esther Jenkins leaving,” Evan mumbled to the agent on her left. He scrolled through a list on a tablet and pushed a couple of buttons.

“Thanks,” he said, “some commitment on those costumes.” Evan nodded but couldn’t take her eyes off the sled as it was slid into the back of the van. She watched until the van pulled out of the driveway and exited the property. Then she turned and headed back into the party, her stomach churning.
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Post by Caesar73 »

The idea to spirit Lindsay out of the house this way? Just brillant - I wonder how this chapter will fit in with the mothers. There are so many different pieces of the puzzle ..... Excellent [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] !
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Post by mrjones2009 »

15k views! Thanks very much. Appreciated.
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Post by Windrunner »

Being paralyzed by criminal captors and being unable to move while they took their time, expertly and carefully, putting on restraints, a diaper blush, then not even able to shake a nose at the chloroform? Just being powerless to resist and hearing them taking their time as consciousness faded away? Oh no! What can happen next!?!

(There was an old mummy "horror" film that had a scene that followed similar plot lines - though they weren't "considerate" enough to diaper the poor captured damsel - how inconsiderate! I remember watching that movie and it definitely was etched into my memory, you just knocked it loose from a very dusty file cabinet. I may have to try to figure out what low-budget made-for-TV movie it was!)

Looking forward to the next chapter, the next story, the next impossibly kinky wonderfulness you dream up!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Windrunner wrote: 1 year ago Being paralyzed by criminal captors and being unable to move while they took their time, expertly and carefully, putting on restraints, a diaper blush, then not even able to shake a nose at the chloroform? Just being powerless to resist and hearing them taking their time as consciousness faded away? Oh no! What can happen next!?!

(There was an old mummy "horror" film that had a scene that followed similar plot lines - though they weren't "considerate" enough to diaper the poor captured damsel - how inconsiderate! I remember watching that movie and it definitely was etched into my memory, you just knocked it loose from a very dusty file cabinet. I may have to try to figure out what low-budget made-for-TV movie it was!)

Looking forward to the next chapter, the next story, the next impossibly kinky wonderfulness you dream up!
Many thanks for your kind words. I hope that you enjoy the next chapter. Speaking of which....
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Chapter 18

Over the Atlantic, USA to England

The Broker had been in contact again. There was someone who potentially had information about Natalie. It was a long shot but at this point Hayley was willing to try just about anything. The only problem was they would have to commit a crime to get that information. That crime would be kidnapping. Alright, kidnapping a not very nice person with links to the criminal underworld but it was still kidnapping. Hayley knew that it was a lot to ask but both Kirsty, Constance and after a telephone call Penelope had all volunteered. They were all taking a chance. If they were caught by the authorities then they would be charged, they had no cover. If they were caught by the organization that this person worked for then they would probably be in even more trouble. Kidnapping might seem a bit extreme but Hayley doubted that the person would just talk to them if they asked. Hayley didn’t want to leave too much of a trace so had called in a favour from Emily St Clare. The use of her private jet. So, Hayley, Kirsty and Constance found themselves sitting on plush, comfortable chairs speeding their way to London high over the Atlantic. “This really is the only way to travel,” Hayley commented as she relaxed in her large, leather chair.

“Well, some of us are certainly enjoying it,” Kirsty nodded at Constance, who was sound asleep. The two friends fell into silence again and Hayley could tell that Kirsty wanted to say something. Her friend was biting her lip occasionally. “There is a bedroom back there,” Kirsty nodded toward the rear of the jet. Hayley laughed and shook her head.

“I knew you were thinking about something,” Hayley said. Kirsty shrugged and Constance stirred. “And if Constance wakes up…” Hayley released that she hadn’t just said no. They wanted to keep their little liaisons quiet so had kept it just between the two of them. Kirsty reached down into her bag and pulled out a bottle.

“We can make sure she doesn’t for a while.” Hayley opened her mouth to protest but something stopped her. Mile High Club. Hayley nodded. What was she doing? Kirsty looked surprised but was anxious not to lose momentum. Patting her pocket and then searching her bag, Kirsty cursed herself at not having a handkerchief to hand.

“Forget something.” Kirsty looked at Hayley. Hayley winked and blew a kiss. Tease. Looking around Kirsty saw the bathroom and got up. Once inside she found cotton wool and tore off a large wad. Holding that up as she came back into the main cabin. Hayley supressed a giggle as Kirsty took the top off the bottle and poured the required amount onto the wadded-up cotton wool. Once the top was back on the bottle. “Careful,” Hayley whispered as Kirsty slowly moved the damp cotton wool under Constance’s nose so that she was inhaling the fumes. Kirsty watched intently as Constance’s nose twitched but didn’t stir. As Constance inhaled the fumes she moaned slightly. Kirsty knew that timing was everything. She had to make sure that Constance had inhaled enough of the fumes before pressing the cotton tightly over Constance’s nose and mouth. “Cooling down over here.” Kirsty glanced at Hayley who had now loosened the buttons on her jeans. Time to take the chance. Kirsty pressed the cotton wool over Constance’s nose and mouth.

“mmmuurrr….uummpphhh…uuurrr…” Constance moaned and her head slightly but the eyes remained closed. Kirsty was focused on Constance and making sure she was out. Another ten or fifteen seconds. Just to make sure.

“When you are finished having fun over there…I will be in the back.” Kirsty turned to see that Hayley had got out of her seat and was walking toward the rear of the plane. Her blouse had been disposed of and her right hand reached for the clip on her bra. Tease. Kirsty looked back at Constance who was sound asleep. Picking up the slumbering woman’s right arm Kirsty let go and watched as it dropped limp down by the side of the seat. Done. Kirsty got up and hurried after Hayley.

London, England

Emily St Clare’s private jet touched down on the tarmac at the private airfield and rolled to a stop near the hanger at the back of the apron. The sleek jet had only been stationary for seconds when the door opened and the stairs came down. Hayley appeared in the doorway and looked around before descending onto the tarmac. Kirsty and Constance followed closely behind, each carried a bag in one hand and a jacket in the other. The sun was starting to set as the women entered the hanger. By the time they were ten paces into the hanger the plane was already taxiing toward the end of the runway to take off again. The pilot was heading to France to wait on a call to return. Kirsty stopped, turned and watched the plane take off. There was a feeling in her stomach that a point of no return had been reached. Turning back Kirsty saw that Hayley and Constance were walking toward a dark blue four door car. As Hayley leaned over and found the key in a small case that was on the front right wheel arch Kirsty hurried over. The lights flashed as Hayley the car and opened the driver’s door. “Oh, we have a problem.”

“I can drive a manual,” Kirsty said as she held up her bag for Hayley. “Be a dear and stick that in the boot.” Hayley barely suppressed a smile as took the bag and dropped the key into Kirsty’s palm. “Thank you dear.” As Hayley made her way back to the boot Kirsty eased into the driver’s seat and adjusted the seat, mirrors and steering wheel to suit her before putting on her seatbelt. There was a gentle thud as the boot closed before Hayley and Constance got into the car. Hayley in the passenger seat next to Kirsty and Contance in the back seat.

“How is the head?” Hayley asked over her shoulder. Kirsty started the car and tried not to laugh.

“Still a bit fuzzy,” Constance replied. “Must be the altitude.” Kirsty and Hayley exchanged a glance as Kirsty selected first and move off. As they were driving Hayley’s phone starting to buzz.

“Gabriela,” Hayley confirmed as she took the call. Before leaving they had given their friend a key to the house. To keep an eye on the place and also to allow Gabriela some peace and quiet away from the twins if required. They had left a bottle of wine and some chocolates on the dining table for her. “That doesn’t sound promising.” Kirsty glanced at Hayley whose face had taken on a very serious expression. “Are you alright to go down there?” Again, Kirsty could only hear one side of the conversation. “Remember watch your back and don’t take any chances.” Hayley hung up. Then closed her eyes and slammed her palm onto the dashboard twice.

“What’s up?” Kirsty asked.

“Gayle,” Hayley replied. “Gabriela was at our place when the phone went. It was a contact that I have down in Miami. Gayle was out on a boat as part of that hen party she had been invited to. Something has happened and the crew have reported her as missing.”

“What happened?” Constance asked from the rear seat.

“My contact didn’t want to discuss over the phone so Gabriela is jumping on a plane and heading down there to find out more.” Hayley looked at Kirsty. “Still think that I am being paranoid babe.”

“Maybe not,” Kirsty mumbled as she glanced in the rear-view mirror.

“What do you mean?” Hayley craned her neck to glance at the traffic behind them. “Problem?”

“All your talk of conspiracies might be rubbing off on me but I swear that there is a car that has been following us since we got out of the airfield. Three back. Dark blue Audi.” Hayley counted and found the car just as it indicated and took a left turn.

“One less thing to worry about.”

London, England

Following the satellite navigation system in the car Kirsty got as close to the street as possible in the car. Having found somewhere to park the park Hayley, Kirsty and Constance walked around the area. “Are you sure we are going in the right direction?” Hayley asked.

“I am sure we have been down this street before,” Constance commented looking around. Hayley stuffed her hands deep in the pockets of her thick down jacket. It was starting to get cold. The sun had set a while ago now and the breeze had picked up.

“These are the directions that…” A tall, raven-haired woman stepped out of the stepped out of the shadows.

“Hello Penelope,” Hayley said with a twinkle in her eye. “It is a pleasure to meet you again.” Penelope nodded a response.

“Must have been a long flight,” Penelope commented. “Can I buy you ladies a drink?”

“I suppose you have somewhere in mind?” Hayley asked.

“Funny you should say that,” Penelope turned and walked in the other direction. The three other women stood still for a second before following. It was a short walk to the pub. If you were being kind, you would have called it dated or maybe traditional. The Dog & Duck would not be appearing on any fashionable lists but it was clean and had a decent selection of drinks. Vimto for Kirsty, vodka, soda water and lime for Constance, bottle of Miller for Hayley and a Guinness for Penelope. “Nectar of the gods,” Penelope said as she licked the foam from her top lip after taking a mouthful. “So, how have you all been?” The group caught up and talked in general for a bit before getting in another round of drinks, this time with crisps, and getting down to business.

“Do we have somewhere to stay?” Kirsty asked. Penelope nodded as she was still finishing off the last of the crisps from her packet of salt and vinegar.

“Grace gave me the keys to her place in London. Thought that would be safer than booking into a hotel and leaving a trail for people to follow.” Hayley nodded as she finished off her smoky bacon crisps. Constance had not taken up the offer of crisps.

“Should we get down to business?” Penelope asked picking up her phone from the table. The pub wasn’t busy but they had taken a booth in the furthest corner of the pub so that they have some privacy.

“Indeed,” Hayley stated. “Erin Moynahan.”

“So, how do we get to her?” Kirsty asked.

“Security is tight.” Penelope said scrolling through her phone. “A very hard lady to get close to. Did you think about just giving her a call?” Hayley nodded.

“Not going to work unfortunately.”

“Worth suggesting,” Penelope signed and handed over her phone to Hayley. As Hayley started to scroll through the photographs Kirsty and Constance leaned in to get a better look. “From what little surveillance I have been able to carry out and information I have been able to gather there is only really once a week where she is vulnerable.” Hayley, Kirsty and Constance all leaned in. Penelope took her phone back. “Once a week she has a booking at this apartment.” Penelope played with her phone and pulled up the website for a rental agency. “Some place.”

“Bet that doesn’t come cheap,” Kirsty commented.

“That would be an understatement,” Penelope confirmed. “Now, in addition to the two-person security team that Erin takes everything there will be a concierge at the door and security cameras.”

“This is our best option?” Kirsty asked somewhat sceptically.

“Only place with combination of privacy and no security. Could try her house but security it tighter than a duck’s arsehole, office is the same, beauty treatments are public…”

“Alright, the apartment it is then,” Hayley conceded. “Haven’t even asked yet.”

“Why the apartment?” Penelope suggested with a wicked smile.

“Ha! That looks like somewhere keep your fancy man,” Constance said with conviction.

“Not quite right,” Penelope was enjoying this.


“Getting warmer.”

“Ah, ladies of the night.”

“But, very, very high-class ones.” Penelope picked up her glass and finished her second drink. “Erin has a certain fetish and likes it to be delivered by beautiful young ladies.” They all looked at Constance.

“What?” Constance said with a shrug.

“It would be easier to do this from the inside out. Rather than have to break in.” They all looked at Constance. The young woman was taking a bit of time to put this together.

“Come on, there is an offy on the corner we can get some supplies and head back to the house.” The rest of the group got up and started to put on their coats.

“No,” Constane shook her head. “Nah,” another shake. Constance had finally put it together. The rest of the women smiled. “No way!”

Grace’s House, London, England

“No, I am not doing this,” Constance was still complaining as they turned off the road, through a small gate and onto the path that led to the front door of Grace Sharpe’s house. Kirsty had parked as close to the house as possible and they were all carrying a bag in their hands. Penelope’s was a carrier from the off-licence and the others had their bags. Leading the way Penelope opened the door and hey all piled in. The house was compact in width but had three levels. Kitchen, entrance, stairs and living room on ground floor, toilet and one bedroom on the second and two bedrooms on the top floor with a small seating area.

“The only problem with the house is that there are only three bedrooms,” Penelope said as they filed through the door into the living room. “So, either somebody, and I mean one of you ladies, takes the couch or somebody has to share.”

“I don’t mind sleeping on the couch,” Constance said. The couch looked comfortable enough. They all dumped their stuff on the floor. “Looks like a nice place.”

“Yeah, her dad bought it for her,” Penelope made a face as she caught Hayley and Kirsty exchange a glance. Kirsty shrugged and Hayley nodded.

“Nah, it’s alight. Hayley and I can share.”

“You sure?” Constance asked. “I don’t mind.”

“Yeah, sure. All adults here.” Hayley said.

“Did you manage to get hold of Natascha?” Kirsty asked Hayley.

“Nope,” Hayley replied with a shake of the head as she opened her bag and started to rummage through it. “Hasn’t returned my other calls either. Starting to think that we have fallen out.”

“Give me a hand Constance,” Penelope said holding up the blue carrier bag. The young woman nodded and followed the tall raven-haired beauty. In the kitchen Penelope removed the bottles of wine from the bag. “Glasses should be in that cupboard,” Penelope pointed with an elbow as she looked at the top of the wine bottles. “Corks. Classy stuff.” As Constance found four glasses Penelope searched for the corkscrew. “Here you are.” As Penelope wrestled with trying to get the cork out of the first bottle Constance appeared at her shoulder with the glasses. “Are they sleeping together?” Penelope asked Constance. The reply was a blank look. “Hales and Kirsty?”

“Nnnnoooo,” Constance dragged it out. “I would have noticed.”

“Sure?” Constance nodded but Penelope was unconvinced. The cork popped and Penelope grabbed the bottle and turned. After one stop she spun around and grabbed the second botte and opener. “Save me some steps.” Constance fell in behind with the glasses. “What do you want to order for food?” Penelope asked as she re-entered the living room. “The world is our oyster round here.”

London, England

“I can’t believe that I am doing this,” Constance whispered as the lift pinged softly to signal that she had arrived at the penthouse level. The doors opened and Constance stepped out into the lobby. The decoration was expensive and subtle. There were two penthouses on this level and she turned right toward the target apartment and instantly noted the two security guards standing to attention, one of either side of the door. Penelope had been able to use her local connections to get them the van and the communications equipment.

“Just relax,” Kirsty’s voice said in Constance’s ear. “You can do this.” Constance shook her head slightly and tried to relax by breathing deeply, in through the mouth and out through the mouth. She approached the two security guards confidently. Constance was wearing long leather boots, black tights, suspenders and a short, tight leather dress under a long tan raincoat. You could hear the leather creak as she moved. In addition, Constance wore large Jackie O style sunglasses and a black silk headscarf to disguise her appearance and pulled a large case behind her.

“What’s your name love?” the man asked.

“You couldn’t afford to find out,” Constance replied coldly. The female security guard tried and failed to disguise her laughter.

“What my friend means is that you aren’t the usual girl,” the female guard commented.

“Yeah, Tiffany’s isn’t feeling well so asked me to stand in.” Constance pulled the phone from her pocket and showed the guards the screen after pushing some buttons. “Tiff said just to show you this.” The two security guards looked at the screen, then each other and nodded.

“What’s in the case?” the male security guard asked.

“Do you really want to know?” Constance asked in return. The man shrugged and looked at his partner who shrugged as well. Confidence was the key. Act like you belonged and nobody would question you. “I didn’t think so.” The truth was that the bag was currently full of bricks. Well, that and one of two other items. The man chapped on the door three times before using an electronic key to disengaged the lock and push the door open.

“Enjoy,” the man said as Constance strode inside. The door closed behind her and Constance stopped. The floor was tiled and her heels had clicked as she walked. Looking around Constance couldn’t see anyone.

“Just get ready. I will just be a minute.” A strong female voice echoed from a room off the main suite. The room was large and spacious. There looked to be one bedroom directly off this centre room and a kitchen straight ahead. The balcony that overlooked the river was just off to the left and then to the right was a corridor that led to two further bedrooms, toilets and a hot tub. The tiled floor gave way to carpet as Constance walked across to a low glass table surrounded by two red couches. Constance slipped off her coat, headscarf and sunglasses off before piling them one of the luxurious red leather couches. Then she opened the case and removed some items and put them on the table. Then a deep breath, turn around and she was face to face with Erin Moynahan. A very well-preserved woman of forty-seven wearing a matching set of red underwear, stocking and suspenders. The woman wore a thin, silk dressing gown open and was barefoot.

“Wow, you are a stunning creature.”

“Mistress doesn’t want to listen to you talk,” Constance said. “Gag yourself immediately.”

“Gag myself?”

“What did I say?” Constance replied and picked up a whip, walked around and hit Erin squarely on the behind with the whip. Erin flinched. “No speaking. I have been kind and supplied you with the means of making yourself silent. I expect to be pleasured for that later. Any more talking and you will find some used knickers to cram in that hole of yours. Mistress is very kind letting you stuff your hole with something nice and clean from my own drawer.” Erin seemed to think about not complying for a second but a second whack with the whip pushed her toward compliance and Erin reached out picked up the two pairs of knickers and large red ball-gag. Erin ball-up the underwear and stuffed it in to her mouth, making her cheeks bulge. “Get it all in there for Mistress.” Then she placed the ball into her mouth and buckled the two leather straps together at the back of her head. “Better.” A third strike with the whip produced a whimpered mew in response. “Mistress likes that sound. Make that when I fill your other holes later on.” In the van outside Hayley turned to Kirsty and raised an eyebrow.

“You ladies thinking about getting Hot Stuff involved in whatever you have going on?” Penelope asked with a smirk. Hayley gave her a look.

“What do you mean?” Hayley asked.

“I mean, you pair are clearly playing around in the bedroom,” Penelope said and raised her hands. “I am not judging here.”

“You are…”

“Can we just concentrate on the job at hand for the moment?” Kirsty asked.

“Now, what do you want to do for Mistress?” Constance asked and the three women in the van went back to listening in.

“mmmpphhh…uummpphhh…” Erim whimpered.

“You have far too many clothes on. Lose that dressing gown and then get on your hands and knees.” Another sharp crack of the whip brough the desired response. “Good.” Constance walked around the older woman and looked at her body. Then she noticed the tattoo. “Bunny.” Erin mewed. “You seem to like that name. That is what we will call you tonight.” Another crack of the whip. “Bedroom. Bunny. Crawl away.” Erin started to crawl away toward the bedroom with Constance following a couple of steps behind. Inside the bedroom Constance gave Erin another small whack and the woman stopped. “Now, what shall we…” Constance was walking around Erin but stopped as the Erin reached out a hand and stroked her lower leg. “Did Mistress tell Bunny she could touch Mistress?”

“mmoohh,” Erin mumbled.

“Then why did Bunny think that was acceptable?” Constance tapped Erin on the shoulder with the whip. “Mistress thinks Bunny will have to be restrained until Bunny learns to obey orders. Get up and find something that I can use to tie you up.” Erin jumped up and hurried over to a chest of drawers and pulled open a drawer. Constance thought that the woman seemed to be enjoying this. When Erin returned, she had a handful of silk scarves in her hands. “I don’t know if Bunny has earned such soft restraints.” Erin dumped them onto the bed. Picking up one of the silk scarves, a red and black patterned one and played with it. “Is Bunny ready?” Erin nodded. “Hands out.” The woman complied and Constance wrapped the silk scarf around Erin’s wrists, cinching it and they tying a tight knot. Erin flinch slightly but it was clear from her eyes that she was enjoying this. “I don’t know if that is secure enough for Bunny.” Another scarf was quickly added to make the wrists bindings more secure. “On the bed.” Bunny literally hopped onto the bed. “Spread those legs wide.” A scarf was looped around each of Erin’s ankles and then tied to the footboard on the bed. Constance picked up another scarf and then got onto the bed and straddled Erin. “Hands up Bunny.” Erin complied and Constance leaned over, making sure that the bound woman got an eyeful of cleavage as she used the scarf to tie Erin’s already bound wrists to the headboard.
“Squirm a bit for Mistress. Make sure those are tight.”

“uummppgg…uummpp…” Erin twisted and pulled at her bonds. They would hold. Constance could relax now that the woman was securely bound, all she had to do was wait. Sliding off the bed, a glance at Erin and Constance could tell that the woman was excited but wondering why the hot, leather clad young woman was now getting off the bed. “mmuuhhrr…ooowww…” Constance turned away and headed out the room. The sounds of struggling could be heard from the bedroom as she rummaged on through the case for her the bottle that Kirsty had given her. Constance could tell that Erin was now confused at what was going on. There had been different noises, not pleasure, when Constance had been out of the room. Now that Constance had returned, she held up the bottle wrapped in a large white cloth.

“Something to help you relax later on,” Constance said as she took a seat on a wooden chair in the corner. “Just need to wait to make this look convincing.”

“mmppgg…uummggppkk…” Erin started to thrash at her bindings to try and get free.

“You need to calm down. Wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself.” Erin continued to try and get free. Constance sighed and took the top off the bottle. Pouring the chloroform onto the cloth Constance approached Erin who was struggling against her bindings. “I assume that you know what this is?” Erin nodded. "So, you know that struggling will accomplish nothing," Constance said calmly. "Taking deep breaths will make it easier for us both." At that, Erin redoubled her efforts, squirming against the bonds with the last of her strength. Constance tried once more. "If it makes you feel better, don't think of this as being chloroformed; think of it as... an unscheduled demonstration of aggressive aromatherapy." Erin's eyes rolled at the ridiculous euphemism. Just before Constance pressed the cloth over Erin’s nose and gagged mouth.

“mmmmoooohhh….uummooo…” Erin moaned and shook her head as the sweet-smelling fumes invaded her nostrils. Constance looked on at Erin strained and pulled at the bonds. They held. It didn’t take long for the drug to have an effect, the struggling only meant that Erin inhaled a lot more of the fumes from the cloth. The struggling slowed down and Constance pressed the cloth a little tighter and pushed Erin’s head down into the pillow. “uuumm…mmoohh…” Erin moaned, her brain telling her the drug taking her strength and awareness. Constance just nodded. It was already too late. The struggling and resistance gradually became less and lost its vigour. It was now more a squirm than any kind of serious resistance. The protests were now more pathetic moans and groans, then the struggling stopped and Erin’s eyes half closed. Her head lolled to one side and her eyelids fluttered and a second later closed over. Constance held the cloth in place for another couple of seconds before removing it. Placing the cloth on the bed Constance untied Erin from the bed and then untied her wrists. Flipping the unconscious woman onto her stomach Constance used the scarves to tie Erin’s wrists behind her back and then her legs. A glance at the clock told her half an hour would do it. Kirsty had told her to give Erin a decent whiff of the chloroform every ten minutes to make sure the woman remained out for longer.
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Post by Caesar73 »

So the broker got back with information about Natalie - I think though this is all part of a greater plan. But Hayley is so desperate now, that she takes the most minuscle of information she can get. At least in London, they are aware this time that they are followed. I love how the relationship between Kirsty and Hayley is developing - if you think back to Nothing Personal 3? They have gone a long way. Crawford brought her doom above herself, when she punished Kirsty and let the Briton and the American form a bond. Two women whose background could not be more different.

That the two want to keep the thing they have under wraps for now is perfectly understandable. One of my favourite parts in this chapter? The two chloroforming Constance to spend some quality time.

If their gamble in London pays off remains to be seen: Another lovely sequence: Constance playing the dominatrix!

Another excellent contribution to this gripping tale. Lots of smoke and mirrors! Like that [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] Do continue the good work!
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Post by cloud »

Very good story. Thanks
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Post by mrjones2009 »

[mention]cloud[/mention] Thanks for the feedback. Always welcome. Hope that you enjoy the next chapter.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 19

Somewhere off the Miami Coast

The sun was setting behind the horizon as Gayle Hutton leaned on the railing around the edge of the boat and took in the scene. “We are like islands in the sea, separate on the surface but connected in the deep.” Gayle had been thinking a lot about everything over the past couple of years. The experiences that she had, the friends that she had made and what the future could hold. Her life had certainly taken a few detours from the course that she had mapped out. Then another shock. Niamh, her best friend from High School, called and said that she was getting married. Not the getting married bit, it was the telephone call. Gayle hadn’t really spoken seriously to Niamh for a while. Communication had dropped to Christmas and birthday cards and the occasional text conversation. It was Gayle’s fault if she was being honest, she was good at leaving people behind and moving on. It brought into focus her own life choices. Gayle had always put her academic career before her personal life. Now, perhaps Gayle was thinking that could be a mistake. But that was for a later date. Now was the time for enjoying herself. At a bachelorette party. On a boat. With four women she had never met. Millie, Jess, Harriet and Bianca had all met Niamh after high school. The boat was a different idea, something different. It gave them privacy. The crew were all female to make sure that the female guests felt safe. Gemma, Kay and Maria were all helpful and they kept themselves out of the way.

“Hey! I wondered where you had got to.” Gayley turned to see Niamh coming toward her wearing only some skimpy underwear, a suspenders and stockings combination, tiara, heels and a silk sash.

“Just needed some fresh air,” Gayle held up her now empty glass. “Now, though. Let’s have some fun!”

Somewhere off the Miami Coast

“Cut the engine,” the man said to the woman that was in control of the rib.

“I don’t think that they would hear us coming anyway,” another woman pointed at the boat they were approaching, “looks like they are having a good time.” They all looked at the boat. It seemed to be rolling with the waves in time with the music that was blaring loudly out of the speakers. Lights blinked in and out in different colours through gaps in the curtains had been drawn over the windows. “Head for the back of the boat.” The two large men grabbed an oar each and started to cut through the water toward the larger boat using long, strong strokes. It didn’t take long for them to reach the boat. The leader grabbed a rope and hopped onto the low stern of the boat. He went to the nearest anchor point and tied the rope off to secure the rib. Quickly and silently the four other members of the team hopped onto the deck of the boat, each carried a duffel bag. They had the supplies. They had a plan. They had the element of surprise. This looked like it would be a very profitable night.

Somewhere off the Miami Coast

Maria had come from Europe to work in Miami. Loving the sea and loving nightlife made it the perfect place to live and work. Raised sailing with her father, Maria knew a lot about the sea and boats. Anyway, her fellow crew members were below getting some sleep whilst Maria kept watch and an eye on the revellers. It wouldn’t be good to lose someone overboard. It hadn’t happened yet. Came close a couple of times. Sitting in the main cabin Maria occasionally glanced out the front window of the bridge and at the radar and weather screens. Everything looked calm. Nothing to worry about. She had opened the sliding doors on each side of the bridge to let the breeze through. It was a warm night. The music from the party girls could be heard faintly from the large cabin at the rear of the boat. Maria closed her eyes and then there was a noise from her left. She opened her eyes and turned her head. There was nothing there. Then the same sound was there again. It was a strange sound. Sliding off the chair Maria headed for the door on her left. After a couple of steps Maria heard movement behind her, but didn’t turn around in time before a man leapt forward and tackled her to the floor of the bridge before Maria could shout a meaty hand was clasped over her mouth, thoroughly muffling her attempted scream.

“mmppff…ggummppgg..” Maria tried to scream for help but the hand muffled them effectively. Thrashing around Maria tried to shift the body pinning her down but the weight was too great and she didn’t have the leverage or strength to do it. This seemed to go on for minutes until a female voice broke the silence.

“Turn her over.” The man did as the woman instructed, flipping Maria over and promptly crushing her lower face in a brutal hand gag before Maria could scream. Now Maria could see a large, bearded man with deep set eyes straddling her and a woman with red hair kneeling beside her. Maria’s eyes were darting back and forth between her two attackers, her nostrils flaring with frantic breaths. The man removed his hand, Maria immediately attempted to scream but the woman was ready, ramming a large amount of fabric past her lips. Maria began retching as the mass of filthy fabric brutalized her tongue. “Sorry, didn’t have the time to clean those.” Her captors showed no concern for her clear agony however. The woman was soon ramming another wadded up mass of fabric into the Maria’s mouth. Maria’s feet were scraping the deck and her whole body was jerking as she struggled with the massive wad of cloth being crammed into her mouth.

“gguurmm…mmpphhh…” Maria moaned, coughed and groaned at the mass of fabric that has been rammed into her mouth, filling it completely. The woman prodded and poked with her fingers to make sure Maria’s oral cavity was filled with fabric. As Maria watched on the woman reached into a duffel bag of supplies and removed a large roll of silver duct tape. The woman found the end and peeled off a sizable length. The rip of the tape was drowned out by Maria’s moan. Trying desperately to expunge the mass of fabric in her mouth before the tape was applied Maria shook her head and pushed with her tongue but the wad was wedged in place. The woman leaned over and pressed the length of tape firmly over Maria’s lips before starting to wrap the tape around her head, once, twice and then again and again. Maria wondered how many times the woman would wrap in around her head. Each wrap was tighter and more vicious than the last, compressing the mass of fabric that had been rammed into her mouth. “mmuunn…uummhhh…” Maria pleaded as the woman rip the tape and pressed the end down on her left cheek.

“I think that everyone else is busy at the party darlin’,” the man said. “No rescue for you.” Still reeling at the application of the gag Maria found herself being flipped over and her arms being wrenched behind her back. The move was so quick and violent that Maria didn’t have the chance to react at all. The woman removed a length of white rope from the bag and began to lash it around Maria’s wrists. The frightened sailor moaned into her extreme gag. “Quiet, girlie. It’s over now. Relax.” The woman tied Maria’s wrists tightly before cinching and knotting the rope. Grabbing more rope from her bag of supplies. The woman began winding the rope around Maria’s chest and arms. As he wrapped the rope around her breasts. As she winded above and below Maria’s breasts, her arms were pressed tightly into her back. Reducing her already limited movements even more. The man altered his position so that he was sitting on the small of Maria’s back, pressing her into the deck and allowing free access for the woman to secure Maria’s legs with ropes at the ankles, just above and below the knees and then around the thighs. Throughout the process Maria had thrashed and bucked but the pair were quite experienced at restraining unwilling victims though, and she was soon bound tightly. The ropes were all cinched and the knots out of the way of prying fingers. The process of binding complete to their satisfaction Maria felt the weight lift from her body and started to squirm around and tested her bonds. She was far from an expert but the bonds felt tight and unyielding to Maria.

“Now, you just lie there nice and still. Trust us, those ropes are coming loose. Don’t cause any trouble.” Maria looked up to find the woman and man looming over her. Dressed in black they looked intimidating. The woman knelt down and grabbed Maria’s chin with her hand. “We have some sedatives that we could give you, or some more, very uncomfortable positions that we could tie you in but we don’t want to do that.” The woman stopped talking and stared straight into Maria’s eyes. The eyes told the story. Maria swallowed and nodded that she understood. The woman got back up and the pair left the cabin, closing the door behind them.

Somewhere off the Miami Coast

At the same time downstairs Gemma and Kay were sound asleep in small twin beds in their quarters when they were both rudely awakened by their heads being forced deep into the pillows under their heads by hands clamped over their mouths. “mmoottss…ooggiinn…mmoonn…” Gemma grumbled.

“uummpgg…mmmhhgghh…” Kay joined in once the initial shock had worn off. They both squirmed but their movements were restricted by the mummy style sleeping bags that they were in.

“Quiet, quiet,” a woman’s voice said. “Stop struggling.” Gemma and Kay exchange a glance. The hands over their mouths belonged to men. They couldn’t see where the voice had come from. “We have your friend tied up and secured. If you don’t want her to get hurt then I would suggest you obey our commands.” Gemma and Kay stopped. “Good girls. Now, we just want to rob the boat and to do that we need you out of the way. Tied up.” Gemma and Kay immediately began frantically squirming, the nylon of their bags swishing loudly as they rubbed against their bodies.

“Get the ether,” a male voice said. “I can’t be bothered with this.”

“mmoohh!” Gemma and Kay chorused. They knew what ether was.

“So, you will behave?” the woman asked. Gemma and Kay exchange another look and then nodded. “Good. First, we have to gag you to keep you quiet.” My associates will remove their hands and then you will be quiet and open your mouths.” Gemma was first the man removed his hand. Gemma had no intention of going quietly and opened her mouth to scream for help but the female attacker was ready for this and immediately began ramming a wad of three balled up socks into Gemma’s mouth. Gemma began coughing as the taste of the socks assaulted her tongue. The young woman’s coughing made it easy for the female attacker to begin ramming a fourth sock into her mouth. Her frantic attempts at screaming were rapidly becoming more muffled. A fifth sock was being forced into Gemma’s mouth; the attacker was really having to push hard on the sock to get it into her rather full mouth. Gemma’s cheeks were bulging outward from the large mass filling her mouth. “They always try to scream.” The woman chuckled to herself as she found a roll of duct tape.

“mmmhhmmnn…” Kay moaned from the next bed.

“Don’t worry, plenty of stuffing left for you.” Gemma whimpered out a protest but was ignored as the tape began to be wrapped around her head. The woman was taking her time, both because the stickiness of the tape took considerable effort to pull off the roll, and because she was making sure each pass was as tight as possible. Gemma attempted to jerk her head away, but that accomplished little other than getting her long hair tangled up in the growing mass of tape crushing her face. The attacker was merciless with the duct tape, eventually making a dozen wraps before tearing it off the roll. She took her hands and began pressing on the tape to smooth it out. “That should do it.” Gemma grunted a protest into her gag which was thoroughly unintelligible and fairly quiet thanks to the thick gag. Kay had watched all of this with grim fascination, assuming that the same process would be undertaken on her. Kay was correct in this assumption. As the woman was forcing a mass of fabric into Kay’s mouth the man subduing Gemma unzipped the sleeping bag and flipped in open.

“Bet you are glad you are wearing pyjamas tonight,” the man said to Gemma. The man roughly flipped her over and began wrestling her arms behind her back, forcing her wrists together. Gemma resisted, it was a natural reaction, hoping if nothing else she could slow her attacker’s enough that someone would come along see them and raise the alarm. It was a vain hope. The man began to wrap rope around Gemma’s wrists and tied them tightly together. The young sailor moaned as she was retrained. With her wrists tried Gemma felt defeated and lay still. The woman returned after successfully gagging Kay and dumped a bag next to Gemma’s head. It landed with a thud and caught Gemma’s attention. As the woman delved in, she brought out what looked to Gemma like an extensive amount of rope. The man and woman each grabbed armfuls worth of white rope and wasted no time in beginning to inflict the rope on their defenceless Gemma. The man focused on her arms while the woman focused on her legs. Gemma moaned into her overstuffed gag as her attackers made the ropes unforgivingly tight, which was exceptionally uncomfortable for her arms which had been crushed into her back. They bound Gemma in exactly the same fashion as Maria had by their compatriots. Once finished the sleeping bag was closed over, zipped up and the hood flipped up and the cord tightly pulled closed they turned their attention to Kay.

“Your turn.” Kay had watched on as Gemma had been bound. Panic suddenly kicked in and Kay began to thrash around. It was useless though as there was now three attackers available to subdue her. It was a no contest. “Come on,” the woman said and stuck Kay a stinging blow across the cheek. “None of this.” Kay stopped struggling, shocked at the stinging blow. “Roll over and put your hands behind you back. Remembering the painful slap, Kay wasted no time in complying with the order. She crossed her hands around her back, the woman immediately began to wrap passes of the white cord around her captive’s wrists. Kay flinched slightly as the woman was making the passes rather viciously tight, obviously as punishment for her earlier resistance After several laps the woman made a few vertical passes to cinch the rope, then tied it off where the knots would be nice and out of reach of Kay’s fingers. In no time at all they had bound Kay and closed the sleeping bag. The three attackers packed up and headed for the exit, leaving Gemma and key bound and squirming inside the sleeping bags.

“Either of these,” one of the men asked. The woman shook her head as they closed the cabin door and headed to meet their two colleagues.

Somewhere off the Miami Coast

“I love this song!” Millie called as the six women danced around in the large cabin. It had been a great night so far. Bianca had been in charge of the music and had done a fantastic job.

“This was a brilliant idea!” Niamh shouted over the music and hugged Jess. Gayle caught the gesture and smiled. Then she felt a breeze against her bare shoulders and turned toward the door. It was lying open. Then the music stopped. Groans all round. All six of the women turned their heads toward the stereo system. A woman and a man stood either side of the large stack of speakers.

“Nobody panic!” the woman shouted, “We only want your valuables!” Gayle, Niamh, Millie, Jess, Harriet and Bianca all stopped dancing and looked at the woman like she had two heads. In the shock of what was going on none of them could comprehend what was happening. Gayle looked around at the door, which was now closed with a rather large man standing in front of it with her arms crossed over the bulging muscles in his chest.

“What is this?” Niamh asked.

“A robbery,” the man replied.

“Like pirates,” Millie said. The woman was the drunkest of the group. A low laugh escaped the man’s mouth.

“Sort of,” the man was struggling to hide his sense of amusement at that description.

“Where are the crew?” Gayle asked, hoping that they would be able to call for help.

“They are a little tied up at the moment.” Gayle groaned, knowing exactly what that meant. “Now, form an orderly line.” Nobody moved. The group were still in shock at the turn of events.

“Why should we do what you say?” Niamh asked. The man next to the speakers raised his jacket to reveal the butt of a gun sticking from his waistband. “Oh!” The six women quickly form a line. Another woman appeared and held out an empty bag.

“Valuables in the bag, phones, watches, cash…you know the deal.” The woman waited in front of each of the group as they deposited all of the valuables into the bag. Gayle looked around and saw one of the female pirates who was standing at the speakers looking at her. She nudged the man and jutted a chin in Gayle’s direction. The man nodded and Gayle wondered what that exchange meant. “Don’t worry, our associate is currently cleaning out your cabins.” Once the items had been collected the women all looked around.

“What now?” Niamh asked.

“Well, now we make our escape,” the man said. He nodded at the women next to him. She bent down, picked up a bag and made her way toward the line of six women. “To do that we have to make you a little uncomfortable.”

“What?” Mille asked.

“Tie us up,” Gayle confirmed with a sigh.

“No,” Jess said.

“Come on!” Millie and Bianca chorused.

“Don’t resist,” the woman said as she dropped the bag to the deck with a thump. “Everyone down on the floor and lie on their stomach.” There were some further moans and groans before the six women started to awkwardly get down on the floor. At the end of the line Gayle started to bend down. “Not you.” The woman pointed at Gayle. “Over there.” Gayle looked up as the woman pointed at the other woman, standing against the wall.

“Why?” Niamh asked from her position prone on the floor.

“It’s fine,” Gayle reassured her friend. She knew that there was something going on but she wasn’t quite sure what it was. Walking across to stand by the other woman Gayle played over various scenarios in her head. Without saying anything the woman spun Gayle around and pulled her arms behind her back. There was the feel of cool steel around her wrists as the woman placed handcuffs around them. “Is there any need for those?” The woman responded by forcing a balled-up cloth past Gayle’s lips and into her oral cavity. Gayle moaned a compliant before a bandana was viciously cleaved into her mouth to prevent the stuffing from being spat out.

“Just you stay put,” the woman whispered in Gayle’s ear. The woman kept a firm grip of Gayle’s upper arm as the other woman set about the task for binding the five women that were now lying on their stomachs on the dance floor. The woman efficiently and effectively used yet more white rope to bind each of Millie, Jess, Harriet, Bianca and Niamh’s wrists behind their back. Further rope was added to bind their ankles together. Then the woman had them ball their hands into fists and she used duct tape to wrap around them, making them all useless balls of tape.

“Shut them up.”

“Why do you need to gag us?” Niamh asked. Opening her mouth had been a mistake as the woman took that as an opportunity to ram her mouth full with fabric.

“uumppgg…hhhuummggg…” Niamh moaned as tape was wrapped around her head. Very quickly the rest of the gag found themselves gags. The woman holding Gayle pushed her across the dancefloor, past the moaning and groaning bound woman and over to the man. Gayley guessed that he was in charge.

“Yes, unfortunately we need to take one of you as a hostage.” The man said to Gayle. “Don’t worry ladies,” the leader said, addressing the rest of the women in the room. “We will make a call to the Coast Guard and make sure that they find you. There will be no danger until they arrive. You are not in shipping lanes and the weather is set fair.” A chorus of muffled groans fluttered through the air. The leader nodded and his team headed out of the cabin, dragging a not happy at the situation Gayle with them. “I told you this would go smoothly,” the leader said to the rest of his team as the strode toward the rear of the boat and their rib.

Miami Dade Police Department

A bleary-eyed Gabriella rubbed her face with the palms of her hands. Young children and travelling didn’t exactly help with getting lots of sleep. With Hayley and Kirsty in London Gabriella had to jump on a flight and headed down to Miami and try and deal with this situation. At the moment she was sitting on an uncomfortable chair in a room surrounded by a group of women with haunted expressions, holding cups of steaming tea or coffee. “They said that they needed a hostage,” Niamh said.

“To make sure we didn’t raise the alarm,” Jess chimed in. The three crew members were now silent. They had already given their stories to the police and anyway Gabriella was only interested in what happened with Gayle. “Give them time to get away.” Two of the other women nodded.

“I thought that was why they tied you up?”

“I don’t feel well,” Millie suddenly piped up. They all looked at the woman who did look green. “I think I should go to the toilet.” Millie got up and headed for the loo with a female officer in close attendance.

“Don’t you believe us?” Niamh asked. Gabriella leaned back slightly in her seat and wondered why the woman had gone straight to that question. Niamh had a tone to her voice that gave Gabriella a sense of unease.

“Of course, I do,” Gabriella said, even though she now didn’t. There was something about the future bride that had didn’t sit right with Gabriella. The room fell silent. There was a tap on Gabriella’s shoulder and she turned her head to find the detective that she had met earlier indicating for her to come outside.

“Something up?” the detective asked once they were alone in the corridor

“That woman doesn’t…I can’t put my finger on it but something is up with her.” Gabriella looked at the detective and could tell he was thinking the same thing. “But you didn’t pull me out to discuss Niamh.”

“Correct,” the detective’s demeanour then suddenly changed. It was down to business. “The coastguard found a very badly damaged rib down the coats a little. It looks like it was that used by the pirates that raided the boat.” Gabriella nodded. “They found some items in the wreckage that the women described as being taken, jewellery, so we are confident…”

“Wreckage,” Gabriella said raising an eyebrow.

“Yes, they also found some remains.” Gabriella felt her heart sink into her stomach. “With the number of crocodiles in these waters….” the detective left the rest of that sentence unsaid.

Colorado, USA

The gate slammed shut and a shiver ran up and down the woman’s spine. She doubted that would ever change no matter how long she spent in prison. Although, hopefully that would be a lot less than she was supposed to. A smile played across her lips at that thought. Her face still hurt after the incident but the hospital had taken good care of her and the scars had healed well. You could only see the damage close up and with some creative application of make-up they would be invisible. The guard pointed and she put her hands on the pad. A red light moved up and down and scanned her hands. The guard nodded and she removed them. She took a step back and waited. The light turned green at the top of the pad and the guard nodded. “Thanks,” she said. Next, she opened her mouth and allowed the nurse to take a swab on the inside of her mouth. “All this for little old me.” The nurse was stern faced as she bagged the swab and filled in the form to be sent for testing. That done the woman turned to head further into the jail. She was escorted by guards on either side. At the next gate they stopped and she heard footsteps approaching. Pivoting so that she could see who belonged to the footsteps the woman smiled. “Governor. Very kind of you but there was no need to personally welcome me back to your fine establishment.”

“I wouldn’t have missed this for the world Miss Crawford.”
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Post by LunaDog »

I haven't read any of your previous stories in this series. As you say one can, and i VERY much have done, enjoy this as a 'stand alone.' But i'm beginning to think it might be a good idea to check out those earlier tales.
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Post by Caesar73 »

LunaDog wrote: 1 year ago I haven't read any of your previous stories in this series. As you say one can, and i VERY much have done, enjoy this as a 'stand alone.' But i'm beginning to think it might be a good idea to check out those earlier tales.
You should not miss the previous parts [mention]LunaDog[/mention] - it is worth the while!

[mention]mrjones2009[/mention] spins a wonderful intriguing yarn.

To the actual chapter: Wonderful bondage scenes on board the yacht - and another person participating in bringing Crawford down disappears. She seems dead. I seriously doubt that. There is a scheme to capture all Persons Crawford considers enemies - that much seems clear. Gayle is one more. Makes me wonder when Kirsty and Hayley are targeted.

And there is the end of the chapter, when Crawford makes an appearance. The welcoming by the Governor has an air of ... cannot place it yet.

Nevertheless the plot thickens - and so far Hayley has no idea what she is dealing with.
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Post by LunaDog »

Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago You should not miss the previous parts @LunaDog - it is worth the while!
@mrjones2009 spins a wonderful intriguing yarn.
Might just do that, as you say i'm almost certain that I WON'T be dis-appointed. Mind you, i'm busy catching up with YOUR stories at the moment!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

[mention]LunaDog[/mention] - Thanks for taking the time to read this story and comment. It is very much appreciated. It would also be great if you could take the time to read my other efforts. Although, I would read [mention]Caesar73[/mention] stories first.

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] - Once again thanks for the comment. Your support is truly appreciated. I make no comment on where what is happening in the story!
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Post by Caesar73 »

mrjones2009 wrote: 1 year ago I make no comment on where what is happening in the story!
I know that :) Spoiling the surprise would be bad form - and in the end it is much more fun that way. To speculate is fun though :)

[mention]LunaDog[/mention] Thank you for talking the time to catch up with my stories!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 20

London, England

Constance slipped on her coat, headscarf and sunglasses before grabbing the case and striding for the door. “Confidence,” she told herself just before she opened the door and strode into the corridor. Not even looking back she ignored the two security guards, then gave them a little wave over her shoulder. In a stroke of good luck, the lift was waiting for her. The button was pushed for the ground floor. “Two minutes,” Constance confirmed as the lift doors opened revealing the lobby. As she approached the main glass doors there was a buzz as the doorman opened the door from behind the desk. Another wave without looking back. As soon as she hit the street Constance turned left and sped up a little. At the end of the road, she turned right and relaxed a little as she saw Kirsty standing in the middle of the pavement. Next to Kirsty the side door of the van stood open and waiting. On reaching the van Constance push the handle of the case down and then with help from Kirsty hauled the heavy case into the back of the van. Kirsty jumped in, slid the door closed and then banged the side of the van.

“Let’s go!” Penelope started the van and pulled out. In the rear Constance, Hayley and Kirsty all looked at the case.

“Is she in there?” Hayley asked. A sense of eagerness in her voice.

“Yes,” Constance replied as she started to strip off the clothes that she was wearing. “Throw me that bag Kirsty.” Kirsty leaned over, grabbed and then tossed a polythene bag containing jeans, t-shirt and sneakers to Constance. As the younger woman got changed Hayley couldn’t take her eyes from the case.

“Patience,” Kirsty said, reading the thoughts going through Hayley’s head. “Wait until we get to the warehouse.” Hayley nodded and they all settled in for the drive. “Penelope said that it should only take half an hour.” They all settled into wait, sitting with their backs against the side of the van and swaying slightly when the van made a turn to the left or right. Impatient, Hayley kept glancing at her watch until the van stopped and the engine died.

“Here we are,” Penelope said as she opened the door. The rest of the woman got out and looked around.

“And were exactly is here?” Constance asked.

“Former paper factory,” Penelope replied. “Just the security guard left in the place and Mad Harry bunged him a ton to leave the back gate unlocked and let us in. No security cameras in this area either.” Penelope pointed with both hands. “Just at the entrance points. We have the place to ourselves.” Hayley looked around. They were is kind of a concrete square with three large single-story buildings on three sides of the square. “The one behind me has been opened for our use.” Penelope smiled. “Perfect.”

“Creepy,” Kirsty said. “I have a bad feeling about this.” There was no sound. Not even birds. The only movement was wind-blown debris. There were piles of old crates and equipment dotted about. Graffiti covered about half of the wall space and every third window looked to have been smashed.
“You worry too much,” Penelope replied.

“Hayley and I will check this out,” Kirsty stated. “You stay here and wait for us to come back.” Kirsty went into her pocket and put her earbud back in. “Keep comms open.” Constance nodded as Hayley and Kirsty headed toward the building that Penelope had indicated.

“Be careful,” Constance called.

“What could possibly go wrong?” Hayley asked, turning with a smile on her face.

Former Paper Factory, London, England

The door was heavy and Kirsty had to heave it open. “Geez,” Hayley said looking at the interior. It wasn’t much better on the inside than the outside. The place had solid concrete floors and was split into smaller rooms off a central corridor. The first room was empty apart from some boxes, a chair and a couple of tables. “Shall we work our way down.” Kirsty nodded and they headed for the second room. Judging by the length of corridor and size of the rooms Kirsty reckoned there must be six rooms.

“How is it?” Constance’s voice burst into their ears as they ducked into the second room.

“I won’t being putting anything positive on Trip Advisor,” Hayley replied.

“Anybody in there?” This time Penelope.

“Just the spiders,” Hayley said as she waved a hand across her face to wipe away a cobweb. Room numbers three and four were the same. As they exited the fourth there was a crackling in their ears. “Constance,” Hayley pressed a finger to her ear. “Constance, Penelope…”

“Concrete and tin,” Kirsty said. “Mess with the comms signal.”

“Constance,” one last try couldn’t hurt, Hayley shrugged. “What’s behind door number five!” Kirsty and Hayley entered the last room off the corridor.

“We have lost communication,” Constance said back in the van. “I am going in.”

“No,” Penelope’s voice was firm. “Wait where you are.”

Kirsty and Hayley strode into the room five paces and stopped, relaxing, it was the same as the other four rooms. “This should do for our purposes.” Kirsty nodded before suddenly Hayley felt an arm wrap around her waist and pull her backward, a second arm wrapped across her chest, pining her arms down by her side. “What the hell!” Hayley said just as someone stepped out in front of her. There was some movement and something white was pressed over her nose and mouth. It was a thick, soft cloth. “MMPPFFHH! UUMMPPGG!” Hayley’s scream was muffled by the cloth. Then the familiar smell assaulted Hayley’s nostrils. “MMMPPPFFF!”

“MMMOOHHFFF!” Glancing over at Kirsty, Hayley could see her brunette friend was in the same position that she found herself in. Grabbed by two attackers with a thick cloth, presumably heavily laced with chloroform, wasn’t in always, pressed over the lower half of her face.

“MMMPPPHH!” They glanced at one another in surprise, cries cut off by the smothering cloth.

“MMMPPPHH!” Hayley gasped, inhaling a lungful of sweet-smelling chemical. Noxious, dizzying. She bucked and thrashed for all that she was worth but couldn’t escape the vice like grip on her attackers, while Kirsty flailed wildly, struggling herself.

“MMRRMMPHPHHHMPMMPH!” Kirsty snarled, kicking and thrashing, as they were both forcibly drugged into slumber.

“mmpphh...mmphh. mmpph!” Hayley kept trying to break free, but her ambushers were strong, “mmmphh!” Hayley tried again in desperation to get free, as she could feel the strength draining from her body, but the sleeping agent applicator remained welded in place over her nose and mouth, forcing her to inhale more of the fumes.

“mmoohh,” Kirsty felt herself getting weaker as the chloroform fumes took their toll so fought harder still to break free, but seemed less coordinated, more sluggish, her mind and thoughts getting fuzzy….

“huummp…ummphh!” Hayley glanced at her friend, desperate, knowing that it was now to late to stop the inevitable slide into unconsciousness. The chloroform would put them both to sleep soon now. “mmmhh...mmhhpphh...” Hayley tried to nod, virtually limp now, being held up by her attackers her legs gave way. “mmmppphhh...hmmphh...” She breathed out, once more, finding it easier to let her eyes close.

“uummrr…ooowww…” Looking across Kirsty saw Hayley start to falter as well. The large, thick cloth pressed firmly over Hayley’s nose and mouth; her big, blue eyes, once wide over the top of the cloth, now with heavy eyelids. Kirsty found herself getting turned on at watching her beautiful friend being render unconscious, so much so that she completely forgot to put up any further resistance to her own decent into forced slumber. It was now a race to see who would go out first. Both of the friends were now hanging limply in the arms of their attackers, still being forced to inhale the fumes from the cloth, soft, involuntary, moans and groans into the cloths. In the end, Kirsty’s eyes closed over first and then a couple of seconds later Hayley’s closed.

Outside in the van Penelope was trying to placate a clearly agitated Constance. “You can’t go in there. The comms will just be done to the amount of concrete around here.”

“I am not waiting, something has gone wrong,” Constane reached for the internal handle of the door but before she could get there it opened from the outside. Expecting to see Hayley and Kirsty, it was a shock to find herself facing a man in a suit pointing a pistol at her. “What the hell?” There was a soft whump and a soft puff of smoke emerged from the pistol.

“HEY!” Penelope cried just as Constance turned around.

“I…do…n’t…feel….” Penelope could see the dart sticking out on Constance’s thigh. “Sooo….” Constance fell to her knees, “ooowww…uurrhh…” then she fell forward and hit her head on the floor of the van.

“What is…” Penelope started to get up from her sitting position by the man swung the pistol so that it was pointed at her chest. There was another soft whump and Penelope felt a sting in her chest and looked down. “Bloody hell…right…in…tit…” Penelope managed before everything went black.

London, England

“I must be out of practice, my head hurts,” Kirsty complained. She had come around about twenty minutes ago, that was a guess as there was no clock visible, and found that she was looking at a very drowsy Hayley. Hayley and Kirsty were lying on separate single beds about five metres apart. The beds had thin mattress, thin metal frames and not much else.

“I don’t think much of the accommodation.” Despite their situation Kirsty smiled. It was nice to see Hayley with some of her spunk and humour back. Plus, she was not wrong. The room looked like something out of a horror asylum’s basement. White tiles on two of the walls, pipes, water staining, peeling paint on the other two walls. It would garner very poor trip advisor reviews. “Right, am I tied the same as you?” Hayley rolled back over so that Kirsty could have a good luck at the ropes that bound her tightly. Hayley wrists were tied by rope and there was also a complicated network of ropes around Hayley’s upper body that pinned her arms to her back. “Bugger. They are well tied!” Hayley confirmed as she her bondage for weaknesses. Rope was also tied around Hayley’s legs as the ankles, just above and below the knees and around the thighs. They were indeed tied in similar fashion.

“They are tight,” Kristy commented.

“First rate job I would say,” Hayley replied as she rolled carefully back over to face Kirsty again, “No finger control mitts so if we can get together and have enough time, we could pick the knots. But the lack of a gag is very amateur.” The bound blond shuffled around trying to get comfortable on the thin mattress. “Wonder who kidnapped us?”

“With your record it could be anybody!” Kirsty replied with a smile. They weren’t dead so whoever it was had some kind of plan for them.
“I don’t think this is the time for humour,” Hayley replied and winked. They settled in to wait. “How long do you think….” There was a click, a creak and the door opened to allow a woman to enter. The woman was tall, just over six feet in height, broad shoulders, slightly awkward looking, angular maybe with a long, thin nose and piercing eyes. The woman had a strange combination of drawing your eye but then wanting to look away almost immediately. She wore black trousers and some kind of grey cape contraption, jet black hair with streaks of red through it. In one had she held a bag. “Not long then.”

“I am glad that you are awake and in good humour ladies,” the woman said. Accent was definitely Central American. Maybe Panama or Honduras.

“Who are you and where are we?” Hayley asked.

“Neither important at this time,” the woman replied.

“What do you want with us?” Kirsty chimed in.

“Another question that is not important.” As they exchange barbs the woman shifted from her left leg to her right. It was only subtle but the movement was constant and unnerving.

“Why are you here then?” Hayley asked. “If you aren’t going to tell us anything.”

“Well, I am here to gag you. Wouldn’t want to come across as amateur.” Hayley and Kirsty groaned in unison. “You should have kept your mouths shut.” The woman laughed. “Pretty soon you won’t have any option.” The woman made the couple of steps across to Kirsty and dropped the bag onto the bed.

“I don’t suppose it would make a difference if we promised to be quiet?” Hayley asked. Without turning around the woman shook her head. “Always worth a punt.” Hayley watched on as the tall woman reached into the bag and came out with a handful of material that she deposited onto the bed next to Kirsty. The woman picked up a cloth, a large cloth and balled it up. The woman moved the balled-up cloth toward Kirsty’s mouth. With no other option Kirsty opened wide and accepted the mass of fabric, almost gagging as the woman pushed it deep inside her mouth, filling it completely. Then the woman picked up another cloth of identical material but perhaps a bit longer with a knot tied in the centre, lining up the knot with the centre of Kirsty’s mouth before the woman took both ends and reaching around Kirsty’s head to tie them together, tightening it so that it is tight and forces the wad of cotton already in Kirsty’s mouth deeper inside.

“uummpphh!” The woman then picked up a very large and thick wad of cotton wool pleats and a large white silk scarf. Placing the thick wad of cotton wool over Kirsty’s already gagged mouth she folded the scarf and put it over Kirsty’s mouth tying the ends of the silk scarf at the back of her head tightly, compressing the thick wad of cotton wool against Kirsty’s lips. Lying on the other bed Hayley watched on in grim fascination knowing that the gagging process that Kirsty was going through would soon be visited on her.

“That should keep you quiet,” the woman commented. “But I think that we are missing something.” The woman delved back into the bag and pulled out some more cotton wool and anther silk scarf. The cotton wool was placed over Kirsty’s eyes and the scarf folded into a band and tied tightly over the cotton wool, blocking out the light and plunging Kirsty into darkness. Kirsty grumbled and mumbled some complaints and shifted around a little. Hayley watched as the woman checked the security of Kirsty’s bindings, gag and blindfold before picking up the bag and coming across to stand over Hayley. “Now, your turn,” the women dropped the bag onto the bed and rummaged inside. “Don’t worry, still plenty of material left for you.”

“Great,” Hayley replied. “I can’t wait.” Hayley didn’t resist as the exact same gag and blindfold combination were applied to her. Lying still Hayley waited until she heard the door close and was sure that the woman had left before testing out her gag and trying to get it a bit more comfortable, the silk scarfs was almost welded in place. Hayley and Kirsty tried to communicate but it was useless. There was no chance of coherent communication so that was pointless so they quickly stopped trying. The blindfolds made the situation even worse. With nothing else for it, Hayley settled in, waited. Their captors would tell them what they wanted them for at some point. Well, wouldn’t they?

London, England

Minutes, hours, it really was difficult to keep track of time lying bound, gagged and blindfolded on a bed. Despite being secure they both occasionally had a fidget and play around with the ropes, just testing them again and again hoping to find a deficiency in the ropework. They were both unsuccessful on every occasion. “mmppffhh…” Hayley mumbled.

“uummppff…” Kirsty then mumbled. They exchanged muffled moans and groans just to let the other know that they were still there. A small sign of support for each other. It was all that they could managed. Then there was a click and creak that signalled the door opening again.

“mmppffhh…” Hayley lifted and turned her head to follow the noise.

“Ladies, please don’t get up on my account.” It was the same woman that had entered previously. “I hope that you are comfortable.”

“mmmpppfff…uummppff…” Hayley and Kirsty both mumbled.

“You were right Hayley; gags are a must.” The woman checked the ropes binding both Hayley and Kirsty to ensure that they hadn’t been tampered with. Satisfied that both of her captives were still securely bound the woman cleared her throat. “We don’t have finger control mitts or whatever you were taking about but thanks for the tip on picking the knots. I do have some tape that should be just the thing to improvise with.” More moans and groans from Hayley and Kirsty. “Let’s have your hands palm out Hayley.” Hayley complied. “Make a ball around that,” Hayley felt a wad of cotton wool being deposited in her left hand and closed her fingers around it to form a fist. There was the sound of tape being ripped from the roll and Hayley felt it start to be wrapped around her hand. Judging by the sound of the tape and the sensation around her fists Hayley reckoned that it was micro-foam tape. Pretty soon her left hand was a useless ball, cocooned in the stretchy, cloying white tape. Her right hand quickly followed. The woman then undertook the same procedure to Kirsty’s hands. “Such, nice compliant captives. See you later.” The door closed and they were alone again.

That was how it went for what Hayley guessed was about a day and a half. They lay bound, gagged and blindfolded on the beds unless they were being taken out of the room individually for food, drink and using the facilities. The blindfolds stayed on; nobody spoke to them beside to issue basic instructions. There was no chance of escape. Hayley and Kirsty’s captors had played it perfectly so far.

London, England

This time it was different. Hayley could tell. When she had been taken out of the room, they had turned right rather than left. A strong grip grasped each of Hayley’s biceps and steered or marched, depending on your view, the gagged and blindfolded Hayley along a corridor. All of the ropes had been removed when Hayley had been hauled off the bed. That was also a change. It was the first time that her wrists and arms had been freed since she had come round from the chloroform used on her during the initial kidnapping. He hands were still useless balls of micro-foam tape though. “Hayley, a pleasure to see you. Take a seat.” The voice echoed liked they were in a cave. Hayley was marched a further ten yards before heavy hands on her shoulders forced her down onto a seat. Another rip of tape coming of a roll, this time definitely duct tape. One person held her left arm down on the arm of the chair whilst another wrapped the tape around the arm of the chair and Hayley’s forearm, making the two as one. Then same thing happened to her right arm. As if that was not enough Hayley’s ankles were wrapped together with tape.

“mmpphh..uummpp…” Hayley complained.

“Thanks, I can take it from here. Just remove the blindfold.” Suddenly, Hayley’s eyes were filled with light as the fabric was whipped off.

“uummrruu…ggffrrmm…” Hayley shook her head and blinked, trying to get her eyes adjusted. Once that had happened Hayley found the woman the woman standing in front of her with her arms crossed. This time wearing a leather jacket.

“Time for that chat,” the woman said. “Let me take that gag off.” The woman spent a minute or so removing the mass of fabric that had made up Hayley’s gag before dumping it is Hayley’s lap. “Now, as an introduction my name is Wagner.”

“Wish I could say it is a pleasure to meet you,” Hayley replied keeping her eyes straight ahead.

“I have no interest in your pleasure,” Wagner replied, “I have a job to do and that involves asking you some questions.”

“Is this like a quiz?” Wagner chortled.

“Oh, Hayley, I have heard about your famous pluck,” Wanger started to walk around behind Hayley, “but I fear in this case it is very much misplaced.” Hayley kept her eyes forward and tried to give nothing away. What did these people want to ask her about?

“What are you interested in?” If in doubt, try the direct approach.

“I wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise. Let me get ready.” Then out of nowhere there was the sound of a mobile ringing. Just a standard ringtone. Hayley turned her head as Wagner walked away with the mobile clamped to her ear, listening to whatever was being said on the other side of the conversation. Although Hayley couldn’t tell what was being said but judging by the look on Wagner’s face the woman wasn’t happy about what she was being told. “Are you sure?” Hayley heard Wagner say before a couple of seconds later Wagner killed the call and rammed the phone into the outside pocket of her leather jacket. As she approached, Hayley could tell that Wagner was not best pleased. “It seems that the boss would like to speak to you in person.”

“Doesn’t trust the hired help?” Hayley asked with a smile. Wagner looked furious and pulled back her hand as if she was going to strike Hayley until she thought better of it. The woman was not happy. “So, when do I get to meet the boss?” No response. Wagner just fizzed. “What time will they get here?” That was when the clouds seem to lift from Wagner’s face and she smiled. For some reason Hayley didn’t find reassurance.

“Hayley, they aren’t coming here,” Wanger pulled out a small flick knife and engaged the blade. “You will be making a trip to meet them.” Hayley gave her a look, perplexed. Wanger used the knife to slice the tape holding Penelope’s arms in place before bending down and releasing Hayley’s ankles. “Stand up.”

“What about these?” Hayley held up her balled-up. Wagner sighed and unwrapped the right hand.

“I assume that you can get the other yourself. Follow me.” Hayley had found the end of the tape on her left hand and was unwrapping it as Wagner turned and headed off. Hayley scurried after with a mixture of fear and intrigue. Hayley followed Wagner a short distance along the corridor before turning into a smaller chamber through an arch. “Your carriage awaits!” Peering into the gloom Hayley could see the outline of something sitting on the ground. Then the lights were turned on and Hayley was looking at a large, silver, hard skinned casket or box. Squinting Hayley took a look before walking up to give it a closer inspection. There were no hard edges, everything was rounded off and smooth. Having that closer look Hayley saw that it was not a box but was shaped more like a mummy shaped sleeping bag, a shape that she was very familiar with, with a wider shoulder section tapering toward what Hayley assumed was the bottom. In terms of dimensions, it looked about 90 inches long, 40 inches wide at its widest, and 48 inches tall. It was not like anything Hayley had ever seen before. Perplexed she turned and looked at Wagner.

“What the hell is this?”

“Your transport for the meeting with the boss.” Wanger answered like it was obvious, not doing anything to hide her glee.

“Am I supposed to drive it?” Hayley asked walking round the far side so that she was now the other side of the object from Wagner.

“No, you go inside it.” The joy in Wagner’s voice was clear.

“What do you mean?” Wagner walked toward the object and beckoned Hayley to come back round. Once Hayley was standing next to her Wanger popped a section of the cover off to reveal a panel. There were a couple of small screens, a keypad and two large buttons on the panel. Wagner punched a code into the keypad and then pushed one of the buttons. There was a pop and then a hiss before the top of the object started to open on pneumatic hinges. Whistling Wagner took a step back and watched the top rise until it was at about a seventy-five-degree angle before it stopped. Hayley had watched it all in grim fascination. “Are you serious?” Hayley asked. “In there?” Hayley turned and looked at Wagner. She nodded. “In there?”

“You will be fine in the casket?”

“Casket,” Hayley parroted. “Do you really have to call it that?” Hayley looked back at the casket. The padded interior gave the impression that there was no space for someone to lie in it. Hayley took a step forward and pushed down on the interior. It was plush and gave way. The interior of the extremely heavily padded and lined with the smoothest fabric that Hayley had ever felt. “How would I even fit?”

“You weight will push it down and the interior will mould itself around you. Nice and snug.”

“I bet it is!” Hayley said. “How do I breathe?”

“The casket is air tight but there is a built-in air supply that can last for forty-eight hours.” Wagner walked over, removed a section of the interior and held up what looked like a gasmask. “You put this on. No problem.”

“No problem,” Hayley echoed. Hayley looked around the casket again and took a deep breath. It was not exactly something that she would volunteer to do. Then again, Hayley got the impression that this wouldn’t be negotiable. Guessing that the chloroform may come out again if she looked like being any trouble. “Will you be letting Kirsty go?”

“No,” Wagner replied. “Just to make sure that you behave. Think of her as insurance.” It was the sensible option.

“Let her go and I will get in here without complaint and meet your boss.”

“Hayley, you are going anyway,” Wanger replied with certainty. “Shall I get the boys to bring the chloroform.” Worth a try. Hayley shook her head.
“Why like this?” Hayley sighed, now resigned to her fate.

“Put some kind of fragile, do not open, dangerous sticker on it and nobody bothers,” Wagner stated. “Saves loads of questions.” Wagner rubbed her hands. “So, shall we get you ready.” Smiling nervously Hayley nodded.

London, England

It wasn’t what she would have picked for a night out but Hayley assumed that the skin tight suit was the most practical for what was about to happen. Looking down the form fitting outfit was only messed up by the outline of the bulky diaper that Hayley had put on. Wagner had been surprised when Hayley hadn’t put up a fuss or been embarrassed about wearing one. As always when restrained wearing one was better than the alternative. With a waddle Hayley followed Wanger across to the edge of the casket and peered in again. A slight shiver ran down her spin. There was a pile of items lying on the smooth surface. Wagner clocked Hayley looking at them. “All safety precautions I assure you.”

“I am sure they are,” Hayley replied drolly. “Shall we get on with this.” Wagner leaned over and picked up all of the items that had been lying in the casket. The first item to go on was a pair of padded boots. Inside they were thickly padded and very comfortable but the sole and toecap were made of solid steel.

“Protect those toes against the pressure of the lid,” Wagner explained.

“I thought that you didn’t have those,” Hayley commented as Wagner held up a pair of thickly padded finger control mitts.

“These?” Wagner said. “These are finger safety mittens. Don’t want to damage those delicate little digits of yours.” Hayley shook head and held out her hands to allow Wagner to slip on the mitts and then tighten them in place with the Velcro straps. The next item was a large foam ball gag. Hayley didn’t understand why this would be required but wasn’t going to complain. Hayley opened her mouth and allowed the large foam ball to be inserted before not making a fuss as Wagner buckled the straps tightly at the back of her head. Lastly came the mask. It had a front and back and was hinged at the top. “It looks a lot worse than it is.” Hayley nodded that she understood and tried to remain calm despite the butterflies in her stomach. Wagner positioned the rear of the mask behind Hayley’s head. There was a built-in pad that Wanger lined up with the buckle on the gag. Then Wagner close the front section and locked it in place. There was a rubber insert, like an anaesthetic mask, that covered Hayley’s nose and mouth, creating a firm seal. It was a strange sensation and Hayley knew that it would take a while to get used to looking out through the strong perspex screen. Hayley imagined it was the kind of view of the world a goldfish would have. “Alright?”

“mmeeuusshh…” Hayley gave a thumbs up.

“Shall we get you in.” With a little help from Wagner, Hayley managed to get up and onto the interior of the casket. Hayley sat her diapered bottom on the edge, swung her legs up and then squirmed across. It was a weird sensation. She instantly felt herself sink slightly into the plush, soft interior. “Just get across into the middle.” Hayley hadn’t noticed them before there we anchor point in the bed of the casket. Without having to be asked Hayley got herself lined up with the anchor points. Wagner slipped padded cuffs around Hayley’s wrists and ankles before attaching them to the anchor points. They were tightened until they only gave Hayley a couple of inches of play. Wagner hooked up the hose from the mask onto the connection to the air system. “Good to go.” Wagner removed herself from in the way and then pushed in the code to close the lid. As she heard this Hayley turned and looked at Wanger. “Look up,” Wagher called and pointed. The words were very much muted in behind the helmet but Hayley got the idea and looked up. As the lid closed Hayley tensed. The unknown was always intimidating. As the top side of the interior was almost touching her the it went dark. The smooth fabric and think padding pushed down around her body. There was click. Hayley assumed that was the lid now locked in place. She was no trapped inside until she was let out. It as a weird sensation. Although being surrounded and tightly pressed from all directions by the thickly padded lining of the casket and being totally immobile it was not uncomfortable. Very surreal and unnatural but not worrying, if anything the sensation was slightly comforting. All she had to do now was sit back and enjoy the ride.

London, England

Still bound, gagged and blindfolded Kirsty had no idea that Hayley was making a unscheduled trip. The door opened and Wagner entered. Kirsty assumed that they were bringing Hayley back but was slightly shocked when she felt hot breath on her cheek. “You look a bit horny,” the woman slipped a hand under Kirsty’s waistband and down to Kirsty’s crotch. “Um, I think I am correct. Maybe thinking about your little blond bimbo friend with the nice boobs?”

“mmmuurhh,” Kirsty moaned as Wanger rubbed her fingers around her most sensitive area. “uummppff…ooohhhmmm…” The fingers stopped and Wagner removed her hand.

“I am going to untie you now but no funny business.” Kirsty nodded and grunted to confirm that she wouldn’t cause any problems. It took some time but Wanger managed to remove all of the bindings from Kirsty’s body along with the gag and blindfold which left a pile of binding material in the corner of the bed. Kirsty swung her legs down onto the floor and rubbed her wrists.

“Where is Hayley?” Kirsty asked. “If you hurt her…”

“Calm down, lover lady,” Wanger replied with a smile as she sat down next to Kirsty on the bed. “Hayley has left on a little trip. You are staying here to make sure Hayley behaves herself.”

“A trip where?” Kirsty asked.

“Not an unreasonable question but I can’t answer. Your job is to stay here and behave. Anything silly and Hayley may have an accident.” Kirsty nodded to show that she understood. “If you do behave, then we can forgo the bindings.” Kirsty nodded again.

“How long?”

“Until the boss is happy,” was the reply. “Three days, maybe four.” Wagner reached into her pocket and pulled out a mask, some cotton balls and a bottle. “Although, you will need to take regular naps. Just to stop me worrying about you.” Kirsty sighed. She wanted to smash this woman’s face in but couldn’t take the risk of anything happening to Hayley. Watching on Kirsty saw Wagner soaked some of the cotton balls in chloroform, the smell gave it away, before putting them in the mask and handing it over. “I assume that you know what to do with that.” Taking the mask Kirsty brought it toward her nose and mouth, screwing up her nose once the mask was close enough for the fumes to assault her nostrils. With a bit of determination Kirsty pressed the mask over the lower part of her face and put the strap over her back of her head. Now, it was just a matter of time. This would take a bit longer than having a cloth pressed tightly over a nose and mouth. The smell was just the first thing, once Kirsty started to inhale. Pretty soon the drug started to do its job, lack of co-ordination, loss of strength, fuzzy brain, vision blurry. It all happened. Eventually Kirsty swooned as she lost strength and fell down, sprawled onto the bed. “That’s right, just let the chloroform do its job.” Wanger prodded. Kirsty’s eyes fluttered, slowly rolling back into her head as her struggling slowed into occasional twitches, the fight not fully gone in her. It took longer this way but Wanger loved watching a woman slowly being forced to sleep. As Kirsty fought valiantly to stay awake Wanger slipped off her leather jacket. Kirsty gave a last moan as the chloroform finally finished its work and took her into slumberland. Wagner finished stripping off, allowing Kirsty to inhale more of the fumes, before testing how deeply Kirsty was out by lifting one of her arms and letting it drop. “Time to have some fun I think.” Wanger started to strip Kirsty of her clothes.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Absolutely outstanding update: The travel arrangements for Hayley are very creative. Let us hope, this involuntary trip gets her finally some answers. So far Hayley and Kirsty were only chasing shadows. Kirsty will not have an easy time. It seems Wagner intends on making her her toy till Hayley returns. If she returns. Maybe Hayley´s meeting with the Boss will finally shed some light on what is going on here.

Well done [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] !
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 21

Unnamed Location, USA

“I wonder why we are all here?” Frankie Saracino said quietly as she looked around the room. She recognised almost everybody in the room. All of the former Section 12 operatives or employees. There were only two people that she didn’t. Those were the man and woman were standing at the door and greeting everyone as they entered. They were also ticking names off a list on a clipboard. All very old school. It had been a difficult time for Frankie after Section 12. There wasn’t a huge market for women with her skillset. What could she write on her resume? That thought caused her to laugh.

“Something funny?” Frankie turned to find her daughter Sheridan coming toward her with Erin Michut. They each had a drink in their hands. “Only soft drinks at the bar unfortunately,” Sheridan said as she handed Frankie a diet soft drink.

“I was just thinking about what I should put on my re…” Frankie stopped as Darby Shaw entered the room. Not that she was stunned to see the youngest and indeed last recruit to Section 12 arrive, it was more the reaction of the man and woman standing at the door. They exchanged a nod. At first Frankie had thought it was strange. Well, that and old fashioned. A letter had arrived in the post for Frankie with an invitation to attend a gathering of former Section 12 operatives. Frankie had thought it was a joke until Sheridan had called and asked told her that she had received a letter. A brief check on the groups chat had established that everyone that had been working for Section 12 during the last twelve months of its existence had received an invitation.

“Sheridan, can you get reception?” Erin asked. Keeping her eyes on the two people at the door Frankie pulled her own phone out and glanced at it. No reception indeed. A bad feeling was brewing at the pit of Frankies stomach. The man at the door pressed his ear and nodded at the woman.

“Something up mum?” Sheridan asked, sensing Frankie was disturbed.

“Hopefully not,” Frankie replied. Then the man and woman each grabbed a handle on one of the double doors and pulled them open. A heartbeat later a black clad figure charged into the room, turned left and ran along the wall. That figure was soon followed by another. The second turned right and ran along the wall. “I think we have a problem.” Frankie turned and looked for another exit before she realised that there was only one door in and out of the room. As she glanced back the figures kept coming. Taking it in turns to turn left and then right until there were five on each side.

“Er, mum…any idea?” Frankie shook her head. The room had fallen into silence as the black clad figures had taken up their positions. There was no panic. Each figure wore black boots, black combat trousers, tight black sweater with webbing, black leather gloves, a black facemask and goggles. Their identities could not be made out. At least the tight sweater confirmed that they were all women. They also carried rifles in their hands and a pistol on their thigh. Just then two more black clad figures entered the room. These did not carry rifles. One had a black duffel bag in each hand and the others hands were free.

“She will be in charge then,” Frankie said. The man and woman exited the room and closed the doors behind them. There was silence. Nobody moved. The black clad figures scanned the room whilst the former Section 12 operatives looked around in disbelief and confusion. Frankie decided to take the initiative and stepped forward toward the woman that Frankie assumed was the leader. The woman held up her left hand in a gesture that told Frankie to stop. The woman’s right hand rested on the butt of the pistol on her thigh. “What is going on here?” Frankie Saracino asked looking around at the black clad figures that had fanned out around the room.

“We are here to detain all former section twelve associates for further questioning on the grounds of national security.” A load of grumbles from the crowd of women behind Frankie.

“On whose authority?” Sheridan called out.

“Executive Order.”

“Could we see a copy of that order?” Frankie asked. The woman shook her head. “Now, that didn’t seem like an unreasonable request.” The woman just looked at Frankie. “How do we know you are for real. You could be anybody?” Frankie kept her voice level. Her tone conversational. Not wanting to incite anything. The response was a slight wave of the hand from the leader. That was followed by the cocking of rifles. The threat had been made.

“Now, all of you will walk to the far wall, put your hands on the wall and assume the position.”

“Are we criminal suspects?” someone called.

“We aren’t here to answer questions. We are just following orders,” the woman said. “You would all do well to do the same.” The woman looked at Frankie. “I am sure that if there has been a mistake then the authorities will have it cleared up quickly.” Frankie somehow doubted that. There was something going on here that worried her.

“Who do you ladies work for anyway?” There were no insignia on the sweaters or combat trousers. The woman didn’t reply. “Can I see some formal identification?” The woman replied with a sigh.

“Please take you position against the wall.” Frankie held up her hands but didn’t move.

“What do we call you anyway then?”

“Leia,” the woman replied. Frankie could have sworn that the woman smiled under the facemask. “Now,” Leia pointed and raised her voice.
“Everyone, move to the back wall.”

“FREEZE!” Frankie and Leia turned to see one of the former Section 12 operatives make a break for it. One of the black clad figures went for the pistol on their hip. It was like everything was happening in slow motion.

“NO!” Frankie called as the black clad figure, pointed and tracked the woman before pulling the trigger. The running woman jumped and then shook for a split second before falling to the ground and convulsing. It had been a taser. Frankie was relieved and turned back to face Leia.

“That was a last warning. WALL. NOW!!” Leia clapped her hands. Most of the former Section 12 operatives tore their eyes away from their convulsing former colleague on the floor and trudged toward the rear wall. Admitting defeat Frankie turned and made her way over as well. As she did Sheridan and Erin fell in either side of her.

“Any ideas?” Sheridan asked.

“Not at the moment,” Frankie replied. “I guess we just have to play along for now.” Frankie glanced around and saw the rifles of half of the black clad figures were now covering the room. The others were making their way across to the wall at a respectful distance behind the former Section 12 operatives. With the weapons trained on them the women had no option but to comply. They all made their way across to the far wall and assumed the position with hands planted on the wall and legs spread. Erin, Frankie and Sheridan were the last in the line. A glance told Frankie that Darby was at the other end of the line.

“Now ladies,” Leia said. “Just keep facing the wall and keep quiet. Everything will be fine.” They started at the other end of the line from Sheridan. Each of the former Section 12 operatives was thoroughly searched from head to toe by one of the black clad women whilst another took close order to insure there were no serious complaints from the woman being searched. The rest of the black clad figures held station as a threat to all of the women to behave. Darby, being searched first, was stripped of all of her jewellery, mobile phone, purse and anything else. These were all deposited into a zip lock bag that had Darby’s name on it. The bag was then put on a nearby table. The black clad figure then moved onto the next woman with her hands pressed against the wall. Darby started to turn around. “Stay facing the wall and obey instructions.” Leia seemed to be the only one talking. The rest of the black clad figures were silent. The woman with the duffel bags approached Darby dropped the bags on the ground. Kneeling down she unzipped the bag and pulled out a smaller bag from inside. It had drawstrings which she loosened. Inside the bag were a pair of black padded mittens, a pair of padded cuffs, a large white cloth and a large ball-gag.

“HEY!” Darby exclaimed as her hands were brought behind her back and the cuffs put on her wrists.

“Quiet!” Leia shouted. “You will all have to restrained for both your safety and the safety of my team. Do not resist in any way.” Next the mittens were slipped on Darby’s hands and locked in place just below the cuffs. The large cloth was balled-up and forcefully stuffed into Darby’s mouth who moaned and groaned as her cheeks bulged as the mass of material was pressed and prodded inside. Finally, the massive ball-gag was rammed into the opening that the large cloth had created and buckled brutally tightly behind Darby’s head. The young woman moaned as she got used to her gag. The woman that had bound and gagged Darby picked up her duffel bags and moved down to the next woman in the line. Put the bags down and then pulled out another bag with drawstrings. It contained the exact same contents as the first bag and the woman set about binding and gagging the next woman in identical fashion to Darby. Frankie had watched all of this by craning her neck under her armpit. She groaned. This was not going well. They seemed to be well prepared and well informed. There was nothing that they could do about it.

Unnamed Location, USA

Once the black clad figures had made their way down the line the sound of muffled complaints filled the room from the bound and gagged women. Frankie hadn’t resisted as she had been restrained and gagged. Her mouth was full of soft fabric and the ball-gag forced her jaws opened. She was very effectively and slightly uncomfortably silenced. Frankie exchanged a glance with Sheridan and shrugged. She had no idea what was going to happen next. Then Leia spoke. “Thank you for your compliance so far ladies. It is appreciated.” There was a pause. “Now, it is time to go for a short bus ride.” There was the sound of muffled complaints. “Quiet!” The woman said. “Quiet!” It took a couple of seconds but eventually silence fell again. “Form a line. Any funny business and it will lead to punishment not just for you but the woman directly behind or in front of you.” Leia threatened. “Depending on how I am feeling.” The captives reluctantly formed a line. “Good. Now follow my colleague here.” The woman pointed as a tall woman who was standing next to the door. The woman held up a hand and waived. “She will lead the way. Just a nice stroll, no running, skipping or noise.” There were more muffled complaints. Franke glanced around and saw that the woman that had bound and gagged them was now filling one of her now empty duffel bags with the zip lock bags that contained all of their belongings. “You lead.” Frankie turned to find Leia was pointing at Sheridan.

“mmuurhh…” Sheridan mumbled but compiled and started walking slowly toward the door. The rest of the bound and gagged women followed at regular intervals under the watchful eye of the black clad woman. The tased woman brought up the rear being helped assisted by the woman who had bound and gagged them all. Sheridan was directed to turn left as soon as she left the room. There was a corridor that she was directed to walk along. There were doors off to either side but Sheridan assumed that these would just be cupboards. At the end of the corridor was a left turn and Sheridan made that and saw another corridor. This one had a set of fire escape doors at the end that were lying open. A black clad woman stood next to the door beckoning Sheridan forward. Somewhat reluctantly Sheridan made her way down the corridor and then out into a concrete yard. Sheridan stopped and looked around. There wasn’t a bus but there was a large truck sitting with its rear doors open and a set of steps leading up into its rear cargo space. Another black clad figure beckoned her forward. “uummppff…” Sheridan grumbled and headed over and up the stairs into the rear of the truck. At the stop of the stairs Sheridan paused and looked around. There were two sets of padded leather seats on each side. Standing in the middle of the two rows of seats was yet another identically black clad figure. She came forward, grabbed Sheridan and roughly pulled her to the end of the depths of the truck. “mmmuuppp…gguummgg…” Sheridan was forced down into one of eh seats. The black clad woman pulled out two lengths of a padded strap that was positioned across Sheridan’s stomach and tightened it to keep Sheridan in place. The strap was applied tight enough so that it is pressed Sheridan’s arms back into the seat. Sheridan groaned in complaint. There was to be more. A further strap was placed across her chest and a third across her thighs to pin her down to the seat. As Sheridan was being secured another black clad figure escorted Frankie to the seat opposite and began to secure her in place. Sheridan made eye contact with her mother as the woman securing her knelt down to secure Sheridan’s legs with individual straps around the ankles and shins. Sheridan winced as the straps were tightened. The black clad figure stood up and blocked out Sheridan’s view of her mother. That view was obscured totally when a padded blindfold was placed over Sheridan’s eyes and secured in place. “uummhhrr…” The bondage was completed by earplugs that were pushed into Sheridan’s ears. Sheridan felt someone being pushed into the seat beside her and tried and squirmed to test the bindings that held her in place. They did not give an inch. They were in trouble.

Unnamed Location, USA

The journey had been a strange one. Frankie had tried to count in her head to give her an idea of how long had passed but eventually lost track. Frankie reckoned it was at least two hours, give or take when the van stopped and the vibrations from the engine stopped. The rear door opened, Frankie could tell from the slight breeze on her skin and felt steps on floor of the truck. Then nothing. It seemed to take an age until Frankie felt the straps that held her to the chair released and she was helped up. The blindfold and earplugs remained in place. A firm hand on each arm guided Frankie to the end of the rear cargo space. Not having use of her eyes Frankie started to pull up when she guessed that she was at the end of the space but a prob in her back encouraged her on and she stepped onto more solid footing. It was a concrete dock. Frankie was guided through a door and into a building, along corridors, a couple of turns and then into a carpeted room. Once in the room the earplugs were removed and Frankie could hear a lot of mumbled groaning through gags. If nothing else Frankie had to respect the professionalism of these women. “Attention please,” Leia voice again. “Don’t bother with her legs. She can go first.” Frankie knew that they were talking about her. “Thanks for your co-operation so far ladies. Now, we need your further co-operation to get to the end of the process.” There were more groans. “We are going to remove your bindings one at a time and then direct you through a door.” This time there was some hopeful mumbled moans and groans. “I wouldn’t get too excited yet. Once in the first room you must do exactly as instructed by the women in that room. If you do not then there will be consequences for all of the other women behind you in this room. Remember they will all be bound and gagged.” There were no moans. “Now ladies, this is like a conveyor belt or assembly line. Go to the first station and then move on. I am sure that you get the idea.” Frankie felt the mittens on her hands being removed and then the cuffs around her wrists were removed. Instantly, Frankie brought her wrists around and started to rub them. As she was rubbing her wrists the ball-gag was removed. This allowed Frankie to pull the damp cloth from her mouth.

“Who are you and where are we?” Frankie said. Leia didn’t respond. “What are your plans for us?” Once again Leia didn’t respond. The woman just pulled a taser out of her pocket, walked across to the nearest bound and gagged women, who happened to be Jessica Warren, pressed the prongs into Jessica’s shoulder and pressed the button.

“MMMMOOOHH!!” Jesscia creamed into the gag as she jerked and squirmed as the electricity ran through her body. It lasted for a couple of seconds and then Jesscia slumped inert.

“You fucking bitch,” Frankie spat. “You will pay for that.”

“Stop with the bravado and get through that door before I recharge this and pick on someone else.” Frankie sighed, turned and headed for the door. There was no other way out of the situation. Grabbing the handle, Frankie turned and stepped into the room. On the other side she found a small room, a bit like a doctor’s examination room with an examination table in the centre. There was a woman in the room, cute, petite with blond hair and wearing a nurse’s uniform.

“Please strip and place all of your clothes into that bag,” the nurse pointed to a large zip lock bag with Frankie’s name on it that was sitting in the corner. “And I mean all of your clothes.” Frankie slowly started to take off her shoes, then her socks before working her way up and starting to loosen her trousers. “Hurry up, we have a lot of work to do today and don’t have time to waste.” Frankie sighed but did pick up the pace and eventually had all of her clothes, including her underwear stuffed into the bag. “Now, onto the table, lie flat on your back with your feet flat and knees bent.” It wasn’t the best description but Frankie jumped onto the table and lay down with her head on the pillow. “This might be a bit uncomfortable but I am going to inset something now. Try and relax” Frankie wondered what was going on, then she felt something cold and smooth being pushed into her.

“What is that?” Frankie asked as he nurse continued to insert the object.

“Remote controlled bullet vibrator,” the nurse replied. “Don’t worry, fully sterilised.” That wasn’t what Frankie was worried about. When the device was fully inserted the nurse started to rub cool cream across Frankie’s private areas. “I know that you will be familiar with being diapered so I assume this will go smoothly.” Frankie heard the tell-tale sound of a diaper being prepared and just stared at the ceiling wondering what was going on. After the diaper had been applied to the satisfaction of the nurse, Frankie was helped to her feet. The nurse just pointed at the door on the opposite side of the room to the door where Frankie had entered. Stepping through the door Frankie waddled into the next room. It was a little more spartan than the first room. There was basically just a row of down filled suits hanging on mobile rails. “Name?” A voice said from the other side of the room. Frankie turned to find another woman in a nurse’s uniform standing with her arms crossed across her chest. This woman was tall, lean and had shoulder length dark hair. “Name?”

“Frankie Saracino,” Frankie replied flatly. The woman walked across to the rail and started to look through the suits. Eventually finding the suit that she was looking for the woman pulled it from the rail and removed the hanger before holding it out to Frankie. “I assume that you want me to put this on?” The woman nodded and Frankie grabbed the suit. After pulling down the zip Frankie put first her left leg and then right leg into both legs of the suit. There were built in boots at the end of the legs. They seemed to be the right size. Frankie then flipped the suit over her shoulders, it wasn’t that easy due to the amount of down stuffing in the suit, then after putting her hands through the arms of the suit Frankie zipped it up. “Happy?” The woman nodded and then turned away. Frankie ran her hands over the suit. It was made of a very smooth material inside and out, with a substantial amount of down filling. Perhaps not the most flattering outfit but it fit perfectly. Almost as if it had been made for her. The woman walked across, stood in front of Frankie and smile as she held up a pair of finger control mittens. Then matched the dark blue colour of the suit. Without having to be asked Frankie raised her hands and allowed the woman to put a mitt on each hand and then locked them in place around Frankie’s wrists.

“Please go through that door,” the woman pointed toward another door. Frankie looked at her hands, now useless inside the thickly padded mittens, then back at the woman. “No handle. Just push it with your shoulder. As she waddled toward the door the soft nylon of the suit made a swishing noise. At the door Frankie turned slightly and nudged it. The door opened easily and Frankie moved into the next room.

“Come on in,” a female voiced said with a little more enthusiasm that Frankie liked. “Don’t be shy. We don’t bite.” Frankie found herself looking at another woman wearing a nurse’s uniform. This woman was about the same age as Frankie with short cropped red hair, green eyes and a wide smile. The woman wore a pair of spectacles on the bridge of the nose. “Just stand next to the table.” Frankie glanced left and saw the table. There were items laying out. Rows of the same item, then rows of another item, all identical as you moved down the table. You get the idea. Frankie moved and stood next to the end of the table. “How are you?” the woman asked as she picked up one of the first items. A set of padded cuffs. “A quiet one. Sorry, still have to gag you though.” The woman winked. Frankie held up her arms and the woman placed the cuffs on Frankie’s wrists, making sure that they were tight. The woman took a couple of steps backwards and motioned for Frankie to follow. The next item that the woman picked up
The woman picked up a large foam object that was slightly egg-shaped. “This is self-cleaning, very hygienic, soft and will keep you nice and quiet. Open up.” Frankie opened her mouth and allowed the woman to stuff the object deep into her mouth. Frankie moaned and groaned as the object expanded, it pushed her tongue down and completely filled her mouth. So much so that Frankie couldn’t fully close her mouth. “There, not that bad.” Next came a large, white ball-gag. The ball was pressed into Frankie’s slightly open mouth. The ball was large enough to force Frankie’s jaw open.

“mmmuurrr…uuummmhhh…” Frankie moaned. The woman ignored Frankie and buckled the two ends of the strap tightly at the back of Frankie’s head. The woman secured it so tightly that it forced the foam object deeper into her mouth.

“Almost finished,” the woman said as she picked up a roll of white micro-foam tape. The woman found the end and pressed it against Frankie’s right cheek. Then it was wrapped over Frankie’s mouth and around her head half a dozen times before the woman tore the end and then smoothed it down. “There you go. Nice and quiet.” Frankie grumbled. “Just through that door pet.” This woman was really starting to grate on Frankie. As she walked past the woman slapped Frankie on the butt. “I love a woman in diapers.” Frankie turned and glared. “See you later. I will be looking after you at your final destination.” The woman winked. Frankie turned and waddled awkwardly toward the door. Another nudge with the shoulder and the door opened. Frankie wondered what she would find on the other side.

As she entered the next room Frankie’s question was answered, she instantly saw the two restraining bags sitting on open on the ground. The thinner one had a centre zip that went about hallway down its length. The second, much thicker bag had a side zip and lay all the way open. Almost mocking her. Come and get inside me. The bags were both the same colour. The same blue as the suit that Frankie wore. A woman stood on either side of the two bags. They also wore nurse’s uniforms. The women were both tall and broad, very athletic looking. “Lie down in front of the thinner bag,” the taller on the two women instructed as she pointed at one of the bags. Frankie mumbled a response and then walked across to the bag as indicated. With her arms pinned as they were and wearing a large diaper it wasn’t the most graceful of landings but Frankie managed to get down. It was a bump down onto her bottom and then a slow lie down. The two women appeared in her vision holding up a set of padded cuffs each. “These are for your ankles and thighs.” The two women disappeared again and Frankie felt the cuffs put in place. Then Frankie heard the rustle of nylon as the bag was pulled towards her. She felt her legs being lifted as she was slipped into the bag. As it moved up her body Frankie could feel the bag getting tighter and tighter. There was little friction as the smooth interior of the bag went against the smooth external shell of the suit. It didn’t take long until the bag was up to her shoulders and one of the women zipped it all the way up to her neck. The fit was snug and there was no room for wriggling around inside the bag. Even then Frankie did give it a go. It was form fitting. “Now for this.” The woman held up some kind of hood. It was the same coloured as the bag that she was in. There was only one hole it on. That was where here nose would be. The padded hood was pulled over Frankie’s head and everything went black. The heavily padded sections over the eyes blocking out all light. There was a padded section over her mouth that reinforced the gag and other padded sections over the ear that muffled a lot of the sounds around her. There were stud buttons around the bottom edge of the hood and these were pushed into receptacles in the collar of the bag, securing the two together. All of this unnerved Frankie slightly, losing most of your senses would. There were muffled sounds and then Frankie felt herself being lifted off the ground at the shoulders and feet, moved a couple of yards and then deposited onto something soft. That would be the other bag. The top of the second bag was flipped over and the zip started to be pulled up. This bag had a hod with a small, built-in pillow that Frankie rested her head on. There was no point in fighting or lashing out now. She was a captive. It was done.

“mmmuurr…uummrr…” Frankie groaned as the zip was pulled up and she felt the bag tighten and compress the down that was all around her against her body. When the zip was fully up Frankie felt like she was being envelope by a smooth, down filled monster. The sensation was not altogether unpleasant. Frankie squirmed around a little in the bag.

“Will you stop that,” a voice said. “Lie still.” Then Frankie felt herself being lifted again, this time a little higher and carried for a little further before she was place down on a padded surface. It was a gurney but Frankie wasn’t to know that. Heavy straps were used to secure her to the gurney. There were four in all. The straps were placed across her ankles, thighs, stomach and shoulders. The mass of down that Frankie was in provided protection but Frankie still felt the straps bite in. “One down and plenty to go.” Frankie groaned a complaint as she heard the sound of flesh being slapped together. Did they just high-five? Frankie was left in peace. With nothing else to do Frankie decided to try and think this through and work out how these people worked for. At least
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Post by Caesar73 »

The plot of this tale gets more and more complex. A lot of characters we know have died or vanished. Now Frankie and her Colleagues are captured and restrained - by a government agency? And Hayley is on a journey to meet Wageners Bosses to meet the mysterious Boss, while Kirsty is held captive to ensure Hayley´s good behaviour. Hopefully she learns something that might help to uncover the plot. So far Hayley and her friends chased shadows only they are played and toyed with. They are mere puppets. And there is still Crawford .... this tale is intriguing [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] completely!
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Post by elea62 »

Ty for the chapter
Looking for soft role-play
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 22

Unknown location

The pressure around Hayley relented as the roof of the casket eased off her. “uummppff…mmpphhff…” Hayley moaned and fought against the bonds that held in her place. It was a strange and confusing experience after being so securely restrained for so long. Suddenly a female face appeared and wave her hand. Taking the hint Hayley raised her head and the woman released the clips and removed the helmet and gag.
“Thanks,” Hayley croaked, her mouth and throat parched.

“Don’t try and get up now. Just lie still for a couple of minutes and take deep breathes,” a male voice said as the woman released the anchors from around Hayley’s wrists and ankles. Taking the advice, Hayley lay perfectly still and took deep breathes. In and out. In and out. After a couple of minutes, she felt more like grounded and rolled over. There was a man standing with his hands clasped behind his back. He was handsome enough. Age wise he could have been anything from a slightly older looking thirty-five to a youngish looking fifty. Expensive blue suit, open necked lilac shirt, hair swept back, heathy looking tan and a welcoming smile. Hayley moved toward the edge of the casket and the man held out a hand and helped Hayley down the two small steps from the casket to the floor. “Welcome Miss King. It is a pleasure to meet you.” The man raised and then kissed the back of her hand. Despite the situation Hayley almost blushed at the gesture. Looking around Hayley saw that they were in a garage. Two high end sports cars occupied the two bays beyond the casket. There was a stern looking woman standing just off to the side.

“Who are you and where are you?” Hayley asked. The man chortled.

“Both reasonable questions but for another time.” Hayley didn’t look impressed with that answer. She had undergone quite an ordeal to get here. The least the man could do was give her a straight answer to a straight question. “We have a room set up for you Miss King. I am sure that you will find everything that you require but if you do need anything than tell Mila and she will try her best to get it for you.” Hayley looked at the stern-faced woman and smiled. There was nothing coming back. Mila turned and headed off. Hayley took the hint and waddled after her. On exiting the garage Hayley found herself in a spacious and well-decorated house. The sun was still out, Hayley could feel it through the large windows. Hayley had no idea where she was but at least the temperature was pleasant. Mila hustled along and Hayley followed her up a set of stairs and along a corridor. There was an open door and Mila invited Hayley to go inside.

“Dinner in two hours,” Mila said. “Be ready.” Once Hayley had taken a couple of paces inside, she heard the doo close and then the snick of a lock being engaged

“Obviously don trust me that much.” Now she was alone, Hayley wasted no time in stripping off the skin tight suit and now soiled diaper before depositing them in the bin. There was a bathroom and Hayley had a quick shower in the stall. Then she started running a bath, pouring in assorted soothing and nice smelling potions. Hayley did some of her best thinking in the bath. Whilst the bath filled us Hayley had a look around and found a selection of nice dresses hanging in a wardrobe all her size, underwear in a drawer, all her size and a selection of beauty products on a dresser, all products that she used. “This is quite spooky.” After making her selection of clothing for the evening Hayley headed back into the bathroom and closed the door.
A couple of hours later a refreshed Hayley entered the dining room. The man was standing next to a small table that had obvious been set up for the occasion. The main dining table must have sat double digits in terms of people and had obviously been deemed too large for just the two of them. “Miss King, you look stunning.” Hayley nodded, accepting the compliment with grace. She had put on a form fitting blue dress and matching heels. The man pulled out a chair and Hayley sat down. “Your reputation proceeds you, but hardly does you justice.” There was a sparkle in the man’s eyes as he took his seat. He picked up a bottle and poured two glasses of wine. They both took a sip and sat back. Silence fell but it wasn’t an uncomfortable one. Not long after the first course arrived and they tucked in, the food was incredible. They fell into small talk that leaned strongly towards Hayley and her person la history. The man was skillful in steering the conversation when it got to close to him.

“This seems like a very one-way conversation at the moment,” Hayley commented between sips of her wine, “you seem to know a lot more about me than I do about you.” The main course had been even better than the starter and the second bottle of wine was opened so Hayley decided to try and move the conversation on. “What do you do exactly?”

“What would I say my job is…that is a good question?” the man considered this for a moment. “Consult, fixer, solver of problems, advisor….”

“Consigliere,” Hayley replied. The man smiled at this and nodded, liking the comparison.

“Then you work for The Mafia?” Hayley gambled. The man laughed and shook his head.

“No, nobody as crude as them. Not criminals” Hayley took another drink. Let the man talk. “I work for a group of wealthy, powerful and influential individuals known at The Coalition.”

“Never heard of them,” Hayley immediately said.

“That is the point,” the man said. “They pool their resources to try and steer events around the world to their advantage. I have had to explain how it works on several occasions and that is about as succinct as I can make it.” Just then desert arrived and Hayley picked up her spoon and got stuck in. Giving herself some time to think.

“God, this is divine.” Hayley commented. “Was it you that Elizabeth Crawford met in Bratislava?” Hayley suddenly asked. The man nodded. “Why would your organisation want to meet and have an association with someone like Elizabeth Crawford?” Hayley raised an eyebrow. “That is, if as you claim they are not criminals.” Hayley leaned back and titles her head slightly. Thinking about it. The man picked up his glass and took a mouthful of wine. “Crawford requested the meeting. Didn’t she?” The man slowly put the glass back on the table.

“Correct,” the man confirmed. “Crawford did request the meeting.” The man smiled, crossed his legs and clasped his hands on his knee. He seemed to be engrossed in Hayley working this through.

“So, why would Crawford request the meeting?” The man sat in silence and waited. Hayley thought about it and then leaned forward and picked up her glass. “Crawford wanted to go legitimate. She was also power hungry and liked to be in control.” Hayley looked at the man. “If your organisation is as powerful as you claim…wait, if it even exists, it sounds like the kind of thing the Crawford would be interested in. Did she want to join?”

“Your deduction skills are well honed. I can add that to your intelligence, bravery, sense of humour and obvious physical beauty to your list of attributes.”

“If your organisation is so secret then how did Elizabeth Crawford know about it?” It was a question but Hayley was asking it more to herself than anybody else in the room. By this point she had worked out that the man was enjoying letting her work this out her herself. “Her little electronic black book of information.” Hayley raised a glass to herself. “There was something in there that exposed you or one of your top members.” The man nodded. Hayley was on a roll now; the dots being joined in her head. “There would obviously be some kind of tax or fee involved for letting Elizabeth Crawford join,” Hayley bit her lip and then smiled. “The information, all of it. That was the cost of entry.”


“Crawford still needed some of it to put her own plans in place. Then there is the fact that she was, sorry is, a total control freak. It would have been hard for her to hand it all over to you.”

“Yes, that is correct,” the man said. “Miss Crawford was still considering our proposal when…”

“Everything went tits up,” Hayley interrupted and raised a glass. “Cheers!” That solved a problem of what they were after. Now, all she had to do was get out of here. “Sorry, but I don’t deal with criminals.”

“The people that I work for at not criminals Hayley,” the man replied.

“What would you call kidnapping and people smuggling?”

“We saw an opportunity that we could use to our advantage and took it.”

“This means that you still want that information, don’t you?”

“My organisation think that it could prove to be advantageous in future opportunities.”

“Plus, there is something in it that you want protected. Something that could expose you.” The man nodded as if conceding the point. “And you think that I have it.”

“That would be a logical conclusion,” the man said. “We know that you had the information during your trip across the Atlantic.” The man gave Hayley a look. “Anything could have happened to it.”

“You think that I wouldn’t hand over all of the information that I had to the authorities,” Hayley didn’t miss a beat. Acting shocked at the attack on her integrity.

“I didn’t mean anything, just that sometime things get lost…and then found again.” Hayley thought about this for a minute. How desperate were they to get the information? Desperate enough to disrupt a wedding. Desperate enough to kidnap someone. Desperate enough to kill someone.

“Are your bosses the kind of people that just employ people to do their dirty work for them.”

“On occasion,” the man replied.

“Dirty as in kidnap Natalie Twain?” The man shook his head.

“No, my understanding is that she has…” the man was trying to find the correct phrase, “had a change of heart on the wedding and ran away.” A flash of anger crossed Hayley’s face. At herself as much as the man’s suggestion. If they had kidnapped Natalie, they would just ransom her for the information and done that some time ago.

“What about killing people?” Hayley asked, locking the man with a stare.

“I am going to be honest with you Hayley. If the situation demanded it then…” he let the insinuation hang, “but not with any of your friends. Not Christina or Rhiannon. I think that you are just looking for an answer that justifies their lose. Someone that you can blame and go and get. I think that these were just random events. You are just trying to find a link. In isolation they are all explainable.” The man held Hayley’s gaze. Over the years Hayley had learned to read people and she believe the man was telling the truth. Now, another test.

“Did you set up that kidnapping of Erin Moynahan just to kidnap me?”

“Well, we were looking to have a chat with that woman and it made sense if you did the legwork. Gives us plausible deniability on the whole thing.” The man took a drink. “Two birds with one stone.”

“So, The Broker set us up,” Hayley said shaking her head. “I was naïve to trust her.”

“She owed us a favour. And I wouldn’t be so hard on yourself. You did want to find your friend. To prove that she hadn’t run away. Defend her honour so to speak.” Hayley sat back. The man was probably correct on most of those points. She yawned. “I think that is time to call it a night.”
“Alright then,” Hayley said getting up from her seat. Truth be told she was feeling tired. The man got up and stuck out a hand. “What do I call you anyway?” Hayley ignored the hand, leaned in and pecked him on the cheek. The man liked her, no point in not trying to use that to her advantage.


“Do any of you people have two names?” The man chuckled.

“I hope that you appreciate that there are certain precautions that we will have to take with you as you are a somewhat unwilling guest.” Suddenly Hayley felt a sudden panic as with that statement her mind jumped straight to the casket. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to concern you.” It was as if the man had read her mind. “It will be nothing as extreme as the casket.” Hayley instantly relaxed. Being tied up wasn’t a new experience, that included heavy bondage for long periods of time but the thought of the casket unnerved her. “Mila will take you back to your room and secure you for the night.” Hayley turned and headed for the exit of the dining room. Mila was standing at the foot of the stairs. The man watched Hayley leave the room, the view from the rear was almost as impressive as from the front. Beautiful, intelligent, funny, brave. Miss King was a very alluring woman.

As she knew the way Hayley didn’t bother waiting and headed up the stairs meaning was slightly ahead of Mila as they made their way back to the room that was to be her accommodation for the night. After entering the room Hayley made her way across to the bed and spun around to face Mila. “How are we going to do this?” Hayley asked as she slipped off her heels and stored them neatly under the bed.

“You will obey my instructions,” Mila replied.

“I mean, in practical terms?” Hayley could see Mila think about it, trying to get the exact meaning. Then it was as if a light went on in the maid’s head.

“There are restraints in each corner of the bed.” Hayley nodded. “There is sleepwear in the drawer over there.” Mila pointed toward a chest of drawers before heading off toward the cupboard in the corner. It was the one place in the room that Hayley hadn’t been able to look at because it had a lock on it. Mila used a key to open it and Hayley concentrated on the sleepwear in the now open drawer. Everything was neatly folded and Hayley handled it carefully before selecting a blue, silk, two-piece outfit that had long arms and trousers.

“These look very comfortable,” Hayley commented as she turned around to find Mila holding a bulky white package and some other items in her arms. Instantly Hayley knew what it was and her shoulders sagged.

“I am not cleaning up any mess. This is better.”

“I know, I know,” Hayley replied before dragging herself over to the bed like a surly teenager. It was slow undress as Hayley took off all of her clothing and piled it neatly on the edge of the bed. Then Hayley slipped on the top of the pyjama set and buttoned it up before getting on the bed and lying down. Looking at something interesting on the ceiling Hayley heard familiar noises and then when they stopped without having to be asked lifted her hips from the bed and after a couple of seconds felt a tap on her hip and took this as a sign to lower them again. When she did Hayley felt her bum land on something soft and thick. Hayley lay perfectly still as Mila applied some cream and talcum powder before she finished the process of putting on the diaper by bringing up the front and securing the sticky tabs to keep it in place.

“Not so bad that was it, almost as if you were used to it.” The woman had no idea. “Right get back up off the bed.” Hayley did and watched as Mila pulled down the duvet and patted the centre of the bed. As this was going on Hayley inspected Mila’s diaper handiwork and judging it satisfactory pulled on the pyjama bottoms. “Hurry up. I don’t have all day.” Mila barked. “I have a job to do and can’t waste all evening babysitting you.” Hayley just looked at the woman and sighed. Then she got on the bed and moved over to the centre and put her arms up and out toward the corners of the bed. Mila moved up to the top of the bed and grabbed Hayley’s right wrist with her own and reached out with her left to the corner of the bed and found a padded cuff with a strong strap attached. The other end of the strap was fixed to the frame of the bed. The cuff was placed around Hayley’s wrists and tighten. Tighten very tightly. So much so Hayley winced as Mila finished and locked off the buckle. “Hold your fingers out.” Hayley sighed again as finger control mitts was put on her hand and then held in place with Velcro straps. That would be my fingers useless now. The maid then quickly made her way around the bed and performed the same operation on Hayley’s left wrist. Once again, the cuff was secured tightly. Mila then flicked the duvet up and secured Hayley’s ankles with similar cuffs as Hayley relaxed, kept quiet and let the woman work. With all four of Hayley’s limbs secured Mila pulled the duvet back over Hayley’s feet. “Wouldn’t want them getting cold.” The maid then spent the next minute for so working her way around the bed, fussy over how the duvet was sitting, making adjustments and tucking in so that most of Hayley was covered. Then the maid plumped up two pillows and slipped them under Hayley’s head. “Is that alright?”

“Yeah, thanks,” Hayley said. The maid turned and left Hayley’s immediate field of vision. It wasn’t long until the maid returned with an item in each hand. There was a large foam ball in one hand and a roll of white micro-foam tape in the other. “Seriously?” Mila nodded. The maid scrunched up the foam ball and moved it toward Hayley’s mouth. For some reason Hayley objected to this and sealed her lips and shook her head. Mila was having now of this, dropped the tape and used her free hand to pinch Hayley’s nose, cutting off the air supply. “MMUURGG!” Hayley garbled and shook her head. Despite knowing that it was futile Hayley held her lips sealed until her face went red and her lungs were starting to burn a little before having to gasp for air. The moment that Hayley’s mouth opened Mila rammed the foam ball into Hayley’s mouth. “uurrmmgg…gggrrumm…” Hayley gagged as the foam ball hit her mouth, expanding, filling her entire oral cavity and pressing her tongue down. Mila then picked up the white micro-foam tape and pressed the end down on Hayley’s right cheek and whilst Hayley was still recovering from the lack of air Mila wrapped it over Hayley’s mouth and around her head, once, twice then six occasions before tearing off the end and pressing it down firmly on Hayley’s left cheek. Hayley glared at the maid over her taped gagged mouth.

“What is that look for? I kept your hair out of the way.”

“mmppffgg…hhuummff…” Hayley complied. Mila slipped her hand into the large pocket in her uniform and produced a padded sleep mask. “mmoohh.” Despite the complaint Mila quickly slipped the mask over Hayley’s eyes and the band behind her head to keep it in place.

“Good night.” Hayley lay still and listened as the maid left the room, the door opening and closing then the click as the lock was engaged. It may have been force of habit but Hayley gave the cuffs on her wrists a try, there would be no getting her hands through them. Then it was the bindings from the cuffs to the bedframe, she gave them a couple of short, sharp tugs but they held solidly in place.

“mmppffhh,” Hayley exhaled through her nose and rested her head back onto the soft, down filled pillows beneath her head. It was frustrating to be bound but with the door locked she probably wouldn’t be able to do much snooping around anyway. On the other hand, it did give her some time to think. To run things through her brain with no other inputs to distract her, and see if she could make some breakthrough about what exactly was going on.

At this point Hayley was wondering how much they knew. Did they know that the official version of the information that Hayley handed over had been redacted by her first? Or did they assume that it had been the authorities holding the information. She had to assume that they had suspicions that it was the former. Hayley and Natalie had acted on most of the information contained within the redacted files and they hadn’t come across these people. Hayley racked her brains but she hadn’t looked at the information she had removed from the files that got handed over since that trip across the Atlantic. There was something important in it. For the life of her Hayley didn’t know what it was.

Unknown location

The next morning had brought Mila back into the room, Hayley watched her carry a trap over to the dresser and put it down. The smell of warm coffee caught Hayley’s nostrils. It looks like breakfast had arrived. The woman came across to the bed and released Hayley’s right wrist. “I assume that you can manage the rest yourself.” Hayley glared at her. “One hour.” It didn’t take long for Hayley to extricate herself from the bindings. Her diaper was clean so she headed straight for breakfast. The food was again, delightful. A selection of toast, fresh fruit and a muffin. Hayley tucked in and then headed for a shower.

This time when she met Andersson it was more relax. He had on linen trousers and a light blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up. Hayley had put on loose-fitting trousers and a blouse. They almost matched. They talked about everything other than what they had discussed last night as they strolled around the large gardens on the house. It didn’t go unnoticed that two guards were always close by, ready to make a move should anything untoward occur. They stopped and Andersson turned to look at Hayley. “This may be a bit forward Hayley but if you would allow me a minute to make a proposal.” He wasn’t nervous, Hayley didn’t think the man got nervous, uncertain was probably the correct word. “I find you a fascinating woman.”

“Are you about to ask me out?” Hayley guessed.

“That would be the playground way of putting it,” Andersson said. “You have had a hard time recently. I could make your life easier.” Hayley squinted. “We could have a good life together.” Hayley shook her head slowly. “I thought that would be the answer. Can’t blame a guy for trying.” Andersson nodded at something behind Hayley. Before she could fully turn around to see what was going on strong hands grabbed Hayley from behind. What came next wasn’t totally unexpected. A soft cotton cloth, was placed over Hayley's nose and mouth. Instantly, she knew it was chloroform. She squirmed and try to avoid the cloth, but the form grip easily held it in place.

“mmmpppffhh…uummppff…” Hayley cried into the cloth. There was two of them. Hayley fought vigorously against the grip as she locked eyes with Andersson.

“Relax Hayley, nothing will happen to you,” Andersson. “I thought this might be the easiest way to transport you back to London.” Hayley continued to glare. With her arms pinned by her side "Don't struggle, Hayley. Just breathe deeply and it'll be over soon." Despite the soothing words, Hayley insisted on fighting back, twisting this way and that in a futile effort to escape the iron grip that held her and the fragrant cloth pressed in her face, sending the sleep-inducing fumes into her lungs no matter how she tried not to inhale. Eventually the drug started to take effect and Hayley felt her strength start to wane. At this point there was no point in resisting any longer. The fight was over so she relaxed, stopped struggling and took deep breathes, inhaling the sweet-smelling, soporific fumes. It didn’t take long until Hayley felt dizzy and uncoordinated, her legs buckled and she moaned involuntarily into he think cloth pressed over her nose and mouth. Her attackers were now holding her up, taking all of her weight. There were a couple of more moans before Hayley’s eyes closed over and her head lolled over to one side. Andersson approached as the cloth was removed. He gently traced the line of her jaw. “Safe travels Hayley.”
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Post by mrjones2009 »

elea62 wrote: 1 year ago Ty for the chapter
Thanks. Hope that you are enjoying!
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Centennial Club
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Post by Windrunner »

Comfortable satin pajamas (and a diaper) but spread-eagle on a bed, is probably a relief after so much time in those oh-so-awful-please-don't-put-me-in-one-I'll-DM-my-measurements silky nylon restraint bags (and a diaper).
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