The Other Box (F+/F+) (COMPLETE 06/07)

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Post by Nainur »

Myyyyyyyyyystereeeeeeeeeeeh! :shock:
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Post by ThatDino »

Oh boy, the plot thickens yet again... Intrigued to see to which lengths you'll take this one.
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Post by GreyLord »

Great cliffhanger, [mention]RopeBunny[/mention]. I haven't yet read all of your old stories. But that makes all of this very exciting and fresh for me. Waiting for your next installment with no patience at all. :D
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Post by BlissfulMisery »

Hey, great chapter(s). Was away for a bit and happy to see not one but two waiting for me. Excited to see who/what the strange attacker is.

Interested to see what comes of Ush and Luna; their 'abilities', newfound in Ush's case, seem to want them to stay away from each other. Magical powers in this universe don't seem to mix well, like trying to throw cats in a sack together.

Also curious how 'other' people perceive Ush's new form. The impression is like they know something is off, but can't quite put their finger on it. Like a sort of imperfect, half-illusion.

All in all, seems like conflict is brewing.
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Post by RopeBunny »

GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago Waiting for your next installment with no patience at all. :D
Guess I should get on and write it then :lol: no rush.
BlissfulMisery wrote: 2 years ago Also curious how 'other' people perceive Ush's new form. The impression is like they know something is off, but can't quite put their finger on it. Like a sort of imperfect, half-illusion.
Probably won't be much reference to this beyond what I've already done, that people can see the diffence in Ush, and are (Luna aside) generally un-nerved. Because this is a TUGs site, for TUGs stroies, I try to keep things quite light. Backstory and explanation is needed, but I make sure not to dwell on things that aren't related to TUGs too much.

I could easily go right off on one with this, tons of lore and all sorts of stuff that has nothing to do with bondage. But then it'd be chapters full of no rope fun.

Which would be terrible :D

Thanks for all the comments.
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Post by RopeBunny »

The Geek.

Ush drops, crumples, falling to the grass covered floor. And in doing so reveals.

Morgan? From magic club?

Wearing a ridiculous pair of goggles, the kind you dive with. Some form of leather bandolier belt harness running from right shoulder to left hip. And with a two handed grip on a small pistol. A crazy combination of accessories, even more so given all appear modified in some way: additional metal and wires, plenty of blinking lights.

Isn't Morgan studying engineering?

And, why is that stuff surrounded by blue smoke?

"Mmmffppfffffdffmmmmm." Almost yelling, as best the gag will allow anyway. 'What the actual fuck?' And. 'Let me out.' Bound body shaking to emphasise my point, no longer as a come on to my now unconsciousness girlfriend.

"Yeah, okay. Luna." Morgan, stepping closer, stopping to prod Ush with a black Sketchers trainer clad foot, waves a dismissive hand at me. "Be with you in a moment."

"Mmffffffppmmmmmm." I will not. Wait. "Ffffffpppppfffffffmmmm."
"Shhhhh." Placing the pistol against her upward turned lips. "Wait your turn."

"Ted." Shouted back over her shoulder, up the path Ush and me walked moments ago, the same path Morgan must've just used when she. Followed us? Just happened to be out for a stroll wearing some weird kit that emits blue smoke in the same manner Ush does black? Kit she used to shoot Ush.

And now Ted's here too?

Is all of magic club here, like some kind of group outing nobody told me about, yet I still managed to join?

Enter Ted, just as Morgan shouts for him a second time. Wandering into view followed by Sarah and Erica, whose arrival means, oddly, that the four female members of magic club are now all here.

These new arrivals, my sort of friends, seeing them see me in this state, makes me squirm. A little bit through embarrassment, plus a small dose of worry about what's going on. This, the events unfolding, are out of my control, and whilst I do love being bound and gagged, that's only really when it's for fun, not.

Whatever this is.

He, Ted, coming closer, is easily twice the size of any of us magic club girls. Over six foot, big limbs and belly. Big beard and messy hair framing a mostly smiling face.

Of the girls Sarah and Erica are both on the curvy side, hovering around the sixteen and eighteen mark, though Erica's D cups make her appear bigger.

All three are in jeans and tee's from the geek rack at the local clothes shop, gaming or fantasy themed. All three are a study in black on black.

Morgan though looks more like me. She's skinny, prehaps a ten. Short brown hair is tied back into a stumpy tail, except for a couple of thick strands falling in front of her ears. She too is dressed all in black, though Morgan appears to be going for the B movie spy look. Leggings, and a fitted long sleeved top snug enough to show the outline of her bra. A modest B cup outline like me.

"Honestly, Luna." Morgan, looking from me to Ush, actually tuts. "Fraternizing with the enemy." Shaking her head at my struggles, my continued failure to escape the ropes Ush placed me in, because I lost. "What will mother say, hmmm?"




"Ted." Can she not say his name without shouting? Because by this point Ted, plus the two girls, are stood almost beside Morgan.

"Boss." Ted nods, totally avoids looking at me. Boss?

"Chain her up." Waving her gun at my girlfriend, occasionally stirring, making small moaning sounds like a cat having a bad dream. "She won't stay down for long, we need to get her put away quickly."
"Right boss."



Nobody. Except me. Nobody gets to chain up or otherwise do anything to my Ush. Whatever it is here, all this craziness, it's clear that Morgan wants Ush.

And, well, she's mine. Not yours.

It's time to take action.

Because I'm tied up, but far from helpless.

Opening my right hand, and you can't see it behind or around the gag, but I'm grinning. Fury answers my call, not flying through the air, which would look way cooler, but instead phasing, leaping invisibly from half buried behind the new arrivals to my hand.

Morgan blinks. "Wha...?" Goes Sarah. Ted, not looking at me, sees nothing. Erica just stares, mouth open, one hand raised to point even as I begin to- as best my bonds will allow, which is enough -twirl and bob Fury in the air.

And. The. World. Slows. Down.

Actually, it doesn't. Maybe there's someone, something, out there which can affect the flow of time? I can't. Time remains the same, the difference being that I, what I'm doing, happens much faster then everything around me.

I call it The Octopus. Probably the most impressive thing I've learnt so far. The tentacles- invisible, as many as I need -don't grow out of me, but they do come from me. I make them. What can I do with them?

Anything. Fast.

Each tentacle, just now I summoned- created -five, can see. I doubt there's an actual eye on the end but should I need to, if I send one round a corner for instance, I can see what the tip is pointed at.

Which caused one hell of a headache the first few times as my own vision twinned and fought for space with what I was attempting to perceive from several tentacles.

I'm better at it now though, I've learned the knack, kind of like splitting a screen into sections, paying attention to each in turn as the need arises.

Angry. In no mood to fuck around. I send my extra appendages streaking towards Sarah and Erica.

Take them out first, then Ted, Morgan. Then I'll worry about freeing myself.

The two girls had been carrying a large bag between them, which had made a very obvious- to anyone in the know about such things -clinking noise as they dropped it next to Ush. Ripping the bag open, I find it, as expected, full of heavy duty chains and manacles.

It will all seem like a blur to them, what I'm doing here will be achieved in a handful of seconds, which means none of them will be moving more then a metre prehaps? Were I to take longer, to use the tentacles for something that required proper amounts of time to pass, a half minute say, then the passage of my invisible tentacles would seem like constant but unpredictable gusts of wind blowing all around.

I chain Sarah and Erica together. Pushing both girls over onto the grass even as I snap manacles around each wrist and ankle. Then, because they were about to fuck with my girlfriend, I chain Erica's ankles to Sarah's wrists, and vice versa, making it so the girls are facing each other. Giving each one a sudden face full of crotch.

Two seconds have passed.

And. I'm about to fling chains all around Ted, to mummify him in metal, when.

What the fuck?

Morgan moves. Properly, at a speed similar to my tentacles. Which is to say she appears to be raising her arm at normal speed.

She winks.

Shoots me.

The shock of which, some kind of dart seeming- because of the close range -to explode from the barrel, whistling across the distance faster then I can react, striking me in the belly with a small thump.

Which, the utter surprise, makes me drop Fury, ending my spellcasting, causing all the chains I'd been dragging towards Ted to fall to the ground.

Which, as my own world slows back down, as I rejoin everyone else, I see Ted visibly jump, spin around to stare at the heaped mass of metal now laying just behind him.

Then he gawks all over again at Sarah and Erica, rolling around on the grass, cursing and complaining. Each girl having to bend their heads back to avoid the jeans clad crotch of the other.

"Sorry Luna." Morgan. I, my head feeling stuffed full of something, feeling sluggish, weak, tear my attention back to her. "You aren't the only one." Patting her goggles. "With access to stuff."

"Ted." Morgans shout, seeming now to come from world's away, I vaguely, through eyes grown heavy, see her gesture at the ground. "Sort this mess out. We need to chain Luna up too."

Slipping under, down into darkness. Way too out of it now to worry, or care, about what's going to happen to Ush, to me, before I wake up.
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Post by GreyLord »

[mention]RopeBunny[/mention], you continue to surprise. What a shock for Luna to discover that someone else can access powers. Too many twists and turns here for me to even try to guess where you might go next. Great work.
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Post by Nainur »

Extraordinary :D !

Well, intriguing stuff, truly! Looking forward to reading the next chapter!
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Post by BlissfulMisery »

Hey, great chapter. Seems like the whole world is conspiring against Luna and Ush, first the team, now magic club. I am interested to see where this plotline goes.
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Post by RopeBunny »

The Jock.

The first thing I notice, rising groggily up out of enforced sleep, is the pressure on my arms. The strained muscles as they support my entire weight. Without even opening my eyes I'm aware of my body, slumped forwards, each arm flung and somehow pinned out either side.

I straighten up, putting weight back on feet firmly planted.

Open my eyes to survey the damage, can't help laughing.

Because I'm still wearing the white dress, and have been chained, by the wrists, between two thick stone pillars in a room where the source of light is actual burning torches.

The whole thing screams 'virgin sacrifice'.

No gag. And nothing, no rope or extra chains, on my legs or body. The only thing keeping me here are two thick- think something you'd see on a fishing boats anchor -chains. Thick manacles are pinching wrists tightly, whilst the chains have been wrapped around the pillars, not simply fixed to an eye bracket.

Somebody, taking no chances.

Oh. Right. And there's all the doodles and crap on the floor. Presumably that's keeping me here too.

The room I'm in is quite large and, peering around, over my shoulder, circular. There's one way in, a pair of quite solid medieval looking wooden doors, currently closed. And likely bolted too. Around the walls, spaced regularly, are the torches, flickering away, making mine and the pillars shadows dance.

The pillars, round, thick enough that were they hollow I could squeeze inside, are floor to maybe seven foot, stopping short of the gently curved ceiling. Being between them places me in the centre of the room.

And all around me are chalk markings.

A circle, too wide to reach with either of my bare- because I'm allowed my dress, my bra and thong, but apparently not my Adidas -feet. And around the circle more markings: symbols, other shapes intersecting the circle, words I can't read due to both language and the angle.

Probably. This is some kind of magic shit? I mean. Chained in a room with stone walls and floor, torches instead of electric lights, a good hours worth of artwork- if I'm any judge -on the floor all around. Doesn't it look like magic?

Which, if it is, surely there's a point?


Crap it.

Thought I felt a little. Weak. It would appear, since I just completely failed at setting my arm on fire, something I should be able to do as easily as drawing breath, that all the chalk surrounding me is somehow blocking access to my power.

"Damn it."

The voice. Male, pleasant sounding with some kind of accent I can't place, snaps my head back up.

And I find myself facing.

"But?" But. No. Surely it can't be? "You're?"
"Yes." The black skinned figure nods, smiles to reveal a mouth full of fangs. "Hello, daughter."

Tall, lean, long limbed. Almost graceful, the kind of frame where all the muscle- and there is, definitely, strength -isn't on show. Barefoot, wearing khaki combat trousers around which a black canvas belt has been secured, the trailing end hanging down, and a white vest top, every bit of skin I can see is a match for my black limbs. The black hair atop that horror movie smiling face is spiked in a messy style, long straight strands tumbling down the right side. And black eyes, again, just like mine, stare back at me.

Throw in the fact his own smoking aura, which despite lacking access to my power I can still see, is an exact match for mine, and the resemblance is ticking too many boxes to be simple coincidence.


"What?" Is that his name?


"This." Tapping a foot close to one of the many symbols surrounding me. "It is the drawn name of the wand Indominus-decrees-nul."
"Oh?" Opening my mouth, to mention Fury, prehaps? To point out that I have some knowledge on the subject at hand.

As if on cue Luna's own aura pings. She's close.

Her signature is faint, which means no wand, since Luna's pink cloud is always several times stronger, thicker, when she's holding Shakta-el-furiosa. A clear sign of where her own power derives.

Faint, and besides which I'd been looking, searching, since waking up, so prehaps I'm the only one in the room who's spotted it?

"Wand?" Having a blonde moment, distracted by the ping.

"Yes, daughter." A nod. My dad. Is he? Walking. Stalking, a half dozen paces left then right in front of me. "One of the seven ancient wands created by humans, made using the bones of the slain," pausing to stare daggers out at the world, actually spitting on the floor, which smokes like acid, "seventh Dark God. So now we are six."

"Indominus-decrees-nul." Speaking into the silence, because I've got too many questions to even know how to respond right now.

My mouth, hanging open. We. No. Humans, because technically I no longer truly am. Killed a God?

Luna's wand is made of God bone?

Fuck. Me.

"Crimson Requiem. Titanus-sans-North. Sha..."
"Dad." Half shouted, because he'd been about to say it. To name Luna's wand. Which, if I'm following all this right, was made using the body. Bones. Of another just like him. A Dark God.

And it might not matter, but I don't trust my face not to tick, or smile, if he says it. Which, probably it doesn't matter, that Luna and me are.

Dating? Fucking?

It just didn't seem like the right moment to bring all that up. To my dad. Who probably is, because he certainly thinks he is, and what are the chances of a Dark God being wrong.

My dad is a Dark God? So, am I, half Dark God?

What the fuck even is that?

"Daughter?" Stopping, turning to face me. At least I've got his attention. I guess. I lick my lips, and say the first of the thousand questions, points, that comes to mind.

"It's been twenty-one years. Dad." Shaking my chained arms at him, because I am a little bit angry, can feel the old long buried and forgotten emotions rising. "Where the fuck have you been?"

"There are." A pause, a frown and a cocked head. "Rules."
"Rules?" Still not being quiet. "Mum died. Dad." Which earns me a grimace, a point scored were it that sort of contest. "I was all alone. Where," the fuck, "were you?"
"And." Suddenly stalking closer, right to the edge of the circle, an invisible line not to be crossed it seems. Voice grown loud like mine.

It seems I'm not the only one spoiling for a fight.

"Would you." Finger jabbed towards me. Damn his nails are long. Like talons. "Daughter. Human that you were. Would you of welcomed me," a brief pause, waved arm up and down his black skinned obviously not human frame, "into your life?"
"I." No. Of course not. Six, or four. Even ten year old me most likely would've run away screaming.

So. I huff. Glare out at him, unwilling to admit defeat on that point.

"So." Talking now, voice dialed back down. "Why now? Why show up today?"
"Because. Daughter."
"I've got a name." Suddenly mad again. Shouting, again. Because for twenty-one years nobody got to call me that. "Stop. Fucks sake." Breathe, calm. He waits, stalks left, right. Watching me. I take another breath, voice quiet, catching slightly. "You can't just. Turn up. Calling me daughter like you've always been around, like a." Shake my head. Not gonna cry. "Proper Dad. Just. Please. Use my name."

"Very well." A single nod. "Ushinatta. Commander of the sands, keeper of the blade Tide waits for You."
"What?" Coughing out a laugh. "The fuck was that?"
"Your name, daughter."
"Ushinatta. Sure." I tut. "But that was like a title or something."
"Right." I can already imagine Luna's laugh when I tell her. "And, I suppose. Dad. That you have some kind of long name too?"
"Of course you do." I twirl my hand. "Go on then. Let's hear it."

"Koya-dan-Muuur. Ruler of the Endless Desert. The long walk nowhere. First of the Shadowmancers, keeper of Fell from Below."

"Okay." Fucks sake. That was. Actually. "Not bad." Nodding. "A title," thinking, "because you're a Dark God?"
"And. So." More thinking. "Because I'm your daughter. Because I'm," stupid, a silly crazy thought, no way I am, but, I want to say it, to ask, I'm going to ask, "half a Dark God. I get one too?"
"Just so."

Shit. Fuck. Wow. Despite not knowing if Luna's okay. Despite not understanding half, almost all, of this. I can't stop the smile spreading across my face.

I. Am. A- half, but still -Dark God.


"Probably there's like," frowning, "a ton of stuff you're not telling me?"
"There is." Nodding, brief flicker of a smile. "A ton of stuff. Yes."
"Well." I stretch as best the chains will allow. "Maybe help me out of here, and then we can go for a coffee. Or a beer. Have a talk."

"No?" Bought up short. "But." Embarrassed, I shake my arms, the chains. "I'm stuck."
"Are you?" Holding up one arm, which bursts into flame. I watch, half smiling, as the flames grow, turning red to blue to purple, die back down. Vanish as Koya-dan-Muuur makes his hand a fist. "Did I. Did The Endless Desert not bestow, share, it's power with you?"
"It did." 'Thank you sand', I hear in Luna's semi mocking playful tones. "But," waving both hands, gesturing down all around me, "then some wanker drew a bunch of pictures, and now I've got nothing."

"Ah." Stepping forward, locking gazes with me. "How rude then, dau...." Stopping himself, a single nod. "Ushinatta. That these." A face splitting grin, enough to make most people scream. "Wankers. Are not playing fair."

I answer his grin with my own. "Then help me. Koya-dan-Muuur. Dad." A sudden thought. I flex my arms, pulling the chains tight. Something metal strains but does not break. "Free me. Please. And I'll show them whose daughter I am."

"Very well." Stepping back, the shadows behind him somehow growing, swallowing his black form. "We will talk again. Ushinatta. Daughter. After."


And. He's gone. And I'm still chained.

But. "Oh." Feeling power, the rawness of it, the welcome rush of the sandstorm howling back from all around, from that other place. Filling me up.

And, looking down I see, in the chalk circle drawn around me, the barrier locking me away. A scuff mark.

A gap. Made just now as Koya-dan-Muuur stepped forwards. A hole in the magic surrounding me, ending the magic. Setting me free.

"Thank you." Looking at the dancing shadows on the wall, now diminished. "I won't let you down."
"From this day, daughter." Like a whisper, a ghost, the words swooping in from behind, the shadows at my back. "I will be here. For you. That is my vow."

I nod, not bothering to turn around. And. No, I don't know a damn thing about him, about his, my, origins. Nothing beyond the fact that the Endless Desert is. That my, his, our power derives from that realm of sand and storms.

I don't know a thing. Except. He is my Dad. No question. The same way I knew, looking in the mirror this morning, what seems like months ago, that this changed me was the real me.

He is my Dad, because, deep down inside of me, in that place where your true self lives, it just feels right.

"Now." Talking to myself. Koya-dan-Muuur's ping, his cloud, I can no longer register it. I grin, nod. "Let's go do some damage."
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Post by RopeBunny »

GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago where you might go next.
Nainur wrote: 2 years ago Looking forward to reading the next chapter!
BlissfulMisery wrote: 2 years ago interested to see where this plotline goes.
Next chapter is up :D

Have tried, in the interests of information overload, to keep things simple. Back story, history, stuff is necessary. But I've tried not to go too deep.

Enjoy. I hope it all comes over well.
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Post by Nainur »

Am thinking it does, but am not quite sure yet... :D :lol: :D
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Post by GreyLord »

Shades of H. P. Lovecraft, but you are doing good! I was riveted to my chair while reading this chapter. Go, [mention]RopeBunny[/mention], go!
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Post by absolutist »

This story certainly did not went the way I expected. Let's see how deep the rabbit hole goes.
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Post by ThatDino »

The vibes this gives off feel similar to watching the older seasons of Supernatural; demons, gods, semi-wholesome family time :geek: Also, somewhere in the back of my mind I had a strange feeling that in the end this might tie (pun very much intended) back to the wishing story somehow. But maybe that's just... wishful thinking :roll:
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Post by BlissfulMisery »

This story could head in a lot of different directions based on the last few chapters. Excited to see which way you choose to go :)
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Post by RopeBunny »

Wow. A whole host of comments :lol: thank you.
Nainur wrote: 2 years ago Am thinking it does, but am not quite sure yet...
Any questions, you can ask. Like I said, tried to keep things brief whilst still filling in the necessary details.

Anything not covered, any deliberate gaps, may well be covered in the next chapter or two anyway.
GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago I was riveted to my chair while reading this chapter.
Excellent :D I enjoy writing serious back and forths like this, I'm happy it held your interest.
absolutist wrote: 2 years ago This story certainly did not went the way I expected.
Purposeful. I deliberately began with a normal college setting, added TUGs of course ;) then added in the supernatural twist.
ThatDino wrote: 2 years ago somewhere in the back of my mind I had a strange feeling that in the end this might tie (pun very much intended) back to the wishing story somehow.
Well. These, the Dark God and most of the lore, were ideas begun in my second wishing story, continued in other tales, concluding with my 'Safari Jo' attempt at teaming all the supernatural girls I'd created up in one epic adventure.

I guess this story is me taking a trip down fond memories of stories past :D
BlissfulMisery wrote: 2 years ago Excited to see which way you choose to go :)
Maybe two more chapters to go now. We're in the endgame, wrapping things up. I hope you enjoy the direction I've chosen to go, in the end.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Took awhile there. I've been ill, which tends to rob me of any desire to write or think kinky fun thoughts. So the chapter ground to a halt halfway through.

Done now though. Enjoy :D
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Post by RopeBunny »

The Jock.

Subtle. I'm being subtle. Which, walking down the corridor in this network of- most likely underground -actual caves, makes me giggle.

Walking, mostly quietly, just a skinny girl in a little white dress, half black skin and dosed up on power. Feeling pretty fucking invincible thanks for asking. Walking when I could easily jump, phase, straight to Luna's ping.


I jumped out of the manacles, the chains holding me in place between two stone pillars. A moments concentration, and the sandstorm erupted in a tight spiral all around, taking me- for an instant -into the Desert, before dropping me back into the room, facing the pillars and no longer complete chalk markings on the floor.

A broken circle, thanks to Koya-dan-Muuur. Dad.

I could've torn the manacles apart, collapsed or exploded the pillars in a shower of stone. But, like this, everything still locked and in one piece, only lacking the girl. Me. It looks as though I simply vanished into the air.

Which, thinking back as I wander barefoot along the not quite even stone floor, is funny, so I have another little giggle.

I can be subtle and still giggle. Right?

Talking. Not whispered. Some kind of heated debate. Coming through the closed double doors- more thick medieval style wood, guess they bulk bought -on my right.

And, just as I pass, Luna's name comes muffled through the wood. Not the girl, she, her ping, is ahead. But this debate. Argument? Is about my girlfriend.

Which leaves me with a decision. I want to reach Luna. But I want to know things too.

Because right now I've no clue why I'm here? There was blue smoke, behind me out in the woods, blue smoke which somehow knocked me out. And then I woke up chained, surrounded by markings which are linked to a wand. Indominus-decrees-nul. One of seven apparently.

Is Indominus blue?

So many questions.

I'm sure someone in the room can help.

Subtle. So I knock, gently. A friendly please let me in sort of request.

"Well hi." Pushing the door open, sending the curvy girl who'd opened it stumbling back into the room beyond. I follow her in, big friendly grin on my face.

Which is apparently too much for, um, I think his name was Ted? Big guy, huge. And I think it was. "Sarah." Nodding, naming the girl who let me in, now stood frozen, rooted to the spot. Unable, along with the other curvy girl here, to stop staring at me.

Funny. The last time I saw either of them, saw Sarah, I was chained to my bed, wearing not much.

Aren't they magic club?

So many questions.

All this thinking, pausing to muse, whilst Ted, showing remarkable speed for such a chunky guy, bolts from the room, squeezing through the gap between me and the open door.

I let him go. Kick the door closed behind him. "Now." Advancing on the two girls. "How about we have some nice girl talk."

"Sarah." I point, Sarah flinches back from it. I grin some more, which probably doesn't help but fuck them both. If they're here then I'm damn sure they were, are, somehow involved in my kidnapping. They, these girls, will know things.

Things I'm going to enjoy discovering.

"And you." Pointing now at the other girl, who'd been backing away, thinking I hadn't seen her trying for a roundabout route to the door behind me. She freezes too. I tut, shake my head and wag my finger. "Naughty. What's your name?"
"Erica." Whispered, the name tumbling from her lips too fast. "Please. Um."
"No." Looking around the room, making plans on the fly.

"Wha..." Sarah, licking her lips, exchanges looks with Erica. "Um."
"Strip." Not quite shouting, but I'm using my 'takes no shit' Captain of the team voice. "Now."
"But." Erica, actually putting her hand up like we're in class. "Why?"
"I won't ask again." Looking from one to the other, showing them a small tooth filled smile. Making each girl back off a pace. "Clothes. Off. Now."

Is about all Erica gets out, before my glare. My tut. Snaps her mouth shut.

And then I simply take their clothes by force.

Both girls are in jeans and tee's, black on black. I don't need to talk, or gesture- unlike Luna and her dancing wand -in order to do those things I can do. I simply flex, throwing out my power, making my will a reality. And, as if by- ha -magic, the clothes, plus one black thong, one pair of blue boyshorts, and two white bra's, are ripped off Sarah and Erica. Ripped backwards, the seams, the whole outfit, shredding as it comes, turning first to tatters then simply to nothing but ash behind them, scattering as it falls to the stone floor. Vanishing.

Leaving them both naked.

Both the girls are thick limbed with big butts. Shorter then me. Sarah has the smaller bust, though neither girl's chests look big compared to their rounded bellies. Both have dyed hair, fire engine red on Sarah, blue on Erica, shoulder length in both cases. Both are inked, though not to Luna's level. There's a horned skull on Erica's right shoulder, whilst Erica has an impressive butterfly on the outside of her right upper leg, and a snake coiled around her left bicep.

Both girls have rings though their nose, but Erica has pierced nipples too, a silver ring dangling from each.

"You." Grabbing hold of Erica, who let's me pull her back across the room, away from the wall beside the door where both girls had ended up. Back to the large rectangular wooden table in the room's centre. "Sit." Pushing her down onto one of six chairs surrounding the table. "And you. Sarah." Beckoning. Sarah comes, small steps, shaking her head and mouth working silently, but she comes. "Good." Patting her on the shoulder when she, finally, reaches Erica and me. "Now." Pointing at the table, at the rope handily piled and strewn on top. "Be a good girl and tie Erica up for me."

"Elbows too." Tossing another coiled length to Sarah, who fumbles the catch. "And breasts."

I'm being a back seat driver. Bossing Sarah around as she ties a naked Erica to the chair. Ankles, bound separately, spreading Erica's legs wide. Wrists tied together, behind the wooden back, then she'd- because I told her too -fed the rope through gaps in those wooden slats, binding Erica's waist to the chair along with her wrists.

Probably this would all go faster if I just did it myself. But I'm having fun, getting revenge for myself and Luna- who I will, soon, go and rescue or just find if she actually isn't in any trouble -on these two magic club girls.

"But." Sarah, pausing, looking across at me as she wraps rope below Erica's D cups, pinning her upper body to the chair. She's already wrapped the elbows, forcing them closer together, and is now using what's left of the long rope on Erica's chest.

"Tighter." Repeating myself, making a come on gesture. "Don't want her escaping now do we?"
"Um." Looking from Erica to me. "Well." I can see her weighing it up. "No?"
"No." I nod. "Good. So. Make sure you keep pulling everything tight."
"Um." Giving me a quick, small, smile. "Okay."

With Erica's chest secured, her- quite nice if my recent discovery of liking girls can be any judge -pierced nipple topped breasts are nicely squeezed, standing out proud and pert, below which her large belly balloons, hanging over and semi obscuring Erica's shaved crotch.

And, you know what, if Luna and me were ever to part ways, which does happen. And after all we're both still young. I smile, eying up Erica's bound body, nodding to myself. If I were single, I'd definitely be open to dating a larger girl.

So long as they let me truss them up at least, let's say, twice a day.

Erica, catching me looking, her gaze darting away. Scared? Then going wide for a moment as she looks back, finds me still looking, apparently enjoying what I can see. She licks her lips, half smiles, frowns. Looks down at her bound body, at her naked breasts and large belly, below which thick legs are spread wide. Looks back up, smile back in place.

Apparently no longer as upset to be in such a state.

I have Sarah gag her. There's tape with the piled rope, a half dozen thick silver rolls. A good portion of one gets wrapped around Erica's head, plastering down her hair, filling up her forced open mouth.

I only need one of them to talk after all. And besides, gags are fun.

"Right." Tearing my attention away, back to Sarah, stood like a statue, looking at the floor. She half looks up now, I point to the table. "Lay down up there. Time to secure you too."

Lashing Sarah to the table is much like tying someone- me, Luna, anyone willing -to a bed. One limb per corner, because the table is bed shaped, and has four wooden legs. She's on her back, smaller breasts but no less of a belly facing the ceiling. Stretched out tight.

Going nowhere.

Hopping up to sit on the table, between Sarah's right arm and leg, facing her head but Erica too, chair bound close to her friends right hand. "Just so we're clear." Giving Sarah my best stern look and voice for the second time, making sure not to smile as I see her eyes skate from my face off to the side, widening at what she sees.

Her friend, still pinned to the chair, still naked, now floating an equal distance between floor and ceiling, gently rolling and spinning like a gyroscope. Moaning, head darting left and right. Erica, doing little struggles, stopping, as though afraid that what if she does get free and falls, then trying again.

Sarah's eyes return to me. I nod.

"So. Sarah. I know you know things. About me. About Luna. About just what the fuck is going on down in these caves. And you're going to tell me." Now I give her my best smile. Seeing her flinch backwards. Not making my next word a question, making it fact. You will. "Right."

Sarah nods.

"Magic club." I tut, look down at my right palm, all black, not marked like Luna's. "Luna always said you were just a bunch of stage magicians." I prod Sarah in the belly. "Care to comment?"
"We are." Nodding as I glare at her, unimpressed. "Honest. Um. Ush?"
"Ush is fine." Half tempted to have her address me as Commander of the Sand, for the power trip. For fun.

I think, remembering conversations not even a day old. Luna and me, talking magic and power.

"Smoke." Clicking my fingers as things click into place, upstairs, in my head. "Luna never saw smoke at magic club."
"The wand." Looking at Sarah, giving me a very convincing clueless look back.

Could it be true?

"Luna." Maybe if I explain? "She has this," touching my right palm, "tattoo. Right here."
"I've seen it." Nodding. Sarah seems to think. "Luna has a wand. Um. Is that...?"
"No." Shaking my head. I don't want, need, to know about Shakta-el-furiosa. Although the thought: how does Sarah know about Luna's wand does skip across my head. Instead I want to know.

"Have you ever seen anyone else with the same kind of tattoo?" Because, logically, if the tattoo links Luna to Shakta-el-furiosa then won't a similar tattoo link Indominus-decrees-nul to it's owner?

"Um." Thinking. I give her time, lower Erica, right side up, down onto the floor whilst I wait.

"Morgan." Who? The fuck? Is Morgan? "She has a tattoo?"
"No." Sarah shakes her head. "But. Couple of times. I've seen her chatting with, um. Well. I think it was her Mum? And. Well."
"And Morgan's Mum has a tattoo?" Guessing the direction. Sarah nods.

"It was Morgan who...."
"Who...?" Waving my hand, twirling. Carry on.

"Um." Fidgeting. Trying to shift around except the tight ropes won't allow it. Sarah looks at me, looks away. "Well." Licking her lips. Taking a breath. Shaking her head. "Magic club is Ted's club."
"Ted. Who." I point at the door. Sarah nods. "Right. Carry on."
"Well." Another breath. Then everything pours out at once.

"Morgan is in the club, always at the back. Doesn't even do tricks. But then, today. She's, like, all of a sudden in charge. Bossing Ted. Us. Around. And Morgan told us to come, so we went. And then she shot you. And we had to. Um. Bring you back to these caves I'd never even seen before underneath some old house. And then. Um...."

Mouth still working, but no sound. Not anymore. Prehaps because of the look I'm giving her.

Morgan. Not magical? But. Her Mum is? Morgan's Mum is Indominus-decrees-nul's keeper?

And. These wands, all seven created from the bones of a Dark God. Created specifically to help fight the Dark God's prehaps. I kinda felt like Dad was hinting at such anyway.

So maybe Morgan's Mum knows the history of the wand she carries? Knows who her enemy is?

And then. Fuck. I show up. Out of nowhere. A new Dark God. So Mummy sends Morgan to collect me.

None of which is good. And all of which, my anger at discovering I'm now caught up in a maybe war I literally only found out about after being kidnapped by the enemy, explains the look I'm throwing at Sarah.

"Please don't eat me." She whispers, not even joking.

Which at least breaks the tension.

I cough out a laugh. Because in what world would I- even with these teeth -eat someone?

"Go home." Hopping off the table, turning Erica and Sarah's ropes to ash, freeing them. "Both of you. Back to class, or." A shrug. I don't care. "Wherever. Just don't be here."

I need to get to Luna.

Although. Brief thought: The wands are weapons against the Dark Gods, evidence of which I've seen first hand when I tried to touch Shakta-el-furiosa earlier today. And, Luna owns a wand. This, all that's happened these last months, it hasn't just been some long con? Some scheme and plan to catch me?


I shake my head. Laugh. Which earns me a half panicked look from the two still naked girls halfway out the door, quickening their pace, the door swinging closed behind a pair of large naked butts.

Silly Ush. There's no way Luna's in on this whole 'capture Ush the Dark God' plan.

I need to get to her.


So. No more messing about. I focus, finding my girlfriends ping, calling up the sandstorm to take me to her.

I hope she's okay.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I have just discovered this gem - I have to read it completely. The last chapter was .... magical [mention]RopeBunny[/mention] :)
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Post by BlissfulMisery »

Hey, great chapter. Really seemed to set the right tone.

Indeed events are coming to a head now now as you mentioned. I can only imagine how heartbroken Ush would be (I guess I might not have to imagine depending on how events play out) if Luna, also betrayed her (like basically everyone else seems to so far).

Interesting how Ush's attitude has seemed to shift, even if only slightly. She has always had a dominant streak, but now there seems to be a hint of almost gloating about it, a mix of playfulness and a hint of sadism. She has always had these characteristics of course, but they seem to be more pronounced now, more at the forefront. Not surprising considering the abilities she has acquired, what she has learned about her heritage, and the overall change she has undergone.

Well, I, and everyone else reading, will just have to be patient and see what comes.
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Post by GreyLord »

[mention]RopeBunny[/mention], I am so glad you are better now and again able to think and write fun kinky thoughts. This chapter certainly proves you are well. It is a wild, enjoyable ride.
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The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Nainur »

I think a 'wild ride' is a proper comment, as 'enjoying' is, too. I do love your peculiar style.
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Post by RopeBunny »

The Geek.

I woke up, maybe an hour ago, on the floor.


And, given what I heard before falling unconscious, I'm not the least surprised to find myself restrained.

Didn't expect to be naked though.

I can tell we're underground because of the smell. My parents took me to some public accessible caves in Wales when I was young. Beautiful place, really atmospheric, and since I'm not the least claustrophobic the dark and at times close confines didn't bother me at all. There's a smell to the air though, and just an all over feeling. The weight of earth above just.


That, plus the uneven stone floor and walls, the hacked out look of the place.

Definitely underground.

In front of me, in this roughly square room, is the door which I've no chance or hope of reaching. Not because of Morgan, sat between me and freedom on a wooden chair- a similar chair beside the door has my clothes, but for some reason not my shoes, neatly folded atop it -one foot up on the opposite knee, book in hand. Reading. Ignoring me aside from the occasional glance, the ever present smirk of the victorious.

I will punch her in that stupid face before the day is done.

No. Morgan isn't stopping me. But the chains are.

Thick iron manacles are locked to each wrist and ankle, off of which chains lead to the wall at my back. I've enough slack to stand, to sit or lay. Enough to pace back and forth. Enough to make it a third of the way across the room even, but no further. And yes Morgan is outside my reach. I checked.

Which earned me a smirk.


I'm gagged too. A red ballgag, filling my mouth whilst the black leather strap is wrapped and buckled around my head.

So. She won't talk to me, and I can't talk to her.

Ush is here too. Not here in this room, but she's close, somewhere in the caves, because I doubt this room comprises the entirety of Morgan's underground lair.

Having woken, sat up, stood up. Glared at Morgan a bunch of times whilst testing how much freedom I actually had. Of course the next thing I did was attempt to call Fury to me.

Attempt. Yes. Because for the first time since I picked Shakta-el-furiosa up some seven plus years ago my wand isn't responding. I opened my palm, flexed, reached out, and, nothing.

A brick wall? A, barrier? Something, someone, is preventing my wand from coming to me.

Someone who- should never keep a girl from her wand -clearly has a deathwish.

But. Not to worry. Because a half hour ago Ush's signal, the fairly accurate location sense I have of her in my head, moved.

Ush is free of whatever they did to her, she's coming, moving steadily closer. My half black skinned sexy big tits girlfriend, who I will totally molest as soon as she gets here, is coming to rescue me.

Unless she isn't.

But I stay positive. She's coming. And best of all Morgan hasn't even twitched, has shown no sign of knowing Ush is closing in.

Most likely because, and I've had time to think this over: Morgan isn't magic, it's only her stuff- pistol, goggles and harness -that is. Stuff that's sat on a small table next to her. Stuff that. Because it's switched off? Isn't even emitting blue smoke anymore.

So. I wait. Mostly managing to stay still and not grin like an idiot around the large red ball filling my mouth, forcing an intermittent stream of drool to spill and dribble down onto my B cups and the stone floor.

Ush's ping vanishes.

And an instant later a localised whirlwind of black and yellow sand erupts out of the air between me and Morgan, collapsing almost the moment it appears, falling to the floor yet vanishing as it does, leaving no trace it was even there.

"Hey Moon Girl." Ush, making an entrance, revealed as the sand collapsed around her newly appeared self, barefoot but still in that cute skimpy white dress, gives me a little wave, a smile that'd scare most but only makes me want to get over there and kiss her. "Miss me?"
"You know you look very cute chained to a wall." Blowing me a kiss, teasing. "Maybe we should...."

Morgan moves. Or. Morgan attempts to move. Only Ush is quicker.

Much quicker.

She's facing me, Ush. When she appeared I saw Morgan's head snap up in surprise, mouth drop open. But she didn't speak, nor move.

Until now.

But Ush is quicker. Letting go her book, which begins to tumble, I see Morgan's body tense in preparation to? Grab her gun? Lunge towards Ush?

Without turning, somehow knowing or guessing. Ush doesn't move, but something lashes out from her, striking Morgan, launching her from the chair to sail backwards.

She doesn't make it to the door.

Another whirlwind. It all happens in seconds, almost too fast to follow. Morgan goes from sat, to flung backwards, to vanishing through some kind of sand filled portal, which closes up and falls apart behind her.

Leaving Ush and me alone.

"My hero."
"Yeah?" Smirking, which looks so much better on Ush's face then Morgans. She's removed my gag, tossed someplace on the floor, but I'm still chained up. Ush reaches for one of my breasts, cupping it, leaning in to kiss my lips even as I, chains clinking, hug her.

We stay this way for awhile. Content despite my restraints, which is nothing we haven't kind of done in the past anyway. We kiss, cuddle some more, take turns feeling each other up.


But. Things to do.

"I'm going to assume," Stepping back, eying up my chains, "that you can't. For some reason. Use Fury?"
"It won't come." Shaking my head, feeling annoyed and angry, upset. "Morgan." I nod, gesture- clink go my chains -at the empty tipped over chair. "Must've somehow placed it beyond my reach?"
"Can she even do that?"
"Well." I shrug- clink. "If not her then who?"

"Indeed what?" Because Ush is nodding like a person who knows a thing.

"Blue smoke."
"I saw it." I point. "That gun, all that crap. That's the bl...."

Words drying up as everything on the table, plus the table, bursts into colour shifting flame. Melting down to a bubbling puddle in less then a minute.

Well, if I got shot by a magic gun, I'd destroy the fucking thing too.

Wait. I did get shot.

Well, if I got shot, by a magic gun, and had access to my own magic, I'd destroy the fucking thing too.


"Right." I laugh. "Well. No more blue smoke huh."
"Indominus-decrees-nul." Not smiling, or laughing. Ush flicks her gaze at me, turning my manacles to dust, freeing my limbs. "The blue smoke," coming close, checking my limbs, kissing each unmarked wrist in turn, "is the signature of the wand Indominus-decrees-nul."
"Another." I frown. "Wand?"

"Another wand." Nodding. "There's. Um." Biting her lip. Nervous? "Stuff you need to know. But. First let's get you back Fury."
"Okay." I look down at myself, do a couple of on the spot bounces. "Guess I'd better get dressed then?"
"Not on my account." Black eyed stare drinking me in, making me tingle. Ush manages a smile. Good. "Fact if it were up to me you'd still be chained up to the wall."

"Yeah?" Stepping in, taking Ush, spinning and marching her- will she fight me off, I've not tried to be bossy since she became whatever she now is -back against the wall. Ush let's me, winds up pressed against the hard stone, breathing fast, chest, those amazing E cups, going up down up. I pin her wrists up either side of her head with my hands, kick her legs apart, press my naked crotch into hers. Feel the heat coming off her.

She wants me. She still, kinky little rope bitch, loves me taking charge.

I grin. Kiss her hungrily.

"I think, actually, it's your turn to be shackled."
"Would you." A pause, a moan. "Like me to be?"
"Yes." Pushing my luck, and we really should be getting on with important things like finding Fury. But. Damn she looks so fuckable. So. "Yes." I nod. "I want you chained up. Now."

From the corner of my eye I see the chains move. Eyes darting left and right, down, I see all four chains on the move, snaking across the wall towards Ush, finding ankles and wrapping her legs, pulling them out wider. Taking her wrists as I let go, step back, dragging each arm out horizontally, pulling it tight as the chains appear to shrink back into the wall, securing my girlfriend tightly in place.

A prisoner. All for me.

"More." In the zone. Not caring. Loving Ush the slave, my slave. Drinking in the sight. "Tighter."

The chains respond, slithering further into the wall, pulling Ush's muscles taut, spreading her legs that much further apart.

All whilst she looks at me, eyes wide, breath coming fast, chest up down up down up. Putting herself into this predicament for me. Obeying. Because I wished it.

"I was naked too." Flicking at the hem of Ush's pretty dress, reaching underneath to snap the waist strap of her thong.

"Do you," her thong feels wet, Ush utters a small sigh as my finger traces her slit, "want me naked?"

Well. Yes. Of course. Naked. Chained or tied. Gagged. Mine to fuck and enjoy. Mine to just, if that's all I want to do, watch struggle.


"No." I huff out a breath, try to regain control. "We'd better get on really."

I turn away before Ush's body, those breasts right there for the taking, convince me to carry on. I turn away, go to my clothes, put pants and jeans, tee, back on.

By which point Ush has freed herself from the bondage she put herself in.

"Morgan will know where Fury is."
"Yes." I nod, agreeing. "But you, um, sent her away?"
"Seemed best." A shrug. "Nowhere we can't go though."
"Okay. Good."

"Just." Turning to face me, taking my hand in hers. "Whatever you do, Moon Girl, don't let go."
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Post by GreyLord »

It keeps getting better and better. I hope I'm not repeating myself. But if I am, it is only because it is true. Wow, [mention]RopeBunny[/mention], wouldn't it be something to have a sub like Ush who would make herself naked with a thought and tie herself up arbitrarily tight with another thought. I have to wonder what resources you will give Morgan to compete with this pair.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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