Stories that have little truth to them should go here.


Unfair scenarios/unjust predicaments
Bondage/gag-related dialogue
Socks, Feet & Footwear
Underwear, boxers & jockstraps
Scentplay/scent torments
Duct tape
Apparel (eg: leather gloves, puffers, police boots)
Sleeping bags
Muzzles, gurneys & professional restraints
Raunch/masculine brutishness
Sex (oral/anal/handjobs)
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Post by socjuc »

well [mention]wataru14[/mention] 's last comment clinched it for me. Vote now in.
This story can be found HERE.
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Post by bondagefreak »


I was going to take the poll down today, but seeing as how Shawn's Place has picked up a bit of support following the addition of Joshua, Chris and Phil's photomontages yesterday, I've decided to release Joey's and Mike's as well and wait to see if the race tightens somewhat.

For most of us, the college saga ended almost half a year ago, so although I've no doubt that Zack carries a very powerful appeal to you guys, it may also be that Shawn's roomies aren't "fresh" in your minds right now. We saw that in one of the polls three months ago. Kyle was lagging behind everyone else, only to receive a massive wave of support as soon as his montage was released. Many of you claimed to have sorta forgotten how hot he was.

Let's see if the addition of Joey and Big Mike has any impact on the poll.
Everyone (save for our two houseboys) has their own montage now.

[mention]squirrel[/mention] [mention]OrdinaryWorld[/mention] [mention]Msueta@2[/mention] [mention]GoBucks[/mention] [mention]Socksbound[/mention] [mention]The slave[/mention] [mention]gaggedfeety[/mention] [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention] [mention]Sockgaggedman[/mention] [mention]socjuc[/mention] [mention]jammer212[/mention] [mention]smushboy[/mention] [mention]luiggi87[/mention] [mention]Ossassin[/mention] [mention]blackbound[/mention] [mention]sws91[/mention] [mention]CorbD91[/mention] [mention]Mummybag[/mention] [mention]Mitchelaiden[/mention] [mention]zzzz12333211[/mention] [mention]MountainMan_91[/mention] [mention]ShadowHusky[/mention] [mention]user3434658[/mention] [mention]jammer212[/mention] [mention]Whitestorm[/mention] [mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention] [mention]EJTied22[/mention] [mention]Volobond[/mention]
[mention]LockedCheeseBird[/mention] [mention]Footsub[/mention] [mention]Red86[/mention] [mention]jammer212[/mention] [mention]Pup[/mention] [mention]4toes[/mention] [mention]Tsuhaya[/mention] [mention]The slave[/mention] [mention]subguybr[/mention] [mention]Trainedsub[/mention] [mention]SquashMeDown[/mention] [mention]cherryboy[/mention] [mention]sami200456boyfriend[/mention] [mention]smushboy[/mention] [mention]wataru14[/mention] [mention]MountainMan_91[/mention] [mention]CrownedLoy76[/mention]



Over the course of the first three books, Nick moves on from being a cold-hearted villain and the lesser of two evils to being Steven's main provider and loving caretaker. His protective, fatherly instincts eventually start kicking in, rapidly cementing him as a reliable, if somewhat flawed consort for the houseboi who shares his bed. Fiercely territorial, highly dominant and gifted with a libido governed by an insatiable need to breed, Nick provides Steven with a firm father figure and lends himself particularly well to the role of THE DADDY.



From the very start of the saga, Brad tries his best - and even succeeds at times - at driving a divide between Nick and the common subject of their fancy. Steven finds himself caught up in Brad's power-hungry schemes and winds up being briefly separated from his friend-turned-kidnapper following the skilful manipulations of his most hated rival. Whilst Brad's motivations remain shady at best, his six-month-long tenure over Jeremy proved a leaky stopgap measure for his unquenchable thirst to establish dominance over Steven. Skilled in the art of manipulation and possessed with both eloquence and charisma, Brad proves himself to be a dangerous foe and acts as a WEDGE between Nick and Steven. Though his relationship with Nick has suffered greatly following the unfortunate events leading to Jeremy's removal, Brad's future role in Steven's affairs remains veiled in mystery.



Showing predisposition for neither good nor evil, Shawn presents the protagonist with a truly puzzling dilemma. Shawn proves himself a force to be reckoned with when Nick needs his help in carrying out Brad's forceful arrest. On the flip side, the overly buff muscle oaf also shows himself capable of far less noble pursuits when he blackmails Steven into performing sexual favours and attempts to force the issue. Although a formal apology has yet to be given, our protagonist does take note of the fact that Shawn treated him with fairness during most of his three-day stay at the college apartment. Though not particularly wordy nor intelligent, Shawn has several pertinent and positive exchanges with Steven over the course of the sixth book, resulting in the two of them sleeping in the same bed for the final night of the babysitting episode. Keeping in mind Shawn's blunt edges, his ham-fisted nature and his tendency to swing either for good or for evil depending on who is "wielding" him, our blond and blue-eyed beefcake takes on the nickname of THE HAMMER; a powerful, if somewhat cumbersome tool that can be used either to build up or to demolish.



Arguably the most well-liked and charismatic member of the cast, Zack swoops in and acts as Jeremy's personal rescuer at a time when the little guy needed it most. Possessed of great size and superb physical strength matching that of Nick's, the handsome muscleman courts his new ward with both chivalry and grace before finally assuming the role of benevolent protector and consort to young Jeremy. From what little our protagonist has seen of the two thus far, Zack's approach appears to be one of kindness accompanied by fatherliness and gentle discipline. Truly a modern-day KNIGHT if ever there was one.



Shawn's best friend and close associate to Joey, Kyle and Big Mike, Chris easily cements himself as one of the more benevolent and surprisingly gentle jocks during Steven's brief stay at the college apartment. Being possessed of no outwardly remarkable attributes beyond physical prowess and an affinity for sports and weightlifting, Chris presents the protagonist with the spitting image of a stereotypical college jock. Though no clear indication was ever given to that effect, Steven does suspect Chris to be a little bi-curious, perhaps due to the allusions THE JOCK made regarding his passing fuckability. Of note is the fact that our protagonist has taken a slight fancy to Chris, something which has not escaped the notice of Shawn.



Suave, cocky, and brash, cologne-wearing Joey stands out as being exceedingly popular and smooth with the ladies. Little is known about him other than the fact that he is very much "in charge" and possesses sizeable influence among the college cabal. Aside from acting as one of Shawn's defacto lieutenants, Joey is mostly known for being a top Alpha and a LADIES' MAN.



Neither jock nor twink, Joshua stands out as some sort of weird hybrid mix. More jockish than Steven, but far twinkier than Chris or Joey, the popular blondie-boy takes on the role of the cheerful beta-jock and quite literally borders on the edge of hyperactivity and brattiness. Joshua rapidly forms a connection to Steven and plays a pivotal role in sharing the secrets of self-acceptance with Nick's ward. Having many friends and being known for his availability as well as his willingness to bed any hunk that meets his fancy, Joshua is very much THE SUPERSTAR of the college campus.



Joshua's best friend and Steven's unexpected nightmare. Phil combines deviousness, cunning and craftiness in one foul-mouthed and poorly-mannered package. Opportunistic and quite sadistic, this relatively scrawny menace manages to pull several stunts from beneath the noses of his older peers and provides Steven with quite a challenge during the eventful three-day college saga. Having an affinity for skateboarding and possessing few outwardly redeeming qualities beyond those of intellect and guile, Phil takes on the benign yet somewhat fitting nickname of SKATERBOY. Albeit a very smelly-footed one.



Being blessed - or possibly cursed - with an astounding size, Big Mike maintains a friendly relationship with all of Shawn's hunky associates even though he isn't exactly one of them. Preferring sports and video games to social interactions, Mike spends much of his time gaming on the living room console and hanging out with Andrew, Matt some of his semi-jockish gamer friends. While not exactly the brightest of the bunch, his positive nature and cheerful predisposition easily compensate for his slight malaise in the way of social graces. Big Mike quickly establishes himself as the most sympathetic of Shawn's roommates and stands out for being both kind and gentle. Though possessing a concealed dominant streak, he remains somewhat bashful when placed in a position of power, something which his more jockish counterparts aren't afraid to tease him about. Big Mike is known to almost everyone as the GENTLE GIANT. A nickname that does his large size and passive demeanour justice.



Outwardly vain and cold, little is known about the young bodybuilder other than the fact that he has a smoking hot body and a massive following of fans on social media platforms. Kyle strikes the protagonist as a little standoffish and comes off as mildly uncaring of the various plights suffered by those around him. Serving as a practice dummy for Steven's rimjob initiation, Kyle rapidly establishes himself as one of the resident Alphas and appears to have a somewhat mutually beneficial relationship with college-star Josh. Having the respect of his older peers, Steven is left wondering if there is perhaps more to THE INSTAGRAM GOD than what initially meets the eye.
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Post by gaggedfeety »

Oh Shawn's place, such an easy vote for me :lol: :lol:
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Post by wataru14 »

So here are my answers to the questionnaire...

1 - Who is your favourite character so far, and why?

I think Nick. He seems the most real and fleshed out. I believe him. He's grounded in reality, with just enough unreality to make it interesting. I can see him being a real person and I understand his motivations.

2 - Who is your least favourite character, and why?

I feel kinda cheap answering this question because the answer is so obvious. Brad 1000%. He should be in prison. At least he seems to only be part of the story as a specter now. Otherwise, maybe there's a nice cliff he can fall off of somewhere?

3 - If you could enter the story and permanently take on the role of any of these characters, who would you be?

Probably Joshua. I'm not a dom, so I wouldn't switch with any of them. And I have too much will to switch with Steven or Jeremy. Joshua seems to be the best of both worlds. He gets to be submissive when he wants to be, but can be himself when he wants to be. He knows what he wants and goes for it. His life seems to be fun and no-strings-attached. That sounds very alluring to me.

4 - If you're a sub, who would you want as your Master if you had to choose between Nick and Zack?

This may surprise several people, but I'd probably choose Zack. I find Nick sexier. I want to fuck Nick and want Nick to fuck me, but I could never live with him. Not in the way he wants and demands. I could play along for a while, but eventually I'd assert myself too much and he'd be done with me. I could never sacrifice my independence and allow myself to be reduced to the almost childlike state Steven seems to be heading towards. He'd kick me out after the second week.

5 - D'you have a favourite scene so far? If so, which one?

There are a lot to choose from, but my favorites have been Zack's thorough hogtie of Steven early on, the wrapping/taping of Steven in the kitchen by the apartment bros, the scene where Steven is dressed in Nick's clothes near the beginning, and Steven's "taking the initiative" in chapters 280 and 281.

6 - What is your opinion regarding the Steven/Nick relationship?

It's not something I would want, but it seems like it's deep and genuine. I think they both have some growing to do, but I think it's a good thing for each. They are truly exactly what the other needs.

7 - If you could be tied up and gagged by anyone of these guys, who would you choose? Where would you be tied up and how?

Nick. As much as Zack seems to be a pro and a connoisseur of such things, when Steven described Nick as a "rope and duct tape kinda guy," that sold it for me. I like the classics. Toys are fun for spice and variety, but not as the norm. I like my tying tried and true. The fact that Nick seems to carry handcuffs wherever he goes is a definite clincher. I would invite Shawn over for a handgag or two, though, since he seems to be the resident expert on such things.

8 - If you had to rank the characters in order of whose socks you'd most wanna be gagged with, how would that list look?

Probably Chris, Joey, Kyle, and Joshua as the top tier. Just because they seem like they have the "cleanest." Sweat and smell don't bother me, but the various pieces of garbage and detritus that seem to stick to Nick, Zack, and Shawn's socks definitely would. Which is why they're bottom-tier. The second I tasted lint or floor dirt I'd heave and probably choke to death. Bring on their jockstraps and underwear, though! Neutral-tier would be Steven, Jeremy, Mike, and Phil. Nathan is N/A since we haven't seen him yet and Brad doesn't rate enough to be on the list.

9 - If you could have a threesome with two of the characters, who would be your bedmates for the night?

Now this is a tough one. With so many dom types, a threesome would quickly degenerate into "One guy just fucks us both" or "both guys just taking turns fucking me." Both have their own merits, of course, but if you're looking for a traditional threesome, I don't see any combination working except Joshua and Steven. And since I've made my feelings about Steven well known, I don't think I can really answer this one. I would personally choose Joshua and Mike, but they wouldn't be in a threesome together.

10 - If you had to share a thick mummy style sleeping bag with one of these guys, who would you choose to spend the night with?

Nick. Everything Steven describes about being in the bag with him sounds like heaven. His musk, his warmth, even his body positioning.

11 - If you could tickle or be tickled by anyone of these guys, who would you choose as your tormentor/victim?

Tickling isn't my thing. So probably Mike. He'd go at it for a quick laugh but then stop when he realized I didn't like it. I don't think literally ANYONE else in the story would do that.

12 - For fans of facesitting, which one of these guys would you most want sitting on your face?

Chris. He seems playful enough to make it fun, and empathetic enough to not make it painful.

13 - For fans of rimming, which one of these guys would you most wanna try rimming?

Probably Joey. He seems to have the best personal hygiene out of everyone (with Zack a close second). And he seems the least likely to let one rip in my face.

14 - How did you find this story? (Google search, forum browsing, suggestion from a friend, etc)

I have been a member of the site for a while and was always curious about it, especially after seeing the fan reaction. I was one of those "intimidated by the length" people, but after some encouragement by [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] I decided to take the plunge.

15 - Which kinks presented in this story turn you on or excite you the most? (ex: rimming, mummification, handgagging, etc)

I love traditional bondage and gags. Zack and Nick's leather jackets/gloves/boots. The raucous bro dynamic of the apartment boys. The darlex sleepsacks sound interesting, too.

16 - If you had to choose which apartment to live in, who's apartment would you choose:
* Apartment number 1 (Shawn, Chris, Joey, Big Mike)
* Apartment number 2 (Josh, Phil, Kyle, Nathan)

This is another tough one. I'd probably say Apartment 1.
- Pros: Mike. Guys are more my physical type. More "bro" interplay. Better chances of being tied up.
- Cons: Shawn (only a con because he's on the trash heap because of the blackmail attempt - he'd be a neutral otherwise)

Apartment 2 has Josh, but it also has Phil. I don't hate him, but I don't particularly like him either. Kyle is a Renaissance statue: beautiful to look at, but cold and lifeless. And we know nothing about Nathan yet. So I'd give the edge to Apartment 1.
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Post by OrdinaryWorld »

You know, I've just realised something.

Soon, Steven will have a lot easier of a time with Nick's socks, as Nick's hamper which had a bunch of socks when Steven moved in would now nearly be out, meaning that he doesn't really have any extremely nasty socks left. Nick will have to make the choice soon of a) gagging Steven with socks regularly, but they're only a few days old, or b) Irregular gagging (once every 1 or 2 weeks), but the socks are extremely putrid.

Just my thoughts! ;)

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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Oh no! After [mention]subguybr[/mention] voted for Nick over Zach in the Master poll I thought we'd get another onside with [mention]wataru14[/mention]. Sadly it wasn't to be! However, amazing work on catching up so quickly. You can go and eat and sleep now and wait patiently with the rest of us for the next chapter!

Love the photo montages [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] but I'm not so fickle as to let a few pictures of some hot college jocks sway my decision! You'll have to try harder than that! :D

[mention]OrdinaryWorld[/mention] Nick's a planner - I'm sure he'll have something up his sleeve!
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]wataru14[/mention] Those are some very interesting questionnaire answers.
I, like [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention], was also surprised to see you siding with Zack. But I very much do understand the appeal he has and the choice you've made.

I was also very amused and surprised by your choice to play Joshua were you to take part in this saga.
He definitely does enjoy the best of both worlds and few strings attached, doesn't he? 8-)

As for who you'd like to be tied up by, I'm certain Nick and Zack could come together for that forceful arrest and ensuing tie-up.
I also have little doubt that Shawn would take it upon himself to clamp his huge hands behind the back of your head and over the top of your face to stop you from protesting. You'd probably be moaning in ecstasy by that point 8-)

The other thing I like about your answers is that you seem to be sprinkling a bit of love on everyone (save for Brad, and to a lesser extent Phil). Chris for the facesitting. Joey for the rimming. Shawn for the handgagging. Nick for the tying. Zack for the dominating/owning. Mike for the befriending, etc.

In any case, I hope you enjoy the saga's future chapters and remain a part of our little group.
Still can't believe how quickly you've caught up to this!

Looking forward to seeing [mention]CrownedLoy76[/mention]'s answers now.

OrdinaryWorld wrote: 2 years ago Nick will have to make the choice soon of a) gagging Steven with socks regularly, but they're only a few days old, or b) Irregular gagging (once every 1 or 2 weeks), but the socks are extremely putrid.
Nice to hear from you, little-man ;)

Actually, the upcoming chapter sort of addresses this.
I realise that Steven being gagged with Nick's socks has more or less become legend in these parts. But the hype surrounding that is a little misplaced. What I mean is, that actually hasn't occurred nearly as many times as what a lot of you guys seem to think.

Look at it this way; the saga has a total of nearly 300 chapters so far and spans a timeline of ten months (with an 8-month gap between Books II & III). Starting from chapter one all the way up to the current one, you can count on one hand the number of times Steven has been gagged with one of Nick's socks...and you still wouldn't have all five of your fingers up ;)

Steven has to endure the stench of his man's reeking socks on a daily basis, but he is seldom made to endure the taste of them.
So your mention of irregular gagging (every one or two weeks) is actually very regular compared to what Steven's had to endure so far.

Nick almost never uses his socks as gags.
He knows they're foul, and as such, only uses them on rare occasions.

Zack, on the other hand, has imposed his socks on Steven disproportionally more often than Nick has. Especially given the fact that he's only been in the story timeline for a little over a month now.

The length of the saga, or rather, the years it's taken me to write this makes it pretty hard to keep track of such things.
Good thing I have my personal secretary-boi [mention]socjuc[/mention] to make lists and stuff 8-)

Does that answer part of your question?
Are you surprised by any of this?

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Post by OrdinaryWorld »

bondagefreak wrote: 2 years ago Does that answer part of your question?
Are you surprised by any of this?
Yes it does!
I am surprised though at how irregularly he is gagged w/ socks. I thought it'd be a lot more common.
Guess Steven will always have a rancid pair of socks lurking behind the corner if he misbehaves ;)

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Post by OrdinaryWorld »

1 - Who is your favourite character so far, and why?
Probably Chris! He's friendly enough.

2 - Who is your least favourite character, and why?
Phil is genuinely aggravating, at least Brad isn't just a pester and actually introduces some moral dilemma.

3 - If you could enter the story and permanently take on the role of any of these characters, who would you be?
I'm a subby person, but Steven and Jeremy have had pretty shit times, so I'm not sure.

4 - If you're a sub, who would you want as your Master if you had to choose between Nick and Zack?
Probably Zack

5 - D'you have a favourite scene so far? If so, which one?
Sock Russian Roulette!

6 - What is your opinion regarding the Steven/Nick relationship?
I generally disapprove of it - there needs to be some significant change for me to ever approve of it.

7 - If you could be tied up and gagged by anyone of these guys, who would you choose? Where would you be tied up and how?
Josh seems like it could be fun! Who knows, maybe duct tape?

8 - If you had to rank the characters in order of whose socks you'd most wanna be gagged with, how would that list look?
You know, I have done this list a fair few times but I can't really remember it.

9 - If you could have a threesome with two of the characters, who would be your bedmates for the night?

10 - If you had to share a thick mummy style sleeping bag with one of these guys, who would you choose to spend the night with?
Roll a dice and flip a coin - I haven't a clue

11 - If you could tickle or be tickled by anyone of these guys, who would you choose as your tormentor/victim?

12 - For fans of facesitting, which one of these guys would you most want sitting on your face?

13 - For fans of rimming, which one of these guys would you most wanna try rimming?

14 - How did you find this story? (Google search, forum browsing, suggestion from a friend, etc)
Googling stories about smelly socks!

15 - Which kinks presented in this story turn you on or excite you the most? (ex: rimming, mummification, handgagging, etc)
Socks, feet, shoes, general domination I suppose.

16 - If you had to choose which apartment to live in, who's apartment would you choose:
Apartment number 1 (Shawn, Chris, Joey, Big Mike)
Apartment number 2 (Josh, Phil, Kyle, Nathan)

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Post by CrownedLoy76 »

1 - Who is your favourite character so far, and why?
I would say Nick. I love how he is a firm dom, but at the same time protective and caring.

2- Who is your least favourite character, and why?
Jeremey is my least favorite character. I find the characters in the dominant roles to be much more exciting, and I see a lot of myself in Steven. So, that leaves Jeremy at the bottom.

3- If you could enter the story and permanently take on the role of any of these characters, who would you be?
With a adoubt Steven; it's not even close! I'm a very submissive person and love being so. It would be a dream come true to be around these jocks as Steven.

4 - If you're a sub, who would you want as your Master if you had to choose between Nick and Zack?
I gotta go with Zack. I've got a thing for hockey players, so he earns major points there. And it certainly helps that he has a foot odor problem, as that is my personal biggest kink.

5 - D'you have a favourite scene so far? If so, which one?
I'm gonna have to go with when Phil swapped Steven and Joshua and the events that took place shortly after.

6 - What is your opinion regarding the Steven/Nick relationship?
I love the Steven/Nick relationship. I think Nick genuinely cares for Steven, and Steven cares for Nick as well.

7 - If you could be tied up and gagged by anyone of these guys, who would you choose? Where would you be tied up and how?
This may be surprising, but I'm gonna go with Phil. He's definitely the most devious, so I don't think he'd have any hesitation going all out and would have a suitable creative gag for me. Full mummification so there's no chance of escape.

8 - If you had to rank the characters in order of whose socks you'd most wanna be gagged with, how would that list look?
I have a very high stink tolerance and the more putrid a pair and the more foul smelling, the more I wanna be gagged with it. So my list is as follows:
Big Mike

9 - If you could have a threesome with two of the characters, who would be your bedmates for the night?
Definitely Nick and Zack for obvious reasons haha

10 - If you had to share a thick mummy style sleeping bag with one of these guys, who would you choose to spend the night with?
I'd say Zack. Again, I have a thing for hockey players, so he earns major bonus points there.

11 - If you could tickle or be tickled by anyone of these guys, who would you choose as your tormentor/victim?
I think it would be cute fun to be tickled by Zack. He seems like a playful guy who would enjoy it.

12 - For fans of facesitting, which one of these guys would you most want sitting on your face?
I would say Nick because he's got that dump truck of an ass. I would love to just get swallowed up by that monstrosity.

13 - For fans of rimming, which one of these guys would you most wanna try rimming?
I would either Zack because I find him the most attractive, or Phil because I think he'd be real commanding with it which I find to be very hot.

14 - How did you find this story? (Google search, forum browsing, suggestion from a friend, etc)
I found it by google searching for stories about smelly footed masters!

15 - Which kinks presented in this story turn you on or excite you the most?
Smelly feet, smelly socks, smelly shoes, forced feet smelling, smelly sock gags, bondage, mummification

16 - If you had to choose which apartment to live in, who's apartment would you choose
Apartment number 1 (Shawn, Chris, Joey, Big Mike), but certainly wouldn't mind some visits from Phil
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Post by wataru14 »

And we have a Phil fan in the house! It's good to see that every character is getting love in their own way.
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Post by bondagefreak »


Monday, May 25 (4:20 AM)

A mixture of disgust, resignation and shame lined my face as the frustratingly fat wadding began its militaristic takeover of my mouth. Even though I did my best to provide the fatherly brute with a wide-open cavity, his sock was proving formidable and causing my cheeks to bulge out and my lips to struggle. Still, Nick was being fairly gentle with me.

Someone who didn't know the nuances of his inner workings might've thought that he suffered from a split personality syndrome. Either that or that he'd undergone a rather drastic change of character. That wasn't the case.

My man had always been very jockish, sometimes to the point of bordering on immaturity. That joyful youth was still in his heart, of course. But it just didn't manifest itself nearly as often as it used to in the past.

That wasn't due to a change in his personality.
Rather, it was due to a change in his perception of me.

Gone was the time when Nick considered me as something along the lines of a little brother. I clearly recall his fatherly instincts kicking in back when I'd initially tried running away from him and Brad ten months ago. His fondness for me had become quite apparent then. But it's only a couple of weeks after I moved in with him that his mind started seeing me in an entirely different light.

Slowly, his perception of me began changing.
I was no longer just his submissive protégé.
I was no longer his childhood friend or his trusted wingman.
I was a serious love interest, not to mention a very promising potential wife.

As soon as the blond goliath's mind had identified me as such, most forms of jockish horsery had stopped and were replaced with a blend of paternal tenderness and authoritarianism.

Even now, I could see the love and fatherliness in his eyes.
His sock was thick and foul, but his handling of me was far gentler than it used to be.

Had you been there to witness our perplexing size and weight difference, you would've no doubt appreciated just how gentle and careful he had to be to prevent himself from accidentally hurting me.

Nick used one of his giant hands to lift the back of my head up and keep it steady.
His other hand, meanwhile, busily went about conquering my mouth with that big, stubby sock of his.

I watched as his large leather-clad fingers slowly pushed the foul wadding in.
Watched as he did his best to let me get used to its size and thickness.

A soft whimper managed to escape my struggling lips; something which caused the burly blond brute to hush me down and order me to stay quiet.

"Shhhh. No talking, boi." came the sound of his exceedingly deep, fatherly voice.

I looked up into the man's piercing gaze and he looked down in mine.
His eyes spoke love, and mine spoke admiration and respect.

I wanted him to give me his approval and I wanted him to tell me what a good boy I was. Strangely enough, Nick seemed to understand that and promptly rewarded my obedience by concluding the slow stuffing process with the planting of a kiss on my forehead, before finally lowering my head back down to the pillow.

My lips struggled to contain his sock, but even after he turned his attention away from me and began searching for tape, I kept the pungent stuffing in and fought the urge to spit it out.

The gloved and puffer-clad goliath was back once more, this time with a roll of Zack's uber sticky athletic tape in hand.

Nick struggled with the white adhesive for nearly half a minute before it gave. His shiny black puffer jacket was so unreasonably fat and his giant fingers weren't being helped by the thick layer of leather that coated them. Still, the man's efforts eventually paid off and the small roll of fiercely stick hockey was unleashed and spun around my head multiple times.

The burly brute pressed the end of the tape against the back of my neck before pulling it to the front of my face and in between my still-gaping lips. Two more revolutions followed suit, each one forcing the hefty stuffing deeper into my mouth and allowing my lips to close a little tighter.

"Press your lips together." Nick finally instructed, allowing my bulging yapper to close shut before pulling the tape atop it, sealing my rosy lips together and preventing their separation.

Zack's sticky tape was spun around my head and plastered atop my stuffed lips five additional times before the beastly muscle-king was finally satisfied.

"There we go, babe. Much better." he spoke, placing my head back down onto the pillow and tossing his friend's tape away.

"Been a while since you had one of my socks in there, hasn't it?" he asked, to which I could provide no response. At least not a verbal one.

The overly beefy, musclebound man spent what seemed like the better part of a minute inspecting my face and smoothing the tape down. I had the diseased taste of his foot in my mouth, and yet all I could think about was how huge his hands were and how strong his gloved fingers smelled. The scent of his leather was intoxicating.

Nick's smothering palm and fingers inadvertently clogged my airways once or twice during the tape-smoothing process, but the effect it had on me was quite potent and immediate. I was throbbing.

I moaned and tried letting out some sort of intelligible whimper. I failed to do so, of course, but even more bizarre though was the fact that I actually found some sort of solace in the fact that my blue-eyed warrior-king's fat sock had my tongue pinned down and my cavity completely stuffed.

Nick's toe cheese-infested sock was frustratingly thick and spongy. I could easily bite down on it and compress it into a tighter bundle, but the instant my jaw unclenched, the pungent wad would immediately swell back up and occupy every micron of space my mouth had to offer.

"Uggghmmphh...mmpgghph." I whimpered once more, testing my gag out and finding it as undefeatable and as unrelenting as the darlex sack I was currently trapped in.

Nick seemed satisfied with the gag's effectiveness and lowered his face down to kiss my head before standing up and taking his eyes off me.

As soon as the hunky blond god turned his attention away and started getting undressed, I raised my head up off the pillow and looked down at the angry erection still protruding from my limbless body restraint.

I wanted to reach it.
No. I needed to reach it.

The body-hugging prison accommodated my desperate efforts by allowing me to spread my ankles and knees a few centimetres apart. I could stretch my fingers and, with sufficient effort, even move my hands and wrists a little. But as soon as I attempted stretching my limbs a little more, the sack's constricting grip would prove too much for my muscles and my limbs would snap back into place.

No amount of straining or struggling could free me of its tyrannical grasp, and much to my rapidly mounting frustration, all efforts to move my hands away from my outer thighs proved to be nothing more than a serious waste of time.

The frustration caused by my unreachable arousal, combined with the positively PUTRID stench of Zack's discarded socks and running shoes caused a muffled curse to resonate past my gagged mouth.

"Mggghhhmmph!" I cried out, somewhat angrily shaking my head "no" and crinkling my nose up as the unbearably acrid smell of Zack's foot cheese began assaulting my nostrils.

Nick gave me a nonchalant glance but didn't seem at all impressed by my efforts to put up a struggle. A mere look from him was all that was needed to quiet me down and force me back into silence. I was contesting the sleepsack and the gag, but not the man who'd imposed them on me.

I spent the next minute or so watching him strip.

As soon as his bloated puffer came off and that tight muscle shirt followed suit, my eyes hungrily began roaming his torso and focusing on those downright BEASTLY shoulders, pecs and triceps of his. Good god, he was huge!

The creaking police gloves came off, followed by his leftover sock and then his light grey sweatpants.
Massive thighs and enormous round bums came out, revealing the full nakedness of my man's bottom as well as revealing the fact that he wasn't wearing any underwear underneath his pants.

It's only when the colossal brute turned around and walked back towards the bed that I got a look at the freakishly oversized monster-cock protruding out from between his tree-trunk-sized thighs.

The towering goliath just stood there, looking down at the phone in his hand whilst displaying absolutely no shame in the fact that his positively engorged boner was pointing up towards the tent ceiling and riding all the way up past his navel. No shame whatsoever.

Nick eventually tossed his phone down to the bed before finally turning the battery-powered night light off and crouching down right next to me.

Giant hands took hold of my sleepsacked form, and without any semblance of difficulty, I was effortlessly flipped over onto my stomach. The somewhat soothing scent of Zack's flannel-lined sleeping bag rode up into my nostrils, but any and all aspirations I had about wiggling around and grinding myself to completion died out the instant Nick climbed into the sleeping bag with me.

As soon as my 248-pound lover's tremendous body came down atop my sleepsacked form, I was pressed down into the memory foam mattress and swallowed up into its squishy embrace.

Nick came down on me like a ton of bricks, but instead of being crushed and winded like I would've normally been, I was simply gobbled up by our spongey bedding and imprisoned beneath his monstrous weight. In other words, even though I was positioned squarely beneath him, Nick was essentially resting atop an almost perfectly flat surface. I'd be going nowhere any time soon.

"Go to sleep, babe. It's past your bedtime." the muscle-brute quietly whispered, zipping Zack's thick sleeping bag up and crossing his freakishly ginormous arms above my head.

The brute spent the next few minutes on his phone whilst I adjusted myself to his monumental weight and came to terms with the fact that I was trapped. His chest and shoulders were stupidly broad and his upper body was just insanely heavy. My head was pretty much stuck beneath his huge pecs and the only parts of my body that still enjoyed some semblance of freedom were my toes and fingers.

I did try getting the fatherly muscle-god's attention at one point, but the beefy man simply frowned his brow and ordered me to close my eyes and go to sleep.

I eventually did end up slipping into a peaceful slumber. But not before waging a silent war against my toe-scented sockgag and eyeing up the terrifyingly massive bicep that kept threatening to smother my face up.

Nick was still browsing on his phone by the time I was starting to doze off.
In those final moments of conscious lucidity, I remember his fleshy lips puckering atop my head and remember him whispering something sweet in my ear. I moaned what was supposed to be "good night" and then quietly slipped into the dream world's tranquil embrace.

We'd be going home tomorrow afternoon.
And as much as I'd enjoyed our little camping getaway, I was looking forward to getting back to my usual routine.

Last edited by bondagefreak 2 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by wataru14 »

Another incredible chapter, my friend! Nick's taking the time to smooth out the tape on the gag was touching and tender, which juxtaposes nicely with the tension of Steven's inability to reach his boner. Such exquisite denial! Sad to see the camping trip reaching it's end, but at least this one wasn't cut off early by unfortunate circumstances! And it brings us that much closer to seeing what new adventures await in Babysitting Steven II: The Sequel. It looks like Zack won out, and I am intrigued to see what his home looks like.

On the edge of my seat as always!
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Post by Volobond »

Heh, it's always a treat when burly hunks give unwitting stripteases. And as ever, I love how thoroughly entrapped Steven is by that custom sleepsack!

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Post by Pup Wingletang »

I love how you are able to turn the act of stuffing a disgusting, smelly sock into someone's mouth into something so intimate and, dare I say it, romantic. Steven opening his mouth wide ready to receive. Nick taking his time as he gently feeds the sock into Steven's mouth. What a lovely moment.

Once again loving Steven's frustrated struggle against the sleepsack and great to see how much both of them are enjoying the situation. I think Steven is going to be lovely and warm tonight with Nick as his blanket.
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

All my M/M stories can be found HERE.
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Post by GoBucks »

What a hot position to sleep in, pinned under the pecs of a sexy jock, no way to move and mouth stuffed with his dirty sock. I'm jealous! Who wouldn't want to fall asleep in that way? :lol:
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Post by Msueta@2 »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] that was another great chapter . The sock gagging was hot . Nick undressing was hot .
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Monday, May 25 (9:30 AM)

The first thing I remember upon waking up was the sound of raindrops hitting the top of our dome-shaped camping abode.
The sound of wind and thunder rumbled in the distance, but with Nick still sleeping atop me, I felt even safer now than I normally did.

I guess it's a little hard for me to put into words just how toasty warm and serene I felt that morning.
The sun was up, but the tent was dimly lit due to the thick canopy of grey clouds that impeded its rule.

All four of us were huddled together inside Zack's oversized sleeping bag, and aside from myself, everyone was fast asleep and enjoying the ambient warmth and countryside tranquillity.

Nick's massively built chest heaved as he breathed in and out. I tried wiggling out from beneath the monumental weight of his body, but all I ended up doing was exhausting myself and causing his monstrous slab of meat to harden.

Fully aware of the fact that my brutish muscleman didn't take kindly to being woken up for no reason, I eventually gave up my pointless struggling and simply accepted the fact that I couldn't go anywhere even if I'd wanted to.

In any case, it didn't take long for my eyelids to feel heavy and for Nick's seemingly inexhaustible body heat to drive me back to sleep again. Only when I woke up a second time that morning did I find myself enjoying some limited form of freedom. And by that I mean I no longer had a 248-pound Daddy resting squarely on top of me.

I was lying on my back, looking up at the tent ceiling, and Nick was sitting right next to me, with his seated rump right next to my head and his face hunched forward looking down at the phone in his hand.

"Mornin', babe." the goliath brute spoke, noticing my awakened state but still keeping his steely blue gaze peeled onto his cellphone.

I made a move to sit up and rub the sleep out of my eyes but was immediately reminded of the body-hugging sack I was trapped in, not to mention the dreadfully smelly sock still plugging my mouth up.

From the sound of stuff being loaded into one of the vehicles and the sound of doors closing and opening repeatedly, it sounded like Zack was up and loading some equipment into his SUV. I thought Jeremy might've been with him, but was quickly alerted otherwise when the sound of a frustrated moan suddenly broke the silence. It was coming from our immediate vicinity. More precisely, it was coming from the other side of my colossal boyfriend's seated body.

Poor Jeremy was still stuck in his sack, and neither Zack nor Nick had apparently seen fit to free him of his gag yet.
Maybe that was intentional, or maybe they'd just forgotten.

When Nick finally placed his hand on the mattress and arched his upper body a little closer towards me, I thought he was going to put his phone down and kiss me, but that's not exactly what happened. The brutish blond beast simply lifted his right thigh up off the mattress and kept his gaze on his phone, even as a dreadfully violent rush of air blasted out of his huge buttocks.


Jeremy took the full brunt of Nick's eruption, but the safety sack he was trapped in left the kid with no possible means of resistance or escape. He was doomed, and the gag in his mouth made my boyfriend's fart all the more difficult to bear.

I could do nothing but feel bad and listen as my young friend broke down into a frenzied panic and began choking on his gag.

"Uggghmmpph! Uggghmmphh ggmmphh!" he cried out, convulsing and contorting in his escape-proof sack, but finding no weakness or flaw in its implacable grip.

Had Zack been the offender, I had no doubt that a semi-heartfelt apology and some bashful chuckling would've ensued. However, this was Nick we were talking about. The man may have been fair and loving when it came to caring for his spouse, but when it came to this sort of primitive carelessness, he really did not give a fuck.

No apology was voiced out for what he'd done, and no acknowledgement of it was given either.

The seated brute simply kept browsing on his phone, showing absolutely no shame in the fact that his inexplicably oversized boner stood fully erect in between his huge thighs, and showing absolutely no remorse for having literally let one rip right in poor Jeremy's gagged face.

This may sound really strange to some of you, but I was just incredibly turned on at that point.
And no, it wasn't Nick's fart. I found his uncaringness in that regard quite horrific, thank you.
Rather, it was the insane ruggedness and brutishness of him that turned me on.

Oh don't get me wrong, there was definitely something to be said for Zack's charm and sophistication. I found Jeremy's boyfriend extremely appealing, but Nick had a sort of primitive and somewhat less refined quality to him that I found downright irresistible.

To put it in layman's terms, Nick was to Zack what a sledgehammer is to a scalpel.

True, that also meant he wasn't quite as romantic as I sometimes hoped for.
But it did, however, give a special flair to his softer moments and make them highly memorable.

Anyways, going back to Nick's fart...part of me felt terrible and almost guilty for the plight my unfortunate friend was suffering through right now. And yet, another part of me was aroused beyond reason at the fact that my man was showing no semblance of guilt or remorse. He just sat there, looking down at his phone and acting as though he didn't have a care in the world.

Even as Jeremy and I mouthed off into our fat gags, the brutish muscle-beast seemed positively unmoved by the knowledge that our mouths were being held hostage and that we were being forced to suck on his laundry.

A lesser Alpha might've felt a little bad for us.
But Nick experienced no such feelings, and somehow that made him all the more appealing to me.

Jeremy was still coughing and choking on his crotch-scented gag by the time the tent entrance was unzipped and slowly being opened. The chaotic and easily recognisable creaking of leather filled our ears as Zack's stupendously large form bent down and entered the abode through its somewhat diminutive opening.

The towering warrior was an impressive sight to behold.
His pearly white smile and the pale complexion of his agreeably sunkissed skin contrasted rather vividly with the jet black jacket adorning his amazingly broad torso. That contrast could be felt on multiple levels; the most notable one being the contrast between our brown-haired host's cheerful personality and his rather fearsome and austere attire.

Zack's jacket was very thick and heavy. It reached down to his waist but was exceptionally broad and roomy in the arm, chest and shoulder area. The cut was obviously intended to be worn loose and designed to give the wearer a lot of breathing room, but this wearer was no ordinary man. Zack was built like a brick shithouse and his absurdly buff arms, shoulders and pectorals filled the motorcycle jacket up to capacity.

Completing that arousing attire was those huge leather gloves of his; gauntlet gloves that covered his wrists and reached all the way up to his lower forearms. Every movement he made, every step he took was accompanied by those telltale sounds of groaning, creaking and straining leather. It was all so very...erotic.


When the righteous warrior-king turned his attention towards me and crouched down next to my side of the bed, I blushed and immediately fought to tear my eyes away from his dreamy face.

"Nick told me about your little escape attempt last night." the goody-two-shoes paladin-king spoke, placing his very large hand atop my head and then running his leathery fingers through my dishevelled brown hair.

Hearing Zack qualify my late-night venture as some sort of attempt to run away from camp almost instantly elicited a lively response from me.

"Hmmgggm ugghmph! Mpphh ggh mppggghpph!" I protested, valiantly trying to get an explanation out past my husbandly owner's fat sock.

Unfortunately for me, the sound of my heavily muffled explanation did not fail to get Nick's attention, nor did it fail to get his freakish monster-cock throbbing. Before I knew it, I had not one but two insanely beefy muscle-gods looking down at me and eyeing my form up with envy.

"It sounds like the boy's tryin' to say something." Zack spoke, ignoring my muffled pleas and speaking directly to his fellow hunk.

Nick looked down into my pleading eyes, but even though I was his personal ward and consort, his expression betrayed little hint of sympathy for me.

"Yeah, too bad. He should've thought about that before mouthing off and tryin' to argue with me last night." the brute answered, grossly exaggerating the facts and causing his leather-clad companion to give me a feigned frown of disapproval.

"Attempting to run away and then arguing with a Man-of-the-Law? Hmmmm. Surely that warrants some kind of special punishment." Zack mused, looking down towards me but speaking more to himself than for my own benefit.

The amused look on their faces quickly alerted me to the fact that both of them were just messing around. But that didn't stop a look of terror from lining my own as the threat of Zack's "special punishment" suddenly took a more tangible form.
He was, to put it mildly, going to make me pay for my crime.

Last edited by bondagefreak 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by LockedCheeseBird »

Hm, ominous music is starting to play in my head, I wonder why...
Steven does escape at least once on each trip so far! :lol:

Poor Steven, didn't he get punished enough already? Luckily it's Zack, at least he is quite responsible, and now we get to see Zack in action again. That's never a bad thing.

Loved the last chapter too, btw! Those sleepsack scenes are so amazing, I really need to try one out sometime. Really loved the description of Steven's frustration, felt really real and authentic.

And I really love how enamoured Steven is with Nick, it's really lovely to finally see him enjoy his brutish goliath sledgehammer. Really loving this camping trip, although I'm also quite looking forwards to what comes after that!
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Post by Volobond »

The sledgehammer/scalpel metaphor was a good one. It always strikes me how Steven's turns of phrase are especially eloquent when he's turned on ;)

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Post by GoBucks »

Ahh I just love when masculine guys are so indifferently raunchy. Just farting and burping without any concern! It's just so hot.

And damnnn does this cliffhanger mess with my patience. I need Zack's special punishment and I need it now. Please, don't keep us waiting too long Sir!
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Nick really is a beast but at least he's open about it. Zach hides his beastlyness behind a charismatic veneer of sparkling teeth and leather. It's a good thing Steven likes beasts!

I love how Steven's night time escapade has been twisted into an escape attempt and once again we see Steven's frustration at not being able to defend himself around a mouthful of sock.

Why do I think a bout of tickling might be on the way?
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

All my M/M stories can be found HERE.
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Post by bondagefreak »

GoBucks wrote: 2 years ago Ahh I just love when masculine guys are so indifferently raunchy. Just farting and burping without any concern! It's just so hot.
I feel the need to congratulate you for coming out and saying that, boi.
Unless I'm mistaken, this is probably the first time someone's come out and stated it so openly.

There are quite a few guys on here who are into this sort of stuff, yet most of them feel too embarrassed to come out and say it. I also happen to know that, like Steven, some of you are grossed out by it but strangely turned on & aroused by the masculine brutishness and uncaring nature of it all.

From having a lot of PM contacts with the readers, I'm fully aware that a lot of you are embarrassed about your kinks & fetishes. The fear of being kink-shamed is very real on here and it's keeping quite a few readers from openly participating.

Having said that, I really do need to emphasize that all of us reading BOUND & GAGGED are very much kindred spirits and that all of our interactions on this forum are anonymous. No one IRL knows who you are. There's no reason to feel shy about expressing yourself. As I'm sure you've all noticed, this saga touches and delves into a lot of things. If you come across something that turns you on or that you like, you're strongly encouraged to come out and say so. That's the only way we authors have of gauging the readership's interest in something.

The BOUND & GAGGED QUESTIONNAIRE and the bi-weekly polls we have going on here are both fantastic ways of breaking the ice and working past the initial shyness that's associated with not posting often.

Many of you have yet to answer the main story questionnaire.
Just dropping a few names off the top of my head: [mention]Pup[/mention] [mention]Whitestorm[/mention] [mention]Footsub[/mention] [mention]sami200456boyfriend[/mention] [mention]Mitchelaiden[/mention] [mention]tugfan[/mention]

Also want to give a quick welcome back shoutout to my special friend [mention]NeedControl[/mention] who's been MIA for the past year.
Welcome back, buddy-boi! We've missed you!

Now that Daddy Bondagefreak has said his piece, it's time to update the "Choose Your Master/Lover" chart with the latest questionnaire answers provided to us by [mention]subguybr[/mention], [mention]OrdinaryWorld[/mention], [mention]wataru14[/mention] and [mention]CrownedLoy76[/mention]

Zack is still in the driver seat with a 56% vs 44% lead over Nick!

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Post by Sockgaggedman »

I love how only here two ( or four, depending how you count them :lol: ) polar opposites can meet and form the closest bonds!
I mean, would you normally couple scrawny Steven with 6ft3' beast Nick? :lol:

I also love how some guys ( straight or not) can be so completely open about their over the limit manly hood, so much so that sometimes it is almost jockish! Nick is a prime example of " doesn't give a damn" dom. He doesn't even care that his gas is suffocating the two subs, or that Jeremy is chocking on his pouch. I think he even finds it slightly amusing! :lol:

And don't even get me started on Zack! He can sometimes be the most charming knight in Christendom and then be the equivalent of a sadistic 8th grader with a God's body! It is magical! Yet another reason to love him! :P
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[mention]squirrel[/mention] [mention]OrdinaryWorld[/mention] [mention]Msueta@2[/mention] [mention]GoBucks[/mention] [mention]Socksbound[/mention] [mention]The slave[/mention] [mention]gaggedfeety[/mention] [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention] [mention]Sockgaggedman[/mention] [mention]socjuc[/mention] [mention]jammer212[/mention] [mention]smushboy[/mention] [mention]luiggi87[/mention] [mention]Ossassin[/mention] [mention]blackbound[/mention] [mention]sws91[/mention] [mention]CorbD91[/mention] [mention]Mummybag[/mention] [mention]Mitchelaiden[/mention] [mention]zzzz12333211[/mention] [mention]MountainMan_91[/mention] [mention]ShadowHusky[/mention] [mention]user3434658[/mention] [mention]jammer212[/mention] [mention]Whitestorm[/mention] [mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention] [mention]EJTied22[/mention] [mention]Volobond[/mention]
[mention]LockedCheeseBird[/mention] [mention]Footsub[/mention] [mention]Red86[/mention] [mention]jammer212[/mention] [mention]Pup[/mention] [mention]4toes[/mention] [mention]Tsuhaya[/mention] [mention]The slave[/mention] [mention]subguybr[/mention] [mention]Trainedsub[/mention] [mention]SquashMeDown[/mention] [mention]cherryboy[/mention] [mention]sami200456boyfriend[/mention] [mention]smushboy[/mention] [mention]wataru14[/mention] [mention]MountainMan_91[/mention] [mention]CrownedLoy76[/mention]
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