Gamma Alpha Gamma: The Honorary Brother (M/M) - NEW chapter added

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Always nice to see an update!

Seth's eagerness is adorable. Hope Cody also ioins the fun, if Miles can get over his shyness around him.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

I enjoy the way you build up your story, by slowly revealing more details. The way you describe the frat house is excellent! These guys are having fun and that's how it's supposed to be.
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Post by Volobond »

Part 8
"Uhhhhhhh..." I said, eloquently.

Cody smirked at my reaction, which did absolutely nothing to restore my ability to speak. "May I come in?"

I nodded. As he passed me, Cody stretched, the jacket moving slightly and showing the green and silver badges he wore pinned to his shirt underneath. His smirk became a full-blown grin at the sight of Seth, who was now wiggling as much as he could to get out of the chair.

"You've done a beautiful job here, Miles." Cody said softly, leaning over the back of the chair, Seth's head pressing against his stomach, and running a hand down the ropes along Seth's torso, dragging along one of his nipples and eliciting a drawn-out whine from the bound redhead. "Anyway, I thought that I ought to greet you properly, being president and all."

He turned and held out his hand to me, offering a winning smile. His hand was warm and gentle when I shook it. "Nice to meet you."

"Likewise." Cody looked around the room. "So, I guess we'll make sure your stuff gets in today, before everyone else leaves for the summer."

"I thought everyone was already gone."

He shook his head. "Only a few people are staying. You and Eli, Drew, Tinker, maybe Robbie, uh, and Colin."

I felt a sadness that Cody was leaving for the summer. "Who's Colin?"

"My boy." Cody said simply. At my confused look, he grinned again. "It's our job to show them the ropes. Sometimes that means getting tied up by them."

I chuckled. "So you're not staying?"

He sighed. "Unfortunately no. Tiger already asked me to head up the coast with him and some buddies."

"That sounds fun." I said lamely, looking down at me feet.

He grinned. "I suppose normal stuff may seem pretty dull after your first day here. But don't worry, Tiger's a fellow Gamma. He'll take care of me during the trip."

I looked up to see that he had approached. We were now very close to each other.

"I gotta say, there's actually another reason I came here." Cody blushed and glanced at me. "Eli's told me a lot about you... and I've seen you around campus, too. ...I actually wanted to see if maybe... maybe you were available."

My mouth dropped open in complete shock. "What?"

Cody blushed harder and stepped back. "You know... single? Have a boyfriend, girlfriend, significant other?"

I willed myself to be able to speak, and ended up yelling in his face. "No! None of that. At all."

Cody grinned. "Well, then. I was thinking... if, after summer's over, and you haven't gotten together with anyone... you'd like to go on a date with me?"

I nodded. "Yeah! I'd... I'd like that!"

Cody gave a little fist pump, then moved over to my bed. "And I was also thinking that maybe, before I have to leave tomorrow... you'd like to see how we match up when I'm tied up? Or is that going too far?"

I shook my head. This seemed unreal. Crazy. But at least this hallucination was of my wildest fantasy.

"Mmmmmmmm..." Seth moaned. I had completely forgotten that he was there. Cody merely smirked and gave me a questioning look as he put his hands on the chair. I nodded, and he moved the chair, Seth and all, so that it was facing the bed, with Seth having a front-row seat to whatever might be happening there.

Cody looked at me, suddenly seeming uncertain. "Um... should I..."

"On the bed." I told him. That sense of power and control was coming back, surging into my brain. I smiled at Cody. "Clothes off."

"Yes, Sir!" He said enthusiastically, and practically tore his jacket off before shucking his shirt and tossing it. The shirt landed right on Seth's erection, hanging on them as on a hook and making the redhead struggle and moan futilely. It was funny, but unexpectedly arousing. Cody hadn't even noticed, too busy throwing his shoes, socks, pants, and underwear across the room.

I approached Cody slowly before ducking down just in front of him to grab some rope from my welcome box. He gave a nervous laugh as I came back up, his blush telling me he had been thinking something else. I grabbed his hands and pulled them together, making several loops around each wrist before making them into secure rope cuffs, to tie him to the headboard with. But before that, I stepped back, leaving him naked with his hands tied.

"Now, undress me." I ordered. Cody looked surprised, but it was mixed with a hunger.

"As you wish, Sir." he grinned again before setting to work, the movements awkward due to his restraints. He made sure to touch as much of me as possible, including fondling my package before pulling down my pants and underwear.

"Gag yourself, boy." I told him. "Since it's our first session, I'll let you pick."

"Thank you, Sir." he said promptly, before scanning the box and the room. He knelt to take a red ball gag from the box, and also grabbed one of my socks. He winked at me before packing my used sock into his mouth, and then buckling the ball gag tightly over it.

"Good boy." I smiled, and Cody gave a joking wag of his head like a dog before hopping onto the bed, raising his bound hands above his head without needing to be asked. I slowly attached Cody's wrists to the headboard before using more rope to spread his legs, making him into an upside-down Y.

"Mmmm...NNNN!" Seth shouted through his bit gag. There was a bit of a stain now on Cody's shirt, and we knew Seth had found some release.

Cody winked at me again before jerking his head at Seth. "Mmmmrmrm."

I nodded and moved over to Seth, dipping down into the box to grab a special something. Seth began to groan in mingled fear and anticipation as I placed the vibrating bullet right underneath his manhood and turned it on.

"Rrrrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmm..." Seth wiggled and jumped, but he could barely move, and couldn't escape the constant stimulation.

I returned to Cody, placing my head near his. "Unfortunately, Seth used up the only vibrator they gave me."

Cody leaned as far forward as he could, touching our foreheads together, surprisingly tenderly. I patted his head and guided him back down. "So I'm just gonna have to take care of this -" I motioned to his rock-hard manhood, which had been that way since he gagged himself with a ball gag and my sock, "- on my own."

Cody nodded eagerly. "Mmmm-hmmmm. Mmmmmmmmm."

I got into the bed and curled up against Cody's side, peppering his body with kisses while I started to pump him. I listened to his moans and roved up and down his body, caressing him and mouthing him as though he were made for my pleasure. We groaned together at the sound of another orgasm from Seth, and finally, with a moan, he came. A few pumps later and I followed, slumping against him.

I had just enough awareness to release the bonds attaching Cody to the bed, and then to get up and turn off the vibrator, Seth attempting to grunt relief at me, already falling asleep.

Suddenly I was pulled back onto the bed. Cody had looped his arms, wrists still bound, around me and was now spooning me. He had unbuckled the ball gag, and apparently spit out my sock, too, because he was lazily kissing my shoulder. I felt like I could stay there forever.

"I thought I was supposed to take care of you afterwards..." I slurred.

"You already did. My turn now." He smiled, and as I turned my head he kissed me on the mouth.

It was fast, and it was crazy, but it seemed like here in the GAG House, it was completely normal. I wasn't worried at all about what the future would bring, and I instead relaxed for what seemed the first time in weeks, drifting off to sleep.

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Cody and Miles are so cute together.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by MountainMan_91 »

Great writing.

I love this tale. makes me wish my university days had gone differently...

Superb update!!
Learning new things each day...

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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

A ball gag with a worn sock underneath, I'm sure Cody's mouth is fully filled now! Wow! And seeing how nicely they get along, I can't wait to read about their date after the holidays are over.

[mention]MountainMan_91[/mention], I wish the same thing! This would have made it more fun to study (although, I guess I would not have been able to concentrate really well on my studies in that case). :wink:
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Post by Volobond »

Interlude: First Summer at College
I wish I could say that my summer that year was as full of bondage shenanigans as my first day had been. Unfortunately, things were a lot less... captivating during the summer. For one thing, practically everyone was gone. Seth was going to do his summer school online so he could visit his folks, and that pretty much cut off my steady supply of guys willing to be regularly tied up by me. After all, Robbie was now practically off limits. Sometime in July, Eli had asked him to be his boyfriend instead of his boy, and now, more often than not, Robbie wore no badges at all and saved his games for Eli alone. Cody had spent the rest of the day with me, and given me his phone number so we could text all summer, when he wasn't being bound by his friends or whatever.

So that left me, Eli, Robbie, Drew, Tinker, and Cody's boy Colin. Colin, who was nice enough, but had a rather bland aspect to him. He was fine-looking, but not particularly interesting. The only thing I cared to watch him do was wrestle with Drew almost every day to see who would get tied up. More often than not, Drew would win. He'd always flex after he got Colin tied down, and make sure that I was watching. Sometimes he'd leave Colin to me instead of playing himself.

Colin wasn't much into being tied up, but he simply liked the thrill of the possibility of being bound. So I wouldn't mess with him while he was tied. I'd remove whatever nasty gag Drew had put on him (usually an old sock or sweaty shirt) and we'd watch TV, or I'd play video games while he gave me advice. We became good friends, but nothing near bondage buddies.

Drew seemed to want to impress me. He'd always blush the hardest when Colin would win and tie him up in front of me. However, he seemed to key into my desire to dominate someone, because he'd drop the most obvious hints. Sitting next to me on the couch, shirtless, putting his arms behind his head and flexing. Winking at me randomly. Stuff like that.

I spent a lot of time talking to Tinker and helping him test out his toys. Sometimes we'd "rope" Eli or Drew into being our subjects, but mostly it would be Robbie. Tinker said that he enjoyed the verve with which I tested out his inventions. Although my interest was more sexual and his was aesthetic, we both seemed to crave having a muscular guy tied down, gagged, and teased somehow. He even let me tie him up once when all the others were busy, and I found out that under all those muscles, he was insanely ticklish. No wonder he usually either wore no badges or a red badge - anything else and the whole frat would probably keep him tied up all the time to tickle him!

Anyway, most of my time was spent working at a coffee shop just off campus and in texting Cody. One time, one of his friends texted me from his phone while he was "otherwise occupied" (whoever it was sent me a video of Cody hogtied in a tank top and board shorts, blushing and shouting angrily at the camera as his shirt was tugged up by a hand, revealing his tanned abs). He said that he was also a Gamma, and was looking forward to meeting the guy they had to "stuff Code's mouth up the whole time" to get him to stop talking about. Needless to say, that comment got me through several days with joy that Cody still seemed to like me and several nights imagining him gagged during his whole trip.

When summer ended and everyone started coming together, I barely saw Cody at all. Mostly because he had to sort out his classes for the his graduating year. I mean, he came to me as soon as he got back into the house and kissed me, assuring me that he still wanted to go out with me and hoped that I felt the same. But then came the bombshell that graduating Gammas were expected to spend a week in bondage once classes started, which kind of filled up the schedule.

We got to watch the new pledges tie each other up, which was fun, and then Tiger mentioned getting me one of the pledges as my "boy."

I looked around the room and saw Cody raising his eyebrow at me, and I could tell he was grinning through his gag.

Nick, the other unfamiliar brother, frowned. "Well, we'll see."

Drew glanced over quickly, accidentally tugging on Cody's leash and pulling him down. "What do you mean?"

"Well..." Nick hesitated. "Miles isn't really a Gamma. He just lives here. I don't know if we can give him a boy, you know?"

Tiger huffed. "I'm sure it's fine. I can vouch for Miles. He's a true Gamma."

I tilted my head. "Really? How do you know?"

Tiger looked confused, until realization dawned. "Oh, course. Dude, we've talked over the summer! From Cody's phone. I totally forgot to introduce myself."

I smiled. Somehow, knowing that Tiger was the one tying Cody up made me feel a lot less jealous. He was so easygoing, and his texts were so sweet, it was like having a friend already. Tiger held out his arms and swept me into a bro-hug.

"Hey, dude. I'm Tiger. Nice to meet you, finally."

"Likewise." I said.

Nick piped up again. "Well, the Professor's gonna stop by soon, so I guess we'll find out."

"The Professor?" I asked. Cody made a reassuring noise through his gag.

"Mmm mmrrr-meeeee."

"Don't worry." Drew translated. "Seriously, Miles. The Prof's a good guy. He's Tinker's dad, you know."

I actually did know that. Tinker had mentioned that he was raised by a single dad who seemed to have always been a college professor. I didn't know that he had been a Gamma, though. It may have explained Tinker's level of comfort with bondage, though.

"He's a Gamma brother too. He sometimes guest-lectures in the higher-level Econ courses, and he pops in once in a while, makes sure we're sticking to the charter." Tiger said. "Nick's right. The Prof'll settle it. We'll talk to him first thing."

Drew cleared his throat. "Well, Cody, it's time for you to be spanked. Let's go."

"Mmrrrrrrrmmmm." Cody growled deep in his throat, pointing his chin towards me. Drew merely yanked on his leash.

"Bad puppy. You can talk to Miles when your own little Hell Week is over. Come on. See you, guys!"

Leaving me with Nick and Tiger, to watch the show and worry about being left to the mercy of the Professor.


Little note here: Sorry there's not so much bondage: I wanted to skip ahead to when school starts again. Hope you all enjoy the story so far!

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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

Volobond wrote: 4 years ago Little note here: Sorry there's not so much bondage: I wanted to skip ahead to when school starts again. Hope you all enjoy the story so far!
I don't think you need to apologise! I enjoyed this chapter because it helps me to get a better understanding of the characters. And sometimes you need to "set the stage" before the action can happen.
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Post by Volobond »

Sophomore Year: Part 1

You can imagine that the whole rest of the day, my thoughts were occupied with the mysterious "Professor" and what his assessment of me would be. But I was also excited because the next day would be the end of Cody's traditional bondage week, and then he would be all mine. After a summer absent of the same intensity of bondage I had witnessed on my first day, I was excited for everyone to get back into the swing of things.

It was tradition for a Gamma alumnus to attend at least one day of the pledges' Hell Week - you know, an older, more experienced brother "showing them the ropes" - didn't I say Gamma traditions were full of fun little puns like this? That was why the Professor was scheduled to stop by.

After all the pledges had tied each other up, leaving one naked blond man standing, I put all thoughts of tomorrow out of my head and watched Nick and Tiger go back in.

"Congratulations, pledge." Tiger rumbled. "You have proven your strength and skill."

"But there is something that matters more in a Gamma, and that is loyalty. We value the bonds of our brotherhood above all else." Nick said loudly. And like a chump, the blond man turned to look at him. Behind his back, Tiger pulled a set of handcuffs. "And so,we must test your commitment to that value."

Tiger - well, pounced. In a flash, he had the handcuffs around the pledge's wrists and had wrestled him to the ground, and Nick started to tie him up. The other bound men in the room seemed to approve of their conqueror being brought down to their level. At the end of it, Nick took off his shoes and socks, balling up the sweaty cloth and shoving it into the pledge's mouth, causing him to grunt and groan in protest as Tiger used some tape to secure it in.

"Alright, pledges! Your next test is now. Work together to help escape the ties you have placed on each other. You do that and come to the living room, you are one step closer to joining the ranks of Gamma Alpha Gamma!" Nick announced, before he and Tiger whirled around and exited, leaving the pledges to start wriggling closer to each other.

I could have stayed and watched. But my heart wasn't quite in it. I missed Cody. I was worried by what Nick had said. And also, I had my own classes to prepare for.

The next afternoon, I returned to the house to find the pledges in the hallway, all kneeling, stripped to their underwear and hands tied behind their backs. Some of them still had rope marks from yesterday.

"Uh... hey, guys." I said nervously, waving a little. Having a bunch of cute guys practically naked being the first sight when you get home sure was nice, but still, it took me off guard. I saw Tiger's head peek out from the doorway to the main sitting room, and he waved me through. All of the pledges avoided my gaze as I walked past them, and I have to admit that I did feel a little thrill of power, especially since most of these guys were taller or more athletic or better-looking than I was.

"So..." I started, but trailed of, resorting to indicating the hallway with my thumb. Tiger chuckled, flopping on the couch and turning on the TV.

"Oh, I've got them waiting for the Professor."

I widened my eyes, imitating surprise. "That was today? I must have completely forgotten."

Tiger raised an eyebrow.

"Fine. I've been worried all day. Happy?" I snapped. Tiger motioned me over, patting the seat next to him. No sooner had I sat down when he put an arm around my shoulders and squeezed me tightly.

"Everything's gonna be fine, little buddy. Just calm down."

My nose wrinkled of its own accord as I registered the funky smell of body odor, completely uninhibited due to his sleeveless shirt. I quickly removed Tiger's arm from my shoulder and pushed it down to seal away the source of the stink. "You thinking about showering, maybe?" I asked him gently.

Tiger grinned mischievously. "No can do. I'm, uh, building something up for our pledges, you know?"

I pitied those poor guys.

The doorbell rang, and in trooped the rest of the Gammas, most of them coming up from the bowels of the house. The seniors, Cody included, were all in various states of bondage. I saw that Drew was having fun with humiliating the fraternity president by making him wear only his boxers, the words "Drew's Tickle Slut" written across his abs, although strangely for Drew, Cody remained ungagged and unbound. I saw that Eli had gone to open the door.

"Ah, good afternoon, Eli." a deep voice said. It sounded friendly enough.

Eli sounded like he was smiling. "Good afternoon, sir."

A chuckle from the deep voice."May I come in?"

"Oh, of course, sir. They're all waiting for you in the living room."

"Thank you, Eli."

And in walked an absolute giant of a man. He was clearly Tinker's father, with the exact same grey eyes, but he had close-cropped brown hair that was slowly turning silver. He was probably about six and a half feet tall, his muscular frame concealed by a knit sweater. He looked like a male model who was pretending to be a professor. Even his glasses were fashionable and sexy, thin black frames highlighting his cheekbones.

I closed my mouth to prevent myself from drooling. Which I was immediately grateful for when the Professor turned his piercing eyes on me and walked toward me. I gulped as he approached, until he held out his hand and gave me a disarming smile. "Professor Charles Atkins. You must be Eli's brother Miles. I've heard a bit about you from Art."

I glanced over at Tinker, who inclined his head toward me. "Um, yes." I shook his hand, hoping my palms weren't sweaty. "Very nice to meet you, Professor Atkins."

"Please, call me Charlie. Although I know most here refer to me as the Professor." he said to a rumble of laughter from the Gammas. "We'll talk in a bit. I'll just make my announcement first."

With that, Professor Charlie turned to the other Gammas. "Well, I'm pleased to see you again, men. Another round of pledges, another set of new blood. I want you to know that while I'm here, I'm here to answer any of your questions. Don't be afraid to ask."

"'course, if you DO ask, and he doesn't like it, he'll just tie you to his desk and tickle the shit out of you." Drew stage-whispered. Far from getting angry, the Professor gave a chuckle.

"Now, Andrew, I didn't give you anything that wasn't already coming to you." he smirked, and his eyes twinkled. There was a good laugh at Drew's expense, but he beamed when the Professor clapped him on the back. Then he turned to me. "Now, Miles, why don't you come with me so we can talk? Cody, Tiger, Eli, you three as well. Drew, you too."

Apprehensively, I followed the Professor into what I had come to think of as my office. The four others marched silently behind me. Whatever little bit I had calmed down vanished. Right at home, the Professor sat behind the desk, and gestured at the tickle chairs for us to sit down. Cody and Eli sat comfortably, reclining on the chairs, while Tiger, Drew, and I remained standing. The Professor waved again, and Drew grinned before grabbing Cody's arm and starting to strap him down. Cody rolled his eyes but accepted the treatment without a word.

"You missed the waist strap." The Professor said in his deep, measured voice.

"Thank you, sir." Drew smirked.

"Yeah, thanks." Cody said, a little more sarcastically.

"Now, Miles,"

"Yes, Pro- Charlie?" I asked, determined to use his name, to show that I respected him enough to call him what he asked, and that I wasn't as intimidated by him as I felt. He smiled at me.

"On the subject of your membership to GAG" - I can't tell you how much a thrill it was to hear him say the word in his deep voice - "I feel that a normal initiation would be out of the question. There's no need to test your commitment, the others have seen it. Heard it, actually."

I blushed deeply as I realized that apparently my session with Robbie a few months ago was loud enough that someone mentioned it to Charlie.

"However, I feel that to truly join the ranks, you do need SOME kind of initiation. So, I offer to you a challenge."

"Okay... a challenge?" I asked, starting to worry.

Charlie smiled. "You spend a few hours tied up by Tiger. Eli tells me the two of you are friends, and Tiger is one of the gentlest young men I have had the pleasure of meeting. You truly couldn't do better for someone to introduce you. I understand you've had difficulty in the past with self-bondage, but perhaps you might enjoy being tied up by someone else? You don't have to, I just considered that you ought to have the full Gamma experience..."

Tiger leaned over to whisper in my ear. "You don't have to, Miles. But if you do, I promise I'll take it real easy on you, okay?"

I closed my eyes for a second. Charlie was right in that I had never been tied up by someone else. And Tiger... I trusted him, probably more than I should have for someone I only met in person yesterday. But I wanted to at least try it.

"I'll do it. I accept the challenge."

Charlie smiled at me. "Good man."

Tiger glanced at me. "Now good for you?"


"Well, the Professor, Nick, and Cody can handle Hell Week. Besides, the sooner we do this, the sooner you can pick out your boy."

I shrugged. "Okay."

As Tiger and I left, I noticed Cody talking with the Professor, as Drew started to lightly tickle his feet. The Professor didn't even flinch, just speaking calmly and expecting an answer from the writhing and giggling senior.

Tiger led me to his room right away. It was cozy, and he had me sit on his bed while he collected some gear.

"Don't worry, Miles. I'll handle this like a red-badge."


"Okay. I'm gonna tie your hands in front of you, okay?"

I nodded, bracing for the inevitable clawing feeling in my stomach as Tiger started to loop soft rope around my wrists. But it didn't come. Tiger massaged my wrists with his thumb as he checked the knots, and somehow I didn't feel quite so trapped.

"Good?" he asked softly. I nodded.

"Great." Tiger smiled.

We continued slowly like this, with Tiger doing my ankles, above and below my knees, and my thighs. So far, I hadn't freaked out yet, but I also wasn't particularly excited about my situation. At a glance, Tiger seemed to be able to tell this as well.

"Okay. So, if you want, we can talk or something, or we can watch a movie, and you can try being gagged."

"...Let's do it."

Tiger decided to try me out with a simple cleave gag, where I'd get the sensation of being gagged, but I'd easily be able to tell him if I was uncomfortable. He took a long white strip of cloth and slipped it between my lips, tying it in back. After setting up a movie, he wrapped a blanket over my shoulders.

"We get it a little cold in here during Hell Week so we can tease the pledges about their nips being all pointy." he smirked, before tucking me in. He seemed about to get in beside me, but paused and pulled on a soft sweater. I was confused until I realized that he wanted to spare my nose his ripe scent. It was such a sweet thing that I started to blush. He grabbed the remote and flicked on the TV before flopping on the bed and pulling me close to him.

I don't know if it was calculated or not, but the blanket pinned my arms down so that I had practically no choice but to let myself rest on his muscular chest. He put his arm around me the whole time, which was... comforting. I didn't feel trapped, but relaxed. It was nice.

Tiger had put on Star Wars, but didn't seem too interested. He kept on looking at me, occasionally rubbing his hand up and down my blanket-covered arm. My cheek was pressed into his chest, and the slow rise and fall was hypnotic, lulling me. I felt him put his hand over my gagged mouth occasionally, but I didn't protest. He was practically purring at holding me, secure in multiple senses of the word, and the rumble of his chest made me fall asleep.

I awoke when Tiger started undoing my gag.

"You sleep good? I did." he said with a chuckle. "How was it?"

I cracked my neck as he pulled the blanket away and started to untie me. "It was... nice."

He nodded. "But not particularly interesting for you?"

"Yeah. I guess I just like tying up more. But I did like this."

"Hey, everybody likes a snuggle once in a while." Tiger grinned. "You ever wanna watch another movie, I'm game. Although, maybe you tie me up next time."

I smiled too. "Sounds like fun."

I got up to leave, but Tiger stopped me. "Hey, Miles, you know what this means?"

I shook my head.

"You're a Gamma now."

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Post by RopedBud »

i definitely loved the fact that Miles got tied up by Tiger, although, i kinda wished that Tiger had been a little tougher on Miles haha
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Post by cj2125 »

I'm really liking this story! Love how Miles went from going on power trips with the frat boys to being completely meek and shy when it was his turn to be tied! Wish Tiger had gone a little bit harder on him but that can always be saved for another occasion right?
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Post by Redtiedup »

I think I love pretty much all of this - the rich characters, the idea of a frat like this, the writing, the delicious bondage and teasing. Thank you for sharing!
(Also, I would 100% go for a green badge in a frat like this 😇)
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Post by Volobond »

Sophomore Year: Part 2

"Hey, Miles, c'mere!" Tiger called to me, drawing me across the room to his side. "Nick wanted to ask something."

I saw Cody talking to the Profes - to Charlie, still dressed in his boxers with "Drew's Tickle Slut" written across his pecs. I wanted to go over there, to take him back from Drew and finally get to talk to him again, but instead I followed Tiger to Nick, who was looking mischievous. "What's up?"

"I want to see if you're okay with joining in on the Hell Week festivities?" Nick grinned.

"Depends. What'd you have in mind?"

Nick snickered. "No spoilers. Just know that it involves you tickling some freshies. You in?"

I smirked. "Okay."

Once I had agreed, he told me the plan. I was to be in my office, sitting at my desk, when the pledges would be led in. Nick would pick the ones who had been the cockiest, most defiant, and mouthiest so far, and it would be my job to break them. I'd be able to do anything short of actually hurting them (and even then, Nick grinned at me, some light spanking was encouraged) in order to meet my goal. Tiger also assured me that he would send one of the freshmen my way that he thought I might want to take as a boy.

I was wondering about that. I mean, how would Cody feel if I just started tying up some new guy instead of him? Jealous? Angry? I wanted to talk to him.

I got my chance about thirty minutes before showtime. Cody ducked into my room, his hands still bound behind his back, and tackled me onto my bed, kissing me. I blushed and pulled him close before we separated, breathing hard.

"Uh... not that I'm complaining... but what was that for?"

He chuckled, nuzzling me in lieu of putting his hands on me. "Missed you. Got away from Drew and had to see you."

I pulled him closer, grabbing him by his butt cheeks. He grinned at me and nuzzled my neck again. "Can you tie me up, maybe? I know you've got to go soon, but maybe you can hide me here instead... and come get me later?"

I chuckled, kissing him. "I'd love that, but I wanted to talk to you first."

He tilted his head. "What's up?"

"It's about this... this 'boy' thing. If we're gonna... are you gonna be okay with it?"

He laughed. "You're cute."


"It isn't always like Robbie and your brother. It doesn't have to be romantic. Sometimes you can just tie up a guy, or get tied up by a guy, just for the fun of it." He winked at me. "Although, you know, if you want to have somebody else tied up with me, I'd be fine with that." He shot me a mock-serious look. "As long as you pay attention to me first."

I laughed and started to giggle as he kissed my neck. "I'll make sure to."

He looked at me. "Okay. Clear your day. I'm taking you on our first date tomorrow."

I nodded. "Alright. I'll look forward to it. Now, about Drew, I have an idea."


Suffice it to say, Drew came looking for Cody, and eventually reached my room. I let him in, only for Cody to tackle him from behind, allowing us to start roping him up. We hogtied him strictly, and I added extra ropes around his big toes to make him squirm. Cody grinned as I tossed him Drew's socks.

"Come on, Miles! Why are you helping him?"

I grinned as Cody shoved the sweaty socks in and started looping tape around Drew's head. "First of all, he's my boyfriend." I saw Cody's eyes light up in joy. "And second of all, you wrote the wrong thing on him. He's Miles' Tickle Slut, not yours. So now, you're his."

Drew mmphed as I helped pull down his shorts and pull up his shirt so that Cody had the most access to his body. I ruffled Drew's hair before Cody gave me a goodbye kiss, and I walked into my office to sit at my desk as Cody started to tickle his defenseless former captor.

The pledges filed in a few minutes later, after I had already gotten on my phone and started surfing the web. I tried to maintain my cool while the nearly-naked men came in to sit on their knees. They were all wearing white briefs that did little to conceal much of anything, and I noticed some of them had been written on, silly things like "I like being tied up" or "I got a boner from tickling," among others. Most of them looked tired, although all of them seem to have had fun.

"Now, pledges, we're gonna introduce you to a local legend here at Gamma Alpha Gamma. Brother Nick, why don't you tell them the details?" Tiger asked, chuckling.

Nick smirked. "Pledges, say hello to Smiles, our champion tickler."

I raised my eyebrow at the nickname. Nick tipped an imaginary hat to me. "Brother Miles once drove a man to tears in this very room by tickling. Once, he milked a man dry, making him scream so loudly that we all heard him, even down in the basement levels."

Now I was blushing hard. Bad enough that a former alumnus heard about it, now they were telling pledges? These guys might not even join! Although, I was getting a bit of a kick at how these big muscular jock-types were looking at me with respect and a little fear.

"He may not look it, but he's vicious. So since two of you have been so delightful -" Nick indicated the three pledges, and rolled his eyes - a football jock with freckled skin, his chest and arms covered in vulgar marker writing, and a nervous-looking big guy with tanned skin. "- you'll be demonstrating what happens should your grades fall below the standards of GAG, or if Smiles gets fed up with ya."

Tiger and Nick grabbed the football jock, and they manhandled their captives into the tickle chair. Tiger winked at me as he indicated the last occupant, who looked like he wanted to ask what he had done wrong.

He was a snuggly-looking kind of guy. Broad-chested, with a body that was burly, but soft, a light dusting of soft brown hair over it. He was handsome, a total boy next door look to him, and his brown eyes searched mine for some compassion. I smiled at him and helped him to his feet. "Please, come on, Sir, I'll be good. I don't need this -"

I patted his back. "Shhh, I decide what you need, okay?"

He lowered his head and sighed. "Yes, Sir."


The footballer struggled mightily while Nick and Tiger strapped him down, but my sweet big hunk simply blushed and let me guide him, already trusting me. He shivered as I stroked his bare skin, tying him down securely. He opened his mouth as soon as I held up the ball gag and let me buckle it around his head. He even hummed happily when I patted his cheek as a reward for being so good. A natural submissive, it seemed.

I stepped back to observe my two captives. The footballer strained even now against his bindings, his strands of shaggy blond hair caught in the strap of his ball gag. Tiger and Nick gave me the floor, so I held up an electric toothbrush. Simple enough, but it would do until I could get my hands on him. I used a bit of tape to secure a toothbrush in each armpit of my hunk before moving to the other. I glanced at Nick, then at Tiger. "Tiger? Would you give me your sock?"

Immediately, he was throwing his shoe over his shoulder and tossing the sock to me. I placed it right over the footballer's nose. He grimaced and groaned, thrashing until the sock fell off. I picked it back up and swung it near the pledges kneeling on the floor, noticing them recoil at the smell. "Yeah, stinks, right? Well, pledges, by the end of this session, your compatriot here..."

I waited for someone to volunteer his name while we all listened to the booming laughter of the sweet lug in the chair. "Reed."

"Reed will be desperately holding on to the sock, trying to keep smelling it."

"Mnhm fnch!" Reed snarled. I chuckled.

"And who is my friend with such cute laughter?" I asked, walking over to the other man and walking my fingers up his chest, each touch making him burst out in more giggles.

"That's Steve." one of the pledges chuckled.

I smiled at Steve, and even though he was already flushed from laughing, he blushed harder. I glanced back at my office. I wondered how interested Cody might be in this submissive cutie. Then I shook my head, took the toothbrushes off of him, and moved back to Reed. Steve was already broken. Reed needed to be pushed.

I smiled coldly at him, and he gave me a death glare, so I started on his bare feet, wiggling my fingers on his soles. He couldn't press his lips together, so he yelped a bit, but succeeded in grounding himself, biting down on the ball gag and glaring at me some more.

I couldn't have that.

I grabbed one of Tinker's newest creations, what he liked to call the RAFT - Random Attack Foot Tickler. It Velcro-ed onto the victim like a sandal, and it was covered in tiny bristles. Once attached to the foot, the RAFT had three settings. On all the settings, the thing was programmed to cause a small portion of bristles to extend and rotate, tickling the foot, after which a random different portion would extend to tickle. Eli had strung Robbie up in the living room over the summer with them on his feet so we could all watch and study the effects with Tinker. Once I had one on both feet, I immediately turned these to the third setting and watched for a moment as Reed struggled.

"We've got all kinds of state-of-the-art gear here." I explained.

I lunged without warning, attacking Reed's thighs and hips. The big footballer turned red and exploded into laughter. "Aww, really? I haven't even gotten to your upper body yet!"

"Fn-n-n-n-n-ch mn-n-nn-n-n-nnn!" Reed chortled. I stopped once he was sweating good and breathing hard, before putting the sock in his face. He recoiled.

I gave him a hard look. "Keep the sock on for twenty seconds, and I'll stop tickling you."

As I replaced the sock, he threw it off. I smiled at the pledges. "I guess it's time for the killing blow."

I moved up, tickling his sides and digging my finger into his abdominal muscles, which really made him squirm. But finally, I rested my hands just beneath his armpits, and I was rewarded with a wide-eyed, fearful glance.

"Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho!" I chuckled. "So, these are your worst spots, huh?"

I dug my fingers in, and he bucked, screaming in laughter, startling even Tiger. He laughed and laughed, and I didn't stop until he was gasping, looking a little loopy from the torture.

"Pmmnphm... nn mnrm. Nn mnrm..." he begged, shaking his head.

"I promised them something, Reed. Can't go back now." I said devilishly, before putting the sock on his face. "Twenty seconds, and I'll stop."

"NNNNN!" he screamed as I dug into his pits and sides, thrashing at my touch. But in full view of everyone, he struggled, desperately trying to keep Tiger's icky sock on his face. And when, inevitably, he failed, he gave a fearful whimper. I picked up the sock and showed it to him.

"Looks like you failed, Reed."

"Pmmnphm! Nn, nn, N'mm nn nnmphhnng! Nnphph nnn'ph phnchmm mm, N cnn'ph phnhm nph!"

I smirked. "I'll be merciful. Now, Reed, you aren't going to give Nick and Tiger any more trouble, right?"

He shook his head vigorously. I nodded and patted his shoulder before starting to release him, taking the RAFTs from his feet. "You did good, bud."

I felt a little bad as Nick and Tiger lifted him out of the chair, his limbs flopping bonelessly. Nick shuffled all the pledges out for their final tests... except for Steve, who was still in the chair.

Tiger winked at me again. "He's interested in guys, and he's such a sub, he nearly licked my feet without being asked. Most of us like a little more fight, but I saw him and thought of you. He's a shoo-in for your boy. I thought his last test could be seeing how well of a fit he is for you."

"Well, thank you. I'll... have fun."

He smirked. "I wonder if you're ticklish, Miles. I'd love to have a second session with you on the chair. You could bring Cody, make it a date. Or maybe Steve, I guess."

I shuddered as Tiger left. Then I walked over and glanced at the man still in the chair, dealing with an uncomfortable-looking boner from having been watching me tickle Reed into oblivion.

I smiled and trailed my hand across Steve's belly, making him chuckle."Hmmm. So, looks like it's just us, Steve. Excited?"

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Post by NeedControl »

Wow! Wow wow wow!!!

I just found this, and boy am I happy I did!! Even with tickling not really being my thing, this story is so hot, interesting, and fantasy-worthy, and I hope you'll continue it soon!! 🤩🤩🤩
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Post by cj2125 »

Really loving this story! The characters are interesting and, as many have pointed, this feels like a fantasy come true for many of us
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Post by Volobond »

Sophomore Year: Part 3

My hand never left Steve's body, trailing up between his pecs and around to his nipples, drawing a shaky half-chuckle, half-moan from his gagged lips. "You really liked seeing him tickled, huh?"

Steve blushed hard, although I saw his boner did not wane at all.

"You like me? Like having me in control of you?"

After a moment of fear, Steve nodded, looking away.

I patted his head. "Don't worry. I like controlling you. Now, you wanna be mine for a while? Be tied up by me?"

Steve slowly nodded, eyes widening.

"Good boy. And what about having me mentor you? Tie you up when you need it, maybe show you how to tie up someone else?"

Steve grinned around the ballgag. "Yppph, Srrr."

"Well, your first lesson begins now."

I grabbed some handcuffs from my desk before undoing the straps holding Steve down to the chair. He let me pull his big arms behind his back and cuff his wrists, and I grabbed the back of his neck, steering him into my room.

It was extraordinarily hot, the way this big guy was letting me take control of him. I noticed his eyes bug out when he saw Drew and Cody on my bed. Cody was still in nothing but his underwear, showing off his perfect body, and Drew had worked up a sweat, having been tickled nonstop by his former captive for the last twenty minutes or so.

"Hey, guys. Meet Steve. I'll be mentoring him." I said happily, patting his cheek. Steve blushed as Cody gave him an appraising look. "I wanted you guys' help... ugh... 'showing him the ropes.' Never thought I'd have to say that. Anyway, what do you say?"

Cody grinned. Then he looked to Drew. "I think we'll have Miles tie up Steve, and I'll use you as an example. Sound good?"

Drew growled into his own socks, which were still in his mouth. Cody tickled his sides until Drew was nodding frantically.

"Good." He released Drew from the hogtie and quickly wrestled him down. "You behave or I'll shove your boxers in your mouth next."

That shut Drew up nicely. Grunting angrily, he let Cody manhandle him into a sitting position while I guided Steve into a chair. We did a kind of Simon Says style roping, where Cody would loop rope around Drew and I would respond by doing the same with Steve. This worked to Steve's benefit, as he was able to feel the ropes and see the appeal of them on Drew. I could tell that by the time we got to adding crotch ropes, Steve was about to burst. I altered the program and started to pinch his nipples.

Immediately, Steve yelled into his ball gag and came right into the briefs he was wearing. I grinned and then moved on to binding Steve's legs.

Drew, at this time, also seemed like he wanted to come as well. I laughed and winked at Cody, who smirked. "Hey, Drew, maybe let's show Steve here just how sensitive your nipples are.

Drew's eyes widened, but quickly screwed shut as Cody's fingers began playing with his nipples. I could seem him trying and failing to hold in his moans as he let out a loud groan, sighing in ecstasy. I ran my own hands all up and down Steve's body. The devious, dominant part of me wanted to see if I could make him come again without even touching his dick. I began whispering in his ear, and I knew my words were turning him on because he began to shudder and squirm, and his briefs began to tent once more.

"See how helpless you are, Stevie? Stuck, immobile, completely under my power. You can't even struggle to stop me from playing with your muscles. I could do anything to you. Tickle you, spank you, make you sniff my dirty laundry, and you wouldn't even be able to say anything 'cause of that gag in your mouth. But you like that, don't you? You like being controlled; you like being my toy, don't you?"

Steve was completely lost. He was nodding eagerly, thrusting as far as he could in the ropes, and only frustrating himself more as the crotch rope tightened.

"Come for me, Steve. You want to make your master happy, right?"

"Yppph, Srrrr." Steve murmured, and he practically screamed as I bent over and pressed a kiss to his pectoral, touching my tongue to his nipple. He came a second time and slumped in the ropes, just as Cody got Drew to blow.

I grabbed a cloth and pulled down Steve's briefs, cleaning him off rather clinically. "You want to stay here, tied up?"

He nodded. I blindfolded him with a tie from my closet and turned to Drew, who was being released by Cody. "You have fun?"

Reluctantly, Drew nodded, blushing hard. "Yeah. That was... pretty hot."

"Run along now, Drew." Cody chuckled. "Let me spend some time with my boyfriend."

I grinned and hopped into bed with Cody, and since neither of us had come yet, we had quite a bit of fun ahead of us...

Cody and I had made plans to go on our first official date that weekend, after everything with the new pledges was official, and Gamma Alpha Gamma had a bevy of new members to break in. The date was gonna be really fun, Cody said he knew a great diner we could eat at before watching one of those new superhero movies coming out. I had half expected him to want to be tied up the whole time, so it was kind of a pleasant surprise. Anyway, I had finished up my schoolwork and knew Steve was taken care of - Seth and Felix had invited him to one of their sessions in the studios, so I had the whole evening.

I stressed out for a while on what I was going to wear. Surprise, surprise, I was very nervous. Finally I decided on just dressing normally. After all, Cody and I were far closer than your typical set of guys on a first date. I pinned my green badge to my t-shirt and walked out.

Tiger's eyes lit up when he saw me, for some reason. He walked over, and I could practically see gears turning in his head.

"Well, where're you goin', Miles?" He asked, grabbing some rope from a convenient hook on the wall. I started to back away, suddenly nervous.

"Uh... whatcha doin' there, Tiger?"

He pounced on me, wrestling his arms around me until I couldn't move. After all, he was much taller and stronger than I was.

"Tiger!" I snapped, struggling in his grip. "Come on, man, I have my first date with Cody tonight."

Tiger looked at me with a mischievous grin, clamping a hand over my mouth. "Is that so? Well, I think I have a better idea for your first date."

Unfortunately, what I didn't realize was that I had forgotten to put on my golden badge, leaving me just in green, meaning that I was officially up for anything, no holds barred...

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Post by Stormblessed »

Oh my, it looks like Miles is in for a rough time next chapter!
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Post by Mummyboi »

Awesome story... can’t wait for continuation.
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Post by RopedBud »

I'm absolutely loving this chapter! So many things going for it and it's fucking hot. I especially like the set up with Miles and Tiger there at the end. I've always had the fantasy of getting tied up right before I was going to do something I had planned with someone else. It just pressed all the right buttons!!!
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Post by Volobond »

Sorry for the long wait! Haven't felt inspired for a while, but just got some flashes! Here we go...

Sophomore Year: Part 4

So, after Tiger had grabbed me just before my date, he dragged me into his room, his huge hand muffling my cries for help. Not that anyone would have helped me. After all, I had neglected my gold badge, so Tiger wasn't doing anything wrong, per GAG rules.

He manhandled me onto his bed, pinning me down while he yanked my shirt off. I had barely any opportunity to move before he was tying my wrists to opposite posts of his headboard and looping rope around my chest to bind me to the headboard itself and keep me from struggling much.

"Tiger, please. Come on, it's my first date, okay? I don't-mmmmmph." Honestly, I suppose I should have been expecting to be gagged. I leveled an unamused look at my captor, the blue bandana he had shoved into my mouth hanging out. He used another bandana to tie around me head and secure the stuff gag.

He refused to speak until he had divested me of the rest of my clothing and tied my ankles, looping the ropes under the bed so that my legs were spread open, leaving me feeling embarrassed and vulnerable.

But once that was done, he stood at the foot of the bed and grinned at me.

"Hey, Miles."

I raised an eyebrow. "Mmmm."

"Aw, don't look at me like that. This is for you, you know."

I shrugged. I didn't particularly feel like being defiant and pissing Tiger off.

Tiger moved to the side of the bed. "Look, I saw an opportunity and I took it. I have a plan here, you know. And it involves teaching you a little bit about your boyfriend, huh? Interested?"

I looked at him skeptically.

"All right, yeah, there's a price. I need to ambush Codes, so you're gonna have to be my bait. And also, if later as a tip you wanna maybe set me up with a date with your boy Steve, I wouldn't say no. Just think about it."

I nodded. There's the rub. I shrugged again. Not like I have much of a choice here.

He grinned. "Nice! Now, you're not gonna regret this. Well... maybe at first."

And he pounced, his fingers suddenly spidering across my feet. Thankfully for me, I happen to be less ticklish than average. However, unfortunately for me, Tiger was extremely skilled. Though I held out for a few minutes with only some minor giggles, he finally dug into my sides and earned a sputtering laugh from me through my gag. Within minutes, I was yelling with laughter, struggling like mad in the ropes. I had a little taste of what I had been doing to the Gamma brothers. But it wasn't like I had some sort of epiphany that would make me stop. Tiger's merciless tickling and breakdown of my will only made me more determined to become a better tickler so that one day when it was Tiger tied up in front of me, I would have my revenge.

For now, though, I was laughing my head off.

Finally, finally! the door burst open and Cody ran in, taking the scene with shock. But by the time he recovered, it was too late. Tiger had already tackled him and was looping rope around his arms.

When the dust settled, Cody's arms were laced behind him, wrists crossed and arms bound to his sides. He was wearing a t-shirt and jeans, like I had been, and was quickly divested of them, Tiger covering his mouth whenever he tried to protest. He grinned at me as he hogtied Cody and finally covered his mouth again.

"So, Miles, here begins your education." he said loftily. "As Cody's best friend, I can tell you exactly the kind of stuff he likes. For example, you know that being tied up and gagged turns him on. But what you may not know is that he enjoys being gagged with something that's been used. Like socks, or undies. And, oh look! I happen to have some of yours right here. Aren't you happy about that, Codes?"

Cody growled into Tiger's hand, blushing furiously. I myself blushed a little when my underwear was shoved into his mouth, making him groan. He rolled his eyes at Tiger, but I did notice how his cock twitched when he sneaked a look at me, as if confirming it was my underwear in his mouth.

Tiger picked up my socks and gave them a quick sniff. "I get the feeling you're not a particularly smelly guy, Miles. That's okay, too. As long as it's yours, I'm sure it'll get him going." He glanced down at Cody and grinned. "See? What'd I tell ya? He also likes socks, sweaty shirts, jock straps... and if you really wanna torture him, use his own. He likes it when you tell him how dirty and smelly he is while he has to sniff his own stuff."

"Let's see... what else, what else... tickling, but you knew that." Tiger murmured, wiggling his fingers across Cody's feet, making the senior scream with laughter. He was already blushing hard with embarrassment but now he went tomato red from laughter. Finally Tiger stopped and manuevered Cody so that he was lying between my legs, his face lying in my naked crotch. Cody went still in surprise. I could feel him holding his breath. But then he started wriggling, his nose and breath tickling me and making me writhe in turn.

Tiger watched us for a moment. And then he brought his hand down hard on Cody's ass. My boyfriend made a loud moan of pleasure as he jolted. "...spanking works, too."

Tiger went through a variety of methods to torture and arouse Cody, from pinching his sensitive nipples to mentioning that his neck was where he felt really vulnerable (and demonstrating by tickling and pinching him there), to moving him so his nose was resting right in my armpit and watching him squirm - not to escape, but to smell more of me. He even leaned in and whispered certain things Cody had confessed to him while drunk or in secret about what he liked in bed, all while we watched Cody squirm in his bonds. Eventually Cody was so turned on that all of his embarrassment faded away and he even started to hump the bed in his eagerness to get off.

But of course, Tiger pulled him onto his back, making him whine. "So, Miles. I think that I have passed on all the knowledge I can. I think you're ready to use it. Congrats on finding each other, you two."

And he pulled a pocketknife from his pants to cut my bonds, freeing my arms and chest. He winked at me and left the room with a "hey, you're washing my sheets after" while I freed my legs. I didn't even remove my own gag before I pounced on my boyfriend, tickling him madly. I had been watching Tiger touch him for what seemed like hours, unable to get my hands on his perfect body myself, and I made up for lost time.

When I got around to pulling off my gag, I lavished Cody with kisses and little nibbles along his neck and nipples, wrapping my hand around his cock and grinning when he thrust into my hand, desperately moaning. I stopped just before he came and pressed my lips close to his ear, my hand rubbing his abs, using the knowledge Tiger had given me. "Beg me, Cody. Chew on my underwear and beg me to let you cum."

"Mhmmm, hhrrrr hhhh hmmm hmmm! Hmm mmrrr mmmm!" Cody obliged, his sweet moans loud in my ear. I kissed and nibbled his neck as I pumped him to completion, hearing him yell in ecstasy. He moaned into my underwear as he watched me pleasure myself while watching him.

We both had a few more rounds in us and succeeded in ruining Tiger's sheets. We decided that it was appropriate to make Tiger wash them for kidnapping us, so we left them there as we retreated to our rooms to get dressed. Cody came to my room after he finished dressing and smirked at me.

"Thanks for tonight. You were a good sport." he said sweetly.

"Not like I had much choice. I wasn't wearing my gold badge. I don't know how I forgot it." I told him.

Sheepishly, he held out his hand to me, handing me a gold badge. Incredulously, I took it from him and went to the little pin box I had, where sure enough, the gold one was missing. "Don't be mad. Tiger said he had a special idea for us and that it'd be worth our while, so I said yes and took your pin."

I tried to glare at him, but couldn't help the smile on my face. "You're a devious one, aren't you?"

"Yup." he grinned. "And I'm hoping you'll be around to punish me for it for a long time."

I laid my head on his chest as he hugged me, and then kissed him. "I think that that won't be a problem."

We stood there in each other's arms for a while. "So, dinner and a late movie, then? I'm pretty sure there's showings until midnight."

I grinned at him. "Absolutely. Let's go."

"Love you, Miles." he said softly.

"Love you too." I responded, and he smiled at me with such happiness. Arm around my shoulders, he led me out from the GAG House to what was still technically our first date.

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Post by RopedBud »

This was both equal parts sweet and hot. You have no idea how long I was waiting for this contination! I will have to agree that usually I like to write more parts of my story when there is some sort of inspiration since it usually leads to more interesting entries.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

You really made this chapter worth the wait. Tiger teasing two tied up love birds was perfect and I loved their gags. Terrific job!
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Tickler1079 »

Awwwh. Tiger is so sweet. I just love him. :D
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