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Re: Roped into a Relationship (MF/M) (F/M) -- New - 4/15

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 2:37 am
by Tugs4fun
Here is another chapter. I tried to incorporate your request a little bit [mention]FabianStr2016[/mention] . I really appreciate the feedback! It motivates me and specific feedback and requests help me write. I hope to do another poll. Hope you all enjoy this next part.

With the sound of Hailey's mom, the girls all looked up at each other, and for the first time since they’d been there, they actually looked a little out of sorts. Carrie turned to Hailey, “I didn’t know mom would be home!”

Hailey looked a little surprised at first, but seemed to recover. “Oh, settle down Carrie. I don’t think we have anything to worry about.” Then she called back upstairs. “Nothing to worry about mom! I’m just being a good sister; Carrie has some friends over.”

I mmmpphed a little into my gag and bucked against the chair. I did not want her mom to see me tied up! I then heard her call back down.

“Okay, but I’m coming down in a minute, you better not be up to anything!”

The girls all giggled at this. Hailey looked around at them. “Okay ladies, you better get your fun in now then!” she said hushed, but excitedly. Angela almost whispered, “should we tickle him?” I mmpphed no and shook my head. Tara then said rather loudly. “She wasn’t asking you, dummy, you’re our prisoner.” She looked at Hailey. “Doesn’t he know girl scouts like their boys to be seen and not heard? He’s such a dumb jock.”

“Haha, he’s still learning. Believe me, I’m teaching him how to be a good boy. Besides, I think his little whimpers into his gag are adorable!”

Angela then asked again. “So can we tickle him!?"

Tara then grabbed the arm of the office chair and pulled me towards her. She had seemed to be especially enjoying herself all afternoon, particularly taunting me. “Forget the tickling, I’ve got a better idea.” She lifted her sock covered foot and held it up to my crotch. My eyes bulged, and as I heard footsteps upstairs reminding me of the presence of Hailey’s mom, she began moving her foot closer. My member sprung up just out of anticipation. Soon her toes began poking and prodding my member, and the other girls all tried to hush their giggling.

I had “sprung up” multiple times since they had first tied me up, and this latest playful torment added to the wet spot that was now visible in my shorts. I was dripping and twitching with each poke from this girl’s toes.

“Hmmm, I didn’t realize it, but I think Tara just found his most ticklish spot…. It’s his crotch!” Angela joked. They all howled with laughter.

“MMPPHH! Nnngrt errrff Mrr!” I really did not want Hailey’s mom to see me like this. Tara rolled her eyes. “Ughhh, I’m soooo glad we gagged him,” she said as she again prodded me. Carrie then walked over and stroked my hair a little. “Come on ladies, take it easy on him. How could you torture someone so cute?” She leaned down and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Carrie was a cute girl. Not as curvy as Hailey, but pretty. She was also not as volatile as her sister could be.

Angela joked. “Hmmm, sounds like Carrie is a little jealous Hailey.”

“Well she should be. But I think I’m a pretty cool sister for sharing him, don’t you think?” The girls all agreed. Hailey turned to me. “What do you think Jason?” I bucked again and tried to wiggle my hands. “Haha, I wonder when he’s gonna realize that I actually love it when he struggles. It’s so hot.”

My member now totally swollen, I heard the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs and a voice growing louder as with each step she descended as she got closer. “What’s going on down here?” I was almost seething with embarrassment as this grown woman who I had first met when I was in middle school now saw me bound and gagged by a bunch of girls.

Her mom looked down at me and her stern look changed to a gleeful giggle. She covered her mouth with her hand, then took a moment to compose herself and sound serious again. “Ha- Hailey, what have done with Jason?”

“We just tied him up, that’s all.” She said it matter-of-factly.

She giggled. “Uh, I can see that honey!” She looked down at me and smiled. “And you even gagged him too! Jason, how did you let a bunch of girls tie you up?” She then turned to her daughters again. “I hope this is just a joke.”

Carrie began to answer awkwardly but Hailey interrupted her. “Actually mom, some boy scouts at school were making fun of them so they decided they would show everyone how tough the girl scouts are by tying up a big strong guy like Jason. I mentioned it to him a few days ago, and he said I could tie him up. Of course, I don’t think he was expecting us to get him the way we did! And if anyone doubts them, we even took pictures to make sure.”

The story rolled off her tongue perfectly and her mom was clearly amused by the whole thing. She pinched my cheek a little. “That is so cute that you volunteered! What a catch you are - literally!” They all laughed at her little pun joke and I had a bigger problem which was my bulge was bigger than ever. I shifted in my bonds nervously. She had to have noticed.

“Well, I have to run back out girls, but Hailey you have to promise you’ll untie him now that I’m leaving. This is our house after all, and I must say, Jason seems a little excited by all of his new friends.”

I sighed in humiliation knowing her mom had seen my throbbing cock. I again struggled even more against my chest ropes and wiggled my hands. His mom turned once more and looked at me. “Look at the poor boy struggle. I know he’s cute like that but please, untie him soon, okay? I can’t have a tied up boy in the house while I’m gone.”
As she ascended the stairs, we heard the door latch shut and all the girls started laughing again. Angela seemed the most playful and poked me with her foot. “So even their mom makes you excited, huh?”

“Ughhh, yeah, and that probably spoiled our fun.” Tara was disappointed.

Carrie was more serious. “You heard mom, we should untie him. We’re probably gonna get in trouble!”

“Well if he’s not tied up, I’m not staying!” Tara complained.

Hailey took charge. “Fine, I need to have a little talk with him anyway.”

Carrie got up to and moved to corral her friends out. She said they had to somewhere to be anyway, a party at a friends house. The girls took one last minute to toy with me before they left.

“See ya next time!” Tara said with a punch to my shoulder. I rolled my eyes and gave her one last defiant mmphh.

A minute after the other girls had exited Hailey came back into the room and just stared at me with a stern, but then smug look. I was glad they were gone but now had the uncertainty of facing Hailey. “You were a bad boy today Jason.” I moaned a little as if to say “what did you expect!”

She continued. “You could’ve gotten in big trouble with my mom! You seem to have trouble controlling yourself.” I gulped a little, I knew she was up to something devious by the grin on her face. “Do you know what happens to bad boys?” I grunted and then finally answered by shaking my head. She put her hand on her hip. “They have to be punished.”

She circled around me for a bit and then continued her lecture. “I’m going to untie you, and then later you’re gonna take your shirt off so you can be punished.” She began untying my chest and then went to free my hands. “The gag is coming out for now. I think you know you need to cooperate. Can I assume I won’t have to coerce you?” I nodded in obedience to my kidnapper-“girlfriend.”

“Good.” She had my upper body freed and then ungagged me.

I took a minute and after all my mmphhing I wondered how much of what I had said since I was gagged Hailey even could comprehend.

“Hailey, was that really necessary? It wasn’t enough kidnapping me, tying me, filming me… you had to get them involved?”

She giggled. “What can I say, you’re hot and I like showing people you’re mine. I can’t help myself. And from the looks of things, neither can you... Seriously, can ever keep that thing down in your pants? You’re like a 14 year-old.”

I shot back. “Well it’s hard to do that when that crazy chick is practically giving me a foot job! Seriously, she was enjoying that a little too much.”

“Oh yeah, Tara really likes you as a prisoner. She still thinks you’re a cocky jock.”

“Cocky? I hardly even knew her!”

“Well I guess she’s got a little complex. Tying you up seemed to help! You’re just lucky my sister is such a softie and took it easy on you.”

I shot from the hip and kind of thought out-loud. “Yeah, Carrie’s the only nice one! Maybe I should ask her out.”

Hailey’s eyes seemed to turn to fire. I should not have said that. This looked like vindictive Hailey. “Oh? Is that a fact?” She gave me a death stare for a moment and then stepped back and began pulling off her sock and balling it up. I knew what this meant.

“I’m sorry Hailey, I’m sorry! Please, it’s you I like, not Carrie. Please… come back here… I- I’ll give you a kiss!”

She now stopped and seemed pleased. “Oh, Prince Charming now, huh?” she then crossed her arms and said more plainly. “Fine. I believe you.” She motioned with her hand. “The shirt…” I calmly obeyed and removed my spandex shirt. “Now your shorts too…”

Down to my underwear I looked down, feeling a little cold. “Is this some kind of strip tease?”

“Heh, well that sounds fun! But no. And if I were you, I wouldn’t ask anymore questions. I’m planning to leave you ungagged for your punishment, but if you can’t keep your trap shut, you know what awaits.” She grabbed my hand and almost dragged me upstairs to the bathroom, and stood right outside the shower.

I kind of shrugged like “What’s this supposed to be?”

“It’s called a shower Einstein.” She opened the shower door, and there was a shower chair sitting there. “My grandma uses that sometimes if she stays here. Now you’re gonna use it! Take a seat young man…”

I looked around cautiously but with a tad bit of excitement. “Are you gonna shower with me Hailey?” Maybe she was just joking about a punishment! She didn’t seem amused. “In your dreams. Now take a seat and put your hands behind your back.” She ordered sternly.


“Just do it! Unless you want pics of you bound and gagged put up in the girls locker room… or maybe the boys, hmmmm.”


I gingerly made my way into the shower, and after taking a seat, took a deep breath and put my hands behind me. Hailey followed me in, and with a fiendish grin pulled handcuffs out of her pocket. Soon I felt a cuff clicking around my right hand before she wound the chain around the chair back and then clicked in my left. “Good. Now if I were you, I’d be quiet. Since you can’t go 5 minutes without a boner, this should help you settle down.” I didn’t like where this was going.

“Well let’s just get to it.” She jerked the water on and I almost jumped out of the chair as cold water crashed down. Within seconds, my hard-on began receding and I was straining and tensed up trying to brave the new uncomfortable elements I was now exposed to.

Hailey peeked her head in and smiled, briefly shutting off the water. “Have fun, I’ll be back later. And don’t make too much noise.” She turned the water back on, once again, very cold.


“You better be quiet, or you’ll be gagged and kept in here for a long, LONG time.” The door slid shut and I heard her walking away laughing.

Re: Roped into a Relationship (MF/M) (F/M) -- New Part added, 4/17

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 4:58 am
by jone123
This one one of the best stories out here, keep up the good work

Re: Roped into a Relationship (MF/M) (F/M) -- New Part added, 4/17

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 11:51 am
by FabianStr2016
I totally agree with jone! I enjoy polls, and maybe this will help you finding new ideas for the coming chapters. Jason could be tied elsewhere, maybe in the school or something like that

Re: Roped into a Relationship (MF/M) (F/M) -- New Part added, 4/17

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 10:54 pm
by Tugs4fun
[mention]jone123[/mention] [mention]FabianStr2016[/mention] Thanks a lot, really appreciate it! There should be a new chapter up, hopefully soon, probably on the shorter side, and also a poll. I love the input! Stay tuned.

Re: Roped into a Relationship (MF/M) (F/M) -- New Part added, 4/17

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 1:37 am
by Tugs4fun
Got a quick new part here. It's a little longer than anticipated but I hope you enjoy! Feel free to participate in the poll, and thanks to all who have read and commented.

With wet water pouring down on me, I had become very tensed up. My hard on had obviously gone down with the cold shower, and I was considering what to do. With my hands handcuffed to the shower chair, I really couldn’t try too much. If I tipped over, I might damage the shower door, not to mention hurt myself, and neither of those would end well. I could try to stand up and drag the chair around a little, but there was really nowhere to go. I accepted my situation and decided to wait for Hailey and hope she was feeling charitable. But I had a bad feeling. The comment about her sister seemed to have set her off. What a moron I was for saying that out loud. I knew better, and I knew Hailey.

After what felt like 10 minutes I was freezing and heard no sign of Hailey. I was grunting and almost growling, gritting my teeth as the cold water poured down on me, trying to stay warm. Finally I snapped.

“HAILEY! Get me OUT of here!”

I heard nothing for a few seconds and then heard rapid footsteps. The shower door rapidly slid open. “Aww, is the poor baby cold? Why don’t you ask your precious little Carrie to help you?”

Well that answered that question. She was definitely upset about that. Yelling was definitely not going to help me. I sighed, my teeth gritting, almost chattering now. “Hailey I know I shouldn’t have said that. I'm sorry, it was just a little joke. Please, would you let me out of here?”

She looked unmoved. “I warned you…” She reached down and before I knew it her sock was violently shoved into my mouth. “Have fun chewing on that, sweetie.” She sounded quite angry still but still somehow having fun. She then moved in and wrapped a bandana around my mouth to complete the cleave gag. There was certainly nothing pleasurable about this gag. It was salty, sweaty, and just gross all around.

“Well I have to say, my punishment seems to be working. Look, I can barely see your little pecker now! It’s amazing how much that thing grows when I tie you up!” She had left my underwear on me, black boxer-briefs. They were obviously soaked and tightly clinging to my now, shall we say “receded” member.

I rolled my eyes at her knowing this probably wasn’t going to end. She soon confirmed this. “Well since you did what I clearly said you shouldn’t do, you get to go another round. And this time, you can yell all you want, because nothing’s getting through that delicious gag of yours! Ta-ta Jason!”

She jerked the water back on and left. If the first round was chilly, this was freezing. I bit down on my gag like a surgery patient would before modern anesthetics. My body was covered in goosebumps from the air that had blown against me when she opened the door, and this was no improvement.

After another few minutes, I was totally freezing and ready to give into whatever it was Hailey wanted from me. The body gets used to cold water, but it had been a long time and I was ready to accept my defeat. She had to come back at some point… I mean eventually someone would find me here?

Finally she returned and slowly slid the door open. “Nothing to say know huh?”

I wiggled around a little, which definitely caused her some amusement.

“Are you ready to be a good boy Jason?”

I looked down for a moment, water dripping from my hair, every muscle and tendon tensed, and my mouth biting down on a disgusting gag. My eyes remained down as I nodded.

“Good. Now, if you haven’t figured it out, this had two purposes. I’m trying to teach you a little self-control. You can’t seem to go around 5 minutes without practically poking people with your little stick. You’re such an oaf. Most people don’t do that sweetie.” She paced around a little. “See, you and me for example. You make me wet all the time. You have for a long time. But I don’t go telling everybody about it.”

I thought to myself, “Actually Hailey, you kind of do,” but just gazed up at her.

She continued, “which reminds me of the other reason I put you in here. It’s really hot seeing you tied up and wet. Your hair soaked, your muscles tensed up… My aunt has a pool at her house. I plan on taking you there many times this summer, hehehe. I’m sure she’ll love it too!”

I rolled my eyes and mmpphhed, and moved around a little, trying not to shiver.

“Ughh, okay, fine, I guess I’ve admired you enough. I should probably get you moving anyway, my mom’s gonna be home soon.” This caught my attention and definitely put a little urgency in my step. She seemed almost amused at the prospect of her mom finding me bound, yet again, this time mostly naked. She reached behind me, uncuffing my right hand before re-cuffing it free of the chair.

She plugged in a space heater and pulled me out leading me to a spot on the bathroom floor, covered in a towel. I would have liked to have wrapped up in the towel, but I tried not to shiver or show I was in discomfort. I had worked and played sports in the cold before.

“Stand with your legs spread apart.” She slapped my butt as she walked to a cupboard and pulled out a hairdryer. I felt like an inmate being processed and cleaned before going to my cell.

She plugged in the hairdryer. “We’re gonna air dry you! But one thing first…” She approached me with my legs spread, and whipped my underwear down, making me now totally naked. As they fell to my feet, I shifted each foot and she picked them up. In a way it was good they’d been on me in the shower; it would be harder for her to detect all of the dripping that had come out of me and made my underwear wet from the day's "activities."

She looked at them for a moment and then tossed them aside, and turned the hairdryer on. She began with my legs and then moved up slowly, hovering over every spot on my now naked body. It was kind of a turn on, but I was so cold and exhausted from a long day, I didn’t show much excitement. That is, of course, until Hailey grabbed my junk and started drying me between my legs.

“Gotta get nice and clean in there!”

With my legs mostly dry, I still had wet hair and some water running down my chest and arms. Hailey I should add had gotten a little wet herself, handling me, and as annoying as she was being, she did look nice. Particularly her firm, round breasts which had gotten a little wet through her shirt.

She shut off the dryer for a second and looked at me. “You’re like a specimen Jason. Getting tied up in the shower is just perfect for you.” She cupped her hands over my chest for a moment and rubbed my nipples before stepping back after my pecker started poking her. “Oops, guess the shower is wearing off already!”

She turned the dryer back on and finished drying me before stepping back again and eyeing me up, and then taking a deep breath.

“Okay Jason. I accept your apology.” I wanted to roll my eyes, but of course knew better. She was so dramatic.

“Now, since we’re making up, I have a great way for us to celebrate! I can’t wait actually, it’s gonna be so cute and romantic.”

Now I did roll my eyes, and mmphhed a little.

She giggled, “Okay cutie pie, I guess your gag can come out. It was a little rough I admit.” She circled behind me and started tugging at the knot on the gag and then paused. She put her hand down on my stomach and began slowly working it up my bare midsection and chest.

“Mmmm, I can’t wait to get you wet again, hottie.” She then kind of snapped out of it and pulled the gag off. I winced a little as the movement was causing the sock to move around with its scent all around my mouth. She pulled it out with a giggle.

“Now… guess what I have planned for us.” I took a deep breath but humored her. “What do you have planned Hailey?”

“My friend Anna’s having a costume party, and we’re gonna go as a COUPLE! Yay!” This sounded simple enough, so I knew there was a catch coming.

“Okay, Anna seems cool enough. Is that it?”

She was beaming. “I have the perfect costume picked out! It’s just perfect for you and me!” I braced myself for whatever she had planned. I almost knew for certain it would be unlike anyone else at this event.

Re: Roped into a Relationship (MF/M) (F/M) -- New Part 4/18 -- New Poll Added!

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 7:41 pm
by FabianStr2016
I like the Tarzan idea, but i won't fight the poll result :D I personally think this story deserves more attention, you are a talented writer

Re: Roped into a Relationship (MF/M) (F/M) -- New Part 4/18 -- New Poll Added!

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 8:24 pm
by Tugs4fun
Really appreciate it [mention]FabianStr2016[/mention]. We’ll see, hopefully the poll will get some casual readers more interested. When it comes to story content and which stories catch on, everybody has their own preferences, which is fine. I’ll do at least one more part.

Re: Roped into a Relationship (MF/M) (F/M) -- New Part 4/18 -- New Poll Added!

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 3:53 pm
by Tugs4fun

Re: Roped into a Relationship (MF/M) (F/M) -- New Part 4/18 -- New Poll Added!

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 11:51 pm
by Trickster
A little behind on reading here thanks to RL and work, but I look for a to catching up and seeing how you conclude what's been a very sexy story!

Re: Roped into a Relationship (MF/M) (F/M) -- New Part 4/18 -- New Poll Added!

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 3:12 pm
by Tugs4fun
Thanks Trickster!

I don't mean to keep bumping my own thread, but if I can get at least one more vote on the poll I will probably continue this on the public forum. If anyone is at all interested or following this story, even casually, feel free to vote on the poll. Thanks!

Re: Roped into a Relationship (MF/M) (F/M) -- New Part 4/18 -- New Poll Added!

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 1:04 am
by Tugs4fun
As a l lay there hogtied and practically motionless, I just cursed myself for letting Hailey do this to me again. She was masterful at domination. She used an impressive array of tactics on me, particularly this evening, to lure and coerce me into another one of her traps. A combination of her assertive personality, her looks, cunning – and of course, blackmail and kidnapping! In any case, I was now her helpless prisoner. I couldn’t believe how quickly she could go from touching me and being turned on to casually pulling away and leaving me like this. I had to give her credit for that.

In the meantime, I was in the most uncomfortable position she had yet put me in… and she was nowhere to be found. I was hogtied on her bed and almost motionless. My feet pulled back until they were almost touching my hands. She had told me – gleefully – as she bound my ankles to my wrists that she was happy with the shape and strength of my legs, but I needed to work on my flexibility… and she knew just how to help!

This spot where my wrists and ankles met was like the epicenter of my bondage. My costume – what was left of it, was wrapped and tangled up with the rope around my waist. She had then fed another rope between my legs, pulling on my crotch, and attached to my hands. Meanwhile, another rope connected my feet to the posts on the footboard, effectively preventing me from even wiggling. It was pulled taut. There were other ropes, but I suppose those can be discussed later!

Hailey had already done all sorts of things with me, now that the party was over and I somehow had ended up at her house again. This time alone, no sister or parents coming to rescue me. And unlike before, I had not been untied after a while. No, I was in this position indefinitely. I hadn’t seen her, and had barely even heard her in quite a while. I didn’t know how long. It’s hard to keep track of time when you’re immobilized, gagged, and still buzzed from the supposedly fun party on I’d been taken to.

Finally, I heard the footsteps. It sounded like she was returning. What could it be now? If what she said was true, she really just used bondage to get to me at first. To get close to me and finally get us “together.” Well now she seemed to love it… a little too much. As I heard her footsteps approach, I thought about how she had gotten me again.

The party Hailey had taken me to had not started off too bad. I was even starting to enjoy myself. But I should have known better. This was Hailey. Her combination of bossiness, “sense of humor,” and sheer horniness around me had put me in another binding situation. This one the most uncomfortable. It had been a week since she’d informed me that we’d be attending this costume party. I thought back to how the evening began. What a fiendish plan she had had in store for me the whole time…

This is just a quick part. I thought I would mix up the style a little bit. Kind of a flash forward! Hope you enjoyed it. More to come

Re: Roped into a Relationship (MF/M) (F/M) -- Update 4/24

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 8:28 pm
by Trickster
All caught up and it was great to read a few chapters back to back like I did.

I really like the switch you pulled in the latest installment. It will be neat to see via flashback what happened at the party (and what costumes Hailey chose for them), how Jason ended up where we now know him to be, and what Hailey has planned for him.

I also liked how nonchalant Hailey's mother was when she came down to the basement in an earlier chapter and saw what was going on. Made we think it might be neat (for us and you) if, in a future chapter, Jason goes to Hailey's only to find she's not home but her cougar mom is!

Great writing as usual and looking forward to seeing what happens next!

Re: Roped into a Relationship (MF/M) (F/M) -- Update 4/24

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 3:28 pm
by FabianStr2016
Nice short chapter, looking forward to the next one

Re: Roped into a Relationship (MF/M) (F/M) -- Update 4/24

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 8:43 pm
by Tugs4fun
Thank you for the feedback, glad you're enjoying it. [mention]Trickster[/mention] , I appreciate your very detailed feedback, and your request about Hailey's mom is noted!

I am working on the next part now. It should be a decently long update, I hope to post soon.

Re: Roped into a Relationship (MF/M) (F/M) -- Update 4/24

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 2:11 am
by Tugs4fun
Sorry to keep you all waiting. I want to keep continuing just needed to plan some of my thoughts a little so the story remains coherent.

It was Thursday night and I hadn’t heard anything more from Hailey about the costume party. I had heard chattering about it here and there from other people going to it. Before our special little relationship had started, my social circle and Hailey’s overlapped somewhat, so I knew most of her friends and vice versa. I was just thinking about this when my phone buzzed.

“Come over to my house tomorrow after class tomorrow young man… I have to dress you up properly! You better be ready.”

I sighed and groaned a little to myself. I was hoping she had forgotten about the whole thing, or that it was just something she brought up as a way to tease me. I had found that Hailey was somewhat normal during the week, but on weekends she tended to fly off the handle. Particularly with the bondage. She seemed like she was really enjoying it more and more. Getting tied up behind closed doors was one thing, but I cringed when I thought about her dragging me to some party bound.

“Maybe she’ll just dress me up, without any bondage?” I thought to myself. I could only hope.

Mid afternoon I waited at the door. I got a text saying the door was unlocked, come to her bedroom. I reluctantly made my way in, hoping whatever she had in store for me wouldn’t be too bad. I walked into the bedroom and she was looking at herself in the mirror. She had on a short sleeved summer yellow dress, and what looked to be white gloves. I must admit she looked very nice, almost elegant, in whatever this costume was. Her hair was done up nicely and her makeup accentuated her pretty face and eyes nicely. If only her demeanor matched her delicate, feminine appearance. She turned around to face me. “There he is!”

I worked up a half smile and rolled my eyes a little.

“Ready for your costume?” She beamed. She turned to her bed and held up what looked like a leopard print skirt.

I focused my eyes on it and gave her a humorless look. “That can’t be for me…”

“Of course it’s for you… Tarzan!” She then held it up next to my waist.

“Tarzan? Hailey I-I can’t wear that in public!”

“Ughh you’re such a baby! You wear cutoff t-shirts all the time when you work out. Besides it has to go with me and I already have my Jane costume on. I’m gonna show everyone at the party that a pretty sophisticated girl like me can tame a guy like you. It’ll be great!”

I rolled my eyes.

“You better not complain. My sister and her scout friends made this themselves. She went and bought the fabric and went to a lot of trouble. At first, I told her it was a skirt for me, but eventually I couldn’t help myself and told her it was your loincloth!”

An hour or so later we were outside the door of an apartment, rented by a couple of Hailey’s friends. I figured I knew most of the people, I really had no problem with any of them. It wasn’t the people there that was the problem, it was the fact that I was in a midriff cutoff shirt and a leopard print “loin cloth” going down 3 inches above my knees. The shirt practically skin tight, was made of some kind of faux suede, and was cut off at around the sternum and the shoulders. She also went ahead and tied cut up pieces of fabric around my upper arms. And to go with this costume, I had a gleefully dominating “date” to go with me holding a rope leash attached to my hands, bound behind my back.

I got more and more nervous as we approached the door. Even without the bondage. I would have been a little self-conscious. I was not Dwayne Johnson or anything, but I worked out a lot and took pride in having a fit body. At the same time I was always a little funny about being seen. I was always on the shy side, so a costume like this made me a little self-conscious. Then there was the fact that Hailey had my hands tied and was ready to practically parade me through this party.

“Ha-Hailey... I can’t do this. I don’t care, tie me up at home all you want, I-“

“Oh will you stop! It’s just a cute little costume.” Then she said a little lower, almost a whisper, “no one has to know what I do to you behind closed doors. Hehehe. Besides, it’s not even up to you. Have you forgotten that your still my captive? Now come on, time to show the crowd the hot little jungle boy I’ve captured!” Sometimes I would forget the power she had over me. She didn’t always use it, only when she needed to get what she wanted! She tugged on the rope and knocked.

There was music playing in the apartment, not too loud, but audible. In a few seconds an attractive slim brunette in a “sexy nurse” costume and holding a red solo cup answered the door. It was her friend Anna, the host.

She looked at us for a minute and then giggled, each laugh more and more loud.

“Well, well, well, who do we have here?”

“It’s Tarzan!” Hailey tugged my hand leash a little. “I found him in the wild! It took a little work, but I’ve managed to tame him.” She gripped my cheeks with her hand. “Haven’t I?”

Her friend, who had already had a few cocktails, seemed quite amused by the whole thing. I didn’t know whether I wanted all girls there or both guys and girls. They both had their pros and cons. It really didn't matter, if my hands were bound... there would be humiliation.

“Can I bring him in?” Hailey asked with glee.

“Of course! This is the best costume I’ve seen!”

I gulped as we stepped in.

Re: Roped into a Relationship (MF/M) (F/M) -- New Part added 4/28

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 3:28 pm
by FabianStr2016
Interesting to hear some more about the costume party! Keep going :D

Re: Roped into a Relationship (MF/M) (F/M) -- New Part added 4/28

Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 1:37 am
by Tugs4fun
To everyone following this, I am sorry the updates have been a little slower lately. 1. I've been pretty busy lately, and 2. I sort of needed to plan out the story and figure out the future parts. I have an ending in mind that I think will be a good conclusion. But there will be several chapters worth of content before we get there! Just wanted to share that for everyone reading this.

Here is the next part - At the Party

Anna called out with a smile, “Hey, Hailey’s here… come see her costume! And the little accessory she brought with it!”

I looked down in total embarrassment as Anna called out to the rest of her guests. There were maybe 15 people there, in an assortment of different costumes. It was mostly girls but there were a few boys there also. As we walked in, I tried to make the fact that my hands were tied behind me seem as normal as possible. Hailey lifted the skirt of her yellow dress a little dramatically and then announced, “Look what I found in the jungle!”

Everyone laughed out loud and I tried to play along like I didn’t mind, although I was probably red from embarrassment. A couple of Hailey’s friends walked up and kind of just circled around me and looked at me like someone would at a prepared food behind glass. I recognized her one friend Katie, who had a red solo cup in one hand and hiccupped as she bent down and slapped my butt.

“Nice find Hailey!”

I kind of just grunted awkwardly. Katie was dressed as a “pirate.” Her looks were about average, and she was obviously acting a little more… “forward” due to her inebriation.

One of the other girls remarked that I must be a good sport to let Hailey dress me up like this. She snickered in response. “Well, I was the one who made the decision, not him. See it’s perfect for Jason. He’s muscular and strong, but he can be such a wild brute too. I have to figure out a way to turn him into a refined gentleman.” I rolled my eyes at her little monologue but then twitched a little, as she yanked the rope. “Isn’t that right?”

“Sure, Hailey sure, haha.” I chuckled a littler nervously. “There’s really a lot of cool costumes here. Thanks for the invitation Anna. I think I could use something to drink.”

I tried to downplay the whole situation, and I really figured that some cocktails would help me through this most interesting “costume party” experience. Hailey’s friend’s all giggled and Anna brought me something to drink. They were laughing at me, but it was tolerable so far. Her friend Katie I was trying to steer clear from. She did not have a guy with her and she seemed quite eager to "enjoy" my costume.

Hailey went to get some drinks for us and a couple of the guys said hello to me casually. One of them, who was dating Anna, asked “So are you two dating?”

“Uhhh, well, it’s complicated.” I tried to kind of laugh it off.

He laughed a little. “Not serious yet? I gotcha. Well, really, the costume definitely takes the cake of anyone here. Especially with the rope.”

The other guy there then spoke.

“Well it is a good costume. For both of you. Seriously man, is she into tying you up?” He asked it almost excitedly.

I paused a little.

“Sorry man, didn’t mean to get personal.” He could probably sense my discomfort.
But I kind of slyly shrugged and even smirked a tad. I didn’t say it but I didn’t deny it. “Wow. Lucky…” he kind of muttered with his voice trailing off.

I was obviously pleasantly surprised. I thought it would be totally humiliating, but at least these guys that I was talking to were jealous of me! And they were right, Hailey did look very nice in her costume.

Speaking of Hailey, a moment later she returned with more drinks for us. She slapped my butt and then smiled. “Come on, let’s go find somewhere more comfortable.” She turned to the other guys. "Sorry, gotta take my prisoner to his next stop!"

We walked over to a couch where her friends Anna and Katie were sitting, and joined them on the couch. Katie was kind of staring at me grinning, as she had been since we had entered the party. For a few minutes the three of them were talking about other stuff - the hairstyles of their friends, who they thought their sisters should date, etc.

I kind of zoned out and just guzzled down what was in my cup. One of them must have asked me a question, because I felt a pinch on my arm. "Hey... Tarzan, I asked you a question!" Katie giggled.

"Oh uh, sorry, what?"

"Do you like your costume?"

"Uhhhh, y-yeah I guess."

"You guess? You need to drink more, because I have a feeling the honest answer is yes." Katie retorted.

“Oh believe me girls, he likes it." Hailey said with a wink at me. I rolled my eyes. "I agree with Katie. I'm gonna get him something else. I'll be back in a couple minutes. Keep an eye on him for me girls, ok?” I went to stand up with her but she told me to wait there.

They both giggled a little and nodded, and a moment after Hailey turned, Katie yanked the rope to my hands. Not in the mood to physically resist, nor to have bad rope marks all over my wrists, I lumbered backward onto the couch and was soon sandwiched between these two girls. Katie in particular was gleeful and tugged my arm closer to her.

“You’re staying with us… Tarzan!” She giggled into her red solo cup.

After a little awkward silence from me, Anna, who was a little more level headed than her friend started talking to me. I think she sensed my uneasiness a little. She was nice. “That really is a cool costume Jason.”

She took a big gulp from her cup and smiled slightly. “You’re better looking than I realized… Hailey always gushed over you, I never really noticed anything, but you look nice!” I kind of smiled awkwardly but took the compliment. The buzz had definitely made her a little more candid.

Katie again tugged me a little and gave a gin-soaked response. “Are you kidding Anna!” She grinned at me with kind of a silly look. “Has Hailey tied you up before?” Her drunken half-closed eyes were fixated on me.

I kind of leaned back in fake surprise at the question. “No, Katie, no! It’s just a silly little costume.”

Both girls giggled. Katie then retorted with a grin. “Oh, just a costume… that’s too bad.” I could sense her doubt of my answer. “Well, if you want to be tied up for real, I’m not going anywhere!”

“Katie!” Anna giggled. “You should probably keep your mouth shut missy, you’re gonna say something you’ll regret tomorrow.”

I kind of just sat there awkwardly. I was a little buzzed myself, and part of me was enjoying it. The one good thing about the “loin cloth” Hailey made me wear was that it kind of hid my excitement, which had been present on and off since we entered. Like I said, I was on the shy and quiet side and didn’t always get a ton of female attention like this. But on the other hand, Katie was kind of reminding me why that was the case. I just tried to play it off like she was kidding around.

“Oh come on Anna!” She brushed off her friend’s admonishment. “You know you agree…” she turned and faced me more, speaking quietly. “The things I would do to you if I had you tied up in my room… I probably shouldn’t say out loud sweetie.” She kind of flicked my arm with her finger and a giggle, then tugged at the bands Hailey had tied around my arms.

“He’s obviously shy Katie, you’re scaring him!” Anna retorted. I took a gulp from my cup and it helped me relax. Anna turned and faced me. “Don’t worry about it mister. We just think you look cute tied up, that’s all. And Hailey obviously agrees! I just wonder where she got this idea?”

“Oh dear lord, I hope they don’t know about how I ended up this way” I thought to myself.

“Haha, I don’t know. Guess she just kind of roped me into it!” I said it a little nervously.
I gulped a little nervously and took another swig, but Anna again helped me out a little and changed the subject. She was nice enough to take a little pity on me. I continued sitting there for a little bit, and Katie would occasionally tug on my wrist rope, pulling my bound hands and arms back, I suppose for her own amusement.

Thinking Hailey would be back soon, I told the girls I had to go to the bathroom. I wanted to relieve myself and get a little privacy for a minute. I rocked back and forth to create a little momentum since my hands were still tied behind me.

“Fine, we’ll release our captive for a bit” Katie said with delight. Despite (or maybe because of) the ogling from some of her friends, this party wasn’t going as bad as I feared it would. I had not been terribly embarrassed or humiliated. I was even starting to relax a little. The alcohol helped. It also helped that the worst of my bondage was ostensibly over fort the evening.

As I went to close the door to the bathroom it sharply halted, stopped by a hand. A second later, Hailey appeared. Unlike most everyone else, she was sober – or close to it. She locked the door behind her. “I have to say Jason, you’ve been a pretty good sport. Other than a couple of slip ups. It’s really turning me on. No one’s home; I want to take you back to my house after the party.”

I sighed. “Hailey, I need a little break.”

She looked like I had just killed a puppy. “What? You’re such a liar Jason, I’ve seen your crotch when you’re tied you know.”

“Look, I have to admit, I have enjoyed part of our little secret (that really wasn’t so secret). I just don’t want to do it.”

She shook her head and chuckled to herself. “You’re so cute, thinking you ‘want’ or ‘don’t want.” She used air quotes. “Hmmm, do I use the carrot or the stick?”

I looked at her a little different. “What are you talking about Hailey? Come on, I dressed up for the party, isn’t that enough?”

She then smirked a bit and then out of nowhere grabbed my crotch.

“H-Hailey, please…” I tried not to moan.

“What Jason? What? Do you want me to stop?” She was smirking as her hand stayed around my groin, slowly squeezing and releasing my junk repeatedly.

“Uh- I-I…” I was struggling to resist.

She tightened her hand around my pecker and then kissed me long and hard. “Can I tie you up again – alone – when we get home? You will not want to go back on your word, either.”

She stood there, her face a couple inches from mine, with one hand on my junk still and another on her hip. We were both breathing hard.

“Uh, uhhhh” I moaned “Ha-Hailey ple-…” she started pulling on my member, and I felt myself building up rather quickly. “Y-yes Hailey, yes.” I moaned out my answer in a whisper.

She cupped her hand over my mouth as soon as I agreed. “That’s it!... You’re all mine, every bit of you.” She released my crotch and then hugged me, almost squeezing me. “We’re gonna do something new tonight!”

Two hours later, I was back in the car with Hailey. I still had a buzz but my relaxation was wearing off. I was starting to wonder if that was a bad thing as I was now on my way back to her house… with my hands still tied and a gag in my mouth.

Re: Roped into a Relationship (MF/M) (F/M) -- New Part 5/3

Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 4:26 pm
by FabianStr2016
I really enjoyed this chapter! I hope some of the other readers will comment too, just so you can see what a brilliant writer you are

Re: Roped into a Relationship (MF/M) (F/M) -- New Part 5/3

Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 7:32 pm
by Tugs4fun
FabianStr2016 wrote: 3 years ago I really enjoyed this chapter! I hope some of the other readers will comment too, just so you can see what a brilliant writer you are
You’re the man [mention]FabianStr2016[/mention]! Appreciate all the comments. Like I mentioned I have a future for this story planned, just kind of have to figure out how I get there. Hope to keep it going soon.

Re: Roped into a Relationship (MF/M) (F/M) -- New Part 5/3

Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 8:18 pm
by Trickster
Two more chapters in the bag! The party scene was fun. And mortifying for Jason, but it definitely could have been worse knowing Hailey. I can't wait to see what she has planned next. She has yet to disappoint with her bondage deviousness!!! Looking forward to seeing the next chapter!

Re: Roped into a Relationship (MF/M) (F/M) -- New Part 5/3

Posted: Mon May 10, 2021 2:15 am
by Tugs4fun
Here's another part, hope you all like it. Got busy and also ran into a little writer's block but I think I have a nice plot arc coming. Hope this chapter is fun and enjoyable for you all!

She dragged me into her bedroom and flicked on the lights.

“On the bed young man, now.” She sounded stern. I reluctantly obeyed, wondering if perhaps this was the time to resist. As I obeyed her orders and laid down on my stomach, she opened her dresser drawer – which was stuffed with ropes – and pulled some out.

“Let’s start with your ankles!” She wrapped the rope around my ankles and then flipped me onto my back. She then moved up and tied my thighs just above my knees so they were touching and my legs were unable to independently move.

“We’re gonna try a new bondage position tonight. You’re going to be completely helpless, and it will allow me to have more control over you. See, I’ve been far too generous with you. Tonight, you’re going to really learn how to be mine!”

I grunted unenthusiastically into my cloth cleave gag. She then proceeded to reach under my back and tie a rope around my waist. She pulled another rope out, tied it to the front of my waist rope, and then flipped me over.

“Gotta make sure you’re wrapped up in all places. That hot body of yours needs to be restrained.”

She pulled the new rope through my crotch and then tied it to my hands behind me. She then proceeded to connect my hands and feet into a hogtie. At this point I grunted a little more and thought she was done with me. I was hogtied on her bed, with my head facing the footboard, and my feet up in a hogtie.

“Woops, I forgot I wanted you shirtless…” She pulled out some scissors and clipped off my top until my upper body was bare, other than the strips she had tied around my biceps.

She taunted me. "Oh you look great. How about pumping out a few quick push-ups?"

Again thinking she was done, she pulled out more rope!

In another couple of minutes my bondage was finally complete. Another rope was tied to my ankles and then tightly knotted off at the head board. This meant there was tension on my feet from both directions; from my hands as well as the head board. Another small piece of rope, really more like thick string, was used to tie my two big toes together. My feet were really unable to move, and although my upper body was not secured to the bed, any movement from my hands would activate the crotch rope, so I stayed as still as possible.

Now completely strung up and gagged, I lied there practically motionless as she triumphantly inspected me, only my head craning up to see, and my eyes looking around.

She stood over my helplessly still body and crossed her arms. “So here’s the deal Jason, I’ve been reading up more on this whole bondage thing. There are a bunch of different elements to it. I thought it was just about tying up a guy like you, but there are other elements to it. Like keeping you tied for a while, it’s called long-term bondage. Or teaching you to obey me, it this thing called submission. We’re gonna try it out, isn’t that exciting!” She pinched my cheek.

I did not like the sound of this at all and was longing for when she just tied me up, took pictures of me, and then teased my crotch.

“Sooooo, I was thinking… I will ungag you, but you can’t talk. Not a word. What you’re going to do first is kiss my feet. Whenever I feel you have given my feet the affection that they deserve, we’ll take a break and put that nice little gag back in your mouth so I can admire your hot, tied up body in peace and quiet. Make sense?”

“MMMPHH!” I shouted back.

“Cool, so we’re simpatico, I knew you would agree!” she giggled to herself.

She almost leapt onto the bed and then positioned herself opposite me, so her head was at the top of the bed and her legs at the foot. She wiggled her toes near my face.

“Let’s start with you kissing each individual toe, and then you’ll just kiss my foot however I position it. Make sense?”

She leaned down and unknotted the cleave gag tied behind my head

“Hailey, what are you doing! I thought you were ju-mmphh!”

I was promptly regagged and felt a hard spank on my butt.

“Well obviously I didn’t make myself clear. You are now mine Jason. You’re here to be explored and used by me for my pleasure. You only get to talk when I say.” She emphasized the “I” and spanked me again as she said it.

“So, we’ll get back to the feet in a minute but first I’m gonna have to spank you.”

She rolled up my “loin cloth” from my costume and began spanking my butt with her hands, each spank harder than the next.

When she finally finished I laid there with a throbbing rear end. “Oh sweetie you have such a nice ass.” I mmphhed into my gag and tried to thrash against her but I was helpless. “It’s just perfect. Nice and firm for me to play with, but not strong enough to break through my rope work hehe. I must say, I did a nice job, for a beginner. Gold star for Hailey!” She amused herself gleefully as she continued rubbing my rear end. The last few spanks had been a little painful. I did not find pleasure in the pain, although her smooth touch was turning me on.

“Now are you ready to give my feet the proper attention they deserve?”

I craned my head up mmpphed a yes and nodded. Soon my gag was again off and a foot was in my face. This time I acquiesced, taking a deep breath and kissing each toe. After kissing all ten, she took several minutes just shoving her foot in my face and demanding more kisses. I had never really been a foot guy but it was strangely turning me on.

“Aren’t my feet lovely! I just got a pedicure!” She said, wiggling them in front of my face. I thrashed around a little, which made my crotch quite uncomfortable.

“I’ll be right back! Stay right where you are!”

A minute later Hailey returned – having stripped down to her sexy bra and panties – and carrying a bottle of vodka.

“This gag should help you relax! See now I’m just gonna enjoy your trussed up body for a while.”

She undid my cleave gag, only to stuff a vodka soaked sock into my mouth before re-securing it.

“Good. That oughta calm you down. Like I told my friends, you’re like a wild animal-man that needs to be tamed!” She then moved her head close to my ear and stretched her hand out. “And I believe I’ve succeeded.” She then stretched out her hand and curled her fingers up. She began running her hand over my arms, then butt and legs, petting me with her palm. She started again, petting my hair and neck, and slowly moving all the way down my body until she tickled me foot a little.

“Are you mine Jason?”


She put her foot on top of my head and shoved my face into the bed with it.

“I didn’t catch that, was that a yes?”

I muffled into both my gag and the bed until she finally let up with her feet. I raised my head up. “mmphh, mmm mmphhrs” I nodded. The soaked gag was making its way through my mouth and with each swallow was buzzing me.

“Good! Now I’m just gonna do whatever I want with your body." I then endured – if that’s the right word – another long session of her touching. Squeezing my arms, petting my hair, and occasionally slapping my butt. I was of course face down so the massive bulge I had was hidden. I wanted to at the very least be able to touch her back but I was so helpless it was just a dream. She knew it too, moaning every few minutes as she groped my entire body.

After I don’t know how long, she left the room again, only to return holding glass with a straw.

“Here, drink this.”

Re: Roped into a Relationship (MF/M) (F/M) -- New Part, added 5/9

Posted: Mon May 10, 2021 11:03 pm
by Tugs4fun
I thought I felt something… was I dreaming? I twitched my head a little and tried to clear my head. Almost totally dark. It must have been the middle of the night. I wasn’t on my front anymore… I wasn’t hogtied! But again I thought I felt something. I went to rub my eyes, but my arms were spread out… there was resistance.

I finally fully opened my eye lids. I looked and felt around to find I was now tied spread eagle to the bed. Besides my bondage, the first thing I felt was the dryness in my mouth and something on me. I guess it was better than being gagged.

“Hailey!” I whispered. She was totally out, her head on me and her arms wrapped around me. She lying on my helplessly bound spread eagled body like dead weight. “HAILEY!” I whisper-shouted, and shook her using my hips.

She stirred a little. “Ughh, what do you want?” She said, barley moving or opening her eyes.

“You can’t even untie me when I sleep? Let me free!”

She raised her head up for just a second. “You’re still my toy even at night, now go back to sleep!”

“Hailey my mouth is like a desert!”

“Don’t make me gag you.” She said nonchalantly with her eyes closed and her head back on my midsection.

“Hailey, if you don’t let me have some water, I won’t sleep a lick and I’ll thrash around all night.”

“Ughh… if I give you some water will you shut your enormous trap?”

“Yes, yes” I whispered back agreeably.

She groggily reached toward her nightstand and grabbed a cup of water.

“Here.” She lazily reached up, pressed it to my face and tipped it back, spilling some excess onto my face and neck. I did get a couple of gulps, which tasted like heaven.

“Th-thank you” I whispered trying to wipe my face and chin on my shoulders. “H-Hailey I can’t sleep like this, would you please untie me?” I was tired and stiff and just wanted to be free and comfortable. I knew I’d regret asking but I had been bound in one way or another for hours. I couldn’t help but ask.

With her head back on my chest she just sighed. “you never learn.” I felt her knees bend below and her arm seemed to reach down. Still lying on me, she groaned groggily and then out of nowhere reached up and stuffed her panties in my mouth. Now sitting up on her knees, she reached to the night stand, ripped off some duct tape and slapped it over my mouth. “There. That oughta keep you quiet.” She crawled back down to her spot and put her head back on my chest.

“MMMPPHH!” I tried to scream into it and tell her she can’t gag me when I sleep!

Annoyed, she reached up and squeezed my nipple, lifting her head. “I told you to be quiet, you won’t listen. There are rules here. I’m in charge. You’re my toy. Are you ready to be obedient?”

“MMMPHH!” I shouted back, lifting my head defiantly. She again reached up and pinched my nipple and held it for a while. I groaned but obeyed and did not scream and finally nodded my head.

“Good. Now you better shut up. Or you’ll spend the night hogtied on the garage floor… naked.”

Accepting my defeat, I laid my head back down and took a deep breath. Hailey had once again dominated me and I tried to focus on getting comfortable. I knew I couldn’t move my hips or body much without disturbing her, so I tried to inch my body around to get comfortable. I also squirmed my arms a little.

She settled back in, laying on my chest and was still for a moment. She looked motionless like she was going to fall back asleep. Then a slight smirk broke on her face. “Nighty night prisoner.”

Re: Roped into a Relationship (MF/M) (F/M) -- UPDATE 5/10

Posted: Tue May 11, 2021 4:53 am
by jone123
really good chapters, looking forward for more
I love their relationship

Re: Roped into a Relationship (MF/M) (F/M) -- UPDATE 5/10

Posted: Tue May 11, 2021 1:38 pm
by FabianStr2016
2 chapters at one time, very nice! I wonder what will happen next

Re: Roped into a Relationship (MF/M) (F/M) -- UPDATE 5/10

Posted: Thu May 13, 2021 11:15 am
by Tugs4fun
Thanks for the comments [mention]jone123[/mention] and [mention]FabianStr2016[/mention]

Another part for you

I stirred a little on the bed. I cracked my eyes open and saw light coming into the room. It must have been morning. It had been quite a night. Drinking, getting tied up (in multiple positions), gagged, and then re-gagged in the middle of the night. The gag was still in my mouth and I wanted to bust through the ropes binding me just to rip the gag out of my mouth. Of course, I was completely helpless, and Hailey’s panties remained in my dried out mouth.

My head felt as if an axe had been lodged behind my left eye. I wanted more than anything to get up, guzzle some water, take an aspirin and shower. But it wasn’t meant to be.

I tried to at least wiggle around but I found that Hailey had bound me even more strictly to the bed. In addition to the ropes tying my wrists and ankles to the corner of the bed, I now had more ropes which secured me to the bed frame. One ran over my midriff around my navel. She had also tied each thigh with a separate rope. They were tied with several wrappings and then lashed to the side of the bed, preventing my legs from moving much. Then there was the tightest rope which ran over my crotch just above my member. Each of these ropes was secured to the side of the frame and prevented any meaningful movement. Really the only thing that I could move was my head and neck, and a little bit of wiggling with my wrists and ankles. I also felt moisture on my bare stomach, chest and thighs. I wondered what that was about.

I had not wet my pants or anything, although with my mostly futile attempts to move my hips, I could tell that at some point I had orgasmed into my boxer briefs.

“Oh FINALLY you’re awake! I was beginning to get tired of having fun with you while you’re unconscious.” I looked to my left and there was Hailey. She looked as if she’d been up a long time. She was barefoot, wearing jeans and a tight V-neck black t-shirt.

“Huh you’re a little damp still, you know what from?”

I looked up at her and then looked back down at my own tied up body and shook my head. I was genuinely curious. I noticed that besides the wet feeling I also had red/pink marks over my abs and thighs. I looked up and noticed Hailey had fresh pink lipstick on.

“I needed a little something else besides breakfast and I thought you looked delicious lying there spread-eagle and out cold! You didn’t disappoint Jason!”

I moaned a little. Normally it would turn me on more, but again I had been bound for hours, and I was stiff, thirsty, and needed to use the bathroom.

“I just couldn’t help myself, seeing my little boytoy lying there so peacefully – and helplessly.” She twirled the end of her hair a little. “Are you comfortable in your ropes?”

“MMPHH!” I shrieked and tried to break loose.

She lowered herself down to the edge of the bed so that her head was even with mine and she leaned toward me.

“I say ‘your ropes’ because I got them specifically for one reason – to tie up my new pet – you!”

“MMPHH! Mmm-mphhy mmow!” I tried to yell at Hailey angrily. Feeling as poorly as I did I wasn’t really in the mood to be diplomatic or subtle. I had been tied up one way or another for probably over 12 hours and I just wanted to be able to get some basic relief.

Hailey stood, arms crossed, with a smirk. “I will untie you when I feel like it. I hope you learned something last night. I hope you learned to obey me. See, when we’re together, particularly… when there’s rope wrapped around you, you have to obey me.”

“So let’s see if you’ve learned…” she smirked a little as she leaned in and unknotted my gag. My mouth was so dry I didn’t even want to move my tongue but I pushed with my tongue and spat out the panties. My mood was cranky to say the least

“My bladder’s gonna explode! Get me o-mmpphh!”

The soaked panties were stuffed back into my mouth and she pulled out more duct tape. This time she circled it all the way around my head 4 times and I couldn’t even muffle any words.

She stood back and gazed at my frustrated face and thrashing body. “Guess you haven’t learned Jason. No problem! We’ll just take some extra time for you to learn. This is how this whole 'bondage' thing works. I was gonna let you go now, but since you couldn’t keep quiet, you’ll stay bound and gagged for a little longer.”

She whipped off all of the remaining sheets so my body was totally exposed.

“By the way, thanks for cleaning my panties. You complete the whole cycle; first you make them wet, then you clean them up when I gag you, it’s perfect!” She laughed to herself. “Anyway, guess it’s gonna have to stay in for a little while.”

She then stood up. “Oh you know what, I’ve got to check something, I’ll be right back!”

She returned a moment later looking at her phone.

“Wow I’m checking my friend Katie’s Instagram” she said with her eyes glued to the screen, pausing for a few seconds. “Please tell me… YES! They did! They posted a few pictures where you’re in them – and you can see the rope in the picture!” She leaned over and showed me the picture on her phone. I just mmphhed a little more and then looked away. At this point I didn’t care, I just wanted freedom, and specifically, to relieve myself in the bathroom. I did have a little “morning excitement” but it was mostly offset by the very uncomfortable circumstances I’d woken up to.

Hailey just stayed seated in her chair, casually scrolling through her phone for a while, occasionally looking over at me and giggling at the gibberish I mmmphhed into my gag. After a few minutes she walked into her bathroom and returned with a nail file. She sat there and casually worked her fingernails and spoke to me.

“I know this seems rough sweetie, but I know you like it. In fact, as tight as I’ve tied you up, there is one body part I know you can still move, hahaha!” Despite being most uncomfortable, I did have some excitement showing. And she was right. While the rest of my helpless body was tied down to the bed, my pecker could spring up freely.

It had probably been 20 minutes since she’d ungagged me the first time. I had just kept mostly still, totally at her mercy. She looked down at me with a smile.

“Got anything to say?”

I sighed a deep breath and my eyes averted down. I didn’t say anything.

“Good! You’re learning!”

At this point I was willing to beg. With my gag off, I just looked at her pleadingly but did not say anything.

“Ughh, fine. When you give me that adorable little helpless look in your eyes, I have to give in. I guess you could use a shower anyway.”

Finally. I sighed a huge breath of relief and couldn’t wait to relieve myself and then get a big drink of water. Having learned the hard way not to lash out verbally, I kept my mouth shut, but anxiously awaited my bonds being loosened. At last she reached toward the bedpost and began untying my wrist. I breathed a sigh of relief. Just as I went to bring my wrist down, she grabbed it. Before I knew it, a handcuff had been clicked around it…