Alpha Domme (F/F) Updated: August 4th *ON HIATUS*

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.


Mistress Citrine
Ms Hawtrey
Jynx the Mynx
Queen Vasilka
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Lady Estela
Madame Muse
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Post by Red86 »

With Jynx being overly cocky and a bully, she deserves what she got. Velvette my have had help but the way it played out was great. Love to see the tables turned!! Especially when turned against Jynx 🤣
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Post by TomYi »

Red86 wrote: 2 years ago With Jynx being overly cocky and a bully, she deserves what she got. Velvette may have had help but the way it played out was great. Love to see the tables turned!! Especially when turned against Jynx 🤣
Thanks. I was a bit uncomfortable with how this chapter played out, but I'm glad to see that you liked it.

Hopefully, I can get things back on track soon. That writer's block set me back way too far.
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Post by TomYi »

“I still would have liked us
to settle on a name, but it
still worked out great. There’s
a promising future ahead of us!”

- from the video log of Madame Muse

She was late. She was so late that it made Muse question whether or not she was coming at all. By the look on Citrine’s face, she too was starting to doubt Muse’s plan. If they got stood up, it would be awkward at best and embarrassing at worst. Muse said nothing.

Then, just as Muse was getting ready to call off the plan, Velvette arrived.

The pretty young girl had dressed back up since they’d last seen her. She’d thrown on some dark jeans with tall combat boots and a grey tank top. She’d cleaned the tape residue off her face as well. Had Muse and Citrine just met her today, they might have never known how much of a predicament she’d been in over two hours ago.

“What do you want,” Velvette snapped impatiently as she folded her arms and leaned against the wall by the doorway.

“Shh,” Muse snapped back. “I’ll do the talking.”

Velvette unfolded her arms and leaned forward, as though she were expecting a fight. “Gonna need more details than that.”

Fair enough. Muse raised a hand to calm down her tense guest and said. “You’re not the only person I invited. We have much to discuss, but first, we have to wait for the others to arrive.”

Velvette opened her mouth again – probably to ask who else was coming – but before the first syllable could leave her mouth, Ms Hawtrey entered the room. She, for one, was right on schedule. Muse and Citrine had sent out their invitations for different times so as to keep everyone from coming to her room all at once. Muse explained the situation again to Ms Hawtrey, who seemed far more willing to wait patiently for guest number four. That was good since Muse had chosen to give that woman lots of time to cool down.

Just as Muse had expected, the next and final guest used every second she’d been offered to recuperate, and she still looked visibly surly upon arrival. About a minute or two after she was scheduled to arrive, the door latch clicked open and Jynx the Mynx entered the room.

Ms Hawtrey raised her eyebrows. She clearly hadn’t expected the Mynx to be involved in this little gathering. Velvette was also surprised, but her shock quickly gave way to bitterness. No words were spoken, but the look she shot to Madame Muse sent a very clear message: ‘You seriously invited this c**t too?!’

Everyone who was invited had come, and there was no better time for Muse to speak up and call the meeting to order.

“Welcome, everyone. I’m pleased to see you all here.”

“Here for what,” Jynx demanded? She clearly wasn’t in a mood to play games with anyone.

Muse smiled, unfazed by the Mynx’s rudeness. “Isn’t it obvious? Haven’t you ever watched reality TV before?”

It certainly seemed obvious to Velvette, although she was doing a good job at hiding any sign of intrigue. “She wants us to form an alliance.”

“Oh, it’s much more than an alliance,” Muse responded with a smile. “It’s how we’re going to make it to the final five!”

The excitement (or lack thereof) in the room left something to be desired. Velvette and Hawtrey were both playing hard to get, and Citrine had already heard the idea hours ago. Jynx simply scoffed. “The hell makes you think that I need help from anybody here?”

“The limp that you’re trying to hide for one thing,” Muse quipped. Jynx looked infuriated by that remark, and Muse noticed Velvette smirking in the corner. She silently hoped that the little bald princess had kept her secret. Jynx looked ready for a fight, but the madam was quick to keep the conversation rolling. “This dungeon was designed to be a dog-eat-dog world. It forces us to go out looking for trouble, and even when that works out, you wind up with a target on your back.”

Madame Muse threw a glance at Citrine as she spoke that last line, and the blonde bashfully looked to the floor to avoid eye contact. Muse went on. “But dogs work best in a pack. If we all form a secret group and agree to dominate each other with full consent, we can all have a chance to flex our domme muscles much better than the others who are outside the group. It’s simple, really. One team member can approach another at any time and discreetly agree to a little power exchange. They get a chance to dominate their cohort in exchange for submitting themselves later.”

“HAH!” Jynx slapped her leg with what appeared to be genuine laughter. “I dunno if you noticed, but I’ve been dominant for damn near every minute of every day, and I ain’t ever needed to pimp myself out to make that happen. The best any of y’all can hope to achieve in this group is topping half the time, and bottoming for the other half. Why the hell would I ever wanna settle for that?”

“Because by keeping our group a secret, we can ensure that everyone in the group will outperform everybody else,” Muse replied. “If we all look out for each other, then you and everyone else in the room is guaranteed to be safe from elimination for the next few weeks.

“Besides, dominating a partner is much less tiring than dominating an enemy. There won’t be any overly difficult resistance from your bottoms, and no bitter grudges. We’re all just teammates here.”

Between ‘safety from elimination’, ‘no pesky brats’, and ‘no grudges’, Muse had hit every one of Jynx’s soft spots. Just yesterday, that woman had been tied up and at the mercy of Bee Devine, and it was a poorly kept secret that Jynx had gotten sick of her feud with Icy Fyre prior to that. Muse could tell that she was getting through to the ebony queen, but just like the others, she was playing hard to get.

Luckily, Muse’s sales pitch went a whole lot farther than that. “And submitting to a teammate won’t be nearly as bad as it is to another domme. As teammates, we can all collude beforehand and discuss what we want to happen. That way, no one ever gets put in a situation that they aren’t comfortable with. We can all share our hard limits and our soft--“


The spontaneous shriek from Ms Hawtrey caught everyone by surprise, and there were more than a couple of flinches as everyone turned to the posh British domina. She stammered for a moment, seeming quite embarrassed by her outburst.

“I-I hate feet.” She spoke softly as her eyes darted every which way, as though she wasn’t really talking to anyone in particular.

“…Right,” Muse answered after an awkward pause. “Good example. So if any of us agree to dominate Ms Hawtrey, we won’t do any foot stuff during the session. In exchange for that, she’ll have to respect your limits when you switch around. Everyone gets their time to shine without suffering for it.”

Muse had said all that she had to say. Sadly, Jynx’s dissent hadn’t waned at all. She folded her arms and stared silently at Muse. The look on her face was one of boredom, one that asked if she was supposed to be impressed. Perhaps she wasn’t playing hard to get after all. Maybe she really was uninterested?

When Jynx finally did talk, it wasn’t good. “And here I thought that you was smart. This dream team of yours ain’t nothin’ but a house of cards. If any one of us slips her tongue, it’s over. Hell, there ain’t even anything stopping us from making a deal and then immediately turning our backs on it.”

“Oh yes there is,” Citrine said. She stepped up next to Madame Muse and spoke up against the Mynx. “It’s called ‘ochlocracy’. If one of us misbehaves, the rest of us will know, and every single one of us will come for the perpetrator with a vengeance.”

Jynx smiled as though she were on the verge of hysteric laughter, and then she asked, “Was that supposed to be intimidating? Take a look, Einstein! This ‘ocklock’ or whatever you call it is just two people! I dunno if you’ve seen my wrestling portfolio, but two-against-one ain’t a problem for the Mynx.”

Muse cursed under her breath. This get-together was going downhill, and fast. Muse scrambled to come up with something to say that could defuse the situation, but before something came to her, another voice spoke up.

“How about three-on-one?”

That had come from Velvette! The domineering tomboy had been leaning silently against the wall for most of the meeting, but now she stood tall and moved in beside Citrine and Muse.

The madam was both astounded and elated. She’d expected Velvette to be a hard sell, and yet the domme that she had humiliated in front of everyone just two days ago was stepping up to help her! It was the best kind of surprise Muse could have hoped for, and it looked as though it might have done the trick. Jynx suddenly didn’t have a lot to say, and it looked as though three-on-one was indeed a problem.

The winner of this little challenge was apparent to Ms Hawtrey. The clacking sounds of her heels broke the silence as she walked over to Muse and the others. “Correction: this trio is actually a quartet.”

Jynx was livid. She’d lost, but she didn’t dare admit it. By the look on that domme’s face, it looked as though she might be willing to do anything to get back at the others. That worried Madame Muse, and so she tried one more trick to win over the opposition.

“Just please, give us a chance and we’ll see how it works.”

It was a short and simple approach, but Muse had carefully chosen her words. They were submissive, and they made it sound as though joining the team was Jynx’s idea. Jynx snorted, and for a moment, didn’t say anything.

“Y’all look like the Kinky Village People standing together like that,” she finally said. “Fine. I might as well stick around and make y’all look good.”

Jynx’s voice was bitter and unenthusiastic. She’d probably seen right through Muse’s trick. Still, she’d agreed, and that was all Muse could ask for.

“Spiffing,” Ms Hawtrey exclaimed. “That’s all five of us then! So, what’s the next step?”

It was Velvette who answered. “Well, the secret teams on all those reality shows tend to come up with a name for the group at this point.”

Jynx shook her head and turned for the door. “Oh hell no. I’ll join your little club, but all that corny sh*t is on you. Come talk to me tomorrow, and talk to me only if you got business.”

The others looked a bit put off, but Muse was more than satisfied enough to let Jynx off with that. “Very well. Remember to be discreet and make a list of everything off-limits. We’ll be in touch!”

From there, the remaining members of the freshly formed team brainstormed ideas for a name, shared any hard limits that came to mind, and generally just had a good time with one another. They didn’t exactly have fun per se, but there was a noticeable lack of flexing and hostility between everyone. It was relaxing, and after such a competitive first week on Alpha Domme, that felt really nice.

Ms Hawtrey was the next one to depart. They made sure to wait a little while before anyone else left to help keep things discreet. Mistress Citrine left next, which came as a surprise to Muse. After Velvette’s complete and utter humiliation last week, she figured that that sour tomboy would want nothing more than to leave early. Instead, she stuck around, and said, “I hope you know that we’re even now.”

“Excuse me,” Muse asked?

“You helped me out in the gym, and I helped you out at this meeting,” Velvette said sternly. “No one owes anyone anymore favors. We start this thing with a clean slate.”

For a moment, this puzzled Muse, but then she began to read the writing on the wall. “Fine, but that’s not what you stuck around to tell me, is it?”

Velvette drew a long breath, as though her next words were produced with great difficulty. “No, I… I wanted to talk to you about a deal.”

“Already that eager to get started, are we,” Muse inquisitively cooed?

“It’s not like the arrangement you talked about earlier,” Velvette blurted. “It’s… more like an apprenticeship.”

An apprenticeship? Muse considered it for a second, and everything began to fall into place. It all made sense now. That was why Velvette had had such an easy time jumping on the bandwagon. She wanted something, and she thought that Muse could provide it!

Velvette continued. “You’re a domme who’s pretty good at knots, and I--”

“You’re barely even a domme.” Muse interrupted.

Velvette looked offended. She wasn’t pissed like she’d normally be, but Muse could see that she’d struck a nerve. The bald rookie opened her mouth to respond, but Muse was one step ahead. “Don’t deny it. ‘Velvette’ is a name you’d use for a stripper, not a dominatrix. I’m guessing that that’s how you started out before you wound up here, in over your head and in need of a skilled teacher.”

“Don’t run your mouth about shit you don’t know,” Velvette snapped. “I’m making you an offer, and it’s a yes-or-no question. I let you dominate me so long as you teach me about ropework and escapism along the way. Outside of those lessons, I’ll get to tie you up, and you’ll get to return the favor if you can escape. Deal?”

She held out her hand, but Muse didn’t take it. Instead, she said, “Not just yet. There’s something that I want to know before I can agree to teach you.”

Velvette sighed and withdrew her hand. “Fine. What is it?”

“What’s with the hair? Is it just because your clients like the look, or is it more of a badge of honor for surviving cancer?”

Velvette stammered in shock at Muse’s question. “H-How did--”

“You said in your bio before the show that you wanted the money for medical bills and cancer charities. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what happened to you. So I’ll ask again, why keep your hair short?”

Velvette hesitated. She hesitated so much that Muse almost regretted ever asking. It was obviously a personal matter that Velvette did not want to share, but in the end, she did.

“Well… part of it is because the clients liked the look and the character. Go with what works, y’know? But there’s more to it than that. Before my diagnosis, my looks were a big part of how I got by. Dancing paid the bills a whole lot better than any job I could get at the time, and so when I found out that I was gonna lose my hair, I was terrified. I thought that no one would want me, and I wouldn’t be able to pay the bills or continue school. I thought that I was done for no matter what.

“But then I pulled through. I looked awful, but I was alive, and… people still wanted me! I didn’t even have to hide behind a wig or anything! My revenue actually went higher than ever before!

“I’ve been healthy for a while now, but I kept the look because there’s still so many people out there who are in the same boat that I was. They’re scared of looking ugly, but I figure that if they see me win Alpha Domme looking the way I do, they’ll know that they’re not ugly. They’ll know that their beauty isn’t something that can just be taken away by a haircut.”

Muse said nothing. She said nothing for so long that it even put Bee Devine’s dramatic pause to shame. Velvette became visibly uncomfortable as Muse silently stared her up and down.

And then the seasoned domme finally spoke. “You’ve gotta tie the thighs extra tight.”

Velvette blinked rapidly. “Um, What?”

“The thighs are thicker than the knees,” Muse explained. “That means that as the sub walks or hops around, the ropes are apt to slide down her legs like stockings without a garter belt. It’s not so much of a problem if you’re planning to use a hogtie or something that keeps the knees bent, but otherwise, you need to do a little more to make sure that it stays in place. That’s why I used tape on your thighs last week.”

Velvette looked confused. “So, you agree to teach me? Was that it?”

“It’s all that you’ve earned,” Muse replied. “I’m not about to hand out entire lessons in exchange for life stories. You wanted to learn from me, and you got what you wanted. Everything beyond that, you’re gonna have to earn the hard way.”

Velvette continued to stare for a second or two. She looked as though she was trying to think of something to say, but there was nothing to be said. Muse had made it clear that now was the time for action.

In the end, Velvette said nothing at all. She just moaned a tired sigh and turned to Madame Muse’s dresser. Laying on top of it was a bundled coil of hemp rope that the madam had been practicing with earlier. Velvette held it up for Muse to see before tossing it over to the redheaded domme. Muse caught it out of the air and glanced at Velvette as her lips began to curl into a subtle grin.

Velvette didn’t smile back. Instead, she begrudgingly turned around and crossed her wrists behind her back.
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Post by Red86 »

Well now, I was wondering if an alliance like this would form at some point. The question will it work? I suspect it'll work but perhaps will have some problems along the way. Jynx was a wild card as I didn't expect her to be joining. This could be very interesting no matter if it works or fails!
TomYi wrote: 2 years ago Thanks. I was a bit uncomfortable with how this chapter played out, but I'm glad to see that you liked it.

Hopefully, I can get things back on track soon. That writer's block set me back way too far.
I can understand your bit of discomfort with that chapter. The only reason I had enjoyed that chapter with the situation that arose, was because it's fiction. I do not approve of things in real life that are non consensual. I somewhat like Jynx's character but she's just so cockey, I can't help but laugh when the tables are turned against her 🤣

As far as your writers block throwing you off, it happens to the best of everyone. Whether you are a writer or whatever you do for a living, things won't always go to planned. With time, you'll catch back up. So don't stress it!!
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Post by TomYi »

 ! Message from: TomYi
This kind of hurts to say, but I'm putting Alpha Domme on hold.

I always knew that this would happen - after all, the next term of university is coming up fast - but I had hoped to at least get a little further before I had to begin the hiatus. It sucks that I have to leave you all hanging like this, and I don't think there was ever really a good place or time to do it, but I feel more and more like I don't have a choice. As you might have known, I've been having some trouble penning the latest chapters. The words become harder and harder to find, and the payoff seems to decrease with every update. These difficulties have persisted for a while, and I now realize that what I thought was writer's block was in fact burn-out. Every time I sit down to write the next chapter, I find myself wanting to do something else, and at last, I've decided that I really should be doing something else.

There's a lot of big challenges on my horizon, and I should be preparing for those rather than forcing myself to continue the story. After all, nobody wins when I contrive some half-assed update that my heart just isn't in. That is why Alpha Domme is now on hiatus for the foreseeable future. I intend to stick around on the forum, and it is my hope that my inner author will be revitalized by the time my semester ends in 2022, but for now, this is where I leave you.

Thank you for the feedback, the votes, and the views. Your responses have always been the most fulfilling part of sharing my ideas with the world, and I am going to dearly miss them in the coming months.

The show will go on. Until then, just know that I’m not going anywhere.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I wish you good luck with your Studies!
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Post by DommeKirsten »

Good luck with real life, hope to see you bk in soon.
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Post by Red86 »

While I am slightly disappointed we won't be getting any updates for the foreseeable future, I truly understand where you are coming from. You definitely left us with cliffhanger not knowing if the alliance with work or fail, though I will agree that there was probably no good spot to put this on hiatus.

I wish you the best of luck with your studies and look forward to you returning to this one day!!
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Post by roguehorseman »

Good luck with your studies and do enjoy college life.

While naturally I do hope you'll return to the world of AD, you can be extremely proud of what you have written here. No hyperbole, this is as good a F/F DID tale as I have read.
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Post by SntLauren »

Great story ! I like bastinado a lot and the f/f action was awesome hehe, thanks for sharing ^^
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Post by TomYi »

Thanks, [mention]SntLauren[/mention]! Are you a long-time reader? It's really satisfying to see lurkers/guests form a profile and become more involved. Welcome to the forum!

And a belated 'thank you' to [mention]Caesar73[/mention], [mention]DommeKirsten[/mention], [mention]Red86[/mention], and [mention]roguehorseman[/mention] for their well wishes! It means a lot.
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Post by SntLauren »

TomYi wrote: 2 years ago Thanks, @SntLauren! Are you a long-time reader? It's really satisfying to see lurkers/guests form a profile and become more involved. Welcome to the forum!

And a belated 'thank you' to @Caesar73, @DommeKirsten, @Red86, and @roguehorseman for their well wishes! It means a lot.
Well, I was reading a lot of the stories here as a guest and I decided to became a member, yeah I guess that makes me a long time reader hehe
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Post by MasterBeanieBabe »

Absolutely Love the Story!! Great work
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Post by bondagefreak »

Everyone who enjoyed this epic tale should take a look at [mention]TomYi[/mention]'s update status: TomYi's DEPARTURE MESSAGE

It pains me to see one of the forum's top F/F & M/F authors go like this.
Let's hope this motivates some of our quiet readers to step out of the shadows and
voice their support for stories and authors they enjoy rather than staying silent.

This forum needs you guys.

No participation = departing authors = no stories
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Post by jim_75 »

It's really a shame this will probably never be finishing. The attention to detail and writing were top notch. The characters all felt very fleshed out and believable and the plot lines were weaved together really well. One of the best stories I've read here in awhile.
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