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Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 9:03 pm
by sniffingyoursocks
Almost a relaxing chapter after that action-packed Chapter 23.

You know I loved the use of Nick‘s dads sleeping bag, Sir.

Can‘t wait to see what Brad will put out for poor Steven, haha.


Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 11:53 pm
by bondagefreak
sniffingyoursocks wrote: 6 years ago You know I loved the use of Nick‘s dads sleeping bag, Sir.
Morning little one.
Yeah, I knew you'd like that bit. Wish I could say the same for Steven.


Sniffingyoursocks sent me a private message a few hours ago, to let me know that the name "Zack" had mysteriously (wink wink 8-) ) slipped in to accidentally replace Brad's name once in chapter 23.
Pup has also brought a minor typo to my attention once or twice.

I usually proof-read my chapters twice before posting, but it seems like every time I go back to check up on something, I catch a glaring mistake. That being said, I REALLY appreciate it when I receive a pm informing me of something I might have missed during the proof-reads. If you see a typo/repeated word/etc that pops out while reading, don't hesitate to send me a quick note about it.


Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 12:12 pm
by squirrel
Due to lack of time I only managed to read the first 5 chapters but I must say that the story is much better now that it was on the old forum. Keep it up dude, I hope there will be more alpha characters appearing in the following chapters :)


Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 5:54 pm
by bondagefreak
squirrel wrote: 6 years ago Due to lack of time I only managed to read the first 5 chapters but I must say that the story is much better now that it was on the old forum. Keep it up dude, I hope there will be more alpha characters appearing in the following chapters :)
I knew you'd like it, broski! ;)
Yes, the chapters I've rewritten so far fit it much better with the more recent events. It makes so much more sense this way and I've removed and added a lot of stuff to make the story better and more realistic.
I'm sure you'll enjoy the rest even more. I can't wait to get back to chapter 120. I had something really special planned that YOU in particular would have enjoyed ;) No spoilers. Sorry Squirrel.


Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 7:56 pm
by LK3869
A three chapters in a row read, I'm exausted...
"dude, can you make him moan" Brad is my new hero, I'm sure he'll be more straightforward than that teasing biatch Nick. Honestly, I was afraid of what he would do to Steven when alone with him but having to witness Nick being somewhat shy made me shift allegiance.
That being said, he must be a control freak and that edging torture on Steven is expertfully done, but refusing him final release, that's the real abuse :)

So now you know I prefer rough guys over control experts. Talking about "experts", I'd say that Steven has exceptional self control over his erections for a non professional. Physical dysfunction perhaps ... No way can you stand that treatment five times.
Must be why it's in "fictional stories" :mrgreen:


Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 10:12 pm
by bondagefreak

I woke up to a strange noise filtering in my ears through the thick sleeping bag I'd been sealed up in.
From the light coming in through the hood opening, I could tell it was early morning and that the sun was slowly rising on the horizon.

Jack's thick military bag still smelled real bad, but I'd somehow grown accustomed to it, to the point where it didn't bother me that much anymore.

*Swish. Swoosh*
*Swish. Swoosh*
*Swish. Swoosh*
*Swish. Swoosh*

What was that noise?
It sounded as though it was coming from Nick's side of the tent.

I wanted to open the hood up and poke my head out, but the muscular hunk had knotted the drawstrings together real tight to make sure I stayed warm.

It was a struggle to move around with the giant green worm keeping me trapped, but I still managed to scoot sideways and keep the small hood opening over my eyes. That's when I saw the source of the loud, swooshing noise that had woken me up from my slumber.

Nick was jerking off inside his bag!

*Swish. Swoosh*
*Swish. Swoosh*
*Swish. Swoosh*

His overfilled blue mummy bag was really snug, even for me.
I couldn't help but wonder how the blond hunk, with his massive arms, chest and thighs was even able to fit in there!

The bag was zipped up all the way. His head was swallowed up deep inside the overstuffed hood and was closed up over his face. He must've been toasty warm inside there. Just from looking at his mummified form, I could tell it was a crazy snug fit for him. He couldn't move his legs, feet or thighs apart. He probably had no room in the chest-shoulder area and probably couldn't move his arms much either.

The bag was massively overstuffed and I could tell from the constant movement at his crotch level that he was jerking himself off in there.
The smooth nylon inside the bag was as noisy as the shiny nylon exterior, and the thickness of the baffles made it a really snug fit for the giant muscle-jock.

The rhythmic sound of his large hand brushing against the smooth nylon inside the bag echoed across the tent and filtered into my ears.

*Swish. Swoosh*
*Swish. Swoosh*
*Swish. Swoosh*
*Swish. Swoosh*

I turned around to look at Brad, who was still apparently fast asleep inside his own, red mummy bag.
Muffled grunts and moans coming from Nick's side of the tent quickly drew my attention back to the fat blue worm he was jerking off in.

I could hear his groans and laboured breathing, and couldn't help but feel a little aroused as I watched the big, horny jock struggle inside his big, shiny blue bag. It must've been real hot and frustrating for him in there...trapped inside that super puffy, narrow prison of his.

My eyes eventually drifted shut and I ended up surrendering to my fatigue and falling asleep again.
I had no idea whether or not Nick would manage to blow his load in there, but at as the minutes went by, I simply became too tired to care.

When I woke up again, the tent was bathed in bright sunlight and my bag had been opened up and unzipped.
"Wake up, faggot." Brad ordered, grabbing my dishevelled hair and roughly pulling me up into a sitting position on the cot.

I tried rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, but before I could raise my arms, I was forced up and had my wrists restrained behind me.

"Agh." I gasped, surprised by the roughness of Brad's touch and the overly tight embrace of the cotton rope that followed.

"Quiet bitch!" the large brute growled, punching me on the shoulder and before resuming his work with the rope.
My hands were tightly bound behind my back and the knots were tightened and double-knotted to make sure I couldn't break free.

I was suddenly forced to sit back down on the cot while the jockstrap-clad stud walked around, looking for something on the tent floor.

I turned towards Nick's mattress, but the blond hunk was nowhere in sight.
His sleeping bag was empty, the lunch cooler was gone and so were the two camping chairs.
He was probably out by the lake, leaving me alone with Brad inside the tent.

When my eyes focused back on Brad, I watched as he bent down to pick up the old sock I'd been gagged with last night.

I frowned at the handsome, muscular jock, but that didn't halt his approach in the slightest.

He walked up in front of me, spread his muscular thighs, brought the sock between his legs, and rubbed it right into his bum crack.

I watched in horror as the cocky stud rubbed his crack real hard and deep with the musky old sock, and panicked when he suddenly walked behind me and put me in a tight headlock.

"Mmmph...No!" I cried out, feeling the hunk's thick bicep and forearm crushing my neck. "No! Nimmmphhhff..." I screamed, desperately calling out for my other captor.

"No boi. Nick ain't comin' to save your faggot ass this time." Brad growled, locking his arm around my neck and shoving the big, filthy sock into my protesting mouth.

I immediately coughed and tried fighting, but even with my arms untied, I'd have been no match for the brute's size and muscle.

Brad was big and rough. He forced the sock into my mouth and aggressively used his fingers to shove it all in past my lips.

"There you go, bitch." he purred, his warm breath hitting the back of my ear. "Taste my butt hole."

"Uggghhmmm!" I screamed, squinting my eyes in disgust as my refined senses picked up a variety of tastes and smells coming from the evil jock's big sock.

Brad tightened his headlock before producing a small roll of white hockey tape, opening it up with his teeth and plastering the sticky material onto my left cheek.

He used his free hand to quickly wrap the tape around my vulnerable head, effectively sealing his foul-tasting sock inside my mouth and shutting me up good.

"Uggghmph!" I yelled, my face red in anger as I was being forced to taste the handsome bully's dirty butt.

Brad just laughed and continued taping my face up.

The super sticky tape was wrapped about a dozen times around my head and over my stuffed mouth.
I tried screaming for help, but only the most pathetic whimpers made it out.

I was helpless to do anything when the hunk decided to put the leather muzzle over my face and strap it tight behind my head and under my jaw.

The thick leather collar was also strapped around my neck and the matching leash was clipped onto the D-ring at the front of it.

To my great dismay, I was now bound, silenced and being led outside in just my loose-fitting underwear.
This was indeed turning out to be a rough start to a new day.

Something told me I'd be longing for Nick even before the start of the afternoon.
But both Alphas had agreed to these terms.

My opinion didn't matter and what I wanted, didn't count.
Today, it was Brad's turn to take care of me.



Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 7:56 am
by bondagefreak

"Move, punk!" Brad hissed, pushing me forward through the tent exit and nearly making me stumble.

I looked down in shame when I saw Nick watch us emerging from the cosy abode.
I must've looked pathetic, all bound up like that, with only my underwear on and the thick muzzle over my face.
Brad gave me absolutely no slack.

Walking up in front of me, he spun the leash around in his hand until he was literally holding the part of it that was linked to my collar.
I was being led, or rather, dragged, towards the campfire Nick was tending to.

"Morning Bro. Hey! How's my little sunshine-boi doing?" Nick laughed, as we approached his position.
He was staring straight at me and looked positively glowing, basking in the sun, wearing only his beat-up basketball shoes and his shiny blue trackies.

Brad walked up to the campfire and shoved me into Nick's waiting arms before bending down to get something from the lunch cooler.

"How'd you sleep, kiddo?" Nick asked, taking hold of my upper arms and holding my scrawny frame close to his big chest and naked torso.

I looked up at the blond hunk, grunted inside my gag and averted my gaze downwards, towards his big, broad pecs.
He needed to know how unhappy I was with all this.
Spending the entire day under Brad's heel wasn't my idea of fun.

I tried frowning and grunting in my gag, but being so close to the tanned hunk's smooth pecs, actually made my face blush and made my knees feel weak.

"Don't worry." he said in a low tone before lifting my chin up with one hand. "Everything'll be fine."

His words calmed me down a little, but I was still angry and managed to pull off a convincing frown.
"Aww haha." Nick chuckled, flashing me his pearly white teeth. "You're so fuckin' small and cute." he laughed, ruffling my already-messy hair up and squeezing my upper arms with his big hands, emphasizing just how scrawny I was compared to him.

I looked up at the hunk with a suddenly submissive expression in my eyes.
I was angry with him and Brad, but I wouldn't gain anything from alienating the blond hunk.
I needed to remain calm and try to stay on his good side.

Nick smiled warmly and used his large palm to rub the left side of my face.
His touch was gentle and warm. It felt good.
Had I been a cat, I'd have surely been purring by now.

"Hmm..." Nick suddenly voiced out, fidgeting with the muzzle strap going under my chin. "That's a little loose." he said, before unbuckling the leather restraint and then tightening it up a notch, effectively pinning my jaw shut and causing me to chow down harder on Brad's nasty sock.

"Hrrmmphh." I cried out, shaking my head no and crinkling my nose in disapproval.

"Shhhh. No. No yelling." Nick told me, gently putting a hand behind my head and using his other hand to pick my chin up. "Look at me." he instructed.

I frowned in defiance and averted my gaze away, even as he held my face up. "Look at me." he repeated, using his hand to give me a gentle tap on the cheek.

I lifted my eyes up and met the blond hunk's piercing blue gaze.
After only a second or two, I had to avert my eyes back down again.
I felt completely submissive and inadequate all bound up and gagged like this. I couldn't bear to look up into those smug, superior blue eyes of his. Not after everything he'd put me through these last few days.

Nick chuckled and ruffled my hair up again before handing me back over to Brad, who was as eager as ever to take my leash back in hand now that he'd chugged down his bottle of orange juice.

I gave the blond hunk a sad look as he gave me back to Brad, but he just nodded his head approvingly, indicating his desire for me to behave and cooperate.

"Alright, punk." Brad said, wrapping the leather leash around his strong hand. "Time for a morning bath." he announced, dragging me away from the other jock and down towards the lake.

Nick laughed and sat himself back down on his camping chair, no doubt oblivious to what his friend actually had in mind.

"Have fun!" he called out, quickly focusing his attention back on the marshmallow sticks he was preparing with his pocket knife.

As soon as we arrived down to the beach, Brad spun me around so that I was facing him and gave a hard slap across the face.

"Listen you little twerp! You better not bullshit me today or I swear you'll wish you were in hell." he hissed.

"And wipe that stupid look off your face." he barked, holding my leash tight. "If you give me any lip today, I'll make the rest of this trip absolutely miserable for you. Got it?"

I looked up at him furiously before grunting in my gag and telling him to fuck off.
I knew his threats carried weight and that it was in my best interest to heed them, but I was just so pumped up and angry about the whole situation, that I didn't care about the consequences.

I looked him straight in the eyes and showed no subservience.
What a fuckin' jerk, I thought to myself. He must feel really good about himself, picking on someone younger and smaller.

Brad kept his gaze locked on me before curling his lips up into a sadistic smirk.
Before I knew it, the jock reached down for my waist and pulled my underwear down.

"Mmmphh?" I cried out, suddenly losing my will to fight as the large boxer-briefs fell to the ground, exposing my flask member.

"Get in the water." Brad ordered, no doubt enjoying the humiliated look that was now painted across my face.

My eyes went wide in shock.
My hands were bound tightly behind my back. How was I supposed to get in like this?!

"I said get in" Brad repeated, apparently not giving a fuck about my legitimate concern.
What the hell! What was he thinking?!

Not only was I tied up and gagged, but this was a part of the beach that had a steeper inclination.
If I fell or lost my footing, I would probably drown!

I kneeled in front of my cocky captor and turned my back to him, trying to get him to release my hands so I could get in safely.

Brad grabbed my collar and pulled me up. He turned me around so that I was facing the lake.

When he unclipped the leash, I thought he was going to release my hands and remove my gag, but I wasn't ready for what he did next.
My bonds weren't loosened and the muzzle wasn't unbuckled.

Instead, I was suddenly shoved forward and pushed face-first, into the lake.
In one cold splash, the cold water swallowed me up and started filtering in through my nostrils.

I was drowning...


Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 7:26 pm
by bondagefreak
LK3869 wrote: 6 years ago Brad is my new hero, I'm sure he'll be more straightforward than that teasing biatch Nick. Honestly, I was afraid of what he would do to Steven when alone with him but having to witness Nick being somewhat shy made me shift allegiance.
So now you know I prefer rough guys over control experts.
Nice to see Brad gaining some support! With a few noticeable exceptions (ex: [mention]Scottstud94[/mention]), Brad's been finding himself at the bottom of the character popularity contest.


Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 5:29 am
by bondagefreak

The water wasn't that deep, but it was deep enough to submerge most of my body.

All I heard was a loud splash, then the mountaintop lake's shockingly cold embrace around me.
I didn't have the quickness of mind to force air out of my nose and stop water from spilling into my nasal cavities.
I panicked. Water burned my eyes and started pouring into my nose, causing me to choke and struggle against the tight ropework that was cutting into my wrists.

A pair of strong arms suddenly lifted me up, just in time for me to cough up water from my nose.
To my dismay, a generous amount of mucus and saliva also came out or my nostrils as I gagged and coughed the liquid out of my system.

"Urrrmmmhh...uurrmmmhh." I groaned, breathing heavily through my nostrils, tears filling my eyes.

I was panicking, I couldn't call Nick for help and my lungs were burning.

Brad held me close but he was dragging me deeper into the lake until I couldn't touch the sandy bottom with my feet.

"MMmmmhhh...mmmhhhh!" I tried to yell through my gag.
What was he doing?! He was gonna fuckin' kill me!
I couldn't swim like this! Not with my arms bound so tightly behind my back and my mouth stuffed and duct-taped!

I was shaking, literally scared to death.

Brad held my body close to his, my back pinned to his torso, his thick arms wrapped tightly around my chest and abdomen as he dragged me against my will, into the depths.

If he let go of me, I would sink like a brick and drown. Nick would never hear my screams and no one would ever find me. We were in the middle of NOWHERE!

I was panicking...panicking like I never had in my life.
This was out of a horror movie.

I hated Brad, but I needed him right now.
My will to live forced me to try and stick to him as closely as possible, my bound hands, trying to desperately hold onto his thighs and arms.

I stayed like this for at least a whole minute, my fate completely in the sadistic brute's life on the line.

A few times, he pretended to drop me, letting me sink down a few centimetres before grabbing me again and pulling me up close against his body.

I was trembling, shaking, crying. I was helpless and at his mercy.
This wasn't just a game. This was my LIFE!

I wanted Nick.
I needed Nick!

I started whimpering in my gag, begging for my life. Tears and drops of water dripping from my wet hair lined my face. I was shaking so violently I couldn't even breathe properly.

A few more seconds passed before Brad finally spoke.

"You gonna listen to me from now on?" he asked, pinning me more tightly against his hard, wet body.

"Mmmhhurmm! Mmmhhurrm!" I answered in a shaky voice, motioning my head up and down frantically as my body continued to tremble. I was scared shitless.

"You gonna keep that fuckin' attitude of yours in check?" he asked, again eliciting a frantic, desperate response on my part.

I could do nothing other than cry and shake in fear. My heart was beating so fast and thumping so loudly, I barely noticed we were getting closer to the beach again.

Brad held me tight against him and slowly swam to shore.

My soles eventually felt the soft embrace of murky sand and I was quickly pulled up onto the safety of the beach.

I collapsed on the spot, terrified by what I'd just been put through.
My will to fight was completely crushed now. In one swift blow, Brad had snuffed out all of my resolve and dignity. I felt empty now. Worthless and pathetic.

Brad crouched down on top of me and grabbed my chin, forcing me to look up at him and meet his stern gaze.

"You gonna be good and do exactly what I say?" he asked, peering into my frightened eyes.

I just looked up into his eyes...but not in defiance, no.
I was more horrified and stricken with fear than anything else.
I quickly nodded and whimpered in fear.

He was a maniac! He had just put my life in danger and for what? For the sake of showing how serious he was about wanting my obedience?!

The muscular hunk continued staring down at me, contemplating my newfound submission and the frightened expression that adorned my tear-lined face.

"I scared the shit out of you didn't I?" he asked, a cocky grin growing on his smug face.

I didn't respond, but I didn't need to. The answer was painted quite plainly on my face.
He could hear it in my sobs and whimpers as well.

"Good!" he added, before spitting in my face. "I just wanted to make sure we were both on the same page."

My mind was blank.
The events of last night seemed no more important now than some distant, half-forgotten childhood memory.
I needed to escape. I needed to leave this place. I didn't care about the consequences.
This had gone WAY too far!

I would think of something, I would find a way! I had no choice. My mind was set.

I had to escape.
I WOULD escape.


Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 12:02 am
by bondagefreak
Forum has been very slow this week.
I'm gonna take a short break for a while and let you guys catch up.


Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 3:30 am
by Johnsnow
bondagefreak wrote: 6 years ago Forum has been very slow this week.
I'm gonna take a short break for a while and let you guys catch up.
So have long is a "short break for a while" exactly? I didn't know those to words could be used together lol

Anyways probably a good idea. I've been falling a little behind myself


Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 2:28 pm
by bondagefreak
Johnsnow wrote: 6 years ago Anyways probably a good idea. I've been falling a klittle behind myself
You guys let me know when you're ready for this to resume. I won't publish more chapters until most of you have caught up.


Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 9:19 am
by Deleted User 641
The key difference between Brad and Nick: Brad leaves no wiggle room. If Steven steps out-of-line with Nick, Nick’ll let him know via… well, Steven’ll know. 8-) If Steven steps out-of-line with Brad, Brad’ll threaten to drown him. Not even that, even. Brad’ll do that as a precautionary measure.

This story is getting good. I'm caught up. Ready for more when you are.


Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 4:23 pm
by Johnsnow
I'm also caught up now.


Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 11:36 pm
by bondagefreak
[mention]inky[/mention] [mention]Johnsnow[/mention]
Thanks guys. At least I know I have two readers still following this.


Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 12:04 am
by Pup
bondagefreak wrote: 6 years ago Thanks guys. At least I know I have two readers still following this.
Hate to disappoint you. But Pup's can't read. :P


Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 12:06 am
by bondagefreak
Pup wrote: 6 years ago
bondagefreak wrote: 6 years ago Thanks guys. At least I know I have two readers still following this.
Hate to disappoint you. But Pup's can't read. :P
How'd you read and quote what I just wrote then?

Silly Pup.
You should be the one wearing the muzzle in Steven's place


Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 12:07 am
by Pup
bondagefreak wrote: 6 years ago How'd you read and quote what I just wrote then?

Silly Pup.
You should be the one wearing the muzzle in Steven's place

The muzzle would be fine, just not so much the stuff under it.


Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 12:10 am
by BondageKitten
:holds up a hand: I'm still reading this awesome story! And I was already caught up. :D


Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 12:39 am
by bondagefreak
Thanks for chiming in! For a while there I didn't know whether or not anyone was still reading this.

Why, pup? What's wrong with the gag in Steven's mouth?
You wouldn't like having Brad's big sock in your yapper? 8-)


Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 12:44 am
by Pup
bondagefreak wrote: 6 years ago Why, pup? What's wrong with the gag in Steven's mouth?
You wouldn't like having Brad's big sock in your yapper? 8-)
Only thing wrong with it is that it isn't your sock... 😎
Not like I would be able to complain much about it.


Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 1:08 am
by bondagefreak
Pup wrote: 6 years ago Only thing wrong with it is that it isn't your sock... 😎
I'm sure Brad would be hurt to know you wouldn't like his sock.
He's a pretty hot guy, you know?


Besides, in RL I'm pretty sure you'd prefer Brad's smelly old sock over Nick's or mine 8-)


Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 1:14 am
by Pup
bondagefreak wrote: 6 years ago
Pup wrote: 6 years ago Only thing wrong with it is that it isn't your sock... 😎
Besides, in RL I'm pretty sure you'd prefer Brad's smelly old sock over Nick's or mine 8-)
You say that, but I'd rather have you or nick forcing a sock in my mouth than Brad, though admittedly his socks themselves are likely the lesser of the evils.


Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 1:20 am
by bondagefreak
Pup wrote: 6 years ago You say that, but I'd rather have you or nick forcing a sock in my mouth than Brad, though admittedly his socks themselves are likely the lesser of the evils.
No problem. I'm sure Nick would be more than happy to jam his buddy's smelly old sock into your protesting little mouth. I know I sure would! 8-)


Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 7:42 am
by sniffingyoursocks
I also was already caught up, Master.
Can‘t wait for the next chapters...