Business Trip gone wrong (M/M)

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Deleted User 253

Business Trip gone wrong (M/M)

Post by Deleted User 253 »

*Posting this here because while I don't plan for there to be any actual sex, it's definitely a sexually/fetish driven story*

Ever since Scott joined the company 2 years ago he had been waiting for the chance to go on a business trip. He'd heard all about them, you fly to another (much warmer) country business class, get put up in an amazing hotel and spend 90% of the time sightseeing or at the beach. Best of all someone else takes over your phone and emails in the office so nobody needs you to do anything except go to one meeting every few days. It was the closest to being off the grid as possible while still earning money for it.

So when he was offered the chance to go to Australia for a week he jumped at the chance. His bosses thought he was doing it to progress in the company, but really he was going for a free vacation. He'd seen the schedule and figured three meetings over 7 days would make for plenty of time to do what he wanted. Unfortunately for Scott he wasn't going to be having nearly as much freedom as he'd have thought.

The preparation for the trip went like a dream and the flight over was peaceful bliss. When he got to his hotel he phoned back to the office to double check he was at the right place. He knew the company were doing well and had some cash to spend, but the place looked like a palace! When he checked in and got taken up to his room he was in awe at the extravagance of it. Marble tiles, a complete modern kitchen area, a shower room and best of all what must have been a triple king size bed. It was heaven.

Unfortunately for Scott, yes the hotel was amazing, but despite the appearances the area was notorious for crime, which in turn made this place the cheapest option in the city as most tourists/other businesses/anyone with access to Yelp chose to heed the warnings of robberies and kidnappings and stay elsewhere. Of course the company never told him that, but he would soon find out.

Scott fully planned to make the most of the two days before his first meeting so called into the office to confirm his arrival, unpacked his bags, undressed, checked himself out in the mirror, had an (amazing) shower and went straight to bed in just his Calvin Klein briefs. He wanted to make sure that tomorrow he spent as much time as possible exploring the city and just relaxing. He would be doing neither of those things.

After falling asleep with ease in the most comfortable bed he'd ever been in, Scott awoke in the middle of the night to banging on his door. He definitely didn't order room service and he was pretty sure the cleaning staff didn't start at 2am. Had he known about the area's reputation he may have been more cautious, but as he was under the impression he was staying at some sort of dream hotel, he didn't think twice about sleepily walking over to the door and opening it in just his briefs.

On the other side were three very large men dressed all in black with ski masks on. Scott was no slouch spending just as much time in the gym as in the office, but the way they barged in and manhandled him, it seemed like having three of them was overkill. Any one of the intruders could have dealt with Scott easily. One of the men was in charge of keeping his mouth shut while the other two picked him up, carried him over to the bed and started wrapping duct tapes around all of his major joints. First his ankles and wrists were secured together with each individual hand and finger duct taped together into some nonfunctional mitt, then his knees and elbows; within minutes he couldn't move his body, just roll slightly from left to right. "Now we just need to keep his quiet, find something to shove in his mouth". Scott knew this was bad news and to his credit he really did fight against both the tape constricting every limb and the man clamping his mouth shut.

The intruders, having done this many times before, were well away that duct tape alone would not keep him quiet. Looking in the top drawer of the bedside cabinet they found, well.. his drawers. "Well well well someone really does like his tighty whities doesn't he?" one of the men said dangling several pairs of Scott's tight briefs in front of his face. And the truth was he did. Briefs were much more comfortable to exercise in, and it's what all the cool personal trainers and football players at his gym wore, so he honestly hadn't even thought twice about his underwear choice for years.

Without much warning the man clamping Scott's face prised his jaw open and two pairs of Scott's briefs were pushed all the way in. Scott tried to fight this with his tongue but it was no use. With the cotton material barely fitting in, another of the men tore open another roll of duct tape and began plastering it around Scott's face and chin, ensuring that no amount biting or movement would loosen it. After he was silenced he was blindfolded with more duct tape and positioned in the middle of his massive bed

The three men stepped back to admire their work. While they had no plans to assault Scott they had to admire the slightly shorter than average, very hairy, very toned man that was struggling in front of them in very minimal clothing. After double checking how secure Scott was the three men started looking through the rest of his bags for anything that was both untraceable and valuable. Unfortunately the company told Scott to travel light as all of the necessary equipment for meetings (laptops, intel files) would be provided there. At first he thought that was an added luxury, but he now realised it was because the company probably knew there was a high chance of at least something getting stolen.

This left the three men with a bit of a dilemma, they definitely hadn't gone through all the effort of getting Scott all nicely tied up and gagged for nothing, maybe there was something else they could do to make money here.
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Post by Xtc »

Welcome aboard.
Thanks for the explanation. We can always move it later if that is appropriate and I would rather move a story from the "Adult" section than to need to transfer one to it!
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Michael-Colin »

Sounds like a business trip gone right to me. ;)
Banner courtesy of bondagefreak ^_^
Link to story here -
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Post by fratboydanny »

Thanks for adding your story. I certainly look forward to reading more.
Deleted User 253

Post by Deleted User 253 »

While Scott was still struggling all taped up in his tight revealing briefs on the bed, the three men continued to look for anything valuable to sell. Unfortunately besides a knock off Rolex watch and a similarly cheap "Armani" suit there was very little of value to them. So they decided that if they weren't going to make any money, they'd at least have some fun.

While going through his bag, the intruders found Scott's trip planner, it was Saturday night and his first meeting wasn't till Tuesday. That meant almost two days of fun before anyone would come looking for him. Upon finding out this knowledge one of the men left to go and get food, water and spare clothes for the three of them to make sure nothing came inbetween them and their new prey. "Well Scott, looks like it's just going to be us here for two whole days" one of the men said with a menacing grin, "I guess we better get comfortable". With that the remaining two men started taking off their clothes, stripping down to their underwear. The taller of the two men revealed a chest hairy enough to rival Scott's own, he was wearing cheap pull on briefs that had a fair few holes in them. The other man clearly shaved his chest which really let every single one of his abs glisten and shine. He was wearing knock off Calvin Klein boxer briefs, which were clearly one size too big for him.

While the men were stripping off Scott was freaking out, he wasn't gay and had no plans to be, but in his current situation he didn't have much choice. The tape around his wrists and ankles wouldn't budge even after what felt like hours of struggling. Everytime he felt like he was getting somewhere getting his fingers free they just wrapped twice as much tape around it. Everytime the intruders heard even a whimper from his heavily gagged mouth they just wrapped more tape around it.

After undressing the two underwear clad intruders joined Scott in his King size bed either side of him. He was thrashing around even more now desperate to get out of the situation. "Hey now, we're not going to hurt you buddy, it's really in your best interest to just stay calm and not piss us off" the taller man said through his mask. When it became apparent Scott wasn't listening the intruder grabbed his duck tape covered chin, pulled it right next to his own and growled at Scott "BUDDY. The less you struggle, the easier this is for all of us. Got it?" Scott, now terrified, nodded his head and slowly became more resigned to this fate as a plaything for three insanely huge intimidating men.

"Now then Scott, we've all had a very long day so let's all try and get some sleep and the fun will really begin in the morning". Scott couldn't believe it as the two men either side of him moved slightly closer, started spooning him and then fell asleep and he was expected to do the same.

Believing them to have fallen asleep after around ten minutes he started struggling again, but with every movement both men just tightened their grip. He really was stuck between a rock and a hard place and with a sense of somewhat relief that nothing else was going to happen to him that night, he fell asleep. It was Saturday night and nobody would even suspect anything was wrong until Tuesday. He had two full days with these men and he had a feeling things were going to get worse before they go better.
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