Sarah Meets Tina: The Loan Officer Dominates F/f

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Mr Underheel
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Sarah Meets Tina: The Loan Officer Dominates F/f

Post by Mr Underheel »

Several weeks previously Sarah, a top-level mortgage loan officer, closed a loan for a great customer whose second home was a beautiful, cozy spot on top of a hill which afforded a panoramic view of the big lake. The selling Realtor was a relative newcomer to the local scene, a girl named Tina. The customer had chosen Sarah as her lender and so he had been instrumental in getting the two professionals together for the first time. They made an immediate connection.

"Oh, my gosh! I just LOVE those shoes!" gushed Tina. "That is just too funny!" responded Sarah. "Where did you get them?"

The girls were wearing nearly identical four and a half inch red platform stilettos. What an incredible coincidence!

Tina told her, "I went to Chicago a couple of months ago with some friends. We were going to the theatre but, of course, we absolutely had to spend an afternoon on Michigan Avenue shopping the shoe stores. We make the trip a couple of times a year and I always come back with at least one pair. How about you?"

"I found mine at a little boutique in Lansing. You would have to torture me to get the name of the shop out of me. It's my little secret!" Tina laughed. "I know what you mean. There are a couple of places like that that I'm protective about, too."

The common ground had been set and, once the real estate deal had closed they began to get together for lunch once a week. Although they never again wore similar heels, they each treated the other to a display of the favorites from their extensive closets. Their conversations were wide ranging, from clothes to foods to vacations to boys to girls to books to movies to musicals to dance. They never failed to laugh heartily when they were together.

There were certain things that Tina would say that would catch Sarah's attention. They seemed like throw-away lines, but she noticed them so often that she couldn't think that they were coincidental.

Once when they were discussing books Tina asked if she had read "50 Shades Of Grey". Sarah had, of course, and loved the concepts in it. She asked Tina what she thought of it. "Well, it isn't one of the great literary works in American history but there were aspects of it that were...intriguing." So was Tina actually freaky? Sarah decided to be on alert for additional evidence.

For a "Type A" salesperson, Tina seemed very eager to help her new friend in any way that she could. She would open doors for her and offer to stop at the store for her, as examples. And more than once, Tina had apologized for being unable to answer a phone call or needing to schedule lunch for a different day by saying that she was "tied up" with a customer or paperwork.

These hints along with the fact that Sarah felt so incredibly comfortable with the girl in so many ways moved her to want to take a chance that she never had considered previously. Sarah wasn't sure if it was Tina's suspected "freakiness" on its own that was attracting her. There was probably more. The girl was very cute: she was thin but shapely, five-feet two-inches tall in bare feet (when were her feet ever bare?), a very fitting yet simply-styled haircut, and a sense of fashion style that complimented her body well. Sarah was most definitely into "boys", but this little girl was attracting her like none before.

It was decided, then. At their next lunch Sarah would take a chance.

For this lunch, Sarah chose to wear a grey business suit, one that perfectly matched her grey platform boots. She felt particularly powerful when she wore this combination, something that she hoped to clearly convey to her friend. She had not worn this suit previously so she thought it would have the impact that she desired.

Tina was early for lunch and watched Sarah walked into the restaurant. She jumped to her feet when she saw here and walked quickly across the room to deliver an enthusiastic hug. "You look fantastic! I just love the outfit! You'll have to tell me where you bought those boots!" "Oh, THAT is definitely going to stay a secret. Please, sit. I've been looking forward to seeing you!" They sat and started chatting immediately.

Sarah seemed a little preoccupied and Tina asked her about it. "Oh, I'm fine, but thanks for asking. Finish eating. I have something to talk to you about." Tina gave her a quizzical look and half-smiled as she finished her last few bites. The waitress cleared the table and left the bill.

"Tina, give me your hand." Tina's expression didn't change from the somewhat confused look that she had worn for the last few minutes. Sarah produced a long, dark thread that had a loop in the end. The color of the thread closely matched the tablecloth color, something Sarah had carefully planned. "Tell me how this makes you feel."

Sarah put the pointer and middle fingers of Tina's right hand together and slipped the thread's loop over them. She wrapped more of the thread around those fingers and then she ran it between her fingers twice, cinching the tie. There remained enough string so that Sarah could stretch it across the table and hold it in her hand. She gave the fragile leash a little tug. "Well, what do you think?"

Tina was flabbergasted and could scarcely produce sounds. ", I had hoped. Suspected. Wished. But I couldn't be sure. Um, if you're asking if you read me right, let's just say that you read me right." If they could have compared notes, they would have found that both of their respiration rates and heart rates were increasing quickly. Deeper, they were both becoming quite wet and were horny as hell.

"Let's test you a bit further, little girl. Do as I say: rest both of your forearms on the table and cross your wrists. Yes, that's it. You're quite obedient, aren't you? Now close your eyes. Uh-huh. Turn your head to the right. Tilt your head back just a little. A little bit more. Yes, very lovely! I do believe that you could be trained quite nicely, given the proper motivation." "Oh, yes, you're right. Sarah. I would love to learn from you!" "Without a doubt", concurred Sarah.

"I'm very happy and very relieved, Tina. If you're game, I would love to explore some more with you. Can you come to my house tonight at seven?" "Oh, yeah. I can." "Don't be late, Tina. And don't call me or text me or email me between now and then. And don't chicken out." With that, Sarah began to get up to leave. Tina began to follow. "No. Stay for five more minutes", Sarah ordered. "Yes, Ma'am", gulped Tina obediently.

When Tina arrived--promptly at seven, of course--Sarah was still dressed in her grey suit. Tina had opted for closely-fitting black jeans, a black camisole, and a short black leather jacket with cropped sleeves. "Bottoming" it off were her black platform peep-toed heels. She had worn them barefooted tonight. She felt that these were very appropriate choices for the evening.

Sarah invited her in and stopped her just inside the threshold. "Do exactly as I say. Take off the jacket and hang it over the chair. Take off your shoes. Just for a moment, mind you. Now the camisole. Lay it neatly on the floor." Tina had worn a sheer, lightweight bra. "Very nice selection, girl! You'll have to tell me where you shop!" Tina opened her mouth to respond. "But not just yet. Stay silent. Take off your jeans and lay them next to the camisole. Oh! What a pretty thong! It must feel as though you have nothing on at all! Wonderful! Now, put your shoes back on. Follow me."

Sarah led her to the master bedroom where Tina saw Sarah's gorgeous four-poster bed. "How useful", thought Tina. "At least, I hope it will be useful!" Sarah noticed the girl's smile. "Not yet. You'll have to prove yourself before you can even think about that bed."

"Remember the original 'Karate Kid' movie? Mr. Miagi had the right idea with Daniel-san. Tina-san, open the closet door." She did and in it she saw the most magnificent collection of shoes and boots that she had ever seen! Her jaw fell open and she smiled broadly.

"You're well-acquainted with shoe care, aren't you? Well, tonight you will polish them all. Everything you need is in that middle drawer. Finish this task and then you may come to the living room and I'll see how you did. Work quickly, but do it well!" Sarah left her student to her task.

It took Tina almost an hour and a half to clean and polish all 50 pairs of shoes. She did a very thorough job and immersed herself in the work. There were a couple of pairs that made her so hot that she couldn't help herself. She stroked her pussy with the heels, wishing that Sarah was doing this herself. She blushed to think of it.

When she was finished she hurried into the living room where Sarah was sipping tea and reading a book on her iPad. "Let me check your work. Stay here. Kneel. Cross your ankles and sit back on your heels. Place your hands on your thighs, palms up. Eyes closed, head turned to the right and tilted back. Do you understand?" Tina nodded and quickly assumed the position. "If you're very good, one day I will show you why you're kneeling like this." Sarah kissed her earlobe.

In only a few minutes, Sarah returned. She said, "You did very well tonight, girl. Get up. Get dressed. Go home. I will let you know when your next lesson will be. I would hate to overwhelm you all in one evening. Good night. Sarah turned and went back into her bedroom and closed the door.

Tina was so hot and frustrated that she threw on her clothes hastily and let the door slam behind her as she left. When she got in her car, the first thing that she did was to unbuckle her jeans and reach down into her panties. She began to masturbate feverishly. If she hadn't been so focused on her own passion she would have understood that Sarah was doing the exact same thing at the exact same moment. They came simultaneously.

The next morning Tina received a text: "My place. Tonight. 7pm sharp." Tina felt a sudden rush of warmth and quickly replied, "OK".

Her day had been rushed and she had a personal training session at her gym at 5PM. She would need to go straight to Sarah's from there. After her workout, she showered and changed back into the black yoga pants and Nikes that she had worn from home. She pulled into her friend's driveway at two minutes until 7. She knocked on the door and took a deep relaxation breathe as she waited for the door to be unlocked.

When Sarah opened the door she had a smile on her face but the smile disappeared quickly when she scanned Tina from head to toe. "Not acceptable. Go away." She slammed the door shut. Tina was shocked and desperately knocked on the door again. "What do you mean? What did I do wrong?" Sarah answered her through the closed door. "Think about it. I have rules and requirements." Tina protested, "But you never explained any rules to me! Which rule? What did I do wrong?" Sarah abruptly replied, "Think about it. It's a hard lesson to learn, but LEARN." Tina knocked several more times but she received no more attention.

"Dammit! What the hell? How am I supposed to...oooohhhhh...." Tina sent another text. "I understand. Please give me another chance! When can I see you again?" Sarah did not answer her text that evening or the next morning.

Tina had a restless night and woke in the morning feeling a strange hunger. She decided that she should not call Sarah and that she would not try to visit her in person, either. She thought it would be best to wait until she was contacted than to try to push the issue.

Two days passed and then three. Finally, at eight in the morning came a message. "Tonight. 7PM. I hope you've figured it out. We'll have company." Tina's response was succinct: "I'll be there."

That evening Tina was there early. Tonight she wore black closely fitting capris and a simple short-sleeved black t-shirt. The lesson that she learned--she assumed that this was the lesson--was evident on her feet. She had carefully chosen her favorite platform sandals: black leather Fergalicious Escapes. She thought that she looked very hot and that Sarah would be very pleased.

Sarah opened the door at precisely seven o'clock. She nodded her approval and motioned the girl in. Tonight, Sarah was wearing a tight, black latex body suit and black patent leather platform stiletto booties. On top of her head, rising strikingly from her golden curls were two black cat ear accessories. She grinned at Tina and said, "Do you like it? I think it's PPPuuuurrrrrrfect!" Tina nodded and said, "You look amazing in that costume! What's the occasion?"

"NO questions! Do you remember what you did with your clothes last time? Do it again. This time, though, take everything off but your shoes." Tina remembered every second of her first experience with this woman in minute detail. She carefully followed the previous instructions and soon found herself naked in the kitchen. Sarah had watched every move in silence.

"Tina, my little kitten, will you wear this collar for me tonight? I want you to wear it, if you are willing. Do you understand the symbolism that it carries?" Tina was very aware of what it meant to be collared and mumbled her consent, "Yes I do. I would be happy to wear your collar tonight." Sarah buckled it around the girl's pulsing throat and then clipped a leash to the D-ring.

Sarah lead her slowly toward the bedroom. "We have a guest tonight. You could call him a consultant, I suppose. He will be observing tonight's training and will provide me with feedback. While I trust him and his judgment implicitly, he does value his privacy so I will not formally introduce him and he will be in disguise. Are you ok with that?" Tina nodded. "Good."

"Are you too young to remember the old 'Batman' TV show with Adam West? Well, it was quite a campy show. I watch the reruns on Netfix sometimes. You might not be surprised that my favorite arch-villainess from the show is 'Catwoman'. You noticed my attire tonight, I'm sure. After watching all of the episodes that featured Catwoman, I noticed several interesting things."

"First, if Bruce Wayne is so smart and so skilled to create the Batman character, how is it that Catwoman always ended up capturing him? And then why is it that Catwoman didn't just shoot him or something rather than putting him in some sort of complex predicament that was supposed to ultimately kill him? And if she failed the first time around, why didn't she make sure to finish the job when she had a chance the second time around? He always not only got caught, but he got tied up or tied down or tied to something."

"So I figured that they were both freaky and that Batman let himself get caught so that Catwoman could do exactly what she always did: put him in some sort of bondage." They finally made it to her bedroom and she opened the door. "That's why you're seeing my consultant in the condition that he is in. Oh, and the 'Batman' mask and cowl does a beautiful job of hiding his true identity."

There in the corner was Sarah's "consultant". He was, in fact, wearing the headgear and cape, but that was the only part of the costume that was present. In fact, he wore nothing else at all. Oh, except for what might have been an entire mile of rope. Over his mouth was a black leather panel gag. His eyes and nose could be seen but that was all.

He was standing, tied to a post with his arms behind him. Other ropes encircled his body in clusters of 6 and were separated at four inch intervals. The only variation from the rope them had to do with his cock and balls. They were bound with a red ribbon that encircled his scrotum and separated his balls. It then criss-crossed his cock in a manner similar to the way a Grecian Sandal climbs the leg of its wearer. At the very tip, the ribbon was tied in a lovely red bow.

"It makes me hot to see him like that." Sarah pulled her girl-toy to the bed by the leash and then pushed her down on her back. Many coils of rope laid right next to her. Sarah worked with incredible speed and bound the surprised girl before she knew what was happening. Tina's right wrist was tied to her right ankle, and her left wrist and ankle were similarly connected. Her elbows were tied to her knees, and rope mummified her calves and forearms. Her legs splayed wide open. She felt completely helpless, vulnerable, exposed--and in total, overwhelming bliss.

Sarah then removed her catsuit, the entire time looking Tina straight in the eye. Her desire for this little girl's tongue so incredibly strong that she nearly forgot that she was an avowed heterosexual. She had always desired the touch of a man and the feel of his member being thrust deep inside her. That would never change but, at least for tonight, she was thirsting for this girl.

Sarah got on the bed and straddled her face, lowering her pussy to the bound girl's mouth. Tina needed no instruction at this point. While she had never licked a girls cunt before, she knew how her boyfriend pleasured hers. He told her that he had learned to trace the alphabet on her clit, first in lower-cased letters, and then in capital letters. After that, he would start with the numbers zero through 100. And if she hadn't had enough by that time, he would start over again. She hungrily pursued her work.

The alpha-numeric technique worked incredibly well. Sarah began to cum, and didn't seem to stop cumming. She had experienced multiple orgasms before, but she had never felt anything quite like this before. She bounced on the girl's face, humping it as if her tongue were a cock. Yes, this was amazing, but she still wanted more. She eyed Batman and decided that she wanted them both.

When she thought that she could no longer stand the cunnilingus, she dismounted her young prey. She began to free Batman from his cocoon. The first two lengths of rope were transferred to Tina's ankles. Sarah ran the ropes to the top of the foot posts of the bed, pulling her legs toward the ceiling and apart. After only a few minutes, Batman was free of the post, though his arms were still tied behind him.

Sarah removed the ribbon from his package and then took his cock in her hand and led him toward the helpless Tina. Tina's ass was positioned at the very edge of the mattress. The lips of her pussy lay open and were flowing with juice. "Fuck her, boy. Fuck her good." The gagged boy tried to push his rod into her but was unable to do so without the use of his hands. Sarah laughed and guided him into her. He began to thrust slowly.

At that moment, Sarah realized that she was barefoot. She needed shoes and so she stepped into her closet. She grabbed the first pair that she could find, a relatively conservative pair of black heels. She pulled open a drawer and produced a long black flogger.

When she returned to the couple, Batman was fucking her a bit more quickly. "Have you cum yet, boy?" He shook his head, "no". "Good!" She began striking him with the whip, holding it in her right hand. With her left, she rubbed her pussy several times just after the sound of each impact. She came again quickly.

"Are you almost ready to cum, boy?" He nodded. She pulled him away and broke the connection. "Me now. Fuck me hard!"

The budding Dominatrix took up a position with her head between Tina's legs and spread her own thighs. She reached back to the boy and guided his still-hard cock into her own dripping pussy. "Do it now" And she dropped her mouth to Tina's cunt and began working on her clit.

Tina lost count of the number of orgasms that had rocked her body. Sarah had also. Batman exploded inside of Sarah, and his knees nearly buckled as he came. From past experience, he knew that Sarah expected him to continue to fuck her and so, with great effort, his hips continued to pound her ass.

Finally, none of them could deal with this anymore. Tina begged Sarah to stop. Batman was moaning so loudly through his gag that the neighbors might have been able to hear him. Sarah was panting. She was exhausted, trembling, and fulfilled. She helped Batman to the bed and laid him down near the still-bound Tina, and then laid between them. She cuddled the boy, occasionally kissing his neck and and his still heaving chest.

"Boy, I will be expecting a full, written report of this session before morning. You may submit it via email."

The boy slowly nodded in agreement. He was in full understanding what was expected of him. He knew how much it pleased Sarah to be able to accurately recount her training sessions. He was sure that she would not be disappointed.
Last edited by Mr Underheel 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Solarbeast »

This is an amazing story! I can’t wait to read more of these 3 characters in future stories.
Deleted User 907

Post by Deleted User 907 »

Fantastic! What I would give to be that guy... Hope there's more!
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Post by Shevaeu »

Great story!Not many people show enough appreciation to high heels so this story is a godsend for me!
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Post by BoundJana »

Very nicely written ^-^
What are you waiting for? Finally put a gag in my mouth and play with me!
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