Boredom Breaker V2 (vote story) (F+/F+) [FINISHED]

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Post by Dpsiic »

Would have voted B of course 👍😁
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Post by Caesar73 »

B it shall be :)
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Post by RopeBunny »


Mckenzie answers Beth's question simply by choosing that moment to walk through what is, after all, her dorm room door.

Head down, she doesn't look up, doesn't see either me, trussed to her pole, completely naked, or Beth, sat on Chloe's bed, as she walks over to her bed. "Hey old friend." Patting the pole, narrowly missing the side of my D cup, as she walks passed. "Good times." She nods, sitting down, still not looking up as she bends forward, giving both Beth and I, because of course we're looking, quite a view down her top.

She looks like a stripper, is my overall opinion, though I don't mean that unkindly. Her skin is white, like mine, but all over tanned from time spent under UV lights, most likely somewhere private, somewhere she can remove all her clothes, making sure there are no annoying white bits. Bright pink hair tumbles in curly waves down over her shoulders, easily longer then my own blue locks. Breasts that look too rounded, too perfectly pert, to be real, balloon out of a skinny toned frame, skinnier then me, but with less muscle. And despite being fake her breasts are no larger then mine: D's, just, firmer. Though mine are hardly saggy, they just don't point dead ahead regardless of what I'm doing. She's wearing a school uniform, kind of. It looks like, were she to actually show up at her old comprehensive, or any school, she'd be breaking about a dozen different codes just walking in the door. Her white short sleeved shirt looks small and tight enough that it probably is her old school one, maybe even from her first day given how it hugs her adult figure. The top several buttons are undone, her blue push up bra enchanced cleavage exploding through the gap, whilst a blue and white striped tie is undone, hanging down each side at the front. A way too short pleated skirt, I'd be surprised if it even covers her butt, is mostly red, but due to the tartan patterning has white green and black in it. There's a green sycamore leaf, the tattoo of a leaf, just above her cleavage, on the left. All my tattoo's are black, but hers, the only one I can see, looks amazing, the colouring is almost like an oil pastel, really vibrant.

Having unlaced and pulled off her knee high heeled black boots, Mckenzie straightens, and stretches, her eyes closed. "Fuck me what a day."
"I know right." I say, without really thinking first, laughing as Mckenzie's eyes fly back open, and she, finally, does a quick survey of the room. "Hi." I grin, seeing Beth give a small nervous wave out the corner of my eye. "What the actual fuck?" Mckenzie looks at the two of us. "Did my roommate do this?"
"No." I lie, feeling playful. Mckenzie frowns, looks from me to Beth, nods at her. "Did you?"
"She didn't." I answer for her, because Beth looks, bizarrely, slightly scared, and not up to communicating. "No?" Mckenzie looks confused, which is understandable really. I'm not exactly being helpful, and unfortunately for her being difficult on purpose is one of my favourite games. "Well then," standing, coming over to tug on my wrist ropes, where I'm joined to her pole, one of five places, "who did tie you?"
"Maybe you did?" I shrug, actually liking the idea, and deciding on the spot that my new goal is to make this girl believe it. I look over at Beth, problem number one, hoping if I drop enough hints she'll play along.

"Fuck off." Mckenzie laughs my comment away, coming to stand in front of me. "If I'd left you here, well." Thinking. "Then I'd be finishing early to come and have a play."
"But," giving her a sly smile, scoring a point, "aren't you home early now?"
"Well." She frowns. "Yes. But."
"And am I not tied to your pole?"
"Well. Again. Yes. But."
"I mean," looking over at Beth, at the bed, then back at Mckenzie, trying to look her in the eye and not the breasts, like she's doing to me, "if it were you're roommate...?" I look at her, raising an eyebrow. Mckenzie looks over at Chloes bed, which I know is Chloes, just as I know her name, but she doesn't know that I know. "It's Chloe."
"Chloe," doing a thinking face, "right. Well. Mckenzie, if it were...?"
"Sorry." Smiling. "If she'd tied me up, surely it'd be to her bed, not your pole?"
"Oh." I can see her trying to work out ways of defeating my logic, failing. She huffs, then points at me, smiling. "Hold on, tied girl."
"Yes Mckenzie."
"Right there." Pointing again. "How'd you know my name, but not Chloe's?"
"Well." I give her my best 'isn't that obvious' look. "You told it to me whilst you were tying me up."
"I." Shaking her head. "I did?"
"Would I lie to you?"
"Oh. Um." Trying to tear her eyes away from my breasts, I can, almost see her wishing she had tied me now, if only so she could actually fondle me. Or, maybe, if only that other person weren't here, I imagine her thinking, seeing her glance at Beth, then she could fondle me anyway. Then her eyes dart back to Beth, and she grins. Shit. "Ha." Pointing at Beth, who freezes, having been watching our back and forth, mostly smiling, enjoying the show. "Well." Mckenzie announces. "If I did tie you up, then who's she, and why is she in my room?"

"Oh." Beth's eyes scrabble around the room, searching out an answer that won't land her in trouble, which maybe the truth would for all I know. "I. Um...."
"She's staff." I pitch in, helpfully. "Here to do a spot check."
"You are?"
"Oh. Yes." Beth picks up her tablet, waving it like a shield. "Random check machine spat out your dorm room today," shrugging, "along with five others."
"And." I try to wink at Beth without Mckenzie seeing, I think I'm successful. "I'm afraid leaving me here like this is agaisnt several points in the college charter."
"Really?" Mckenzie looks at Beth, questioning. I hold my breath, waiting to see whether Beth will play along, follow my lead. "Well," looking from the bag next to her, spilling rope with who knows what still inside it, to Mckenzie, to me, giving me a shy smile, "yes. I'm afraid by tying then abandoning her you've created a fire risk, not to mention a tripping hazard by doing it in the centre of the room like this. She's even, an argument could be made, blocking the air flow through your window."
"But." Shaking her head, gesturing. "The damn window isn't even open."
"Doesn't have to actually be open right now. The obstruction is in the fact that, were your roommate to arrive, and want some fresh air, she'd be unable."
"Well. Fine then, fucks sake." Walking around behind me, looking glum. "I'll untie her now."
"But." I say, making Mckenzie pause beside me. I nod at Beth. "I think, just before you arrived home to enjoy me, Mckenzie," I give her a wink, and a wiggle of my exposed breasts, making her almost reach out for them, almost, "that Beth here was explaining there's a fine to pay for all breaches."
"Crap." Looking at her phone, on her bed, where I can see what must be her tips neatly folded up inside a pocket of the open case. "Not my fuck it money." She mutters, looking at Beth. "Fine," breathing out, "how much?"
"Well. Um." Picking up her tablet, quickly casting a 'help' glance my way. "Um...."
"It is possible to pay," I offer, turning Mckenzie's attention back to me, "without actually paying."
"What?" Giving me a confused glare. "What the actual fuck does that even mean?"
"It means," thinking fast, "that, maybe." Looking over at Beth, then back at Mckenzie, who follows my lead and looks at Beth too. I continue. "Maybe, say, if I remember some of what I was being told. If you agree to be tied up in my place." I try to suppress a grin. "By me. Then. Um. Then that particular debt would be considered settled."

"No no." Trying not to laugh at her sudden profanity. "It's all in the charter," I shrug, Mckenzie watching me, "apparently."
"So," she looks at Beth whilst stood next to me, idly tracing my arm between elbow and wrist rope, making that part of me tingle," if I agree. Actually say yes, to this madness, then I get tied up, and this all goes away?"
"Yes?" Beth doesn't exactly sound confident, which is unsurprising given it's basically my plan that she's doing her best to keep up with. But, she nods, and stands. "If you, or we, untie Miss Stokes, and she ties you up...."
"Naked." I pitch in, unable to help myself. "I have to be naked too?" Mckenzie almost laughs, giving my exposed tattooed breasts a glace, a smile quirking her lips. She shakes her head. "You know what. Fine. Let's make this stupid crazy mess happen." She shrugs. "Been mostly naked all day anyway. But." Pointing at Beth. "I want her naked too, and I want her tied up with me."

"What?" Beth splutters, all whilst almost smiling, at least a part of her enjoying the sudden idea. "Sure." I nod. "I mean," looking to Beth. "If it's, you know, in the charter?"
"Oh," Mckenzie waves a hand, coming around behind me to work on my ropes, "fuck the charter." She gives my butt a pat. "You're one crazy lady Carmen. I kinda like that. So." Having finished my arms, kneeling to unbind my legs. "If the staff girl is willing to join me, then I'm willing to play."
"Um." I can see Beth balancing on the edge, wanting to play, to strip and be tied, to experience the thrill of it all, but being held back by nerves. I give her an encouraging smile. She swallows, and quickly begins pulling off her clothes. "Okay," Nodding, getting naked, whilst a smiling Mckenzie does the same, and a newly untied me stretches, and looks around the room for a good spot that'll accommodate two tied up ladies, "I'm in."

Naked. The full extent of Mckenzie's tattoo is revealed. A tree is climbing, twisting it's browny black trunk, up her left side, roots at the base twisting partway down her left leg and questing around her waist towards her shaved pussy, branches up top mostly reach upwards, and are mostly bare. A scattering of green leaves, all looking like sycamore, drift across her upper chest and left breast, down her left arm. She also has a grey rain cloud, drawn like on the old time BBC weather maps, on her left butt cheek, throwing out blue rain drops.

In contrast Beth has no tattoos, and her pussy is unshaven, a mass of short brown curling hair is revealed when her shorts and thong come off.

I tie them to the bed. The pole is tempting, either back to back, the pole between them, or one to the pole facing out, and the other tied face to face with them. I could even tie them on the floor, a couple of hogtied strugglers maybe? But, I go with the bed, so they can be tie up buddies.

"You first." I tell Beth, pointing at Mckenzie's bed. "Just, lay down, on your back, over against the wall."
"Right." Nodding, looking nervous, but smiling too, Beth does as instructed. "Hands above your head," I point, "and now I just need...."
"Here you go." A naked Mckenzie, sat on Chloe's bed, leaning back on one arm, is holding out some rope to me with the other. The way she's sat is, quite deliberately in my opinion, pushing her chest out at me. "Thanks." I give her my best smile, which she returns, reaching back to pick up another rope, keeping me supplied it seems.

Climbing up onto the bed I tie up Beth. I figure she's too nervous to cope with being straddled right now, especially with us both naked, so I kneel beside her instead. Binding her wrists together, I then feed rope through the headboard, and tie them off reaching up over her head, making sure it's all tight. "Rope." I call out over my shoulder, a length of which lands beside me moments later. "Thanks."
"Anytime." I can hear the smile in Mckenzie's voice as I pick up the rope, and use it on Beth's legs, tying her ankles side by side, then to the footboard, in mirror of her wrists. As I tie them I make sure to tug her body downwards, stretching her out, making her grunt slightly in surprise as her arms are tugged tightly.

By tying Beth first, purposefully leaving Mckenzie free, I'd been offering her a chance to tie me instead, especially now that I've tied my accomplice. I'd even let her too, however she wanted. I take a moment just kneeling on the bed, my back to her, waiting, watching Beth wriggle her newly restrained body as she gets used to how being tied up feels, my eyes drawn to her breasts, which adds to the tingle I'm already feeling as I wait for Mckenzie to potentially make her move.

Instead I feel a tap at my shoulder. "Huh?" Turning my head, finding Mckenzie stood behind me, pointing at the bed. "I do believe you're in my spot?" She grins, winking. "Why yes I am." Standing up, taking the two lengths of rope she holds out. "Tie me good then Carmen." Blowing me a kiss, laying down and mirroring Beth's pose without my having to ask. "Do my best." I nod, getting to work.

I straddle Mckenzie, guessing correctly, because she doesn't comment beyond a smile, that she won't mind the skin on skin contact. The cheeky girl even licks my nipple, teasing at my ring with her tongue, whilst I'm leaning forwards to bind her wrists to the headboard. Mind you I am purposefully giving her a face full of D cups as I do, wriggling them more then I prehaps need to, teasing her on purpose. I climb off to tie her ankles, making sure to yank her body tight too, just as I did with Beth's. And then she's done. The two looking quite different despite being naked and tied in the same fashion. Beth is pale whilst Mckenzie's tan truly is all over. A shaved pussy and clearly fake breasts, twin hills topped by ceiling stabbing nipples, plus a very toned body, sits beside a chubby belly and well fed body, with breasts that are impressive, but not gravity defying. And of course Beth's crotch is a mass of hair. Added to all that is Mckenzie's tree, which sits on the side facing me, and the room.

"Well then, Carmen," Mckenzie gives me an interested, yet amused, look, "I'd say my debts been paid, so." Giving her body a shake, whilst beside her Beth is laid quite still, staring at the ceiling, clearly still nervous, but smiling in a way that tells me she's having fun so far. I smile back at the two of them as Mckenzie asks. "Do I get untied now, or...?"

What happens next?
A- Carmen gags both girls, then goes to the shop to tease Chloe that she's untied, and has a couple of tied naked girls in the room.
B- The girls must race to get free, Beth wins.
C- Beth's boss turns up, to see why she isn't teaching the class she forgot about (because of all the fun she's having) Beth is untied, and leaves with her boss.
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Post by YugoSK »

I will go with "A" this time
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Post by Solarbeast »

I’ll join the group this time and go for option A
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Post by tickletied84 »

Yup, gotta be an A from me too!
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Post by RiggerTom »

A. Don't even need to think about it
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Post by RopeBunny »

A wins it.
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Post by RopeBunny »


"I'm not getting untied," Mckenzie looks from me to Beth, then down at her stretched out body, a smile quirking her lips, "neither of us are. Are we?"
"Well." I can't help from laughing. "Would you untie you?" I ask Mckenzie. "Now that I've got you, and Beth of course," Beth's head jerks sideways to look at me, hearing her name, the young sightly chubby staff girl gives me a nervous smile, "looking so cute."
"No." Shaking her head, giving me a wiggle. "I'd definitely keep me tied up nice and tight."
"Well," shrugging, smiling, "there's your answer."
"So what now then?" Mckenzie looks thoughtful, but then gives me a cheeky smile, and a wiggle. "Want to come on over here and enjoy the spoils of war?"
"The spoils of...?"
"Sure," shrugging, "one of my regulars, some old professor from the city. Nice guy, sweet." She smiles. "Totally into his history, always stopping me mid dance to try and explain some obscure fact. I swear," Mckenzie giggles, "I think sometimes he'd rather just pay for a half hours talk." Thinking, giving me a wink. "So long as I was topless anyway."
"So," trying to keep up, "the spoils of war is like a prize?"
"Pretty much." Nodding. "Or," a shrug, "whatever. Point is, Carmen, get that butt over here and have a play." She treats me to another wiggle, whist beside her Beth gives me a nervous, but still happy, smile.

"You doing okay?" I ask. She nods. "Sure," giving me a nod, "s'just nerves."
"If you want out?" I offer, wondering what Mckenzie will say, given I didn't make the same offer to her. But the pink haired stripper only nods, giving Beth a smile. "First time being tied up huh?"
"Well." Mckenzie gives her a wink, sticks her tongue out, making Beth giggle. "That's better," smiling at her bound companion. "No need for nerves, this is fun. And besides," looking over at me, "it isn't like Carmen here's going to do anything mean like abandoning us."
"Well," I laugh, "actually...."

"Really?" Mckenzie looks genuinely surprised. "All these tits," giving me a wiggle, nudging Beth, who, getting into the spirit, wiggles her chest at me too, "and you're just going to leave us here?"
"Only for a moment." I hold up a hand, a half smile on my face as my sudden idea grows. "I've got a plan."
"Yes." Nodding. "Otherwise I'd totally already be laying sprawled across you both," I make a gesture with both hands, shaping out the hill, "It'd be just a mountain of tits over there."
"A mountain of tits?" Mckenzie smiles, whilst beside her Beth is nodding, smiling too, her eyes fixed on, predictably, my tits. "And it will be," I hold up a hand, "promise. As soon as I get back."
"Well," Mckenzie shrugs, "it isn't as though either of us can stop you leaving."
"Exactly. But," coming around to the foot end of the bed, I begin to gently tickle one of each girls feet, making them squirm, enjoying the show they're unintentionally giving me as a result, "I tell you what, girls. I've got to go put my clothes back on." I wink, which neither of them likely sees. "If either of you can get free before I return from the bathroom, then I'll take your place on the bed." I nod, and stop my playful torture, though it was fun to watch the two girls squriming and giggling, cursing me and begging to be left alone whilst they did, then head for the bathroom.

Of course, because I'm good at tying, neither girl is free when I get back. Both accept a gag without protest, luckily, though I've no clue why, Chloe thought to pack a pair of ballgags. I give Beth the smaller one, and strap the jaw stretching ball into Mckenzie's mouth. Then, with a final look back at the two of them, stretched out side by side, both looking far too hot for any sane person to be leaving the room right now, I leave.

It feels very naughty, very breaking campus rules almost, to be walking around outside in just my tight green leggings and black zip front hoodie. No thong, no bra. I'm convinced everyone I pass can tell, which becomes quite a turn on when I imagine that knowing making some random Farming boy horny enough to kidnap me, take me back to his room and truss me up in a hogtie, which would be a cowboy not a farmer I guess, but, it's close.

Eventually I reach the shop.

"Hi Dave." Waving at the fairly cute, if slightly overweight, long haired boy behind the register. "Chloe out back?" He opens his mouth to answer, but no sound comes out, then points as I push open the 'Staff Only' door beside him, still not finding the right words. I give him a cheeky wave, and step through.

Into the storeroom. Boxes line three of the walls, with the forth blocked off by a simple metal framed wooden topped table, atop of which are a scattering of papers. Directly in front of me is Chloe, kneeling, her back to me, wearing the same jeans and tight black tee as she left in, her spiky blonde tipped hair looking messier then I've seen it previously. "Dave?" She asks as the door behind me shuts with a quiet thud. "You finally ready to help me do your work?"
"Not Dave." I answer, giggling as she jumps, then spins. "What the fuck?" Standing, blinking at me as though I weren't real. "How are you here?"
"Oh." Shrugging. "It's a long story."
"I'm sure it is," she looks briefly sad, "didn't you want to wait for me to come home?"
"I did." Nodding, shrugging. "Sorry. I was looking forward to welcoming you home." I unzip my hoodie, pulling it open, shaking, treating her to a good view of my breasts. Chloe smiles, as do I. "Stuff happened though," I let go of my hoodie, not zipping it up, leaving it hanging open, and put a finger to my lips, whispering, "I've got two welcome home gifts for you instead."
"Two," I can see her brain trying to work, "gifts?"
"Well. Two tied up girls." I giggle. "Expecting my imminent return, but," shrugging, "were you to return instead of, or with, me, I've no doubt they'd both be happy to play with you too."
"And just who might these mystery girls be?"
"No." Shaking my head. "I won't spoil the surprise."
"And you don't want to tell me how you're untied but two new girls are tied up?"
"No. If I tell you any kind of story it'll be a spoiler fest."
"I see." Looking around her, at all the boxes. "Just say fuck it and run." I offer, smiling as her head jerks around to look at me. She smiles back. "I wish I could, but...."
"No." Opening my hoodie again, feeling extra cheeky, lifting up one of my breasts so I can lick my own nipple. I grin at Chloe over the top of my breast, seeing the want, to play, to not be at boring work, in her eyes. "Come on." I drop my breast, still not zipping myself up, and hold out a hand. "Just say fuck it. Leave a note for small cock Dave," she giggles, "just." I smile. "You tell me what needs to happen?"

What happens next?
A- Carmen decides to kidnap Chloe, for her own good, binding the small Asians wrists, gagging her, leading her out of the store passed Dave.
B- Chloe ties Carmen, still unzipped, to the table, using her toned belly and breasts to write a note to Dave. Chloe leaves her there.
C- Chloe mummifies Carmen in clingfilm and tape, then gets on with her work as Carmen struggles.
D- Sammy shows up, barging into the storeroom, looking for revenge because of The Chart. Somehow, through bargaining, Sammy gets Mckenzie as payment.
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Post by YugoSK »

I'm loving Carmen in Control, so i'll vote A again
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Post by RiggerTom »

4 girls in the room, 3 of them bound and gagged, at Carmen's mercy? How could I choose anything other than A?
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Post by tickletied84 »

I reckon the complex negotiations could be fun - and am missing Sammy - so D!
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Post by antoinedt »

A and C both sound good but I'm going to go with C.
Why do they say "Mmmmmpphhh" for gags that are not covering the mouth or keeping the lips together? Shouldn't it be more like "aaarrrgggghhh"? I guess pirate noises aren't as tasteful... 🤷
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Post by Solarbeast »

I’ll also go with option C
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Post by Ducttapelover93 »

I think i gotta say C this time but b was a close second.
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Post by Dpsiic »

I like the idea of A please X
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Post by RopeBunny »

A wins this time.

Lots of votes :D always good to see, thanks everyone. I could (and would if I had to) write with only 1 vote, should that ever occur, but the more of you who vote, the more I know are still with me, still enjoying the fun and games ;) :lol:

Might be today/tonight, if not then tomorrow.
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Post by RopeBunny »


"Well." Chloe looks around, a defeated huff escaping her lips. "Fucks sake," turning a circle, waving her arms around at the various piled boxes. "I did this already. Last night." She begins pointing at each pile. "Those I've done. Those are to be used straight away out front. Those," pointing out the third pile, which to my untrained eyes looks the same as all the others, "are excess stock to be returned on Tuesday."
"So let Dave do it." I offer. "You've done something. Twice now right?" Chloe nods. "Well then," gesturing at her, she looks like someone wearing yesterday's clothes, who hasn't showered, which is what she is in truth, "just." I point at the table. "Write a note. Is there a back door?"
"No." Shaking her head. "You were going to say sneak out, weren't you?"
"Busted." Holding up both hands in surrender, which gives me a sudden cheeky idea. "What?" Chloe has spotted my smile, she half smiles back. "What?"
"I." Pointing at my chest, looking down as I touch skin." Oops." I giggle, I'd forgotten my top was unzipped. "I've just had a brilliant plan."
"Which is?"
"Well," I wink, "first I need some tape. And some scissors."

"Mmmfffpph." Chloe moans at me. I nod, pretending to understand. "Yes yes." Grinning. "At least they were your size though."

By sheer luck, whilst we'd been talking, I'd spotted a cardboard box claiming to contain 'thirty ladies cotton briefs (mixed sizes S to XL) 5 packs'. It was this discovery that gave me my plan. The beginnings of it anyway, the rest I'll just make up as I go along, like always. I find doing so keeps life interesting. "Here." Chloe, having found tape and scissors over by the table. "What's this plan then?"
"Brilliant plan." I correct her. She smiles, shaking her head. "Right. Carmen the smart and sexy," reaching forwards to pull one side of my hoodie open, eying up my tattooed and ring pierced breast, "what's the brilliant plan?"
"Better I show you?" I wink, then giggle, trying not to sound too crazy. Chloe gives me another half smile, but stays silent, happy to wait and see.

And to her credit she doesn't protest when I take the scissors to the box, cutting off the tape along the top, popping it open, and sorting through until I find a pack marked with an S, for small. "I've already got a thong on." Chloe tells me as I open it up. "Shhh." I reply, removing one, which is grey, tossing the open pack back down inside. "It isn't for you to wear," I comment, balling the briefs up, "it's for the plan."
"Don't you mean the brimmmppfffhh." Chloe manages to get out, grinning, before I stuff the briefs into her open mouth mid sentence.

So, moaning at me, looking quite cute actually with a mouthful of fresh clean briefs, but, like a champion Chloe doesn't protest, nor does she remove the start of her gag. The start of my, brilliant, plan.

Picking up the tape, which is thick and black, I find the end, grateful for nails, and pull out about half a foot. "Mmmmff." Chloe huffs, kind of, as I stick the unrolled tape against that part of the briefs poking out from her mouth, pushing on it, making sure the underwear is properly in there, filling up her mouth as it should. "Just be glad they're clean." I laugh, stood close. "I mean. Hey." Stepping back, swatting Chloes hand off my nipple ring, which she'd just tugged. She laughs, or tries to anyway. "Stop that." I waggle a finger, smiling. "Let me work." She makes a show of jamming both hands in her jeans pockets, and gives me a look. "Yes. Good." Nodding. "Very happy thank you very much." I get on with the gag, not trying to steer clear of her hair, which is short anyway. Pressing it down behind me as I work, trying to keep it neat, and tight, I wrap the tape around Chloe's head five times, keeping it inside her mouth on the first two passes, to seal the briefs in place, then going both higher and lower after that to cover her whole mouth. Finally I use the scissors to cut it, making sure to finish behind her head, and to press the end down well.

"There." I grin. "Part one of four." I lean forwards, giving Chloe a quick kiss on her gag. "And I must say you look very cute gagged." I give her top a tug. "See, it even matches your tee. Prehaps we should talk to your boss, get this included in the official uniform. Do you think?"
"Mmffh mpphff."
"True," nodding, "it would be hard to ask which packet of fags someone wants." Holding up the scissors, grinning. "Anyway. Time for part two."

Having cut off Chloe's bra and thong, because why should I be the only one without lingerie, I stuff both items into the open briefs box. "Mfffpph." Chloe tries to inform me, shaking her head. "Quite right," enjoying making up what I think she's saying, then answering however I want anyway, "it would've been easier to bind you first. But don't worry, that's part three."
"Mmfp?" Or, at least it sounds like a question. "Behind you please, and turn around." I inform her, picking the tape back up, since there's no handy pile of rope. Chloe complies. I guess at this point she still has a choice, but, no doubt allowing me to kidnap her from work is far more preferable then actually staying and doing a second stock take.

I use the tape to bind her wrists crossed, wrapping the tape around and around her bare skin, going in all sorts of directions and pulling it as tight as I'm able, hoping to ensure she can't simply wriggle free, no doubt laughing at me as she did. I'm fairly certain I've done a good enough job, since, once I'm done and have cut the tape from the roll, smoothing down the end, Chloe gives several experimental tugs and wriggles, grunting as she tries to yank either hand through the tape bindings to freedom. She doesn't manage it.

"Good good." Taking hold of her shoulders turning her around. "Oh." I grin, reaching for the front of her tee, which has a normal high neckline, but, thanks to her lack of bra- opps -is now advertising Chloe's breasts in an equally teasing fashion. "Well hi." I flick at first the right, then left, nipple, poking very obviously at the black fabric, which is tight enough to show off the general shape of both breasts too. "Mm mmffphm mmmmhhh."
"Indeed." Grinning. "Plenty more of that once I get you home." Taking Mckenzie's key out of my pocket. "See, back to yours we'll go."
"Oh. Oops." I laugh. "Spoiler alert." Slapping my forehead. "Mckenzie was kind enough to lend me her key," I wink, giving Chloe's nipples another tweak, "after I trussed her up to the bed and gagged her anyway."
"Mmfhf mh fffmpf mmmfffpph fphfpmm pfffmm fmmhff."
"Wow." I laugh. "All that effort and I didn't catch a word."
"Fffmmhk hfoommu."
"Ah." Nodding. "That one I did get." Giving Chloe a kiss on the gag. "Honestly, language."
"Quite." I look around, spotting Chloe's phone on the side, and pick it up, shoving it into a pocket. "Right then, let's go say goodbye to Dave."
"Mmmfp mmmfhhf." Chloe shakes her head as I begin walking towards the door, the only way out, which leads into the shop, which means people, and Dave. "So people see you all tied and gagged," I come back over, "who cares." I shrug. "Just roll with it maybe, have fun." Chloe looks at me, up and down, her eyes thoughtful. Then she shrugs, nods, and walks passed me, turning around to open the door with her bound hands. She winks at me, then pulls it open wide, and steps through. "That's my girl." I grin, stepping through behind her.

"Oh. Um."
"Hi Dave." I wave, grinning, following Chloe passed the counter, out into the luckily, for Chloe, deserted shop. "Don't mind us," I tell him, stopping briefly to lean on the counter, arms folded under my breasts, "I'm just taking Chloe. Got some, um," I tip him an exaggerated wink, "important business I need her help with." Chloe has reached the front door to the shop, and is waiting for me. "Oh." Strangely, I feel, Dave hasn't really done more then glance at Chloe, he's mostly staring at me. "How's work anyway?" I ask, knowing Chloe won't leave without me, finding it funny to make her wait. "Stock takes mostly done," nodding, "checked the girls clothing section myself."
"Did you now?" A funny amused smile comes onto Daves face, as he looks me up and down. "Yep." Nodding, trying not to laugh, to not tell him what I did with the briefs. "So what then," looking very pointedly at my chest, "we don't stock your size?"
"My.... Oh." Because suddenly I realise I can feel the cool air of the fan against my nipples, and I recall Chloe's thoughtful expression. I look down, finding my hoodie still wide open, my D cups more or less resting on Dave's counter as he grins at me. "Dave." I chastise, acting shocked. "What kind of a gentleman doesn't tell a lady when she's having a wardrobe malfunction?" Dave, bless him, blushes and looks away. "And you." I turn, pointing at Chloe as I march up the aisle. "Happy now?"
"Mmfhhf mfhhp ffmmpffh." Chloe nods, looking pleased. "Well." I zip myself up. "I hope you get kidnapped by the girls hockey team for that." But I'm grinning, because despite being tied and gagged Chloe still managed to score a point. Sammy would be proud.

"Come on." Pushing open the door. "Let's go walk your little bound butt across campus," I give said butt a hard pat, making Chloe yelp, "see how many offers I get for you from all the horny students we come across."

What happens next?
A- The girls make it back. Somehow Mckenzie and Beth are untied, but Beth's gone. Mckenzie and Chloe tie Carmen up in the shower.
B- The girls make it back to Chloe's room, where Carmen strips and ties Chloe up naked in the shower.
C- Sammy gets the jump on the girls in a secluded woods area, and ties both up properly, with rope and collars plus gags. She leads them back to Chloe's room.
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Post by Solarbeast »

As much as I like option A, you got me with saying collars, so option C it is.
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Post by RiggerTom »

I'm not ready for Carmen to give up control yet. B
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Post by YugoSK »

Yeah, keep Carmen in charge. B for me
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