Eddie Does A Favor (M/M)

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Eddie Does A Favor (M/M)

Post by MaxRoper »

Hi Eddie,

Good seeing you last weekend. The new gig sounds perfect for you. Fun for everyone and much less chance of legal repercussions than some of our previous endeavors.

Anyway, here’s the thing: I could use your special talents. As you know, I was recently a guest of the state. When I got out Steve gave me work. He’s semi-retired, I guess you’d say ‘comfortable’ though certainly not rich. But he always finds a few hours work for me. Lawn mowing, painting, household repairs, that sort of thing. And he pays me well, often with a little extra on top. He knows I need it. I wanted to pay him back somehow, figuring my ship was due to come in any day now.

So anyway, Steve’s not a kid anymore. Nice looking in an older guy sorta way, Works out, paints, gardens, not a total Luddite but definitely not a high tech wiz. Therefore, no surprise to find out he keeps all his passwords on a sheet of paper next to his iMac. I wasn’t looking for it, honest, but when I saw some of the sites on his list, I had to go look him up.

Turns out he’s really into bondage. Nothing extreme, but judging from his history, he likes looking at people tied tightly with rope. Doesn’t seem to discriminate regarding sex or size or ethnicity or anything.

When I first told him what I knew, he was predictably upset, annoyed, and embarrassed. I calmed him down, told him I completely understood and that I knew many folks with the same interests. It didn’t take much to get him to open up.

And then I knew how I could pay back his kindness.

I told him about you, Eddie. I hope that’s okay. He was a bit worried, said he’d never met you, didn’t think he wanted to put himself in the hands of a stranger, all sorts of reasonable excuses like that. But I could see he really wanted it.

Would you be interested in spending some time with him? I’ve enclosed a photo so you can see what he looks like. I can’t pay you much, but you know I’m a good hand and I’m ready to do whatever you might need.

If you think it could be something you’d be interested in, maybe we could go visit him, set him at ease, make a date?

Thanks in advance,

Well of course I agreed to Ben’s request. Never hurts to have a fellow like Ben owing you a favor. Plus, Steve was a nice-enough looking old dude. I met Ben in town and we drove over to Steve’s place in my car.

He was even better looking in person. It was a warm summer day and he was in shorts and a cotton shirt. Slim legs, broad shoulders. I was definitely in.

We made small talk and had coffee before we got to the point. I’d brought along my tablet and showed him my scrapbook. To say he was transfixed would be an understatement. We sat quietly while he slowly scrolled through pictures of my handiwork.

“My goodness,” he said when he finally stopped.”You did all these?”

He was blushing, slightly breathless, and I’d wager he had a stiffy.

“Yep,” I said. “Some of ‘em weren’t pleased with the situation, at least at first. A few already had a liking for this sort of thing. Others learned to like it quite a lot after some time in my hands. And a few never learned to appreciate how delightful it can be. See anything that particularly rings your bell?”

He blushed, scrolled back a ways, pointed out a few pictures. I made some mental notes. I asked him what was on his calendar. He told me he had a few upcoming gigs but was otherwise available. He decided he’d like to roleplay some sort of home invasion. I told him the next time he saw me I’d be in character. Not a friendly visitor.

“When I play, it’s for real,” I told him. “You can react in whatever way you choose, but if you fight me, I’ll fight back, so keep that in mind.”

He nodded, smiling nervously. I’m betting he jerked off as soon as we drove away. Probably wants a copy of my scrapbook.

I took note of when he was busy and mentally penciled him in for the following Tuesday afternoon. I let myself in the back door. Steve was in the kitchen washing dishes. He was wearing shorts, socks, a tank top, looking quite bindable. I got my forearm around his throat before he knew I was there.

“Not a sound,” I said. “Got it?”

He squirmed a bit, nodded.

“On your knees, hands behind your back,” I suggested. “Now.”

I got down behind him and bound up his wrists. He didn’t complain and his shorts were tenting admirably, so I assumed he was okay with things so far.

“What’s this all about—”


Shh,” I said, stuffing a kerchief in his mouth and tying it in place with a sock.

I got him on his feet and marched him over to a swivel chair where I relieved him of his shorts before sitting him down and tying him up. He was looking dandy in blue briefs, blue tank top, and long white athletic socks with blue stripes.

I’d brought a lot of rope and planned to use it all. I took my time, working my way up his legs, three wraps on his lower legs, three on his thighs. His arms and torso were attached to the chair back, with more ropes round his upper thighs and the seat. A large knot was situated over his crotch. That’s becoming a trademark of mine. I like doing it and apparently Steve liked it too, fidgeting and thrusting a little, testing his bonds.

I chose not to give him any help at first and he didn’t start really working it for close to a half hour, seeming quite content to luxuriate in the tight hold of the ropes.

Once he got started he was a dynamo. He squirmed and flexed, pumped and wriggled. The ropes held admirably. He squirmed and writhed before slowly developed a rhythm. When he was obviously getting close. I put my hands on his shoulders, slowing him down.

He got himself under control and I began slowly teasing him, caressing and kneading the few square inches of skin not covered with rope, pressing gently on the crotch knot.

When I stopped, he kept going, humping the ropes and moaning quietly, obviously right on the edge. I got him up there a couple times and he got a little more frantic each time. It was our first time and we’d been at it for about an hour. I didn’t know how far to take him. I decided to let him go over. I moved around behind him to be ready, putting my palm over his crotch and pressing firmly just as it was needed. He pushed back hard and grunted into the gag a few times before subsiding.

I left him alone for a moment before untying him. He sat a a little longer, eyes closed. Finally he stood, stretched, and turned towards me with a big smile and open arms.

“”Eddie, you’re amazing,” he said. “I’ve wanted that since before you were born.”

He had tears in his eyes as he hugged me.

See why I love my job?
Last edited by MaxRoper 3 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

It's really cool of Eddie to help an older guy discover what he was missing all this time. A really sweet story that also manages to be pretty sensual. Nice work.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

You can reach my list of written work here: https://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38808#p38808
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Post by MrGagged »

That was a great and wholesome story.

Steve just wanted the experience he never had, and Eddie gave that to him.
Each tie up needs a good gag because why else not?
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Post by Chris »

Well done, very entertaining to read through.
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