Day of the Women FFF/F

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Day of the Women FFF/F

Post by Eaglescout01 »

Kit McKenzie had been in LA for a few weeks. She was an aspiring actress who had dreams of acting in movies and TV, playing different kinds of characters. The thin, 5'5", green eyed, strawberry blonde haired 25 year old was often described as a ray of sunshine by her friends and family. She always had a positive outlook on life and was always happy. She had an audition with a little known female writer/director named Jennifer Hillson.

She had met Jennifer at a coffee shop that she was working at until she gets her big break. She had given an order for a caramel latte to a chubby bald man in a beatnik hat. He apparently was a producer and asked if she was interested in acting. She said she was and he gave her his business card. She was happy and after she got off work a half hour later, she pulled out her phone to make the call. She was stopped by Jennifer, who put her hand over the one holding her phone. "You don't want to do that" she told Kit, who looked at a 5'6" woman in her early 30s, browned eyed, brown hair pulled up in a ponytail. She was wearing black running shorts a grey spots bra and a grey jacket zipped halfway. "Why?" Kit asked shyly while putting her hair behind her left ear. "That guy is one of those producers who use auditions as an excuse to feel up and touch young girls" she explained "I don't want you to get hurt". Kit felt a mix of shock and sadness, "oh my god" she told the woman "thank you for warning me". "Hey, us woman have to stick together" she told Kit as she ran her fingers through Kit's hair. "If you're serious about being an actress, I have a small production company" she explained "by small I mean me and a couple of my friends....we mostly do indie films, nothing big or mainstream but....". "I'd love to work with you if you'll give me a chance" Kit said overexcited. Jennifer introduced herself and set up a day and time for Kit to meet with her.

The day of the meeting, Kit put on a red tshirt, black jeans and black sneakers and left for the address Jennifer gave her. She went inside and walked down a hallway to the room Jennifer told her to go to. She knocked on the door and Jennifer told her to come in. Jennifer was wearing a white tshirt, a blue scarf and blue ripped jeans. She wanted to do a scene from the script with Kit. Kit asked what the movie is about. "It's about a girl who is kidnapped and held captive" Jennifer told her. They did a reading of a scene and Jennifer complimented Kit. Next she wanted to do the scene where Kit's character is grabbed. Jennifer grabbed a hold of her with both arms and asked her to scream, something she would have to do in the movie. Kit screamed as loud as she could as if she was trying to get someone's attention. Jennifer covered Kit's mouth with her hand and shushed her. "That's a little louder than I was expecting" Jennifer said amused "sorry for covering your mouth but I share this building with other businesses and I dont need them thinking that I'm hurting you" she explained. Kit gave a muffled "its ok" and Jennifer let go of her and told that her scream was pretty good and convincing.

"Let's do a scene where you have to be restrained and gagged" Jennifer said "are you ok with that?" She asked Kit. Kit nodded her head. She instructed Kit to put her hands in front of her and Jennifer used a pair of leather cuffs to bind her wrists together and a second pair to bind her ankles together. Then she grabbed a cloth and asked Kit to open her mouth. Kit did as she was instructed and Jennifer stuffed the cloth in her mouth and tied her scarf over Kit's mouth. "Try to talk through the gag" Jennifer told her and Kit tried to talk. Her words came out muffled. She then asked Kit to yell for help and she did, again it came out muffled. Kit tried to sound as scared and panicked as she felt her character would be. "Very good, you sound like a real kidnapping victim" Jennifer complimented. Kit smiled through her gag and Jennifer asked her to wait there when she got a phone call. "I just have to take this call and we'll continue ok sweetie?" She said to her, Kit nodded her head. "Dont go anywhere" Jennifer joked and Kit let out a muffled giggle. She heard a few bits of Jennifer's phone conversation. "Yeah this girl is perfect....she's got a pretty good scream....she actually acted like a convincing kidnap victim" she heard Jennifer say and felt happy that she had landed the part. "So is Katie on her way to help me with her...ok good" she heard Jennifer say and she heard Jennifer having another phone conversation. "Hey, I was just talking to Christy as soon as you get we gotta grab this girl and get in the car as fast as we possibly can....ok I have to work out some details with Christy...I'll see you when you get I dont think she's going anywhere", Kit was suddenly scared for real. She managed to undo the leather cuffs on her wrists and ankles and removed her gag. She quietly slipped out and made her way out of the building.

She was close to the door she came in through and saw a woman in her early 30s with blue eyes, long brown hair and was 5'2". She was wearing a white tshirt that showed a couple inches of midriff, blue jeans and a black leather jacket. She saw the scared look on Kit's face and asked her what was wrong. She explained the whole situation to her in between sobs. The woman shushed Kit soothingly and said "it's gonna be ok Kit, you're safe now". "How do you know my name?" Kit asked her and the woman just smiled at her. "What did Jennifer use to restrain you? The leather cuffs?" She asked Kit.

Kit shook her head in disbelief and mouthed the word no to herself a few times and tries to go for the door. The woman who she assumed was "Katie" grabbed a hold of her with both arms and started to drag her back to the room she escaped from. Kit started screaming for help as loudly as she possibly could. "Scream all you want sweetie, there's no one else in this building" Katie said. "Looks like our prisoner got free" she heard Jennifer say as she ran down the hall and got in front of her. "Told you the leather cuffs wouldn't hold someone for long" Katie said half amused. "Let me go" Kit pleaded while crying. "We can't let you go, you're gonna be the star of our movie" Jennifer told her. "I don't want to be in your movie" Kit said tearfully. "You really dont have a choice" Katie said sounding amused. Kit started screaming for help as loud as she could again. "I'm not listening to this" Katie said and clamped her hand over Kit's mouth. Kit tried to kick at Jennifer but she grabbed a hold of her legs with both arms. They carried her back to the room as Kit's muffled screams into Katie's hand turned into muffled sobs. Jennifer picked up the cloth that had been in Kit's mouth and grabbed a brown bottle. She poured the contents onto the cloth as Katie dragged Kit over to the couch and sat down pulling Kit into her lap. She let go of her mouth as Jennifer walked over. "Please don't do this to me" Kit begged tearfully "I promise not to tell anyone". Jennifer straddled herself onto Kit's lap and Kit said no and shook her head as Jennifer cover Kit's nose and mouth in the cloth. Kit screamed and sobbed into the cloth that smelled like chloroform. "I love that little scream of hers" Katie said "god she's gonna be so much fun". "You're enjoying this too much" Jennifer said half amused. "She's so innocent" Katie said mischievously. "You should see the fearful look in cute green eyes of hers: Jennifer commented. It wasn't long before Kit lost conciousness.
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Post by humbled32 »

Wow, What will happen to Kit? Will it really be a movie? Will she become a star or a slave to the three women? Your readers want to know. Please continue with your story.
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Post by Caesar73 »

The first part was very promising, indeed :)

Post by Eaglescout01 »

Part 2

Kit woke up in a dimly lit room. The place looked abandoned, had a video camera set up and a table with a cloth covering it. Two chains hanging from the ceiling wrapped around her wrists holding her arms above her head. Her shoes and socks had been removed. Her ankles were ziptied together. She could tell by the taste that her socks had been stuffed in her mouth, a rag had been tied between her teeth and vetwrap had been wrapped around her mouth multiple times. She struggled against the chains but it did no good. She tried to scream for help but with the gag, it all came out muffled. Kit also realized that her shirt had been removed, revealing her black bra.

Jennifer, Katie and Christy came into the room. Christy was wearing a black shirt and blue ripped jeans. "Our little starlet is awake I see" Christy said, Kit tried to say something but it came out muffled. Christy removed her gag and Kit said "I wanna go home, please let me go home". Kit started crying, hot tears streamed down her face. "We can't let you go Kit, we're ready to start production" Jennifer told her. Kit started screaming for help and Katie clamped a hand over her mouth and told her to shut up. Kit bit her hand and Katie yelled out in pain.

Kit tearfully and angrily demanded to be let go. Katie tried to cover her mouth again and Kit bit her again. Katie slapped her across the face. "If you don't shut up or you bite me again, no one will find your body" she told Kit. That only made her scream for help again, Christy covered her mouth and shushed her. Jennifer pulled Katie aside. "What the hell did you say that for?" Jennifer asked Katie. " I just told her that to shut her up" Katie replied. "Calm her down so we can get started" Jennifer said. Katie walked over to her and told Christy to remove her hand. "I'm sorry okay? Please don't kill me" Kit said with her face now covered in tears "I just wanna go back home, not here in LA....back to my hometown....please". "If you want to go back home, all you have to do is star in our movie" Katie said "don't fight us, do as we say and we'll let you go". "Can we trust you to not tell the authorities about this if we let you go" Jennifer asked her. "I won't tell the authorities, I'll keep my mouth shut about this I promise" Kit replied still crying. "That's a good girl" Christy said as she wiped the tears off of her face.

Katie pulled the cloth off the table to reveal torture devices. Kit tried not to scream or freak out, she kept quiet. Christy came over to her with a pink ball gag. She told Kit to open her mouth and put the ball gag in her mouth, fastening it behind her head. Jennifer set up the camera at the right angle and took a cattle prod from Katie. Jennifer hit Kit with the cattle prod all over her upper body. Kit screamed in pain into her gag. Christy checked out how it looked on camera and told the other two women that everything is looking good. "You're such a good good little screamer" Christy told Kit.

Christy picked up a branding rod and ran it down Kit's back a few times, Kit screamed through her gag even louder. She struggled against the chains and eye conveyed the pain she was feeling. Katie looked at it through the camera, "this is looking good" Katie said. "You're going so well sweetie" Jennifer told Kit. Katie took a straight razor and made cuts on the front of Kit's upper body. Not too deep, but enough to make her bleed and leave scars. Kit screamed and sobbed into her gag. Jennifer was watching through the camera. "Use the rubbing alcohol on her cuts" Jennifer said. Katie poured rubbing alcohol onto a rag rubbed all over her cuts. Kit's eyes grew as wide as possible and screamed the loudest she screamed since they began. "Oh my god that was perfect" Jennifer exclaimed "very good Kit, that's enough for the torture part of our movie". "The bed is all set up" Katie said, "why don't we give her a little break before having our fun" Christy said.

After giving her a break, Kit's wrists were freed and they cut the ziptie on her ankles. They walked her over to a mattress and had her lie on her back. They each took turns having their way with Kit, each woman handgagged her mouth while doing so. Kit closed her eyes the whole time, tears ran down her cheeks the entire time. They hurt her so much, she prayed it would end soon. They got it all recorded on the video camera. They left scratch marks all over her body. As a lesbian, Kit had a few pleasurable sexual experiences with girls who were special to her, but what was happening to her now was not pleasurable or special.

Jennifer, Katie and Christy edited all of their footage of their torture and sexual assault of Kit into a low budget movie. Most of their clients were other women who had experiences with the "casting couch". They kept their promise to let Kit go, none of them were worried about her talking to the authorities. She so scared and traumatized to even consider it. They cleaned her up and took her back to her car. The scared redhead got in her car and left with an envelope full of cash.

"There she goes, back to Smalltown, USA" Jennifer said. "Not everyone is cut out for Hollywood, she's too innocent" Christy said. "I think she's a little less innocent now" Katie said "I liked her she's my favorite". "You say that about a lot of the girls that star in our films" Christy said. "There are dozens of girls just like her in LA, some of whom will end up in our movies" Jennifer said "women like us in LA can't get enough of our films". "In a day or two, we get to do this again with another wide eyed girl with big dreams" Christy said as they drove away from the building.

Six months later, a black sedan pulled onto a dirt road leading to a cabin. A tied up woman with a sack over her head was dragged out of the trunk. Once inside, she was dropped on the floor. The sack was pulled off her head and the woman was Katie. She had a cloth stuffed in her mouth and had multiple strips of duct tape was covering her mouth. She looked up at her captor. She looked like Kit McKenzie, except she had blonde hair. She was wearing a grey long sleeved shirt and black jeans.

She removed Katie's gag, and as soon as she could talk...she demanded to know what was going on and called her Kit. "Kit's my twin sister, my name is Kat" the blonde said. "Kit was a sweet girl before you and your friends fucked her up" Kat said "she came home completely different". "Look it wasn't personal, it was just business" Katie said "innocent girls from small towns aren't cut out for Hollywood". Kat looked angry. "Your business......caused my sister to go through severe depression, she was suicidal for a while and when she had her breakdowns I couldn't restrain her physically without her begging me not to hurt her" Kat said to Katie, feeling nothing but hatred for her prisoner. Katie sarcastically apologized. "No you're not sorry, not yet but you will be" Katie said with a smirk. "We've already taken care if the other two, you're the last one" Kat said. Katie realizing the danger she was in, tried to bargain her way out of the situation. "But dont you want to be our movie?" Kit asked as she stepped into the room. She was wearing a black sports bra and blue jeans. "It's more of a snuff film actually" she added. Katie expressed her dislike of the idea. "But your friends got to be in it" Kit said. "Besides, we weren't really asking" Kat said. "You really enjoyed what you did with me" Kat said "So I'm really going to enjoy this". "We both will" Kat added. It was then that Katie knew, this would be the last film she ever "worked on".
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