Rope And Regret - F/M New part 17/9/2020

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Rope And Regret - F/M New part 17/9/2020

Post by RopingRingers »

Hey guys, so I wasn't going to start any new stories until I finished some of my current ones, but I'm going through some personal stuff at the moment and I just need a way to process it all. I'm writing this on my phone as opposed to my laptop because I forgot the damn thing, so I apologize for any typos or anything that might be off

It's been a few weeks now, and I'm finally starting to move on. The divorce was ugly, and chaotic, with lots of tears, but I can finally wake up in the morning without bawling my eyes out. I'm ready to move on.

It's not that I don't love May. But we got married young, and certainly too soon. There were lots of good times of course, but the arguments, oh. The arguments. We would spend hours at each other, ripping chunks off, going in circles with no resolution.

And then, a few weeks ago, it finally got too much. I left in a wild storm, saying the cruelest things, things I didn't mean. I hurt her in ways she didn't deserve. I decided I was done, that I was moving out.

And then IM the one that was inconsolable! I didn't expect that. When you fight and scream, you focus on all the bad, the worst parts of each other. It's not until it's over, really over, and really REAL, that you remember the good. And realise what you're losing. Anger is a hell of a blindfold.

And so, I spent the last two weeks an inconsolable wreck. But no more! No, now Ive been invited out, by a sexy little piece online. She hit me up the other day, and I finally felt up to talking to her a few days ago.

Her name is Gwen, which while I must admit is an.....odd..... name, she seems really nice. We got talking, and arranged to meet up tonight.

As I take in my appearance in the mirror I wonder what she's going to be like. I fix my hair, spray on some deodorant and head out the door of the caravan, locking it on the way and giving my friend's scruffy German Shepherd a pat.

I head out the gate and jump into the waiting taxi. As I'm driven to my destination, I'm too excited to talk to the driver. I finally feel alive, and happy again. Not fighting against the constant tidal wave of hysteria threatening to engulf me.

Finally, we pull up at the house. I'm surprised to see it's quite secluded, with the neighbour's house a good few hundred metres away.

"She must have a huge backyard," I think to myself as I thank the taxi driver and pay him. I then turn, and cross the darkened lawn. The house is lit up within, and I feel my heart racing as I knock on the door.

There's a few moments of silence, then I hear the sound of heels approaching the door. The polished oak swings open to reveal -

One gorgeous fox! I behold the woman before me. Dressed in a tight, strapless green dress, she beamed a huge, glowing smile.

"Hey, Brad!" she says with a wink of her big brown eyes. "Glad you found the place ok! Come in!" She then steps away, sweeping her long blonde hair away to one side as she did so.

I step across the threshold, and smile at the warm home within. "You've got a great house!" I say as I hear the door click shut and I begin walking deeper into the house.

The entry room is quite nice, with polished wooden walls, paintings, plush carpets. However, that's about all I can take in before the rag gets clamped over my face, and my world turns black.
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I blink slowly, my mind a fog. "What, what happenin'?" I mumble hazily. All I see above me are dark and bright blurs, slowly rotating.

No, they aren't rotating........I am. I blink again as I slowly begin to focus. I'm cold, there's cold touching my skin......and my nose is itchy.

I try to scratch it......but can't? I can't move my arm, why can't I move my arm? I turn my head, my eyes finally adjusted - and feel my heart stop.

I'm laying on what appears to be a spiders web of chains, suspended in midair. I'm bound with my arms and legs splayed wide, and I realise it's the cold of the chains I feel.

My wrists and ankles are lashed tightly with cable-ties, so tightly that even moving a finger makes the tendon in my wrist ache. I begin to breathe faster.

"Help! Help me!" I scream. "Please! I'm trapped down here!" As I scream I take in my surroundings - rough concrete walls with no windows, whips and paddles hanging off the walls. Various implements that, I don't even know what they're for.

"Oh Jesus, oh God," I start sobbing to myself. "Please, help!"

"God, you scream like a bitch," I hear a female voice laugh from behind me. I struggle to turn my head. Suddenly, I feel a burning pain in my scalp as my hair is grabbed, and pulled. I groan in pain.

"Oh shut up," she says, and I can see now it's Gwen. "Please, Gwen," I say desperately. "Why are you doing this?"

She doesn't answer me. Instead, she just holds up a hand. "Shhhhhhh," she says. "Darling, this is your new home for quite a while, oh yes. I'm going to have some good, funny times with you. I'm going to make you scream. And guess what? This room is soundproof."

I begin to sob. "Why are you doing this to me?" I say shakily. "Oh, I have my reasons." She then walks off, and I'm left in silence.

She doesn't take long to come back though, carrying what looks like, a vibrator? She adds an attachment, a hollow tube of some kind. She then grabs my cock!

"What the fu - I'm naked!?" my mind screams, but I can do nothing as she begins pumping my manhood, shaming me with how quickly she got me hard. She then worked the rubber tube over my cock.

vmmmmmmm! The vibrator roars to life and I immediately begin moaning. "I have some things to do, but that should keep you occupied," she laughs. "It feels good, right?" I nod.

"Wait until it's been on for an hour, bucko," she says as she turns and heads up the stairs. "An hour!?" I scream towards the ceiling.
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Post by RopingRingers »

Tiedandgagged wrote: 3 years ago Getting good! Im definitely ready for the next part!
Thanks man
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Post by Boundcurious »

Oh my goodness, you do write well.

“Anger is a hell of a blindfold.” That sentence is going to stick with me a long time.

I hope you figure your personal stuff though
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Post by RopingRingers »

Boundcurious wrote: 3 years ago Oh my goodness, you do write well.

“Anger is a hell of a blindfold.” That sentence is going to stick with me a long time.

I hope you figure your personal stuff though
Thank you, mate. I've got my laptop now so hopefully the next parts will be more fluid and a bit longer. I hate writing on phones, they get laggy.
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Post by RopingRingers »

I've lost track of time. The vibrator this vile woman has left attached to my now-throbbing shaft had been set to a seemingly random assortment of stimulation.

Long, deep vibrations, short and quick bursts, weak and strong, all ensuring that I soon reached a torturous brink of release, but never fell over the edge.

I've been like this for god knows how long. My cock is painfully tender, unused to such long-running stimulus. All I can do is moan and scream into the abyss of the makeshift cell I am bound in.

Then, finally, I begin to feel the throes of orgasm approaching. I start grinding my hips against the air as best I can, hoping that I can maybe get some relief, if I can only......

I groan loudly as I feel the warm liquid erupt from me with such force I see it shooting up into the air above......and then arcing back down and splattering against my chest. Terrific.

As if on cue, I hear a door nearby opening, and the sound of high heels approaching. I can do nothing but tremble in fear as she roughly pulls the tube off my cock, clicking the vibrator off and throwing it away onto a pile of clothes I recognize as my own.

She steps up close, running a finger through the fluid flecked across my torso. 'Well, well. I don't believe I said you could cum. DId I?' she asked me with a sly smile. She steps away, walking to a nearby bench. She then returns with a small, thin cloth - similar to what you'd clean a CD with.

She begins wiping my torso down, and I can't help but feel some gratitude. The gratitude is short-lived however, when she grabs my head roughly, eliciting a loud groan. The moment my lips part, she shoves the cum-soaked rag into my mouth, clamping my jaw shut and ignoring my immediate groan of disgust.

'If you spit that out, boy,' she hisses into my ear. 'I will wipe your arse with it before I put it back. Got it?' I nod, eyes turgid with fear. 'Good.' She then steps away again, and picks up a roll of duct tape.

I know what's coming. I close my eyes in defeat as she approaches, resigned to my fate.

'Oh, May. Why did I let it get so bad?' I begin to think as I feel the tape being plastered over my mouth and wrapped around my head. 'Why couldn't I give you the sort of love you needed?'

I feel a sharp slap on my cheek. 'What are you whinging about?' Gwen laughs. 'We haven't even started yet.' I hadn't realized a solitary tear had snaked its way down my cheek, a glistening trail betraying me.

I say nothing, not that I could anyway. Every time I try and move my tongue, I taste.......myself. I shudder.

'Now, you asked me before, why am I doing this to you?' Gwen says as she finished wrapping my head.

'And you will work it out. Believe me. And you aren't leaving here until I break you in ways you never thought possible. For what you put he -' Gwen stops herself short. I cock my head in confusion.

'What did I do?' I think, but I don't have time to ponder the issue as Gwen holds up a bag of pegs. 'The hell is she going to do with pegs?' I think, vexed. But I soon find out.

Gwen grabs pinches the flesh on my right side between her fingers and, without hesitation, attaches one of the pegs. I scream into my gag, shaking my head, but Gwen just slaps my side, hard. I scream again, as she continues up my side, attaching peg after peg.

'Well, that's ten,' she says in a bright voice. 'How about the other side, darling?' I shake my head, eyes bulging. 'I knew you'd love the idea!' Gwen says with a wink, as she hurries around to the left side. I lean my head back, bracing myself for.......

'FUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKKK!!!' I roar into my gag as she attaches a peg to each of my nipples, pinching right on the tips. I buck and scream, but she just giggles. and resumes pegging my side.

After about ten minutes, I'm in a world of absolute pain. My sides, nipples, inner thighs, toes, ears, even my fucking foreskin, has been pegged. I lay against the cold chains, weakly writhing in pain as Gwen runs her hands slowly around my body, brushing the pegs and causing me more discomfort.

'Do you like that?' she says. 'Your cock, says you do.' She isn't wrong. The moment she started pegging my body my manhood had started to thicken and grow, and I have no idea why. I am terrified, in agony, completely helpless, and yet my dick is throbbing like I'm in the Playboy mansion.

But I shake my head. 'MMmFFmmFm!' I say through the gag. Gwen looks me up and down slowly, smiling. 'I could go a shake. I'm gonna go whip one up, and then I'm gonna decide what fun activity we can do next! Aren't you excited?' she asks happily, patting my cheek.

'I know I am.' And with that she turns away again, heading up the stairs to that beautiful exit, so close to me and yet unreachable. As it clicks shut and I'm left with nothing but my pained flesh to keep me company, I can't shake the feeling that maybe......

I deserve this.
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Post by Boundcurious »

Another excellent update, must say, I’m intrigued...!
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Post by RopingRingers »

Boundcurious wrote: 3 years ago Another excellent update, must say, I’m intrigued...!
Thank you :)
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Post by slackywacky »

Interesting, can't wait to see what will happen next.
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Post by RopingRingers »

slackywacky wrote: 3 years ago Interesting, can't wait to see what will happen next.
Hey buddy haven't seen you for a while. Thank you for the kind words.
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Post by RopingRingers »

As I continue to slowly rotate, my flesh screaming for relief from the cruel wood digging into it, I close my eyes and try, try to picture anything. Anywhere besides here. It's not easy, but I slowly drift away, the pain fading away to a dull ache in the back of my mind. I need to escape, I need to.......

The blackness behind my eyes engulfs me and.........

I find myself.....home. I look up, I see my TV. My couch, the green fabric looks quite nice, nicer than the cold wooden chair I'm sitting in. I wonder why I'm sitting on the cold chair?

I look down on my lap, I see our cat curled up on my lap. 'Ouch!' I say, smiling as she sinks her teeth into my leg. I can feel the pinching pain of her bite. 'Pinching?' I frown, confused.

'Hey babe!' I hear a voice from the kitchen. I look up. 'May!' I exclaim. 'What......what's going on?' She just smiles at me, her beautiful hazel eyes beaming. My god, she's so beautiful.

'What do you mean, silly?' she asks, slowly working over to me.

'Well, I.....didn't we break up?' I ask, confused. May cocks her head at me. I feel the pinching again - is this damn cat still biting me? I swat her away. 'Fuck off, cat,' I say, before turning back to May.

'Didn't we break up?' I ask again. She doesn't answer me, she just slowly walks over, that smile never wavering. 'Of course we did, sweetheart. Why would I want to be with a pathetic, uncaring piece of shit like you?'

I feel my heart drop. 'Wh-what?' I stammer. 'You heard me.' She gets closer and closer to me, still smiling, why is she smiling like that?!

'You're pathetic. You never cared about me. You never loved me.' As she speaks, I feel my mind reeling. Her words are so....painful. They sting, they sting so much. 'And now, you're already going out looking for pussy. How could you do that, if you loved me? How could you move on so fast!?'

She reaches out, grabbing both my nipples through my shirt and twisting, hard. I scream in pain. 'Why, Brad?! WHY!?' '

'I DON'T KNOW!' I scream, and suddenly, my eyes open.

Gwen is standing over me, a shit-eating grin on her face.

'Curious. I didn't peg you for a retreat-inside kinda guy. But unfortunately, that makes!' she says, drawing out the last few words mockingly and tapping my nose with each one.

I become acutely aware in an instant of the pain my body is still in, from all the pegs. I try to plead, but I can't speak through the gag. Gwen sips on a large shake, chocolate maybe.

She notices me looking. 'Thirsty?' she asks. I turn my head away. I'm not going to give her the satisfaction of denying me. 'Well, if that's how you want to be.' She takes a small wooden chair nearby, sits on it. Then, she just watches me, rotating and writhing as she sipped on her drink.

Finally, she speaks. 'Well, you must be tired. I tell you what. I'm going to take those pegs off, how about that?' I nod wildly, tears welling in my eyes. I beg through my gag.

She comes over, and slowly begins de-pegging my skin. She starts with my inner thighs, and I'm honestly not sure what hurt more - the pegs being on, or coming off. I moan into my gag as she works her way up one leg, then down the other. She then removes the one on my foreskin, eliciting a very loud (relative to the gag anyway) scream.

I see her grin widely. 'There's a lot yet, bucko.' She begins on my torso next, and I just close my eyes and wait for the end. Torso, ears, arms, all that is left is......

My nipples. I gulp and brace for the pain. This is going to hurt......

It hurt. I buck and arch against the chains, screaming as she removes first the left, then the right. 'That better, big boy?' she asks sarcastically. I nod. 'Good.' She then holds up a rag. 'Nighty night.'

'Wait, what?' is all I have time to think before my world goes black.

I don't know how much time has passed when I blink and reopen my eyes. My surroundings are dark, but I can see light streaming in from a window nearby, pale moonlight. I'm in a normal room.

I try to speak but I'm still gagged, of course. I try to move, and realize just how bad my situation is.

My arms are bound behind my back, cinched at the elbows and bound at the wrists. My legs are encircled, as is my torso, and I can see beneath me, a......bed? A large bed, comfy looking, with big white pillows and thick doonas.

'What the hell...... I think. I'm hanging above this bed, apparently anchored to the roof at some sturdy points - I'm not fat but I'm not skinny either. Lean, slightly muscular. I wriggle but I suddenly feel the ropes begin to........tighten.

'She's done it in a way that if you struggle, it gets tighter......' I realize with horror. As if on cue, suddenly the light clicks on.

I'm in a quite lavish bedroom, with a gorgeously intricate makeup station, polished wood and adornments all over. There's a huge TV, an ensuite, a minifridge.

'Goddamn...... I think begrudgingly. 'Are ya comfy, bucko?' I hear Gwen say as she steps into my line of sight, wearing a rather sexy satin nightie. I shake my head, cursing at her through the gag. She grins. 'Good.' She turns on her bedside lamp before going off to turn the main light off.

She clambers into bed beneath me, and just lays back, looking up at me for a while. Then, she smirks. 'I like a good night's sleep. So,' as she speaks, she reaches under her bed, pulling out a long, black device with a pronged end.

'If you keep me up with your whimpering, or whining or anything really, I'm going to poke you with this. For reference, this is how it feels.'

Without warning, she jabs my arm. The pain is immediate and overwhelming, causing me to yelp into my gag. 'Now, that was your arm because it was an example. During the night, I'll be aiming for your balls. Understand?' I nod wildly, begging through the gag. She holds up a hand.

'Calm down,' she says. 'Just shut up, go to sleep, and you'll be fine. I even added something to make it slightly easier on you. Rest your head, you'll see.' She clicks off the light. 'Goodnight, slave.'

As the room turns dark, I rest my head and, sure enough, I hadn't noticed yet but she had attached some sort of leather strip to my forehead, and if I relax my head it actually does a decent job holding my head level, as if I were laying on my back. Neutral neck.

'You've got to be fucking kidding me........ I think as I realize something else. This bitch is already snoring.
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Post by scarfgagged »

Oh my!!!! Loving this!!!! Keep going!
If you're not gagged and blindfolded, then you're not tied up at all!!! :D
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Post by slackywacky »

Great chapter!
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
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Post by Boundcurious »

The cliffhangers, you’re so mean!! :D
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Post by RopingRingers »

slackywacky wrote: 3 years ago Great chapter!
Boundcurious wrote: 3 years ago The cliffhangers, you’re so mean!! :D
scarfgagged wrote: 3 years ago Oh my!!!! Loving this!!!! Keep going!
Thanks guys, glad you're enjoying it so far 👍
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Post by RopingRingers »

As I blink slowly, consciousness returning slowly, for a split second I think I'm at home. But as I try to move, feeling the ropes tightening again, I remember where I am. Below me, Gwen's bed lay empty - the doonas thrown roughly aside. Clearly she doesn't make her bed, I think dryly.

I don't have long to think though, before I hear the sound of footsteps. I turn my head and see Gwen standing below me, looking up at me with a sly smirk.

'Sleep well?' she asks me. I narrow my eyes at her, but say nothing. She chuckles. 'Not a morning person, huh? That's ok. You just hang around for a while, and I'll get us some food. Behave yourself, and you might get something nice.' She then turns, and leaves the room. I simply sigh and close my eyes again. What else can I do?

What I don't see, however, is who Gwen has sitting in her kitchen. As she flicks on the kettle, she turns to face her visitor.

'Tea or coffee darlin'?' she asks. May looks up, her face neutral. 'Tea, please. Chai, if you have it.' Gwen laughs. 'Just so happens, I do.'

As Gwen busied herself making the two of them drinks, there was some idle small talk. Work, weather, the latest episode of Umbrella Academy. But, when Gwen placed May's chai in front of her and sat across from her with her own coffee, May pivoted.

'So, um.....' she started, unsure. Gwen held up a hand. 'I get it. You're worried about him, that I might be going too far.' Gwen leaned forward. 'That's exactly why I offered to do this for you, and why you can't. You care about him too much.'

'When I met you in that club the other night, you were a wreck, you didn't know which way was up. A few drinks in, and suddenly you're crying on my shoulder about.......him. About how he yelled at you, never showed you affection, or the love you craved. And what did I say?'

May looks at her, hesitant. 'Go on. What did I say?'

'That if I wanted you to, you could show him a few things to change his perspective,' May said softly. 'Correct. But, what did I also promise?'

'That no harm would come to him,' May said. 'But then, the very first night, you send me photos of him covered in pegs?' Gwen laughed at this.

'Oh, May. This is partly why I offered to help you, you can be so naive. Do you really think I could effect meaningful change with feathers and tickling?' May just shrugged.

'I promised you no HARM would come to Brad, and I meant it. I don't want to harm him in any long term sense. Hurt, though. I can't train a puppy without hurting him, at least a little bit. And the amount of hurt depends solely on him. Last night was about punishment. This morning,' she continued, and as if to illustrate her point, her phone dinged.

'Is about reward. And here's his first reward.' Gwen held up her phone, displaying the Menulog app. 'I ordered us all some Subway. Not that he'll know you were here yet, of course.'

May nodded, then her head snapped toward Gwen. 'Wait, yet?' Gwen paused. 'You do plan to tell him you were in on this, eventually? That's a big thing to keep secret.' May threw her hands up.

'I don't know! I know him well enough that he could end up hating me more than you, if he finds out I was in on it,' May says. Gwen nods slowly. 'True, I suppose. I guess we'll have to see how it goes.' May nods. 'Um, before I go....'

Gwen cocks her head. 'What?'

'Could I see him?' Gwen hesitates. 'That's risky. He's not blindfolded at the moment. I tell you what, come back tonight, about eight. I'll make sure he's in an accommodating position. One where you can stand right in front of him, and he won't know you're there.'

May nods. 'Ok, well I'd better get going then,' she says as she downs the last of her chai. She picks up her handbag, hugging Gwen on her way out.

'I'm sorry I'm so nervous about this,' she says. Gwen just shakes her head. 'Don't worry. This isn't the first time I've done this, and I've had FAR worse, I guess helicopter partners would be the best term,' she says with a laugh.

That cheers May up, and she smiles broadly as Gwen closes the door behind her. 'Oh crap, her sub,' Gwen thought. 'Ah well. I'll eat it later.'

Unaware of any of this, I simply continue to hang from the ceiling, fidgeting occasionally in my bondage, and paying for each movement with the ropes tightening ever so slightly more. Finally, Gwen returns.

'So, big boy,' she says. 'I've ordered us both some nice breakfast, but I need to know you're going to behave yourself.' I nod, and I mean it. I have no energy left to fight, I just want some food, and to stretch.

Gwen smiles. 'Good.' She then walks out of my sight, and I suddenly feel myself lowering. I wasn't anchored to the ceiling, I was anchored to a pulley! Which was, itself......anchored to the ceiling, but it was still a revelation, ok!? As I hit the soft bed, I can't help but moan at how soft it is.

Gwen hears me. 'Comfy, isn't it? It should be, it cost me three grand. Actually behave yourself and you might spend a night tied next to me, instead of above me.' I feel her cutting the ropes away from my skin, and I groan as the circulation returns. Once I'm free, I slowly roll onto my back and hold my hands up.

Gwen cocks her head, confused. 'What?' she asks. I slowly shuffle forward, holding my hands up to make it clear I'm not trying anything. As I stand, I continue to raise my hands up, above my head. I then raise an eyebrow and wiggle my arms to emphasize them.

'Oh, do you want to stretch?' she asks. I nod, trying to acknowledge her through my still-gagged lips. 'Ok, but make it quick.'

And so I spend the next couple minutes looking like I'm warming up for a game of footy, but once she beckons me forward and orders me to cross my wrists in front of me, my aching muscles feel much better.

'Thank you,' I try to say through the gag. 'You're welcome,' she replies. She then chuckles at my look of surprise. 'Do you think you're the first guy to say thank you through a gag to me?' she says. I shrug.

Once she binds my wrists together, leaving a long strand hanging to pull me by, she leads me out of her bedroom, down a small hallway and into her kitchen. It's quite nice, utilitarian, with white walls, pots and pans hanging from the roof, the fridge built into the cupboards.

As she leads me over to the table, sitting me in one of the wooden chairs, I notice it's warm.

'Hmm, she must've been sitting here. But why would she give me her chair?' I wonder. As Gwen walks over to the fridge, I notice something. A scent, on the air. I sniff, trying not to draw attention.

'I know that smell. Where do I know that smell from?' I think. Suddenly, I hear a knock on the door. Gwen hurries over to me and leans down, pulling away one of the kitchen floorboards to reveal a thick iron ring set into the ground beneath.

She lashes my wrists to the ring. 'Don't go anywhere,' she says with a giggle. She then hurries off towards the front door.

I hear her talking to the delivery guy, and I consider yelling for help.

'Even if he calls the police, she'll lock you in that soundproofed basement before they turn up,' I think. Besides that, I'm still gagged. But then I realize, only my hands are bound.

I lower my face down, rubbing my taped lips against the knots, pulling wildly, hoping against hope. At first I feel like I'm getting nowhere, but then suddenly, I feel the knots start to loosen.

'Yes!' I think. I look up - I can still hear her talking. I go back to the knot, rubbing, rubbing, pulling, I can reach it with my fingers now! I set about finishing the job, and......

The ropes finally fall away! I stand up, elated. I hurry over to the nearest set of drawers, open them.

Knives! Yes! I grab out the largest butcher's knife in the drawer and begin to turn -

Just in time to see a white rag come into my line of sight and clamp down over my nose. I start struggling wildly, but before long, I descend back into the darkness.
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Post by scarfgagged »

He must be looking for some more punishment!!!
Can't wait for the next part.
If you're not gagged and blindfolded, then you're not tied up at all!!! :D
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Post by Boundcurious »

Oopsy daisy, I sense that having repercussions...!
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Post by RopingRingers »

Tiedandgagged wrote: 3 years ago Uh oh someone has gotten himself into quite a predicament
To be fair, he was already in it 😉 but going for a weapon, tsk tsk. I can't see Gwen being too happy about that.
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Post by RopingRingers »

scarfgagged wrote: 3 years ago He must be looking for some more punishment!!!
Can't wait for the next part.
Glad you're enjoying it mate 👍
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Post by derred6 »

I'm loving this and can't wait for the next part! I hope Brad finds himself in even more restrictive predicaments.
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Post by RopingRingers »

I'm not sure how much time has passed when I open my eyes, my mind spinning from the after-effects of the chloroform. I cough and splutter, surprised to find I'm no longer gagged. I glance around with my eyes, trying to move, and that's when I discover that the lack of a gag is about all I have to be thankful for.

I'm still in the kitchen, but now I'm bound into a very different chair, one made of cold steel. Similar in appearance to an electric chair, my arms and legs are bound tightly to the unforgiving steel with thick leather straps.

Another strap runs around my waist, and yet another around my chest, ensuring I have next to no ability to move, even an inch. I try to look around, only to find that the chair also has a large, steel, head-shaped attachment, and MY head is locked into it. I can't do anything but dart my eyes. I feel my breathing begin to intensify.

I try to struggle, and that's when I begin to feel the spikes. Tiny little spikes, all over the surface of the chair! The more I move, the more they poke into my bare skin. I hadn't paid much attention to the fact I was naked since I was in her basement, but I'm painfully aware now.

'Well, well. You woke up quicker than I expected.' Gwen steps out in front of me, her hands on her hips and a smile on her lips.

'Did you really think you'd get away?' she asks me. I say nothing, just lower my eyes. I don't want her to see how goddamn terrified I am.

'She had to see the knife, right?' I think to myself. 'She can't be happy about that.'

As if she read my mind, Gwen leans over and picks up the knife up off the kitchen table. 'So, Brad,' Gwen begins. 'What exactly were you planning to do with this?'

I still remain silent. Gwen frowns, then punches me square in the guts! I groan loudly, and begin gasping for air. 'I didn't take that gag off so you could ignore me, bucko. What were you going to do with the knife?'

I begin to sob, I can't help it. 'I don't know,' I say. 'I just, I just want to go home! I didn't pull out the fucking thing thinking 'oh, imma stab this bitch', I just saw a weapon and I grabbed it!'

The tears are still flowing freely, and she actually seems to show a look of concern, if only for a second. Then, her face reverts to it's usually, cocksure self.

'Ok. I believe you. Now, you are certainly in for some punishment, for your intent. However, I am sure you are starving. You haven't eaten in at least fourteen hours.' She holds up the instantly-recognizable green-and-yellow wrapping of a Subway sub.

'Now, I HAD ordered you this. Chicken fillet with Chipotle sauce, red onion, capsicum, some mozarella.' As she speaks, I feel my mouth begin to water. Then my heart falls.

'She's going to eat in front of you,' I think sadly. I just close my eyes, another tear snaking it's way down my face. Gwen pats my cheek.

'Hey. What's wrong now?' I look up at her.

'I'm not stupid,' I say. 'I know I blew any chance of getting that. Just, please don't rub it in.' Gwen raises an eyebrow. 'Well, I can't lie, the idea certainly crossed my mind. But,' she says as she begins unwrapping the sub.

'What can I say? I'm feeling generous. Besides, you'll need the energy.' She lifts the first six inch piece out. 'Um, Gwen?' I ask. She raises an eyebrow again. 'What was that?' I swallow my pride.

'Ma'am?' She smiles. 'Better. Yes?'

'Do you, do you mind if I save half for later? I like them cold.' Gwen cracks up laughing at this. 'Wait, really?' I nod.

'Yes, really. But that's not why I'm asking. God knows what she's going to do to me, but at least I have another sub to look forward to.'

As Gwen holds the sub out, the creamy sauce spilling out over the chicken, I open my mouth greedily. I feel the sub in my mouth, I begin to close my teeth aroun -

The bitch yanks it back! My teeth clack together pointlessly and I look at her, dejected.

She then slides a second sub from across the table to her, putting mine down and wrapping it back up. 'I mean, you didn't think I'd let you eat first though, did you?' she says with a smirk. As she unwraps her own and starts tucking in, I can't help but wonder.

'How did she know what I like on a sub? She got that order, like, exact......' I think to myself.
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Post by Daenarys »

Gwen better be careful, before she gives too much away
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Post by RopingRingers »

Daenarys wrote: 3 years ago Gwen better be careful, before she gives too much away
Yes indeed
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Centennial Club
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Post by RopingRingers »

As Gwen puts the last piece of her sub into her mouth, I try not to show any reaction. My stomach is growling loudly - I can't hide that, but I can try and play it cool.

She chews slowly, then swallows. She smiles at me. 'Would you like your sub now?' she asks. I nod. 'Yes please, ma'am.' Gwen smiles. 'Good boy,' she says as she picks up the first six inch piece again, and holds it out to me.

This time she doesn't pull it away, and I moan with satisfaction as the taste fills my mouth. I chew slowly, savouring the creamy taste of the Chipotle, the satisfying crunch of the onion.

'So,' Gwen says as I lean in for a second bite. 'Let me ask you something.' I look at her as I chew. 'Why did you try to escape?'

I pause, swallow. 'Are you serious?' I ask as I take a third bite. 'You drugged me, and kidnapped me.' Gwen scoffs. 'Oh, don't be so dramatic. It's not like I won't let you go, eventually. But not before you learn a few things.'

I crack at this. 'Ok, seriously, what do you want from me?' I ask. 'I've never seen you before, I've never done anything to you. What the fuck is your problem?'

I see Gwen's face darken, and I regret my zeal. My eyes flicker toward the sub still gripped in her hands. She notices, and holds it out. 'Go on.' As I take another bite, she speaks.

'I can't tell you yet. Now, eat your sub and I'll show you what I have planned for your morning.' I don't really have any choice but to obey. Before long, I've eaten the first half. Gwen wraps up the other half, and steps out of my sight. I assume she's gone to the fridge.

I assume wrong. Her manicured hand comes into my sight again, clutching that same damn rag, and I can't even be bothered resisting.

When I open my eyes again, I find that I'm.......outside? As my eyes adjust to the bright sunlight, I realize I'm staring up at the sky. It's bright blue, not a cloud in sight. I try to move, but I realize I'm bound, spread-eagled, on the emerald-green grass.

As I crane my head I see that there are long, sturdy iron stakes driven deep into the lawn, and my limbs are bound to them. When I try and raise my head, I find that there is something around my neck as well, driven into the ground either side of my neck.

My jaw is stretched wide with a huge red ball gag, and it's already aching. My eyes dart around, but all I can see is sweeping green grass and a huge, seven foot wooden fence encircling the clearly huge yard.

I close my eyes, hoping for a break from the bright sun above, but all that happens is the bright white turns into bright red as it illuminates my eyelids. I sigh. This is the worst so far.

After an, honestly I have no fucken idea, amount of time passes, I finally hear footsteps approaching across the lawn.

'Comfortable?' I hear Gwen ask with a chuckle. 'I thought you might be a nature guy, hehe.'

She stands over me, blocking the sun out. The relief of finally not having to squint is amazing, and I hope she stays for a bit.

'So, it's 11am now. I've got to go out and do a few things, but don't worry. Nobody ever looks over my fence, you saw how spaced out our properties are. So, enjoy the sun!'

And with that, she walks over. I try to scream after her, but I now realize on top of the ballgag- she stuffed my mouth as well. I can barely make a sound. At least some clouds are starting to spot the sky - maybe the sun will get covered up soon.

I start to struggle wildly, trying to pull one of the stakes out of the ground, but they refuse to give.

'Dammit, that bitch must have buried them deep,' I think as I finally give up, my wrists rubbed raw from struggling against the rough rope. I can't help but let out a few strangled sobs, but I quickly regain my composure.

'Come on, if you start crying, your nose could block up. Your eyes will get puffy and you can't even wipe the tears away,' I think, taking deep, calming breaths through my nose.

As I regain my composure, I simply close my eyes, and let myself drift away.

'That smell.......'' I think. 'I know it! I know it, what is it?'

As I lay against the grass, the sun beating down on me, I rack my brains trying to place that scent. I know it, goddamn it. What is it, a food additive? A shampoo? Perfume Gwen uses, maybe? Does May use something similar -


No...........she couldn't have, right? She couldn't have been involved in this?

'The sub....... She knew exactly what to get you on the sub........'

There's no other way.......

I start to roar into my gag, an endless, gutteral shriek that even the stuffing struggles to contain. I begin to thrash wildly, like a madman. The ropes begin to cut into my flesh, but I ignore the pain.

It grows, it grows, but I continue to thrash, thrash, screaming endlessly, until finally, I feel it. The peg holding my left arm down is starting to wiggle, ever so slightly. I continue my intense struggling, ignoring the ever growing pains in my wrists, until finally, the peg comes loose. I reach up to my neck, wrenching the smaller pegs holding the steel into the dirt either side, my neck raw and sore. I fling the chunk of metal away as I sit up, reaching across and ripping the other peg free.

I then start unbinding my ankles, first the left, then the right, the ropes falling away, revealing deep, bloody marks. I glance down at my wrists, now that my adrenaline is fading, they are starting to sting.

I see blood trickling on them as well. I raise my hands, looking at the blood-specked skin, feeling the rage build.

I reach up slowly, unbuckle the gag and pull out the stuffing. I notice it's the same cum-rag she gagged me with before. My head rolls back and I start to roar at the sky, a horrible, strangled sound. Despair and rage flow through me in twin rivers, threatening to overwhelm me.

I slowly lower my arms, fists bunching either side as I stride purposefully toward the house, the two foot-and-a-half rods still hanging from my wrists, Kratos-style.

As I reach the back door I simply raise my right arm and swing the rod at the nearest window, shattering it into a thousand glistening shards. I glanced over my shoulder, eyes scanning the fence line. Nobody seems to be looking, evidently my screaming went ignored.

I reach in through the broken window, unlocking the door and stepping into.......the kitchen.

'Makes sense,' I think as I make my way toward the front door. Along the way I pass a bottle of chloroform and that damn white rag, sitting on a small table in the hallway.

I look at it, then my gaze falls to the iron rods, still dangling from my wrists. I ponder my options.

'You can't HURT them.'

'I know that, dammit. But......'

'No buts. You know how hot-headed you can be, and you know what you're like when you go to that darker place. You ALWAYS regret it, don't you?'

'.......damn it, yes. Doesn't mean I can't scare her a little though, right?'

'No more than is necessary. Do not be cruel for the sake of it.'

Goddamn it, voice of reason. You're right, but fuck you for it! I'm pissed!

I lash out at a nearby vase, sending it flying in a vertical line across the room and shattering it against the walls. I then lash out at the table it sat upon, crashing my foot down through the fragile wood, splintering it.

'Feel better?'

'Not really.'

At that moment, I hear the crunching sound of a car coming up the driveway. I peer out a nearby window - it's Gwen, alone.

I can't see her caring enough to check on me first, but I'm still nervous as I stand by the front door with the chloroform-soaked rag, hidden out of sight, that she might take some side gate and ruin my element of surprise.
Fortunately, that is not the case, as a few moments later I hear the key in the lock, then it turns. Gwen opens the door, stepping in as most people do, facing her body toward the door as she closes it.

This is all I need. I take two steps up to her and clamp the rag over her face. She begins to writhe immediately, elbowing me, but I barely register the blows. I'm almost seeing red, I'm so furious.

Finally, I feel her relax in my grip. I waste no time dragging her into the living room, where I see a sturdy, fancy looking wooden table, with thick legs and a flat, polished surface. I smile, then lift her up onto the table, after sweeping the contents on top onto the floor, of course.

I then turn and head up the hallway, poking my head through each doorway until I found what I was looking for. Duct tape.

I finally found a drawer in her bedroom full of ropes and rolls of tape. I grab five rolls to be safe, and hurry back to Gwen.

I start wrapping her legs, ankles to just below the knees. I then do the same to her arms, encircling them from wrist to elbow. I make sure her arms are pulled as tightly together as possible. I then roll her over, pinning her arms uncomfortably beneath.

She begins to stir as I begin wrapping tape over her and under the table, securing her to the surface.

By the time I'm done, only her head and tits poke out from underneath the silver tape.

'What the....' Gwen says groggily. 'How did you......get free?'

I hold up an arm, showing her the still-dangling steel pipe, and my bloodied skin.

'Oh, it was super easy. Barely an inconvenience,' I say sarcastically. She cocks her head. 'What?'

'Never mind. Now, Gwen,' I say, malice dripping from my every word. I flick the steel bars up into my hands, and look down as menacingly as I can.

'We need to talk.'
Last edited by RopingRingers 3 years ago, edited 5 times in total.
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