Bluebeard's Husbands (M/M+)

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Post by RopingRingers »

Hopefully Adrian can find Stewart before the boss finds out what's happened 🔥
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Post by Volobond »

I awoke to a hand clamped over my mouth and I screamed in terror, though it made very little sound through the large hand. My thrashing was immediately curtailed by a great weight smooshing me down into the bed, pinning my arms and legs.

"My love, it's me. It's Charles."

I stilled and he let me go. I turned and hugged him tight. Even though he may have been a kidnapper, he was still my husband and I loved him, and I loved the safety of his arms.

He softly kissed my head. "Did you get scared all on your own, my darling?"

I figured that was a good excuse. I nodded, curling close. "It's a big house, and I heard noises."

Charles squeezed me tight, ny cheek pressing into his broad chest muscle. "I am here now to protect you. You... you know I'd never do anything to hurt you, right?"

I nodded. Call me crazy, but I believed him. I nearly spilled the beans right there. But instead I kissed him and laughed at his adorable smile as he handed me a silky morning robe.

"Okay, then. I've got someone for you to meet."

I was pretty nervous about this whole thing. Charles' work had been something previously separate from me. I was excited to learn more about him (beyond, of course, his kidnapping thing). Charles led me into the breakfast lounge, where two extraordinarily handsome people were occupying a couch.

"Adrian, this is Arden, who I suppose is my new boss."

Arden was a tall and lean man with beautiful blue eyes and lustrous dark hair, wearing an impeccably tailored suit, the jacket of which was slung over the back of the couch, leaving him in shirtsleeves and a loosened tie. He held out his hand for me to shake, and as I looked down I noticed he still wore his loafers. Usually visitors took them off in the lounge areas, or so I had been told.

"Pleasure to meet you. You must be Adrian. I've heard tons about you from your husband."

I grinned. "That's good to hear; although I hope he didn't talk your ear off."

Arden laughed good-naturedly. "A bit, actually, but it was very sweet."

Charles smirked, clearing his throat. "And this is his boy...friend, Cole."

Cole was just as handsome as Arden, if not more so, with straw-colored hair and amber eyes and a body to die for, his tight muscles showing through his snug ribbed tank and gym shorts. He looked much less formal than Arden, as if he had come from a run. Still, I'd have to say they were both very hot, and I wouldn't have been able to rate one higher than the other.

Cole jumped up to give me a hug and whisper in my ear. "Arden and I are into bondage too. Maybe someday we can show you some tricks."

Arden rolled his eyes and pulled Cole back by a collar I had just noticed. It was a dog collar, black leather trimmed with a gold color, and looked definitely BDSM-related. As Arden gave Cole's butt a tight smack, I raised an eyebrow at Charles, who simply grinned.

"So, it's very nice to meet you. Er, before we get too settled in, should we take care of... our business first, or have some breakfast?" Arden asked, glancing at Charles meaningfully.

Oh, shit. The "business" had to mean the husband, or husbands, in the dungeon. And woefully, it was a husband short. So Arden was part of this, too? Why was it always the hot guys?

"Oof, I don't know about you, but I woke up starving!" I sighed loudly. Charles smiled at me indulgently.

"If my love requires food, then his knight in shining armor will get it for him." he said dramatically.

"I'll come with you." Arden grinned at Cole, who winked. "Give our significant others some time to get acquainted. Cole? You behave now, because I'm leaving you with the master of the house, and he has full leave to punish you if you get out of line."

I blushed as Arden smirked at me. "If you need anything to torture him with, I have some old socks in my overnight bag. Feel free, but brace yourself."

Charles came to kiss me before leaving. "Arden and Cole are good friends. And if you don't want to do anything, nothing will happen. But they'd like to play some bondage games with us, if you're up for it. If we come back and Cole's tied up... well, we'll know for sure, won't we?"

I nodded, and smiled as Arden and Charles left to retrieve some takeout breakfast. This was perfect. As long as I could get Cole tied up quickly, I'd have free rein to find and recapture Stewart and lock him in the dungeon before anyone was the wiser. Then I could have some fun with my husband and this bondage-friendly couple. Sounds like a perfect hour.

"So.... are you more of a dom or a sub?" Cole asked.

I turned, quickly snatching the belt of my robe and holding it taut. "Hands behind your back and you'll find out, boy."

"Oooh, nice. I didn't see Charles as a sub."

"We switch." I explained, admiring Cole's form as he removed his tight tank top. "And wow."

He smirked. "Yeah, I, uh, used to have to be in good shape for work. Now I get to be eye candy for hot guys like you and my Master."

I blinked but did not say anything about his word choice. Plenty of time to unpack that later. I quickly bound Cole's forearms to each other in a box tie - I didn't want him escaping. I quickly took him to my and Charles' bedroom, the best place to keep him out of the way. He giggled as I hogtied him, placed some silk handkerchiefs into his mouth, and used vet wrap to mummify his head, except for his nose. I gave him a few tickles before simply leaving him to stew.

Now to find my husband's ex and rekidnap him.

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Post by RopedBud »

I'm loving the sorry so far. You definitely have such a natural talent of writing these kinds of stories. I'm definitely looking forward to what is to come!
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Post by george_bound »

Ohhhh yeaaaahhhh...Arden's back [me doing the happy dance] And he's brought Cole with him, naturally :lol:

[mention]Volobond[/mention], you always have a way of slipping in some fun light-heartedness to ease the situation:

Charles smirked, clearing his throat. "And this is his boy...friend, Cole."

Oh, shit. The "business" had to mean the husband, or husbands, in the dungeon. And woefully, it was a husband short. So Arden was part of this, too? Why was it always the hot guys?

Well, we know lots of bondage is in the immediate future but the question is...will Adrian end up permanently in it ;)

Looking forward to finding out what's in store for all four of them!
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]Volobond[/mention] As someone who suffers from a similar ailment, I heartily approve and empathize with Arden's choice to keep his loafers on in Charles' house. I do the same when I visit buddies, and even at my own home as well ;)

So glad to see Arden and Cole again!
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Post by NeedControl »


This is so good!!!!!!!!!! 🤩🤩🤩
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

I'm super hyped about the two characters introduced in this chapter.

With Charles teamed up with Arden, Adrian has no room for error. Also, loved the last sentence:
"Now to find my husband's ex and rekidnap him."
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Volobond »

Cole was really getting into being tied up. By the time I left him, he was humping the bed with abandon. But I was barely paying attention, because I had a prisoner to find. My husband's most recent ex-husband was loose in the house, albeit gagged and restrained pretty severely. And I only had a short time to find him.

I checked all the places I could think of to hide. But then I realized most of those places weren't accessible to someone in a spreader bar and leather restraints. Not unless he was really really flexible. So I kept hunting him down.

Twenty minutes... thirty minutes... Arden and Charles would definitely be on the way back by now...

There he was! He had somehow opened a wardrobe on the first floor and jammed himself inside, only to fall asleep, face buried in one of Charles' winter sweaters. When I snapped open the doors to the wardrobe, he started and yelped. He couldn't resist much, tied as he was, even though he was far more muscular than I. So I triumphantly dragged him back to the dungeon room, tying the rope attached to his collar to the doorknob while I retrieved the keys from my bedroom, where Cole glanced curiously at me.

I had a time getting Stewart to stand up, but soon I had him tied exactly as I assumed he had been before. Stewart glared at me, yelling into his gag, probably cursing what a despicable person I was.

"Look, I'm not about to be in your position. And I don't want you getting Charles in trouble. I don't have a choice." I told him sternly.

"Indeed." a voice responded, and I screamed. I heard a squeak of leather as a black-gloved hand forced a soaked cloth over my face, and I was pulled against a firm and familiar broad chest. And in some strange way, that made me feel safe, even if I knew I was doomed...

- - -

I awoke strapped down to a bed with heavy-duty medical restraints. I struggled wildly in the padded cuffs at first, but it was useless, the leather keeping me imprisoned better than even metal shackles would. A heavy plug gag was locked onto my mouth, muffling even my loudest cries. I saw Stewart still bound in the center of the room, as I had left him, albeit now with Cole poking at him, gauging his ticklishness, and groping at the leather jock strap he wore. Arden sat in observation nearby, and I only just realized that Charles was sitting at my bedside, looking at me with love in his eyes.

"Mmmmm!" I yelled, trying to plead with him, but Charles merely patted my bare stomach. I had been stripped to my underwear, I noticed.

"Don't fear, my love." Charles whispered to me, silencing my muffled pleas. "I'm here."

I tried to explain, but Charles simply waited out my unintelligible noises.

"My dear, we have cameras in here. Did you think I would simply leave my prisoners unattended?" Charles asked. I sighed, feeling silly. Of course he knew. "I just wanted to see what you would do. And you passed the test. You did not betray me like others did. In fact, you tried to cover up for me. No one else tried that. So you are in no danger. I won't keep you in here. I just... heh, I supposed I thought I could give you a little fantasy."

I chuckled with relief behind my gag as Charles leaned down to kiss my forehead.

"I suppose it's time you know the truth about me and the Company I work for. We supply rich clients with captive men, often trained and conditioned for servitude. No harm comes to these men, and often they find it rather enjoyable."

"I am the newest Board member of the Company." Arden added. I used to be secretary to one of our Procurers. Our best, I might add." He said with pride.

"And I work in the Legal department. It's my department's job to draw up contracts and NDA's for clients, internal paperwork, retirement plans, and to bury evidence that these men ever existed." Charles grinned. "I've still been working on that part in my personal life."

"Charles has had trouble with finding a spouse amenable to his career. So, we've had to step in. In a marginal sense. We've sent people to check on Charles' ever-growing set of prisoners, but for the past three years, Gustav, my predecessor, has refused to send anyone to collect. It's my opinion that he was targeting Charles for Procurement and wanted to blackmail him into giving himself in, as he is protected by Company policy." Arden said, snapping his fingers. Immediately Cole raced over to him and knelt next to his chair.

"Arden came over personally to assess the situation. And now, this all lies on you. Since I know you can be trusted, I'm going to show you each prisoner, and it'll be your decision whether we send them with Arden or keep them here."

I nearly protested, but then I realized that I didn't mind. Maybe I loved Charles too much, or I feared being enslaved myself, but I actually found this whole thing... hot. And I realized that this was what Charles meant by finally finding the one. For better or for worse, I loved him.

But then I remembered something. Remy! He was on his way! I struggled and tried to speak.

"The friend." Arden smirked. "Don't worry, Adrian. We'll take care of him until you arrive. We'll just tell him you and Charles are indisposed."

I heaved a sigh of relief as they left.

"You're okay? Would you like to play?" Charles whispered, and I nodded.

"Very well, my dear husband. Let's begin..."

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Post by wataru14 »

I have no words for how cool this story is! I want more!!!
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Post by Viperbound7 »

This story's great! Super hot!
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Post by socjuc »

I just stumbled on this story. Me likes! :D
This story can be found HERE.
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Post by george_bound »

:twisted: :lol: ;) :o :shock: 8-)

Oh... and please be kind to Remy, hehe!
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

"Honey, you passed the test. Now, let's pick which of my ex-husbands to keep."

Can you tell that I loved this chapter? :D
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by bondagefreak »

Damn! I'm so glad to see Arden and Cole back in this story.
Really thrilled and relieved to learn that Charles has been keeping a close eye on Adrian and was monitoring his latest husband's attempt at covering up for him. That's true love right there ;)

Adrian is definitely a keeper, and Charles is a smart guy for realizing that.

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Post by Volobond »

The medical bed I was on only had to be unlocked, and could be turned vertical as a mobile dolly, so Charles felt no need to release me. He simply stood in front of my helpless form and kissed my bare neck, his hands roving over my, my nipples and my crotch, making me moan into the heavy gag. But soon enough he led me to the first cell.

"Prepare to meet my first husband, Jerry. Jerry was a scumbag, but I just didn't see it until too late. He found out about my work and wanted to blackmail me out of my hard-earned money, planning to have me work just to support him, treating me like a slave. But I restrained him and kept him prisoner instead."

Charles opened the door to what appeared to be a giant chrysalis suspended in midair. On closer inspection, it was a gently moving sleeping bag held up in the air by thick rope cables stretched taut. I could tell it was thick and heavy-duty, but then Charles informed me that Jerry was trapped in sensory deprivation, a tight sleepsack, and a thinner sleeping bag as well. It was a wonder he was able to move at all.

He showed me a picture of Jerry. Wiry and thin, with dark hair, I didn't like him at all. When Charles asked me yea ot nay, I shook my head. My husband grinned.

"Next you meet Hayden. Hayden turned out to be in debt to some rough customers, and he seduced me in the hopes he could use my money to pay them off. He never loved me, which was a shame, as I thought he was the handsomest thing I had ever seen... until meeting you, of course."

I blushed before I was wheeled in to see a man, skinny and lean, strapped spread eagle and naked to a table, his black hair plastered to his head with sweat. A milking machine pumped his cock relentlessly, causing him to struggle and yell into the leather gag in his mouth.

I gave Charles a maybe on Hayden. And he took me to the next room, frowning with disdain. He glared at the man strapped to a giant X, with the blond hair you could tell used to be painstakingly styled, chest fuzzy with golden fluff. The man thrashed when he saw us. Apparently the bad blood was mutual.

"Julian. Master prick of all pricks." Charles said darkly. "Not only did he try to swindle me out of my money, he tried to make me feel like shit for earning more than him. He deserved this."

Julian growled and howled, but we left him be. If I was gonna keep any of my husband's former lovers, it was gonna be the ones who made him happy.

"Ah, poor Chris. Like Stewart, he was only trying to do the right thing when he stumbled on the dungeon." Charles sighed.

Chris was redheaded, and strapped to a sturdy metal chair with a multitude of leather belts, almost to the point of immobility. He was broad and muscular like Stewsrt, but closer to me in age. He looked very at peace with his confinement - in fact he was pretty aroused, his hips straining against the leather as he tried to thrust.

I nodded at Charles, who beamed. "The Company will be disappointed. He's their ideal product. Already very submissive. He once asked me to collar him. He can be our pet. And he'll be able to care for you when I work late."

I shuddered in excitement. Somehow this didn't feel wrong or weird. It felt very right that Chris should stay and get tied up by us. I was looking forward to it.

"Last one. Billy. He asked me to invest in his business, and then I found he was running a pyramid scheme." Charles suddenly burst into his deep giggle I adored. "Sorry, you'll see why that's funny."

I laughed behind my gag too, because the king of the pyramid scheme had been mummified. Wrapped in a smooth cocoon of white vet wrap, only the nose exposed. He was thrashing wildly.

"Itching powder." Charles explained.

With the air of coming home from a shopping trip, Charles released me right in front of Stewart. He seemed surprised when I held him tight and kissed him.

"My love?"

"I love you, Charles. I really do."

He hugged me back. "I know you do, Adrian. Never doubted it for a second. Now, I believe we can rejoin the others?"

"Leave them for a while." I grinned. "I've got plans for you."

"Sounds wonderful."

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Post by george_bound »

Ohhhh yummy!
I'd definitely like to know more about the sensory dep that Jerry finds himself in... any forced white noise... any forced sniffing... I'm loving the image of him bobbing in his bag stretching the suspending cords then the cords bouncing back... I will file that predicament away if I may :twisted:
And a guy being relentlessly milked is always always a treat!
I'm fantasizing about the creaking sound of Chris's leather straps as he struggles against them, so hot that sound is!
And finally, itching powder is absolutely diabolical for a mummy... was there any placed right under his nose? ;)

Must have been so much fun to watch all these poor souls being tortured and struggling in vain!

Now what does Adrian have planned for Charles, eh 8-)

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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

"Last one. Billy. He asked me to invest in his business, and then I found he was running a pyramid scheme." Charles suddenly burst into his deep giggle I adored. "Sorry, you'll see why that's funny."

I laughed behind my gag too, because the king of the pyramid scheme had been mummified. Wrapped in a smooth cocoon of white vet wrap, only the nose exposed. He was thrashing wildly.
The revenges on the exes were all so sweet, but color me selfish...I want to know how Billy Mummy got wrapped! :mrgreen:

Two thumbs up, [mention]Volobond[/mention] 👍👍
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Can I point out that Charles has a very questionable taste in men? :)

At least there are a few good ones and Adrian is amazing. And all of their prisonments were hot, especially the ones for Hayden and Billy.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by bondagefreak »

Haha, yeah! Chris definitely sounds like he'd be fun to keep as a house pet or something.
He has my support.

The icing on the cake for me (as far as this chapter goes) was poor Billy's fate.
Mummified in vet wrap while dealing with itching powder.
Ouch! Pure genius.
I love it 8-)

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Post by Volobond »

george_bound wrote: 3 years ago I'd definitely like to know more about the sensory dep that Jerry finds himself in... any forced white noise... any forced sniffing... I'm loving the image of him bobbing in his bag stretching the suspending cords then the cords bouncing back... I will file that predicament away if I may :twisted:
Yes, you may file that away! ;) And yes, I too am fantasizing about Chris writhing against the leather!

Jerry's head is woozy as he awakens, finding himself unable to stretch out the way he wishes. His eyes open, but he can't see a thing. There's a strange, steady thrum in his ears that isn't annoying at all, but is loud enough that he can't hear his own thoughts. His mouth is filled with a plug in the heavy gag he's wearing, and the only thing he can smell is the musky scent of an unwashed pair of boxers stretched over his head - he would have been desensitized by now, but he's sweating like crazy from his struggles and the simple thickness of his environment, so there's an extra feel of ickiness that he can't shake off.

But shaking is the only thing he can do. The strange material encasing his body is stretchy, but only to a certain point. If he moves a little more than a millimeter, he encounters harsh resistance and finds his limbs snapping back into place. But even beyond that, there's a firm padding surrounding his body, and an even thicker padding encasing the whole thing, even a hood keeping the heat in. Almost worse that that, he can't feel any hard surface, doesn't know if he's vertical or horizontal, all he knows is that he can barely move, breathing is a constant chore with that smell pervading his air, and every time he moves, he feels more trapped, but all he gets in response is just that steady thrum of white noise...
KidnappedCowboy wrote: 3 years ago The revenges on the exes were all so sweet, but color me selfish...I want to know how Billy Mummy got wrapped! :mrgreen:
Billy always fancied himself to look a bit like Superman. Well-built, dark haired, bright blue eyes, and a grin to die for. But even this hollow hunk was no match for the sleeping pills crushed in the sports drink he preferred after his midday workout.

Charles had liked watching Billy. He worked out in nothing but athletic shorts. Very short athletic shorts. But even that joy had been stripped from him upon finding out how his fifth husband had wronged him. Still, Charles took his sweet time groping his husband as he stripped him completely. Then dragged him to the dungeon.

Charles had put on gloves before he spread the bright orange powder all along Billy's unconscious body, making sure to really focus on the nipples and armpits and crotch. As an extra torture, he even put a little right on the tip of Billy's nose. Then came the vet wrap. Charles stretched the material around Billy's ankles and moved upwards, making sure to encase each arm individually before wrapping the whole torso. Billy awoke just as Charles had finished wrapping up his large chest, securing him up to the neck. Due to the wooziness from the drug, he was still numb to the powder working its diabolical magic.

By the time Billy became aware something was wrong, his mouth had been stuffed with cloth, and vet wrap was going over his eyes. Charles spent a few more minutes covering Billy's dark hair and his big feet as muffled cries emanated from the mummy. Billy was starting to feel the powder, and already he was going crazy. But the wrap was strong, and he couldn't do much more than ineffectually thrash a few feet in either direction. He was writhing in torment when Charles left him, knowing that a dose of chloroform to his vulnerable exposed nose would be enough to send him to dreamland long enough to replenish the powder and renew the torture.

- - -

"You know, I've always wanted to see what Charles looked like all trussed up." Arden's voice said to me in a conversational tone.

I was currently naked and straddling my similarly-dressed husband, and my head snapped to the door, where Arden was leaning against the frame, head turned away. He still looked fancy and composed, although his tie was undone and his hair had a dampness to it. "Don't worry, a glimpse is more than enough."

Charles moaned. I had been edging him for the better part of an hour, having laced him down to our bed in an intricate net of ropes, immobilizing his burly frame for my pleasure, tickling and licking and kissing him, the ropes around his cock preventing him from cumming. He had a thick leather blindfold and a big bar of a bit gag in his mouth.

"He's mine." I said, I trifle possessively.

Arden laughed. "Of course. I just thought I'd let you know the status. Your friend Remy was quite the good sport. Cole got him talking about shibari, and suddenly I was ordered to tie both of them up to see who could get free first. Sometimes I don't know whether I'm the master and he's the puppy, or the other way round. I'll definitely have to have Cole worship my feet later; show him who's boss. In any event, neither has gotten free yet. Of course, the milking I've been giving them has probably been distracting. Distracting enough that they haven't noticed the Company team coming through to collect the exes from the cells. I suppose you can use it as a nice playroom, or start a new collection - heh, Charles may have missed his calling as a Procurer."

"Wait! We wanted to keep Chris!"

"Already taken care of. Charles left a mark on his cell door. He's still struggling. Good choice, by the way." Arden complimented. "Now, when you're finished up here, come down. I'm sure my puppy would love either of you getting a turn to play with him... and Remy doesn't seem to mind either."

I grinned. "Thanks. Now... can you go? Not to be rude, but..."

"Of course."

Once he left, I glanced down and started kissing my husband's neck. "Well, I think Arden needs to learn how to wait."

Charles chuckled behind his gag.

"So... I think I'll edge you another hour and then we'll go down."

"MMMMMMMM!" Charles whined.

I was teasing him, but he didn't need to know that...

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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Thank you, [mention] Volobond[/mention] for satisfying my itch! :lol:
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Post by george_bound »

Nice [mention]Volobond[/mention], that's exactly how I expected Jerry and Billy to be ;) FYI, my favourite track for audio torture on a couple of my subs is Mike Patton's "Car Radio (FM)" then "Car Radio (AM)" played in continuous loop over and over and over... look it up on YouTube :twisted:

And I'm really glad Remy is safe and sound and having fun with Cole and Arden, I'm a bit jealous, haha!

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Post by Volobond »

Things weren't as hectic after a few months. I had settled into my routine as husband to a Company lawyer. Charles had told me I had no need to work, so I offered to help him as much as I could. Basically my job consisted of watching after the house, and also occasionally checking up on some guy or other on social media or online to see if I could find any trace on him. I suppose I was like a safecracker - and if I found the guy, then the Company had some more work to do covering him up. I had fun imagining what these guys looked like, both before and after becoming bondage toys. Guys with names like Mark Hayden... Garrett Rhodes... Jamie Saunders....that sort of thing.

Arden didn't come by too often - Charles told me that he spent his vacations with Cole at a retired friend's villa somewhere. But occasionally I would see the man and his pup when they'd visit - and let me tell you, Arden has got some surprisingly stinky feet.

Once he put Cole in my care while he and Charles went on a business trip to speak with clients and such, and we had a grand time. I kept him constantly in bondage, which he appreciated - even tying him firmly to a chair for his daily video chat with Arden (Cole got antsy if he was away from his master for too long). One time I even gagged him beforehand as a prank, but Arden took it on the chin, pretending that Cole was agreeing to all sorts of punishments, such as tongue washing all his dirty socks, or agreeing to let me spank him.

Another big fun thing was Chris. After about a couple weeks with the Company for training, Chris was sent back with Charles, perfectly happy with his new place as our pet. You might think it was awkward, but Chris was just as affectionate with me as he was with Charles. While he had been sitting down and swathed in leather straps, I hadn't noticed that Chris was a veritable giant of a man, even taller than Charles, who was no slouch, and in prime shape. Damn near physical perfection.

Chris wore a collar all the time, and enjoyed it. He slept (generally bound and gagged) at the foot of Charles' and my bed, in a large cushioned space rather like a dog bed, and his duty involved making sure I was never lonely while Charles was out on a long trip.

And lonely I was not. Chris was actually pretty fun-loving, and besides being an absolute fiend for bondage, he also liked video games and the same kinds of movies as me. We spent many a night simply talking and enjoying each other's company, sometimes with Chris tied up, and sometimes not. In fact, I trusted Chris so much I even let him tie me up once or twice, usually as a homecoming present for Charles.

With no more secrets to speak of, Charles was quite honestly a near-perfect husband. Attentive and warm, always eager to be with me, always ready to hold me in his huge arms, to alternately imprison me in his grasp and stifle my cries with his huge hand, or surrender his burly body to my will. I tell you, it was heaven.

And my best friend Remy got in on the action too. Sure, he had been skeptical of Arden and Charles at first, but he grew to love my husband as much as he loved me.

And one day, I got an even bigger surprise.

That morning, Charles had left the restraints on the bedside table, so I had taken the implicit request and put the padded cuffs on him while he "slept," drawing him into an upside-down Y shape, his hands together over his head, attached to the headboard, and his legs spread. Charles had a particular enjoyment for the "waking up in bondage" roleplay. And after making sure Chris' straitjacket and blindfold were well-secured, and the leather bit gag in his mouth was properly seated and not hurting him, I "woke" Charles with a tickle to his vulnerable armpits.

"What? What's going on? What did you do?" Charles whined, following our general script.

"I just wanted to play with you this morning." I grinned.

Charles struggled, all as a pretext to flex for me and show me his muscles, which never failed to excite me. "I can't! I have so many things to do and mmmmmm!"

I covered his hand with my mouth, tightly clamping down from his nose to his chin. I loved handgagging him, feeling his breath puff against my palm and fingers as he breathed through his nose, the rippling of his cheeks as he attempted to speak. I spent a while just holding my hand over his mouth as I nipped at his neck and chest, my tongue tracing his nipples and my mouth kissing him all over, from his forehead to his pectorals to his armpits to his biceps.

"I love you, Charles."

"Mmmm mmm mmm mmmmm." He responded, winking at me.

And just then, the doorbell rang. I groaned, but rose, winking at Charles as I filled his mouth with my underwear from last night and secured it with a head harness. Chris whimpered, having awoken from his slumber, but he calmed at a touch from me, and I helped him into the bed to keep Charles company, and the big guy curled up against my husband's side like a good pet.

I wrapped myself in a robe and hurried to the door. And there was Remy.

"Hey, Adrian! I, uh... happen to have a little issue I thought you could help me with."

He opened the door a little further to reveal a hogtied man on the doorstep, his legs and arms tied with firm leather restraints that made an X. They looked real professional. It was clear what the problem was, though. The key to the lock on the restraints looked bent. He had a soft-looking bandana cleave-gagging him, securing more stuffing, and didn't seem too troubled.

"This is Haru. My boyfriend. We got together last week, and I've been waiting for the right time to tell you. So... surprise! Got any bolt cutters?"

I nodded. "Well, uh... come on in. Let me get Charles, and we'll see about getting you out."

"Nnnn rssss." Haru shrugged. I guess he didn't mind being locked up.

"Alright then. And I've been looking forward to meeting this Chris of yours. How'd you find him?"

"Well, in that case, I think we have a lot to discuss." I said. I'd been meaning to see if we could reveal Charles' job to Remy, and he had said he thought that could be done, but if Remy should freak out, we'd have to ensure he wouldn't blab. I knew in my gut he wouldn't, but I still felt worried. "Why don't you sit down?"

You can find my M/M stories here:
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Post by george_bound »

Well everything is settling and seems to be "resolved", I hope that doesn't mean the end is nigh :(

Love the dropping of Mark and Garrett and Jamie's full names as well as the mention of Caleb's villa... Chris also seems like a fun addition to the family... And of course I'm very happy for Remy!

Keep up the great writing, my friend :P

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