I wasn’t expecting that, but I’m not complaining m/f, f/f, m/f, part 5 now added

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I wasn’t expecting that, but I’m not complaining m/f, f/f, m/f, part 5 now added

Post by Bandit666 »

So heres something new from myself, and this time, unlike so many times before, I’ve been working on what you’re about to read for quiet some time, I’ve taken my time to produce each part, and have several chapters ready, should you comment, should you tell me you want to hear more, and I a way see more.......

I wasn’t expecting that, but I’m not complaining

It was late on a hot and sticky Thursday night in mid July, or to be more precise it was very, very early on a hot and sticky Friday morning in mid July when it happened, when I received the phone call from my brother in law, from my wife’s brother. I was, if I’m honest, about to drift off to sleep, along side my beautiful blonde haired, blue eyed wife, who had already done so, done so thanks to the previous couple of hours we’d spent together. For over those couple of hours, she’d laid bound, naked and spreadeagled to our bed, for over those couple of hours she’d been suckling on the thick, bulbous penis shaped intruder in her mouth, an intruder that remained in place thanks to the large black leather panel buckled over her mouth, buckled tightly over her mouth. During that time I’d kissed, caressed, teased and pleased her, I had in all fairness worn her out with my wickedness. She’d been edged so many times even I’d lost count, she’d been made to orgasm so many times even I’d lost count. By the time I’d finished it took all her strength just to freshen up, just to slip into a simple pair of red satin panties, just to climb into bed and wish me goodnight.

So, truthfully, it came as no surprise, when the sound of my phone went unnoticed, unnoticed by my soundly sleeping wife, it came as no surprise, when the sound of my voice went unnoticed, unnoticed by my soundly sleeping wife, it came as no surprise, when she failed to notice me slipping out of the bed, slipping out of bed and leaving the room. Quietly I spoke to my brother in law, quietly I listened as he apologised for calling at such a late hour, quietly I listened as he asked me if I could come over as soon as possible.

I could tell by the tone of his voice all was not well, I could tell by the tone of his voice all was not good between himself and his wife of 18 months. But then, I’d known for a while, that they were having problems, I’d known for a while, that their marriage was, as they say on the rocks. So of course, knowing that, I really didn’t see what else I could do but say yes, but to tell him I’d be there in roughly 30 minutes.

Sadly I got dressed, quickly I chucked on a pair of jeans and plain white t-shirt, sadly I left my home, quickly slipping into my classic Jaguar Mk2, sadly I headed for his house, expecting to find him home alone, expecting to discover his wife, to discover Charlotte had walked out on him, having taken my nephew, his son with her.

It was, normally only a 20 minute drive from my place to his, and yet, thanks to the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach it took just a little bit longer, for if I’m honest, despite the fact I dressed quickly, despite the fact I quickly slipped into the Jag, I had in fact dragged out the journey afraid of the scene I’d face upon my arrival.

So imagine my surprise when it was, his wife, when it was, Charlotte that came to the door, when it was Charlotte, wearing a simple tight fitting, red dress that answered the door. “Oh John, thank you for coming at such a late hour”, she greeted me politely, she greeted me without her normal, arrogant, oh what do you want attitude. “Won’t you please come in and join us in the lounge”, she asked of me. I could see the sadness, see the upset in her eyes as she stepped aside, stepped aside to let me past. Upon entering the living room I could see the sadness, see the upset in my brother in laws eyes, and it’s safe to say I wondered just what I’d walked into, I wondered just why I was there.
As while they were family, they were through marriage, part of my family, I couldn’t exactly say we were close, I couldn’t, unlike my wife say we saw a lot of each other. But that’s not to say, not to imply, there was any trouble or strife between us, that’s not to say, not to imply, there was any disliking or animosity between us you understand, for there wasn’t, we simply didn’t have a lot in common, we simply didn’t have the time to get together.

However, with all that said, having said we weren’t exactly close, I had, as you’d expect, them being family and all, always made it clear I was here should they need me, should there be anything I could do to help, and it seems that’s why I was there that very, very early, hot and sticky Friday morning.

Rather unsurprisingly it was my sister in law, it was Charlotte that spoke first, “thank you again for coming at such a late hour”, she said quietly, as she perched herself on the edge of the sofa, “especially as everyone but ourselves will be leaving later today”, she added quietly, she added acknowledging the fact that later in the morning my wife, brother in law, nephew and in laws would to be leaving for a fortnight, would be going away on family business, would leaving only Charlotte and myself behind.

“As you know…….we’ve been having issues in our marriage for a little while now”, she admitted, she admitted, telling what I already knew, “and I won’t lie…..a lot of that falls on my shoulders, a lot of that boils down to me”, Charlotte surprised me by confessing, “I just way to dominate, and way to bossy for my own good at times”, she continued quietly, she continued quietly as she lowered her head, in what appeared to be shame. “I’ve always been unwilling to listen to what other have to say, what others want”, she openly acknowledged, “I’ve never been one to accept what others might want, might need, might think” she added almost as a conclusion to her first truly honest statement.

“I see, and you think I can help you change”, I said looking puzzled, “well I certainly hope so”, my sister in law, Charlotte replied, “you see I’m hoping……err, umm, you might teach me how to be more like Lauren”. “What do you mean more like Lauren”, who by the way is my gorgeous, beautiful wife. “Well…..and please don’t be mad with her, but she told me all about the games you play”, my sister law, Charlotte continued, biting her bottom lip slightly, “I see, and you want something similar for yourself”, I asked, pushing for more. “N…no, I want the full Dom/sub life style you live”, she responded, she shocked me by responding.

“I..l wa..want to learn, I want you to teach me”, she stuttered, she stuttered while playing with the hem of her little red dress, “I…I wa…want to become a good wife and sister in law”, she continued accidentally flashing her panties as she shuffled.
“Wi..will, you ple..please teach me how to obey you, how to obey Craig”, she added, she added looking over towards him. After a brief pause, after taking a moment to consider what my sister in law, what Charlotte was asking of me, after taking a moment to consider the situation, after taking a moment to consider the possible consequences, I looked over towards my brother in law, I looked over hoping for some kind of input.

As throughout her little speech, throughout her explanation, throughout her quiet admittance, my brother in law had remained eerily silent, my brother in law hadn’t uttered a word, my brother in law, had in away remained rather submissive himself. Whenever I’d glanced across, whenever I’d looked in his direction, he’d simply nodded, nodded in silent agreement. Whenever I’d looked across, whenever I’d hoped he’d interject, whenever I’d hoped he would at least say something, he hadn’t.

So, reluctantly, yet again I spoke next, so, reluctantly I asked, “is this truly what you both want, are sure it’s the way you want it to be”. Finally, as if snapped out of his wallowing self pity, finally, as if it had suddenly become real, my brother in law spoke, “I just want to save our marriage”, he explained, “and we’ve certainly reached an impasse trying on our own”, he admitted. Finally, as if the flood gates had opened, as if I was offering to change the world, my brother in law continued, “it’s all true”, he began, “Charlotte’s dominating, stubborn, and at times rude attitude has got out of hand”, he continued, he continued as she fidgeted and bit her bottom lip, he continued as she fought the urge to interrupt. “She no longer seems to listen to what I want, what I’d like or even what I think”, he seemed reluctant to add. Finally as If the weight of the world had been lifted of his shoulders, as if the worm had turned, he admitted, “we want your help, we need your help, and if that means you have dominate Charlotte then so be it”, he rather blurted out.

Having remained silent as my brother in law spoke, having simply nodded my head at the appropriate times, after a brief pause, after a deep breath, I smiled, I told them “okay, I’ll do whatever I can to help you both”. “For the next fortnight you’ll live with me Charlotte”, I informed her, “while I try my best to train, trying to help, trying to change your behaviour, your attitude, and your mindset” I continued. “Oh thank you, thank you so very, very much, you’re our last chance”, they both responded, they both responded almost in unison.

“You’re welcome”, I said quietly, “but it can start right now”, I said with a smile, “stand up and move to the centre of the room”, I told my sister in law, I told Charlotte, my voice suddenly taking on a more dominate tone, “prove your acceptance”, I told her in the same dominate tone. In silence, without so much as a word, without any sign of reluctance, without a moments hesitation she obeyed, she stood and stepped forward. “That’s a good start, now remove that dress, take it off”, I commanded, I commanded in the same dominant tone, “stand before me, stand before your husband in just your underwear”, I ordered, I ordered in the same dominant tone.
Once again, in silence, without out so much as a word, without any sign of reluctance, without a moments hesitation she obeyed, she slowly removed her dress, she revealed her underwear to us both. “Very good”, I praised her in the same dominant tone, “from now on you’ll wear as much or as little as I desire, as Craig desires”, I informed her in the same dominant tone, “you can expect to spend most your time bound, gagged”, I informed her in the same dominant tone, “you can expect to be punished for even the slightest indiscretion”, I informed her in the dominant tone, “and finally you can expect to be sexually controlled, sexually tormented, sexually dominated”, I informed her in the same dominant tone.

In total silence, she stood before me, stood before my brother in law, in total silence she listened to my every word, in total silence she glanced over to my brother in law, my brother in law who sat impassively. Clad in only a pair of white floral print panties, in only a pair of white floral print panties and matching bra, she made no attempt to cover herself, made no attempt to use her arms to cover her breasts, to cover her womanhood, as I asked, “do you accept my dominance”. “I do”, came her simple reply, “do you accept you will be bound and gagged whenever I decide”, I asked in the now familiar dominant tone, “I do”, she replied, she replied fidgeting slightly, “do you accept you will punished whenever I deem it necessary”, I asked in the now familiar dominant tone, “and do you accept you will be sexually controlled, dominated and controlled by myself and your husband from now”, I asked in the now familiar dominant tone, “I do”, she replied clearly trembling.
Once more I spoke dominantly, spoke firmly, spoke directly, “very well, then from now on when we’re not with family and friends you will refer to me as sir”, I informed my sister in law, I informed Charlotte, “ye…yes si…..sir”, my sister in law, Charlotte acknowledged. Once more I spoke dominantly, spoke firmly, spoke directly, “and when you’re not with family and friends you will refer to Craig as master”, I informed my sister in law, I informed Charlotte, “ye…yes si…sir”, my sister in law, Charlotte acknowledged.

“Kneel, kneel and lower your head”, I commanded of my sister in law, I commanded of Charlotte, silently, obediently she slowly lowered herself into a kneeling position, silently, obediently she slowly bowed her head. Looking over at my brother in law, I saw his wide eyes, saw the admiration for what I’d achieved so quickly, saw the admiration for how his wife had obeyed, saw the admiration of how submissive she appeared. Looking over at my brother in law, with a nod, with only a few words, I asked of him, “please go to your bedroom Craig”, appearing puzzled he stood. “I’d like you to fetch pair of Charlotte’s panties”, I continued as he continued to look puzzled, “oh and two pairs of her pantyhose”, I added as he headed for the door. “Err, okay”, he acknowledged still looking puzzled, “ahh, and one more thing, could you also fetch a pair of her longest white socks”, I called out as he left.

Silently Craig closed the door behind him, clearly I heard him race upstairs, clearly I heard him rummaging through his wife’s, through Charlottes bedside draws, clearly I heard him searching for all I’d requested, clearly I heard him return. “Could you please wait in the kitchen”, I called out, I politely asked of him, asked of him before he could enter the lounge. For by then, by then I was kneeling before his wife, before Charlotte, for by then, by then my hand was firmly wedged between her legs, was firmly gripping her womanhood.

For by then, by then I’d already whispered in her ear, I’d already told her “when Craig returns, you’ll be bound, gagged and blindfolded”, For by then, by then I’d already whispered in her ear, I’d already told her, “very soon you’ll feel your husbands hands all over your helplessly trussed up body”. For by then, by then I’d already whisper in her ear, I’d already told her, ”you’ll feel yourself being carried, carried to your bedroom as you remain helpless”. For by then, by then I’d already whispered in her ear, I’d already told her, “you’ll feel Craig’s kisses, Craig’s caresses, you’ll feel Craig slowly torment you sexually as you remain helpless. For by then, by then I’d already whispered in her ear, I’d already told her, “and once he’s done, once he’s satisfied, you’ll remain bound, gagged and blindfolded, you’ll sleep bound, gagged and blindfolded”.

Any yet, yet even as I told her what to expect, what would happen to her, not once did she show any sign of reluctance, not once did she show any sign of resistance, not once did she show any sign of disagreement. Instead she remained silent, instead she accepted my hand against her womanhood, instead she accepted my caress, instead her head remained bowed. I could see how she bit her lip, I could feel how wet my caress was making her, I could see how much she wanted to submit, how much she wanted to obey, how much she wanted to save her marriage. Slowly, I withdrew my hand, slowly I stood, firmly I commanded of her, “do not move, do not make a sound”, “ye…yes si….sir”, she muttered faintly, “I’ll be back with Craig when I am ready, and only when I’m ready”, I added, I added as I left the room.

Slowly I walked out of the lounge, slowly I walked into the kitchen, deliberately I left her alone in her submission, in her humiliation. For a good 5 maybe 10 minutes I sat in the kitchen, I sat in the kitchen with my brother in law, for a good 5 maybe 10 minutes I along side my brother in law in silence. Until at last, at last I broke the silence, at last I broke the silence by asking, “so are you truly okay with all of this”. With a nod and a smile, he confirmed, “yes, yes I am”, which came as a relief to me. “I’m so pleased you agreed to help”, he continued, he continued seeming more relaxed that he had for such a long time, which came as a relief to me. “I know it might sound wrong, it might sound crass and nasty, but I want you to do whatever it takes to save our marriage”, which gave me the confirmation I needed. “Please just do whatever it takes, no matter what”, he added, he added as if the stress had slipped away, “bind her, gag her, sexual dominant and torment her, anything as long as it works”, he said inclusion, her said quietly.

Yet, even as we’d talked, even as we’d sat opposite each other, even as he’d confirmed his agreement, my hands hadn’t been idol, hadn’t been inactive. For he’d watched in fascination, he’d watched in uncertainty, he’d watched in puzzlement, as I’d taken hold of some scissors, as I’d carefully cut up the two pairs of shear black nylon pantyhose, cut them directly up the middle of the crotch, cut them in half. For he’d watched in fascination, he’d watched in uncertainty, he’d watched in puzzlement, as I’d taken hold of his wife’s, of Charlotte’s pink spandex like panties, as I’d taken hold of his wife’s, of Charlotte’s pink spandex panties and ball them up.

But then, then, the time came, the time came for us to return, return to his submissive wife, return to find her kneeling just where I’d left her, return to find her head still lowered. Deliberately I had him walk around her a few times, deliberately I had him kneel before her, deliberately I had him slip is hand on her womanhood, deliberately I let him feel the wetness, feel the arousal her humiliation, her submission had coursed. Without a word I knelt behind his wife, without a word I knelt behind Charlotte, forcefully I took hold of her wrists, forcefully I crossed them behind her back. Firmly, tightly, I wrapped the first leg of the shear black nylon pantyhose around her crossed wrists, five times I wrapped the shear black nylon around her crossed wrists, in a figure of 8, five times I knotted and clinched off her bindings.

By the time I was done escape would be impossible, by the time I was done her wrists, her hands were helpless. Without stopping, without so much as a pause, I continued, I continued by crossing her ankles. As I’d done with her wrists, using the second leg of her shear black pantyhose, I bound them firmly, I bound them tightly. As I’d done with her wrists, five times I wrapped the shear black nylon around her crossed ankles, five times I clinched and knotted off the black shear nylon, in a figure of 8 pattern.

Oh so soon, even as my brother in law played with his wife’s womanhood, as he caressed, as he rubbed, as he teased his wife’s womanhood her wrists and ankles had been rendered helpless, had been bound securely. Oh so soon it was time for her gag, time for her blindfold. With the faintest of whispers, whispers in her ear I ordered Charlotte to, “open wide”, I told her, “ it’s time to guarantee your silence”. Whether it was with reluctance, or not, it was impossible to tell, my sister in law, Charlotte obeyed, Charlotte opened wide, Charlotte accepted having her own pink spandex panties pushed in her mouth.

With very little effort I packed them in, with very little effort her mouth was filled. Taking hold of just one white knee length cotton sock, having tied a large knot in the centre, I pasted it between her teeth, I fed it around her head, I bound it tightly behind her head. Quickly she’d found herself bound, had found herself gagged, but I still wasn’t finished, still I had plenty to do, for next, next came the blindfold, next she found her world being plunged into darkness, next her feelings of helplessness increased. And yet, even as her helplessness was increased, even as she was bound, gagged and blindfolded, still her husband, my brother in law, sexually teased and tormented her womanhood. But still he delighted in dominating his once arrogant, rude, and most often dominate wife.

As time was moving on, as time was passing us by, as I need to get home, as I need to get some rest, I made sure my sister in law, I made sure Charlotte heard me tell him, “it’s time to get her to the bedroom, we need to ensure you can do with her as you wish”. “Would you like my help, would you like me to help you get her to the bedroom”. With a shake of his head, with a smile, he lifted her, with a shake of the head, with a smile he threw her over his shoulder. “That’s good”, I commented with a smile, “now spank her butt, nice and hard”, I instructed him, “spank it for every step you take”, I continued smiling.

With a muffled mmmppphhh, Charlotte tried to say something, tried to beg him not to, with a firm hand smack, I was pleased to see my brother in law cut her protests short, cut them off entirely. One step, one smack at a time we slowly made our way out of the lounge, we made our way upstairs, we made our way into their bedroom. Quietly, so as to not wake my nephew, who slept in the room next door, I had my brother in law lie his helpless, gagged, blindfolded wife face up on their bed, had him stretch her legs out fully. With swiftness I took the third leg of her shear nylon pantyhose and bound her ankles to the foot of their bed. With the fourth I past it under her armpits, I pulled it tightly, I bound it to the headboard of their bed. Within a couple of minutes I’d ensured she wouldn’t be moving around in their bed that night, within a couple of minutes I’d ensured she was at the mercy of my brother in law, at the mercy of her husband.

With that, I bid them both “goodnight”, with that I told my brother in law, “well Craig, you know what to do now”, with that I told him, “leave her bound, gagged and blindfolded until I contact you in the morning, with my instructions”. Having done so, quietly, I slipped out of the bedroom, having done so, quietly, I made my way downstairs, turning the lights off as I went, having done so, quietly I slipped out of the front door, making sure it was secure, having done so, I drove home and slipped into bed with my beautiful, still soundly sleeping wife, having done so, I promptly fell asleep.

Well I hope you’ve enjoyed part one, and hope you’ll pass on your thoughts and comments like you have so many times before

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Post by gagged86 »

Great start, my friend, very hot and intriguing as usual with your stories :)
I'm really curious to see how this will evolve :)
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Post by Bandit666 »

Thank you my friend, I sincerely hope others will think the same and pass on their thoughts and comments 😁
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Post by Mask6190 »

You have an interesting idea :D Looking forward to the next part!
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Post by Bandit666 »

Thank you mask6190, I’m glad you like the idea and would like to see the next part😁,

But already it looks like this will one of those hardly commented on stories by passed or ignored my the many 😔
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Post by Emma »

This was another well written story from you, Bandit!

It's a little too erotic for me, but that's not a complaint. I know what section of this forum I'm reading, lol. I read it because of the author :) As I said, very good writing!

Don't fret over the lack of replies...this hasn't been up all that long. Plus, I imagine a lot of people would like to comment, but don't want to just repeat what has already been said.
Don's Stories, Posted by Emma, Are Here!:https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=5915
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Post by wolfman »

Bandit, you have done it again. Another beautifully realised posting in your already impressive catalogue. Cannot wait to see where this tale goes.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;


To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by Tieup1 »

An interesting story, and a very good start, I look forward to reading more. :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

wolfman wrote: 4 years ago Bandit, you have done it again. Another beautifully realised posting in your already impressive catalogue. Cannot wait to see where this tale goes.

Absolutely! right :)
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Post by Bandit666 »

Firstly thank you Emma for taking the time to read and comment on my story especially as it’s a little overly erotic for you. It’s always appreciated when time is take to leave thoughts and comments, never more so when they’re truly constructive.

And for yourselves wolfman, tieup1 and Caesar73 thank you all for you comments and support it great to know my efforts are enjoyed and so well thought of.
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Post by BindPam »

Ooooh this is going to be steamy!

Love it!
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Post by Bandit666 »

Thank you Pam, that’s certainly the idea. Steam naughty and kinky. So hopefully you’ll continue to love it as the weeks go on.😁

And the next part will be posted within the next few days
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Post by Bandit666 »

I wasn’t expecting that, but I’m not complaining part 2

It had been almost 2.30 in the morning by the time I returned, returned home, it had been just after 2.30 in the morning by the time I’d fallen asleep, fallen asleep beside my beautiful blonde haired, blue eyed wife. So really, really, I shouldn’t have been surprised to awake alone, alone in the bed, so really, really I shouldn’t have been surprised to discover she’d already showered, she’d already dressed, having slipped a photo of herself in pure white panties, in pure white panties and matching bra, onto my phone.

After all, my wife was particularly naughty like that, after all, my wife knew it would put a smile on my face, after all, my wife knew it would get me going, so to speak. Rather quickly, still thinking about the events from earlier that Friday morning, I grabbed a shower, I threw on the same jeans and t-shirt that I’d worn when at my brother in laws, at my sister in laws. Rather quickly, I prepared to head downstairs and join her, join her in the kitchen, part of me wondering what she’d be wearing, part of me wondering if she’d still be in only her pure white underwear, part of me wondering if we’d have enough time for a little fun.

But even before I left the bedroom, even before I made my way downstairs, my thoughts were cut short, my thoughts were interrupted, interrupted by the distinct chiming of my phone, of the distinct sound of a text message arriving. With a sigh, a sigh of indignation, with a sigh of frustration, expecting to find a message from my employer, from work, expecting to find a message asking me to go in, to interrupt my planned holiday, I picked it up. Taking another look at my naughty, beautiful wife in her pure white underwear, puffing out my cheeks I opened the message, I looked at what the message said.

With a smile I discovered it was from my brother in law, with a smile I looked at the photograph attached, at the photograph that showed his wife, showed my sister in law, showed Charlotte still helplessly trussed up, gagged and blindfolded. With a smile I saw a photograph showing how her panties had been pulled down, pulled down to her bound ankles, pulled down to reveal her nearly trimmed womanhood. With a smile I saw a photograph showing her front opening bra had been unhooked, unhooked and draped by sides, saw a photograph showing her exposed, firm, round large 32c-cup breasts. With a smile I read the attached message, with a smile, I eagerly read the attached message,

“Thank you again for agreeing to help us both, for agreeing to help save our marriage”, it began, “I think you’ll agree I had a wonderful time after you left”, it continued, “and Charlotte didn’t exactly have any option, which just seemed to make it all the better”, it went on to tell me. As you can see from the attached photograph, Charlotte’s still bound, gagged, and blindfolded”, he informed me, stating the blatantly obvious, “and now she’s completely exposed for my pleasure, for your pleasure”, he added, he added telling me what I could see for myself. “But time is getting on, and I have to get ready for our journey”, the message continued, “I have to get our son ready for the journey, the message continued, continued as if I was unaware of the situation. “So what should I do with Charlotte,” my brother in law asked, “after all she’ll be expected to join us at the train station”, my brother in law added, as if I didn’t know that, “I mean she’d be expected to bid us all goodbye”, my brother in law needlessly told me, “and she’d be upset if she didn’t see our son off at the train station”, my brother in law stated in conclusion.

And yet, yet as short as my brother in laws message had been, my own could be not longer, for no sooner had his message arrived, no sooner had I looked at the photo of his naked, bound, gagged and blindfolded wife, than my own beautiful wife was calling from the kitchen. My own beautiful wife was hinting, was hinting, she wanted some fun, wanted some fun before she left, my own beautiful wife was hinting, hinting at what she was wore, wore for my pleasure. So in haste, I replied, in haste I bluntly told my brother in law what should be done, in haste I bluntly told my brother in law what Charlotte should wear, what she shouldn’t wear, in haste I bluntly told my brother in law what he should tell Charlotte, in haste I bluntly told my brother in law what would be happening once he left, once they all left, left us alone together.

“Morning mate,” my message began, “of course Charlotte is expected to join us at the station, is expected to see you off, to see that cute little nephew of mine off”, my message continued. “So release her now, but tell her she’s to remain silent, before you remove the gag”, my message instructed, “tell her she’s to kiss you passionately before removing her clothes fully, before showering”, my message advised. “Inform her I will be picking you all up, I’ll be taking you to the station along with your sister”, my message stated clearly, “inform her she’s commanded not to wear any panties, she’s not to wear a bra”, my message cruelly stated. “Inform her she’s commanded to wear only her pink spandex leggings and black one piece swimsuit”, my message cruelly continued.
“Inform her that once you’ve left, once we’ve seen you off, she’ll be restrained, she’ll be gagged”, my message went on to read, “inform her that once she’s been restrained, once she’s been gagged she’ll be transported to a very special shop”, my message read as I reached a conclusion, “and finally inform her once done at the special shop restrained and gagged, tell her once there well buy many of the things needed for her submission, she’ll be transported back to your home, transported restrained and gagged at the very least, so I can pack up all her clothing.”

Having hit send, having received confirmation of its arrival, I didn’t wait for his reply, didn’t wait to see if he had any more questions, didn’t wait to see if he wanted to know anything else. For I was already leaving our bedroom, for I’d already grabbed a pair of chrome plated police issue handcuffs, grabbed them from our bondage box, grabbed them from one of our bondage boxes. For I was already heading downstairs, was already heading for the kitchen, was already heading for where my naughty, my kinky, my sexy, my beautiful wife waited.

But no longer was she in her white panties, and matching white bra, no longer was she dressed in such a way, for instead, instead she’d changed, had changed into something even sexier, something ever hotter, something even naughty. To say what I found took my breath away, to say what I found made my heart rate increase, to say what I found made my pulse race, would be an understatement, would not do the situation justice. As not only had my gorgeous, beautiful wife changed, changed into a pair of black satin panties with little diamanté’s attached, not only had my gorgeous, beautiful wife changed into the matching bra, not only had my gorgeous, beautiful wife changed into some black shear stockings.
But she’d also locked two sets of handcuffs around her ankles, she’d also spread her legs, spread her legs and locked her ankles to the table, she’d also ball gagged herself, she’d also locked a ball gag in her mouth, she’d also blindfolded herself, had also ensured she’d have no idea what was to come, she’d also cuffed her wrists, cuffed them behind her back.

For the next half an hour, 45 minutes, I kept my naughty, my sexy, my kinky, my mischievous wife locked in the bondage of her own making, for the next half an hour, 45 minutes I denied her the use of her hands, of her wrists, of her arms, I denied her the ability to close her legs, I denied her the ability to speak clearly, I denied her the ability to see what was to come. For the next half an hour, 45 minutes I kissed passionately, passionately on her ball gagged mouth, on her neck, on her magnificent soft, firm ample 32c-cup breasts. For the next half an hour, 45 minutes my hands explored every inch of her incredible body, my hands caressed and teased her satin covered 34c-cup breasts, my hands stroked and teased her satin covered womanhood. For the next half an hour, 45 minutes we made love as she lent over the kitchen table, we made love as she was laid over the kitchen table, we made love for as long as possible.

By the time we were finished, my wife’s once perfect, long, natural blonde hair was a dishevelled, tangled, mated mess. By the time we were finished, my wife’s once perfect makeup was smudged, was smeared. By the time we were finished we were both exhausted, were both sexually over charged. By the time we were finished my jeans had ended up in the kitchen somewhere, my boxer shorts had ended up in the kitchen somewhere, my t-shirt had ended up in the kitchen somewhere. By the time we were finished my wife’s panties had ended being ripped off, my wife’s panties had ended up being balled up, my wife’s panties had ended up in her mouth, had ended up being used to muffle some of her louder moans, some of her louder gasps, some of her louder mmmppphhs.

If had been possible I would never have released her wrists, would never have allowed her to escape my clutches. If it had been possible I’d have simply kept her locked up, kept her for myself, would have simply stopped her from leaving me. But alas it wasn’t possible, it wasn’t something I could do, but alas I had to allow my wife to leave, had to allow her to join her family. So it had been with reluctance that I’d released her, so it had been with reluctance that I’d let her go and freshen up again, so it had been with reluctance I’d watched as she slipped into some more mundane underwear, as she slipped into a pair of white nylon and blue lace panties, with matching bra.
So it had been with reluctance I’d watched as she squeezed into a pair of her tight, her super tight, butt hugging jeans, and believe me my wife has one hell of a firm, pert, sexy butt. So it had been with reluctance I’d watched as she slipped into one of her slightly more revealing tops. So it had been with reluctance I’d left her to sort her hair, so it had been with reluctance I’d left her to sort her makeup, again.
Slowly I left our bedroom, slowly I retrieved my t-shirt, slowly I retrieved my boxer shorts, slowly I retrieved my jeans. As expected I dressed for the second time that morning, as expected I finally had a cup of coffee, as expected I sat and waited for my beautiful wife to join me. All I could feel was disappointment, was sadness that we’d be apart, apart for such a long time, all I could feel was the hollowness of solitude.

Then suddenly that changed, changed as I remembered the events of the night before, changed as I recalled how I’d have my own plaything, have my own toy, have my own slave. Then suddenly that changed as the words, as the comments, in the message I’d left came back to me, as the words, as the comments in the message I’d sent to my brother in law hit home. Then suddenly I had something to look forward to, had something to keep me busy for the whole two weeks. Then suddenly I had myself a problem, a rather big problem.

As it had been easy enough for me to state Charlotte would be bound, would be gagged once we were alone, once they’d left us alone for the fortnight. As it had been easy enough for me to state Charlotte would be transported bound and gagged to a very special shop, to a very special shop where we’d purchased her very own bondage supplies. As it had been easy enough for me to state Charlotte would then be transported from the very special shop to their home bound and gagged.

But there my problem lay, there my issues began. For I couldn’t exactly use any of my wife’s restraints, couldn’t exactly use any of my wife’s gags, and I certainly could use any of my wife’s sex toys. But there my problem lay, there my issues continued, for I couldn’t exactly use my credit card to pay for new toys, couldn’t exactly use my credit card to pay for new restraints, new gags, a new collar, a new leash, couldn’t exactly use my credit card to pay for everything we’d need.

And so it stayed, so it stayed until my prayers were answered, until the solution to my first problem arrived, arrived when phone chimed once again, arrived when my brother in law messaged me once again, until he told me how things would be. As with his first message, as he had done with his first message, the second began, began with a photograph of his wife, of my sister in law, of Charlotte. This one showing his wife, showing my sister in law, showing Charlotte dressing as instructed, showing his wife, showing my sister in law, showing Charlotte in her pink spandex leggings, showing his wife, showing my sister in law, showing Charlotte squeezing into her black one piece swimsuit.
“Hi mate”, the message began, began once again, “firstly I hope you like the pic of Charlotte getting dressed”, the message asked, which I did, “and I hope it’s the outfit you required”, the message commented, which it was, “you hinted she should feel a little uncomfortable, feel a little humiliated”, the message continued, which I had. “Well you’ll be pleased to know she does”, the message stated, which was good, “especially knowing my mom and dad will be there”, the message acknowledged, which I knew. “But anyway, that’s not the only reason I bothering you”, my brother in law went on to tell me, tell me even though in this case it was anything but a bother, “it’s just I’ve realised, from you said last night and in your message earlier”, my brother in law added, added even as I was plotting how to humiliate his wife, humiliate Charlotte even more. “That we don’t have anything you’ll need to bind and gag Charlotte”, my brother in law continued, continued as I began to see where he was heading, “not to mention our lack of sex toys for her training and torment”, my brother in law openly stated, stated even as I smiled, smiled at the thought of his wife, of my sister in law, of Charlotte unforgivingly trussed up, gagged and blindfolded with a sex toy denying her any pleasure. “So, I’ve made sure Charlotte’s credit cards available, I’ve ensure you can max it out if necessary”, my brother in law informed me, informed me as I planned what we’d need, what would be fun to have, “I’ve told her, yes told her, not asked”, my brother in law proudly stated, proudly stated as I eagerly wondered, wondered how much would be available to spend, “that she’ll have no say in what’s spent, and if you use the full £3’000 then so be it”, my brother in law added, added as I smiled broadly, “so anyway, that’s all it was”, my brother in law began in conclusion, “see you soon, mate, and thanks again”, my brother in law added in conclusion.

With a sigh, I thought to myself, “one down, one too go”, with a puff of the cheeks, I thought to myself, “right, gags, plenty of gags, the bigger the better”, going wide eyed and glancing up at the ceiling, I thought to myself, “restraints, plenty of restraints, metal, leather the lot”. With a smile I thought to myself, “toys, plenty of toys, large ones, small ones, you name it we get it”, with a smirk I thought to myself, “collars, at least three collar and a couple of leashes”. Glancing over towards the doorway as my gorgeous, beautiful wife entered the room I thought to myself, “I’m going to enjoy this a lot”.

“Well looks like it’s time to go, darling”, she said while dragging the world’s largest suitcase behind her, “yes looks like it”, I agreed a little sadly, “bloody hell how long have you packed for”, I asked feeling the weight of the case, “too long, for that’s how long I’ll be gone”, she replied, leaning in for a passionate kiss. Reaching round, I placed my hand on her perfect, pert, firm denim clad butt, reaching round I gave her perfect, pert, firm butt a squeeze, reaching round I gave her perfect, pert, firm butt a playful smack. With a look of naughtiness in her eyes she reacted, “ooh, don’t, we haven’t got time for that now”, she pouted, “and you know I’ll want more if you don’t stop”, she teased, “so let’s get going”, she disappointedly added.

Walking out towards my trusty Range Rover, dragging the world’s largest suitcase along with me, my head still grappled with the whole binding and gagging of Charlotte once everyone had left, my head still asked itself, how was I going to achieve her restraints. That was until I opened the trunk on my trusty Range Rover, that was until I looked inside, looked inside and spotted my toolbox, looked inside and remembered I’d left it there having done a job for my father in law.

Even as I lifted the world’s largest suitcase into the trunk, even as my beautiful wife locked the door behind us, even as my gorgeous wife slipped into the passenger seat, even as my incredible wife slipped on her seatbelt, I quickly checked the contents. Sure enough I found what I hoped, sure enough I found two unopened rolls of electricians tape, one in white, one in light grey, sure enough I found several different sized plastic ties, different sized zip ties, sure enough I found an almost full roll of silver duct tape.

“Got you”, I thought to myself as I closed the trunk, “now I know just what to do with you”, I thought to myself as I slipped into the drivers seat, “once there’s just the two of us, you’re going to be trusted up and gagged oh so tightly”, I thought to myself as I slipped on my seat belt, “so it will begin”, I thought to myself as started the engine, as I started the engine and pulled out of our drive.

So it was ready, so I was ready, so all that remained was the 20 minute journey to my brother in laws, to my sister in laws. All that remained was the annoying small talk as we travelled to the train station. All that remained was the frustration, the frustration of seeing my sister in law, of seeing Charlotte dressed as instructed, of seeing her dressed provocatively, of seeing her humiliation, of seeing her subjection, of seeing her submission, whether willing or not, while not being able to bind and gag her right there and then. All that remained was the further 15 minute drive to the train station.
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Post by NaughtyNikki »

Oh this is just so naughty, I love it, the way you describe the action leaves me all hot and bothered as I dream of being either your wife or your sister in law.......

Seems such a shame you’ve not had more support.......
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Post by Tieup1 »

Another good chapter, to this very interesting story. I hope this guy has got plenty of stamina, I think he's going to need it :)
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Post by BindPam »

It's like ten degrees outside, but I need to turn off the heat...this story is making the room too hot!
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Post by Bandit666 »

Thank you Tieup1, I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying the story.

As for yourself NaughtyNikki I’m sure it would be my pleasure, and dream to make you my wife.

And what can I say to yourself Pam other than watch out for it to get so hot you need a cold shower as well lol
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Post by Bandit666 »

Part 3

The 30 minute journey to my brother in laws, to my sister in laws, to Charlotte’s was tinged with sadness, sadness as for the next two weeks, for the next fourteen days, I’d be loosing my beautiful bondage babe, loosing my gorgeous gag girl, loosing my pretty playmate, loosing my sexy sub, but most of all loosing my wonderful wife. The 30 minute journey to my brother in laws, to my sister in laws, to Charlotte’s was tinged with excitement, excitement as for the next two weeks, for the next fourteen days, I’d be gaining a willing replacement, gaining a willing trainee, gaining a willing pet, gaining a willing toy, gaining for all intensive purposes a willing slave, a willing slave for she’d love to do by bidding.

But it was on that 30 minute journey, it was on the way to my brother in laws, on the way to my sister in laws, on the way to Charlotte’s that my wife dropped the biggest bombshell, “thank you sweetie, thank you for agreeing to help Craig and Charlotte”, she acknowledged, acknowledged what I’d agreed to do. “What, what you know, you knew about their strange request”, I replied, I replied shock clearly evident in my voice, “yes, yes and I’m sorry I didn’t ask you first”, she responded, she responded quietly, “but it was my idea, it was me that first suggested it to them”, she added, she added sounding rather uncertain, uncertain over how I’d take her news.

“Oh, I see, at least now it makes more sense”, I said, I said in response, “and it certainly makes the whole thing easier”, I said, I said with relief, “as I’ve spend all morning trying to decide, trying to find the right time, trying to workout the best way to tell you”, I said, I said suddenly feeling better, feeling better about the situation. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry sweetie, I should have told you from the start”, my wonderful wife admitted, admitted as I placed my hand on her denim clad leg, “I just want to help them, help them save their marriage”, my gorgeous girl continued, continued as my fingertips stroked her inner thigh, “and this was the only way I could think of”, she added, she added before falling silent, she added before fidgeting in the seat.

“It’s okay sexy”, I said in a soft, caring tone, “just as long as you know and understand two things”, I said in a soft, caring tone, “just as long as you understand what I will be doing to our sister in law, will be doing to Charlotte”, I added, I added in the same soft, caring tone, “and just as long as you know it’s you I love, it’s you I want, it’s you who means the world to me”, I continued, I continued as my hand and fingertips caressed her thigh. “Oh yes, yes I understand”, she responded, she responded in a relieved tone, “I love you so much”, she responded, she responded in a relieved tone, “and I can’t thank you enough”, she said with a smile, she said in conclusion, she said as we pulled up outside my brother in laws, outside my sister in laws, outside Charlotte’s.

Stopping next to the curb side, the first thing I noticed was Craig and Charlotte stood alone, the first thing I noticed was my missing nephew, “where’s William”, I asked in a puzzled tone, “where’s my little monster”, I asked in a puzzled tone. “Oh I think my mom and dad picked him up earlier”, my wife replied, my wife replied to my question, “don’t forget they have the child seat in their car”, my wife explained, my wife explained with a smile, “Ah of course, they’re leaving their car at the station”, I responded, I responded as much in relief as in understanding.

Stopping next to the curb side, the second thing I noticed, was my sister in law, was Charlotte, the second thing I noticed was the pink spandex leggings, was the black once piece swimsuit, was the little, short denim jacket that offered very little added cover. Was the little short denim jacket that did nothing to hide how the swimsuits thong split her firm, pert butt cheeks, that did nothing to hide her rather large, bulging breasts and cleavage. “Umm, I wonder who instructed her to dress like that”, my beautiful wife commented, commented as the they walked down the path towards us, “I can’t possibly think who would expect such an outfit”, I replied, I replied with a smirk. “Yeah, right, pull the other one”, my gorgeous wife commented, commented with one of those I know it was you looks.

Stepping out, I made my way to the trunk, I opened the trunk, “it appears I was the only one not aware of plans in advance”, I announced, I announced looking directly at Charlotte and Craig, “well, eh, em, yes, sorry”, Craig replied looking a little perturbed. “It ok, I understand, it couldn’t have been an easy decision to make”, I acknowledged, “but saying as everyone is now in the loop”, I continued, “take this”, I added, I added while handing him a black, broad, 12 inch long plastic zip tie from my toolbox. Looking confused, looking puzzled, he did so, “that’s good, now use it to bind Charlotte’s wrists”, I instructed.

“What, here in the street”, Charlotte said, Charlotte said sounding shocked, Charlotte said before falling silent, falling silent realising she’d spoken out of place. “Yes, right here, right now”, I responded, I responded to her outburst, I responded firmly, “and anymore of that, I’ll have to silence you as well”, I continued, I continued my tone strict and unforgiving, I continued even as she crossed her wrists, crossed them behind her back.

“Take this, and help Charlotte into the back”, I said, I said handing Craig a second black, broad, 12 inch long plastic zip tie. While loading his luggage, while closing the trunk, I watched, watched as Charlotte allowed herself to be guided, guided towards the rear seating compartment, I watched, watched as Charlotte allowed herself to be helped, helped inside. Walking around, walking around to where Charlotte sat, where Craig stood I spoke once more, “good, now bind her ankles, bind them tight”.

Almost as obediently as his wife, as Charlotte, my brother in law, Craig followed my instructions, with a smile he followed my instructions, with a smile her crossed her ankles, with a smile he wrapped the broad black plastic zip tie around her crossed ankles, with a smile he pulled the broad black plastic zip tie tightly around her crossed ankles. “Perfect, now lets go shall we”, I suggested, I suggested as I headed for the drivers seat, I suggested as he walked around to sit behind me.

Once inside, once we were all seated, once all of us but my sister in law, but Charlotte were comfortable, we were soon under way, we were soon making the short 15 minute trip to the train station, we were soon making the rather uneventful 15 minute trip to the train station. We were soon pulling up outside the train station, pulling up outside the train station so my wife and brother in law could disembark, could collect their luggage, “I’ll find somewhere to park, and release Charlotte”, I advised, “then we’ll join you”, I informed, “we should be long”, I stated, I stated with a smile.

Slowly, carefully I pulled away, slowly carefully I pulled into the station’s parking lot, slowly, carefully I studied the situation, I looked for the perfect spot, I looked for the perfect secluded spot. Slowly carefully I weaved between rows, rows of parked cars, slowly, carefully I made my way to the far side, slowly, carefully I pulled into a parking bay, I parked with the passenger side facing away from the security cameras. With a smile, I turned, turned to face my sister in law, turned to face Charlotte and announced, “there this will do nicely”.

“Now let’s get you sorted shall we”, I continued, I continued before stepping out, “so where are we”, I added, I added as I opened the rear door, “you realise, there’s no going back now”, I asked, I asked as I cut the broad, black plastic zip tie from around her ankles. “Yes sir”, she replied meekly, “very well”, I acknowledged, I acknowledged as I slipped my hand up her pink spandex covered legs. “And you understand, that from now on, you have no rights, no freedom, no say in what happens”, I continued, I continued as I pushed my hand hard against her womanhood, “yes sir”, she gasped.

“Then step out, and present your wrists”, I ordered, I ordered stepping aside, “yes sir”, she mildly responded, she mildly responded while obeying my order. “There, that will do for now”, I stated, I stated as I cut away the second broad, black plastic zip tie, “let’s go”, I commanded, I commanded as I lead the way, lead the way to the stations entrance, lead the way to where my beautiful wife, my brother in law, my nephew and of course our in laws would be waiting, and waiting they were.

For we found them standing together on the platform, found them making the usual small talk, found them with their luggage at their sides. Looking up, looking towards us, it’s safe to say our in laws weren’t overly impressed with Charlotte’s attire, it’s safe to say our in laws weren’t overly impressed with the attention Charlotte’s attire was attracting. But then I wasn’t surprised, just like I wasn’t surprised to see how uncomfortable my sister in law looked, how humiliated my sister in law looked, how flushed with embarrassment my sister in law appeared . And yet, as I’d expected my father in law said nothing, as I’d expected my mother in law said nothing.

Instead, instead they just made the usual small talk, instead they talked about the weather, about how busy the station appeared, about how cute my nephew was as he examined everything around us, until I thought I could take no more, until I thought their train would never arrive. Which was why, why I was so grateful when the speaker system announced its arrival, when the speaker system asked everyone to board.

But then, then that left me with a twinge of sadness, a twinge of sadness as I kissed my beautiful wife, with a twinge of sadness I realised it would be 14 days before I saw her again. But then, then it clearly had the same effect on my sister in law, on Charlotte for I could see the sadness as she kiss her husband, as she kiss and cuddle my nephew. But then, then even as we sadly waved them farewell, as we watched the train disappear, I was turning to face my sister in law, to face Charlotte, I was turning to look at her firmly, intentionally.

“Well, looks like it’s just the two of us now”, I stated, I stated as I wrapped my arm around her waist, I stated as I gently turned her to face the crowded platform, “and I think I’ll take that coat thank you”, I added, I added with a smile. “Sir”, she replied meekly, she replied looking up at me, she replied turning red, red with embarrassment, she replied reluctantly removing her little denim jacket. “That’s better”, I commented, I commented bluntly as I took hold of her little denim jacket, “you must learn, every action has a reaction”, I added, I added while guiding her wrists, guiding them behind her back. “You weren’t told to wear a coat”, I continued, I continued as I steered her towards the crowd, “and so you must be punished”, I informed her, I informed her as she fought her need to object, “but if you asked, I’d have agreed, I’d have let you wear a coat”, I explained, I explained as I steered her towards the little coffee shop in the centre of the lobby way.

“I think it’s best we have a quick drink and a sandwich”, I told her, I told her as I delighted at the looks her outfit received, “after all we’ve got a busy time ahead of us”, I explained, I explained as she shuffled uncomfortably. “It looks like you’re getting plenty of attention”, I tormented, I tormented as we arrived at the little coffee shop, “wait here and I’ll get us a drink and something to eat”, I added, I added as I helped her sit, sit down outside the little coffee shop. Glancing back, I saw how uneasy she appeared, glancing back I saw how passerby’s smiled, smiled at her outfit.

Upon returning, I smiled, I smiled while placing her coffee and sandwich on the little metal table, I smiled for I noticed her wrists, noticed they’d remained behind her back. “Just relax and enjoy your drink”, I said politely, “and your tuna sandwich”, I added, I added kindly. “Thank you sir”, my sister in law, Charlotte replied politely, “may I ask what’s next”, my sister in law, Charlotte enquired, enquired of me. “You may”, I responded as she sipped her coffee, “once we’ve finished here, we will return to the car”, I continued, I continued as she took a bite of her sandwich, “then you will he restrained, tightly”, I added, I added before taking a drink of my coffee, “you will be gagged, effectively”, I told her, I told her as I took a bite of my beef and mustard sandwich. “I understand sir”, she acknowledged, “but is that not a big risk, sir”, she asked, she asked before finishing her sandwich, “not if we’re careful, and you obey my orders”, came my retort, came my retort before I too finished my sandwich.

“Yes sir, I will do as you instruct”, my sister in law, Charlotte acknowledged, my sister in law, Charlotte acknowledged showing signs of nervousness. “I expect nothing less”, I stated, I stated bluntly, “but then you’ll also be blindfolded”, I informed my sister in law, I informed Charlotte, “for you can’t see, can’t know, your destination”, I added, I added bluntly. “Yes sir”, my sister in law, Charlotte replied, replied as we stood, stood and left the little coffee shop. “After you”, I said, I said half in politeness, half as an instruction, “thank you sir”, she responded, she responded as she headed towards the parking lot, headed towards my Range Rover.

Progress was swift, despite my sister in laws, despite Charlottes embarrassment, or rather due to my sister in laws, to Charlottes embarrassment. “Open the rear door”, I instructed, as we approached, “yes sir”, she meekly replied, “but do not get in”, I instructed, as we arrived, “yes sir she quietly replied.

Swiftly I opened the trunk, swiftly I disposed of her little denim jacket, swiftly I opened my toolbox, swiftly I withdrew two broad, black plastic zip ties. Swiftly I stepped behind my sister in law, I stepped behind Charlotte, swiftly I repositioned her wrists, swiftly I placed her wrists together, together with palms facing outwards, swiftly I ratcheted the first broad black plastic zip tie tightly around her wrists. “Now let’s see how effective your yoga classes have been”, I whispered, whispered in her ear, whispered as I forced her lower arms together, “aarrgg”, she groaned, groaned as I ratcheted the second broad, black plastic zip tie tightly around her lower arms.

“Give me your left leg”, I commended, I commanded firmly, “yes sir”, she whimpered, whimpered as she obeyed, whimpered as she lifted her left leg, as she balanced awkwardly on her right leg. Quickly, without warning I removed her shoe, I removed her little white cotton ankle sock, “now give me your right leg”, I commanded, I commanded firmly, “yes sir”, she whimpered, whimpered as she obeyed, whimpered as she placed her bare foot on the cold asphalt, whimpered as she lifted her right leg, as she balanced awkwardly on her left leg. Quickly, without warning I removed her shoe, I removed her little white cotton ankle sock.

Rapidly I pushed one little white ankle sock inside the other, rapidly I wrapped the stuffed little white cotton ankle sock into a ball, “open wide”, I ordered, I ordered of my sister in law, I ordered of Charlotte. Without a word, having placed her bare foot on the cold asphalt my sister in law, Charlotte obeyed, without a word, I pushed the little white cotton ankle sock in my sister in laws, in Charlottes mouth. “Do not try and remove them”, I warned, I warned as I moved back to the trunk, I warned as I returned to my open toolbox.

“Ah there you are”, I commented, I commented mainly to increase my sister in laws, to increase Charlottes nervousness, I commented as I popped the full roll of white electricians tape in my jeans pocket. “This should do the job”, I added, I added as I collected the almost full roll of silver duct tape, “close your mouth”, I ordered, I ordered as I stepped back behind my sister in law, behind Charlotte. Once more she obeyed, once more she offered to resistance, even as I pulled the silver duct tape over her mouth, even as I pulled the silver duct tape tightly over her mouth, even as I wrapped the silver duct tape around her head, even as I wrapped the silver duct tape tight around her head.

“Close you eyes, and keep them closed”, I ordered, I ordered of my sister in law, I ordered of Charlotte, and again she obeyed, again she offered no resistance even as I placed the white electricians tape tape over her eyes, even as I wrapped the white electricians tape round her head over and over again. “Turn around, turn and face me”, I commanded, I commanded of my sister in law, I commanded of Charlotte, which she did, which she did while offering no resistance, “lower your head”, I instructed of my sister in law, I instructed of Charlotte as I lifted her onto the rear seat, do not move”, I added, I added as I returned to the trunk, as I returned to the trunk for the last time.

Aware of how long it had taken, aware of the fact someone my come and investigate, quickly I grabbed three final broad, black plastic zip ties, quickly I grabbed three final broad, black plastic zip ties of different lengths. Swiftly I returned, returned to where my sister in law, to where Charlotte sat, sat half inside, half outside of my Range Rover, swiftly I crossed her ankles, swiftly I bound them tightly, bound them tightly with the last of the 12 inch broad, black plastic zip ties. Rapidly I bound her upper calves tightly, bound her upper calves tightly with an 18 inch broad, black plastic zip tie, rapidly I bound her lower thighs tightly, bound her lower thighs tightly with a 24 inch broad, black plastic zip tie.

Turning her in the seat, easing her legs inside, I fastened the seat belt in place, I pulled the seat belt firmly between her bulging, large round breasts. Slipping behind the steering wheel, starting the engine, I pulled out of the stations parking lot. Joining the flow of traffic, I made my way towards our destination, I made my way towards a very special shop, towards a very special lady……….
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Post by Caesar73 »

Very well written my friend! I enjoy the scenario happening all in plain sight! 🙂
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Post by BindPam »


Wonder where they're going?
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Post by Bandit666 »

Thank you caesar73, it’s good to know I’ve managed to achieve my aims and let you see the scene as it’s played out, more to follow very soon....

And Bindpam, I’m sure you’ve worked work where they’re going, but a word of warning, you might need to turn the heating down for the next part lol.
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Post by Bandit666 »

We certainly are ropemamsteve, and the next part will be here very soon,
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Post by gagged86 »

This story really keeps bulding on, can't wait to read what's next :)
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Post by Tieup1 »

Another super chapter, this is a good story, and I think it is going to get even better :)
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