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Post by BindPam »

This is taking a turn I guess I didn't expect. I can't see how they'll have any kind of relationship now :( It really looks like Wolfman will have to do some fancy writing.... :)
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Post by wolfman »

Steve watched her as she slept.  “Why does everyone betray me?” he says bitterly.
His mind drifted to another time, he is talking to a former army colleague, “I am only going for a couple of days, but I am worried about my folks.” Steve starts “would you be able to check on them for me.”
“No problem Major.” Collins says, “you can trust me.”
The scene shifts, Steve returns to the family home to find it cold and in darkness, he moves swiftly through the house, finding his parents in the bathroom, bound in barbed wire and soaked in their own blood. Everywhere he looked he saw the store of their pain as their lives were taken from them. He called the police unable to tear his eyes away.  By the time the police arrived, he was catatonic, with one thought going through his mind, over and over, “Where was Collins?”
The scene shifts again to the hospital, he had been here for weeks, being fed and cleaned by the nurses.  As a nurse in her late fifties wipes his brow, he utters the first words since his parents died “Thank you.” The nurse runs to get the doctor on call. His eyes follow her as she runs, “I finally reach out to someone and she repays me by running.” He thinks coldly.
Two weeks later, the nurse is crying, hanging by her wrists as Steve screams “Why did you abandon me?” over and over, “Stop crying and answer me?” he demands. He never gets an answer as her heart gives out.
A month after his parents were killed, he is waiting in a living room for an old friend.  Collins arrives late and is startled when he turns on the light.  “Major?” he asks.
“Where were you?” Steve asks pointedly.
“I have been at work all day.” Collins says nonchalantly.
Steve saw red and lunged at the man, pinning him to the wall by his neck, “Don’t be funny, the night my folks were killed, where were you?”
“I am really sorry mate, I met this girl…..” Collins did not finish.  His body was never found.
First day at technical solutions, waiting in reception, he sneezes from the dust in the air. The receptionist smiles and offers a tissue. “Why didn’t she bless me?” He wonders.  She wakes up dazed the next morning without her nose.
More faces flash through his mind, those who did not live up to his expectations, those who crossed him and the prices they paid. 
Until the day he got a message from LouLou90. The messages came thick and fast and she answered anything he asked and they messaged, texted and talked about everything.
Her first photo had him hooked, she reminded him of his mother but her hair was red where his mother was blond.
He worked a contract at her work and decided to help her career from behind the scenes. She was so excited when she got the promotion and for the first time in over a year, he felt something other than pain, betrayal and loss and smiled.
He knew he had issues, but since being in touch with her slowly, day by day, he felt calmer, happier and started to believe if he could make a life with her, he might become whole again. When she suggested that he kidnap her for the weekend, he agreed not because he wanted to, but because he wanted to make her happy and have the chance to meet this amazing woman.
The bombshell came when she called to say her father had died.  In that moment, he remembered the pain he felt and did not want that for her, wanting to be there and help her. He sighs as he remembers talking with her all night and she declined him coming to her.  The old Steve would have gone there immediately and punished her.  However, that night, after the call, he texted to say “If you need me, I am here.”  The next day he installed the cameras, so he could make sure she was ok.
On the night they met, when she denied being the one he had been in touch with he could feel the old feelings again and he wanted to punish her, but the harsher he was, the more he regretted hurting this woman who he loved.  Did he love her?
The relief he felt when he confirmed her story was overwhelming, she lied about setting this up, but he understood the truth and magnitude of her reasons.  In his heart, he forgave her.
That night on the sofa, curled in each other’s arms he felt normal, he slept naturally without pills and felt hope. 
When she ran, that hope was gone. Louise crept out of his house, and wasn’t even going to say goodbye. She didn’t even think enough of him to say she wanted to leave, despite him offering that to her as an option.    
“If I hadn’t caught her, I would never have seen her again.” Steve’s heart lurched at the thought, “Everything I felt was based on a lie. She never wanted me, she only wanted revenge and I was merely a means to an end for her.  I can’t believe, I fell for it twice.”
Steve feels no anger, no pain, only a purpose.  He knows what he will do with her.
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Post by slackywacky »

> I can’t believe, I fell for it twice.

Yep, we can be suckers :-)
Thank for adding the chapters.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

Interessting question how things will develop further. Somehow it seems that Steve will treat Louise harshly. The end of this chapter seem to point that way ... but on the other hand I'd like to see a happy ending - sometimes I'm a hopeless romantic ....
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Post by wolfman »

Steve watched the sleeping woman, tears moistening his eyes. “I wish things were different. Thank you for the memories. I will miss you, Louise.”
He nodded to himself, knowing what needed to be done.
He rose to his feet and exited the basement, putting the kettle on as he passed through the kitchen. He paused, taking a carrier bag from under the sink, before heading for the shed.  He fills the bag with a mixture of sand and dry soil and places some lengths of rough rope into a metal bucket.
Steve feels no emotion, only purpose as he returns to the kitchen.  He empties the kettle into the bucket and heads to the basement. Donning heavy duty rubber gloves he pulls Louise’s hands together.  He retrieves the a rope and wraps it around her wrist.  After a count of ten, he unwraps her wrists and retrieves another rope from the bucket.  He repeats this a dozen times leaving angry rope marks.  He takes the bucket back to the kitchen refilling is with boiling water.  Over the next half hour he wraps, her ankles, her knees, her elbows and body above and below her chest.
Steve lays her on a blanket and empties the dirt over her, wrapping her in the blanket, he rubs her body, legs and arms.  When he opens the blanket she is covered in a fine layer of dirt. He takes some of the dirt and rubs it into her hair and face.  He sits back and sighs, “I am sorry for the pain, this will cause.”
He places a strip of duct tape over her mouth and rips it off, wincing. He repeats this a dozen times leaving her mouth red and sore and sticky.  With a pang of sadness he applies and rips tape from her eyes. Steve looks at her and nods grimly, yet satisfied.
“I am sorry.” He whispers as he slaps her face bruising her cheek and cutting her lip. Louise started to stir.  Steve cracked a vial of Rohypnol and pours it into her mouth.  She swallows with a cough and is still again.  He couldn’t risk her waking just yet.

He takes some dirty rope and binds her, applying rope over the rope burns he had made.  He stuffs a cloth into her mouth and seals it in with several strips of tape, before duct taping her eyes closed. He removes the bandage from her cut foot and redresses it before wrapping her from head to foot in the blanket and leaving the basement.
Dressing quickly, he retrieves a few items from the various shelves and boxes loading them into his car.  He picks up Louise and deposits her into the plastic lined, boot of the car.
Sticking to the speed limit and avoiding cameras, he arrives in the city an hour later.  

Helen wakes refreshed after a well-deserved afternoon nap. She dressed in thin, white, cotton trousers and a hit pink blouse. Barefoot she moves through her house, a smile on her face. Since her sister stopped coming over, Helen had some cash flow problems. But last night a girl from work came over and there were a number of bidders.  She checked her bank balance with a cruel smile as she sipped from her glass.  Savouring the taste she thought, “Finally time to get back on track.”
She drifted upstairs, the girl was still sound asleep. “Seriously, it's half six and you are still out, I should have booked some afternoon calls for her.” She cursed herself. “Louise may have pulled them in, but the guys do love a younger model. This one will be very good for business”

He parks in a side street, and silently he puts on a pair of soft leather gloves, he takes the steep stone steps of the house two at a time.
He knocks the door and waits calmly, the owner opens the door, “Can I help you?” the blonde says annoyed.
Steve smiles, “Hello Helen. So nice to meet you.”
She cannot respond before a sweet smelling cloth is pressed to her face and Steve carries her inside closing the door behind him.
He empties a handful of dirt onto the front door matt and wipes his feet.  Stalking upstairs, he collects hair from a hair brush and a dirty sweatshirt from the washing basket. Steve stops dead in his tracks when he sees the sleeping girl. He crosses the room in two steps and checks her pulse. “Slow and steady.” He nods to himself sure of his plan. He moves the girl into the recovery position and leaves the room.
He returns downstairs and retrieves some used food and drink containers, stuffing them into a discarded carrier bag, and depositing the bandage from Louise’s foot into the bin. Six minutes after entering the house, he is back in his car and on the move again with an additional large holdall in the boot.
Steve tries to occupy his mind, but his thoughts keep drifting to Louise and the parting that is to come. He wishes things were different, he knows how broken he is and that it would never work, but things are as they are and he cannot change that, but, there is something he can do for her as a parting gift. “She made me feel human again, if only for a moment.” He sighs.
“Who am I kidding? I am not a good person, no one normal would deal with their problems using chloroform and violence.” He says to himself grimly. “I am at peace with that.” He snorts.
He pulls off the road up to an abandoned warehouse.  This was the location he originally planned to leave Louise before everything went wrong. He collects the bag of items from Helen’s house and gently lifts Louise’s wrapped form from the boot. She still sleeps as he carries her inside. 

He drops stray blond hairs along the way and stops before an abandoned office, he deposits Louise on the floor leaving her in the blanket.  He wipes the floor and all surfaces with the sweatshirt he collected and drops it on the floor by the door before dumping the rubbish bag on the floor.
Steve Stands in the doorway, he turns to Louise and with a sad tinge to his voice says, “I am so sorry Louise, I wish I could have been the good man you needed. Live a good life. I trust you to not to tell the police about me, but I forgive you if you do.” 

He breathes deeply, grateful she is unconscious, “I think I loved you.” He leaves and pulls the door quietly closed, tears moistening his eyes.
He walks slowly at first, his pace quickening as his face hardens on the way back to the car, he pulls out a disposable phone and dials 999.
“Police operator, Mike speaking.”
“Hello,” Steve says breathlessly, in a thick Birmingham accent.  “I have just been walking past the old Rezep warehouse off of Taylors avenue and saw a couple of people coming out of there and when they saw me they chased after me, I have just lost them”
“Ok.” Mike says typing “can you describe them?”
“Err, one was a Blonde woman, the other was a tall fella, both of them in black. They looked , I dunno, shifty.” Steve adds, noting the length of the call. Within a few seconds they should have triangulated his position.
“Do you remember anything else about them?”
“As I was running, she shouted to him that she will get the car.”
“We are sending a unit to your location. Please stay on the line.”
“Oh bugger, he’s found me” Steve wails as he hangs up and removes the battery and sim of the phone, snapping the sim.
Steve smiles as he gets back in the car, “The nearest station is 15 mins and the at this time of day the local officers are changing shift.” He says out loud as he pulls away.
He parks at the foot of a hill 2 miles away and climbs it on foot.  He lays down at the crest of the hill and waits.  On schedule, two police vehicles pull up sharply by the warehouse and four officers rush inside.  Steve trains his binoculars on the room he left Louise in.  After ten mins, an officer enters the room, Steve observes him calling out and soon others arrive.
Steve slides back and gets up unseen, slowly walking down the hill to the car. He pulls the phone he originally called to speak to Louise and calls the phone Louise used. The answer phone kicks in and Steve says “Helen, the cops have found her, get out of there.” He hangs up, pulls the battery and snaps the sim.

Helen is woken by a thud above her.  She cannot move, her eyes are closed and she cannot open them, her mouth is stuffed and she cannot move her jaw, the only movement she can make is the trembling of her body in fear as she prays this is a bad dream. ‎
He opens the boot and unzips the bag, she struggles weakly. 

With ice cold eyes, he regards the strictly bound sister of the girl he just left, and says “You will pay for the hurt you have caused.” She struggles and issues a muffled scream as an unseen hand, presses another sweet smelling cloth to her face, before zipping the bag closed.
Steve retakes his seat in the car and pulls away ready for an overnight drive to another of his safehouses at the other end of the country.

"Helen really does remind me of mum, the only difference is, mum was blind." Steve muses as he drives, dark thoughts swimming in his mind.

Authors note

The next continuation of this will explore the aftermath for Steve and Louise.

Depending on feedback, we may also explore, the fate of Helen, a habitual user of people with no consideration of other, save for how she can use them, in the hands of the methodical but damaged Steve.
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Post by Caesar73 »

To learn what happens to Helen would be very good. The last chapter was very good. And very plausible in my view.
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Post by BindPam »

I'm really wondering how all this will end....I want a happy ending, but I'm not seeing how that's possible, unless I'm missing something....
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Post by wolfman »

Two days later.

Detective inspector Shaw paces her office, shaking her head on the phone to the superintendent. "A missing girl turns up after a tip off from a man who may or may not have been taken by assailants unknown. The victim appears to have been kept prisoner since her disappearance and given the cuts and scrapes on her body, may have tried to escape at least once. DNA and fingerprints from the scene implicate her sister, whose house was raided' only to find a drugged girl who had been, by all accounts assaulted multiple times. The sister meanwhile has vanished. On top of all of this, the phone we found at the missing girls home rang and a message was left that we cannot retrieve."

There is silence on the line. 

Shaw breathes deep. "This is a mess, only thing I can say for sure is that something bad has landed in our laps"

The detective super adds "How are the girls?"

"Missing girl only just regained consciousness, possible reaction to rohypnol, she is in intensive care, when she is well enough we will get a statement. The girl from the sister is upset and claiming that she went over for a girly chat and cannot remember anything. Looks like she was dosed with rohypnol too."

"Could the sister be a victim here?" The Super asks.

"Her DNA and prints at site where missing girl was shed some doubt on that. My gut is she is involved. Tech are still trying to get into the phones recovered and that will yield answers." Shaw advises. 

"Very good, keep me informed." The Super advises before hanging up. 

Staring at her phone Shaw mutters, "Thank you for your support boss." She pinches the bridge of her nose, this could be a career making case, or it could destroy him. Either way, more coffee is needed.

Steve picked up the burner phone and dialled 'Louise's' number.  

He had hacked the voicemail for the phone Louise used to contact him about two weeks after her first message. He had checked and the voicemail had not been accessed telling him that the police had not got into the phone yet. 

He erased it, so they would never know, what was on the message he left. The police would suspect that Helen accessed it remotely and deleted it. 

Steve nodded to himself, "The longer she is out of circulation the more of a suspect she will be." He mused

His thoughts turned to Louise and that he'd had to leave her without saying good bye. He hoped she was ok and that she could live a good life now. 

He hoped that his release of her, and setting up of her sister, met her initial wish that her sister be investigated and brought to justice. "I hope this allows you to move on."

Steve thought of that bright shining moment of relaxed tenderness on the sofa and wished not for his redemption, but for her happiness. 

Louise wakes slowly from her drug induced sleep. She keeps her eyes closed. Fearful of what Steve has done. She listens, there is a beeping noise and a low burble of conversation. There is a smell of bleach, no wait, antiseptic. She takes a chance and opens an eye, she surveys the ward. 

Her breath catches in her throat. "What happened?" she asks herself.

She closes her eye as footsteps approach. She hears two voices. 

"We need to wake her up." Voice 1 a woman perhaps.

"She has been through quite an ordeal, I cannot approve that in her condition." Voice 2 older man maybe. 

"Let me be clear, she has been kidnapped and her sister has gone missing, we need to know what she knows." Voice 1

"That is as maybe, but I have the health of my patient to consider. You will have to wait. If you push me on this, I will go to the PCC." Voice 2

"Fine. We wait, but as soon as she is able, I want to talk to her." Voice 1, followed by receding footsteps. 

She feels a hand an her wrists taking her pulse. "It is ok dear, the inspector has gone." Voice 2 says 

Listening closely to the voice, "Dr Callard?" she thinks, remembering his voice from the night of her attack. 

The doctor continues in a whisper, "You might want to keep your eyes closed for the moment, when you wake up you will get very little peace."

Louise slowly nods to show her acknowledgement. 

"Police found you a couple of days ago and you have been here ever since. You had significant rope burns and a split lip and numerous cuts and abrasions. When I found that been brought in so soon after a reporter called about you, it rang alarm bells, so I attached myself to your case."

Louise thinks to herself. "Rope marks? Steve didn't use rope." She remains still and unreactive. 

The Doctor is checking her breathing and continues to whisper. "I saw the pain you suffered when you first came in all those months ago and never forgot how scared you were. You might be involved in something bad, but you are not alone. For now, I will leave you to recover, but if you need me, ask a nurse to page me."

She hears footsteps growing ever quieter and is alone with her thoughts once more.

"What the hell? Did the police officer say her sister was missing? Oh Steve, what did you do?" She wonders.

"I tried to run and he dragged he back inside and then?" She struggles to recall. She knows she cannot pretend forever, "Do I say what happened or do I say I was kidnapped and never saw his face?" she asks herself. 

"No, that won't work, I have the cut on my foot from where I tried to run." She felt bad in some ways for leaving him, but at the same time was glad to be free from his grasp. She lay awake thinking of what to do for the rest of the night.

Helen woke slowly, her naked body aching from the cold stone floor. She moves experimentally. "Hello?" she calls out. As she does so a soft light fills the room. 

The room is dark, with a toilet in one corner and a hand gel dispenser. No other furniture can be seen. On one wall is a green button next to a 10cm wide tube running to the ceiling. Her eyes follow the tube up and she sees to source of light on the ceiling 12 feet above her. A flat screen monitor blinks the words "Good morning."

"What the actual fuck?" She whispers. 

The screen flashes again, "Good morning."

"Ok" she says to herself, "Good morning." she replies cautiously. 

The screen flashes again, "You will remain here for the foreseeable future. This is for your protection. It has been identified that you have been targeted by a vampire and this location cannot be detected by his minions."

"What?" She stifles a laugh "Are you joking?"

"No Helen, we are not. We have fought them for centuries and we are deadly serious." The screen flashes. 

"What are you on about?" She yells. 

"Haemovores have been among us since the dawn of Civilisation, feeding, manipulating and ruling from the shadows. The grandson of Dracula has been watching you for some time."

"Let me out of here, you crazy asshole." she yells. 


"How long are you going to keep me here?" she says on the verge of tears. 

"Until the danger is passed. If you get hungry, press the button 1,111 times and food, bottled water and toilet paper will be dispensed."

"Let me out of here!" she screams.

"No. We will speak again, when you have calmed down. In the mean time, we will provide evidence of vampires so that you understand the danger."

The text disappears and a video starts of an alleged vampire sighting. The audio is loud and she barely hears herself say "You have got to be joking."

Above the cell, Steve smiles, as he sets up a continuous loop of youtube videos. "No one will believe her when and if I let her go."

He checks the dispenser and confirms a months supplies, in stock. He built the cell as a holding area for difficult clients, accessible only via a winch in the ceiling. She is going nowhere. ‎

Steve almost jumps as his work phone rings. ‎
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Post by slackywacky »

> It has been identified that you have been targeted by a vampire and this location cannot be detected by his minions.

That was funny :-)
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

Absolutely! Nice touch 😊
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Post by RopemanSteve »

I think I see where this is going, heh heh
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Post by wolfman »

Steve looked at his phone warily, he was on leave for a month of well-earned vacation.  They wouldn’t call without good reason.
“Good morning.” He said answering the call.
“Hi Steve, I wouldn’t normally call but we have a high profile close personal protection job and the you have been specifically requested.” His dispatcher said.  Steve could almost picture the dispatcher bracing themselves for a tongue lashing.
“Ok Ryan, Who is the client? What is the job?” Steve enquired.
“Earlier this year, you identified an embezzler at Emergent Corporation.  Turns out the missing girl that has been on the news for the past few days, was kidnapped and get this, she is the finance manager of the corporation.”
Steve responds “Oh, really?”
Steve thinks “Oh, dear.”
“They are worried that the victim is still in some kind of danger and have requested private, close, personal protection.  Given your work with them in the past, they trust you and they have requested you for this directly.”
“This could end badly.” He thinks, “I have to protect her from her kidnapper, who also happens to be me, and try not to get caught in the process. This is too high risk.”
“I am so sorry to drop this on you while you are off, However, we need you for this one.” Ryan says trying to break the silence.
“Hold on Ryan, I am thinking.” Steve says softly but firmly.
“Sorry Steve.” Ryan says nervously.
Steve started a checklist in his head
“Helen is out of the way for a month and every day she is in there, the worse it will be for her.  I am ok with that, but will load up another months supplies.”
“I need an evac strategy, in case it all goes awry.”
“I need ………………..” This list goes on.
The problems are all drowned out by one thought, “I can see Louise once more.” He didn’t care if she turned him in to the police, he would confirm to police that he thought she had arranged it but had been tricked by her sister.
“Ok,” Steve starts after a few moments, “but I need expenses and the option to take the principal to a location of my choice, if I feel she is in immediate danger. I have skimmed her case and she is wrapped up in something bad, by the look of it, this could be trouble. I have a feeling this will get ugly. I am on board, send me the details and I will be onsite tomorrow”
“I will get things in motion.” Ryan had never heard Steve refer to an assignment as trouble before and the implications were not lost on him.
Steve, cut the call and began loading the dispenser for his guest making sure every third bottle was laced with LSD, he also made sure the video feed came on in four and a half hour blocks, before packing. 

Steve went to the barn adjacent to his house and checked the stolen VW camper van making sure it starts and letting it run for a little while. He loaded an inflatable mattress into the van and made sure the battery powered pump worked.  As well as some tins of beans and bottles of water. 

Helen was getting a headache, the loud videos were too loud and she was too tired to shut them out. She couldn't help but listen as they continued. 

"Is this what happened to Lou?" she wondered. She was troubled that her sister went missing and that all of a sudden she was being held by a crazy person, or persons unknown.

"Oh hell." she thought as she remembered the drugged girl in her flat. "No, no, no, no." she said over and over. Stuck here she could not cover this up. This was a disaster. She looked around the room for a way out but there were no doors and windows. 

She started to panic and broke down in tears.

Helen lay in a heap on the floor, he stomach gurgled after too long without food. She shook her head, "Just perfect." She thought as she slowly rose to her feet and crossed the small room and began pushing the button. But as she looked at the video showing on the ceiling, she froze.

Steve had accessed her phone and her contacts and created a video indicating that her clients were vampiric followers. He made sure this was in every loop of clips shown and this was the clip that made her freeze.

Helen stared at the screen. "It can't be." she denied. "They are just paying clients who want fresh meat. This has to be a set up, hasn't it." she said to herself wondering. 

The rumble in her stomach focused her and she kept pressing the button as she watched the video. Thoughts raced through her mind as she kept on pressing the button. 

"Where was Louise?" she asked as the two small tins of beans dropped with bottle and toilet paper. She grabbed the paper and rushed to the toilet. Once relieved she returned to the supplies. "Urrrgh, I hate beans." she thought as she sipped the LSD laced water. 

She returned to her seat and kept pressing the button hoping for different food next time. As she sat the feed cut plunging her into darkness.

She screamed "Hello is anyone there? She grabbed a tin of beans hoping to use it as a weapon and held her breath. Out of the corner of her eye something moved in the darkness.

Louise slept most of the day, her dreams troubled. 

She dreamt that she was strapped face down and spread eagled on a bed, unable to move or see. She felt Steve climb on top of her and pour something on her back, she felt his hands slowly, but firmly stroke her back and kneed her muscles as he said "I am sorry." His fingers explored every knot, his caress chasing her pain away. 

Then she is running through fields, scared and tired. The ground cuts her feet and she feels her pursuer getting closer. She trips and Helen is standing above her laughing as she feel Steve pull her under ground. 

The scene shifts again and she is suspended above a lake. Her right wrist bound in chain and Steve is pulling her. Her left wrist is bound in rope and Helen is pulling. Louise feels such pain from her arms and shoulders and is calling to both to stop pulling and to make the pain stop but still the pull. She hears a crack and a sickenin tearing noise as she is pulled in two. 

Louise wakes in a cold sweat, hugging herself, like she is holding herself together. 

A voice to her left says, "Good evening, I am glad you are awake. My name is detective inspector Shaw and I have a few questions."‎
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Post by wolfman »

Disoriented, Louise tries to get her bearings, even though she was awake yesterday, this is the first time that she had looked around the room.  It was a private room, with a small window, dominated by her bed and a chair.
After a moment she focussed on the smartly, dressed woman sat next to her bed.  “Good morning, Glad you are back with us, My name is Detective Inspector Kate Shaw.  Would you be able to answer some questions about the last few days?”
Louise’s head was spinning, she felt sick and reaches for a bed pan by her bed and promptly filled it.
“Please take a moment, in your own time.” Shaw reassures her
With shaking hands, Louise puts the bed pan down and took a cup of water to cool the burning in her mouth.
The door to the room opens and Dr Callard steps in, “What the Hell are you doing in here?” He asks Shaw pointedly.
The detective turns to him “I need to find out everything that she knows about where she has been and who took her before the trail goes cold.”
“As I have told you, when she is fit she will answer your questions. As of right now, she has just woken from a severe reaction to the drugs she has taken and you will need to wait until I have cleared her before you can interrogate her.” Callard steps to one side “Now get out.”
Shaw collects her coat and tells Callard, “I will not be going far.” As she leaves.
Dr Callard approaches Louise, “How are you feeling?”
Louise still shaking turns to him, “I have felt better.” She gives him a wan smile.
The doctor checks her pulse and vitals and optic response, nodding.  “You need to have a few tests but you should be fine.  I will hold off Shaw as long as I can.”
“Thanks Doc, I am not sure I am ready to relive the past few days just yet.  Thank you for looking out for me.”
“Comes with the job.” Callard responds with a smile, while checking his watch.  “You need to have an X-ray on your foot, if you are ok, I will grab a wheel chair and take you for a spin.”
“Travel and a personal Chauffeur, how can I say no?”
“Be right back.” He says exiting the room.
Louise looks at her body and the angry red rope marks, thinking of her time with Steve.  “Why did he let her go? Why did he fake the rope marks and bruising? Where is Helen?” 
Her contemplation is interrupted by Callard returning with a wheel chair. “Ready for your trip?”
Louise swung around on the bed and allowed the Doctor to help her into the chair. He guided the chair slowly out of the room, past when a uniformed office was speaking to Shaw. 
“Where are you going?” Shaw demands.
“X-Ray for her foot.” Callard explains.
She scrutinizes the doctor of a moment, “Fine, we are coming with you.” She says, as she and the uniformed officer fall into step behind them.
Doctor Callard shrugs, “No problem, but no questions.” He informs the officers, before continuing towards the lift.
They wait for the lift at the end of the corridor in silence.  The door pings and slides open to reveal two orderlies in face masks, with a bed containing a sleeping patient.
The Doctor pushes Louise into the lift, but there is no room for the two officers. The Doctor turns to the officers and asks, “Sorry, are you ok to get the next one?.” As the doors begin to slide shut.
Shaw silently regards the doctor as the doors slide shut. She and the uniformed officer head for the stairs for a three floor ascent. “Well, I need the cardio.” She says to herself.
Shaw and the officer arrived, out of breath from the stairs, they ran to X-ray to find that Louise and the doctor were no-where to be seen. They returned to the lift in time to see Doctor Callard stagger out into the corridor. Louise and the orderlies were no-where to be seen.
Shaw’s eyes widen, “You have got to be kidding me.” She runs to catch the doctor before he falls.
“The orderlies took her.” Doctor collard says through bloodied teeth before he passes out.
The uniformed officer raises the alarm and requests a lockdown and additional officers.
Once medical assistance has arrived, Shaw reluctantly calls the superintendent, “Sir, we have a problem, the girl has been taken again.”
Ominous silence on the line
Shaw continues, “We have locked down the hospital and are sweeping now.”
“It is not bad enough that she was kidnapped and we found her from an anonymous tip off, but before we have had a chance to speak to her, she is snatched from under our noses!” The superintendent bellows, “What the hell are you playing at?”
After 20 minutes of tearing into Shaw, the superintendent hangs up. By which time, she had made her way to the roof.  She put away her phone and lights a cigarette, drawing deeply. “How the hell did this happen.” Exhaling slowly, her instincts tell her that Louise is gone. she pulls out her phone and sends a list of directions to her team.
“ 1. Secure CCTV footage for hospital,
2. Account for all medical staff onsite,
3. Pull traffic camera footage for a half mile radius,
4. Canvas all patients and staff.”
“It is going to be a long one.” She thinks ruefully, as the last of the days light leaves the sky. She stretches her back and neck before finishing her cigarette and heading back inside, preparing herself for the night ahead.
Steve has finished preparing and is on the road as his work phone rings.
“Ryan, how are we looking?” Steve answers the call.
“Not good, The girl has gone missing from the hospital.”
Steve pulled over to the side of the road sharply. “Beg pardon?”
“We have been monitoring law enforcement communications and about two hours ago, they went off the charts. Seems the girl was being taken for an X-ray, got separated from the security detail and was snatched from a lift. The doctor taking her, a doctor Callard, took a beating, but was left alive. In the space of less than two minutes, she was taken and whisked away.  Apparently, two assailants are being sought.  No description of suspects as both in masks.”
“Interesting.” Steve said keeping his voice even. “I need you to monitor this and inform me of any developments. I am still en route.”
“Not much point, no one to protect.” Ryan said a slight laugh in his voice.
Steve bit his tongue, “If we find her we may get a finder’s fee and then charge for protection.”
Ryan’s laugh is instantly gone as he sees the logic, “Good point, anything you need let me know.”
“Will do.” Steve says ending the call.
Steve massages the bridge of his nose and breathes deeply, “Damn.” He says quietly.
Louise feels like her head is in a vice. As her blood pounds in her ears. As she regains consciousness, she becomes aware of her situation.  Her hospital gown has been removed and she is reclining in a birthing chair with her legs raised and separated and strapped in place.  She feels the heavy leather cuffs secure her wrists and upper arms to the side of the chair and heavy straps around her torso pinning her body to the chair.  Around her neck is a padded surgical collar, stopping her from looking down.  Her mouth is forced open with a large dental mouth brace.
She thrashes as hard as she can against the stiff restraints, but they are utterly unyielding.  “What is going on? Where am I?” She squirms trying to get leverage on her bonds, but they are not moving. She slumps back in the chair, “I am so tired of being treated like cargo.” Louise fumes and struggles wildly.
A man watches from behind the mirrored glass, marvelling at her body. His thoughts drift back to this time last year.
He is in a living room, with a beautiful woman, where he has been listening to her describe an abhorrent fate for her sister.
“So,” Helen asks, “To confirm, each month I need a small supply of Rohynpnol and off the books medical care if needed, in exchange for a 5% cut.”
The man mulls over the proposal, he didn’t like what she intended to do with the drugs and couldn’t believe how she was planning to use her own sister. That said, he was getting so tired of working 70 hours a week to make ends meet and the money would be a nice little nest egg for his retirement.  “I have always been a good man, the guy who does the right thing, but, where has it got me? Time to do something for me.” He thinks to himself.
“Ok Helen, 7% cut and I get a free go once a month.” The doctor says, trying to sound nonchalant.
A predatory grin crossed Helen’s lips, “Done.”
It had been hard to stomach at first, but the money helped ease his conscience, and the time with Helen’s sister, chased his doubts away.  The sounds of her cries, snaps him back to the present. Seeing her thrash against her restraints and cry out, reminds him of how she felt before when was drugged. His manhood stirs, as he wonders how she would be now, with a bit of fight in her. He resolves that once she has told him where Helen is, he will keep her for himself and test out how much fight she has left.
The orderlies were addicts chasing their next hit.  For their help and silence he paid them in methadone. They would never realise that the drugs were laced with drain cleaner until it is too late.  A loose end already tied up. 
The cops took one look at me in the lift and saw I had been worked over, so they will likely, not bother me.  Dr Callard smiled, “Once I find out where Helen is, we are back in business.”
Steve drove onwards, considering what he knew, “The abduction sounds very precise, tight timescale and no way of predicting when she was en route, to make sure that the lift would arrive on time.  Dr Callard? That was the doctor who saw her after her attack and the one I spoke to.”
He pulled into a motorway services and decided to have a stretch, grab a bite to eat and get a coffee, thinking that this could be the last chance he gets for a little while.  He gets a salad and a burger and consumes them in silence, at a small table, off to one side of the food court.
Steve began to wonder, normally an orderly would take a patient for a scan or an x-ray, not a doctor.  His gut feeling was that the doctor was involved in Louise’s disappearance.  “Louise said that her sister drugged her, what if Helen got the drugs from Doctor Callard?” Steve let the question hung in the air, for a moment, as he finished his meal.
He returned to his vehicle and pulled a burner phone, and started to search for the Doctor. 
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Post by wolfman »

The orderlies had disabled the camera in the lift when they entered but not before putting on their masks. Shaw's team identified them and had just arrived at one of their addresses. 

She and a team of armed officers surrounded the property. 

The firearms team effected entry and swept through the house like a wave. Shaw followed them through. A chorus of officers calling out "Clear." rang out as they swept each room in turn. 

"Contact" an officer upstairs calls, everyone sweeps forward. No shots are fired. "Medics required." the officer calls. 

Shaw enters the room to see the two men in armchairs, still in scrubs, they lips blue and vomit covering their upper bodies. They do not breath. 

"Any sign of the girl." Shaw calls out. 

"Negative, she is not here." the firearms commander confirms.

"Great. Get forensics in here and pull this place apart, we need to find her. Find their car. Check their phones and tablets, we need something." Shaw barked as she stormed outside. 

"Our only credible leads are dead and God only knows where she is now." She thinks, as she lights a cigarette. "How did they know about the lift?" She asks herself. 

She pulls her phone dialling the station, "It's Shaw, badge 7971, can you give me the address for Doctor Ben Callard?" 

As she waits, she reasons "They couldn't have been there by chance. The good doctor took a beating but I should have seen it." 

She is still kicking herself for missing this, when the officer provides the address. Shaw thanks the officer and hangs up heading to her car. 

Ryan gives Steve the address for Dr Callard and Steve arrives shortly after.  He dons gloves and a balaclava before silently entering. He swiftly clears the house, finding vials of Rohypnol and ketamine in the bathroom. 

Pocketing the ketamine, he continues his search, his mind clear and focused. He systematically checks the paperwork in the office, finding nothing until he looks on the laptop, the good doctor even left his password written on a post it note on the desk for him. 

"How kind." Steve thought as he entered the short code. He copies the contacts on the computer onto a usb and a search shows evidence of drug deliveries to Helen and payments, he takes copies of these also.

His heart lurches when he sees a file on the desktop labelled "Friday night funtimes." Holding his breath he opens the folder, he shakes his head as he sees the images within. Louise's peaceful face with the good doctor taking full advantage of her condition. He closes the folder and breathes deeply as if to purge his soul. 

Throughout his life, Steve had done bad things, but these people were something else. They would pay for their crimes.

Steve's lip curls with disgust and he shuts the laptop down. The doctor will pay dearly. He rises from the desk and heads downstairs needing to get out of this room. 

He checks the bin looking for something that might help him find her again. His gloved hand closes on a discarded envelope. Within the envelope are details of a shipment of medical supplies, with a delivery address of a warehouse downtown. "Worth a look." Steve decides, as he continues his search.

Shaw arrived at the doctors property and quietly walked around its perimeter. She finds a small open window and silently enters the downstairs toilet. Drawing the sidearm she was issued at the raid, she opens the door. 

She freezes, listening to a faint rustling noise from the kitchen, she moves quietly towards the noise, she crosses the threshold of the kitchen keeping the man in her sights.

Steve hears the creak of a floorboard a split second before a firm female voice say. "Police! Stop what you are doing and slowly, turn around." 

He turns slowly to see the detective pointing a gun at his chest 6 feet away. He appraises her quickly. "Decent shape, gym two to three times a week, upper body and definition of arms suggests she boxes regularly. The way she is standing and holding the gun indicate some range training but little field action." He weighs his options as she continues. 

"On the floor right now." Shaw ordered adrenaline shaking her voice. 

Steve looks at her and tilts his head. 

"On the floor right now." Shaw repeats. 

Steve takes a gamble and tilts his head the other way, still fixing her with his gaze. 

"I said get down now." Shaw steps forward pointing the gun as Steve's face. 

Shaw doesn't have time to react as Steve steps forward, grabbing the wrist of her right arm with one hand and chopping down hard inside her elbow with the other. Forcing the gun to point to the ceiling. He twists the pistol from her hand and takes two steps back training the weapon on her. 

Shaw massages the inside of her elbow. "That was so stupid." She berates herself. "How the hell did he do that." She questions. 

Steve indicates that she sit on the kitchen chair. As she sits he commands in a Belfast accent, "Place your handcuffs with keys, warrant card and your phone on the table please. Do it slowly, no sudden moves. I have no desire to hurt you but I will shoot if you challenge me."

She slowly complies, "I am not alone." She says firmly. 

"Yes, you are. If there were multiple officers you would have entered en masse as per protocols." Steve responds. 

"Shit." She thinks "So he knows protocols, ex police? With the accent could be former PSNI?"

"On your knees facing the wall, please." He firmly instructs. 

She closes her eyes and swallows. "This is it. She thinks mournfully as her life flashes before her eyes. 

Steve throws the handcuffs onto the floor in front of her. "Handcuff your right wrist to your left ankle."

She reluctantly fastens the cuff around her wrist before passing her hands behind her back and locking the other cuff to her ankle. Unseen, Steve inspects her warrant card noting her name, badge number and rank.  

He checks she is secure and removes the magazine from the pistol and ejects the chambered round. Depositing them on the table. He picks up the handcuff keys and heads for the door. 

As he leaves, he turns to her and softly speaks, "Check the bathroom cabinet and laptop." He drops the keys on the floor by the doorway and swiftly leaves.

Shaw wastes no time shuffling to the entrance and retrieving the keys before releasing the cuffs. She jumps to her feet, collecting the gun and reloading it. She searches the house and checks the street for any sign of her assailant but all is quiet. 

She puts the gun away and with shaking hands lights another cigarette. "Got to cut down." She thinks. "He had me cold in his sights and by all rights, I should be dead now." She wipes a stray tear from her eyes and breathes deeply. 

The guy was so fast. Must have been well trained by someone. Her mind raced, "Special branch? Serious organised crimes division? Military? Intelligence services? Mercenary? This case just got worse."

Finishing her cigarette, she re-entered the house and playing the odds checked the bathroom cabinet finding the rohypnol. Her stomach churned when she opened the laptop with the conveniently placed password and saw the images on file. 

She ran downstairs, to get her phone and called the station. "Can you please issue a warranty for the arrest of Dr Ben Callard in connection with the sexual assault and kidnapping of Louise Wardell as well as sex trafficking. Can you send forensics to Dr Callard's home address too?"

The desk sergeant confirmed her instructions and advised "Nothing found at the orderlies place, just a couple of recovering addicts by the look of it. Evans confirmed that they were in a rehab program run by Callard."

"He is in it up to his neck." She thought grimly. 

"Thank you Sarge, keep me posted." She said as she ended the call. 

She breathed deeply as she considered whether to put about the mystery man in her report. 
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by Caesar73 »

Great update. Suspense. Thrill. And Dr. Callard is in for a rude awakening.
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Post by wolfman »

Dr Callard eyed the helpless girl with a mix of lust and curiosity. He needed to know where Helen was and guessed that Louise's re-appearance, was linked to his business partner vanishing. He would find out everything Louise knew.

He collected a tens machine from the cupboard and approaches his captive. "Hello Louise." he says softly, but with menace. "Soon I will ask you some questions about your sisters disappearance, but first, I want to get some of the fight out of you."

Despite her screams and squirming he applies conductive pads to her inner thighs, armpits and stomach. He sets the machine to maximum power and pulse length, turns it on and walks away to the sound of screaming. 

Louise's mind was reeling, was doctor Callard involved? Where is Helen? Why does he think I know? Her thoughts were torn from her mind by a vice-like grip of pain. Her stomach was pulled so tight she thought it would tear, her arms spasmed in their restraints and her legs felt like they would snap. She had never felt anything like it and then as suddenly as it started it stopped. 

She sucked air into her lungs furiously as her body recovered, only for the pain to flood her again. "What have I done to deserve this?" She asked herself, crying with pain as the onslaught continued. 

Doctor Callard watched her buck and struggle as he sipped a neat scotch. "God, she fights like a hellcat. I cannot wait to tame her." He strokes his groin as his arousal grows. His lips curl cruelly. 

Helen stood breathless, waiting for the shapes in darkness to approach. "Had the vampires found her?" She laughed to herself and relaxed. "How ridiculous?" She scoffed out loud as a part of her wondered.

The feed resumes abruptly, prompting a cry to emerge from her throat. She had no idea how long she had been in darkness and she felt exhausted. "Hey, you up there. Let me out of here?" She yells. "Can you hear me? Let me the hell out of here." 

The feed continues uninterrupted. She continues to yell. Pleading for release and threatening her captors by turns. Her throat hoarse she slumps to the floor and weeps.

Her stomach growled like a caged animal and she reluctantly opened the tin of beans in her hand and slurped. She hated baked beans so much, but right now, they tasted like the food of the gods. She wolfed down both tins and gulped down the rest of the water. 

She wanted so badly to sleep but, instead she forced herself to sit and start pressing the button again. Tired and needing something to focus on, she watches the feed, as she continues to press the button.

Louise's saw the room through a mask of pain. The tens machine still tormented her but her overtaxed muscles barely rippled now with each pulse. Her body taxed to its limits, feels heavy. She knows even if free, she would be barely able to move. The doctor re-enters the room and turns off the machine. 

He slowly undoes the dental gag and eases it from her open mouth. She flexes her jaw, able to move her mouth for the first time since her abduction. He slaps her hard across the face. 

"Focus my dear." He commands, "You get rescued at the same time, your sister vanishes. It is obvious that the two events are linked. You are going to tell me where she is."

Louise flexed her jaw. She knew there was no escape, her muscles were too tired and she was bound to well to have any hope of freedom. "I don't know." She whispered. Silently promising that even if she knew, she would give him nothing.

The doctor slaps he again, "Tell me where she is." He commands with malice in his voice. 

She whispers, "I don't know where she is."

Her response invites more strikes "Where did you go?"

She thinks fast before responding, "I have no idea, I was kept tied up and couldn't see for most of it." She pleaded for him to believe her. 

"Why are you doing this?" Louise asks her captor, breathless.

The doctor slaps her repeatedly. "I am asking the questions here. Where were you kept?" He asks again, his manhood stirs at the power he has over this woman.

"I don't know." she weeps. 

"Who took you?" He demands

Louise hesitates before answering "I never saw his face."

The doctor pounces on her hesitation "Who took you?" He seizes her by the throat. 

She mumbles a response barely audible. 

"What was that?" He asks leaning closer. 

She mumbles again. 

"Tell me." He shouts as he leans in closer

With no hope of escape, she chose to resist in the only way she could. Mustering all her strength she lunges forward biting his ear. 

He screams in pain, as he feels the blood seep down his neck. She twists her head as much as she can, tearing his ear from his skull

He reels back, clutching his ruined ear, "You bitch, you will pay for that." he spits "When I am done with you, I will give you heroin every day. By the time I am done with you, you will beg to suck off a dog to earn your next hit. You will suffer like you have never imagined."

The doctor jumps as a voice behind him says, "I don't think so, doctor."

Steve parked a short distance from the warehouse and once again donning gloves and balaclava, he enters unseen. He sees lights at the far end of the warehouse. Warily he approaches. 

"It is almost like a building within a building." he thinks to himself, as he sweeps the perimeter. He finds an entrance and slips inside silently. He hears muffled shouts and moves toward the sound. 

He finds himself looking through a window staring at a man, whom he assumes is doctor Callard, grabbing Louise by the throat. She is pleading ignorance as she is asked who took her. His heart leaps, "She is not giving me up."

He sees the doctor leans in close to her and she clamps down on his ear. Steve has seen enough and as the doctor starts threatening her, he enters the room. 

As the doctor finishes his tirade, Steve speaks slowly and firmly, "I don't think so, doctor."

Dr Callard, spins around incensed. "This is my clinic, I am in charge here." He bellows, as he charges at Steve. 

Steve grabs his wrist and elbow and pivots sharply throwing the doctor into a drug cabinet. The doctor turns his face shredded by glass, to see Steve advance quickly. 

Steve drags the doctor to his feet and easily forces his arm behind his back. Grabbing a handful of hair with his free hand he proceeds to smash every cabinets glass further shredded the doctors face. Punches the doctor hard in his kidneys and drops him like a stone. 

The doctor is unmoving and his breathing shallow. 

He turns to Louise and moves to her side. 

Louise watches the violence unfurling before her with a mixture of horror, hope and revulsion. "He came for me." She thinks, with a mixture of relief and dread. "Is that a good thing?" she questions remembering the last time they were together. 
She feebly struggles as he leaves the doctor broken on the floor and advances on her. 

"I am not going to hurt you, Louise." Steve assures her as he makes quick work of her restraints. "I am sorry." He collects a discarded lab coat and covers her body. 

"Why did you let me go?" She asks weakly. 

He hangs his head, "I knew I could not keep you without hurting you. You have suffered so much in your life. I wanted to give you a chance to get some revenge on your sister. So I left you with rope marks and injuries consistent with captivity and tipped off the police."

"Why didn't you ask what I wanted?" She asks, hurt. 

"I gave you the option to leave and you tried to run. When we were on the sofa, I had a glimpse of a happy life, when you ran, I felt betrayed, but I knew I couldn't make you stay. I wanted to let you go in a clean way which would support your oriinal plan and give you your revenge. I knew if I asked, whatever answer you gave would have been from fear of me. I am sorry."

She was about to protest but knew he was right. She puts the lab coat on and sits up in the chair.

She asks the question that had been on her lips since Steve entered the room. “Where is my sister?” She asks fixing him with a stare.
Steve shrugs. “No idea, but I would guess she has gone into hiding now that you have returned.”
“Why would she?” She enquires, suspicious.
“Maybe scared about the truth coming out about how she treated you in the past. Or, it might have something to do with the drugged girl they found at her place.” He replies nonchalantly.
She shivers, suddenly struck that she has done to another girl, what she did to her.  “How many others were there?” She asks herself, already sure that she did not want to know the answer.
Steve places a hand on her shoulder.  “Are you ok?”
“I have had better weeks to be fair.” Louise responds with a small half laugh with sticks in her throat.
“What do you want to do now? Steve asks.
“I want to run away, leave everything behind and start again. I am tired of being used by people, treated like a commodity and being a passenger in my life.” She says softly, defeated.
“I have money and contacts, if that is what you really want, you can have a new life anywhere you wish.” Steve offers.
“Sounds tempting.” She shakes her head. “What is the catch?”
“You would need to walk away from everything you know. Work, family, friends, everything.”
She would never have a normal life if she stayed. Everywhere she could go, she would be reminded of her pain. The only person she trusted, lay bleeding on the floor.
“What did she have to stay for?” If she waited for the police to arrive, there would be a circus and if she hid, they wouldn’t stop looking for her. “I am trapped in my own life.” She admits to herself.
“Would you be there?” Louise asked wondering if this could be some kind of trick again.
“Only if you wanted me. If you want a new life, it would be the life you want.  It is all up to you. Don’t rush into this take your time.” Steve answers, his voice even.
“How long do we have before the police arrive?” She asks nervous.
“No idea. We should get out of here soon.”
Louise reaches for Steve and allows him to help her to her feet.  On shaky legs she stands and he supports her first few steps.  “I am still not sure about a new life but we can’t stay here.” She keeps moving forward.
Steve guides her to a changing room and helps her sit.  He breaks open all the lockers.  “There should be something here that fits you.  I am going to take care of the doctor. If you wish to run, the fire exit is just there. I won’t follow.” He turns to leave.
“Thank you Steve.  What will you do to him?” She asks nervously.
“Probably best if you don’t know to be fair.” He says firmly.
Louise doesn’t press the point as he leaves the room.  Searching the lockers she finds a underwear, Jeans and a hooded top that would fit and with aching limbs she dresses.
Steve passes through the office collecting the bottle of scotch on his way back to the doctor.  He empties the bottle and leaves it on a table before stripping the doctor and wrestling his unconscious body into the birthing chair.  Without emotion he straps him firmly into the chair.  He forces two aspirin down the man’s throat before he fits the dental brace and stuffs his mouth with his socks.  With grim purpose he fits the pads of the tens machine.
Steve slaps the man to wake him.  Groggily his head lolls from side to side before he is snapped back to awareness and struggles with his bonds.  Steve slowly crosses the room as the doctor watches him warily.  He collects the empty scotch bottle and slowly approaches. The doctors redoubles his effort trying to get free.  He cannot free his limbs or clear his mouth.  Strapped as he is, he cannot resist, when Steve stands between his legs and slows pushes the bottle into him.  An animalistic howl fills the room.  When the screaming ends, the doctor is panting heavily.
“I have seen your laptop and the proof of your part in this.” Steve says in a low voice. “By now the police will have seen it too.”
The doctor curses and swears through his stuffed mouth as best he can.  He starts to squirm and immediately stops as he realises that every movement, in turn moves the bottle which is by now halfway inside him. The doctor keeps his breathing shallow in the vain hope that he can stay still.
“If you can keep still you will be ok” Steve says coldly as he turns on the tens machine. The doctor spasms and writhes in agony, fighting the shocks and straining to stay still.
He turns to leave.  The images from his laptop spring to mind and he feels rage. He pivots sharply a kicks the bottle with brutal force.
As Louise is putting on some shoes, she hears a breaking of glass followed by a blood curling muffled scream.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by Caesar73 »

What a great Chapter! I find the dialogues between Steve and Louise, very convincing!
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Post by wolfman »

@Caesar73 thank you for your kind words and support. Glad you are enjoying it
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by wolfman »

Steve knocks at the door to the changing room and waits.
Louise hesitates “Yes?” she asks nervously.
“Ready when you are.” Steve responds.
“Just finishing up.” She calls out. She starts quickly checking some of the bags stored here. She manages to find a glass nail file, and £40.00 in various notes. She pockets her bounty and heads to the door, gently pushing it. 
Steve is sat opposite the door on a small chair, he rises to his feet to greet her. “Would you like to go, or, stay?” he asks softly. A pitiful soft moan echoes from the medical room.
“I would like to get out of here, but I am worried about going with you.” She awaits his response pensively.
He softens his stance and relaxes as he looks her in the eyes and says gently. “I can understand that.  All I can give in the way of assurances is my word. I give you my word that I will respect your decision.  If you choose to come with me, you come not as a prisoner and you are free to leave whenever you wish.  I can arrange for a new identify and new life for you, but only if that is what you want.”
She nods, “OK.” Aware of the risk she was taking but sickened by her own life, she extends her hand.  Steve gently but firmly takes her hand a shakes it. “After you.” He says pointing to the door.
She slowly walks forward tucking her hair into her collar and pulling up her hood, she opens the door and emerges into the cool night air leaving the slowly diminishing sobs behind her.
Steve emerges from the doorway and begins to guide Louise to the car.  They take a winding route, avoiding cameras to get to the car.  Steve opens the passenger door and closes it softly once she is settled.  He retrieves a bag from the boot and gets into the driver’s seat.
Louise freezes as she sees the bag. “You idiot, you fell for it again.” She berates herself.  She slowly reaches for the door handle.
Steve unzips the bag and passes it to her. With a pit of dread in her stomach she opens the bag almost expecting to see her sisters face staring back at her. To her surprise she finds bottles of water, energy bars and a small bag of peanuts.
“Thought you might need something to keep you going.” Steve unzips a side pocket and pulls out a phone before handing it to her.  “This is a clean phone, never used and full of credit.  You can keep this is you wish. There is two thousand pounds in cash in the pocket the other side.  Not enough for a new start, but enough to support you if you choose to run.”
Louise checks the pocket as Steve described and is surprised to find the money as he advised. She looks at him confused.
Steve Starts the car “If you choose to run, I won’t stop you, you can call for help when you wish and you have the cash to get to pretty much where you need to go.” He puts the car into gear and they begin their journey.
Louise stares out of the window, still coming to terms with everything that has happened over the last few days, her head is swimming.  “Where is Helen?” She wonders.
They drift through the city avoiding the cameras along the way.  They leave the city and take country lanes as the sub begins to rise.
He looks across at Louise, to see that she is quietly sleeping.  Steve adjusts the heater to blow warm air onto her legs and body to help her rest comfortably.  He drives in silence.
Louise feels her shoulder being gently shaken and she jerks awake.
“I am sorry to wake you, but we are here.” Steve gently tells her.
She looks around, not recognising the house from her previous escape.  “I wish I had stayed awake, I have no idea where we are.” She looks around taking in the trees around the house and the long drive.  She notes seagulls on the roof and guesses they are near the sea.
As she gathers her wits about her, Steve steps out of the car and stretches the kinks from the drive allowing her to take her time.
She slowly opens the door and breathes the clean air deep into her lungs, savouring the scent of wild flowers.
Steve locks the car when she closes her door and walks around the car to her.  He hands the keys to her.  “You don’t need to sneak about, if you wish to leave, these keys work. I will open the front door, if you want to go, I won’t stop you.”  He turns and walks towards the house.  His heart sinks as he hears the car doors unlock, but he keys walking.  He hears a car door opened and then closed again and the car is locked once more.  A crunching of gravel on his left makes his heart leap as Louise falls into step next to him.
“Sorry, forgot the bag.” Louise says slightly breathless.
Steve smiles as they reach the door and he unlocks it, opening it and beckoning Louise to enter.
She cautiously crosses the threshold noting the tasteful if sparse interior. 
“The guest room is top of the stairs and first on the left.” Steve advises her “the door locks from the inside if you want privacy and it has its own bathroom.”
“Why are you doing this?” Louise asks, as she turns to him.
“You showed me it is ok to feel again.  I am not a good man, not in any way, but in the time that we have been in touch, especially since we met, I have wanted to be.  I hate myself for having hurt you and if I can, I would like to give you the life that you deserve, even if I am not a part of it.” Steve says softly, his eyes moistening.
“You know in a way, my plan worked.  I went missing and my sister was implicated.” She says wistfully.
“True, with the evidence on Callard’s laptop, the drugged girl in her place and the fact she has disappeared all make her look guilty” Steve muses out loud.
“Steve, I need you to be honest with me. Do you know what happened to my sister.” Louise asks looking him in the eye.
Steve breaks he gaze looking out of the window, “I do.  I would prefer not to say what I have done, or what my plan is. If I tell you, you would be an accessory.  What I will say is that she is safe unhurt and in a secure location.”
Louise freezes. “I knew it.” She thinks to herself.  After a moment of silence growing like a gulf between them she breaks the silence. “Why did you lie?”
Those four little words, broke something in him, he exhales slowly his eyes downcast. “I wanted you to be able to get away clean, without implicating you. I wanted to protect you.”
“People seem to keep making decisions on my behalf, either in spite of what I want or without asking me. You, the doctor, my sister, even that detective Shaw. Is all I am allowed to be, a passenger in my own life? She speaks her lips trembling.
In that moment, Steve felt worse than when he dragged her back to the house after her escape attempt. “I am sorry.  If you want to know, I will tell you.  Might be an idea if we get a cup of tea first though.”
“I want to know.” She says firmly. “Do you mind if I make the tea? I would like to do something for myself after so much time helpless lately.”
“Of course, kitchen is through there, I will take a seat in the living room to give you some space.” Steve excuses himself.
Louise enters the kitchen, it is light and airy and she makes a note of where the knives are as she waits for the kettle to boil. She locates the team bags and a couple of cups and opens a fresh milk.  “This is only a couple of days old.” She thinks checking the date on the milk.
She picks up the tea and braces herself, as she enters the living room. She places a cup of black tea by Steve. “I am guessed, black, no sugar, not too strong.” She says with a small smile.
“Perfect. Thank you very much.” Steve accepts the cup wondering “How did she guess?”
Louise takes a deep breath.  “I want to know what happened to Helen.”
Steve settles back in his seat, unable to look her in the eye. “I took her the same night that I released you. I took her to a remote location and lowered her into a custom built cellar with no furniture apart from a toilet.”
Louise holds her breath as he speaks, dreading what he will say next.
“She has to press a button on the wall 1,111 times to get a bottle of water, two small tins of beans and some toilet paper.” Steve manages to surpress his smile.
Louise winces. “That is so bad. She hates beans.”
“Every third bottle of water contains trace amounts of LSD, not enough for a full on trip, however, it will cause mild hallucinations.”
Louise holds her breath. “Is he joking?”
He continues. “She has been told that, she is being protected from a powerful vampire. A screen on the ceiling, shows a feed of vampire evidence from Youtube, plus a custom video or two, the stream is on a five and a half hour loop. This provides the only light in the room, when the feed is not shown, the room is in complete darkness apart from the button and toilet seat which glow slightly in the dark.”
Louise almost chokes on her tea.  “Funny.” She says laughing, unable to control herself. “Very funny.”
Steve sips his tea.
“What have you really done with her?”
Steve looks over his cup as he sips his tea.
Her eyes widen as it dawns on her that he is not lying.
“She needed to be out of circulation, this way she has evidence of drug use from the water, marks from sleeping on a hard stone floor and no means of injuring herself or washing.  When she is free, she will likely go to the police, not knowing that they are looking for her. When she tells them that, she has been held somewhere to protect her from a vampire, coupled with pushing the button for food etc. they will view her as someone with mental health issues brought on by drugs.  She will go to prison and possibly a mental health facility and will get the justice she deserves.”
She had to admit, even though absurd in part, the plan was quite elegant. “Can I see her?”
Steve hesitates, before slowly taking his phone from his pocket and connecting to the camera.  He passes the phone to her.
Louise takes the phone and sees Helen slumped against a wall pushing a button. She notes her hair is a mess and her eyes are red from tiredness and tears. Seeing enough, she passes the phone back to Steve.
She stares out of the window, unable to put her feelings into words.  She suddenly found it hard to breath and needed to get out.  She jumps up and runs for the front door.  Steve watches her leave, unsure whether he should follow.
Louise bursts out of the front door, and takes deep gasps of air.  “Steve has set up Helen so well, that there is no way out for her now. Once she is free, from her basement, she will be in a cell in short order. I could go back to my life and be free of her.” She starts to softly cry. “Or I could start a new life and disappear and she could face a suspected murder charge.”
Steve walks behind her deliberately crunching the gravel, to make sure Louise hears him.  He wraps a blanket around her shoulders and hugs her gently.
“I know, it is a lot to take in.” Steve whispers. “There is no pressure on you, you are safe here and have as much time as you need.”
Louise turns to him.  “Thank you for everything you have done so far. Before anything else, I wanted to say that.” She stands slowly, her body aching from days of punishment. Tears form in her eyes.
“Are you ok?” Steve asks as he supports her.
“I need some time. Would you mind if I go to my room?” She asks wary of his response.
“I understand completely.  You can have as much time as you need.  There are fresh towels in the bathroom and some wine in the mini fridge if you would like some.” He says as he escorts her to the room.
“Thank you Steve.” She says as they ascend the stairs.
“I am sorry about this mess.” Steve apologises eyes downcast.
“This is not your fault,” Louise says as she turns to him. “It is not my fault either.  If my sister hadn’t drugged me and sold my body, we would not be here right now. I don’t know what to do for the best, but one thing I am not doing is blaming you.” She kisses him softly on the cheek. “You have, in your own way, been a friend in all this, my only real friend. Thank you.”
Steve, always so many steps ahead, was caught off guard and speechless.
“I need some time alone. I am going to close this door, but I will open it again.” She says softly.
Steve nods. “I understand, please shout if you need anything.” Stepping back from the doorway.
“I will.” She says as she closes the door, choosing not to lock it.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by Caesar73 »

Very intense.The dialogues are great. The slight hesitation on both sides, Louise wanting to know what happened to Helen, her mit locking the door.
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Post by BindPam »

I'm wondering if we're going to see the resolution to all this from Helen's Steve right in his prediction?
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Post by wolfman »

Louise stood in the guest room with her eyes closed, enjoying the feeling of being free from restraints once more. "I am not bound, but am I still in a cage?" She wondered, as she gently touched the rope marks on her wrist.

It was a nice cage if she was in one, comfortable bed, nice view and a large wardrobe, which she promised herself she would explore later. Her first priority was her punished body.

Slowly she divested her stolen clothes despite the protests of her muscles as she moved. She stared in the mirror at the marks from her captivity. 

The rope burn marks, the redness around her mouth, so many bruises. The marks telling the tale of her captivity. So many aches and pains, but the greatest hurt was from how her sister used her and how Doctor Callard, who she trusted, had been involved.  She shivered involuntarily as she examined herself and thought of what the doctor had said he would do to her, recalling the past few days. 

After what seemed like the longest time, she tore herself away knowing that the mirror, mirror on the wall, was showing her that she was not the fairest of them all. "You can't change it, you can only pick your future." she told her reflection.

She entered the bathroom and began running a bath. Adding bath salts and lavender oil, she held her head over the bath enjoying the scent and steam. 

She could return to her life or leave it behind. After so much captivity, the freedom of the choice daunted her.

Helen sat in darkness surrounded by moving shapes. They were always around but never hurt her. She relaxed slightly. "They must be spirits, used by my captors to stop the vampires from finding me." she realised. 

She hadn't slept properly in so long and her body ached, she had bruises from sitting on the cold floor and her head was pounding through lack of sleep. She felt wretched and wished for a shower or even a bowl of water and a sponge. 

She clutched her spoon close, she had bent a tin lid into the shape of a spoon and could use it to eat beans if she was able to avoid the sharp edges. 

"When will this end." she thought ruefully as the feed started again.

"Is anyone up there?" She shouted. "Can you hear me? Anybody?" Her voice trailed off as tears started to form. She rocked gently. "How had her life come to this?"

She had always been the centre of attention, her good looks and flowing blond hair had always attracted other to her side. Her open manner drew people closer. Even her sister. 

She stopped rocking and sat perfectly still. "Was the vampire drawn to her because of the evil she inflicted on Louise?" She shuddered at the thought. "Was this my fault?"

"No." Helen reflected. "Callard sold me out, so he could take my contacts and go it alone." She hated the man at the best of times but he was a necessary evil. He got her the stuff she needed and took his share. Of all the men that she arranged to use her sister, he was the worst. He didn't just use her, he attacked with gusto. It made her skin crawl at the thought of it. 

"With his background, he probably sold blood to the vampire and tipped him off about me." She thought to herself. "He will pay."

Louise eased herself into the hot water. Luxuriating in its warm caress. As she reclined in the bath, she moved her hands gently by her sides, sending soft, warm, ripples of bubbly water down the outside of her legs. 

She gingerly washed her wounds noting that the cut on her foot was healing well. She slowly toured her own body massaging aching muscles and soothing her limbs. 

Her stomach was so tender, from the tens machine. She picked up the sponge and slowly rubbed her stomach, massaging it with warm water. 

Louise ran some more hot water, topping up the bath. She gently swirled fresh, hot water around the bath slowly and sighed as the warmth continued to drain her pain away.

She lay back and closed her eyes. The pain and fear of the last few day, being blocked by the feeling of the water against her skin. 

"Where were they? Were they slaying the vampire? Or, hiding to save themselves." Helen wondered.

She needed to be ready for the worst, if the vampire came for her. She hatched a plan and began using her spoon to cut the bottle into thin strips. 

Helen used strips of plastic bottles to bind several tin lids together as a weapon. She could put her fingers into the ring pulls and clutch it like a flimsy knuckle duster. Satisfied she began pushing the button again for her next meal. 

Steve watched the feed, nodding at her ingenuity. A seed of a plan was forming about her release but there were a lot of variables to consider. Too many risks of being spotted. 

He could drug her and dye her hair red, then give her the marks that Louise had to fake her death and then dump her body, but Louise would not be keen on that he guessed. Neither would he like that. Besides an autopsy would seem through the ruse in moments. 

He focused on a live release, but there were a lot of risks, however he approached it. He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.

Turning on the news as a distraction from his thoughts he noted that the manhunt for Helen in connection with Louise's disappearance was intensifying and the police were appealing for information. 

The report switched to an interview with Helen's neighbours. A young couple were on screen with their faces covered. "She kept herself to herself and was always pleasant and said hello every morning." The man said. "She was more pleasant to you than me. Remember new years eve? She came over and only spoke to the guys, collecting phone numbers. Probably looking for punters." The woman snapped. The feed switched back to the news room sharply. 

He smiled to himself and muted the tv. He grabbed a burner phone and began scaning social media. Finding numerous posts relating to "The deadly sister", "The rohypnol madame" and the hate pages directed at Helen. If he released her, it would need to be somewhere that the police get her quickly as, looking at the hate, she would be torn apart by a mob.

What surprised and on some level, pleased him was there was also an appeal for information relating to the doctors whereabouts. "Good, they haven't found him yet." He thought, grimly.

His thoughts drifted back to Louise. Whether she chose a new life or her own, they would part soon and it would most likely be a final goodbye. He wanted her to be happy, she had suffered so much. He could not risk her happiness, by staying in her life.

His thoughts whirled in his mind as he walked through the house. How to release Helen? How to deal with Louise leaving? What would need to be put into place if she wanted a new life? How would he feel when she is gone? 

His head started to ache as he climbed the stairs. 

Louise lay still her eyes closed in the quiet room, she felt her aches and pains leaving her body, drawn by the warm water and bath salts. He mind was blank and he breathing slow. 

She floated in a sea of tranquility. Drifting on a tide of bubbles, miles from her cares. For the first time in days, she felt at peace.

Her lips parted in a sigh and she felt lips on hers. She returned the kiss urgently, her tongue dancing with Steve's as she lost herself in the kiss. Her eyes flew open and she was raggedly breathing in the bath. Alone. 
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by BindPam »

Things are beginning to come together! Hang in there, Louise!
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Post by wolfman »

Steve walked past the guest room laying a finger gently on the door. He pauses hearing splashing. "I am glad she is relaxing." he thinks, deciding not to disturb her. He enters the room opposite, softly closing the door. 

He had been constantly active for a while. He felt tired to his bones and needed rest. Whilst his body told him to sleep, his mind refused to stops whirling, in its hunt for a solution to this. 

He kicked off his shoes and laid back on the bed fully clothed, staring at the ceiling. He sighed, as he felt himself relax and he regained his focus, turning his mind to Helen.

Dumping her in the middle of nowhere, could be worse. In her weakened state, she could die from exposure. In her mental state, she could be a risk to others, if unsupervised. Too risky

His gut was leaning towards using the VW camper van but it the risk of being spotted was high and then there was the logistics of dropping a means of escape at the dump site.

He had an idea of how to release Helen, but, he would need Louise's help. "Can I trust her?" He wondered as the first wisps of sleep claimed him.

Helen began doing press ups. She was weak but willing and each was a struggle. She slowly lifted and lowered her body until, he arms gave way. "I am no one's victim and in the battle of good vs evil, I will stand fight and not be fought over like some prize. "

She rolled onto her back and began performing awkward stomach crunches, through gritted teeth. Revelling in the pain. Then slowly rose to her feet and began working through Karate kata until she couldn't stand.

She screamed at the top of her lungs. "I will defeat the vampire hoardes, find my sister and start my operation again. Do you hear me, you bloodsucking freaks? I am coming for you."

Louise hugged her knees in the bath, slowly recovering from her dream. "What does it mean?" She asks herself in a ragged whisper. 

"Am I falling for him?" She wonders. 

"No way." she exclaims, "He tied me up, held me against my will and marked my body. Then when Dr Callard had me he..." She stops, struck by the enormity of the next words. "Saved my life."

As she said those last words, they seemed to hang in the air. The doctor promised a terrible fate for her and Steve, methodical and relentless Steve, saved her. Her body shook with gentle sobs as the weight of the fate she had avoided hit her. 

Since she lost the baby the only person who she had told the whole truth to was Steve and in his own way, he had stuck by her and was helping her get the justice she needed, to move on. 

She rocked in the bath with more questions than answers racing through her mind. Was she falling for him? Could she love him? Was he capable of love? What did she want?

Right now she wanted sleep, the bath had relaxed her and helped ease her aches and pain but, she knew if she didn't move now she would sleep in the bath. Moving slowly she emerged from the tub and dried herself, before laying on the bed.

Louise closed her eyes. "Dare I dream of a happy future?"
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by Caesar73 »

Good continuation! I like the change of perspective alternating between the characters!
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