Deception M/F : Story Complete

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Deception M/F : Story Complete

Post by wolfman »

Louise runs her fingers through her long red hair and finishes the last of her wine and setting down her glass, she rises unsteadily, with a low buzz from the Merlot embracing her like a lover, she climbs the stairs slowly. She loves Friday nights and the relief of two lazy mornings.

She reflects on her 29th birthday 2 weeks ago, it was a great night at the club. "I need to get out more." She smiles to herself remembering the bar tender.

She makes her way to the bedroom, she enters her bedroom to see a masked man staring at her. Stunned she freezes.  This is the only chance that he needs, he pounces on her, effortlessly taking her to the ground.

‎The impact brings her to her senses, she screams.  ‎The man pins her down and stuffs a rag into her mouth. She tries to spit it out but it is too deep.  He roughly pulls her arms behind her and zip ties her wrists and elbows tightly.

Quickly he shifts his position and pins her legs, before zip tying her ankles, her legs above and below the knees and her thighs.

She thrashes wildly striking him in the chest.  He rolls her onto her back. 'What the hell? This is what we agreed.' He asks angrily, as he secures her ankle ties to her elbows with a viciously tight zip tie. Before cinching all of bonds in place.

‎She shakes her head furiously. forcing the rag from her mouth. "Who the hell are you?" She defiantly spits, staring daggers at him.

‎"This is what we agreed, we have been planning this for months" He says, suddenly unsure of himself.

"I have no idea what you are talking about." Confused Louise responds.

He pulls out his phone slowly,  "Here, months of messages planning this night, a masked intruder, a damsel in distress overpowered, a bad man having his wicked way. You said you would play dumb and that I would have to talk you round as well. If you realy want to stop, hum the safe tune."

Suddenly very afraid Louise pleads "I swear, that is not my number, I have no idea what this is all about. Please don't do this."

He grabs a handful of her long hair and pulls back, as she yelps, he stuffs the rag back into her mouth and secures it with several strips of duct tape. 

Louise, wails and sobs into her gag, fighting her immovable bonds.

"If this is not your number, when I call it, it won't ring, that will prove we have agreed this and I will continue." He says, dialing the number.

Just as Louise wonders if there was a waiver in his voice, somewhere a phone rings. 

Louise's heart sinks and she screams.  Getting to his feet he calls the number again, heading off in search of the phone. She fights her bonds, feeling them dig into her as she tries to plead with him to let her go.

She thrashes and screams, but there is no way out, her wrists and elbows are tied too tight and her legs feel welded together.  Her blood runs cold when he re-enters with a phone in hand.
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Post by wolfman »

She tries to push away but he flips her onto her stomach and pins her under him. "Open your hands." He commands. she reluctantly complies, she feels something touch her fingers and thumbs, each in turn.

"Oh boy." He exclaims sitting back, removing his balaclava. "I have been texting and calling this number" He says, lifting the phone he just found, "to arrange a custom home invasion, complete with tight bondage and a rape fantasy." He stares into space, rocking gently.

Louise shifts uncomfortably, scared to breath, terrified of this stranger. "He is going to kill me." Softly, she starts to cry. 

"I am so sorry" He whispers. Reaching for her. Louise screams into her gag, squirming to get away, but she cannot move away from his powerful grip. He holds her tight, ‎"Please hold still, I don't want to hurt you. Please don't scream." He whispers shakily, as he peels the tape from her mouth removing the rag. 

Louise is stunned and stays still and quiet. Waiting for what this man will do next, she braces herself for the worst. 

"I was contacted through a bdsm site and given this number." He starts, "We discussed a home invasion fantasy where I broke in, tied you up and took you to a secluded pace for a weekend of torment and hardcore bondage. We discussed the fact that you would 'pretend' to object and that I would go ahead anyway. I was not happy so I set up safewords and phrases, you were to hum. Everything was set up."

Louise listens, nervous of this man who is somewhat larger and stronger than her. 

"You were objecting more than I expected so I thought grabbing your phone to overcome your objections by showing you the proof of your involvement, was a good plan. I was committed to the plan until, I found the phone and realised you needed a finger print to unlock it. When I returned I tried to unlock it with your prints.  Why would you have a phone that you were not able to unlock. That makes me wonder if this is your phone and that someone set me up to do this to you. Either way, I am out."

"I am not a bad guy, this is not what I am about. If you want to call the police, I understand, will work with them to get whoever planned this for you." He continues. 

She is stunned into silence. "What the hell?" She tries to take in everything that has happened. 

"Please hold still." He absently asks as he begins to cut her bindings. When she is free she curls up into a ball. He pulls a blanket from the bed and covers her. Slowly starting to weep at what he had almost done to this poor woman.

Louise lays stunned with this strange man crying at the foot of her bed trying to comprehend the events of the evening. 

"What is your name?" She asks breaking the silence. 

"Steve. Is your name Louise?" He responds wiping his eyes. 

She nods

"At least that was real, I guess. How could I have been so stupid?" He says, berating himself.

"Steve, I need you to focus. Can you tell me how this happened?" Louise asks. 

"I was contacted on boundwire by loulou90 about 6 months ago, she said she was bored and unfulfilled and needed adventure, the conversation developed and it was clear you, sorry she, craved bondage. I didn't suspect anything, so we exchanged numbers and talked about bondage and she suggested I break in and tie her up one night. I wasn't sure." 

He pauses, shaking his head. "But she kept talking and building on it and eventually, she convinced me." 

Steve squeezes the bridge of his nose and breathes deeply. "We started talking about how to make it real. I would use her spare key, which was hidden under a flower pot out front and wait for you. She sent me details of your routine and what you would do and roughly when. All went to plan until you deviated from your routine as described and were struggling too much. When I removed your gag the first time, I realised your voice was different, not much but a little, so became a little unsure. The phone was the last straw." As Steve finished, he crumples in on himself, spent.

Louise stares into space, taking it all in, unable to fathom who would do this. "How did you know what I looked like?" She says, breaking the silence.

‎"She sent me photos, she said no nudes as she didn't want to spoil the surprise." Steve pulls out his phone as passes it to Louise. 

She scrolls through the photos, shocked. "These are all from my Facebook and Twitter."

"I am so sorry. I was so convinced, I thought this was real." Steve mumbles. 

"I think the question we need to ask is, who was set up here? You or me?" Louise speaks slowly, "If you had gone through with this, I would have been broken and you would be in prison. Was this about you, or me, or both of us?"

Steve mumbles "Who would do this?"

Louise quietly shakes her head, looking lost, thinking "I am glad I used my sisters old phone and reset the phone finger print security, otherwise I might have had to be tied up all weekend before this guy was on my side. I think he is almost ready for the next stage in my plan. "
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Post by Trickster »

Now THAT is a deception!
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Post by WyattW5 »

Not Bad Wolfman, but one recommendation I have. the story is really quickly paced. like Louise believes Steven way too quickly. just a small observation.
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Post by wolfman »

@WyattW5 Thank you for your feedback. That is very fair, I am kinda new to this and working on dialogue. Hopefully, following chapters whilst fast, will be a bit more even.

All feedback is welcome.
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Post by wolfman »

They both sat quietly in their own thoughts until Louise broke the silence, "What if they are watching? They will be expecting you to leave with me."

"What do you mean?" Steve responds, confused. 

"Someone went to a lot of effort to set this up. They will probably want to watch to make sure it is done."

Letting this sink in Steve asks "So what do we do?"

"Buy ourselves some time, you take me out of here as planned and when we are safe let me go so we can work out our next move." Trying to sound as uncertain as possible, Louise whispers. 

"I am not sure about this, I want to cut and run."

"If we don't do this now, they may try something else, at least this way, we can buy outselves some time." She reasons. ‎

They sit in silence, their situation hans heavy between them, until with a sigh Steve says. "Ok." Unsure of himself, he reaches for a zip tie. 

"What are you doing?" Louise enquires. 

"The plan was that you are zip tied tight, gagged and put into a bag, if you are in the bag as I take you to the car and move or cry out suddenly, it will give the game away." He says looking down, as if the words left a bitter taste in his mouth as soon as he uttered them. 

Louise cursed herself, he was right, if this were real and they were watching that would give it away, she would need to do this for his buy in. She turns and offers her hands. He zips them tight forcing a low wince. 

"Sorry, is that ok? It will only be for about an hour or so." he asks gently. 

"Carry on." She says with a gulp.

He ties her as before, and produces a clean rag, "I am sorry." 

"It's ok." She assures him,whilst she thinks "Small price to pay, to get him paranoid and buy in completely."

He stuffs her mouth and tapes it with 3 wraps of tape pulled tight. "Ok?"

She nods, wriggling slightly. "At least it is clean." She notes

He opens his bag and lifts her inside, before zipping. It close her turns to her. "Don't worry we will get these bastards."

She settles into the bags as he lifts it and carries her. She hears a car boot open and feels herself placed inside. She hears him say "Just got to clean up in there." as the boot closes. 

"Typical, he could have done that before he stuck me in here." She grumbles to herself, seeking a comfort which evaded her. 
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Post by wolfman »

Steve locks the car and returns to the house, quickly, he removes his prints from anything he could have touched. 

He sits heavily on the bed and breathes deeply. "Not quite how I expected this night to go." 

Steve reflected on how he was to be fulfilling a fantasy months in the making. This thing he was caught up in took a real darkness to put together.  He shook his head to dispel his thoughts. 

"This is some bad business." He thinks to himself resolving to get to the bottom of this and find out why. 

He picks up the previously discarded zip ties, rag and tape and puts them into a bag, before making her bed. ‎Then he goes downstairs and washed up her wine glass.

Steve moves quickly from room to room, removing the spy cameras he put in a month ago. 

She had no idea that as she was texting, he was watching her type her responses. He saw everything, the second phone, the look of malevolence on her face as she typed terrible things she wanted him to do and saw her dance around the room as she spun him lies. He saw it all. "What was her game?" He smiled to himself.

When she pulled the trick with the phone it threw him a little, but, the look on her face, when she said to him that they should proceed as planned, in case they were watching was so sincere that it threw him and he had to think fast. Suggesting that he tie her up and pop her in the boot for realism was just following her logic. To be fair, when she agreed, Steve had to suppress a grin. 

The house was now clean and it was time to get some answers, he left the house quietly and unseen. When he got to his car, he quickly opened the boot and unzipped the bag. "Are you ok?" He asked. 

Louise grunted a yes impatiently in the darkness.

"Not long now." He assured her before he
 closed the bag and boot once more and headed out into the night.
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Post by wolfman »

Sticking to the speed limits and backroads, Steve left the city without ceremony, pondering his approach, the longer he left it, the harder it would be to get her off guard before confronting her. Part of him wanted to let her out of the bag and see how things played out, but, part of him wanted to wrest back control of this situation and put her on the back foot. 

The other part of him wondered how much was a lie. Their conversations had awoken something in him and he wanted to know if it was real. Her dark fantasies and months of dreams with her in tight bondage, his to do with as he pleased, made him shover inside, had he fallen for a lie.

His mind wandered as her drove and he considered his options in silence as they pressed on into the night. 

Meanwhile, Louise was getting cramp from being so tightly tied for so long. Her body ached and her mouth was dry and for a moment, she considered if she had played into his hands and what he would do once they stopped. 

"What was taking so long, how long have I been in here?" She silently asked. Her back legs and shoulders were burning and she longed to get out of this. "What is he playing at?" She squirmed trying to ease her aches, her head drops. "He is probably being overly cautious as he doesn't want to get caught with a bound and gagged woman in his boot."

She took a deep breath and reconsidered. His tears were so natural, there is no way he could fake that and he seemed genuinely uncomfortable re-tying her and putting her in the bag. "No, the plan is working and he is mine." She thought. 

She remembered the tenderness in their conversations and the pangs of regret that things weren't different, in no small part she wanted to forget her plan, tell him the truth and submit to his will. But then she remembered what had started all this and thoughts of anything else were dispeled.

Louise calmed herself and thought about when they arrived, once free, she would hug him and play the scared victim to draw him close, she would set the seeds about her real target and slowly turn him to her way of thinking and he would be the instrument of her plan. She had planned too well to be caught out at this stage. Everything had fallen into place.  ‎Louise smiled through her gag in the darkness.

Steve, doubles back on himself, taking every possible turning to disorient his passenger and give her no idea where they were going. He said an hour, he was probably that long clearing up her house and they had been on the road at least two hours, so she was probably getting cramps now and wondering what was going on. He decided his next course of action and pulled onto an unmarked and secluded dirt road.
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Post by wolfman »

Louise was jossled to alert by a change in road surface, she fought to stay still in her bonds but the bag slid around the boot. She felt the vehicle ease to a stop and then heard the engine turn off. "Finally." She thought anticipating her release, she tried to stretch against the unyielding bonds, but soon resigned to her position. "Soon." She thought.  

Louise was lost in her reverie as the boot opened. Steve gently lifted the bag, inviting a squeak of surprise from its occupant. He carried the bag inside and locked the door as he entered. Checking the alarm and security sensors, he nodded noting no activity. 

He entered the living room and placed his bag on the table. He turned on the tv and unzipped the bag. Louise blinked in the light after being in darkness for so long. "Hold still, let's get you free." He whispered as he slowly peeled off the tape from her mouth. He gently removed the rag and whispered "Are you ok?"

Louise was plunged into light and felt a rush of fresh air against her skin, she blinked rapidly, disoriented. She heard someone talking and felt the tape being removed and the rag pulled from her mouth. She flexed her jaw for the first time in hours. Her mouth was so dry. "Are you ok?" a familiar voice asked. She nodded, struggling to speak. She ached all over and yearned to stretch again. 

"Give me a moment, I'll get some water and something to cut you free." Steve assured her as he got to his feet and left the room. 

"Didn't have cutters on him earlier?" She wondered to herself. As she waited, she worked her jaw and thought quietly to herself. Her thoughts were interrupted by the tv and she sought the source of the noise. "What is that noise?" she wondered looking around. Her blood chilled as she looked at the tv and saw herself on the phone talking about being tortured in tight bondage. 

"I kept tabs on you to make sure you were on the level." Steve said from the door way. "I think we can safely say that, you planned this weekend with me and that you are playing some kind of game. Mark my words, by the time we are done here you will tell me everything." He moved slowly towards her. 

She fought the zip ties and struggled furiously. She felt her head pushed down onto the table as a cloth was pressed to her face. As she breathed the sweet vapours and her eye lids fluttered the last thing she heard was "Sweet dreams."

As her beathing settled and her body stilled, Steve relaxed. He lifted her sleeping bound form and carried her down into the basement. 
He lay her gently on the table and began cutting her free from her bonds and her night clothes. He thought of the torments they had discussed, 2 hour with the paddle, the whip, the sybian, breath control, suspension. He wanted something special to coax the truth from the redhead before him. He smiled and retrieved a plastic chest from one side of the room, setting it next to her. He removed the lid and inspected the contents with a satisfied look on his face he retrieved the leather corset from the water filled box.

He sat her up wrapping the corset around her already slim waist, methodically he laced the corset pulling each loop ever tighter. Placing his knee against her back he gave a hard pull before tying off the laces. He then folded a leather flap over the laces before zipping and padlocking it. 

Next he retrieved a pair of leather shorts from the wet box. He slid them up her long legs before holding her close to lift her and then slip them in place. A quick buzz of a zip and a click of a lock and they were in place. 

Ankle boots followed buckled and padlocked tight. As a finishing touch wet leather mittens were wrestled and locked onto her hands forcing her fingers into fists. 

A leather strap was applied above her elbows pulling them tight together, followed by another below her elbows and a third around her wrists. "That should build on the discomfort from the car ride." He mused as he applied more locks. 

Her legs were strapped and locked at her ankles, thighs and above and below her knees. He rolled her onto her side and strapped her wrist bindings to the strap binding her above the knees and then he secured the strap above her elbows to her ankles, pulling tight he arched her back. 

He then placed an asprin and imodium into her mouth and massaged her throat until she swallowed. He folded a cloth and stuffed it into her left cheek and another for her right cheek. A third snugly went between them pinning her tongue. He retrieved a roll of black bondage tape and tightly wound it around her mouth from her chin to just under her nose. Steve then used more tape to blindfold her and finished by wrapping more tape from under her chin to over the tops of her mouth forcing it to crush the packing in her mouth. 

Steve sat back and admired his handiwork and waited for her to wake. "I wonder how long she will be able to take this before she tells me the truth."
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Post by Trickster »

I love the back and forth as they each think they have the upper hand. I really like the more erotic turn you've now introduced for Louise. Such descriptive binding and gagging too!
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Post by wolfman »

Louise awoke slowly, her arms and legs refusing to move. She moaned softly as the first wave of agony washed over her. She panicked as couldn't breathe properly, she could only take small breathes. She realised something was crushing her stomach like a vice, she guessed it was a corset. She had worn one before but no where near this tightly. 

Her arms were pulled back much harder than before and her elbows were crushed against each other. Her legs felt welded together and were knotted with cramp, her back was on fire from the painful stretching. Every part of her hurt.  

"How did I end up like this? I was so careful, he should be eating out of my hand now." She tried to roll her shoulders to ease the cramp between them but there was no slack. "When I get out of this I am going to kill him." Her head sagged, knowing she wasn't going to get out without help. She tested the limits of her bonds, a slight wiggle the only reward for her efforts, she could move her head but her eyes were forced closed and her mouth felt like a pillow was stuffed into it. 

"Good morning Louise." Steve's voice cut through her struggles and she froze. "Has he been watching me? What will he do with me? Why did I agree to come here?" In Louise's mind the questions surged like a torrent. 

"By now you have realised how thoroughly you are bound, make no mistake, the only way you are getting out of here, is if I let you go. Your freedom is based on you telling me why." Steve spoke slowly and deliberately and paused to let it sink in. 

"You have been dressed and bound in leather that has been soaked for a few days. Did you know that when wet leather dries, it shrinks and hardens? The longer you are bound, the tighter it will become. I considered so many torments, beating, whipping and shocks. However, despite how you have betrayed my trust, I couldn't bring myself tohit you and hurt you as you have hurt me." He continued. "I trusted you and you lied to me"

"This is going to get tighter? Oh my God, I cannot take this." Louise groaned inside and tried pleading with her captor, her muffled cries barely audible. 

"I am so sorry it has to be this way. I thought we had something special, but it was all a lie." Steve's voice wavered. "I had hopes of a future together. You made me believe we had something." When he chloroformed her, he was angry, he wanted to hurt the woman who had hurt him, but now, in this moment, seeing the woman who he had come to care for so ruthlessly tied and in pain, he began to feel regret. Regret, that he had been betrayed,  that he was hurting her, that he did not walk away, regret that after this was done he would never see her again.

"It wasn't all a lie." Louise tried to scream. She lay in darkness, agonised by her bonds, as the realisation dawned on her that she had done this to herself and her desire for revenge had blinded her. "I am sorry I hurt you, Steve." She thought to herself, wondering if she was more sorry that she had hurt him or sorry that she was caught.

It was always a risk, that she would slip up and be undone, however, she was ready for that. Over the months they had chatted, they had talked of this weekend, but they had also shared so much, the loss of her father, her promotion at work, the highs and lows of day to day life in general. They had become close and her lies had destroyed that. Much as the straps and the leather hurt, the realisation of that loss of closeness, hurt more. Softly, she started to cry. 

She began to struggle furiously, she wanted to tell him the truth. The whole story, why she planned this, what she wanted, how she had been set on the plan but, how she regretted gaining and betraying his trust. 

But it was no good and she could already feel her bonds tightening. She could even move her jaw let alone spit out the gag. She couldn't reach him until he was ready. Louise prayed, he would let her speak soon. She lay in silence unaware he had already left.

The weight of this was too much for Steve to bear, he had to leave to room to clear his head. He silently left the basement and took in the cool, crisp morning air. He thought of the day dreams he'd had of him and Louise, hand in hand taking in this view and he shuddered both angry that she had betrayed him and disappointed that the future he had dreamed of was a lie.

He was spent, too long without sleep and wired on adrenaline. He returned to the house and locked up before setting his alarm for six hours time and collapsing onto the sofa.

Louise lay helpless and waiting, unable to rest due to constant pain she only had her thoughts for company. She thought of how she came to be here and resolved to tell him everything. She had no idea how long she waited, until she heard a beeping from nearby.

Steve roused himself at the sound of his alarm, checking the time he rose from the sofa. He hadn't slept much but felt a little clearer. Entering the kitchen he puts some coffee on and splashes some water on his face. Looking out of the window, he takes a deep breath and returns to the basement.

"Louise?" Steve asked. 

Louise moved her head towards the source of the voice. 

"Ok, here is the deal. I will remove your gag and you will tell me the truth. What is your plan? Why? Why me? The full story. If I think you are lying or holding back, I will gag you and leave you here until Sunday morning. Nod if you agree."

She nods frantically. He heart races in anticipation.

Reaching down gently, he begins to remove her gag.
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Post by BindPam »

This is pretty good, but like others have said, a little fast pased. But I can see this happening for real.
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Post by wolfman »

Steve gently peeled the tape from under her chin before unwrapping her mouth. He slowly teased the cloths from between her lips. Louise stretched her jaw and retched. "Thank you." She said in a meek voice. Gasping for air and breathing as deeply as her corset would allow.

He lifted a water bottle to her lips, "Drink." He said softly. She eagerly drank deeply from the unseen bottle. 

She moaned in pain, from the stringent bondage imprisoning her body so tightly.

He held a finger to her lips "Shhhhh, soon, I promise, but first I want answers."

Until now he had brutally gagged her and now he silenced her with a brush of his finger. "What power does he have over me?" she asked herself. 

She lay there gathering her thought, getting ready to tell her story to another human being for the first time. She felt so small in that moment, as if it were she that was shrinking and not the drying leather which bound her.

"The truth," she began "I owe you that."

She composed herself as Steve waited. 

"My sister needed money and I agreed to loan her a couple of grand. I took it around and gave her the cash, we had a drink and I woke up next morning a little stiff but ok. She said we had a session on the booze and I believed her. It became a regular thing, I would pop over and we would have a few drinks and sometimes, I would wake dazed and stiff with funny bruises the next day." She paused, he lower lip quivering. 

Steve gives her some water and allows her to regain her composure, ."It's ok, Louise, in your own time." Steve reassures her.

"After about six of months of regular blackouts, I decided to go to the doctor about them. He told me that." she pauses crying softly, struggling with the words.  "The pregnancy could be causing the blackouts. I felt numb, I had been single for almost a year." The tears would not stop as she fought to tell Steve.

"I am so sorry." He says stroking her shoulder, the room falls silent save for the soft crying of the bound woman. Steve breaks the silence "When the doctor did tests, did they take blood? Were there any drugs in your system?"  

Louise hung her head. "They took blood but whatever she used was already out of my system. Nothing showed up."

"After I left there, I wandered the streets for hours, eventually, I stumbled to my sisters and confronted her. She laughed in my face, she told me she had been drugging me when I went over and selling my body multiple times a night. I was furious and lashed out at her. We fought on the doorstep and she shoved me, I landed at the foot of the stone steps leading up to her front door and I was bleeding."

"My God, how could her sister do that to her?" his mind reeled.

"I crawled away and collapsed in the street. I woke in hospital thanks to a passer by. The doctor looked at me with these sad eyes." Louise shuddered. "He sat down and gently told me that I had lost the baby. He went on to say that the damage from the fall and complications in the miscarriage meant that I could never have kids."

"I was devastated, I had gone from pregnant to never having kids in a day. I felt like I was in a tunnel, everything seemed so far away. The doctor continued, but, my mind was far away. They discharged me the next morning and I went home alone. I felt lost."

"I called my sister the next day and told her, she said she was sorry for pushing me but if I went to the police, she would post images online of me being used by countless men. When I hung up, I cried." Louise stops fighting the tears and they overwhelm her like a flood. 

Steve crouches next to her and embraces her, pulling her close. "You don't have to tell me everything now if it is too hard." He whispers, as much to stop the flood of emotions he was feeling as it was to protect the helpless woman in his arms. 

She sniffs back the tears and breathes deeply. "I am ok, I need to get this out, I have bottled it up for so long and I need to tell someone." 

Steve whispers "As long as you are sure." Squeezing her shoulders as she continues.

"I drank endlessly, trying to fill the hole she mde in me with booze, but the pain wouldn't fade. I couldn't believe what she had done. I hated her and couldn't talk to her, I could believe she would get away with it.

Then in my darkest nights I had an idea. If something happened to me and she was implicated, she would be investigated and her sordid dealings might come to light."

Steve was drained. He had expected something twisted but not this. He didn't know what to think so he let her continue in her own time. 

"I needed something to get me out of the way, maybe if I disappeared, but it needed to look real, so I thought about setting up a kidnapping and making it look like she had set it up, then convincing my kidnapper that she had set me up and getting them to go to police. It was a plan fuelled by rage and booze and looking back, I was stupid."

"I searched for two months for someone, until I found you. You seemed to have a kind heart and a wicked imagination. Most of all you seemed like a decent guy and the more we talked the closer I felt myself becoming to you. But always at the front of my mind was revenge. I was ready for you to do all of the terrible things we discussed and more, until you gave me the chance to tell you the truth and I could send you of to the police with your story."

"I was prepared for anything, but when you found the phone and worked out it wasn't mine, I was thrown. All my planning out of the window. I should have just told you or better yet, got on with my life, instead of trying to proceed with my plan. "

"Whilst I have been tied up, I have been thinking about everything. Today was the first time I got perspective, laying here thinking of how to tell you the truth, I see how stupid I have been, how much time I have wasted." She hung her head exhausted and fighting the next flood of tears welling up inside her. 

"I didn't think of anything but vengeance and a plan that was never going to work. I was so focused on making this work, I lost sight of the feelings I had for you and the bond we shared. I know I have hurt you and I have no right to ask your forgiveness, but I am truly sorry. Whilst the motivation for contacting you was a lie, everything I shared, about my days, my feelings and my hopes and dreams was true. Saying it out loud it sounds so far fetched, but I swear it is the truth. Thank you for letting me tell you." She could hold on no longer and began to sob uncontrollably. 

Steve crossed the room and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Shhhh" he whispered, "it will be ok." He rubbed her shoulder and continued to reassure her. With his free hand her squeezed the bridge of his nose. "What a mess." He thought as he comforted the distraught, bound girl before him. 

After a few moment her breathing slowed and she rocked backwards and forwards. Her body screamed in agony but she refused to give in to it. "I deserve this." She thought to herself "This pain is my punishment for the hurt I have caused." She focused on the warmth of Steve's hand on her shoulders and his quiet words of reassurance. For a brief moment everything faded away and all that existed was his hand.

Louise' story was still sinking in as Steve comforted her. There was no way to verify her story, so all he could go on was her account. "Do I believe this? Did this sound to practiced or has she been waiting for someone to tell. " He asked himself.

He felt her body begin to shake slightly as her muscles were over taxed. She broke down again and her whole body was racked with sobs.

Louise was still sobbing as Steve pressed the sweet smelling cloth over her face once again. ‎
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Post by BindPam »

What's great about this story, is that you feel sympathy for both Louise and Steve.
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Post by Trickster »

BindPam wrote: 4 years ago What's great about this story, is that you feel sympathy for both Louise and Steve.
That's a really good point. It's like they both want something but are dancing around it instead of telling the other what they really want to say
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Post by Emma »

Trickster wrote: 4 years ago
BindPam wrote: 4 years ago What's great about this story, is that you feel sympathy for both Louise and Steve.
That's a really good point. It's like they both want something but are dancing around it instead of telling the other what they really want to say
These great observations are pretty much what i was going to say, lol.

Very good writing, [mention]wolfman[/mention] !
Don's Stories, Posted by Emma, Are Here!:
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Post by Trickster »

Emma wrote: 4 years ago
Trickster wrote: 4 years ago
BindPam wrote: 4 years ago What's great about this story, is that you feel sympathy for both Louise and Steve.
That's a really good point. It's like they both want something but are dancing around it instead of telling the other what they really want to say
These great observations are pretty much what i was going to say, lol.

Very good writing, @wolfman !

Great minds, right? :)
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Post by wolfman »

Steve gently stroked Louise' hair as she slept. He removed all of the locks and undid the strap holding her in a hogtie, slowly lowering her feet to the tables surface. 

He was strict. His taste for torment was sated and he wanted his next conversation to be on more comfortable terms. Slowly he began releasing her from her leather prison. He was glad as he removed the straps that they had not cut into her. As the last strap was released, he breathed deeply. 

He reached down and unzipped the corset before untying the laces and methodically loosening them. He could see it had shrunk slightly. "I am sorry, Louise it must have been agony."

He placed the straps and corset back in the water box, before gently rolling her onto her side and slowly removing the leather shorts, noting the marks on her upper thighs from the shrinking leather. 

The mittens and boots were somewhat easier to remove but the redness of her hands concerned him a little.

He gently lifted her and carried her up to the guest room. He pulled the duvet across the bed before laying her down tenderly. Without thinking he brushes a stray hair from her face. "She looks so peaceful, even with the hurt welled up inside her." He mused. 

Steve sat on the bed talking to Louise's sleeping form. "I want to believe you, but it all sounds so far fetched and coherent." He rubs his eyes and touches her shoulder. "I am sorry it will take time for me to trust you." He sighs.

He rolls her onto her front and secures strong leather cuffs to her wrists and ankles. Locking the wrist cuffs to the top corners of the bed and the ankle cuffs to the bottom, leaving her spread eagled face down on the bed.

He removes a pair of stockings from a drawer and tied a knot around halfway up the stockings. He takes a pair of socks and rolls them into a tight ball and feeds the ball into the stocking and down as far as the knot. He ties another knot above the socks to hold them in place making a soft ball gag.

Gently he feeds the gag between her lips and behind her teeth before tying it off behind her neck. "I am sorry for this." Steve says to himself as he leans down and tenderly kisses the top of her head.

He takes a small tube of pain relief gel and quickly rubs it into her arms, legs and back, before lifting her up and placing a pillow to support her head.

"I hope that eases the pain" he says to no one as he pulled the duvet over her and tucks her in. Setting up the baby monitor, he goes to bed.

Steve's sleep was plagued by dark dreams. He tossed and turned and woke soaked in a cold sweat. He sat up sharply and breathed deep, in the cool early morning light. "What have I got myself into." He shook his head and sighed. "This is a mess."

He went over Louise's story in his mind, the betrayal, the self loathing, the anger and the shame she felt. But it was all so far fetched. There was a sincerity in her voice as she told him and he wanted to believe her tale and her apology. But at the same time, her story was so complete and so well crafted, was it rehearsed, part of her charade, more lies? How could he be sure?

He rose from the bed and entered the bathroom. He showered letting the hot water cleanse him for a few moments, wash away his thoughts. When he re-entered the bedroom he head a muffled moaning from the baby monitor.

He put on some boxer shorts and silently moved through the house. Standing in the doorway to the guest room. Louise was squirming in the bed under the covers. 

"Are you ok?" He said quietly. 

She jolted in the bed surprised by his presence and looked at him shaking her head. 

He crossed the room and bent down to her, gently untying the gag from behind her neck and removing it. 

"I am sorry," she started "I really need the loo."

Steve stood for a moment weighing up the options before unlocking the cuffs from the bed but leaving them secured on her wrists. "Bathroom is through there pointing to a door." He softly whispered

He helped her up from the bed and supported her first few shaky steps, before he sat back on the bed.

Louise entered the bathroom and closed the door behind her. Everything ached and her mouth was so dry. She grabbed a glass and gulped down some water before the urgency from her bladder prevailed. As she sat, she though about how she came to be here and the absurdness of it all. "What was I thinking? How could I have been so stupid?" 

She rested her head in her hands and thought back to the blood she passed the first time she went to the loo after being told about the miscarriage. The shock of it still catches in her throat after all this time. 

"Why didn't I just walk away?" She chides herself. "Because, you couldn't let the hurt go and you needed, still need, to make her pay." A dark little voice from the back of her mind says.

She cleans herself and washes her hands before splashing more water on her face and exiting the bathroom. She felt small, wishing for a dark place to hide from the world, Steve's face reminding her that she couldn't hide. She wished that she had some clothes, not for her dignity, but as an armour against the world. 

"Thank you." She says to Steve. "I appreciate you at least treating me like a human being."

 Steve struggled to find the words, he wanted to say, to convey that she is safe and he will take care of her until he decides what he thinks, every way he thought of saying it made him sound like a creep. So he kept it formal. "I don't know what to think. I still am not sure if I believe you and I would feel more comfortable if you are restrained for the most part until I trust you. That said, I will not mistreat and will make sure you are ok as best I can."

She nodded "Thank you."

He rose from the bed and indicates that she should return to it. She lays down on the bed. "How would you like me to lay down?" she asks. 

"Just relax please." Steve asks. He attached a steel cable to her left ankle cuff and secured this to the bed, before removing the other cuffs.  "No gag for now. If you need me, just speak into the baby monitor. You should be able to get to the loo without help."

"Thank you." Louise replies settling back into the bed and pulling the cover over herself

Steve exits the room and goes to the kitchen. Taking out his phone he logs onto the camera in the guest room. Louise is trying to get comfortable and is stretching. He makes a mushroom omelette and a coffee he picks up a fork and returns to the guest room. 

"Breakfast?" Steve asks. 

Louise looks at him and tentatively nods. "Is this a trick?"

He places the plate and cup on the bedside table. She sits up and picks up the fork, before taking a tentative mouthful of omelette and savouring it. "It is so good to have something in my mouth that isn't a gag." She thought as she cleared the plate and sipped the coffee. 

"That was lovely, thank you Steve." 

"It's ok. Have you had enough to eat?" He asks. 

"Yes thank you. I was expecting to wake up in a basement chained on the floor. I appreciate this." 

"I am not interested in tormenting you, I don't know if I trust you, but, that is no excuse to treat you like an animal." He replies. "I have some things to take care of, so will leave you to your own devices for now. Is there anything you need before I go."

"Go? Where are you going?" she asks nervously. 

"Just downstairs, I have some emails to send, nothing major, but may take a while."

Louise breaths a silent sigh of relief. "I hope you get on ok."

"Thank you, I hope you do too."

Steve leaves the door open as he leaves, regretting having to leave her again, so many things he wants to say but can't in this moment. He settles in the living room and opens his laptop and begins to search for confirmation of her story.

She lays in silence, trying to get comfortable, but it was not her body that could not rest but her mind. "Why is he treating me so well? I am here at his mercy and have clearly hurt him and could not resist if he chose to chain me up for hours." She pondered at length, "I have experienced his cruelty and was prepared for it, but this was not what I expected." She tried to reason why he was being almost kind to her.

"I have laid my life bare to him, but what do I really know of him?" The thought chilled her. 

She strained to recall her many conversations with him. What did he do for a living? Has he any family? What is his favourite film? Where does he like to go on holiday? Where did he grow up?

When we talked and he turned the conversation to me as he often did, she thought he was being caring and considerate, but what if he is hiding something.

In that silent room, she realised that this man had gained her trust and confidence, but had revealed almost nothing of himself. In that moment, she felt more afraid than when he left her in the basement, bound in shrinking leather. She lay back on the bed staring at the ceiling he thoughts whirling. "What does he want with me and what will he do with me when he gets it."
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Post by BindPam »

Again, very well written, very good drama....
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Post by slackywacky »

Wow! Great story.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by wolfman »

Steve began to search for newspaper reports around the time he guessed that Louise fought with her sister. 

He found an article about a pregnant woman who was assaulted in the street and lost her baby around the right time. There was no photo but the description matched Louise perfectly. 

Then he searched for her sister. Her sisters name was Helen and she was similar to her sister but blond and slightly shorter. Going back through Facebook to around the time of the assault as indicated by the article. He found photos of her at the time, including one of her at her new home. The steps at the front door were stone and steep. With a narrow step at the top. 

He continued to search social media and made a timeline of Helen and Louise's movements and everything seemed to match. Louise was active up until the time of the assault and then went quiet. Helen posted often about large purchases and then the posts tail off around the attack but seem to pick up over the last month.

Every half hour or so he went to check on Louise. She slept for most of the day. Steve guessed that she was exhausted from her bondage, the drugs he had used or, the emotions she had released.

Her story was starting to check out. But a lot of what he had found so far could be explained by coincidence. He still needed something decisive and something in the photos bothered him, but he couldn't put his finger on it. But there might be a way to confirm her motivations.

Louise couldn't sleep. Every time Steve came to check on her she feigned sleep to avoid questions. Over and over in her mind she tries to remember any personal details for their conversations, but there were scarce. 

He worked in the city, was good with computers, didn't travel a huge amount and was well educated and very practical. But nothing else, what is he hiding? 

She remembered when her father died and the call where she told Steve. She was in pieces, struggling to cope on her own, Steve was there, with soothing words and a calm voice that took her away from her pain. He offered to drop everything at the time and come to her. She wondered why she said no at the time.

She is shaken from her brooding, by his presence in the door.

"Hi Louise, how are you doing?" Steve asks. 

"Not too bad thank you." Louise says cautiously.

Steve shifts uncomfortably "I need to go out for a while. I am sorry but I can't trust you to wander around so I am going to restrain you while I am gone."

Louise's heart sinks and she looks at the floor as she responds "Can I make a request, please?"

"Of course." Steve replies curiously.

"Please don't use the straps again."

"I understand, don't worry I won't use them." Steve assured her. "If you need the bathroom, you might want to go now."

She nodded and excused herself. When she returned Steve was arranging a black leather sleeping bag on the bed. "Would you mind?" said Steve motioning that she should get in. 

She climbed onto the bed and wriggled into the bag. She noted that the padding was warm and soft against her skin as she settled in. Steve undid the cuff on her ankle and reached for the zip. 

"Wait." Louise said. 

"Are you ok?" Steve asked, already feeling regret at having to leave her restrained and alone when he left, he was having second thoughts. 

"I realised that I have never thanked you for your support when my dad died. It meant a lot and you were the only person I could talk to about it. I wanted you to know I couldn't have got through it without you. I thought I had better say it now in case you don't let me out of this thing again."

Steve paused and stared at the floor. "I am glad I was there for you. When my folks passed, I struggled alone and had no one there for me. When you told me about your dad, I was between contracts and if you had said the word, I would have been with you within a couple of hours."

Louise was surprised by his reaction, after so long with nothing was he starting to open up. She took a breath and decided to press him. "Thank you Steve. I wish things were different." Louise started seeing a wistful look on his face for a moment. "I wish I had asked you to come."

"Me too." Steve whispers. 

Changing tack, she probed "Sorry, change the subject, so what kind of work do you do?"

Suspicious of the abrupt turn in conversation he cautiously answered “I am a security contractor, I set up and test security systems for large companies and occasionally act as a consultant for internal investigations.” Steve paused and breathed deeply. “A lot of what I do is confidential so I don’t generally talk about that side of my life.  By chance, not long after we started messaging, I found myself being brought in to consult on an investigation at your company.”
“What do you mean?” Surprise betraying itself in her voice.
“Your finance director noticed that funds were being funnelled into specific accounts with no explanation.  I was brought in to investigate before notifying the authorities.  I tracked the accounts and the transactions to the person whose job you would be promoted in to. I was onsite a couple of times and saw you once, I couldn’t really say hi though.”  
Louise was dazed, she remembered there was a lot of speculation about Nicola leaving, but had no idea that she was stealing.
“I investigated everyone as part of this and highlighted key people whose work was of consistently high quality, your name was at the top of my list.” Steve flushed red with embarrassment looks away.  He breathed deep, with a feeling of relief he turned to her again.
“Really?” Louise asked, trying to comprehend the implications of his revelations.
“Ever since the investigation, he had wanted to tell you, but the time was never right. I am sorry I kept this from you.”
Louise sat quietly. “Thank you.” She said breaking the silence, “Because of you, I got a promotion, thank you for looking out for me.”
“I had a sense that you were a good person and I liked you so when my investigation confirmed this, I made sure your name was at the top. You have to understand, the nature of my work cuts me off from people, when we started messaging, it was the first meaningful connection to another person I’d had, since my folks passed.  Our messages made me feel human again. It was nice to do something for you.”
Louise was starting to understand why he was so hurt by her actions. “I am so sorry about all this. I never meant to hurt you.”
“It is ok.” Steve replied, with a pang of regret in his voice. “Sorry that I have to leave you for a little while.”
Louise bites her lip, knowing that the moment has passed. “I understand.  How long will you be?”
“Not too long, two hours, maybe three. Will you be ok?” He asks softly.
She nods and settles back into the sleeping bag.

He leans in a closes a padded sleeve over her left arm and clipping it to the inside of the bag. He walks around the bed and secured her right arm. "How does that feel?"

"Snug but ok." She replies. "He doesn't usually ask." She notes. 

He takes the zip and slowly draws it up. Louise notes how snug it feels. As the zip draws past her hips it pinches slightly, and hugs her body, pressing her arms to her sides as the zip is closed. He draws a flap over the zip and then zips the flap closed before padlocking it and stepping back. 

"This is snug" she thought feeling the soft padding caress her every curve. She could wriggle but that was the limit to her movement. 

Steve passed a strap under the bed and fastened it to a clip at her left hip, he then secured the other side, he then added more at her waist and at chest level. "They should stop you from falling off the bed" he explains, unable to make eye contact.

Before she can speak, Steve gently takes her chin and inserts a short but wide tube and straps it in place, holding her mouth open. She looks up at him with wary eyes before she feels the top of the bag being pulled over her head, snuggly encasing it in snug enveloping darkness and she shudders at the sound of the zip being closed. The tube sticks out of a hole in the bag allowing her to breath. 

The padding does not allow her to feel Steve softly kiss the top of her head or head him Whisper "I will be back soon."

She lays motionless in darkness awaiting his return. ‎

Her mind drifted, wondering where he was going and how long he would be gone. Would he come back? What would happen to her if he didn't. 
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Post by wolfman »

Steve stands by his car, looking back at his house, still unsure about leaving Louise alone. He unreels a hose pipe and all trace of the temporary red paint he applied revealing the clear blue underneath. As he works he is half listening to the radio. The news leads with a report on Louise's disappearance and the police's appeal for witnesses. No mention of his car and it seems like they are focussing their search on the town. 

"My route to and from her house avoided all traffic cameras, atms and private road facing cameras, no one was on the road. They shouldn't have details of the car at least." He thought as he was replacing the number plate. 

He looks up at the house once more and sighs entering his vehicle and pulling away. 

Louise lays motionless in silent darkness. She turns her head to the side to release the drool from her mouth. The soft padding of the bag pressed her from all sides and she sighs, more comfortable than she has been for some time. The caress of the padding, the silence and the darkness are her world. 

Her mind stops racing and all there is, is this moment. She floats in darkness, her body a million miles away, yet she is focused and clear. She recalls the conversation with Steve. Playing it over and over again in her mind. "He cared about me. Before I ever really knew him, he was ready to be there for me." When her father died she felt so alone, it was his voice on the phone that guided her through the darkness, the words he gave her cut through her feelings. In time the pain lessened and her mind was filled with vengance, she forgot of steve's kindness and only focused on getting back at her sister. 

She felt hollow, "What had she done? What had she lost? He was a good man and she tried to use him. There was no way she could regain his trust or earn his..." She pauses, how did she feel about him? She had seen his caring side and his intelligence, but there was a dark side to him that scared her. However, he seemed more uneasy with each time he restrained her. Was he developing feelings for her?

The question echoed in her mind. "What if he is developing feelings, what does that mean for me? Will he keep me here a prisoner of his love, or set me free? Do I want to leave him?" She felt her heart lurch at the last question.

"What are you thinking? He has kidnapped you, trussed you up and drugged you. These are not the actions of a good man. " Her doubts crawled into her thoughts, "Besides, why would he want some crazy woman with a dumb plan and a thirst for revenge, who used him every chance she got? It's not as if you could bear his kids." She started to cry. 

"I am damaged in so many ways,"she admits to herself, " but what if he could heal me?"

Steve drives through country lanes for an hour and a half before pulling up near a train station. He never called or texted Louise from home, always from a town some way away, never the same town twice in a row. He takes out a disposable phone and turns it on. He stares at the phone for a moment before dialing a number. 

"Good afternoon, county general, Claire speaking" the voice says. 

"Oh good afternoon, my name is David Travers, I work for the Post and I am writing a piece on domestic violence against women." He start in a broad yorkshire accent. "Well I have been going over old stories and have found a piece on a woman brought in after an assault who lost her baby on around the third of June this year. Would it be possible to talk to the doctor who saw her?" He had practiced in the car on the way and decided to use the name of a reporter from the Post to add credibility.

"I don't know if we can do that." she say reluctantly. 

"Oh I understand, it is just that this is such a powerful story, it will really resonate with my readers and hopefully will put pressure on the council to put more resources towards helping poor women like this. I have spoken to the victim, just looking to find out details of her condition from a professional point of view to underline the terrible events of that day."

"One moment please." she said as the hold music commenced.

"Well looks like I got the right place, if the receptionist remembers it must have been bad. Fingers crossed I get somewhere" Steve muses. 

"Dr Callard speaking."

"Oh good afternoon doctor, did Claire tell you why I was calling?" Steve asked.

"Yes she did, I was the attending consultant that day."

"I appreciate you may not be able to tell me, but I was wondering if you could give me your assessment of her injuries when Louise was admitted?" she probed, thinking "Here goes."

"I can give broad strokes, but not specifics and I am not keen to be named in the paper."

"I think we can work with that." Steve assures him. 

The doctor pauses gathering his thoughts, "Honestly, when she came in, she was a mess, covered in blood, small cuts on her face and massive bruising, her body looked like it had been used as a punching bag. We saw evidence of massive trauma. We get people in on a Friday night, after a dust up but she was, well something else."

"I see. She said she fell down some stairs."Steve advised.

"The bruising was consistent but she had injuries consistent with a beating before of after. We tried to get the police involved, but she refused."

"She told me that she lost her baby and there were complications." 

"Yes, due to the massive trauma, her uterus was effectively destroyed and she could never have a child of her own. Broke my heart telling her. We offered to call the child's father but she said he was not available, seemed evasive about discussing him."

"That is so often the way in these cases." Steve added.

"Unfortunately, yes it is." The doctor sighs. "I am sorry I am being waved at, is that enough for now."

"Yes Dr Callard, that is perfect, thank you for your time" 

The doctor hangs up. 

Steve weeps softly, "Oh Louise, I am so sorry." He regains his composure after a few minutes and ‎dons a pair of latex gloves and wipes the phone clean of prints , before using a stylus to reset factory settings. Then he removes the battery and sim card.

"This is not like you Steve, you are more careful than this." He thinks to himself. "I care for her and will do whatever I have to, in order for her to move on." He says to himself, the shock of the words spoken aloud hitting him almost physically.

He takes a long route back, on the drive he pulls over and throws the phone into a canal, the battery into a rubbish bins and after snapping the sim, throws the pieces out when driving.

As he drives his thoughts turn to the woman bound and gagged at home. "I hope she is ok." He thinks. "I think I believe her, but do I trust her?." In that moment, he wishes that they had met under different circumstances.

Louise floats in space, not sleeping, not awake, but something else. She has never felt so immobile and yet so free. She feels at peace knowing there is nothing she can do, she embraces the sensations of the moment. 

Inside her cocoon she trembles at the thought of Steve's return, excited and nervous at what will happen next. 

Authors note

If you have been a victim of domestic abuse or violence in your home, you are not alone. Please reach out to someone, a friend, the police or a counsellor and don't suffer in silence. There are people who can help you heal from the scars both physical and emotional and let you move on. You are not to blame.  
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Post by wolfman »

It was late when he enters the house. He checks the security system to confirm all was well. He ascended the stairs to check on his guest. His pulse quickened as he approached the door and silently opened it. 

She lay as he left her motionless. He stood for a moment, watching the slow rise and fall of her chest. He crossed the room and sat on the bed, shaking her gently. 

Louise felt the bed move and was roused from her reverie by a gently rocking. She moaned softly. After so long in silence, the sound of the zip securing her hood was almost deafening. Light returned to her as the hood was lifted. She blinked in the light regaining her bearings as Steve removed the tube from her mouth. 

"I am so sorry I was so long. Are you ok?" Steve asks, concerned. 

She swallows, her throat dry and her jaw stiff. She nods. 

"Let's get you out of this." He whispers softly undoing the padlock securing the outer zip. Slowly drawing the zip down the bag released its grip on her. 

As she feels the bag loosen and the cool air caress her body she wonders "Should I say something? Should I tell him how I feel?" She looks at him as he released her arms and he smiles down at her warmly. 

Her body free, she is overwhelmed. "I am so glad you came back." She says as she throws her arms around him. 

Steve is surprised by her sudden movement and pauses, before returning her embrace. "I am sorry I had to leave you. I am here for you now." 

They held their embrace both neither wanting to let go. Steve gently kissed Louise on the cheek before pulling back. He gazed into her eyes, seeing the pain in her life reflected back at him.

As they held each other, Louise felt relieved that he returned and at how warm his embrace felt, after so long in motionless in the bag. She sank into his arms, revelling in his touch.
“How are you feeling?” Steve asked softly.
“Not too bad all things considered.” She breathes. “Can you just hold me for a while?”
“I am here.” He replied.  “I don’t want to let go.” He thinks to himself, the emotions of the last few days rushing over him, like the coming of summer rain. He pulls her closer.
They embrace in silence, time standing still, taking comfort in each other’s touch.
Louise’s stomach rumbled, suddenly aware of how long since it had last been full.
Steve smiles, “Would you like something to eat?” he asks.
Louise, fearing the moment had passed, reluctantly responds “Yes please, if that is OK?”
Steve smiles at her and nods, no problem.  He slowly releases her from his arms and rises from the bed. He crossed the room and opens a dresser drawer his hands unseen.
Louise’s heart sinks a little, wondering what restraints he will use. She looks at the floor and breathes deeply.
Steve turns to face her, with towels and a soap bag in hand. “Whilst I am cooking, would you like to have a shower and freshen up?”
Louise was caught off guard, expecting some kind of trick, but she nodded “Yes, please.” Preparing for the worst.
Steve placed the towels and bag on the bed next to her.  “Shower is through there, there is a hairdryer in the chest in there, I hope you have a nice shower.” He starts to fold up the leather sleeping bag.
Louise tentatively picks up the towel and bag. “Thank you Steve,” She says as she crossed the room.
“See you soon.” Steve gently responds as she closes the bathroom door behind her.
Steve takes the sleeping bag down to the basement and heads to the kitchen.
Louise looks at her reflection in the mirror, “What am I doing here?” she wonders, “He has made it clear he does not trust me, is this a trick? Will he lull me into a false sense of security before he turns, or is there a change in him.” She stares at the door, in two minds, before locking it. It felt strange to be able to lock the door and keep the world out after so long being helplessly bound.
She opens the bag and finds a new toothbrush and toothpaste, wash cloth, razor, brush shampoo and conditioner.  She brushes her teeth and turns on the shower.  Plunging into the hot stream, she lets the water massage her tired and aching body, the deluge cleansing her.  She emerged from the shower and wrapped a towel around her, before drying her hair.  She was struck by how liberating it was to do simple things for herself and started to dread being restrained again.  Any other day she would complain about brushing the knots from her hair, but today she revelled in the action and her freedom that allowed it.
Once dry, she hung the towels on the dryer and paused before the door. Slowly she unlocked it and braced herself for what was to come, opening the door and returned to her room naked. On the bed was a box, with a note.  Cautiously she approached, reading the note, “I hope these are ok for you. If not there are some clothes in the wardrobe that should fit. Yours Steve.”
She stared at the box, nervously she opened it, pulling aside the tissue paper, revealing a set of electric blue, silk full length pyjamas. She was half expecting a straightjacket or some form of restraints.  She slowly dresses, closing her eyes and savouring the sensation of the cool smooth fabric against her skin, running her hands over her curves, she noted that they were a perfect fit. She caught her reflection in the mirror and approved of the way the colour complimented her hair.
Steve stood once more in the doorway, seeing her muscles move beneath the silk and the way her hair fell on her shoulders. For the first time, since he brought her here, he looked at her and was struck by her beauty.  A pang of regret assails him as he wishes things were different.
Louise turns to face him, smiling. “Thank you for these, they are very nice.” She said holding back, loving her new clothes but, not wanting to appear too keen.
“I am glad you like them, sorry I only have limited clothes for you.” He gently apologises, embarrassed.
“I will be honest, I was starting to wonder if I was going to wear clothes again.” She says, immediately worried about his response.
Steve wistfully smiles “I thought you might appreciate being treated like a person and not an object. I am sorry about your time here up to now.” He snapped himself out of thoughts of her staying naked.
Louise holds his gaze, “All things considered, I am happy that you have been fairly decent about all this.  Sorry I dragged you into my life.” She looks away frowning.
Steve pauses, “You opened the door on your life to me, I walked in, no dragging required.” He holds out his hand. “Dinner is ready, if you are.”
Louise takes his hand and Steve guides her out of the room, the landing was larger than she expected with a plush carpet and a faint scent of pine.  Steve takes her arm as they descend the stairs and he shows her to a seat at a table.  She notes that this room is of a considerable size with large windows and high ceilings.  It is sparsely furnished aside from a dining table and chairs at one end of the room and two large sofa’s, a coffee table and a thick rug in front of a large fireplace.
Her appraisal is interrupted when Steve returns with freshly cooked salmon and coconut rice with stir friend veg and a warm flat bread.  He placed the food before her, “I hope this is ok?” he asks.
“It looks lovely, thank you very much.” She says picking up a fork. She does not notice the glass of wine he set down for her before taking his seat.
They eat in awkward silence, both unsure what to say. Steve feels a pit of dread in his stomach at the conversation they will need to have.
“Mmmm with food like this, you can cook more often.” Louise smiles.
Steve, looks down, “About that,” He starts with a sad tone to his voice, not wanting to talk about this now, but unable to avoid it, “originally the plan was for you to stay for two days and then I return you.  We are coming to the end of that time.”
Louise feels empty, she hadn’t realised that their time was almost over, her heart lurched, a part of her wanted to get back to her life and start again, but part of her wanted to stay with this mysterious man. Finally she broke her silence, “What if I wanted to stay longer?” She spoke without thinking, as surprised at the words as Steve was.
Steve looked at Louise, stunned. He expected her to want to be released not stay longer. “Really?” He spoke the only word he could struggle to get out.
“For the first time in so long, I have been able to think clearly.  Strange as it sounds, the time I have been cut off from my life, it allowed me think without distraction.” Louise admitted.
“Are you saying that you wish to stay?” Steve asked unsure.
“I don’t know, but I am not ready to leave yet.” Louise sighed, wondering if she really did want to stay.
“If you wish to stay, you may stay as long as you wish.  In truth, I don't want to et you go.”
Their meal finished he clears the table and loads the dishwasher allowing her the freedom to enjoy her wine and stretch her legs.  She slowly walks around the living room and looks out of the windows into the dark night wondering, “Now I have the freedom to go, do I really want to?  What if he just drugs me anyway and I wake helpless again? What if I am free tonight because it is my last night here and if I stay I will be back in the sleeping bag, or the straps or worse, until he decides to release me? What if I stay and find peace? What if I find something else in his arms.”
Steve looks out of the kitchen window “What if this was her plan all along? She has been reported missing already and an extra few days out of the way makes it more likely in the eyes of the police that something has happened to her. How long does she want to stay? What if these are just more lies? Would it be best for her to go tomorrow? Do I really want to let her go?” He pondered in silence.
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Post by wolfman »

Louise slowly sipped the last of her wine, and stretched, her body still feeling the effects of her captivity. The hot shower helped but her back still felt like one big knot. She rolled her shoulders, grateful for her freedom, but scared of the thought that she could be bound again by Steve should he ever have a mind to do so. She shuddered and wondered what that meant.
Steve returned to the living room, seeing her shudder.  “Are you warm enough?” he enquired softly.
Snapped out of her thoughts, she turned, “I am ok, someone just walked over my grave, that’s all.”
Steve smiled, his mum used to say that when she shivered.  He stood still reminiscing.  He missed his folks even after all this time.
“Are you ok?” Louise asked concerned.
“Yes, sorry just thinking of my folks.” He says, his voice tinged with sadness as he moved to one of the sofas.
“I am sorry, do you want to talk?” Louise asked as she moved to join him.
“Thank you for the offer but, I am ok. How are you doing?” Steve asked to change the subject.
“I am ok, but still feeling quite stiff from being tied up and for some reason, I feel quite tired. The wine helped.” She said rubbing the back of her neck.
Noting her empty glass, he reached for it asking “I am sorry, I will go easier on you next time, would you like another?” accidentally brushing her hand as he picked up the glass.
Louise’s breath caught in her throat. “Please.” She breathed heavily, filled with dread at the thought of being bound again.
Steve rose from the sofa, turning to retrieve a bottle of wine, he paused feeling her hand on his leg.
“Please, can you hold me again” She whispers, as she looks up at him.  “I need to make sure he doesn’t feel threatened.” She thinks pensively.
He returns the glass to the table and takes a seat at her side.  As he wraps his arm around her shoulder, she nestles into him resting her head on his chest, the feel of his arms around her preferable to leather straps.  She closed her eyes and tried to still her racing mind.
Steve holds her gently, cherishing the feel of her against him, listening to soft whisper of her breath.  His hand absentmindedly, stroked her silk clad leg. As he relaxed his breathing slowed and his eyes closed.
She feels his hand on her leg stroking her, it feels nice, but inside she is tensed and ready for him to turn. She focuses on keeping her breathing even and drifts and the ebbing adrenaline and wine conspire to drag her unwillingly to sleep in his arms.
Steve, jerked awake, Louise still in his arms. Checking the time, he saw it was late.  Louise’s slow regular breathing told him she was asleep.  He tenderly kisses the top of her head, before gently scooping her up in his arms.  He carries her back to her room and places her in the bed, covering her with the duvet and gently tucking her in. He kisses her forehead and turns off the light.  He looks longingly at her from the doorway, before leaving the door slightly ajar and retiring to his room.
Louise, was on the sofa in Steve’s arms, laying against him. She reached up to brush the hair from her face, but her arms would not respond, looking down, Steve’s arms had been replaced with leather straps, tightly binding her arms to her body. She jumps up to run and falls to the floor, her legs strapped.  She struggles on the cold stone floor of the basement, trying to get her arms free, but the more she struggles the tighter the bonds become. 
Louise tries to scream but as she opens her mouth it is filled with cloth, the wider she opens the more cloth fills her mouth.  She writhes in darkness as her eyes are slowly covered. Over and over in her mind she hears Steve whisper, “I don’t want to let you go.” She feels pain in her stomach as she is kicked over and over , the last thing she hears is the echoing of her sisters laughter. 
She feels something nearby and knows it is coming for her, she wriggles on the floor to get away, but she stays rooted to the spot, she feels an ice cold hand on her leg.
She rolls over and she is hanging upside down by her ankles, her hands pinned to her back.  As she struggles her body swings and hits the glass walls of the prison. She sees Steve and calls to him, but he cannot hear her as he is concentrating on sneaking up on Helen.  As Louise watches, Steve grabs her from behind and plunges a knife into her.  Louise stares numb as Steve picks Helen up and carries her to Louise’s glass prison. “I have a present for you.” Steve says dropping the body of her sister into the cell.
Louise looks on in horror as the blood ebbs from her sister.  The blood does not stop and begind to climb the walls of the cell.  She screams for Steve to help her as her flame red hair starts to become tinged with the blood of her sister.  Steve looks on calmly and watches, unable to hear.  The blood continues to rise and is now at her eyes, as she looks through the blood, Steve sits on the corner of her bed and smiles at her, watching.
She struggles for all she is worth breaking the rope that suspends her, letting her plunge into the blood.  Her bound arms and legs unmoving in the tight leather straps that hurt so much, each movement from her legs pulling her elbows back as she struggles for freedom, hogtied, under a lake of blood as she sinks ever deeper.
She sits up, in a cold sweat and breathing fast and flailing for a moment until she remembered where she was. She was in bed, still wearing pyjamas and right now she was free.  She blinked, as her eyes adjusted to the light. “I have to get out of here.”
Looking around the room she noted that the door was ajar.  She stood as quietly as possible and slowly moved to the door, peeking through it and listening.  Holding her breath, she could not hear any noise from Steve.
“If I am going to do it, this is my chance.” She paused, last night was nice, but, artificial, a civil evening between captor and captive. She bit her lip and thought “No matter how nice he can be, I am a prisoner and I have no idea what Steve would do with me.”  She was torn, she needed to get back to her life and rebuild all that she had lost.  Slowly she opened the door slightly and slipped through.
She noted that the door of the room next to hers was slightly ajar. She took a deep breath and held it as she peeked inside.  The curtains were drawn, but she made out the sleeping form of Steve on the bed.
Louise slowly backed away to the stairs. Silently, she stalked down the stairs, her blood ran cold as the bottom stair creaked softly.  She froze in place, holding her breath, but there were no sounds of movement from upstairs. Slowly breathing out she continued onwards towards the door.
She saw a set of keys on a table near to the front door. She slowly picked them up. The sound of the softly tinkling of the keys sounded like church bells in the quiet house. She swallows, her heart pounding in her chest, anticipating a hand on her shoulder at any moment.  She sorts through the keys finding one that would fit the front door.  Agonisingly slow she eases the key into the lock and turns it.  She pauses and nods, at peace that this is the right thing to do. She slowly draws the door open. Stepping across the threshold.
Steve’s phone buzzes jolting him awake.  An alert from his security system advises “Main entrance open.” Steve rises from the bed and crosses the room, cautiously he opens the door and checks Louise’s room seeing her gone.
He breathes deeply and slowly starts making his way to the front door.
Louise winced in pain, the sharp gravel of the drive digging into her bare feet, sending waves of pain up her legs with each step. She could only take small, slow steps as the gravel crunched painfully under her feet. The car seemed a million miles away as she approached, she crouched by a wall to catch her breath.  She brushed gravel from the sole of her foot and her hand came away damp with blood.
Steve silently watches her from the doorway, his face emotionless. “I trusted her and treated her like an equal and the first chance she gets, she tries to steal my car and run.”
She starts her slow progress once more, dreading each step for the pain it will unleash, she pressed on unaware of Steve’s eyes drilling into her back. Agony lanced up her leg, she stifled a cry as she fell to the floor.  Shaking hands reached for her foot, to find a shard of glass embedded in her sole. 
Louise crawled onwards to the car, tears filling her eyes. Her knees and hands sore, from the gravel, reaching the side of the car she slumped against it.  She reached down and slowly pulled the glass from her foot. The shard was only an inch long was about the same width at its widest point.  She drops the glass sobbing as she takes the car key and pressed the button to unlock the car.  Nothing happens. She presses it frantically to unlock the vehicle, tears flowing freely. She turns to face the car and gets on her knees, futilely pulling on the handle.
Steve quietly approaches behind her.  He turns his back to her and crouched, swiftly grabbing her ankles. As he stands, she pitches forward into the car door. “That key doesn’t work.” He says coldly, as he then walks quickly back to the house, dragging her on her stomach across the rough gravel.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by wolfman »

Louise's heart sank as she was dragged backwards. She had failed to escape and now Steve would make sure she never has another chance. 

The her chest felt raw from the gravel she was being relentlessly dragged across. She cried in pain and fear. Struggling more frantically as she was being pulled back towards her captivity. 

Steve was so angry. How could he have been so stupid, she was always going to run. He shook his head "If she wanted to leave she could have just asked instead of faking a tender moment and trying to slip out like a thief in the night. She has betrayed my trust twice now, there will not be a third time. 

As they reach the threshold of the house, Steve reaches down, brushing gravel from her and throwing her over his shoulder. She screams and kicks and beats his back but, he is unfeeling as stone, to focused on her betrayal to feel her blows. 

"Steve, please I am sorry. I was scared, I panicked." she pleaded, "I didn't want to be tied up again."

"You tried to steal my car, tried to run, betrayed my trust again, what did you think was going to happen." Steve said, his voice tinged with sadness as he opens the door to the basement. 

She screams as they descent. She lashes out at him as he lowers her from his shoulder to the tabletop. He catches her hands and pins them to the table. 

"You made me believe there could be something between us. You are the first person I have let get even remotely close in so long. Last night, you made me feel alive and warm inside after being cold for so long. I went to bed thinking that today would be a new start. I cannot believe I let you hurt me again." He spits the words.

"I am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." She tries to keep her voice even.

"I trusted you, I thought you wanted to stay. I thought against all the odds, something would grow between us." He is numb inside. 

"I am sorry I led you on. But do you really think this will help?" she retorted. 

"Maybe not but I can't trust you to roam free." He says, his face twisting as if he has a bad taste in his mouth.

She squirms under him unable to pull her hands free. He flips her onto her stomach, sending lanes of pain through her from the cuts on her body. He climbs onto her pining her down, before reaching under the table. She is still screaming as he pressed the cloth to her face.

He climbed off of her and breathed deep. "This is a mess." He says to no one. "She could have been the one, she could have made you whole again. No chance of that now with her drugged and bleeding."

He shakes his head, pulling off her pyjama bottoms and leaving her on her stomach. He retrieves a first aid kit from the wall and extracts a needle, he pauses before giving her an anti tetanus injection. He removes the needle, dabbing the injection spot with an antiseptic wipe. He rolls her onto her back, retrieving more antiseptic wipes and some distilled water, he rinses the cut on her foot before wiping it with the antiseptic wipes, he applies a liquid bandage and once set, he applies a pad and wraps her foot in gauze.

He cleans the gravel from her other foot and applies a pad a gauze. He checks her legs for any signs of injury and when satisfied, he moves to her side. Lifting her body, he removes her top and winces at the cuts and scraps on her stomach and breasts. "I am sorry" He whispers, reretting for a moment the harsh way he brought her in. He cleans and dressed her wounds and sits back wondering what to do with her now.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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