Careful who you go home with (m/m) (chapter 3 posted)

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Bound Down
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Post by Bound Down »

[mention]mikeybound[/mention] I was thinking a holy trainer as the model of the chastity device.

I'm glad so many people liked the story. I just got back from a long weekend and have a few ideas that I can't wait to start writing.
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Post by TiedNW »

Great story! Wonder what Cole will do next!
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Post by dwild »

You HAVE to continue! Can't wait to see what comes (cums?) next.
Bound Down
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Post by Bound Down »

Thanks for all the feedback everyone. I really appreciate it. Sorry about the long wait. I hope you guys find it worth it. Let me know what you think, good and bad.


The text message read, “Want to be released? Bring running clothes with you to my place after work tomorrow,” followed by his address.
Immediately I texted back, “YES!!! I do!!! I’ll be there around 5:30.” I received no response. All I could think about for the rest of the night was being released and finally being able to climax after half a week of denial. That and seeing Cole. I was also excited to see him again.

Thinking of Cole made my confined member try to get hard again, to no avail. My hand inadvertently slid down to fondle my shaft just to be denied again. Only one more night of this. The next day could not go by fast enough. My mind couldn’t focus on work and every minute stretched out into its own eternity. When at last it was time to leave my heart started racing. I went straight to the address he provided and knocked on the door.

Cole opened the door already wearing black athletic shorts that just barely reached his knees and a grey tank top that fit his lean upper body very well. “Come on in,” Cole instructed with a friendly smile and I complied. Cole closed the door behind him. “Before we continued, I wanted to check that you have enjoyed the experience so far.”

I was a little thrown off by the question. I had only thought of wanting to climax the first night and not being able to and how I wanted the chastity device off, not about how either experience was something to be “enjoyed.” I began my answer not really knowing what I planned to say, “I mean the night you tied me up was the hottest thing I’ve ever done. I probably would have enjoyed it more if you let me cum though. And not being able to jerk myself off the past couple days until you release me is also really hot now that I think about it, but maybe a shorter period of a day would have been better.”

Cole calmly took in my answer and responded, “With me there will be no ‘better.’ I take control and make the decisions. You could still complain and beg all you want. I probably would enjoy it if you did, but I get the final say. Do you want something like that or not?” After I paused for a moment considering what I was signing up for, he continued, “Of course if I do something beyond what you are willing or able to tolerate, you should say ‘red lake’ and tell me, so that I know it isn’t just a casual complaint.”

I felt dumb for wanting to agree to something I didn’t know about with a guy I just met, but wasn’t the fact that he was even giving me this choice a good sign? I had never been turned on so much as I had the past few days, and that was without him even actively doing anything. “Yes. I want to continue with all of this. Everything you want.”
Cole showed a genuinely happy smile that made me feel warm inside. “Change into your running clothes.” I turned to his bathroom to change out of my work clothes when I felt his hand on my shoulder pulling me back to face him. He was now smiling his amused mischievous smile, “Where are you going. I said, ‘change into your running clothes.’”

I caught the hint that I didn’t get a changing room, which I guess is unnecessary seeing as he’s seen me naked and all. I guess it just felt weird changing in front of someone that was fully clothed. I unbuttoned my red buttondown, while Cole didn’t even bother to turn away. As I reached down to the bag I brought for my black tshirt Cole grabbed the bag from my reach and said, “Strip all the way before putting on new clothes.”

“You could have told me if you just wanted to watch me to strip,” I said, a little annoyed.

“It sounds like you want to stay in that chastity device a little longer.”

“No, I don’t. I’ll strip right away.” I quickly began taking off the rest of my clothes, resuming my docile manner. Cole smirked, clearly enjoying the control he held over me. Once I was naked, excluding the cage around my member, I wondered if I would finally be released.

Cole took a step closer to me, said, “That wasn’t so hard,” and then flicked my caged member as he kissed me. In that moment my body felt so hot. My shaft tried once again to unsuccessfully grow. I reached around him to pull Cole into an embrace, only to have my wrists grabbed and forced to my side. “Did I say you could touch me?” Cole mocked with a smirk, “That privilege has to be earned.” After a pause Cole asked, “Now do you want your cage off?” To which I enthusiastically nodded ‘yes’ before he continued, “Great, then we are going to go for a run. If you can keep up with me the whole time, then I will release you immediately once we get back. If not, for every mile I run without you, you’ll stay locked an extra day.”

I groaned but didn’t say anything, knowing there wasn’t much I could do, and I wasn’t going to convince him of anything. He patted my cheek and said, “I knew you’d enjoy the game, now get dressed so we can go.” I got dressed in the running clothes I brought: a black t-shirt, red shorts covering white under armour compression shorts, black no show socks, and black shoes. We left the apartment and started the run.

I quickly started sweating. I am used to running for exercise but normally earlier in the morning or later at night when it was cooler. The sun beat down in its unforgiving summer heat. If the sun or heat bothered Cole, he did not show it. He ran casually asking me mundane questions about my work, friends, family, and hobbies. While this helped distract me from the run, it was hard answering all his questions without looking like a fool panting for air, which I eventually did anyway. Cole either didn’t notice or care and continued the conversation. When I said something stupid, he’d tease me. When I teased back Cole would give me a gentle shove off the sidewalk, smiling all the while.

As we continued I had more and more issues of keeping up. Cole was keeping the same pace as when we had started and that was faster than my normal pace to begin with. I began lagging a few feet behind him, just to do a short sprint and catch up. Soon my sprints were getting longer. After one particularly long sprint, I worked hard to keep up with him for a minute to catch my breath so I could tell Cole I was spent and was going to head back. He patted me on the back, said, “Sounds good. Nice run man!” and then continued without me.

As much as I had enjoyed my admittedly short time with him so far, I found myself getting whiplash with how quickly Cole could switch from casually charismatic to overtly in charge and back without missing a beat. Once I got back to his place, well outside his place because I didn’t have the key, I quickly enjoyed the air conditioning, hoping I wouldn’t be a sweaty mess by the time he got back. As I cooled down though, I began worry about how many more miles he was doing without me. At this point it had to be at least 2 maybe 3 at the pace we had been going. I was not looking forward to more days in this device, but there wasn’t anything I could do about it now.

Finally, Cole returned, very sweaty but otherwise collected. His breathing was steady, and his face wasn’t too red. When he saw me he smiled which made me smile involuntarily. Did I look too giddy? I tried to smile less and play it off. Damn I wish I was more composed. “How was your run?” I asked trying to distract my overactive mind.

“It was nice. The weather is great, but I cut it short. I got bored and wanted to return to you sooner.” That was a “short” run for him? Well I never really stood a chance. Cole walked past me and opened his apartment door for us to walk in. Though this time I notice him lock the door behind us. Cole pulled out his phone and said, “According to my gps, you ran a solid six miles.” He paused to smile at me encouragingly, “and then I ran another four miles without you, so that is another four days in chastity four you.”

I groaned and Cole continued, “Don’t worry that lines up nicely with the weekend. We can have all sorts of fun if you’re free to stay the weekend at my place.”

“Can’t you release me now and I can still come to your place for fun this weekend?” I begged starting to get horny again and wanting this thing off.

He reached out to ruffle my hair, “Sorry boi, but that’s a no. I can’t so easily cave on the rules I make, otherwise you’d never take me seriously.” My eyes fell to the floor in defeat. “But if you want you can try to take the keys from me.” Cole said as he pulled strange shaped keys from his pocked. “Though, there’ll be consequences if you fail.”

I knew he was stronger than me but that still sounded too easy of an option. The keys were right there. How hard could it be to get them from him? It had to be worth it to try anyways. “All I have to do is get the keys from you?”

Cole smiled challengingly, “Yeah. If you can manage it.” I lunged for the key, but Cole pulled his arm back. I tried to grab his upper arm to pull it back, but he grabbed my wrist with his other hand and pulled it away. Cole then dropped the key in his front pocket and we were soon grappling each other on his carpeted floor. I quickly found myself on the defensive, trying to get out of his grip as opposed to trying to pin him down. It did not take long for him to have me pinned beneath him with his hands holding both of my wrists down. “I guess this means I win, right?”

I surged again trying to buck him off of me with any strength I had, but eventually found it futile. I sighed in defeat, “Yes, you win.”

“Perfect. Wait here then.” He leaned down to kiss me then got off me and walked to his room. Not sure if I was allowed to sit up or not, I just lay as I was. Cole returned carrying bundles of rope. Without saying a word, he simply nudged me onto my stomach with his foot and then maneuvered my arms behind my back. Straddling my back, Cole tied my wrists securely together. I tested the ropes to see if I could slip out, but there was no slack.

Cole then got off my back and moved to behind my feet. He pulled at the waistband of my shorts and underwear until he got them off my ankles. He then pulled off my socks before tying my ankles together. Once he was done tying me off, Cole walked in front of me so that I could see him and said, “Someone has been a big upstart today, trying to make demands, trying to get out early, and even trying to take the keys from me after they failed to keep up on our run. I think someone needs to show you your place, don’t you?”

I started shaking my head and began explaining that I’ve learned my lesson, but as I opened my mouth Cole shoved two socks in. “Those are the socks I just ran in by the way.” Cole patted my cheek and started tying a bandana around the back of my head keeping the sweaty tasting socks in place. Looking at his feet I did notice he was still wearing socks. I guess he changed them when he grabbed the rope or something. The sweat coating my tongue definitely affirmed that they were the socks he ran in though.

I “mppphed” for mercy as he pulled out a chair to sit on and laid me across his legs. I had a feeling I knew where this was going, what I wasn’t expecting was the wooden paddle being struck across my butt. It stung much more than I was expecting, and I instinctually tried to squirm out of Cole’s grip in response.

Cole’s left arm held me securely in place on his lap while his right dealt out two more painful blows to my rear end. Cole paused for a moment and asked, “Can you snap for me?” Without thinking I successfully snapped my right bound hand. “Perfect. Now I want you to hold out as long as you can, but when the wooden paddle spanking becomes too much, I want you to snap your fingers for me.”

He then continued spanking me. Some blows were hard and in fast succession while others were preceded by a long pause and extra wind up. The long pauses were the worst because they gave me time to think about the pain and dread the next blow. I mphed in my gag and writhed against his grip as the blows continued, seemingly endless, but I held my hands fisted not wanting to seem weak.

The blows continued and my butt felt like it was on fire trying to hold out as if I could reach some magic number that would justify giving in. Cole paused for a moment. I wanted to snap, but I wasn’t even being spanked right now. The pause continued until a particularly thunderous blow struck my sore bottom. I immediately snapped my right hand. Although, I was surprised I managed considering the rest of my body was still stunned from the pain.

Cole spoke, breaking me from my trance, “Wow you lasted way longer than I expected. You’re either way tougher or more stubborn than I thought. Either way I’m impressed.” Cole bent over to kiss my cheek. “Can you snap your finger again?” I complied and he continued, “Perfect. Remember to snap when the pain becomes too much.” I grew nervous at his instructions.

Cole began massaging my butt, which may have felt good, or at least not painful, in other circumstances, but my backside was now sore to the touch. His fingers may as well have been coated with tiny needles digging into my skin. Eventually his massage from hell ended and I let go a deep breath. My body began to relax as I felt his hands resting on my back. I didn’t even realize how tense I had been.

Then, he struck my butt with his bare hand starting a new spanking session. All off my relaxed muscles constricted and pain shot up all my nerves from this unexpected assault. My body writhed against him, but as with before, Cole managed to hold me down easily. The pain may have been less than the paddle session in other circumstances, but with my already sore back side, every stroke sent me to a new hell. I did not last half the length of the first session before snapping my fingers.

I felt him kissing my cheek again and blood rush to my face in an embarrassing blush. Cole said, “You’re doing great. I’m so proud of you.” My face was hot, not nearly as hot as my fiery butt cheeks, but hot all the same. Cole helped me stand up on my bound feet and held me secure while he stood up. Once up, Cole sat me down on the wood chair he’d been sitting on. My butt immediately burst into flames, sitting down. What was worse, is he wasn’t done.

Cole positioned my bound arms behind the back rest and bound my upper body securely to the back of the chair. Then he took my bound feet and tied them to the back of the chair so that my toes could barely graze the floor. My full weight was resting on my bottom. I squirmed and mphed into my gag begging for mercy, but Cole simply smiled, jostled my hair, and said, “I’m going to the gym to finish my workout. I’ll leave you here to ‘think’ about who’s really in charge. When I get back, we’ll see if you learned your lesson.”

Ignoring my grunts into the gag, Cole slipped on his shoes and left. I squirmed trying to get out, but quickly learned the more I moved the worse the pain in my butt got. I didn’t really think I could escape and so quickly learned to sit as still as possible. While the taste in my mouth was not a stereotypically pleasant one, it was strong, nonetheless. I tried to focus on it as much as possible in an attempt to block out the pain. Impatiently, I waited for him to return, only to realize there was no clock in sight and I did not know how long I would have to endure this torment.
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Post by RopedBud »

While I'm not a huge fan of chastity, I really love the dynamic between these two guys! Also bonus points for having Cole use a banana to hold the socks in as opposed to duct tape that is most commonly used in stories.
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Post by blackbound »

As a huge fan of enforced chastity, I'm loving this story. Can't wait for the next part!

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Post by jamieti684 »

Another excellent chapter! Thank you so much! Hope you’re having as much fun writing it as we are reading it.

Chastity is awesome - it was scary when I tried it myself but I was surprised at how much fun it was :) would recommend!
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Post by TiedNW »

Great chapter again!
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Post by tugfan »

Awesome story....waiting for next chapter
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Post by Camguy2050 »

Fantastic Story i wish it was me in that situation cant wait to find out what happens next :D
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Post by Deleted User 5033 »

"I was in a blur of emotions and feelings, both trying to achieve bliss from one of Cole’s hands and escape torment at the other."
There it is folks. I didn't think it possible, but here it is. Bondage torture explained in one simple beautiful sentence.
This was fantastically written. Love how human the fellas feel, and I particularly like Cole. He is a strong, assertive, but very intelligent dom who knows how to read Nick like a book. He pretty much conquered the poor guy in a single night! Very excited to read more, hopefully soon!
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Post by NeedControl »

Oh man, this is so so good!! 🤩

Please please continue!! 😃
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