Nick and Luke's Cruel Robber (M/MM) CH 2 now up!

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Deleted User 122

Nick and Luke's Cruel Robber (M/MM) CH 2 now up!

Post by Deleted User 122 »


Synopsis / Description:
Recent college graduate Nick is on a cross-country journey when he meets teenager Luke on a late night stop at a diner in rural Ohio. The young men discover a mutual attraction to one another but are soon hurled into a cruel world of humiliation physical distress when a burglar surprises them.

Nick and Luke's Cruel Robber

Chapter One

It was pouring rain outside and it was close to midnight. Nick Mueller was having a difficult time seeing through the rain since his windshield wipers were for crap. The young man was fresh out of college, without a job, so he didn’t have much money. His car was old and not handling well in the torrential downpour.

He noticed a small diner, situated in the middle of nowhere really, and pulled over to seek some refuge. He looked briefly in the rearview mirror to check himself out. Nick was a handsome young man with a broey look about him but he’d been driving and camping for days now. His dusty blonde hair was short but still a mess. He donned his favorite baseball cap.

Putting on a North Face windbreaker, he dashed out of the car for the diner entrance. Reaching for the door, he discovered it was looked. Then he noticed that the sign said closed.

Nick sighed and looked at his cell phone which said 12:10AM. He was caught in the heavy rain in the middle of rural Ohio without any great options. He was camping it most of the way on this journey and the nearest campground was flooded out by the rain. He also didn’t see any nearby motels on his smart phone.

He was about to dash back to his car when he saw through the rain coated door window a figure far back from the kitchen come towards the entrance.

A young man, slightly younger than Nick, appeared behind the glass door dressed in a typical diner uniform. He gave Nick a quick look over and had a sympathetic expression. He unlocked the door and waved him inside from the cold, wet night.

“Hey, Luke,” the young man from the diner called himself shaking Nick’s hand.”

Nick introduced himself back.

“But anyway man, sorry, we’re closed. You from out of town?” Luke asked.

Luke was nerdish cute with a thick mop of black hair. , He was wearing a stereotypical white diner server’s shirt with an apron. Both the shirt and apron were somewhat covered in food stains.

“Yea. Can you tell? But that’s cool, I’m not super hungry. I’m just tired of driving through this shit. The campground I was going to stay out is flooded,” Nick smiled, shaking the rain water from his windbreaker. “Oh, sorry,” he apologized for getting the floor wet.

“Yea, there’s not many options left either. Not at this hour. There’s like one motel in town. I’ll call them for you,” Luke offered.

“Thanks!” Nick smiled.

“Take off your jacket,” Luke said. “Have a seat.”

Nick removed his thin windbreaker and sat at the counter. He took the bottom of his white t-shirt and wiped excess rain from his face. Luke secretly checked him out in that moment. Nick had a toned stomach with a happy trail extending down from his belly button into his waist. His short sleeved shirt showed off his biceps and broad shoulders nicely. Nick was a stud.

Luke said there was no answer at the motel but he said he left a message with the owner. He told Nick that he could wait for a while and see if he gets a callback.

Meanwhile he brought him out some food; a cold tuna fish sandwich and a slice of cherry pie. “On the house. These have been in the fridge and I was going to have to throw them out later, anyway.”

By the way Nick began scarfing down the food, it appeared he was more hungry than he let on. Luke leaned over the counter across from Nick and quietly watched with delight.

“Kind of unusual place for a diner, middle of nowhere,” Nick said.

“We’ve got the rodeo nearby. It’s a big deal in this county. So, we get a lot of their business,” Luke said.

“Rodeo? Is Ohio in the south?” Nick joked.

“Hey, we Midwest boys know how to rope a calf like any cowboy,” Luck cracked back.

As Nick ate his meal and Luke hovered around cleaning up the diner, they continued the casual chat and got to know more about each other. Nick was traveling cross-country to visit his Aunt where he would pick up her old car. During the journey, he was staying mostly at campgrounds. Not only to save money but for the adventure of it. He was an avid hiker. It turned out Luke was too. Luke grew up in a nearby town and played basketball for the high school. He had graduated last year and hoped to save enough money to go to state college.

After Luke was done, he told Nick he wanted to get out of his dirty work shirt. Luke removed the white uniform top and grabbed a t-shirt from a bag underneath the counter.

Now it was Nick’s turn to check out Luke. He couldn’t help but secretly stare at Luke’s shirtless body. While he was modest height and slim, he had a nicely toned smooth build with a natural washboard stomach.

As Luke put on his t-shirt, he also caught Nick checking him out. This made him happy, discovering another boy “like him” he thought to himself. And so attractive.

Luke’s t-shirt was an AC/DC rock t-shirt which impressed Nick. He was in to old school metal and rock too!

“By the way, you want a beer with me? Also, on the house!” Luke smiled.

“Wait are you old enough?” Nick sort of laughed.

“Just turned 19. Old enough in some countries,” Luke replied.

“Sure, dude. Would love one,” Nick grinned. “Sorry about my cockiness. My friends give me a hard time about it.”

Luke playfully tapped the back of Nick’s ballcap and knocked it off his head. He went to the back of the restaurant and returned with two cold bottles of Bud Light.

They popped them open and took some satisfying swigs of the beer.

“I noticed you had kind of a limp,” Nick said concerned.

“Sprained it a couple weeks ago. Hiking! Kind of reactivated an old injury from basketball,” Luke said. He raised his left leg to show Nick an ace bandage tightly wrapped around his ankle, underneath his black sneaker.

Luke lowered his leg, then suddenly grabbed Nick’s ballcap which was now on the counter and put it on.

“It’s kind of sweaty, ha hah,” Luke laughed feeling the edges of Nick’s ballcap.

“My lucky cap. I’ve worn it for years. Goes on my hikes with me,” Nick explained. “Wanna hand it back?”

“Nope,” Luke playfully responded. He adjusted it some more and looked in a mirror next to the cooks window. “I like it. Maybe I should keep it as payment,” he said returning to the counter’s edge leaning towards Nick.

“Oh, so that’s how you are?” Nick chuckled. He reached out to grab the hat from Luke’s head.

Luke grabbed Nick’s wrists and held them down on the counter. “Nice try!”

“I was a wrestler in high school. All-state, twice!” Nick bragged. “You don’t wanna tango with me,” he grinned.

“Maybe I wouldn’t mind,” Luke returned in a suggestive tone.

Luke let go of his grip on Nick’s wrists but Nick didn’t move his hands away. Instead he delicately brushed the fingers on his left hand on Luke’s hand.

The two boys sort of just froze in their positions, looking at each other with their hungry eyes. It was dead quiet except for the sound of rain pouring down outside. Nick looked over his shoulder, around the diner, and outside to the dark parking lot. He didn’t want the humiliation of being caught in a homosexual act, he thought. He was openly gay with his close friends but he liked to keep the image of a straight guy. He realized it was a ridiculous notion to think they would be “caught” considering the place was empty and it was the dead of the night in the middle of nowhere.

Nick was the first to make a move. He leaned in further over the counter towards Luke until his lips met Luke’s. Nick began to kiss him, softly.

Immediately, both of the boys had butterflies in their stomachs. Nick hadn’t had many romantic encounters with guys because he didn’t advertise nor like going out to gay bars. As for Luke, this was a pretty new experience for him too. He was closeted, living in a small, conservative Ohio town.

Luke came around from the back and placed himself next to Nick who stood up to meet him. The counter no longer separating them, they continued kissing with their hands caressing each other’s faces. Their bodies pressed close and they could feel their boners as their cocks rubbed up against one another through their blue jeans.

“Oh, man… you kiss so good,” Luke moaned.

“I’m glad I pulled over,” Nick smiled back as he locked lips again with Luke.

The two young men, standing up in the middle of the diner, bodies pressed together, were now French kissing, inserting their tongues into each other’s mouths.

“I’ve got my trailer behind the building. Stay the night with me,” Luke said, between being kissed, with a string of saliva connecting between their mouths.

“Trailer trash. Man, I’ve never been with a redneck before,” Nick chuckled, again with his biting sarcasm.

“Hey, how many teenagers you know that own their own home,” Luke grinned as he reached under Nick’s t-shirt, squeezed one of his nipples, and twisted it.

“Ow! Ha hah,” Nick yelped with a laugh. “And rough too!”

They engaged in light, playful wrestling; grabbing at each other’s wrists trying to subdue the other. This turned them on even more.

Luke removed his t-shirt. Nick immediately took advantage of the moment by diving his face into Luke’s chest and licking it. He moved to his nipples and sucked on them as he ran his hands along the soft ripples of Luke’s washboard stomach.

Luke grabbed Nick’s t-shirt and pulled it off of him. He too dove in to Nick’s exposed chest and torso with a flurry of tongue assaults. He ran his fingers down Nick’s happy trail of fine blonde hair running down his navel.

They were so transfixed on each other, they didn’t seem to mind their body odor. Nick’s scent from days of camping and driving. Luke’s from a long day of slinging hash.

They were working up a sweat, going at it. They weren’t yet thinking about going to the mobile home or the comforts of a bed. They were so engulfed in making out, they continued right there standing in the diner.

Luke and Nick unbuttoned each other’s jeans. The hints of their underwear waistbands were revealed. They ran their fingers underneath the waistbands.

They slowly started to unzip each other’s pants. Nick was the first and pulled down Luke’s pants, dropping them to his ankles.

“Wait,” Luke whispered as he bent down to remove his black work sneakers, which were pretty trashed. He slipped out of his jeans.

Nick immediately noticed a hint of foot odor emanating from down there. One Luke’s right foot was a white crew sock that was dirty but nothing that looked to extreme. On his left, he was sockless. Barefoot. Instead the left ankle had an ace bandage wrapped tightly around it and it looked kind of gross.

“Sorry,” Luke shyly smiled noticing Nick’s reaction. “I’ve been wearing it every day since the injury.”

“Ha hah, actually kind of makes me feel better. Cause my feet and my socks stink to high heaven. I’ve been camping and traveling for days with the same pair,” Nick revealed pointing down at his well broken in hiking shoes.

“I’ll be sure to breathe through my mouth until we wash our feet in my trailer,” Luke chuckled. “I’m not really in to the whole smell fetish.”

“Me neither,” Nick laughed back and pulled Luke close again. This time, Luke was standing in just his baby blue boxer briefs, showing a raging hard on inside the underwear.

As Luke started to unzip Nick’s jeans, there was suddenly a disruption!

The sound of the swinging metal door going to the kitchen was heard opening. They turned that direction to see what it was.

Suddenly, appearing before them behind the counter was a disguised stranger. He was dripping wet in a red hoodie sweat shirt with the hood over his face. He wore a pair of black neoprene gloves. But most frighteningly, he was brandishing a gun that he pointed at the two boys.

“Okay, faggots! I’m done waiting for you two to get your rocks off!” the slender stranger shouted.

Luke and Nick immediately froze still in fear and instinctively put their hands up in submission. They were too afraid to be embarrassed.

The stranger was clearly a thief there to burglarize the establishment.

“Another minute and those dicks would have popped out. I don’t wanna see that shit,” he laughed looking at their erections.

He shook the excess rain from his red sweatshirt and pulled down the hoodie. He wore pantyhose over his face. The sheer, semi-transparent fabric was pressed tight. There was a wet spot in the fabric where his mouth was on the count of his hot breath. Despite his disguise, he was a young man probably in his twenties judging by his physique and the sound of his voice.

“Get to the back, now!” the robber ordered waving his gun at them.

Luke and Nick, trembling with fear, walked towards the back of the restaurant, past the counter, and through metal flap door as the gunman followed.

Most of the lights in the back were already shut off so it was difficult to see. They reached the dimly lit back storage room. Luke and Nick huddled nervously together with their hands still raised; Nick in his unbuttoned jeans and Luke in merely his underwear.

“Please don’t hurt us! Just take the money from the register and…” Luke pleaded.

“Shhh!” the burglar interrupted, a faint mist of his warm breath came from his mouth and through the wet spot of his nylon stocking. “What do you have here to tie you two lovebirds up?”

“You don’t have to do that, we won’t do anything. You can lock us in here,” Luke continued to beg. “I don’t know what to use anyway.”

“Or I could just kill you both instead,” the menacing man cackled as he wiggled his rubber gloved finger over the trigger of his gun.

“Maybe there’s some tape?” Nick offered looking at Luke then at the robber.

Luke pointed at a box midway on a shelf against the wall of the storage room. The thief opened it up and delighted in what he saw.

“Even better!” he approved.

The masked man dumped the contents of the box to the concrete floor. Not only did rolls of clear shipping tape fall out, there were also large plastic zip ties, and two big rolls of wide saran wrap.

Tossing Luke one of the zip ties, he said, “Here. Bind his wrists behind his back. And make it snug!”

Luke was reluctant to tie up Nick but Nick gave him a comforting smile and said, “It’s ok.”

Nick turned around and placed his palms together. Luke tied the zip tie around his wrists and fastened them tight. ZIP!

“Face the wall!” the disguised man ordered Nick. “You, come here,” he told Luke.

Nick turned away towards the wall as Luke nervously walked closer to the gunman. He was instructed to turn around when he got close enough and to place his hands behind his back. The thief then used another zip tie to bound Luke’s wrists together, making it so snug it pinched his skin.

Nick and Luke were told to come close together and face each other, pressing their chests against one another.

“I hope you boys are kinky,” the man cackled, sounding like an evil villain.

The burglar took one of the long plastic rolls, pulled out a few inches of it and tucked it between their bodies. Then he began to circle around them, wrapping the clear, stretchy film around the boys. He made generous wraps – layer after layer – around the boys chest and arms. He slowly worked his way down with the saran wrap, to their torsos, covering their midsection, and then all the way down and around their legs and ankles. As he did so, he made sure there was plenty of overlap to the layers and the saran wrapping stayed tight.

After a few minutes of concentrated effort, the burglar had skillfully mummified the two boys together from shoulder to ankle. They were taped up chest to chest, crotch to crotch, face to face.

“Please! You can’t leave us like this, and my wrists are hurting. It’s so tight!” Luke begged. Nick remained stoic and bowed his head into the arch of Luke’s neck as if to consul him. “It’ll be okay,” he tried to assure him. The robber, however, was continually annoyed by Luke.

The man bent down to Nick’s feet and removed his hiking boots. That released a rush of foot odor.

“You weren’t lyin’, kid!” the intruder yowled, referring to the conversation he must have overheard in the dining area.

The burglar removed Nick’s black ankle socks. They were damp and warm with sweat. They were putrid things. “Wow, smells like donkey balls!” he said.

“You asked for this!” the robber said looking at Luke, clutching the dirty smelly socks in his gloved hand as he approached the boys’ heads. He grabbed Luke by his thick hair and turned his face away from Nick and towards him. Luke knew he was about to be gagged.

“No no no… no! Please… Mmmphh!” Luke cried out as his mouth was shoved full of Nick’s stinky socks.

The intruder was sure to push those nasty socks deep down into Luke’s mouth until they were both almost fully inside.

“Come on, man. Please don’t do that to him,” Nick asked.

“But I’m enjoying this too much,” the robber mocked back.

He then took one of the rolls of clear shipping tape from the ground. He unleashed a flurry or tight wraps around Luke’s face, further pushing in the foul sock gag. The bunched up dirty black socks and Luke’s mashed down lips were visible through the clear tape. The robber pulled out a tip of the sock that escaped the tape and made sure to situate it directly under Luke’s nose. Unfortunately, it happened to be the smelliest part of the sock, the toe end.

“There now. That’s better,” the thief mocked as he patted Luke on the cheek.

Luke whimpered and looked feebly at the assailant. He could see him smiling underneath the pantyhose mask.

Nick wasn’t going to get off so easy either. “You’re next, big guy!” the man said pinching Nick by his ear. He bowed down and removed Luke’s lone sock from his right foot and shoved it into Nick’s mouth. At first, Nick sighed with relief when he realized the footie didn’t smell that much. The sock was pretty clean.

Unlucky for Nick, however, the cruel burglar wasn’t finished. He bent back down. Nick was unable to see from his perspective what he was doing. He assumed he was about to get his head wrapped with the clear plastic adhesive tape.

When the man returned eyelevel with Nick, he held in his hand the ace bandage that was once on Luke’s bare foot. Nick could smell the putrid odor of foot stink radiating from it.

“Mmhhmmmm!” Nick moaned as the pungent, stretchy ankle bandage was wrapped around his face multiple times before being tucked at the end underneath the layers. He was forced to sniff the odor coming from the wrap as it entered his nostrils.

The robber giggled at how humiliated and defeated the young captives looked, particularly Luke. Nick was still trying to hold it together.

“Have fun, boys, and don’t struggle too much or you’ll topple over,” the stranger chuckled as patted Luke on the butt.

He left the mummified victims standing in the middle of the storage room gasping through their gags. He was going for the money in the cash register.

The young men began to squirm about in their cocooned state, trying to find some relief in their bondage. They were cautious though. They were terrified of losing balance and falling over. With their hands tied behind their wrists and bodies sandwiched together, they knew it would be a painful fall with no means of bracing themselves. Nonetheless they wiggled about, their dicks still semi erect, rubbing against each other through Luke’s underwear and Nick’s blue jeans.

The two boys’ faces touched, looking at each other glossy eyed as if to try and comfort one another. They struggled to breathe through their nostrils. Each breath they inhaled, unfortunately, was assaulted by the funky smells of foot stench.

Luke still had it the worst. He was also tasting Nick’s rancid, foot sweat. It had a salty, rotten flavor.

Within a few minutes of careful but continuous struggling, their bodies were starting to warm up underneath all that plastic wrap. They were sweating so much there was a pool of perspiration swimming around inside.

They agonized in their sweaty restrained torture for what seemed like an eternity, desperately trying to keep their bare feet planted on the cold, cement floor, and becoming more exhausted.

When the burglar finally returned, the helpless boys looked at him with desperate pleas, mounds of sweat dripping from their faces. Even a pool of sweat puddled underneath them on the floor.

“This is all??” the thief angrily yelled, waving a stack of bills in his gloved hands. “Six hundred and fifty-three dollars in the cash register. There’s gotta be a safe. Where is it??”

The thief produced a knife from his pocket and used it to tear the tape away from Luke’s mouth. He pulled out the pair of dirty socks from his mouth, which were soaked with saliva.

“Ohhhhh!!! Huuuu, huu,” Luke gasped, taking in the fresh air.

“The safe!??” the thief demanded, grabbing Luke’s chin.

“There’s one in the manager’s office,” Luke said, still panting.

“The code?”

“43, 22, 16…. But you have to… mmphhh!” Luke started to say before getting gagged once more with the socks. This time, the burglar used a zip tie fastened around the young man’s mouth to hold in the socks.

The robber darted off. The misery continued for the two lads as they remained in their forced standing position in the storage room.

Several more minutes passed and the burglar returned again. He was still angry and now perspiring himself. The sweat from his face made the panty hose fabric more transparent and uncomfortable. In his frustration, he ripped off the pantyhose.

The robber was actually a handsome, young man. He had a stubble of hair growth on his chin and a hint of a mustache, light brown like his hair.

“There’s a fucking timer on it!” he complained.

He cut the zip tie around Luke’s mouth with his mouth. Again, the sockgag was removed.

“Ahh…ahhh… I was trying to tell you,” Luke gasped. “There’s a timer on it. It won’t open until noon, even if you put in the code now.”

“Fuck!” the young burglar shouted. He slapped Luke hard in his head, causing him to get a bloody nose.

The blow to the face almost made Luke and Nick trip over. The burglar however caught them and put them back upright.

He paced around in the storage room back and forth. Luke and Nick watched with great worry, terrified that the robber was going to shoot them in anger.

“Please! Please! Don’t shoot us! And please don’t leave us like this. Just let us go! We’re not open tomorrow. No one will find us. We’re not gonna last like this. Please! Luke sobbed.

Nick, up to this point, relatively calm and collected, was panicking upon the realization help wouldn’t arrive anytime soon. He groaned loudly into his gag. Despite being athletic, fit, young men as they were, no person could take so much torment, forced to stand for what could be more than thirty hours. They were already dehydrated. Not to mention the loss of blood flow to their hands because of the tight zip ties around their wrists.

“You got a point, kid. You’re pretty fucked. Don’t wanna leave your sorry asses to suffer tied up. Well, then… we might as well get it over with quick like,” the young robber said.

He held up his gun, ready to shoot the boys. They shook their heads franticly.

“Noo!!!” Luke shouted.

“Mmmhhhhhh!” Nick gasped.

The handsome criminal put his finger on the trigger, ready to squeeze.

Last edited by Deleted User 122 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

This story is really exciting! I loved the beginning, the romantic feelings between Luke and Nick, and how they started to kiss each other.
Then the robber teared apart my hopes of reading what would happen after they'd taken their clothes off! :o ;)
I like the difference between the first and the second part. In the first part, you tend to describe what happens in detail and it's as if it will stay like this forever. But once the robber enters the story, your sentences become more tense.
The tape wrap and the guys' gags sound hot. I hope they'll get out safely!
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Post by socjuc »

Awesome start to this story. I too noticed the separation of how the story is being described. Nice way to write this tale.

I think the true kinky one is the robber, and now that Luke divulged that they are closed tomorrow, well he may just have fun killing time waiting for noon to roll around :lol:
This story can be found HERE.
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Deleted User 122

Post by Deleted User 122 »

Thanks [mention]socjuc[/mention] and [mention]Sniffmyfeet[/mention] !

Do you guys or anyone else have requests/ideas for something special in the next chapter? Cause, spoiler alert lol, it's not the end of the road for our two captives!

Would love a couple of thoughts on a scenario, action, or anything... if it's something I think works, I'll put it in!
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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

[mention]sockgagged[/mention] It would be very nice if one or both of our victims are forced to breathe through each other's shoes and perhaps to clean them with their tongues. I think Nick's hiking shoes and Luke's sneakers will be pretty smelly. I hope the robber will find creative ways to keep the guys tied together.
Deleted User 3871

Post by Deleted User 3871 »

This is turning out great as usual! Probably going to be tormented nicely!
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Post by Exelsia »

I love this, the lovey dovey part and the mummification part especially! Hopefully the kidnapper go all-out with the two, especially when there's a trailer available to stash the two boys. Trailers are pretty cool. I can see the tight space being properly used as some sort of dungeon or cage. :twisted:
What's better than the combination of a pair of skinny jeans, canvas belts and sneakers? One that involves ropes, duh.
Deleted User 122

Post by Deleted User 122 »

Hojojutsutengu wrote: 5 years ago This is turning out great as usual! Probably going to be tormented nicely!
Thanks! And woah... noticed your name hojojutsu.

Crazy coincidence cause I'm introducing an element of hojojutsu in the next chapter!
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Post by bondagefreak »

Really enjoying this so far, man!
The scene where Luke gets his mouth stuffed with Nick's foul-smelling socks was pure GOLD for me!

Looking forward to finding out what's in store for those two!

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Post by GoBucks »

Another story by [mention]sockgagged[/mention] is always a pleasant thing to see! I don't know if I'd call the robber cruel. Who doesn't like sweaty footwear in their mouths? :P

The robber seems to be in a bit of a pickle. I wonder if he sweats when he gets angry and nervous? Huh, I wonder what a sweaty bod could do for him? If he doesn't have anything useful, I'm sure he can find some good stuff in a young guy's trailer nearby. Maybe a place to hide their bound bodies while he waits for the safe to unlock.
Deleted User 122

Post by Deleted User 122 »

Chapter Two

It was the middle of the night and it was still pouring rain. In the back of the diner, inside the storage room, Luke and Nick were about to be killed by the robber who broke in.

The youths cowered in their upright mummified state, bound by saran wrap, as the burglar readied his finger on the trigger of his gun.

Nick, normally the stoic one, was grunting through his gag.

Luke, his mouth free, continued to yell out, “Nooo, please!!” as he pissed in his underwear.

The young thief adjusted his gun, put a grin on his face, and then…

“Pow!!!” he yelled as he pretended to fire his weapon. Instead he dropped his arm and stuffed the pistol into his jeans.

The boys had jerked with fright and lost their balance which caused them to go into a helpless fall. The robber caught them just in time, and eased them down onto the concrete floor. Nick’s face was uncomfortably smashed against the cold ground and Luke’s was facing up towards their captor.

“Just kiddin’!” the burglar laughed, leaning closely into Luke’s face. He patted him on the cheek.

“Lucky for you, kid.. You gave me information that helped keep you boys alive. The diner is closed tomorrow and you live alone back there. We’re gonna have a little slumber party in your mobile home until the safe opens,” the man explained.

Luke was without words, trying to process what he heard and still worried their deaths were merely delayed.

The burglar rolled the bound pair over so Nick’s face was pointed towards him. Luke’s was now pressed against the ground.

Nick’s sealed mouth was freed as the robber unraveled the ace bandage and removed the soggy sock stuffed in his mouth.

The robber reached into his back pocket and produced a switchblade. He used the knife and began tearing through the saran wrap that cocooned the young men. Starting from their shoulder blades, he ran it down between their chests, legs, and then to their ankles where the crinkly, clear plastic film finally snapped free.

The mass of plastic wrap fell away. A rush of hot, musty air escaped. Sweat was everywhere. The boys’ bodies were beet red and soaked.

The hostages both fell over on their backs, their wrists still bound behind them. Luke was clad in only underwear. Nick had on his jeans.

They both complained about their wrists. Sure enough, the burglar could see the plastic zip ties were burrowing into their skin and their hands were blue from lack of circulation.

“You can re-tie us in the trailer. I’ve got rope there. Plenty. We won’t resist,” Luke bargained.

“Rope? Now you’re talking. I can practice my skills,” the burglar replied with the odd reference.

He took his knife and cut the bindings around their wrists, warning them not to do anything funny or they’d be killed right there. Luke and Nick were too exhausted and traumatized to do anything, anyway.

The boys were so relieved to be untied. They sat up and grabbed their wrists, massaging them as well as their hands. They both discreetly looked at one another and wanted to embrace. Nick and Luke were worried; however, it would get a negative reaction from their captor.

The burglar grabbed Luke by his thick, moppy brown hair and pulled him to his feet. “First you’re gonna cook me something up in the kitchen. I’m hungry,” he said, bringing out his gun once more to show he had control.

“Stand up!” he barked at Nick. Nick did as told.

The burglar noticed how soaked their clothes were; Luke’s underwear, and Nick’s pants. He told them to get out of their wet clothing. The young men paused for a moment, but realized it was only asking for trouble if they resisted. They stripped out of their garb and stood naked.

Despite being lean, young men, and being completely flaccid, their dicks were large. They had a healthy bush of pubic hair as well. “Ain’t you two an impressive pair,” the criminal remarked.

“Tape his hands!” the thief ordered Luke.

Luke taped Nick’s wrists behind his back. Luke was spared further restraint because he had to cook.

Later, in the front of the diner…

Luke was in the kitchen heating up some chili, as requested. The burglar was sitting at the counter, watching and on his third beer. Nick was seated next to him, awkwardly. He was nude and his wet butt was plopped on the vinyl stool, hands bound behind him. He kept coming close to slipping off the chair and the thief would sit him back still. Nick, in his feeble state, was embarrassed but didn’t want to express it. He bowed his head and kept quiet.

As the chili was heating, Luke brought over to the counter bottled water. He placed it to Nick’s lips. He nursed him the full bottle as Nick gulped it down. Nick and Luke exchanged smiles. The thief drank his beer and mocked their tender moment a little bit.

The thug removed his black neoprene gloves. He took a sniff and remarked how stinky they were. “Here, take a whiff,” he joked putting the opening of the sweaty gloves underneath Nick’s nose. Nick turned his head. The robber laughed.

The robber took the last swig of beer and ordered Luke to bring him a fourth. He remarked how he was getting a good buzz.

He got more comfortable and removed his damp red hoodie. He was wearing a white, wife beater tank top that revealed more of his lean, cut frame. You could tell he was moderately hairy with a light, narrow dash of chest fur between his pecs and disappearing into the ribbed undershirt. He had dog tags around his neck. His chest and biceps were adorned with an array of tattoos.

The burglar made small talk and even volunteered his name, at least his alleged name. It was JJ. Luke and Nick were surprised he would give them a name, even if it wasn’t his real one. The alcohol may have been loosening him up.

Luke brought over a piping hot bowl of chili. It was garnished with extra cheese and diced onions just like the burglar, now known as JJ, requested.

JJ put a spoonful in his mouth and loved it. “Good boy! You make this yourself?” he asked. Luke nodded.

The robber wanted to have a little small talk as he ate the delicious chili and drank his fourth beer. He got on to the subject of their homosexuality.

“So, who’s the top and who is the bottom?” he asked. The nervous boys remained quiet. JJ then looked at Nick and said, “I bet it’s you. Right Nick? You got more of a tough guy, vibe.”

Nick stayed silent but had an expression of disdain.

“I’m jealous of fags, actually. Dudes are always ready for sticking it in or getting off. I bet you horn dogs fuck dudes all the time. You both went at it like pros tonight,” JJ said.

“Yea, I’m not like that. I’ve not made a move like that,” Nick spoke up finally, sounding annoyed. He glanced briefly at Luke and added, “This was different.”

Luke left his tense, nervous state for a moment, caught up in Nick’s remark. They smiled tenderly at each other.

“Oh.. how fucking sweet,” JJ laughed taking his last slurps of chili from the bowl as he burped. “If I let you queers live, can I be the best man at your gay wedding?”

“Dunno… can we be gay testify at your straight trial?” Nick remarked with a sneer.

Luke was shocked that Nick’s sarcastic mouth came out.

JJ jumped up and lunged for Nick, grabbing his throat with one hand and pointing his gun to his head with the other. He yanked him off the stool and followed him to the tile.


Nick groaned in pain as he hit the floor hard, unable to break his fall since his wrists were taped up behind his back. JJ straddled the nude young man and sat directly on top of Nick’s chest. He put the barrel of the gun into Nick’s mouth. Taking his other hand from his throat, JJ reached back and grabbed Nick’s genitals and squeezed his balls.

“Should I just pop that smart mouth or yank your nuts off?” JJ threatened.

“Please, please! He didn’t mean anything! Please don’t!” Luke begged frantically.

JJ worked up a lugee in his mouth and spit on Nick’s face. A thick warm slime of JJ’s spit covered his left eye and drizzled down his face. JJ let go of Nick’s scrotum and removed the gun from his mouth. He stood up and pulled away, leaving Nick to wallow on the floor in agony.

Luke rushed over to Nick, getting on his knees and embraced him. “Are you okay?” he asked as he wiped the slimy discharge from Nick’s eye socket. Nick was gasping and groaning, with his balls feeling a lot of pain but he managed a nod.

“We’re done here,” JJ said, standing over the boys.

Soon afterwards…

Luke was leading the way outside through the rainstorm with Nick behind followed by JJ brandishing his gun. Luke and Nick were still nude but were now wearing their shoes.

Upon entering the mobile home, the lads were pushed down on to a small couch. Nick slightly hunched over, still reeling from the nut grab. Luke rubbed Nick’s shoulders to try and make him feel better.

All three of them were drenched from the rain.

JJ looked around the trailer. It was small, dated, and with a hint of moldiness but the living room area was otherwise cleanly organized. Off to the side of the living area was a kitchenette. Beyond that through the hallway was a resided the bedroom with a bathroom in between.

“Home sweet home,” JJ said, belching.

JJ went right for the refrigerator and took a swig of milk from a carton. He saw a package of frozen peas in the freezer and tossed it towards Nick’s groin. “Hey, stud boy. That’ll help,” JJ cackled. The ice cold package landed squarely on its intended target, Nick’s swollen ball sack.

Nick tried not to react but winced in pain upon impact. He shifted around, irritated by the icy burn of the frozen package. With his hands still taped up behind him, he couldn’t remove it so Luke grabbed the package and pulled it away.

JJ rifled through a dresser near the hallway/bathroom entrance and found Luke’s drawer of underwear and socks. He stripped out of his wet clothes. He set his beaten up, soggy Vans sneakers aside. He stood briefly butt naked, with just his socks on, which were a dark blue pair of sheer crew socks, almost like dress stockings.

Despite a hint of malnourished white trash, he was an alluring figure of young, tough masculinity covered in tattoos. A slim but muscular frame with tight washboard abs and a firm butt.

He grabbed a towel from a nearby bar and dried off his body. He seemed to be showing off for Luke and Nick as he did this, spending more time around the erotic zones like the armpits and ball sack.

JJ, the gorgeous, young thief, took a fresh pair of Luke’s underwear from the drawer. They were Fruit of the Loom boxer briefs with dark colored stripes. They were a little tight but they looked good on him.

“So…. Where’s that rope?!” JJ asked, looking very excited.

After Luke guided him to a pantry door, JJ pulled out a healthy collection of braided, manila hemp rope. He also found a thick roll of duct tape. He looked like a kid who opened up his favorite Christmas present, oddly sliding his fingers down the strand of rope and remarking on the perfect, thin thickness of the cord.

Luke and Nick could see the intense, peculiar disposition of their captor as he clutched and caressed the rope in his hands. They looked fearful. JJ noticed their distressed faces and grinned.

“Have you heard of hojojutsu?” JJ asked them.

Luke and Nick looked puzzled. Hojo what?

“It’s the traditional Japanese martial art of restraining a prisoner. I trained in MMA and I learned about it from a teacher who was a dojo,” JJ explained.

Luke and Nick looked even more confused, trying to follow the conversation. All they could calculate, it was a form of bondage.

“I always wanted to practice on my girlfriends, but they were freaked out, ha hah,” JJ said. “Kick off your sneaks!”

Luke removed his wet, black Adidas sneakers. Since Nick was still bound, Luke helped him out his Nike hiking boots. He set their smelly sneaks on the floor. The boys had skinny ankles but beautiful, large feet.

JJ ordered Luke to stand up and face away from him. He did so, obediently. “Put your hands behind your back,” JJ said next as he sat his gun and the duct tape roll on the small counter near the kitchette. He kept hold of the rope.

JJ unraveled some rope and went to work on tying up Luke…

He started on Luke’s upper left arm, just above his elbow and wrapped it around firmly. He stretched it across his back to his right arm, lassoing it similarly there. Then he crossed the rope up his back over his left shoulder, around his neck, down his right shoulder. He took the hemp rope down and repeated the bindings around his left and right upper arms. Then he tied a knot halfway up the two ropes that spanned his upper back, forcing them together followed by a series of spiral wraps down the joined ropes, bringing them together. This brought his arms firmly bound to his sides. Last, he spun the material around Luke’s wrists in a series of criss cross maneuvers followed up with a slip knot.

“Ugh,” Luke winced, feeling more and more helpless but put up no fight, accepting his fate.

JJ looked at Luke’s state, trussed up in a tight binding of rope around his arms, neck, and wrists that solidly immobilized the upper half of his body. It was like a harness. A considerable length of the same rope was left dangling freely at the wrists. He was impressed with himself.

He pushed Luke to a corner and made him face the wall.

Then he went about restraining Nick, who shot him an indignant look as he was pulled up from the couch on to his feet.

Using a second long piece of rope, JJ similarly bound Nick in the elaborate fashion. When he was ready for tying his wrists, he first cut off the tape that was there, and finished him off with a nice, taut binding.

Nick stayed heroically silent, though the rough hemp material of the rope pressed and pinched his bare skin.

“Get over here, Luke,” JJ said.

Luke and Nick stood side by side, their arms and wrists bound firmly, facing their de facto kidnapper. The young men were naked, fully on display for JJ. Luke trembled. Meanwhile Nick was subtly trying to inspect the ropes and find any knots around his wrists with his fingers. He quickly realized that there was no accessible knot and the ropes wouldn’t budge. Both of them were powerless.

JJ could tell by Nick’s body gesture, however, that he was trying to figure out the bindings back there. This made him chuckle.

“Oh, give up? That’s the beauty of hojojutsu,” JJ said. “No traditional knots used around your limbs or hands.” He pinched Nick’s right nipple with his left hand and groped his nut sack with his right hand.

Nick seized up. His body twitched, wanting to react with an objection but pursed his lips and said nothing. He hated being humiliated and dominated by this punk who wasn’t much older than he was.

“On your fucking knees!” JJ commanded them.

Luke and Nick dropped their knees to the ground as JJ rubbed their wet hair and said, “Good boys!”

For a few minutes, JJ looked around the mobile home, leaving them side by side on their knees. He was scoping out more of the place. He walked into the small bathroom to take a leak at the toilet, disappearing from view. The sound of him farting and peeing was heard.

Luke whispered to Nick that he was scared. Nick said he was too but assured him it would be okay and to hang in there. Making sure their captor wasn’t looking, Nick leaned in and placed a soft kiss on Luke’s lips. “Just don’t be a hero, I don’t want him to hurt you,” Luke added. “It’s okay,” Nick repeated.

JJ walked back with a cocky swagger as he was scratching his nuts and yawning. This was followed by another loud belch. The studly criminal looked bored, seeking distraction. He rummaged some more through Luke’s dresser drawers. He found a jockstrap, the kind with a pouch, and it was equipped with a protective cup.

“Nice!” JJ laughed as he held out the jock and asked why he needed that. “You play baseball or football? Gay boys play sports, ha hah?”

“It’s for paintball,” Luke explained.

JJ made Luke stand up. “Here, let’s see you in it!” he insisted.

Luke reluctantly stepped into the jock as JJ held out the wide waistband. Once it was on, JJ punched his hand a few times in the hard, plastic cup covering Luke’s crotch.

“Ow!” Luke gasped, hunching over. “Please!”

“Leave him alone!” Nick growled, reactively, once more forgetting who was truly in charge.

“Ohhhhh! Here we go again,” JJ said, turning away from Luke and looking down at Nick, still on his knees.

“Yea, you want to be gagged don’t you?” JJ rhetorically asked.

“Please, JJ…sir. Please,” Luke pleaded.

“Nope, he needs a gag!” JJ insisted. “And he’s gonna get a good one.”

Nick registered an expression of conflict on his face. He looked remorseful and proudly defiant at the same time.

“You should get one of mine now,” JJ said as he held up his left leg and buried his socked foot into Nick’s face. It was moist from both sweat and rain and it smelled particularly bad, perhaps worse than the ace bandage he odor he endured from before.

JJ did a measured but solid roundhouse kick right in Nick’s face. Nick fell back to the floor and on his side, reeling in discomfort. JJ knelt down next to him and pinched his nose, as he peeled off one of his socks.

Nick opened his mouth wide to breath, in reaction to his nostrils being cut off. JJ shoved the dirty sock into Nick’s mouth. He pushed the sweaty thing deep down too.

JJ took the duct tape, stretched out the first few inches, pressed it over Nick’s lips and began a fast motion of taping up his mouth.

Luke stood by closely, crying out his objections. His protests were drowned out by the cruel, high pitched, grating sound of the adhesive tape separating.

JJ not only wrapped the duct tape horizontally around Nick’s face, he then guided it diagonally up around his head, making sure the tape covered his chin, anchored by the top of his head. There must have been a dozen layers of it. Nick’s jaw was forced shut as a result, making it impossible for him to move his mouth around to remove the tape gag.

Nick moaned quietly, unable to produce much sound with one of JJ’s stinky socks filling his mouth and pressing down on his tongue.

JJ wasn’t finished with Nick, either…

JJ rolled Nick on to his stomach. He took the long, remaining length of rope tied off from his wrists and quickly bonded Nick’s legs just above the knees. He pulled back his feet and wrapped each ankle, pulling the rope down again between the bound uppers legs. Then he brought it up to Nick’s wrists and tied the rope around them. Finally, he ran the remaining length back to his ankles and finished it off with a knot. Nick was firmly, tightly hogtied.

JJ got so in to it, he worked up a sweat and wiped his brow. He turned Nick back on to his side and grabbed his dick, yanking on it violently.

“MMmpphhh!”Nick grunted in agony. He was breathing heavy through his nostrils trying to get as much air as possible.

“Lay there, that’s your bed for the night!” JJ laughed, rolling him back on his stomach and slapping his ass.

Luke was a mess and tried to bend down to get closer to Nick. JJ grabbed him and said, “You come with me!”

He grabbed Luke by his hair and marched him to the back of the trailer into the bedroom.

“Please, don’t’ leave him like that! He can hardly breath!” Luke wailed as he was dragged by JJ.

JJ shoved Luke down to his knees again, at the foot of the bed.

Then JJ strutted back to the living area and took hold of Nick by his ropes. He twisted him around, giving him rug burn below, until Nick could face towards the bedroom. He took a cushion from the couch and placed it under Nick’s chin which raised his head enough so that he had a clear shot of seeing the action in the bedroom.

“Now you can watch!” JJ ominously said. He hit Nick hard in the side of his head and spit on him.

Nick gasped into his gag, as his nose labored to get enough breaths.

JJ returned to the bedroom and plopped down on the bed, sprawling out on it. He placed his feet at the end of the bed, just over the edge, near Luke. His left foot was bare and his right foot was covered by the sheer, dark blue sock.

“Service my feet!” JJ demanded. “Start here!” he said pointing at his socked, right foot. He wiggled his toes.

Luke was reluctant. He was so distracted; worried about Nick.

JJ reached into the underwear he was wearing and started to stroke himself. Then he promised, “Do a good job, I mean a REALLY good job, and I’ll let your boyfriend breathe.”

Luke trusted his word and decided to do as JJ demanded. He buried his face into JJ’s socked foot, pressing his mouth against the sole.

“Make me happy,” JJ said as he started to jerk himself off.

Luke licked the bottom of JJ’s smelly socked foot from heel to toe. It tasted disgusting on his tongue. He gagged for a moment. Then he continued and ran his mouth around JJ’s toes, swallowing them in his mouth.

“Ohhhh, yea!” JJ moaned with approval.

Luke pushed his nose in between the toes of JJ’s sock, pressing down the sheer fabric, and took deep whiffs. The odor was horrible but he was determined to satisfy JJ so he would live up to his end of the bargain.

Nick looked on, watching Luke service JJ’s foot. He was so frustrated but helpless to do anything about it.

Luke went even further, grabbing the edge of JJ’s sock with his teeth and slowly pulled off the sock.

Luke ran his tongue up and down JJ’s sweaty, bare right foot.

“Fuck!” JJ exhaled as he was getting hard, stroking himself; enjoying the attention down there.

After about a minute of licking JJ’s right foot, he moved to his left foot and did the same. JJ curled his toes in ecstasy, loving the feeling.

“Ohhhh!” JJ moaned some more, getting harder. His dick was at full mast and throbbing as he masturbated.

Luke sat up and scooted closer to JJ’s feet. Then he dove into his toes, taking several at a time into his mouth. He slurped down and sucked so hard, he was practically vacuuming out JJ’s toe jam!

“Damn!!” JJ groaned with pleasure.

JJ was on the verge of orgasm. Pre-cum was leaking out of his cock and he was shuddering. Luke was counting on this, hoping the burglar’s climax would satisfy him so that he could stop.

“Get up here!” JJ panted, wanting Luke up on the bed.

Luke was unpleasantly surprised but acquiesced. With his arms and hands bound behind his back, he awkwardly crawled up on to his bed and joined JJ.

As JJ continued to jerk off, he reached down with his other hand and grabbed Luke’s cock, pulling it out the side of the jockstrap pouch. He started to stroke Luke’s dick.

Luke couldn’t help but feel aroused by the touch of the thug’s hand on his dick and started to get hard.

Nick watched all of this, hogtied on the floor, whimpering.

“Please, please…” Luke started to speak.

“Shhh!” JJ interrupted as he continued to stroke himself and Luke.

Luke sighed and tilted his head back, resigning himself to the sensation of being jacked off. He allowed himself to get harder and harder.

“Ohhh!! Ohhh!” JJ moaned as he started to reach his climax.

Luke winced as he watched JJ’s body gyrate and his throbbing dick ready for release.

JJ exploded nut juice straight out in Luke’s direction, the sperm landing on his chest and on his bedsheets.

“Ohhhhh!!!” JJ sighed with relief as he finished shooting.

Luke was close to being next. JJ kept masturbating Luke’s cock as it got ready to fire.

“Ahhhhh!” Luke sighed, as he spurted.

Luke’s semen sprayed on JJ’s chest and the bedsheets too. JJ jerked him off for a few moments after Luke was finished and Luke thrusted about, tormented by the edging. He instinctively tried to move his arms to push him away but the ropes tying him up put a stop to that.

Eventually JJ ceased and Luke collapsed his head into his mattress and sighed with relief.

Nick, meanwhile, watched with misery as Luke was effectively raped by their kidnapper.

JJ took his sock and wiped the cum from his chest as well as from Luke’s chest. He sat up and took a deep breath, yowled with delight and looked down the hallway towards poor Nick.

JJ stood up from the bed and swaggered back to Nick’s hogtied body on the carpet. Nick was exhaling and inhaling with difficulty through his nostrils.

JJ took his knife and put it to Nick’s mouth, resting it over the mounds of duct tape that gagged him.

“Don’t make any sudden moves!” JJ warned him. “I’m gonna cut a hole in the tape.

Nick tensed up with fear as he felt the knife start to poke through the tape. He was worried it would cut him! He was shivered.

JJ, though, found the slight gap between Nick’s lips and inserted his knife through the tape. He worked it around a bit and made a two inch tear in the duct tape. JJ’s dirty sock that was shoved in Nick’s mouth made an appearance and partially stuck out of the opening. JJ grabbed it and pulled it slowly from Nick’s mouth and out completely.

“Don’t bite,” JJ said as he stuck one of his fingers in the rip of the tape. He folded a bit of the duct tape around the torn area to create a better opening.

“There ya go, stud,” JJ smiled patting Nick on his sweaty face. “You can thank your boyfriend.”

Nick could now breath, modestly, through his mouth. His hot breath escaped the rip of the tape. He was relieved.

Luke watched from the bed, relieved that Nick was allowed to breathe better. The two boys shot each other glimpses of empathy.

“See, I can have a little compassion when you boys give me what I want,” JJ whispered. He turned Nick on to his side and ran his hands all over Nick’s sweaty chest. He played with his nipples, pinching them hard.

“You want a turn?” JJ continued whispering as he moved down to Nick’s flaccid penis and began stroking it with one hand while the other toyed with Nick’s nips.

Nick moaned, feeling a conflicted mix of agony and bliss. To his embarrassment, he was starting to get a boner from the stimulation. JJ smiled, seeing the growth of Nick’s cock, and told him to “go with it.”

“You’ll sleep better afterwards,” JJ told him as he ejaculated Nick faster and faster, and continued to taunt his nipples.

“Mmmhhhh!” Nick moaned heavily, ready to cum.

“Come on, stud!” JJ egged him on, as he kept his pace on Nick’s dick.

Nick’s body went into a subtle spasm, he tilted his head back, and began to moan louder. He was on the verge of spraying his load, as pre-cum was leaking out.

JJ suddenly released his grip on Nick’s shaft and stopped playing with his nipples.

“Nahhhh!” JJ laughed as he harshly slapped Nick’s hairy testicles. “You don’t deserve to bust your nut, bro.”

JJ threw Nick down on his stomach again and slapped his butt. He stood up and laughed at the sight of poor Nick, sexually frustrated, left with a case of blue balls.

“Well, time for bed. Luke is sleeping with me. And I don’t want you trying to get free while we’re asleep,” JJ said as he grabbed some ceramic plates from a kitchen cupboard.

He set a stack of three plates on top of Nick’s back, between his bound arms and told him to be careful about sudden movements. If he did, the plates would come crashing down and wake them up. “If you interrupt my sleep, that means you were trying to escape. I’ll punish you for that! Understood?”

Nick looked up at him in a surprising submissive manner with his eyes glazed over. He nodded.

The cruel thief selected a long over the calf black sock from Luke’s dresser. He blindfolded Nick and knotted the sock behind his head.

JJ patted Nick on his butt mockingly and hopped back quickly into the bed where Luke was lying down.

JJ took some more rope and put Luke into a hogtie position; similar to Nick’s but much more comfortable.

The young thief pulled Luke close to him, bringing their faces together. JJ fondled and explored Luke’s smooth, tied up body casually. Luke whimpered. “Good boy,” JJ muttered, raising his arm and subjected Luke to his smelly armpit. With being commanded by JJ, Luke dove into the pit and ran his tongue inside the contour, brushing against the stinky fuzz of hair.

JJ petted Luke on the head and stroked his thick, wavy hair. He yawned and lightly slapped Luke’s face around, telling him he would make a good slave.

After a few minutes the burglar and his bound victim fell asleep on the bed. Nick meanwhile, uncomfortably laid still, hogtied and gagged on the floor. He felt the stack of ceramic plates on his back and didn’t dare struggle or squirm for fear they’d fall and make noise.

When morning would come, new trials and ordeals would await Luke and Nick as their kidnapper, JJ, would not nearly be finished with them!

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Post by GoBucks »

Hot hot hot! Love what you ended up doing in this chapter. The cuckold element of Nick being forced to watch his new boyfriend service another man was a nice surprise. Nick must feel so helpless. Of course, getting gagged with a nasty sock is always a winner too. Shouldn't have mouthed off so much 8-)

Also liked the minor details of JJ just being that typical nasty "straight" guy with the belching and farting. Those types of guys who just act like men and don't care are hot ;)
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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

I think the robber isn't as much of a homophobe as he appeared to be in the first chapter, jerking the boys and jerking himself off in their presence. The robber must be rather kinky because of the skills he shows!

I hope we'll have a safe ending to this story, Luke and Nick are cute and I hope they'll have a long life together!
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Post by Exelsia »

Awww poor Nick for having to see his one-night boyfriend being dominated like that while being helpless, and..... erotic too. JJ is an interesting fellow. He isn't even trying to hide how dominant and rope-savvy he is. At least he's giving the two boys a fresh experience that they'll hopefully implement once they get out of this predicament. Maybe with JJ helping them without the gun anymore. :lol:
What's better than the combination of a pair of skinny jeans, canvas belts and sneakers? One that involves ropes, duh.
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Post by dahanband »

please continue...
If we have a long handgag, I think it's great. :twisted: :twisted:
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Post by Xtc »

Sorry, [mention]dahanband[/mention], the author is no onger on the board.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Welcome on board [mention]dahanband[/mention]
Hope you decide to stick around with us ;)

Looking forward to seeing your comments.
Be sure to leave a note on the stories you've enjoyed (or are currently enjoying).
That's the best way to secure future chapters for yourself and also the best way to keep good authors on the forum.

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Post by dahanband »

Xtc wrote: 5 years ago Sorry, @dahanband, the author is no onger on the board.

why it's not?
  it's bad. I liked this story.
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Post by dahanband »


why it's not?
it's bad. I liked this story.
Authors who have a half-story,, Make me angry.


Oh thanks dude ...

So interesting, I'm reading your story right now.


I need to get to the new parts as soon as possible. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Last edited by dahanband 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Xtc »

Sorry, [mention]dahanband[/mention], but people leave every so often.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]dahanband[/mention] Glad to hear it!
Since you've read 60 chapters, I sure hope you'll be commenting soon!

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