Veronica Kingston Rampage of the Tingler (M/F)

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Veronica Kingston Rampage of the Tingler (M/F)

Post by ver987 »


I didn’t think anything of it when I received the letter in the post. I sliced the envelope open with a knife and a calling card fell out with a small black feather attached to it. There was a Brooklyn address typed on the white card as well as a time and today’s date. It was a beautiful autumn day and I was intrigued by the mystery so I drove down in time for the appointed hour. I climbed out of the car and put a cream coloured feodora on my head. I thought it nicely complimented the dark brown jacket and matching slacks I was wearing and I checked myself in the wing mirror to adjust the angle of the hat. My desire to achieve sartorial perfection paid an unexpected dividend as I saw the car heading for me reflected in the mirror. I flung myself out of the way and lay spread-eagled in the street as the vehicle speeded off. I brushed the dust of the road off my clothing and muttered darkly under my breath.

I knocked at the residence but I got no answer so I pushed the door open and let myself into a completely empty house. There was a small envelope on the floor. I picked it up and opened it. A black feather slowly floated down on to the bare floorboards and a small card slipped out. The card recorded an address in the East Village along with a date and time. The words ‘Congratulations!You have survived!’ were typed underneath.

I spoke to Lieutenant Charles Madden of the New York City police homicide department who handed me the bad news. The black feather was the trademark of the ‘Brooklyn Tingler’. I remembered ‘the Tingler’ from various news reports over several years. He was a psychotic killer who occasionally crept out from under his rock to terrorise and murder his victims after an elaborate charade. A black feather and a card with a time and address details would be supplied to the unlucky recipient. If they played along and survived three attempts on their lives ‘the Tingler’ would forfeit the game. Madden offered me protection but I didn’t like the idea of spending my remaining days under police guard in Oregon so I loaded up my colt pistol and decided to play by his rules!

I arrived at the next appointment for nine o’clock the following evening. This time I kept my eyes and ears wide open for any sudden movements. I was wearing my gun underneath my suit jacket and a knife in the ankle holster hidden by my trousers. In addition I had brought along a small flashlight. As I locked the car door I buttoned up my jacket. I had always found that being smartly dressed helped keep me cool and confident and knew I was going to need my wits about me. I knocked at the door and it was answered by a little old lady!
‘Good evening’ I said.
‘Hello! You must be Miss Kingston.’ she replied. ‘I was asked to give you this’. She handed me a small envelope.
‘Who gave you it?’ I asked her.
‘I don’t know. It was posted to me with instructions and fifty dollars. I need the money. I am doing anything wrong?’
‘No’ I smiled at her ‘And thanks for this!’

She closed the door as I cautiously looked up and down the darkened street. I inspected the contents which consisted of some directions. I breathed in deeply and decided to see it through. I followed the guide and walked to the end of the road. At a left turn there was a gap in a fence which surrounded a derelict four story building. It was pitch black on the other side of the fence so I decided to take no chances and pulled out my gun. I gripped it tightly and realised that my palm was damp. I stood still and collected myself as I gazed into the inky darkness. Suddenly I saw a match burn brightly in one of the ground floor windows. I walked rapidly towards it.

Inside the building I checked out the floor underneath the window. I shone my flashlight and found a charred matchstick. I flashed the torch around me. The ground floor consisted of a large empty space with a spiral metal stairway in the centre. There was nowhere else for my adversary to have gone so I carefully mounted the steps and made my way up. The upper floors of the building had been removed so I continued to climb until I reached the roof. I took a good long look around before climbing out. The roof was flat except for a darkened chimney stack at the end of the building. It rose about ten feet off the level roof and seemed to be about the only place anyone could hide. I slowly walked toward it and looked intently for any movement in the shadows. I didn’t notice the trip wire until it was too late! The chimney stack started to collapse straight towards me and I threw myself sideways toward the edge of the building. A dark figure emerged and pushed me while I was off balance. I heard my gun bounce off the concrete and I toppled into space over the precipice. As I dropped I managed to raise my hands and catch the edge of the brickwork. The strain of my body weight almost broke my fingers and I yelled in pain. As my body came to rest I realised that I was hanging on by my fingertips and there looked like a very large hole in the ground on that side of the building. I could see deep black water rippling in the dim moonlight way down under my feet. I looked up and saw a shape silhouetted against the night sky.
‘Help me! Please help me!’ I shouted. In response a raised foot appeared and painfully stamped on the fingers of my left hand.
‘Ahhhhhhhh!’ I hollered.
The foot now pressed down on my fingers. I had to let go and I knew I couldn’t hang on for long with just one hand. I glanced down the wall and realised my feet were dangling next to one of the empty window frames. I risked it and let go as the foot was about to come down on my right hand. As I fell I pushed my arms toward the window and caught the edge. I managed to pull myself up and slid a leg inside the frame so I was perched astride the ledge. As there was no floor I was stuck in mid air but at least my assailant couldn’t get at me! As dawn broke I attracted the attention of some workmen who managed to secure a ladder. After climbing down I made my way back to the roof and retrieved my pistol and torch. There also was a small envelope left bundled with them.

The card in the envelope gave me the address details for the following evening. This was his last attempt so if I made it I would be in the clear. But it would also be my last chance to have a crack at the creeper before he went to earth! I got myself dressed up in a dark blue trouser suit with a cream shirt. If I was going to go out I might as well look good I said to myself as I loaded up my weapons.

It was a small two story house in a residential area. I was on my toes for any surprises but I was under no illusions about 'the Tingler’s' ingenuity. I pushed at the door and it creaked open. I pulled out my gun as I stepped across the threshold and was alert for booby traps. I made a thorough search of the house but found nothing then I sat down in an armchair in the living room to wait. It got to eleven o’clock and there was still no sign of ‘the Tingler’. I pulled out the envelope and double checked the details on the calling card. It recorded the correct time and place! Then I suddenly became aware of a slight browning around the edge of the card and a sickly smell of peppermint. I leapt to my feet and tried to make it to the door but I felt suddenly dizzy and sluggish. I realised the paper must have been chemically treated to interact with some odourless gas in the house. As I fell to the floor I had time to wonder if I would wake up again.

The next thing I knew smelling salts were being waved under my nose. I woke up and looked into a face I recognised. Charles Madden! As I almost spluttered thanks for rescuing me I realised that I was very securely bound to a chair.
‘Hi Kingston!’ he said smiling into my face.
‘Hi Charlie! Or should I say ‘Tingler’!’ I asked as I rocked myself around in the bonds to test the strength of the knots.
‘Whichever name you prefer sweetheart! Don’t bother to try to get out of these ropes. I really know how to tie someone up!’ he grinned.
The cords around my wrists were square lashed holding my hands rigidly at right angles behind the chair back. My ankles and knees were clinched tight and thick curtain ropes were wound through the slats firmly welding my arms and body to the chair.
‘Good job lieutenant! Well I’m not surprised that the police found it so difficult to catch ‘the Tingler’!’ I said as I continued to pull at the knots and calmly asked ‘So what end have you got planned for me?’
He produced some more rope and tied a gun to the back of another chair so it was pointing at the back of my head. He threaded some string around the trigger. When it was primed and held in place he ran the loose end under my chair. He pulled my ankles under the seat and looped the end of the string around my big toes. I felt the hard string bite into me and he carefully pulled it taut so my feet were held in place at right angles to the floor.
‘This is going to give me cramp!’ I complained.
‘Pretty soon you won’t feel a thing!’ he laughed. When he had finished carefully fastening the knots he stood up.
‘The gun pointing at your head is primed with the trigger held in place with the string. The other end is tied around your toes so if you try to move ...Bang!’ he yelled and clapped his hands. ‘If you want to end it quick then give your toes a good jerk!’
‘Thanks for the advice!’ I coolly replied.
‘Now this is the part I really like!’ He walked over to the table and picked up a long stick covered with fluffy down feathers. ‘I’m going to see just how long you can stay still!’
My eyes opened wide with horror at the soft white feathers. I knew if he used that on my soles I wouldn’t be able to hold back from eventually jerking my feet around.

He pulled a chair alongside me and tested the feathers on the palm of his hand.
‘This is a real good soft feather! Really ticklish!’ he said with cruel glee!
I tensed my body and gripped the back of the chair with my arms as he stroked the soles of my feet with the feathers. I moaned through my gritted teeth as the small ticklish feathers teased around the contours of my skin. My nerve endings protested and demanded swift withdrawal from the trespassing plumes but I suppressed the urge and held my feet rigidly in place.
‘Is this...Hahaha! Hahaha!...what you enjoy...Hahaha!...torturing a ...Hahaha!...helpless woman! Hahaha! Hahaha!’ I pleaded.
‘Something like that!’ he casually remarked as he continued working the feathers over my ticklish arches!
‘Of course...Hahaha!...if I sur...Ahhhhh! Hahaha!...survive this...Hahaha! Hahaha!...I win!...Right! Hahaha! Hahaha!’I tried to keep thinking and talking to help control my reflex to pull away!
‘You ain’t doing so well at the moment!’ he said as he started tickling my little toe on the right foot.

I gasped and tried to distract myself by rocking gently in the chair as the stick was pulled back and forth under my toes. My face creased up with intense concentration but I couldn’t stop myself giggling.
‘Sounds like you’re enjoying this Kingston!’ he smiled.
‘You know...Hahaha!...maybe...Hahaha! ...with the right kind of...Hahaha!...guy...Hahaha!...I would have a...Hahaha!...a good time!’ I laughed out loud as he stroked my heels. I swallowed back the laugher as I fought to discipline myself. I threw back my head and tensed up my body as I felt the feathers tickle the soft flesh under my left ankle.
‘Ahhhhh! Hahaha! Hahaha!’ my sides shook with heavy laughter.
‘Can’t you take it there Kingston?’ he moved the feathers more quickly over my flesh.
‘Ahhhhh! Hahaha!...Oh my God!..Hahaha! Hahaha!’I gently rocked in the chair as I fought my desperate need to move my poor feet from the feathery torment. ‘I’m not done...Hahaha!...done for yet!...Ahhhhh!’ I screamed and tried to hold myself rigidly at attention.
He moved the feathers back to my soles and gently ran the stick up and down my feet. I felt myself turning into jelly as I sobbed with laughter. I threw my head from side to side and felt my soft wavy hair retreat across my face and gently settle back into place around my shoulders. It provided a momentary distraction from the flesh tingling torture!
‘Geez Kingston! You really like putting yourself through it don’t you. You can’t keep this up!’ he sneered.
‘Do ...Hahaha! Hahhaha!...want to ...Hahaha!!’ I howled. ‘I’d pay...Hahaha!...real money...Hahaha!...for this kind of treatment...Hahaha!Hahaha!...from a real cute guy!’ I glanced over and I could see that my ‘right kind of guy’ patter was getting him annoyed.
‘Ok Kingston! Let me try something a little different.’ He picked myself up and went over to a table with a box. He pulled out a stiff feather with a sharpened point. He knelt down by the chair and began to softly prick the sensitive soles of my feet. It was more than I could bear but somehow I held on and stopped my feet from twitching around.
‘Ahhhhh! Hahaha! Hahaha!’ I bellowed with laugher and rocked in the chair. I fought to regain control and tossed my head around to feel the diverting softness of my hair across my face.
‘Next time...Hahaha!...I do this...Hahhaha! Hahaha!...for fun...I’ll recommend this... Ahhhhh! Hahaha!’ I stammered.
‘Sounds like you are a pretty kinky little minx!’ he smiled as he jammed the sharp point into each of my toes in turn!
‘Hahaha!...Nothing gets me hotter...Hahaha! Ahhhhh!...with the right kind of cute guy...Hahaha! Hahaha!’ I sounded defiant but I was becoming desperate through my bravado!
He threw down the plume in annoyance and savagely tickled my feet with his fingers. It almost drove me over the edge into an involuntary bodily spasm but I snapped myself to attention and bellowed with aching laughter.
‘Oh yes!...Hahaha! Hahaha!...Oh yes!...Hahaha! Ahhhhh!...Hot baby! Hahaha! Hahaha! I just wish it ...’
‘...was the right kind of guy!’ he angrily finished the sentence. He stood up and marched around the room.
‘Well done Kingston. I can’t break you! I could shoot you but it would be a hollow victory which is no victory at all.’ He kicked the chair with the gun tied to its back over. There was an explosion and I winced but the bullet harmlessly buried itself in a wall across the room. He walked out with saying another word. Twenty minutes later I heard two cops turn up to investigate the gunshot.
‘Hey! Hey! Help! Help!’ I yelled until they appeared at the door.

I made my report to the cops but Madden had flown the coop. A few nights later I was over at my girlfriend Miranda Knight’s apartment. I was still in the black trouser suit and crisp white shirt I had worn for the office. Miranda and I had discovered a mutual taste for kinky bondage games and tonight she soon had me neatly bound and gagged in a dining room chair. Her rope work had been gradually improving of late and she had me pretty securely tied up!
‘Veronica. Are you ready?’ she asked and I nodded as she slipped off my heels and gently ran her fingers up and down the soles of my feet!
‘Mmmmmppff! Mmmmmppff!’ I groaned and surrendered to the delicious sensation of being with just the right kind of guy!
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