Taking Revenge (M+/M+)

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Taking Revenge (M+/M+)

Post by Phoenix »

((Quick aside: Just a couple of small scenarios all connected to each other. Wrote these on my phone so they’re not super good, just some fun writings. I may or may not write more, but we’ll see. Anyways...))


I’m not going to pretend like all fraternities are like the ones you see in the media. That’s just some dumbass cliche. Most are actually really cool, full of really awesome dudes, and do great things for their community.

However, the fraternity we’re after, well, it’s a dumbass cliche.

The members of Gamma Mu Mu are your target. I know they hurt you as much as they hurt me. You know I’d join you on this mission, but as you can see, I am not in the best shape right now. So it’s up to you. But don’t worry, I will be with you every step of the way.

Today is Saturday, May 4th, 2019. I have spent the last few months analyzing their movements and what they tend to do in their freetime in their house. As long as you follow all my orders, this should be a cakewalk.


Name: Alex Salmon
Age: 19
Major: Undeclared

Alex has, by all accounts, done nothing. He’s just a first year student, just joined the fraternity, tends to keep to himself. And honestly, as you and I have both found out, he’s a good guy. Fun to talk to. Feels bad about what his brothers do.

But you and I both agree on one thing: being compliant deserves punishment in its own right.

Alex loves to be outside, so when you arrive early around 9:30, while everybody else is off doing their own shit, Alex will be outside on a lounge chair. Napping and alone. He probably stayed up all last night playing video games, so that’s why he’s taking a nap right now so early in the morning.

He’s a heavy sleeper, so it shouldn’t be too hard to secure his arms before he wakes up. You have a pair of handcuffs with you, and that’s all you’re gonna need to secure him. Make sure you’re handcuffing him under the arms of the chair, reaching down to the underside of the chair, itself. Does that make sense? Basically, what you’re doing is securing himself to the chair so he can’t get away or flip himself over. That will be especially important later.

But for now, you’ll have a bigger problem to deal with: he’s waking up. But we’ve planned for this moment. You got a handkerchief with you. You’ll have it shoved in his mouth before he could finish saying “What the fuck?” After that, take the second handkerchief and use it as a cleave gag, keeping him from spitting out the wad in his mouth.

“Keep quiet,” you’ll order him, “and I won’t hurt you.” But he’ll ignore your threat. He’ll buckle to try to break free. He’ll be screaming in his gag. And then that will be your que to deck him right in the face. Don’t bruise him or make him bleed, just enough to hurt him and show that you’re serious. Alex is, well, to put it generically, kind of a big ass nerd, so he’ll want to avoid any more pain at all costs.

In the corner of the backyard you’ll see a little privacy area. It’s basically just a smaller portion of the backyard covered by its own privacy fence. Anyways, after you secure his legs, you’ll want to drag both Alex and the lawn chair over to that area. That way, any of the other guys who come around won’t see him, leaving Alex secured with little chance of rescue.

You’ll be in the home stretch once you get over there. Alex is furious. Truthfully, even though we both feel a little bad for him, this is the fate he deserves.

“It’s unfortunate you got the ‘pale redhead’ curse,” you’ll attempt to sympathize with him, most likely receiving a mumbled “Fuck you!” response through his gag. First, you need to retrieve the scissors from your bag. They’re one of those strong, professional scissors. Cuts right through fabric. More likely than not, Alex will be shirtless. All you gotta do is cut off his shorts, leaving him naked. Alex is not going to like that, but he’ll hate the next part more.

You’ve brought this bottle of vegetable oil with you, but obviously you’re not going to be cooking any food. Instead, you’re going to lather it on Alex. And make sure you hit his key points: His nose, cheeks, arms… nipples, cock and balls… It’ll take Alex a minute to register what the plan is here, mostly because he’ll be pissed that you’re touching him like that. But he’ll put two and two together, and his anger will change to fear.

He’ll beg for help and/or forgiveness through his gag, apologizing to you even though he’s not sure he did anything wrong. But that’s exactly why he needs to be punished. Hopefully, when his skin is burning in the sun, he’ll learn.

Name: Alex Salmon
Age: 19
Major: Undeclared

Gideon & Ash

Names: David Gideon and Sudhan “Ash” Ashkani
Ages: 21 (Gideon); 20 (Ash)
Majors: Music (Gideon); Environmental Science (Ash)

We both know how close Gideon and Ash are. They’re best friends. Well, really, we both expect them to be more than that. They have an… interesting dynamic going on. Are they dating? Just a couple of guys fooling around? We’ve never seen it, but our suspicions have been raised.

One thing that’s going to be convenient for us — and inconvenient for the two of them — is that, luckily, they both have a fetish for bondage. I found that out snooping in their closet one day a long time ago, while nobody else was there. To put it simply, they had enough “toys” in there to leave little doubt in my mind.

Besides Alex, Ash and Gideon are the only ones home. It’ll be hours before you have to worry about someone else walking in. So try and be patient with this. If you fuck this up, you’ll be caught in a 2-on-1 situation, and even if I could save you, I wouldn’t. Nothing personal. You know the stakes involved.

Gideon drinks a lot of water, so he naturally has to pee a lot. You’ll most likely strike him first. He and Ash will be in his room playing video games, so once he emerges, you must make your move! Wait until he gets far enough from the door, and then you’ll “put him to sleep.” You know how to knock a man unconscious safely, after all. It should be simple for you. You’ll messily secure him with handcuffs, that’s just going to be a temporary position anyways.

Next is to lure the unsuspecting Ash out of the room. Should be simple. Just start knocking on the wall. As far as Ash knows, Gideon is the only one inside. He’ll probably think Gideon just needs toilet paper from the closet or something. Ash will get up, albeit reluctantly and after some perseverance. Rinse and repeat — knock Ash out, and then get the two of them into their more secured positions.

Being “best friends,” it’s only appropriate we put them in a position where they’re pitted against each other. Two chairs, each of them sitting back to back. Lots of rope. First, you’re gonna have each of the boys with their arms tied behind their back, wrapped around the other, binding each boy at their wrists. That way, Ash’s hands fall in front of Gideon’s crotch, and Gideon’s friends in front of Ash’s. From their, you will add further rope to tie their arms together, restricting movement. And tie them together at their chests. Next, and super important: tie each boy’s legs to each leg of the chair. You don’t want them close their legs, after all.

If they’re not awake already, slap them awake. Make sure they know that there’s no point in screaming, because no one can hear them and if they do, you’ll make it worse on them. They’ll plead with you, telling you that they’re sorry, but the time for that has long passed.

Neither Ash nor Gideon are particularly clean, so dirty laundry is thrown across the room. Perfect! You’ll gag Ash with Gideon’s dirty underwear, and you’ll gag Gideon with Ash’s dirty underwear. A little duct tape, applied multiple times around the head to make sure they stay quiet. For good measure, duct tape around the eyes, too. You want their senses heightened, after all. Wouldn’t be opposed to you lightly thwacking each of them in the nuts, too. Help remind them what a helpless situation they’re in.

The toys I mentioned earlier, That’s going to come in handy right now. You’ll be grabbing two vibrators, but you need to lay out the game they’ll be playing before you give them their toys.

This is where you make that phone call. “Hello, is this O2? Yes, it’s me... I have what you’ve asked for here... You can pick up your present any time... Oh yes, I know for a fact that each has a low tolerance for pain... Just how you like it... Very well, I’ll text you the address... See you then…”

Gideon and Ash will be going out of their minds with panic. Funny sight, but you’ll help explain the situation further.

“Oh, calm down. I’m not selling you guys into some sex ring, or anything. I hate you guys, but I don’t want to ruin your lives… too much.”

You’ll go through and get each boy’s hands down the other’s pants.

“You see, O2 — that’s the name he likes to go by — he’s a kinky fellow, sure, but not in the way that’s flashing through your mind right now. You see, he’s a professional boxer, but he likes the thrill of having… human punching bags. He’s not going to keep you guys forever, he’s not harmless either. But you’ll definitely be there for a week. That’s how long he keeps all his guys, before he grows bored and releases them. But in that time, he’ll probably give you a few punches to the face. Definitely a lot of gut punches. Oh, and you can’t forget about your nutsacks, they make perfect punching bags.”

The boys are scared shitless about now.

“Don’t worry, I’ve set up a game to give one of you an out. O2 won’t be able to get here for about 40 minutes to an hour. The first one who can make the other cum in that time gets to stay. The one who cums, however, will have to go.”

You turn on and slip the vibrators down the front of each boy’s shorts, the other boy grabbing them in their hands. Both Gideon and Ash are immediately overwhelmed by the power.

“Oh, and if neither of you cum within that time frame, you’re both going. So don’t think about going each on each other. Similarly, just because you make the other shoot his load, doesn’t mean you get permission. You have to keep from cumming the whole time. Understand?”

Ash and Gideon are devastated. They don’t want to betray their friend, but they also know they don’t want to end up a human punching bag…

Both will probably cum within that time, being two horny young men in their 20s, and both boys will probably be ruthless, too. Not wanting to take chances, just because they feel a warm liquid on their hands, doesn’t mean they’re going to let up with the vibrator. They have to absolutely make sure they’re not the one that will be going to O2’s. That’s where the post orgasm torture ensues…

Both boys are also unaware of the fact that, well, we already promised both of them to O2, so it doesn’t matter the outcome. After all, they are best friends. It’ll be rude to separate them.

Names: David Gideon and Sudhan “Ash” Ashkani
Ages: 21 (Gideon); 20 (Ash)
Majors: Music (Gideon); Environmental Science (Ash)
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Post by cj2125 »

Cool concept and interesitng story! Really hope you make a series out of this and show how the characters get revenge on the other frat boys :mrgreen:
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]Phoenix[/mention] I have to agree with CJ, this is an original concept indeed!

I'll admit, for some reason I had a bit of trouble getting into this when you first posted it.
But now that I've convinced myself to sit down and give it a fair try, I must say, I'm very much looking forward to seeing how this plays out!

Alex's fate is quite cruel, but delightfully brilliant at the same time.
As for the other two frat boys, their upcoming gags REALLY hit the spot.

I'm hoping we can get to see pics of them (their gags 8-)) in the future. That is...if our main guy actually succeeds in getting revenge against these three. Hopefully everything goes as planned. If not, he's toast...especially if a 2 vs 1 situation unfolds.

LOTS of possibilities here.

Unfortunately, February is historically the slowest month on the board and I'm convinced that this tale has fallen victim to circumstance. Having said that, I'm gonna tag a few users who I'm pretty sure will enjoy reading this and the following parts, should you decide to post them.

[mention]sockgagged[/mention], [mention]sock_gagged[/mention], [mention]Tsuhaya[/mention] [mention]sniffingyoursocks[/mention], [mention]Valimure[/mention], [mention]LK3869[/mention], [mention]squirrel[/mention], [mention]MaxRoper[/mention], [mention]harveygasson[/mention], [mention]boundluis[/mention], [mention]socjuc[/mention], [mention]GoBucks[/mention], [mention]Msueta@2[/mention], [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention], [mention]chloroboy[/mention]

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Post by FelixSH »

Completely overlooked it before, but pretty enjoyable. I don't think I ever read a story in second person here, which gives this one an interesting touch. And anthology-like short stories are always neat.

I'd like to read more.

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Post by socjuc »

[mention]Phoenix[/mention] Awesome concept for a story...and endless possibilities. I like how this is going!

Ummmm [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] you were right and thanks for nudging :) somehow missed this
This story can be found HERE.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] Thanks for pointing this out to me, I have no idea how I missed it.

[mention]Phoenix[/mention] It was a great read! Both ficlets have great concepts and were very enjoyable reads. Gideon and Ash's part was cruelly awesome. :D

Also, not bondage related, but this sentence made me laugh out loud: "However, the fraternity we’re after, well, it’s a dumbass cliche."

Outstanding story, can't wait for your other works or continuation of this.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

You can reach my list of written work here: https://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38808#p38808
Deleted User 122

Post by Deleted User 122 »

Fun, looking forward to reading more! [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] thanks for the heads up!
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Post by harveygasson »

I don't know how I managed to miss this but thank you [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] for tagging me as this is brilliant so far!

I love how you've put this together and it's seriously peaked my interest I hope you keep going :D
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Post by MaxRoper »

Well written and entertaining. Looking forward to the continuation.
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Post by bondagefreak »

No problem, guys.
And THAT is why we should start using the tagging feature more often ;)

[mention]GMen[/mention], [mention]fratboydanny[/mention], [mention]cj2125[/mention], [mention]Stoutland395[/mention], [mention]ziptiedboy[/mention], [mention]Pup[/mention] and [mention]TiedNW[/mention] would probably also like this.

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Post by Valimure »

Definitely a unique concept... and I'm loving every second of it. Sounds like it could even get a little dark at times (I wouldn't want to be the one baking out in the sun...) but I'm envious of the position Gideon and Ash have found themselves in. I've always been a fan of predicament bondage, and being pitted against a friend like that (while tasting their dirty underwear) would probably have me cumming multiple times. Best of luck to those two, that's for sure!
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Post by boundluis »

Took me a second to get used to the style, but I'm liking it! whole new approach to storytelling.

I'm a little (or a lot) behind on the stories posted here, especially the new ones, but thanks [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] for pointing this one out!
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]Phoenix[/mention] Hope you're satisfied with the reviews, even though we're all a little late to the party (save for [mention]cj2125[/mention]).

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Post by Phoenix »

Thank you for the nice comments. Sorry it took me a minute to thank you guys, all these posts out of nowhere felt kind of overwhelming, lol.

I wasn’t planning on continuing, mostly because I’m working on several projects. But perhaps I’ll reconsider. ^^
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Post by bondagefreak »

Phoenix wrote: 5 years ago I wasn’t planning on continuing, mostly because I’m working on several projects. But perhaps I’ll reconsider. ^^

Yeah, reconsider.
If no continuation is made, you risk having a riot on your hands.
And you risk having me as the instigator 8-)

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Post by MaxRoper »

A continuation would be great but it did feel like a standalone to me. You write well and I look forward to whatever you choose to share.

Note: A riot with [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] as instigator could be fun or could be hell (or both), depending on your proclivities.
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Post by The slave »

Really awesome storie
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