My Unconventional Halloween Costume (M/M)

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My Unconventional Halloween Costume (M/M)

Post by Pup »

Bit late for Halloween but ohwell- also Ziptiedboy proof read this so anything wrong with it is entirely his fault not mine. 8-)

­So basically, I had this conversation with a friend of mine, and while in real life it wouldn’t have been practical, thought I’d write a story that was essentially, what could have happened. (Note names have been replaced with usernames, because internet.)
Quit judging my lack of phone battery and yes I did go to the trouble of editing names out of that conversation.

Chapter 1: An Unexpected Visitor

I let out a loud sigh as I got one-shot from the far side of the map. The matchmaking in CS:GO, lovely as always. Having heard another firework outside I sighed and turned up my music, It wasn’t even dark yet and it was halloween, why the fuck were people setting off fireworks. I turn my attention to messing with my game settings before the next round starts to ensure I can actually hear stuff over my music.
Buying my trademark gun (Deagle, duh), I ran off towards A-site as the rest of my team went B, knowing I could shoot a few of the opposing team in the back as they rotated. I sat in the corner lining up a perfect shot, two players, both oblivious to my presence. I shot the first one. Easy. I targeted the second.

Now obviously, I would have killed the other guy, I certainly wasn’t going to miss that second shot.
My concentration was suddenly taken away from the game as an arm wrapped around my neck, and a hand pressed over my mouth.
I stood up and push backwards immediately, mostly out of sheer surprise rather than anything else, pushing my would be assailant back onto my bed in the process. I turn to get a look at them.


“Ow….” my assailant said, rubbing his chin, I must have hit it in my surprise.

“Ohmygodsorry” I moved over towards my boyfriend as he stood up in front of me.

“It’s fine.” He smiled and raised his arms out in front of him. I hugged him tightly with a smile.

“T’fuck are you doing here.”

“I bought train tickets like a week ago, thought surprising you would be more fun. Originally had this whole plan to sneak in here when you went to Tesco or something, but I got bored of waiting.” I looked around my relatively messy room from over his shoulder, had he told me he was coming I probably would have cleaned it up a bit first, bit late now. While obviously happy to see him, I immediately picked one of the saddest but most practical questions.

“When is your train back?” I asked, a tint of sadness showed on his face only to be replaced in an instant.

“Not till monday morning, got ages.” He said as he finally released me from the hug. I continue to hug him tightly.

“Get off.”





“Make me”

“Oh I will.”

“Pfft.” I reluctantly let go of him.

“You were playing CS:GO and you didn’t invite me?”

“Well apparently you were on a train, plus I like my competitive rank soo…”

“I’m just going to ignore that.”

“Hey, last time you knived me and said “I didn’t know team damage was a thing.””

“Quiet you”

“Make me”

“Fine, I will!” He said as he stepped past me and opened the bottom drawer of my dresser, rummaging through it.

I rolled my eyes, turning back to my computer, sending a quick apology in chat and closing CS:GO, a 30minute ban wouldn’t kill me. I turn round to see my boyfriend standing quite gleefully next to my bed.

“Uh, why is a straight jacket required to make me quiet?”

“Because otherwise you will take the gag off, duh…”

“No I wou-” He looked at me with a look that definitely said “We both know you would.”. I walked over to him and just stood directly in front of him, noses almost touching, with a slight smirk. I moved to kiss him, only to get pushed a way, landing on my bed, head lightly tapping the wall in the process. He looked concerned, so I immediately raised my hand to my head feigning injury. After a few seconds I can’t handle the concerned look on his face anymore.

“I’m joking, I’m fine, I’m fine.” His concerned face is replaced with a more playful one as I sat up. He picked up the straight jacket off of my bed, adjusting for the weight of it as he held it in the air.

“Put it on.” he demanded, eyeing me silently as I sat motionless on the side of my bed with a raised eyebrow.

“Now.” he reiterated, causing the sub side of me to cave instantly. I stood up and put my arms out obediently. I rolled my eyes slightly as he guided my arms into the straight jacket and pulled it on tightly.

“Good Boy.” he whispered into my ear as he zipped up the back of the jacket, rendering any chance of escape pretty unlikely.


“What was that?” he asked, raising his hand to his ear as if he didn’t quite hear me.

“I love you?” I replied in a slight questioning voice.

“Yeah that’s what I thought, bitch.” he replied with a mixture of assertiveness and playfulness as he yanked on one of the straps to buckle it tightly, causing me to lose my balance slightly and reposition myself.
He continued tightly buckling up the straight jacket.

“Arms.” he ordered simply.

I almost instinctively hug my arms tighter to my chest, allowing him to buckle them a couple of notches tighter resulting in a slightly uncomfortable, but safe and secure feeling. My chance of escape going from unlikely to impossible.

He finished off with the crotch straps, being sure to buckle them tightly over my jeans, grinning at the quiet moan I let out as he “accidentally” groped me in the process.
I turned to face him and smile slightly.

“There we go, nice and safe.” I rolled my eyes at the statement, but took a step closer to him and rest my head on his shoulder, as close as I could manage to a hug in my current state.

“Loveeeeee you.”

“I love you too.” he replied as he rested his arms on my shoulders in a sort of low effort hug.

“I love you three.” I replied, as usual, causing him to roll his eyes.

“I love you four.” He immediately moved behind me and handgagged me after finishing his declaration of love. I rolled my eyes.

“Mmph mmmph mmph mmmmph” I replied.

While he obviously knew perfectly well what I said, his reply was as expected.

“What was that? Didn’t quite hear you. You have to pronounce your words.”

I let out a quiet growl.

“What was that?” He repeated as he lightly groped me with his free hand, causing me to lean forward instinctively and moan loudly.

“Yeah that’s what I thought.” He taunted as he continued. I leaned into his handgag and continued to moan loudly, moving my hips towards his cruel hand.

“What are you?”

“Your boyfriend.” I replied still heavily muffled.


“…” I remained silent.

“And?” He relatively lightly thwacked me in the balls causing me to double over.

“Your bitch.” I finally let out.

“Good boy.” He grinned as he pushed me sideways causing me to fall onto my bed. My attempts to stand up thwarted by him sitting on my back.

“Stay…” he ordered half patronisingly half jokingly as he got up again to get something, before returning to his position, sat on my back, though this time facing my legs. He grabbed one of my legs and pulled it up towards him, holding it still with one hand as he began to buckle a leather cuff onto it.
He reached for my other leg, which I instinctively moved away from him. He just waited for a few seconds; knowing full well I would submit all on my own, which I did, allowing him to grab my leg and buckle a matching cuff on it.

He grabbed a clip from somewhere, I presume he got it earlier, and connected the two cuffs together, before connecting them to the back of the straight jacket, resulting in a pretty effective hogtie.

He sat down on the bed next to me, resting one hand on my leather covered back and used his other to pull his phone out of his pocket, presumably to look through any messages he might have missed.

I let out an annoyed grunt as I tried to roll myself onto my side, but he simply increased the force on my back, not by much, but enough to make rolling over significantly harder, and to tell me that he didn’t want me rolling over.
I turned my head to look back at him, though only saw the back of his head.

“Pfft” I returned my head to a relatively neutral position to rest my neck, letting out a sigh as I let my head sink into the duvet.
He, oblivious to my resignation, continued to message people on his phone, all of whom must have apparently been far more interesting than me.

That simply wouldn’t do.

In a rather impressive move, I roll myself towards him onto my side, rotating myself slightly in the process and ending up with my head knocking into his back.

“What are you doing.”

“I dunno.”

“Yeah, me neither.” He responded as he ruffled my hair, causing me to let out another growl.

“Yeah, we are gonna have to do something about that.” he grinned as he ruffled my hair a bit more before standing up. I attempted to roll over more to try to see what he was doing or getting, only for him to fold the duvet over me, doing a pretty good job of stopping me moving around and preventing me seeing much. I sigh and lie still, seeing little point in expending the effort required to get the duvet off of me, he would have got whatever he was getting by the time I managed it anyway.
He returned the duvet to its original position, and I lifted my head to look at him, eyes adjusting to the increased level of light. The gleeful smile on his face enough to make me mildly concerned.

“Hi there.” I said playfully.

“Heya” He said as he lowered himself to the floor, allowing me to look at him without straining my neck.

“How’s you?”

“I’m great, you?”

“Fairs, I’ve been better.”


“Yeah for so-” I clamped my mouth shut when a sock in his hand made its way towards my mouth.

“Worth a try.” He said as he just sat there for a second thinking before putting one hand on the back of my head, and using the other to hold the sock against my nose. I took the executive decision to hold my breath and glared at him.

He continued to hold my head tightly in place and just waited. I growled at him and moved around a little, but decided it wasn’t going to work. Thinking between the two choices, I braced myself before taking a breath through my nose. Mistakes were made.

I thrashed like crazy, barely able to get any air, but the little I did get is putrid. Distracted by the smell I instinctively opened my mouth to breathe, and the sock went in. He continued to stuff the sock in till he could tightly handgag me without any of the sock getting in his way.

“That stays in mkay?” He asked as he watched me. I stare at him silently for a few seconds before nodding my head the tiny amount I can.

“Good boy.” He said simply as he released my head and picked up a roll of duct tape from the floor. He fiddled with it for a few seconds before finding the end and the noise of duct tape filled the room. I remained still as he began to wrap the tape around my head half a dozen times, muttering about how good I am the entire time causing me to roll my eyes.

“Talk” he ordered.

“Mmmph mmmmmph mmph.”

“I love you too.” He smiled and ruffled my hair again.
He leaned forward and kissed my gag causing me to let out an annoyed grunt, he could have done that BEFORE he gagged me. He grabbed my shoulders and with some effort, repositioned me to the middle of the bed before getting onto the bed and lying down next to me, his feet alarmingly close to, but still currently a safe distance from, my face. He let out a satisfied sigh and stretched before resting his hand on my knee. I relaxed a bit too, relatively comfortable like this even with my arms being pressed into my stomach. We stayed like this for a little while, evidently content, though after a little while he obviously realised the benefits of this position and bent his knee, angling his foot to the side, resulting in his sock clad foot being directly under my nose. I turned my head away and let out a growl.



“Now.” I do so.

“MMMMPH MMmphhhh mmph mmmphhh” I regretted my decision and thrashed around a bit, though the tightness of the hogtie severely limited my options.

“I could always ungag you then turn you around and you can suck on something else of mine.”

“Mmmmph Mmph Mmmmph.”

“Yeah I know you’d like that, me too, but I did such a good job with the tape and you seem to be enjoying that sock.” I let out another growl.

He sat up suddenly as if to grab me and I let out a quiet whimper and tried to thrash a bit. He smirked and lay back down, evidently having got the reaction he desired.

“Pfft, cmere you.” He said as he sat up and lay back down again, this time the same rotation as me, and wrapped an arm around my tightly leather clad form. He pulled me closer to him. I turned my head to look at him and let out a quiet grunt before tapping my nose against his. He smiled and kissed my gag again causing me to roll my eyes. With a great deal of effort I managed to roll back onto my side so I’m facing him. I moved my arms within the straight jacket as if to wave. He evidently understood me as he lifted his hand and waved back. After another gagged kiss he took another look at me, taking his phone out of his pocket and taking a couple of pictures. I rolled my eyes and defiantly glared into the camera, though after being given the option of having his sock back in front of my face, I switched my glare to puppy eyes and more pictures were taken.

“You’re cute… Has anyone ever told you that?”

“Mmmph mmmmmmph mmph.”

“I love you too.”

He lifted me up onto my knees and with some effort I managed to balance myself to kneel properly, quite the challenge when hogtied as tightly as I was. My eyes followed him as he moved behind me and took up position kneeling directly behind me, wrapping one arm lightly around my neck and resting his head on my shoulder. I tilted my head to the side to rest it against his.

He replaced his grip around my neck for a tight handgag, stretching his legs to give himself more height and pulling my head back into his chest. I paniced slightly for a second or two as he nearly ruined my carefully balanced position, but once leaning against him I calmed down again.

This period of calm doesn’t last however as right after I let a breath out I felt his handgag change slightly and desperately tried to get some air in before he gripped my nose between his thumb and finger.

I shook my head a little though it, being stuck between his hand and his chest, barely moved.

He released my nose, allowing for only a single breath before he returned his grip.

I rolled my eyes and stopped trying to breathe, calming myself down to reduce my need for air.

While a brilliant plan in theory, he saw it immediately; as apparently it isn’t as entertaining, he used his free hand to lightly rub against the front of my jeans, sending any plan of calming myself down straight out the window.

I let out a moan, though silent due to the lack of air as I bucked my hips forward against the touch, wasting valuable air in the process. I gradually more desperately began to try and move my head around to get some air, though this accomplished nothing, when he let go was entirely up to him. As I got more desperate my struggles became less rational as I tried to move my arms up towards my face pointlessly.

While sure I could have gone a bit longer, I certainly didn’t complain when he released his grip on my nose. He rested his chin on the top of my head.

“I loveeeeee you.”

“Mmph Mmmmmmph Mmmph Mmmph.”

“Good boy.” He released his handgag and got up from his position kneeling behind me, and instead crouched in front of me. After staring at me silently he leant in for another gagged kiss, at this stage I lean into it, happy with whatever I could get.

He stared at me again for a little longer before leaning over and beginning to unwrap the tape from around my head, adding a tight handgag for the last couple of layers to reduce the noise caused by ripping the tape away from my hair.

I leant forward to try to steal a real kiss, nearly toppling over in the process so I canceled that plan and focused on keeping balanced. He smirked at my attempts and leant forward to kiss me purposely pushing hard against me to make me fall backwards.

I growled up at him from my position now lying on my back on my bed. He smirked again, before unclipping the cuffs on my legs from the straight jacket, leaving them still clipped together but allowing me to extend my legs for the first time in what felt like ages.

He grabbed the D-ring on the front of the straight jacket’s collar.

“Anyway, it’s time to go out, c’mon.” He said as he lightly tugged on it.

“Wait what?”

“Trick or treating.”
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Post by bondagefreak »

Excellent writing [mention]Pup[/mention]
I really enjoyed the light jabbing and the quirky dialogue between you and your boyfriend.
It's easy to imagine the both of you fooling around like that, and the text flowed well enough to make us believe we were right there, on your bed with you.

Loved the description of those nice straitjacket straps and you rolling around to try and get your Dom's attention while he was texting. But of course, the "putrid" sock gag is what really turned me on the most.

I love that you caught a whiff of it and hated it enough to protest...only to have it stuffed inside your mouth and taped in. I'd have left it in there a lot longer though ;)

Surely he can't bring you trick or treating without re-securing your mouth up though 8-)

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Post by Pup »

bondagefreak wrote: 5 years ago Excellent writing @Pup
I really enjoyed the light jabbing and the quirky dialogue between you and your boyfriend.
It's easy to imagine the both of you fooling around like that, and the text flowed well enough to make us believe we were right there, on your bed with you.

Loved the description of those nice straitjacket straps and you rolling around to try and get your Dom's attention while he was texting. But of course, the "putrid" sock gag is what really turned me on the most.

I love that you caught a whiff of it and hated it enough to protest...only to have it stuffed inside your mouth and taped in. I'd have left it in there a lot longer though ;)

Surely he can't bring you trick or treating without re-securing your mouth up though 8-)
Heh, thanks. Certainly pretty realistically sums up the dynamic between the two of us if I do say so myself. xD

Heh, unfortunately for him, a straight jacket is probably a tad easier to get away with for trick or treating than a sock stuffed in my mouth followed my duct tape.
On the other hand... it's a fictional story so... :twisted: xD
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]Pup[/mention] I don't agree.
You guys are in the London area, right?
A trick or treater being rolled around in a wheel chair while being straitjacketed and muzzled would probably just pass as a fantastic costume. No one has to know that there's a sock in your mouth under that leather muzzle.
The other alternative would be to sockgag you, tape your mouth up and then put a cute mask over your head.

What d'you think [mention]ziptiedboy[/mention]?
A possibility for next year, maybe? 8-)

Thanks for sparking Pup's mind up with your cool Halloween idea.
Would be great to hear your thoughts on the story.

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Post by EJTied22 »

[mention]Pup[/mention] this story is what í wish í could have happen to me every Halloween! [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] I wish someone would do this to me for Halloween next year!
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Post by LK3869 »

[mention]Pup[/mention] : first thing I read from you and it's lovely. And hot... Nice, lively style and full of sweet details. A very cool moment!
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Post by bondagefreak »

Maybe [mention]ziptiedboy[/mention] and I should go trick or treating together!
Could be fun...Both of us rolling around our wheelchair-bound patients.
[mention]Pup[/mention] would have Ziptied's sock crammed inside his mouth and under the muzzle, and you'd have mine 8-)

[mention]Pup[/mention] I'm sure you'll come up with a creative and intriguing summary for the catalogue ad.

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Post by ziptiedboy »

bondagefreak wrote: 5 years ago @EJTied22
Maybe @ziptiedboy and I should go trick or treating together!
Could be fun...Both of us rolling around our wheelchair-bound patients.
@Pup would have Ziptied's sock crammed inside his mouth and under the muzzle, and you'd have mine 8-)

@Pup I'm sure you'll come up with a creative and intriguing summary for the catalogue ad.
This year, theory planned. Next year, time to act it out. :)
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Post by Pup »

ziptiedboy wrote: 5 years ago This year, theory planned. Next year, time to act it out. :)
No, couldn't possibly go out with a sock and muzzle. :P
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Post by bondagefreak »

Quiet [mention]Pup[/mention]. Nobody asked for your opinion.
Besides, can't understand WTH you're saying with that muzzle on.
Just chew on your boyfriend's sock and let us have our fun 8-)

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Post by Pup »

bondagefreak wrote: 5 years ago Just chew on your boyfriend's sock and let us have our fun 8-)
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Post by EJTied22 »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] it sounds like a great plan to me. ;) blindfolds would also be nice especially since [mention]Pup[/mention] seems to not be very cooperative.
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Post by mikeybound »

This is both hot and adorable. I love it!
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Post by ziptiedboy »

mikeybound wrote: 5 years ago This is both hot and adorable. I love it!
Just like my boyfriend :) <3
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Post by Exelsia »

Gosh am I jealous of you! Excellent story! I hope you get to realise it one day with him :D I wish Halloween is a thing in my country so that I have an excuse to wear a straightjacket outside (or even own a straightjacket in the first place lol)
What's better than the combination of a pair of skinny jeans, canvas belts and sneakers? One that involves ropes, duh.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Pup wrote: 5 years ago Chapter 1: An Unexpected Visitor
I think it's time you added this and your other short works (including your collab with Ziptied) to the M/M story index, Pup.

As soon as you add your list of stories on there, I'll add your username-link to the first post.

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