Achaean Odyssey (M/M M/F MM/F F/MM)

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Achaean Odyssey (M/M M/F MM/F F/MM)

Post by Chris12 »

In the year 146 BC the Roman wolf had set it fangs upon the free states of Greece. To avoid being devoured by this great beast the Greeks joined hands in a great league spanning from Crete into the sea, to Mighty Athens and beyond. This Achean League would have to defend the Greek world against the invaders.

At the holy site of Delphi the Greeks would meet the invaders in a battle to decide the fate of Greece.

The Latecomer

Are you happy now?! We're going to be an even bigger laughing stock than Ares!'' Prince Nikias of Itaca cried out. As a prince he was allowed to lead the forces of his island despite his mere 19 winters. But rather than heroically lead his men into battle he stumbled through the woods, hopelessly lost.

''Am I happy?!'' His older sister Penelope shot back ''YOU'RE the one who failed to realize the crew rowing our boats were disguised pirates! If you used that smart little head of yours our ships would't have been sunk!''

''Yes except YOU hired all those pirates! So the blame is on you!'' Nikias huffed ''Uuugh...I can't explain to the League Itaca is just sending three soldiers and one of them being a GIRL''

''Well THIS girl at least knows how to handle a spear! I recall I saved your skinny ass from the pirates'' Penelope said with a proud smirk on her face. Of the siblings she had always been the more masculine ones. Despite having reached his manhood Nikias still resembled a boy, and the long brown hairs weren't helping. The blonde Penelope on the other hand was a true Amazonian, being more muscled than her skinny brother.

''Apologies for interrupting but can you two ZIP it'' Tagging along with the sibling was their slave Dolon who's irritated expression was somewhat hidden behind his brown curly hairs ''We can come across a Roman patrol any time now, and your bickering will give us away....again''

''....If you didn't have a point we'd have spanked you for talking so rudely to your masters, Dolly'' Penelope said jokingly

''DOLLY! I'll have you know that I am a proud Spartan who's name is Do-urmmh! mmmh! mmh!''

Nikias had seen himself forced to muffle his slave ''Shhh....remember what you just said. Roman patrols....and would you look at that'' he dragged Dolon into the bushes. They indeed came across a Roman patrol

''Mmr tlmmh ym smmh'' Dolon muffled in the hand as the siblings came to sit next to him. With good fortune the patrol might pass them bye.

''Oho!...they have a prisoner'' Penelope whispered in her brother's ear. In the middle of the patrol rode a horse upon which the rider sat restrained with rope.

''Probably an important one since he can afford a horse'' Nikias whispered

''RMmf mmh mmh'' Dolon meanwhile found the gold hoplite armor a better indicator of the youth's status.

''RMMH! GRRMMMMH! MMMMMMMMMH!'' The captured Hoplite was only a little older than Nikias, a broad shouldered adonis of a youth with hairs that bothered between brown and red. Trashing and groaning the young man nearly fell from his horse several times but seemed to possess the skill to remain in his saddle.

''Wowie....he's hot'' Brother and sister alike sighed in admiration while Dolon rolled his eyes.

'' are we going to save mister Adonis over there? Will you and Dolon distract the soldiers while I get my bow?'' Penelope asked.

''Or will you rush in and beat the enemy down while I sneak to the horse and release the Adonis so he can help us out. He seems handy in a fight''

''Or!'' Dolon said after removing the princes hand ''We stay hidden in the bushes and have them pass us bye. Lets leave the stranger to his fate and focus on what's important. And that's us''

The siblings had one thing to say to that which was ''NO!'' and a particularly loud one at that.

''Who's there! Show yourself!'' The Roman Centurion shouted ''Aha! Greeks hiding in the bushes like the cowards they are! GET THEM!''

''....Why thanks Dolly, I'm sure happy we took you along'' Penelope grimaced as she took her spear ''Oh I'll show YOU who's the coward!'' With a fierce warcry Penelope dove in and already send the first unfortunate soul to the underworld.

''....If we go to Hades because of this I'm going to kill you two'' Dolon took his twin blades and cautiously approached the enemy, leaving Nikias to stay in the back with his bow.

Penelope descended on the Romans like a true Achilles but the boys fared worse. Dolon's tiny blades failed to get past the shield of a roman soldier, allowing the soldier to shieldbash the boy in a daze and disarm him ''urg My lord! arrows! At his neck! NOW PLEASE!'' Dolon shouted as the soldier wrestled his arms behind his back

''I'm!...trying!'' Nikias shouted, firing arrow after arrow but the Roman in front of him blocked each with his shield, including those he fired at Dolan's captor

''Try! Harder!'' Dolon shouted ''Urmm! mmmh! mmmh!'' A cloth was pulled between the lad's teeth, rendering him unable to do anything but watch the soldiers descend on his prince.

''Nhh!...I won' defeated here!'' Nikias peeped. The soldiers were coming dangerously close and eventually they seized his bow, yanking it from his hand and holding the prince at sword point.

''Its...its on you now sister! us!'' Nikias cried out. Like with Dolon his hands were bound and a cloth was used to gag him ''Mmmh! mmh! mmmmh!'' the young prince shouted in panic. His sister was handling herself so well, but a hammer wielding soldier snuck up behind her, took aim with his hammer and....

''MMMMMMH!'' Then the captured hoplite came to the rescue, having gotten off his horse in the confusion. The captive tackled the hammer wielding Roman so hard he got knocked out.

''Thanks handsome! Now lets DO this!'' Penelope grinned widely. With her speer and the stranger throwing his strong body at the occasional problem they brought low the Romans, sending them all in a deep sleep through hefty concessions. The Skirmish was a victory for the Greeks!


''Say iiiiiiit!'' Penelope removed her brothers gag but she didn't make a move to free him as she had done with Dolon and the stranger.

''.....You're Perseus....and I'm Andromada'' A big blush started to form on Nikias cheeks. He hated being the damsel only a little less than he hated his sister rubbing it in.

''Wait you're lovers!'' The stranger asked which caught Dolon in a fit of hysteric laughter ''Oh! Haha! What a cute couple!''

''N-no! Noooo! no! We're siblings!'' Nikias got even redder '' what we MEAN is that she's the hero and that I am....not. I'm the...the captured princess''

''Well I'm not one to judge...really. I mean dating your sister is weird but Zeus does it and...

''We're NOT a couple!'' Nikias shouted ''Um...may I know your name good sir?''

''Me! Oh! I'm Etesias! Captain from Megalopolis! My father represents the League as a Strategos, and we led our troops in the big battle of Delpi!'' The young man introduced himself

''Oh! You're fought who won!?'' Nikias jumped up in excitement. Could this dashing stranger have cut his way through the Roman legion to get reinforcement, or have made a charge to win the battle outright

Etesias grinned proudly and responded with ''I have no idea!''

''So you weren't at the battle?'' Dolon asked ''Makes sense since you're pretty far from Delphi''

''Oh no! I was there! I just uh...I wasn't THERE!'' Etesias clarified ''See! My squad send the romans packing! And so I gave chase! And chase! And chase and then suddenly I was far from the battlefield....aaand from my friends.....and standing in front of a Roman Cohort''

''....We may be facing an idiot'' Dolon smirked

''....A big idiot. A big handsome idiot'' Penelope agreed

''But!....But I still have news! We League has a lot of spies! We just need to find my little buddy! He's one of those spies and can no doubt tell us the affairs of the League!''

''It would be best to get some information before WE wander in a Roman cohort too'' Nikias smiled ''Okay....Etesias, welcome to the forces of Itaca. We'll accompany you from here on out. Lets find your spy''


''Oh you're gonna love Pellenos! He's such a good boy!'' Etesias happily told the group during the march ''He's trustworthy! He's smart! he's like Odysseus without a beard!''

''W-we're like Odysseus in the sense we descend from him!'' Nikias quickly said. Hopefully that would impress the dashing Hoplite

''Woooow...not just my heroes but related to THE hero!'' To Nikias great cheer it did ''You're full of surprises kiddo! Hahaha c'mere!'' the lout grabbed Nikias and took him in an affectionate headlock.

''One! I'm an...owow adult and two! I can't....b-breath! You're closing up my throat! Arggggh!'' Nikias cried out, wriggling his head around to escape the overly enthusiastic hug of his new friend.

''Pellonos says the same a lot too. Really, I think you boys just need to buff up a bit more!''

''I think so too! My brother is so tardy when it comes to his training'' Penelope giggled ''Maybe its because I keep trashing him in all affairs! Be it running or fighting!''

''I...I win sometimes too!'' Nikias started blushing again ''I mean...I do right Dolon?''

''You know who's not winning....that Pellenos boy. They got your spy'' Dolon just stated.

Before them Roman soldiers were dragging a boy out of a farmhouse. The Spy Pellenos by the looks of it. A black haired boy dressed in a simple sheep herders tunic and wearing a Petasos, the typical headgear for Greek farmers

''Let me go! Let me gooo! I'm not the one you want!'' Pellenos screamed like a little girl as the soldiers dragged him outside ''I'm just a boy! I'm just a boy!''

''Save it brat! Your comrades sold your identity already. We know you're the spy!''

''Oh...well that's rude of them'' Upon hearing this the boy's voice deepened instantly. Pellenos adjusted his pose somewhat to show he wasn't quite as small as appeared at first glance too '''d think they would send better people if they knew who I was''

''Now.....'' The Roman held a sword at Pellenos' neck ''Start talking! Reveal all you know!''

''Oh very well...'' Pellenos answered with a sigh ''You know how every boy daydreams about secretly being the child of Zeus? Well in your case I can illuminate such speculation. See when you were being conceived your mother was too busy to lay with Zeus. She was too busy being fucked by me''

''...torture?'' The Roman soldier asked his friend.

''....Definitely torture'' The other roman answered.

''NOT ON MY WATCH!'' With a mighty roar Etesias stormed on the scene ''Let me comrade go right now! Unless you want to face the end of my spear!''

''Oh for the love of.....If we go to Hades because of this I'll kill that fool' With a resigned sigh Dolon grabbed his swords to enter combat once more.

''We got this...'' Nikias took hold of his bow ''We got my sister, we got sir Etesias and we got my bow! We'll win this and.....ah!''

Moments after entering combat a Roman smashed a piece of pottery on Nikias head after which all went black.....
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Post by Chris12 »

In Rome's Grasp

''MMMH!'' Nikias awoke with a gasp. Instantly he could feel that he was tied up ''Hrmmf! Mmmmh!'' his hands tied tightly on his back, his torso covered in coils of rope wrapped strongly against his lithe body, and his ankles bound. But more distressingly he was..

''N-n-nmmhed!'' Nikias gasped out. He was sitting completely in the nude!

''Hellommh...'' Pellenos said, greeting the waking prince which only made him more distressed. He was sitting naked in a wooden cage with a stranger! At least the spy was still wearing his smallclothes and his hat, if nothing else.

''Wrmmh...wrmmh arr wmmh'' Nikias wondered. The last thing he remembered was getting hit on the head, and now he was here.

''Hrmmg! mmf! mmh'' Pellenos muffled at him and came closer.

''N-nmmrh!'' Given his bare stated Nikias in no way wanted this boy to come closer than he already was.

''Tm! Glmms!'' Pellenos rolled his eyes, waving his face into Nikias direction ''Tmm! gmmh!''

''Oowwwmh!' Nikias got it. His cellmate wanted his gag removed ''Umf...mmh'' Meekly he moved his face against Pellenos, rubbing against it to try and loosen the cloth gags.

It was a long, very awkward affair but eventually the prisoners managed to mutually achieved to get their gags down.

''W-where are we?'' was the first thing Nikias asked when he could talk again.

''Oh....mmmm...a Legionary's camp. I'd say.....yeah...fifth Legion Africanus. That's the location we're being held in''

''Um...why am I naked and you...uh almost so?'' Nikias had to shuffle to the other end of the cage to make this situation at least somewhat less awkward.

''Seems obvious doesn't it? You my friend have been enslaved, and so have I'' Pellenos answered without seeming very concerned about the matter ''If the Legionaries don't take us home we'll be sold on some market''

''Slavery! Oh no! Penelope! SISTER! SISTER! WHERE ARE YOU!'' A deep terror emerged in Nikias. He couldn't let his sister suffer such a fate ''SISTER! SIS! SIS!''

''MMMH HRMMMH!'' Was the lout reply that emerged from one of the tents. It caused some relief in the young prince. At least his sister had not been taken from this camp. He could also hear the far louder sounds of Etesias but that one wasn't trying to say anything. He was just shouting senselessly by the sound of it. Dolon as expected didn't make much sounds.

'' did the battle fare? Um...At Delphi I mean? Did the Greeks win?'' Nikias asked ''I...I mean they can ride in and save us if they did!''

''Hahaha! Oh goodness no! Dead to the last man!'' Pellenos laughed ''Yeah....we didn't really fare well. The Romans just walked at us and we already scattered like flies

''This is just great....'' Nikias sat down in a huff ''Join the army....father said. Its good for the family name...father said. I'm doomed...I'm sooo doomed''

''Oh yes. They say the wife of the consul is hanging around to lay first claim on spoils and slaves. I'd say its a fair chance she snatches us up. Woe is us huh?''

His gloomy thoughts were soon interrupted by the Romans ''Hey! Who gave you drecks permission to talk!'' The cage door opened and the boys were roughly dragged out, though of course not before their gags were moved over their mouths again.

''Urmmh!'' Nikias and Pellenos were pushed on their knees in front of a Roman woman.

''GRMMMH! MMMH! MMMMMH!'' The screaming Esetias was shoved next to them, with Dolon soon kneeling next to them.

''Well well well....such delicate specimens'' The Roman woman smiled ''I am Cornelia, Metallus Grachi....but you may call me...Domina''

''MMMMMMMMH!'' Esetias screamed right in her face, seemingly not intended to call her any of the sort.

'Quiet brat!'' The woman slapped him ''Though I suppose your pitiful shouting has some charm''

''Nrmmf! mmh!'' Esetias squirmed against his ropes but seemed to somewhat calm dow.

''Um....'' Nikias shivered. This lady was looking straight at him.

''What a treasure you two are! small and smooth'' Cornelia knelt between Nikias and Pellenos, placing her hand gently on Nikias' crotch

''Nrmm! mmmf! mmmh!'' Nikias grunted in horror ''N-nmmh'' he whimpered.

''Now this one is more of a bull!'' Cornelia moved to Esetias ''That one is nicely positioned between the boy and the bull...ah who to chose....who to chose''

''Urmh!'' Nikias had an idea. He really didn't want to do it but he saw no choice. He stared at the lady and started to purr

''Mmmmf...mmh...owwmmh'' some moans soon followed the purring as Nikias tried getting the woman all hot and bothered ''Mmmf! urmmh! mmmmmmh!'' crawling towards Esetias he began sitting crotch to crotch to give her a show.

''HUMMH!'' Naturally the Captain was baffled by this ''Um! mmf mmh mmh!'' he whined with a big blush, stopping even his struggles. The confusion might be too much for his brain to handle.

''Mmmmf...'' Nikias stared into the man's brown eyes pleadingly. He'd explain this later.

''Ooooh someone is exited already'' Cornelia laughed heartily at the scene ''Centurion! Place these boys in my tent. I'll take both of them''

''Mmmmh!'' Nikias sighed in relief. It worked. He would come with the woman, and even better! Esetias was going to come too! This might work out.

As he had hoped Nikias and a confused Esetias were taken into Cornelia's tend ''Tie the big one to that pole over there'' the lady instructed her guards.

''Two soldiers...'' Nikias thought ''Of course she would not be alone with us unguarded...still...I can do this...''

''Now my little one'' Cornelia held Nikias by the chin ''For my amusement you will suck your little friend off....can you do that?''

''Y-yes my Domina!'' Nikias answered quickly when his gag was removed ''B-but...but I am more...ahem..capable with my hands then my mouth. May I perhaps...s-stroke him? T-then when he's exited I...I'll indeed suck him off...w-with my mouth and um...''

''NIMMKIAS!'' Esetias shouted out in complete shock ''MMMMMMMH! MMMMH!''

''If it pleases you'' Cornelia decided to let Nikias take the lead in this ''You know your...ahem capabilities best. Remove his bonds''

''T-thank you my lady! You are one kind! Merciful Domina!'' Nikias smiled greatly when he found his bonds cut loose ''Okay....only one chance''

Suddenly Nikias punched both Roman guards straight in the neck with all the force he could muster, sending the breath straight out of them. The young prince took one of their sword and threw it in the sand before Esetias ''Sir! PLEASE untie yourself before they are freed from this daze!'' he pleaded.

''Gua-urmmh! MMMMMMH!'' Nikias had his own task. He seized the Roman noblewoman and clamped his hand over her mouth ''Be still....Please!...I won't h-harm you!''. The guards were coughing in vanquish after the neck strike, the lady had her voice muffled. They had a chance now!

''mmmmh! MMMMH! MMMMMMMH!'' The woman kicked, she bit and she screamed but Nikias had to hold. If he could hold her they were saved!

''Siir! Hurry! Esetias! Help me!'' Nikias pleaded. Much to his relief the captain soon used the sword to free himself and arming himself with it

''I'm going to tie you two up now'' Esetias grinned at the downed Romans ''Nikkias! You're so smart! Taking the consul's WIFE hostage and..''

''SHUT UP BEFORE YOU GIVE US AWAY YOU DOLT! Nikias had to scream out ''Um! I me bind this bitch!''

'With pleasure....Hehehe! I have a BIG surprise for you!'' Esetias once done binding the Roman guard took off their socks.

''You barbarian! We are NOT in Gaul here! No! Stay away from MMMMMMMMH!'' Cornelia soon had the socks stuffed straight into her mouth, and while she bit into them in anguish Nikias bound her hands tightly

''Sir Esetias! Keep the sword aimed on her....s-so that we may march!'' Nikias started to shove their prisoners out of the tent ''Roman of the Fifth Legion! I have...I have your commanders wife! Grant my friends their freedom and give me the finest horses! She won't be harmed if you do this!''

Too many Legionaries to count surrounded them, but Nikias had no fear. He had the upper hand here ''....Give in to my demands! Or face your commander and tell him you caused his wife to die!'' he shouted ''And...and return our clothes to us too!''

''MMMMMMH! KLMMH HMMH! KLMMH! KLMMMMMMMH!'' Cornelia shouted out but the men were helpless to aid her. She remained a hostage who's throat could be cut each moment.

Nikias gazed at the soldiers, and they gazed back at him. The prince didn't falter. He knew that he had them. Soon his friends and horses emerged. He had won!


''RIDE! RIDE! RIDE! BY ARTEMIS RIIIIDE!'' Penelope shouted. The moment they had tossed Cornelia back to the Romans they had decided not to let them go.

''I told you to keep the creepy lady....Esetias!'' Pelenos shouted.

''KEEPING HOSTAGES IS WRONG! Ride! By Apollo riiiide!''

....Aaaand they gave us the WORST horses! Not the best'' Dolon noticed in horror when he found his horse panting in exhaustion only 10 minutes after leaving the roman camp ''....We're going to die aren't we. Shall we dismount and make one last offering to Hades before we're gutted and beheaded?''

''...Hold your horses gloomypants. No one knows these woods as best as I'' Pelenos started riding in front ''Follow me if you feel like living! I know a secret passage! By Hermes RIDE! RIDE! RIDE!''


A frantic, fright filled and nearly fatal hour later the group had found refuse in a cave.

''T-told you I know the routes better then...Oh goodness don't hug me!'' Pellenos shouted when Esetias gave him a bear hug

''Thanks Pellenos for the directions! And thanks Prince Nikias for the!...the....uuuh!'' Esetias decided not to hug the prince after all. They had done enough hugging for one lifetime

''Um! um....Y-yes no only hugged you for...for the plan! I needed to be alone with that lady s-so I seduced her. It was all part of the plan!'' The blushing prince said with a frantic peep to his voice.

''My lord....lets take the night watch'' Dolon requested ''I need a word with you anyway''

''R-right! Okay. Yes. Indeed my friend'' Nikias smiled ''We'll take the first watch!''

Soon the group slept as the two young men kept watch over you ''Sooo...what do you want to talk about, Dolon?'' Nikias asked the curly haired youth.

''You know we won't win right? Against the Romans. They already won. That's what the little spy said. So its all a matter of mopping up the remaining Greeks. Meaning among other''

''Um! We can still win! We have the gods on our side. Zeus will smite them for what they did!'' Nikias was sure of it. The gods wouldn't allow some Roman wolves to devour the free Greeks.

''Yeah. That's one possibility'' Dolon nodded ''But have you considered allying with the Romans instead? Keep our heads, maybe increase our wealth''

''I have not even for one second considered that'' Nikias said firmly ''And as your master I now declare that neither have you. Do you understand me?''

''....Crystal. Its a real pity''

''H-hey! What are you! Dolo-URMMMH!'' One moment Dolon had smiled at him, the other he had seized Nikias and clamped a hand over his mouth

''Be...silent'' Dolon growled. Nikias peeped when the cold touch of Dolon's knife rested on his neck.

''We are going to have a little talk with the Romans my lord'' Dolon said ''I have a...present for them. Now walk!''

''Mmmmff...'' Nikias obeyed, a soft little whine leaving his covered mouth. Dolon...had betrayed him? With tear filled eyes Nikias was dragged away by his slave turned enemy. Back to the fangs of the Romans.
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Post by FredMueller0423 »

Really great Story! Very nice setting :)
Can't wait fpr the next part
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

What a fun story!

Hope it continues!
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Post by harveygasson »

Cool setting and story so far.
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Post by Chris12 »

Many Roads lead to Delphi

With a harsh tug to his leash Dolon pulled Nikias forward. Each time the captive prince slowed down the slave turned traitor took some glee in giving a powerful yank to the rope attached to Nikias neck

''Do you think the gods will appreciate the irony?'' Dolon asked. On the road to Delphi walked two young men, one in freedom, the other with his hands tied behind his back, rope looping around his chest and a leash. The irony of course being that the slave was the one holding the rope, and it being his owner who was in bondage

'''The wowods dowon't like betwawal'' Nikias responded in a gargled mumble. A thin cloth rested between his teeth. A cleave gag just effective enough to stiffle screams for his sister, but weak enough to ensure he could still communicate with Dolon. And what a good thing he could, for he needed to warn his friends that the gods would not look kindly on this act.

''Betrayal huh? Do I owe you my life just because your father raised me village and bought me off some creepy slave market? No? I don't think so'' Dolon said ''And if you try and tell me otherwise I WILL strike you''

Now that stung. Nikias had grown up with Dolon and always thought of him as his attentive friend. His surrogate brother and future right hand man ''Dowo wowouwu hate we?'' he asked. Had Dolon hated him all that time?

''....argh. Look. If it makes you feel better you were a good master'' Dolon smiled a bit weakly ''But the fact remained that you WERE my master and for that you will pay. I'm going to be free of your father, the Romans, and of you''

A brief flash of anger in Nikias breast replaced his sadness ''Ye'we a wowoowol!'' What a fool Dolon was! If his enslavement was such a problem he could simply ask him to be freed. He'd do so without question if Dolon just asked.

'' prince'' Dolon reached out and grabbed Nikias crotch ''I'm being very merciful, but I don't need to be!''

''Mmmmmf! mmh! mmmmh!'' Nikias led out a shocked peeped at this sudden groping ''S-stmmf!'' he whimpered

''I could sell you to some brothel! You got the looks for it! They say the spartans like boys, and for full honestly, you're about the most unmanly man in Greece, so they can make you pass as one! Oh! Or do you want your scrawny behind toiling in a silver mine?''

''N-nmmmmmh!'' Both options sounded terrifying for Nikias.

''So to the Romans you go. Have a nice parade through Rome, and maybe some Senator can buy you as a house slave'' Dolon said ''So...shall we continue? Or do I need to go find a brothel?''

''Mmmmmh.....'' Nikias hung his head low. For fear of worse he would obey.

''Good!'' Dolon moved his hand out of Nikias pants and ruffled his hair ''Glad we have this little...understanding''

''.......'' Nikias was forced to allow Dolon to pull him around as if he was a common slave. They walked until the walls of Delphi came in sight but before they reached those walls they found someone on the road.

''Ah! Rescue! Finally!'' An old woman sat on a stone near the road ''Those evil Romans! They stole my horses and broke my cane!'''

''We're very sorry Miss'' Dolon merely nodded his head to her and yanked on the rope ''Come Nikias''

''Hlmf! Hmrh! Hmrh mm!'' Nikias yelped out for help until he stopped. Now he was the fool. Some old lady wouldn't be able to help her. She'd probably break her hip if Dolan so much as sneezed at her.

''Young sir....won't you help this old lady. Its late...and if I remain here the wolves will get me. I can not walk without my cane''

''That sounds like a you problem'' Was all Dolon said. How heartless! Nikias saw forced to turn his face and adress his captor

''Dowolowon! Help hew!'' Nikias shouted and even stamped his foot on the ground to try and force the issue. Leaving old woman on the road wasn't heroic!

''...Oh fine. If it makes you stop whining'' Dolon growled. Pulling Nikias with him he returned to the stone ''....To where can we take you...ugh...miss?''

''To my farmstead. Oh its not too far'' The old lady said ''Oh by Hera! There are still young men of civility in this land. Let me lean on your shoulder''

''Right....okay'' To Nikias satisfaction Dolon helped the old lady from her rock and held out his arm. The old woman clung to it.

''Thanks a lot Sonney! FOOL!'' The sweet old lady put a knife to Dolon's neck.

''By Persephone's cheekbones! WHAT?!'' Dolon and Nikias both shouted out. This sweet old lady....holding Dolon at sword point!

''Heclan! Patrus! Come on out! I got a fresh pairs of fools for the market!'' The old lady yelled at which two young men emerged from the trees. Evidently lower class given their tanned and sooth covered bodies. But they had some luxurious cloths on them. Crime certainly did seem to pay

''What a cute little pair of lads!'' Heclan laughed as he examined them up and down ''Good work grandma! You truly are Odysseys in a skirt! Good thing the curly one already saved us work by binding that other one!''

''Hi there cutie....I'll have fun testing you out!'' Patrus held Dolon by the chin as his brother forced his hands behind his back

''N-no! noono! No slavery! N-no!'' Dolon's eyes widened ''No markets and...get your hands MMMH! MMMMMMMH!'' once his hands were on his back a knotted cloth was tied over Dolon's mouth.

''NOOOMHHH! Lnnh Dolmhm GMMH!'' Nikias shouted but his moment of range was transformed into a girly peep when he saw Heclan hold a blade to his chiton and cut downward to strip him. His brother meanwhile did it to Dolon.

'Nomh!...Nowo! Stowoowoowop!'' Nikias whimpered. The moment his tunic went off they tore down his smallcloth to expose his crotch...which they started to bind too!

''GRMMH! MMMMMMMMMMMMH!'' Dolon screamed it out, wildly kicking and shaking his head but a punch to the stomach silenced him real good. Like the prince he was stripped and equiped with a crotch rope.

For a moment Nikias was ungagged. The cleave gag was removed which allowed him to speak ''Please! You don't have to do-URMMMMMH!'' Nikias plea was cut off when he found himself gagged by his own smallcothes. Then the cleave gag came back on. Something the woman's grandchildren found hilarious!

''Ha! Perfect for the market!'' The old lady grinned ''We'll deliver them first thing in the morning! In the evening you can enjoy the....hospitality of the Hesia family! Take them home boys!''


In the Slavers Grasp.

Nikias could at least see why the old lady turned to banditry to make ends meet. Her house was a dump! Just stone walls, stray mats and something that vaguely resembled a table, though deeming it as such would be too generous. It appeared her trick of posing as a frail old woman paid off. No less then 20 young men said bound in the corner, stripped down with gags on their mouths.

''Oh I love war!'' The old lady laughed ''So many refugees on the road! scouts on patrol, defeated soldiers stumbling to safety. All ripe to snatch and sell!

''Mm! mmmmh! MMMMMMH!'' the collection of male slaves shouted angrily. Nikias was half pressed to be sympathetic towards them until he realized something. These youths...were Roman! In the corner he saw their discarded clothing. Legionary armor and those admittingly cool squire shields they always carried.

''Urmmh! MMMH! MMMH!'' A particular dashing looking young men mewled out. When placed next to him Nikias could smell it. Parfume! And his body seemed excellently maintained, toned through military training yet also kept mild through wealth, and his brown hairs coiffed enough to indicate the youth could spend quite a lot on maintaining it. This man was clearly an aristocrat. Could he even be....

''Quwuastowow'' Nikias gurbled out to him?

''Quwuastowow'' The figure responded with a nod

Nikias' fellow prisoner was a Quastor, the most junior rank of Roman senators but still quite a catch! They were rookie senators, but always of established families. They could be ransomed, and because these quastor's could be what later generations would describe as the ''interns'' of Roman governors they had keen knowledge of the workings of the Roman presence in a respective province. Nikias head started to race. If he could escape and take this Questor prisoner then...then he could give the free Greek a boon! They could torture this lad for information and hold him hostage against his family too! And if Dolon was so motivated by his selfish, SELFISH interest he might even be convinced to help in this scheme! ''Dolommh! mmh! mmmh!'' the young prince excitedly called out to his former friend, but his excitement soon found itself erased by a feeling of concern ''DOLOMM!''

''MMMMMMH!'' Dolon wasn't placed next to Nikias, but instead was held by Patras ''Hello handsome...lets test you out a bit?'' he smirked, running his hands down the slave's bare bass

''GRMMH! MMH!'' Dolon screamed out ''GRMMMMMMH!''

''A temper huh? Customers love boys with a big mouth. They'll be sure to ensure you....use it'' The old lady laughed out. With interest she took a seat to watch her grandson test out the merchandise ''Do the smaller one once you're done with mister Curls here!''

''N-nmmh! MMMMMH!'' When the curls were moved from Dolon's eyes Nikias had a rare moment where he could see his slave's expression and he didn't like it. He could see so much fear in Dolon that it stung.

''Shhhh...don't make me get the whip'' Patrus hushed Dolan and started to kiss his bare chest and then kiss lower...and lower...and lower.

A deep shade of green appeared on Nikias cheek. This was just sickening to watch, and Heclan moving behind Dolon to fondle him certainly wasn't helping. And once they were done with ''testing'' Dolon they'd come for HIM! In disgust and fright Nikias turned his head.

''HUMMF!'' Nikias gasped. Upon closer inspection he saw one of the prisoners wasn't Roman! This prisoner wore a petasus hat...and nothing else. It was their spy Pellenos! ''Pmmtmms! Wmmh ymmh?'' he gasped out.

''Spmh....'' Pellenos didn't seem too distressed despite his state. His eyes went to Nikias and the questor. For a moment those eyes were filled with boyish cheek before turning ice cold ''Mmf mmh'' he muffled confidently, his eyes pointing upwards to his hat.

''Mmff?' Looking towards each other in confusion Nikias and the questor then looked at the hat. Yes. It was a very nice hat for a pleb but...quite frankly a prince and a senator would find it hideous. It was a farmers hat.

''Hrmf!...mmf!...urmh!'' Pellenos swept his head forward, then backwards, then forward, swinging his head back and forth until the hat fell off. And then it became clear. In the hat was hidden a knife.

''MMMMMMMMMMH!' Dolon screamed out. The slavers were busy molesting Dolon, not giving their captive any attention...and now those captives had a knife!

Nikias and the Roman captive dived to the knife, turning around and washing their bound wrists against it. As it turned out this was quite the knife. It cut through their bonds as if it was a knife going through butter. Far sooner than one would expect both Nikias and the roman were free.

''Mmf!...mmmh! MMMH! MMMMMH! NOMMMMMH!'' By now Patrus's kissing had reached Dolon's crotch, sadistically licking it and bracing to take it in his mouth. Not on Nikias watch!

''Hey! HEY YOU!'' Nikias ran to a discarded bow and drew an arrow ''I'm ending your reign of terror on this roads! Right here! Right now!''

''What!'' Patrus gasped ''How did they get the knife!''

''We stripped ALL of them! Down to their unmentionables!'' Heclan screamed out

''The hat! I told you to look inside the hat!'' Their grandmother roared, pointing her finger to Pellenos

''We DID you old crone! You would know if you were not seni-gurgh!.....'' her grandson's retort was cut short as an arrow pierced his throat. His brother was send to Hades after him when Nikias shot an arrow through his heart. Not the old woman though. Shooting old little ladies was as unheroic as could be!

''You little brat! You....AAAAH! You'll pay for that!'' The woman roared and ran to the side to grab her axe. With both strength and speed one would never suspect in such an old lady she rushed Nikias...until the Roman boy punched her so hard she would join her grandsons in the underworld

''NO ONE ENSLAVES Marcus Crassus you DISGUSTING CRONE!'' The Roman shouted and kicked her corpse for good measure.

''Dolon! Dolon are you okay!'' Nikias rushed to his slave, ripping the gag out of his mouth and cutting the ropes with one movement of Pellenos's knife.

''D-do I l-look okay!'' A shaken Dolon gasped ''Ugh! This was just the worst!''

''W-we're safe now. Don't fret'' Nikias was tempted to hug him but he then he realized they were both in the nude.

''I must thank you two'' Marcus bowed his head ''I am the Roman Questor under Consul Scipio himself. I promise I Will not forget this. Me and my men will vouch for you''

''That's nice and all...'' Nikias said '' are our prisoner'' he didn't like capturing someone just after saving him from slavers but the plight of Greece was more important ''Your men are bound, and we outnumber you. I will take you to Corinth...and we will treat you our hostage''

Nikias wasn't quite sure of Dolon's loyalty so he decided to employ help. Pellenos needed to be freed too. When he turned to face the spy he was met with a surprise. Pellenos was gone! He had sat right there he didn't anymore! Nor did any trace of his bonds remain.

''Wait in the....'' Nikias leaned closer to where the spy had sat to investigate, but before he could do so Dolon punched him in the face so hard he stumbled over.

''Consul Scipio eh?'' Dolon had a smirk from ear to ear ''We were JUST on our way. I have a prisoner for him...and I will happily have you vouch for me. I did help save you after a manner of speaking''

''.....It seems you were mistaken'' Marcus smiled down at Nikias ''It is you...who will come with us'' This was the last thing Nikias heard before a punch from the Questor knocked him out cold.

The capture by slavers had been an unwelcome detour that did not lead to escape. With the slavers dead Nikias was still on track to be delivered to Rome.
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