The Ghost of Room 55 (F/F)

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The Ghost of Room 55 (F/F)

Post by FortheFunofit »

Bailey has been unable to get it out of her mind. She had heard about the hotel from some of her friends at work. It's not a massive hotel, she has past by it many times whenever she commutes into town. It's a modest looking building, looks like it was built sometime in the 1920s. Though maybe it's just designed to look older than it actually is. The old three story hotel sits in a busy, but not too busy, urban area. No buildings higher than three or four levels. It sits at a street corner, hugged by a grocery store and some apartments. There is nothing special about the hotel, nothing except the stories Bailey has heard.

Bailey hops off the bus and makes her way to this peculiar hotel, a large bag held by her side. She had heard about the stories years ago, but it was only after a recent halloween 'activity' that her facination in the building got rekindled.

The Horton Hotel is haunted. That is what they say. It looks old enough to be haunted. But why should Bailey care? Every hotel that is old enough for the wallpaper to peel off has a ghost story. But this place, it has a tale that is a little more unique.

Bailey enters the small foyer and greets the woman at the counter. Surprisingly young, Bailey thinks, and attractive. She supposes that everyone needs work at the end of the day. But she was expecting someone who looked as old as the hotel. You shouldn't judge a book by its cover, she recites in her head.

"I booked for one night" Bailey says to the young woman. Bailey gives her full name. The woman checks the computer to find the blonde's booking. Bailey sees the nametag on the woman's shirt, Jessie. She has fine frizzy brown hair and a smile that feels sincere and warm, even if she is faking it - Bailey had no way of knowing. Bailey can't help but smile back at the charming girl.

"You from outta town?" Jessie asks.

"No actually, I live not far from here" Bailey says. Jessie tilts her head, her curiosity peaks. She glances back at the computer to reaffirm her curiosity.

"I see you booked room 55."

"I did" Bailey says.

"You've heard about that room have you?"

"No." That was a lie. Bailey has heard about room 55. It's the reason she's here.

"What about it?" Bailey asks the girl. Jessie gives another smile.

"Well - this is what the others told me, but apparently that room is supposed to be haunted. People who book that room feel a certain presence in there. Like they're not alone."

"You mean like a ghost?" Bailey asks.

"Well, the story goes, that there used to be a woman who worked here decades ago. She would bring clients here who were interested in more um... I'll just say, intimate tastes. It's said she would always use number 55. She became such a regular that the owners at the time kept that room dedicated for her and her clients. They had a name for her, it was Miss Velvet maybe? Something like that anyway."

"What happened? Did she die?" Bailey asks.

"I guess so. Oh! Nothing nasty though- nothing like that. I think she retired or something. Apparently she passed away ages back, quite young sadly. But ever since, people have reported they can sense her spirit in that room till this very day. People come round here just to visit room 55 to see if the stories are true. Just between you and me, the owners say they hate the stories but i think they love it! No such thing as bad publicity aye. Anyway, I was just asking in case you were one of those people."

"No I'm not" Bailey says. That was another lie. "Would it have been a problem if i was?"

"No" Jessie smiles. "It's good for business. But it's also good for us to know either way. Besides, someone with your looks? You'd be her type for sure, she might just turn up anyway. Enjoy your stay."

Bailey blushes a little. She's quite a flirt, Bailey thinks. Jessie hands Bailey the key. She takes it with a friendly smile and makes her way up the stairs. It's not the first time Bailey had heard the story, but it is the first time she had heard that version of it. The versions she read online were more macabre. In some, the dominatrix was murdered in cold blood, in others it was the dominatrix who was the killer herself. Most of them involved some dramatic crime of passion. Most of this though seems to he nothing more than people online getting carried away with their imaginations. But there are a few common threads. There was once a dominatrix who used room 55 for all her clients. And when she died, people started reporting feeling her presence in the room; all to this very day. Some people claimed they could smell her rosy perfume, others reported her whispering in their ear. There were other claims though that were a little more outlandish. That is what Bailey wants to figure out.

Bailey unlocks room 55 and steps inside. Like the rest of the hotel, they have kept its original 1920s aesthetic. Though the modern comforts of TV, wifi, proper heating - that is all there too. Bailey shuts the door and places her bag by the bed. The bed still has the old style metal railings at its head and feet. Bailey searches the room, checking every nook and cranny. She wants to make sure there is nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing that makes any weird noises, or casts any unusual shadows. Bailey wants to be sure that anything she sees or hears tonight isn't just the whim of some optical illusion. She even goes so far as to check the empty cupboard, she knocks on the back wall. Nothing of interest.

Bailey checks outside the window. The sky is already shading pink and deep blue. It's nearing 7pm. It will be pitch black soon. Bailey isn't sure exactly what she will find. And that is partly the point. The mystery of it excites her. She had brought some special supplies with her, but she is still hot and cold on whether she will use it. There are a few stories she read, saying that if she-

Bailey shakes off the thought. She doesn't feel ready for that. Her heart was thumping too strongly to consider it.



Bailey lies in her bed, her eyes looking blankly at the hotel ceiling above her. Her body is in the hotel but her mind is someplace else. She scoffs at herself, what the hell is she doing? Spending some night at some strange hotel for no reason other than to follow some obscure folk story. Bailey had never considered herself superstitious. She was always brought up in a very science first household. But maybe she is more superstitious than she thought. Why would she bother to show up if she didn't at least partly believe there is something to the stories. But that's why she is here, to gather evidence. She's always heard of ghost encounters but now she gets the chance to test one out for herself. Assuming the ghost bothers to show up.

Bailey looks up and checks the clock - 11:20pm. Her head falls back into the pillows impatiently. Maybe she has to wait till the witching hour? She smirks at the thought.

There were some other stories of the hotel she read about while browsing forums after forums. A few really peaked her interest. She can remember the stories almost like they were vivid memories etched into her mind - as if she were there herself. She is not the first to visit the hotel to find proof of the ghoul. And she isn't the first to consider getting clever about it. Another woman (she never gave a name) tried being clever too. Bailey can remember what the woman wrote in her post almost word for word:

"I couldn't help but think. If she's some dominatrix, maybe i could provoke her. Find a way to summon her. If i pretended to be one of her clients, as if she were still alive, maybe her spirit would appear. That's exactly what i did. I went to the hotel, got myself ready and waited. I've never been into that kink stuff. I had to google all the selfbondage stuff, just so i knew what i was doing (my boyfriend had questions lol). I didn't overdo it, just tied myself to the bed. Clothes were still on. Nothing happened at first but i just kept waiting. And then-"

Click - clock

Bailey's loses her train of thought. Her head flips up and her eyes dart around the room. What was that noise? She looks to her side and sees shadows shifting left to right through the sliver of light under the door. Bailey sighs, it's just someone walking past the hallway outside.


Cars and trucks beep outside, waking Bailey up from her accidental slumber. No ghost, she thinks. Nothing at all. No smell of perfume or whispered nothings in the ear. Nothing. The morning light fills the room with a warm hue.

Bailey winces to herself - what was she thinking! She was so determined to find this ghost but all she's done is waste fifty dollars. To be fair, it's a magnitude cheaper than the other hotels in the area. Perhaps the super religious aren't too keen to pay a fortune on a hotel with its own local ghoul. Bailey ended up never using the gear in her bag. She couldn't push herself to do it. It's one thing to tie yourself up in the safety of your own home but in a hotel? A haunted hotel no less!


Bailey finds Jessie back at the counter, like she never left. Though she's now wearing a cute turtle neck and scarf. Jessie has a soothing cup of tea with her as she gives her neck a light morning stretch.

"Morning" Jessie smiles.


"How was your night? Did you meet Miss Velvet?"

Bailey frowns for a moment, then she remembers. Miss Velvet was the name of the dominatrix.

"No I didn't" Bailey says.

"Ah shame. You must have gotten a good nights rest at least then. Are you checking out?"

"I guess so yeah" Bailey says, gesturing to the packed bag at her side. Bailey hands her key to Jessie but a question in her head stops her.

"Have you ever had an encounter?" Bailey asks.

"With Miss Velvet? A few times."

"What happened?"

Jessie thinks on it for a moment. She bites her lip at the thoughts in her head.

"It was... an encounter I never thought I would have. You can't stumble into it. You have to want it to happen. If you have any doubts, she can tell. She only shows herself to those who want her." Jessie pauses. She looks Bailey up and down, reading her closely. Jessie can see right through her, Bailey can feel it.

"You came here last night cos you wanted to see her, am I right?"

Bailey pauses- "maybe."

"I knew it!" Jessie giggles. "I can always tell. There are people who book room 55 cos they want to see her and then there are liars."

Bailey feels a little taken back by that.

"Oh sorry" Jessie explains. "I'm not taking the micky of you. I understand! Most people who come to see her are too shy to admit it to me. You're not the only one. I was shy about it too when I first came here."

"Has anyone booked room 55 for tonight?" Bailey asks.

"Why do you ask?" Jessie teases.

"I um... well you know" Bailey stammers, more to herself than Jessie.

"If you want to see her, you have to know you want to see her" Jessie says. "Otherwise, she wont show herself to you".

Bailey thinks. Does she want this? Does she want an encounter with Miss Velvet? The answer would seem pretty obvious now surely. But she has commit to wanting it.

"I would like to book room 55 tonight please" Bailey says, conjuring the confidence from inside her. Jessie gives her a wink and checks the computer.

"Let me see... yep, it is available tonight. Lucky you. I'll book you in right away."

Well since I'm going to stay here an extra night, Bailey thinks, what am I gonna do before then.

Bailey heads back to room 55 to leave her gear. She hurries downstairs and out the door. She has nothing on today, guess she'll just have to spend her time in town. Jessie gives her a cute wave as she exits the hotel.


It was a surprisingly big day for Bailey. She had a look at the local art gallery. Very snobby, she thought, though she had never been one to understand the meaning behind a gumboot in an empty room. She enjoyed a nice meal and drink at a bar with a friend - talking about work and all the latest gossip.

Bailey notices the sun is already going down as she walks back to the hotel. She makes it inside the foyer, where she notices Jessie. She's putting on her coat and heading home. The two share a brief smile as the young woman heads outside. Bailey carries herself up the stairs and to her room, feeling a little more nervous and excited with every step. Eventually she makes it up to the third floor and into room 55.

Everything in Bailey's scenario needs to go to plan. She can't have the cleaners walking in on her - not that they would, but she doesn't want any risks. She shuts and locks the door to her room. Not secure enough. She takes a chair from the corner and secures it under the handlebar of the door. Even if the staff somehow made a mistake and tried to enter the room to clean it, even if they had a staff key, the chair would still keep them out. Bailey really is in a locked room scenario now. She closes and locks the windows. She checks every inch of the room once more, in case anything has changed from last night. It's all the same. Bailey looks over to her bag - it's time.

Bailey is going to pretend to be a client. But she is going to commit. Whatever happens, happens. And whatever doesn't, doesn't. She strips, removing her jacket, shirt and jeans. She strips till she is naked. She opens her special bag, places it on the bedside drawer and pulls out her supplies. She ties two ropes to the foot of her bed, one on each side. Then at the head of the bed she ties one rope to the middle of the railing. Bailey can already feel her heart thumping. This is no longer just a story on a forum post. She grabs a special set of cuffs from the bag. They're a pair of self timer cuffs. All she has to do is set in the time she wants and then the cuffs will stay locked until it hits zero. It's currently 9pm now, Bailey sees on the clock. So maybe she should set it to two hours? Maybe three?

Bailey sets the cuff for three hours. Three hours she will be completely at the mercy of this hotel spectre. Bailey hops on the bed for her final preperations. She grabs the two ropes tied to the foot of the bed and ties her feet to them. First she ties her right ankle, then she has to stretch to really reach the other rope so she can tie her left. Her regular yoga stretches finally have some use, she jokes to herself. Done. Her legs are snugly bound to the corners of the bed - spread wide. Bailey reaches for the rope at the head of the bed and grabs her cuffs. She ties the rope to the chain between the cuffs, keeping them firmly held to the bed.

Now for the point of no return.

Three hours, Bailey thinks.

She rests on her back and lifts her hands above her head. She has to stretch a bit to reach the cuffs. She feeds her hands through the handcuffs and locks them in place. Her heart thumps when she hears the click. She twists about, testing her restraints - she's not going anywhere. She is stuck on the bed, stretched out like an upside down Y. Bailey relaxes into her selfbondage predicament and observes the room around her.

The lights are still on. That was deliberate. She kept them on so if the ghost ever turns up, she'll be able to see it. Though the lights are on a dimmer, she couldn't help but dim them down a little. She couldn't help it, she wanted some element of atmosphere.

The room is quiet. Not a peep. Even the hallway outside is dead.

Bailey glances up at the clock - 9:17pm. She has to be patient. Ghost or no ghost, she can't expect something to happen the moment the cuffs go click.


Bailey wakes up. She must have dozzed off. How did that happen? She gives her arms and legs a tug, still, she's bound to the bed. Still bound, still naked. The feeling makes her realise just how exposed she is, her legs held open for any intruder to do their bidding. She glances at the time. Quarter to ten. It was only a light nap then, she thinks. Bailey glances round the room once again, checking the shut curtains, the chair blocking the door, the lights going off.

The lights going off?

She can't believe it at first, but the lights above her are flickering. Maybe there's some problem with the power. The lights flicker and waver for a few moments. This didn't happen last night, Bailey thinks. And at that moment, the lights go dead.

The room is pitch black.

Bailey can only see the vague inpressions of the room now. All detail is lost, it's simply too dark. All she can see now is the blotchy black shapes of the furniture. But her ears are heightened.


It came from the closet. Bailey's breath picks up as the patchy image of the closet door slowly peeps open. Bailey cannot believe her eyes. Could it be she's dreaming? She did fall asleep a moment ago, maybe she still is. But she can't be. If she were dreaming, surely her realising would wake her up. Besides, this feels too real, too concrete. Bailey can feel a throbbing in her body - down below - between her restrained legs.

She can barely see it in the dark, but from the closet it looks like something is stepping out. Or someone. It moves closer, every step it takes leaves a light tap on the floor. Like the tapping of heels. Bailey can start to see the vague silhouette of a woman. A shapely woman. She looks to be wearing not much at all. Some lingerie that looks like it belongs to the 1920s. Stockings that start from her high heels and up to her shapely thighs. Fine black bras and panties covering the crotch and breasts. Bailey tries to make out the face, but the entity is wearing a fancy masquerade mask. Even with no mask, it would be too dark to make out a face. The beautiful spectre slides closer to the bound Bailey. Bailey struggles a little in her bonds - she's a little scared, but also excited. She can't help but feel excited.

The entity brings its nail polished hands to Bailey's feet and traces its fingers along her exposed sole. Bailey wimpers and twists at the teasing touch. Her throbbing between her legs feels stronger now. She can't possibly be dreaming.

Is this a ghost? Bailey thinks. It feels too real. How could it touch her? It can't be a staff member can it? Or another person checked into the hotel? Bailey checks the front door, it's quite dark but she can just make out the chair still blocking the entrance. No one could have gotten inside, and there was no one else in here when she locked herself in. This spectre, it's impossible. Simply impossible.

The spectre walks around the bed, tracing its long nails along Bailey's body. Toying with her prey. Bailey shivers at the touch. She really is at the mercy of this creature. Even up close, she still can't make out the face; it's just too dark. But she can see its feminine, form. Refined, beautiful, dangerous. It is the walking essense of the femme fatale. The woman goes for Bailey's bag of supplies and looks inside. Bailey glances at behind the spectre, it looks to be holding something long and thin behind its back. A riding crop maybe? Bailey gulps at the thought.

"Are you..." Bailey barely manages a whisper. "Are you Miss Velvet?"

The spectre ignores her. It takes out something from the bag and reaches for Bailey's face. A fine, silky black cloth is planted over Bailey's eyes and tied firmly behind her head. If Bailey thought she couldn't see earlier, she certainly can't see now. It's a shame, Bailey thinks, she couldn't see much of the spectre but what she could see was very hot.

"Are you..." Bailey mutters again "are you miss- miss-"

Bailey can feel a warm presence approach her face. She can feel its breath upon her own lips. Its breath has a rosy smell. Every sense of this spectre is entrancing - its touch, its look, even its smell. Bailey can feel its soft lips lean in and brush teasingly with her own. The spectre kisses her, lips teasing lips. Through light kisses it whispers:

"You are mine."

An accent, Bailey notices. An irish accent, she wasn't expecting that at all.

"You are mine, do you understand?" the spectre whispers into Bailey's mouth. The voice makes Bailey melt like cream. Bailey nods lightly in compliance.

"Say it" the spectre commands in kisses.

"Say what?" Bailey quivers.

"Say 'I am yours, mistress'"

Bailey gulps, her heart skips a beat.

"I am yours, mistress" Bailey says.

And like that the spectre steps off the bed. Still blindfolded, Bailey is clueless to where she has gone. She shivers as her skin is greeted by the touch of Miss Velvet's riding crop. The leather end traverses up and down Bailey's stretched out body. It tickles up her midriff and around her breasts.


Bailey gasps. She felt a sensual sting at her side.


Another sting at her thigh.

"Oh god"

"Don't speak unless you're spoken to" the spectre hisses. "There will be consequences if you disobey. You understand?"


Slap! A sting at her other thigh.

"Yes what?" It asks Bailey. Bailey shivers.

"Yes mistress."

She then feels the body of the spectre crawl back onto the bed, it crawls up her body, running its hands along her tender skin and to her vulnerable breasts. The creatue crawls up and up till Bailey can feel it straddling her head. It sits down on her. Bailey can feel the silky touch of its lingerie as it rubs at her face. It's moist to the touch. Bailey nuzzles at mistresses crotch. The spectre grinds at Bailey's face, getting wetter as Bailey nuzzles her nose and mouth at the treasure within. Bailey can smell the essence of her captor, its no longer a rosy smell. Instead it is primal, womanly, bodily. Bailey bites at the crotch, lightly, just to get her mistress going. The spectre hovers off the bed for a moment. Bailey can hear the sound of fabric rubbing against skin. Then, Bailey feels her face being straddled once again. As the creature sits down on her, Bailey can now feel the exposed skin of her captors sex.

Bailey does what's expected of her. She licks and nibbles. She nuzzles and teases. She pleases the spectre and its womanly rewards. The mistress moans and purrs above. It runs its hands along Bailey's midriff and breasts, giving the bound blonde incentive to keep licking and biting. They stay like this for a wee while, the spectre grinding hungrily at Bailey's face as Bailey returns that hunger. They go at it more and more till the spectre gasps and moans in an uncanny ecstasy. Bailey tastes the essence of the spectre's climax from its sex. She licks it all up like a good submissive. The spectre steps off the bed, parting Bailey from the treasure between its legs. Bailey's lips are then greeted by the lips of Miss Velvet herself.

They kiss hungrily. Their lips tease each other and their tongues twist and play for power. Miss Velvet bites at Bailey's lip, lightly, seductively. Bailey kisses the spectre back. She returns the favour, nibbling at her captors delicious lips. Their mouths sigh between each other, breath sharing breath.

"Mistress" Bailey lets out in a whispered sigh.

"What did I say?" the spectre scolds her. Bailey shivers. She wasn't supposed to speak. Bailey opens her mouth to apologise to her mistress but all she gets is something shoved behind her teeth. It's a fine silky fabric. It's the underwear of the spectre. She can tell as she can taste the wetness of her captor in the fabric. Bailey feels a large knotted cloth being forced into her mouth and tied around her head. She has been cleave gagged, holding the wet panties inside her mouth. Usually a cleave gag doesn't do much but the knot behind her teeth was large and the cloth tied firmly behind her. Bailey's whispered pleas are now reduced to muffled moans. She is nothing more but Miss Velvet's plaything. Bailey can feel Miss Velvet run their riding crop along her vulnerable naked body. It's leather end travels across her nipples and creeps down towards her throbbing pussy.

"Mmmph" Bailey pleads.

Slap! Right at her tits. Bailey yelps helplessly into her gag. Her captor keeps her like this for a while longer. The crop running up and down her body. She slaps her feet, her thighs and belly. Each time is random. Blindfolded, Bailey feels every inch of her body. She is sensitive to every touch and uncertain what will happen to her next. She feels the spectre climb back on, it's sculpted womanly body pressed down against her own. It kisses at her neck and nibbles her earlobe.

"Mmm" Bailey purrs. She then freezes. She can feel Miss Velvet's fingers walking down her body and towards her wet sex. She gasps as her labia lips are met with the tickling touch of the spectre's finger nails. Her captor starts rubbing and tickling her clit. Bailey melts like cream all over again. Is this ghost even real? Is it even a ghost? - Bailey doesn't care anymore. All she wants is for the spectre to rub her harder and finger her. The spectre kisses down to Bailey's breasts and starts nibbling at her nipples. It's other free hand toys with the neglected breast. Bailey's tits and pussy are all being attended to. The spectre rubs harder at Bailey's clit, getting it wetter with excitement. Bailey purrs and moans lightly to her captor.

She then gasps. The spectre takes two fingers and penetrates them into Bailey's sex. The entity fingers her vagina, fucking her with its fingers.

"Mmph!" Bailey gasps as the fingering picks up to a sudden intensity.

It's all so much, the fingering at her pussy, the biting and pinching at her tits. Bailey's bound body held wide open so the ghost can have its way with her. She feels the body of the spectre slide down her own, kissing down her breasts and past her midriff. The entitiy flips itself around. Bailey can feel it shuffling back up and straddling her gagged face between its thighs. It's sitting on her 69. Bailey gulps at the thought. Then gasps once again.

She can feel the teeth of her captor teasing at her clitoris. Its fingers still fucking her with intensity. Bailey can smell her captor's pussy as it grinds at her gagged face. Miss Velvet shows no mercy. She fucks and nibbles at Bailey's clit and pussy while grinding at her face, getting the bound blonde moaning and pleading to cum. The mistress keeps Bailey in this state of agony. Keeping her just before the point of orgasm but never surpassing it.

It keeps her in this state for god knows how long - to Bailey it feels like an eternity. This must be what Miss Velvet does to all her clients, Bailey thinks. Keeps them in this point of helplessness and fucks them for as long as possible before she allows them an orgasm. Bailey can feel the wetness of her captor's sex rub at her nose. She can smell it. The smell just pushes Bailey even closer to the edge. But still she can't cross it.

The spectre starts lapping at Bailey's sex with her tongue, taking in her wetness. The feeling is heaven to Bailey. Or is it hell? The distinction is a little confusing here and quite ironic given the context. The spectre takes its hands and tickles at Bailey's thighs and ribs. Bailey squirms beneath her captor as her pussy is eaten out. She laughs and moans simultaneously into her cleave gag. It's both torture and pleasure. Mistress keeps this going, tickling poor Bailey while licking and biting her pussy and clit. Bailey feels like she's on the knife's edge. It's only when the spectre returns its fingers to Bailey's sex, only when it shoves them inside her and fucks her intensely once more...

...only then does Bailey finally cum.

And when it rains it pours. Bailey twists and struggles in her bonds and under her captor as her pussy squirts in its climax. The spectre wastes no time to lap it all up. Bailey pants and pants as the orgasm ripples through every part if her body. It feels like she's being possessed by the goddess of pleasure itself.

The spectre climbs off Bailey and goes to remove her gag and the panties from her mouth. The two share a long slobbering kiss, exchanging tastes.

"Good girl" the spectre whispers as they kiss. Bailey can hear some shuffling from the bag once more. A rubber ball is forced into her mouth and buckled behind her teeth. Bailey then whines as she feels something pinch at her tender right nipple, then her left. Must be her nipple clamps. Bailey shakes her body to try and throw the clamps off but they're not going anywhere. Bailey hears the sound of tape unsheathing from its roll. Something is held against her pussy and taped firmly to her thigh. The lips of her captor greet Bailey's ears once more.

"It was a pleasure to meet you" the lips say as they bite at her earlobe. The hand of the spectre slide down Bailey's body and to the toy between her legs.


The vibrator hums into life and starts violating Bailey's pussy.

"Mmmmph" Bailey pleads to her captor. But the ballgag stops any words from coming out.

Bailey hears the footsteps of her captor drift away. And then vanish entirely. Bailey is alone. She is now at the mercy of her sex toy till her cuffs finally decide to let her go. Bailey wonders how long she's been tied up, and how long she has to wait and endure this torment. But her blindfold is still on and she can't see the time. She will just have to wait. It takes a little while, but the vibrator begins to have its effect and Bailey starts moaning for sexual release. Unlike the ghost, a vibrator is kind. It only has one function. Bailey cums once more, wondering when her next encounter with the ghost might be.

This certainly wont be the last time she checks into room 55.
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Post by LunaDog »

That's the SPIRIT! Yes, this is rather good and entertaining. Well done.
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Post by FortheFunofit »

I wrote a whole second chapter but then lost it all :cry: . So I have to rewrite it now. Might take longer than expected.
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Post by FortheFunofit »

Part two.

Who knows how long it was that Bailey had to wait there in her bonds. The vibrator kept buzzing her to the next climax. She would try to shake it off but all it would do is cause the clamps to fling left and right, pulling at her nipples. All she could do was twist about and moan into her ballgag as the sex toy teased her relentlessly. The blindfold heightened her senses. When her selftimer cuffs finally clicked open, she was quick to remove the vibe and clamps. She undid her ropes and after that - went out like a light. She was exhausted.

Bailey now finds herself in a new day. She packs all her bondage gear, clears the bed and gives everything a last look over. She couldn't have imagined the spectre, Bailey thinks. How could she? Illusions don't gag you and tie a sex toy to your crotch. The problem though is who will believe her? She's going to need more concrete evidence. Bailey's horny brain has switched off and her science brain has switched on. She checks the room again and yet still finds nothing of interest. No secret passage, or mysteriously loose tile in the bathroom, or eerie draft from the closet. Nothing. Completely normal. Maybe it was a ghost.

Bailey gets changed and checks out at the foyer. She was hoping to see Jessie there but she must be off work. Instead Bailey says goodbye to some older man and leaves the hotel.


Bailey hops off the bus and makes her way to the flat. It's a quant little building, surrounded by overgrown bushes and Elsie's favourite apricot tree. The tree was there when they first moved in. It was decrepid but Elsie was determined to nurture it back to health. Now they get to enjoy the literal fruits of their labour. Well Elsie's labour really, she's the gardening enthusiast. It's one of the things Bailey always loves about her, her ability to switch off from the digital world and tend to the garden. Bailey steps through the gate and spots Elsie picking apricots from the very tree in question. The two smile and Elsie runs over to give her a warm embrace - Elsie's always been a hugger.


"So what? You want me to come over to the hotel with you?" Elsie asks.

"That's the idea. I need better evidence and two sets of eyes would make a big difference."

"Why not film it?" Elsie says.

"Not sure if i want to film myself like that you know?"

"So we both head to the flat, tie ourselves up and get fucked by a ghost?"

"I mean..." Bailey hesitates. "It sounds crazy when you say it like that."

"I didn't think you believed in ghosts. Must have really made an impression on you aye?" Elsie giggles. Bailey doesn't. Bailey may not believe in ghosts, but whatever seduced her wasn't just some illusion. It can't be. Elsie doesn't exactly believe in the supernatural either. But between the two of them, Elsie is the more open to the idea. Bailey knows this, which is why she asked her to join.

"You don't have to do it if you don't want to. The ghost only appears if you really want to see it."

"Assuming it is a ghost."

Bailey nods. The two sit in silence for a while.

"You mind if i think about it for a bit?"


It took Elsie a couple days before she said yes - longer than Bailey expected. But when she did agree, she agreed with a gleefull enthusiasm and a naughty glint in her eye. Bailey thinks she wants evidence, but Elsie just thinks she wants to be ravished again, and Elsie wants a slice of the cake. The two girls have always been open sexually. More than open. They're sort of flatmates with benefits. Most of Bailey's friends are like that. Most of them have had sex together at least a couple times and all have a shared open relationship.

Elsie and Bailey hop out of the bus with bags of clothes and gear. Bailey guides her friend to the hotel. Jessie is at the foyer, Bailey's eyes light up.

"Hey there gorgeous" Jessie says as Bailey enters the hotel. Bailey can't help but blush a little.

"Room 55 again I take it Bailey?"

Bailey nods, biting her lip. Elsie can see the effect this woman is having on Bailey.

"Hi I'm Elsie!" She says to the woman and hurries in for a hello hug. "Bailey's told me all about you."

"She has?" Jessie says. Bailey freezes, she hasn't told Elsie about Jessie at all. What's Elsie playing at?

"Yeah she said you were lovely and very nice to talk to."

It's now Jessie's time to blush. She looks at Elsie and Bailey standing side by side.

"You're both booked for room 55 then?" Jessie asks. The girls nod. As they nod, Jessie's face turns to confusion. Then it turns to deflation. Bailey frowns a little.

"Well um, I'm actually just about to head out. My shift's done. It was nice meeting you Elsie. Nice meeting you again Bailey."

The girls wave goodbye and Jessie leaves. Elsie goes to check in at the counter and the two head upstairs. Bailey thinks to herself as they trek up the steps. She's very confused. She was certain she and Jessie were flirting for a moment, then suddenly Jessie went cold. Did she do something wrong? She should have gotten her number or at least her insta. It's only when they enter room 55 did Bailey realise why Jessie looked upset.

The room only has one bed. Jessie must have assumed they had booked it as a couple. Bailey winces to herself. In fairness, Elsie and Bailey are not a couple but they're not, not a couple either. Bailey shares a lot of love in her life and would be happy to extend that to one more person.

"I should've got her number" Bailey says.

"Awh, don't worry, maybe she'll be back tomorrow morning" says Elsie.

Possibly, Bailey thinks in private.


Elsie and Bailey spend the evening hanging out. They check the room for anything suspicious like last time. And like last time there's nothing. Elsie checks the small laundry area in the far corner of the room. There's also a small fridge to keep cool drinks. But when Elsie looks, all she finds is a rack of ice cubes. The two head out for some dinner, they have a good yarn as the sky goes dark before heading back.

Back in room 55. It's nearing midnight already. They really lost track of time. They're ready to get started. Bailey locks the door and jams it with the chair like last time. She and Elsie place plates on the floor, and in the plates are some cheap candles. The last time Bailey was here, the lights went out and she couldn't get a good view of her seductress. She isn't making the same mistake again. The candles seem more foolproof, the power going out wont be a problem anymore. Plus it adds to the atmosphere, it's both ghostly and sexy. The two girls strip naked.

First Elsie. Bailey gets the short haired brunette to lie on the bed. She binds her firmly at the ankles and above the knees, welding her legs together. She then ties and cinches her wrists in front of her. Bailey ties Elsie's legs to the front railing of the bed, then ties her hands to the back railing. Elsie is now stretched out, her body exposed and vulnerable. Bailey rubs her hands over the woman's body. Bailey enjoys the brief power she has over her. Elsie giggles at Bailey's tickling touch. Bailey doesn't have to tie herself up. She could just stay as she is and have her way with Elsie and her delicious form. Elsie would love it. But Bailey is here for a reason.

It's her turn. Bailey lights all the candles on the floor. She grabs some more rope and the selftimer cuffs from the bag and jumps on the bed to the left of her flatmate. She binds her legs together and ties them to the front railing just like Elsie. She ties a rope to the cuffs and binds it to the back railing of the bed.

"How long should I set the timer?" Bailey asks.

Elsie thinks a bit. A mischevious grin escapes her strawberry lips.

"4 hours?"

"That's a long time being bound naked to a bed."

"True" Elsie says. "But if this ghost of yours is real, we'll be pretty occupied for most of that time right?"

Damn, Bailey thinks. Even when she's tied up, Elsie found a way to have control over her. She sets the timer to 4 hours, lies back and reaches above her. She feeds her hands into the cuffs.


They are now at the mercy of Miss Velvet. Let's hope she turns up.


Elsie and Bailey start growing a little impatient. Only twenty minutes on the clock has past yet it feels like an eon. They take the chance to test their bonds, only prooving that Bailey had tied them up good.

The lights flicker.

Bailey holds her breath. It's just like last time. She can feel her heart thump as the lights flicker and fade and then switch off entirely. The room is now painted orange by the warm carress of candle light. Elsie and Bailey's hearts pound strongly together.

The door to the closet peeps open. And from the closet steps out a sultry, stockings covered leg. The full figure steps in. The seductress has arrived. The candle lights highlight her smooth, caramel-like skin and womanly shape. She wears the same black stockings, bra and panties from last time; and the same masquerade mask that obscures her face. Miss Velvet looks to the candles around her.

"You thought you were being clever?" The spectre says.

Elsie lets out an unexpected giggle. She couldn't help it. She can't tell what's more surprising, a ghost standing before her or the ghost's irish accent.

"I'm sorry mistress" Bailey whispers. "I wanted to see you."

The ghost leans down and snuffs out all the candles, dipping the girls into darkness. Bailey tries to protest but her voice just comes out as a helpless whisper. She dare not speak over Miss Velvet. She grabs something from the bag and stalks over to Elsie. She runs her hands over the bound brunette's body. Elsie is like putty in her hands. Her breath heightens at the touch. A cloth is tied round Elsie's head, blindfolding her. Bailey can see Elsie's nipples standing more pert with excitement. It's like they're waiting for sexual attention. Miss Velvet steps aside. They hear her open the fridge. She climbs on the bed, on top of Elsie. She looks to be holding something in her hands. She puts it to her lips and holds it by her teeth. It's an ice cube. The spectre leans down, ass in the air and runs her lips up Elsie's legs. Elsie gasps as the cold touch of ice trickles up her along with Miss Velvet's warm lips. The spectre draws the ice cube up her thighs, zigzaging between one thigh and the other. She travels up her pelvis and up her midriff. Elsie shivers at the touch, her body is sprinkled in goosebumps. Bailey can't tell what's causing the goosebumps for Elsie more. The cold ice cube or the hot foreplay. Miss Velvet travels up and circles her ice cube held lips around Elsie's breasts. The nipples stand waiting. Elsie's lips open a little, her head leaning back. Miss Velvet circles her breasts some more, teasing Elsie. She then travels further up, neglecting the poor nipples. She travels up Elsie's neck and to her own lips. The two kiss, sharing the ice cube between them. They suck at the ice till it vanishes between them, leaving only the cold water between their slippery tongues. Elsie moans softly into her seductresses lips. Miss Velvet takes another cube and brings it to her lips. This time, she brings it down Elsie's neck and back to her breasts. Finally, Elsie's nipples are met by the cold caress of the ice cube. Elsie arches her back and lets out a silent moan from her lips.

Bailey should feel aroused, and she does. But she also feels something else. Being left out? Maybe. But it's more than that. She feels jealous. Jealous of all the attention Elsie is getting from the ghost. Bailey realises, maybe this is how Jessie was feeling when she saw her and Elsie together. But that was just a misunderstanding, Bailey doesn't deserve this punishment. She now feels a little guilty, but Elsie's silent moans next to her turn a little more vocal. Her veluptuous vocals draw Bailey back into arousal. She watches as Miss Velvet rubs one nipple with the ice cube, and the other she teases with her lips. Elsie squirms erotically at the teasing. The sight of it gets Bailey's own nipples pert and throbbing. Miss Velvet looks over at poor Bailey.

She steps off the bed and comes back with another cloth to blindfold the blonde. Bailey can feel her heart pounding at her breasts. The thought of the seductress on top of her, teasing her with ice, the thought gets her feeling hot down below. A heat that needs cooling with an icy touch.

She feels Miss Velvet crawl back onto the bed. She rubs her fingers over Bailey's body, Bailey giggles lightly. Then-

Bailey gasps in shock.

Her midriff is met not with the cold touch of lips and ice, but the hot sting of melted wax. The wax sprinkles up and down her body. Bailey struggles in her bonds as she is left helpless to the hot touch of wax as it falls and drips along her exposed skin. Maybe it was a mistake to bring the candles after all, Bailey thinks. The ghost is using everything against her.

"Oh Mistress" Bailey can't help but whisper.

"What did I tell you last time" the spectre commands. Bailey hears some shuffling, then, the feeling of a rubber ball pushed against her mouth. Bailey lets the gag in and feels it buckled tightly around her head. She can hear Elsie making a fuss next to her too-

"Please mistress, please don't mammmmmphh..."

She must have been gagged too. The feeling of hot wax contues dripping along Bailey's body. The stings of liquid fall around her chest, around her breasts and around her thighs. Bailey gasps in her gag as her erect nipples are drowned by a hot waterfall of liquid. First her right, then her left. Bailey moans as the hot wax torments her nipples till the wax turns hard on her skin. Bailey feels her legs being untied from the bed, though still bound together. Her knees are pushed up against her chest and tied in place, putting the blonde in a balltie except the arms cuffed above her.

"Do you want to cum?" Miss Velvet whispers in Bailey's ear. She nods.

"You have to say it."

Bailey mumbles a reply through her ballgag.

"Mmm - mmmpphmphm - mmpphm?"

It's completely illegible. The gag is doing wonders.

"Too bad" the spectre responds. Bailey gasps as she feels something warm inserted into her pussy. It's the candle. Bailey and Elsie's blindfolds are removed so they can get a good look of each other. Elsie is in fact wearing a ring gag. Miss Velvet steps off the bed and comes back with more ice cubes - and a strapon round her waist. She rolls the ice round Elsie's body, letting the brunette squirm once more. Miss Velvet shoves her fingers into Elsie's gagged mouth as her other hand taunts her body with the ice. Bailey's pussy is feeling warm from arousal, or is it the candle getting warmer? Miss Velvet rubs the ice cube round Elsie's body till it's nothing but goosebumps and water. She unties Elsie's legs from the bed and turns her around. Elsie sits on the bed in a doggie position, her hands bound in front and her legs bound behind. Miss Velvet steps on the bed behind her and massages the girls crotch before entry.

With one slow push, Miss Velvet guides her strapon into Elsie's sex.

"Oooohh" Elsie moans as the phallus fills her. The spectre starts thrusting into Elsie. Slowly at first, easing in and out. But the thrust picks up slowly till eventually she's pounding at Elsie's pussy. Elsie moans rhythmically to each thrust Velvet makes.

"Oh - oh - oh - oh" she moans, her lustful eyes looking down at the bound and gagged Bailey. Bailey moans back as a slither of hot wax drools down the candle and onto her exposed pussy lips. Bailey moans at her mistress as the candle feels hotter inside her, but she's ignored. The ghost continues fucking Elsie till she starts screaming with pleasure in her ring gagged mouth. Elsie drools helplessly from her ring gag, the drool travelling down her chin and to the mattress. The spectre slaps at Elsie's ass a few times, each smack makes Elsie squeal but gets her even more aroused. Miss Velvet covers Elsie's face, handgagging her to muffle her screams of ecstasy as she continues thrusting into her. Bailey watches Elsie as the brunnette is fucked to orgasm, Elsie's pussy contracts round the phallus as it continues to thrust in and out of her. Miss Velvet pounds at Elsie, getting her sopping pussy raw and red. Elsie groans as her orgasm is stretched out. It's been so long since she's been dominated so ruthlessly. Elsie is possessed by her orgasm, it consumes her body as she groans into Miss Velvet's hand. God, Bailey thinks, if only she were in her place right now. Instead she is here with the candle growing hot in her vagina and the wax dripping down on her pussy lips. She watches Elsie as she moans veluptuously through her orgasm, Miss Velvet squeezes out every inch of the girl's climax - making it last as long as possible.

Finally, the seductress looks over at Bailey who still squrims on the bed with the hot candle melting closer into her sex. She decides mercy and removes the candle, blowing out the light. Bailey sighs in relief. Miss Velvet undoes both girl's gags. She unties the rope that holds Bailey's knees to her chest so she can lie flat out on the bed once more. Miss Velvet removes her strapon and panties. She straddles Bailey's face.

"Make me cum" the seductress commands. Bailey begins licking, enjoying the taste of her captors sex. She can feel her Miss Velvet's hands running down her body, peeling of the hardened wax. She feels Elsie shuffling over and start doing the same with her bound hands.

"Can I please her mistress?" Elsie asks. Miss Velvet thinks a little, squeezing Bailey's nipples.

"You can" she replies. Bailey can feel Elsie's lips kiss at her naval. Her kisses travel down to her pelvis and around her private area. Miss Velvet lowers herself more onto Bailey, smothering the blonde in her sex. The seductress arches her back as Bailey pleasures her. In return, she squeezing and tickles Bailey's sensitive breasts. Elsie down below starts licking and biting at Bailey's pussy. Bailey rolls her hips to Elsie's mouth. She wishes she could open her legs more for Elsie but they're still bound together. She feels Elsie ease her fingers inside her vagina. She fingers her and licks at her clit. Bailey moans into Miss Velvet's sex.

The three girls build a rhythm. Elsie and Miss Velvet tease, lick and finger Bailey to her orgasm. And in return, she eats out Miss Velvet. This rhythm continues for quite a few minutes. Not escalating at first. They take their time enjoying the touch and feel of each other. Bailey revels in the hands worshiping her bound body as she too worships her mistress. Elsie herself is starting to feel horny again as she hears the moans of the others crescendo. Miss Velvet grinds her hips at Bailey as she feels her climax approaching. Bailey does the same to Elsie. Elsie and Miss Velvet become less forgiving. Elsie fingers Bailey more intensely, like she's trying to rip the orgasm out of the blonde. Miss Velvet squeezes, pinches and tickles at Bailey's breasts and body. Bailey gasps, groans, laughs and moans. She makes every concievable sound as she is helplessly thrown into her first orgasm of the night. She twists and wiggles. But the girls continue their dirty work. Then, Bailey screams. The orgasm hits her like a train. The others have to hold Bailey down as she squirms about in her bonds and the climax floods through her. Elsie fingers at Bailey intensely, making the blonde just squirm and groan even more. A spray of womanly fluid escapes Bailey's sex as she cums. Elsie keeps fingering, milking it out of her. The feeling is intense and exilirating to Bailey as she is held down through her intense orgasm. It is like all that jealousy and arousal was building up like an overflowing dam - and finally the dam has breached, the river bursting from the cracks. The orgasm has a domino effect, causing the seductress to cum as Bailey nuzzles and moans into her sex.

"Aaah!" The seductress gasps as she grinds at Bailey's face - enjoying the climax flowing through her.

Bailey feels Miss Velvet tying rope around her wrists as they both calm down from their orgasmic high. The seductress hops off the bed for the key from the bag and goes back to unlock Bailey's handcuffs. Bailey's only means of escape - gone. Her hands are now tied together with rope instead. Miss Velvet prepares her girls for their final predicament of the night. She makes them lie facing together on the bed. Their bound arms wrapped around the other. Miss Velvet straps their naked bodies together in rope, forcing them into a permanent embrace. She takes a knotted rope from the bag and feeds it between both girl's legs. The knots are thick and tease at their wet crotches. She ties both ends to each girl's bound wrists. As the girls move their hands, it causes the knotted crotch rope to rub both their pussies.

"Open up" the seductress says to Bailey. A ball is forced between her teeth and strapped behind her head. But this is no ordinary ballgag. Elsie is made to kiss Bailey, her mouth taking in the same rubber ball. The seductress takes the other set of straps and buckles it behind her head too. The two girls remain lip locked, no way to escape. Miss Velvet takes the chair at the door and removes it and unlocks the door. She goes back to the girls and replaces their blindfolds. And on that note, the seductress drifts into the darkness of the room. Her womanly form fades into blotches of shapes, which eventually mold into the dark corners of the walls - like she was never there. Bailey and Elsie moan for their mistress, moan for her to come back and let them loose. But it seems they're truly on their own. And now fully bound in rope, they have no means to escape. All they can do is wait helplessly till someone comes inside the room and discovers them in their intimate predicament. Blindfolded, they can only feel the soft touch of skin and lips. Bailey can feel Elsie's smooth round ass with her bound hands. She can feel Elsie caressing her own ass behind her. Even now, the girls can't help but feel each other up.

They spend a good while squirming about, trying to get loose. The more helpless they feel the more aroused they get. They start to grind and pull at their shared crotchrope more and more. In five minutes, they've really built into a frenzy. They moan into their shared gag as they help bring each other to climax. It takes them a while to figure out the right rhythm and technique to get the knotted rope rubbing at their pussies in just the right way. But the moment they figure it out, it is heaven. The two girls remain there for who knows how long. Time becomes a meaningless word for them. All that is real for them now is their partners warm body strapped against them and the knotted rope rubbing them to their next climax. It's like they have molded into one being, working as a sexual symbiotic entity. They moan and groan to nobody except each other, keeping the other woman horny as they hump at the rope together - masterbating each other. Their lip locked mouths sigh seductively into their shared ballgag.

They've lost so much track of time. They could have been there for hours, maybe less - maybe more. At some point they fall asleep. And then awake to more grinding and humping. Or did they fall asleep? It all feels like a blur to them. Maybe they were awake the whole time? Maybe they were in that half asleep state where you're neither. They've been bound for what feels like an eon and also no time at all, it all feels like a blur. The only moments that feel real to them is the pleasure the rope gives them and the tickling touch of their bound, warm embrace.

Bailey drifts awake to hear the birds chirping outside and cars zooming and honking below. Must finally be morning. Wont be long till somebody comes and finds them, Bailey thinks. She is both relieved by the thought, and worried. Here's hoping whoever finds them is the understanding type, and not some asshole or creep. Whoever enters the room, the women will be completely at their mercy.

The door creeps open.

Elsie and Bailey moan at the door. Blindfolded, they can't see their visitor. It must be quite an unexpected sight for whoever it is that has just discovered them. Bailey feels her heart thump. She can feel Elsie's heart thumping against her own chest. They both feel nervous, a little scared, but they also can't help but feel a little aroused by the whole ordeal. Bailey hears footsteps enter the room. Seems too light to be a man. So a woman then.


Bailey's heart plummets. She's only met her a few times but her voice stands out as clear as day. Of all the people who had to see her and Elsie strapped together in such a sensual predicament, why does it have to be Jessie?
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Syko Sith
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Post by Syko Sith »

Nice twist at the end! Exactly what Bailey wouldn't want :lol:
Hogtied and loving it
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Post by Trickster »

This story is absolutely amazing! It took my breath away and makes me clamor for more! Great job!!!
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Post by TheDapperKing »

This is very interesting so far, muy bien :)
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Post by FortheFunofit »

Part three.

What happened that morning formed into such a confusing muddle of events for Bailey. There she was, tied to Elsie, and Jessie had just stepped into the room. They were both completely at her mercy. Jessie could have had her way with them and no one would be there to stop her. Bailey can't help but wonder, did Jessie think about it? At the back of her mind, did some guilty part of her want to join in on the action? Nothing happened though to Bailey's disappointment. The first thing Jessie did was remove their shared gag to check if they were ok. She shut the door for privacy and helped them out of their bonds. Even now, back home, Bailey feels embarrased about the whole encounter they had that morning. At the time, that embarrasement left her face inked red. Once Elsie and Bailey were free and getting changed, Jessie helped herself to the door and left them. Nothing much was spoken between them. Jessie didn't ask what happened. Presumably she must have thought it was a selfbondage session gone wrong. Or they were simply exhibitionists. But she never asked, she was too polite for that. Or maybe it wasn't shyness that silenced Jessie, maybe it was envy. Afterall, she did seem a little deflated when she saw Bailey and Elsie together at the foyer. Perhaps seeing them tied together was a real nail in the coffin. There's no hope in hell in Jessie's mind that she could ever have a chance with Bailey. The thought of that makes Bailey wince. If only Jessie knew juat how much of a chance with her she actually has.

Bailey spends the rest of her day doing chores around the flat, all the while these thoughts continue spinning in her head - more so than the clothes in the washing machine. She has to go back to the hotel, Bailey thinks. She needs definitive proof of the seductress once and for all. There is something else going on in that room and she is determined to figure out what it is. She conjures thoughts of what her plan will be next, but ideas struggle to come to mind. There is something about this whole mystery that bothers her, something as plain as day that she hasn't noticed. That morning when Jessie found her and Elsie bound together, there was something else about that moment that keeps riddling her mind. And the fact that the seductress took the effort to punish her over Elsie that steamy night before - Bailey finds that last thought doubly suspicious. There is something about this ghouley Miss Velvet that seems eerily familiar to her. But she is going to need concrete proof. What she needs, is a honeytrap.


Ilsie didn't quite know what to make of Bailey's story when she first heard it. It seemed quite unbelievable, even for them. But when Bailey had told her what happened at the Horton Hotel, Bailey was adament that it was real. Elsie was there too afterall. What intriged Ilsie though wasn't just the story but what was asked of her.

Bailey's instructions replay in Ilsie's head as she walks into town, a travel bag in hand. She was the only one Bailey trusted for this. And despite how silly the story sounded, Ilsie can't deny that it fascinates her. Who is this seductress of room 55? If Ilsie does her job right, she'll find out soon enough. Bailey gave her clear instructions of what to do.

"First, bring any bondage stuff you have with you. You're welcome to borrow some of our stuff too. You wont want to be on short supply." Ilsie glances at her travel bag, there's enough ropes and toys in there for at least a few people. It seems a little much for just her. But she did as she was told and brough the lot.

"Second, when you make it to the hotel, don't forget to say hi to Jessie. She's one of the staff there, hopefully she'll be working at reception." Ilise frowns at this instruction as she remembers it. What does this girl have to do with room 55? But Ilsie does as she's told. She spots a perky woman with caramel brown skin and cute frizzy hair at the reception, talking with one of her colleagues. Must be Jessie, Ilsie thinks.

"Hiya" Ilsie says. "I booked a night here at room 55?"

Jessie looks and smiles at Ilsie.

"Sure thing" Jessie glances at the large travel bag by Ilsie's side. She searches for Ilsie's booking on the reception computer. "Ilsie Sail is it?"

"That's me."

"You know about the stories of room 55?"

"Maybe" says Ilsie. "Depends on the story."

Jessie leans forward slightly, like both girls are sharing in gossip.

"Have you heard about Miss Velvet? The ghost that lives up in room 55?"

"Why do you think I'm here?"

"I knew it!" Jessie grins. "I can always tell you see. There's a certain look people give me. Even if they don't know about their look. You know what happens to people who have met Miss Velvet do you?"

Ilsie gulps: "No one's been murdered or anything right?"

"Oh god no!" Jessie says. "Sorry, nothing like that. I mean, you know, Miss Velvet is known to be a bit of a seductress."

"Well here's hoping" Ilsie gives Jessie a wink as she takes her key to the room. As Jessie heads upstairs, Bailey's third instruction plays in her mind:

"Third, make sure to mention Miss Velvet to Jessie in conversation. She needs to know of your intent."

The third instruction is the one that puzzles Ilsie especially. But she did as she was told and is now making her way to her room. The infamous room 55.


The sky outside has turned dark and the room 55 is ready. Ilsie prepares herself in the shower before getting ready for the night ahead. Naked, she puts on a pair of black stockings that accentuate the curves of her legs. She adds some heels to complete the look. Other than that, she is still naked. She goes to the ottoman she has placed between the bed and the cupboard door. The ottoman has four distinct legs at the bottom and a comfy grey top to sit on. She keeps the bondage bag in reach and begins work. She starts by tying her ankles and knees to two far corners of the ottoman. Each ankle and knee is bound to a leg, forcing her legs wide apart and her pussy on display. She then takes a pair of cuffs and clips them on behind her back, leaving her vulnerable to either the timer runs out, or an expected visitor appears.

There is one other plan Ilsie has up her sleeve however. Well, not so much a plan. More a person really. Before locking herself into her room, Ilsie invited a guest into her room. The guest, who holds a DSLR in her hands, remains hidden in the bathroom. Her eyes peek through the half open door as Ilsie wiggles about awkwardly on the ottoman. The guest tucks a blond strand of hair out of her eyes. It's Bailey. Only Ilsie has booked the room, but she is also staying at the hotel. Not for the whole night mind you, but long enough to meet this Miss Velvet once and for all. She borrowed the camera from Elsie, who insisted her camera model would work better in lower light. Let's hope Elsie's right, Bailey thinks. She looks up as the ceiling lights in the bedroom start to flicker... and then die. The room is dark, as if the lights itself are preparing for the infamous Miss Velvet to appear. And in time, she does. She emerges from the closet like the previous time. And like last time she wears her same bra, panties and stockings that highlight the shape of her breasts and ass. The mask is once again placed to obscure the woman's face. Bailey peers at the seductress from the safety of the bathroom. She watches as the entity approaches the bound Ilsie and traces its fingers along the bound girls wide open legs. Ilsie looks to be almost hypnotised by the ghost. Is it lust that fuels Ilsie's hypnotic state? Or bewilderment? Perhaps it's both, Bailey muses.

Miss Velvet leans down and whispers to Ilsie. Her delicious lips murmer and peck at Ilsie's own rosey lips. The two exhange a kiss. Pergaps not exchange. Miss Velvet never exchanges a kiss, she conjures it from you; as she is conjuring a kiss from Ilsie. Ilsie moans into Miss Velvet's mouth as her mouth is invaded by the ghost's teasing tongue. The two part lips and the seductress looks over to the bag of bondage supplies. She first applies a blindfold to Ilsie to leave her in uncertain anticipation. Then, Ilsie's mouth is forced open by a ring gag and buckled firmly behind her silky black hair. Miss Velvet leans down and feels up her victim, clearly enjoying Ilsie's skin as it starts smooth but ripples into excited goosebumps. Ilsie can feel her breasts being squezed and her thighs being tickled. A warmthness grows between her exposed legs. If only Miss Velvet wasn't being so kind, Ilsie thinks. She asks her for more, but all Miss Velvet hears is a mumbled garble from Ilsie's gagged mouth. She clutches at Ilsie's neck and bring her lips to the bound girl's ear.

"What was that?"

Ilsie tries to speak but the ring in her mouth and hand at her throat holds it in. Miss Velvet draws her lips to Ilsie's. She leans in and kisses at Ilsie's open mouth as she continues to lightly choke her. Ilsie struggles as she feels short on breath and as Miss Velvet's tongue wrestles with her own. But the seductress lets Ilsie go and the woman gasps and pants. She then whines as the ghost shoots down to bite at her left nipple, leaving it sore, coated in saliva and erect. She then does the same to her right nipple.

"Oooh" Ilsie gasps.


Miss Velvet shoots up. Her eyes are like daggers as they pierce into the dark bathroom. Bailey's heart bounces into full speed. She's been caught, or about to be. The shutter of the camera gave her away. Miss Velvet abandons Ilsie on the ottoman and looms over to the bathroom. Bailey sneakily steps aside out of sight, waiting to be discovered. The door to the bathroom peeps open with a weedy creak as the ghoul leans into the room. Bailey sinks back into the far corner of the bathroom, her camera ready for another snap. Miss Velvet steps inside to find the blonde huddled, waiting for the dreaded moment of discovery. She's been caught.

"Bailey?" says the ghost. Bailey frowns. She takes a snap of her picture and the room is pounded with a blinding flash. Miss Velvet stumbles back, startled by the camera flash.

Bailey rushes into action. She pounces at Miss Velvet who is still in a state of shock and dazed from the light. She pulls the ghouls hands behind her back and-


Ilsie has her ear turned to the bathroom as she hears the struggling from the other side. But blindfolded she is unable to see what is happening. She must have found Bailey, Ilsie thinks. She hears two sets of feet stepping out into the bedroom. One set is walking, the other seems to be hopping as if restrained. Bailey must have been captured, Ilsie thinks.

Unbeknownst to Ilsie, it is actually Bailey who has restrained Miss Velvet. The ghost's hands have been cuffed behind her and another pair cuffed to her ankles forcing her to hop and hobble across the room. Bailey shoves the woman onto the bed and goes to remove her masquerade mask.

"Jessie" Bailey whispers. Bailey had suspected it was her. But now she has proof. The ghost of room 55 is in fact the perky young woman from reception. Jessie looks up at Bailey, all her power ripped away like the mask.

"The whole time?" Bailey asks.

Jessie admits a defeated nod.

"Don't tell anyone?" Jessie mutters under her breath.

"Why not?"

"Please. Just don't."

*flash* Bailey takes Jessie's picture. The two pause. Again, Bailey asks "why not". Jessie tries to explain but is interrupted by another camera flash.

"So when you found me and Elsie tied together, that was you who tied us?"

Jessie nods in confession.

"So you left us there on our own. And you left the door unlocked?!"

Jessie shakes her head, as if trying to shake off the guilt. "I wouldn't have left you like that. I was around. It was always going to be me that found you. I promise I wouldn't have let anything happen to you."

Bailey looks at the photos on her camera. Each image is of Jessie, flooded in light, showing her guilt to the lens. Bailey can't help but feel bad for Jessie. Should she tell others about what she's been doing? I mean, nobody has been hurt right? No one she knows has talked ill about the ghost of room 55, not from anyone serious at the very least. Bailey thinks about that first night, how excited she was when "Miss Velvet" found her bound to the hotel bed for the first time, how it felt when their lips collided and her body was left to the mercy of the seductress. Then she thinks about that second night, how she was tormented and teased with the hot touch of wax while her friend got all the attention. Jessie left her feeling jealous, yearning for more.

"Please don't share them" Jessie pleads. "I'll pay. I'm sorry if i upset you. I'll pay."

Bailey opens the camera menu snd selects all the photos on the card. She opens a small panel and shows it to Jessie.

Delete all - it says.

Bailey selects the option and a bar fills the screen till all the photos are gone. Wiped from existence. Bailey tosses the camera on the bed next to Jessie.

"I just wanted to know if i was right" Bailey sighs. "I guess I was - more or less. I wont tell anyone. You don't owe me anything."

The two sit in silence. They've completely forgotten poor Ilsie who remains bound and gagged on the ottoman nearby. Jessie looks at the restrained, raven haired girl when a feeling hits her. Her eyes glaze over to Bailey with a newfound passion. Her look of guilt has been weaved with a sprinkle of lust as her cheeks flush red.

"I've been so mean to you" Jessie says. "Are you really going to just stand there and take it? Look at me. You could do anything you want to me and nobody would know."

"Ilsie would know."

"What will she say with that gag in her mouth?" Jessie teases. Bailey chuckles at that. Jessie's remark doesn't make very much sense but her soft gaze and parted lips tells Bailey everything she needs to know. Bailey steps aside for a blindfold from Ilsie's bag and places it on Jessie. Jessie's heart races as her vision is taken. Every touch and sensation is magnified in the dark, the warmth of the air, soft sound of her breath. Bailey runs her fingers up Jessie's body and smiles at just how much the woman squirms. Her fingers tickle up her chest and breasts till they stop at her lips. She leans in and gives Jessie a kiss. Bailey falls onto the bed with Jessie as she kisses her. The two get tangled in limbs as they feel each other up. With her hands behind her, Jessie can only grind and hump at Bailey as her body is kissed and worshipped.

"Mmmph" Ilsie mumbles nearby. She must be able to hear them and wants in on the action. Bailey smiles at this and decides to prepare the girls. She unties Jessie's legs and directs her to the ottomon with Ilsie. She has the two girls sitting back to back. Their arms are retied with rope behind their back and embracing the woman behind them; like they're in a backwards hug. Their legs are bound wide open to the legs of the ottoman. Jessie has been stripped naked, leaving her tits and pussy vulnerable to Bailey's bidding. Bailey takes a second ring gag from Ilsie's bag and straps it behind Jessie's teeth. Jessie and Ilsie mumble incoherent protests; their mouths forced open. The two girls wiggle in their backwards embrace, feeling the bare back of the other, warm at their skin. Bailey takes a fine crop from the bag of supplies and lets the leather end drift along the Jessie's body. The crop tickles the woman as it drifts down her chest and orbits round her crotch.

"Mmph" Jessie moans. Bailey gives her a sudden smack on the breasts with the crop, causing Jessie to yelp. Don't think Ilsie is being left off the hook. Bailey draws the crop to Ilsie's bound body and lets it tickle and torment her two. She keeps both girls in purgatory, long waits of her crop tickling their skin and then the sudden smack of the tit or leg. Bailey keeps at this till both girls are squirming and their nipples grow erect from excitement.

Ilsie sighs as she feels Jessie's bound hands start to lightly stroke her inner thighs. Ilsie does the same for Jessie. Bailey steps in and lets her hands feel up both girls as they continue touching each other from behind. With each hand on each woman, she draws up their midriff and around their breasts. She tickles at their tits and nipples. The girl's giggle in their gags. Ilsie teases Jessie's clit with her fingers, lightly at first - as if to tell her to return the gesture. Jessie does the same and more, she teases at Ilsie's clit and then eases a finger inside her.

"Ooooh" Ilsie moans. Ilsie inserts a finger in Jessie and they start to masterbate each other. Bailey slides her hands up their chests and clutches at their necks. Both girls struggle as Bailey prohibits them from breath. She watches them twist and their ring gagged mouths gasp for breath and their fingers plunge into their partner's pussy. She holds their necks for a few moments, then a few moments more.

Then she lets go.

"Ooooh" they both gasp as the rush of oxygen sends a ripple of pleasure through them. They can feel their fingers getting wet from the excitement of their partner's pussy. Bailey takes a set of nipple clamps and straddles Jessie. She gets in close, her chest rubbing at the bound girl. She runs the clamp along Jessie's warm skin. The cold touch of metal causes light squeaks from Jessie's gagged mouth. She takes one clamp and circles it round Jessie's left breast. Jessie moans in playful protest - she knows what is coming next. Bailey takes the clamp and pinches it on Jessie erect left nipple. Jessie groans as the bite on her sensitive breast gets her more excited. Ilsie fingering her only adds to the arousal. Bailey takes the second clamp and circles it round her right breast before clamping that nipple too. As Jessie groans, Bailey takes her face and plunges her tongue into her ring gagged mouth. The two wrestle tongues in their bdsm french kiss. Jessie moans as Bailey's tongue invades her mouth and Ilsie's fingers ravage her vagina. Bailey reaches her hands over to massage at Ilsie's breasts. Ilsie moans as her nipples are teased by Bailey and she is fingered by Jessie. Bailey steps off the ottoman and swaps places, now straddling Ilsie. She takes a second pair of nipple clamps leaves Ilsie's erect nipples to the cold bite of metal. Ilsie groans, but is interrupted as Bailey leans in and gives her a kiss through her ring gag, just like with Jessie they wrestle with tongues. The bound girls roll their hips as they finger each other closer to climax. Bailey tickles lightly at their sides to add to their predicament. Bailey decides to assist in ther ascension to orgasm. She steps off Ilsie and kneels at the side of the ottoman. She inserts her fingers into both girls pussies and starts fingering them together. The girls groan, Bailey fingers intensely at their sexes as they tease each others clits. The bits of the nipple clamps, the pussy and clits being ravaged - it all just adds up.

Jessie screams into her ring gag as she cums. Her sultry gasps and moans pushes Ilsie over the edge and she cums too. Bailey keeps fingering at them till a light squirt of juices come from both of them. She takes her wet fingers and puts them in the girls gagged mouths. Bailey giggles as her fingers are licked clean of womanly juices.

"Ooooh" Jessie and Ilsie moan in unison.

Bailey continues this for a little longer, running her hands along both girls as they moan and wiggle on the ottoman. She watches with a growing arousal as the bound girls rub at the other's clit behind them, teasing them to another looming orgasm. Bailey watches the shimmer of fine sweat on Jessie's sculpture-like body. The woman give out sexy sighs as her clit is teased more and more. Bailey steps over to her back and takes out her phone, she sees the camera app on the home page. She opens it and aims the lens at the girls rubbing each other to orgasm. She hesitates - Bailey has a better idea. She doesn't want photos that leave a digital trace, this needs to be something physical and unique. Something that any of them can burn if they wish. She wants a physical momento. She opens her contact lists and crolls down the E's.

She flicks Elsie a text:

"Horton Hotel. Room 55 for a little surprise. Bring your polaroid xx"

Bailey hits send as the girls behind her gasp and moan as they cum together.
Millennial Club
Millennial Club
Posts: 4934
Joined: 5 years ago

Post by Caesar73 »

Exellent Tale! I am glad you graced us with a third Part. An unexpected Twist!
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