The Escape Room (F+/F+)

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The Escape Room (F+/F+)

Post by FortheFunofit »

Lilli and Sheryl were intrigued when they got the call from Tina about her new job. She had been asked by a local escape room company to design a room that would appeal to the local bdsm community. Tina has always been known as the gear head of the bondage world and jumped at the oppurtunity with open arms. After a couple months of designing and organising this new escape room, it was finally time for Tina to test it. And thus why she called Lilli and Sheryl.

The two girls sit together at a cafe as they consider whether they want to give the room a go.

"I've never been too good at escape rooms is the only thing" says Lilli. Sheryl takes a sip of her coffee:

"Me neither. But maybe that might be part of the fun" she replies. In fairness, there isn't too much to consider really. The moment they heard Tina's idea on the phone, their first thought was how much they want to give it a try. The girls agree to take on Tina's escape room and finish their coffees.


Lilli and Sheryl meet outside the entrance of an adult toy shop. Not quite the space they had expected Tina to tell them to meet, but here they are. The girls head inside and are thankful to find a certain redhead highlighted in the shop - it's Tina. Tina gives the girls a warm hello hug and they have a brief friendly chat, asking about work and some crazy roadworks happening close by.

"Is this where the escape room is?" Lilli asks.

Tina chuckles in response: "yeah, the ah... escape room people didn't want it on their main property. This isn't exactly a family activity haha. But the folks here were lovely enough to let us use one of their exclusive play rooms."

Tina leads Lilli and Sheryl to a large door at the back of the shop with a large flashy sign reading: Bondage Escape Room, enter at your own risk!

Tina leads the girls through the door which takes them into a foyer, the room has been dressed in harsh dungeon dressing and decorations. Tina points the girls at the door with a sign at the top saying 'occupied'.

"When the sign says vacant, you're free to go in" Tina tells them. "This is where I leave you now. But have fun! And remember, there is an hour time limit and those who don't get out in time will be punished." Tina gives them a devious wink and leaves the room. Lilli and Sheryl sit in the corner of the room. Their hearts thump in excitement - what exactly are they going to see behind that door.


The door to the escape room lights up its 'vacant' sign - signalling for the girls to enter.


Lillie and Sheryl step into the darkness of the escape room. It has a certain feminine smell to it, but something more primal and bodily. They can hear something wiggling and the light rattling of chains in the shadows of the room. But with no lights on, the source of the noises are a mystery. Lilly shuts the door behind them, enveloping them in the musky darkness.


A line of red digits pierce into the dark room, above the door. The digits are showing a countdown starting at 59:59. Soon enough, the digits tick away bringing it down to 58:56.

"Is this part of it? There's gotta be a light switch" sheryl thinks aloud. She fumbles at the walls till she feels a switch at her finger tips. She pulls the switch and the room flicks alive!

Lilli and Sheryl are shocked by what they see. In the room are three naked women. And not only that, three women who look awfully familiar to Lilli and Sheryl. A speaker buzzes from above them:

"Oh yeah" the voice on the intercom says, presumably Tina. "I had some friends from our little bondage group help out as volunteers for our little game. You have less than an hour to solve the escape room otherwise you might just be joining them."

Tina and Sheryl look at the girls with them. The first is the brunette Elsie. She has been tied to a pole with her hands bound tightly behind her back. Her legs have been forced open with a spreader bar. She has been blinded with a leather blindfold and her mouth stuffed with a red ballgag. But what is notable for Elsie is the rod waiting between her legs. The rod is attached to a machine and at the end of that rod is a large dildo, waiting only inches away from Elsie's sex.

The second girl is the blonde Bailey, she has been bound facedown on the floor in a crab position, leaving her vulnerable ass pointing up in the air. Like her bound partner, she wears a blindfold and red ballgag. Next to Bailey is a machine, two of them in fact. Two spanking machines stand to attention by Bailey's ass, one with a leather paddle and a crop aiming at her exposed pussy.

The third girl is none other than Ilsie, cuffed spreadeagle to the cobblestone style wall. Blindfolded and gagged. A strap is attached to her wrist which is hooked up to a small screen. The screen though is off.

Lilli and Sheryl look around the room, trying to decipher what key they need to escape. Obvioisly it involves their bound friends - but how?

The time on the wall now reads 55:34.

Sheryl sees an old style radio on a side table. She flicks it on. A faint buzz comes from the speaker. Sheryl turns up the volume dial and finds an old pop tune coming from the device. It's KISS by Prince. Sheryl frowns - puzzled. She decides to bring the audio back down - seems to be of no help at this moment. Lilli spends her time looking at the bound girls, trying to find some attachement or note. Anything that could give them a clue to their escape. She sees that there's a set of controls by Bailey and her spanking machine. Lilli tries pressing all the buttons but finds them all just duds. All except one, the only button glowing red. Lilli hits that button.

The machine behind Bailey whirs into life and lets loose at her exposed ass and pussy. The first smack gives a stinging whip at her exposed sex. The second hand of the spanking machine gives three consecutive strikes at her ass cheeks, leaving them red. Bailey squeals at the sudden strike at her sensitive areas. Lilli presses the button again. The spanking machine does its thing at Bailey once more, but this time once at the ass, twice at the pussy and once more at the ass. Lilli hits the button a third time, the machine strickes at Bailey's pussy twice.

The time on the wall reads 48:47.

"Mmph!" Bailey squeals through her gag. Lilli huts the button a few more times, subjecting Bailey to more smacks on her ass and pussy till her sex starts throbbing wet. Lilli frowns to herself, it seems the smacking is going in some pattern. The order of the smacks repeats itself after three tries of the button. But that could mean anything, she thinks. Lilli tries pressing the button some more, Bailey groans and whines as her sensitive areas are left to the mercy of the merciless spanking machine. Sheryl looks to one of the tables and sees a range of old timey gear on the surface. A radio, some headphones and there's...

...Sheryl doesn't know too much about old technology, but she remembers once watching some period war dramas about women taking up work as the men were sent off to war. And how most of them were forced back into the mundanity and shackles of patriarchal values when the war was over. But what Sheryl remembered was the story of a woman who worked with computers and coding. She doesn't recall too much from it - the spanking machine and Bailey's moaning in the background was a big distraction. But Sheryl does recognise the morse key on the table, the sort of device that woman in the movie would have used. Sheryl looks over to Lilli and the spanking machine having its way with Bailey's ass.

"You think it might be morse?"

Lilli turns to Sheryl.

"Morse?" She says.

Sheryl rummages through the table drawers for a clue. She sifts around till she finds an old crumpled paper with a list of patterns on it.

"Look here" Sheryl takes the paper over to Lilli. "It's a morse code. You see the A is represented by a dot and a line. The B by a line and three dots. And it goes on."

The girls go to the button that operates the spanking machine and hits it. The machine whirs back on and strikes Bailey, once at the pussy and three time at her ass cheeks.

"You see! That could be a B" Sheryl exclaims.

"Or a J" Lilli retorts. They hit the button again. The machine strikes Baileys ass, then strikes her pussy twice then finally at her ass again.

"That's a P" says Sheryl.

"Or an X" says Lilli.

They hit the button a third time. Two firm smacks are laid on Bailey's wet pussy. She moans at the firm strike, feeling the heat build between her legs.

"That's an M or an I" Lilli says, checking the paper.

"So it's either BPM or JXI"

The two girls think. Either its an acornym or they've made some sort of mistake. They hit the machine button a few more times to double check.

The time on the wall reads 42:58.

"Mmmmpph!" Bailey groans. They read the smacks correctly. It's either of those two sets of letters. But what could it mean? That's the thought in both girls minds. Lilli looks over to the radio Sheryl had flicked on earlier. She turns up the volume, hearing KISS by Prince bouncing from the speakers. Still the same song, Lilli thinks. It must be on loop. But why? Then it hits her:

"BPM!" Lilli says, "beats per minute."

Sheryl paces the room, her eyes darting for anything that might illuminate this puzzle. Why say BPM? What is the BPM to that song? She looks round a bit more till she looks over at Elsie. The brunette waits pateintly in her bonds, the dildo of the sex machine idly waiting at her entrance below. Sheryl steps over to inspect. She notes the ropes holding Elsie snugly in place to the pole behind her, the 6 inch dildo, and the motor powered piston of the sex machine. Attached to the machine, Sheryl notices the controls - and a little monitor. Sheryl flicks on the little switch on the device. Elsie wiggles a bit in horny excitement as she hears the machine below humming to life, ready to pound into her. Sheryl reads the small monitor on the sex machine:

000 BPM

"I found it!" Sheryl exclaims to Lilli. Lilli steps over and looks at the machine with Sheryl. Sheryl turns up the dial of the machine.

Slowly, the dildo forces its way up and enters Elsie.

"Mmmmrmm" Elsie moans, feeling the phallus slowly fill her. The dildo pushes all the way up, letting itself get swallowed by Elsie's pussy. Then, it travels back down. The dildo continues this slow pattern.

Sheryl turns up the dial: 10 BPM.

The dildo speeds up in pace, but only slightly. Elise purrs as the machine below slowly fucks her. A shine of drool accumulates at the bottom of Elsie's gagged lips.

Sheryl turns up the dial again: 50 BPM

The dildo travels at a more steady pace. Picking up a little more.

"How's the song go?" Sheryl asks. Lilli goes back to the radio and flicks it on for reference. Sheryl listens to the beat and rhythm of the song. She turns up the dial some more. The dildo thrusts quicker and quicker at Elsie's now wet pussy. Sheryl turns the dial up more and more till she gets the thrusting of the piston to match the song as closely as possible. Finally, she settles on a BPM that sticks to the song without going out of sync over time.

110 BPM.

Elsie moans and pleads through her ballgag as the machine fucks her with a consistent and relentless drive. She can feel the waves of an orgasm beginning to emerge from in her.


The time on the wall reads 32:11.

A button flicks on at the panel which controls Bailey's spanking machine. Lilli goes up to the panel and hits the button. The spanking machine whirrs back to life and has its way with the bound Bailey.

It strikes her ass once, then gives her pussy a hearty slap four times. Bailey wines in her gag at the sudden striking at her sex. Lilli hits the button again. Two strikes of the ass and three at the pussy as it throbs, tender and excited. Lilli hits the button once more, the spanking machine gives Bailey five whole strikes at her wet pussy.


Sheryl grabs that crumpled paper with the morse code and hands it to Lilli. Must have been numbers, they think. But Lilli can't remember the pattern so she hits the button three more times.

One at the ass and four times the pussy. Bailey can feel an orgasm building.

Twice at the ass and three times at the pussy. Smack! Bailey is getting close.

Then five hearty smacks at Bailey's wet sex.

"Mmmph!!" Bailey cums. Sheryl can see the wetness of Bailey's pussy accumulating into a single droplet at the bottom of her labia lips.

"1, 2, 0" Lilli says. "One hundred and twenty."

"What are we supposed to do with that?"

Sheryl stops and looks over at Ilsie, still cuffed spreadeagle to the wall. Gagged and blindfolded just like the other two. She sees the heart rate monitor next to her. The monitor has flicked itself on. It must have turned on when they solved the sex machine puzzle with Elsie. The heart rate reads: 80bpm.

Sheryl looks over at a nearby table. Sitting on it are some toys. A feather duster, a flogger, a vibrator, nipple clamps. The epiphany dawns on her. They have to raise Ilsie's heart rate to 120bpm. Just once surely, Sheryl thinks. It would be dangrous for the heart to keep beating at a high rate. But there is a way to get her heart rate up there for a moment - they will have to make Ilsie cum.

The time on the wall reads 27:42.

It takes a minute or two for Sheryl to explain with Lilli what they have to do, which brings their time down to 25:35. But finally the girls are on the same page and are ready for action. The girls step up and run their hands around Ilsie's spread naked body. They feel up and down her soft and smooth milky skin. Ilsie purrs at the attention. She melts in their hands as she feels their long nails tickling along the tender surface of her skin. She can feel her heart start to thump as the fingers tease their way towards her breasts. She can feel them circling around her nipples lile a shark stalking prey. Another set of fingernails can be felt trailing down from her belly button and looming towards her yearning sex.

"Mmrrmm" Ilsie purrs. The hands have reached her pussy. She can hear the sound of moaning from the other side of the room, it's Elsie still being helplessly fucked by her sex machine. The moaning and the teasing of the fingers gets Ilsie more and more excited.

Sheryl and Lilli check the woman's heart rate. 92BPM. They need to take things up a notch.

The time on the wall reads 22:40.

Lilli steps aside and grabs the vibrator from the side table, Sheryl grabs the flogger. Lilli runs the vibrating head of the device up and down Ilsie's quivering body as Sheryl strokes the strips of the flogger along her breasts. Sheryl gives Ilsie a few light whacks if the flogger. Ilsie gasps, her heart thumps at her chest. Lilli glances at her heart rate: 101bpm.

Lilli brings the vibrator down to Ilsie's sex and holds it against her clit. Ilsie moans and moans as her throbbing vagina melts at the soothing touch of the sex toy. Sheryl strikes at the bound girls breasts. Ilsie moans and groans at the mix of pain and pleasure. She can hear Elsie still, moaning from the opposite wall, the sex machine fucking her to orgasm. Elsie moans and wines as she finally cums. The sound of her climax is music to Ilsie's ears. She squirms in her cuffs as the vibe below pushes her to her own climax. She groans, her heart pounding.

121bpm - Ilsie has cum.

Lilli runs her hands along the girls body to keep her heart thumping, making sure she really did hit their target. Sheryl sees the time on the wall has creeped down to only 8:21. They have little time left.


A little compartment opens in a side desk and the girls approach it. Inside the compartment looks to be a couple sets of cuffs, a ballgag and blindfold. The two girls look to each other: what's the point of this?

Sheryl looks over and sees a hook lowering from the ceiling, it dawns on her. Only one of them will be leaving the escape room. The other person must stay behind as another bound sub. Lilli sees the lowering hook too, it takes her a bit longer to make the connection. But when she does, her heart skips a beat. The two girls see a security camera pointing at the hanging hook. It doesn't seem there's a loop hole they can exploit. One of them will have to be there for the door to open. But who will it be?

Sheryl and Lilli look to each other. They argue a bit about who it should be. Neither of them can come to an agreement. The time on the wall hits 4:02. The girls gulp. If neither of them can decide, then both of them will end up bound. The girls decide to settle the debate with a simple round of papers, scissors, rock.

Lilli draws paper.

Sheryl draws scissors.

Lilli it is. She is stripped down till she is as naked as the others. She cuffs her hands together in front of her, she can feel her heart thumping. Sheryl helps bring Lilli's cuffed hands above her head and to the hook. The hook locks to the chain between her cuffs, holding the woman's hands high above her head. Sheryl sees a small D ring clip attached to the floor. She cuffs Lilli's ankles together and locks the D ring clip to the ankle cuffs. Lilli now has nowhere to go.

"Open up" Sheryl says. Lilli does as she's told and feels the large ball shoved between her teeth and buckled tightly behind her head. She wines at her new predicament. She looks over at the three girls bound with her. Elsie still moaning as the sex machine fucks her. Bailey waiting for the spanking machine to strike, not knowing when. And Ilsie still waiting patiently for the next contestants to bring her to orgasm. Lilli is suddenly blinded as Sheryl pulls the blindfold over her eyes. Sheryl waits for the exit door to open. But it doesn't. There's something else. Sheryl notices they've missed something in the compartment. A set of straps. Sheryl looks over to the vibrator on the floor. She takes the toy and straps it between Lilli's thighs, welding it in place. She turns it on.


"Mmmph" Lilli moans. Now it's locked in. Now she's a helpless sub being seduced to her first orgasm. For good measure, Sheryl takes the nipple clamps from the table and clamps them to Lilli's exposed breasts, causing the gagged girl to groan. The door dings and slowly opens. Sheryl is free to leave. She exits and the door shuts, leaving the four bound girls to squirm about in their predicament. As the timer on the wall hits zero, the spanking machine whirs back to life and starts giving random strikes to Bailey's ass and pussy. Getting her wet and horny once more. Lilli squirms about in her bonds as she is tormented by the vibe buzzing away at her pussy. She knew to expect the unexpected from these escape rooms - but she wasn't expecting this. She supposes she'll just have to wait for the next contestents. Hopefully one of them may help them free, or maybe they'll simply be added to Tina's bondage collection. Lilli and the girls all collectively moan through their gags.
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Post by tickletied84 »

Great story! Loved this as an idea, and the way that the girls were all interlinked into the escape.

Certainly feel some had the better end of the deal though - poor Bailey!
Mister The Edge
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Post by Mister The Edge »

Great story! Very complete!
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Post by StringTheorist »

Wonderful story, @FortheFunofit You used a lot of imagination in the use of Morse Code and the time pressure. I liked the way Elsie was restrained.
I hope to read more from you.

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Post by LunaDog »

Agree with all the people above, this was VERY enjoyable.
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Post by harveygasson »

Great story! And definitely an escape room I would go to haha
flannel teddy bear
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Post by flannel teddy bear »

Now where do I sign up for this kind of escape room?! Great idea for a story. Loved reading it.
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Post by maelfe »

Very nice story 8-)
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