An Extra Winner's Trophy! ( F/M )

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An Extra Winner's Trophy! ( F/M )

Post by LunaDog »

And so, Ladies and Gentlemen, we come to one of my favourite weekends of the entire year, the long winter has finished at last, as Moto GP returns! And this story is a tribute from me to a remarkable woman, Nadia Padovani, the widow of former Grand Prix winner and World Champion Fausto Gresini, who set up the team she now runs. With some success, in 2022 her rider Enea Bastianini won 4 Grand Prix, before leaving to join the factory Ducati team in 2023. And last years didn't go trophyless, a couple of Sprint Race victories for her new rider Alex Marquez, including one in front of me at the British Grand Prix at Silverstone. With the very real prospect of more success this year as his brother, 8 times World Champion, Marc will join her team.

But i will understand if you don't like this story too much, it's more Moto GP rather than rope work, but hey, i never even won a club race in my own motorcycle racing career, so at least here i can win a Grand Prix!

One thing i need to point out, this is all a product of my imagination and has NEVER happened in real life. I'm not suggesting that Nadia Padovani has EVER acted as described below. And therefore i have slightly changed the names.


I wasn’t one of the real Championship contenders at all, more one of the also-rans. Nobody penned MY name first when asked just who they predicted to win a Moto Grand Prix race, I wasn’t in the same league as the likes of Marc Marquez, Fabio Quartararo or Pecco Bagnaia for example. Although it also needs to be said that my Trophy Cabinet wasn’t entirely empty, there were several Grand Prix Victory trophies from the lower classes, Moto 2 & 3, present within. I wasn’t an idiot then, I could ride, but I wasn’t one of the real talents of the sport.

And I sensed that Nadine Pattonia, widow of the former Champion and Race Winner Frasco Gallio who’d set the team up in the first place, had chosen to sign myself because there were few other options available to her. Nevertheless, I fully agreed to ride for her team, although last year’s model, she could provide me with reasonable competitive machinery, a Ducati. For the produce of the Bologna factory had proven to be THE bike to be on within Moto Grand Prix for the last few seasons. Maybe, just maybe, I’d be able to showcase my talents and produce some reasonable results riding for her. Who knows, just for one day the Gods might smile in my direction and I’d be able to achieve my main aim in life now, I’d claim a winner’s trophy in the big class, I’d win a Moto GP class Grand Prix.

Now Nadine was clearly several years older than me, and to be totally honest I never once regarded her in that way, if you all know just what I mean. She was my boss, she owned and ran the Grand Prix Racing Motorcycle outfit I now rode for, as far as I was concerned that was our relationship in full, whether I found her attractive or not didn’t even enter into the equation at all. I was in her team to deliver results on the racetrack, not in the bedroom. Or so I thought!

For Nadine was human after all, and to be honest, I was a good-looking male back in those days. I mean, I was a professional sportsman, therefore I was fully fit with my body in a great physical condition, I’d looked after myself. And during that ‘closed season,’ over the Winter, I found myself alone in her company during the Team’s Christmas party. With myself basically sober, one of the requirements of looking after my body I guess; however, Nadine had consumed a few glasses of wine, and by now was a little drunk.

“Darling,” she started, “do you think you can win a Moto Grand Prix for me?” Planting a kiss upon my cheek.
“I certainly hope so, Signora Pattonia. I will try my very best to achieve that, I promise you!”
“Nadine, please. No need for formalities here. And I just know that you will, you’ll give everything you have to achieve the best results that you can. It’s why I was so willing to sign you up and give you a chance.”
“Thank you again Nadine. I appreciate your faith in me.”
“You’re welcome. However, how about you make me another promise Darling?”
“What have you in mind, Nadine?”
“How about you promise me, that IF you do win a Moto Grand Prix, that you allow me to take you to my bed? And then allow me to ravish you in any way I see fit! Including tying you to my furniture!”

Cards ‘on the table then!’ I looked into her gorgeous eyes, and simply said, “yes Nadine. IF I win a Grand Prix, then I’ll gladly give you what you ask for.” Taking her hand as I did so. With that Nadine simply winked at me, and left my company, to mingle I guess.

To be completely honest, once the time had come for riding bikes again, I’d totally forgotten about this promise to Nadine that I’d made. As the team got down to business, in the form of testing in preparation for the forthcoming season began, it appeared that Nadine had also dismissed it, she had far more pressing and important things to consider now. Whilst not challenging for the ‘top time’ during any of the test sessions, I acquitted myself well, learning how to cope with the extra size and power of a proper Moto GP bike compared to the Moto 2 one I’d ridden during the previous year.

Decent, if not outstanding, form that continued as testing became actual racing. I started the season well, four top ten finishes in the first four Grand Prix, for instance. Good but not great. It did mean some ‘points’ on the board, however. But things took a little turn for the worst in the fifth round, a mistake, entirely of my own making, resulted in my first crash during a Moto GP class race, no Championship points then and a quite severely damaged bike!

Nadine graciously forgave me though. “After all, I know you’re trying!” Although, for a couple more rounds that crash did seem to play upon my mind. Meaning, as the first part of the season came to an end, the summer break beginning after the Dutch Grand Prix at Assen, I was quite a way down in the Championship. With that promise to Nadine appearing to look completely academic, there seemed no chance of me winning a Moto Grand Prix on my current form.

But then, in the first race back after said break, things, in particular the weather, took a turn for the worse, or rather the better from my point of view; I’d always ridden well in the wet, several of those smaller class victories occurring when the track was covered in water. Not only that, but this was also MY home round, the British Grand Prix at Silverstone.

Friday however, HAD been totally dry, meaning I was out of the top ten after that day’s practice sessions. But having to go out in Q1 proved to be to my advantage, I was comfortably fastest, and with a real feel for the prevailing track conditions, something the ten automatic qualifiers didn’t have for the Q2 session. And therefore, I qualified, for the first time in my Moto GP career on the front row, only just missing out on my very first Pole Position.

Race day itself dawned to cloudless skies. But as the start time for the race approached, dark clouds could be seen, rather threatening clouds. Was rain on its way? I sure hoped so, a wet track was my best chance of a good result, maybe even a podium finish!

As the race started the track was still bone dry however, meaning that at the end of the first lap, I’d actually dropped down to third position. When the race settled down, that third position became somewhat safe, some shenanigans behind me had resulted in a rather nice little gap between me and the rider in fourth, behind. But the top two had also pulled away a little, do I attempt to catch them, or settle for the position that I’m currently in?

Now the rain started to fall, and that rather made up my mind for me. You see, it never fell strongly or for long enough to require a change of tyres, or to be more accurate, a change of bike with rain tyres fitted, to become necessary. No, this was purely ‘mental rain’ that we were dealing with here. The gentle sort that never really reduces the grip level of the track, but appears streaming on a rider’s visor, giving the impression of trouble ahead.

As I began to close the gap rapidly to the two ahead of me, it occurred that these two riders were in real contention for the Championship lead, they could not afford a non-score. But me? I wasn’t going to win the title anyway; I had nothing to lose! I could, ‘go for it!’
Naturally I did then. And the second-place rider made things a little easier for me, he made a mistake and ran wide, allowing me to take his position with somewhat ease. His companion made me work a lot harder though, but I outbroke him into Village corner, and as the rain continued to gently fall, having taken the lead, I slightly began to pull a small gap.

But just as things appeared good for me, the rain stopped. Completely. Meaning he soon started to reel me in again, being right on my tail as the last lap commenced. I held him off through the Village, The Loop and Aintree series of bends, all through Woodcote and Copse corner. And throughout the Becketts complex, and around Stowe. And although he outbroke me into the Vale chicane, he’d outbroke himself too, as I anticipated! So, he ran wide, allowing me to cut back under him again, retaking the lead which I held to the flag. I’d just won my first Moto Grand Prix!

It was only about halfway around the wind down lap, whilst soaking in the moment, the magnitude of my achievement and the wild applause of the British crowd, that I recalled my promise to Nadine. Not being too apprehensive at said prospect to be honest, yes, she was considerably older than me, but I was in no doubt she’d make a good M.I.L.F. companion in bed? If she’d remembered our little agreement, of course.

One look of the smile on her face as I returned, triumphant, to parc feme confirmed to my mind, beyond any doubt, that she had! Not sure if I was pleased at this situation or not, to be perfectly honest! But, although it was now clear that Nadine wanted me to deliver in regard to her promise, in the meantime I had a GRAND PRIX VICTORY to celebrate!

Nadine herself came onto that Podium to collect the Winning Entrant’s Trophy, and once the pots had been awarded, the National Anthems played, and the champagne sprayed, she reminded me of my obligation towards her. Whispering gently, so nobody else heard, “don’t forget you now have an appointment with four silk bondage ties AND my four corner bedposts, Darling!” As if I could Nadine, as if I could?

I smiled at her. “No Nadine, I’ve not forgotten. Tell your ties and bedposts that it will be my pleasure to meet them.” I meant it, a very small price to pay for becoming a Moto Grand Prix Winner, after all. I mean, just who said that I wouldn’t enjoy it?

With no Grand Prix meeting scheduled for the next weekend, Friday saw me flying out to Italy, to attend an official function at Nadine’s team’s headquarters to celebrate the Victory of her outfit. In fact, my presence at this would have been required, whether I had made any promise to her or not. And I was glad to attend, why wouldn’t I be? Essentially the whole event was a celebration of MY win, I was very much, the star attraction! No, it was after this event, that things rather deviated somewhat from what would naturally be expected of me.

I found myself alone with her in Nadine’s car, as we drove away from her racing ‘factory.’ And as far as everything else was concerned she was driving me back to the nearby airport for a return flight to England and my home. The two of us knew differently, of course, it was her home we were heading towards. Where I’d keep my promise to her, and to be perfectly honest I was rather looking forward to the prospect. Older than me Nadine Pattonia might be, but that did not mean she wasn’t a very sexy woman! And that I did not fancy the idea of being subjected to her will, and sexual desires. For, confident I might be when it came to riding motorcycles, I had no self-belief within myself when it came to the opposite sex, to brutally honest, I was one of those males who needed a strong woman to take the lead when it came to sex. And here I was then, in precisely that position!

Nadine arrived home parking her car within the integral garage. And then she kissed me, a kiss full of passion and desire. “Welcome to my humble abode, Darling. Where we WILL enjoy ourselves, that is MY promise to you, for your decision to honour your pledge to me.” Again, our lips met and again I thoroughly enjoyed it. “Right, that’s enough of that, nice though it is. We’d better go inside Darling.”

I followed my boss, or was that now my Mistress, into the house itself, her former husband’s earning power making itself perfectly abundant with the sheer quality of how the dwelling was furnished. I’ll be totally honest I was both quite impressed, but not surprised, at Nadine’s taste. She led me up the stairs and when we’d reached the top, she pointed out her bathroom as well as her own main bedroom. “Now Darling go to the ‘little’ room first, strip yourself completely naked, use the toilet to empty yourself as best you can, wash, and then report to the other room I’ve just shown you. I’ll be waiting for you.”

“Yes Nadine, that all makes perfect sense.” So, naturally I followed all of those reasonable commands, taking about fifteen minutes in all. Then I produced to Nadine’s bedroom, gently knocking on the door.

“Come in Darling!” I responded to be rewarded with the lovely sight of Nadine Pattonia dressed just in a beautiful satin basque and VERY sheer nylon stockings! Sure, as said before, she was no spring chicken anymore, but she’d looked after herself well, and had clearly still got it. My cock certainly believed so, as it rose to full attention!

Something that did not go unnoticed! “Well, part of you at least seems pleased to see me!” I went to her, and our lips met in the form of a very passionate snog! “You’d best get on my bed then, Darling. Your extra prize for that Grand Prix Victory awaits!”

Obviously, I complied with no hesitation, Nadine’s status as a lady of real class and style simply being confirmed by the black satin sheet that covered her bed, and that my skin utterly delighted in the feel of. “Spread yourself out, please Darling!” Another compliance.

Nadine started with my left arm. Very shortly afterwards, that wrist was surrounded by the silk of a bondage tie, which Nadine then fastened to the outer bed post. Very securely. Leaving me with no chance of escape at all, but not too tight or uncomfortable at all. Not that Nadine was satisfied, no she also looped and tied my hand to the post of her bed.

Moving to my left ankle, it too found itself in inescapable bondage to the outer bed post of the lower bed frame. As did my right ankle, obviously to the opposite side, about one minute later.

Now there was just my right arm to attend to, which of course, Nadine did immediately afterwards. Now, I WAS HERS! A fact the utterly delicious smile on her beautiful face confirmed beyond any doubt. But did that bother me? no! I looked forward to just what she now planned.

Which was to use MY body for her sexual pleasure, but I was also in no doubt that she fully intended for ME to enjoy the whole sexperience myself. And when her lips finally met mine, it occurred to me that I was very much destined to do so. For this woman could kiss! However, during this pleasure it became clear to me that Nadine had NO intention of allowing me to ‘keep’ tabs on her, as it where, because she placed a proper blindfold over my eyes that removed my power of sight completely form me! Possibly just how I wanted it.

Nadine now slid her pussy over my rampant cock, and to be totally honest, it felt utterly sublime and thoroughly enjoyable. Which only ramped up as Nadine gradually increased the speed of her pumping my implement. Until the inevitable joyous result occurred for both my boss and me. With Nadine’s cries of joy rather drowning out my own! As her body, unlike mine not confined in ANY way able to shake a little more than I could.

Of course, as far as Nadine was concerned, or me to be honest, the night was far from over. Once ‘Mother Nature’ had allowed my cock to became hard again, she resumed her ‘assault’ upon me, and once again she succeeded in bringing us both to ecstasy, a loud ecstasy!

And kept me there for over two hours, subjecting my body to several more climaxes, not that she didn’t claim any of those for herself, of course! But finally, her strength and stamina began to become exhausted, and so she reluctantly called a halt to proceedings.

However, my God, had I enjoyed this night with Nadine or what? She’d proved to be everything I’d dreamed she would be, and as she released me from her bondage, I gently kissed her, “this really has been an extra winner’s trophy!”

After a visit to the bathroom, we settled down to sleep. And once we awoke in the morning it was back to being boss and employee again, although Nadine made a lovely breakfast for me.

And that is how things continued throughout those three seasons that I rode for her, we never once more engaged in any sexual activity of any kind at all, not even when during that third term, another rain affected race resulted in my second, and final, Moto Grand Prix Victory.

After that third year it was clear that I was never going to become the Moto GP World Champion, and other riders who could do so, became available. So, actually at the suggestion of the Ducati factory itself, I left Nadine’s team, to instead ride in the World Superbike Series, on the factory Ducati. Where I managed to win a whole host of races and a couple of Championships for good measure. But none of these, or even that second Grand Prix victory meant as much to me as that first Grand Prix win. After all, thoroughly enjoyable and meaningful they had all been, none of them had led to….