A Night He'll Never Forget! (F/M)

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A Night He'll Never Forget! (F/M)

Post by LunaDog »

This story, Ladies and Gentlemen, is the result of a request that i received from a fellow member here. @abcdefsmith3 So the MAIN plot is his, although he's left the details to me. Glad i could oblige, Good sir, hope you like what i've come up with.


The couple writhed on the bed as they both rapidly approached their respective climaxes! Both of them a year or two short of their thirtieth birthday, Tom and Amy had known each other for about three years and had been in a relationship with each other for roughly half of that time. And there was NO doubt, the love they felt between themselves was real, their sex life VERY rich and fulfilling, as was being demonstrated right here and now, in their bed!

Then it happened, for this was a couple who possessed the happy knack of managing to achieve a simultaneous climax most of the times that they sought one, and tonight was NO exception! Admittedly, Tom’s was ever so slightly before Amy’s, but we were talking about fractions of a second between them, and their combined cries of ecstasy seemed to almost threaten to bring the ceiling down!

Whilst their relationship did contain many a large ‘plus,’ unfortunately though, a problem that was starting to cause some ‘dis-comfort between them had recently emerged! Without Amy’s knowledge at all, whilst bored with what was on T.V. and so ‘surfing the net’ one evening when Amy was out, and without looking for anything in particular, Tom came across a website named ‘Stories of Tie Up Games.’ The members of this site wrote stories involving bondage, of all types of sexual orientations, each story forming a ‘thread,’ where other members could make comments. But Tom was mostly drawn to those marked F/M, meaning tales where the FEMALE was in charge, and basically the male found himself tied up. Generally, of course, there were some superb stories here, but all were different, with many of the contributors having their own distinctive style of spinning a good yarn.

As the title of the whole site implied though, there was a central theme, bondage, although not necessarily sexual in nature. However, it was those that did feature the ‘pleasures of the flesh’ that were the stories that REALLY pulled Tom in, like a fly to the candle! Especially where a male ‘victim’ became tied or handcuffed to the bed by his female Mistress. And then shagged!

With the almost inevitable result that Tom began to cast Amy, if only in his own mind, as HIS Mistress, becoming almost consumed with a fantasy of being tied to their bed by her, and then with him utterly helpless and completely in HER hands and power, being UTTERLY ravished by his lovely lady. To the point where he’d almost become obsessed with this dream.

It had got out of control to such a degree that after EVERY time the couple had sex, he’d bring the subject up, asking, no by now pleading, with his girlfriend to subject him to her bondage. But Amy had NO intention of granting this request, it might have greatly appealed to her boyfriend, but the thought of putting him into bondage held NO appeal for her. But no matter how many times she, gently but quite firmly, rejected this request, it appeared that nothing could dampen his enthusiasm for the idea.

Amy KNEW that shortly he’d ask her yet again. However tonight she was going to issue a reply that was completely different to what she’d done ALL of those other times. Oh no, tonight he was going to be amazed to hear just the answer that he WANTED to hear. She was going to say ‘yes!’ But there was to be one HUGE catch, Amy’s plans for just how this would ‘pan out’ would be NOTHING like how Tom would be hoping for events to unfold. But he WOULD actually end up tied to the bed, oh yes, that part of her ‘acceptance speech’ would not be a lie. However, just not quite in the manner that he believed that he would.

As they lay together, calming down from that ‘joint’ climax Amy KNEW what was coming, almost as soon as his lips started to show signs that they were shortly forming to issue speech, she was absolutely certain in just what form said speech would take. A completely correct deduction, by the way.

“Darling,” he began, “please, please could you..”
“Tie you to the bed?” Amy interrupted him. “You REALLY want that don’t you?”
“Yes Darling, more than ANYTHING!”
“I know. And I’ve been thinking, what harm could it do? You know it might even be fun.”
“OH, MY DARLING! Are you saying ‘yes?’ Wow, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!”
“As I do you, Sweetheart. And yes, I will do it. But not tonight, it’s Sunday and both of us need to go to work tomorrow. I’m afraid you’re going to have to wait my love. I’ll do it to you on Friday, when neither of us will have rise early the next morning. After all, I might keep you tied to this bed for quite some time you know. I might shag you ALL night when you’re helpless in MY hands! I might well make you regret this dream of yours!”

Something that Amy had NO doubt she’d achieve! Tom was in for a REAL surprise alright! For his constant pestering of her on the subject had REALLY annoyed her. She didn’t mind him asking in the first place, it was something she’d actually welcomed, she truly believed that he should feel free to ask anything of her, just as she should feel confident of making requests to him. But the flipside to that was that he should show her the appropriate level of respect, and FULLY accept her answer, even if it was not the one he’d been hoping for. She’d said ‘no’ and in this case ‘NO’ very much meant ‘NO!’

But that was something he’d failed to do, he’d instead showed her NO respect at all, almost brushing aside HER feelings, as if they didn’t matter at all. Who the hell did he think he was? To be honest this refusal of his WAS out of character, he normally treated her SO well, as she did him. It was a major reason why, up until THIS issue had raised its ugly head, their relationship worked so well. But Tom’s persistence was putting that lovely situation at risk.

Question was, what should she DO about it? If she did nothing, then like an un-lanced boil, it could ‘fester’ and do some REAL harm to the harmony between them. No, she needed to take action, make it clear to Tom once and for all, that her feelings were precious and NOT to be ‘toyed’ with. Quite frankly, she mused, he needed to be ‘taught a lesson.’ One he’d NEVER forget!

And it was one of her female colleagues at her place of work provided the inspiration for just how she planned to tackle this problem. Caroline had faced a similar problem a little while ago, her then boyfriend, now her husband, has also formed this idea in his head that he wanted to be subject to her bondage and then shagged. Just like Tom was now, he’d refused to accept her negative answer, and had persisted with his pleas. So, what had her friend done to ‘rectify’ the issue, and quite clearly it had been successful in NOT ending their union, as they had married AFTER this event? Yes, Caroline HAD taken a risk, but thankfully for her it was one that HAD very much paid off.
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Post by milagros317 »

Great story so far. Looking forward to a continuation.
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by abcdefsmith3 »

This is brilliant, thank you!

Looking forward to reading what happens next!
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Post by tiedinbluetights »

abcdefsmith3 wrote: 7 months ago This is brilliant, thank you!

Looking forward to reading what happens next!
I share your enthusiasm for the continuation @abcdefsmith3! Great beginning to the story @LunaDog!
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Post by LunaDog »

@abcdefsmith3 @milagros317 @tiedinbluetights Thank all of you for your very kind words. Next part should be up at the weekend.
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Post by BachelorInDistress »

Very intriguing start and quite the reminder to be careful what you wish for. :D
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Post by LunaDog »

BachelorInDistress wrote: 7 months ago Very intriguing start and quite the reminder to be careful what you wish for. :D
VERY sound advice, my friend!
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Post by LunaDog »

And so Ladies and Gentlemen, Amy's 'lesson' for Tom commences!

For she tied John to their bed alright, but NOT with him laying on it as normal. Oh no, their bed had metal solid and quite large bedframes at BOTH ends, co-incidentally just as Tom and Amy’s furniture featured. No, Caroline had tied John to the frame at the lower end, the ‘foot’ end of their bed, standing with his arms and legs ‘spread out.’ And she’d tied him SECURELY with NO escape possible to him, claiming his bondage in THIS position was some form of ‘foreplay.’ Oh, she’d tied him FACING the bed by the way.

Yes, there was a purpose to this. For John was going to be forced to watch as some ‘action’ WAS due to occur on the bed’s normal surface. And to ensure that John wouldn’t ‘miss’ any of said action, Caroline had fastened a leather harness around his head, one that when also tied to the bedframe, made it IMPOSSIBLE for her victim to turn or move his head away, forcing him to observe what occurred. And this harness also featured a VERY effective ball gag, one that Caroline employed to enforce John’s almost total silence during what happened next. Which was for Caroline to tie ANOTHER male, her very willing cousin, Ian, to the bed in the ‘conventional’ manner, spread out with his four limbs secured to the four outer corner bedposts. And then she shagged him, just the once, but once was enough for her to establish that she’d made her point!

One that John, VERY reluctantly it must be said, finally accepted, eventually recognising that it was his own actions that had led to this, his own dis-regard to her answer to his request, his own utter lack of respect for her. As said, they still became ‘man and wife’ despite what happened that day. For John had NEVER cast her feelings aside in this manner again.

So, could what had worked SO well for Caroline and John, also be successful for Amy and Tom? Amy began to believe that it could, and therefore she began to lay plans for a ‘repeat.’ Oh, and Caroline still possessed that leather ‘head harness,’ and yes, she was MORE than willing to lend it to her good friend.

Right, so now Amy had the method that she was going to utilise in her mission to teach Tom to respect her established. However, that still left one unanswered question of course. Just who was going to take the role of ‘cousin Ian’ in this equation? Amy had just such a suitable candidate in mind.

Another one of her work colleagues, a male one this time, somebody who’d known for quite some time, a man who she liked and trusted, Devon. However, he was VERY reluctant when Amy had first mooted the idea to him. It wasn’t that he didn’t fancy Amy at all, for despite being very short, at only 4ft 11 in, Amy was very good looking, in fact extremely sexy. With her lovely flowing blonde hair and piecing blue eyes, what her body lacked in ‘quantity’ i.e. her short stature, was MORE than made up for in QUALITY! Oh yes, Devon fancied her alright, but he was a really decent bloke, she was with Tom, and Devon had NO intention of trying to break them up.

It was Amy pointing out that John had NOT left Caroline that persuaded Devon to finally agree to her plans. And he INSISTED that, just as Caroline had only shagged Ian the once, the same would occur with Amy and himself. NO, that was NOT negotiable! Amy, of course, had no problem with this condition, because at the end of the day, her wish was purely to teach Tom a lesson in life, NOT to break up with him. Therefore Devon ‘accepted’ this ‘job offer,’ with Amy arranging to send him a signal, from her living room window, once Tom was inescapably bound to the lower bedframe, with his head ‘locked’ into position, and his power of speech effectively removed from him. Now with all the boxes in her plan ‘ticked’ it was simply a case of waiting patiently for Friday evening to arrive. I guess the correct word to describe the emotion that Amy mostly felt during those few days, was determination, rather than any degree of excitement, after all this was to her, almost a ‘task,’ a ‘job.’ The whole purpose to this ‘mission’ wasn’t her enjoyment or pleasure, it was to, hopefully, show Tom that her feelings DID matter and to teach him to show her the appropriate respect.

Obviously from Tom’s side of things, the emotions flowing throughout HIS body and mind as Friday evening approached, and oh SO slowly, were somewhat different, to say the least!

Finally, Friday arrived, and totally consumed by excitement, Tom drove home from work, anticipation racing around his form uncontrollably. Oh yes, his mind told itself, this was going to, very much, be a ‘NIGHT HE’LL NEVER FORGET!’

At last, he reached home, parked up, and rushed towards their flat as if he was an Olympic sprinter. And losing any time he’d gained by doing that, as his hands, in his enthusiasm to enter found themselves fumbling to reach for his keys, dropping them on the floor at least twice, as he tried to insert the correct on within the door lock. Eventually he did manage to achieve it, opened the door, and passed through the threshold, to be greeted by a sight that made ALL of his efforts seem worthwhile!

Because Amy was waiting for him, dressed as she KNEW he liked her to be in her finest lingerie. All in black, she wore the satin bra and panty set he’d bought her on the occasion of her last birthday, together with her lacy suspender belt and VERY sheer nylon stockings! He rushed to her side, grabbed her and planted his lips upon hers, commencing a kiss FULL of passion! “Darling, you look DIVINE! What a welcome home. Let’s get started straightaway!”

“Not so fast, lover boy! Now then, remember I’m your MISTRESS, tonight you’re under MY command and here’s my first one of those! Off to the bathroom with you, strip yourself naked, and then shower. If I’m going to control your body tonight, I want it TOTALLY clean, with the smell of work washed away! Go on, I’m NOT taking NO for an answer.”

Tom fully accepted this, it DID make sense, after all tomorrow was Saturday, which meant that neither of them needed to rise early to report for work. So, they had ALL evening available for the planned ‘games.’ Therefore, Tom obeyed the instruction of his ‘Mistress,’ and made sure that he washed himself thoroughly within the shower, including his hair. He dried himself off, and once again obeyed Amy’s command by leaving his clothing within the bathroom, as he proceeded to their bedroom. THIS WAS IT, AT LAST!

When Tom reached said room, naturally he immediately rushed to the bed, to lay his form on its surface, but was stopped by the command issued in a female voice. “Again, not SO fast, sunshine! I’ve a little ‘starter’ in mind before we rush into the ‘main course!’ COME HERE!” Tom looked around to see Amy standing by the foot of their bed, right by the solid lower bedframe, two silk bondage ties in her hands.

“Yes Mistress!” And he obeyed.

“FACE THE BED! SPREAD YOUR ARMS OUT!” Once he’d complied Amy positioned herself right by his left arm. She grabbed hold of it, using one of her ties to loop his wrist, and whilst this was the first time she’d EVER done this, you wouldn’t have known it, for her bond was as good as somebody who’d been playing bondage games for quite some time! Actually, she had received some ‘guidance’ from the aforementioned Caroline.

Whatever, Tom’s left arm was swiftly bound to the outer bedpost in such a manner that there’d be NO escape possible for him, especially as Amy quickly transferred her attention to his right arm, securing that equally as inescapably to the opposite bedpost. He therefore was going NOWHERE, until SHE said so!

Having tied his ankles together, Amy stood behind her captive’s bound form, placing her arms around him, wherein her hands found their ‘target,’ his balls and TOTALLY erect cock!
“What the HELL is THIS?” She whispered in his ear. “Did I give permission for THIS?”
“No Mistress. You did not.” Tom trying to enter into the spirit of what he THOUGHT was occurring here.
“CORRECT! I DID NOT! So just why do I find this ‘thing’ in this state? Explain yourself!”
“It’s you that have caused this, Mistress! Your mere presence.”
“So, it’s MY fault then? Is that how you’re trying to excuse dis-obeying MY orders? By God, I’m just going to PUNISH you for this!”

She completely fooled Tom by all this, at this stage he really did believe it was part of a game she’d devised, believing that after a ‘bit of fun’ with him in the position he found himself he’d soon be released, then transferred to be tied lying on the bed itself. However what Amy did next began to raise questions within his mind. For she a grabbed a length of tie, which she proceeded to fasten around his balls, using the remaining length to ‘attach’ them to one of the stays of the frame. “Mistress, what’s going on?”

“SILENCE! Did I give you permission to question my actions?”
“No Mistress!”
“SO, DON’T!”

Anyway, he soon wouldn’t be able to. For it was now that Amy introduced Caroline’s harness into the equation. Which didn’t please Tom in the slightest, he started to thrash around against his bonds but to NO avail, Amy had really done a fine job of tying him, and they held firmly against his efforts. And despite his ‘movements,’ she soon had the harness over his head, securing the strap to hold it there. Then positioning the ball gag attachment, which immediately resulted in the desired effect, well for her anyway, of ending his protestations! But now a rather ‘tasty’ idea occurred to her, that ball would still allow objects to be placed within his mouth. After all her panties would need to be removed at some stage, and then put somewhere. Why not inside of his mouth, she mused?

Now, his head was still able to move around, she’d fasten it properly AFTER his sense of taste became dominated by her juices, she decided. So, if Tom wished to, he could still look away at this stage of proceedings. Away from what? The sight of Amy on the bed, ‘playing with herself,’ her fingers tickling her pussy, but through the satin material of her panties. Naturally, it took far longer to bring herself to climax in this manner, and when she did succeed it was quite a mild one, but nevertheless it WOULD suffice, as she felt at least SOME of her juices flowing into the satin of her panties.

Which became removed as soon as she’d climbed off the bed, and once she’d ‘undone’ the ball gag, found themselves within the orifice of her boyfriend! And boy, the expression on his face at that moment of time made her fervently wish she had a camera with her! Once within, back went the ball into position to ensure they STAYED there!

Now Amy fastened the straps of the harness to the bedframe holding it firmly just where SHE wanted it to be. To enforce her desire that her boyfriend would HAVE to view whatever was now going to occur on the bed, he now could NOT turn his head away, NO, he’d have NO choice to observe the ‘action’ that was scheduled to take place, for his ‘entertainment.’ It was time to summon Devon.

When he entered the apartment, having seen Amy signalling to him from the window of the living room, once he’d stripped naked, Amy immediately performed one of the conditions that he’d stipulated when he agreed to the role, he was due to play. She blindfolded him.

For as said before, Devon was a decent young man. Although it was a case of him knowing OF Tom, as opposed to REALLY knowing him, as said before Devon had NO wish to ‘rub his nose in it.’ Therefore, he had INSISTED that he’d make NO eye contact with Amy’s boyfriend during this whole episode, and he’d ‘lose’ his power of sight OUTSIDE of the bedroom. And not have it restored to him until he’d left said room afterwards.

Therefore, Amy had to fully guide him inside, and gently lead him to the bed, where she put him into the required position. Spread-eagled on the mattress. And then, with an acoustic accompaniment of angry sounding ‘eemmmmpppphhhhsss,’ together with the sound of more pointless ‘thrashing about’ escape attempts, Amy used four more bondage ties to ensure that his body remained there.

Another reason that Devon had consented to this, by the way, was that Tom wasn’t the only male present within the room who wished to be tied to a bed by a female, and soon the realisation of his dream transferred itself to his cock, which ‘stood to attention!’ Not that Amy gently stroking it hadn’t lent some ‘assistance’ to that process, you ALL understand!

Amy laid herself down on Devon’s body, and then commenced proceeding with a good ‘snog’ as her lips found his. Shortly afterwards she placed her pussy over the aforementioned cock, and now events REALLY started to ‘move on!’

Now I’m sure that you all believed that now the ‘protestations’ from within the direction of the ‘prisoner’ of the lower bedframe would continue, if anything INCREASE in ferocity! It would have been quite natural after all, here was poor Tom FORCED to watch HIS girlfriend, having done to another male PRECISELY what he SO desired for himself, with Tom up until only a few minutes ago utterly CONVINCED that it, indeed, would be happening to HIM; starting to SHAG the man firmly held in HER hands. Just who could have blamed him if anger had taken FULL hold of him?

But no, what did so instead was an INTENSE arousal! Believe me, Ladies and Gentlemen, and yes, I AM struggling to do so myself, the excitement generated by just he was viewing was coursing throughout his own body, his cock compelled to ‘search’ for the gap between the bedframe stay that tightly held his balls and the adjacent one, as it ‘expanded’ to such a degree it had very rarely done so before; although thankfully that was something that it DID manage to safely accomplish. And therefore, his jealous cries halted immediately, not that either Amy or Devon noticed at all.
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Post by BachelorInDistress »

VERY intriguing second part. Also, it was somehow poetic justice coming towards Tom. After constantly bothering Amy with a topic she doesn't want to be exposed to, it's now him who cannot escape from being exposed to something he is not into. And ironically, within circumstances he asked for. Perfect.
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Post by LunaDog »

BachelorInDistress wrote: 7 months ago VERY intriguing second part. Also, it was somehow poetic justice coming towards Tom. After constantly bothering Amy with a topic she doesn't want to be exposed to, it's now him who cannot escape from being exposed to something he is not into. And ironically, within circumstances he asked for. Perfect.
Will he learn from this? Next part shouldn't be TOO long in being posted.
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Post by LunaDog »

And so, Ladies and Gentlemen, we come to the final part, sorry it's so short, but the whole story was only about one night. Hope you've enjoyed it @abcdefsmith3, and i will say that i've enjoyed writing it for you. Oh, and the final 'twist' is purely MY own creation!

Utterly mesmerised, Tom eyes fully widened as Amy skilfully bought both Devon and herself to that beautiful ‘point,’ which once reached, resulted in ecstasy taking them both FULLY within its exhilarating and uncompromising grip almost simultaneously, with Amy getting there first but only just, and by mere fractions of a second!

And there was another unexpected consequence of these events, not only had Tom become fully aroused in a way he’d NEVER expected to, but also Amy herself! Blimey, just WHY did I refuse him for all this time, she asked herself, I’ve not enjoyed myself in bed this much for quite some time, if EVER before. Although, of course, agreement between the presently bound Devon and herself, meant there’d be NO repeat with HIM, there was ANOTHER male in the room, wasn’t there?

So, fulfilling the, albeit unofficial, contract between them, Amy untied Devon and led him, still unsighted out of the bedroom. When he dressed and quickly left, his role now finished.

Having returned to the bedroom, Amy released and removed the harness from Tom’s head, undid his balls from the stay and retrieved her panties from his mouth. Although she deemed it wise to not actually remove his body from bondage to the bedframe itself, until she could be certain he’d calmed down enough.

Kneeling on the bed herself, she looked him straight into his eyes, asking, “well, have you learnt your lesson, about disregarding my feelings?”
Tom bent his head down, “yes Darling Amy. I’m SO sorry that I’ve treated you so badly, refusing to accept your answer, and trying to FORCE my desires upon you.”
“LOOK AT ME!” And when Tom obeyed, her heart sang as she realised that his eyes showed her that he MEANT every word, he HAD learnt his lesson. “I see. In THAT case, I believe that some sort of reward is in order! I’m going to untie you very soon, but I warn you that you’d better make the most of your ‘freedom,’ it’s going to be a VERY temporary state of affairs. Because, almost as soon as I CAN, I’ll be tying you back up to this bed! In the manner that you’ve dreamed of for so long!” Although omitting to inform him that SHE had also learnt something this evening, that it was now something SHE wanted passionately too!

Tom’s eyes were almost pleading now. “Really Amy, please tell me this isn’t another wind up?”
“No Darling, no it’s NOT. And for my part, I’m sorry about what’s happened tonight, but I couldn’t think of any other way of just how to make my point.”
Tom interrupted her, “consider it well and TRULY made, Amy. I’ll NEVER brush aside your feelings EVER again! From now on, I’ll FULLY respect that ‘no’ MEANS ‘no.’ I promise.”

A lovely smile formed on her beautiful face as she began the task of removing him from his present position, bound to bed frame, fully KNOWING he spoke the truth, and just like her friend Caroline, her actions had NOT destroyed the relationship with her man. If anything, it had enhanced it, for as promised, once Tom had been released, he found himself back in secure bondage to the bed, but just WHERE he dreamed of being this time!

Make NO mistake about it, for the next two hours, Amy showed Tom NO mercy whatsoever, as she shagged her carnal captive again AND again AND again, bringing both of them to several of THE most exciting climaxes either had ever tasted before, until finally her strength ran out and she was completely spent!

But she STILL hadn’t finished with him yet. Undoing his bonds, one by one, she moved the respective limb that they held around, restoring movement and offsetting the prospect of cramp. And then, again one by one, refastening each limb back to the nearest bedpost, however THIS time allowing a fair degree of movement, but NOT enough to permit escape of course.

Amy now retrieved some items of equipment bought home from her place of work, which was a medical General Practice, where both Caroline and Devon are Doctors, and Amy a nurse. Namely a ‘bottle’ and bed pan, allowing the still bound Tom to ‘relieve’ his body of any ‘waste.’

“Well, ciao, Darling. I’m sleeping on the sofa tonight, so we take this up again in the morning. And don’t worry, I’ll tighten your bonds back up for that, but I want you to get a good night’s sleep tonight. Believe me, you’re going to NEED it!”

Amy then kissed him on his lips, turned tail and left the room. Shutting and LOCKING the door, unnecessary I know, she told herself, but I want him in NO doubt that he’s now utterly helpless until I, and ONLY I say so. HE IS MY TOTAL SEX SLAVE NOW!
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Post by abcdefsmith3 »

WHAT a story!

It sounds like everybody got what they wanted in the end.

That was a very enjoyable read. Thank you very much!
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Post by tiedinbluetights »

Always love a happy ending for everyone!
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