Lahore Awakening (M/Fm)

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KP Presents
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Lahore Awakening (M/Fm)

Post by KP Presents »

Lahore is a modern city, but in the residential areas it resembled a lot of the more affluent of the western capitals, and in the case of Ayesha her home as a two-storey house set back from the main road, a wall round the main building with a large black gate the only way in and out for vehicles. She appreciated this level of security – she was a successful and affluent business owner in her own right, something that was a little unusual for the area, but her late husband had left her in charge and she had continued to build on those foundations.

She was forty-two years old, with long dark hair, and on this day was wearing a black salwar kameez, the pants of black silk hugging her legs, and the long-sleeved top fitting her like a glove. A long black silk dupatta was wrapped round her neck, the ends hanging down in front of her, her outfit completed by the black sandals she was wearing.

Looking out of the window, she sipped the tea from the cup she was holding, and smiled. It was a rarity for her to not be at the factory, but her managers had assured her all was well – and besides, her nephew and niece had said they would call later that afternoon, so they could have some quality time together, a thing they had experienced far too little of recently.

Ayesha turned and slowly placed her cup on the low table, before she started to make her way across to the doorway. There was a phone call she had to make, and it was not exactly one she was looking forward to…


She was grabbed from behind, a large hand clamped over her mouth as she was pulled back in a strong arm. Ayesha started to kick out frantically, squirming her body and reaching up to try and pull the hand away from her mouth. Doing all she could to try and break free.

“Hey – stop it, or I cut you.”

Standing in front of her was a man, his hair short and greying at the temples, wearing an open necked shirt and pants – and in his gloved hand was a very large, very lethal looking knife which he twirled round and moved from hand to hand.

“So, you going to stop?”

Ayesha stared at him for what seemed like an eternity, before she slowly nodded. There was a strong, musky odour in the air, as the man smiled and said “better – you going to do what we tell you?”


“Oh you’ll find out – we’re going to have some fun with you, both of us. Isn’t that right Abdul?”

“It is Habib,” a voice said from behind her. It sounded younger, and more menacing somehow. Ayesha was starting to shiver as Habib said “take your hand away and let her go – because she knows what is going to happen if she tries to do anything or doesn’t do what we say, isn’t it?”

Ayesha was very much afraid of what they might do, so she simply nodded as she was released, gasping for air.

“I have money… Take what you want…”

“Oh we will – but you need to do something first.”



Ayesha looked at him as she said “no…”

“Would you rather I used this,” Habib said quietly as he stepped forward and ran the flat blade of his knife down her chest. “Take that top off – now.” She could see the menace and purpose in his face, as Ayesha slowly pulled the bottom of the tunic up and removed the garment over her head, letting it drop to the floor as she covered the black bra over her chest with her arms.

“Keep going.”

She shivered again as she pulled the pantaloons down, and removed her shoes so she was standing in her bare feet, the only things protecting her modesty her black bra and panties.

“Very nice,” Habib said as he ran the flat of the knife blade down her arm. “Abdul, make sure she cannot prevent us from doing what we want.” She felt the hands of the second man puling her hands behind her back, and then gasped as her elbows were forced together by rope being pulled tightly round them.

IT had the effect of pulling her shoulder blades back, and forcing her chest out as the rope was passed around and between her arms, before the rope was tugged again. She then felt the same thing happening to her wrists, as they were bound tightly together, her fingers wriggling in the air as she wondered what they were going to do next, what this Abdul looked like…

“I promise, I won’t alert the police until you are long gone…”

“Oh we know you won’t,” Habib said with a grin as Ayesha saw thew white rope going around her body, and then pulled tight as her arms were forced against her back. The band rubbed on her belly as Abdul took the rope round her again, this time round her upper arms, a and kept going so he formed two bands of rope that had two effects. One was to ensure her arms stayed against her back.

The other was to press down and up on her chest so that her breasts were forced further up and out – and then she felt the rope going under one arm, up and around the back of her neck, and then under the other arm.

“I promise I won’t stop you…”

“No – no you won’t.” Habib smiled as he looked at Ayesha, and then squeezed hard on her left breast, making her open her mouth in shock to scream – but the sound was muffled as Abdul pushed a large white cloth into her mouth, filling the space and preventing her from saying anything.

She then saw the rolled up white scarf in Habib’s hand, the large knot tied in the middle, before that was pulled into her mouth, forcing the cloth further in as her red lips closed over the material, and Abdul took the ends to tie the band tightly round her head so that she had no way of pushing it out.

Ayesha was then pushed onto the couch, as she got her first look at Abdul. He looked like a younger version of Habib, but was taller and stronger, with a beard growing on his chin. He also had more ropes in his gloved hands, as he knelt down and crossed her ankles before they were forced together, Ayesha watching as the rope was taken around and between her slim limbs to make sure they stayed together.

His hands felt rough on her legs as he rubbed against them, and then she felt them being drawn together as another band was tied round them below her knees. As he took the rope between her legs, she felt his stroking down her calves, and a shiver ran up her spine – she was helpless, and they could do anything to her now.

“Phlsss.. Dhhttt…”

“Hey, don’t you want to make us happy,” Habib said as he stroked his hand down her cheek – and then slapped it before he began to grope her chest, making her feel faint as he squeezed hard on her breasts. She tried to wriggle out of the way, to call for help – but it was useless, and what was worse, she could feel her body starting to respond as…

She suddenly opened her eyes as she heard the front door open and close, and a young male voice call out “Auntie?”

“Get him,” Habib said to Abdul, as the younger man walked quickly out of the room.

“Auntie, are yo whhhthhhllmmhhhhhhlp!”

“Phlssdhnthrthm,” she mumbled as she looked to the doorway, and Abudl returned, frog marching a sixteen-year-old boy in front of him. He had short dark hair, and was wearing a green wool vest over a long-sleeved white shirt, a green tie knotted under the collar, dark grey trousers and black shoes. He was squirming in the grip of Abdul – and then he stopped, his eyes wide open as he saw the older man standing next to his aunt, a knife against her throat as she sat there in her underwear, tightly bound, the white scarf between her red lips getting darker at the corners of her mouth.

“So who do we have here – what’s your name boy?”


“Answer your elders – what is your name?”

Abdul took his hand away from the boy’s mouth as he said “Naveed – who are you, and why have you done this to my aunt?”


Habib turned and smiled at Ayesha, before he said “behave yourself, you don’t get hurt – take those clothes off, young man.”

Naveed looked at Ayesha, who was crying now as she slowly nodded, so he slowly pulled the vest off over his head and removed his tie, before he unbuttoned his shirt and let it fall to the floor as well. He then unfastened his pants and let them drop down. Kicking his shoes of at the same time, before he stood there in his grey socks and white boxers.

“Socks off as well, young man – we have a use for them,” Habib said, Naveed slowly pulling his socks off before the older man took them and handed them to Abdul – who then pulled back on Naveed’s hair and forced him to open his mouth. Before the socks were pushed in to silence him.

“Do not push those out – you will regret it,” Habib said as he picked up Naveed’s tie, and then used it as a cleave gag, pulling back the corners of the young boy’s mouth as he tied it round his head. Naveed could only look at his aunt, as Habib started to grope her chest again and she closed her eyes, while his own hands were taken behind his back by Abdul, and he felt the rope rubbing on his bare wrists as they were tightly secured together.

He felt the way his own arms were forced against his sides as the bands were formed round his stomach and his upper arms, and then cinched at the sides, before he was made to sit in an armchair and watch as first his ankles, and then his legs were secured together with more rope. All he could do was squirm round as he saw how his aunt was responding to the way she was being treated – and as Ayesha wriggled round, he was the way she looked, the way her breasts looked, and he closed his eyes as he felt something else happening…


He suddenly opened them again as he heard his cousin Zara and saw her standing in the doorway. She was twenty-eight years old, with long soft brown hair, and was wearing a red Salwar keemas, the silk hugging her body as the dupatta hung loosely round her neck.

“Hey there pretty lady,” Habib said as he looked over, “come and join the party. Because if you try to run or call for help, she gets killed, he gets killed – and then you get killed. Your choice.”

“Auntie? Naveed?” She could see them both sitting there in their underwear, tightly bound and gagged, before she felt the point of a knife against her back and heard Abdul say “so pretty – what’s your name?”

“Zara,” she whispered.

“Well, Zara, you can see the dress code – so take that outfit off, put your hands behind your back, and stand very, very still. Understand?”

“What are you doing?”

“Just do as we say, or I cut them away and then do something.”

Zara looked at the other two, Naveed staring at her as she slowly removed her shoes and clothing before standing there in a red lace bra and thong, holding herself. Habib smiled as he stood behind Ayesha, and started to rub his hands over her chest as she closed her eyes again, Naveed watching as Abdul pulled Zara’s hands behind her back and began to bind her. He had a small crush on her, but to see her standing there, in her underwear as the man slowly secured her arms, immobilising her and making her chest much more prominent.

The way she dressed, the outfits she wore, always made her look so attractive, but somehow now as the rope sent around her, she looked even more amazing, so helpless, so sexy…

“Does it have to be so tight,” Zara moaned as the ropes were pulled tightly across her chest.

“Yes – it can be tighter if you want,” Abdul said as he tied the ropes off, and then held in front of the young woman’s face a white cloth.

“No,” Zara whispered before she closed her lips, her ed lips as Naveed watched her eyes ablaze – and then the look in them as Abdul pinched her nose closed and she tried to breath. He could see it was inevitable, his tie hurting the corners of his mouth as he watched Zara open her mouth and have to accept the cloth as it was pushed all the way in, and then the knotted white scarf as her red shiny lips closed over the cloth, the band tied tightly round her head.

Naveed shifted in his seat, aware of what the things he was seeing was doing to him, and wanting to try not to let his aunt or Zara see that was the case…

“Whhddhthsths,” Ayesha mumbled as she watched Abdul push her cousin over and make her sit next to her, before he knelt and crossed her ankles, the rope biting into the skin round her ankles as he bound them tightly together, and then secured her legs together below her knees as they looked at each other.


Ayesha and Zara both closed their eyes as Habib and Abdul grabbed their chests and groped them, kneading their flesh and kissing them on the neck as they both shook their heads and squirmed in the ropes. Naveed tried to look away, but the sight of the two women under attack became too fascinating for him not to watch, and as he watched he was aware of something stirring inside him as well.

He bent his legs up as much as he could and sat still as both Ayesha and Zara started to groan, their own bodies responding to the attack as they felt their breasts firm up, and then the cold air on their nipples as both Habib and Abdul cut their bras away with their knives. They then kissed their bare breasts, running their tongues over the nipples of both women before sucking hard and making them scream.


“Got something to say kid,” Habib said as he looked over, and then left Ayesha with her eyes closed as he came over and looked at Naveed. He then pulled his legs down and smiled as he said “well now – you enjoying the sight of what we’re doing?”

Naveed shook his head, but he could feel the redness in his cheeks as he looked down and saw the bulge under his boxer shorts. Habib laughed as he said “looks like we have some educating to do here, Abdul.”


“Come and have a look, Auntie,” he said as he came over and made Ayesha stand up, then jump over and kneel down to look at her nephew, and at the bulge between his legs.


She then felt the ropes slacken as Habib untied her arms, and then said “do you like what you see, boy?”

Naveed slowly nodded as Habib said to Ayesha “pull his pants down, let us see his manhood.”

“Phlsddhtnmhkmh…” Ayesha looked at Habib, and then slowly pulled down Naveed’s boxers as his penis appeared.

“Very nice – do you want your aunt to touch it, boy?”

Naveed shook his head, but Habib laughed as he grabbed Ayesha’s hand and place di ton there. She felt his soft touch and the involuntary jerk in himself. Looking into her eyes, he said “phlssdhnmhtkhr.”

“Go on, do it,” Habib whispered as he moved Ayesha’s hand up and down his cock, and then she put her hand round it as she leaned over kissing his forehead – and then feeling his head as Habib pushed it against her chest and rubbed it from side to side.


It was difficult to tell who was moaning more now – Ayesha as she felt her nephew’s head moving over her breasts, touching her nipples, or Naveed as the emotion of his aunt’s hand made his cock swell, and he felt the throbbing inside.

A throbbing that he was secretly enjoying, as well as the taste of his aunt’s breasts on her lips, the sound of her moan, the feel of his helplessness…


He felt something happen and looked down as Ayesha held her hand up, the light white streaks on it. He was still throbbing, as Habib made Ayesha stand up and then cut her panties away, so that she was standing naked. Naveed could not take his eyes off her, as he blushed and looked down.

“Abdul, this young man needs to continue his education. You – come with me,” he then said as he retired Ayesha’s arms, and then released her legs before he marched her out of the room at gunpoint.

Naveed then looked over as Abdul made Zara stand up and jump over, her breasts moving up and down with each jump, before he cut her thong away and made her kneel down – then made Naveed stand in front of her, her eyes fixed on his cock.

“Like what you see, lady?”

“Phlslsnnhhdhnntmhk me do this,” Zara gasped as he pulled the knotted gag from her mouth, and then pulled the grey wet cloth out, Naveed’s eyes widening as the line of drool ran down from the corner of her mouth.

“Teach him,” Abdul growled, Zara looking up at Naveed, amazed at how tall he was getting, and then she whispered “I’m sorry.”

“Frrwhhtt,” Naveed said, and then he felt her red lips as she kissed his cock, and felt it jump again as she both saw and felt it start to enlarge again. He looked down as his second cousin kissed the length of the shaft, then looked at him before she put her lips over the tip, and then drew them back, her lips making a soft popping sound as she did so.

Abdul was now kneeling behind her, and Naveed could see him reaching round and groping her chest, his fingers kneading the flesh of her breasts as she took his cock back into her mouth and ran her tongue over it, then started to bob her head to and fro as she felt her start to sick on the member - and felt the expansion of it in her mouth, how there was a growing sense of throbbing and pleasure at what she was doing.

Was it the rhythm of what Zara was doing with her tongue and mouth on him as he felt his cock growing much large than normal, felt the throbbing – and her moans as the man who had done this to them kneaded and groped her breasts, pinched her nipples with his fingers, and she closed her eyes.

The jump in her mouth was involuntary, but as she continued to kiss and work on her cousin, Zara was also aware of Abdul pressing on her from behind, rubbing his crotch on her hands as she felt this throbbing cock as well - and that was not the only thing she was feeling, as despite everything a warmth was running through her body as well…


Naveed closed his eyes as the throbbing changed to a growing pressure, and then he felt himself release into Zara’s mouth, forcing her to swallow as whatever was happening kept going. Whatever it was, it was making him feel amazing however – and he heard Zara’s moans as she kept his cock in her mouth.


Habib looked at Ayesha as he said “you’ll find out – eventually.” She was sat on the bed, watching as he emptied her valuables from the safe and into a bag, her wrists secured behind her back but otherwise untied.

Habib closed the safe door and then made her walk downstairs and into the front room -where she saw Naveed was now kneeling naked in front of Zara, more ropes now holding them both together and the gag restored to Zara’s mouth as they both turned and looked at her.


“Educated hm – and that is to continue,” Habib said as he nodded, and then said “we’re hungry – and you’re ging to cook for us.”


“Going to cook for us,” he said as he forced Ayesha to walk to the kitchen. She looked round and said “Nhkhhdd?”

“Naked – almost,” Habib said as he took some ropes he had been carrying round, and tied them round Ayesha’s body, framing and forcing out her breasts as the ropes went above, below and between them. She then watched as he started to play with her nipples again, trying not to moan – but she did scream into the soaking wet gag as he attached to metal clamps to her nipples, a silver chain connecting both of them.

“Go on – cook,” he said as he sat down and watched her start to prepare the vegetables.

In the meantime, Naveed was muzzling against Zara’s breasts, the ropes forcing his head to sit between them as Zara closed her eyes and tried not to think of what this was making her feel like…

Ayesha groaned again as a fresh spot of hot oil landed on her bare skin, as she focused on making sure the food was cooked properly, not wanting to give either of the man any excuse for causing any of them any more harm.

Eventually, she held the two plates on her hands as Habib inspected the food, and smiled.

“Very nice - bring them though,” he said as he lifted two bottles of beer from the fridge, and they made their way back to the main room. Abdul was waiting with the ropes, Ayesha offering no resistance as her arms were secured again behind her back, and she was forced to lie on the couch as her ankles and legs were secured as well.

Naveed looked at her, sweat on his brow as he shifted again, his cock now pressed between Zara’s legs – and he heard her moan as well, but could not look her in the eye as his face was forced into her chest…

Habib and Abdul sat down, looking at their captives before they clinked their bottles together, and started to eat.




Naveed didn’t answer.,, because he was aware of the throbbing again, and of how Zara was stifling the moan as well…

Eventually, the two men pushed their plates away and looked at each other, before they walked over and looked at their three captives.

“So, who first?”

Naveed tried to move his head to look at the two men, before he was released from his cousin, red in the face as he looked down and at the dampness between her legs.

He then grunted as he was lifted up and laid next to his aunt, his head in front of Ayesha’s as they looked at each other, the tie still between Naveed’s lips and keeping the socks in there – a wet mass pressing down on his tongue and preventing anything more than his groans escaping.

They then felt more ropes being passed under both of them as they were pressed together, his cock now firmly up against Ayesha’s belly, their lips almost touching as he saw the grey masse between her lips, the tear stains as they had fallen down over his cheeks.



“Dhtnchrr,” he said quietly as he pressed his lips on hers, Ayesha opening her eyes wide as she felt him playing with her lips – and then looked over his shoulder, and kissed him back to distract him from what she could see.

Zara had been made to stand up and her legs untied, her ankles spread as Habib was kneeling in front of her, his lips and tongue working on her between her legs while Abdul was behind her, his pant down around his ankles, as he groped her chest again – Ayesha could now see she had meal clamps fastened to her nipples as well – and rubbed her groin against her bottom. She knew what was coming from the moans that Zara was making, as she kissed Naveed and prayed he did not realise what was happening behind his back.


Zara was moaning now as she felt Habib’s tongue pass between the petals of her sex, felt the throbbing mass against her bottom – and then felt it inside her as she opened her eyes wide and screamed out.


“Nhdhntlhk,” Ayesha said as she rubbed her lips on his, feeling the throbbing mass against her naked belly as she moved against her nephew, feeling the flow on her skin as he came o – better this humiliation than that…

“Nhhhn… Nhhh… Nh…”

Zara felt Habib’s head on her sex as she squirmed round with the assault on her from behind, felt Abdul’s member throbbing and growing larger inside her, and felt the heat, the flow between her legs as her own body was responding at the most basic level to what was happening to her. she was sweating, she was shaking – and then she let out a long, low moan as her whole body shook, and she felt the flow onto Habib’s face, the flow behind her…

When both men moved back, she slumped to the floor, panting as Abdul pulled his pants up.

“Zhrrhrh? Hnthhwhtdhdthdthhr?”

Naveed looked at Ayesha, who just shook her head as she started to cry again – and then the ropes holding them together were removed, Naveed rolling off the couch and landing non his side on the floor as he looked over at Zara.


“No you won’t kid,” Habib said as he dragged him by his feet across the floor and made him lie in front of Zara, Forcing the ropes that held him against his aunt under both of them and forcing their bodies together – this time, his face was once again against Zara’s chest, as his lips ran over the silver chain that ran between her nipples, and his crotch pressed firmly against hers as he looked up, to see her eyes staring in front of her.


Oh have some fun and lighten up,” Habib said as he smacked Naveed’s bottom, making him yelp and then squirm round as his crotch rubbed on Zara’s – and she rubbed in unison with him, her body operating almost automatically as they kept squirming round, and he felt his own cock start to throb again.

Habib smiled as he looked at them, and then nodded to Abdul as he walked over, while he walked to where Ayesha was lying and pulled her down onto the floor, straddling her as he reached down and sucked on her breasts. She arched her back in response, wondering what he was going to do as he sucked harder and harder, the metal clamps, making her nipples feel as if they were on fire.

He then lowered his pants as well, Ayesha seeing how large his cock was as he looked down at her – and then forced his way int her, her petals parting as she was amazed at how damp she was there, how easily he slipped in – and how hard he was as she gripped him in there, and he started to thrust down, rubbing on her and making her swoon as he managed to rub on spots that had been neglected for so long.

Naveed was twisting round now as his own cock engorged, rubbing his head on his cousin’s chest – and she was moaning in response still reeling from what had happened already as Abdul reached down and untied the scarf from between her lips, eased out the wet cloth again as she gasped and said “oh my god, please…”

“Keep going, kid,” the man laughed as he smacked Naveed’s bottom again and he groaned into his gag, feeling how hard how and how much he was throbbing now. He had discovered how much he liked to feel this way, and wondered what was going to happen next as he squirmed round, feeling the dampness between Zara’s legs as he tried not to do anything, but also hearing her gaps, her whispers - and then nothing except the muffled groans again.

Zara was biting down on the red ball that was now in her mouth, her lips forming an O over it as the leather straps were fastened tightly round her head. Abdul looked over as Habib continued to move himself up and down, Ayesha responding in kind as she thrust her hips up and down, not because she wanted to, but because she now need to, she wanted what was about to come.

Naveed then let to a grunt as somehow his cock entered Zara’s passage, pushing past the petals of her labia as he trust forward – and felt her grip him there. He closed his eyes and moaned as Zara thrust forward, and he thrust forward in response, the two of them moving as one now as Zara felt the waves of pleasure start to run through her again, and Naveed felt the throbbing intensify as he seemed to grow larger, and somehow was encouraging his cousin to move with him…


Ayesha could not stop herself now as she felt the orgasm washing over her, and Habib came within her as well, praying nothing would come of this as they two of them shared the experience. She then heard both Zara and Naveed call out as well, looking over with tear filled eyes as the bodies of both of them shook.

Naveed could not process what had happened – only that it was the most wonderful feeling he had ever experienced, and he felt amazing. But then, as he slumped, he remembered who it was this had happened with, and he looked up at Zara and said “Fhrghffmh…”

“Nht… Nthuhrfhlkt,” she said as he saw her lips over the red ball, and then felt the tie as it was removed from his mouth, his socks were pulled out – and a second red ball was pushed into his mouth, the leather straps digging into his cheeks before the two of them were separated and he was sat against the couch, looking at Habib as he stood up and pulled his own pants up.

“Take her upstairs, make sure she cannot get free and is distracted,” he said as Abdul lifted Zara up, her body glistening with sweat and fluids as he carried her out of the room.


Ayesha looked over on her side at Naveed, and saw his own body was covered in sweat as he sat there – and she saw the red ball between his lips as well. So as Habib removed the cleave gag, and the cloth from her mouth, she offered no resistance as the red ball was pushed into her own mouth, and the straps fastened round her head. “Hmshshrhhmhchlhd,” she mumbled as she looked at him, the red spots from where the fat had hit her, the ropes still round her breasts as she lay there.


“Dhntknh,” Ayesha said as she shook her head, and tried to sit up, but her body was too weak, too much had been done to it, taken from it. Naveed nodded as Habib left the room, and then he started to shuffle over on his bottom to where his aunt was lying.

“And what do you two think you are doing?”

“Hnhhh,” Naveed moaned as he saw Habib and Abdul come back in, the two men forcing both of thew to stand in front of each other before he felt the rope passing round his waist and then pulled back, the lengths separated and lying each side of his sac before they were pulled so tightly, they sank between his butt cheeks, and then secured at his waist. He looked over to see Habib pull a rope back between his aunt’s legs as well, sinking between her lips there and her own butt cheeks as it was secured behind her.

“Right – move,” Abdul said as he smacked Naveed again, making him squirm as the rope rubbed on his arms, his chest, around and between his legs. He looked to his side as Ayesha jumped as well, her breasts bouncing up and down as she felt the rope moving on her and moaned loudly while both of them were made to go out into the corridor, up the stairs, and into the master bedroom.


Both of them could now see Zara on her back on the bed, her arms and legs stretched out and tied to the four posters of the bed, and a rope tied between her legs as well as those around her breasts, in the same way as Ayesha. But there was a humming sound as well, as they saw something under the rope between her legs.

A humming sound that was added to as Habib slipped something go under the rope between Ayesha’s legs, pushing it into her as she started to shake – and then Naveed felt something vibrating on his sac as a white lozenge was pushed under the tight ropes. Both of them dropped to their knees, before they were made to lie on the floor, both of them feeling their legs as they were pulled back and the heels of their feet on their bottoms before they were tightly hogtied.

Naveed tried to move, but as he did the ropes rubbed on his sac – and that device was making him feel giddy again, making him hard there, and he was turned onto his side, his head against his aunt’s chest as they both began to shake, hearing Zara’s moans and cries as well as they all wondered how long it would take for rescue to come.

And wondering if they really wanted it…
Read stories of ordinary women in peril at