The Files of Art. Inc.: The Hunt for the Lost Scrolls: Chapter 116 (01.04.2024) (FFFF/FFF/ MM/F)

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Post by LunaDog »

mrjones2009 wrote: 8 months ago I know that the pace has been sedate for a bit, however I expect that will change soon.
I'm inclined to agree with you there.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Nainur wrote: 8 months ago wwwwoooow! Shivers.
And do I see - after entering briefly Lord of the Rings - some other, peculiar scene.

"Arise, arise, Riders of Théoden!
spear shall be shaken, shield shall be splintered,
a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises!
Ride now, ride now, ride! Ride for ruin and the world's ending!
Death! Death! Death!
Forth Eorlingas!"
Slightly alterd frm the original, but PJ did well in this scene, also, I think.

Anyway. It is a gripping chapter and much foreboding doom.
Thank you @Nainur ! I had in mind the passage of LOTR you quote when I wrote that part of the chapter. And it fits. Gloves are off that is for sure, who will win? We will see. The odds for Chris and Company still do not look good. But that may change. The future will tell.

The next chapter will be up either this evening or tomorrow at the latest. Be prepared for some serious action!
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Post by Caesar73 »

@GreyLord @Bandit666 @banshee @Beaumains @Bigballgag1 @Trammel @wolfman @mrjones2009 @slackywacky @Nainur @Shotrow @TightsBound @Pantyhose971 @TayDay95 @NotSeen @Fandango @LunaDog @Argentum @algebrauk

Chapter 85

“The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent”

Sun Tzu:
The Art of War

Later the same day: Aswan:

Their private jet was about to land. Yesterday Sophie had informed Shana that Evie had been able to decipher where the next fragment of the stela was to be found: At the temple of Abu Simbel. They would make the travel to the famous site later. The Team had decided that Shana and Birte would hold the fort in Aswan in the meantime.

Europol had organized a mansion on the outskirts of town. The detective had at first not been very pleased to do guard duty but finally relented. If she was honest to herself the Investigator did like the opportunity to rest a bit.

The days since their Arrival at Alexandria had strenuous and taxing: On top her bosses were not very impressed by the results so far. “Bureaucrats” she scoffed: especially the arrogant Vandenberg. None of them would survive five minutes in this environment.

Vandenberg was a pompous asshole – Birte smiled as she imagined Chris´ von der Marwitz kicking his ass “Yes” the black haired detective thought “She would have him on his knees in less than two minutes” Too bad that would not happen, on the other hand? If Vandenberg would meet von der Marwitz right now? He would wet his pants. Another delightful thought.

Birte chanced a glance at the blonde pianist. She wore her customary white Veja Esplar sneakers –no socks - blue jeans, a white blouse and a light yellow blazer. There was an air of cold determination around the artist. Since she had joined them yesterday again, she had not smiled very often.

Birte´s fine antennas registered the rage under the calm surface. Chris demonstration with the two Katana´s had impressed her immensely. She was no expert but she had had the feeling that the curved blades were an organic part of Chris´ body, not just swords. All motions had been flawless and fluid – and that despite the blonde had survived a bomb blast just four days ago.

Again she remembered their sparing: For a split second she had felt, the pianist would not pull her last punch. But the moment after that had changed: The blonde had been really ashamed “I doubt that you lose control very often” the Detective mused. To admit that must have been difficult for the blonde, the Chris she had known before the bombing had not even lost control when bullets screeched through the air in Alexandria.

The detective looked around in the Cabin: There were Sophie and the American Detective Kate Beckett. The two chatted animatedly. Evie Callahan was snoring softly, her head resting on Sophie´s left shoulder. Birte smiled as she watched Hayley King and Kirsty Garrett.

The two were quite the pair: The tall alluring curvaceous blonde with her piercing blue eyes and the auburn haired Briton – as Birte had learned Kirsty Garrett was a highly decorated Soldier. She had been awarded the Victoria Cross by her late Royal Majesty. Surely Garrett was someone to rely on in a tight spot.

And there was finally the mysterious black haired Canadian: Sarah McKenzie. Their eyes met. A small smile curled the Canadian´s lips. Her black eyes seemed to see right through her. Birte watched as the Canadian looked at Chris who was taking notes, using Japanese Kanji. Sarah knew what Chris was writing: She was composing Haikus. Her pen flew over the paper.

The blonde looked up and their eyes met. The Pianist looked long at the black haired woman, long and intense. The Canadian smiled. Chris did not. Birte looked at the blonde then at the Canadian. No doubt, the two women had a common history.

Birte wondered still how the black haired woman had broken through the wall of grief which had engulfed von der Marwitz. And the Woman from Europol did spot the rope marks at Chris´ ankles and wrists. The blonde seemed totally oblivious to them or simply did not care. Birte suspected the latter.

She looked at their Egyptian Colleague. Al Amari had watched the German and the Canadian too. As she noticed Birte´s gaze she quickly turned to her laptop. “Interesting” the Detective mused:

Shana Al Amari kept her distance. The Egyptian Police Woman seemed still not to connect with the other members of von der Marwitz´ Team well. Something in her behaviour had changed since the blonde Pianist had recovered from her stupor.

The What and the Why Birte could not place – yet. To her it felt almost as if the Egyptian was disappointed that Chris was on board again, but why? The detective had to admit Shana hid her feelings well, but there were moments when the façade of cool professionalism slipped:

This morning she had woken up early: Birte was about to step on her balcony when she saw Chris´ training – it had been fascinating, but even more intriguing: Shana Al Amari had watched the Pianist too, but had hidden behind a tree – her face anything but friendly.

And Birte wondered why: Was the Egyptian cross with Chris because she held her responsible for Nabiah´s death in Luxor? Did she simply not like the pianist? Her guts told her that there was more to it.

But what?

Abu Simbel: Dusk:

Chris watched the Entrance of the temple of Abu Simble from her hiding spot, which allowed for an unobstructed view of the two temples. She had been here years ago. Among the Egyptian Temples she knew, this was one she loved very much, only the Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut came close. She breathed in deeply – and for a fleeting moment she allowed herself to marvel at this impressive testimony of Ramses II.´ megalomania.

Chris had seen the Mummy of one of Egypt´s greatest Kings at the Egyptian Museum. The characteristic nose, the red hair – Ramses could not do small and simple: In death and in life. The only recently discovered tomb for his sons in the Valley of the Kings was the largest tomb among its many tombs – a testimony to Ramses virility: The King had fathered 50 Sons and round about forty daughters. And despite her dark mood a small smile curled her lips. The Pharaoh must have been quite the lady´s man.

Her gaze rested on the façade of Ramses´ temple:

To transfer the temples of Abu Simble from her original place higher up had been quite the engineering achievement in the sixties. Chris looked around. They were lucky. Normally totally crowded by myriads of tourists, the vast space before the temple was deserted. Rachel Weinstein´s contacts had helped to assure that no unexpected guests would disturb the party. A grim smile curled her lips.

Out of nowhere memories crossed her mind, when she, Sophie and Anna had played together at Buckingham Palace: The National Anthem – as Anna had smiled amused when Chris had improvised a Cadenza, or as Anna had rescued her from Boris Oblomov´s lair. A wave of hot hate surged through Chris´ body. She closed and opened her fists.

“Concentrate” she chided herself “don´t let your grief and hate distract you!” and she focused again on the temple´s entrance, where just two figures vanished inside – and a grim smile curled Chris´ lips “The stage is set! The time for niceties is over!” Their plan was risky but the blonde trusted her instincts on this. Shortly they would know, if Sophie had been right – and if - there would be the devil to pay.

“Sensei I am the arrow and I will not miss the mark!” the pianist vowed solemnly.

The blonde vanished into the shadows like a ghost.

It was as if she had never been there.

Inside the temple:

Sophie was fascinated. She knew the temple from photographs but as always: Seeing such a monument with her own eyes was something entirely different: Evie and Sophie had entered the temple, the inner part of the temple had the same triangular layout that most ancient Egyptian temples followed, with rooms decreasing in size from the entrance to the sanctuary.

The eight Osirid Pillars where quite imposing. With rapt attention she listened to Evie´s explanations, the Egyptologist pointed at the ceiling and explained the paintings. To any observer they looked like a pair of tourists with their light colourful summer dresses, the sun hats, the sun glasses and the trekking sandals on their feet. Sophie was tense but she was not nervous. Their cover was there.

Question was: Would their prey fall for the hook the line and the sinker? Of one thing she was sure: They would know soon enough. As they stepped above the threshold of the inner Sanctuary Sophie sensed movement behind them, the lawyer whirled around: In the twilight she could make out six black figures, training their submachine guns at them. Where had they come from?

All six were female all six wore black masks, which hid their faces. The Leader, obviously the one in the middle was not the tallest “Sophie Reichenbach and Professor Evie Callahan! The High Priestess will be so delighted to see you again!” she mocked them.

Sophie smiled coolly “I cannot say the same – the hospitality of your Mistress leaves a lot to be desired” and looked the woman directly in the eye “This time you will not intimidate me” Her opponent chuckled “How very brave!” and continued coldly “You will us show now the fragment – and then we will make a little trip!”

“And if we will not comply?” Sophie looked the Egyptian up and down “Will you make us? Quite the feature: Six armed assassins against two unarmed women. I admire your bravery!” Evie admired how perfectly disdainful and brave her companion challenged their assailant.

Obviously Sophie had hit a nerve:

“You don´t want to find out! Arrogant bitch!” the Egyptian hissed and turned to Evie

“Where is it!” she fixated Evie with a cold stare “Tell us Professor Callahan or your lover pays the consequences. She eyed Sophie up and down “Who would want to damage such a wonderful canvas?” Evie and Sophie exchanged a look. Sophie shook her head “Don´t Evie” her eyes delivering a warning “I don´t want you get hurt! Soph! You have suffered enough in London!” The Egyptologist turned to the Leader “I will show you, but don´t hurt her!” she pleaded, Sophie rolled eyes. Inwardly she had to smile: Evie had played her part well.

Sophie and the Egyptian locked eyes:

“Where is it!” the Leader demanded and Sophie was sure now to discover the trace of an accent, a German accent. Barely audible it was, but for the Lawyer´s trained ears – unmistakable. A thought crossed her mind “Could that be?” Her mind wandered back to Hamburg, the meeting with Birte´s Boss and that oily bastard Vandenberg …the part about the Chancellors daughter …

“It is hidden at the base of the first of the four Giants to the left outside the temple” Evie explained and looked at Sophie “Forgive me!” The Lawyer just rolled her eyes “Right” the leader nodded to two of her subordinates “Secure and gag them and then let´s go – we have no time to lose! Doctor Reichenbach, we will have much fun together!”

“I can hardly wait!” Evie noticed that her partner sounded perfectly untroubled

Sophie winced as her wrists were shackled behind her back “Open” her handler commanded “Resistance is futile” Sophie quipped and opened her mouth. Those heavily panel gags she knew from rich experience – and did not like them.

The Egyptian made it very tight. Sophie mumbled something not very polite in her gag. Another woman shackled her ankles together, while Evie was restrained in the same way “Huya and Teje bring them along and don´t leave them out of your sights!” the leader commanded “Bitch” Sophie cursed into her gag. Her handler slapped her hard on her butt “Move!”

Not overly gentle Evie and Sophie were ushered forward to the temple gate. They stepped through the entrance gate and passed between the two inner statues. A sharp wind was blowing from the east.

The Group froze as a woman stepped into view: Tall, blond, her long blond hair in a ponytail in each hand a curved blade, their tips pointing to the floor, clad in black body armour – a grim smile curled her lips – she spoke one word of command – loud and clear and carrying “Now!”

What happened in the next seconds happened so fast that Sophie could afterwards not tell how much time passed. Shots rang out, blades clashed, Screams of pain. Bodies crashed to the floor. And as sudden as it had begun it was over. There was only the sound of the wind. Sophie locked around.

Four of the Egyptians lay on the ground – obviously dead: Their two handlers were shot through the head, another, through the chest from behind and the fourth through the left eye. Nothing much was left of the left side of her face. From her right unseeing eye she stared in the sky.

Sophie looked to her left: The leader lay on her back on the ground starring at the darkening sky: Sophie noticed that four fluffy arrows were imbedded in her chest: Tranquilizer darts. The sixth daughter of Isis knelt in the sand Chris towered above her and pressed the tip of one blade against her larynx. The Lawyer shuddered as she saw the cold look of Chris green eyes “They look like two chunks of green ice” Sophie had seen that look before … a voice interrupted her musings:

“That went rather well”, Sarah McKenzie smiled who came into view together with Kirsty, both carrying automatic rifles “Very good shot!” Kate Beckett complimented, who stepped on Chris´ left side, carrying a tranquilizer gun “Almost a little too easy” Hayley King grinned as she stepped out of the temple gate, she too carrying an automatic rifle.

Sophie mumbled impatiently and shook her shackled hands “Don´t be so impatient!” the blonde American teased her, but stooped down and searched one of the dead women “Found it!” she grinned and busied herself freeing Evie and Sophie – beginning with Evie.

The lawyer mumbled something not very complimentary in her gag “Patience is a virtue!” the American chuckled. Sophie rolled her eyes.

Hayley smiled “Rolling eyes is usually my part Sophie!” but continued to free the German.

Finally the lawyer licked her lips and rubbed her wrists “What do we do with them Chris?” she pointed at the two women on the ground: one kneeling, the other staring at the sky.

The pianist smiled ominously and turned her attention to the daughter of Isis kneeling before her. She bled from some shallow gashes: One across her forehead, several more at her upper body.

Maketaton had considered herself to be good with the Sword, but the blonde had taken her apart effortlessly – and obviously just played with her. She stared up into those cold green eyes which were devoid of any emotion as was her alto voice:

“You will deliver a warning to your Master and the High Priestess” the blonde pressed the tip of her Katana more firmly against Maketaton´s Larynx – blood trickled from a small wound - “Tell them this” she spoke clear and firm and cold as the ice of the North Pole “Christine von der Marwitz is coming for you, there is no place you can hide from me!”

“You got this?” the blonde´s eyes seemed to drill a hole right through the Egyptian - Maketaton felt the pressure of the blade releasing – and nodded. The movement of Chris´ right wrist was faster than any human eye could register. The Egyptian felt a sharp pain at her left check, where the blade had cut her “So they will believe you” Chris´ voice radiated an icy coldness – another swift movement – a deep cut across her throat.

“Now go!” she commanded imperiously. The remaining Daughter of Isis stumbled to her feet and broke into a run into the West, as if the Devil was hot on her heels. Sarah McKenzie looked after her – frowning.

“You should have killed her Chris!” The Black Lady stated reproachfully “No” Chris shook her head “She is much more useful this way “I want to get under the skin of those bastards” the blonde explained cooly “And I will”

Her friends looked at the pianist. Chris pointed with her blade on the prone body on the floor “Secure her and let´s leave! We have unfinished business in Aswan!” turned on her heels sharply, strode away, tall and erect. After a few steps she paused and walked back to the Egyptian. With a fluid movement she sheathed one Katana and gripped the other blade firmly with both hands and swung the Sword high in the Air.

Sophie was frozen in shock “Chris! You cannot do this! You cannot kill an unarmed defenceless woman! This is murder!”

It was as if the blonde had not heard her at all. She stood still like a statue and the Lawyer noticed the slight quiver of the blades tip. Seconds passed. Nobody said a word. The blade fell. It missed the Egyptian by millimetres, the blade´s tip buried deep in the sand. Chris breathed heavily. She sheathed the blade, turned sharply on her heels and strode away – not looking back.

Thoughtfully Kate Beckett looked at the back of the blonde pianist “She has changed” “She has” The Black Lady nodded calmly “Anck-Sun-Amun and her Master have no idea they have a unleashed a beast, the moment they killed Anna”

Kate raised her eyebrows ….

“But they will learn soon” the Canadian added grimly “This!” she pointed at the ground, on the corpses on the floor “is only the beginning”

The Black Lady looked from one to the other “Okay Ladies, we have work to do!”

Aswan, Homebase of Chris´ and her team:

The Villa, built for a wealthy British Aristocrat, at the end of the 19th Century lay at the Outskirts of Aswan, on the Eastern Nile Embankment.

Pretty secluded and surrounded by a high wall and a large park it was perfectly suited for the Team´s purposes, especially it´s large and spacious cellar rooms, which had been rebuilt by a later owner. Among them two spacious cells, their doors were massive and could be only opened by entering a digital code.

In her room Shana Al Amari paced the carpeted floor. So far no transmission from Abu Simbel had come in and the Egyptian Police Woman wondered if this was a good or a bad sign.

The only thing Chris had been willing to tell her had been Evie and Sophie would, disguised as tourists, retrieve the fragment of the Stela, while the rest of the Team would wait for them at an extraction point.

The blonde had been not unfriendly but the ‘Egyptian had felt uncomfortable under the scrutinizing gaze of Chris´ emerald green eyes. Since the Pianist had recovered from the catatonic state she had been in since Anna´s death Shana´s fine antenna´s sensed a grim determination under the calm surface and a cold rage, which burned not like a candle flickering in the wind, but like a search light penetrating the thickest darkness like a sharp knife – as sharp as the Katana´s the blonde wielded so skilfully.

The sounds of the opening gate interrupted her musings. Shana hurried to the balcony and hid in the shadows so she could not be seen. Two black Van´s halted before the Entrance: Sarah McKenzie and Kirsty Garrett left the drivers compartment of the first van and opened the back door.

Hayley King and Kate Beckett got out and pulled a gurney out of the rear compartment: Shana supressed a gasp, on the gurney a gargantuan beige down cocoon rested - obviously heavily down filled.

The Egyptian had heard of such contraptions but never seen one for real. The four women pulled the Gurney to the front door. Shana could see that the head section had been covered. It was impossible to know who was inside.

Her heart hammered in her chest.

Hot on their heels followed Von der Marwitz, Sophie Reichenbach and Evie Callahan, the face of the blonde an inscrutable mask. What now? Shana did not need long to make a decision …. She was prepared.

In the vast entrance hall the team was greeted by Birte. Curiously the detective looked at the gurney “Who is in there?” “A special guest who could not decline our invitation” Hayley King chuckled “Doesn´t she sweat to death in that contraption?” the black haired Europol Woman wondered.

Kirsty and Hayley exchanged a look - then grinned broadly “Absolutely not as we can tell from rich experience. In fact it is extremely comfortable” the blonde smiled mischievously.

“Girls you can exchange notes later” Chris interrupted them curtly “We will have a chat with our Egyptian friend” Birte Ricciarelli could not place the undertone: Icy coldness, hate?” The blonde turned to Kirsty and Hayley “Why don´t you make our guest comfortable in the cellars while I and Sarah have a chat with Shana!”

“No” the thief said firmly “We will not” - all faces turned to the Canadian - who looked Chris directly in the eyes “You don´t get a metre near Shana – you are far too emotionally involved!” The blonde opened her mouth but Sarah unapologetically cut across her “Shana is of no use to us if you shred her to pieces now” The Canadian stared at Chris. Chris stared at the Canadian, her lips a thin line, her jaws set. Each of them determined to hold their ground.

It was a battle of wills, Birte watched fascinated, neither the blonde German nor the black haired Canadian blinked. The air seemed to cackle with electricity. And the Detective watched as Chris´ left hand wandered to a pocket of her combat gear …. “She will not throw a shuriken at her friend!” the Detective held her breath.

Finally it was the pianist who relented “Fine” she admitted grudgingly “What do you propose?” “Sarah” she added.

The Canadian smiled “I will take Kirsty with me, Sophie and Kate will take position outside below Shana´s balcony; Birte can help Hayley to make our special guest comfortable in the cellars in the meantime”

The Pianist grew tense again.

“Aren´t you forgetting someone?” now the blonde looked anything but pleased but definitely pissed off “You” the Canadian said benevolently “can guard the floor upstairs – if that bitch gets past me and Kirsty” Her tone made it clear she did not expect that to happen.

Chris breathed in deeply “Someday I will kick her ass to hell and back again” she mused. The blonde did her best to control her emotions, to adhere to her Sensei´s advice. She relaxed – slightly.

Still grumbling she nodded “let´s go then!” “If anything goes awry I will have words!” Chris added “Of course” a smile curled the Canadians lips – and the thief bowed slightly. Chris was about to snap something back but controlled herself and said nothing just glared at the Thief “Don´t push your luck” the pianist added finally. But Sarah McKenzie just smiled back “It is all for the best, you can trash me later” “You can bet on it” the Pianist shot back “I will trash you – sooner than later!”

Birte had followed the exchange the conversation with a mix of amusement and incredulity “Are you coming?” the blonde American broke her out of her reverie “Let us get her in the elevator!” Hayley King seemed to enjoy herself thoroughly. With a sigh Birte took the other end of the gurney.

Kirsty and the Black Lady hurried upstairs, careful not to make any noise. Both had their guns drawn: The HK 23, which fired heavy 45 ACP rounds. Chris took position at the stairwell upstairs so she could cover the corridor which led to the private rooms.

The Canadian and the Briton communicated with hand signs and looks only. Chris knew they were well versed in that sort of Game. She unsheathed her blades in a smooth and noiseless motion – no one would get past her – never, not in one piece at least.

Outside Kate and Sophie had taken up position under Shana´s Balcony. Their guns at the ready they waited. Sophie heard it first, the soft noise as a balcony door was opened extra carefully. A black rope was thrown over the railing. Sophie and Kate stepped out from under the balcony and aimed at the railing.

A black shadow had put a foot on the railing, as someone knocked firmly at Shana´s door “Shana!” The Thief called “We want to talk to you - open up!” In the same moment Kate and Sophie switched on their flashlights: In their bright light stood Shana: Entirely clad in black, one foot still on the railing, a black backpack on her back.

The Surprise was total. The Egyptian froze “She looks like the proverbial deer in headlights” Sophie thought unsympathetically. A hot wave of anger surging through her veins “I knew it!”

Entirely professional Kate Beckett informed the Egyptian “One move and it will be your last” Shana smiled “Surely you won´t shoot me!” A shot rang through the night. Sophie´s shot barely missed her left earlobe “We will” Kate added curtly “We despise Traitors” “Traitors and Cowards” Sophie added disdainfully, her gun aiming now directly at Shana´s chest.

Something like anger flashed along Shana´s face. But she said nothing. With forced calm she stepped back from the railing and back into her room. Sarah McKenzie and Kirsty had their guns firmly trained on her.

“Don´t even think about it” the Canadian said, who had obviously read the Egyptian´s mind “Even if you get past between us” she didn´t even stress the word “if” – “In the hallway Chris is waiting “and in her current frame of mine I would deem it unwise to confront her” the Canadian´s smile was cold and hard “If I were you and responsible for murdering her best friend – her fangs have grown long you know”

“She won´t just shoot you in the knee” Kirsty supplied with a cold smile, she will dismember you – you have seen her training only so far – and you should have seen what she did to your sisters at the temple today” A flash of anger crossed Shana´s face “But you can try your luck!” the Briton added coolly.

The three women stared at each other. The Egyptian realized she had no choice but to surrender “What gave me away?” Sarah smiled “That you would really like to know, do you – but I am not telling “Kneel slowly down, lay on the floor, fingers interlaced behind your head. Now!” she commanded.

Shana still did not move. The Canadian pulled the trigger. A searing pain shot through Shana´s left shoulder – were the shot had grazed her. She looked at the Canadian “I will never submit!” The Black Lady smiled coolly “What do you think Kirsty? Why don´t you go and find Chris?”

“I will go fetch her!” Kirsty replied casually and looked on the floor “That carpet is so beautiful” she sighed.

With gritted teeth the Egyptian sank to the floor.

“Stay down!” the thief told her sternly. The same moment, Hayley and Kate entered. The first carrying some items among them a red heavily down filled suit with booties “I convinced Birte und Sophie to stay outside and keep Chris company” the detective smiled “Hard work believe me, she is chafing at her reins!”

The Thief addressed the Egyptian lying down on the floor “Get up, slowly!” Shana did not look up but sensed that at least three guns were aimed at her. No, there was no way out of this – for now.

She would have to play along and bide her time. And she realized the idea targeting the pianist emotionally by killing her best friend might not have been a clever idea. Shana hated to admit that, but Garrett´s assessment had probably been correct.

So she got slowly up on her feet and faced McKenzie, Garrett, King and Beckett. Their guns trained at her. Unwavering, “Strip!” the Canadian ordered, her voice cold as ice. 20 Minutes later the Egyptian stood shackled, blindfolded, gagged, deaf, and hooded on the floor:

If she was honest to herself? The greatest humiliation had been to be forced to wear a diaper. Hayley King had definitely enjoyed putting the diaper on her. That blonde American Bimbo! “You will get used to it!” King had told her pleasantly. The wheels in her head were turning: What had given her away? How did they know? That should not have happened!

Someone gripped her firmly by her right upper arm and led her outside. She shuffled along. Gently she was lead down the stairwell, then the elevator. Next a cell: The Egyptian was forced down on a heavy duty chair, and strapped and shackled firmly in place: Each leg to the corresponding chair leg at ankles and knees.

Her wrists tied to the arm rests in three places: Straps above and below her breast and around her waist pressed her against the chair. A posture collar ensured that she had to hold her head straight. Something was pressed against her crotch and taped to her left thigh.

“Enjoy!” Hayley Kings voice whispered in her ear “Have fun while it lasts!” Shana was alone. And then the vibrator sprung to life.
Last edited by Caesar73 8 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Nainur »

wow, almost even more intensely as I had imagined... and imagined no less than an outright battl. This is was not, but a precise execution of a well laid out plan! Great!

(and I would have won a bet: I thought that Egyption so called police-officer would be a mole. Her heathen gods might show mercy upon her, she would hope, but on this I would not bet...)

Exellent chapter.
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Post by GreyLord »

It was past my bedtime when I started reading this. There was no way in hell that I could stop and postpone reading until tomorrow. Wonderfully detailed and explicit. Shana was wise, indeed, to submit and avoid facing Chris. Not that she doesn't still have a grim road ahead. Well done, @Caesar73.
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Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 8 months ago It was past my bedtime when I started reading this. There was no way in hell that I could stop and postpone reading until tomorrow. Wonderfully detailed and explicit.
Thank you @GreyLord - this is high praise for any writer :) As you point out correctly Shana´s decision was wise, even if she needed some persuasion by The Black Lady and Kirsty. One thing - as things are at the moment - I dare say Payment is only put off. But the Masterthief is right: Chris´ and her friends need to know what Shana knows if they want to strike at their enemy´s heart. They made the first step. And as Sarah McKenzie puts it at Abu Simbel? "This is only the beginning"
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Post by LunaDog »

Absolutely superb as ever. Building up VERY nicely.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

The pace changes and our heroes start to make their play.

The traitor in the camp has been found and dealt with (more to come I am sure).

CANNOT wait for the next installment of this most excellent adventure.

Thanks for continuing to share!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Nainur wrote: 8 months ago wow, almost even more intensely as I had imagined... and imagined no less than an outright battle. This was not, but a precise execution of a well-laid-out plan! Great!

Thank you @Nainur! You sum it up perfectly - the traitor is apprehended. Now will follow the next step!

@mrjones2009 thank you for your comment - the next chapter is due on Tuesday at the latest. This chapter will close this arc. A new phase will begin.
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Post by Caesar73 »

@GreyLord @Bandit666 @banshee @Beaumains @Bigballgag1 @Trammel @wolfman @mrjones2009 @slackywacky @Nainur @Shotrow @TightsBound @Pantyhose971 @TayDay95 @NotSeen @Fandango @LunaDog @Argentum @algebrauk

Chapter 86

“Discoveries and Preparations”

The living room:

The team had convened in the living room “What know?” Kate was the first to voice her thoughts “I could use a shower – and then Dinner!” Chris shrugged “Fine with me” Birte noticed a change, after they had apprehended Shana Al Amari: The pianist looked calmer – but not entirely at peace “She struggles still with her emotions” Birte thought. The detective remembered the minutes the team had returned from Aswan and afterwards. Sophie had told her what had happened at Abu Simbel … would the blonde really have beheaded a helpless captive?

“What about this?” The Black Lady added “We all do refresh we make dinner and then we talk shop “Who wants to cook with me?” the Canadian looked around “Me” Sophie smiled – and after an exchange of looks Kate volunteered too.

And in that moment the battle hardened Master Thief realized, how much she missed Anna discussing about such simple matters like preparing dinner “Anna loves to cook” – she mused.

And Anna was gone.

Sarah´s eyes met Chris´ and she saw tears shimmering in the blonde´s eyes “You feel it too, of course you do – I should have known” And could have kicked herself for her lack of sensitivity. The blonde was off balance at the moment. Her state of mind could change from one moment to the next. One never knew how she would react.

“But you will get through this Chris!” McKenzie thought “We will visit hell on those who took Anna away!” Their eyes met a second time. Chris nodded her face cold and stern again. As if she had read her mind. The thief let her gaze rest upon the blonde - thoughtfully.

The blonde would regain her equilibrium – at some point, but how long would it take? Difficult to tell … as the thief knew from own experience. Was Chris fit enough to lead them on that mission The Chris she knew would have been without any doubt. But now? The Thief made a decision “Chris needs to know we trust her, so I will!”

In the Cellar, later:

Hetepheres only slowly returned to the waking world. It felt as she had to rise from the deep sea to the surface. For several times she had sunken back into blackness, then risen again, always a bit more. It was dark around her:

Her body was compressed from all sides – compressed by what? As she got more lucid she realized it felt like a down filled mummy sleep sack, but much heavier on the down and it was more some kind of cocoon, an incredibly thick one.

And she was tied: Two straps around her insteps, three around her lower legs and two above the knees. The latter reminded her that she was obviously diapered: A diaper? Her cheeks burned with indignation. On the plus side? So far she had not soiled the diaper …

Her hands were mitted her wrists were shackled and held before her body more straps secured her arms to her body. The straps were tight but the pressure was lessened thanks to some sort of down filled suit she wore.

Hetepheres registered she was heavily gagged: with a heavily padded panel gag, whose foam ball filled her mouth completely and pressed her tongue firmly down - she had been blindfolded, and hooded and earbuds cancelled any noise out.

“How have I landed here?” she racked her brain. A stream of pictures flooded her mind: She and her fellow Daughters of Isis had apprehended the Lawyer and the Egyptologist at Abu Simble.

They had left the temple – and then there had been that woman a tall blonde entirely clad in black wielding two blades in her hands, she had shouted something then everything was a blur: Hetepheres had felt several sharp pricks in her breast.

She had tumbled to the ground like a large rag doll and starred into the sky – she could not move a muscle – but was able to see, to hear ….the daughter of Isis had heard everything. She knew that woman. Not too long ago she had had her at her mercy ..

Then the blonde devil had towered over her, her Katana ready to strike. In a shimmering arc the blade had fallen down and missed her by a hairs breadth. The blonde had vanished – the Egyptian had felt a sharp prick in her neck – then just blackness.

Hetepheres … she had always considered this name as a great honour – to be named after the mother of the Great Pharaoh Khufu, the builder of the Great Pyramid. In a former life she had been someone different: Weak and spoiled and without purpose – and then she had met Nofret at Hurghadda… that had changed her life.

To learn Nofret had been captured a first and later killed in single combat, no, not only killed. That blonde devil with the two blades had first dismembered her, sliced her body open and then beheaded her – that had shocked her.

At least Nofret´s death had been honourable.

It had been the blonde devil with the two blades at the temple … von der Marwitz. She had enjoyed it immensely having that arrogant b*tch at her mercy in the burial chamber at Pepi´s Pyramid at Abusir.

She felt a sensation: someone worked at her cocoon. The hood above her head was pulled off, the sleep mask and the earbuds removed – surprisingly gentle. After the long time in darkness she needed time to adjust: Above her she saw three faces: The blonde devil, Sophie Reichenbach and a black haired woman – she did not know. Her black eyes were icy cold.

The faces vanished.

Birte looked at Sophie and at Chris “It´s her, this is definitely the chancellor´s daughter!” The Detective was astonished. To this point she had never fully believed the story the Chancellors daughter had joined an ancient cult – but she was obviously wrong. There she was, cocooned, tied up and gagged: Leonie Gräber. “What now?” Birte looked at Chris and Sophie.

Chris demurred curtly “Not here and not now” – and the Detective knew by now that any further discussion was pointless “I will read Princess the riot act” the blonde announced coldly.

Hetepheres looked up as the blonde´s face appeared in her field of vision again. Her classical features were beautiful – if they had not looked like a marble sculpture. Cold and hard. The emerald green eyes looked long at her before Chris von der Marwitz spoke “Listen carefully. If it were not for your father being the Chancellor” that evoked a reaction by the restrained woman, she mumbled something in her gag and strained against her bonds. Chris waited for a moment “I would have gladly killed you today – and I will kill any Daughter of Isis, anybody who stands in my way to avenge Anna”

Von der Marwitz had spoken coldly and measured.

The stern look of that emerald green eyes told Hetepheres all she need to know. The blonde meant every word “To me it does not matter, how you style yourself these days, Hetepheres or Leonie. What matters to me: You and your lot killed Anna – and for that you will pay - with interest.”

The blonde had spoken not loud but with an intensity that gave the restrained woman pause “Your “precious” Nofret payed already the ultimate price – and you shall share her fate if that is your wish – a lot can happen in the desert”

She let the sentence hanging ominously in the air.

“And be assured: When the time comes to send you to the afterlife, it will not be quick.
So one good piece of advice: “Behave as long as you are with us – believe me none of us harbours an ounce of sympathy for you. You are just a spoiled rich child that found it cool to run with an ancient cult, just because she was bored”

Hetepheres shook her head mumbling something into her gag.

“Shut up!” the pianist commanded imperiously.

The blonde´s voice dripped with utter contempt.

“Anna was worth more than all of you together! You would be not worthy to kiss her feet! Anna gave the world her soul, her music! Anna gave herself! Anna made a difference! Tell me what you gave to the world spoiled rich child! Tell me!” The blonde devil paused “Lost for words b*tch?” another pause “I can tell you: You gave nothing to the world!”

The blonde vanished out of her field of vision. The intensity of her hate had hit Hetepheres like a hammer. Sophie and Birte looked with astonishment after Chris – and Sophie knew that the blonde left for a reason:

She didn´t want them to see her cry, especially not that Egyptian Bitch. Sophie did say nothing just reapplied earbuds and cover on the Cocoon. Before she had put the earbuds in their captive´s ears the lawyer said calmly “You better believe every word Chris said. Sleep well!”

Calmly she added “You are just a spoiled rich child – nothing else. We know your father donated a hefty sum to the Humboldt University so you would not be expelled because you cheated on your exam”

Hetepheres lay long awake in the darkness, that confrontation had shaken her: Never in her life had she faced such a hot wave of blistering white hot hate. She was still shocked by the rapid turn of tables: So far their mission had been a success: They had acquired the Stela Fragment at Alexandria, the trap for von der Marwitz in Cairo had worked perfectly.

Collecting the last Fragment of the Stela should have completed their success … but instead they had walked right into a trap. Her complete team had been obliterated – except her and Maketaton. Hetepheres had heard what the blonde had said to her fellow sister.

“We have unfinished business at Aswan” the blonde b*tch had told her companions “That can only mean, they know about the mole in their midst” Her thoughts were racing. She had no reason not to believe von der Marwitz – only slowly she realized what the events at Abu Simbel meant … and a cold fist of fear gripped her heart.


“Did Chris mean that what she said?” Birte asked curiously as they left for the elevator. The Lawyer paused and took her time “Under any circumstances I would said this was just power play to rattle Leonie´s cage” Another pause “But with Anna murdered all Bets are off, I would say”

“There is something you must know Birte” Sophie added thoughtfully “Chris is, firmly rooted in the Japanese Culture, the traditions of Samurai – the way of Bushido: It is ingrained in her DNA but Anna´s death may have opened the gates to Chris´ darker side. Sophie had seen Chris in action. And Anna had told her about Chris´ revenge after her capture and torture by the Russian Oligarch Boris Oblomov ….

Birte broke her out of her reverie:

“Like the dark side of the force” the detective asked “So you are a Star Wars Fan” Sophie chuckled and turned earnest again “That comparison might not be far off the mark – a Chris turned Darth Vader? That would be something Anck-Sun-Amun and her Master should fear!”

They left the elevator and Birte thought long about the Lawyer´s words ….

Another cell another cocoon:

Shana lay in the dark. Darkness was all around her. She still felt groggy – her temples pounded: The damned chloroform! With difficulties she tried to remember what had happened in the cell. The vibrator strapped to her thigh had driven her mad …as if on cue the vibrator in her pussy sprung to life – again.

At some point The Dark Lady, Kirsty Garrett and Kate Beckett had entered her cell. She didn´t know that because she was blind deaf and dumb. When she could see again – the Egyptian was still gagged – she saw the American Law Enforcement Officer sitting across her and looking at her intently, cool calculating.

Anyone who had met Captain Kate Beckett in the interrogation room before would have been warned. The Detective was a force not to be trifled with under any circumstances – but the interrogation room was her natural habitat. Hardened Criminal´s had wetted their pants when Beckett questioned them.

The brunette with the amazing cheekbones was flanked by the black haired Canadian looking down from those marble like black eyes, a small ironic smile curled her lips and the auburn haired Kirsty Garrett.

Her expression was neutral – but showed no sympathy too. From her file Shana knew the Briton had had a troubled youth, ran away served with the Royal Army three tours in Afghanistan – which had earned her lately the Victoria Cross.

Later Garrett had been Elizabeth Crawford´s second in command ….. That was another chapter. One thing was sure though: The three women would not show her any mercy.

“Listen Shana” Beckett said almost conversationally “I guess you might be thirsty so Kirsty will take your gag out and Sarah will give you some water. After that we have a civilized conversation. There are a few ground rules though: No screams no shouting no threats – you are in no position to threat anybody. Your friend in the other cell sang like a canary” The detective let that sank in “Are we in agreement?”

The Egyptian paused for a moment. All what Beckett had said was true and she was thirsty, very much so. And talking could not hurt. The American was much too soft to torture her – she assumed. Inwardly she scoffed. All Westerners were. So she nodded. Kate Beckett still smiled “Kirsty? If you would?”

Getting rid of that gag was indeed a bonus Shana thought and licked her lips and tried to work some feeling back into her jaws. The detective smiled “A drink for Shana, Sarah!” The water felt absolutely refreshing on Shana´s dry vocal cords.

The Egyptian coughed “Take some more” Beckett smiled and Shana did not object. A sudden warmth flowed through her body, she felt relaxed. Kate´s smile broadened “Can we talk now?” And to her utter surprise Shana heard herself answering “Yes” What the hell …

“Right then” the Detective smiled “Tell me how you got a member of the Daughters of Isis?” That was only the start. The Egyptian answered each and every question truthfully and without any hesitation. Captain Beckett fired a barrage of questions. Precise, relentless – never her keen grey eyes left her.

How much time passed Shana did not know. Finally – after an eternity - the Captain nodded “That went rather well, Shana, don´t you think? Now you will take a nap have some rest and tomorrow we will continue this conversation some more!”

So fixated had Shana been on Beckett that she did not register that Garrett had stepped behind her …. and pressed a sickly smelling cloth on her face “Breath in. Nice long breaths. You will go down – one way or the other. On the other hand? I like it when they struggle!” Shana had struggled – but to no avail. Finally the Egyptian had succumbed to the soforic fumes.

When she had come around she had found herself in some very massive cocoon. She banged her head in frustration on the pillow under her head … what had they done to her? Shana Al Amari had expected torture, being flogged, being beaten.

But nothing of the sort: Instead her captors had her played cleverly – and the questioning by that blasted American had been relentless and the Egyptian had to admit she had underestimated Kate Beckett.

Later in the living room Chris listened to Kate´s report and a grim smile curled her lips. But the detective sensed how much the blonde had to struggle to keep a straight face “We need Chris´ at her best” she mused “We should help her to relax!” A short while later Kate met with the rest of the group – Chris was out to make a run along the Nile, to blow off some steam. And she had insisted on running alone.

“You think that wise, given the circumstances?” Sophie had objected “My decision Sophie – and mine alone” the blonde had brushed off the lawyer brusquely and turned on her heels to change into running gear.

A short while later Sophie and Evie heard the Entrance door closing – with a loud bang “Ouch” Evie winced “She is really in a foul mood” “Anna´s loss is still an open wound and will be for a while” her lover nodded “We shouldn´t take that personal though” Evie frowned “But can we do something to help her cope?”

So Kate´s proposal to “help” Chris´ didn´t meet any serious resistance – on the contrary: Hayley smiled “Well, we might be able to help with that: As you know Chris has grown fond of the Enhanced Restraining System – even if she would never admit that in public” “Anna contacted us a while ago:

She wanted to present Chris with the very latest version of the ERS” “It has some new features” Kate grinned “Don´t tell me you brought it with you ….” The blonde blushed a bit “In fact we have” “We had to make a short stop in New York anyway – to pack our gear – and since we could use Maureen´s Private Jet, we had enough cargo space left.

“I like that Idea” The Black Lady grinned “You remember she once forgot me in those bags in London?”

Sophie smiled “So how do we do this?” “Listen” Kate said and explained.

“You are really a kinky bunch you know” Birte Ricciarelli marvelled “You should know that by now” Sophie smiled – but turned serious “You don´t think Chris will explode if we pull that off?”

“I don´t think so” the thief demurred “She will be mad – at first, but that will pass”

“Right then let get ready, she will be back in roughly an hour – if she follows her usual routine” Kirsty smiled.

At the Nile Embankment 45 Minutes later

Chris accelerated her tempo another time – and ran as if the devil was hot on her heels. Her running shoes pounded the pavement in a fast steady rhythm. Her body was drenched in sweat by now. The Adrenaline was still pumping through her veins. The Action at Abu Simble, taking Shana out of commission … this had not restored her equilibrium. On the contrary:

That the Egyptian had betrayed them since they met at Cairo stung “Why didn´t we suspect something earlier? Anna could still be alive” In the aftermath The Black Lady had been right not to let her near the Police Officer. She would have torn her to shreds – and more.

Suddenly three dark figures stepped out of the shadows and barred her way. Chris stopped abruptly and took stock of the three men. They wore dark clothing and radiated aggressiveness and menace. The one in the middle, obviously the leader, stared at her from dark piercing eyes, smiling ominously, his eyes resting on her bossom. He said something in Arabic to his companions – who chuckled lewdly.

The blonde had a very short fuse these days “Listen Guys, get out of my way! I am not in the mood for playing!” “Blondie” the leader chuckled in heavily accented English “You should be a bit nicer to us this is a dangerous place at this hour!” “And if I am not nice?” Chris voice was dangerously low “We are three you are alone” the left guy stated – not as tall as the ringleader, but muscular and sturdy built, and suddenly a sharp knife glittered in his right hand. The blonde´s reaction surprised him, Chris laughed at him “Get a few more men and it will be an even fight!”

The Egyptian charged and lunged at Chris. But Chris was gone. Lightning quick she had stepped aside. Her attacker stumbled, Chris´ knee hit him full on the chin a second kick sent him to the ground.

Full force the pianist stepped on his right wrist and was rewarded with the sickening crunch of breaking bones “Argh! You B*tch! You broke my wrist” “I apologize” Chris smiled and stepped again on his wrist “Stay down!” She looked at the other two “Who´s next?” – and closed the distance.

Three minutes later Chris continued her jog. Three men lay behind her on the ground. Groaning, bloody and beaten – only the leader lay still: The blonde had broken his nose and hit him with a brutal round house kick, he would miss several teeth.

A grim smile curled her lips. She did not look back. The Adrenaline was pounding through her veins. The fight had invigorated her. Chris knew she had been a bit careless. Had those guys been better – this might have been dangerous. Sensei Nakamura would have had one or two things to say …

The Villa was not far away now – Chris felt sorry she had snapped at Sophie, but she simply couldn´t help it. Since Anna had died she felt always under pressure, like a pressure cooker about to explode. So the short skirmish had been good to vent some steam. She had reached now the Entrance Gates of their Villa – she punched in the Entry Code and ran the last 100 Metres at full gallop.

The Entrance Hall and the living Room were empty. Her friends had obviously retired for an early sleep in. Only too understandable: Kate, Hayley, Kirsty and Sarah surely could use some rest well. Chris slipped off her running shoes and tapped on her stockinged feet – she had sweated that much - her socked feet left imprints on the floor – through the Entrance Hall and up the Stair well.

She would shower long and hot and then go to bed – maybe she would take a sleeping pill. The Hospital at Luxor had provided her with a prescription. So far she had not felt the need – but things changed – she needed to stop the wheels turning in her head.

The thick carpet swallowed her soft footsteps. Chris opened the door of her Rooms and pressed the light button – nothing, the room stayed dark. Before her brain could process that information fully, she was grabbed from behind: One strong arm pressed her arms against her body another pressed a thick, sweetly smelling cloth on her face. Someone grabbed her ankles firmly, so she lost any chance to kick at her attacker.

Chris groaned and tried to loosen her attackers grip and held her breath – after she had inhaled a healthy dose of chloroform. The blonde felt already dizzy – and she knew she was fighting a losing battle “Why was I so careless?” Chris chided herself and renewed her struggles. At some point she would have to breathe …

But her attacker’s didn´t give her that time: A precise and solid punch at her solar plexus made her gasp – and inhale more chloroform. Her resistance weakened. She gave up and took deep slow long breaths.

Finally Chris eyes rolled back into her head and her body became limp. Her attacker though kept the chloroform soaked pad pressed for a good while longer on her face. With prey like Chris one could never be too careful.

The woman let glide the pianist´s body gently to the floor. The light was switched on “She put up quite the fight” Kirsty noticed “And Sarah the punch to the solar plexus was nasty!” The Thief grinned nonchalantly – “She will get over it” The Briton raised her eye brows “You shouldn´t count on it”

Together the two women carried the unconscious blonde in her bedroom, where Kate and Hayley were already waiting. On Chris´ bed lay a gargantuan massive restraining bag in emerald green. On the floor two smaller ones, next to them a rubber mattress and some other items ….

“Let us strip her!” Hayley grinned. Unceremoniously Kate and the blonde set to work and relieved the pianist off her running gear “Boy, her feet are really sweaty, her socks are almost dripping wet!” The detective observed as she pulled Chris´ socks off her feet “And they do smell!” she wrinkled her nose, Kirsty grinned “I know exactly what to do with them” Hayley supressed a grin. She had a rough Idea what her Companion meant.

A short while later the blonde lay stark naked on the rubber mattress “Wow” Kirsty looked aghast at Chris´ wonderful body which was covered with haematoma and bruises.

“Yep” the Canadian stated “Not a pretty sight - but all in all she was lucky. That could have ended much worse” Kirsty and Hayley put a thick diaper on Chris – after they had inserted a vibrator in her Vagina, their practised motions betrayed their long practise in restraining unwilling captives that way.

“So what is different?” Kate wondered “You said there were some enhancements?” She let her hand glide above the soft shell of the heavily down-filled emerald green suit, with built in booties and a hood “There is the suit for instance” Hayley explained “It has some built in new features” “There are vibrating knobs built in at some sensitive places” Kirsty seconded “Under the arms, at the inside of the thighs, behind the knees, above the breasts, the soles”

“I like that” The Thief grinned mischievously “You wouldn´t” believe me” Hayley smiled “Kirsty bagged me for 12 hours in this thing” Kate´s eyes widened “So you tested it” “Of course” Kirsty shrugged “We had to be sure it works as advertised”

The American and the Briton manhandled Chris´ limp body into the body suit “How peacefully she looks right now” Kate mused as she looked at Chris´ now calm and serene face.

“Another Enhancement is the gag” Hayley interrupted her “The padding is much thicker and the ball larger” she worked the large ball into Chris´ unresisting mouth and closed the gag behind her head. Tight but not brutally so “The straps are broader and the mittens and manacles more thickly padded” Kirsty explained as she mitted and shackled Chris´ hands.

Altogether eight straps ensured the blonde´s immobility “Personally I thought those straps always overkill” Hayley smiled “As soon as you are in the first bag – escape is impossible” The final attachments were ear buds, a heavily padded sleep mask and an equally heavily padded Spandex Hood, which was thickly padded above the eyes, the ears and the mouth.

Lifting Chris´ already cocooned body into the third bag was hard work. The four conspirators were very pleased with themselves “Now we wait till sleeping beauty wakes up” The Black Lady grinned.

When Chris came around all was dark and silent around her: She could not move, she could not speak, she was deaf, she was blind. Her body was heavily compressed from all sides. What had happened? Panic overwhelmed her – she struggled with all her considerable power against the relentless embrace of the restraining bags.

Only slowly her breathing returned to normal.

A voice rang into her ears, a voice she knew: Sarah McKenzie! “Calm down Chris. Everything is alright. You are restrained in the latest model of the Enhanced Restraining System” Chris strained against her unforgiving bonds. Despite the very heavy gag one needed not to be a Genius to decipher the meaning of her very very muffled Tirade.

“Shhh” This time it was Kate´s voice who sounded in her ears “We all thought, a stint in the bags would help you relax and rest – Hayley says it had that effect on her, after some altercations with Crawford” “It really helped me” the blonde American seconded “And this model has some enhancement you might even enjoy”

This time Chris´ was sure to detect an ounce of mischief in her voice” “Just let the bags work their magic Chris” Kirsty said warmly.

Frustrated Chris banged her head on the soft cushion under her head. Struggling would get her only that far. This Restraining System was Escape Proof – she knew, but she struggled nevertheless. After a time Chris stopped struggling. She breathed in heavily. The blonde sighed into her gag and willed herself to relax.

That worked – till the enhancements began their work. The Vibrator she almost welcomed: The tickle beads definitely not! “Difficult to tell what is worse: Those under my soles, the knees or under the arms” – the approaching monster waves of a humdinger of orgasm overwhelmed her.

When the Enhancements stopped Chris tested her restraints she had nothing better to do anyway – and detected some changes to the model she knew: Not only her big toes were cuffed, but all ten! Two straps held her insteps together. Straps around the ankles, the calves under and above the joint – around midthigh and directly under the groin:

That one was the most uncomfortable she knew – it made the captive feel the diaper more. Her mitted hands were fastened to a belt around her waist – three more straps held her arms in position.

And then the Enhancements started to work again. Chris cursed in her gag. Cursed at McKenzie cursed at Kirsty, at Hayley, at Kate, at Sophie – and at the whole world. Tears formed under her blindfold. “F*ck you!”

The Vibrator sprung into High Gear again.

Chris did not know how often she rode on the waves of orgasm: At some point the vibrations and the tickling stopped – and she did really relax “Maybe Hayley is right after all – I would welcome another choice of music than wale songs though” the blonde thought drowsily. Slowly her hammering pulse returned to normal.

She was nearly asleep already when another chloroform doused cloth was gently pressed on her nose. This time she did not struggle she just did the sensible thing: Chris took long deep breaths – and it was not long before darkness engulfed her, she even welcomed it. Her last lucid thought was a name: “Anna” she mumbled into her gag.

Aswan, the next morning:

Chris entered the living room and the animated conversation fell silent - all looked at her “You look very relaxed” Hayley teased the pianist “I really am, it is really remarkable how much a good night sleep helps” the blonde smiled back, and it was a genuine smile “Indeed” Kate thought “she does not only look relaxed, she really seems to be relaxed”

“There will be serious payback – when all of this is over!” Chris looked each and every one in the eye, Kate shivered under that cold piercing gaze. The twinkling in Chris´ eyes did not escape her though.

The pianist wore Wedge Sandals on her feet a wide cut light green blazer, white linen trousers and a white blouse. She sat down and helped herself to a cup of her favourite green tea – and tucked in. The animated chatter around the table set in again. Chris concentrated on her plate. She could not deny it: The night in the bags had relaxed her. Hayley had been right. She would have words with the American though, when all of this was over – and with everybody else in on this. And a small smile curled her lips.

Finally the blonde laid the cutlery aside and sighed contently. She felt all eyes resting on her “What?” “Oh nothing” the Dark Lady demurred with a knowing smile curling her lips. Chris´ eye brows went up, but then she smiled back “So let´s get down to business” the pianist continued business like.

“Kirsty and I took care of your guests” Hayley smiled “Both Ladies got a bathroom break, breakfast, and a fresh diaper” “They were not very happy, but we convinced them to comply” Kirsty added “A Chloroform doused cloth does wonders at times”

“You two should know” Chris smiled “Anyway” Hayley continued “Leonie is prepared for interrogation “Which I will do after breakfast” Kate added “And Shana is taking a nap in her bags” The detective said “I will continue her interrogation in the afternoon”

“Perfect” the blonde nodded “What are your plans” she turned to Sarah “You mean our plans” the Canadian corrected her sweetly “We will visit an old friend of mine here in Aswan – in other words we go shopping” Chris laughed – and it was a clear and honest laugh – “I hope his armoury is well stocked!”

“Sophie, Evie and Birte have agreed to work through the Intel we already obtained and make a plan for our mission” the thief continued. The pianist nodded “That we will do”

She cleared her throat and looked around. The whole team looked expectantly at her “I want to thank you all” the pianist said sincerely “I am grateful we are in this together – and we will succeed, we will avenge Anna and we will end this cult once and for all!”

“Amen” it rang around the table

And in that moment another thought hit home, something she had totally forgotten about in those last days of emotional turmoil and feverish action “I have to call James” Chris thought, something she could not set aside any longer and strangely enough she did not fear to make it. But 007 had the right to know. Anna had been so happy with him.

Her and Sarah´s eyes met “I have to make a call before we go” And somehow Chris had the feeling the Thief knew.

The blonde went to the library. Took care she was alone, pulled the smartphone out of her pocket, selected a contact and dialled. Chris´ call was taken almost immediately “Yes?” the dark voice of 007 responded “James it is me, Chris, I have to tell you something …..”

As the German and the Canadian were about to left the Villa later, she felt Sarah´s eyes resting on her “You did tell him” And it was no question “Yes I did” the blonde replied calmly. Her dark Sunglasses covered her eyes, but Chris´ voice told her, the Pianist was at peace with herself “If anything” the Canadian thought “This call has strengthened her resolve”

The sound of the doorbell interrupted them “We expect any guests?” Sarah´s Eyebrows rose “Not that I am aware of” Chris shrugged – she turned to Kate and Birte “Look who it is” The two police women nodded – only two return later with a third Woman: Tall, athletic, long black hair “Natasha?”

The Black Lady decided this was one Moment for the History Books: Chris von der Marwitz totally lost for words “What are you doing here?” the blonde finally inquired “Ekaterina and Ragna thought you could use my help” The Russian smiled “And if I think about it? I didn´t have a good fight in quite a while”

“I am in your debt Chris” Natasha added “And if Ekaterina and Ragna are correct you could use any help you get – I am sorry for Anna” she added sincerely. Chris looked intently at the Russian “Thank you” she said softly “Just two words” the Canadian thought “But they convey so much” she watched as the blonde pulled herself together “Kate and Birte will give you a lay of the land” Chris turned to Sarah “We will go shopping”

“I could be of help with that” the Russian smiled “Do you mind if I join you?” The Canadian smiled “Not at all” she exchanged a look with Chris “Fine with me!” the blonde nodded and the ghost of her smile curled her lips “Your expertise with weapons could come in handy”

A short while later the three women drove to the outskirts of Aswan, Chris at the wheel.

“Who is this friend of yours?” the blonde asked the Canadian – she seemed calm, relaxed and resolved “I met Hassan Al Masoud” when I robbed his wife´s jewellery and he caught me in the act” the Canadian chuckled “I was playing with his wife ….”

“I know your way to play Sarah” Chris said no more.

“I heard about your ways” Natasha chimed in. The Thief turned to the Russian “I do give private lessons …. Interested?” The Russian smiled mischievously “I might take you up on your offer”

“Be careful what you wish for!” Chris added “The Black Lady might teach you a few things …” Natasha smiled nonchalantly “I am always open for new experiences”

Unknown time later in the Cellars:

The only way for Hetepheres to gauge the time was the breaks, when she was left out of the bags for a diaper change, a bathroom break or a meal. Her handlers treated her professional but made it clear to hear any resistance and disobedience would have consequences.

The American Police Captain had interrogated her two times, she had been relentless. Not that Hetepheres had mounted much resistance – she could not.

They had drugged her, of that she was sure. Either way: She had divulged all she knew: The way through the desert, the wells, the resting points, the schematics of the Palace, the security measures – anything. Kate Beckett had her squeezed dry like a Lemon, to the last drop.

Neither of her guards had talked to her though, besides curt commands. Nobody had told her something about her fate.

Von der Marwitz she had not seen again – something she was grateful for. The Intensity of the blonde´s hate had hit her like a monster wave. So intense it had been. And in that green pools of ice she had seen something Nofret must have seen in her final moments to.

She had no idea how much time had passed. Had it been her dinner, then the chloroform induced nap? Now she stared at the ceiling for a while: one hour, two hours? Hetepheres did not know.

She heard the door open. The clicks of heels on the floor, measured steps – a face appeared in her limited field of vision, it was von der Marwitz, the blonde seemed calm and collected – she mustered her intently, said nothing. And it was that calm that unnerved Hetepheres. As von der Marwitz finally spoke, she sounded as calm as collected as she looked – emotionless:

“You know what your precious Nofret did?” Her icy cold voice sent shivers down her spine. The Egyptian shook her head. Chris smiled coldly “Let me tell you a story: Your Nofret strangled a harmless old woman with a violin string – just to get back at Anna and me. In my book this is cowardice, how would you call it?” The pianist sounded almost conversationally “You want to know how Nofret really died? Not the garbled Version you got?”

Hetepheres felt mesmerized by those green cold jewels of ice – and to her surprise she nodded again:

Chris recalled the scene before her inner eye before she continued, and so vivid was the tale of the Pianist Hetepheres saw it before her inner eye:

[…]After the blonde had severed her enemy’s right hand with a precise and vicious stroke Nofret had sunken down in slow motion to the floor. The Egyptian blooded from several deep wounds already:

One stroke had left a deep and nasty gash across her forehead. A second stroke had cut deep into her right shoulder. A third one had left a bloody trace from her left shoulder right down to her right thigh. None of these injuries was deadly – but they impeded her ability to fight and they caused pain.

Blood trickled out of the left corner of her mouth. Nofret pressed the bloody stump of her right arm under her left arm pit. Defiantly she stared up at her opponent “What are you waiting for?” she demanded hoarsely “End this!” Chris smiled down at her adversary, but it was not the warm smile her friends knew so well. It was a cold smile which would have made even a polar bear shiver to its core.

She pressed the tip of her blade firmly against the Egyptian´s larynx, forcing Nofret to look her directly in her emerald green eyes. There Nofret saw a steely resolve, neither mercy nor compassion “I should make you pay, make you suffer” the blonde spoke not loud nor aggressive – but clearly and composed “I am not like you though, I will show you mercy – the same mercy you granted Tatiana Nikolajeva” The blonde stepped back and aside.
Chris gripped her Katana with both hands and swung the blade swiftly high in the air – the sword hovered in the air above the blonde´s shoulder for a spell- and then it fell down and precisely across Nofret´s abdomen – Chris stepped back, watching with clinical interest.

At first Nofret felt nothing, then a searing pain shot through her body. In disbelief she stared down at her abdomen. Her white shirt had been severed by a long precise horizontal cut. She pressed her remaining hand on the cut. Nofret´s hand was covered in blood.
Slowly she realized what Chris had done: the pianist had executed the stroke which was normally done by a samurai who committed Seppuku, the ancient Japanese ritual suicide by disembowelment.

Coldly Chris looked down at her, outwardly unmoved, stony faced, seconds passed, as Nofret´s intestines gushed out between her fingers. Then with one precise fluid movement she swung her Katana high in the air a second time and the blade soared threw the air, gaining momentum “Kiaii!” Chris battle cry resonated clear and sharp in the air.

The stroke hit Nofret´s throat at the left side: Like a knife through butter, the sharp blade cut effortlessly through skin, cut through flesh cut through bone.

Nofret´s head sailed through the air – and landed with a sickening, squelching sound on the stony floor a few feet away

Without looking down, the blonde stepped over the Egyptian´s corpse, the pool of blood and followed her companions to the cellar.


Chris paused and looked down at the captive “Think about what I have told you, you have a choice – it is yours to make” she said sincerely.

The blonde vanished out of Hetepheres´ sight. The door closed, she was alone again. And icy cold fear gripped her, made her shiver and straining against her bonds.

Aswan, very early morning, the western embankment, 24 hours later:

A caravan passed the ancient ruins of the Sankt Simeon´s Cloister on the western bank of the Nile. It was 0400 AM. There was almost no sound, just a light breeze. The sun was not up yet. The air was cool. The dromedaries moved in their strangely gliding rhythm through the dunes.

A strange sight, somehow like an ancient silent movie. 36 Dromedaries, nine Women. Chris, Kate, Kirsty, Hayley in the lead; The Black Lady, Natasha, Birte, Sophie and Evie bringing up the rear. The other dromedaries carried supplies and large wooden boxes. The end of the caravan was formed by four dromedaries. Two animals each carried a large massive cocoon between, swinging gently between them.

Sasha had lost track of time, she knew they were on their way into the desert. Her Cocoons hood section had been sealed again with a cover. She was comfortable. She had been treated well. What fate awaited her? What did her captors plan? Her mind wandered. Whatever would happen? She would fulfill her oath – to the bitter end.

Chris looked ahead into the West. A strange calm filled her. They were on their way. Operation Desert Storm 2.0, as Kate had dubbed it had begun: Nine Women, 36 Dromedaries, one Mission only: Seek and destroy.

And a cold smile curled her lips.

The final stage of the Quest had begun.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Wow! What a ride of a chapter this is. Mixture of intensity and exposition.

A lot of characters get the chance to shine.

Chris letting off some steam in one way that she really likes and then being forced to relax in a rather different way. (That I think that she like as well).

A new member arrives for the team late on. More help is always welcome in The Hunt!!

Can hardly wait for what comes next. Bravo Sir!
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Post by algebrauk »

Thanks for the tag @Caesar73 :)

Another fantastic chapter, the storytelling, characterisation, everything is on point and brings this arc to a thrilling end with the final stage of the quest now underway.

Chris is clearly on a mission but good to see her friends and colleagues trying to manage her and give her the rest and recovery - by fair means or foul, cajoling or chloroform!

Brilliant stuff, can't wait for the next part of the adventure.
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Post by GreyLord »

For minutes after finishing this chapter, I was speechless. I mulled over this incredibly powerful demonstration of your writing skills. @Caesar73, like @wolfman, you show us what writing with power is all about. Anna will be avenged. Later, there will be some most interesting retributions. For now, all are united with a singular purpose.
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Post by Nainur »

Most intense!
Had to re-read it - to get it sunken in. And read it again today. For fun. so very well done.
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Post by slackywacky »

As the others stated already (and rightfully so), this was an intense chapter. The chapter keeps you glued to the screen to see what will happen next.

And I had to giggle bout this one...

Another cell another cocoon

Your bondage predicaments are almost over the top (note the 'almost'), but that makes the story also fun to read.
Still expecting a sheep to appear... :lol:
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

@algebrauk @Nainur @GreyLord @mrjones2009 @LunaDog @slackywacky @Bandit666

Dear Friends, thank you all for your comments and insights - I feel honored. The next chapter is probably due on Monday. Very likely I will post a second update next week. Then there will be a break for two weeks since I will be on vacation. With the next chapter, a new arc will begin. The Western Desert is a dangerous place. The inevitable confrontation between the forces of good and evil looms at the horizon - but it is still a long way till then. And many things can happen along the way.
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Post by LunaDog »

Been away working, so i only just got back. And, thank you SO much, my favourite Lady is back in business! Great to see Natasha again!
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Post by Caesar73 »

LunaDog wrote: 8 months agoAnd, thank you SO much, my favorite Lady is back in business! Great to see Natasha again!
Natasha might take Sarah up on her offer - surely our Master Thief can teach Natasha one or two tricks ... Maybe we see a new dream team in the making @Lunadog :)
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Caesar73 wrote: 8 months ago Natasha might take Sarah up on her offer.
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Post by Caesar73 »

LunaDog wrote: 8 months ago
Caesar73 wrote: 8 months ago Natasha might take Sarah up on her offer.
Stay tuned :)
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Post by LunaDog »

Caesar73 wrote: 8 months ago Stay tuned :)
I most certainly will, my friend, I MOST CERTAINLY WILL!
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Post by algebrauk »

and @LunaDog isn't the only one watching!
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Post by Caesar73 »

@GreyLord @Bandit666 @banshee @Beaumains @Bigballgag1 @Trammel @wolfman @mrjones2009 @slackywacky @Nainur @Shotrow @TightsBound @Pantyhose971 @TayDay95 @NotSeen @Fandango @LunaDog @Argentum @h6hlh6h

Chapter 87


“And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre”

(Luke, 24,2)

The Western Desert: The Palace:

High above in the clear blue sky above the Western Desert a large eagle was circling. His sharp eyes detected a structure deep down below. With every circle the bird descended lower. More details became visible: The structure deep down resembled an old Egyptian Palace and a Temple - and the magazines, the quarters for staff and servants, and several other buildings.

The large Compound was enclosed by high walls on the three sides. It was built at the feet of a steep cliff, on the other three sides enclosed by high, impenetrable walls. Almost in the Compounds centre laid an oasis: A large lake – its green clear water shimmering – was surrounded by palms and other vegetation.

The temple and the palace were vast and looked like the perfect copy of their ancient models. A human observer would recognize the similarities with the Temples of Karnak, Luxor, the Mortuary Temples of Ramses II and III, the Palaces of Malkata and Pi Ramesse. The complex resembled a town of its own: Amarna in reverse. Outside the ramparts an Amphitheatre had been erected which bore a striking resemblance to the Colosseum – not that large, but impressive nevertheless.

The bird of prey descended lower some more: An Avenue of Sphinxes connected Palace and Temple. From the Palace led another Avenue to the Throne Hall. Both buildings were painted in bright colours.

But even the Eagle´s sharp eyes could not penetrate the Palace´s walls: in one secluded wing of the Palace, on its third floor, in a spacious chamber lay – on a soft mattress – a tall dark haired woman. She was unconscious, but barely so. Her Eyelids were fluttering.

Anna was floating - at least it felt that way. She felt light like a feather, she felt no pain. Sweet Blackness engulfed her like a comforting veil. There was no pain, there was no anxiety “I am just a feather” she mused, barely hovering on the threshold of consciousness “Why should I open my eyes? The Darkness is much more comfortable” she thought drowsily and drifted back again – almost.

Her eyelids felt heavy like lead. To open them just a fraction costed much energy. But something compelled her to try. With some effort she opened her dark eyes “I stare at what?” She could not see clearly “A painted Ceiling?” Her eyelids closed again - before she drifted back into sweet oblivion she heard a voice, a female voice “She is awake! She opened her eyes! Merit! Merit you must come!”

Sweet Darkness engulfed her again. Gladly Anna Alexandrovna Romanova sank back. No, she did not want to wake up. Sleeping was so much better. No trouble. No pain. Anna relaxed and lost consciousness again.

This happened three times? Four times? Five times? Later Anna could not tell. But each time she was a bit more lucid. Slowly, very slowly, the fog which clouded her brains lifted a bit more.

When Anna awoke fully much much later her head was clear, the floating sensation was gone and for the very first time she registered her surroundings clearly “I must be in a Movie“ The Room she was in looked like those 3D-reconstructions Evie had shown her once of Palace Rooms in Pi Ramesse, Malkata or Achet-Aton. Anna was no Egyptologist but recognized excellent quality when she saw it.

Only now the Russian registered that she lay on an incredible soft mattress, her head rested on an equally soft and thick pillow, her body was covered with soft white cool linen covers.

Her body …. There were different sensations: Anna´s left leg seemed to be covered in bandages from ankle to groin, and there was a peculiar sensation around her groin “I am wearing a diaper” Anna realized dazed and blushed deeply. With her right hand she pulled the covers away: Her left leg was indeed covered in bandages. The wrappings were tight but not hurtful.

She wiggled the toes of her left foot and noticed that her nails were freshly pedicured. The purple red nail polish was perfect. The violinist wore some sort of white linen nightie which reached just below her knees. Right over her left breast was a thickly padded wound dressing. Anna tried to sit up, but sank back with a guttural groan – and supressed a Russian Curse “A huy li?” She breathed heavily.

“You are awake Your Grace” a bright cheerful voice interrupted her musings “What?” Anna snapped and craned her neck: In the doorway stood a young woman of medium height, looking very much like an Egyptian Noble Woman the Russian had once seen in a book. She smiled warmly..

The Egyptian – it had to be an Egyptian - bowed respectfully “I am Merit, your Lady in Waiting, Your Grace” Anna´s confusion must have shown on her face “Lady in Waiting?” “Yes Your Grace” the young Woman explained “Befitting your status” she bowed slightly - Anna looked even more confused “What status? I am not following” “As the soon to be Great Royal Wife of Pharaoh” Merit supplied deferentially “So am I not dreaming” Anna stated dryly “No you are not Your Grace” her chaperone told her smiling “And we are glad you woke up. We were concerned”

The Russian decided not to think over the implications of those statements - they were overwhelming – for now “What happened? Where I am and how much time has passed!” She fired a barrage of questions “You were hurt by a bomb blast, you are in Pharaoh´s Palace and are here since five days” the Egyptian explained patiently.

Anna looked into the distance “Five days” she muttered “I have been five days out? Really?” “Yes Your Grace, but Pharaoh´s personal physician will see after you later and explain anything to you” Merit had obviously the patience of a saint “What do you think? I get you something to eat and to drink? You must be famished”

Only in this moment the violinist registered how hungry she really was but she paused “There is something I need first” she muttered, avoided eye contact and blushed deeply – Anna shifted uncomfortably on her bed.

Merit smiled brightly “You need a diaper change – there is nothing to be ashamed off, let me help you!” The Russian blushed some more, her cheeks glowed brightly red. When the deed was done, Anna felt still ashamed but much more comfortable. The young Egyptian had been kind, caring and gentle – and Anna was thankful for that. Very much so.

Merit had left to get Anna something to eat and to drink. The Russian had thousand questions – as slowly her memory returned “Five days … “ the Violinist shook her head “five days …” Chris and she had searched an abandoned warehouse at Luxor and discovered the tied up Nabiah with a bomb west tied around her body.

Anna remembered the Egyptians desperate pleading eyes – and shuddered. Suddenly the pictures were clear in her mind again. The countdown had started - they had run for the Exit – then the detonation, a hot wave had hit her, a searing pain in her breast – and Blackness engulfed her.

Five days … had Chris survived? Merit had probably told her all she knew – “or she is allowed to tell me” Anna mused darkly “I have to be patient” she realized “I must learn more and foremost I must get something to eat!” Her stomach grumbled. “It is 1200 Hours according to your time” her Lady in Waiting had answered her question … Anna´s musings were interrupted by Merit´s return, who wheeled a trolley, made of gilded wood Anna supposed.

“Let me help you sitting up” and then you can grab a bite Your Grace” - the Russian smiled “Anna is just fine Merit, most people I know call me Anna” the Russian demurred. Merit nodded “As you wish Your Grace - Anna” The Russian could not help herself but she smiled – for the first time. She still had trouble to process anything

Five minutes later Anna sat upright in her bed, with some soft cushions in her back and ate the spicy vegetable soup “Delicious” she complimented Merit. At first she had looked rather sceptical at the Soup. Merit had noticed her dubious look.

“Doctor´s orders” the Egyptian had explained friendly “You must get accustomed to solid food slowly, tomorrow we will get you something more substantial” Merit had grinned mischievously, they had made light conversation, talked over this and that – Anna found it hard though to control her impatience, to focus, to concentrate.

They were interrupted by the arrival of Pharaoh´s physician “Ahmose” he had introduced himself. He too looked like one the ancient Statues come to life: In his forties, a cleanly shaven head, of medium height, and obviously enjoying a good meal. Evie would have told her that he looked like the “Shech el beled” – a wooden Statue thousands of years old, which resided now in the Egyptian Museum at Cairo.

He scrutinized Anna with his keen brown eyes “You do look remarkably better Your Grace” Anna graced him with a small smile “Thanks to your care”

But Ahmose seemed impervious to her considerable charms “Let me see after your wounds Your Grace!” Assisted by Merit he removed the wound dressing above Anna´s left breast and inspected the roughly seven centimetres long wound, which had been stitched “Tomorrow we can remove the stitches” he announced after he had redressed the wound “You were incredibly lucky Your Grace!” two centimetres to the left and a little deeper and you would have been dead”

“How very lucky I was” Anna quipped. And a small voice in her head whispered “Maybe to be dead would be better” Her face though betrayed nothing, Anna winced as the Physician inspected her ribcage next and seemed to be pleased “Your ribs have also healed well”

Anna smiled “Really?” She winced “It doesn´t feel that way”

As Merit and Ahmose had unwrapped her left leg, astonished Anna looked on the several large haematoma and bruises - under direction of Ahmose Merit applied a green cool herbal balm on her leg “I guess we leave the bandages off now” The physician stated “Reapply the balm in three hours!” he told Merit, who nodded “Of course Doctor!”

“The man knows his business” Anna thought to herself. Aloud she said “When can I leave bed?” “If anything goes well tomorrow” Ahmose stated and interrupted the Russian who was on the verge of firing another question “I understand you have many questions – I am only Pharaoh´s physician though, but I am told that tomorrow the Grand Vizier will pay you a visit – he should be able to answer your most pressing questions - Be patient!”

Anna sighed “right then” When the physician had left Merit had clapped in her hands “He was very pleased, isn´t that good Anna?” Anna felt by far less enthusiasm but didn´t want to spoil the mood of her Lady in Waiting “Yes” she said with more conviction as she felt – and suddenly she felt very very tired, she yawned “I will sleep now Merit, I feel very tired” “Of course” the Egyptian nodded “When you need something just ring the bell, I am in the adjacent room “Bell?” Anna questioned “The one on your right nightstand!” Merit supplied helpfully.

Anna lay down and closed her eyes. Just a few minutes to rest: To process all the new information …. She yawned.

Five Minutes later Anna was fast asleep, how many hours she slept she did not know. When she awoke – it must have been late afternoon - she stretched and discovered a trolley next to her bed: On it several books. A closer inspection told her they were all books about Ancient Egypt.

She felt no need to call for Merit and selected one Volume, a monography about the Pyramids. To her own surprise she felt drawn in – and since she was confined to her bed anyway, she could do at least something that helped her passing the time ….. the next book she chose was a volume about the Valley of the Kings and its tombs – Anna flipped through the pages, till she stumbled above a chapter about the tomb of Queen Nefertari – one photograph caught her attention – and a weak smile curled her lips. An idea formed in her mind …

See here for more information: ... ri-merymut
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Post by GreyLord »

Ah ha! My earlier projection is vindicated. There was only tainted evidence that Anna was dead. And Chris' initial reaction was that she would know if Anna had died. But there is no question, @Caesar73, that you have pulled this off magnificently. Well done!

Now we can look forward to Chris and company finding Anna. I think that there will be hell to pay!

Excellent link!
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