Kidnapped by a little devil (m/F)

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Kidnapped by a little devil (m/F)

Post by arbamanre »

I can still feel the anguish of being hogtied in my short pajama set, probably until tomorrow, at the mercy of my cute little nephew who turned out to be quite a devil!

Hi, my name is Madeline, and although I am embarrassed to admit it, the past summer I was kidnapped and totally subdued by my 8-year-old nephew Henry. I am a 25 year old blonde and I have been married for 2 years; and one Friday afternoon my husband David and I had argued again (we already had many problems in our marriage, I was even thinking about divorce), then he answered a call and handed me the phone, it was his brother Hank, they and other male cousins wanted to go to camp on Saturday to reminisce about old times, but since his wife was traveling to another state for a conference, no one could take care of Henry, so he asked if I could take care of him.

I agreed to take care of him and also in his house (which has always seemed to me a very beautiful house, I’m a fan of architecture and decoration), I also thought that being away for a couple of days would be good to meditate; so after David packed his things we went to his brother's house (we didn't talk to each other on the way), and at Hank's house he received us kindly but in a hurry because they were already late, and he explained to me a little what to do:

"… and that would be all. Madeline I'm sorry to ask you this, but our babysitter quit suddenly and without giving notice; it will be difficult to find a replacement, she was an excellent babysitter and she had been with us for 2 years”

"Oh yes, I think I remember her, the pretty young woman with black hair, blue eyes and a bit shy, right?"

"Yes precisely, she already had a strange attitude for a long time, but I didn't think she would be so irresponsible to quit just like that when we needed her the most, so I'm very sorry to bother you"

"It's not a problem, I'll have everything in order, it will also be nice hang with little Henry, I really like children!"

“Yes, I have heard that and, sorry for the question, but when will I have nephews? Haha well, sorry, forget it, it's none of my business right?"

"Don't worry. Well, I don't feel ready yet, besides, let's say that David and I have different ideas about raising children, I think that will be a problem in the future "

"Well, I always tell him not to worry about it, experience will guide you, the key is to be aware of them" In my mind I laughed, because they were always a very busy couple.

It was already late at night when they finally left, they would drive all night to get to their destination early, I thought it was dangerous, but David never listens to me. I tried to relax, and since little Henry was asleep, I had a light dinner, put on my short and fresh aqua colored pajamas, with a sleep lace tank top and very tiny shorts, and went to sleep. The next day my alarm sounded early but I turned it off without thinking, and after a while Henry came with his cute puppy eyes to wake me up to ask me for breakfast; I got up very embarrassed to prepare something for him, but it was when I served his food that everything began to get complicated:

"Here, I hope you like it!"

"Well, Aunt Madeline"

“Come on! We must be friends, call me Maddy”

"Maddy... I asked you for milk and you gave me orange juice"

"Sorry Henry! I forgot it, well, just drink your juice because it's not good to waste"

"But I told you milk!"

“Yes I know but…”

"I want milk!!!"

It was making me angry, but I had the theory that children are like small adults, that everything they say must be respected, whatever it is because I am nobody to criticize what is natural to them (which resulted in a big mistake LOL), and I tried to get down to his level and reason with him, but to no avail, he got angrier and eventually left the table to play video games in the living room. I was somewhat surprised; I didn't think that cute boy was so disobedient!

So I went annoyed to get ready, I wash my face, put on a little make-up, and I was about to take off my pajamas, which now I thought were too short and revealing to be in someone else's house; but I didn't could change my clothes, because I heard a big explosion that scared me, it was his game at full volume!

"Henry! Get down the volume!"

"No!" Annoyed I took control and turned down the volume

"Hey! You are bad"

"No, you are bad!"

Then I saw that he wanted to start crying, so I in shame sat next to him to calm him down, but he ignored me and kept playing (now I was having a hard time continuing to believe that he was cute). Without thinking I grab the control and accidentally changed the channel, and he angrily complained to me, I quickly returned it and he continued playing; I found it quite funny to be honest, so I started to annoy him a bit by "accidentally" changing the channel time by time, while I watched him getting angrier, wanting to throw a tantrum, until suddenly he let out a horrible scream

“You made me delete the progress in my game!!!”

"I’m so sorry! I didn't mean to." It really was an accident.

"I hate you!"

And he ran away crying bitterly, I didn't know what to do or what to say, I couldn't believe that the situation was getting so out of hand, I think now I did go a bit too far. So I went to see him in his room, but he was crying a lot, I tried to apologize and calm him down, I told him that I would compensate him for it, but he didn't answer me, I told him that it wasn't such a big deal and that he could play again until he recovered his lost progress, but he wouldn't agree, after a while he just told me:

"You're bad and you're not going to let me play in peace"

"Yes I will, stop crying please"

"You will not do it!"

"I already told you a thousand times that yes I will, I will stay still"

"You will not do it!"

"Yes, what do you want me to do to make you believe me?"

"I'll tie your hands!"

"Haha what? You cannot do that"

"Because you are a liar"

"Oh! Well, I'll let myself be tied up for a bit if you'll finally stop crying."

He slowly got back up and told me to go to the living room while he looked for something to tie me up with, I felt uncomfortable with all this, but not hearing him cry was already progress for me. After a couple of minutes, he came up with a rope:

"Cross your hands behind"

"At least say 'please'"

He tied my cross wrists amazingly well, I was expecting a clumsy work but he looked like a pro! The restraints had the perfect firmness to keep me well attached but without hurting me; I had never been tied up before, but it was still obvious to me that Henry had too much experience, this was not normal.

"…and ready! Don't be bad anymore and stay calm"

"OK, just be a good boy"

For a while I sat on the couch with my legs crossed watching him play in silence, but after 20 minutes I got bored and got up to take a tour of the house, which is very big and beautiful, because I must tell you that my brother-in-law's family is quite wealthy, unlike my husband. He has his own company and it is very successful, the only problem is that he works a lot, and his wife is something similar although she is just a little less workaholic than him; so I walked around all the house with my hands well tied behind, carefully appreciating the finishes in each room, the fine furniture and in general the beautiful decoration that it has and that I had never appreciated very carefully before because I was afraid they would think I was a ‘gossip’.

I spent a couple of hours walking through the house as if it were a museum, looking for ideas for my own house, I lost track of time, even I forgot at times that my hands were tied and that I was still wearing only a too revealing pajamas, but suddenly I reacted and when I saw the time I thought this had to end, so I went to Henry to untie me:

"Okay, it's about time, untie me now!"

"At least say 'please'" He mocked me and answered me all the time without stop seeing the TV


"No, you said that you would be tied up until I got the progress of my game back, I still have a long way to go to get to the same point"

"Look, I've already shown that I won't bother you again, just untie me, plus I have to cook."

"I'll take care of it, what's your favorite food?"

"Lobster!" I answer playfully

“No problem, I'll ask you for lobster”

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, dad left me a lot of money for food, I'm used to ordering from many restaurants"

"Even if it is so, untie me already"

"No, if I untie you, you won't have lobster" I couldn't believe the tranquility with which he answered me without stopping watching his game, he didn't look like an 8-year-old boy, I was getting very nervous; but he doesn't seem like he would give in and I really craved the lobster after saying it, I hadn't eaten one in years, plus I didn't want to cook and clean everything afterwards:

“Ufff! Okay, order the food”


He pauses his game, picks up the phone and matter-of-factly orders the lobster, then hangs up and calls a pizzeria without hesitation to order one for himself, it seems he's really been left alone too much often! I sat next to him and I was very tense, because I had already spent a lot of time with my hands tied, I even felt that I was almost getting used to it except for my hair that suddenly itched my face and I couldn't accommodate it comfortably.

So much was my boredom sited there that I began to bother him slightly (after all, the way he got angry was somewhat funny), I began to pull his foot with mine to distract him while he angrily told me to stop. We stayed like that for a while until the bell rang, Henry paused the game and told me very seriously to stay still while he was picking up the food because he doesn't want somebody to see me tied up. I didn't want somebody to see me tied up and in my dressed like this either, but just to annoy him I get up after he opens the door and walk to the entrance almost in the view of the delivery man, to make Henry nervous while he picks up his pizza, pretending that in any time I'm going to ask for help, but obviously I was just kidding. Once the delivery man left, he would claim me:

"What's the matter?"

"Haha come on, I was kidding, you have to learn to be more tolerant"

"You have to learn to keep your word, if you don't calm down when your lobster arrives I will throw it to the ground"

"You can't threaten me!"

"I'll throw it down if you don't calm down!!!"

I thought that this child was crazy, I was already urged to finish his silly game to finally get free; so I followed his game, sat down on the sofa again, crossed my legs and pretended that I would obey him, I didn't want any more problems; but he went to his room and a couple of minutes later he came back with more ropes, knelt in front of me and started tying my ankles!

"Stop that!"

"You won't do your jokes again, it's either this or you don't eat!"

"Fine! But this better be over soon!" I was already furious, but I didn't know how to deal with him, I really wanted to give him a good kick but it would get me in even more troubles, so I resigned myself thinking that everything would end at lunch, but I was naive.

When we heard the arrival of a motorbike, he said that he doesn't want my jokes anymore, and without hesitation he got behind me, and without my noticing and with a terrifying naturalness he stuffed a handkerchief in my mouth! then he took another, passed it between my teeth and tied it at the nape of my neck, fixing the first handkerchief inside my mouth! A normal child would not do this! I was in shock, I didn't understand how the hell I got into this situation; I had never been tied up before, and now I was the absolute prisoner of a 8-year-old boy!

“Emmph, Mmmmmph!”

I was very nervous, I tried to speak but only muted moans came out, so I kept quiet because I didn't want to draw the attention of the delivery man, everything was very weird and I didn't want to expose ourselves to a stranger. After picking up my lobster I thought it would be the end, but to my surprise he opens his pizza and starts eating alone; furiously I tried to claim him growling and shaking me hard, Henry takes a rope and approaches me to tie my thighs together:


"The master eats first, the slave eats later"


There is definitely something wrong with this kid! Now I felt trapped in the clutches of a stalker, and it got worse because he took more rope and tied my elbows close together as possible and then tied my arms to my torso, and because the struggle, accidentally raising my short lace tank top into the ropes, letting partially exposed my flat belly. I really tried to get free, I struggle with all my might but at this point I already couldn't do much, his way of tying was definitely professional.

Henry just ate while watching me squirm in my short pajamas, it seemed like he was used to this; and when he finished eating, he approached me and took off my gag:

“Help!… mmmph!” I try to scream, but he quickly stuffs the handkerchief back into my mouth and putted his hand over my mouth.

“Didn't you want to eat lobster? Or I throw it to the ground?

Despite all, it was a shame to see that lobster getting cold, plus I thought that faking cooperation was my only option for now, so I nodded my head to indicate that I would calm down, then he removed my gag, used another handkerchief to blindfold me and he feed me in the mouth. The food was exquisite, but the situation had me too much upset, I didn't know what was going to happen once I finished my delicacy; and once he finished he immediately gagged me as before without warning me, and he leaves me blindfolded and tells me not to do anything strange, then he went to his room.

After a few minutes I thought he wasn't coming back anytime soon so I struggled until I remove the blindfold, and then I was jumping all over the place looking for something sharp to untie myself. But a while later he came back and saw me trying to let myself go and he got angry, he told me that now he would teach me to obey! Then he grabs me jumping to his room, and there he lays me down on his bed, he blindfolds me again, then he takes out a tape and puts several pieces over my lips to seal them well, to finally take another rope and, to my surprise, hogtied my wrists to my ankles! Then left me there and went back to the living room to play video games. I squirm trying to free myself, but the only thing I managed to take off was the blindfold, and after a while it occurred to me to throw the pillows and teddies on the floor to fall on them later (still that way it hurt!) and thus crawl around the room looking for something sharp to free myself. On the floor I tried to struggle and search for something but it was useless, and I stayed like that for a long time.

After a long and boring time, I noticed something silver under his bed not so deep, I thought it might be a box cutter, so I crawled to reach it with my hands, but it turned out to be a digital camera. I turned on the camera and as my hands were tied behind I couldn't clearly see what buttons I was pressing, suddenly I heard a beep and I putted it on the floor and I turned on myself to see it, I had activated the autoplay of all the elements; but OMG! The first thing I saw was a photo of the babysitter gagged and tied up just like me but in her underwear! I was shocked to see photos and photos of the babysitter tied up in different ways, with different outfits, some ties looked so complicated that it seemed that my hogtied was something very basic. After several photos, a video came out with Henry and her distraught babysitter blindfolded and tied up in a very strange way:

"Very good, as you can see I finally finished tying my slave, I tried another way that I saw on the internet called box-tied and frog-tied, and it turned out great"

"Henry! PLEASE! Stop it, seriously you're going too far."

"You don't have an opinion, remember that I am the master and you are the submissive, plus my dad pays you"

"Enough Henry, I don't know what things you've been reading on the internet, but this is too much, I can't take this anymore!" Later in the video she is seen about to cry while he gags her with duct tape.

I was so into the video, breathing really hard through my gag while watching scared this madness, until my camera was pulled off the floor! it was Henry who had returned:

"You can't see this"

"Mmmph" He stared to see with sadness the camera.

“…she and I were very friends, she was my only friend at home, was the only one who understood me, dad is hardly in home and mom also goes out a lot and doesn't stop working; we spend a lot time together, and I really enjoyed play with her tied up games. But one day she told me that she couldn't take care of me anymore, so I tied her up very well and took a video of her to remember our games, but later she told me to delete that video, that what we were doing was wrong and that no one should know, so it occurred to me to tell her that if she stops babysitting me I would show that video to everyone. So I forced her to stay with me for a few more months, and I forced her to let herself be tied up more and more, I watched videos and pages on the internet to learn how to tie better, and I bought everything I needed with the money that dad gave me."

"Mmph mph" A part of me wanted to comfort him, he was a lonely child who lived among luxuries but without the attention of his parents; without someone to teach him limits, I understood that he needed protection and guidance.

"Now it's your turn, I'll record you"


"And if you don't obey me, I'll show the video to everyone"

"Mmmgrph!" I tried to claim, I didn't care about his silly blackmail, I wasn't going to submit like that naive 18-year-old lady, but I couldn't say anything because the gag.

"Later I will have to discipline you "


After a while of filming at me squirming against my restraints, he undid my hogtied, opened his wardrobe, helped me to stand and pushed me inside, it was very narrow, he took a rope and tied my torso to an internal support wood on the left side of the wardrobe, then he took my feet and he leaned them on a raised board on the right side and with another rope he tied my ankles to another internal wood, leaving me sitting inside the wardrobe forming a kind of letter ’V’, it was too uncomfortable:

“Mmmrph! Mmmph!”

"I'm going to keep you here until you learn"

“Mmmph mmmgrrh!” I growled loud and struggled against my restraints but to no avail

"I’ll see you in a while slave" Then he blindfolded me and put on some tiny Bluetooth headphones, playing loud music so I wouldn't hear things from outside, I was terrified, it was a nightmare!

"Mmmmmmmmmghrr!" and he closed the door while I writhed and moaned desperately.

I had already lost track of time, I had no idea what time it was or how many hours I had already been tied up, I felt vulnerable and devastated, I was at the mercy of a little demon that surely wouldn't untie me until tomorrow, I was asking for a miracle.

Long time later of full anguish, I heard that he opened the wardrobe door and took off the headphones and my blindfold, but it was David!!!

“Mmmmmmph Mmmmpppppph!!!”

“Wow, finally you're happy to see me. What the hell happened here? HANK!!! Look what your son did to my wife! Haha" I couldn't avoid blush when they saw me like this

"What the hell! This was because a thief, wasn't it?"

Then David finished removing my gag and I was able to respond

"No, it was your son, he is a mean brat; just look at the photos of your babysitter from that camera"

While David untied the ropes that secured my torso and feet to the wardrobe, to later carefully carry me and sit me on the bed, Hank looked shocked at the photos. Then David went to his side to look at the photos with him:

"Wow bro! Your son is crazy”

"But... is that... how?..."

"Could you finish untying me please!"

"I don't understand how my own son could…"

"Untie me already!... argh, your son needs his parents Hank! Ask him to tell you the story with his babysitter, he has a lot of sadness inside of him, he feels very lonely and the internet is a bad advisor"

“Yes Hank, but at least your son has a good eye, that babysitter is hot; and my wife look amazing too! Your great body really glows tied up like that, Maddy!”

"Shut up and untie me now!"

Hank was speechless with the camera in his hands

"I'm sorry... I have to talk to my son... I want to be alone with him right now, please"

"Of course brother, we're leaving" then David took the handkerchiefs in his hand

"Untie me now, David!"

"It's not the moment Maddy"

"What do you mean!? Noooo! Mmmmph!!!” He dared to gag me again! I tried to avoid it but was useless

"I'll untie you in home, honey"


I started to struggle, but David took me over his shoulder to carry me away from the bedroom as if I were a package (Hank didn't even react, he was really in shock, I felt sorry for him, now I understand that you can't just pretend that children are small adults, they need the constant love, guidance and care of their parents).

David carried me on his shoulder throughout the house until we reached his car, where he laid me down in the back seat, while I was on his shoulder I noticed that he smelled a bit like alcohol, but not too much; I think he read my mind because the first thing he said to me after starting the car was:

"Relax, I only had a couple of beers; the camp was a fiasco, old grudges came out, there were hurtful words and everyone went home, that's why we returned a day early"

"Ammph emmrph!" I was incredibly frustrated, hardly paying attention to him, squirming and grunting trying to demand him to untie me.

"I don't understand what you say. But hey, I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible, this is a terribly moment for Hank, it seems he is getting a divorce”


“Yeah! That's why all this is very delicate and Hank needs to talk to his son as soon as possible, that's why I took you out without untying you. But don't worry, your nightmare is over, you can get relax"

“Ammph mmmph”

“You might think that anyway I could untie you now, well yes… but… to be honest… well… I loved how those ropes highlight your figure! and how the gag makes me lose myself into your beautiful green eyes. Is like if had already forgotten how beautiful you are!"

I was quite surprised that he said that to me, deep inside myself I was starting to felt like maybe at this moment it wasn't so bad to be tied up.

Arriving at home, he opens the door and takes me out of the car, he gives me a tender kiss on the forehead (now I wasn't sure if I was still upset with him), suddenly he takes me in his arms and I scream slightly in surprise; he looks into my eyes for a long time and my fright gradually turns into excitement. He carries me carefully into our room, and for some reason I feel safe leaning against his warm chest, I began to feel a strange combination of fragile, docile and sexy at the same time.

Arriving at the bed, David gently lays me down, and he told me:

"It's time to untie you... well, just if you want to"


“It’s just that seeing all your beauty like this is an unexpected and magic pleasure to me, and… I don’t know… maybe I thought this could be an exciting foreplay. However, I know you've already been tied up all day, but… seeing your beautiful eyes I need to ask you: Do you want to try it?”

I think I show a smile, I nodded slowly and happily with my head; and this would be the first of many fun nights with my incredible husband.
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Post by FacelessMage »

That's one talented little kid. And perhaps a bit of a psycho :lol: :lol:
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Post by GreyLord »

This was an exciting story. I thought it was very well done, @arbamanre. I hope you will write more.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Gluba »

Needs role reversal, she ties and gags him, becomes F/m story! :twisted:
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Post by bindngag »

Awesome story. Love how tight you were tied.
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Post by CrazyCharlotte »

Baby sister stories are so great. Some of my favorites. I would love to babysit this kid.
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Post by ILoveHandsUp »

CrazyCharlotte wrote: 9 months ago Baby sister stories are so great. Some of my favorites. I would love to babysit this kid.
I have some babysitter stories. Check them out if you have the time.
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Post by TugLife »

This story is great thanks for posting it. I love role reversal stories like this one.
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