Nothing Personal 6 (F/F)

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Well, things are moving on. We shall catch up with Gabriella and see what she is up to.

I cannot take any of the credit for this chapter of the rent of Gabriella's adventure. That must to go [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. I was struggling for an idea and he stepped up to the plate. Thanks again. And if you haven't read his stuff check it out. You may recognize a couple of the characters.

Hope that everyone reading is enjoying the tale.
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Post by LunaDog »

mrjones2009 wrote: 11 months ago Hope that everyone reading is enjoying the tale.
That's a 'YES' from me!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 30

EC Compound, Northern Norway

It wasn’t the most entertaining way to spend your days, staring at the ceiling. Was it days, or weeks. Nicole had mentioned a month but surely it couldn’t have been that long. No, it couldn’t have been that long. There was a noise that Hayley recognised as the door opening. What time was it? Not that Hayley knew the time in the traditional sense, she judged time be events. Was it dinner time? Diaper change? Exercise break? Nap time? New suit day? “Hayley, I here that you have been a very good captive.” That was Elizabeth Crawford’s voice. Something had changed. “How are you? The face appeared in Hayley’s vision. Hayley mumbled a response. “Let me remove that gag for you.” As Elizabeth reached in Hayley lifted her head to allow easy access for the gag to be removed.

“Thanks,” Hayley said once the gag had been removed.

“My pleasure.” Elizabeth disappeared from view and there was the sound of fabric could be heard along with some grunting and mumbled complaints. “I am glad that you couldn’t see that. It wasn’t very ladylike.” Elizabeth had hauled herself up onto the bed and was now sitting beside Hayley’s massive down cocoon, legs outstretched and back against the headboard supported by a couple of pillows. She gently caressed the smooth down fabric. “How is it in there?”

“Amazingly comfortable and relaxing,” Hayley replied without thinking. It was the truth after all.

“Good, good,” Elizabeth replied. The room fell silent again and Hayley wondered what was going on.

“How long have I been here?”

“Sixteen days,” Elizabeth replied. Hayley raised an eyebrow. “I came here to have a little chat with you Hayley.”

“Nice of you, it does get a little tedious in these bags,” Hayley tried to move but didn’t get very far. The massive amount of down compressed around her body made that exceptionally difficult. “What would you like to talk about?”

“I know that you didn’t hand over the full file to the authorities.”

“What files?” Hayley asked innocently.

“Don’t be coy Hayley. The Brokers files,” Hayley remained silent. “I bet that you checked them first and saw some stuff in there that you thought would be best left buried. Good people getting hurt isn’t your thing. Your conscious got the better of you.” Hayley blushed at Elizabeth being able to read her like that.

“How is the weather around here?” Hayley asked randomly.

“It does get cold on occasions,” Elizabeth replied, “however we have plenty of clothing and bags to help with that.”

“The food is good as well,” Hayley was just throwing out generic conversation now.

“We do try and keep standards up,” Elizabeth replied, “not like we can pop out for a meal of get a delivery in.” Despite herself, Hayley chuckled at that comment. “And delivery is a bitch.”

“Seems like you managed to get the old gang back together,” Hayley commented.

“I am loyal to people Hayley; it is one of my best qualities.” Inside the bags Hayley was glad that the tight down prevented her squirming around.
“I haven’t seen Kendall around though.”

“We decided to let Kendall work on her personal development before joining us,” Elizabeth said. The room fell silent.
“That might take some time…” This time Elizabeth laughed at Hayley’s observation.

“Not my best recruit but she served a purpose.” Elizabeth shifted on the bed. “Now, stop changing the subject. What about those files?”
“Alright, you are right. I did filter the files.” Hayley looked at the ceiling. Elizabeth’s head appeared.

“I know you better than you think,” Elizabeth leaned in and pecked Hayley on the forehead before disappearing again. It was a tender gesture. “Don’t tell me. Looked though the files and noticed that some of the people were just good people that had made mistakes. Didn’t want that to ruin their lives and removed that stuff before handing it over.” Elizabeth waited for Hayley to reply. “Acting as the moral decision maker for the world.”

“That’s not fair,” Hayley retorted.

“Well, you are one deciding who gets to pay for their mistakes and who gets punished.” Hayley had to bite back a response on that. Elizabeth had hit a nerve. “Sorry, it would have been easier for you if I had put your gag back on before saying that. Save your tongue getting hurt.” Hayley laughed again. There was a pat on the bags. “Anyway, I can’t claim to be pure as the driven snow on that.”

“What do you mean?” Hayley sensed something in Elizabeth’s voice.

“I did a sort of filter as well,” Elizabeth said, “before you got your hands on them.”

“Really?” Hayley shouldn’t really have been surprised at this revelation.

“You don’t think that I would leave the good best stuff for you to find within The Broker’s file. I just left enough to allow you to take down the people that were in my way. It was the best business development plan that I have ever had!”

“Thanks,” Hayley replied suddenly feeling used.

“I knew that you wouldn’t use the entire file either. That whole moral compass thing is easy to read.” The room fell into silence for a while a Hayley stewed and Elizabeth enjoyed being able to let Hayley know that she had been manipulated. Eventually Hayley broke the deadlock.

“Why did you bring me here?”

“Good question my darling,” Elizabeth paused to consider her answer. “Hayley, I have a lot of things, money, power, influence…or will have again, but not the one thing that I really, really want.” Elizabeth paused. “You.” Hayley certainly admired the woman’s confidence. They again, Hayley did find herself a captive of the woman again. “I don’t mean that way. I could Elsa work on you for a week or so and you would probably end up as putty in my hands, fulfilling my every whim. That is not how I want you. There is a spirit inside you that I feel a connection to and I couldn’t take the risk of losing that. I need you to do this willingly.” Hayley shifted as much as possible in the bags, suddenly a little uncomfortable. “I know that you have had some bad luck recently but I really feel that this could be a new start for you. Also, I wanted you to be safe.”

“Thanks,” Hayley replied. “Safe?”

“The run of bad luck that has befallen a lot of your friends,” Elizabeth confirmed.

“Bad luck!” Hayley exclaimed and started to strain against the down cocoon encasing her. “Bad luck. I will give you bad luck! It is nothing of the sort…”

“Shush,” Elizabeth cooed, “don’t get upset. Nothing will happen to you here. I won’t allow it.”

“But,” Hayley stopped. “I suppose that what had happened really isn’t your style.” Out of Hayley’s sight Elizabeth smiled and nodded.

“I am glad that this time in the bags has helped you reflect on those hurtful things you said when you arrived.” The smile broadened. “I am not capable of the things that you accused me of doing.” Hayley had to admit that serious violence was never Elizabeth’s thing, despite her ruthless streak. Perhaps, she had just seen Elizabeth as this evil, controlling figure and that had clouded that part of her brain that controlled judgement and rational thought. The room fell silent again for five to ten minutes as both women contemplated the exchange. “Shall we get you out of those bags and I can give you a guided tour.” As much as Hayley wondered what was going on she hadn’t been out of the bags for longer than a one-hour period for sixteen days.

“I accept your offer.” Elizabeth didn’t respond but Hayley heard the click of a lock being removed and then the sound of a zipper. The tightness of the grip that the down seemed to have on her body relented as the zipper was removed. On her own it took Elizabeth a bit of time to extricate Hayley and her two-bag down cocoon out of the massive outer bag.

“God, that was harder than I thought,” Elizabeth said whilst breathing heavily.

“Wel, you designed this system,” Hayley replied.

“I haven’t heard you complain about it since the gag was taken off,” Elizabeth’s face appeared and she winked before unlocking and unzipping the second bag. “Are you just going to lie there…” Elizabeth struggled to extricate the Hayley and the inside bag from the second. “Alright for some…just lying there relaxing while others do the work.” Hayley rolled her eyes. There wasn’t even a chemical-soaked cloth over her nose and mouth. Eventually Elizabeth had Hayley out of all three bags and deposited them onto the floor. All bindings had been removed and Hayley and Elizabeth stood looking at each other awkwardly. “Right, I will give you an hour or so to get ready and then come back and get you for the tour.” It looked as if Elizabeth wanted to do or say something else before she walked around Hayley and left the room.

“Strange,” Hayley said as she watched Elizabeth leave as she stripped off the down suit and diaper. “I can’t wait to try out that bath.” As the bath ran, dumping in all of the luxurious products, Hayley jumped in the shower for two minutes to wash her hair and take off the grime. “Yes, that feels great,” Hayley said as she lay in the bath fifteen minutes later. After soaking away Hayley jumped out and dried off using the large, fluffy towel. “Time to get back to reality.” Steeping out of the bathroom Hayley headed for the chest of drawers and found a diaper. “Suppose these are my choice of underwear for the foreseeable.” Selecting one Hayley went back to the bed and applied the diaper. “Sad that I am good at this.” Then she went back and opened the drawer below the diaper drawer and found matching underwear sets of bra, stocking and suspenders. “I guess this is what she wants me to wear,” Hayley pulled out a set, “don’t know how this works with the diaper...” then she noticed and silky panties that looked like they would slip over the diaper. “Alright, a set I guess.” After putting on all of the underwear Hayley walked across to the bed. She didn’t get that far before the door opened and Elizabeth Crawford walked in with a dress bag over her shoulder.

“You look positively good enough to eat,” Elizabeth commented. The woman even licked her lips.

“Elizabeth, really,” Hayley stood with her hands on her hips. The woman was eyeing her up like some piece of meat.

“I can wait,” Elizabeth put the bag down on the bed and zipped it open. It looked almost full to bursting. Hayley was intrigued. “Once I am convinced that you are going to behave you can move into my quarters.” Hayley’s stomach churned at the thought of that that exactly meant. “This room will always be available to you as well.” Hayley watched on as Elizabeth pulled out what she had brought Hayley to wear and held it up. “Now, time for the tour. Get dressed and we can get started.”

“What is that?” Hayley asked as she stood running her hands over the large silk panties over her diaper.

“I thought that you would like it. As you know, I do like my fashion, and when I saw this collection of puffer gowns by Pierpaolo Piccioli for Moncler I couldn’t believe that I had thought of that sooner.” Hayley nodded like Elizabeth was talking complete sense. “So, I had the seamstress make up some designs. Then I had some input. Should fit you like a glove.”

“Oh, I am sure it will,” Hayley’s eyes went wide. The woman seriously wanted her to wear this. It was a full down dress, like a pleated sleeping bag on the bottom with a gilet on top. As Hayley ran her hand over the dress, she flet the familiar smooth fabric that the bags were made of.
“Let me help you get it on.” It took a while but eventually was zipped into the dress. “Take a look,” Elizabeth insisted and nodded at a mirror. As she walked across Hayley ran her hands over the dress. It was nice to the touch, soft and not as heavy or awkward as she had anticipated. Admiring herself in the mirror Hayley had to admit that it was well made, cut to perfection for her figure. “I can tell that you like it,” Elizabeth said. Hayley couldn’t hide her reddening cheeks. Elizabeth smiled. “I wish you would relax and just let me take care of you.” Elizabeth approached carrying a short down jacket and held in open to allow Hayley to slip her arms into the sleeves. Once Elizabeth reached around and zipped it up. “Turn around and stick those arms out.” Padded cuffs and finger control mitts were quickly applied. Hayley noted the material lying on the bed.

“Gag? Really?” Looking at the material that Elizabeth had brought with her it looked like Hayley was going to get the gag known as a Kirsty. After Kirsty’s first encounter with Gabriela Vasquez. There were two large white cloths, a bag cotton wool and two silk scarves. “Is there any need for that?” Hayley asked. “I promise to be quiet.” That comment got a laugh from Elizabeth.

“Those are the rules,” Elizabeth said as if that explained everything. “Now, stop acting like a sulky teenager and take your gagging like a big girl.” Hayley did huff and did turn around. “Good girl, now open those sexy lips of yours.” Hayley complied and caught a glimpse of Elizabeth’s hand containing a balled-up white cloth snake around and snake around and forced the cloth deep into her mouth. Hayley groaned and grumbled as the cloth was stuffed in, filling her mouth. Next Elizabeth reached into the bag of cotton wool pleats and produced a large wad which she placed at the centre of a silk scarf that had been folded into a wide band. The colour of the silk scarves matched her dress. Elizabeth picked up the scarf and centred the cotton wool over Hayley’s stuffed mouth and held it in place whilst she took both ends of the scarf and tied them tightly together. Hayley felt the cotton wool compress and the two ends were tied together, there was a brief pause in that increase as the Elizabeth freed Hayley’s hair from under the gag then pulled it tighter, eliciting a muffled groan from Hayley before securing the scarf with a knot. “Might be out of practice a little.” Hayley resisted the temptation to make a muffled comment. Then Elizabeth picked up the second white cloth and folded it into a pad, placing it at the centre of the second folded silk scarf. Elizabeth lined up the folded cloth with where Hayley’s mouth would be and placed it over where the cotton wool was and then tied the silk scarf behind Hayley’s head, very tightly, viciously compressing every other part of the gag, keeping everything snugly and securely in place. Hayley winced as the second scarf was tightened, encasing and compacting all of the material over her mouth. What was this Elizabeth doing? This gag was far more than was required to stop her from calling out. Hayley doubted she could make a noise that would be audible to someone even ten yards away. “Time to go.” Elizabeth headed for the door and Hayley took that as a cue to follow.
Once outside the room Hayley noted that Yelena was waiting for them. Hayley looked around as Elizabeth started to slowly walk down the corridor. They certainly weren’t in Oz any more. Distinctly Kansas. “Apologies, I know that this accommodation isn’t of the required standard,” Hayley walked a couple of paces behind with Yelena and Nicole making a physical barrier behind, “but as I said hopefully only for a short period. Four years maximum, maybe four and a half.”

“mmuuppff…aaakkee…” Hayley mumbled picturing what her life would be like for the next four years as a prisoner of Elizabeth Crawford.

“Was that a mumble of frustration. At least sixteen days, must be a little frustration building,” Elizabeth nudged Hayley. Closing her eyes Hayley took long breaths through her nose to remain calm. “Now, this block is the accommodation block where all of the ladies have quarters. Pretty standard throughout each lady has her own room.” It was not exactly the most exciting tour but Elizabeth seemed to be enjoying showing her around. The main plus for Hayley was that she was out of the bags. “There is accommodation, leisure, research, stores, communications, power blocks and the hanger.” After finishing the tour of the accommodation block the got into the lift. Elizabeth hit the button marked B. She turned and smile at Hayley. When the lift doors opened, they were looking out into a wide and well-lit corridor. “Bet this is a surprise.” Elizabeth stepped out and lift and into the corridor. “There is a whole underground world down here.” She spun around like a giddy kid. “Every block is linked by an underground tunnel. “Save you trampling over snow when it gets really bad.” They turned right and walked down the corridor. “The whole place is colour coded, just follow the line. Isn’t that right Nicole?

“Indeed Boss. Nice and easy to find your way around.” It was a long tour but it was interesting, Hayley had to admit. The place was impressive and Elizabeth was an enthusiastic guide. They had started at the hanger which had two helicopters and two four-wheel drive vehicles and two snow cats in it.

“We even have our own Hydro-Electric power source plus generator back-up.” Elizabeth had confirmed at the power block. They had just walked around the communications block without actually going into any sensitive areas. They went back down into the underground tunnels. “Let’s leave the research block to last,” Elizabeth turned and look at Hayley. “I think that you will find that interesting.” There was a twinkle in Elizabeth’s eye that caused Hayley’s heart to beat a little quicker. The leisure block had a heated swimming pool in the basement, hot tubs, sauna, steam room, fully equipped gym, a spin studio and a large hall like a school gym where you could play such as basketball or netball. Vernie and another woman that Hayley didn’t recognise were engaged in a game of badminton. “This is Scottie. She is new. Say hi Scottie!” Elizabeth shouted. The young woman drilled a smash beyond a despairing lunger form Vernie before waving back. “Very athletic that one.” The group moved away and the tour continued. Then it moved to the onto the other blocks until they found themselves at the basement entrance to the research block. As the lift cars opened Elzabeth signalled to Nicole. “Sorry, some sensitive stuff in here, research and all…”

“mmppgg…uuhhgg…” Hayley mumbled with a shrug. Then Nicole slipped a padded mask over Hayley’s eyes. “hhuummpph.”

“Stop grumbling,” Elizabeth instructed. “Just let Nicole guide you.” That is what happened. The lift went to the top floor, Hayley could tell from the time it took, then along a corridor. “I feel like I was getting too soft back on the island Hayley. “I won’t make that mistake again.” They continued to walk along a corridor with Nicole pushing Hayley along. Those words from Elizabeth closed Hayley to slow her pace. They paused as Nicole took a firm grip on Hayley’s upper arm. There were the sounds of a code being punched into an electronic lock and then the sound of a door opening. They stepped inside the room. The temperature suddenly increased several degrees.

The blindfold was whipped off and Hayley had to screw her eyes up at intense light. There was still the sound of beeping and something very muffled, groaning. Hayley slowly opened her eyes and let them adjust to the light. There were is large room, like an operating theatre almost, standing on a small platform with a railing around the edge. In the area below were several pieces of equipment being attended to by two women in white lab coats. Hayley recognised one of them instantly and a chill ran down her spine. In the centre of the room sat a table, well cushioned and padded and strapped down to that table… “MMPPFFHH! UUMMPPFF!” Hayley screamed into her gag. She had been right about its effectiveness. The mass of fabric muffled her screams. She tried to lunge forward but Yelena and Nicole grabbed her and easily held her in check.

“Where was I again,” Elizabeth pondered. “Yes, getting soft.” Elizabeth waved and Doctor Elsa Schmidt raised a hand in acknowledgement.” None of this freedom nonsense, no perks for good behaviour…just plenty of restraints, regular sedation and appointments with the good doctor.”
“MMPPFFHH! UUMMPPFF!” Hayley took quick breathes, in and out through her nose. Squirming to try and get free.

“Calm down Hayley. Even if you could get free of Nicole and Yelena how do you think you could help Kirsty.” Elizabeth looked at Hayley. There was something in her eyes. That could be an interesting development. “I know it looks harsh, but this is all for Kirsty’s long-term benefit. Elsa has developed a treatment program that encourages women like Kirsty to enjoy their time in restraints. Even want it.”

“NNEEFFUUMMTT!” Hayley screamed again as she bucked against the strong grip of the two guards.

“Calm down or I will get the girls to apply the cloth,” Elizabeth said sternly. The tone of voice more that the words stopped Hayley in her tracks. It had change from the happy, enthusiastic tour guide was startling. “Let me explain what is going on.” Hayley’s eyes moved from Elizabeth to Kirsty lying immobilised on the bed. “Now Kirsty is held in place with heavy, padded leather straps around her ankles, thighs, hips, chest, wrists and upper arms. I wouldn’t worry she is very secure, no danger of accidently falling off and injuring herself. To keep her quiet there is a large foam ball in her mouth which is covered by a strip of white micro foam tape. Although simple the gag is very effective if not as aesthetically pleasing as your current silencer. You can only hear Kirsty’s moan in pleasure if you get really close. You can see the heavy sleep mask over her eyes from here and she also has ear plugs blocking out all noise except what we play in.” Hayley stared in disbelief at what they were doing to Kirsty. “The rubber mask over the lower half of Kirsty’s face is administering a gas that is a gentle sedative mixed in with a stimulant and a hallucinogen to keep her off balance.”
“mmoohh…uummppff…” Hayley wailed at seeing her friend in this predicament. She heard a swish of fabric and felt a hand gab her chin and turn her head so that she locked eyes with Elizabeth. Hayley noted the wicked smile on the woman’s face. “It’s a ride, let me tell you. Finally, you can see the pads strategically placed on sensitive parts of her body, there is also a stimulation device under the diaper that she is wearing. Both holes. They are all programmed to deliver random pulses of stimulation to those delicate areas.” Elizabeth let go of Hayley’s chin and walked down the stairs from the platform and onto the main flat level. A nudge in the back encouraged Hayley to follow, which she did. Although in a daze at the situation that she was in it was more of a stumble down the stairs, followed by a slow walk across to the table where Kirsty was strapped down. “It’s alright Hayley. Kristy will have no idea you are here.” There was sheen of sweat all over Kirsty’s body and Hayley watched her friend buck and writhe as the sensations from the stimulations increased.

"You are comfortable. You are beautiful. You belong here. You belong in tight bondage. You want to be in tight bondage. You were born to be bound and gagged. If you are not restrained, you are anxious. Nothing eases your mind and body like being unable to move or speak. Your voice should be moans and your actions should be struggles. You want to struggle but not to escape. You want to feel the restraints. You want them tight. You want your mouth to be gagged. You deserve to be gagged. You need to be gagged. You cannot sleep if you are not bound. You want bondage for everyone. You live to serve and struggle and moan. You are perfect only when you are bound and gagged. You have never been more in love than you are right now with bondage. You want to stay like this forever."

“What do you think Hayley?” Elizabeth asked.

“eett..eerr…mmoohh..” Hayley pleaded desperately, taking a step forward as Kirsty groaned. There was a sound behind Hayley as a wheelchair was pushed close. Hayley didn’t notice, just looked at Elizabeth over her heavily gagged mouth and pleaded with her big, blue eyes for Elizabeth to stop this. However, Elizabeth just glanced over Hayley’s shoulder and nodded. Firm hands gripped Hayley and pulled her back a couple of steps before a soft, thick cloth was pressed over her nose and gagged mouth. She almost didn’t notice the smell of the chloroform. It wasn’t a shock to her system any longer. As the cloth was applied Nicole and Yelena dragged Hayley a further couple of yards back and guided her into a seating position in the wheelchair, despite Hayley trying her best to resist. The cloth delivered the payload of fumes and Hayley started to feel the effects, her vision started to bur as Elizabeth approached. “You can make your friends stay here easier Hayley,” Elizabeth was speaking to Hayley as the chloroform was doing its work. Hayley continued to fight but it was useless against Nicole, Yelena and a thick cloth soaked in chloroform pressed over her nose and mouth. “You many as well accept your situation and help Kirsty out. Until I choose to let you go, you are mine.” Those were the last words that Hayley heard before her eye closed over and her head lolled to one side. “God, her eyerolls are amazing.”

EC Compound, Northern Norway

On coming back round Hayley found herself back in the massive cocoon of restraining bags. That wasn’t a shock. Elizabeth played with your mind. Wanted you to know who was in charge. The tour and couple of hours of relative freedom had been a tease. Now, it was Elizabeth letting her know who was in charge. It felt almost comforting and familiar, the mass of down pressed down all around her. She wondered how long she had been out for. “MMMPPPFFHH!” Suddenly, Hayley remembered about Kirsty. “MMMPPPFFHH!” She tried to thrash around out of frustration at the position that she found herself in. How had she gotten here again? The fabric cloyed at her and the down resisted all of her attempts at movement. The bags pressed in on all sides, and the immense filling of down made it so her couldn’t twist or bend her body. She was stuck It was almost like being completed immobilised with soft fabric and feathers. How was that possible? “AARRHH…MMPPFF!” There was no chance of doing herself an injury, in addition to several restricting her movement the down would break her fall if she somehow managed to wriggle across to the edge of the bed and fall off. Which seemed highly unlikely. Hayley threw her head back into the soft pillow under her head in frustration. All that she managed to do was tire herself out. As she lay in silence and looked at the ceiling and closed her eyes, she sensed another presence in the room.

“Glad to see you are awake, and can understand your predicament. I hope that you fully understand the situation you find yourself in. Well, you and Kirsty.” Elizabeth voice was precise and even. “I am sure that you will come to think of this as a safe place. A place of healing. Let me take care of you.” Hayley didn’t respond. “Just remember about Kirsty.” When Hayley opened her eyes, Elizabeth face almost filled her vision. “I think that another stint in the bags would help you reflect on how you should move forward.” There was something in Elizabeth’s hand. It was black and rubber. The mask was placed over Hayley’s nose and gagged mouth. “Don’t worry it is just air and a mild sedative to help you relax.” It took a around ten seconds but Hayley felt light headed. So much so that she didn’t register Elizabeth patting the bags and then leaving the room.

EC Compound, Northern Norway

“This is where you will stay to start with.” Elizabeth pointed to a door off the main suite with an electronic. Once again Hayley had lost track of time in the bags. Had it been days or weeks. She couldn’t tell. The gas from the mask had heightened her sense of confusion and made her lose all track of time. When they had come to take her out of the bags Hayley had assumed it was for standard purposes. She had been wrong. Allowed a shower and then give a lovely dress to put on Perrie and Tahani had cuffed her wrist, heavily gagged her and then applied a mask. Throughout Hayley was very compliant, almost resigned to her fate. The small group made their way via the lift up to the top level of the block, along a corridor and into a room. When the mask has been removed Hayley found herself in a bedroom. Elizabeth Crawford’s bedroom to be exact. She recognised the exact replica of the bed from the room in the island. The rest of the room was almost identical as well. Not as opulent but it was very, very nice. Elizabeth had been there to welcome her and give her the brief tour. It seemed that the time had come for her to move in with Elizabeth. Although, not to the main suit right away. The door led to a small room with a single window that overlooked the fjord. It was a stunning view. The gag and cuffs were removed. “Now, I have a lot more to catch you up on but think that you should get settled in first. Ladies, shall we leave Hayley to get accustomed to his new surroundings.”

“Here. You want me to stay here?” Elizabeth nodded before turning and following Perrie and Tahani out of the room.

“See you later.” Elizabeth winked as she closed the door. Hayley looked around the room. There was a double bed against the left-hand wall, two double wardrobes and a chest of drawers against the far wall and then two other items of furniture against the right-hand wall. A small coffee table and two chairs were placed in the centre of the room and a large television was hanging from the wall. Deciding to investigate the two items of furniture on the right Hayley approached them. Standing between them she looked at the one on the right. “Seriously,” it had dawned on her what it was. An adult sized diaper changing table. Then Hayley looked around and realised what was missing. “No toilet.” Hayley sighed as she opened the top drawer of the table to discover that it was filled with a selection of adult diapers, as was the second, the third was filled with other diaper changing supplies. Hayley knew that she was blushing at the thought of having to use diapers. Then she turned to look at the other item of furniture. “Come on, surely not.” Hayley looked at the item of furniture and looked for clips on the front section. Finding them she lifted up the front and had a better look inside. “An adult sized cot.” Not, an actual one but the basic design was the same. Except this one had a lot of padded straps attached. Running her hand over the bumpers on the sides Hayley admired the smoothness of the fabric and padding behind it. There was a roof. It was kind of claustrophobic and a shiver ran down Hayley’s spine as the thought of spending time in this contraption made her nervous. Deciding to move on Hayley closed the front of the cot back and walked over to the chest of drawers. Pyjamas, underwear and a mountain of fabric that was clearly to be used as gagging material. The first wardrobe held several restraining bags all hanging up and a selection of down suits. The second wardrobe held several large dresses, including two that looked exactly like the dress that she had worn during the tour. Also, in the wardrobe were several other outfits. Sexy outfits. Kinky nurse, slutty maid and a skin tight leather number amongst them. Hayley sighed as she closed the door and tramped back across to the table and slumping down into a chair. “What the hell is going on here?” Hayley said to herself as she put her head in her hands. Then started to sob. It looked like Elizabeth Crawford had won.

EC Compound, Northern Norway

It had been a strange couple of weeks for Hayley. Getting used to living with Elizabeth Crawford, well sort of. They had spent some time together, including trips to the gym and pool. It was strange that Elizabeth allowed her freedom for those activities but insisted that she was restrained and gagged for the journey’s to and from. “When outside my quarters you will dress appropriately and be gagged at all times. That mouth is to be used for one thing only.” Elizabeth smiled by way of explanation. Despite that statement Elizabeth had been the perfect woman. There was no sexual contact between the two. They ate all of their meals together and Elizabeth would take her along to meetings. Hayley followed Elizabeth around the complex like some kind of pet and sat in the same room as her like an ornament. It was demeaning. But if it kept Kirsty safe. On occasions Elizabeth would restrain Hayley and put her in the bags on the bed in her smaller room.

“Can I see Kirsty again?” Hayley asked as they finished dinner. They were sitting at a table in Elizabeth’s room, both were wearing large dresses. Picking up her glass, Elizabeth finished off the remainder of her wine. Hayley had knocked back three glasses during the meal. “It would make me feel better.” Elizabeth reached over and patted Hayley’s left hand which was lying on the table.

“Don’t worry about Kirsty, she is being taken care of.”

“That isn’t what I asked?” Hayley said with more of an edge in her voice than she meant to. She was starting to feel on edge about things. Nobody had mentioned Kirsty since that day in the research block. It was terrible memory that made Hayley shiver. “I need to know that she is alright.” Elizabeth leaned back and ignored the question.

“What do you want to do tonight? Watch a movie?” Elizabeth suggested. “What about…”


“Very good Hayley,” Elizabeth glanced at her watch. “Ah, let’s watch the news…” Elizabeth got up and found the remote control. As she tried to find the correct channel for a US news feed Hayley moved her chair around so that she could see the television without craning her neck. “Here we go.”
“And in a stunning turn of events a former senior figure in the intelligence community was today arrested for treason. Authorities have refused to confirm the identity of the individual citing national security considerations but our courses are confident that it is Jaclyn Smith…”
Hayley turned and looked at Elizabeth. The woman was smiling. “Did you know this was going to happen?”

“Just a hunch,” Elizabeth replied. “Pity I don’t have any popcorn.” Hayley turned and was staring at the screen. Shocked but unable to look away.
“…the arrest relates to the theft of sensitive material over some years ago. As you will be aware Smith was named as a person on interest in the recent scandal engulfing America’s intelligence community and in particular the secretive branch that Smith headed up for numerous years.”

“Is this for real?” Hayley asked. “This isn’t some kind of fake to freak me out?”

“I really think you have over-estimated what I can do?” Elizabeth laughed. “No, this is real. I can assure you of that.” The coverage cut to a woman being led away in handcuffs. The face was blurred but Hayley could tell that it was Jaclyn.

“If convicted of these serious crimes Smith faces imprisonment for life...”

“What have you done Elizabeth?” Elizabeth held up her hands. “Nothing to do with me?” The look on her face told a different story. “You think that I am more powerful than I am.”

“Now for more on this over to our correspondent Grace Peters…”

Hayley turned back to the screen to see what the correspondent was going to say.

“Thanks Ryan. Rumours suggest that it may be linked to disgraced Indian industrialists Virat and Sonam Khan who have been accused of being involved in criminal activities using their vast business empire as a cover. The Khan’s had been reported to be helping various law enforcement agencies around the globe with information. Sources have told us that the Khan’s have information on an event that rocked the US Intelligence community some years ago and led…” There was a knock at the door.

“Enter,” Elizabeth called. The door opened and Harper walked into the room. “Hello,” Elizabeth greeted her right-hand woman as she muted the sound on the television. Hayley nodded and Harper glared back with barely undisguised distain. “What can I do for you?”

“Just a couple of things that we need to go through before…” Harper stopped talking and pointedly looked toward Hayley.

“Oh, I see. Hayley will be retiring soon so we will just bring that forward a bit.” Elizabeth turned to Hayley. “Is that alright with you?” Hayley shrugged. What choice did she have. “Anyway, your timing couldn’t have been better, I wanted someone around for this.” Elizabeth slipped a hand into her pocket and pulled out a small box. She opened it and slid it across the table.

“Are you serious?” Hayley asked. “Is that what I think it is?”

“Yes,” Elizabeth confirmed. “I want to formalise our relationship.”

“Er, Boss, Are you sure?” Harper was shocked. Elizabeth had kept this quiet. It was such a delicate time Harper didn’t want Elizabeth distracted by anything.

“I don’t really know.” Hayley was completely thrown. The answer was no. She did not want to marry Elizabeth Crawford. Then again, could she afford to refuse. “It’s all a bit overwhelming.”

“Well, I understand that Hayley and her friends have had a run of bad luck, difficult times emotionally,” Harper said. “Maybe the timing isn’t quite right for her.”

“What if I could turn that around by finding Natalie for you?” Elizabeth blurted out. The room fell silent as both Hayley and Harper looked at Elizabeth. Both with very different looks on their faces.

“Knowing you I guess this doesn’t come free,” Hayley suggested. This was an interesting development as Elizabeth had denied all knowledge of Natalie’s disappearance when Hayley had quizzed her about it. Had anything changed? Did she have Natalie stashed away somewhere? What did she know? This gave Hayley hope that she had been correct all along. Natalie hadn’t run away. That was a relief. Elizabeth reached over and tapped the box. It felt like an anvil had dropped into Hayley’s stomach and was getting thrown around like it was in a washing machine. What should she do? Could she save Natalie whilst condemning herself to this? Hayley brain was fried. She couldn’t see a way out at the moment. Natalie being found. Hayley nodded.

“Good.” Elizabeth smiled.

“And I mean really free her. Not bring her here. Free to live her life. With Charlotte.”

“I can work with that,” Elizabeth replied. Harper just stared on stunned as the conversation unfolded. “And there will be no complaints from you?” Hayley bit her lip and shook her head. “Alright then, I would call that a bargain concluded.”

“Something else,” Hayley blurted.

“Pushing your luck,” Harper mumbled but Elizabeth held up a hand.

“I need Kirsty.” Elizabeth raised an eyebrow. “Every bride needs a Maid of Honour.”

“Alright, let me think when I am away.” Hayley raised an eyebrow. “Necessary business trip. Don’t worry, you will be taken care of.”

“I should probably move back to my own room.” Hayley wanted to escape that small room, especially if Elizabeth wasn’t around.

“Excellent idea,” Elizabeth replied. “Now, get ready and then lie on the bed. Harper and I need to talk so you need to go far a sleep.” Hayley got up and scurried across to her room. The door was open and she entered. It had been the first time in what felt like years that she had something positive to cling to. Albeit with a seriously unnerving caveat. Hayley returned wearing a down suit and hopped onto Elizabeth’s bed. She settled with her head on the comfortable pillows and lay down with her arms straight by her sides. Taking a bottle of chloroform and a cloth Elizabeth approached the bed. In full view of Hayley, Elizabeth folded the cloth into a thick pad and prepared it with the chloroform. “Ready.” Hayley nodded and the cloth was brought over Hayley’s nose and mouth. The damp cloth was held tightly over Hayley’s nose and mouth. Hayley inhaled the fumes. She didn't struggle, she had become used enough to avoid struggling and fighting. Hayley felt her body get weaker as the fumes made their way to her brain, her limbs started to feel like rubber. Her vision of Elizabeth began to blur and then turned black and white and back to colour. A strobe effect took place as her eyelids fluttered. Then everything went black as she let out an involuntary moan as her head lolled to one side. God the eye thing again. That would give Elizabeth something to think about tonight. “Get a couple of the girls to come in and bag Hayley.”

“Already on their way,” Harper replied.

“Good. Hayley might need a reminder of her position. Get them to put her in the cot.” Elizabeth headed for the door. “Shall we retire to the library.” The two women exited Elizabeth’s quarters and headed along the corridor. The lift opened as they arrived and Christine and Tahani stepped out. They nodded a greeting as Harper passed on the instructions. Elizabeth and Harper got into the lift and Elizabeth pressed the button for the basement.

“Did you mean what you promised Hayley?” Elizabeth nodded.

“The only problem is Harper. I have no idea where Natalie Twain is.” Harper sighed and added that to the list of problems that she would have to attend to.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Difficult Times for Hayley but even more for Kirsty. Crawford using Kirsty as leverage to get from Hayley what she wants is typical Crawford.

Hayley's desperation is captured excellently. And Hayley's New lodging: No Bathroom, but a cot .... a not so subtle humilation ....

Hayley makes the best out of a desperate Situation.

Excellent chapter once again.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 31

Unknown location, somewhere in the US

It wasn’t a room. It was a cell. Alright, there was a comfortable bed, a chair, a nice bathroom and an exercise bike. There was also a television screen set into the wall. There were no windows and the lights were externally controlled. There was a door but it hadn’t opened in all of the time that she had been in the room. How long had it been? She didn’t know. There had been a routine to the days. The lights would come on, in what she assumed was the morning and she would get up. Then a slot at the bottom of the door would open and a tray of food and drink would be shoved through. This would also happen on two other occasions throughout the day. She had learned that the slot would stay open long enough for her to push the empty tray back through before it snapped closed. Other items would be passed through. Clothes, underwear, toiletries. She had gotten into a routine. Between the first and second trays she would use the bike. Then between the second and third trays the television would come on and she would sit in the chair and watch. After the third tray she would have a shower and then the lights would go out. At the start she would pound on the door but that didn’t get any reaction. Occasionally she would ask questions when the slot opened. “Where am I?” and “Who are you?” and “What do you want with me?” There was never a reply. She knew that sometimes there was a sedative in her food or drink. She would feel drowsy after eating. The first time it had felt strange and she had almost collapsed but he had learned that once she felt funny after eating or drinking to head for the bed and lie down. She never knew how long she was out for. There wasn’t a clock in the room. Sometimes when she woke up her eyebrows or nails had been done. On occasions she had been treated to a waxing session. It was bizarre. The slot opened and the tray was pushed through. “Pasta.” She walked over and pulled the tray of fresh food a couple of feet before pushing the tray from lunch through the opening before it snapped closed. “Thanks,” she called, making a rude hand gesture. She picked up the tray back to the bed and tucked in. Pasta with meatballs in a tomato sauce and a glass of fizzy drink. Not long after finishing the drink she started to she felt tired, this was quicker than usual, maybe a greater amount of sedative had been used. She couldn’t keep her eyes open, must lie back. She was unconscious before her head hit the pillow.

Unknown location, somewhere in the US

“Uuhh…what..” she moaned as her head started to clear and she squirmed around on the bed before swinging her legs onto the ground. She only got so far before her right leg stop. Looking down she realised that there was a cuff around her ankle with a short chain attached. The other end of the chain was attached to the frame of the bed.

“Apologies, I thought that was a reasonable precaution whilst we got reacquainted.” The voice was familiar. She turned her head to the corner of the room. “Cassandra fecking Hendrix. I thought you were in jail.”

“Out for good behaviour,” Cassandra confirmed. “It was nice of you to turn up at my parole hearing Natalie.”

“I was a little tied up,” Natalie Twain lay back on the bed and put her head in her hands. Her brain still hadn’t computed what was going on.

“You wouldn’t have been complaining about that from what I hear about you now,” Cassandra replied. “It is nice to see you again.”

“I wish I could say the same,” Natalie said as she draped an arm over her eyes. “How much sedative did you use?” Cassandra tutted and walked across to the bed and tapped Natalie on the shoulder. “What?”

“Look at yourself,” Cassandra said handing Natalie a small mirror before stepping back. Looking in the mirror Natalie looked at her new hairstyle. She hadn’t worn it that short or in that style for years. “Do you like your new haircut?” Natalie didn’t reply. “I prefer you with short hair. Actually, styled it myself. I can tell that you are surprised. Also gave you a manicure, pedicure, wax and some other treatments. Learned all these new skills in prison. All part of the rehabilitation process.” Cassandra winked. “Do you think it’s working?”

“What do you want me to say?” Natalie asked. “We just met again.”

“No, we met months ago. You just didn’t know about it.”

“Months!” Natalie exclaimed and sat up on her elbows. “What about Charlotte? Hayley?”

“I have no idea,” Cassandra said with a shrug. The two women exchanged a glare. “You spurned my advances when we were younger Natalie. You know I always found you attractive,” Cassandra said. As she spoke, her eyes took on a far-away look. “Now, imagine my surprise when I get out of prison to find that you were getting married. To a woman!” She laughed. “I knew you liked tits all the time and I was right.” Cassandra started to pace. “When I broke into your house and read your diary. Wow! All that stuff about enjoying being tied up and stuff. Top shelf stuff. Positively pornographic! I was gushing just reading it.” Natalie went bright red.

“You were in our house?”

“Well, I still have the old skills as well as the new ones.” Natalie sighed.

“Alright, you have proved a point. What do you want with me?”

“Ah! That is the question,” Cassandra leaned in and ran a finger in gently down Natalie’s cheek. “You haven’t changed much. Still prettier than you think.”

“Neither have you,” Natalie pulled her cheek away, repulsed by the touch.

“Well, apart from this scar. Got it in prison.” Cassandra pointed to the scar on her cheek.

“You didn’t answer the question. What do you want me with me?

“That’s for later. I wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise.” Natalie crossed her arms. “You may as well accept that this is where you belong Natalie.”

“No!” Natalie exclaimed.

“Think someone is coming to save you? The love of your life, Charlotte, your precious Hayley. They haven’t come for you so far. How would they even find you? I don’t suppose you told them about me?” The tone of Cassandra’s voice took Natalie back a little. The woman had always had an edge but she sounded a little unhinged. “Well, I need to do and do some prep. Don’t go anywhere.” Cassandra turned and headed for the door. Form her position on the bed Natalie watched her go until the door slammed shut and the lock clicked into place.

“AAARRRGGGHHH!” Natalie screamed into the room. Of all the people that could have kidnapped her, Cassandra Hendrix would have been very near the bottom of the list. She hadn’t thought about her in years. Never even mentioned her to Hayley, Christina or Charlotte she had been such a distant memory. Natalie had met Cassandra at school when they have both been seven years old and they had been inseparable for the next ten or eleven years. They looked alike. Everyone had said so. Cassandra was a little taller and broader. Except Cassandra’s home life feel apart, her dad left and her mother hit the booze, blamed Cassandra. It got so bad when Cassandra was sixteen that she stared avoiding home, got in with the wrong crowd, petty crime. It wasn’t an unusual story. Natalie had tried to intervene but Cassandra just spiraled until that night. Cassandra had been drinking and they had met up at the hotel that Cassandra was staying at. Natalie hadn’t asked where Cassandra had gotten the money from to pay for the hotel. When they got to Cassandra’s room her friend had made a pass at her. Natalie brushed it off as the drink talking but Cassandra hadn’t taken the rejection well and smashed a vase, stormed off and taken part in an armed robbery. It had gone wrong and Natalie hadn’t seen Cassandra since. That was until she had woken up.

Unknown location, somewhere in the US

“Apologies for slipping sedatives into your drinks. Not about putting you out. It is just that I know you have a preference for chloroform. You little kinky bitch. Yes, I know all about your little fetish. The chloroform, gags, diapers, bondage and especially those bags. It was all in the diary.” Natalie couldn’t control her reaction and felt the heat in her cheeks and neck as she blushed. “You were never a good poker player Nat.” Cassandra walked across to a cabinet and pulled a key out from her bra. From her position on the bed Natalie couldn’t see what was happening until Cassandra returned. “If you play nice, I will give you some of this later,” Cassandra said holding up the bottle of chloroform and a white cloth.

“Gee, thanks,” Natalie replied sarcastically as Cassandra deposited the bottle and cloth onto the beside cabinet. Despite her current circumstances Natalie’s body reacted with pleasure to the thought of being chloroformed.

“Is that a wet spot?” Cassandra pointed to Natalie’s panties. “Saucy.” Cassandra got onto the bed and lay down next to Natalie. She traced her finger through Natalie’s shorter dark hair and down the length of the her back getting a mumble in response. “My touch isn’t so bad.” Natalie shivered. “I don’t know what you did with Charlotte but I think I am going to blow your mind. Another of those talents I picked up in prison.”

“You would be surprised what we get up to,” Natalie countered then cursed herself for taking the bait. The last things that Natalie wanted to do in this situation was challenged the woman.

"That's alright, I am sure that I will know something that you haven’t tried yet," Cassandra eased her hand between the Natalie's thighs and started to move it upwards. She noticed the Natalie's breathing become heavier, her eyes locked on the hand.

"I...I think we should stop... Oh...oh..." Natalie gasped as Cassandra's hand reached its destination and started to stroke the rapidly swelling labia lips. Natalie’s legs tensed but with her legs spread she was unable to resist the touch. Eventually Natalie moaned as Cassandra used her other hand to tear off the panties. “I think somebody is enjoying this. With every stroke, Cassandra could feel the Natalie's arousal build and her fingers moved with increasing ease over the slippery pussy.

"Mmm...oh..." Natalie couldn’t prevent the gasps from escaping her mouth. Her hands grabbed the pillowcase fabric as she balled her fingers into fists. She leaned into the pillow under her head. Her nipples were hardening by the second and now Cassandra looked at Natalie with pure lust in her eyes.

"I'm going to lick that tight little pussy until you explode," whispered Cassandra as she lay down between the Natalie's legs, which spread wide in invitation by the rope. That was what Cassandra did until, despite trying to avoid it Natalie screamed in pleasure as the dam broke. “Whoa! A screamer.” Cassandra commented as she slipped off the bottom of the bed. Natalie panted, gulping in air as she watched her captor stripped off the skimpy underwear that she had on and get back on the bed. “You have had your release. Time for me to get mine. It won’t take long.” Natalie looked on as Cassandra worked her way up the bed.

“What the uummpff…” Natalie’s works were cut off as Cassandra sat on her face. Natalie boaked at the smell and wetness. She couldn’t breathe for a time until Casandra lifted her weight off.

“Put that mouth of yours to work Natalie or I sit again.” Although sick to her stomach Natalie started to use her tongue to work Cassandra’s private areas. “That’s the spot.” Throughout Cassandra adjusted her position so that she got pleasure where she wanted until she climaxed and got off the bed. “That was fun.”

“Not the word I would use for it,” Natalie mumbled.

“Stop complaining…” Cassandra said with a smile, “perhaps we need to do something about that.” She walked to the bedside cabinet and opened a drawer. “What do we have here?” Natalie turned her head and gasped. The large strap-on around her waist was unmissable. Cassandra slipped it on and buckled it in place. “Shall I lube this up?” Natalie watched as Cassandra picked out two handkerchiefs and started to clean herself with one, rubbing it all over her body. The second handkerchief was used to wipe away some of the sweat and other substances on Natalie’s body. “Don’t say that I am not taking care of you.” Cassandra got back on the back and lay down beside Natalie placing the two handkerchiefs, something else and a very large ball-gag on the pillow next to Natalie’s head. Natalie had a bad feeling about those items. The ball-gag looked like a jaw breaker.

“Smell these,” Cassandra picked up and then pressed the worn panties over Natalie’s nose.

“Hell!” Natalie complained as she caught a strong whiff of the scent. “Those are terrible”

“If you think they smell bad imagine how bad they are going to taste.”

“Don’t you dare!” Cassandra pinched Natalie’s nose and forced the bound woman to open her mouth. The panties were stuffed deep inside Natalie’s mouth and she wretched at the taste.

“Still plenty of room in there.” The panties were followed by the two moist, fluid covered handkerchiefs which were balled-up and each thrust into Natalie's mouth, completely filling it with fabric. The ball-gag was stuffed deeply inside Natalie’s mouth, pushing the fabric deeper and forcing Natalie’s jaws apart. All that she could do was groan and mew. “Those noises are getting we turned on again.” The bed moved as the crazy woman slipped off and walked around. “Now, where is that lube.” The putrid, solid underwear in her mouth almost turned her stomach. The massive ball-gag stretched her jaw as Natalie watched Cassandra lube up the massive dildo and climb onto the bed and kneel between her legs.

“mmmooohhh…” Natalie moaned, shaking her head.

“Oh, this is just the start Natalie,” Cassandra teased as she inserted the dildo. “We are going to have so much fun.”
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Post by LunaDog »

Absolutely FANTASTIC! Thoroughly enjoyable and well up to your normal superb standard.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

@LunaDog - Thanks for the feedback. Always welcome! Glad that you are enjoying the story.

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Guys. Thanks for taking the story over 30k views. Hopefully you all enjoy the next Chapter which is another from @Caesar73
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 32

Stage 3: Mansilla des las Mulas

Another morning, another day on the Camino: Today was a bad day, it was Gabriella´s fourth week on her Pilgrimage - when she had stepped out of the small Hostal San Martin at Mansilla des las Mulas, Leon Province, this morning a such hot wave of longing had washed above her, after her two little girls, that she had cried - she missed them so much.

Seldom had it had her cost so much to supress the urge to activate her smartphone and make a call, just to hear their sweet bright voices “How strange” the Chilean mused “I know that everything is okay,” Tony had sent the code word that meant everything was fine.

Gabriella crossed the small bridge across the Rio Esla. It would be another hot day on the trek: In two or three hours the sun would pound the dry acres relentlessly. Thank God, today´s stage was a short one, only 18,5 Kilometres to the city of Leon with its famous cathedral. She had read that the painted glass windows covered 3000 square metres.

Mile after mile she followed the red and dusty trail. Five Kilometres after she had left Mansilla de Las Mulas she met a young French couple, which she had met on the Camino before, somewhere between Castrojeriz and Fromista? Normally the brown-haired Chilean would have engaged in a conversation gladly, but today Gabriella was simply not in the mood – and so she had muttered a greeting and overtaken the French in a brisk tempo.
Now, two hours later she passed the small village of Arcahueja. Round about 200 Metres in front of her on the right side, she spotted an obviously dilapidated Farm. For a moment she pondered the question to stop there for a short break, but decided then, to pass it: at her current pace, she would make the last seven kilometres to Leon in less than two hours – and in Leon a suite at the Parador de Leon awaited her. A Suite at a Parador was not exactly low profile, but after four weeks on the road she deserved that treat. She remembered the description in the net:
“The Parador de León, Hostal San Marcos, is one of the most ICONIC Parador buildings and one of the most important of the Spanish Renaissance.
 Thoroughly refurbished; the Hostal San Marcos reopened its doors with a new enclosed interior atrium with natural light, which houses the cafeteria under an impressive ceiling by the painter Lucio Muñoz.

The Hostal San Marcos also displays an impressive set of works from the ancient collection, highlights of which include the work of sculptor Juan de Juni. The choir of the church's tribune also stands out. The cloister and its terrace are the favourite corners of those who visit us.”
Gabriella had just passed the abandoned farm building, maybe she was a bit more inattentive than usual so the sharp prick in her breast hit her by surprise. In disbelief she stared at the fluffy pink end of a small arrow embedded between her breasts “Oh Sh ….” was her last thought before everything turned black. She did not even register that she hit the dusty trail.

Her return to the waking world was a slow one: One of her first thoughts? “Why am I laying on a stone-cold floor?” She drifted back into unconsciousness again. The next time she stayed awake: She was lying on the stony floor in a small room, sparsely lit by rays of sunlight filtering through half closed curtains. Gabriella groaned and wanted to get up. Only now she registered that she could not move an inch “Not again” the tall Chilean cursed:

She was tightly hogtied, so tightly that she could grab her bare heels “Wait my bare heels?” Gabriella cursed inwardly. Whoever had attacked her had relieved her of her hiking boots … Her socks …. Well, her socks had been obviously stuffed in her mouth, judging by the salty taste in her mouth. By the feel of it, she had been tied up with coarse jute rope:

Her big toes had been tied back to her elbows, thankfully not to her long brown tresses “My legs have been tied at the ankles, under and above the knees” As Gabriella moved her wrists, she felt the sharp tug of the crotch rope “I must get out of this mess” she spurred herself on “before my attackers come back” As she found out, the knots at her wrists were not totally out of reach.

Determined the Chilean set to work. One hour and two broken nails later Gabriella rubbed her chafed wrists. It cost her another 15 minutes and another broken nail to untangle the knot which held her socks in her mouth. The former agent pulled the wet and soggy mass out of her mouth and let it fall to the floor.

She stood and took a look around: Obviously she was really in the main room of the old farm building. In the right corner she spotted her back pack and her trekking poles – but no boots … On bare feet the Chilean tapped to her back pack.

Obviously, it had been searched, but her attackers had not found the hidden compartment … a wave of relief washed over her. At close inspection she discovered that her stuff was complete, except two items …. Her two pairs of Sandals: Her trekking sandals and her beloved simple brown leather sandals – she had grown so fond off in the past weeks.

Gabriella sighed: she would have to continue her march to Leon barefooted. That would be inconvenient – to put it mildly. She shouldered her back pack – and stepped decisively over the threshold into the bright sun. The gravel felt hot under her bare soles. At least she wore her sun hat still and her glasses. It had to be around 1200 AM “So I have been two hours out” Gabriella calculated.

What had been the purpose of this attack? Whoever it had been had a strange sense of humour “Relieving me of my shoes” – the Chilean racked her brain as she walked in a brisk pace and landed always at the same conclusion “They want me to show: We know where you are and we can hit you anywhere” But how? She had not detected any sign of surveillance since she had been attacked in Logrono …. The first thing she would do after she had checked in at the Parador? Inspect her luggage, her clothes thoroughly – had some installed a tracker on her?

Her thoughts turned back to Logrono: The only time, when she had left her things, her backpack her bag out of sight had been the attack there. Had that been the whole purpose of it, besides scaring her off?

The Chilean cursed under her breath as she stepped with her left foot on a sharp edged little stone. Roughly one hour later she stepped over the threshold wish led into the Foyer of the Hostal San Marco – and enjoyed the cool stone floor under her bare soles. For a moment she just stood there, savouring the sensation and took in the sight: The Parador had once been a monastery. It was one of the most important reminders of the Spanish Renaissance.

Gabriella pulled herself together and closed the distance to the reception desk. The young female accountant in her immaculate Uniform gave her the once over. The Chilean had a pretty good idea what she saw: A sweaty, dishevelled woman in her thirties clad in hiking gear, barefoot, covered in dust and dirt.

The young accountant´s professional training took hold “What can I do for you Senora?” With her most arrogant air Gabriella replied “I am Francesca de Silva y Silva-Bazán. The change of attitude was remarkable: Anna Santos – Gabriella read the name tag – almost saluted.

15 Minutes later Gabriella stood under the shower of the large bathroom, which was part of her suite and enjoyed the hot water which drummed on her back, washed dust and dirt away. She inspected her soles: Some scratches, but no blisters. She had to grin: Before she had completed the check in, Gabriella had politely asked Anna Santos – no, she had not asked exactly – to deliver an array of shoes on her suite as fast as possible. Gabriella had just donned the dressing gown and dried her hair – when someone knocked at her door.

The Chilean hid her Glock behind her back before she opened it: “The selection of shoes you ordered Senora” Gabriella graced the young man in the Parador´s Livre with a coy smile – and a look at her ample cleavage “Thank you!”

The leggy Chilean was surprised when she inspected the eight pairs of shoes on her bed: The hiking boots fitted perfectly, almost the same mark and model she grown so fond of in the last four weeks. Also, she chose one pair of simple leather sandals and one pair of trekking sandals – and she couldn´t resist – one pair of black Aquazura Platform Sandals. For a moment she just forgot why she was here, what the real purpose of this pilgrimage was, the moment of elation passed quickly.

Gabriella composed herself. She would check now her luggage, every square centimetre. Once, twice and a third time if need be. The Chilean had almost given up, when she found it: In the outmost corner of her handbag. A very small device: Gabriella inspected it. It was a tracker. A professional tracker … since when it had been there? A grim smile curled her lips … she had just the idea. She knew exactly what she would do with the tracker …
One hour later Gabriella left the Parador to make a stroll to the centre and have dinner somewhere. She had donned one of her two summer dresses and – she smiled – her new sandals. In the cathedral she lit a candle and took her time to pray, and tears rolled down her cheeks – but she did not mind. The Chilean had made up her mind what to do now.

Later she strolled down the Calle Ancha – she had reserved a table at the Parador later. Tomorrow would be the day to fulfil her mission. Much later, when all the dust had settled, she would often think about what had raised her curiosity. For a split-second Gabriella thought her mind played tricks on her, then she took a closer look: It was a café at the Calle Ancha. A woman was laughing about some joke obviously. A woman she knew. A woman she had met two times …. Gabriella froze …. and melted into the shadows. She struggled with the shock for a second. A second only. A grim sense of determination imbued her now.

Stage 4: On the Camino between Leon and San Martin del Camino

Gabriella was in good spirits. She had left Leon two hours ago. She had a plan and she would follow it. A grim smile curled her lips. The Argentinian had spent another day at Leon, treated herself with all the luxuries the Spa of San Marcos could offer. Especially the brown haired woman had enjoyed the pedicure and the extensive foot reflexology. Gabriella had done some serious sightseeing too. Mostly to check if she was followed, she had left the tracker in place. Should her opponents believe she had not discovered it, they would be in for a surprise!
Today´s stage was a long one: From Leon to San Martin del Camino she had to cover 25 Kilometres. Gabriella had to smile to herself: As she had left the Parador in the early morning Anna Santos had greeted her extremely politely.
She had passed La Virgen del Camino 30 minutes ago. And then she saw it: To her right a flock of sheep was grazing peacefully. It was a large flock, Gabriella estimated 150 animals …. perfect!

Unknown location: Control Room:

“Sir” the technician called “You must see this” He pointed on the screen where a blip was blinking on the screen “The target is taking a break – she must be tired: She is not moving very fast” The Man in the dark, custom-made suit chuckled “Gabriella, Gabriella you are lazy”

Gabriella stepped over the threshold of the small Romanesque church. She had made a short detour. The church was one of the many sanctuaries along the Camino not to be found in any travel-guide. Built of large roughly hewn ashlars – an inner peace she had not known for a while infused her as she stood before the rustic altar. She bowed her head in reference and spoke softly the ancient verses of the Ave Maria:

Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you;
blessed are you among women,
and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners
now and at the hour of our death.

When she had ended, she stood for a moment in silence in front of the altar. Then she straightened herself and opened her backpack and retrieved heavily padded small metal box, 10 by 15 centimetres and her combat knife. Decisively she set to work. 20 Minutes later she left the church. She felt elated and relieved. The ghost of a smile crossed her lips as she stepped on the trail to return to the Camino. The extra miles she did not heed – now she had fulfilled her task: This short detour had been worth it. Gabriella did something she had not done a long while ago: She burst spontaneously into song, one she had learned in her youth when she had spent the summers at Taizé in Burgundy, it fitted her mood perfectly “Laudate dominum” – singing along she accelerated her pace:

(4225) Laudate Dominum (Taizé Chant) - YouTube
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 33

Unknown location, somewhere in the US

“I hope that you enjoyed that as much as I did Natalie,” Cassandra chest heaved and glistened with sweat as she slumped down on top of Natalie, Cassandra’s breasts pressed into Natalie’s face causing her to groan. “Moans of pleasure.” They lay like that for minutes before Cassandra got off. She grabbed a silk housecoat and slipped it on. “I hope that you are having such a good time Natalie. I know that I am.”

“mmoohh…uummppff…” The woman’s sexual appetite seemed insatiable to Natalie. They had been going at it like this every night for what seemed like weeks. Fortunately, tonight had been kind of vanilla, just like the first night. Since then, Cassandra had let her kinky and deviant side out on occasion. Whips, outfits, some real BDSM stuff.

“Now time for your treat,” Cassandra leaned over and picked up the cloth and bottle of chloroform. She held it up where Natalie could see clearly. “Nice, fresh cloth today.” Natalie rolled her eyes. “Getting into the spirit.” As Cassandra folded the cloth into a pad Natalie couldn’t help but watch, getting a little excited by the prospect. She couldn’t help it. Cassandra took the top off the bottle and covered the top with the cloth, turning it over to splash the cloth with the soporific liquid. After putting the top back on the bottle, Cassandra brought the cloth up to her face and took a quick whiff of the fumes from the cloth wrinkled her nose. “I don’t know way you like this stuff so much Nat. It stinks.” Natalie shook her head; Cassandra would never understand. It wasn’t the smell. It was the sensations.

“uummpgg…ggrrummgg…” Natalie complained.

“Think we will keep the gag in for this one,” Cassandra confirmed as she sat on the bad and slowly moved the cloth toward Natalie’s face. “Is it sexier if you see it coming or if you are surprised?” Cassandra clamped the cloth over the helpless Natalie’s lower face, holding her head so she could watch her eyes. Despite what she had said, watching Natalie succumb to forced slumber was becoming a real turn on. For some reason Natalie struggled, trying not to breathe, but finally, she had to inhale. Natalie continued to squirm on the bed, pulling against her bonds, but her efforts slowly subsided. Cassandra leaned in her face was within inches of Natalie’s when her captive’s eyes fluttered and closed. She had to admit, she loved having this much control over Natalie and using her to satisfy her unending cravings. Natalie had succumbed quite quickly to the chloroform in the end. Was it the amount of sedative in her system, exhaustion or had she willed herself to sleep to forget the nightmare that Cassandra had put her through? Who knew. After removing the cloth and putting it in her pocket, it didn’t pay to leave weapons lying around, Cassandra removed the gag and deposited the material on the floor. She would clean the ball-gag and wash the panties. There were always more worn ones to use. There was no need to actually gag Natalie as there was nobody nearby to hear her scream, it just added to her discomfort.

Yawning and stretching Cassandra left Natalie tied to the bed and made her way down the stairs to have some dinner. As she reached the bottom on the stairs her bare feet hit the cool wooden floor. “Jeez.” Just then Cassandra paused as she felt a draft hit her bare legs. “Where did that come from?” She was sure that every window and door was shut and locked. She had checked before she had gone upstairs to have some fun with Natalie. Turning she started to walk toward where the draft had come from when there was a faint noise from behind. Before she could react, an arm snaked its way around her body just below her breasts locking her arms at her sides. At the same time, she was yanked backwards, pulling her slightly off her feet so that she no longer had any leverage. “What the mmmppfff…” Cassanadra’s cry was cut off by a thick cloth being pressed over the lower half of her face. The cloth was damp and there was a strong chemically smell. It took a split second for Cassandra’s brain to make the connection. The scent wasn’t the same as the cloth that she had just whiffed upstairs but it was close enough. Instinct kicked in and Cassandra twisted, kicked, screamed muffled obscenities and jerked her head to get away from the smothering cloth. It’s all her attacker can do to avoid getting head butted by Cassandra. But her attacker is strong, disciplined and well trained. Cassandra is kept solidly locked in place and the cloth clamped over her nose and mouth. Cassandra was a fighter all right but the grip on her was strong and unyielding. The cloth pressed over her nose and mouth forcing her to inhale the fumes. Cassandra didn’t know exactly how long it takes for the chloroform to really start kicking in. Every second feels like an eternity when you’re struggling and trying to get free. She knew that the more she struggled the more fumes that she inhaled but she had to give it a go. Then something happened, she relaxed a little and her struggles lost some intensity. It was subtle but noticeable to her and no doubt her attacker. Then she relaxed a little more. Not all the way, and not completely, but just a little bit. Like she’s confused for a moment or something. She actually goes a little limp in her attacker’s arms and her head drops into the cloth a little more. She can’t resist. Then something in the back of her head flashes on and the resistance kicks in again. Hands claw the air, grabbing for an arm. Head lurches back. It’s all her attacker can do to keep the cloth over her face. Cassandra screams a protest into the cloth. The attacker holds on tight and doesn’t let go. That was the storm before the calm. The chloroform then starts to take hold. After a few seconds Cassandra relaxes again. Even more this time. Her arms start to drop like they’re too heavy to hold up. Her body begins to melt back against her attackers. Cassandra gives a grunt and pulls weakly against the tight grip. Cassandara still wants to fight, but the drug had sapped her ability to do so. Her movements are getting sluggish and uncoordinated. Hands lift and then fall. Legs twitch. Soft little moans come through the soaked cloth. She starts to sag down into the arms of her attacker, as if her legs are getting too weak to hold her up. If it wasn’t for the tight grip Cassandra would probably already be on the floor. Cassandra moans softly into the cloth as her head lolls to one side. Her legs buckle completely and her eyes closed over.

“Thank you for the help,” Yelena commented.

“Looks like you had it under control the whole way,” Christine replied stepping out from her hiding spot. Yelena lowered the now unconscious woman onto the hardwood floor being careful to keep the cloth in place. Vernie and Linda appeared from the other room.

“Check for electronic devices,” Vernie said to Christine. “Mobiles, tablets, laptops,” Vernie looked around. “Also, any hard-drives for those.” There were camera’s dotted around the house from what Vernie had seen from her quick look around. The house was in an isolated location and it was almost the middle of the night.

“Get her prepared for transport,” Linda and Yelena started to unpack the down suit and restraining bags from the compression sacks. “I am going to have a look around for Natalie.” The two operatives nodded. The down suit and bags were already out and lofting up as Vernie looked around. “Basement or bedroom.” A quick look at the unconscious woman made up her mind. “Bedroom.” Even though their intelligence told them that Cassandra would be the only hostile, although Vernie doubted that Natalie would be pleased to see them either, she was still careful and took her time. Checking for others in the house or traps. There were nearer on the stair of the landing. At the top she could see all of the doors. They were all open except for one. “What is behind that door?” After a careful check of the frame Vernie grabbed the handle and gently pushed the door open.
An unconscious Natalie lay tied spread-eagled on a bed with her head lying slumped with her cheek on her left shoulder. “Bingo.” Vernie stepped back outside the room and back to the top of the stairs. “When you are finished downstairs, one more for transport prep in the main bedroom.” As she waited for her team Vernie looked around the room. “This lady was one kinky woman.” There were cameras dotted around the room. “One very kinky woman.” Vernie walked over to Natalie and lifted up her eyelids to check how out she was. “Very.” A cloth lay on the bed. A quick sniff told her that it was fresh, no more than ten minutes. The smell was harsh, the drug was the basic version. Not the research and improved versions that the Crawford organisation used. “It was like going back to the turn of the century with that stuff.”

“Vernie,” her radio buzzed. “Found the hard-drive. You should…” The phone in her pocket vibrated. It was Harper.

“Have to get back to you Christine,” Vernie answered the call. “Harper. How are things in Norway?”

“Fine,” Harper replied. “And the operation?”

“Target neutralised and package recovered.”

“Excellent. I will give Elizabeth the good news.” The line went dead. Now that conversation was finished Vernie started to untie Natalie from the bindings holding her to the bed. The ropes had left marks around both the women’s wrists and ankles. From the looks of the marks Natalie had been tied using the ropes frequently and for long periods of time. As she worked Vernie wondered why the boss had then undertake this operation. She must have had some kind of angle.

Rural Wales

Natalie felt the vehicle come to a halt. “Alright, almost there. I am going to remove that mask now but nothing stupid. Do you understand?” Natalie nodded and then the mask was removed. There wasn’t much light but Natalie still had to blink and squint until her eyes adjusted. Vernie was looking intently at her as someone else worked on the ropes around her legs. “Natalie, what I want you to focus on is this. You are free. And that is thanks to Elizabeth Crawford. This could have gone another way if you know what I mean.” Natalie nodded. Yes, she did understand what Vernie was getting at. “Hayley and Elizabeth have an arrangement that had led to your freedom. Don’t do anything to jeopardise that or there will be consequences.” Vernie held up a photograph of Charlotte. “Now, you have something to live for. Something to lose. Do you understand?” Natalie nodded, trying to keep her composure. She knew what the threat was. “When we open the door head toward the house at the end of the lane.”

“Ready,” someone said. A hand appeared and handed Vernie a tablet.

“Quiet,” Vernie said and held up the tablet so that Natalie could see the screen.

“MMPPFFMM!” Natalie screamed as Hayley appeared.

“What did I say?”

“UUMMFFHH!” Natalie screamed again. She hadn’t seen her friend for months.

“Hi babe,” Hayley said with a smile. “Glad to see that you are well. I have been waiting to…to…” Hayley stumbled as her eyes started to well up.
“Deep breath and don’t be silly. All I need to know is that you are safe and with the person that you love again.” Tears began to run down Hayley’s cheeks. “Go and enjoy your life with Charlotte and don’t think about me. I have made my choice and can live with it.” Hayley reached out a hand on the screen. “Be safe.” The screen went blank and Vernie put the tablet down. Natalie looked around. The van door slid open and Vernie nodded for Natalie to exit.

“Go.” Natalie didn’t move. “Go. Now, before we change our mind.” Taking one last look at the woman in the back of the van, not sure if they were really letting her go. They were. Natalie got awkwardly out of the van and took a couple of steps. “You don’t try and find Hayley. She is gone. She made this deal to free you. And we wouldn’t want anything to happen to Charlotte.” The van door closed and they moved off. Spinning around Natalie watched the van disappeared around a bend in the round. She was suddenly alone. There was a slight drizzle in the air as she spun around. Hills, fields with a single dual track road. She had been dumped at a junction with a lane. There was a single-story stone house down at the end of the lane. With her wrists bound behind her back and gagged she wasn’t really in a position to do much else. It would have to be as Vernie suggested, the house down the lane.

Rural Wales

As Natalie approached the gate in the stone dyke wall the front door opened. Natalie stopped and stared at the person framed in the doorway. It was like a dream; Natalie was tempted to pinch herself. The person stared at her dumbfounded and in shock. They looked at each other for what felt like an age. “NATALIE!” Charlotte called and sprinted up the path. Natalie took a step forward but her thighs hit the small metal gate that guarded the gap in the stone dyke wall around the property. Charlotte flung her arms around Natalie as she leaned over the gate. “Where have you been?” The grip got tighter. Both women felt warm tears rolling down their cheeks. Eventually Charlotte let go and took a step back. “Let me take a look at you.” A massive grin on her face. “What happened to your hair?”

“mmppffhh...uummgghh…” Natalie replied.

“Sorry!” Charlotte pulled the gate opened and guided Natalie up the stone path and into the house. As Charlotte worked on taking off the cuffs and picking at the knots in the gag Natalie looked around at the interior. Quaint would be the word. An open plan, kitchen, dining, living room took up most of the area with a corridor that Natalie assumed was the bathroom and bedroom, or maybe two. There was an open fire and a door out to the back yard. “That should do it,” Charlotte said and Natalie felt the pressure release and the gag fall away. With her hands free she could reach up and pull out the cloth that had been stuffed in her mouth. Natalie turned around and looked at Charlotte who clearly didn’t know what to do now.

“As beautiful as I remember,” Natalie pulled Charlotte in close. The nylon of the down suit ruffling. Then leaned in and planted a kiss on her fiancé’s lips. Charlotte reciprocated and they kissed deeply and passionately for a long time. Then finally separated. “I enjoyed that.” Natalie turned around. “Is that the bedroom through there?”

“Yes, but…” Charlotte felt Natalie yank on her arm and dragged her toward the back of the house.

“No talking yet,” Natalie said as she dragged Charlotte to the bedroom.

Rural Wales

Natalie and Charlotte had made love, had a shower, some food and then climbed straight back into bed and were snuggling under the duvet with the radio playing quietly in the background. It was lovely and comfy and warm. Natalie had just finished explaining to Charlote what had happened to her, leaving out most of the nasty stuff. “Anyway, it seems we have Elizabeth Crawford to thank for being reunited.” Charlotte had a perplexed expression on her face.

“Elizabeth Crawford isn’t in jail?”

“It seems not. It was Elizabeth that arranged my rescue.” Natalie looked away. “It seems Hayley is involved as well. There is something going on. I have been away so long.”

“You have been Natalie. There is so much that I have to tell you.” The look on Charlotte’s face made Natalie nervous.

“Shush, that’s for later.” Natalie looked at Charlotte and could tell that it wasn’t good news. She didn’t want anything to spoil this moment with Charlotte. “Roll over on your side.” After she had Natalie wrapped an arm and leg over Charlotte and cuddled into her back, enjoying the feel of her body and the smell of her hair. “So, this place?”

“This was my Grandparents place. After the wedding I hung round but when you didn’t come back, I had to get away.” Natalie took Charlotte’s hand and gently kissed the back of it.

“I am never going anywhere again.” That was true. It had only taken one look for Natalie to remember how much she loved Charlotte.

“Tell me about them.” Natalie just wanted to hear something nice, unconnected to criminal activity. She closed her eyes and settled in and very quickly drifted off to the sound of Charlotte’s voice.

When she woke up Natalie reached out but found that Charlotte wasn’t there. She was alone in the bed. Comfortable and warm but alone. She never wanted to be without Charlotte again. With a groan she threw the covers off and put her feet onto the carpet. A pair of slippers had been left for her to put on. As she walked into the open plan space the smell of pancakes and bacon hit her nostrils. “Hello Sleepyhead,” Charlotte called from the cooker. “You should have stayed in bed and I would have brought it through.”

“That’s fine. After this we are going straight back to bed anyway.” Charlotte blushed. Natalie sat down at the table and poured some coffee from the pot. “This smells great.” Charlotte brought over a large plate and dumped it in the center of the table.

“Just eat what you want,” Charlotte said.

“I do have an appetite,” Natalie smiled at that remark. They settled in for breakfast as Natalie punched her fork into pile of pancaked and skewered two. After slapping them onto her own plate Natalie dumped pile of bacon on top, followed by some syrup. Breakfast was taken almost in silence as they both tucked in enjoyed the meal. When they were finished Charlotte went to pick up the plates “Leave them for now.” Charlotte sat back down. “I sense that you want to ask me something.”

“What are you going to do about Hayley?” Natalie looked away and shook her head. “You aren’t the kind of person to leave her where she is.”
“I love Hayley,” Natalie said, “but I am in love with you and can’t risk losing you again.” Natalie choked at the end of that sentence and Charlotte got up, made her way round and sat on Natalie’s lap. “Hayley made it clear that I was to leave her alone.” Charlotte looked at Natalie. “What?” Charlotte took a deep breath and tenderly stroked Natalie’s face. “They showed me a video, no a live link to Hayley. They made it clear that….” Natalie couldn’t finish the sentence. Didn’t want to finish the sentence. Couldn’t bare the thought of anything happening to Charlotte.

“You have been away a long time. I think that we should go to bed and let me explain what you have missed.” The women kissed again and Charlotte slipped a hand between two buttons on Natalie’s pyjama top and started to gently caress Natalie’s right breast. The touch caused Natalie to moan.

“Two quick things,” Natalie said as she reluctantly pulled away. “I don’t suppose you have any of my clothes around here.” Charlotte paused. “Did I tell you to stop with that breast?”

“I did bring a bag with your clothes. I know it is odd…” Natalie cut her off by pecking her cheek. “What else?”

“Does this place have internet?”

“It is Wales Natalie, not Mars.” Charlotte gently punched Natalie on the shoulder. “I will have to move to get the laptop. I assume that is what you want?” Natalie nodded.

“But don’t be long.” The house wasn’t big enough for Charlotte to be away long and she soon returned with the laptop and fired it up. “Thanks.” Natalie opened the browser and typed in a website address.

“What are you doing?” Charlotte asked.

“Checking this website,” Natalie pointed to the screen. It was for an independent music store in Liverpool. “Danielle set it up. There is a back door here that allows us to communicate without anyone knowing.” Natalie brought up the login portal and typed in her username and password.


“Hayley, Kirsty, Christina and a few of the others.” As Natalie pushed enter the website jump to what looked like a chatroom. There hadn’t been an entry for a while. Natalie’s heart sank a little but she put in a message and looked at Charlotte. “Now it’s time for bed.”
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Post by LunaDog »

mrjones2009 wrote: 10 months ago Guys. Thanks for taking the story over 30k views.
Completely and utterly deserved.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Delightful to see, that Charlotte and Natalie finally reunited - Hayley payed the price to secure her best friends well being. Finally some piece of good luck, but the chapter ends on a sombre note: The Chatroom is empty, all of Natalies Friends have vanished. Outstanding work @mrjones2009 !
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Post by mrjones2009 »

@LunaDog & @Caesar73 - Thanks for the comments and support. Always appreciated.

Now ticked over 35k views so thanks to everyone for continuing to read.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 34

EC Compound, Northern Norway

Hayley had woken up and knew that something was different. She could tell from experience that it was just the two bags that she was in. The restriction felt as tight as per normal with the two down stuffed restraining bags but there was something else. At several points over her body the pressure felt a little tighter, a little more compressed, a little forced down. Hayley tried to move but she couldn’t move and it wasn’t just within the down cocoon. It as the cocoon that wasn’t moving. It was pretty dark as well. Hayley turned her head on the pillow and although it was dark, she could make out the padded lining. “mmmuuurr..oohhmm…” Hayley moaned as her brain put the pieces together and realised where she was. In that cot contraption that was in the room. The areas that felt tighter were obviously where the straps were holding the down cocoon in place. Why had Elizabeth ordered this? Placing her in this restrictive place with four walls and a ceiling. Then it came back to her. The call with Natalie. A mixture of elation that her friend had been found safe and was free and then fear that they would never see each other again.

“That wasn’t so hard Hayley,” Elizabeth Crawford commented as Hayley handed back the phone. Visibly upset and unable to speak Hayley just nodded and rubbed her eyes with the palms of her hands. “There, there,” Elizabath gave Hayley a quick hug before retreating and pulling out a handkerchief which she offered to Hayley. Dabbing her eyes with the handkerchief Hayley was very upset. “Now, I have to go on a trip.”

“Leaving me alone!” Hayley stood up. Suddenly upset. “Why? Where? Who are you seeing?”

“I like that Hayley but you are clearly upset,” Elizabeth nodded and Hayley felt hands grab at her from behind.

“Wait! What!” Hayley shouted. “LET ME GO!” Hayley struggled until the cloth was pressed over her nose and mouth….

“Hello Hayley?” the voice seemed to come from nowhere. “Scottie here.” The new girls that Elizabeth had told her about. Interesting. “Eh, there is a built-in speaker so I am not being beamed into your head.” Hayley smiled under the thick pad of her gag. “Miss Crawford has left on business and left you in my charge.” This time Hayley had to stifle a laugh. “You will be kept in the cot for a couple of days and then taken back to your room. Just relax and you will be fine.” Suddenly, a light show appeared on the roof of the cot. Hayley supposed that it was supposed by be relaxing and soothing. Then music started to play softly. “I will see you later for some food, a fresh diaper and a sedative.” Scottie’s voice disappeared and Hayley was alone with the sights and sounds. Nothing else for it, Hayley relaxed and settled in to enjoy the show.

EC Compound, Northern Norway

Elizabeth was still away when Hayley was let out of the cot. Scottie had taken good care of her, very professional. “I will let Elizabeth know how well you took care of me.” Hayley said with a smile as she slipped off the down suit.

“Thanks,” Scottie said a little nervously. The time alone in the cot had indeed calmed Hayley down and allowed Hayley time to think and reflect but probably not the way that Elizabeth had wanted.

“No problem, it is very much appreciated,” Hayley let the down suit drop to the floor before slowly taking off the diaper that she had been wearing. Hayley looked at Scottie and caught her glancing away. Well, a lot of people said she was alluring and it had worked with Constance. It was time for Hayley to try and get pro-active. “Will you be here when I get out the shower.” Scottie nodded, looking slightly more uncomfortable. “Great.” Hayley blew the young woman a kiss before she headed into the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

Emerging from the bathroom thirty minutes later Hayley found Scottie waiting for her. Suddenly, the towel that had been wrapped around her body dropped to the floor. “Thought that was tighter.” Scottie went red. “Like what you see Scottie?” The women’s face got redder. “So, you going to put that diaper on me or not?” Hayley went very demur and made her way across to the bed. “Don’t be shy about it.” Scottie glanced at the blocky white package in her hands like she didn’t realise that it was there.

“Yes, um….I suppose that I…should…um….Miss King….” Scottie hurried across as Hayley lifted her hips off the bed. “Thanks.” Scottie unfolded the diaper and slid it in place. Once the diaper had been applied Hayley held out a hand. Scottie just stared at it.

“Not going to help me up?”

“Sorry Miss King,” Scottie reached out a hand and Hayley took it. As Hayley was helped up, she purposefully overbalanced and bumped into Scottie.

“Oops!” Hayley said then leaned in close. “That whole Miss King thing is cute. And hot.” Hayley continued to whisper in the younger woman’s ear. “I know what you are thinking Scottie,” Hayley whispered. “That’s Elizabeth Crawford’s piece of ass. I can’t touch that. Well, forbidden fruit is the sweetest.” Taking a step back Hayley could tell that Scottie was uncomfortable. “What’s you kink?” Hayley cooed. “Like tying up women? Sleepy play?” Scottie looked really uncomfortable now. Hayley smiled. “You have any chloroform?” Scottie swallowed. “You could knock me out and play with me. I wouldn’t resist. I wouldn’t really know. What could I tell Elizabeth?”

“Miss…er…King…I don’t think…”

“Back in my room Scottie,” Hayley winked. “Nobody would know about it. Our little secret.” Scottie turned away and headed toward the wardrobe. Hayley supressed a laugh at the younger woman’s obvious discomfort whilst making mental notes for later use. “That is a nice dress.” Hayley commented as Scottie pulled one out of the wardrobe. “So, you think I would look cute in it?”

EC Compound, Northern Norway

“This is just a little pre-nuptial agreement that I had drawn up.” Hayley signed it without reading and handed Elizabeth back the pen. “Thank you. Good to see that you trust me. Signed without even glancing through it. What would have been the point? Hayley kept that to herself. Elizabeth had returned from her trip but had kept her distance from Hayley. When she had burst in ten minutes ago Elizabeth had thrust the document at her to sign. Hayley was just back from a fitting for her wedding dress. It was the final sitting. The ceremony was the day after tomorrow. “And now for a wedding gift.”

“What?” Hayley eyed Elizabeth with suspicion.

“You did say that you needed a Maid of Honour.” The door opened and Hayley’s eyes went wide.

“KIRSTY!” Hayley exclaimed as she rushed to hug her friend.

“Now, there ae rules,” Elizabeth said. “No leaving the room…”

“Fine. Fine. Fine.” Hayley gave Elizabeth a dismissive wave as she set about removing the bindings and gag that Kirsty was wearing. “Am I glad to see you.”

“I shall leave you to it then,” Elizabeth left the room. That left the two friends alone. Once Kirsty’s restraints and gag were lying on the floor the two of them embraced again. The nylon of their down suits ruffling.

“What the hell are you doing this Hayley?” Kirsty asked as the two friends released their embrace.

“Ah!” Hayley said. “You have heard about the whole wedding thing?”

“Yes. Yes I have.” Kirsty did not look impressed. For some reason that set Hayley off and she started blubbing. “Here. Sorry. What did I say?”

“Nothing,” Hayley replied lip trembling. “She found Natalie and released her,” Hayley replied between sobs. Kirsty leaned in and wiped away a tear. Hayley explained the story from the start.

“How the hell did Elizabeth manage that?” Hayley shrugged. “Did Elizabeth have her kidnapped?” A shake of the head from Hayley. “Let’s sit down.” Grabbing Hayley’s left hand, Kirsty led her across to the bed. They both clambered on and lay side by side.

“Are you happy with this though?” Kirsty asked.

“I gave my word,” Hayley answered. “Elizabeth kept her side of the bargain.” The two friends fell into a comfortable silence.

“What does this whole thing mean anyway?” Kirsty asked. “What is Elizabeth up to?”

“Funny you should mention that. I think that she wants to go straight.” Once again Hayley went over the conversations that she had been having with Crawford.

“Four years!” Kirsty exclaimed then settled down and was quiet for a minute. “Well, maybe it isn’t so bad being tied up in these bags a lot. They are comfortable.” Hayley didn’t really register her friend’s comment. “So, what do you want to do with your last bit of freedom?” Hayley didn’t respond. Kirsty continued to look at the ceiling as she heard a zipper and then the rustle of nylon. The bed moved as Hayley shifted position and soon Hayley was sat astride Kirsty with her knees on either side of Kirsty’s torso. The down suit was off Hayley’s shoulders and hanging around her waist. Kirsty couldn’t keep the smile off her face. As Hayley leaned down to kiss her friend Kirsty reached around her torso to find the clasp on Hayley’s bra. “Great idea…”

EC Compound, Northern Norway

The gown was stunning, the most beautiful item of fashion she had ever seen, and Hayley stood looking in the mirror admiring the way that it accentuated her curvy frame. “You look stunning Hayley,” Kirsty commented.

“Not too shabby yourself,” Hayley said turning to look at her friend in a startling blue dress. They had been awoken with the door opening and two dummies being wheeled in with the two dresses on them. The guards hadn’t said a word.

“Thank you,” Kirsty replied with a curtsy. “Geez. What are we doing?”

“What has to be done,” Hayley said flatly. “May as well make the best of it.” Just then the guards returned to get them. It was Yelena, Nicole and Tahani. “You look nice ladies.” Yelena grunted and the other two just smiled.

“Time to go,” Nicole confirmed. “The Boss says that we can dispense with the bindings and gags as long as you agree to behave.” The two friends exchanged a glance and nodded. There was no point in getting silly now. Kirsty quickly put Hayley’s veil on and fixed the dress a little before they headed for the door. Leading the way Nicole headed toward the lift. The group made the journey in silence. Down in the lift, large enough to accommodate all five women even in their dresses, along the basement level and to the leisure block. Up in the lift to the top level and outside the large corner room at the corner. “You to wait outside until the music starts.” The three guards went inside and Hayley and Kirsty were left alone.

“Should we make a run for it?” Kirsty asked

“Runaway bride is such a cliché,” Hayley said with a smile.

“Can you believe that…” the sound of the wedding march playing could now be heard.

“Well, looks like we should get this show on the road. Deep breath.” Kirsty pushed open the door and entered before holding the door open for Hayley to enter. Inside the room had been decorated nicely and an arch sat at the end of a small aisle with chairs on either side. The chairs were occupied by members of Elizabeth’s team. Some that Hayley recognised, others that Hayley did not. That only took up around half the room. A large table with ten chairs around it sat off in the corner. It was fully set with cutlery, plates and glasses. No doubt for a meal after the ceremony. Elizabeth Crawford stood under the arch at the end of the aisle on one side of a woman who was smiling kindly. A very professionally kind smile. Hayley made her way slowly down the aisle with Kirsty behind. At the end of the aisle she shuffled slightly to the right so that she was standing beside Elizabeth.

“Hi,” the woman said. “My name is Dawn and in addition to being a nurse in a past life I was a fully ordained minister so all of this is legal.” Hayley looked at Elizabeth and then back at Dawn. “Now, shall we begin. Dearly beloved we are gathered here today…”


Elizabeth sat at the head of the table with Hayley on her right, Kirsty was next to Hayley. The other seats were filled by Harper, Vernie, Nicole, Tahani, Perrie and Linda. Yelena had called off. “Not really her thing,” Nicole had commented. The wine flowed, the food was excellent and it almost seemed normal. When the dishes from the final course had been cleared Elizabeth stood up and cleared her throat. After a brief speech she held out a hand to Hayley. “Time of my wife and I call it a night.” There were some giggles from around the table. Kirsty flinched but Hayley put a reassuring hand on her thigh under the table as she got up. It wouldn’t be that bad, Eliazbeth was a fine-looking woman. Taking Elizabeth’s hand Hayley allowed herself to be led toward the door. “Ladies, Kirsty has had an exciting day. Make sure that she is comfortable and gets some rest.” Kirsty had been fixated on Hayley that she hadn’t noticed that Nicole had made her way behind her seat. Before Kirsty could react, a cloth was clamped over her nose and mouth. Hayley was already out of the door and didn’t see what had happened or was able to hear the muffled screams.
“The boss said that we get to have some fun with you tonight,” Nicoel hissed into her victim’s ear as slumber approached. “You should see the toys that we have lined up. It is going to be a long and interesting night.” As Kirsty was being knocked out back in the room Hayley and Elizabeth were walking along the corridor. Elizabeth suddenly gave Hayley a nudge and pointed off down another corridor.

“Not going back to your room?”

“As beautiful as you look in that dress and as much as I want to get it you out of it I want to show you something first Hayley,” Hayley gave Elizabeth a questioning look. “Sort of a second wedding gift.”

EC Compound, Northern Norway

A bemused Hayley followed Elizabeth through the facility. For some reason the journey felt familiar to Hayley despite not recognizing her surroundings. “Then again everything is the same around here.” Hayley mumbled under her breath.

“Did you say something darling?” Elizabeth asked. Hayley shook her head wondering where they were going. Eventually they reached a set of heavy security door. “This is my wedding gift,” Elizabeth said as she pulled out the security card, swiped and opened the doors. “Well, another wedding gift. I really am quite generous.” Hayley was hesitant to enter, something at the back of her head screamed at her not to step through. Seeing this Elizabeth snatched Hayley’s right wrists and practically dragged her into the room. Once inside Hayley looked around and realized that she was in the same space where Elizabeth had shocked her by letting her first see Kirsty. Not wanting to go any deeper into the room Hayley planted her feet. “Come on Hayley. Don’t you want to see my present.” Reluctantly Hayley followed, or more accurately, was dragged deeper into the room, down the stairs and into the bowels of the room. The lighting was dim. Elizabeth clicked her fingers and a spotlight came on

“What!” Hayley exclaimed. There was a woman lying bound and gagged on the table exactly where Kirsty had been.

“mmmppphhh…” the woman moaned. Hayley looked her straight in the eye. There was fear in the woman’s eyes. A deep fear and a panic. She pulled at her restraints.

“Meet Cassandra Hendrix,” Elizabeth said like a compere introducing the headline act at a show. “Famous as the person that kidnapped Natalie on her wedding day.”

“No,” Hayley said taking a step forward. “Why did you…”

“I thought that you might want to be introduced to Cassandra.”

“Why?” Hayley had a bad feeling about where this was going.

“This is the person that took Natalie from you. Ripped her away from the woman that she loves on her wedding day,” Elizabeth whispered in Hayley’s ear. “Don’t you want to cause her discomfort. Don’t you want to punish her.” Hayley looked at Elizabeth. “She hurt Natalie. I have seen the recordings. Terrible stuff.” A click of Elizabeth’s fingers and a television screen burst into life. Hayley looked at it. Natalie spread-eagled on a bed. Cassandra on top of her. The screen jumped to Natalie on some kind of sex chair. Another thirty seconds of highlights Natalie wincing and moaning in pain. Hayley looked away.


“Quiet you,” Elizabeth ordered. “Look at the screen Hayley.” The screen flashed and changed again. Natalie bound in a very painful strappado position in a full leather armbinder. Cassandra with a whip. “Let’s get that dress off.” Hayley looked at the woman strapped down on the table and then back to the screen. Hayley could feel her anger welling up as the screen changed again. She knew that Elizabeth was playing with her emotions. Rescuing Natalie, allowing them to speak, cutting off the connection. Elizabeth wanted her to react, to lash out. “You can do anything that you want with her Hayley. Let your imagination run wild.” Hayley looked at Cassandra. There was fear, confusion and apprehension in the woman’s eyes. The wedding dress was now off and Hayley stood in her lingerie. “Down suit over there.” Elizabeth pointed and retreated in to the shadows. “The toys, whips and all the nice stuff are in the drawers over there. I will leave you alone to get acquainted.” Elizabeth knew that if she could get Hayley to torture the woman then a line would have been crossed for Hayley.

Several hours later

Lying facing the door with her back to Elizabeth, Hayley could not believe what had occurred to her over the past months at Elizabeth’s new lair. She wondered what fate had befallen Gabriela and Constance. Nobody had mentioned Constance and it had only been Kirsty and her in that room. There had only been two down cocoons. Hayley had assumed that young woman had managed to get away. To where and to do what Hayley couldn’t imagine. Then there was her father? Jaclyn? Her thoughts were disturbed when a sweaty leg was draped over her thigh and an arm wrapped itself around her body and started to fondle her right breast. Hayley tried not to be sick. This will get easier. Soft lips brushed the back of her neck. “That was tremendous. Most people say that wedding night sex is terrible. Not on that showing.” The lips pecked and Hayley’s neck. “Now, there is something that I need to tell you,” Elizabeth whispered in Hayley’s ear, “and I don’t want you to get upset…”

Hayley sobbed when Elizabeth finished telling her. “Shush, shush, I knew this might upset you. I really feel bad about the whole fiancé thing. But that video of you with another guy was too good to waste.” Then a soft, thick cloth was pressed over Hayley’s nose and mouth and the familiar smell of chloroform invaded her nostrils and began to assault her senses. This time she welcomed the forthcoming forced slumber. All that she wanted to do was slip into oblivion. Not to feel anything, her own hand moved over Elizabeth’s and pressed the cloth harder over her face. Elizabeth whispered reassuring words into her ear and stroked her hair with her free hand. The soporific fumes seemed to be pulling her toward the darkness, feeling weaker and weaker, not trying to fight it. “When you wake up you will be all secure in the bags. I think that will do you good.” Hayley’s hand slipped off Elizabeth’s and fell limply to the duvet. “Close those eyes,” Elizabeth cooed and Hayley obeyed and slipped away.

EC Compound, Northern Norway

Sitting in her office Elizabeth contemplated the events of the past couple of day both professionally and personally. Professionally it had been slightly bumpy but personally very rewarding. Elizabeth smiled as she played with the ring on her finger. Her thoughts were disturbed when Harper entered the room and approached the empty chair next to Elizabeth and sat down. “You sound tired Harper.”

“It has been a long couple of days.”

“I took the liberty of pouring you a drink,” Elizabeth nodded toward the table where two solid looking glasses sat, “a large one.”

“How is married life treating you?” Harper asked.

“Very well so far,” Elizabeth replied with a beaming smile. This one spread to her eyes. Harper didn’t think that she had ever seen Elizabeth look like this before. Happy. Content. It was a little weird. “I know that you didn’t just come here to ask about my personal life.”

“Am I that transparent,” Harper said and then took a drink. “This is the good stuff.” Elizabeth raised her glass. “Have you heard anything from Andersson recently?” Elizabeth shook her head.

“With Khan out of the way I would have thought that they would have been in contact.” Elizabeth stated. “We certainly made it public enough.”

“Maybe they think that you are in jail,” Harper suggested.

“They know that I am out.” Elizabeth Crawford swirled the drink in her glass before finishing it off.

“There is something that they want,” Harper commented.

“I told you that I am not giving them all of the files.” Elizabeth was sure on that.

“Just to draw them out. Into the open.” Elizabeth shook her head. “Alright, what about another tactic? There is someone else with access to the files. Not all of them but Andersson doesn’t know that.”

“Hayley?” Harper nodded. “Forgive me for saying this boss,” Harper didn’t get any further as Elizabeth held up a hand.

“My personal feelings are clouding my judgement.” Harper’s turn to nod.

“They might make a move for Hayley if we dangle the carrot. At least make contact with her.” The room was silent as Elizabeth contemplated this option to lure out The Coalition.

“Let me try and make contact one more time. If they don’t respond then we have a decision to make.”
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Post by Caesar73 »

Quite the ride for Hayley since she arrived at Crawford´s lair. And if these last chapters tell us anything about Crawford it is how manipulative she is. She knows exactly which buttons to push, to get Hayley move in the direction she wants. The whole wedding business is a fine example for this - and also Crawford´s doublecrossing attitude: Hayley get´s Kirsty as bridesmaid, but Kirsty becomes the plaything of Crawfords people without Hayley knowing. An interesting turn at the end: The business Crawford has with the coalition. To use Hayley as bait is exactly Crawfords style.

My compliments @mrjones2009 !!
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Post by LunaDog »

This Elizabeth Crawford is a VERY intriguing character that you have created. And VERY interesting, her actions make good reading.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

@LunaDog Thanks for taking the time to read and comment. Very much appreciated.

Yes. Miss Crawford is a very intriguing character.
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Post by Caesar73 »

mrjones2009 wrote: 9 months ago Yes. Miss Crawford is a very intriguing character.
Agreed :) What tells us a lot about her relationship with Hayley is this: In one of the latest chapters Crawford tells Hayley that she could easily break her, leaving her to the creepy Doctor Schmidt, but that she never would do that, because she loves Hayley´s Spirit. So there are feelings involved. It is not about possessing Hayley there is more at play here. On a certain level Crawford loves Hayley.

That does not mean that Crawford is a nice person. Yes, she is a criminal mastermind, ruthless and controlling. But she is in someways also caring for people she holds dear.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

My good friend @Caesar73 stepped up to the mark again with this chapter. If you haven't read his stories. Stop and do so now. They are really rather very good.

Chapter 35

Stage 5: Ponferrada

Gabriella took a sip of her Aperol and sighed contentedly. The Plaza Ayuntamiento was buzzling with activity. It was around 0200 PM and the Chilean had enjoyed a light lunch. While the midday sun was pounding relentlessly on the pavement, she sat comfortably reclined under a sun screen at the 7 Sillas. Diner had been quite good – nothing extravagant, but good quality.

The city of Ponferrada had once been a major centre of mining operations – from Roman Times to the present. Above the city with its almost 70000 Inhabitants the Castillo de los Templarios was looming, the Templar Castle. There were many legends of a treasure hidden there. And Gabriella planned to pay the ancient fortress a visit later. The history of the Knights Templar had always fascinated.

An observer might have taken the tall, leggy Chilean for one of the many pilgrims and tourists which visited the city or passed it on their pilgrimage to Santiago. She wore her sun hat, which had served her so well in the weeks of her pilgrimage on the Camino. Her eyes hidden behind sun glasses, a simple red blouse, beige trekking shorts and her new trekking sandals, she had acquired in Leon.

The last days had been uneventful. Since she had left Leon four days ago she had detected no sign of any surveillance. But Gabriella was pretty sure, that her shadows had picked up her scent again. That was just fine. She was also sure her rouse had worked, and she had just needed those few hours to complete her task. Tomorrow she would continue her pilgrimage to Santiago. Another nine Stages to St. James´s tomb – and then she could return home. Her little family was safe now. Gabriella had learned many things on the Camino, met many people listened to many stories.
When she returned to her Hotel, a simple two stars affair, the “Los Templarios” the young woman behind the reception desk held her back “I have a letter for you Senora!” And from one moment to the next Gabriella grew tense - a sense of foreboding filled her. It was a plain white envelope. Two words were written on it in a clear elegant hand in black ink: To Francesca. She thanked the receptionist and went to her room on the second floor.
Gabriella resisted the impulse to rip the letter open, as soon as she had closed the door behind her. Instead, she searched her room thoroughly, checked all the little markers which would tell her if anybody had searched the chamber in her absence. All of them were in place still. Either someone was very clever or nobody had paid her a visit Gabriella concluded: Her back pack had definitely not been searched of that she was sure.
The tall brown-haired woman sat down on the simple wooden chair in the right corner of her sparsely furnished room. Decisively she ripped the envelope open and pulled a folded sheet of simple plain white paper outside. Impatiently Gabriella unfolded it and stared in disbelief on the Photograph: For a second she felt as if her heart stopped beating: Tony and their Nanny and the buggy – with the twins. The picture obviously had been taken recently: Her two girls had grown. A wave of hot fury washed over her. How could they dare? She read the one liner “Meet me this evening at the Castle at the Torre del Duque de Aronja at 0600 PM. Don´t be late”

Gabriella checked her watch: It was around 0400 PM now. Two hours. That this was a trap was obvious – she would make her preparations accordingly.

Ponferrada, Castle de los Templarios, yard of the old castle, a quarter to 0600 PM:

The Chilean had arrived early. Enough time to get a lay of the land. The yard of the Castillo Viejo was deserted. Gabriella nerves were taut like a bowstring. Nobody there, she walked across the empty yard to the Torre del Duque de Aronja, the ancient walls were still radiating the day´s heat. The former agent waited. Time passed only so slowly. She checked her watch again: five minutes after six. Nobody in sight. She stepped over the threshold of the old tower. The air inside was cool and a little damp. In the aftermath Gabriella could not tell what had compelled her to follow the stairs which led into the deep. The ancient stairs were dimly lit.

Then she heard it: Someone was chanting down there, male voices. It sounded like Gregorian Chant, with each step the chant got louder. The stairwell ended before an ancient looking heavy wooden door: The chant seemed to emanate from behind the door. Gabriella pushed the door open and stepped over the threshold. The circular room was empty, besides a portable hi-fi-system: The source of the chant. The movement behind her she sensed too late.

Gabriella whirled around, no, she wanted to whirl around, something hit her with brutal force on her head. She saw stars, then blackness. The Chilean crumbled in an untidy heap on the stone floor.

The first sensation when she came around again was cold. Where ever she was, it was cold and damp. Her head hurt. Gabriella wanted to open her eyes, but discovered that she could not. She was blindfolded – with a heavily padded sleep mask? Her back was pressed against wood. Gabriella´s wrist and elbows were tied behind her back. Very tight – and her elbows almost met. She was held against the wooden surface by three rope bands: One above and one below her breasts. A third one had been wound around her waist. A knotted crotch rope cut deep into the soft skin of her private parts, barely protected by her shorts.

Gabriella´s long athletic legs were stretched out before her and tied to a bench: Big toes, ankles, calves, under and above her knees. Her mouth had been stuffed so full, with something that tasted like worn woollen socks, that her jaws stood wide ajar. Her lower face was wrapped so tight in – as she found out later – in translucent tape, that her jaws felt like in a vice.

She listened attentively. The Chilean sensed the presence of another person. She was not alone. Light steps came nearer and someone fumbled at the Sleep mask. As Gabriella´s eyes had adjusted to the dim light in the cellars – probably part of the old castle she saw a person standing before her, smiling. But not the warm smile she knew.

Now, this smile was cold. Cold, cruel and hard, if her captor had thought, she would be shocked, when she recognized her. No, in fact Gabriella was not surprised at all. Since she had spotted her sitting in a Café in Leon, she had harboured the suspicion, that her travel companion and rescuer was operating under a false flag.

“Hello Francesca! Or shall I say Gabriella?” Leonor chuckled, obviously amused. Surprised to see me?” The Photographer was clad entirely in black, from the black combat boots to the black turtleneck. Gabriella just stared back “I must say your trick hiding the tracker on a sheep was clever!” the dark haired Brazilian admitted. Her face grew sinister “Listen Gabby! You will tell me now, where you hid the object” The Chilean still just stared back “No?” Leonor questioned her captive “Take a look around Gabriella: We have all the time in the world and I have all the tools to persuade you” Leonor chuckled maliciously.

Indeed: Gabriella found herself obviously in a perfectly equipped medieval torture chamber “But since I am in a gracious mood I will give you time to think” The Brazilian explained grandiosely “I have some important business to attend to. In two hours, I will be back. Use the time well!” Leonor turned on her heels and left the Chamber. Gabriella heard that the door was locked. She was alone … if that b*tch thought she would sitting on her hands and awaiting her captor´s return, she was in for a surprise ….. The Chilean tested her bonds methodically and set to work ….
Two hours later: Leonor was giddy with excitement. She so hoped Gabriella would resist and she could break – she so looked forward to that. The Brazilian unlocked the door and stepped into the Chamber “Gabby I am back!” she called – and froze: The bench Gabriella had been tied to was empty. Before she could react, something hard hit her fully on the head. Gabriella´s captor crumbled to the floor.

As she came around later she found herself in exact the same position as Gabriella before – with one noticeable difference: The Chilean had stripped her. Leonor wore her black bra and panties “Thank god you are awake” Gabriella smiled down at her “I already thought I had hit you too hard” The Brazilian starred daggers at her “You know what?” the Chilean explained smiling “I am very tempted to leave you here to rot – but I am not like you. I will have a little chat with your Boss – and when I am in a safe distance, I will call somebody to free you. Spending a night tied up and gagged won´t hurt you” The tall Chilean took Leonor´s smartphone, scrolled through the list of contacts, selected one and dialled. The person she had called took the call. A grim smile crossed Gabriella´s lips as she listened “No this is not Leonor, she is a bit tied up right know – and now you listen:
From now on you keep your dirty fingers away from me, my family and my friends. I hid the material you are looking for at a place where you will never find it. I made several copies. If anything happens to me or someone I hold dear, the material goes public. You got me?” Gabriella had not spoken loud, but firmly and clear. Are we clear?” The Chilean listened to the person on the other side “It is so good to talk with reasonable people” she chuckled and ended the call.

Gabriella turned to Leonor who still stared daggers at her “Do never get in my sights again!” The two women locked eyes. The Chilean turned on her heels and left the Brazilian alone.

Stage 6: Santiago de Compostela

Since their last encounter at Ponferrada Gabriella had detected no sign of surveillance nor had Leonor shown her face: To be honest? The Chilean had cheated. Technically only not in spirit: She had left Ponferrada in the night after she had left her Nemesis in the dungeons of the old castle.
Gabriella had rented a car in the afternoon before she had met Leonor. To cover her tracks she had paid in cash. She had driven through the night to Tricastela – and had been 70 Kilometres nearer to Santiago now. Gabriella was pretty sure, that her adversaries had not expected that move – and even if her opponent had agreed to her terms: She did not trust him as far as she could throw him. So, she had not let her guard down. One never knew.

It was the sixth week of her Pilgrimage now. The Chilean had reached the outskirts of Santiago de Compostela in the morning. Gabriella felt immensely relieved. She had read that being on the Camino had the potential to change a person. If she was honest? Even if she was not changed, she had learned a lot about herself during the hours and days and weeks on the trail under the hot Spanish Sun. She had met people. She had heard stories. She had seen places.

Now she was in the final stages of her Pilgrimage. Gabriella had walked the Rua das Hortas, and upwards the stairs to the Costa do Cristo which led to the Praza de Obrodoiro, the large Plaza in front of the Cathedral de Santiago de Compostela. Her heart was hammering in her chest as she followed the ascending road. She stepped on the Praza.

To her left the Parador de Santiago in front of her the imposing western façade of the Cathedral. The Praza was filled with people, but the Chilean only had eyes for the Church in front of her “You have made it” she told herself “You have really made it” All insecurities, all doubts were gone as she walked up the steps to the Portal, cleared the Portico and stepped into the nave.
The Cathedral was packed with people. The Congregation was singing. Gabriella picked up fragments of many languages: English, Spanish, French, Spain … the large Botafumeiro, was swinging through the transept; the largest censer in the world: weighing 80 Kilos and measuring 1,60 Metres in height. For a moment it seemed it would fly right through the windows of the transept. Filling the church with incense.

Two hours later: Parador de Santiago de Compostela:

Gabriella eyed herself critically in the mirror of her large suite at the Parador de Santiago de Compostela: the former Royal Hospital was one of the oldest and most luxurious hotels in Spain. After six weeks under the Spanish Sun her skin showed a deep healthy tan, she looked lean and fit “You do look good!” the Chilean told her mirror image “I will keep an eye on you!” she giggled like a teenager.

The black dress - she had purchased it after she had gotten the “Compostela” at the Pilgrim´s Office, the certificate of completion of the Camino de Santiago – ended a foot below her knees and swirled wide around her calves. On her feet she wore the Aquazura Sandals she had purchased at Leon. A black silken Stole covered her bare shoulders. The Chilean grabbed her clutch, and left her suite with a bounce in her step – but not before she had taken some precautions.

Not five minutes after Gabriella had left for Dinner a lithe dark haired woman of medium height in the Hotel´s Livre – obviously room service – knocked at Gabriella´s door. She checked if the coast was clear and produced a key card – and vanished into the Chilean´s suite.
In the meantime, Gabriella enjoyed a fabulous dinner in the luxurious dining room of the Restaurant dos Reis under the spectacular medieval stone arcades. The Albarino went perfectly with the Galician Fish. As the Chilean had strode into the Restaurant a lot of eyes had rested on her. She had been offered three drinks and two invitations to another suite. Politely she had declined.

Two hours and six courses later she strode along the floor to her suite, her Sandals in her hand, singing a Spanish folk song under her breath. In the aftermath she did not know why, but before she inserted the keycard she checked the precaution she had taken – and sobered up immediately.
Inside the suite a shadow was hiding in the darkness. She had heard the soft footfalls of a person approaching, then soft singing “Good” the shadow thought grimly “she is not sober” – a click and the door swung open. The shadow readied herself.
Gabriella stepped across the threshold – and evaded the stroke aimed at her head with a swift turn to the left. She parried the next strikes effortlessly – and recognized her attacker “Hello Leonor – did you miss me?” the Chilean challenged her adversary “Arrogant bitch” the Brazilian hissed and attacked again with a flurry of kicks and strokes – which Gabriella parried again. Again effortlessly “You get sloppy” the brown-haired woman taunted Leonor, which provoked another attack – but this time Gabriella not only defended herself:
She countered the attack with a lightning quick combination. Her stroke hit Leonor hard against her breast, let her stumble – her roundhouse kick sent the Brazilian flying. She crashed against the wall – her eyes rolled back and she sank down to the floor. Blood trickled out of her mouth´s left corner.

Heavily panting Gabriella looked down at her opponent – a smile of grim satisfaction curled her lips. She bowed down and felt the pulse of Leonor. She was out stone cold. The brown-haired Chilean went to her back pack and collected several items – and set to work.
Leonor´s head hurt. Terribly, opening her eyes costed her an enormous effort. Directly in front of her a pair of bare feet “What took you so long?” a familiar voice spoke gleefully “I almost thought I hit you to hard!” Leonora grumbled something, wanted to retaliate – but she was gagged “I gagged you with the pair of socks I wore three days ago – I hope they are ripe enough for your liking?” Gabriella teased her and pinched her nose with the big toe and the index toe of her right foot shut, so long that Leonor´s face turned beetle red, before the Chilean released her grip.

The Chilean had thoroughly enjoyed tying Leonor up, till the Brazilian was a nice compact bundle of human flesh. She had stripped her first down to her black bra and panties before she had hogtied her so tightly that only the dark-haired woman´s flat tummy rested on the bed. The crotch rope she had pulled very tight. Leonor deserved that. Gabriella had braided the long black hair of her opponent and tied it to her big toes, her elbows and her crotch rope. Leonor was forced to lock straight ahead at the face of her captor. She was fuming, how could the Chilean have known that she was hiding in her Suite?

Gabriella was clearly amused “I took some precautions my not so clever friend” she could not help but to gloat “You think you are so clever” the brown-haired woman paused “I am seriously tempted to trash the hell out of you, believe me – but I am gracious. I will leave you for the room service to find – if you don´t escape.

“Tomorrow, I have a flight to catch and I intend to have a good night´s sleep – but before that? We will have some fun.” Gabriella had checked the website of the fake Record Store in Liverpool and found a message. It had encouraged her greatly. Perhaps there was hope. Gabriella knelt behind Leonor so that she had easy access to the Brazilian´s vulnerable soles. In one fluid motion she raked her nails from the heels, across the arches, the balls and finally between the toes.

It took not long till Leonor was howling into her gag, red, flustered and breathless … - and this was only the beginning. Gabriella already concentrated on the task lying ahead.
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Post by LunaDog »

mrjones2009 wrote: 9 months ago My good friend @Caesar73 stepped up to the mark again with this chapter. If you haven't read his stories. Stop and do so now. They are really rather very good.
Couldn't agree more my friend. But your own efforts are also utterly superb, and WELL worth a read!
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Post by Caesar73 »

LunaDog wrote: 9 months ago your own efforts are also utterly superb, and WELL worth a read!
That they are absolutely. Thank you @mrjones2009 for your kind words - it was an honour and a pleasure to help you out here :) I have the feeling we are nearing the Climax of NP 6 and of the NP-Saga itself. Gabriella completed her task - bested her shadow and found an incouraging message. I hesitate to think that - but is there hope for Hayley and Kirsty after all? Can find Hayley a way out of this seemlingly hopeless situation?

Who know? Maybe St. James can lend a hand?
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 36

EC Compound, Northern Norway

“The girls need to unwind at times, blow off some steam, dance, sing, relax and if something goes on beyond that then so be it. What goes on in Vegas, stays in Vegas.” Elziabeth actually winked at Hayley. Every month Elizabeth had a total lockdown of the facility and allowed the girls to have a party. There was the minimum of guards of duty. The duty was rotated every month. “I think it would be beneficial for you to attend this evening. It would help you acclimatise fully. Hopefully the girls will accept you. See you as your own person.” Hayley nodded, not sure where Elizabeth was going with this. “If you find yourself getting on with someone well tonight…” Hayley was taken aback. She was being given a free pass. “I have to treat everyone the same.”

“Elizabeth,” Hayley said, “nobody is going to touch me. They will have the absolute fear.”

“Hayley, that is your problem. You need be more assertive. As I said, if you,” Elizabeth pointed at her, “see anyone that you like.” Hayley shook her head. She doubted Kirsty would be invited. “Now, off you go.” Getting up Hayley headed for the door. Exiting Elizabeth’s room she walked along the corridor, her only accompaniment the sound of her dress swishing. She ran her hands over the puffy gown style dress. “This may catch on.” It wasn’t a long walk until she reached the lift and pushed the call button. It was then that she noted that there was no security in the lifts. That did seem lax by Elizabeth Crawford standards. Alright, most of the doors had codes or electronic access controls but the lifts gave you access to the underground tunnels. The lift arrived and Hayley entered and pressed the basement button. The interior of the lift car was basic and made of hard-wearing materials. When the doors open Hayley stepped out into the concrete tunnel. The line to follow was yellow. After following the line to the next lift, she got in and pushed the button for the top floor. A short journey later she stepped out and turned left. The party was in the big corner room. Outside the room Hayley could hear the faint sound of music from inside. “How bad can it be?” She pushed the door opened and stepped inside. The music got louder. Maybe nobody would notice that she had arrived. Perhaps she could just reverse back out. Then someone spotted her. Then someone else. Then a couple of nudges and it seemed that all of the eyes turned toward her. No going back now.

“You didn’t mention fancy dress,” Hayley said through gritted teeth. She had on her blue gown style dress with the large bell skirt. Anywhere else that would be unusual enough. Not here. Perhaps they would think she had come as Cinderella. The room had been decked out with some decorations and a glitter ball. There was also a table with food, a bar, the centre had been kept clear for dancing and chairs sat off to one side. There was one person sitting on the chairs. That person wore a suit and blouse. The rest of the women in the room were dressed as a pirate, a prisoner, a cat burglar, some kind of Egyptian Priestess, a police officer, a nurse, a witch, a cowgirl and she couldn’t make out the rest. There was nothing for it but to head for the bar.

“What can I get you?” Christine asked.

“Rum, coke.” As Christine went to make her drink Hayley turned, she saw Vernie approaching the bar with an empty glass in each hand. Vernie was dressed in the uniform of the captain of a ship. “Hi,” the woman ignored Hayley and went straight to the bar. Hayley glanced at the logo above the breast pocket. It read Destiny. An alarm went off in Hayley’s head.

“Here is you drink.” Hayley reached out a hand and almost mechanically took the drink, turned and walked away from the bar and into the crowd. She needed a seat and time to think. As she slalomed her way through the crowd. As she did Hayley picked up snippets of conversation.

“Not like that tan you pick up in Florida” followed by a high five.

“I learned to cook lasagna in Naples?” followed by a high five.

Suddenly a figure stepped out from the crowd and blocked Hayley’s path. It brought Hayley back to her senses. “Hello Linda,” Hayley said as she looked the woman up and down. Linda had been the cowgirl. Boots, leather skirt, belt with buckle, checked shirt and Stetson hat. The large buckle on the belt read Caspar County Rodeo 2019.

“Long time no see,” Linda said.

“You miss me?”

“Wish we had dumped you in that hole in North Korea.” That said Linda turned and left.

“Nice to catch up Linda,” Hayley called and continued her walk toward the chairs. There was one person sitting there. It was Harper.


It wasn’t that Harper liked men or women. It was that she didn’t really like sex. To her it was a functional thing and she had an instrument that could take care of her needs without getting other people involved. Having people involved created complications. Harper knew that it would get steamy. She had already caught at least four of the girls looking at Hayley. Yes, she was alluring but she was off limits. There was no way The Boss was sharing that spectacular piece of ass. Harper didn’t blame her; the woman was exquisite. Hayley raised a hand and made her way across to where Harper was sitting and nodded at the seat beside her. Harper patted the seat. Turning around Hayley carefully adjusted the skirt of her down dress and sat down. “How do you move around in those?”

“Easier than it looks. More comfortable than you would imagine as well.” Hayley scanned the room still going through some of the things that see had seen and heard in her head. “There are some faces that I don’t recognise.”

“The woman in the nurse’s outfit is Dawn, she is actually a nurse,” Hayley looked at Harper. She looked disinterested, “then we have Sakura, Scottie and Kayleigh.”

“Thanks,” Hayley replied, sitting back and staying silent for a time. Not that Harper was bothered by the lack of conversation. “There are going to be a couple of sore heads in the morning.” Hayley eventually commented.

“I expect so,” Harper said. “Won’t be me though.”

“What’s with the scarves?” Hayley asked. There were a selection of silk scarves lying on a table. There seemed to be three of each colour.

“Ah,” Harper replied, “that is designed to prevent some awkwardness.” Hayley looked at her. “If you are up for some after party company you select a scarf. If somebody would like to be that company, they select the same colour scarf.” That sounded sort of reasonable to Hayley. “You want to know why there are three of each?”

“I can guess,” Hayley answered with a laugh.

“Not what you think.” Harper had a smile on her lips. “If you want to claim a partner, tied wrists and a gag.” Hayley laughed. It was like she was in the Twilight Zone. They two women were silent again.

“Fancy telling me where exactly we are?”

“Nope,” Harper said not turning to look at Hayley.

“Nice to chat,” Hayley took a long drag on her drink and emptied the glass. “I think I need a refill.” Patting Harper on the back Hayley got up and headed back towards the bar. Once again Hayley had to slalom through the bodies. As she approached the bar again Hayley saw Nicole and thought that the curvaceous redhead caught her eye. Hayley was wrong, Nicole was in fact looking at someone approaching over Hayley’s shoulder. There was a barge that propelled Hayley a half step forward before out of the corner of her eye a figure in an Egyptian Priestess costume walked past. Tahani walked toward Nicole and took the green silk scarf that was around her neck off and rolled it up into a thick tube. Hayley stared at the scarf.
“What are you going to do with that?” Nicole asked.

“Gag you,” Tahani responded and she slipped around behind Nicole and applied the rolled-up scarf as a cleave gag. Nicole didn’t resist or complain and neither did she resist when Tahani grabbed her hand and led her toward the door.

“Looks like someone is in for a good night,” Hayley commented. Nobody responded. “Tough crowd.” After getting another drink at the bar Hayley wondered around and found herself at the table with the food. Taking a small plate Hayley piled it up and then ate it standing in front of the table. Glancing around as she finished the food Hayley noted the table of silk scarves. Something caught her eye. Three white scarves sitting at the edge. Hayley went across and inspected the white scarves closely, picking one up Hayley examined it in greater detail. The subtle pattern woven through the fabric. “Hell.” Quickly she picked up all three white scarves. Looking around Hayley found the target that she was looking for. The most nervous looking of the unfamiliar faces was standing slightly at the edge of proceedings. Seeing her opportunity Hayley headed straight for the young woman. “Kayleigh?”

“Erm…yeah…” Kayleigh replied looking around for help.

“Are you coming with me or do I have to use these?” Hayley held up the scarves.

“Why?” Hayley winked.

“Is somebody shy?” Kayleigh looked around for help again. It seemed like everyone else had taken a step away. Not wanting to be involved in anything that was happening or about to happen.

“Erm…but…” Hayley slowly walked around behind Kayleigh and brought the young woman’s hands behind her back and slipped one of the white silk scarves around her wrists. “What are you doing?”

“Selecting and taking my quarry,” Hayley whispered in Kayleigh’s right ear.

“Does that mmuuhrr…uummhhnn…” Hayley thrust a balled-up scarf into Kayleigh’s mouth and then followed that up by cleaving the other scarf to hold the stuffing in place. “mmmooohhh…”

“I like it when they get frisky!” Hayley said as she grabbed Kayleigh’s upper arm and dragged her toward the door. The young woman’s eyes looked at her colleagues pleadingly but everyone avoided her gaze. Not sure what to do so better to not get involved at all.

EC Compound, Northern Norway

As they walked toward Hayley’s room Kayleigh wriggled in Hayley’s grasp. They had reversed the journey that Hayley had taken earlier that evening. “Would you stop that,” Hayley said with a sigh. “I have no intention of doing anything of a sexual nature with you.” The young woman stopped struggling and glanced around to look at Hayley. They locked eyes for second and Hayley could have sworn that there was a flash of disappointment in Kayleigh ’s eyes. “Don’t worry. I just want to have some freedom to look around and you are my cover.”

“mmppuutt…” Kayleigh mumbled. Hayley could tell that the young woman was confused. When they got back to Hayley’s room, she punched in the code to open the door. Nice of Elizabeth to let her have the code. After escorting Kayleigh into the room and closed the door. First part safely completed. Hayley stayed with her hand on the door as Kayleigh made her way to the centre of the room, turned around and looked at Hayley. “Apologies, it is just that this is first time I don’t have someone watching me like a hawk,”

“mmoor eeyyeedd mmuuppp…”

“..or tied up for a long time so I want to have a look around.” Kayleigh looked a little worried. Hayley waved a hand as if it was not an issue.
“I am going to remain the scarf from your wrists and I want you to take off your clothes. Including your underwear. The bra can stay.” Kayleigh blushed. “What! You need a diaper. I am not taking the chance of a mess in my bed.” A shake of the head. “Do you want me to tell Elziabeth that you let me down?” Kayleigh shook her head again. “Good girl. Now, do as I say.” The scarf around Kayleigh’s wrists were removed and she started to raise her hands toward the back of her head. “Did I say remove you gag?” Kayleigh shook her head and dropped her arms back to her side. Hayley was starting to like the power that being Elizabeth Crawford’s other half brought. It took a bit of time but eventually a neat pile of clothes was on the floor next to Kayleigh. As Kayleigh had been removing her clothing Hayley need been retrieving a diaper. “They are all my size but we aren’t that different.” She held up the diaper and unfurled it. “On the floor and assume the position.” When Kayleigh was on the floor with her bottom raised Hayley knelt down and slid the diaper under Kayleigh’s raised bottom. “Lower away.” Once the bottom was positioned Hayley got Kayleigh to lower her bottom onto the centre of the thick diaper. As she was pulling up the front of the diaper Hayley paused. “Is that what I think it is? Hayley pulled the thick pad with the smooth cover from the garter around Kayleigh ’s left thigh. “One of those single use chloroform pads.” Kayleigh nodded.
“mmpphh..” Then Hayley noticed the electronic card trapped in the garter.

“Is true what they say about garters,” Hayley took the card and stuffed it in her cleavage for safe keeping. After standing up she offered Kayleigh a hand and helped her up. “Turn around and put your hands behind your back.” The young woman complied and Hayley used the scarf to securely tie Kayleigh’s wrists together. “Nice and snug,” Hayley patted Kayleigh’s bottom through the diaper. “You should wear one every night. I do.” Hayley shrugged. It had just become a habit. Now, it was time to get moving. “I need something…” That something turned out to be the cord from her silk dressing gown that was hanging in the closet. She picked this up and then headed to the bed. Hayley pulled back the covers of her double bed and patted one side. “Hop in.” Kayleigh made her way across, turned around, put her bottom on the edge of the bad and them brought her feet up. As she wriggled around Hayley picked up the third silk scarf. “Get those ankles together.” Once Kayleigh had put them together Hayley secured them with the cord. The young woman then got settled with her head at the centre of the pillow lying on her side facing away from Hayley. “I won’t be more than an hour, maybe two. Try and get some sleep.” Hayley brought the duvet up and tucked Kayleigh in before heading for the door. A mixture of excitement and anticipation in her stomach. At last, she was doing something positive.

EC Compound, Northern Norway

There were cameras but Hayley was hoping that whoever was watching them wouldn’t want to bother Elizabeth by telling tales on Hayley. So, rather than sneak around Hayley just walked normally like she belonged. She wondered if anybody would actually stop her and ask where she was going. Given the party was in full swing, probably not. This time when the lift doors opened in the basement Hayley followed the red line toward the research block. There was nobody else down in the basement so progress was uninterrupted. When she reached the block, the lift was waiting for her. One again she could freely select the floor. “Start at the top.” As the car rose Hayley felt apprehensive. When the doors opened Hayley peeked out and glanced left and right. “Nobody around.” She stepped out and looked left and right along the corridor. It had no features or windows. Just lighting, a carpeted floor and grey and white walls. There was a door at each end. Each door had a camera above it. The one on the right had a FIRE EXIT sign. The one on the left looked very secure and had an electronic look on it. “What is behind door number one.” Hayley slowly walked toward the door, keeping a close eye on the small pane of glass for a shadow coming across it. Nothing appeared. Hayley tried the electronic card that she had taken from Kayleigh on the door. The light above the lock remained red. “Never that easy.” Hayley knew that with almost everyone on lockdown and the party in full swing she could take a chance. “Here we go.” She chapped the small glass window in the door with the knuckles of her left hand and retreated out of sight beyond the frame of the door. Hayley counted to fifteen. Nothing. Chapped again. Counted to fifteen. Still nothing. Then as she reached out Hayley heard a beep. Quickly Hayley pushed back against the wall.

“Very funny girls.” The door opened and Perrie stepped out. “Just because some of us have to…” Perrie stopped when she realised nobody was in the corridor. As Perrie started to turn around Hayley took two steps sideways and two back through the door. “Hey!” Perrie had just seen Hayley. “Yous should not be in there.”

“Why not?” Hayley asked innocently. “What exactly is in here that I shouldn’t see?” Hayley looked around. She was in a short corridor. On the left after about fifteen paces was a ninety-degree turn. On the right was an open door and looked like it was some kind of office. Desk, monitors, large chair. Perrie bustled past Hayley and blocked the route down the corridor.

“You need to leave now,” Perrie looked straight at Hayley and put her hands on her hips. Behind her back Hayley crushed the pad in her right hand to break the vial of chloroform hidden at its heart.

“Oh, that looks interesting,” Hayley spun and took half a step toward the office and then planted her feet in a strong position. Just as she thought, Perrie hurried to place herself between Hayley and the door. As Perrie passed Hayley stuck out an arm, grabbed Perrie and pulled her in tight. The soft, thick pad was pressed over her nose and mouth.

“mmmppphhhfff! uummppff!” Perrie complained. Hayley a firm grip of the woman and applied pressure with the pad making sure the woman got a good initial dose. It seemed that it took Perrie a couple of seconds to compute what had actually happened before she started to resist, writhing around and trying to twist out of Hayley’s clutches. Hayley hadn’t managed to pin both of Perrie’s arms and she grabbed at Hayley’s chloroform pad wielding hand. Hayley knew that she just had to ang on for a while until the chloroform worked its magic. Perrie bucked and thrashed. “mmmppphhhfff! uummppff!”

“Shush,” Hayley whispered in Perrie’s ear. “You don’t want Elizabeth to know you got careless and jumped. I just want to have a quick look around. I won’t do anything.” Perrie moaned into the soft, thick pad clamped over her nose and mouth. “I just need you to go far a nap and when you wake up, I will be gone. Nobody has to know about this.” Hayley felt the struggles subside and Perrie made a subtle nodding gesture with her head. Whether it was Perrie conceding, the chloroform doing its job or a combination of both Hayley didn’t care. This would go easier now that Perrie was going to just relax and accept being knocked out. That was what happened, Hayley kept the pad firmly in place and Perrie breathed in the fumes. It took a bit longer than with the standard cloth application but Hayley saw Perrie’s arms fall limply to her sides, then not long after that Hayley felt the woman slump into her arm and she hand to take her weight. “Good girl. Close those eyes.” There was a soft moan and Hayley knew the woman was out. Keeping the pad in place to ensure Perrie got a good dose Hayley gently lowered Perrie to the ground and sat her down with her back against the well. As always Hayley was careful that the dress that Perrie was wearing sat well. “Where is it?” As Hayley ran her hands over Perrie’s body. “Bingo.” The electronic card was in the pocket of her down jacket. “That is a lovely dress,” Hayley commented as she held up the card.
Spinning around Hayley walked cautiously toward the turn in the corridor, not knowing what she would find on making the turn. The answer was a long corridor with heavy looking doors on either side. “Might as well try the first on the right.” As she approached Hayley held out the electronic card and then swiped it over the reader beside the door. The light went from red to green and the locks disengaged. Hayley pulled the door opened and stepped inside. It was dark until she got two steps inside the room and then a sensor must have caught her and the lights flickered into lift. Hayley jumped, thinking that she would be pounced on but it didn’t happen. In the room was a bed over on own wall, a chair in the corner, a wardrobe and a chest of drawers. There was a television and two speakers on the wall and that was it. Well, apart from the down cocoon on the bed. “Interesting.” Up until know Hayley had thought that Kirsty and her were only prisoners here, nobody had mentioned other prisoners. Anyway. This was the first time in a long time that Hayley had seen the bags from this angle with someone in them. “They are giant. How did I ever survive in them.” That was only two as well. She had been getting used to three. There was the sense of movement from the bags. It would not be possible to tell if the person in the bags had actually moved. Muffled groans came from the bags as she approached the bed. The tension built with every step but Hayley willed herself forward until she was standing at the side of the bed. Hayley leaned in and smiled at the face framed by the massive down hoods.

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Post by mrjones2009 »

LunaDog wrote: 9 months ago
mrjones2009 wrote: 9 months ago My good friend @Caesar73 stepped up to the mark again with this chapter. If you haven't read his stories. Stop and do so now. They are really rather very good.
Couldn't agree more my friend. But your own efforts are also utterly superb, and WELL worth a read!
Thanks for taking the time to read and comment. Always appreciated. Hope that you enjoy the next chapter.
Millennial Club
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Post by Caesar73 »

Thank you @LunaDog and @mrjones2009 for your compliments!

Very interesting Chapter. So Crawford basically orders her spouse to mingle with her staff. I love that scene, when Hayley joins the party and obviously makes some interesting discoveries. We readers get some pointers that Crawford might have had a hand in the mysterious disappearances of Hayley´s and Kirsty´s friends .... ressourceful as she is the blonde finds a way to make some investigations. I wonder who she has found in that cocoon. The list of candidates is rather long :) We learn again that Crawford is a manipulating doublecrossing .... she did her best to convince Hayley when she arrived at the EV Compound that she did not play a part in those disappearances and mysterious deaths. And succeded - almost :) Crawford miscalculated and overplayed her hand. If Hayley was subdued and hopeless before, this situation might change that .....
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 37

Casper County, Wyoming

“Ow…ow…ow…” Christina put her hand on the massive lump on her forehead. “Ow…ow…ow…” She had no idea how long she had been unconscious; it didn’t feel like long. Call it experience. “Well at least I don’t go into the river.” Looking out the windscreen the river was only a couple of yards away. Christina had to admit that she had been lucky. Reaching out Christina open the door and stepped out of the vehicle. Walking around she examined the damage. Christian was no mechanic but she reckoned the car was probably drivable but had no idea how she was going to get it out of the ditch. Then she remembered the reason that she had been driving so fast in the first place. It took three attempts but Christina managed to eventually scramble out of the ditch and onto the verge at the side of the road. Looking back, she saw what had caused the accident. “Who left a tree sitting in the middle of the road?” Anyway, she had more pressing matters to attend to. She had to find a telephone and call for help. Then again, she didn’t want anybody else to fall victim to the tree. Another reason to find a telephone quickly. As Christina turned to start walking in the direction that she was driving. After about three or four minutes the sound of an engine, no engines could be heard on the still night air. “The cavalry?” Then flashing lights appeared around the corner. Christina stopped and stepped to the side of the road. “Quick response time all the way out here.” That was impressive. Christina watched on as the police cruiser and ambulance appeared around the corner before flagging them down from the side of the road. They approached Christina raised her hand to shade her eyes from the bright flashing lights. Both vehicles slowed and pulled off to the side of the road. Everything seemed to stop for a few seconds before the doors to the cruiser opened at the same time and two figures got out. Blinded slightly by a combination of the headlight and flashing lights Christina struggles to make them out. “Could you turn the lights off?” Christina asked.

“Yes ma’am,” replied a female voice. The headlights stayed on.

“There has been an accident five minutes along the road but that is not the important issue.”

“What would the important issue be ma’am?” There was something about that voice that Christina recognised. She just couldn’t place it at the moment. There was the sound of two doors closing and two figures appeared on either side of the police cruiser.

“I am with the FBI. Investigating a spate of kidnappings. I found…” The figures wore paramedic outfits, both were women, both wore baseball caps and had their heads angled down so it was hard to see their faces as the approached. The hairs on the back of her neck started to tingle.

“Do you have ID ma’am?” the same voice asked. The two police officers took a step out and around the open doors. For some reason Christina took a step back. The voice sounded familiar but Christina couldn’t place it yet.

“Stay still, you may need medical attention,” one of the paramedics said. Christina looked from the police cruiser to the paramedics and then back again. She took another two steps backwards.

“If you would just approach the car ma’am, we can get this all sorted out.” They were both unmistakably women and both wore blue uniforms and leather utility belts laden with equipment. Something was definitely not right here. The two paramedics were now very close now. It was now or never to make a decision.

“Officer, your voice seems familiar. Have we met before?” Christina asked. The officer didn’t reply but she had moved into a position where a shaft of light across her face. Just then she raised her head and now that Christina could see the officers her stomach fell away. Nothing else for it now, Christina spun around and headed off in the opposite direction hoping to make it relative safety of the undergrowth.

“Get her!” the officer called. Christina’s body was battered due to the crash and her leg was a little gimpy as she tried to get away. She could feel and hear her pursuers getting closer when suddenly something whacked into her thighs, arms wrapped around her legs and pitched her forward and she smashed into the ground with a thud, arms outstretched to try and break her fall.

“Aaww…oofftt….” Christian exclaimed as she hit the ground. Before she could react, the other women were on her. As they pressed her on the ground, Christina felt the women’s hands all over her.

“Get her arms,” the officer called. As much as she tried to resist Christina couldn’t prevent her arms being pulled behind her back and she heard the click, click, click of the cuffs being ratcheted tight before she felt the cool steel of the cuffs biting into her wrists. Her wrists were now locked together behind her back. It was now four against one and despite her best attempts Christian couldn’t fight them off, especially with her hands locked behind her back.

“Will you get off me,” Christina said. “GET OFF NOW!” She squirmed and bucked but the application of a knee into the small of her back.
“Get her gagged.” Without warning a blue latex gloved hand pressed a mass of soft fabric against Christina’s lips. Christina shook her head and tried to resist but couldn’t for long and soon found her mouth full of soft fabric, totally filling her oral cavity.

“uummppgg…ffuummkkk….” Christina mumbled as white micro-foam tape was pressed firmly over her lips and then wrapped around her head half a dozen times. There was a letting up of the force pushing her down into the ground before hands hauled her up onto her feet. Christina found herself looking at a smiling Vernie Benneteau. “Nice to see you again Christina.” Christina shook her head.


“Surprised to see us?” Vernie asked. Christina would have said something ruder but the gag prevented it. Looking around Christina recognised the other woman in police uniform as Nicole, the two in paramedic uniforms that currently had a grip on her she didn’t know. The conversation ended as Nicole patted her down and removed all of the jewellery that she was wearing, a ring and a necklace. Verne smiled and gestured with her head.
“mmppgghh,” Christina mumbled into her gag as the two women led her toward the ambulance. They each had a firm grip on her upper arms and she gave it an occasional shrug as an act of defiance although she knew there was no real chance of escape. “uummppff!” Christina cursed herself for getting grabbed so carelessly.

“Seems like we have a feisty one here,” one of the women said.

“That will only last so long where she is going.” They were obviously comedians in their spare time. They walked past the police cruiser and around toward the back of the ambulance. The rear doors of the ambulance were lying open and Christina was hustled inside. The two women spun Christina around and pushed her down on a gurney that was sitting waiting for her. As the two women held her down Christina felt something being placed around her left ankle and then tightened. “gguummgg,” Christina moaned as the strap was tightened. Experience told her what was coming next. Christina didn’t have long to wait until there was a similar feeling around her right ankle. They then managed to remove the cuffs and wrestle both her left and right wrist into similar restraints. Christina tested the restraints but found that her limbs had little movement. The two paramedics pushed her down and put further, large straps over her thighs and stomach so that Christina was pressed down into the gurney. The two women then disappeared from Christina’s vision, but they were quickly replaced with a woman in her thirties with short, light brown hair who was wearing a nurse’s uniform.

“Evening Christina. My name is Dawn and I will be looking after you for your journey. I can assure you that you are in good hands.” The woman smiled as she spoke, looming over Christina before turning and opening a small cupboard high up above where Christian lay and pulled out several pieces of equipment. “Alright, before we go, we need some of your blood.”

“mmoohh,” Christina moaned and shook her head. At the same time, she started to try and thrash around and get free but the tight restraint made movement almost impossible.

“I wouldn’t do that. All you are doing is wasting energy. I would rather not sedate you but I will if I have to.” Dawn gave Christina a withering looked and raised an eyebrow. “Don’t worry I am a fully trained nurse with over ten years clinical experience. I could do this with my eyes shut.” Christina watched on as Dawn set up her equipment and then rolled up Christina’s sleeve. The nurse wiped the inside of Christina’s elbow with an antiseptic wipe before slipping the needle into the vein. Christina winced as the needle was inserted and then watched in fascination as the bag filled up. The process took just over ten minutes. Near the end Vernie appeared at the back of the wagon.

“How much longer?” she asked.

“Just finished.” Dawn replied as she stopped the flow, removed the needle from Christina’s arm and then applied a plaster. “Here you go,” Dawn said as she handed the bag of blood over to Vernie.

“Thanks,” Vernie said with a nod. “You can head off.” The doors were closed and there was a thump on the outside. The engine sprang to life and the vehicle moved away.

“I think that it is time for that sedative.” Dawn reached out and grabbed a black rubber mask with a hose attached. “I doubt that you will be compliant whilst I get you diapered and prepped for transportation.” The rubber mask was placed over Christina’s nose and gagged mouth, pushing her head back into the pillow. There was a soft hissing sound and Christina felt the gas on her lips.

Casper County, Wyoming

At the scene of Christina’s accident Nicole pulled the cruiser to a stop beside a plain black sedan. As Vernie got out of the cruiser the two doors in the sedan opened and Yelena and Horace got out and all three approached the car that Christina had abandoned. “What do you think Horace?” The man just nodded a reply. “Good.” Vernie handed Yelena the bag of blood. “Splash it over the seat and dash.” Yelena nodded. “Did you get the mobile and other items?”

“Yes,” Yelena said flatly.

“Did you have a conversation with the family?”

“Yes,” Yelena replied, “they know what to do and say and what happens if they don’t.” Vernie nodded.

“Let’s get this thing done then.” Horace took a hammer and smashed the windscreen. “They will assume that the body was swept away by the river.” They put Christina’s mobile in the door pocket, threw her necklace into the footwell and then Yelena splashed the blood around. Satisfied with their handiwork they closed the door and Horace beckoned Nicole forward with the police cruiser. The big, heavy and powerful car nudged into the rear of Christina’s car. Using the nudge bars attached to the front of the cruiser the powerful car moved the car forward slowly, slowly until it was teetering over the edge of the bank into the river. With one last nudge Christina’s car toppled into the fast-flowing river. Vernie and Horace watched in slip under. Vernie tossed Christina’s ring into the river.
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