Captivated Host (FF/M)

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Captivated Host (FF/M)

Post by falconhoof »

Just a little scenario I've had running around in my head for a long time. Apologies for the writing, my first ever tug story.

This was the most comfortable I have been in 3 days since my captors had stumbled across my lakeside cabin. “We need somewhere to lay low for a while and thought this shack was empty” –they said when I found them both lounging on the sofa in just their underwear and brightly coloured tank tops.

I was angry but these girls were disarmingly hot. I thought I might be nice if they behave; let them stay the night, give them a ride into the nearest town, some cash for a bus. However I didn’t have time to do any of these things. I walked back to the door to show them out when the smallest of the two danced past me and stood in front of the door and quickly locked it. She’s a dyed redhead and a real flirt. You know she often gets her way and she knows it.
“Maybe we can stay a while, perhaps there’s something we can do for you?”
“Nice idea girls but you have the wrong house, I’m tired. It’s been a long day and I just want to relax”

The girl on the couch began to get up. She was quite tall, a brunette with a real dominating presence. Both had an ass I could stare at for days. But right now I needed them out. The taller girl finally speaks.
“Ok, let’s get our stuff and move shall we”
They pick up their stuff from the other end of the room and start whispering.
“I’ll even be nice and give you a ride into town” – I called over.
They ignore me and walk the other way from the door and put the stuff in my bedroom with the tall girl pulling something from their bag. Suddenly a gun is pointed toward me.
“That’s ok were going to probably just stay here”
Suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my said and crumple to the ground. The smaller girl had walked behind me and zapped me in the side with a stun gun or something.
“Hands behind you back, you’re going to be our graciously bound host for the week”

Back to Now: They had left for the evening in my truck into town to check out the local bar. Boredom had set in for these livewires and they needed to blow off some steam. If their goal is to lay low they are going the wrong way about it. Wearing only denim shorts that hide very little of their cute perky behind, braless tube top with only a plaid button shirts of mine draped over it all they were going to be very much the centre of attention. An added baseball cap wasn’t going to be the “disguise” they were hoping for.

This for the first time I’ve been left alone but not without being properly secured by my captors. My wrists were tied in front with nylon rope and my arms were tied to my sides and cinched under the arms. My legs were tied together with nylon rope around the thighs, above and below my knee and my ankles. My wrists were then tied to the rope around my thighs. I was tethered to one of the wood poles in the room by a collar around my neck which gave me just enough slack to hobble to the makeshift bucket they gave me for the bathroom. I was gagged - They almost never leave me ungagged if they are not within arms of reach of me. Their favourite has been to use their own underwear from the day before balled up and stuffed in my mouth. Cotton mostl,y but today they had stuffed something a little more silky in my mouth. Layers of duct tape are wrapped around my face from under my chin to just beneath my nose covering over half my face in silver tape. They allowed me to be “comfortable” by letting me sit on the sofa while they had gone out. They had also been kind enough to turn on the TV. With no remote or signal for the TV they found a playlist of my favourite bondage videos to watch while they went out. Five hours of my favourite bondage material playing in front of me and my hands are kept less than 5 inches away from my cock.

Realising I was not going to find my release I tried to lie on the sofa and get some rest, turning away from the screen in some vain attempt to ignore the moans behind the gags of my favourite bondage models. I’ve not been made very comfortable over the last few days so I eventually managed to drift off to sleep.

I was awoken by the sound of my truck coming down the gravel driveway…. They’re back! I get up into a seating position and wait for them to park up praying they are in a happy and forgiving mood. I try to listen more intently as I think I hear more voices and laughing before A and D burst through the door and closed it behind them. I only knew them by their initials as that’s what they called themselves when I was around. A being the tall dominant brunette that worried me on the very first day.
A: “Had a nice evening? We certainly did…”
D: “Aww he was having a little nap. All tired out from trying to reach his little cock”
D makes her way over and leans over my right shoulder sliding her hands down the front of my body, stopping briefly to give my nipples a little squeeze. She whispers softly in my ear. I can almost taste the sweet taste of alcohol off her breath.
D: “We made a few friends down at the bar and decided we should have a little after party. We would invite you but frankly you’ve been a bit of a downer the last few days. Never happy with anything we’ve done for you. So we’re going to have to make you “comfortable” elsewhere for a while” *they both start giggling*

A had already unbuckled me from the pole and wrapped the leash a few times around her hand. D had also disconnected my wrists from my thighs and ushers me to stand up before A starts tugging me toward her.
D: “Come, follow A…hop along little bunny”
A: “And don’t try any shit. We want to get this party going again not waste it right now dragging you around”
A was always the more forceful while D was a little more playful, as long as I was following their orders. A brandished the stun gun they used on me “many” times before and that was the only persuasion I needed. Perhaps once the party starts I might have a better chance of getting the other peoples attention. A lead me to the basement door while D grabbed the duffel back from the closet that contained all my bondage gear. They had quickly found my own personal stash of ropes, tape (duct tape, clear tape, microfoam), ball gags, vibrating cock rings and other straps I used for my own bondage fun.

A: “All right you know the drill..”
By now I did know the drill. I was forced to sit on the top stair of the basement and use my legs to slide myself down the stairs on my ass to prevent me from falling over. About halfway down there is a small window. I glanced out to see the friends that they had invited. There were 5 people there, young also in mid 20’s and fit. The 3 girls were toned, tanned with beach blonde hair. Varsity athletes of some kind while the 2 guys looked just as fit. Footballers maybe? I’m guessing up from the city during the hot summer weekend to search for a bit of fun. Either way, joining A and D is likely outside their usual comfort zone. Perhaps the guys got whipped up by the girls sexual energy and persuaded the girls to come along too.
D gives me a little kick in the back to get me moving… “Mmmpph”
D: “Yes, those are our friends but you won’t be meeting them… keep going”
At the bottom of the stairs A walks to centre of the room and drags a big wooden chair to the middle of the basement.
A: “We decided to give you a choice, chair or floor?”
I wanted neither, I shook my head and could only give a muffled “mmmpph”
D: “Choose quickly or we’ll choose for you and it won’t be either of these”
Knowing D’s preference for a strappado I nodded my head toward the chair.
A: “Good choice”

They quickly got to work preparing me for the chair. Talking nonchalantly about the evening as they worked the ropes the way they liked. Briefly barking orders to get the knots and ropes in the correct place.
A: “What was that last shot you made us have …. ARMS BEHIND YOUR BACK… that was nasty as hell”
D: “Just a little something…. LEAN FORWARD… some of them needed just 1 more drink to persuade them to tag along”
They worked like they had planned this all night. My wrists were now tied behind my back. Legs were untied and retied as they decide if they will also give me a crotch rope or some twine around my cock. Thankfully they didn’t wanted to put in the effort so retied my legs together like before. D, working from the front was working on my legs. She would give me a wry smile as she tightened each knot. The chest harness had been started but I knew the rest would come when I reached the chair.
A: “Move, come on hop to your chair for me”
I hop the 8 or 9ft to the centre of the room. I turn and sit on the chair. The cold of the chair causes me to shudder (I was naked, of course I was naked… I’ve been kept naked since day 1).

A walks behind and starts to work on lashing my upper body to the chair. D is at the front threading rope around my waist to secure my wrists to at the back. Which A does almost immediately.They continue talking about their night and what they plan to do as they continue tying me to the chair.
D: “We just want to make you comfortable.”
A: “And we don’t want you to ruin our fun with any unnecessary noise..”
“Ahhmmmpph” She tugs extra hard on the rope around my chest as she says noise and cinches off the rope. D continues to cinch my legs to the chair while I feel A reach underneath and thread a rope between my ankles. She pulls my legs back and ties them securely to the chair. Even with my arms tied over the back of the chair and cinched off at my waist she still adds more rope and secures them to the chair.
About 10 minutes have past since they arrived and I’m already tightly bound and still very much gagged sitting in the chair. D stands up and dusts herself off admiring their handy work.
D: “I think he’ll be happy here for a few hours while we get this party going upstairs, what do you think A”
A: “I’ve one or two last adjustments and then he’ll be ready. Why don’t you grab the drinks and bring some out to our guests. I’ll come get you when they’re ready to come in”
D grabs some beers from the fridge across the basement and heads upstairs. Not before blowing me a kiss and wiggling that cute ass as she heads up the stairs.

A: “You probably think I’m the bitch out of the two of us… I’m just a straight talker. We needed a place to stay for the week while we wait for instructions. You happen to arrive the day after. Your cabin looks like a shack… if you cleaned it up we might have passed it and you might not have ended up like this”
“Fhummpp ymmph” I’m sick of hearing that it’s my fault. But all I could do is make a pitiful attempt to say fuck you through the gag. A walks to my front gently stroking my torso as she does so. I also try the binds for the first time. As expected they’ve given me no room to move. My limbs barely move an inch and my torso moves even less so.

A: “Listen you’ve been gagged a while, you will be gagged all evening. I’ve got some water here. I’ll ungag you and give you a drink, maybe a bite and a 5 minute break from the gag. Don’t ask to be untied or try and scream. Just say thank you, drink your water and stay quiet. If you try ANYTHING i’ll have you gagged in the worst way possible in seconds with no break… understand?”
I nodded and gave a pathetic muffled yes through the gag. She slowly removed the tape and gave me one more warning before the last wrap was removed. I left the underwear in my mouth waiting for an order to spit it out. Once I was given the order I spat it to the floor. I was focused on the relief to stretch my jaw that I forgot A had brandished a bottle of water in front of me and a granola bar. My throat was so dry and I’ve not eaten all afternoon I relished every little bit of what was a simple granola bar and water.

A: “Ok, time’s up… open wide”
Mouth open I expected the same silk panties but felt something a little more solid go behind my teeth. A ball gag to keep me quiet?
A: “Oh there will be a few more layers over the top. And we plan to have the music pumping upstairs all evening. We’ve tried this gag on you before and couldn’t hear you’re muffled screams with a movie playing. Don’t worry you won’t ruin our night”
She grins as she fastens the ball gag behind my head. She then wraps a few layers of microfoam tape and then adds a few bandanas on top creating a layered gag inches thick.

A: “You know ball gags are my favourite, and suitably muffled again”
I could already feel some sweat beads form on my body as I shook the bonds again. I knew it was pointless but when bound and gagged you have to pull and writhe to test the bonds you’re in. However, I should have waited until A left as the shaking of my chair from the squirming gave her some cause for concern.
A: “If you shake like that and fall I’m not getting you up… but it might make a noise”
She looks above me and seems to develop an idea. She grabs another few feet of rope and attaches it to the collar still around my neck. She brings it up over the wooden beams above me and pulls it taught. Not to choke me but if I move a couple of inches either way I will be.
A: “There, don’t move too much or you’ll end up in quite a predicament”
“MMMpphhhhh yopphmmh”
Thanks for testing the gag. I can barely hear your pathetic whining from over here.
As she laughs she grabs a beer from the fridge and makes her way behind me.
She stops briefly and asks
A: “Will you be bored down here, need any entertainment? Some nipple clamps, a cock ring, vibrator perhaps?”
I shake my head violently. All I want is to be left alone and for this party to start. Maybe I can work this gag off (unlikely) or the guests stumble into the basement.
A: “You’re wish….. enjoy the music”

As she walks past towards the stairs she takes one last thing away from me. She puts a cloth over my eyes and wraps a few layers of tape around head. Completing the bound, gagged and blindfolded look. I’m beginning to think this wasn’t the best option to choose the chair.
Hearing A walk up the stairs and the pop of her beer bottle I make one more frustrated yell through the thick multi layered gag which did nothing but put A at ease knowing I was safely stowed away for the party.
D had just started to take everybody in like she knew I was ready and I hear footsteps just a few feet above me. The voices are loud and suddenly the music starts playing through a Bluetooth speaker.

I tug on my ties and scream in my gag for a frantic 30 seconds before I feel a little pull on my neck. Ah yes, tethered to the ceiling. I can’t even release my frustrations without risking danger so I sit in silence listening to the fun and excitement from the party just a few feet above me. The anger and humiliation sets in as I realise the position I’m in. Chair tied in my own basement by two women that have invited strangers to my home for a party. Escape feels so close yet so far from a reality.
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Post by Red86 »

Now that's torture. After ready 3 days bound & gagged and those girls invite more people over while your stuck in the basement. Freedom so close, yet so far way. Though, then again, that's a dream come true to many 🤣. Hot girls or not, not my dream, as I prefer being the tier.

Overall a fun story if this is the conclusion. If not I look forward to seeing how the rest of his week goes!
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Post by jone123 »

Great one, dominated in your own home by hot women is something I want to try haha
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Post by houdinincfm »

Fantastic story with great detail!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Great story!

Wish I knew more about the captive host...age, height, weight, specs!
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Post by TripleZero »

I have to say of all the stories on here, this is certainly one of my new favorites. I love the scenario, the ties and the gags. The cute, somewhat playful, yet dominant personality of the captors. It's really excellent. Thanks for sharing.
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Post by falconhoof »

Part 2

Thankfully the blindfold and leash around my neck didn't last too long.

D "I think we were a little harsh with you.... Can't blame us, we didn't want to risk you ruining the party! Besides I think we did a good enough job on you without them"

That might be it. My bet is that they got bored. Both A and D made frequent trips to the basement to grab some drinks and hopefully check on me.
The first time one of them came down I screamed as loud as I could. Of course it was nothing more than a pathetic mmmppph that could barely be heard from a few feet away let alone upstairs. They ignored me completely before heading back up. The next few times they returned I resisted every urge to scream and curse and remained as stoic as possible.

A "Ahh, you're being all quiet now? No fun"

The next visit was from D that removed the blindfold and leash around my neck. She was right, they had done a good enough job. My feet were tied back behind the chair so much that I could not use my feet to pull myself across the uneven floor. The knots were tied off high up on my back out of reach. And the gag..... not a single layer has budged. The party above was in full swing. The music was playing, there was dancing, drinking... there was definitely flirting. This party is going to last a while and I don't think I can handle it!

Unsure of how much time had passed there was a shuffle of feet and excited chatter as they all went out the front door and dissappeared into the evening. I was alone. The silence caused me to panic and really scream and wriggle in my bonds almost ready to knock the chair over on the concrete floor. Just then I hear the basement door unlock.... D appears, descending slowly down the stairs giving me a wry smile.

D "Did you think we left you all alone? A took the others skinny dipping down at the lake. I thought I'd join them a bit later"

She made her way over to me and side saddled my tightly bound legs draping her left arm over my shoulder. She glanced over my back and began to feel my arms and hands. In her right she still had a bottle of beer"

D "You're arms feel ok. I hope you've not been pulling on the too much - We don't you to lose feeling in them do we? We've a bit of quiet time now, do you want a little drink? "

I nodded frantically. After the 2 or so hours my jaw needed a break and I would do anything to have the gag out. She smiled and put down the bottle. She first took off the bandanas and held them on her wrist. Next she removed the microfoam before hesitating with the ball gag. She grabs my chin and pulls me so that I'm facing here

D "Now!! promise to make no sound? I just want to hear please and thank you. Any attempt to shout and the ball gag goes back in and whatever else I might feel like doing, OK?"

Again I nodded with a muffled yes behind the. She finally undid the buckle and used the bandanas to catch the drool that flowed from my mouth. She gave me a bit of a disgusted loook and threw them to the ground and then hopped back up on me and grabbed the beer. She fed me sips from the bottle. D paid very little attention to me except to glare at me when I didn't say thank you for each sip. Once done she put the beer don and grabbed her phone from her back pocket. Her left hand was gently gliding over my back while her right hand was frantically typing on her phone. She brought up the insta profiles of some of their guests. She was teasing me... showing me pictures of the girls from that day at the beach in skimpy bikini tops.

D "This girl you would like, shame I don't think she would like somewhat that could be tied up so easily by 2 women like us"

She wanted a reaction but I kept to the game just saying thank you for showing me the pictures. I wanted to keep the gag out for as long as possible and played her game. After about 15 minutes or so she abrubtly slipped the phone in her back pocket and hopped up off me.

D "Ok, I'm bored I'm off to see hat everyone is up to"

She hopped over to a cracked mirror in the corner of the room and reapplied a little lipstick. She glanced at me through the mirror and gave me a smile

D "I won't put the ball gag in again. but A has left me a little gift for you."

She pulled some panties that were scrunched up in her other pocket.

D "These are A's and some of the girls panties. Some are a little fresher than others... you get to choose which ones you can have"

I motioned my head to those in her right hand not sure of who's they are. D smiled and walked over and stood there looking mockingly impatient for me to open my mouth wide. I obliged knowing a fight is useless and she balled them up and pushed them in. She then got some of the microfoam tape and wrapped multiple times around my head getting right under my chin and up to my nose. She grabbed my cheeks and pressed her lips into the gag before showing me the result on her phone.

D "There, perfect......Though one last thing. A had really hoped you would choose her panties and we can't dissappoint her can we?"

I shook my head. D took the panties she had left which must have been A's and placed them over my head ensuring the crotch was placed right in front of my nose. A few wraps of duct tape around my mouth and the humiliation was complete. D slowly ascended the stairs again this time ignoring me. I could hear the basement door lock and then D slowly making her way out the front to follow the others. This time I knew I alone. I could taste the gag and with my heavy breathing I was breathing in all As panties had to offer. Even though I knew it was pointless I spent a frantic few minutes testing my ties, wriggling and squirming all I could. After a few pathetic struggles I tried to calm myself down and relax knowing they'd be back.... eventually!
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Post by Escapee4520 »

Fantastic continuation! I love these type of stories. I hope there is more!
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Post by Simo »

Amazing story continuation! I espeically love the panty gags and panty hoods, keep it up! :D
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Post by houdinincfm »

A really good story that's getting better. Love the mental torture from the girls!
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Post by beeblebrox883 »

Really love the panty gag and the pantyhood at the end. Great work!!
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Post by TripleZero »

Really enjoying this story, although I must say the suspense is real. I can sense all the things both A and D want to do to their captive when they are alone with him. What is stopping them ?
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Post by dillonmichael080 »

I'm really loving this story. The intricate ties and gags give me all sorts of ideas! Great work!
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