The Files of Art. Inc.: The Hunt for the Lost Scrolls: Chapter 116 (01.04.2024) (FFFF/FFF/ MM/F)

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Post by banshee »

Really good last few chapters, I love the part of the story where the villains are getting the upper hand on the protagonists, I wonder how Evie and Sophie will be rescued though
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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago @Nainur sums this up very well.
Nainur wrote: 1 year ago ... that's harsh, and to me at moments not an easy read, but very well written ... Well done!
These torture scene can be hard to read as well as hard to write. But you have made an excellent presentation. I think most readers will want to see retribution come to this vile net of vipers.
[mention]Nainur[/mention] and [mention]GreyLord[/mention] you both raise interesting points: I understand absolutely that these chapters are difficult to read at times, but [mention]GreyLord[/mention] is also correct: Writing such scenes is as difficult as to read them. Personally I never find it easy to write them. For me it is like this: You grow fond of your characters and subjecting one of them to such treatment, can feel like subjecting a real person to this ordeal.

[mention]banshee[/mention] the next update will shed light on this: Will the girls be able to rescue Evie and Sophie? The next update is due tomorrow :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]Shotrow[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention]

[mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] thank you all for your comments. I understand, that these last chapters were no easy read - but in Chapter 30 the tables turn :)

Across the Asylum:

Anna entered the flat on the first floor. She had found the key, where James had told her, she would find it. The living room opened to the street, one table stood before a window, covered with soft cushions, next to the window stood a blond man, in a perfectly tailored grey suit.

She could only see his back, but she would have recognized him everywhere “Hello stranger” she addressed him the man turned and regarded her with a genuine warm smile, Anna felt as if his gaze would touch her skin. It lingered for a moment on the battered side of her face.

“Hello Your Grace, it has been a while – I thought you might need a spotter?”

“How very astute of you” the Russian returned with a lopsided grin

“I have my moments” the agent replied in perfect modesty and added “Besides it has been a while since we had a rugged night together"

Anna´s cheeks reddened slightly but had to smile at the memory. That night had been indeed a night to remember …

“You have a new rifle” Bond observed “A Barrett MK 107?” as he watched Anna adjusting the Rifle. “I chose this one for today” the Russian explained, her face hardening.

“12,7 mm? You are hunting big game today?” “I am, I owe that bitch who did this big time” Anna´s voice was quivering with emotion as she pointed on left battered side of her face.

Bond regarded her with a long look “Don´t let your emotions control you Anna” “I won´t” the Russian stated “I will hit that bitch squarely between the eyes”

The violist walked to the table: All purpose, determination on her face. Cautiously Anna eased herself on the cushions and inhaled sharply as she lay down but she willed the pain of her bruised rips in the most secluded chamber of her mind palace and concentrated on her breathing, ignoring anything else: The room, the pain, 007. The last was the most difficult. James had that effect on her.

Through her scope she observed the building on the other street. She had the perfect arc of fire. Left from her on the first floor, were several large windows. As she could see, it must have been one some sort of dining hall once.

Now the spacious room was empty, except three persons: one sat on a high backed chair another behind her and the third in standing before her, looking down to the woman on the chair, smiling cruelly.

The head of Anck-Sun-Amun filled her scope. Anna was really tempted to pull the trigger. It would have been too easy though and as long as they had not rescued Sophie, the risk was simply not acceptable “Just you wait bitch” Anna´s smile was cruel. She spoke into her head set: “I see them Chris, they are on the first floor in a dining hall”

“Roger that” came the curt reply “Time for the diversion”

In the Dining Hall:

Evie stared upwards from teary red rimmed eyes at the smiling face of the High Priestess. Evie had been gagged with a large ball gag, after two pairs of panties had been stuffed into her mouth. Her arms were lashed behind her back at elbows and wrists, this time all the way together.

“It will soon be over” the Egyptian had just told her gloating “Von der Marwitz has agreed to deliver the scroll in exchange for your and your lover´s life. You Europeans are soo soft, soo naive” she chuckled.

“But I have decided to change the rules: “We will take you two with us, nicely packaged for travel, with some training you might even become a concubine at Pharaoh´s Court, your friend Sophie on the other hand …” a cruel smile contorted her beautiful face “will be my personal sex slave, I will enjoy breaking her – and I will make you watch!”

Now tears streamed freely down Evie´s cheeks, she sobbed – but she couldn´t care less. She alone was responsible, why hadn´t she listened to Chris, to Sophie. Now Sophie would suffer a terrible fate because of her.

The Egyptian obviously enjoyed her inner turmoil “You will feel even more guilt when you see what I do to Sophie – when we are back in Egypt, and you will not be able to do anything about it! We will mummify you but leave your eyes uncovered and every time you look away Sophie gets punished” Her eyes glittered with cruel pleasure.

Suddenly all lights went out “What is this Nofret?” the Egyptian demanded. “Nothing” her second in command replied calmly “We were informed this morning, that the electricity in this quarters would be switched off for fifteen minutes due to maintenance works. I checked, this was genuine”

“Right” her mistress returned “Tell Iput to warm up our dear Sophie some more, while we wait” Evie sobbed into her gag. Why on earth she had insisted on having these books. They were lost and all because of her!

“And Nofret?” The Egyptian called after her subordinate “Yes Mistress?” “Close the curtains, we don´t want any unpleasant surprises”

“At once” Nofret confirmed and started to close the curtains.

Anna cursed as the curtains were drawn shut, but concentrated at once again. No time to complain about spilled milk.

Unknown Location: A Cell:

Down in the dungeons torches lit the dungeon now. Sophie´s body glistened with sweat. She had lost track how many times Iput had beaten her. Her mind had detached itself from her body, a technique she had learned at the Adlernest and honed with Chris, who was well versed in meditation techniques since her childhood and her training with Sensei Nakamura. Sure Sophie had not Chris´ lifelong practise with that techniques but showed a remarkable aptitude – the blonde had told her. Sophie would have never guessed though that she would need this training so soon.

On the Backside of the Asylum:

As soon as the signal came Chris and her friends had cleared the wall of the estate. Thankfully large trees would cover their approach for the most time. They ducked from cover to cover:

Chris in the lead, followed by Sarah, then Hayley and Kirsty, Kate brought up the rear. “We will split up” Chris had explained: “I and Sarah will go for Evie on the first floor, while you will go for the Cellars and find Sophie”

Quickly they crossed the free space between the trees and the backside of the asylum. This was the tricky part. If someone looked out of one window at the wrong time, they were screwed. They halted before a heavy, rusty iron door its lock was encrusted with rust. While the others covered her rear the Dark Lady set to work.

The old lock did not capitulate easily, but after what to Chris seemed to be like aeons, the rusty door opened. Sarah took a moment to get her bearings. She pointed straight ahead “this is, where we go Chris; “You”, she turned to Kirsty, Hayley and Kate go down there” pointed to a stairwell which led into the cellars “Good luck!”

Very carefully Chris and Sarah moved ahead their MP 5´s at the ready.

The Dungeons:

Sophie was not sure how long she could take it anymore. With sadistic glee and expert precision Iput hat used the crop, on every inch of Sophie´s body which was not covered by the leather straps. Her calves and feet cramped - again, she could feel her muscles quivering under the stress. Tears rolled down her cheeks.

“So bitch! Not so high and mighty anymore?” Iput mocked her gloating “Wait, I will teach you …”

Whatever Iput had wanted to teach Sophie they would never know. A powerful detonation blew the door out of its hinges and into the room.

Three shots rang out in quick succession and with a look of utmost consternation Iput fell to the floor, the crop falling from her hands. One bullet had hit her precisely between her brows, two close to each other in the chest.

In the door stood Kate, her weapon now firmly trained at the other guard, who seemed to be stunned by the events “Secure her” Kate commanded very much in charge “One move and it will be your last” she informed the stunned guard flatly – aiming right between the other woman´s eyes.

Hayley and Kirsty set to work zip-tied the woman in a tight hogtie and gagged her with a nerf ball, after the American had stuffed the woman´s sweaty socks in her mouth. The nerf ball was held in place by another zip-tie – and Hayley made sure that it was tight, she had seen the angry red marks which covered Sophie´s body - Kirsty nodded “I will cover the door, you free Sophie”

The first thing Kate did was lowering the pulley so that Sophie could stand flat footed at the floor and stand upright. The feeling of relief was glorious. Carefully Kate cut the cruel tight straps which held Sophie´s arms together, as one strap after another fell the blood flowed back into her numb hands.

Hayley had begun with the straps around her toes and Soles and worked her way slowly and carefully upwards; the straps had left deep indentations and especially the crotch strap had been excruciating. Sophie rubbed her chafed wrists but waited patiently as her friends freed her.

Removing the cruel contraption which gagged her took time; the feeling of relief was immense as the overlarge packing came finally free. Her jaws hurt like hell, but the pain receded slowly and as Kate gently pressed a water bottle against her dry lips, she drank greedily.

No word had been spoken “I am so glad you guys came” Sophie´s voice sounded hoarse “I don´t know how long I could have held myself together” she whispered and Kate hugged her tightly, she felt Sophie´s body quiver and stroked her softly above her back “Ssshh, everything will be okay.

“You were very brave Sophie” Kirsty told her in admiration. During her time in the army the Briton had seen many a thing, and that the German had pulled through …. She added “but can you dress? We must get out of here!”

It seemed that only in this moment the lawyer registered that she was stark naked still and blushed deeply “No need to be ashamed of Sophie” Kate told her “Your clothes are over there”

Indeed in one corner on a stool neatly folded lay her clothes, including her pantyhose. The German dressed as best as she could, though she winced occasionally “You have a gun for me?” she stated, when she was fully dressed. Grinning Hayley produced a Heckler & Koch MK 23 “Something like that?

A grim smile crossed Sophie´s full lips “Let´s go! I want to repay that bitch in kind” The adrenalin coursing through her veins made her forget the pains she felt.

“You will have to draw straws” Kate grinned “Anna has announced that she will kill Anck-Sun-Amun and Chris too”

On their way out of the cell Sophie stopped in her tracks as she spotted the nipple clamps which had “adored” her breasts on the floor and the riding crop. Purposefully she strode to them and looked grimly down at the hogtied woman on the floor “bitch” she hissed “ready for a taste of your own medicine?” The lawyer ripped open the black shirt the bound woman wore and bared her breast – and applied the nipple clamps “How does that feel?” she asked the guard who stared with wide eyes at her. Sophie gripped the riding crop ….

The lawyer worked herself into a frenzy hitting the bare soles of the hogtied guard, an act which was so uncharacteristic for her obviously she was getting some monkeys of her back Kate thought. At some point Kate stepped in and gripped Sophie´s raised arm firmly and looked her in the eyes “This is enough Sophie” she spoke calmly. It was as if Sophie was waking from a deep sleep. The riding crop clattered to the floor. Her face reddened “It is okay Sophie” Kate spoke softly “but we must go now”

“Right” Sophie nodded “Where is everybody?” Sophie and indeed: where was everybody?”

First floor, not far from the Dining Hall:

So far Chris and Sarah had not encountered anybody as Kirsty reported that they had freed Sophie, Chris smiled at the thief “One down, two to go”

“I cannot engage them from my position” Anna informed them “No problem” Chris stated “we need you to cover our retreat and if they don´t know about your presence the better” “Understood” the Russian confirmed “They will not know what hit them” she added grimly.

“How do we play this?” Chris turned to Sarah and the thief pondered the question “The dining hall has two entrances: A pincer move would be best” “Agreed” Chris replied “You take the east door, I the western door – in” she looked at her watch “in five minutes. They split up. The timer of their watches began to count down: 04.59, 04.58, 04.57 …..

The Dining Hall:

Four Minutes later Chris stole a glace around the corner: Before the double winged door stood one guard carefully observing the corridor.

A picture flashed in Chris´ mind, one lesson with her Sensei, when he had taught her the art of shurikenjutsu. “Focus Christine-San” Nakamura would have told her, she focused. Stepping around the corner and throwing the shuriken was one movement.

With utter astonishment on her face the guard sank to the floor, a shuriken embedded deep in her forehead. Chris secured her submachine gun, pulled her katana from its scabbard and strode purposefully to the door and pushed both wings open and entered the room.

Three people stared at her: Evie with fearful eyes on a chair her eyes wide above a cruelly tight ball gag, behind her Nofret, pressing a dagger against Evie´s throat and Anck-Sun-Amun with this cruel smile on her lips, which seemed to be one of her trademarks.

“If I were you I would stay were you are” the Egyptian told her “Nofret is a little nervous, she might cut poor Evie´s throat – by accident, and what happens to Sophie?”

Chris smiled grimly “Too bad … we have secured Sophie already, that bitch with the crop lost her head though”

While a smile of relief ran across Evie´s face, a flash of anger crossed the Egyptian´s face

“And as for Nofret … “ Chris continued as Nofret felt cold steel in her neck “Make one move bitch and it will be your last” a cold menacing voice informed her.

“You see how things are High Priestess” the pianist stated almost conversationally, as she crossed the distance between them in three quick steps and the tip of her Katana pressed against the larynx of the Egyptian “You get the scroll and let Evie go, otherwise …” she let the last words hanging in the air

“Or what?” the Egyptian spat “When that bitch shoots Nofret, she has enough time to cut Evie´s throat”

Chris smile was cold and reached not her eyes “I will make a few embellishments to your face and I start with your throat” a lightning quick move and a fine red line appeared across the Egyptian´s throat, another flick of the blade and a deep gash opened on the left check of Anck-Sun-Amun´s face “Your left eye is next”

The blade stopped just millimetres before her left eye, not wavering a millimetre. And for a moment the steely determination in these emerald green pools of green light gave the Egyptian pause.

Chris eyes never left her opponent as she threw the container with the scroll on the floor

“Let her go Nofret!” the Egyptian bellowed. Nofret pushed Evie in Chris´ direction as the High Priestess dived for the scroll on the Floor, in the same moment a group of the daughters of Isis charged through the door, through which Sarah had entered the room minutes before.

Chris grabbed Evie by the Arm, shouting “follow me and Sarah” and pulled her with her. The Canadian fired a few short bursts with her MP, forcing their adversaries to take cover, then followed Chris and Evie. “After them!” Anck-Sun-Amun bellowed enraged “Bring me their heads! Don´t let them escape!”

Hurriedly Chris spoke into her mike “Anna be ready to cover us, we are on our way, we have company!” A second call “Kate, await us at the Front Door!”

Across the Front Gate:

Anna held the front door firmly in her sights, there was no pain: there was nothing, just the picture in the cross hairs that mattered. She breathed deep and regular, ready to pull the trigger at every second. There: the door burst open: Her friends hurried outside, Chris leading a tied up and still gagged Evie with her, Kate and Hayley following right behind.

Kirsty and Sarah covering their retreat; the door burst open again, five women with submachine guns, firing at once. Her friends taking cover. In exactly that moment Anna pulled the trigger and the head of the foremost assassin dissolved into a mist of blood, brain and organic matter as the heavy 12,7 mm projectile smashed through her forehead, Anna changed aim and fired two more shots in quick succession. Two more head shots.

The pursuers were hit with utterly surprise. Anna fired three more shots to cause even more confusion, incendiary rounds. Not intending to hit, but to dissuade the enemy from any pursuit.

The remaining daughters of Isis had taken cover as Anck-Sun-Amun strode purposefully through the door, murder in her eyes. Her head filled Anna´s scope. The Russian could not hide a grim satisfaction as she saw the ugly gash across the left cheek and the bloody line across her throat “Well done Chris!”

Just as Anna pulled the trigger, a sharp pain shot through her upper body, and the shot missed the Egyptian by millimetres. “Damnit” the Russian cursed. She fired two more shot in quick succession but her Nemesis had vanished and her rounds hit just the wall.

The Russian fumed. Her body had betrayed her. Damn it!

Anna felt James´ hand on her shoulder “Get your things together Anna, I will take care of everybody who follows you and your friends” ‘Bond said calmly, Anna nodded

With surprising gentleness 007 helped Anna of the bench, steadied her – then he kissed her full on the lips and the Russian responded in kind, their tongues dancing a slow dance. As they parted Bond looked her deep in the eyes “You are a hell of a Woman Anna Romanova” “I know” the Violinist smiled a glitter in her eyes.

“We will see each other in 11 days Anna, get rest and heal, I have plans!” Bond smiled. They parted and Anna hurried down the floor and left through the back door of the house.

As the adrenalin rush slowly subsided she felt her injuries keenly, especially her bruised rips – but that was worth it, and seeing James – and that kiss … Anna pulled herself together. In a side street 100 metres away stood a large black van. Its back door swung open and Kate helped her inside.

She sat down, and Kirsty drove off. Anna let her gaze glide above the faces of her friends. Evie now relieved from her bonds and gag studiously avoided any eye contact, Sophie, whose face bore the marks of her gag, graced her with a tired smile. Chris smiled at her too, as did Kate and Sarah.

They drove off in Silence, but judging by Chris´ side glance at Evie, she knew that the Egyptologist was in for some uncomfortable questions.
Last edited by Caesar73 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by GreyLord »

What is going on? Suddenly, all of my favorite writers are putting out material that glues my eyeballs to the line of words streaming by. Well done, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. This chapter is a masterpiece of detailed description while maintaining a mesmerizing narrative. Fantastic work!
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Post by slackywacky »

Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago “You will have to draw straws” Kate grinned “Anna has announced that she will kill Anck-Sun-Amun and Chris too”
I read that one wrong. Why would Anna want to kill Chris? That's when I figured you meant Chris wanted to kill Anck-Sun-Amun too :)
Nice chapter, the good guys/girls getting the upper hand. Yippy!!
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago What is going on? Suddenly, all of my favorite writers are putting out material that glues my eyeballs to the line of words streaming by. Well done, @Caesar73. This chapter is a masterpiece of detailed description while maintaining a mesmerizing narrative. Fantastic work!
Thank you so much [mention]GreyLord[/mention] :) The rescue party got successul in the way that they rescued Evie and Sophie and they took out some of the daughters of Isis, Anck-Sun-Amun knows now, that Chris and her friends are formidable opponents. But there is some water in the wince: Chris gave up the scroll, so it seems that the Egyptian got what she wanted in the first place. It will be interesting where the quest will lead the two parties next ....
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Post by Caesar73 »

I apologize for the delay - but the next update will be online finally this evening MEST. So stay tuned :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]Shotrow[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]BlissfulMisery[/mention]

The Asylum:

Anck-Sun-Amun fumed. Sure, they had retrieved the scroll but at which cost? This success had come at a high price. She inhaled sharply as Nofret stitched up the wound at her left cheek “There will be a scar, but I will do my best do keep it small” her second in Command apologized “You better do that” her boss told her. “Prepare everything for leaving” she ordered; this place will soon be crawling with police”

The Egyptian considered herself lucky: Anna Romanova had missed her only by chance; that the Russian had been responsible for the ambush outside the asylum that she was sure off “Should have killed her personally” she mused. The violinists file had highlighted her skills as a sniper that the Russian had missed her though she took as good omen send down from the gods.

Pharaoh would be pleased that they had retrieved the scroll, but not with the losses. The operation had been costly.

But in the end, it was the result that mattered.

Her communications specialist, Hathor, entered – “What is it?” Anck-Sun-Amun snapped impatiently

“There is an urgent message of the Grand Vizier, an immediate response is expected High Priestess” “Did you decipher it already?” “No” the specialist replied “only you High Priestess have the necessary clearance to do so, and I thought you wanted to know that first hand”

“You did the right thing Hathor” the villainess replied in a softer tone “I will come at once” To herself she thought “This must be real important”

The original plan had been, to return to base as soon as they had acquired the scroll. Obviously this plan had changed. Anck-Sun-Amun followed Hathor to the communication centre.

Hall Place Manor: late Afternoon:

Chris announced as they had filed in the spacious Entrance Hall of the manor: "Change, get into something comfortable, get some rest then we will have dinner at 0800 PM – after dinner we´ll talk."

She turned to Sophie and Evie “We are all lucky that we have you back!” Cheers erupted, but the stern look Chris gave Evie told her, that there would be a not very pleasant conversation to be had.

As Evie and Sophie walked in silence to Sophie´s Room the Egyptologist shot her lover a shy sideways glance. Sophie had not spoken a word, since they had arrived at Hall Place. Evie had registered the cruel marks the gag had left at Sophie´s skin. From time to time a flash of pain crossed her face.

Finally the Egyptologist took her heart in both hands “Do you think Chris is very angry?” she asked in a small voice; Sophie did not look at Evie, when she spoke “She has good reason to be, don’t you think? She won´t rip your head right off, but you can bet she won´t mince words”

Evie looked ashamed on the ground “Are you very cross with me, Sophie? After all you had to endure because of me?” Anxiously the Egyptologist waited for Sophie´s reply.

Finally the lawyer looked her lover in the eye “I am not happy Evie I understand why you had to do it but I acted against my better judgment – the lawyer paused – because I love you Evie!” Sophie blushed deeply.

Both women looked at each other, Evie in astonishment at Sophie´s confession and Sophie anxious how the Egyptologist would react.

“You really love me” Evie spoke softly almost softly to herself – and it was not a question it was a statement “after all you had to endure because of me? That bitch made me watch how they tortured you, you know and threatened to torture you even more when I tried to look away …. I tried really hard to watch, but at times I could not – and there was always that feeling of guilt, that it was my fault ….” And it was Evie now who waited for Sophie´s verdict.

Sophie looked long at Evie without saying anything before she replied softly “I do love you, if I wouldn´t I would not have endured that torment – but do that never ever again Evie, will you?”

Evie´s reaction surprised Sophie: The Egyptologist threw herself at Sophie, buried her face between her breasts, gripped her tightly and sobbed. Sophie stroke gently above Evie´s back, caught in a turmoil of emotions herself “It is okay Evie” she whispered “It is okay”

Hall Place Manor: Anna´s Suite:

Anna sighed as she and Kate entered the Russian´s uite “Could you help me change?” she bade her friend and winced as she sat down slowly and very carefully into a comfy arm chair, and winced a second time.

Kate observed her keenly.

“How are you feeling Anna – and don´t try to fool me, I know you are still hurting” the American said warmly – but she meant it “You don´t need to play the badass when we are alone you know” the Russian paused for a moment before answering “It was pretty hard, lying on that bench and I was glad that James had organized some cushions, they helped, that I missed that bitch, angers me beyond belief, I had her in the crosshairs –and then that pain, I missed her by millimetres, I am glad Chris embellished her face, that scar on her left cheek will make her look really good!”

Kate nodded “I understand you are disappointed you missed her – but that was not what I meant Anna, how are you really, tell me?” The violinist paused for a moment then she said “Physically I am very tired, but I am happy we saved Sophie and Evie, and that was worth it” Kate nodded “See, that was not that difficult: You are still in pain – and you need not to hide that”

Kate knelt down to relieve Anna off her boots, first the left, than the right. The Russian sighed contentedly as she flexed her feet and wiggled her toes “That feels good” – Anna paused “Could you help me in the shower later?” – She reddened ever so slightly “I think I am too stiff at the moment” and she winced again as she moved a bit. Kate smiled fondly at her “Of course I will your Grace!”

One hour later, the two friends had showered and changed into comfortable longue wear and sat on Anna´s bed in the lotus seat, with thick woollen socks on their feet. Kate looked at the battered face of her friend: Anna was dead tired she could tell, even if the artist would never admit that.

“Do you think Chris will rip Evie´s head off?” she asked the Russian as it knocked at the door, the two friends shared a look: who might that be? Anna called “Enter” the door swung opened and Evie stood on the threshold, she too had changed into something comfortable. All in all she had the expression of a student who had to confess to the headmaster that she cheated at the exam.

“Come in and have a seat Evie!” the Russian encouraged her and tentatively the Egyptologist entered the room and sat into the arm chair – the one most distant from Anna and Kate “What is on your mind” Anna prodded, keeping the other woman firmly in her gaze. Her tone was neutral, but Evie sensed something beneath, some underlying coolness.

Evie inhaled deeply “I did something incredibly foolish” “You could say that Evie” Anna replied “It was foolish to leave the house on your own and convincing Sophie to accompany you – though on second thought “foolish” does not cut it – I would go for reckless, foolhardy, where you out of your freaking mind? With every voice Anna had become louder.

“But …”

“Hear me out Evie” Anna interrupted her brusquely “You will tell me now that this was Sophie´s decision – and you are right. But be honest to yourself: Why did Sophie do that?”

“Because …”

“Because she loves you and would have done anything for you” Anna completed Evie´s sentence. And you should be honest to yourself: If Sophie had not been so clever and hid a tracker on her body – we probably couldn´t have saved you: You two would be dead or on your way to Egypt”

The Russian looked directly Evie in the Eye “You know what she has gone through – for you?”

Evie nodded “I think, I do – I saw the marks on her body ….

Anna nodded gravely “Then let me tell you this, Evie ….” the Russian paused for a second or more, Evie could not tell “Sophie loves you and if you do too do that never, ever again” The Russian looked Evie straight in the eye, who nodded “Sophie said the same” she whispered softly.

Sophie´s Room about the same Time:

Sophie eyed herself critically in the mirror: The long hot shower had done wonders, after that Evie had massaged her aching body and treated her sore back and her butt with a soothing balm, which eased the pain. They had not talked much. Sophie´s confession had taken Evie by surprise – but Evie had said nothing just taken Sophie in her arms and kissed her full on the lips. And Sophie had felt elated, truly loved – a feeling that she had not had a long time. She realized Lucas and she would have to talk. Sophie had made decision. She knew Evie just a few days, but she felt safe with her.

Evie had not flinched away when she had told her about her past, how her father in law had abused her. Well, down there in the cellars, when she had been tortured and tormented there had been moments when she would have killed Evie – if she, Sophie, had not been tied up. But she had seen and felt Evie´s remorse when she had told her what she had been through – and Evie had told her what the Egyptian had done to Evie, how she had physically abused her.

Now Sophie felt refreshed and relaxed. The lawyer had dressed in comfortable lounge wear, and two pairs of woollen socks on her feet. Sophie looked at her watch: Dinner was scheduled for 0800 PM, so she would have two hours to have some rest.

A firm knock on her door disrupted her line of thought “Enter” she called. It was Chris. The pianist had chosen a moss green turtleneck cashmere pullover, blue jeans and thick woollen socks on her feet.

The stern expression on her face told Sophie that Chris had not come for idle chit chat “Have a seat please” she invited the pianist, and felt more than a tad uncomfortable. She gestured to a comfy arm chair. After Chris had sat down, she regarded Sophie with a long look and Sophie felt slightly uncomfortable under this scrutiny. And she could tell that Chris had to control her emotions, not to shout and to rage. Sophie could see the emotions on Chris face changing quickly. Finally the pianist spoke, her melodious alto voice slightly quivering:

“You know yourself, that it was incredible stupid – going alone for those books” she paused and her face lost its stern expression and became softer “but I am incredibly relieved that we have you both back in one peace – and your idea with the transmitter was brilliant. Where did you hide it anyway? As I heard you were stark naked, when Kate, Hayley and Kirsty rescued you” and a small smile curled the Pianists lips.

Sophie blushed “I inserted it in my vagina” she muttered. Now Chris smiled broadly. Then her face became serious again “How are you Sophie, I know only what the others told me”

“Those Bitches were pretty rough on me” Sophie admitted “and I don´t know, if I could have kept myself together any longer- but there is no lasting damage; and Chris?” “Yes?” “Don´t be too hard on Evie, she bangs herself up already about this”

“I will not rip her head off, I promise” Chris smiled, “but we will have words, I am sure though, she has learned her lesson – and I hope she knows you love her”

Chris continued “And now tell me Sophie, why on Earth did you not talk to me in the first place? I am so intimidating?”

And to her utter surprise Sophie found that Chris looked vulnerable now. Gone was the stern demeanour.

“I didn´t want to bother you Chris and I knew you wouldn´t approve” Sophie replied softly “You offered me the chance for a fresh start you know – and I did not want do disappoint you”

Now Chris smiled warmly “You could never do that – disappointing me – you know. Just know this: I want you to be happy and you can talk with me anytime you want” She paused “Displaying my emotions is no easy thing to me – so at times I seem to be remote, aloof”

There was silent for seconds, to Sophie it felt like minutes, it had been the second time since she knew Chris that the pianist had opened up that way. The first time it had been at the Adlernest, when Chris told her about her youth and adolescence, the tragic death of her parents.

Chris interrupted her: “Let us leave it at that: We have roughly one hour left before Dinner – up for some Music?”

“Sure” Sophie smiled “I would like that!” And she wondered once more, how well Chris could read her it was difficult to hide anything from the keen eyes of the pianist.

As they walked through the empty Corridors, the lawyer asked Chris “How is Anna?” She hid it well, but I could sense that she was really tired, did you not try to talk her out of that rescue mission?”

Chris smile was warm “Sophie you know our mutual friend by now: Anna was adamant, the only way to make her stay at Hall Place Manor would have been either to knock her out or chain her to the bed – and in the end she made the difference.

Without her our retreat would have been much more difficult – and there was another incentive for her” Chris smiled “a certain agent covered her”

Sophie had to smile too “Do you know what had been between the two?”

“No, I don´t” the Pianist added playfully “But if I am not totally mistaken, the flame has been rekindled”

The lawyer chuckled but became serious then “You gave up the scroll for us”

“I did, Sophie – believe me: No ancient scroll is worth the life of people I hold dear” the Pianist had spoken with utmost sincerity” she looked Evie straight in the eye “and I am very proud of you, I don´t know many people who could have done what you did” Sophie blushed deeply “and Sophie keep in mind, you can anytime come to me, if you want to talk, right?”

“I will do Chris” Sophie smiled “But something is on your mind, I know that”

“Let us talk about that later Sophie” the pianist demurred – and Sophie decided to leave it at that – for the moment.

While they talked they had reached the library, the room was empty, but a fire was cackling in the large fire place “Enough of that” Chris stated “What do you want to sing?”

Sophie thought for a moment then her face lightened up “What about “Ombra mai fu?”

Chris had to smile, she knew by now how much Sophie loved Handel´s Music. The lawyer had told her once that she loved how Handel´s music was able to convey the finest human emotions, which words could not. And that aria, when a lovesick Persian King sang about his love to a Plane Tree – that was just brilliant.

“Fine with me” Chris agreed “Come, let us warm up”

Minutes later Sophie´s marvellous dark shaded voice filled the room with its warmth carried by Chris´ crystal clear tone. And Chris sensed that every note she sang expressed Sophie´s emotions during her ordeal, which helped her to cope, it was like an open book to the pianist. Handel´s music told anything Sophie could not or want not put into words:
Simone Kermes sings “Ombra mai fu”, Serse HW 40

Unknown Location later:

Anck-Sun-Amun mustered her remaining Team “Our Plan has changed. Pharaoh has tasked us with another Mission that is of the utmost importance for our Holy Quest the Eye of Horus will rest upon us”

For the next 10 Minutes she briefed her Team about the new Mission “So we are going north, we will depart tomorrow! You all know your tasks till then!”

Hall Place: late in the Evening:

Dinner had been a quiet affair as the day before, but it was not the brooding silence after failure, but the relaxed quiet after an eventful but successful day.

Anna had left early for bed, joined by Kate who would help Anna getting ready for bed and staying with her. The day had drained the Russian´s energy reserves and even if she wouldn´t admit to that, she needed still time to rest and to heal.

When Evie and Sophie wanted to leave, they saw Kirsty and Hayley walking at them “Evie” Kirsty began “Hayley and I think want to tell you something, which might help you coping with the situation at hand … why don´t we go in the Billiard Room and have a drink and talk?”

Evie looked at Sophie and the lawyer nodded “Lead the way Hayley!”

Chris smiled at the Dark Lady “what are your plans for the evening?” “Nothing special” the thief grinned, I will read a good book – I love books!” sounding hurt, as she saw Chris broad grin “I thought you only steal books and sell them” the pianist teased her or read them when a damsels in distress keeps you company”– “Only if they are worth it” And now the thief smiled too “The book or the damsel?” Chris smiled “Preferably both” the Canadian grinned “But anyway: What will you do, Chris?” “I will go in the library and play the piano, this is one of those days I need that” the Pianist explained and stood “See you tomorrow then!”

Later in the Billiard Room:

In the large fire place a bright fire burned. When each of them had her beverage of choice they sat in front of the fire place. Hayley noticed that the tension between Evie and Sophie which had been palpable in the van had receded. The American looked first at Kirsty then at Evie and nodded “You know Evie, Hayley and I do know how it is, when you are held against your will, Hayley even better than me, I don´t know, if Sophie has told you the story?”

Sophie shook her head “No, I did not” “Okay, then I think its best, when Hayley tells you her story Evie” Kirsty nodded to Hayley “It began three years ago” the American began her tale “By accident I crossed paths with Elizabeth Crawford, a criminal mastermind, and for some reason she got obsessed with me and had me and friend of mine kidnapped. We were held for three months on a private island before we were rescued – but that was only the beginning ….”

The longer Hayley spoke, the more intrigued got the Egyptologist by the American´s story. Now and then Kirsty added details “And last year Crawford offered us the chance to get of that cursed Island: by kidnapping …” “By kidnapping Chris” Sophie added “And Chris offered Kirsty and me the chance to build up the Office of Art Incorporated and New York” “And me to work as corporate lawyer and operative” Sophie explained “Chris may seem stern and remote at times – but she does anything for the people she holds dear”

The Library later:

Evie stood before the door to the library. From inside she could hear Chris playing. During dinner the pianist had mostly ignored her, now and Evie had felt those green eyes, which seemed to see everything, not unfriendly, but not warmly either – searching, scrutinizing seeing right through her. But the conversation she had had with Kirsty, Hayley and Sophie had strengthened Evie´s resolve to work the problems out they obviously had

The Egyptologist had to muster all her courage to go up here – but Sophie had been right: The conversation with Anna had been the prudent thing to do, but talking to Chris Evie found much more difficult.

On the outside Chris seemed sterner, harder at times, while the Russian seemed to be more the light hearted jester, always one for a good joke or a prank. That this was only the surface Anna wanted the world to see Evie had learned in the last few days.

Taking her heart in both hands, Evie carefully opened the door and tapped on stockinged feet into the large room, which was dimly lit only – a large fire was burning in the vast fire place.

At the Grand Piano sat Chris, seemingly completely immersed in the music. She played a fragile, delicate melody, which seemed to swan magically through the room, the music spoke of a yearning, of longing, next the tempo changed to a fast paced piece then the slow melody appeared again.

The pianist did not play very loud nevertheless the sound filled the room.

Another fast sequence followed, much more forceful, agitated, ending with a bridge which modulated to the fragile melody of the beginning again. The music becoming slower and diminishing in an accord played with utmost delicacy, barely audible but very clear. Evie was fascinated: Chris fingers seemed to have barely touched the keys – but yet the tone stood clear and full in the room.

Sophie had told Evie the way Chris played and what she played told a lot about her current frame of mind. There were those incredibly tender parts of the piece and the agitated, forceful parts. If this reflected Chris´ state of mind, she seemed to be happy partly but angry as well. The Egyptologist wondered, what this would mean for their conversation

For a moment Chris sat just there, before she took the hands off the keyboard “I love Schumann´s Kreisleriana Evie, its delicacy, the contrasts, its tenderness, its fragility”

Grigory Sokolov plays Schumann´s Kreisleriana live at Geneva 11.12.21

That took Evie by surprise: Chris had addressed her without seeing her.

The pianist turned around on the seat and looked Evie directly in the eye and again the Egyptologist had the feeling that Chris looked directly into her soul “Have a seat” the Pianist gestured and Evie sat down in a comfortable arm chair next to the fire place. For a moment none of the Women spoke.

“You know Evie” Chris spoke quietly, but firmly, not raising her voice “What angers me most is not that you went for the books, not that you did not muster the courage to talk to me, what angers me most is that you pulled Sophie into this. It was reckless, it was foolish – and if Sophie had not been clever enough to hide the transmitter in her body, who knows if we would have this conversation at all. This was a very close call – and you should have known how dangerous those people are, you have seen first-hand what Anck-Sun-Amun did to Anna and Sophie”

She paused, waiting for a response.

“I know that Chris, Sophie and Anna told me as much” Evie said apologetically in a small voice, looking ashamed to the floor.

“Did they?” And for a second a smile flashed across Chris stern face and she continued in a softer tone “We all did and do foolish things at time, me included” another smile “But we get only through this together, we must trust each other – I know, I can trust Anna, Kate, Sophie, Sarah, Kristy and Hayley with my life and you can too”

Evie nodded “Anna said the same” Chris smiled warmly this time “Our great Grand Duchess is a wise Woman with a hot temperament and a big heart; she insisted on coming with us on the rescue mission, even if she should have stayed in bed – and if she hadn´t been there, things might have gone differently.

“We all hold you into high esteem Evie, believe me and that has nothing to do with the fact, that you are a fine Egyptologist, but that you are a wonderful person and honestly? I haven´t seen Sophie this happy in a while, she went through hell because she loves you, take good care of her” The pianist looked Evie directly in the eye “I will” Evie nodded sincerely.

And now Chris smiled “but enough of that, why don´t you get us a Night Cap before we call it a day?”

Chris was clearly amused by Evie´s surprise “You thought I would rip your head off, right?”

“Something like that” and now Evie too smiled “Believe me, I was tempted – and next time I will” Chris stated - still smiling “Oban or Ardbeg?”

After Evie had poured them a stiff drink they sat the fireplace and Chris stared into the fire deep in thought “There is something that puzzles me Evie ….” she paused before she continued “I have the feeling that this is not just about the scrolls, to me it seems that they targeted you not only because they wanted to know what we already know – after what you have told us about that bitch – I wonder if there is an personal angle ….”

“I racked my brains too” Evie replied, but so far I have no clue …”

Chris nodded, starring in the flames for a moment before she turned to Evie “That can´t be helped I guess. So we have to work on that”
Last edited by Caesar73 1 year ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Really enjoyed the latest update. The change of pace worked as we found out a little more about the characters. Looks like despite her stupid mistake Evie is being accepted into the group.

Anck-Sun-Amun and Co head north. How far? What are there instructions? Can't wait to find out.
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Post by Nainur »

wow! So much going on - had to read twice (and almost on the brink taking notes :D !). So many interactions! Oh, and t is tense, very tense. Excellent story-telling. Thank you for publishing!
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Post by Beaumains »

I have to admit, the descriptions of the torture of Sophie and Evie were not really fun anymore. A bit too painful and cruel.

That said, it is good to see the girls safe and sound together again.

One minor thing, the bold font seems to be overused by mistake in the last part.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Beaumains wrote: 1 year ago I have to admit, the descriptions of the torture of Sophie and Evie were not really fun anymore. A bit too painful and cruel.

Believe me, when I say, those descriptions were not easy to write either, it never is. They serve a purpose though: To illuminate the Character of Anck-Sun-Amun is one reason, the second to create a sharp contrast between those chapters and Chapter 31. Overall this story is - as some of you have already pointed out, considerable darker than the previous one. There are different reasons for that :) Maybe I just read too many scandinavian crime novels and watch too much Criminal minds or series like that.

The next update will be due on wednesday :)

Thank you all, who comment or read that story: The 28 K views are not far away!
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]Shotrow[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]BlissfulMisery[/mention]

Dear friends, readers followers this is the next update, a bit on the short side, but with some surprises :) The next update is due at the very End of August or early Septembre, I am taking a short brake. But the adventures of Chris and her friends will continue, so stay tuned

Hall Place: The next Morning, Conference Room

Anna looked around: To describe the mood sombre would have been the understatement of the century. The third day after that dammed Egyptian had beaten her to pulp her bruises, cuts and gashes had begun to heal. True, her black eye was still a spectacular sight, but turned slowly from black, to shades of green yellow and blue.

Her bruised rips definitely hurt less, and she could move better. In the afternoon she would give the Violin a try – they had a concert to prepare for and Anna wanted to be at her level best – for Her Majesty, but for James also she smiled.

Aloud she spoke “To sum it up: We got Evie and Sophie back” she graced them with a warm smile “but we lost the scroll, so we are back at square one. No scroll and no clue what fate has befallen Hiram – and I missed that bitch yesterday, because she nearly broke my ribs”

Amanda, Evie´s assistant and the Egyptologist and Sybil exchanged a look. Evie nodded slightly and Amanda pipped up “Your assessment is not entirely correct Grand Duchess” she smiled.

“What did I leave out?” Anna responded dryly “Enlighten me Amanda!”

“We lost one scroll, not the scroll” Amanda smiled like a cat who had devoured the milk. Now Evie´s assistant had the undivided attention of all, all eyes rested on her.

“Care to explain?” Kate mustered the young woman with the steely look that she reserved normally for culprits in the interrogation room.

The Egyptologist cut in “What Amanda wants to say is, that the scroll Chris gave Anck-Sun-Amun only looked like the real scroll but what Anck-Sun-Amun got, was a more or less exact copy of the original scroll, only a true expert could hold them apart – and what is more: Amanda added a few flaws to the scroll, which will make it totally useless”

Stunned silence around the table greeted that an announcement “So we still have the original scroll?” the Dark Lady questioned and a smile curled her lips. That rouse was absolutely to her liking.

“We have” Evie confirmed

“And how did you fabricate that copy?” Chris spoke for the first time regarding Evie with a long look “Among the items I had Sybil ordered were the tools you need to fabricate a copy”

“Hmm …” Chris nodded; “And who was the genius who fabricated said copy?” Anna stared intently at the Egyptologist “That was me” Amanda pipped up and blushed a little as all eyes rested on her

“Brilliant if you ask me” Sarah smiled “So we are back in the game - I will hire you next time I need a forged document” and graced Evie´s assistant with a sly smile” Amanda blushed even more.

Evie nodded “That we are, but there is another thing – Chris and I talked about that yesterday – Chris suggested that there might be a personal angle in the whole business: Why did Anck-Sun-Amun target me specifically? There are other experts for that period, so why me?”

Kirsty nodded “Interesting indeed, so what do you think Evie?”

“I racked my brain yesterday and early in the morning I remembered something, I did some research, and I think I found something: You all know the history of my ancestors Rick O´ Connell and Evie Callahan I – they searched for the book of Amon Ra in the city of the dead and Evie awoke the High Priest Imhotep by accident – you know that, that is common knowledge among Egyptologists and other folk– but what almost nobody knows: They discovered the book but brought back something else: Three scroll´s. The description I found in Evie´s sketch books matches our scroll”

“But how ended one scroll up in the Wilderness of the State of New York and where are the others?” Anna asked thoughtfully

“The sketchbooks don´t tell anything about that but I found a clue where to look after the second one”

“And?” Chris pressed her, her patience wearing thin

“My ancestors brought back items from their excavations in Egypt and I am fairly certain that the second scroll is in my family´s home ….” The Egyptologist paused for effect “at the Orkney´s, at Mainland”

“Why should it be there, that sounds a bit farfetched if you ask me?” Kate was not totally convinced

“Agreed and I understand where you are coming from” Evie sounded not angry in the slightest “It is an old tradition in my family that the family´s secret is handed down from father to the firstborn son and I did some research:

The tradition does in fact exist since roughly a century and that would make perfect sense, because it was around that time my ancestors explored Egypt”

The detective nodded “That would make indeed sense”

“So it is up to the Orkney´s then” Hayley grinned “I always wanted to go there”

“There might be a slight problem though” Evie added with a huff “The estate belongs to my brother – but me and my brother and especially my sister in law, Lady Barbara Callahan, are not exactly on good terms.

Barbara is a stuck up uptight bitch, a real snob, who would to anything to throw a spanner in the works, out of pure spite. Probably she will shut the door in my face – especially when my brother is not around, and he isn´t at the Moment”

“Believe me, we can be very persuasive” the smile of the Dark Lady was sinister “So it is settled then” Anna concluded “We fly to the Orkney´s and pay your sister in law a visit”

“Sybil, how fast can you organize us a private jet? And we may need a few other things” Chris smiled “Some hardware” The blonde turned to the secretary who smiled warmly “I already did organize a private jet and the things you probably need will be delivered shortly. Everything should be ready for take-off in four hours”

The pianist smiled “So you knew already before this meeting” Sybil smiled innocently “Yes, I did”

Chris gave her a sharp look but smiled then “When we are back from the Orkney´s you are in for a good spanking!”

“You are real Genius Sybil” Sophie graced her with a warm smile “I have my Moments” the Tech Wizard demurred.

“Listen girls!” Chris stated “Get your stuff ready, so that we can board the jet in four hours. Sybil and Amanda you stay here and hold the fort and work at the scroll, any questions?”

When they filed out of the room Anna took her friend aside “That was very clever by Evie and Amanda” “Absolutely” the Pianist smiled back “I guess Evie has made some atonements for her sin´s – and Anna, I guess it makes no sense to ask you to stay here at Hall Place Manor?”

“Surely not” the Russian stated firmly “And miss out on all the fun? Never – and I am getting better every day. Today we will be on the road, so I and my bruised rips will have some more rest”

Chris nodded “Understood, but I had to ask” the Pianist smiled.

“I know” Anna smiled “You are a big softie Chris”

"Says the biggest softie between London and Berlin” Chris countered dryly.

“I can live with that!” the Russian smiled and went upstairs to pack her gear.
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Post by Beaumains »

That was quite a slow chapter in between. So the Orkneys are next. Will this story be mostly in Britain? Like last story was in Germany?
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Post by Caesar73 »

Beaumains wrote: 1 year ago That was quite a slow chapter in between. So the Orkneys are next. Will this story be mostly in Britain? Like last story was in Germany?
Yes, I thought, after all the Action, a little peace and quiet could not hurt :) And the Reader gets two important pieces of Information.

As to the location I can confirm, that the hunt will take place in merry old England. The Sequel will cover more terrain - but will lead the good guys finally to the Land which its inhabitants called Kemet in ancient times.
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Post by GreyLord »

I think that I use this too often. But it just seem so appropriate. As Sherlock Holmes would say, "The game is afoot."
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Beaumains »

Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago that the hunt will take place in merry old England
I am not sure whether this is a spoiler, or else some Scots will dislike you calling the Orkneys English ;)
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Post by Caesar73 »

Beaumains wrote: 1 year ago
Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago that the hunt will take place in merry old England
I am not sure whether this is a spoiler, or else some Scots will dislike you calling the Orkneys English ;)
You have a point here :) Probably more than a few Scots will dislike me, I fear. And the last Paragraph of my earlier post is - I admit it freely - a spoiler :)

And yes [mention]GreyLord[/mention] the game is afoot, but who will win the race for the second scroll?

We will learn more in two weeks time 😀
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Post by Bandit666 »

Well my friend it feels good to be back after a much needed break way from it all. And yet I find I’m way behind in this adventure. Will need a century to catch up with all the thrilling events. The undoubted number of twists and turns. Plus more besides. So bare with me I’ll get there and simply watch for more. Great as always I’m sure
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Post by Caesar73 »

Bandit666 wrote: 1 year ago The undoubted number of twists and turns. Plus more besides. So bare with me I’ll get there and simply watch for more. Great as always I’m sure
Dear [mention]Bandit666[/mention] thank you for your kind words - and take all the time you need. The next update will be due by the middle of the week, but I cannot tell exactly when. I hope to get back in the flow soon, so stay tuned :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

A short summary what happened so far:

After giving a recital in Carnegie Hall, Chris and her friends encounter a new enemy: Anck-Sun-Amun, who leaves them bound at gagged at Rachel Weinstein´s Penthouse and takes Rachel´s Guest of Honour, Hiram al Mansur, famous for his collections of ancient egyptian art with them. Chris and Friends are rescued by Hayley and Kirsty. Their search for Hiram al Mansur leads them to his estate in the Northern Wilderness of the State of New York. There they find out that Al Mansur´s Collection has vanished. But they find a mysterious papyrus scroll. When they search the estate, they activate a self destruction device. They escape just in time, before the Estate is destroyed by a large explosion.

They decide now to find an expert who translate the mysterious scroll for them. They find this expert, Evie Callahan in London, where the Egyptologist is currently working. Callahan agrees to help them. When they made a visit to the British Museum to procure several items which Evie finds useful, they have another encounter with their new enemy who is after Evie Callahan. Anna risks her life to save Evie and is badly hurt by Anck-Sun-Amun. Chris and the others arrive just in time to save Anna. But their enemy escapes.

While Evie makes progress with the scroll´s translation, she finds that she needs several books from her appartment to complete the translation: Evie has found out that the scrolls is about a mystical weapon "The Sun Beam of Amon-Ra"- After their last encounter with Anck-Sun-Amun Chris does not want Evie to leave the Safe House. Evie goes anyway and convinces Sophie, to accompany her to her appartment. Sophie helps her, against her better judgement, because she is in love with Evie.

At the appartment they are ambushed and taken hostage by Anck-Sun-Amun and her people- The Egyptian tortures Sophie and makes Evie watch to do her bidding and provide her with the information about the scroll. In the meantime their friends have discovered their absence and suspect an abduction. In Exchange for Sophie and Evie their Adversary demands the scroll.

But Chris and her friends find out where their friends are held captive and mount a rescue operation with the help of an old friend of Anna. They manage to rescue Evie and Sophie, but Chris has to hand over the scroll. In the Aftermath they find out, that the scroll which Chris had handed over was a clever made copy of the scroll and not the original one. Evie finds out, that there is not only one scroll, but actually three and that they are connected to Evie´s family history: The second scroll is probably hidden at Evie´s family estate: At the Orkney´s. At the end of Chapter 32 they decide to go there.

You will learn more in the next update due this week :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

The next update will be online tomorrow in the late afternoon MEST, so stay tuned :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] l [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]Shotrow[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]BlissfulMisery[/mention]

Skaill Manor: The Orkney´s Mainland, the next day Midmorning:

The Orkney´s Mainland

Evie felt more than a bit uneasy as she walked, accompanied by Chris, Anna, Kate and Sophie, the gravelled pathway which led to Skaill Manor.

Skaill Manor lay at the outer West Coast of Mainland, just a short distance from the sea. Evie hadn´t been there in years and she dreaded the frosty welcome of her sister in law. She inhaled the fresh salty breeze coming from the sea and lost herself in thought – this tangy aroma in the air – it was like coming home, pictures from her childhood sprang suddenly in her mind. This unique scent transported her back instantly to those summers at the beaches, when her older brother had chased her along the surf. But that moment did not last, there was the not so pleasant present:

Lady Barbara Callahan and Evie had never got along very well, on the contrary. “Babsie” had made it very plain from the start that she found it conduct unbecoming for a Lady, to dig in the desert in dust and dirt and so Evie hadn´t set a foot in Skaill Manor since her father had died, five years ago. Her father though had made it clear on his death bed: he wished that Evie and her brother reconciled and maybe her brother would have, if Barbara had not leaned on him not to do so.

There were the occasional Christmas and birthday cards, but that was it. And now she was here again.

Skaill Manor, Orkneys Mainland

Sophie seemed to sense her mood because she squeezed her right hand softly “You will do this Evie and you are not alone” the lawyer reassured her lover “Yes” Evie thought to herself “Sophie loves me, and I love her” To think that was still knew to her, but she felt that way, and she knew that Sophie did the same.

They had reached the imposing Main Entrance of Skaill Manor by now. The oldest Parts of the Manor dated back to the early 17th Century.

The sky was grey and a stiff breeze blew from the North-West. Evie shuddered. They had flown from London the day before and landed at Kirkwall four hours later. Sybil had organized a Cottage for them, just 15 Minutes away from Skaill Manor. Evie had asked the bubbly secretary how she had done that on such a short notice, but Sybil had just smiled – and said nothing.

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Cruaday Cottage

Evie took her heart firmly in her hands and pressed down the bell button. The sound reverberated through the house. They waited. After several minutes the door was opened by a young maid with short brown hair, wearing the classical maid uniform. Her Ladyship always insisted that the female staff wore heels and hose at all times.

The face of the young woman lit up though, when she recognized the visitor “Lady Evie!” Evie smiled “Evie is just fine, Joyce – would you please inform Her Ladyship of my arrival please?”

“I will do so at once your Ladyship” the Maid turned and left - a slight bounce in her step – after a few minutes she returned “Her Ladyship will meet you in the yellow saloon” she beamed.

Evie´s eyebrows rose a bit but she smiled nevertheless “Thank you” – there was a protocol in place at Skaill Manor: The yellow Saloon was a not so subtle indicator how much her Ladyship held them not in very high esteem. Important guests were received in the red saloon or the library. The yellow saloon was reserved for supplicants or worse.

Joyce had taken their coats and led the way to the saloon. Evie looked around: On first glance not very much had changed since the last time she had been there: The old portraits of lords and ladies of the house, the Egyptian artefacts her ancestors had brought back from their excavations, among them a scarab from Hamunaptra – as Evie knew.

They entered the yellow saloon and the young maid announced their arrival “Lady Evie and her friends your Ladyship” “Thank you Joyce, you can leave us now” the Lady of the House dismissed the Maid curtly.

Chris mustered Lady Barbara. The woman was a lithe blonde of medium height, which had a slight resemblance to the Duchess of Wessex. Her ashen blonde hair she wore in a severe bun. Her grey eyes regarded them coolly. Dressed in a tweed jacket, a turtleneck sweater, beige jodhpurs and brown riding boots Lady Barbara looked like the epitome of a member of the gentry.

“Hello Evie” she addressed her sister in law, the greeting alone sounded like an insult “Hello Barbara” Evie´s reply betrayed her nervousness “This is really a surprise, the prodigal daughter returns” Lady Barbara´s tone made it clear, that she did not mean that as a compliment.

There was moment of awkward silence “Is Jonathan around?” Evie asked to say something “Your brother is away on a business trip in London, he is due to arrive the day after tomorrow” her sister in law informed Evie.

So far they had been not invited to sit Anna registered. “The hospitality in this house is as warm as the weather” the Russian thought – “Even Siberia in midwinter is warmer than this house”

“Why don´t you introduce your friends to me Evie?” It seemed that Lady Barbara acknowledged the presence of Evie´s friends at last “Please do have a seat” she bade them to sit on a large couch. The Lady of the House herself sat behind her desk, keeping her distance and scrutinized them:

There was a tall blonde, who wore her long mane in a ponytail, she wore jeans a turtleneck sweater an Harris Tweed Jacket, obviously custom made and knee high brown leather boots. The woman projected authority Barbara had to admit, a calm authority.

One prominent feature was her emerald green eyes, which regarded her with a cool, scrutinizing look, neither friendly nor unfriendly.

Next to her sat a dark haired woman with slavonic features, even taller than her companion.

Barbara would have called her beautiful except for the fact the left side of her face was battered and bruised. Her left battered eye made her look sinister - a small ironic smile curled her full lips.

The brown haired woman on her left had the most perfect cheekbones Barbara had ever seen. The look of her grey eyes was cool and calculating.

The fourth of the quartet bore a striking resemblance to the young Sophia Loren. The aristocrat noticed the glance her sister in law and “Sophia Loren” exchanged, interesting, there was something going on between the two.

“May I introduce Christine von der Marwitz to you, Barbara?” Evie´s voice brought her back to reality and Barbara took a closer look at the blonde Woman “Christine is a renowned Pianist and CEO of Art. Inc, the firm specializes in finding stolen or lost art” “Good day Lady Barbara” the melodious Alto Voice of von der Marwitz sounded polite.

“You are an artist, a snoop and a Prussian aristocrat?” Lady Barbara asked politely. Evie winced at the barb, but Chris replied smiling “We prefer the term investigator Milady” Still smiling she added “I am sure you know the difference. Loftily she said “I think that we can agree on this: There are two kinds of aristocracy: That of the mind and that of birth”

Before her sister in law could reply Evie pointed at Anna “Grand Duchess Anna Romanova, violinist and colleague of Christine” The Briton gave Anna the once over “You look as if you had a brawl in a brothel – Miss Romanova, if you don´t mind me saying so” It sounded very much as if Lady Barbara thought all Russian women to be prostitutes.

“Actually it is Your Grace” Anna corrected Lady Barbara mildly – and smiling.

“Excuse me?” Lady Barbara inquired, sounding slightly irritated

“The correct form of address for a Grand Grand Niece of my revered ancestor Tsar Nicolaus II is your Grace” the Russian explained patiently, with perfect courtesy, obviously enjoying the scene very much.

Lady Barbara´s cheeks turned a shade of puce

“But I forgive you, Lady Barbara. Your lapse of proper etiquette one must excuse, you simply didn´t know better, understandable if you ask me: you life at the end of the civilized world here – well almost” Anna added magnanimously.

Evie winced again, if the conversation would go on that way, there visit would be a short one.

“Captain Kate Beckett with the NYPD” she introduced the investigator before her sister in law could respond in kind

“I knew your face. You are married to the writer of those sordid crime stories, why so many people buy them escapes me – but how do they say? De gustibus non disputandum” Lady Barbara addressed the American pleasantly “Oh, one can discuss about taste you know” Kate countered “If you know what taste is”

Evie interjected again. This meeting went down south more quickly as she had imagined.

“And this is Sophie Reichenbach” Corporate lawyer of Art Inc.” the Egyptologist added “A lawyer or your “lover” - dearest Evie” the disdain in Lady Barbara´s Voice was obvious.

“Actually I wrote my dissertation about international law at Harvard with summa cum Laude” Sophie added politely – not angry in the slightest and Evie admired her friend for her self-control.

Evie instead glared furiously at her sister in Law “You have not changed Babsie you are the same uptight arrogant bitch as ever – it is one thing to insult me, but my friends? That is so low, even to your abysmally low standards”

Before said bitch could return the favour Chris made a calming gesture with her right hand “There is no need to insult each other” The blonde had spoken calmly but with an authority that gave Barbara and Evie pause. The two women stared hostilely at each other, but remained silent.

“Let us do that in a civilised fashion” the Pianist continued mildly “Why don´t you tell your sister in law why we are here Evie” she turned to Evie and to Lady Barbara “We need not much of your precious time, Milady so let us cut this short” The way Chris had pronounced “Milady” made it clear, that she meant exactly the opposite.

Evie and her sister in law exchanged a look, then both women nodded “Barbara, we need to know where the scroll is, Rick O´Connell and Aunt Evie brought back from Egypt”

Barbara Callahan was unmoved “I have no idea what you are talking about – and even if I knew I would not be allowed to talk to you about that scroll, which I do not and as you know only the eldest son knows where the scroll is hidden. The secret is handed down from father to son, always. So I cannot help you Evie”

“Lady Barbara” Kate Beckett cut in and for the first time the aristocrat did look directly at the detective. And anybody who had seen Kate in an interrogation room would have recognized that look that made many hardened criminal shiver, and the Lady of the House felt uncomfortable.

“We both know that you are lying, Lady Barbara” the detective told Evie´s sister in law flatly. I could point out to you all the small signs, your body language betrays you, the micro expressions you cannot control, so cut the crap – you know exactly where the scroll is”

Evie looked fascinated at the two women, each striving to dominate the other. It was the Lady of the House who broke eye contact first “Yes I know where the scroll is – but I won´t tell you Evie” she turned to her sister in law “You made it very clear, years ago, that you don´t consider yourself part of this family” Evie was on the verge of responding in kind but Sophie touched her softly and she kept her Silence.

“It would be in your best interest to cooperate Lady Barbara” Anna interjected “You have no idea what you are dealing with, the people who are after the scroll will not knock politely at your door, they will do everything to get that scroll, believe me, I know”

“That´s why you sport such a beautiful black eye?” The Briton sounded perfectly disdainful

“Yes” Anna replied calmly “And if Evie had not gotten help and if Sophie and Kate had not hesitated to shoot I would not sit here”

And the suddenly hard expression in the eyes of the Russian gave Lady Barbara pause.

More calmly now the aristocrat replied “I cannot help you and this place is well protected. This is my final word and now you have to excuse me, I have a dinner party to prepare to, Joyce will see you out”

“Do not bother, I know the way” Evie responded as she stood “Just let us hope you will not regret that Barbara”

“Are you threatening me Evie?” the Briton shot back

“No” Evie responded calmly. I am not threating you Barbara, but I and Sophie had an encounter with the people, who are after that scroll, which we only survived barely, had it not been for Anna and her skill with the rifle. She took out three of them” – she paused “with head shots”

She added “Just don´t tell me I did not warn you at some point” turned and followed the others.

As Evie and her friends left, the aristocrat stared still incredulously after them.
Last edited by Caesar73 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Another well written chapter! The interaction between our heroes and "Barbs" is great.

I fear the the Lady of the House has made an error in not assisting Evie. What fate awaits her!
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Post by GreyLord »

Smoothly written, polished, and posted, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. It is going to be interesting to see what happens to see what happens to Lady Barbara and to her attitude.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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