Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

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Post by slackywacky »

As Wolfman said himself about my stories, this story just keeps on giving. Yes, it is different from most other stories on the site, not just in length and the amount of chapters being posted, but also in content. And it is probably not for every one. I am still surprised you keep being able to add more to this already impressive story.

I would not be surprised if I would find this tale (and the predecessors) in paperback version on Amazon or as a Kindle edition.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by wolfman »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]GreyLord[/mention]

Thank you for your kind words gentlemen. I felt a little change of pace was needed.
Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago
And there is that strange thing about Dani´s powers ... it is just a feeling but I think, there is more to that than meets the eye ...

That would imply some form of plot twist. Whyever would I do that.
slackywacky wrote: 1 year ago As Wolfman said himself about my stories, this story just keeps on giving. Yes, it is different from most other stories on the site, not just in length and the amount of chapters being posted, but also in content. And it is probably not for every one. I am still surprised you keep being able to add more to this already impressive story.

I would not be surprised if I would find this tale (and the predecessors) in paperback version on Amazon or as a Kindle edition.
Thank you for your kind words. You are quite right this tale is not for everyone. Especially given its length and some of the dark content.

I try to keep it fresh and add a little variety where i can.

As for it being on kindle, who knows what may happen. I could say the same of your stories.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by wolfman »

As night descends, Dani steps out of the van and lights a cigarette, then offers one to Nikita as she exits the vehicle. Nikita declines, stepping aside to allow Sasha to disembark.

The sisters stand illuminated by the seafront lighting as it blinks on overhead. Each of the sisters wears a cocktail dress, with cut outs at the sides of their waists, hugging their curves and showing off their sculpted, stocking clad legs. The two inch heels and clutch purses, complete each of their outfits.

Their dresses, shoes and bags match in colour. Nikita wears red, Sasha wears white and Dani wears black. Minimal eye make up and red lipstick unite them, as does their hair worn loose, spilling down their shoulders.

Dani exhales smoke, with mild annoyance. She reaches down, tugging the hem of the dress she wears, thinking it is exposing more than it is, “I can’t believe how short this is.”

“Its not that short, babe.” Nikita says rolling her eyes and thinking, “I wish I could show her how amazing she looks.”

“You look great, it is nice to see you in a dress instead of the mumblers you normally wear.” Sasha says with a smile.

Dani looks at Sasha confused, “Mumblers?”

Sasha laughs, barely able to speak, “Trousers so tight, I can see your lips move, but can’t hear the words.”

In a moment of mock indignation, Dani playfully slaps her sister, then takes a drag of her smoke and chuckles “That’s funny.”

Nikita links arms with Sasha on her left and they begin walking towards the array of bars on the waterfront. Dani falls into step at Nikita’s side and links arms with her. “Where are we going?” Dani asks, appraising each of the places before her.

Nikita smiles and says, “Most of the bars are OK, but the hotel bar seems to have a function of some kind on. Couldn’t really tell what it was in aid of though.”

“We try there, all the attention will be on the function and the bar will likely be quiet.” Dani offers, carefully scanning the queues at the bars before them.

Nikita takes the lead with Dani close behind and Sasha bringing up the rear as they enter the lobby of Hotel Ravenna. They ignore the murmur of conversation and low level commotion at the doors of the main function room, heading straight for the open air terrace on the other side of the bar.

From within the function room, a tall, well built man in a sharply pressed tuxedo spots them and signals his hotel liaison.

Fabian approaches the big man with a smile and nods when the hears the big man’s request.

Sasha flops down on one of the sumptuous sofas and picks up a cocktail menu, closely followed by Dani and Nikita, flanking her.

Dani and Nikita peruse the bar menu, nodding appreciatively at the selection of classic bar food shown in sumptuous photos. “This is going to be a tough choice.” Dani says softly, unable to make much sense of the menu.

So engrossed are they, that they miss the smartly dressed hotel employee, standing by the table. He coughs, politely trying to get their attention.

Nikita looks up and wonders if they have sat in someone’s seat, deciding to play it cool, “May we help you?” She says, keeping her voice calm.

“Good evening, ladies.” He says in a playful Polermo accent, “You have been cordially invited to join the private function that is taking place here this evening.”

Nikita considers the offer and simply says, “Thank you but, we are just looking for a quiet night.”

The man nods and smiles gently, “As you wish. Please order anything you wish from the menu and ask your server to pass the details to Fabian.” He smiles warmly and places his hand on his chest, “That’s me, by the way.” He pumps his eyebrows with a glint in his eye, “Everything for you ladies is free, courtesy of the hotel and the functions sponsor.”

Nikita frowns and nods sceptically, “Please extend our thanks to him.”

Fabian nods warmly saying only, “Of course, my lady.” Before excusing himself.

They watch him leave and head to the function room and Sasha shakes her head, “That was odd.”

“Yeah, should we leave?” Nikita asks, replaying the incident in her mind.

“Tempting, but I’m curious about how this will play out.” Dani says, thoughtfully. “One drink and we bounce.”

“Sounds good to me.” Sasha says, catching the eye of a server, “Can we get three espresso martini’s? Fabian said to tell you to pass details to him.”

The young female server, beams a smile and nods, “Coming right up.”, then she darts off towards the bar.

Unseen by the sisters, Fabian fills in Mr Hemsby on the details of the conversation, he had with the Nikita.

Mr Hemsby smiles and nods, “Fair enough, I can understand their reaction. I should speak to them personally.” He says in a deep, but calm voice. He exhales slowly and smoothens his dinner jacket, feeling a frisson of nerves.

“To us. Deadly Sisters United.” Sasha says raising her glass. Dani and Nikita echo the toast and clink glasses, before they each take their first sip.

“Mmmm” Dani purrs, “That is so nice.”

“I gotta admit that is good.” Nikita says, after rolling the first sip around her mouth. “Fantastic choice.”

“Cheers, I’m glad you approve “ Sasha says, seeing her sisters relax. But then she leans forward in her seat and nods towards the function room, “That looks like Chris Hemsby.”

She and Dani exchange a glance before Dani asks, “Who?”

“Actor, been in a load of action films, played a Greek god in a load of films and been on the stage and telly.” Sasha explains.

“I don’t know about him being an actor, but he one good looking guy.” Dani says, taking note of his height and build, whilst Nikita stays quiet.

“And there was me wondering if you ever thought about anything other than operations.” Sasha says, as the man strides towards their table.

Dani blushes and runs her fingers through her hair and takes a large sip of her drink, watching him approach, “He must spend half his life in the gym. He’s got to be at least two hundred and thirty pounds of muscle.”

Sasha notes the disquiet on Nikita’s face and her uncomfortable body language, “Are you OK babe?”

“We should have gone.” Nikita confesses as the man draws level with their table.

Chris Hemsby, award winner, actor, athlete and International star of stage and screen, stands tall before three of the most beautiful women he has ever seen, but he only has eyes for one of them.

“Ladies, I am sorry to disturb your evening. But I had to come over in person to invite you to join us.” He says in a mellow, deep tone that speaks to a deep place within the women. “It’s good to see you again Niki.” He beams a gentle warm smile with a faraway look in his eyes.

Dani and Sasha look shocked, as Nikita looks up at him and simply asks “How have you been?”

“Well, you know how it goes. And you?” He asks, warmly. Dani notes that he is entirely focused on her sister.

“Busy.” She says a little sharply, before softening her tone, “Busy but good. How have you been?”

“We have just finished filming and we are having a wrap party. It would be great if you could join us.” He says earnestly.

“Thanks Chris. Erm, this is the first time we have been together for a little while and we kinda wanted a quiet night.” Nikita says, with a small hint of reluctance.

The man looks crestfallen, but nods nevertheless, “Of course. I am sorry to interrupt your evening.” He turns to leave and stops himself, saying, “You look beautiful, tonight. I had forgotten, how truly stunning you are.”

Nikita closes her eyes and tales a deep breath, “You look pretty good yourself.”

“Look, about the way things ended. Thrre is so much that has been left unsaid. I am staying here in the penthouse. If you wont join me tonight, Would you join me for breakfast in the morning?” He asks, gently.

“Yes.” Nikita says, a little too quickly, feeling her cheeks burn. “I would like that.”

“No pressure. I would just like to see you.” He says softly.

“I would like that too.” Nikita confirms, not daring to look up for fear of betraying her feelings.

He beams a smile that makes the girls toes tingle and bows gently towards Dani, “Then it’s settled.” He extends his hand to Sasha and Dani in turn, placing a soft kiss on their fingers, “A pleasure to meet you both.”

Sasha nods, whilst Dani blushes slightly, feeling the coolness of his touch. Nikita stands and warmly hugs the big man, somewhat surprised when he hugs her back and whispers, “Please come tomorrow.”

Dani and Sasha watch as neither of the embracing pair seems to want to let the other go. Until Nikita releases the man, stammering, “S-see you tomorrow.”

Nikita watches him walk away and lights a cigarette, taking a deep lungful of smoke before turning back to her sisters.

Sasha catches the servers eye and signals for another three drinks. Whilst Dani looks up at Nikita with her eyebrows raised. “Spill.”

Nikita sits in a chair opposite Sasha and Dani and sends a plume of smoke out of the corner of her mouth as the drinks arrive.

Sasha drains the last of her first drink and sips her second. “What the heck , Niki? How the hell do you have a movie star ex and we don’t know about it?”

Nikita hangs her head, before gulping down the last of her first drink and taking the second. “Mistaken identity?” she says, trying to bluff.

“He knew your name and came over to us.” Dani points out. “He obviously knows you. As if the way he hugged you before leaving were not enough. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you.”

“Alright, I know him.” Nikita confesses, reluctantly. She take a long draft of her drink and closes her eyes, remembering his smell.

“You don’t say.” Dani pushes.

“He was filming a movie in Las Vegas about a hostage rescue specialist and I was a consultant on the movie.” Nikita says reluctantly.

They sit is relative quiet and Dani orders another round, tipping generously when it arrives. “Come on babe. That was not the meeting of two people who had worked together for a bit.”

“We worked really closely for a few weeks and we got on well.” Nikita says, thinking “Don’t make me tell you.”, starting her third drink.

Sasha takes a sip of her third cocktail and starts feeling its effects, “Oh really, how well?” She asks, raising an eyebrow.

Nikita slumps in her seat and stubs out her smoke, lighting another straight after, “In the last week, he had to learn different techniques for moving a restrained hostage and freeing them from different types of restraints.” She slugs back her third drink in one go and signals the server to bring three more, with vodka chasers, “It was an intense day, very physical and ....”

Dani and Sasha listen open mouthed, in shock and when Nikita stops, Dani leans forward and asks, “And?”

The drinks arrive and Nikita tips the server. She smiles to herself at the memory of that day and knocks back the vodka before sipping her martini, and continuing, “And towards the end of the day, we had spent the day practicing wrestling techniques and were rounding off rescue techniques. We were soaked in sweat and tired. I was tied to a bed and he climbed on top of me to untie me and then......” Nikita pauses, taking a slow draw on her smoke, then sends a plume of smoke into the air above them, “We locked eyes and he kissed me. The rest of the night was a whirlwind, until he untied me the next morning.”

“So he tied you to a bed and you were his?” Dani asks, knocking back her martini.

“It just kinda happened. It wasn’t planned, it was.” She struggles to find the right words, “Beautiful.” Nikita blushes and knocks back another of the vodka chasers, “He was so gentle. It was like nothing else existed, only he and I.” She says, immersing herself in the memory of what happened after. “He didn’t need me tied to his bed to make me helpless, just his touch.”

“Oh my God, Niki why didn’t you ever say anything?” Sasha asks, shocked.

Nikita cant meet her gaze and says, “It wasn’t long after dropping Mia off and I just needed a quiet job to get my head right. But the chance came for something more and I needed to feel something other than pain. Neither of us intended for it to happen, it just did. For the rest of the shoot, we would work during the day and spend every night together.” Nikita blurts out, finishing her martini and the last vodka chaser, with a tear in her eye. “It was an amazing few days, but it wasn’t meant to last.”

“What happened?” Dani asks, feeling the sadness in her sister, before ordering another round.

“Time conspired against us. The shoot ended and I had to ship out to a humanitarian crisis in Central Asia. He had to return to Australia for a family emergency. We kept in touch for a few weeks, but then life got in the way.” Nikita says, with a sense of loss in her voice.

Dani reaches out and holds Nikita’s hand, “Oh babe, I am so sorry. Maybe he wants to give it another go with you.” She says with a hopeful look in her eyes.

“I doubt it. His lawyer contacted me after the shoot about a non disclosure agreement. He probably wants to talk about that.” Nikita says, defeated.

“Stuff that. Don’t go.” Sasha says, before tipping the server for the drinks.

“No. I’m going to go. I need to ask him if it meant anything to him.” Nikita says, with a sad nod. She forces a grin at her sisters and knocks back the last of her drink before sipping the next. “In the mean time, as he is paying, let’s get serious about this.”

She calls over the server and orders a platter of bar snacks and another round of espresso martini’s and tequila chasers.

“I have to ask, how come you didn’t get overwhelmed everything he kissed you?“ Dani asks, curiously, thinking to herself, “She is positively glowing.”

“His life doesn’t flash through my mind. Only person I have met, whose fluids don’t trigger it.” Nikita admits, sadly. “He might be the only man in the world, who won’t flood my mind, when we kiss.”

Dani feels her heart go out to her sister, thinking, “There is one thing that scares her about relationships and this guy doesn’t do it. He is like her perfect guy.”

“Poor love looks shattered. This has been a brutal few days on all of us, but she has faced her past in so many ways.” Sasha thinks, seeing the pain Nikita is trying to hide. “Time to divert the attention from her.”

“Fuck it ladies. No times for sadness. We took down an army of the dead and a necromancer as well as making a deal with Vatican special forces.” She says, with a slowly growing grin, “We have a free bar, everyone is OK, the girls are safe and we are free for a night.” Sasha declares, knocking back another shot and orders another round of cocktails and chasers.

Sasha sits back and smiles, thinking, “Even though I have some PCS in my system, I am feeling the buzz from this. Dani doesn’t have the benefit of PCS but she is holding her own. Nikita healing will prevent her getting too drunk unless she pounds it hard. We need this.”

Several hours later, Sasha and Nikita sit back in their seats, while Dani has a microphone and is on a stage belting out a rendition of Black Velvet.

Nikita kicks of her shoes with a sigh of relief and flexes her stocking covered toes, “That feels so good.”

Sasha slumps against her and slurs “This is the best night.” With a big grin.

“You are just happy that you won the pole dancing contest.” Nikita says, with a chuckle.

“Damn straight. I wasn’t going to let Dani win the karaoke and you win the hot dog eating contest, whilst I go home without a win.” Sasha chuckles.

“Do you remember that guy in the crowd who came up to me at the end?” Nikita giggles.

“You mean the bald guy who squirted mustard and ketchup on his crotch and asked you had room for a big salty dog?” Sasha slurs, grabbing Nikita’s lighter and waving in time with the song.

“No, the other guy, the one who said he had a nine inch tongue and could breath through his ears.” Nikita corrects her.

Sasha laughs and nods, “Shame we had to knock him back, I give him points for creativity. What about that guy that said it was a cold night and could Dani wrap her legs around his neck so he could wear her like a scarf for the night.”

“I think she was tempted, but couldn’t make peace with the flares, sandals and socks combo.” Nikita says with a shrug.

“Saving herself, eh?” Sasha asks, with a wink.

“I am not sure she is looking.” Nikita says with a shrug.

“What about you? What if Chris is interested in something more.” Sasha asks with a warm smile.

Nikita blushes and takes her lighter back to light a cigarette, “I can dream.” She says with a faraway look in her eyes.

The patrons of the bar clap and whistle, signalling the end to the song and Dani half runs and half staggers over to the table. Sasha and Nikita begin to congratulate her, but Dani cuts them off grabbing their hands, “Come on we are needed.” She says, with sparkly eyes.

Reluctantly, they follow Dani on stage to the delight of the crowd, “What are we doing?” Nikita asks, slightly embarrassed.

The music blasts heralding the last chorus, WHOAAAA, WE’ HALFWAY THERE, WHOA HOA LIVING ON A PRAYER.” The girls sing at the tops of their lungs and the crowd is with them all the way, almost lifting the roof off of the hotel.

Their following renditions of Wonderwall, Man I feel like a woman and Crazy Nights, punctuated with tequila and vodka shots are met with the same warmth and applause.

Just before the sky starts to lighten and the birds of the dawn chorus begin their magnum opus. Sasha and Nikita lift Dani into her bed aboard the campervan. Sasha looks for a blanket , while Nikita removes her sisters shoes.

“Wait.” Dani slurs, barely coherent, “I need chips.”

Nikita places a gentle hand on her shoulder and whispers, “We have ordered some but they will be a while. Close your eyes for a minute and they will be here before you know it.”

Dani looks Nikita in the eye and slurs, “Thanks babe, you guys are the best.”

Sasha lays the blanket over Dani and smiles at Nikita. She leans towards her and whispers, “She has had a skin full, she will be in bits in the morning.”

“I don’t think any of us will escape unscathed.” Nikita quietly chuckles.

Sasha climbs into her bed and curls up on her side, not bothering to change, “Night babe. Thank you for tonight.”

“You too babe. Why have we never really done this before?” Nikita asks, only getting the sound of both of her sisters softly snoring in return.

“Sounds about right.” She thinks climbing onto the front bench seat and kicking off her shoes.

She slows her breathing and closes her eyes, allowing sleep to envelope her, despite the little voice in the back of her mind telling her something isn’t right.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by GreyLord »

[mention]wolfman[/mention], you continue to amaze. That was a fantastic read. And very clever bringing Chris H. to the story. It will be interesting to see where that goes. And a nice little cliffhanger at the end. Very well done.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Caesar73 »

Another rich Chapter [mention]wolfman[/mention]: One of my favourites was the first Paragraphs, the intro. We haven´t seen the three Sisters dressed upt to the nines together very often.

Than the meeting with the ex movie star.

And then that mysterious line at the end: In your verse this means: If Sasha´s instinct tells her something is not right, then usually it is not - so we can supect there is trouble ahead :)
Millennial Club
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Post by wolfman »

GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago @wolfman, you continue to amaze. That was a fantastic read. And very clever bringing Chris H. to the story. It will be interesting to see where that goes. And a nice little cliffhanger at the end. Very well done.
You are too kind [mention]GreyLord[/mention] , Chris is a face from Nikita's often unshared past, who knows what rolw he may play in future.
Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago Another rich Chapter [mention]wolfman[/mention]: One of my favourites was the first Paragraphs, the intro. We haven´t seen the three Sisters dressed upt to the nines together very often.

Than the meeting with the ex movie star.

And then that mysterious line at the end: In your verse this means: If Sasha´s instinct tells her something is not right, then usually it is not - so we can supect there is trouble ahead :)
I thought it a nice change of pace to see the girls have a night out Chris is a wildcard and we shall see what happens with him in future.

But we also will see what is not right before then.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by Caesar73 »

wolfman wrote: 1 year ago
I thought it a nice change of pace to see the girls have a night out Chris is a wildcard and we shall see what happens with him in future.

But we also will see what is not right before then.
That pace of change was a good idee - the girls hitting the dance Floor: some innocent fun :) I am curious what the next day will bring! Besides probably a headache :)
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Post by wolfman »

A cool breeze greets Nikita, when she quietly opens the door of the campervan. She relishes the soft, cool kiss of the breeze on her skin. Her sports bra and lycra shorts, hug her curves like a second skin, as she stands barefoot at the edge of the beach.

She closes her eyes for a moment, feeling the life pulses of everyone around her. She smiles to herself, everyone is alright, no one is in distress.

Her eyes drift open to drink in the beauty of the serene beach. The sea is calm, waves barely lap the shore. Gulls swoop low over the sea and their cries lazily tease her ears.

She steps onto the warm sand and enjoys the feel of the sand between her toes, before sitting cross legged on the beach and resting her hands on her knees.

She slows her breathing and allows her body to relax. “Benefits of being a PCS factory on legs. No hangover and only needed three hours sleep.”

Nikita performs a handstand and balances on one hand, slowing her body down. “It was such a good night. I haven’t sunk that much booze in a long time.”

She chuckles to herself and drops from a handstand to her feet and smiles to herself, at her prowess.

A nearby church bell sounds nine o’clock, as a cool breeze wafts the smell of fresh baked bread her way.

Nikita takes a deep breath and lights a cigarette, before slowly walking back to the camper van and quietly opening the door. She sees Dani and Sasha still soundly asleep on the benches in the vans rear and smiles. “No sense waking them.” She thinks, pulling her phone from the door pocket.

After shrugging on a hooded top, she sends a quick text to her sisters, “Thought you could use a lay in. Have gone to see Chris and get this over with.”

The hotel lobby is quiet overall with a couple of recently arrived tourists checking in, but no one pays her any attention as she pads towards the elevators.

“I must look like I belong.” She thinks stepping into the elevator. “So far it has been the perfect day. Shame it is not likely to stay that way.”

She feels a frisson of nerves, reaching out to push the button for the penthouse and regrets it as soon as she pushes the button, “He probably won’t even be up. This is a mistake.”

The door softly chines open, almost too fast and she thinks, “Bugger it. Let’s get this over with.” Bracing herself she tries to shake the nerves out of her fingers, preparing for the let down, “Worth it to say a proper goodbye.”

She reaches out, rapping softly on the door to the penthouse and waiting.

Chris beams a smile, opening the door in a silk kimono and boxers. “I didn’t think you would come.” He says, warmly embracing her. He steps aside, leaving a lingering hand on the small of her back.

Nikita steps across the threshold and sees the bed with a pair of handcuffs glinting in a pool of sunlight. She feels a wave of nausea rise in her gorge, “Couldn’t even clear up after your last conquest?” She says, turning to leave.

He steps in her way and gently places his hands on her upper arms and shakes his head frantically, “No there hasn’t been anyone else. I swear. I left them out as a sign that I hadn’t forgotten.”

Nikita gazes into his eyes questioningly, “Do you expect me to believe that?”

“When we parted, I was crushed. I couldn’t stop thinking about you and the time we shared.” He pulls her close for a gentle embrace, “I still can’t.”

“I’ve missed you.” Nikita whispers melting into his arms.

Their lips meet in an exquisite embrace, his tongue dances in her mouth and it is like no time has passed. Like they have never been apart.

He scoops her effortlessly up in his arms and lays her on the bed, the warmth of the sheets caressing her skin. He steps back for a moment and she throws her hoodie one way and her sports bra the other, while Chris slides her shorts down.

Her body cries out for him, yearning for him to fill her to bursting and make love to her like he used to.

She allows him to guide her hands behind her and gasps at the feel of the cold steel encircling her wrists. He pushes her back on the bed and allows him lips and tongue to caress the soft skin of her neck.

Nikita purrs, feeling a rising tide of pleasure rise in her, when his lips find her nipples.

“This is just....” She thinks, before all emotion drains from her, “Perfect.”

Slow down, cowboy.” She says softly.

“We have denied ourselves for too long my love. It is our time.” Chris murmurs, gently, reaching between her legs and teasing her lips.

In a moment of clarity, time stops, “Sasha and Dani wanting a night out instead of getting back home. Carl and Jim not jumping on a plane when the hotel was hit. A perfect morning. A beautiful beach still empty at nine in the morning and bakers pulling bread out of the oven at nine. The flawless landing during yoga. No one unhealthy in the area. I should have know last night, what Italian hotel would have a karaoke night, hotdog eating contest or pole dancing contest?” Nikita shakes her head berating herself, “As if the walk across the lobby unchallenged wasn’t enough. The handcuffs were in a patch of sunlight and were still cold.”

“If Chris was more important to me, I would have thought of him more.” Nikita asserts, sitting down, slowing her breathing and focusing on her senses. “This isn’t real. But I had better not let on, in case someone is watching.”

She hears the sussura of the surf and gentle swish of the breeze. She smells the scent of Chris’ musk, the feel of his body pressing into hers and feels the warmth of the sun on her skin. The room looks real for all intents and purposes. She frowns, to herself, “What am I missing?”

Nikita uses the senses of every animal she has ever borrowed traits from and almost everything is as it should be.


In the electromagnetic spectrum, she detects metal surrounding her and electronics nearby. Tentatively, she gets up and walks towards it. “When I move it mirrors my moves.” She observes, “I am stationary and only think I am moving.”

“OK, break it down.” Nikita thinks, moaning softly, as Chris works his magic with his tongue. “On the island I was terrified a guy when in the form of a snake, Sasha killed Timor and I felt her tear him apart. I got Dani and Sasha to Italy and rescued a kid.”

“Then I fed and expanded my arsenal a little and tracked down the girls to the church.” She continues, pausing for a moment, before realising, “Son of a bitch. The Cardinal screwed us. The bastard even warned me that I would be completely vulnerable. I can remember spilling my guts about everything I had done, but nothing about our conversation after that.”

She fights not to loose control and give in to the feeling of Chris, softly kissing the inside of her thighs, as she sits on the bed. “Let’s assume I am unconscious and dreaming. How do I wake up?” She thinks, before a wave of pleasure washes through her, causing her to strain against the handcuffs, “Do I really want to wake up?” She wonders for the briefest of moments.

Nikita rolls out of his embrace and takes to her feet, keeping her distance, playfully. “Just because I am handcuffed, doesn’t mean I am a push over. You have to work for this.” She says with a cheeky smile and a wink.

“Of the lifepulses I sense, there are a few around and above me that maintain there distance from me.” She thinks feeling the seed of a plan growing.

Chris smiles and bounds across the room towards Nikita who skips aside, giggling. He reaches for her and chuckles when she pirouettes away.

Nikita continues to lead Chris on a merry dance giving her the chance to pinpoint the people around her. “The formation of the stationary people is the same as at the church, I am probably still in the basement.” She thinks, smiling at her lover, “I can feel Dani and Sasha back at the van, but I am also feeling them either side of me.”

She circles slowly around the room, playfully teasing Chris with a shake of her breasts here or a high kick there. “Everyone seems still paralysed.” She smiles to herself and turns her focus inwards, “It is well disguised but I can see the shadows in my lifepulse. I have been poisoned.”

Chris vaults over the table and takes Nikita in his arms, “Now I have you, my love.” He whispers, before kissing her deeply.

“I am only going to have one shot at this and if I screw it up, we are done for.” Nikita realises, slowing her breathing.

Nikita sighs, girding herself against the cacophony of sensations threatening to overwhelm her, “This is everything, I could ever want.” She thinks sadly, “A simple life. Love on demand. No complications. No worry about losing control of my powers and going on a rampage. All I have to do is surrender to this lie.”

She feels herself sinking into sensation, as Chris strokes her body with his firm strong hands.

Like a bolt from the blue, her mind is filled with the memory of the last time she held Mia and instantly knows what is at stake.

She reaches out with her mind and sweeps the shadow from her lifepulse into the life pulses of all those around her, both within the illusion and those who move relative to her.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Very mysterious - I wonder what is going on here ---- Nikita for a moment led into temptation to lead another life? Or so it seems. Another well done change of pace. But in the end? Nikita is seeing through the illusion. The fling with Chris is one thing, her family another. And Nikita is setting her priorities right. I am alwas fascinated by the many facets and variations you show us, [mention]wolfman[/mention]
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Post by GreyLord »

What power could induce such a detailed, lifelike, realistic dream. [mention]wolfman[/mention], you have exceeded your usual very high and demanding standards. This is a thrill to read.
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Post by slackywacky »

Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago I am always fascinated by the many facets and variations you show us, @wolfman
I agree. The amount of characters, the depth of characters, this is not an easy story to write, but Wolfman does it well.
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Post by OldTUGger »

You certainly keep us guessing, Wolfman. And that's a good thing!
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Post by wolfman »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]OldTUGger[/mention]

Thank you for your very kind words gentlemen. I have full bios on all major characters and including character notes and past actions (in some cases actions not in any of the tales so far, but noted in their history for reference). It is the only way i can keep track of everything.

Thank you for your continued support, it is good to know i am still hitting the right notes
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Post by Caesar73 »

wolfman wrote: 1 year ago Thank you for your continued support, it is good to know i am still hitting the right notes
The support is well earned I dare say and as for the notes: You hit them, like Chris hit the keys of the Grand Piano in full gallop: outstanding :)
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Post by slackywacky »

wolfman wrote: 1 year ago I have full bios on all major characters and including character notes and past actions
I won't say I do the same, not that extensively, but yeah, I keep notes on who my characters are.
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Post by slackywacky »

slackywacky wrote: 1 year ago
wolfman wrote: 1 year ago I have full bios on all major characters and including character notes and past actions
I won't say I do the same, not that extensively, but yeah, I keep some notes on who my characters are. Nothing extensive though.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
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Post by wolfman »

The air in the ancient churches crypt is suddenly rent asunder by a blood curdling roar.

Cardinal Thomasino stumbles backwards, making the sign of the cross. The middle hardened steel box explodes outward, with the tortured scream of metal.

His bladder loosens at the sight of the massive snake rearing up before him. Growing as mosquitoes from Nikitwo, Nikithree, Nikifour and Nikifive land on it and are absorbed.

Nikitaconda rises up to her full height of over twelve feet tall. With a snakes mouth full of lions fangs she speaks angrily, “How. Fucking. Dare. You?”

“You have no idea what you have done.” The Cardinal says, heartbroken

“Spare me.” She hisses, furiously, “You don’t get to be indignant here. You trapped my sisters and I in a dream, when we passed your tests.”

“When you woke yourself, you overloaded the creature who was controlling your dream and it is dead. All we hold are coming out of stasis. Every one from almost two thousand years of operation in the catacombs below.” Nikita smiles unnervingly, “My people are still paralysed. There is no way to stop them.”

Nikita roughly let’s him go and changes into her normal form, but with lion’s claws, “Sounds like a you problem, from where I am standing.” She shrugs, before digging her claws into one of the other steel boxes and rending the metal with a scream. Despite everything, she feels a pang of guilt, remembering what the blood of those here revealed to her about those held onsite.

“You don’t understand, we keep some of the true horrors of the world here. We keep them confined in dreams to stop their sinful ways and to slowly put them on a path to redemption.”

“And?” Nikita asks, impatiently, while she tears the lid off of the metal box revealing a sleeping Dani. Nikita gently lifts her sister out of the box and lays her on the floor. She feels lifepulses beneath her feet, with some beginning to fade as soon as she senses them.

“Some of them are very old and will crumble to dust when they wake, others will die from the shock of waking.” The Cardinal says, placing a beseeching hand on her shoulder. She pushes his hand away, lightly scratching his hand in the process.

“Why should I help you?” Nikita asks, coldly, subtly licking her finger. She then makes a show of extending her claws, before ripping open the other metal box to reveal Sasha.

“They will die without redemption.” He says, grief stricken. “But the real problem is the ones who live.”

“His blood tastes of dust and ash. He is impossibly old.” She thinks letting the weft of his life wash through her. However she does not let this distract her from laying Sasha by Dani’s side.

“I guess that’s what you want my help with.” Nikita says, with a sigh.

“The ones who will not die, will wreak havoc, if they get free and there is nothing I can do to stop them. My people are paralysed and powerless to defend themselves.”

“Fine. I will do what I can.” Nikita says, stretching and cracking her neck.

“You will need consecrated weapons.” The Cardinal warns, “I will show you where to find them.”

Nikita smiles to herself before saying, “Bless me father, for my body is a weapon.”

“I am serious.” The Cardinal says, raising his eyebrows.

Nikita nods and bows showing her contrition, “So am I.” She pauses for a moment, before showing her claws and fangs.

He makes the sign of the cross kissing his crucifix. She looks at him thoughtfully, before taking a knee, “Thank you your grace.”

“God is infallible, I am a mere man. I made a mistake with you and your sisters.” The Cardinal says, unable to meet her gaze, “ Two thousand years of good works wiped out my an error in judgement.”

“You have been doing this for a long time haven’t you?” Nikita sighs, twirling with her arms wide, “You started this didn’t you?”

The Cardinal looks at her with open mouthed shock, “What?”

“In one form or another, there has always been an arm of the church engaged in operations against non human threats. Someone doesn’t just do something like this for two thousand years without a powerful faith behind them.” Nikita explains, barely able to believe what she is about to say, “Saint Peter.”

“I have underestimated you, every step of the way haven’t I?” Peter asks gently.

Nikita laughs to herself and then in the blink of an eye her arms become tentacles and wrap around the man. “Do you think I am stupid? St Peter himself has lived for thousands of years imprisoning and rehabilitating evil doers, keeping them in stasis with special dreams that I have amazingly stopped. Now the only person who can stop the horde that have suddenly blinked into life, is me.”

The man smiles and despite her grip, shrugs, “You are very good.” Before her eyes, the kindly old man smiles and passes intangibly through her tentacles. “It seems we have a problem.”

Nikita notes a subtle change in the room with it slowly becoming darker and closing in on her. At the same time she notices the life pulses below her blink off.

She thrusts her arms out trying to prevent to walls from closing in on her. But despite all her strength the walls envelope her in a stony cocoon. She blinks and finds herself pinned to a bed under a rubber sheet, unable to move.

She feels tubes invading her every orifice for waste, air, food and water. She feels the man, place his hand on her arm. “Try to relax and take slow breaths through your mouth.” The Cardinal says, softly.

She feels the tension leave from the rubber sheet and slowly loosen. The tube is pulled from her throat followed by her nasal tube. Then the sheet is removed, she shiver for a moment until a blanket is laid across her.

Blinking her eyes used to the light, she sees Thomasino perched on the end of her bed. “You can relax now. You have my word that you are awake.”

Nikita winces extracting the catheter and pulling the waste tube free. “Why should I believe you?” She asks, dismissively.

“In watching your dreams, I have seen the good in you. You could have lashed out and killed Chris when you realised it was a false life. You could have crushed me like an insect the second time, yet you didn’t.” He says, taking a small pair of spectacles out of his pocket and polishing the lenses, “Your first instinct is the preservation of life and that is the core of who you are. The capacity for good in you outweighs the bad. You are not who this place was designed to contain.”

Nikita can see the sentiment in what he is saying and tentatively sits up despite the pain in her rear, “Were all the tubes necessary?”

“It is part of the containment process to ensure that those held here are kept oxygenated, fed, watered and waste is removed. I am sorry for the pain, it will pass.” Thomasino says, feeling her pain.

She climbs down off of the table, moving like a jockey who has lost her horse and removes the sheet from the next bed, releasing Nikitwo.

She turns back to Thomasino as Nikitwo, climbs off of the bed. “If we were still in a dream, at some point my brothers would find us and free us. So I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and accept that that we are free.” She pauses nervously and turns back to the Cardinal, “All of us can go, right?”

“Sasha has proven that her capacity for good outweighs her capacity for ill. Sasha’s core is that of a mother and a nurturer. You are free to leave with her.” He says calmly.

Nikitwo begins to release Nikithree, as Nikita speaks, “Thank you, your grace. Although if you put them through anything like what you put me through, it might be best to be out of here before they wake up. Any chance we can take a vehicle and some cash to help us on our way?”

The Cardinal’s expression becomes more serious and he puts on his glasses, pushing them up the bridge of his nose, “You and Sasha are free to go. However Danielle, must remain.” He says, around the same time, as the other Nikita’s finish freeing Dani and Sasha.

Nikita feels the blood chill in her veins, “What?” She asks, with a feeling of dread.

He fixes her with a grave stare, “Danielle must remain. With her abilities, she is too dangerous to be allowed to roam free.”

“She has laid her life on the line and sacrificed herself to save millions on La Palma, defeated a madman with mind control and wiped out an army of the dead on Snositi.” Nikita pleads, “When the chips are down, she does whatever it takes to do the right thing.”

“On one hand that is true. However, she has murdered hundreds in the name of vengeance.” The Cardinal, says gravely.

“People who had profited from my torture and the deaths of my siblings. They were never going to face justice and her actions made sure that they would never be in a position to do it to anyone else.” Nikita asserts, sub consciously straightening her back and standing taller.

“Whilst that may be true. What gave her the right to do so?” The Cardinal asks, softly.

“She acted for my siblings who were no longer able to act for themselves. She acted for their future victims, who would have lost their lives, should they have continued. She did it for me, so I didn’t have that pain.” Nikita days, before taking a risk, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

“Interesting. Are you implying that God has a purpose for your sister being a psychopath?” The Cardinal says, inscrutably.

“She is not a psychopath. The is caring and emotional and whilst she is morally grey, she is not depraved. Just for the record, before you accuse her of being a sociopath instead, the shows remorse for her actions and cares for the feelings of others.” Nikita returns, trying to keep her cool, “Judge not lest ye be judged.”

He smiles kindly and nods, “I have lived a live according to his words. I will be judged when the time comes.” He nods appreciatively, “ I see what you are doing. Turning things back on me so I relate to her as I relate to myself.”

“I have no choice. When Sasha and I go, I want Dani to be free to leave too.” Nikita asserts, firmly.

“If you will not leave without Dani, then you will not leave. I will not sanction her release.” The Cardinal decrees.

Nikita pauses for a moment, considering his statement. “That makes no sense. You are a man of God. It makes no sense for you to punish the innocent to retain the guilty.” She stares at the man trying to gauge a reaction, “Unless.....”

The Cardinal purses his lips and pressed his hands together, raising them to press his forefingers against his lips.

“Unless I am still asleep and this is not about Dani.” Nikita says in a moment of realisation, “She may have killed a lot of people. But she did so with fore thought and justification.”

The Cardinal watches, as Nikita begins to pace and expand on her thoughts, “But in Central Africa, at Lund’s facility, I killed everyone with a thought.” She pauses feeling the weight of her words hit her like a hammer, “Even though I brought them back, you are worried that there is a risk I might do it again.”

Nikita walks to the sink in the corner of the room and splashes some water on her face, “Dani and Sasha are free to go, but I must stay because of the potential danger I pose.”

“Depending on what your daughter has inherited from you. The same could be said of her.” The Cardinal says solemnly.

Nikita sinks to her knees and shakes her head, numb. She looks up, with a pleading in her eyes, “Please she has done nothing wrong. She is innocent. Please leave her out of this.”

The Cardinal says nothing and simply looks away.

“You can’t do this. Mia is a child. Please don’t punish her just because she may carry my genetic legacy. You are a man of God. She is without sin, you can’t do this.” She pleads with tears in her eyes. “Wait, wait.” She says drying her eyes, “I never said where she was.”

The Cardinal simply begins arranging artefacts on a shelf in the corner of the room, seemingly paying her no heed. “No but we can find the couple Danielle killed in Canada, trace the baby to the orphanage and the then from the date the baby disappeared, cross check with babies left at fire stations in America. Our reach is far and wide.”

“I will stay. I will submit to imprisonment for the rest of my life. I will do anything you want, but please I am begging you leave her alone.” Nikita pleads, sinking to her knees.

“That is why sometimes I prefer to deal with a person in the flesh, rather than in a dream.” He says, with a touch of relief. “You had a chance to just go. You and Sasha but you said no. Then despite it being just me here, you choose to try to talk me around instead of just walking out with your siblings and leaving me here dead.” He explains, then takes off his glasses to polish them, before continuing, “Then when I threaten your daughter, you offer to sacrifice yourself without reservation.“

The Cardinal places a hand on Nikita’s shoulder and gently continues, “Whatever you have done in the past. You are not that same person anymore. You are not the monster you once believed yourself to be. With this act, I absolve you.”

Nikita’s eyes go wide realising that she cannot move a muscle. On instinct she recalls her other selves and they merge with her in a cloud of flies. However, the Cardinal does not flinch and keeps his hand in place.

The Cardinal prays in Latin, his voice quiet but powerful. Nikita mind is pulled to every sin she has ever committed, in a kaleidoscope of memory.

In her mind memories spin like a tornado, scouring her soul. He eyes flutter as she struggles to prevent herself from being overwhelmed, until she loses the battle.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Dear [mention]wolfman[/mention] - whenever I think you can not surpise us anymore, you do it again. This chapter was so emotional, so imaginative so strong. Nikita fighting for the lives of her siblings and her daughter offering herself in the process - and in the end redeeming herself. This chapter has an incredible emotional depth. Truly magical.
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Post by GreyLord »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] said it well, [mention]wolfman[/mention]. This is surprising and it has great depth. Thank you very much.
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Post by wolfman »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]GreyLord[/mention]

Thank you gentlemen. I have always tried to keep this tale fresh. Nikita can fight, this has been proven. But now, she has proven she will lay down her life for those she cares for.

She has demonstrated time and again she is not a monster, this is her chance to start believing it
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wolfman wrote: 1 year ago @Caesar73 @GreyLord

Thank you gentlemen. I have always tried to keep this tale fresh. Nikita can fight, this has been proven. But now, she has proven she will lay down her life for those she cares for.

She has demonstrated time and again she is not a monster, this is her chance to start believing it
Good show, [mention]wolfman[/mention]!
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Post by slackywacky »

Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago This chapter has an incredible emotional depth. Truly magical.
I agree, but... I need to be in the mood to read this story. It has lots of depth and is excellently written, but it is not an easy story to read, compared to other stories (including mine). Sometimes I start on a new chapter and have to walk away as I am not in the right mind set to read it. But another day I will catch up again.

Keep going, Wolfman. This is still one of my favorite stories.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by wolfman »

slackywacky wrote: 1 year ago
Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago This chapter has an incredible emotional depth. Truly magical.
I agree, but... I need to be in the mood to read this story. It has lots of depth and is excellently written, but it is not an easy story to read, compared to other stories (including mine). Sometimes I start on a new chapter and have to walk away as I am not in the right mind set to read it. But another day I will catch up again.

Keep going, Wolfman. This is still one of my favorite stories.
Thank you for your suppory [mention]slackywacky[/mention] , I can appreciate what you are saying, this is quite a heavy tale in places and in places has been as difficult to write as i imagine it can be to read.
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Nikita keeps her eyes closed and controls her breathing, as she wakes. Her claws are just beneath the skin and ready to strike as she takes stock.

“I am naked under a blanket. I am on some kind of bed. Sasha and Dani are with me and from their life pulses and the sound of their breathing, they are asleep and we are all unharmed.” She thinks, before extending her senses and assessment, “The other life pulses around us as moving so no longer paralysed. I am picking up a couple of cases of hypertension and borderline diabetes, but nothing too serious. The Cardinal is next door. I think we are in one of the houses and not in the church.”

“I can sense the metal of the houses wiring. It is a little basic but functional. No complex devices and nothing in here apart from a light and a plug socket.” She thinks, risking opening one of her eyes slightly, “Daylight. Hard to tell time of day without a reference although the gentle rhythm of the local birdsong, I would guess more than a couple of hours after dawn.”

“I need to find a way to be sure that this is not a dream.” She muses, smiling to herself, “Look for anything out of place or that doesn’t make sense.”

Silently she rises from the old cot bed and stalks naked across the room to the pile of clothes on the dressing table. Silently, she pulls on a pair of knickers and bra, before snatching up a pain of jeans and a t-shirt, “Not my size but close enough.”

In the corner of the room there is a crucifix and a bible, set up under a window. Tentatively she walks over to the altar and picks up the bible. “Hang on a second. When we were on out dream night out, we went with the pictures of drinks and food as we couldn’t read the words. I wonder.” She pauses, for a moment picking up the bible.

She gently rests the spine on her palm and allows the book to open then skims through it to a random page, reading the first line, understanding the Latin, “ For he says to Moses. I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on those on whom I have compassion.” She reads then skips to another page, “ The sins of some men are obvious, reaching the place of judgement ahead of them; the sins of other trail behind them.”

“Interesting, seems that I can read again. Maybe your mind can’t process books in your dreams.” Nikita wonders, placing the book back in place and moving to the pile of clothes picking some out for her sisters and laying them out for them.

Nikita takes a slow deep breath through her nose, picking up the scent of ground black coffee and senses that the Cardinal is enjoying a cup.

She holds out her hands and flexes her fingers extending and retracting her claws, “They work still.”

Nikita takes a moment to sweep the last shadows from Sasha’s life pulse, clearing the last of the injuries Timor inflicted in their battle.

She sits quietly, letting her body recover from her sisters injuries. Taking a moment, she turns her senses inwards a exhales slowly. “Well if nothing else, at least I feel well rested.” She thinks, while considering waking her sisters. “They look so peaceful, it’s a shame to wake them. Besides, I want a word with the Cardinal first.”

Nikita crosses the threshold of the room and meets the older man’s gaze when he looks up to greet her, “ Good morning?”

“Good afternoon actually, it is a little after three.” He says warmly, then pours her a cup of coffee. He wears neatly pressed black trousers and shirt, with highly polished black leather shoes.

She takes a seat and accepts the cup, raising it in a toast before taking a sip. “That is good.” She says with an appreciative nod.

“How do you feel?” He asks, gently.

She shrugs and simply says, “Fine.”

“Look within yourself. Beyond the physical. How do you feel?” He asks again, leaning forward.

Nikita catches herself before berating him, as she comes to a realisation, “I feel lighter. As if a weight has been lifted.”

The Cardinal smiles gently, “That’s good.”

Nikita thinks to herself for a moment, before a frown furrows her brow, “You control dreams. I get that. But what else have you done to me?” She asks, readying her claws.

He places the cup on the table and begins expressing himself with his hands, as he speaks, “You control the ebb and flow of life. Dani controls the souls and land of the dead. Sasha turns thought into deed.” He sips his coffee and continues, “I on the other hand, control dreams and consume guilt.”

“How can you create such realistic dreams?” Nikita asks, sipping her coffee.

“That is the thing. I don’t. I let the dreamer dream and then tweak things a little. Because of the emotional closeness of you and your sisters, it was easy to weave you into a collective dream which would naturally split when I was ready.” He explains, leaning back in his chair and relaxing.

“Is that right?” Nikita asks, sceptically.

“Indeed. Your meetings with Chris were driven by your mind not mine.” The Cardinal says, with a blush.

“So why do it this way? Why not directly control a person’s dreams?” Nikita asks, wanting to understand.

“In a forced situation, the reaction is not natural. Where if a person is at ease, they are more likely to react naturally and show their true selves.” The Cardinal explains, “The natural reactions of yourself and your sisters are why you are free.”

“How can I be sure that this is not another dream?” Nikita asks, concerned.

“Set aside what you expect to see, and focus on what is there.” The Cardinal says, topping up his coffee.

Nikita closes her eyes and runs her hands over the arms of the chair, feeling the grain of the wood and the occasional knots in the wood. Then she kicks off her shoes, feeling the cool stone beneath her feet, well hewn but still rough in places and without any repetition in pattern.

She sits thoughtfully and then knocks back another slug of her coffee before extending her left hand and releasing a cloud of house flies which explode out of the room. All the while Nikita watches the Cardinal noting his unease.

The swarm moves with purpose, moving from tree to tree comparing the leaves and finding no duplicates or repetitions in leaf patterns. Then the swarm takes a bite out of each leaf and Nikita feels the nutrients enter each insects system, before calling them back.

Whole again, she takes a sip of the coffee and considers its taste, “Nice aroma, slightly bitter and just cooling off.” She tops up her cup and takes another sip, “That heated it up a little.” She pauses for a moment, “Slightly gritty texture, I think he used too many grounds for the size of pot.”

“OK, let’s say that this is not a dream. What happens now?” Nikita asks, watching the Cardinal closely.

“You and your sisters are free to leave.” He says, with a gentle smile.

“Any chance of a car and some cash to help us on our way?” Nikita asks, taking a chance.

“We have a few bikes, but we are short on vehicles.” The Cardinal, says warmly. With grace of a man who spent his life on his feet, he rises from his chair and crosses the room, to pull a well worn wallet from the jacket hanging on the door.

The Cardinal plucks a handful of notes from the wallet and returns it to his jacket. “This is all I can spare, but it should help you on your way.” He says placing the money on the table with a business card.

Nikita picks it up and examines it closely, confirming with her electromagnetic senses that it the card doesn’t conceal a tracker or audio bug. “Thanks.” She says, pocketing card and cash.

“If you ever need us, call the number on the card.” The Cardinal says, stepping back towards the door and picking up his jacket.

Nikita thinks for a moment, before responding, “If you ever need us, call Nirvana Hertfordshire and ask for me by name.” She days, calmly, “You have questionable methods, but I get what you are trying to achieve.”

Cardinal Thomasino nods, solemnly, “Thank you. This is my home, you and your sisters are welcome to stay as long as you wish, take what you need for your journey and know our prayers go with you.”

Dani feels the smooth cool fabric of the bed sheet on her skin and sighs, “It’s been a while since I woke up in a bed. Pity it can’t last longer.”

She rolls over effortlessly passing through the barrier into the Dead World. She floats in necrotic silence, smiling gently, “It is good to be back. I have no idea what that weird ass dream was about.”

She floats upright and swoops in a low arc through the Dead World version of the small town, “There are a lot of people here. This will go south quickly, if they try to stop us leaving.” She thinks, clothing herself in full body armour crafter from the necrotic matter around her.

As an afterthought, she crafts dozens of metal discs and attaches then to her armour, before returning to the room she woke in.

Nikita takes the remains of the pot of coffee with her cup and another two on a tray into the bedroom and lays it down.

Noting Dani’s bed is empty, she wonders, “I hope that’s a sign that she has her powers back.”

“Hunr fnuhr.” Sasha moans softly as she turns over, “Is that coffee I smell?”

Nikita fills a cup and places it in the sidesteps by Sasha’s bed. “Morning babe, we are back in the world.”

Sasha slips on a t-shirt and tentatively takes the cup and sips it gently, “Why am I not hungover?” She asks, half asleep.

Dani steps back into the waking world, fully armoured with a necrotic wakisashi in each hand, “Last night was a dream. Didn’t happen.”

Nikita winks at Dani pouring her a cup of coffee, “It happened, just not in the real world.”

Dani sheathed her swords and accepts the coffee, “You have no idea how bad I need this.” She admits taking a slug of coffee and relishing its warmth on the way down. “What do you mean, it happened but not in the real world?”

“We were placed into a shared illusion as part of a test by Cardinal Thomasino. We passed by the way.” Nikita explains, the nods to Dani, “That look suits you. Armoured mumblers is your thing.”

Sasha laughs, as Dani shakes her head and chuckles, “I will never be able to wear leggings around you guys again, will I?”

Nikita takes another gulp of coffee and shrugs, “Probably not. To be fair, you are a little over dressed.”

“Ready to fight our way out of here.” Dani says, going over exit strategies in her mind.

“We have the run of the house for as long as we need and can leave when we want.” Nikita says, topping off Dani and Sasha’s cups with the last of the pot, “On that note, if you want to get changed into civvies, I will get another pot on and see what I can find for breakfast.”

“Not so fast.” Sasha says, before fixing Nikita with a withering gaze, “Did you and Chris Hemsby really, you know?”

Nikita’s cheeks burn with embarrassment, “Yeah, that was all true.”

Sasha pulls on underwear and jeans and waves to Dani, “Get changed, we are doing brekkie together and having a proper chat about this.”

After breakfast, Sasha performs a slow Tai Chi routine with Nikita, while Dani meditates in the Dead World.

“Once they are done with their kata, we need to get out of here.” Dani muses, thoughtfully.

She chuckles to herself, thinking, “Don’t think they would appreciate, being wrapped in a bag and flown away at speed.”

She conjures a cigarette from necrotic matter and takes a drag, “Not as good as the real thing, but will do for now.” She thinks at the bitter flavour.

She exhales smoke, crafting it into different options and then thinks to herself, “I can make a bag, why not make a box?”

The smoke swirls into new shapes and Dani cannot help but laugh at the possibilities.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
Millennial Club
Millennial Club
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Post by GreyLord »

I am staggered by the complexity of your world, [mention]wolfman[/mention]. Yet the complex details fit the story, moving it along.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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