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DAY 71
Skerpla 21th, A.D 841


The Jarl's fearsome firstborn continued laying claim to my backside during the days and weeks following his celebrated return. It usually happened at night, when his very pregnant consort was away and sleeping at the midwife's birthing home. But then his conquests grew bolder and more frequent, to the point where I was being hunted down and chased not only at night but also by day.

Hrongar's ministrations consistently had for effect of leaving me both confused and hopeful, but ultimately very saddened.
I was growing increasingly attached to him, leaving my downtrodden spirit particularly vulnerable to his lack of genuine affection. Part of me kept naively hoping our intercourse would spark something more than just carnal desires on his part.

"If Gerda not be so jealous, I would take you as personal thrall, pretty one." the brute once whispered in my ear, further fuelling the fanciful hopes I so foolishly clung to.

Balgruuf's return had served as a beacon of optimism during the first few days of my tenure at the Longhouse. As those days turned into weeks and those weeks gradually turned into months though, the brown-haired widower's homecoming no longer gave me much hope. My mind kept going over the non-committal manner in which he'd voiced interest in claiming me, and then I found myself going over his parting words again and again while at the same time deluding myself with false hopes of a life under Hrongar's somewhat comforting gaze.

I prided myself on things like resourcefulness and adaptability, and yet only ten weeks into my tenure as a slave and I was already beginning to lose myself and give in to the unconquerable feelings of despair that afflicted the other thralls I worked with.

I hadn't lost all sense of hope yet, but each morning I woke up and each night I went to bed, I could feel my old self seemingly slipping away. It almost felt as though I was being replaced with a shell; one that would soon leave me wholly unrecognisable and sentient only in appearance and name.

In any case, I was busily cleaning Vilkas' rather lavish bedchamber that very first time Hrongar came for me during the day. Though I did not presume to tell the mighty strongman and heir to the Jarl's throne whether or not he could take me, I made the mistake of letting him know the inconvenience of his timing; something which ultimately resulted in the furrowing of his brow and a very hard slap being delivered to my face.

"If you speak to me with such words again, I will rip your tongue out, milk-boy." came his very harsh and very angry rebuke.

The slap nearly sent me crashing down to the floor as I cupped the reddened side of my face with both hands and sobbed from the unprecedented severity of his threat. I fell to my knees in front of the Norse behemoth, bowed my head in unbridled submission and tried very hard to control the flow of warm tears that stubbornly streamed down my burning face. I cried and nodded my head in understanding as Hrongar continued growling a series of harsh threats and driving into me just how lowly my station here was.

My overtly submissive posture and the fact that the hairy dome of my sobbing head stood flush with his knees pleased him greatly and softened his tone a little. The voluntary gesture of unrestrained submissiveness wouldn't help me distance myself from the quasi-male stigma I so often found myself being labelled with, but considering how well it had served me thus far, I did not care. The very last thing I wanted was to challenge Hrongar or question his authority over me. His very glance was law, and I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that remaining on his good side was my only means of survival in this dreary, disheartening place.

"Hlifá, mestr hǫlðr. Hlifá..." I whimpered, keeping my head down even as tears dripped down to the floor, and then intentionally using a word that I knew carried double meaning in his tongue. The word Hlifá was normally used as a means of begging for mercy, but it could also be used when asking for protection. In short, I was asking Hrongar - whom I'd very knowingly addressed as the greatest of hero-warriors - for both his mercy and his protection.

Begging for mercy no doubt made me seem weak, cowardly and effeminate in his eyes, but one thing men like him were more prone to granting was protection. The desire and subconscious need to protect those they thought of as weaker was deeply ingrained in most men, particularly in those who had or were expecting children. I used that knowledge to my advantage, or at the very least, tried to.

Hrongar had previously voiced amusement at my pathetic attempts to sweet-talk my way into his good graces with - as he liked to call them - "honeyed words". He did, however, more often than not willingly allow himself to be swayed by them, leaving little doubt as to how flattering my verbal boot-licking must've been to his ego.

The brute took me that day, much in the same manner as he usually did. The front of my tunic-clad torso was pushed against his younger brother's dishevelled bed and then the thrusting began. My screams of mixed agony and pleasure were only partially contained by the towering behemoth's terribly oversized palms; something which eventually incited him to reach down to the floor and grab one of the discarded socks that sat closest to the bed.

I watched as the sizeable mass of brownish wool was balled up and was instantly made aware of its stupendously harrowing smell upon its speedy rapprochement with my face.

"Open your scream hole, little sveinn. Vilkas sock make you quiet." Hrongar demanded, his positively gargantuan slab of meat still throbbing inside me as he cupped the underside of my face with one hand and brought the younger warrior's horrifyingly pungent, vinegary-scented wadding up to my mouth.

I still remember giving the mass of yellowing fabric a tentative whiff before letting out a panicked cough and going crosseyed in deep revulsion.

A reek reminiscent of malt vinegar, boiled eggs and goat cheese rose up to greet my nasal passageways, but the mountainous leviathan whose girthy appendage was still impaling my backside took no notice of the acrid stench emanating from his handsome brother's foul sock. He forcibly rammed it in between my lips before cramming it all the way in and then clamping his massive palm atop my bulging cheeks and face.

I screamed, both from the sudden resumption of Hrongar's brutal thrusting but also from the fetid smell and strong taste of mighty Vilkas' rotting sock. I sucked on the cheese-infested wadding, cried out inside it and desperately struggled for air from beneath my oversized subjugator's tremendously massive palm.

Hrongar had me lying on his brother's bed at first, but he eventually opted to have me standing on my feet before lifting me right up off the floor and then thrusting himself in and out of me whilst crushing my back to his unreasonably hulking torso.

I ended up losing consciousness soon after. My vision grew black from lack of air and the next thing I recall was waking up to the sensation of an aching rump and some very full innards. Hrongar lifted his trousers back up and vacated his brother's room as soon as he was done with me; leaving my visibly shaken form to deal with the warm juices that seeped out of my heavily-pained orifice.

He would occasionally reward me by grabbing an apple or a pear from the fresh fruit basket that adorned his bedroom table and tossing it into my lap. No such reward came my way on that day, however. No reward and no soothing words of consolation either.

The evening meal went much as it usually did, with myself and Ysolda ferrying food and dishes from the kitchen to the brazier-lit mead hall. My downcast eyes did not fail to notice the quizzical glance on Vilkas' handsome face as he noted the pain-induced rigidness of my unnaturally hampered movements. I also did not miss the amused smirk splayed across Hrongar's proud features as he watched me wince and cope with the painful stiffness in my backside. My discomfort was of his own doing, something which apparently gave him reason to leer condescendingly and puff his very prominently muscled chest out.

The towering warrior took me again that night, but saw fit to recompense my continued submissiveness with a fuzzy-skinned fruit before ordering me to leave his bedchamber and make my way back down to the thrall pen. I, of course, cried like I usually did. Not only because of the unbearable pain and the humiliation that burdened me as a result of our rough intercourse, but also from the continued lack of reciprocal attachment that lingered between us.

I slept on the dusty straw-lined floor of the dank thrall pen, just like I did almost every night; curled up into a fetal position and thinking of happier times and better places. Then I thought of poor Paul, whose cadaver was no doubt still rotting on the Caledonian shoreline. My thoughts dwelled on him for a bit, and I wondered if his untimely fate at the end of a throwing axe had perhaps been more merciful than mine. I thought about Allan, Shaemus and Duncan as well...wondered if they were still alive or if they had succumbed to the harshness of this land.

Well over two months had passed since that fateful night of the raid on my hometown, and yet I still found myself waking up and questioning myself as to whether or not I was stuck in some dark gloomy nightmare of sorts.

Things finally came to a head that same night, on the seventy-second day of my captive enslavement. I still recall being woken up from my unrestful slumber by the sound of Ailidh or one of the other women - I couldn't tell which - being forcibly taken. I curled up tighter, closed my eyes shut and pressed my hands against my ears in a semi-successful attempt at silencing her unbearable whimpers.

The other women huddled together as they usually did. Some cried, others pleaded with the assailant.
It was all too much for me to bear, too much for me to endure.

I knew that removing a knife from the kitchen or weaponising any tool in defence of myself or a fellow thrall was strictly forbidden. Such an act would spell my immediate execution. No trial would be arranged to determine whether my actions had been justified, only a swift death at the end of a sharpened blade.

I thought about my options, or lack thereof, struggled to break free from the bonds of my own fear-induced immobility, and then immediately rose up to my feet before hurriedly darting out of the smelly thrall pen. My weary mind was set on no specific course of action other than putting some distance between myself and the horrors of that godforsaken room. But even so, I immediately found myself making haste toward the Longhouse's uppermost floor, almost as if carried there by some benevolent force invisible to my own tear-filled eyes.


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Post by Bradstick »

Jamis I hope you know what your doing. This could end up being really bad for you. Even if Hrongar does do something tonight, I don’t see it having a lasting effect unless he removes the males that are doing this out of the longhouse and to the fields or just killing them outright. Those thralls don’t have a lot, and if Jamis gets them in trouble with the son of the Jarl, they may very well go after Jamis. I’m quite nervous for him.

Other than the ending racking my nerves for poor Jamis, I really liked the sex scene of this chapter. I loved the added sock gag combined with the hand gag. I’m quite interested to see where you are taking this story.

So far Jamis has forgotten about Balgruuf but that may change when he eventually returns. Hrongar on the other hand wants to take Jamis but can’t because Greda would get jealous. That could also change if Greda passes away during the birth with or without the baby. Tons of possibilities and I haven’t got a clue where you are taking it. Super excited for the next chapter’
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Post by Stormee »

Forgot the other chapter was posted the other day and had to go back and read that before this one. I'm gonna gloss over the previous chapter and discuss more on the current situation and I have to say is, be careful Jamis. Something could go horribly wrong and you will regret it. I understand you're going to have the fight or flight instincts kick in, but just be careful of your actions. It could end as Paul in Caledonia.
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Post by dahanband »

oh oh oh...
I have always been interested in historical stories. Why did I find out about this story so late? I feel like I lost a lot of things...
but it's never too late to start... 8-) ;)
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Post by OrdinaryWorld »

Is Jamis really going to a rapist for help regarding a rape problem? Really, Jamis? :roll:

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Post by gag1195 »

Definitely in over his head, but understandably driven by desperation. Sadly, I cannot foresee any of his possible outcomes ending well for him. Jamis is well and truly screwed, in more ways than one. The question now is, how bad is it going to be for him?
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Post by bondagefreak »

OrdinaryWorld wrote: 2 years ago Is Jamis really going to a rapist for help regarding a rape problem? Really, Jamis? :roll:
Far be it from me to confirm or deny what Jamis intends on doing, but I think you may be looking at this a little too much from our somewhat more enlightened 21st-century eyes, my friend.

You need to keep in mind a few things. As difficult as it may be for us to comprehend, according to his people's customs, Hrongar has committed nothing reprehensible in laying claim to Jamis. Thralls had no status in Norse society. There actually were laws prohibiting what we call rape, but such laws only applied to/protected Norse women. Not thralls.

Thralls did not hold the status of people in these nordic cultures. They held the same rank as cattle, meaning that laws and measures in place to protect against sexual abuses did not apply to them. As such, to this society, there was nothing even remotely reprehensible about Norsemen using their thralls in whatever fashion they saw fit.

The laws that protected Norsewomen also did not apply to Norsemen themselves, meaning that Hrongar or any other free Viking man could impose himself on a fellow Viking as a display of dominance. The act itself bore no stigma. The stigma was on the man who allowed himself to be conquered in such a manner. Such a man (the victim) could either accept his lessened status in the eyes of his peers (and most likely endure lasting taunts as a result of it) or challenge his assailant to a deathmatch.

Basically, as far as Hrongar's people and the peoples of what is now Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland are concerned, him taking Jamis to his bed was not morally reprehensible. Jamis has no status in their eyes. He lost his right to be human the moment he allowed himself to be captured. He is now of equal status to a stable animal, an object and a commodity.

I realise this probably sounds really harsh - which it is! - but Hrongar would not have been considered villainous or immoral in the eyes of his people.

As barbaric as the Norse society's use of thralls may seem, the Christians had no qualms about burning homosexuals and other "deviants" and suspected disbelievers at the stake during this time. Even hundreds of years later, during the colonial age, Christian nations like Spain, England, Portugal (and to a somewhat lesser degree, France) also had no qualms about using slave labour even though the lands of the north had already ceased using thralls.

In short, these were very different times.
Norse society shared some of our sensibilities regarding sexual abuse, but only the free women were legally shielded from rape. The free men had to rely on their own physical strength to fend each other off, and the thralls had zero status to speak of until they purchased their freedom or outbred the stigma of thralldom and became free men/women themselves.

Hope this explanation helps put you and everyone else into context a little better!
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Post by Guardianbound »

Oh no Jamis. I think he's making the wrong move here. Clearly his lack of freedom is driving him insane.
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Post by Pup »

This is not going to end well for Jamis.
Though I'm not sure what alternatives there are 🤣
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Post by bondagefreak »


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DAY 72
Skerpla 22th, A.D 841


So distressed I was from the horrors of the thrall pen that I barely acknowledged the pair of chainmail-clad guards stationed in the otherwise deserted mead hall. Both men stopped chatting and turned around to quizzically eye my tear-lined face as I emerged onto the main floor and immediately made haste towards the flight of steps leading to the upper one.

"Stǫðva!" one of the sentries ordered, causing me to immediately halt my ascent and stop dead in my tracks.

The towering guards were both familiar with me. They saw me every day and knew that I was one of the three servants assigned to cleaning the Longhouse and tending to the banquet hall. Though the guards and I had never addressed each other, I had always made it a point to show great deference by keeping my eyes cast down and my head submissively lowered whenever one of them was in close proximity to me.

While my attempts at garnering some meagre form of approval on their part had initially earned me nothing more than harsh glares and cold indifference, my continued submissiveness had softened their gazes somewhat. In other words, they'd gotten used to me. Still, that didn't justify my great hurry to leave the thrall pen, nor did it explain why I was making haste towards the upper floor where all the more lavish sleeping quarters were located.

"Come here, thrall." one of the guards commandingly instructed, walking over towards the flight of steps I'd begun to ascend and ordering me to climb down and approach his position.

I did as I was told, fearing that I'd be punished or at the very least ordered to return to the slave pen. My mind raced to come up with a plausible explanation for what I was doing; one that would shield me from almost certain punishment while at the same time securing my passage upstairs. Fortunately for me, the guard unwittingly provided me with one.

"Why you go upstairs? You go to see Hrongar?" the long-haired soldier asked, to which I nervously nodded my head 'yes' whilst keeping my gaze respectfully lowered. The towering man turned towards his companion and let out a scornful snicker before returning his derisive focus back to my small, quivering self. The look of contempt was written quite plainly all over his face as he disdainfully dismissed me and allowed me to be on my way.

I ascended the steps slowly at first, mostly because I didn't want the unpredictable and highly capricious sentries to suspect that anything was wrong. But as soon as they were out of sight, I quickly ran up the remaining flight of stairs and immediately set a course for Hrongar's private bedchamber.

I still remember feeling as though my thumping heart would beat its way out of my chest just then. Not only did I harbour a very real fear of displeasing the Jarl's eldest son, but I also had to deal with the added stress of having been expelled from his quarters only a few hours ago. I knew that my intrusive return to his room might have dire consequences, and I knew that I risked irking him and stoking the flames of his disapproval.

Alas, by the time my doubts and second thoughts had begun taking precedence, it was already too late. My bony knuckles had already danced atop the ornate door that marked the entrance to his chamber.

I waited and waited and waited some more, but still, no answer came. Though my quest was in fact to rouse the beastly man from his slumber, I was inexplicably relieved that my initial attempts had seemingly failed. I thought about knocking again but then pulled my own hand back before it could hit the wooden door. I just stood there for a bit, not knowing what to do...not knowing whether he would cut one of my fingers off or flail the skin from off my miserable body for bothering him like this.

I finally knocked a second time; closing my tear-filled eyes in an effort to calm myself as the sound of my own heartbeat became increasingly deafening to my ears.

The door swung open that second time, something which was immediately followed by Hrongar's immensely muscular, underpants-clad form emerging into the dimly-lit corridor. Though his initial reaction was one of confusion and bewilderment, it didn't take long for a fear-inspiring frown to line his slumberous features.

I told him about the women being raped downstairs, told him about their cries, about how threatening two of the males were. Much to my great dismay though, the tears streaming down my cheeks and the sobbing-induced interruptions in my explanation did little to soften the giant man's heart or even garner any semblance of sympathy.

"You come up here and wake me for this? Go back to thrall pen, little sveinn. You bother me again for reason so stupid, I cut your tongue out and feed it to the dogs." he growled, his expression one of visible frustration at the fact that I'd roused him in the middle of the night for something he deemed as being wholly trivial and unimportant.

I cried when Hrongar's unreceptiveness was followed by a series of menacing threats. I cried, not only because I'd managed to anger him and make a fool out of myself, but also because his refusal to help left me with no other choice than to return from whence I came.

The hairy-chested leviathan immediately turned around after ordering me back downstairs, but in my utter desperation and unwillingness to return to the horrors of the dank thrall pen, I disobeyed his command and sank down to my knees before sobbing uncontrollably. A smarter thrall would've undoubtedly scurried away upon noticing his sudden approach, but instead of retreating away to safety, I pleaded my case...not only by remaining put but also by prostrating myself in front of him and loosely cupping my hands around one of his very hairy ankles.

"Ple...please, mighty jǫru...jǫru-fægir. I beg you, I plead with you. Please. I don't...I don't want to go down there! I don't want to go back! Don't...don't send me away..." came the sound of my rather pitiful grovelling.

Hrongar was quite literally fuming by that point. Not only had a lowly subhuman thrall refused to obey his direct order, but its tears were now dripping down against the top of his feet and its clammy fingers were pleadingly making unsolicited contact with his skin.

The mountainous behemoth breathed out noisily through his nostrils as he towered above my prostrated form and contemplated what to do with me. I cried like I rarely had, and loosely wrapped my arms around his ankles before lowering my tear-lined face down to the floor, directly between his positively gargantuan feet. Only the sound of my ungovernable sobbing punctuated the silence that marked the colossal warrior's internal deliberations.

The disapproving frown did not leave his face as he finally reached a verdict and addressed my disobedience and the reason for my intrusive visit.

"You either very brave or you very stupid, milk-boy." he growled, leaving little doubt as to how irked and annoyed he was.

I instinctively nodded my head in acceptance of what he was implying and sniffled back another set of tears before opening my mouth and whimpering that I most likely was a little of both. Hrongar said nothing at first, but then the unmistakable sound of a derisive snort met my ears as the impossibly burly mightyman chuckled at my own humility.

"Yes, that be the answer, foolish sveinn. Brave and stupid." he approvingly mused, allowing a glimmer of amusement to mix itself in with his frustrated scowl.

A deep huff then left his mouth, followed by a loud yawn and a string of muttered curses that were difficult to make out. I watched as the hulking brute pulled away, and then allowed myself to sit up and dry my teary eyes with the sleeves of my undyed tunic as he disappeared into his private room. The fact that he had left his door open and was apparently rummaging around gave me hope, something that was not entirely misplaced considering the fact that he emerged back into the corridor wearing his trousers and his sword belt just a short while later.

"Come, little thrall. I go downstairs to see what make you weep like pathetic mær." Hrongar spoke, ordering me to rise up from my kneeling position and follow him back down to the dark and musty thrall pen.



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I do like most of your stories but I think this one though we'll written is missing bondage and punishment in it.

Sorry to put downer on this but utsnot your best work by far as no TUG in it at all
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Post by Bradstick »

I’m honestly quite shocked that Hrongar is helping him. It’s going to be quite interesting how he will react to the thrall pen. If does not nothing, then he may have dug himself into a hole he can’t get out of, both with Hrongar and the other thralls.

If Hrongar does do something, then it will really depend on what he does. If he kills the two male thralls, his problems could be solved for now but who knows what consequences that could have. If he only hurts them without serious injury, they will take their revenge on Jamis. They can’t go after Hrongar so their only option would be Jamis.

It will be quite interesting to see where you go with the next chapter as that chapter will have some very serious consequences for poor Jamis. Can’t wait, absolutely love this story and it’s probably one of if not my favorite story on the forum.
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Post by gag1195 »

I honestly didn't expect Jamis to be successful, but against the odds, our diminutive scholar is quite lucky! Of course, there is the worry of backlash from these brutish thralls. Hrongar is always going to be around, or willing to help.
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Post by wataru14 » wrote: 2 years ago Hi

I do like most of your stories but I think this one though we'll written is missing bondage and punishment in it.

Sorry to put downer on this but utsnot your best work by far as no TUG in it at all
I disagree. Jamis' situation is nothing but bondage and punishment, just on a different wavelength. It's about his helplessness and submission, and what's more "bondage-y" than that?
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Post by Guardianbound »

I'm afraid of what Hrongar's version of help is, jamis may not appreciate how Hrongar chooses to intervene. But, like many others I'm surprised hrongar even chose to go down for jamis.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Interesting... Jamis is finally getting through his captor.

I'm starting to think Hrongar is not as heartless as he appears to be but it's yet to be seen whether that's because he has a reputation to keep or there's something else keeping him from being kinder.
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Post by ShadowHusky »

This is becoming quite the escapade, but I worry Jamis is very much out of his depth.
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Post by bondagefreak » wrote: 2 years ago Sorry to put a downer on this but its not your best work by far as no TUG in it at all
Hey buddy. Hope you're doing alright.
I realise many of my written works are not your cup of tea, as this isn't the first time you've posted similar comments on my stories. I've been writing consistently for over a decade now and though I'm not one to boast, I'm honestly quite proud of how this story here is turning out. I'm pretty sure the saying "One man's trash is another man's treasure." would apply ;)

I know you're really into [mention]squirrel[/mention]'s and [mention]Bondwriter[/mention]'s exciting stories (both of whom produce stories where the protagonists are tied up and gagged in different ways almost every chapter) but that's not my domain. It's never been my domain. My stories have always been character/relationship-driven and not bondage-driven.

Much like my main saga B&G and many of my other works, Jamis' story is one of BDSM, Submission & Domination, Slavery and Romance. Physical bondage does play a part in it (with strict hogties, sockgags gags, chains and iron manacles featuring in Chapters 2, 3, 4 & 5) but it is not the main driving force behind the story. My works are much more focused on domination, submission and relationships. This tale here is no exception.

If you choose to read my stuff, it might be a good idea for you to keep in mind that I don't write for the same audience as my very talented coauthors [mention]squirrel[/mention] and [mention]Bondwriter[/mention]. The majority of their readers are - like yourself - mostly into the bondage & gag descriptions. By contrast, most of the readers following my works are more into romance and BDSM. This tale you're reading is a BDSM romance story, not a bondage marathon. I'm sorry you were misled into believing it was the latter.

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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

"Come, little thrall. I go downstairs to see what make you weep like pathetic mær."

Fierce reputations be damned!

I have withheld commenting, until I saw warmth in the heart of someone besides Jamis.

Could Hrongar's heart be melting?
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Post by bondagefreak »

gag1195 wrote: 2 years ago I honestly didn't expect Jamis to be successful, but against the odds, our diminutive scholar is quite lucky!
You'll definitely get no argument from me, though I would be tempted to argue that luck isn't wholly responsible for Hrongar's decision to potentially intervene. I think [mention]ShadowHusky[/mention] spoke true when he pointed out Jamis' resourcefulness. Our narrator may be a tad lucky, but he's proven very intuitive thus far. He seems to have identified a potential weakness in Hrongar and some of the other hulking Norsemen (their ego) and has been using that knowledge to the fullest extent possible.

Hrongar seems to be very much aware of Jamis' sweet-worded attempts at garnering his favour, but the brute probably finds the grovelling and verbal boot-licking so amusing and flattering that he knowingly allows himself to be swayed by the little thrall. I know I surely would ;) I may have a small bias - being the author and all - but Jamis has so far proven quite smart and resourceful. I'm pretty sure that's played a part in increasing his luck.

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Post by Sockgaggedman »

Vikings and the Viking Era were already such big turn-ons for me! I did many a project about them in my formative school years which meant researching everything from the rulers and attack tactics down to the clothing they wore ( hence fashion history being my all time favorite subject to which I accorded great levels of attention even if it wasn't taught at school...)

And so add to that the fact that Sir [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] has a God given talent at making any historical era extremally hot and I practically SHREADED through the first 4 pages!
While poor milk boy isn't quite in the best of situation as a prisoner, yet I can't say I don't envy him for having such lustful capturers!
Master Bondagefreak has gosh darn did it again! Another hot story fresh out of the oven! And wear gloves for this one, because it's just radiating wave after wave of heat!
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Post by Rtj65 »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] I decided to give this a go over the last few days after you recommended it to me and I've really enjoyed it! I love the attention to detail put into the story and the sheer dedication to historical accuracy. The subject matter is obviously pretty dark, but I generally like that sort of thing, and it's done really well here. The narrative is dramatic and compelling, so I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes from here now that I'm up to date.

A few other thoughts - it's difficult for me to like Hrongar at this point, although I'm judging him by today's standards (perhaps unfairly) when he's just a product of his surroundings and the time period. As for Jamis, he's clearly shown a resourceful side but what he's doing now seems like a bad idea. Even if Hrongar does dispose of the thralls, then what? The women will probably fear him too, and eventually those thralls would have to be replaced, potentially by more men. He's already a slave who could be killed at any moment for stepping out of line, so why risk making any more enemies?

Jamis' long term future is very uncertain too, as Hrongar could easily get bored of him, or Gerda could see him moved somewhere else once she's given birth. Judging by the dates you've used, there's a good couple of hundred years before the region converts to Christianity, so there's not exactly any light at the end of the tunnel for Jamis. Still, looking forward to seeing how his quest for survival continues to play out!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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