The Chosen Ones: A Bondage-Mania Event (MATURE CONTENT) M+/M+ NEW CHAPTER! 11/21/22

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Post by ShortSocks »

Chapter 20:

(Mason’s POV)


“Good.” Replied Rudy after I nodded my head yes in agreement to his offer.

I wasnt sure what to make of this scenario. Could I trust Rudy? What was his asking price? Would I agree to it? What if I didnt? Should I scream for help? Would I be able to? What does he want me to do? Do I really want to know? UGH! So many thoughts were crossing my mind it was maddening!

I shifted around in my bound predicament uncomfortably. Things had fallen silent since Rudy said good. I couldnt tell where he was or what he was doing. The suspense was beginning to kill me. I couldnt hear anything, and no matter how hard I strained and struggled I was completely helpless.

I thought I heard some rustling off in the distance and then things grew silent once more.

“MMM FMMPH?” I tried calling out Rudy’s name from my gag but got no response. What the hell was going on?!

I was doing my best to try to create a mental image of my surroundings in the room just to try to comfort myself. I know Rudy was an older guy probably in his mid 40’s, with black hair and a thin black mustache that resembled Gomez Addam’s mustache from the Addams Family show. He could pass as his twin brother. He was a short, skinny man that always had the look of someone whose brain was always working a mile a minute. Very mischievous and mysterious at all times. You could tell he was cunning and smart.

That reminded me…Rudy did cause me to get captured earlier on today! I really need to keep my guard up with him and keep my head on a swivel at all times.

I heard another noise off in the distance.

“HMMPH?” I squealed in surprise hoping for a response. None came. Things grew silent once more.

With the apprehension, tension, and exhilaration of this scenario playing out I began to grow even hornier once more. I shifted around in my bonds once more, thrusting my hips slowly into the air in a air humping motion a couple of times as I grunted into my gag with effort. The suspense was KILLING ME.


(Rudy’s POV)


Ever since I watched Mason walk into this home, I had been crushing on him hard. I didnt want to show it. Its not my place. My master’s that pay me to be their butler have done a few events like this in the past and while there had always been attractive, fit men every time..there was just something about Mason’s innocent good hearted personality and absolutely drop dead gorgeous looks and a physique that would rival that of a greek god. He had perfect hair, perfect facial bone structure with a sharp jawline with a picture perfect smile and gorgeous sad puppy dog baby blue eyes that can pierce your soul. In essence, he was perfect. Every inch of him. Perfection. And he has a heart of gold. I understand exactly why he is everyone’s most desired guy here. I too am under a spell just at the sight of him and I have been ever since I laid eyes on him and watched his personality shine throughout the event.

So when my bosses came to me and told me they noticed how much I had been watching Mason in particular and asked if I would like an opportunity alone with him, I was absolutely floored. I of course said yes. In this situation, who wouldnt? Of course, it involved me having to set this hunk up somehow. They were leaving that up to me.

They alerted me when it would be happening. I was elated to even be offered an opportunity. I wasnt sure what I was even going to do with the opportunity.

So when I saw him sprawled out on the giant wood coffee table, bound spread eagle to it, gagged and blindfolded in just his black knee high baseball socks and black jockstrap, my heart fluttered. I had thought of an idea earlier that I ran by my bosses, but told them I wasnt 100% sure id go through with it. Now, I knew I would. The way the moonlight peered into the room through the massive windows illuminating his gorgeous body as he tugged and writhed against his bonds so slowly and passionately. It was enough to drive anyone nuts. So gorgeous. Without realizing it, I accidentally walked into an accent table near him. It caused him to stir and tug even more, causing my arousal and excitement to kick in overdrive. I started to caress his stunning body which seemed to torment him in a way he enjoyed as well.

I wound up after all was said and done with a little teasing, getting Mason to agree to helping me if I would help him out. But the problem is, I still wasnt sure what my plan was.

I quietly scampered across the room while I admired Mason from a distance. God he looked great, the little thin white ropes holding him spread eagle to the giant table biting into his wrists and sock clad ankles just right.

What was I to do? My body must have been working faster than my brain as I was already unfastening my pants and kicking off my shoes. I let them fall to the floor with a thud which I could tell Mason heard. I paid him no mind as I loosened my necktie pulled my dress shirt apart and tossed it to the side with another thud which once again Mason was alerted to.

I stood here in just my pair of tighty whitey underwear, black calf high dress socks, and black necktie. I slowly began to creep back towards him silently.

Once I reached the table I stopped and stared. Was I really about to do this? Could I do this? No….yes..wait…yes!

Oh sweet oblivious Mason. Laying so still and silent…for now. I quickly pounced up onto the table and heaved myself directly onto Mason’s broad torso as I straddled his chest and slowly peeled off his blindfold as he was yelling into his gag and began struggling.

“HEL-LO gorgeous!” I exclaimed with a smile, my loins burning.


(Back to Mason’s POV)


After what had felt like a long silence, suddenly I felt the weight of a person come crashing down onto my chest. It completely caught me off guard. I felt a pair of fingers working at my blindfold as I thrashed around as much as my bonds would allow, yelling anxiously into my gag.

My blindfold was finally removed and my eyes slowly tried to adjust to the lighting from the moon in the room. I could make out Rudy’s blurry silhouette over me as I heard him say Hello Gorgeous.

I could finally make out the outline of Rudy’s face and I could tell he was smiling from ear to ear. He seemed quite happy and proud of himself.

“Oh I have been waiting for a chance at you since I first laid eyes on you.” Announced Rudy as he traced his fingers over my face and gagged lips.

“HMM NMMMPH!” I grunted as I tugged at my ropes holding me down.

“Ah yes, keep struggling for daddy, thats so hot.” He said as he clamped a hand down over my already gagged mouth to prevent me from moving my head and causing me to yelp with surprise into my gag.

I wasnt sure what Rudy was about to do, but I knew I was ready to get off of this uncomfortable table. I had some suspicions though as to Rudy’s intentions and once he began gyrating his hips and dry humping my chest slowly I knew.

All I could do was grunt into my gag as Rudy slowly slid backwards down my core, lowering himself down to begin licking and playing with my nipples briefly before sliding past my erection that was trapped under him and my jockstrap. He shot me a sarcastic shocked look as he peeled down my jockstrap as far as my bondage would allow causing my erection to spring to life. The painful realization that the strings wound around my shaft and balls still preventing me from climaxing.

“Aww poor baby.” Rudy said sarcastically as he began licking on and around the head of my shaft before giving it a quick suck and repeating that process as he played with my balls knowing it would drive me nuts.

“MMMM NMMM HMMMPH!” I groaned and grunted frantically in sexual frustration as I pulled and tugged and writhed against the ropes restraining me.

It seemed as though the more I struggled and the more I made gag talk the more vigorously Rudy attacked my rigid member. This was torture…almost 12 consecutive hours of blue balls now. I needed to cum so badly.

Finally! A little reprieve. Rudy stopped giving me head and slowly slid himself down further, leaving a trail of kisses and licks down my legs all the way to my sock clad feet which he proceeded to tickle.

“NMMMPH HMM HMM HMMPH!” I yelled and laughed into my gag.

“Ya like that?” Taunted Rudy playfully as he did it again.

I frantically shook my head no and yelped into my gag once more as he continued tickling once more.

“Aww tsk tsk. Are you not enjoying yourself?” He asked while continuing to tickle me.

“NMMMPH!” I yelled into my gag once more in between laughs.

“What, you want me to stop?” Rudy asked quietly, still tickling, but lighter than just a moment ago.

Before I could even process what he was asking, I was still shaking my head no.

“No? Good.” He said as he really began digging his nails into my sock covered arches.

“WHMMMPH NMMMPH!” I yelled, still struggling and laughing. Suddenly the tickling stopped.

“God…do you know how perfect you are Mason?” Asked Rudy as I felt him slowly slide himself back on top of me. “So fuckin hot.” He said as he slid his way back up my body before plopping himself down on my chest once more.

This time Rudy was sporting an erection of his own. It wasnt overly big from what I could tell, maybe a little below average. Rudy, still grinning from ear to ear leaned forward, and planted a big kiss on my gagged lips before untying the sock wrapped around my mouth and allowing me to spit the now soaked cum rag out.

“Now…about that bargain.” Rudy whispered.

“Wh-what do you want?” I asked.

“I think you know.” He replied as he inched his erection closer to my mouth.

“And then what? What about me?” I asked.

“What about you?” Rudy replied confused.

“Are you gonna get me off too?” I asked as I tugged and thrust my hips up a few times emphatically.

“Sorry but no. If any of my bosses found out I let you orgasm and they werent the ones to do it…I would get severely punished.” He said.

I pouted as I tugged on my bonds and said nothing in response. On one hand, how would they know. On the other hand, if I shot my load off, my erection may not be as reactive later so I understood.

“However! If you get me off, I will untie you. Then, if you so happened to choose to go kidnap someone else for your own benefit…who am I to stop you? You broke free.” He added with a wink.

I pondered what he said for a moment before Rudy spoke up again.

“Sooo what do you say?” He asked with an eager tone.

“Fine.” I said through gritted teeth. I didnt want to, but if I didnt oblige, he may just do it anyway and then id still be stuck.

“Perfect!” He exclaimed as he slid backwards and slapped both hands down on my chest excitedly before hopping off of me. He then took his necktie off and tied it over my eyes blindfolding me once again. “Be right back!” He exclaimed.

“What do you mean you will be right back?” I asked to no response. “Hello?” I yelled. Nothing. Great.

My mind began to buzz. What if he went to go tell the captors I tried to cut a deal. I may be in some deep shit. I hope not, but what was I supposed to do here.

Moments later I heard what sounded like quick steps running toward me. My butterflies were getting intense. I suddenly felt my head get lifted up and them something soft placed under it propping my head up. I assumed it was some sort of neck roll or pillow based on the feeling of it, but it was pretty thick so it caused me to have my head lifted a fair amount which further caused strain on the ropes and further immobilized me.

“Hey! What the he-mmmmph!” I yelled and groaned after feeling the pillow and then someone hopping on top of me when something soft and squishy entered my mouth.

It took a second before I realized I was essentially sucking on what I believed to be Rudy’s balls, but they were also effectively gagging me.

“Ooh yeah, clean my balls boy!” He exclaimed.

“Mmmph” i groaned as I sucked as well as I could.

Rudy began to grow increasingly horny. After maybe 15 seconds he pulled his balls out. Before I could utter a word he crammed his erection into my mouth and began to thrust away, effectively face fucking me. I could tell he was about to cum but he shocked me when he pulled out.

“Oh no no no. You arent getting off that easy.” He stated with a chuckle as I felt him shift around.

Before I could say anything I felt him place his sock covered feet over my face. They smelled horrible!

“NO-mmmmph!” I grunted as he managed to force the heel of one of his feet into my mouth to silence me.

The odor was intense, and caused me to actually get slightly lightheaded with what I would equate to an almost high feeling. I felt Rudy begin playing with my cock as he kept his smelly feet firmly planted on my face.

“MMMM HMMMPH!” I moaned. It felt so good and I was so horny.

At first I was trying to take small breaths so I didnt have to take in all of his foot odor but the second he started playing with my dick that all went away and I began really taking in the sweaty stench. I was stuck in a torturous bliss.

After a few minutes of Rudy playing he finally removed his feet from his face and began to shift around.

“Jesus man! Wash your feet!” I exclaimed.

“Shut up.” He replied, which caused me to laugh a bit.

As soon as I laughed he thrust his erection through my lips and began to force fuck my face once more. It wasnt long before I could feel him tensing up. He pulled himself out of my mouth and let out a huge moan as im assuming he shot his load out away from me.

I grew impatient as he plopped down on the table next to me.

“Alright, I held up my end of the bargain. Now untie me.” I demanded.

Rudy didnt say anything. I felt him move a bit but I still wasnt being untied.

“Hey! Rudy! Own up to your end of the barga-MMMMPH!” I yelled before feeling something get crammed back into my mouth.

“I told you before to shut up. Now since you dont listen you can suck on my skivies.” stated Rudy.

“MMM HMM NMMMPH!” I groaned as I began to struggle against my bondage.

I couldnt believe I was about to get screwed over by Rudy! I felt him slide off the table and then things grew silent. REALLY? I am gonna get used, abused and abandoned by Rudy of all people here? Ugh!

Finally as I lay there in defeat for a few more seconds that felt like an eternity, I felt one of my arms being loosened from the table, and then the other.

“MMMPH?” I yelled into my gag in confusion.

“Thats all the help you get. The rest is on you.” Said Rudy before silence took over once more.

I began to pull on my arms until I had enough slack to reach up and take my blindfold off. I spit out Rudy’s tighty whities and began to use my teeth to help loosen the rope around my wrists.

Within minutes I was able to lean forward, pull my jockstrap back up, and then untie my sock clad feet. I hopped up off the table and noticed my grey baseball jersey and my black flat brimmed fitted baseball cap were on the floor next to the table.

Ya know what. Im tired of being screwed over. Its my turn to turn the tables. I tossed my jersey back on and kept it unbuttoned, and tossed my hat back on backwards. I felt good. I felt confident. I felt hungry with an insatiable sexual appetite that needed to be fulfilled. I untied my cock and balls, to give myself a much needed break. I then looked back at the table. I grabbed one of the ropes that was used to tie me up. I coiled the thin rope into a mics bundle and then tucked it into the tight waistband of my jockstrap. I them gathered up another coil of the thin white rope and gathered it in my hands ready to hunt and strike at the first person I see.

“It’s time to play ball.” I mutter confidently to myself as I stormed off ready to battle.


End of Chapter 20!

I hope you all enjoyed! Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Stay tuned as we ramp up the ending of night 1! Would you guys prefer the next chapter to focus on Mason’s next steps, Trey with Elijah/Josh, or Cory with Austin? So much more hotness coming! Stay tuned! And as always please provide feedback! I love it! Thank you!
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Post by Bradstick »

That was another great chapter, I mentioned before that I love Rudy and this really made me love him more. The ball sucking and facefucking were perfect. And Rudy has terrible smelling feet! Even better in my opinion!

Now that Mason has escaped I’m curious what he will do. Cory and Austin are together and Trey is with two of the benefactors. Is Mason gonna take on one of the other benefactors for some sexual release, I would not be opposed to that! Especially if it didn’t end well for mason!

Personally I would really like to see Trey with those two benefactors next chapter. Trey has some attitude that needs to be worked out. So him in private with those two would be quite fun! But really any of those choices would be great, absolutely loving this series!
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Post by ShortSocks »

Bradstick wrote: 2 years ago That was another great chapter, I mentioned before that I love Rudy and this really made me love him more. The ball sucking and facefucking were perfect. And Rudy has terrible smelling feet! Even better in my opinion!

Now that Mason has escaped I’m curious what he will do. Cory and Austin are together and Trey is with two of the benefactors. Is Mason gonna take on one of the other benefactors for some sexual release, I would not be opposed to that! Especially if it didn’t end well for mason!

Personally I would really like to see Trey with those two benefactors next chapter. Trey has some attitude that needs to be worked out. So him in private with those two would be quite fun! But really any of those choices would be great, absolutely loving this series!
I am so glad you enjoyed it! Rudy sure enjoyed himself! Im sure it wont be the last of him!

Yes I think Mason is gonna run into some trouble at some point…how soon? We shall see!

And yes, all the separate stories going on within this series right now should equal some fun stuff before I bring them all back together again!
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Post by gag1195 »

At least Rudy didn't out and out trick Mason, though I feel like he planted the idea of turning the tables, knowing that it'll end poorly for Mason. It is nice to see Mason back on his feet though!

As for your question... I am really blueballing myself with this response but... I think we should wait to see what Mason gets up to. Whether it's a success or a failure, whether he takes out a fellow competitor or attempts to subdue a benefactor, I think we need to wait and wonder and hope.

With that in mind, my vote goes- Austin and Cory in their alone time, then Trey's attitude adjustment, and finally Mason's attempts at revenge!
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Post by Bradstick »

gag1195 wrote: 2 years ago As for your question... I am really blueballing myself with this response but... I think we should wait to see what Mason gets up to. Whether it's a success or a failure, whether he takes out a fellow competitor or attempts to subdue a benefactor, I think we need to wait and wonder and hope.

I completely agree, while I love Mason and am super invested in his story, a good cliffhanger is always fun. I think we need to go to one of the other guys before we head back to Mason!
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Post by ShortSocks »

[mention]gag1195[/mention] [mention]Bradstick[/mention]

I couldnt agree more on building suspense and coming back to Mason, but I wanted to confirm with the readers too! Im glad you are both enjoying! Right now we got one vote for Cory/Austin and one vote for Trey with Elijah and Josh. We will see which wins! If it ends in a tie, I will have to choose!
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Post by Guardianbound »

I can make it a three way tie, but I wont :lol: I really want to see more of Cory/Austin. They seem perfect to together, I want to see what they get up to. And I'm hoping something will go well for Mason, even if only temporarily, he's getting hammered from all corners now.
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Post by Volobond »

Muahahaha! A turning of the tables, or has our baseball-themed hero simply been screwed over in a more subtle way? Only time will tell! I'd have to agree with my fellow readers that one of our other boys should get a turn. Unfortunately, I'll be tying the vote back up (the way all votes and cute subs should be ;) ) and voting for Trey with Elijah and Josh!

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Post by blackbound »

Throwing in my vote for Trey!

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Post by Msueta@2 »

[mention]ShortSocks[/mention] I loved that chapter . The ball sucking the feet smelling . I vote for Mason's point of view
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Post by privateandrews »

I have just finished reading this story from the start. I love how you have built up the characters ,the bondage and gags are fantastic, and the premise of the story is such a clever one. Poor Mason being lusted over by everyone is great. So looking forward to the next installment .
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Great chapter. I thought it was a little hardcore but I nonetheless enjoyed Mason's peril. :twisted:

As for the next chapter, I'd be interested in seeing Trey getting double-teamed.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by ShortSocks »

Thanks everyone! Sorry I didnt have time to respond in a more timely manner to everyone individually but I appreciate all the love! I think Trey will be up next based on the votes! I will try to get the chapter out soon hopefully!
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Post by gag1195 »

[mention]ShortSocks[/mention] take your time friend! This event is well worth the wait!
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Post by ShortSocks »

gag1195 wrote: 2 years ago @ShortSocks take your time friend! This event is well worth the wait!
Thank you! I appreciate that! In the process of writing the next chapter now!
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Post by ShortSocks »

Chapter 21:

(Trey’s POV)


I couldnt believe I lost to Cory like that. I had trivia in the bag, and somehow I lost. Not only did I miss out on money, but worst of all, I am now bound, gagged, and helplessly strapped to a dolly being wheeled off to god knows where by two sadists that I am sure are ready to tear into me. They can try at least.

Not to toot my own horn, but I am substantially bigger and stronger than anyone here. If they slip up, I am going to reverse the roles the first chance I get.

I glance down at my chiseled body as we meandered through the house, Josh and Elijah being eerily silent as the navigated the vast property. I can take em.

Finally we came to a stop in front of a room that none of us had been shown yet.

“Here we are.” Declared Josh as I looked at him to my right and then looked at Elijah over to my left.

“You arent ready for this.” Stated Elijah as he aggressively groped my balls tightly causing me to yell into my gag. Elijah then gave a quick bite and suck on my neck.

I grunted angrily into my gag as he released his grip from my balls and opened the door. It was extremely dark except for the tiny bit ambient light from the door being opened. I couldnt make out what was in the room. I was quickly wheeled into the room, and the door was soon shut behind me as I continued to be wheeled in.

It was pitch black. I couldnt see a thing. I felt the dolly I was being rolled on come to a stop as I was now stood upright.

“Mmmmph?” I tried calling out softly, slightly afraid.

As big and tough as I am, I am still terrified of the dark. I received no response to my gag talk. It was dead silent. What were Josh and Elijah doing? Were they just standing next to me?

I tried yelling into my gag now as I tugged against my bonds as hard as I could. There was no give. I am absolutely stuck, and my anxiety of being afraid of the dark was beginning to become crippling.

“BOO!” Yelled Elijah as he tapped my shoulder. I borderline screamed into my gag as they both began laughing.

Im so glad they find enjoyment in this.

“Aww is big bad Twey afwaid of the dawrk?” Taunted Josh in his best baby voice. It was infuriating!

“NMMM HMMPH GMMPH!” I fought against my bonds as hard as I could now. By god if I break free somehow.

“Its okay wittle Twey.” Said Josh in his baby voice once again causing me to curse him out from behind my gag.

“We arent gonna hurt you…much.” Added Elijah with a sadistic chuckle.

“We will be right back. Dont go anywhere!” Taunted Josh as I felt a sharp pinch on my exposed nipple.

“MMMPH!” I yelled angrily.

Before I knew it, things grew silent once again. I heard the door to the room open behind me. A tiny bit of ambient light poured into the room, but not for long as the door quickly and quietly was shut behind me. When the ambient light poured in, I could only make out some of the shapes in the room. I could also tell it was a moderately sized room with random tables or beds or something placed in it.

Now some torture for me began as I was now alone (I think) in this pitch black room by myself. Of all the silly things to be afraid of. The dark was it. Bees? Nah. Spiders? Nah. Snakes? Nah. The dark? Holy hell it terrified me.

I tugged at my bonds, grunting with effort but gave up shortly there after. There was no chance I was breaking free. I am just going to have to suck it up and accept my fate and not give into their sadistic game.

But man was time moving at a snails pace. I have been sitting alone in this room, battling my fear for what felt like hours when all of a sudden I heard a bang from across the room.

“WMMPH FMMPH MMM?!” What was that?! I yelled into my gag.

My heart was racing. Literally my biggest fear. Moments later another bang. This time, closer! What the hell was happening?! Is this place some kinda haunted room or some shit?


I could hear my heart pounding.

Before I knew what was happening, I heard a weird clicking noise directly beside me before I felt a huge burning feeling on my neck and that was all I remembered before blacking out.


I woke up with an absolute jolt of anxiety coursing through my veins. What the hell happened? My neck was still burning.

I tried to reach for it when I realized I couldnt move my arms. I gave em a sharp tug and realized they had iron shackles encompassing my wrists, and were hoisted above my head very tightly. As I got my wits about me, I realized I had some sort of blindfold wrapped over my eyes, and I also now could taste the saltiness of a used pair of socks crammed into my mouth that had been sealed in with duct tape. I gave another sharp tug at my wrists and heard chains begin clanking. Oh good…no breaking free from that. I then tried moving my feet but realized they had been spread out by a spreader bar. I couldnt move them at all. I tried to lift my feet off the ground with my upper body strength but my legs must have been secured to the floor as well.

I swayed my hips around and realized I wasnt up against any sort of wall or anything, and must have been in the center of a room.

“Oh it looks like our precious prisoner has finally woken from his slumber!” I heard call out from behind me. I recognized the voice as Elijah’s.

“FMMM HMMPH!” I yelled into my foul gag, cursing at him.

“Hey sleeping beauty.” I heard Josh whisper softly from beside me, feeling what felt like a feather being traced up my sides causing me to try and jerk my arms down.

“Ah ah ah. Easy there stud.” Taunted Josh softly as he traced the soft feathery feeling item flowing up and down my sides.

“MMM NMMMPH!” I groaned and laughed into my gag as I wiggled around.

This is torture. I dont mind being a submissive, but definitely rolled as a switch and liked to be dominant at times too which is why its so hard for me to be a proper submissive. Even though part of me was enjoying this, part of me was also getting more and more angry with every moment of being helpless and not in control. The conflict going through my mind and body right now was staggering. Being forced into bondage THIS MUCH and not getting to dish it back out was killing me. I need to be given a chance to break free!


(Switching to Elijah’s point of view picking up from the present time.)

I stood back watching in awe at the specimen in front of me as Josh playfully trailed the feather around Trey’s torso, tormenting him.

Trey is an interesting victim of choice. With his hulking physique, he could be intimidating to most. We fully intend on breaking him and MAKING him submit to our will.

I slowly paced over to Trey. His caramel colored skin was beginning to glisten with a light sweat as he spasmed and tugged at his bondage and laughed into his gag as Josh continued to tickle him lightly with the feather.

I looked him up first, and slowly my eyes trailed down his chiseled washboard abs, and down to his dick which was not fully erect, but still massively large even as it was. The fact that he wasnt hot to trot really pissed me off.

I swatted him with a mild amount of force across the head of his dick, eliciting a yell from him.

“Whats the matter Trey? Cant get it up anymore after fucking Mason there big boy?” I hissed as I slapped the head of his cock once again.

“MMMMPH!” He yelled into his gag once more, tugging hard at his bonds.

“Listen here Trey, we WILL break you into submission.” Said Josh as he roughly grabbed a firm hold of Trey’s balls.

“NMMM MMMMPH!” He grunted and yelled into his gag furiously as he struggled like crazy.

“Come on Trey! Get hard for us!” I yelled as I smacked him across his dick head once again.

“MMMMPH!” He yelled as his dick was now growing hard due to the blood rushing to the head of his dick from my slaps.

Success. But thats not enough. I want to HEAR him submit…and then finally I want him to give in physically. I reached up to his face and mercilessly ripped the duct tape from his lips.

Trey immediately yelled into his gag once more before spitting out the dirty socks.

“Fuck y’all man.” He spat.

“Oh?” I questioned.

I glanced at Josh who merely nodded. He gripped harder on Trey’s balls.

“Ahhhh! Come on guys! Fuck!” Yelled Trey.

“Did you just tell us to go fuck ourselves slave?” I asked in a cold voice as I circled around behind him and grabbed a paddle from a nearby table.

“Im sorry! I just ah-!” Yelled Trey as he was cut off by Josh tugging down on his balls with his firm grip.

“You just what?” I coo’d softly from behind him.

“Im just tired of bein tied up man!” He yelled.

“Is that so?” Asked Josh with a grin.

“You signed up for this…remember?” I said in a cold tone.

“I know I know. I just need a AH- a break!” He yelled.

“Let his balls go Josh.” I ordered. Josh complied.

“Aw man thank you!” He sighed with relief.

If Trey thought he was getting off that easy, he had another thing coming.

“So what…do you want to give up and go home?” Asked Josh.

“Naw man. I just wanna do some tying.” He replied.

“Oh do you now?” I replied. “All In due time my big friend. For now…you are ours. Do you understand?”

“I guess.” He said solemnly.

“You guess?” I responded angrily as I raised the paddle up and cracked him hard over his firm, hard round ass.

“AH!” He yelled.

“You guess?” I asked again.

“Im sorry! I meant to say yes!” He replied.

Sorry for your luck Trey. Too little too late. I cracked him hard over his ass once again causing him to let out a roar as Josh closed in right in front of him.

“Yes what?” I asked as Trey growled.

“Yes Si-MMMPH!” He yelled as Josh clamped a hand over his mouth.

“Huh? What? Sorry I didnt hear you!” I yelled as I cracked him over the ass once again.

“MMMMPH!” He yelled.

“Am I not good enough to be called sir? Fine…have it your way. I want you to call me Master. Is that understood?” I said sternly.

“MMM MMPH FMMPH!” He grunted.

“Weird… I still cant understand you boy!” I yelled as I cracked him over the ass yet again, causing another yell into Josh’s hand.

We were going to tame this beast…oh yes. It will happen. Josh released his grasp from Trey’s mouth, and Trey immediately slipped back into his old way.

“Stop spankin me man! God damn!” He yelled.

I didnt even say anything before swatting him once more. He let out a yell and cursed us again. I continued to spank him with the paddle a few more times before he finally apologized.

“You’re sorry what?” I asked angrily

“Im sorry Master.” He said in a defeated tone.

“Good boy.” I replied as I dropped the paddle to the floor and wrapped my right arm around his chest and began fondling his bulging bare pecs and lightly pinching his nipples. I then leaned in and began kissing, licking and sucking his upper back and neck passionately.

Suddenly I stopped. I knew it would drive him nuts. Josh, whom had been doing the same except on Trey’s abs and groin area just above his cock also quit simultaneously.

“Hey what gives?” Asked Trey.

Neither of us responded. I untied the blindfold from Trey’s eyes and watched as he helplessly glanced around.

“Now Trey… I am going to unhook your arms and release your feet. If you try to fight us, we will make you pay. Is that understood?”

“Yes Master.” He replied.


(Switching back to Trey’s POV at the present time)

I couldnt believe it. Did I get through all of their games that easily? It couldnt be. Maybe I was a better actor than I let on. But lets see what happens. I stood still as Josh cranked away on the reel to lower my hands down while Elijah began working on unbuckling my feet.

Was this the time for me to try to get revenge? Lets see if they are dumb enough to un-do the cuffs around my wrists.

Josh undid a padlock and allowed me to pull my still cuffed wrists down from the hook and rest them in front of me.

“Step forward.” Barked Josh.

I did as I was told once my feet were free. I glanced down at my cuffed wrists and then back up at Josh where our eyes locked.

“What? You think I am going to uncuff you? I wasnt born yesterday.” He spat as he grabbed my handcuffs and yanked me toward him.

“What do you think I am going to do?” I teased with a snide smirk.

Wrong question. I felt the stinging pain of Elijah smacking me over the ass with his hand. He told me to shut up and get down on my knees. Before I could even comply, he placed his socked foot on the back of my knee and thrust, causing me to buckle and drop down with a thud:

“If you dare question us one more time, its back to spanking season. Do you understand me slave?” Asked Josh.

“Yes Master.” I replied quietly.

Play the part Trey. While I do enjoy an occasional sub session, after being in this predicament for most of the day, I was ready to be on the dominant end of things. Lets just get through this and hope they release me soon.

“Now…slave…” said Elijah as he walked over to a nearby chair and sat. “I believe my socks need cleaned. Crawl over here and lick them clean.”

I didnt want to be subjected to humiliation. Not right now anyways.

“Did he stutter?” Asked Josh as he used his foot to thrust it against my butt cheek and shove me forward, causing me to fall flat on my face.

I got back up, annoyed as I slowly crawled my way over to Elijah. Im not gonna lie, this torture is more of a tease for me as a proud man with a sock fetish. But maybe thats their plan.

Josh then scampered over and sat in the chair next to Elijah. He patted his lap and said “Come here boy!” Like I was a dog.

I begrudgingly finished crawling over to Elijah and started with him first. He had on a tight, thin pair of really short black ped socks. I sat on my knees and went to grab his feet when he lifted them up and began rubbing them on my face. He ordered me to clean. I used my cuffed hands to hold them up as I began licking, kissing, and sucking all over his socked feet. He would occasionally shove his sock clad toes into my mouth and force me to suck them. Id moan into them occasionally to give him some satisfaction.

I repeated the process with Josh and his bright red basketball socks. I was beginning to get massively horny again.

“Now for the last piece…if you can suck me and Josh both off to climax in under 5 minutes, you are exempt and free from bondage the rest of the night. You will be free to do your own bidding until we conclude and go to bed. Obviously you are not allowed to attack or attempt to tie up any of us captors. Is that understood?” Bossed Elijah.

“Yes Master.”

“Good. Now begin!” Ordered Josh as he slid his briefs down, his cock springing to life.

“Wait what happpens if I do-ahmmmph!” Before I could finish asking what if I dont win the game, Josh had pulled my head down, forcing my mouth over his cock.

“Enough talk. Suck.” He ordered.

I did the best I could, sucking and slurping on Josh. Wait…how the hell did this happen? I had been playing into their games and acting like a sub this whole time and now with this game I immediately submitted to their game and started acting on it without thought. These guys are insanely clever and very good at this.

Finally, Josh pulled his cock out as he was about to cum, blasting his load on my face. God dammit I hate when that happens. I tried opening my eyes and making my way over to Elijah as Josh collapsed into his chair in sexual ecstasy.

“1 minute left Trey.” Barked Elijah looking up at the clock in the room as I frantically crawled to him.

I went in on Elijah like a mad man, sucking him and using my hands on his balls like I had never done so aggressively before. It must have worked because Elijah was absolutely howling with pleasure.

Before you know it he pulled out and shot his load on me as well, collapsing back into his chair also, leaving me there covered in hot cum.

“Nicely done.” Said Josh who had gotten up and grabbed a rag. He began wiping off my face.

“Thank you.” I said, actually quite proud of myself.

“Stand.” Ordered Josh. I did as I was told.

Josh then went to the nearby table and grabbed a key and walked back over to me and un-cuffed my wrists.

“Okay…you are free to go. Just remember the rules.” He said as he walked next to Elijah’s chair with a grin. He made a motion for me to leave the room.

I did as I was told as I adjusted my erection back into my briefs. Time to go on the hunt. Lets see what or who I can get into i found myself thinking as I exited the room and shut the door behind me.


End of the Chapter!

Sorry for the delay! Hope you all read and enjoy! Happy Easter! Please leave feedback as I really enjoy it! Stay tuned as we catch up with our good friends Austin and Cory in the next chapter!

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Post by Bradstick »

That was incredibly hot! These captors are extremely good at manipulating their captives. I’m quite curious why they let Trey go. I was expecting them to say “sorry it’s been 5 minutes” even if he succeeded similar to Mason a couple chapters ago. But no, they let him go…to wander the halls and do whatever he wants. I don’t buy it at all.

I also think Trey is gonna find Mason. Or Mason finds trey and gets his payback but I don’t think Mason could take Trey. I just hope poor Mason gets to climax soon. That poor boi has been through enough.
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Post by ShortSocks »

Bradstick wrote: 2 years ago That was incredibly hot! These captors are extremely good at manipulating their captives. I’m quite curious why they let Trey go. I was expecting them to say “sorry it’s been 5 minutes” even if he succeeded similar to Mason a couple chapters ago. But no, they let him go…to wander the halls and do whatever he wants. I don’t buy it at all.

I also think Trey is gonna find Mason. Or Mason finds trey and gets his payback but I don’t think Mason could take Trey. I just hope poor Mason gets to climax soon. That poor boi has been through enough.
They are most definitely master manipulators! Thank you for continuing to give feedback! I love it! I guess you should stay tuned to find out how all of this plays out to end night 1! ;)
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Post by Volobond »

Hmmmm... it's definitely clear they've still got it on the manipulation front. Perhaps by letting Trey go, they're still letting him think he's in control, letting him drive himself deeper into submission...

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Post by ShortSocks »

Volobond wrote: 2 years ago Hmmmm... it's definitely clear they've still got it on the manipulation front. Perhaps by letting Trey go, they're still letting him think he's in control, letting him drive himself deeper into submission...
I think you may be onto something! 😉
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Post by gag1195 »

Another hot chapter! These captors continue to prove how devious and manipulative they can be!

There's quite a few options for Trey. He can go torture Mason (remember, he still thinks Mason is tied to the coffee table). He could go after Cory and Austin, and get revenge on Cory for beating him in trivia, and net two bound prizes at once! Or he can break the rules and go on the offensive against his captors... which I think is their plan.

Trey's competitive nature and need to be in charge for a change may make him desperate. He may be able to take out one or even two of the captors, but I doubt he could get the drop on all of them, and when he is eventually subdued, he'll face a harsh punishment and even more strict restraints for the night. And I'm sure he'll be shown off as a warning to keep Austin, Cory, and Mason in line... so many fun possibilities!

Looking forward to see what our poor manipulated Trey does next!
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Post by ShortSocks »

gag1195 wrote: 2 years ago Another hot chapter! These captors continue to prove how devious and manipulative they can be!

There's quite a few options for Trey. He can go torture Mason (remember, he still thinks Mason is tied to the coffee table). He could go after Cory and Austin, and get revenge on Cory for beating him in trivia, and net two bound prizes at once! Or he can break the rules and go on the offensive against his captors... which I think is their plan.

Trey's competitive nature and need to be in charge for a change may make him desperate. He may be able to take out one or even two of the captors, but I doubt he could get the drop on all of them, and when he is eventually subdued, he'll face a harsh punishment and even more strict restraints for the night. And I'm sure he'll be shown off as a warning to keep Austin, Cory, and Mason in line... so many fun possibilities!

Looking forward to see what our poor manipulated Trey does next!
I am so glad you are enjoying! I agree! This can go many ways!
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Post by Msueta@2 »

That was another great chapter . Can't wait to read the next one .
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Post by ShortSocks »

Msueta@2 wrote: 2 years ago That was another great chapter . Can't wait to read the next one .
Glad you enjoyed! Thank you for feedback!
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