wishing (m/f+)

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wishing (m/f+)

Post by RopeBunny »

Monday morning.

Roland woke to the usual Monday morning sounds, a combination of his alarm clocks electronic shriek and the sounds of his Dad clomping downstairs wearing the big steel toe capped boots that formed part of his mechanics uniform. He groaned and got up, knowing it was futile to stay in bed, knowing if he wasn't downstairs by eight his Mum would be up to chivvy him along. Still, on the bright side he was in his second and final year of college, and then he'd be done with education, and having to wake up before midday, or so he believed anyway.

Dressing in faded blue jeans and a black Transformers tee he shook his head at the world's craziness. He was slim, but not muscled, with a stylized goatee he'd been carefully cultivating for the last year. Roland was a computer and chess club nerd, not a loser, despite the glasses, his interests simply didn't gel with almost the entire student body, who cared about sports and sex and cars and sex and drink and drugs and sex in no particular order. Clearly his parents hoped for him to one day bring a girl home, after deciding to commute rather then stay on campus they'd bought him a double bed, which now dominated his room and sometimes seemed to be openly mocking him. Unfortunately the only girls to pique his interest happened to be the very girls he'd never get unless he morphed into the Captain of one of the sports teams, or passed his driving test and somehow managed to afford something stupidly fast and sporty, and to do that he'd first have to care about sports, and working out, or driving. So instead he simply settled for daydreaming as he occasionally glimpsed from afar any of the dozen or so pretty girls he currently held a torch for.

Before heading downstairs he dumped todays relevant books into his bag, alongside his laptop and the notebook he used to record all the moves in the chessgames he played Mondays and Thursdays at club. Last thing, he approached his shelf of oddities, full of all the strangest things he'd bought on a whim in shops or online, or simply found outside. A huge shell from a beach holiday several years ago, a supposed Love candle, proven ineffective and now almost completely burned to the base, a street sign he stole on impulse last year with his best friend simply because it said 'Railway Terrace' and he loves trains. Finally he looks at the latest addition, a braided rope that the card it came with swears will 'bind those you love.' It's small, and made up of a white black and pink rope wound together. He stares a moment more, wishing beyond all logic. "Come on Roland, you'll be late." Comes his Mums shouted voice from downstairs, followed a moment later by the slam of the front door as she leaves with his Dad and younger brother, off on the school and work run. He sighs a final time, and then heads downstairs himself. Another day.

The day passes largely without incident, lessons as expected, lunch out on the field under a tree with his best friend Zak, laptops open as they sneak glances at all the Summer dressed girls wandering past, getting caught more then usual today and being met with giggles or the finger. It's a normal day, up until the final bell.

The hallways and campus in general at days end always resemble a madhouse of sorts, students everywhere, noise reaching deafening levels. So much activity as everyone tries to escape out of only three small gates, one for cars and two for people. In the corridor, too busy thinking of chess and which opening to attempt this time, Roland runs head down straight into Vicky, a short and curvy flat chested blonde, obsessed with pink, who sits at number ten on the secret 'girls I want to date' list that he maintains on his laptop. She goes down, landing on her perfect black wet look leggings covered butt, and everything around them stops, every student there now waiting to see what happens next.

Vicky picks herself up, and stares daggers at Roland for embarrassing her. For his part Roland simply looks at the floor, wishing it would swallow him maybe. "Sorry Vicky." He mumbles, meaning it. "Why don't you watch where you're going, you four eyed little shit." She spits back, almost shouting, clearly mad and feeling the need to make Roland pay. "Okay, sorry." And believing it to be finished Roland moves to go past her, towards room 14B and chess club. But Vicky is having none of it, she puts out a hand, pushing him physically back. "Where do you think you're going?" Still shouting. He gestures. "To club."
"Not until you apologise."
"I already did, twice." Roland can feel himself getting mad now too, angry that this pretty girl is making such a scene. That all the other pretty girls he still hopes to one day have a chance with are no doubt watching this embarrassment and thinking less of him because of it. He stands up straight, and looks Vicky in the eye, confidence appearing from somewhere. "I already said sorry, and I am, but I won't be forced to say it again." And he moves to pass her a second time. But again she pushes him back, and gets her face right up into his. "Say sorry." She all but screams at him. Roland looks at her, her mouth wide open as she screams and curses him, trying to save face, and in that moment he hates her, in that moment she drops off his list. He just wants her to shut up, and leave him alone. He pictures a huge gag, black as night, filling up that mouth, and the image makes him smile.

Vicky sees this, and if anything his smile in the face of her rage makes her madder still. "What?" She screams, still in his face. "I was just picturing you gagged, I wish you were." Roland replies calmly, shrugging. There's a pop, followed by a brief sound like the quiet inwards rush of air, and then Vicky is stepping away rapidly, clawing at her face, where a ball gag suddenly sits. The ball is large and black, filling her mouth, Roland can see all of her teeth biting down on it, a thick black strap runs around her head, pinning her hair against her face, digging in to the sides of her mouth, and as Vicky turns around in confusion a small silver padlock is visible at the back where the buckle is, locking the gag on Vicky. Roland gasps, completely unsure of what just happened. The girls around Vicky are trying to get her under control, trying to calm her so they can get a good look at the gag, trying to help her remove it. But it looks far to tightly strapped on for easy removal. Half the students present are still in a state of stunned silence, the other half are either leaving or starting to laugh, a couple even snap pictures on their phones. Suddenly Vicky looks straight at Roland, and lunges for him. He jigs left, avoiding her, and runs. Down the corridor and outside, room 14B forgotten. He runs until exhaustion brings him to a stop in a fit of coughs almost a mile down the road.
Last edited by RopeBunny 6 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Solarbeast »

This is an interesting start to the story. I can’t wait to see where it continues with Roland and with the possibility that you could create a multitude of other stories with the idea of wishing.
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Post by Tieup1 »

Nice start, a good read, anybody that puts the word chivvy, in a story, gets my vote. :lol:
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Post by SLC »

Definately an interesting concept and idea. I like it. Nice Story!
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Post by Macher »

Very unique concept. Can't wait to see how things develop from here!
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Post by RopeBunny »

Tuesday afternoon.

On Monday, after making it home still very much out of breath, Roland went straight upstairs to his room. The house was still deserted with his Dad working until six, and his younger brother doing the weekly shop with Mum. He dropped his bag on the bed, then spent nearly an hour alternately staring at the knot, where it still sat quite innocently on his shelf, and attempting to dredge up something online that might shed light on what had just happened. By the time the rest of the family had come home, and he was being called downstairs for a dinner of beef Lasagne, he'd managed to talk himself out of the fact that it even happened, instead choosing to believe the whole thing as some too real daydream bought about by too much sun. After all, gags don't just appear in hot girls mouths out of thin air. Right?

Tuesday arrived the same way as all weekdays. The alarm. The sounds of his family first getting ready and then leaving. The hours walk to college since the weather was too good to be cooped up inside a bus.

He didn't see Vicky, though that didn't mean she wasn't around as they shared no classes. What he did see was some of the other students giving him strange looks, some openly and some when they clearly thought he wouldn't notice. But he ignored this, since aside from his small circle of friends nobody ever really ventured close, or deigned to pay him attention anyway. His second class was taken by the teacher who ran chessclub, so Roland took the oppertunity to apologise for Monday, especially since there was a big tournament approaching. Halfway through this lesson a note arrived summoning him to the heads office. The head, fat and balding, and old, forever wearing a full suit and tie regardless of the weather, regarded Roland as he came in and sat down from behind a mountain of paperwork. "So," he said in his gruff old man's voice, "care to explain yesterday's little incident?"
"What incident Sir?" Asked Roland, hoping he looked suitably puzzled. "Whatever transpired in the corridor between you and Victoria Trask."
"Oh, right."
"Indeed. Oh. Did you slap her?"
"What?" Roland totally failed to keep the surprise out of his voice. The head smiled, aiming for something approaching kindness, and continued more softly. "Victoria's mother rang in on her behalf this morning, I've garbled notes here, apparently the best my receptionist could do. Something about a fight with you. I for one didn't believe it. I've spoken with your teachers already and not one of them can recall any violent outbursts from you in the almost two years you've been here. And asking you to your face here, noting your reaction, I'm inclined to write this off as a blame game witch hunt by the Trask girl, trying to pin something else on you to divert attention from the real story. Thank you Roland, you can go."
"That's it Sir?" Roland asked, not really sure what had just happened, but it seemed as though even the college believed nothing actually happened yesterday. So just maybe the world could continue as normal after all. "That's it, yes, on your way now back to class."
"Yes Sir." And with that Roland got up and left, now more sure then ever that it was a day dream. He ate his packed lunch of pork and stuffing sandwiches in his usual spot, with Zak, who either wasn't asking or genuinely didn't know about yesterday's event. Either way Roland was pleased to not have to think on or recount something he was still considering not real, or at least if it was real then certainly not his fault anyway. The day was going so well, and in another couple of hours Roland might've even succeeded in banishing the memory, probably would've gone home and simply thrown the braid away, and nothing else need of happened. But instead he looked up whilst taking a drink, to find Kelly standing just inside the shadow cast by the tree.

Kelly. Number three currently. Raven haired Goth Kelly with a skulls and stars tattoo sleeve climbing her left arm. Slim and lacking any visible muscles like him, with a bust that was large yet well in proportion to her figure. She was wearing blue denim cut offs, with long thigh high black and white striped socks tucked into scuffed and loosely tied brown combat boots. Underneath her white vest top she had on a black bra that looked more like a collection of leather belts. "It's Roland right, can I have a word?" Roland just stared at her, speechless. No cute girl ever came up to him, and certainly not someone like Kelly. "Sure, umm," he looked at his friend, stumbling over words as he spoke, "Zak, could you maybe, umm, would you mind, I mean. I'll see you later right. Would you mind Zak. Umm. Yeah?"
"Sure mate," replied Zak, likely calmer since the cute girl wasn't actually addressing him, "I'll see you later in class." With that Zak scooped up his bag and wandered off, towards the Library. Roland was still staring at Kelly, unable to help himself. She regarded him back, smiling. "Can I sit down?"
"Sure, okay." And then she laughed as Roland fumbled over packing his lunch and laptop away to give her room, clearly nervous. She sat next to him, at an angle, legs out straight, leaning slightly back with her arms held out behind to support her. "So." She said. "I talked to Vicky."
"Yeah. She and I are kind of friends. Well we were friends in school, not so much any more. But I heard what happened off Rachel."
"Right." Roland can feel himself starting to sweat, the wall beginning to crumble. Kelly carries on. "So Roland, she's not my friend okay. Understand? So no comeback here, whatever you tell me. I just want to know what happened."
"So tell me then. She said you gagged her. Did you?" Roland looks at her, at this really cute girl, talking to him like some kind of dream come true. She's leaning forward slightly now, legs crossed and hands resting on her knees, which is giving him the perfect view down her cleavage. It really isn't a bra, he can see, just belts holding her breasts in place. He can almost see an actual nipple. Suddenly he realises if he doesn't keep talking to her then she'll leave. He very badly doesn't want her to leave. So he decides to be as honest as he can. "I don't know," he replies, shaking his head slightly. "I didn't, not actually, but I wished she was gagged, and then she was." Kelly giggles. "That's it, just a wish and then she was?"
"And you really didn't do it yourself? Didn't have one stashed someplace and then whipped it out?" At this Roland laughs, and after a moment Kelly does to, at the absurdity of it. She carries on. "So you wished it, and it happened. Right?"
"Right. I guess. I don't believe it, and I spent yesterday talking myself out of it. But if you're saying she really did get gagged?" Kelly nods. "Okay. Then I guess so yes."
"Can you show me?"
"Show you?"
"Sure, can you wish me gagged?" At which point Rolands mouth drops open as he visualizes Kelly gagged. He shuts it quickly, but not quickly enough as a huge smile breaks out on her face. "Think I'd look cute like that do you?" She teases him. "Would you like that, me gagged tightly like Vicky?"
"Yes." Roland whispers, trying for honesty but not trusting his voice. "Okay then, well, try it. Or," She looks excited, struck by a new idea, "wish for more."
"Yeah, fuck it why not. Nobody about right, and I'm curious now. Wish for me tied to that tree, or staked out naked on the grass." At which point Roland blushes, and she laughs. "Go on, try. If I'm naked and I can't get out after like ten minutes I'll even let you touch me before freeing me. Fair?" It's all Roland can do to nod, which makes her laugh even harder.

So, with Kelly sat beside him Roland turns to face her. "I wish you were tied up naked, staked out tightly on the ground with rope and wooden pegs, and gagged." He says to her, feeling a tingle race all the way up and back down him as he speaks. Noticing her body shake minutely as a similar tingle of anticipation and nervousness assaults her. But nothing happens. No pop, no smoke or magical flash. Nothing. He looks at Kelly, and is slightly pleased to see her looking dissapointed to find herself still sat fully clothed next to him. She looks at him, and shrugs. "Well, Roland, you tried right?" He shrugs back. "I did. Do you not believe me anymore?"
"Honestly. I don't know. Doesn't matter really huh?"
"Well, class, I got to go." She gets up and brushes grass off her butt. "Be seeing you." She waves, and he waves back as she wanders off.
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Post by Macher »

Intriguing. My guess would be that this latest wish failed because it required a lot more than the first wish.

Kinda hope things continue to develop with Kelly. Keep up the good work!
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Post by RopeBunny »

Tuesday afternoon.

Roland stays under the shade of the tree long after the bell signifying class has sounded. He's lost in thought. If Kelly is to be believed then he really did wish a gag into Vickys open mouth. Somehow. But was it just some one time fluke, is the braided knot on his shelf just the equivalent of a fire and forget rocket launcher, or can he repeat the magic. He decides to approach the problem logically.

In books and movies, whenever wishing is turned into a real thing, you always have to say the words 'I wish' in order to activate the magic. Those specific words are what always seem to make things happen. With both girls he used those words, so the difference isn't that. Roland thinks harder, and suddenly the answer comes to him, it must be this: when he wished Vicky gagged he was actually visualizing her wearing the gag as he spoke the words, and then after the pop she looked just as he'd imagined she would. And her mouth was open wide, because she was shouting, so it was basically in a gagged position but missing the gag to hold it there. With Kelly, yes he did imagine her gagged, just before she teased him on the fact, but whilst saying the actual words his mind had been distracted by other things, those other things in question being her breasts that he could still see pretty clearly down inside her top. And Kelly had been sat down next to him, her limbs folded up and not spread out as though held apart by ropes. Could it really be that simple? Could it really be just a case of picturing it, and having the person in question mimic the pose required, as he says it? Roland stares at the grass, trying hard to find a fault with this new logic. He's shaken out of his trance like deep thought by a cheerful "Hi Roland, shouldn't you be in class?"

He looks up, to discover a second girl visitor to his tree. Lucinda. He can feel himself almost simultaneously breaking out in a sweat and getting an erection at the sudden close proximity of the number one girl on his list. Lucinda, her large pert breasts always prominent and very noticeable on such a slim toned frame. Blonde hair, long and curling, is currently tied back but always well styled. It's rumoured she has a Dr Seuss quote tattooed on her right butt cheek, though nobody seems able to agree on which one, or even whether there's an accompanying picture such as in the case of the Lorax. But it isn't just her near perfect looks that earn her top spot, she's one of only a few girls who smiles at him in the corridor, who both knows and remembers his name. Early on in the first year of his course they were paired on an assignment. He never made it round her house, nor she his, but the half dozen times they met in the campus Library she pulled her weight, never using the looks card to sweet talk him into doing the bulk of the work. She does Athletics, running, alongside her other courses, and is hoping to turn professional after graduation. Right now she's clearly just finished several laps of the campus, from her outfit he can tell that, white running Nikes, with a tiny pair of shiny tight black gym shorts and a small dark green loose vest top that barely covers the black sports bra underneath, leaving her whole stomach exposed. Dark green is the colleges, her teams, colours. She's not even out of breath, as she stands with legs apart doing some post run stretches, looking at him. Roland realises, shaking himself, that she's waiting for him to pick up the conversation and answer her. So he does. "Hi Lucinda. I guess so yeah, just lost track of time."
"Doing what?" She says, looking around him with a puzzled expression, trying to spot just what could've been distracting him. "Did you fall asleep?"
"No." And then a thought comes to him, a dangerous thought, and before he has a chance to talk himself out if it, to think too hard about all the reasons why it's a stupid and just plain wrong idea, he plunges ahead. He smiles up at her. "Actually I was trying to solve a problem."
"Yeah, like in Maths or Engineering, for class?"
"Not for class no." Shaking his head. "It's an experiment, a theory I'm kind of working on. For me." And then, as though granting permission, or at least that's how he chooses to interpret it, Lucinda, still stretching with legs apart bending forwards at the waist to touch the floor between them, giving him far too good a view down her tiny green top, allowing him to see her breasts straining against the spandex bra, says. "Need any help?"
"Okay. I do need a test subject."
"Well alright then." She's smiling, caught up in the fun of the unknown. "What do you need me to do Roland?"
"Hold on." He thinks quickly, and as with the initial idea to use Lucinda as a test, he settles on the first thing his brain, or his dick possibly, offers up, giving himself no time to consider such trivial things as consequences. "I need you to stand like you are, keep your legs spread."
"Like this?"
"Maybe slightly wider. Perfect. Can you hold your arms above you?"
"You mean like a star jump?" And she giggles as she assumes an X like pose. "Haven't done star jumps since junior school." Roland smiles back. "Yes. Like that, mouth open wide please." Lucinda gives him a quizzical look, unsure just why any of this is going to test or solve anything. But she agreed, so she shrugs and complies, opening her mouth wide. "Like this right?" She asks, holding the X as she holds her mouth wide. "Yes." Roland can hardly speak, his hard on is almost painful as he anticipates what might be about to happen. Before he can lose his nerve he dives in. "I wish you were tied up helplessly laying face up on my bed, in my house, ball gagged, with rope securing each limb to a bedpost stretching you tight."

Lucinda tilts her head to the side, as though trying to decide whether she really just heard what she thinks she did. She seems about to speak, is even beginning to close her mouth, when there's an audible pop, followed this time by a much louder rush of air. And suddenly Lucinda has vanished.

Rolands mouth drops, he gets up, he looks behind him and walks all around the tree. He scans the horizon, checking, Lucinda is fast, but not fast enough to run to and behind the nearest building inside of about two seconds. He starts to laugh. It worked, it actually worked. If only he had a camera set up in his room, pointed at his bed, would he see her there? Is Lucinda really in his bedroom right now, tightly gagged and stretched out to the four corners of his bed. His hard on throbs at the thought. He needs to get home, right now, because there's no way this is real. Unless it is. Because if she is there, then he did say helpless when he wished, so there's no way she'll be able to free herself no matter how hard she struggles. And thinking that he wishes for a camera all over again so he could watch her struggle as he takes his time wandering home. And when he does get there Mum and his brother will be there around three, an hour from now, as she always picks him up on her way home. With a mental crash he realises what he's just remembered, things he should've thought about before he went and made a wish, thinking at the time only that it would be amazing to finally see a girl in his bed, and the sexiest girl on campus to boot. Grabbing his bag Roland runs, for the second time in as many days he runs home, only this time he's racing the clock. Because there's no way his Mum will be happy if she comes home to find a barely dressed girl tied up to his bed.
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Post by Solarbeast »

[mention]DamselTree[/mention]. This and the last chapter were a great continuation to the story. I see Roland finally figured out his power. I’m really enjoying this story, but I am noticing how different College in the U.K. is to College in the U.S. Nevertheless, I can’t wait to see if Lucinda is really helplessly tied to his bed, and what he can do with this new power of his, possibly including Kelly in this.
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Post by Tieup1 »

Another good couple of chapters. I am enjoying reading this story, it's a bit different, which makes it more interesting. :)
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Post by RopeBunny »

Tuesday afternoon.

Roland flings the front door open, catching it before it can bang against the wall, and shuts it behind him, which automatically locks it unless you have a key. He checks the display on his phone, still a half hour to go. So he drops his bag on the kitchen counter and grabs a quick glass of cold water from the sink, downing it in one. Then, with his breathing more or less back under control. He heads for the stairs.

With each step up he can feel the butterflies increasing, and by halfway his erection is back as both he and it anticipate what they'll find. No sound is filtering down, but that proves nothing. The second step from the top utters it's customary creak, and he's sure he hears a barely audible answering moan coming from his room. At the top, a left turn brings him to his closed door. He's almost scared to open it, in the mad dash home this moment has been built up so much, in his mind he's already played it out a hundred times. What if she isn't there? What if she is? Roland takes a deep breath, and opens the door.

Lucinda is on his bed. It's real. It's the most perfect and sexy thing he's ever seen, and such an instant turn on that he has to stop his hand, his traitor right hand that had already wandered almost halfway towards the zip of his jeans. She's laying on his still sleep crumpled double bed, at a side on angle to him as he stands in his doorway. She's still dressed in the tight fitting skimpy running gear she was wearing at the tree, but the loose green top has ridden up slightly giving him a perfect view of one half of her bra, the cup forming the shape of her perfect breast as her chest rises and falls. She's gagged just the same as Vicky, except this time the ball is red, bright like a fire engine. It fills her mouth, digging in at the sides where the straps wrap around her head, over the top of her hair. Her body makes a perfect X, with each limb pointed at a different bedpost. Roland can see the ropes, a dull white colour, running from each wrist or ankle down to the post at floor level. It all looks pulled very tight, almost every muscle on Lucindas toned body is stood visible, as though she's permanently straining against something. Without conscious thought he reaches into his pocket, pulls out his phone, and takes a photo. The act seems to break the spell, on them both, as Lucinda looks over at that point, and seeing him stood there she begins attempting to pull herself free again, screaming into the gag as she does.

Seeing this forces Roland into action. As much as he'd love to stand and watch, along with maybe about a dozen other things he'd love to do with her, from simply stripping her naked to spending the day jerking off all over that toned body of hers. He shakes his head, maybe if he'd remembered to blindfold her, then shakes it again, that's dangerous thinking. So he walks over to the bed as quickly as he can, and she stops wriggling, quieting as he reaches her. "Hold on." He says. "I'll ungag you, just hold still. Okay?" She nods, tilting her head to the side, helping, so he reaches down with both hands and unstraps the gag, glad to find no small padlock this time. He pulls the large ball free of her mouth, and tosses it across the room, then sits on the bed beside her. Lucinda takes a moment working her jaw, swallowing a couple of times, before looking at him. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." He smiles, a small smile, and is pleased to see her return it with a small perhaps slightly nervous one of her own. "Are you okay Lucinda?"
"Yes. What happened? Was this your experiment? How did you even do this?"
"One thing at a time okay?"
"Sure," she thinks, "how did you do this?"
"I wished." At which point she laughs, and he laughs back, before she continues, gesturing down at herself with her head, since she plainly can't move any of her limbs even an inch. "So you just wish a girl tied to your bed, and it happens, is that it?"
"I guess so. Don't ask me to explain it, I can't. But you were there, you heard me say the words." She nods at this, remembering. "And now here you are."
"Yes. Here I am. Tied up to your bed." She attempts to tug on the ropes, which flexes her body in a way that causes all the blood to once again race South to his erection. "Helpless it seems, just as you asked for. Right?"
"So what happens now?"
"What do you mean?" It comes out as a craok. He can feel his breath getting shallow, a lump forming in his throat at her continued sexy helplessness and close proximity. He tries again, better this time. "What do you mean?"
"Well. Here I am right. The experiment worked. Somehow you zapped me across town to your bedroom like some sort of damsel delivery service. Got me all trussed up and helpless. Got me right where you want me yes?"
"Yes." And again he has to swallow down a lump before continuing. "Yes. It worked, and now here you are. Helpless. Just as the experiment intended."
"Okay. So, as I said. What now?"
"Um. I guess I untie you right?"
"Do you?" Lucinda is grinning, for some reason actually enjoying herself. "Isn't there a part two?"
"Part two?"
"That's right Roland. Didn't you think beyond. Didn't you plan for success, I'm sure you can come up with a whole page of things you'd love to do with me. Yes?" Her voice is teasing, almost as though she knows what he was thinking when he came in the room. This sexy girl, beyond all reason, actually doesn't seem to want to be untied. It's all really confusing. Which he tells her. "You don't want me to untie you?"
"Sure I do. But it isn't really my choice. Have a think Roland. What do you want to do with me?

He looks her up and down, she sees him doing so, and smiles, nodding. "Okay then Roland, go ahead. Claim your prize." His hands are shaking as he reaches for her, nerves and adrenaline. He pulls her green top all the way up, over her head, until the spread of her arms prevents any further movement. Then gingerly he does the same with her black sports bra. Lucinda lays still, silently letting him, but watching him the whole time with that same small smile on her lips. He pulls it up, freeing her breasts, which bounce and then settle once set free. They sit high up on her chest, pale and full, topped off with dark nipples that harden and bud as he watches. Lucindas breath is turning shallow as he reaches down to her shorts. Hooking fingers into her waistband, his breath an echo of hers, he pulls both shorts and pants down in one go, all the way to her knees. She's shaved, with only a thin landing strip of hair left pointing the way down. Remembering, he leans over her and lifts up her butt, which even with her help only just comes up off the bed. But, sure enough, on the right cheek is written:
'I do not like green eggs and ham. I do not like them, Sam I am.'
Of all the quotes to choose it's a bizarre choice. Roland looks at her, and gets a shrug in return. "Why not, I always found it funny as a kid."
"Oh, okay." He climbs off, and steps back. Admiring her now completely exposed body stretched out before him. He takes his time, savouring the sight of her. Unable to resist he pulls out his phone again, but looses his bottle at that point and asks. "Can I?" As he asks he realises she's still breathing slowly, apparently lost in the moment just as he is. She looks at him, and wordlessly nods. So he lifts the phone up and takes a dozen photos, walking around the bed as he does, getting all the angles, and some closeups. He places it on his desk, and summons his courage. "Okay?" She nods, apparently still not able to speak. "Can I?" He makes a gesture, somewhere between the two of them, meant to convey who knows what. Lucinda manages to find her voice, though it's barely more then a whisper. "Okay. Yes."

He watches her as he strips, seeing her eyes fixed on him as he does, until his Where's Wally boxers come off, then her gaze drops to his hard on. She bites her lip, and almost seems to flex her legs as his hand strays down to touch at his erection. He climbs up on the bed beside her, kneeling, gently stroking himself as he does. She seems transfixed by his erection. He reaches down, between her legs, and feels dampness. Lucinda moans, but he doesn't stay, instead running fingers up her belly to her breasts, tracing around her nipples as she continues to moan softly. With the tip he rubs at the closest nipple. "Please." She says, out of nowhere, and on impulse he moves his erection over to her lips, letting her kiss the tip, and then lick once down the length as he pulls it away. He climbs properly onto her, straddling her chest, his hard on nestling between her pert breasts as he begins to pump, using his free hand to fondle her still erect nipples as he does. He doesn't last long.

After, he runs to the bathroom still naked, quickly washing himself before bringing back damp cloths and a towel to wash her too, which he does whilst she lays there. Once finished he asks. "Time to untie you huh?" And she laughs, and nods. "Please Roland." So he unties all four ropes, tossing them into a corner with the discarded gag, and then pulls on some shorts and a fresh white USS Sulaco tee whilst Lucinda rearranges her own clothing. He looks her over, she's still smiling, a nervous small smile, which he answers in turn. "Thank you." It sounds lame, but he doesn't know what else to say. She grins, the smile widening. "You're welcome. It was fun, and we're both single right?" He nods, and she continues. "So no harm done then. I need to go now though, can you walk me out?"
"Sure." So he does, walking her downstairs to the front door. Opening it, she pauses at the threshold. "Will you do any more experiments, do you think?,"
"I don't know." He shrugs. "It works right?" She nods, smiling, and he smiles back. "I think I want to, soon maybe."
"Right. Well, for me, just be careful okay? I'm not going to tell you not to. But not every girl is as open to having fun. You get that right?"
" I get it." He says nodding, understanding the risk he took wishing her onto his bed, aware of how badly it could've all turned out. She steps out, then turns around. "Oh, one last thing."
"I'm kind of realising you could probably do this, however the fuck you do do this, without the poor girls knowledge. Just sneak up behind her and make a wish. Am I right?"
"Yes," he smiles, and she does too, "I think I could."
"Okay. Well, just promise you'll not sneak tie me back to your bed, or anywhere. Please." At that she mock puts her hands together in prayer, which makes them both laugh. "If you want to wish tie me up helplessly again then just ask first, so I can at least wear something nice first."
"Okay." All of which is now confusing him, did she mean he can tie her up for playtime again, so long as he asks? He opens his mouth, but she's off, jogging away down the path off towards college. Back to collect her bag no doubt.

Roland watches her out of sight, lost in thought. Five minutes later when his Mum and brother pull into the driveway he's still stood at the open front door.
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Post by Tieup1 »

Another superb chapter, I hope there will be more. :)
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Post by Solarbeast »

Another great story. And to be honest I was not expecting some of the details you gave us, but I’m glad you did. I, again, can’t wait to read more.
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Post by MisterMistoffelees »

I can only wish I had a power like that.

Oh wait. I didn't say it right, did I? :lol:

Very interesting concept!
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Post by RopeBunny »

Friday daytime.

Roland fakes sickness, just like Ferris, on Wednesday and Thursday, unable to face anyone. Three girls now know, to varying degrees, about his supposed new powers of wishing. He doubts Lucinda will say anything, overall she seemed happy when she left, despite the tight ropes. With his lack of girl experience though he can't quite get his head around why she's happy, and for that reason he semi fears seeing her again, believing that she might of changed her mind, might in fact now be mad at him. And being shouted at by her, or worse ignored in the corridors, would ruin what for Roland is probably the best moment of his life so far. Kelly has spoken to Vicky of course, and Vicky knows at least something happened, but Kelly is doubtful now having offered herself up for a test which failed. And though he believes he now knows the magic formula for success everytime Kelly isn't aware of this. So of the three only Lucinda really knows anything concrete.

So for two days, with the house to himself, he thinks, and mopes. He transfers the photos of Lucinda tied to his bed onto his PC, and locks them in a folder buried under a maze of dead ends. He tries not to look at them every five minutes, and fails. He revisits the Dark Web, trying to locate the site he originally bought the lucky charm wishing braided knot from, but in a spooky twist straight out of television land he can find no trace of it, not the site nor any mention of the knot, not even on a trawl through relevant message boards. He digs out the box it came in, but finds no help there either. It's just a small plain black box, with the accompanying card still inside. The card, plain white and credit card size, bears only the phrase 'bind those you love' on one side. Nowhere is there an email or postal address, not even a helpline contact number. So he's blind on this, with nothing to go on except experimentation, some of which has already proven certain truths. He thinks some more.

Friday comes, and he has to return to college. His Mum and Dad no longer believe his sickness, likely in large part due to discovering all the pills he'd supposedly taken stashed down the bottom of his bin. Besides which he has a big test today, one he can't miss. So he wakes grudgingly and dresses, black jeans today, with a black Iron Maiden tee in defiance of the sun. Walking down the road he remembers his decision, reached last night when it became clear he'd not be off again today. He needs to experiment more, for one thing the results can be both fun and rewarding, and for another if you found out your magic knot actually did tie up girls you liked, you'd use it again too. Right? He's just not sure exactly how, or who, to experiment on next. At the gates he spies Lucinda, looking stunning in a short frayed denim skirt and figure hugging pink Roxy top, with knee high lace up heeled black boots. He stops, she's talking with a couple of other girls, the Asian twins Chloe and Kirsty, who aren't even sisters but have earned the nickname by being the only Asian females on campus right now. Roland looks left and right, trying to gauge the quickest alternate route, since three girls is just too many, especially since, seeing them laugh, his paranoia is suddenly shouting that Lucinda is telling the twins all about him, making a joke out of his naked body. He looks back at them, only to see the twins walking away through the gates, with Lucinda coming towards him, smiling and waving. He feels like a rabbit caught in the twin headlamps of her perfect breasts, so he waits.

"Morning Roland, you okay?"
"Were you laughing about me?" He can't help himself from blurting this out, convinced it's the truth, sure any girl ever who laughs within his earshot must be laughing about him. "Were you telling them about Tuesday. About what happened in my room?"
"Of course not." She shakes her head, still smiling. "That was just for us." He opens his mouth, but she holds up a hand to stop him, and continues. "I'm not embarrassed by what we did. I don't regret it. It was fun right?"
"Right." He says, maybe slightly too eagerly, nodding. Which makes her giggle, which makes him smile. She checks her phone. "I've got to get to class." He checks his, and nods. "Me too, big test after lunch."
"Walk me in?"
"Sure." He replies, falling into step beside her, heading for the gates, and the cluster of buildings beyond.
"So," she says, after maybe half a minute of silence, in which he tries very hard not to get caught staring sideways at her chest, "have you done any more experiments? I've not seen you for a couple of days."
"No." He shakes his head. "Not yet anyway."
"So you're going to do more then?"
"Yes. Going to try anyway."
"Need a test subject?" Which brings him up short, turning to look at her with his mouth hanging open, looking her up and down, and remembering. Lucinda giggles. "Stop looking at me like that Roland, I can see your brain working."
"Sorry." He makes a huge effort to look her in the eye. "You want me to wish you tied up? Again?" He looks around. "Here?"
"Not here silly, we've both got class." Now she looks nervous, like a kid asking another kid out on a first date. "I was thinking tomorrow. Umm. My parents will be out for the whole day, so I'll have the house to myself. If you want to?" Roland makes an effort to sound casual, to not literally bite her hand off before she can change her mind and withdraw the offer. "Okay. I'm free tomorrow."
"Okay, good." She puts her bag down and rummages around inside, bringing up a notepad and pen. "Here's my address." She says, scribbling. "And my mobile. Shall we say ten?"
"Sure. Ten." He says, taking the offered page as she tears it out and hands it over. "Okay, well, I'm this way." She says, pointing at one of the buildings. "See you tomorrow Roland."
"Tomorrow." He replies, waving as she walks off. He checks his phone again, then hurries off in the opposite direction, pocketing the paper and grinning to himself.

The morning passes in a blur. He barely even pays attention in class, his mind instead on tomorrow, on the potential promise of Lucinda, tied up somehow, maybe even properly naked. Will she want to play again? He realises he doesn't actually know what she wants, offering to be his test subject could mean a number of things. He considers texting her, then decides against it, not wanting to bother her. In truth he's secretly expecting her to cancel, or to just not open the door when he does arrive. He'll be very surprised, overjoyed but surprised, if tomorrow actually happens. He just isn't that lucky with girls in his experience.

And then lunchtime comes along, and ruins his mood.

On the way out to his tree, no Zak today he has Fridays off, he runs into Alison, one of the girls who'll be sitting the test with him in around an hour. Alison is short, and more round then curvy, with a very big bust. She has straight hair dyed white which she normally ties into two short plaits on either side of her head. Today she's wearing tight white jeans with a black Rick and Morty tee. Logically he ought to get on with her, they like the same sorts of things, and she is cute. But Alison is one of those people who always have to be right, and better at everything then everyone else, and sometimes life's just too short to deal with that. But she steers herself towards him, and so he stops, and waits for her. "Hi Alison, all ready for the test?"
"Of course, are you? You know Miss Castle changed the subject on Wednesday right?" She says this with a smug smile, knowing he missed Wednesdays lesson, since she didn't see him there, knowing also the high probability that he therefore doesn't know, and so hasn't studied. "She did?" He tries to sound like it's no big deal, but she knows she's got him. So she waves as she walks away, her job of winning again complete. "See you in class then Roland."

He sits down at the nearest bench, and begins to eat mechanically, all the while his brain whirling, trying to make a plan. He really doesn't want to fail the test. Failing means a big dip in his grades, a spike. Yet he doesn't have the time to study anything new, and even if he had all afternoon he wouldn't know what to study. He thinks. He needs the test rescheduled, for next Friday, or even Wednesday, but Miss Castle won't do that just for one student. He sits there letting his mind roam and wander through possibility after possibility, and finally, with twenty minutes to go, he thinks he has a plan. A crazy, stupid, he'll be in so much trouble if it backfires or goes wrong just a tiny bit plan. But the only plan he can come up with. So he grabs his bag, and walks to class.

The corridor outside Miss Castles room is still deserted, luckily, with everyone outside enjoying the sun. He peers in, the door is set halfway along one wall, so looking into it at an angle to the right he has a good view of the front of the room. He can see Miss Castle, sat behind her desk, and as a bonus there's Alison, sat front row centre as always, no doubt talking the teachers ear off about how well she expects to do, some kind of sucking up anyway. Roland smirks, paybacks a bitch. He takes a deep breath, and staring at the two of them, trying hard to visualize, he whispers "I wish Miss Castle and Alison were both tightly rope tied to their chairs, both of them helpless, both of them blindfolded and tightly gagged."

The room is well lit, so he can see the near instant change, as quick as an eye blink the two of them are suddenly tightly secured to their chairs. Roland smiles, halfway home. Out of his bag he takes a sheet of paper, on which he wrote 'Test Cancelled, Rescheduled Wednesday, No Class Today Free Period.' in his neatest block letters earlier. He secures this to the window that takes up the top half of the classroom door, noting that the paper manages to obscure most of the view inside. Quietly he opens the door and slips in. Firstly he turns off the lights, plunging the room into gloom as the only windows aren't catching the sun. He puts down his bag, and quietly approaches Miss Castle. She's the only teacher on his list, at number seven, forbidden fruit. In her late twenties or early thirties she looks young, with a slim build, and almost impossibly large breasts that a good proportion of the male student body claims are implants. This statement is presented as fact for two reasons, one being just how large and pert they are, the other being that some of the boys swear she did adult modelling before becoming a teacher, and that with enough digging you can find porn images of her online from several years ago, mostly girl girl stuff apparently. Her hair is dyed black, and cut short in a spiky style that cascades down one side of her head. She comes into work on a custom Harley, a chopper. As Roland approaches he can see she's wearing her black leather trousers, as per usual, the kind that have shoelaces criss crossing all the way up each side, showing the hint of tattoos high up near her left thigh. Up top she's wearing a button up white long sleeved shirt stretched tight over her bust, the top two buttons undone giving a hint of her white bra underneath. Both her and Alison are tied the same way. Their legs, which would've been resting slightly spread, are tied off at the ankle to separate front chair legs. Their arms, also resting luckily at their sides, are tied at the wrist to either side of the chair back. Rope is wrapped several times around the chair back, both above and below the breasts, holding them in place, this rope also separately ties their elbows to the chair sides. He's impressed with the gag and blindfold arrangement perhaps most of all, given her didn't specify any details. Both of them are hooded. A thick shiny latex hood covers the face completely, no eye holes, no mouth hole, the mouth area actually looks to have a built in ball gag type assembly, something you need to inflate as he can see a small metal valve in the centre, poking out, judging by the moans escaping both pairs of lips the ball must be inflated to maximum. Each hood has only two small nostril holes, and walking around to inspect them from every angle, still being quiet, he can see that it laces up at the back. So, it worked again, and he really should leave before he gets caught. Not that there's any evidence he did this, but an innocent man would be trying to untie them, instead of whatever he's doing. What is he doing? The paper on the door should turn everyone away, but it's not guaranteed. Time to go, thinks Roland. Yet still he lingers, unwilling to let this oppertunity pass him by. He resolves to move quickly. First off, as with Lucinda he snaps off several photos of each chair tied captive. Then he returns to Miss Castle. Moving quickly he unbuttons her shirt, a task made harder by her beginning to struggle as soon as he starts, but in the end he has it open all the way. Reaching in he pops each of her breasts out of her white lace bra, and steps back, admiring. Honestly he's not sure he could definately tell implants from the real thing every time, but they are huge, and very pert. Really impressive, and larger then he'd ever thought when seeing them covered by clothing. He snaps more photos, including some closeups, and wastes time he really doesn't have giving them a quick grope. Quickly, with time almost up, he moves on to Alison. He exposes her breasts too, by pulling up her top and bra, but doesn't stop to grope or photograph her, instead he finds some spring clips used to keep papers together and attaches one to each nipple. This causes her to buck and moan, to squirm like crazy. So he guesses it must be uncomfortable. Finally, he quickly looks over the test paper laid out on the desk, to get an idea of what to revise. With that done he leaves, quietly closing the door behind him.

In the corridor he spots Ted, from his class, walking in the opposite direction towards the room he's just left. "No test." He tells him, as they draw close. "There's a sign on the door, Wednesday."
"So what do we do instead?" Ted asks. "Free period the sign says, I'm going home."
"Fuck yeah, me too then." Ted grins, and Roland smiles back at him.
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Post by Deleted User 472 »

This story has quickly become my favorite. And the writitng is superb! Cant wait to see how wild he gets to be on the weekend 8-)
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Post by MisterMistoffelees »

I had a French teacher I would have liked to do this to. And a few classmates to take Alison's place. :twisted:
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Post by Tieup1 »

Good chapter, yet again. Keep up the good work. :)
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Post by RopeBunny »

Saturday daytime.

Roland barely sleeps Friday night, tossing and turning, too many thoughts and possibilities regarding the following day clamouring for attention inside his head. In the end he gets up, retrieves his textbook from its shelf, and tries to focus on studying for the test he hopes will now take place on Wednesday. He tries not to think about Miss Castle and her breasts, tries not to think about how they felt to touch. In the end the forced concentration helps, and he falls asleep.

Unfortunately, he dropped off without setting an alarm, something he usually doesn't need at the weekend, so he's dismayed to wake up only to find 09:15 flashing on his bedside clocks digital display. In a panic he leaps out of bed, throws on some blue jeans and a white Cyberdyne Systems tee, and runs to the bathroom to brush his teeth and splash cold water on his face. The rest of the family, enjoying a leisurely breakfast with the Saturday paper and a comic for his brother, are amused to find him both up and rushing around. "Where are you off to in such a hurry son?" Asks his Dad, as Roland hurriedly pours then downs a glass of milk. "Just off out for the day. With friends."
"With Zak?" His Mum wants to know. "Sure." He's in too much of a rush to explain, and what would he say anyway. Even just saying it was a girl he was off to meet would instantly warrant a dozen questions from them. So he tells the small lie, gives them both a kiss goodbye, and leaves.

Lucinda lives in a good neighbourhood, his own is far from run down and graffiti filled, but it's closer to the centre of town. Hers is quieter, the grass just looks greener, the whole thing just feels calmer. Most of the houses are large and detached, hers included. He walks up the driveway, having padlocked his push bike to a post two dozen houses away, feeling the butterflies that have been fluttering the whole way here suddenly reach a fever pitch as several dozen of their friends all join in. He's still not even sure she'll be in, part of him already feeling disappointed at the prank that will surely be sprung any moment. So it's with mixed feelings that he rings the doorbell, hearing the chimes echoing inside the house beyond the large Oak door, with its single narrow stained glass window that affords him no view of the interior. He waits, and then is stunned when he hears first a muted female voice calling "Just a moment" from beyond the door, followed by the sounds of bolts being thrown, followed finally by the heavy door being swung open, revealing a nervously smiling Lucinda stood just inside.

She isn't wearing much, and giggles as she catches his gaze wandering up and down, taking her all in. An unzipped black hoddie does a terrible job of hiding all the exposed flesh not covered up by the bikini, which is all she has on. The material covering her breasts and down below are coloured in a vaguely camouflage pattern of rainbow pastel shades, outlined in white, with white string securing it to her curves. The thong isn't large, just a not so wide strip at the front, narrowing as it dives underneath, but it does the job. The top is clearly meant for a girl with a smaller bust though. The small triangles do an excellent job pushing her breasts together, creating an impressive amount of cleavage, but they don't really cover enough for decency, not enough that Lucinda could choose this swimwear for a session out in public at the local pool. He smiles back at her. "Hi, I wasn't sure you'd be here."
"Of course I'm here silly, can't experiment without a willing volunteer right?" He nods, and she gestures him inside, stepping back. "Come in." He does, she shuts the door behind him, before leading him down a short corridor into the kitchen, talking as she does. "I hope you like my outfit?" Looking over her shoulder to see him nodding still slightly open mouthed at the sight of her. She giggles. "I figured it would be more fun to wear something sexy, but I didn't want to put on any lingerie, nothing like that, and proper clothes would be too restrictive and hot. Plus, at some point I guess I'll be naked anyway right, so I might as well just be almost naked already. You want a drink?" She turns to face him fully, stood at the open fridge, a can of Diet Pepsi in her hand, and catches him still checking out her bikini glad butt. Roland looks up, guilty and blushing. "Sorry."
"I don't mind," now she looks slightly nervous, "you'll be seeing much more of me before the day is out anyway huh?" He nods. "I guess so, if that's what you want?"
"Well." She leans back on the counter, crossing her arms, and then realising the effect that has, of pushing her breasts up and out, almost like an offering, she grins. "Well, without being a buzzkill I guess we should have a talk about what we both want, set some ground rules. Is that okay?"
"Sure." He nods, looking worried. "I'd hate to do anything wrong, to go too far."
"It's okay." She says, still smiling in an attempt to keep things fun. "All I really wanted to do was make sure you knew this wasn't like a date or anything. You know this is all just for fun right?"
"Sure." He smiles back, having known, for whatever reason, that none of this was going to lead to anything permanent, but not caring, because any chance to play with a girl as friendly and sexy as Lucinda was worth taking. "I get it."
"Good. Thanks for understanding Roland. You're cute, but my running is more important to me then boys right now. That's all."
"I get it. So what is it you want to do? Or, more to the point," he says smiling, aiming for a playful tone, "what am I allowed to do with my willing volunteer?"
"I guess you're allowed to experiment. See what these wishes will and won't let you do. Tell you what," Lucinda winks "let's keep it simple. If I'm helpless then we'll call that a green light, which means I'm all yours." She gives a nervous giggle, which he returns. "But if I say no at any point then it means no. Fair?"
"Fair." He nods. "Why don't we wander up to your room then, I'd feel weird doing this in the front room."
"Me too, my parents won't be back until late, but yes, it's this way." She gestures out of the kitchen door, and pushes herself off the counter, but Roland stops her, a sudden idea occurring. "Hold on, can you take off your hoodie now, and put your arms behind you?" She gives him a quizzical look, then realises, and nods. "Of course, can't have an unbound volunteer I guess."
"Right." He agrees, as Lucinda shrugs off her hoodie, folding it over a chair back, and then stands obediently with her arms behind her, hands clasped together. "I wish Lucindas wrists and elbows were tightly rope tied behind her, and that she was ball gagged."
"Hey, no fair." Lucinda just about manages to say, she's opening her mouth to continue when there's a familiar pop, and suddenly a large red ball is keeping her jaws apart, strapped in tightly over the top of her hair. Her wrists are also bound, as are her elbows, the tight rope forcing them to touch behind her back. "Do a little twirl for me then." Which she does, shaking her head as she notices her thrust out chest. "Good. Now we can go to your room. Lead on." He makes a big show of offering her the lead, and she plays along, giving him a mock bow in return.

Lucinda leads the way back down the corridor, around a corner and then upstairs, with Roland following close behind. At the top she heads for the third nearest door, which is the only one aside from the bathroom door open. Just before she can enter though Roland catches her up puts a hand on her shoulder, stopping her. Lucinda stops, and turns to look at him quizzically. "Legs together please." She shrugs, and complies. "I wish Lucindas ankles and knees were tightly rope tied together." Which following another pop, and the customary rush of air that signifies a change, they are. Lucinda is now stood straight as the post his bike is locked to, tight rope binds her legs at the ankle and just above the knees. He wanders past her, into the room, and looks around. Its bigger then his room, the wooden double bed looking less out of place. The walls are painted white, except for the one opposite the window which is sky blue. It's this wall that her computer desk is pushed against, and above the desk is a shelf where over half a dozen cuddly Pokemon sit. She has a dark wood wardrobe and a huge bedside unit with more draws. He sits down on the desks chair, and looks back at Lucinda, still stood in the doorway, looking unsure of what to do now her legs are bound. "Come in then, over to the bed and have a lie down." She looks at the bed, then down at her legs, then at him. "I think you'll have to hop." He says, trying not to laugh. She huffs through the gag, and rolls her eyes at him, realising finally what he's done. Then she sets off, hopping carefully, taking time between each one so she doesn't fall, first into the room and then over to the bed. With each hop her breasts bounce within the small bikini top, which isn't really designed to be supportive under such conditions. She makes quite a sight, and Roland can feel himself getting hard as he sees first one nipple and then the other escape her top, until by the time she stops next to the bed, and literally falls down onto it, both her breasts are almost completely free. Lucinda grunts as she lands, and then spends almost five minutes wriggling herself around on the bed, finally managing to end up with her head on one of the pillows, laid straight with her feet pointed at Roland. Her bikini top is now a lost cause, pulled completely down off her breasts and now hanging loosely just above her waist.

"Might as well take that off then." Roland comments, approaching the bed. Lucinda grunts, clearly annoyed to lose a piece of clothing so easily, but she rolls onto her side to allow him to untie and remove it. "Right then." He makes a big play out of inspecting her, like he's trying to solve a problem. "Hmm." She shakes her head, clearly amused, then gives a small yelp as he gently slaps each of her breasts in turn. "I'm going to see whether I can wish the gag removed, okay?" She nods, so Roland steps back. "I wish Lucinda was no longer ball gagged." With a pop the gag vanishes, back to whatever limbo it came from. Lucinda flexes her jaw a couple of times. "Thank you. Now, how about all the rest?"
"Nice try." Roland grins. "But if you want the ropes gone you'll have to remove them yourself."
"Dammit. Really?"
"That's right." Nodding. "Shall we say twenty minutes, or I'm taking your thong."
"You can't."
"I can."
"Dammit. Okay. I'll try. Mean man." But she smiles as she says this, and he smiles back. "Okay then, start the clock." So Roland gets to enjoy the show. Lucinda really tries to escape, squirming and wriggling all over the bed. Cursing the knots. Her breasts jiggling as she bucks and rolls. After thirteen minutes she stops, and lays back, exhausted. "Okay you win. I'm done. Take the damn thong. But please, could you strip too? I'll feel less weird if we're both naked."
"Of course." Though the idea makes him nervous, it sounds fair. So he strips, removing jeans and tee, along with the Addidas trainers that he forgot to take off when he came in. Lastly he removes his boxers, just plain green today, leaving him naked. He can feel Lucinda watching him the whole time, her eyes on his erection as he finally frees it. He looks her in the eyes, and sees her bring her gaze up to meet his. "So," he begins, slightly shakily, "time to take your thong."
"Yes." She nods, sounding slightly shaky herself.

He kneels on the bed beside her, untying both side knots to pull the thong out past the ropes, rediscovering the thin landing strip of hair still present as he does. "Well then," he says, now sat beside her "what next?"
"You could untie me."
"Again with that." He laughs, and she does too. "I thought we agreed that if you want them gone it was your job."
"I remember." She huffs. " But as you can see I'm somewhat stuck." And she gives a wriggle, just to prove her point. "Besides," she continues, winking "I've got an idea."
"What idea?"
"Untie me and I'll tell you."
"Nope. Tell me first, and I'll decide whether it's good enough to warrant untying you."
"Meanie." And she sticks her tongue out at him, having another struggle, seeking out any slack. He watches, enjoying the show. "Okay," she says, calming down, "you win. Again. I thought we could look on my computer, see whether we can find some picture of a tied up girl to inspire you. Let's face it, neither of us knows anything about this, so maybe a hint of some super amazing new way of tying me will give you a new experiment to try. What do you think?"
"I like it." He nods. "Roll over then." Which she does, allowing Roland to untie all of the ropes. He tosses them away as Lucinda gets up, and stretches, bending to touch her toes and standing up tall reaching on tip toes for the ceiling. Then she fires up the computer.

They sit together on the only chair, neither of them asking for or offering to go find another. Roland sits, with Lucinda positioned sideways on his right leg, his hand cupping her butt, her large breasts mostly in his face. She types, and moves the mouse, bringing up the internet. "So what should we search for?"
"How about 'naked busty girls tied up?"
"You'll have that in a moment silly." She play slaps him on the leg, her hand brushing his hard on. "Oops, sorry. How about I type in 'girls tied up tight' because that's what we want right?"
"Okay, good idea." So she does, which instantly brings up hundreds of images, all of girls in various tight ties. They scroll through in silence, Roland very conscious of his large erection, until, almost spookily, they both point at the same image.
"That one." He says. "Can we try this?" She says, almost in unison. "You sure?" He asks. "It looks pretty tight."
"I thought that was the idea?" She turns to look at him. "Tie the hot girl up so she can't escape, then have your way with her."
"And you want that gag too?"
"Sure," she giggles nervously, "don't you want me to have that gag?" He swallows, and she giggles again, both of them nervous at the possibilities being presented. "Of course I do."
"Well then, Mr boss professor, whatever, shall we?"
"Okay then, Miss volunteer willing helpless girl whose going to regret choosing such a tight tie in an hour when she's still on the bed, still being played with. Go lay down and assume the position."
"Promises promises." She gives his cheek a kiss, and goes over to the bed, laying down on her stomach, bending her legs like a frog, and reaching both arms behind her. "Ready mean man. Do your worst." She giggles, and he smirks. Then he looks at the screen.

"I wish Lucinda was tightly rope tied. Her legs tied separately, ankles tied to upper thighs. Her wrists and elbows tied behind her, wrists tied to her waist. Her breasts wrapped up in ropes. I wish Lucinda was gagged tightly, a large metal ring strapped in her mouth forcing her jaw apart." He hears the pop and inrush of air as he's turning around, and by the time he's facing the bed Lucinda is a mirror image of the computer screen. He smiles, turns the computer off, and wanders over to inspect her. "How do you feel?" She shrugs, or attempts to, as he gives a couple of the ropes an experimental pull. She looks amazing, ropes are digging in all over her slim toned body, squeezing her breasts tight. Her mouth is forced open, almost like and invitation, she's already beginning to drool. "Is my volunteer okay to continue?" She nods. "Okay then, good. You've got ten minutes to escape, in the spirit of the game, and then I'm going to come over onto the bed and enjoy my winnings. Because if you're still tied and gagged after ten minutes then I win, and so I get you as a prize. Agreed?" She nods. "Okay then." He puts his phone on the bedside unit, in view of her, and sets the countdown for ten minutes. "Go." He says, starting the clock.

She struggles, trying her hardest to escape the impossibly tight and restrictive tie. She grunts and drools everywhere, all over the bed and her breasts. Roland sits on the chair, once again enjoying the show, calling out the time at five and then counting down the final thirty seconds as she mostly at that point lays still, accepting her fate. "Times up." He tells her, retrieving his phone and shutting the alarm off. He grins, coming to sit beside her. "Well now, what should I do with you?" She grunts, and makes an attempt at wriggling away from him across the bed. He laughs and grabs at her waist, pulling her back to him as he kneels down. She stills, laid on her side facing him. Roland reaches out, tentatively, and touches one of her breasts. He gives the nipple a playful flick, which makes her jump, then he leans forwards and kisses it, still cupping the breast, gently biting down as he does, making her gasp. Moving his other hand to carress her bare butt, holding her on her side close to him, Roland begins to play with her other breast, still kissing the first, as he kneads the other, pinching and twisting the nipple, then he moves his hand lower. Between her legs he can feel her, she's wet, and as he gently teases, running fingers up down inside her inner leg, playing with the thin strip of hair, she moans, and attempts to spread her legs wider for him. Suddenly he pulls back. Grabbing a sharpie off of the desk he rolls Lucinda onto her front, then leaning over he scribbles out the word Sam on her butt, and writes Lucinda above it in big capital letters. Laughing, he tosses the pen back onto the desk and looks at her, she looks back at him, and wriggles over back onto her side, spreading her legs wide for him. "I think my volunteer needs to work for that kind of attention." He steps off the bed, standing beside it. " You struggle your pretty bound self over here, then I'll touch you again." Lucinda moans, then huffs and rolls her eyes. It takes her almost five minutes to wriggle across the bed, time he mostly spends idly playing with his hard on, noticing how her eyes are drawn to it even as she tries to focus on reaching him. Finally she arrives, head first, almost pointing at him with her body stretched out away along the bed. Suddenly his hard on is right next to her gagged mouth, and before he can say anything Lucinda has flicked out her tongue to lick at the tip. It feels good, sending a shudder through him. She sees this, and encouraged, wriggles closer, rolling onto her back and tilting her head, licking again. Offering. He steps forward, just a small step, and guides his large erection into her gagged open mouth. She begins to suck, even as he reaches down and finds her hard nipples, carresssing them both as she works on him, both of them moaning now, lost in the moment.

And then, as though coming from a different planet, both of them hear the front door open and close, hear her parents call out "We're home early honey, Bob had to cancel."

He pulls away from her, suddenly looking panicked, unsure of what to do. She sighs, at a moment lost, And wriggles her head back and forth. Roland gets the message, and ungags her. "Thanks." She says quietly, working her jaw. "Sorry. I really thought they'd be out all day. Experiment ruined huh?"
"No no." He shakes his head. "I had fun. Sure, we didn't," gesturing at his shrinking hard on, at her breasts, the nipples pointed right at him. "But I had fun. Um. Did you?"
"I did." She nods, and his relief makes her laugh. "Of course I did Roland. I volunteered for this. I kinda hoped it would end up like this."
"What, with your parents coming home early?" He says it teasingly. "No silly," teasing him back, "like this." And she darts her head forward, taking him back into her mouth, turning him instantly hard again, before letting go. "Sorry." She grins, knowing how cheeky that was. "I guess you'd better untie me. They won't come up, it's okay. I can sneak you out of the front door without them seeing."

Grudgingly he unties her, and then dresses whilst she slips on some grey shorts and a loose white tee from Alton Towers. Together, her leading, they slip quietly down the stairs. He can hear her parents out in the back garden, talking. So with the coast clear she opens the front door. "Sorry." She says again. "Text me, okay?"
"Okay." He nods. She leans forward and kisses him, briefly, on the lips. And then he leaves. Turning at the end of the driveway he sees her wave as she closes the door, he waves back.
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Post by SLC »

Really nice story. I like how things are developing between Lucinda and Roland. Looking forward to how this story continues.
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Post by Tieup1 »

Very good chapter, this is a great story. :)
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Post by Solarbeast »

Great chapters. I can’t wait to read more, and to see if he stays with only Lucinda to bind. Or will he be allowed to continue his wishing with other women?
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Post by RopeBunny »

Monday daytime.

Roland finally messages Lucinda on Saturday evening, having observed the unwritten and complicated rules by not getting in touch too soon, yet unwilling to wait any longer. So, sat in his room playing Minecraft, he writes:
'Evening Lucinda, it's Roland.'
He carries on playing, picking up his phone when it vibrates a half hour later to find her reply:
'Well, good evening Professor, I wasn't sure when you'd write.'
He carries on talking to her, inbetween playing the game:
'Nor was I, kind of wanted to as soon as I got home.'
'Why didn't you?'
'Didn't want to be too eager hehe Plus I figured you'd be talking to your parents.'
'Sorry about them coming home early. Kind of killed all the fun.'
'I guess. Wish I was still there.'
'So do I. Maybe you should 'wish' harder!'
'Or maybe I'll just have to have my own fun hehe.'
'This x'
And Lucinda sends him an image. It's a close up of her naked breasts, he'd forgotten about all the rope, discarded on the floor as he quietly slipped out. She's wrapped a long piece in a tight figure of eight around both breasts, then topped it off by attaching a wooden clothes peg to each nipple. He can feel himself getting hard just looking at it. He quickly messages her back:
'Hey. No fair.'
'What's the matter, don't you like it? hehe'
'Of course I do. You're a little tease. It isn't like I can come round there and take you up on that offer though. It was an offer right?'
'It was. And I told you, just 'wish' for me wink wink'
'I can't, no way I could sneak you back out again after, plus your parents will go nuts if they come upstairs looking for you and you've vanished.'
'Good point. sigh'
'Not your fault. But I'd love to try again sometime.'
'I could always just 'wish' you tied up at yours now. Teach you a lesson by having you spend an hour tied up alone before I 'wish' you free again. hehe'
'You wouldn't dare!'
'I would so dare. But only if I knew you were sat/laid in the right position, otherwise it doesn't work.'
'Well then excuse me whilst I spend the rest of the night constantly moving just to mess up that evil plan.'
'hehe Don't worry I'll leave you alone. So long as we talk soon about trying again, because I'd love to too.'
'Okay then. See you on campus next week?'
'I'll be in all my usual spots yes.'
'Sleep well Roland x'
'You too. Night x'

On Sunday Zak comes round, and they spend the entire day binge playing Super Mario on an old Nintendo he bought off auction. With take out pizza and sweets for fuel they unlock every hidden path, and collect all the different coloured Yoshi as they complete Star Road. Zak has never asked about his shelf, and so doesn't pass comment on the coloured knot. Roland had already decided not to share his wishing exploits with his best friend anyway, preferring to keep all the recent fun private.

Monday morning brings with it the familiar alarm, the weeks routine starting again. Roland dresses in black jeans and a blue Sonic tee, feeling the need to give equal billing to the plumbers rival after yesterday. As he walks to college though he has a near panic attack. Somehow, probably mostly due to all the fun he's had, the potential repercussions of Friday's wish haven't occurred to him until now. He could be walking right into some serious trouble if Miss Castle, or Alison, knows it was him. Or maybe they don't know, but something really bad happened to them after he left them helpless with their breasts exposed. He breaks out in a cold sweat, and has to stop in the middle of the path, forcing other students to walk around him. Focusing on his breathing he tries to think, realising after a moment that if they do know then by now he's already fucked, so even if he runs they'll come find him. As nerve wracking as it is he has to carry on as though everything is normal, and hope for the best. He takes a deep breath, then two more, and begins to feel calmer. He looks at the college gates, now in sight, and mutters "Fuck it" under his breath, before walking on.

The morning passes. Lessons as normal, no summons to the heads office, he is as invisible as always. He almost laughs. Almost. Lunchtime arrives, and he heads outside to meet Zak as per usual. Arriving first, approaching the tree he can see something attached to the trunk at head height, something white. He stops dead a couple of metres away, finally able to see it clearly. It's a sheet of paper, written on it is: 'Test Cancelled, Rescheduled Wednesday, No Class Today Free Period.' He shivers, suddenly feeling as though he's being toyed with. How many people know this is his tree? He snatches the paper, and doing so sees tiny writing in the bottom left corner. It says: 'Flat 18, Pluto building, Saints Road, code 1599 to enter, 1630 today Roland.' Now his mouth drops open too, someone knows. He sits down, his legs unable to support him, and spies Zak approaching. Before his friend arrives he folds the paper and stuffs it into his bag. Then tries his best to keep up his end of whatever conversation Zak starts, barely tasting his food, his mind elsewhere.

The rest of the day passes in a blur. He gets out at half two, and walks home. Ditching his bag he grabs his bike and sets off, scribbling a note first so his parents know he won't be home for dinner. Pluto is one of six apartment blocks built only two years ago, on the outskirts of town near the railway line. It's on the other side of the centre from him though, almost an hours ride. He makes good time, managing to stop and grab a bottle of water, which he downs whilst walking the final stretch. He padlocks his bike to some nearby railings, and heads for the front door. Pluto isn't the tallest, the eight story block next door towers over its five. All six are a combination of red brick and white smoothness, with balconies and plenty of windows. He tries the code, and isn't in the least surprised when the front door lock clicks open, he climbs up to the third floor, and walks down a blue carpeted corridor to number 18, knocking on the wooden door just before the stated time. He hears muffled booted footsteps, and then the door opens.

It's Kelly, stood in the doorway, trying hard not to laugh at the look of fear slowly vanishing off his face, to be replaced by uncertainty. Raven haired college girl Kelly. She's dressed all in black. A skintight shiny latex suit covers her whole body, from neck to legs, where it disappears inside a pair of thigh high lace up tight boots, the boots have a huge heel on them, adding several inches to her height, skintight black latex gloves cover her hands, the material stretching up her arms to merge with the latex coming the other way. The front of the suit has a zip, currently done up to her neck, Roland can see the track for it running all the way down her front, inbetween her breasts, and disappearing under her legs. She looks amazing, scary, but stunning. He can see every curve of her body the outfit is that tight. "Hi Roland, come in." She says, stepping back to give him room. He walks in, and she shuts the door. "Come on through to the bedroom, we can talk in there okay?"
"Okay." No real point refusing, so he follows her. The front door leads directly into the large kitchen lounge combination room, with a door leading off for a toilet, and another for the flats only bedroom. The whole place is decorated only sparsely, no pictures on the walls, just some ornaments and keepsakes on the bookshelf and television stand. In the bedroom it's more of the same, a large double bed and furniture, not much else. A young persons flat, someone yet to accumulate too much stuff.

Kelly pauses beside the bed, and turns to face him. "A favour first, and then I'll tell you my tale." She smiles at this, clearly amused. Roland tries to smile back, but is still on edge, still unsure of how things are playing out. "Relax, you're not in any trouble. Okay."
"Okay." He says, managing a smile for her. She climbs up onto the bed, and lays face up, pointing each of her black clad limbs at a different bed post. "Okay," she says looking across at where he's stood just inside the doorway, "go ahead and do it. Wish me tied up."
"But." He starts, stumbling over the words in his confusion. "It didn't work on you, how do you know it'll work this time?"
"Just do the wish Roland. Please. Tight ropes okay? And no gag. I'll explain after I promise." She looks sincere, and hopeful, so he shrugs. "I wish Kelly was tied up tightly to the bed. With rope. Each limb stretched out to a different post." The pop comes, and Kelly gasps as she is instantly tied up, with the ropes taking each limb and stretching them impossibly tightly towards a bed post. "Damn that's tight." She comments, doing little wriggles, trying to seek out the clearly non existent slack. "Fuck Roland, I can't even move an inch. Feels like I'm about to be ripped apart it's so tight."
"Is it okay? Are you okay? Shall I loosen it?"
"No." She shakes her head, smiling. "It's perfect. Leave it be....What are you doing now?....Hey." While she'd been talking Roland had approached the bed, and kneeling beside her had unzipped the front of her outfit all the way down beyond her crotch. The tightness of her body pulling the freshly made split wide instantly, exposing her breasts and between her legs. Roland smiles at her. "That's for scaring me, call it payback."
"Sod. Fine. Hey, no pictures." She huffs, as Roland takes out his phone and snaps a dozen from different angles. "Finished? Had your fun now, got enough revenge do we?" But she says it playfully as he puts his phone away. He smiles. "Sure, all done. Now," sitting beside her on the bed, "you were going to tell me a story?"

"You found my note right?"
"Yes." He sits down next to her, sneaking glances every chance he gets. "Scared the shit out of me."
"You just said. I got it." And she wiggles her breasts at him for emphasis, which makes them both laugh. "Sorry. I was being dramatic. Anyway. I came looking for you on Friday, wanted to talk, about what didn't happen at the tree on Tuesday, I'd had a think you see. So. I knew you had a test last thing...."
"....because Emma, my friend, who dates Jake, told me. Jake's in your class."
"Right. Got it."
"Emma told me it was a ninety minute test, so I showed up after an hour, since you might be done early. And what did I find?"
"You found my note."
"I found your note, and a dark classroom. But, being the curious girl I am, I tried the door, and it opened. Do you know what I found inside?"
"Why don't you tell me." Roland says, smiling. "I found your teacher, along with that thinks she's clever Alison, all tied up to their chairs and hooded. Someone," she looks pointedly at him, whilst he fails completely to hide his smile, "someone had pulled out both of their breasts, and put spring clips on Alisons nipples."
"Poor Alison."
"Shut up Roland, it doesn't mean anything if you're almost laughing whilst you say it."
"So why did you think it was me?"
"Just a spark of intuition really, Vicky and now these two, with you somehow connected to them all. Besides, it had to be you. No way these two would've agreed to be tied and stripped willingly."
"Clever girl."
"I am." She grins. "So, figuring you did it, I decided to try and make sure you didn't get caught doing it."
"Thanks." He grimaces, shaking his head. "Can't believe I didn't think about possibly getting caught until this morning."
"Silly boy."
"I know. So, how did you cover for me?"
"I took down your note, and untied them. Made a huge deal out of finding them, about how I'd seen nobody around, but that a couple of students I'd bumped into from her class had told me they'd heard the test was on Wednesday now."
"Did she believe you? Miss Castle."
"I guess. I mean, she didn't really look suspicious, just shaken I think. She took Alison to the office, and I wandered off home."
"So that's it?"
"That's it."
"And then you came and set this prank or trap thing for me today, pinned my note up to my tree."
"Yes." She laughs. "I sat on it all weekend, making sure in my head that it must've been you, figuring out why it worked with Vicky and the other two but not me...."
"It's the position, you have to be in the correct position."
"....Which is what I eventually figured. So then I set about getting you here today."
"But why not just come and ask me, like you did last week?"
"Because this was way more fun. Just for the look on your face when I opened the door it was worth it."
"Okay, fine. So is there a point to all of this? I'm grateful to you for hiding my handwritten note, but is there a reason you're dressed that way? A reason why I just tied you up to the bed?"

"This is my girlfriends flat. I live here, have done for around six months now."
"You moved out." She nods. "Todd and Jenelle are dicks."
"Your parents."
"Yes. I moved out the first chance I could get. Luckily, after crashing with friends, paying my way as best I could, I started dating Melissa, and after a couple of months she let me move in."
"Right. So why are you tied up to her bed? Won't she be mad?"
"She won't. Trust me, when she comes home in," looking at the clock beside the bed, "around a half hour, she won't be mad."
"Care to explain?"
"I'm into this Roland. We both are. All this being tied up, Melissa and me love this."
"Well that explains the outfit."
"Right. See, it isn't serious, nobodies in actual charge, but I'm always the one tying her up. She's in her mid twenties you see, gets a kick out of being a teenage girls helpless little plaything. Do you get it yet?"
"I think I do." He smiles. "I've just tied you up, and so she'll find you already like this...."
"Plus a gag."
"....plus a gag, and for the first time she gets to be in charge." He nods. "Very nice. Will she like it though?"
"I think so. Like I said, neither of us is actually the boss, I just don't think she knows how to ask to tie me up."
"So how will you explain how you got tied up and gagged?"
"I won't. You'll close the bedroom and front door when you leave in a minute, I left a note for her on the kitchen counter, where she can't miss it, telling her I'm waiting tied up in the bedroom, telling her she can do whatever she wants to me."
"Very nice."
"Yes." Kelly smiles. "I don't expect I'll be getting untied before sunrise, or maybe not even then if she's off tomorrow." Roland looks slightly uncomfortable, and she laughs seeing this. "Sorry. So, before you leave can you do a final couple of things for me?"
"Sure. Gag you right?"
"Yes. And zip me back up please. Then close all the doors on your way out."
"Okay. Um. Any preference on the gag?"
"Something open mouthed, I might need my tongue." She winks, and he blushes, which makes her laugh. "Thanks Roland. I'll see you on campus okay?"
"Okay Kelly. Have fun. I wish Kelly was tightly gagged, a large metal ring forcing her mouth open, leather straps buckled up at the back."

And by the time he looks up she is. He gives her a nod, which she returns, so he zips her back up, hiding her breasts away for Melissa to no doubt uncover later. Then he leaves, closing the bedroom and front door as he does. Outside, he rings home first, and is in luck as dinner hasn't yet been cooked, his Mum says she'll make extra for him. Getting back on his bike Roland slowly cycles home.
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Post by FabianStr2016 »

This was one of the best TUG Story i ever Read. I beg you Please Continue with lucinda and maybe some cloth gags!
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Post by Tieup1 »

Super chapter, Roland is a lucky boy, and so are the girls he ties up, they all seem to be having fun. 8-)
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