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Post by Pup Wingletang »

To answer the latest poll:

Brad/Nick - there was a good friendship here that I don't think Nick is ready to give up on. I think Nick is probably the best person to help Brad see the error of his ways and become a better person.

Zach/Jeremy - I'm just very intrigued to see how their relationship works behind the scenes. Whilst Nick and Steven have accidentally stumbled into this kinky world I think Zach and Jeremy were both actively looking for it. What difference does that make.

Steven/Jeremy - our two cute little subs. I'd like to see them become good friends so they can talk openly and freely together about their experiences. Whilst they both have their big hulking doms to look after them I think being able to talk to someone on the same subby level is important.
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

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Post by chadmc90 »

With your current poll, I think you will have results all over the place, as all characters are well rounded and developed, and therefore your audience has an interest in seeing them all.

One interaction you left out is one with Brad and Zack. I think that one would definitely be an interesting meeting especially concerning the stark contrast in their personalities, as well as their relationship to Jeremy. If that one was included, I would've voted for that definitely.
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Post by bondagefreak »

chadmc90 wrote: 2 years ago I'm all caught up now.
At this point, I think the incident with Nick and Zach in disguise might have been a bit of a setback for Nick, and it shows he still has work to do. I am glad though that he realized his mistake and apologized to Steven. Its a good example of how his character had developed from the start of the series. A once brutal and cocky jock has slowly turned into a protective boyfriend, still with faults and old tendancies, but has his heart in the right place. I think, Honestly, Nick has grown just as much as a character as Steven has.

So glad to see that you made it, my friend! Yeah, Nick definitely has grown a lot. Steven has and is still changing, but I'm sure quite a few would argue that Nick is the one who changed the most since the start of the saga. On the flip side, his behavioural changes seem to stem mostly from his changing perception of Steven. He went from considering Steven as a sort of little brother/protégé to seeing him as a potential lifelong spouse. Hence him dropping the jockish horsery in favour of paternalistic discipline.

Zach still intrigues me alot. He appears as the paladin and prince charming you see in Disney movies, but underneath I think there's more to him. He really seems into the typical cliche bondage fetishes, as indicated by his choice of gear and interests in things like chastity cages. I wouldn't be surprised if Jeremy gets his cock locked at some point, and most likely Zack has a secret BDSM dungeon. It's not to say that being into that stuff is bad per se, and it certainly adds more depth and rounds put his character more. I hope personally Steven gets a free ticket to this dungeon, if it exists.
Yeah, Zack really does fit the hunky paladin in shining armour stereotype, doesn't he? Then again, who says a soldier of righteousness can't be kinky and have a fully equipped BDSM dungeon at home? 8-) I like the way you think, my friend. With Nick's upcoming visit to the parents and those cooking lessons with Jeremy, I think it's safe to assume Steven will be visiting Zack's place in the near future.

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Post by Stormee »

So I started last night on B&G based on your recommendation, [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] and got drowsy and fell asleep after reading the 1st page of the post. But after I got up, I continued to finish book 1 and I was like wow...

Steven has gone through a lot in a matter of a couple days. Nick is so controlling and caring at time. Brad, however, is a complete ass and I hate every fiber in my being of him. The way he tortures Steven is too much. For what, breaking a school record? How petty do you have to be on that?

But still a nice story. I can't wait to read more. Run Steven, run away and never turn back. (Lion King reference. :lol:)
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Post by Red86 »

Seriously what is Shawn's deal here, another blackmail attempt? Blackmail is a super fucked up thing to pull once, but a 2nd time 🤬. What's his end game in this? Is he trying to destroy Nick and Steven's relationship? And the other question is who ratted Steven out? The options are very limited here.

As for the poll
-Steven/Shawn. I wanna see where Shawn is going with this crap he's pulling. Frankly it would serve his ass right if Steven has a plan to at the very least cause a stalemate.

-Zach/Steven. As I've said before in previous posts, I wanna see if Zach is who he's leading us to believe he is (well, atleast who Steven is leading us to believe Zach is). Zach has always seemed to better Nick's and Steven's relationship and I don't have any negative vibes but I'm still curious about his character.

-Steven/Jeremy. Steven could use a little payback after Jeremy left Steven bound a while back 😉🤣. But really, since Steven and Jeremy are basically of similar, they could both use a good friendship to be able to talk about things in their relationships.
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Post by bondagefreak »

And a very special welcome aboard to [mention]Stormee[/mention]!


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[mention]wataru14[/mention] [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention] [mention]chadmc90[/mention] [mention]4toes[/mention] [mention]Footsub[/mention] [mention]Socksbound[/mention] [mention]chadmc90[/mention] [mention]Red86[/mention] [mention]Ossassin[/mention] [mention]subguybr[/mention] [mention]Straitjacketed[/mention]
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Wednesday, May 27 (2:00 PM)

When Shawn threatened to expose me for having orally pleasured Kyle, I snapped. Not only would Nick have been taken aback upon learning what I'd done, but the consequences on our relationship could've potentially proven disastrous. Suffice it to say, I wasn't about to let that happen.

"How dare you try to blackmail me!" I immediately snapped back, frowning my brow and glaring up at my guest for having the audacity to threaten me in my own home. "What goes on between Nick and myself isn't any of your business."

"Well, I don't think he'd be too happy to find out that y..." the oaf started to speak.

"You know what, Shawn? I am so fuckin' sick and tired of you and your threats! I've tried being nice. I've tried being respectful.
I even do your laundry for you and haven't asked for anything in return! But now you really need to back off! Whatever ammunition you think you have against me, you better stow it, 'cause I swear I'm just two inches away from calling Nick right now and telling him all about what you did to me last week and how you practically raped me!" I angrily cried out.

Shawn scoffed, apparently not agreeing with my definition of "rape." But his destabilised expression and raised brow left little doubt as to the weight my own threats carried. He tried opening his mouth to speak again, but I wasn't finished.

"How dare you! How dare you try to threaten me again! What have I ever done to deserve this? Are you like...jealous or something?" I angrily accused, alluding to one of the many theories I had floating around my head.

"Pft! Nah man, I'm not jealous. Now c'mon...stop making such a big deal outta nothing. Just chill out." the muscle-brute contemptuously sneered.

"Chill out? Chill out?! You come in here, threaten to turn my life upside down, try to blackmail me into doing stuff, and that's all you've gotta say for yourself?" I indignantly barked, my voice breaking up and my face reddening from a mixture of anger, sadness and hurt.

"Calm down, Steven! No one's threatening to turn your life upside down! I was just messin' with you." Shawn hurriedly replied, playing this as cool as he could whilst at the same time appearing a little fazed by my highly justified emotional outburst.

I teared up, turned around and frantically began doing the bed. The towering behemoth tried saying something about how I was overreacting and how he had no real intention of carrying out his threats, but that did little to comfort or calm me down. At one point he even put his hand on my shoulder and tried getting me to face him, but I simply swiped his giant hand away and broke down into another angry rant.

I told him how unfair he was and told him how mean and hurtful his blackmail attempts had been. The brute tried defending himself by making it seem as though he was surprised about my "unfaithfulness", but I once again reminded him of the fact that I'd been tricked into performing for Kyle and that the entire affair had been set up to help me get better in bed. Shawn bought my explanation, no doubt 'cause Joshua had told him the same thing as well, but it's only when I threatened to expose his own far more serious crimes that he backed down and admitted to basically being an ass.

"Alright, so...I guess that makes us even then." he spoke, pausing for a moment before raising a hand up to scratch the top of his head.

"Even?!" I immediately cried out, turning around to face his huge hulking torso and big hairy chest.

"Well, if you don't tell Nick about me trying to get in on the action, then I won't tell him about your little adventure with Kyle." he attempted to negotiate.

"No, Shawn. This isn't a stalemate and you know it! Just back off and quit tryin' to mess with me. I'm not one of your college homies. I'm your cousin's boyfriend! You can't just go around messing with people like that." I went on, turning around once more to finish tidying up the bed.

Shawn just stood there, silently pondering the implications of our little exchange. This was in fact a stalemate, in the sense that we both had ammo against each other, but as far as morality went, I definitely had the high ground.

"I can see why Nick likes you." he smirked, after a full ten seconds of silence.

I turned around to see his cocky face and frowned at the fact that he apparently found this whole affair amusing.
"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked, scowling in an attempt to let him know I wasn't in the mood to be sweet-talked.

Shawn just chuckled and said something along the lines of "You're cute when you're angry." before finally throwing his hands up into the air and agreeing to my terms. "Alright! Alright. I promise I'll stop messin' with you." he went on, speaking as though he was being forced to contend with a series of unreasonable demands.

"I'm not asking you to like me! Just treat me like a normal human being for once." I replied, sniffling back a few stray tears and fluffing up the lofty pillows that adorned the bed.

"What are you talkin' about? I've always liked you." came the blond man's retort, something which inevitably had me scoffing in disbelief.

"Well, you certainly have a strange way of showing it. I'd hate to know how you treat the people that you don't like." I mumbled, immediately eliciting what I recognised as being a poorly-concealed chuckle.

"Yeah...I treat them even worse." he replied, laughing at his own comment even whilst I rolled my eyes up at the sheer immaturity of him.

Shawn and I begrudgingly agreed to call it a truce after that. I wasn't completely satisfied in the assurances he'd given me nor was I swept away by the apology he'd voiced out. I was, however, proud of myself for having drawn the line and succeeded in getting the oaf to admit to his own wrongdoings. My only regret at that point was that I hadn't secretly recorded the exchange we'd just had. Having that audio record on hand could've certainly proven useful if Shawn were to renege on his promise at some point down the line.

As baffling as his wanton threats and blackmail attempts were, the ease at which he turned around and just seemingly forgot about them is what startled me most. Less than a single minute had gone by since the end of our somewhat heated exchange that the blond oaf was back to casually establishing dominance over me.

"Man, I'm fuckin' starving! How about making us some sandwiches for lunch or something?" he asked, all the while staring at his own reflection and flexing his tremendous leather-clad arms in front of the bedroom mirror. Part of me was very tempted to tell him to make his own lunch, but when I turned around to say something to that effect, my submissive nature kicked in and forced me to acquiesce.

"Alright, I'll fix us a little something." I spoke, discreetly rolling my eyes up and silently huffing at my own passivity.

Some of you may find this hard to accept, but those who identify as submissives will surely comprehend. Saying "no" to an Alpha - particularly one as beefy and as dominant as this one - was much easier said than done. It was in my nature to obey, especially when the one giving the orders was authoritative and attractive. Shawn, of course, hadn't given me any orders. Unlike Nick, that wasn't usually his style. He was, in a sense, far more casual and perhaps a tad bit more presumptuous in his approach. Traits that were really quite alluring to me even though they probably rubbed a lot of people the wrong way.

I was admittedly a little surprised when the hairy-chested goliath-hunk followed me out of the bedroom and set a course for the living room, with his older cousin's leather jacket still clad over his hulking torso. I knew he was going to bring it home with him, but when I asked the oaf if he wanted me to put the jacket over by the entryway closet, he declined my offer.

"Nah, don't worry about it. I'm gonna keep it on for a while. I need to get used to the way it fits." he said, looking down at his own leathery arms and torso before plopping his great big frame down on the living room couch.

I still remember feeling a little flushed and jittery at the sight of him just sitting there and gaming on the living room console. The jacket creaked rather furiously as it fought to contain the buff gamer's colossal muscles and struggled to contend with his every move. To most guys, there really wasn't anything noteworthy about it. But to me, the auditory spectacle was very arousing. Ever since laying eyes on Zack's leather attire and Nick's leather cop gloves, I just couldn't get enough of it. I wasn't into leather harnesses or dedicated BDSM gear, but leather jackets and gloves were an entirely different matter. There was a practicality to them, but more importantly; they were rugged, they were manly, and they radiated power and authority.

In any case, I actually did end up making Shawn and I a nice lunch that day. I was just about to serve him when a familiar beeping sound coming from the basement laundry room echoed up from the staircase.

"I'll be right back. I just need to put your stuff in the dryer and get another wash going." I told him, before quickly scampering down into the basement and loading all of his freshly-laundered shirts and hoodies into the dryer.

With the pangs of hunger beginning to make themselves manifest, I wasted no time in getting the second pile of dirty clothes - this one composed of Shawn's shorts, jeans and sweatpants - into the laundry machine before pouring some detergent in and starting up a new cycle.

I was just about to turn the lights off and make my way back upstairs when my eyes darted down to the huge pile of worn socks and smelly undies that sat on the basement floor. I'm not exactly sure what I was thinking at the time but...wait a minute, scratch that! I knew exactly what I was thinking.

I cautiously peeked up the stairs to make sure Shawn wasn't around before going back to the dreadfully smelly pile and fishing out that big pungent jockstrap he'd stripped out of less than half an hour ago. I had every intention of stashing it away and keeping it for myself. Besides, he had so many of them, so it's not as though he would've noticed. The jockstrap wasn't the only thing I ended up stealing from Shawn that day. I also took a pair of his worn socks.

Now one thing to keep in mind is that Shawn's socks were unparalleled. The infrequency at which they were washed made them more potent than my boyfriends and more terrifying than even Zack's or Big Mike's. That being said, I didn't sniff any of his socks up close. I didn't need to, I could smell them just fine even from all the way across the room. I just dug into the eye-wateringly putrid pile and tried finding a matching pair of his most generic socks. I really wanted to take a pair of his hot Lacoste or Nikes, but ultimately decided that the risk wasn't worth it. Shawn wouldn't notice if two of his more generic socks went missing, but the disappearance of those more expensive ones might've actually drawn some unwanted attention.


I must've spent a good minute or two going through the cluttered mess of his giant boxers and cotton stink bombs before settling on a pair of socks that matched what I was looking for. I tentatively tried bringing them closer up to my nose, but found myself unable to do so due to the absurd potency of the reek they were giving off. Even more disturbing was the fact that they were among the least horrible-looking ones of the bunch. The blond beefcake's socks were just outta this world.

Shawn was still sitting on the couch and playing video games by the time I'd finished stashing away his socks and jockstrap into a discreet corner of the laundry room cupboard, behind the fabric softener and the two bottles of detergent. I ran up the stairs, washed my hands, cut our tomato and turkey sandwiches up into triangular-shaped quarters, and poured us two big glasses of freshly-squeezed lemonade.

"Here you go." I softly told him, placing his plate and glass down on the living room coffee table. Shawn voiced a barely audible "thanks", but kept his eyes glued to the TV screen even as I retreated back into the kitchen to get my own lunch.

"Uhm, d'you wanna eat outside with me?" I asked, just as I was about to step through the patio door with my own plate and glass in hand. I fully expected the hunk to decline my offer but was understandably surprised when he paused his video game and turned his head around to glance out the window.

"Yeah, why not." he finally spoke, grabbing his plate and glass and getting his jacket-clad frame up off the large leathery sofa.

I didn't exactly relish basking in the awkwardness of his companionship, but it would've been hard to miss how truly lonely I was. Sure, I had my garden, my chores and my music to keep me busy, but that didn't change the fact that I didn't have anyone to talk to when Nick wasn't at home during the day. Shawn and I didn't have anything to discuss, nor did we seem to have anything in common, but as long as he wasn't being an ass, his company was more than welcome.

The hunk and I spent the next ten minutes eating our sandwiches in near-uninterrupted silence. Aside from the constant chirps and chants of the various aviary specimens that populated the blossoming yard, only the regular creaking of my guest's leather jacket filled the disconcerting silence.

"Did you do all that?" the brute asked, bringing a triangular-shaped piece of sandwich up to his mouth before practically gobbling it up whole.

"All of what?" I asked, not immediately grasping what it was he was talking about.

"The flowers and stuff." he specified, showing little class by basically speaking with his mouth full; something he and his cousin were both in the habit of doing.

"Uhm, yeah. Nick asked me to take care of the yard, so I've been spending a bit of time trying to make it nicer." I answered, blushing ever so slightly at the fact that he was actually noticing the changes.

Another moment of silence ensued, during which my guest continued chowing down on his lunch as though he hadn't eaten in ages.

"Damn. A housekeeper, a chef, a foot-worshiper and a gardener? Nick's got it all, doesn't he?" Shawn chuckled, forcing a bashful smile over my face as the sound of his words filtered into my ears.

I didn't really know what to say. I mean, what was I supposed to say?
I didn't know whether he was praising Nick for having it easy in life or whether he was expressing surprise at how valuable and useful I was, but either way, it felt like a compliment. I sorta laughed and shrugged his comment off by saying that I could hardly be called a chef, but the somewhat crude-mannered oaf simply said something about how great my sandwiches were.

"Man, I gotta tell you. I'm not into guys much, but I could certainly use me a cute little faggot like you back at the dorm." he laughed, hinting at the fact that he was interested in what I had to offer before quickly apologising for the use of a derogatory term. I told him it was fine but definitely felt a sharp stinging in my chest. On the flip side, I was also blushing like crazy by that point.

"Are you still hungry?" I asked, hoping a change of subject would cause the rush of blood to leave my reddened face.

"Nah, I'm stuffed." Shawn answered, gobbling up the remaining piece of sandwich and finishing it off with a big gulp of lemonade. I brought the dishes inside and loaded them into the dishwasher before stepping back out onto the sunny patio deck.

The blond college-hunk was walking around the yard, looking at nothing in particular but appearing mildly interested by the flourishing garden. I was almost too happy to join him as he scanned the lush foliage and slowly sauntered around the periphery of our gated land. His unzipped jacket granted me a stunning view of his pecs as the sun shone bright and illuminated the blond fur that ran down to his navel. Everything about him; his hair, his chest, his abs and his legs sparkled as though covered in fine strands of glistening gold.

Shawn and I spoke for a bit, something which slowly caused the lingering awkwardness to dwindle down a little. I ended up glancing down at his shoes for what must've been the fiftieth time that day and finally worked up the courage to say something about them.

"Those are some nice kicks you've got on." I told him, causing the hulking muscleman to glance down at his own two feet and notice the stark contrast between the colour of his sneakers, the blue shorts I had lent him and the green grass he was standing on.

"Yeah, these bad boys have seen a lot of use." he chuckled, the sight of his friggin' ginormous red and black Osiris shoes practically mesmerising me as I stood there, silently looking down at them.

I gulped and looked away, but the furry-chested goliath simply smirked in unbridled amusement.

"What?" I asked, suddenly feeling great unease at the fact that his gaze was fixed on my diminutive form.

"You like 'em, don't you?" he asked, the smug expression on his face growing cockier by the second.

I stammered an affirmative reply but tried sounding as casual as possible in an attempt to make it seem as though I just found his shoes cool. Shawn didn't buy into my act though. He knew enough about me not to be fooled by it and was astute enough to realise that I sorta got off on this stuff.

"You wanna like, you know...get up close to them and lick 'em up and stuff while I game?" he asked, the look on his face betraying just how serious he was.

I swallowed hard and felt myself getting a little lightheaded and woozy. Part of me wanted to just laugh it off and brush his tantalising offer aside, but the staggering nature of his proposition and the expectant look he was wearing proved too good to resist. For once, that cautionary mental voice of nagging opposition was silent. I wanted to lick his shoes up. I wanted to worship them and lick 'em up real bad.

"Uhm. Okay." I eventually replied, nervously scratching my left arm while doing my best to avoid eye contact.

The 230-pound leviathan merely smirked, apparently amused by my visibly embarrassed response.

"Alright. Let's go inside." he suggested, before hungrily licking his lips and motioning for me to lead the way.

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Post by that1kid13 »

Glad Steven stood up for himself
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Yay for Steven standing up to Shawn! Just because he's submissive it doesn't mean he shouldn't be treated with respect and valued as a human being. The silly thing is Steven would probably do most things for Shawn if he asks for it the right way (as he finds out at the end of the chapter).

Shawn has clearly inherited something else along with Nick - the ability to get people to overlook their flaws and mistakes. He can be thoughtless, insensitive and presumptious at times but then there are moments that I think we get to see the real person behind all the youthful, jockish bravado. Hopefully now that Steven has called him out we will see a better side of him. (Look at me being so easily manipulated by Steven's narration - I was mad at him last chapter and now I've forgiven him! That jacket, golden pelt and dominating personality is just hard to resist)

And is there anything worse then being called cute when you're trying to be angry!
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

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Post by socjuc »

Totally nice to see Steven's fighting side. At least they had a moment of comprise and mutual agreement.....

However Steven then buckles to his desires....Now Shawn is going to have additional ammo potentially...Jeez.

But I totally want to see where Shawn takes this now and hope he takes full control.. :lol: :mrgreen: Perhaps then Shawn can get a foot treatment every time he brings over his know kind of like going to the spa... :lol: :lol:
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Post by Pup »

Steven standing up for himself certainly makes a change. Even if he makes it kinda moot by essentially giving in right after.
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Post by GoBucks »

Steven's resistance was so strong and yet at the end of the chapter, he agrees to worship Shawn's shoes as he games! Gotta say I'm happy he gave in, because that is going to be so hot ;)
bondagefreak wrote: 2 years ago
"Man, I gotta tell you. I'm not into guys much, but I could certainly use me a cute little faggot like you back at the dorm." he laughed, hinting at the fact that he was interested in what I had to offer before quickly apologising for the use of a derogatory term. I told him it was fine but definitely felt a sharp stinging in my chest. On the flip side, I was also blushing like crazy by that point.
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Does that mean you're defecting from "Camp Zack" and signing up to join "Camp Shawn"?
While I don't really believe Shawn would have a chance at winning a popularity contest against the two older hunks, I'm actually thinking about turning the "Nick vs Zack" matchup into a "Nick vs Zack vs Shawn" one. You know how much I dislike giving away spoilers, but some of the photos I'll be using to illustrate the upcoming chapters will probably have a few of your fellow readers momentarily questioning their various loyalties 8-)

I might decide to feature the three-way matchup as the next poll. I fully expect Shawn to lose, but I'd still be interesting to find out how much traction he could garner and who between Nick and Zack would bleed out the most votes to him. I know of at least one user (whose username starts with an O) that would probably defect from "Camp Zack" to "Camp Shawn" ;)
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Post by Bradstick »

That chapter was excellent, I’m so glad Steven stood up for himself. I am curious if Shawn will try stuff in the future against Steven or if he will let it rest at their stalemate.

Then you got the whole Shawn wanting Steven as their houseboi. That would be incredibly hot to serve not only Shawn but the rest of the dorm as well. However I think it would be very hard in general because that relationship would be purely physical. Nick/Steven have not only their physical relationship but a very strong emotional relationship as well, even Zack would be a better choice then becoming the apartment houseboi. Would still be incredibly hot just not what Steven needs.

As for that future poll you mentioned, I’m still Camp Zack all the way!
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Post by Ossassin »

This is good for Steven, he needed to draw a line with Shawn.
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Post by Msueta@2 »

This was another great chapter . I am so happy to see Steven is standing up for himself against Shawn .
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Post by ShadowHusky »

I'm glad Steven stood his ground while staying within his own boundaries of submission. I think some of the most important parts of a sub is not only following an dom's orders, but also laying ground rules for the comfort of the pair.
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Post by CrownedLoy76 »

Good for steven for sticking up for himself!!! It seems he's becoming quite more sure of himself which is wonderful to see.

I know this next chapter is gonna be AMAZINGGGGGGG! I'm so excited for a shawn foot worshipping scene! Even extremely potent socks and feet need some love from time to time

When it comes to the three main alphas, (Nick, Shawn, and Zack) it's a close race for my favorite between Zack and Shawn. But, i think given the choice, I would choose to be Shawn's "faggot", as he says
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Post by Volobond »

Some of you may find this hard to accept, but those who identify as submissives will surely comprehend.
Welp, this is how I know I'm definitely a Dom, because I can't stop thinking about what a little bitch Shawn is. No amount of cosmetic alterations could get me to like him now - he's firmly entrenched at the bottom of the heap of these guys.
"Alright, so...I guess that makes us even then." he spoke, pausing for a moment before raising a hand up to scratch the top of his head.
The audacity of this bitch! :evil: To not only blackmail and coerce someone into a blowjob (which very much is rape) and to ignore his directive to take care of Steven, thus making the whole situation with Joshua and Kyle possible, and then to try and blackmail AGAIN? And then to return immediately to his cocky normal state and demand service? AND to use the fucking f-slur too? Aaaargh!

Steven might be easily swayed, but I declare myself the new frontman of the anti-Shawn campaign!

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Post by GoBucks »

bondagefreak wrote: 2 years ago @GoBucks
Does that mean you're defecting from "Camp Zack" and signing up to join "Camp Shawn"?
While I don't really believe Shawn would have a chance at winning a popularity contest against the two older hunks, I'm actually thinking about turning the "Nick vs Zack" matchup into a "Nick vs Zack vs Shawn" one. You know how much I dislike giving away spoilers, but some of the photos I'll be using to illustrate the upcoming chapters will probably have a few of your fellow readers momentarily questioning their various loyalties 8-)

I might decide to feature the three-way matchup as the next poll. I fully expect Shawn to lose, but I'd still be interesting to find out how much traction he could garner and who between Nick and Zack would bleed out the most votes to him. I know of at least one user (whose username starts with an O) that would probably defect from "Camp Zack" to "Camp Shawn" ;)
I don't know if I'd go that far to say I'm giving up Zack for Shawn. It's just Zack is taken by he who shall not be named... and there is handsome Shawn all alone. Nobody to tend to his stinky feet and butt. So sad! I'd be happy to rectify that issue 8-)
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Post by socjuc »

bondagefreak wrote: 2 years ago @GoBucks
Does that mean you're defecting from "Camp Zack" and signing up to join "Camp Shawn"?
While I don't really believe Shawn would have a chance at winning a popularity contest against the two older hunks, I'm actually thinking about turning the "Nick vs Zack" matchup into a "Nick vs Zack vs Shawn" one. You know how much I dislike giving away spoilers, but some of the photos I'll be using to illustrate the upcoming chapters will probably have a few of your fellow readers momentarily questioning their various loyalties 8-)

I might decide to feature the three-way matchup as the next poll. I fully expect Shawn to lose, but I'd still be interesting to find out how much traction he could garner and who between Nick and Zack would bleed out the most votes to him. I know of at least one user (whose username starts with an O) that would probably defect from "Camp Zack" to "Camp Shawn" ;)
Wait this blond beard is converting people? Really ? :roll: :lol:

What do you mean [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] with a matchup between "Nick vs Zack vs Shawn" ? Do you mean on sock stench or considering a match up on other factors? :lol: :? :mrgreen:
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Post by bondagefreak »

socjuc wrote: 2 years ago What do you mean @bondagefreak with a matchup between "Nick vs Zack vs Shawn" ? Do you mean on sock stench or considering a match up on other factors? :lol: :? :mrgreen:
Hey buddy-boi. Nah, we're talking about the big "Nick vs Zack - Which Master Would You Choose?" showdown.
A few chapters from now, I might consider making it a three-way showdown between the three biggest hunks. As previously mentioned, I don't actually think Shawn would have a fair chance at coming out ahead in such a contest, but I'd be very interested in seeing what sort of traction he would garner and where his support would be coming from.

At last count, 35 readers had signalled their allegiance; with 16 choosing Nick and 19 choosing Zack.

We still have a few readers who've not yet signalled their allegiance, namely; [mention]chadmc90[/mention] [mention]Ossassin[/mention] [mention]Wedgieboy69[/mention] [mention]Straitjacketed[/mention] (p.s- very much hoping you guys will answer). But the biggest question lies in whether Nick would come out on top due to Zack bleeding out votes to Shawn, or whether Zack would simply widen his lead over Nick due to "Camp Nick" bleeding out votes.

[mention]CrownedLoy76[/mention] just signalled his intention to defect from "Camp Zack" to join "Camp Shawn". And although I may be mistaken, previous discussions with [mention]OrdinaryWorld[/mention] have led me to believe he would be tempted to do the same, even though he has his own qualms about Shawn.

On the flip side, more than half of those who voted for Zack are no longer even active on the forum (or have gone silent), so that automatically secures him a big chunk of votes. Either way, I'll allow a few additional chapters to dawn before creating a three-way showdown.

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Post by Red86 »

Glad Steven put Shawn in his place (atleast for now). But damn he's to submissive at times. The oaf just tried blackmailing him for a 2nd time and he's already making Shawn lunch, hanging out with him in the yard and continuing his laundry. And now Steven wants to willingly service Shawn's feet? Submissive or not, just a tiny bit crazy if you ask me.
Volobond wrote: 2 years ago
Some of you may find this hard to accept, but those who identify as submissives will surely comprehend.
Welp, this is how I know I'm definitely a Dom, because I can't stop thinking about what a little bitch Shawn is. No amount of cosmetic alterations could get me to like him now - he's firmly entrenched at the bottom of the heap of these guys.
"Alright, so...I guess that makes us even then." he spoke, pausing for a moment before raising a hand up to scratch the top of his head.
The audacity of this bitch! :evil: To not only blackmail and coerce someone into a blowjob (which very much is rape) and to ignore his directive to take care of Steven, thus making the whole situation with Joshua and Kyle possible, and then to try and blackmail AGAIN? And then to return immediately to his cocky normal state and demand service? AND to use the fucking f-slur too? Aaaargh!

Steven might be easily swayed, but I declare myself the new frontman of the anti-Shawn campaign!
Damn Volo, tell us how you really feel about Shawn 🤣. I've always felt Shawn's threats were empty but yeah Shawn's basically being a bitch right now. A manipulating bitch at that. I'm not dropping him as low as Brad but he's definitely getting close, really close. And here I thought Brad's level was gonna be hard to top, yet here's Shawn basically saying hold my beer while he tries to one up Brad 🙄🤣
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Wednesday, May 27 (2:25 PM)

It was just a bit past two in the afternoon by the time that our impromptu backyard exchange came to a somewhat uncomfortable halt. As per my guest's instructions, I led the way back into the house and casually kicked my shoes off upon entering the reasonably lavish abode. A surge of excitement and fear instantly ran up my spine as the towering behemoth stepped in right behind me and turned around to close the patio door.

"So uhm...where d'you wanna do this?" I asked, the staggered delivery of my question no doubt betraying how nervous I was.

"In the living room, in front of the couch." the oaf commandingly instructed, causing me to follow his lead as he marched his hulking frame from over towards the leathery sofa. Great unease immediately translated into the blushing of my cheeks when I - due to my downward-cast gaze and absentminded pensivity - failed to notice the pause in Shawn's advance and walked right into him; crashing into the back of his impossibly broad frame.

"Whoa, haha. You okay there?" the 21-year-old beefcake asked, turning around to face me whilst snickering in conspicuous amusement. I silently cursed at myself for being so bloody awkward and then let out an embarrassed chuckle before apologising for my clumsiness.

Shawn just stood there, apparently entertained by my bashful expression and somewhat enamoured by the tremendous size difference that separated us. He, much like his older cousin, wasn't used to dealing with delicately-built guys. Chris and Joey were a tad bit shorter than he was, but both of them still stood at over six feet in height. Big Mike was a giant, this new guy Andrew was apparently very tall, and although Joshua was of more average size, he was still substantially heavier and taller than I was. The only guy in Shawn's entourage that was of similar height and weight to me was Phil, and it just so happens that the two of them were also the ones least prone to spending time together. In other words, as far as Shawn was concerned, I was a bit of an oddity.

I wasn't abnormally short or anything, but since all of his friends were basically huge basketball players and hunky football bros, my somewhat more diminutive stature gave me a definite bug-like appearance in his eyes. Nick too often found amusement in my feathery heft and lacking vertical length; something which was only exacerbated by the fact that all Hoffmann men were gifted with exceptional size.

"D'you have any like...tape around here?" Shawn finally asked, his deep voice and hot facial scruff giving him an unmistakable aura of masculinity.

My heart practically leapt out of my chest when I heard him utter the word "tape."
"Uhm, yeah! Tons of it! In the garage." I answered, quickly leading the imposing strongman down into the basement workshop.

The noisy creaking of his thick leather jacket filled the air as we marched down the wooden stairs, walked across the spacious exercise room and passed the rumbling laundry appliances. I opened the heavy garage door, turned the fluorescent lights on with the flick of a switch and then happily bid my guest in.

Memories of Jeremy and I cheerfully frolicking over my boyfriend's wide assortment of tapes flashed across my mind as I scanned the available choices and noticed Shawn doing the same. Unlike my bondage-loving friend and I, however, the giant behemoth-hunk wasn't all that interested in Nick's impressive selection of tapes.

It only took the oaf a few seconds to settle on a particularly hefty roll of three-inch-wide industrial-grade duct tape. He grabbed the heavy roll from off the visibly dusty tape rack and immediately tried using those beefy fingers of his to tear the fibrous stuff open. As soon as his fingers were latched on to the freshly unwound end of the adhesive, the jacket-clad brute turned around to face me and closed the short distance between us.

"You''re gonna tape me up?" I stammered, relishing the slightly embarrassed look on his face as I successfully pulled off a feigned expression of surprise.

"Uhh, is that okay?" he asked, suddenly seeming a little uncertain as to whether or not he should proceed.

Interestingly enough, Shawn never gave me an explanation as to why he thought I should be restrained or incapacitated. He'd experienced having his feet sniffed and serviced thrice before - twice by me and once by Jeremy - and all three of those times, the pour souls lying at his feet had been bound up in some fashion. Keeping that in mind, I guess it sorta made sense for him to automatically opt for a repeat of those experiences.

A free-spirited maverick like Josh would've undoubtedly baulked at the use of restraints and fought to provide such services on his own terms. But I was neither a maverick nor was I wild or free-spirited. I was a collared sub, and as such, could not for a second imagine myself turning down such an irresistible offer.

"Uhm, yeah! Okay." I unhesitantly replied, immediately placing my arms flat against my sides and adopting a mummy-like pose. I got the impression that my captor would've agreed to restrain me in whatever position I saw fit, but instinctively went for the mummy position since that was the one I thought would be most comfortable.

Shawn didn't ask me to adopt a new pose or cross my wrists or anything like that. He simply slapped the end of the tape against my t-shirt-clad chest and pulled the jumbo roll around the back of my torso before slowly repeating the process a few times.

The incredible size difference between us became even more pronounced as my comparatively twig-like limbs were plastered tight against both sides of my scrawny chest and abdomen. With the stupendously brawny brute standing a full head taller than I did, and with his big muscular chest dwarfing even the full width of my shoulders, I felt even smaller and more submissive than usual.

The poignant smell of duct tape grew thick in my nostrils as the beefy muscleman's positively monstrous arms spun more adhesive around my upper body. I'd been mummified several times before, but Shawn wasn't going quite to that extreme.
He was wrapping me up real tight but only spinning orbits around the areas that needed restraining; namely my chest, my abdomen and my waist.

Every time the hefty roll would circle around to the back of me, the hunk had to step in just a little closer, forcing me to contend with the arousing proximity of his enticing pectorals. The alluring scent of leather proved disturbingly seductive when combined with the earthy aroma of the one who was wearing it. The thunderous roaring of duct tape certainly didn't help, nor did the constant creaking of his distressed leather jacket. By the time Shawn got started on winding the tape down around my thighs, a prominent bulge had formed at the front of my sweatpants.

The taciturn oaf didn't say anything as he passed the uber wide duct tape just directly beneath my bulge. Silvery layers ran tight orbits around my thighs, causing my woody to throb and rendering my arousal more visible. Shawn simply ignored it and slowly knelt down to work the sticky adhesive below my knees. I thought he was going to finish the job by securing my ankles together, but apparently fearing that I might lose my balance and fall, the towering leviathan simply hoisted me up over his left shoulder and marched me up the stairs and back into the living room.

As soon as I was placed down on top of the leathery sofa, a pair of gargantuan hands took hold of my bony ankles and began wrapping excessive amounts of tape around them. Around and around and around the tape went; the seemingly unending orbits of sticky adhesive filling the house up with a very distinctive and deafening growl.

The bulge at the front of my crotch was positively mountainous by that point.
I was excited, but looking at the front of Shawn's satin basketball shorts, I apparently wasn't the only one!

I lost track of how many orbits were spun around my ankles after the first dozen or so revolutions, but it was clear from how furiously my captor was wrapping them up that he didn't want me breaking out of my bonds or running away from him.

Mind you, I had readily agreed to lap up and worship his hot Osiris sneakers, but was basically being restrained so as to prevent me from potentially refusing the task I'd willingly signed up for. Don't ask me why, but the fact that Shawn legitimately seemed to believe that such precautionary measures were even necessary made the entire affair even more titillating.

"There. How's that?" the brute finally asked, putting the roll of tape down on the coffee table before looming closer to observe the fruit of his labour.

I squirmed around for a bit; struggling against the maddeningly strong tape that kept my legs pinned together and my arms at my sides. The leather couch creaked and groaned as I wrestled against my bonds and let out a frustrated moan. The bulge in my pants stuck out like a sore thumb, and the shame I felt was every bit as apparent.

Shawn was apparently too fazed by my arousal to make fun of me just then, but that was probably due to his own gym shorts sporting the telltale signs of an even angrier erection.

"D'you uhh...d'you think you can get out of that?" he asked, no doubt in an effort to dissipate some of the awkwardness that lingered about the room.

I pretended to fight against my bonds a little before shaking my head "no" and alerting him to the fact that I wouldn't be going anywhere. Seemingly satisfied with my response, the frighteningly hulking muscleman wasted no time in picking my incapacitated form up from off the couch and placing me stomach-down on the living room floor.

An immediate sense of relief washed over me upon realising that the engorged bulge at the front of my pants was now safely out of view...something which was soon joined by the highly pleasurable sensation of having my throbbing hard-on trapped beneath my own body weight.

Had it not been for the presence of my captor, I would've undoubtedly been grinding myself against the floor and bringing myself to completion by that point.

With my mummy-like form lying prone in between the couch and the coffee table, the furry-chested brute lazily plopped down on the leathery sofa and grabbed the PS5 controller before resuming his gaming. It didn't take long for the weight of his tremendously heavy right foot to make itself manifest atop my upper back, nor did it take long for his other sneakered foot to enter the fray and draw closer to my head.

The beat-up skate shoe dwarfed my face like you wouldn't believe, and the sock-clad leg that rose up out of its preposterously fat maw was real thick and hairy. I scanned the mighty Osiris sneaker, felt my stomach knot up into a ball, and then glanced upward to see the astoundingly imposing gamer looking down at me from his perch.

The sneakered foot he had resting on my upper back moved up to the nape of my neck before his other one moved closer to give my face a light nudge.

"Get to work." the hunk presumptuously ordered, staring down at me like a haughty overlord eyeing up some disdainfully undeserving worm.

I lowered my head in unquestionable deference, eyed the tremendously colossal shoe up with a look that betrayed both fear and great wonder, and then timidly parted my lips and began paying tribute to its awesomeness.

This was my lot in life, I knew.
This was what I was born to do.

*Slurp. Slurp. Slurp. Slurp.*

Last edited by bondagefreak 2 years ago, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by socjuc »

Amazing description of the taping....quite simply perfection! with frequent mention of the leather jacket in tow... :mrgreen:

Like how Shawn presumes taping is in order based on his previous experiences with Steven and Jeremy....Nice reminder.

Eager to see how Shawn will turn this into his own gratifying experience as he too is 'sportin his own woody' :lol: :lol:
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