The Files of Art. Inc.: The Hunt for the Weinstein-Collection Special Update (05.05.2024) (FFMMM/F)

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Post by Mineira1986 »

I actually had to use Google Translate. "Fuhrer" in German means "Leader", which makes sense that the Valkyries call von Winterfeldt their leader. The problem is, that outside Germany, the term hasn't aged well. And I'm pretty sure we can all come up with evil German characters without overusing Nazi references (I get most of the Weinstein Collection goes back to WWII, but... yeah, it can be too much).

Like I expected, Susanne has endured too much. That's a dumb move from von Winterfeldt. Why pushing too hard a person who has so much inside info? Yes, he's kind of irrational when it comes to his crown jewel. However, I feel like there was no need to exaggerate with Susane's punishment. We could see from over a mile away that it was going to backfire.

Finally, I'm confused why Hayley and Kirsty are helping the main quartet right now. From their last appearance, Hayley was really confident that she was doing the wrong thing by kidnapping Christine (otherwise, she wouldn't have left the video trying to arrange a meeting). That makes sense. But if Kirsty was willing to help... then why wait until Christine was locked up? They will clearly have a big target on their back after they help with Christine's rescue. So... why wait? Why didn't they just not kidnap Christine and help them escape before?

My theory was that they've been somehow working with Christine, and she needed to get inside the Adlernest to retrieve something or to face von Winterfeldt, so that kidnapped was needed. But again, there was that conversation between Hayley and Christine so... yeah, I'm confused about that.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Beaumains wrote: 2 years ago If I may be a bit more critical, then I have to say that I find your nazi references a bit too much and unnecessary. Calling von Winterfeldt Fuehrer and
I will tell that to the Author and ask him to keep that in mind :)

The next Update will answer some of the Questions and be online at some Point Sunday Evening MEST.

One more thing:The Hunt has breached the Sonic Barrier of 80000 Clicks. Thank you for your Support.

[mention]GreyLord[/mention]: Apropros "inching forward" :) What you have read of the Final so far is at best a Quarter of the complete Final, so you and our Heroines are in for a long ride :)
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Post by banshee »

Really good chapter, I must admit that my favorite part of all that's happening in these later chapter is Christine's stay in the mansion/slash prison, like I said it makes for fun interactions considering that her personality and the situation that she's in.

That's not to say that I don't like the other things that are taking place, in fact I really feel like something akin to that time that Reichbach captured Anna and her friends went to rescue her is building up, and maye this time It'll be even bigger.
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Post by banshee »

Really good chapter, I must admit that my favorite part of all that's happening in these later chapter is Christine's stay in the mansion/slash prison, like I said it makes for fun interactions considering that her personality and the situation that she's in.

That's not to say that I don't like the other things that are taking place, in fact I really feel like something akin to that time that Reichbach captured Anna and her friends went to rescue her is building up, and maye this time It'll be even bigger.
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Post by Caesar73 »

banshee wrote: 2 years ago in fact I really feel like something akin to that time that Reichbach captured Anna and her friends went to rescue her is building up, and maye this time It'll be even bigger.
Who knows, what the future may bring? But you are right, something big is going to happen in the near future :) Thank you for your kind words!

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]nayte4767[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention]

Christine´s Quarters late afternoon:

Christine was totally engrossed in the study of the Autograph, every time she read it, new subtle harmonies revealed themselves, masterful transitions and both a lightness and power, that took her breath away.

She did not notice how quickly the time passed, so Chris was quite surprised when a knock at the door announced the Arrival of her Tea – but it was Tea Time after all and she enjoyed the interruption – and the Tea as well.

A secluded Valley not very far from the Brenner Pass, Safe House, around 2000 Hours:

The Friends had just had a dinner of Sausages, mashed potatoes and Sauerkraut, accompanied by a fine elegant dry Riesling from Palatinate, Anna had done the cooking on one side she enjoyed cooking very much on the other hand it was a welcome distraction.

The day had been uneventful: Anna, Kate and Sarah had found the hidden Entrance. It had been well hidden: A small cave in the Mountain. It looked like any other cave in the Mountains. The disguise had been perfect. A quick recon had showed them that the Entrance Door opened without a Problem and that the stair wells which leaded down into the Valley where the Adlernest was located had been intact.

Kate was lost in thought: “What is Chris just doing now? She is one of the strongest people I know, but can she keep it together?” They looked at each other.

A signal disturbed the Silence: Anna looked at the screen of the Laptop: “Looks like we got Company girls, two tango's inbound. Gear up” Her friends followed suit. A short time later: A crisp knock at the Door.

Outside the Chalet:

Slowly and carefully Kirsty and Hayley neared the Chalet, on their guard. They reached the wooden front door of the large old Farmhouse. They looked at each other. Hayley pulled herself together and knocked firmly. The door swung open and they stared into the business ends of three SigSauer´s which were trained unwavering at their hearts.

Three Women stared at them:

At their heart, a very tall, dark Haired Woman with blazing eyes, Anna Romanova, to the left Captain Beckett and to the right the Dark Lady. The Russian seemed inclined to shoot at any moment, radiating menace.

She talked first, her alto Voice dark with Anger: “Give us one reason why we should not shoot you on the spot. You abducted Chris` God knows what she is going through right now. You will roast in Hell for that and I will gladly send you there if you give me any reason” Anna´s dark Eyes were blazing with Fire.

“Good evening Hayley King” Kate Beckett added calmly and regarded her with a cool appraising gaze. “Anna is right: Why should we not shoot you on the spot?”

“Indeed, why not?” The Dark Lady chimed in: "I haven't tortured anyone in over twenty four hours and I am getting an itch.” Her cold voice and her bottomless black eyes gave Hayley the Creeps.

However she was Hayley King after all: “We know how this must look from your point of view …” “Oh do you?” Anna muttered under her breath.

Hayley continued unimpressed “All we ask is that you hear us out – and we have not come with empty hands.”

Their Opponents exchanged looks, at last Anna spoke: “Very well, come in then, but any sudden Movements will be your last. I guarantee it.” The Russian told them as calmly as if she was explaining that the grass was green or the sky was blue and Hayley didn't doubt for a second that she meant every word.

“Kate will search you and then we will have a little Chat, fellas.” Hayley and Kirsty entered. They were lead into a living room. Sarah McKenzie and the Russian were careful enough to mind their distance and ready to fire at every moment.

Kate passed her weapon to Anna and searched them thoroughly, “No weapons” she concluded.

Anna made a gesture with her gun to the Couch, whilst keeping the other firmly trained on the newcomers “Sit.” she said curtly. Hayley could sense the rage which burned hotly under the Surface. Kate and Sarah sat across them. Kate looked at Anna: “You want to sit too?”

“No” came the hot reply. "I´ll keep an Eye on them and if those two bitches give me any reason I will put two in their hearts and a bullet squarely between their eyes and that is a promise.”

Kate sighed but said nothing, Anna would get a grip sooner or later she turned her attention to Hayley King who looked her directly in the eye, cool and collected, unblinkingly:

“You understand Hayley” Kate began “that we all have more than little trouble trusting you. You kidnapped Christine and delivered her to that soulless bastard von Winterfeldt and now you darken our doorstep and you want to help us freeing Christine, or is there any other Reason why you wanted to contact us? As an Investigator you must agree that this story is difficult to believe.”

Hayley nodded: “You are right; from your point of view you have no reason to trust us. But the story behind this is complicated and if you want to hear it, we will tell it. These are the facts:

Yes, we abducted Christine and brought her to the Adlernest. That was wrong and we want to help you to make it right. To understand why we took Part in this you need to know the whole story. Do you want to hear it?"

Hayley looked first at Anna who had trained her Gun still directly at her head, steady, who nodded curtly, then at Kate and then at Sarah: “Go on” The Detective said. “Sarah could you get our guests a drink of Water. The Thief returned shortly with two Glasses.

Hayley closed her eyes for a moment: “Where do I begin? The whole Affair began two Years ago ….” And Hayley told them the whole story of her History with Elizabeth Crawford, at some points Kirsty added Details.

When the American had finished, Kate gave her a long appraising look: "In principle it comes down to this” she looked Hayley straight in the Eye “Crawford became obsessed with you, abducted you twice and hold you Captive for Months, you” – she looked at Kirsty – “were Crawford´s second in Command and fell from grace, because you decided to help Hayley, and this Abduction was your Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free-Card and now you feel bad, because you captured an innocent Woman?” Her disbelief was palpable.

“Basically yes” Kirsty agreed evenly and cool. Kate looked at Anna then at Sarah. The Dark Lady regarded their two “guests” with a cool piercing look. The Russian had relaxed somewhat and put her gun away.

Her distrust was evident still as Anna broke the silence: “That sounds all so very very touching” she told her friends “but” she turned to Hayley and Kirsty, Eyes still blazing with Anger “can you prove any of this?”

“We can prove at least, that we want really help you” Hayley explained calmly. Kate had to admit that the former Investigator had guts. Not many people would have had the courage to face the Face the Fury of Anna Romanova head on.

“That, I really would like to know.” Anna did not make any effort to hide her contempt.

The American sighed. Kirsty had been right: Anna Romanova would be hard to convince, “I can understand that,” Hayley thought. “If I were in her shoes, I would have doubts too.”

“Look” she looked Anna directly in the eye, “let us try to convince you can shoot us later, when you do not believe us. But I am fairly certain you want to know, what we can provide you with. Our knowledge can make your task a lot of easier, you know. If you shoot us, our knowledge dies with us, and your chances for saving Chris, might get worse: Can I take my laptop out of my bag without being shot? She looked Anna straight in the Eye, seemingly unimpressed by the hot headed Violinist.

Anna nodded: “I make no promises.”

“Fine” Hayley nodded and cautiously pulled her Laptop out of her bag and while the computer fired up, she explained that they had inserted a tracking device in Chris´ Ear. Sarah McKenzie looked definitely intrigued by now.

When the Laptop had booted Kirsty opened a program: On the screen they could see the floor plan of a large building – “The Adlernest” Kate recognized the floorplan. Even Anna looked mesmerized on the Screen: There was a red dot which was moving! “This is Christine.” Hayley explained. We implanted a chip in her ear when she was sedated.”

“This might come in Handy” Sarah McKenzie added thoughtfully.

There was a long moment of Silence then to Kate and Sarah´s Surprise Anna spoke: “I assume you did not have Dinner?”

Hayley and Kirsty shrugged: “No, just something quick on the move.”

“Then I make you an offer: “If you are up to it I´ll make my famous Penne Arrrabiata but this is not for those faint of heart.”

“Do your Worst!” Haley smiled. “Believe me, I will” Anna told her sweetly and a devious smile curled her full lips: “Those small chillies are very hot even to my standards. If you survive them we may have a deal”

Sarah and Kate exchanged a surprised look: Anna´s offer to cook was as close to an olive branch as it could be. Kate relaxed at bit:

Anna´s Temper could have posed a Problem. Kate loved the passionate, fiery side of Anna, but at Times her volcanic Temper got the better of her. What made her such a great Artist could have created a serious problem in a situation, when they had to work together at their level best.

Sarah McKenzie grinned ever so slightly: “I guess we think the same." She nodded at Anna who was busying herself in the open Kitchen, softly singing to herself.

Kate turned to their guests who had followed the Exchange of Looks closely: “Can I tempt you with a Glass of an excellent Shiraz?”

“Why not?” replied Hayley and Kirsty to their amusement in unison.

Christine´s Quarters around 1900 Hours:

Chris stood up from her desk. She stretched and yawned. Since lunch she had worked tirelessly with the manuscript: She had thoroughly read it first then she had begun to transcribe the Composition.

In her opinion there was no better way to unlock the Secrets of the Music than transcribing it by hand, she remembered a story about the young Mozart who had - while visiting Rome - memorized Allegri´s Miserere mei and notated it flawlessly from memory only.
Allegri: Miserere mei, sung by Tenebrae

Chris had made good progress. Tomorrow she would complete the Transcription. She was fascinated by the Composition. Every Bar held new surprises, and transcribing the score helped her to maintain focus, stopping the spinning wheel in her head, and her emotions as well in check. “Playing Milady de Winter is more difficult than I had anticipated. But I will do what I must do.”

On her stockinged feet she walked to window and gazed out across the glorious vista before her, well aware that the manuscript behind her eclipsed it. To aid her focus and relaxation she had switched after Dinner in something comfy: A loose fitting jump suit and two pairs of thick woollen Socks on her feet. She stared out of the window, but her thoughts were elsewhere.

What would the evening bring? “I will need every ounce of mental strength I can muster. Normally she loved concerting: the communion with the audience, the connection. But today would be an entirely different scenario. “I am forced to perform for a man I hate and despise.” Chris sighed.

Chris tapped to her wardrobe and took stock of the selection of evening Gowns. In the end she opted for a silver gown, which left her shoulders bare and would accentuate her cleavage nicely, matching silver Platform Sandals and nude Hose. She would forgo bra and panties, a coy smile curled her Lips. "I am here alone and unarmed, I need every advantage on this battlefield."

A knock at the door and Chris assumed the position and Gunhild and Gaia entered to help her making presentable. Gunhild looked appraisingly at the Gown: “An excellent Choice Christine!”

45 Minutes later Chris was “presentable”, very much so, Gunhild had made the Suggestion that she should wear her hair open, her blond mane flowed freely down on her shoulders in waves, like a golden waterfall. A simple diamond collier adorned her neck.

Chris stood before the defining moment lost in thought:

She saw the beautiful gown as her armour which aided her to maintain her composure. This Dinner would demand every ounce of Self Control and Willpower of her: forced to play before an audience, being presented like a work of art, degraded to an object, for the amusement of that sick Son of a Bitch. For that alone she would have gladly murdered von Winterfeldt on the spot – even with her bare hands.

A soft touch on her shoulder broke her out of her reverie: “Is everything okay, Christine?” This time it was Gaia who had asked her.

Christine smiled sadly: “Not exactly Gaia, I have a lot to think about and to digest” Her voice trailed away.

Another soft touch: “Look at me Christine” Gaia said and looked her directly in the eye, and there Christine saw warmth and compassion only: “You and Sophie you are not alone, there are people here who care about you. Just ask, right?”

Christine pulled herself together touched by the words of the young Maid.

“I thank you for your kind words and they mean much to me!”

A crisp knock at the Door disrupted the moment: Her “Honour Guard” had arrived. Six Valkyries in Dress Uniforms: Automatically Christine presented her hands and arms to her Handlers. As Yesterday the dark glasses completed the restraints.

The Adlernest: Von Winterfeldt´s Dining Room:

The tight gown made stepping the Marble Steps even more difficult for Chris. But her Guards guided her. Chris inner Tension grew with each step they moved nearer their Destination.

When they came to halt before von Winterfeldt´s quarters, her guards removed her restraints and the glasses and opened the large double leaved door for her, forming a guard of honour, standing to attention.

Christine took a deep breath and softened her focus, not looking at any one thing, but taking in everything through her peripheral senses, in the same way that at a concert she could pick up a single incorrect note from one instrument in the orchestra.

With unflappable cool, she walked past the honour guard through the door and entered the large Room, Head held high.
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Post by GreyLord »

Beautifully written, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. Chris is going into battle not knowing that her allies are closer to hand than she thought. I particularly like your descriptions of her thought processes. And her friends, all are steadfast. Anna is wonderful in her anger. Thank you for writing this.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Mineira1986 »

I like the contrast between Anna and Kate when confronting Hayley and Kirsty. One could tell Anna was really eager to fight while Kate was willing to talk and find out what was going on.

However, I feel that the characters are being driven by the plot and not the other way around. My theory crashed when Hayley and Kirsty said they realized that the kidnapping was wrong. When did they realize this? From previous chapters, Hayley had doubts since the moment she was assigned to the mission. If that's true... then they had tons of time to get out of Crawford's reach. They could even not take Christine to the Adlernest if they realized that was wrong (that is unless they have a secret agenda and really need Christine to be in the same location that von Winterfeldt, so it's not only their opportunity to get out, but they are after something else. I'd like to put my money on this last one.)

On that scene, I understand that the food and drinks are constantly introduced in the story (I like that aspect, makes this story really unique). But I felt weird it was Anna the one who was willing to cook for the same two people that she was wanting to shoot. Also, it seems really quickly that they trust that little red dot on the screen is Christine. Again, I understand the plot needs to move forward, but they could have asked for more proof. Anna had more trust issues with the Dark Lady when she joined them, so I'm a little confused why she's trusting the new women so fast.

On the other hand, I wanted to say in previous chapters that the Valkyries were being too nice to Christine and Sophie, but I thought that was a writer's choice. Now I'm expecting a full uprising from the Valkyries. I would really love to understand why they were loyal to von Winterfeldt to begin with, if they are so willing to rebel against him, if this is the case.

And lastly... (man, this was a long one), I have to express I don't like this new Dark Lady. The story began with she being a total badass, who in 2-3 chapters dominated the main trio. It was by far my favorite character. Now she's there just to appear in the picture, holding a gun and... well, that's pretty much it =(.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Mineira1986 wrote: 2 years ago And lastly... (man, this was a long one), I have to express I don't like this new Dark Lady. The story began with she being a total badass, who in 2-3 chapters dominated the main trio. It was by far my favorite character. Now she's there just to appear in the picture, holding a gun and... well, that's pretty much it =(.
Thank you for your thoughts [mention]Mineira1986[/mention]! And believe me: The Dark Lady has not become a toothless tiger, the bad ass will return in the foreseeable future :) On more than one occassion :)
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Post by Beaumains »

Thus, the remainder of the trio prefers to work together with likely antagonists then to continue their worked out plan. This seems peculiar as it could be an addition, it could also be a trap. Sure, it's likely genuine if I am thinking meta about this story, but from Anna's perspective, I see no reason to trust them.

But, I have to admit, that I see no way how to keep this plot together. Here, almost no one here has complicated story lines like you, and it is very difficult to wrote an amazing finally with so many already established relationships (mostly bad, due to the need to insert bondage) and having everyone appear as strong, relentless killers. As I have said before, you were very ambitious for a first story, and this story is still great (otherwise, I would have stopped reading it a long time ago), but it is sometimes hard to belief in the strengths and decisions of a few characters. Or well, they are written in a way that I tend to care about them and think about their upcoming actions.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Beaumains wrote: 2 years ago But, I have to admit, that I see no way how to keep this plot together. [...] you were very ambitious for a first story, and this story is still great (otherwise, I would have stopped reading it a long time ago),
My magic Crystal Ball tells me, that all pieces of the puzzle will fall together in the End :)

Truth to be told: How ambitious this whole Endeavour was I realized very late. If I had known that beforehand, I would probably never have mustered the courage to follow through :)

I am glad you find this Saga interessting and have stayed on board so far and I hope you will enjoy the ride till the end!

For anybody who has missed some hot bondage: The update after Today´s update will be very hot - at least from the Author´s perspective, so stay tuned :)

Today´s update will be .... just read for yourself :)
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Post by Bandit666 »

Well what is there to say. Another fantastic set of updates since last I commented. Although I can easily believe there’s plenty of very hot bondage to come in the next update. You’ve been incredibly creative and entertaining right from post number one. So here’s waiting and watching for more to come
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Post by Caesar73 »

Thank you [mention]Bandit666[/mention] for encouraging me from the very start of this adventure. Today´s upate will contain no bondage, we will see Christine as von Winterfeldt´s "Guest of Honour" - a dubious pleasure. Thursday´s update will be a hot one :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]nayte4767[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention]

The Adlernest: Von Winterfeldt´s Dining Room:

Chris was greeted by four individuals. There was von Winterfeldt beaming at her, in his black Tuxedo, Sieglinde wearing a blue gown and a lithe blond Woman in her fifties wearing a black gown and there was Sophie Reichenbach in a low cut red gown.

Christine greeted them with a polite nod. Von Winterfeldt strode to her; kissed her hand: “You look simply radiant!”

“You are most kind Carl. May I say, you cut quite a dashing figure yourself.” she replied warmly. “Two can play this Game” Christine thought to herself.

Von Winterfeldt leaded her to his other guests: He introduced Dorothea Berger first: “This is Frau Berger my vocal coach, you may know her” Berger bowed her head slightly.

“Your reputation precedes you Madame!” Chris addressed the Coach politely. She knew the Vocal Coach by reputation only and it was a surprise to meet her here in this environment. Obviously von Winterfeldt had a long arm.

“You are most kind,” the older lady graciously responded. “I had the pleasure of hearing you with Schumann´s Symphonic Etudes in Munich a while ago. You captured Schumann´s Spirit perfectly and your technique was flawless.”

“Thank you” Chris smiled and bowed her head slightly.
Emil Gilels plays Schumann´s Symphonic Etudes, op. 13

Von Winterfeldt continued: “Sieglinde you already know.” he smiled.

Christine and Sieglinde exchanged a knowing smile, which went unnoticed by von Winterfeldt but not by Sophie. “I bet there is something going on between those two. But how can that be?”

Von Winterfeldt presented Sophie to Christine: “I think you will be especially pleased to meet Sophie again, we all look forward to your recital together. I am sure of that.” Chris smiled encouragingly at Sophie: “I am glad to see you again!” “Me too, Chris” Sophie returned the smile. To herself she thought “She looks so cool and collected” and that thought gave Sophie strength.

“What about an Aperitif?” Von Winterfeldt gestured subtly. A maid emerged from a concealed alcove, with a silver tray with Crystal Flutes of Champagne. After everyone present was furnished with a drink von Winterfeldt toasted: “To the Arts”

“To the Arts” his guests rang back.

Then he invited his guests to the Table and bade them to sit. Christine sat between Sieglinde and Sophie. Across from her sat her Host and Frau Berger.

Chris' felt a feather-soft touch on her left thigh as Sieglinde let her hand rest there for a moment. Christine returned the gesture, while conversing with von Dorothea Berger about the finer points of accompanying Schubert. During Dinner von Winterfeldt displayed his talent as congenial conversationalist who directed their discourse like a master conductor with his Orchestra.

Effortless the conversation flowed freely from one subject to another covering everything from the arts, to science and history.

This was most strange, Sophie thought: Anybody without knowledge of the Circumstances would regard this as an absolute normal festive Dinner, she would have liked to talk to Christine but no opening presented itself.

Inwardly she admired Chris' composure: “One might think, she and Carl are BFF´s and there is definitely something going on between Gablenz and her, I wonder what ….”

Sophie was a too skilled observer of human behaviour not to notice the small signs, which might had escaped many people: Gestures, looks.

After dessert von Winterfeldt stood up and addressed his audience: “We are happy today to have two such brilliant musicians among us”, he smiled benevolently at Christine and Sophie.

“We are grateful that you do us the honour of performing together for us. Whilst you get ready let us get over to the Piano he told his other guests”: A row of Seats stood next to the Grand Piano.

While Christine and Sophie walked to the Grand Piano, Sophie felt the soft touch of Chris' Hand. “You can do this. We will win the night with our music and claim victory with guile at the end of all this.” she whispered. “You will do perfectly!”

They had reached the Grand Piano. Sophie stood next to the Grand Piano her right hand resting lightly on the Instrument, facing their Audience.

Christine sat, adjusted the Chair and smiled encouragingly: “You can do this!” Chris nodded slightly and the first accords of “Gretchen am Spinnrade” filled the Room.

Sophie took a deep breath and closed her eyes and began to sing. She felt enshrouded in Chris' calm power in that moment and she felt that the notes she sung resonated in her soul and she felt connected to Christine's strength. The Piano imitated the movement of a spinning wheel:
”Gretchen am Spinnrade” by Schubert, interpreted by Barbara Bonney

Sophie had von Winterfeldt pegged as a gifted accompanist but Christine was playing in another league: She seemed to sense every so subtle Change of Tempo or Pitch even before Sophie knew she would do it. Christine carried her; she had that fine feeling for the balance ensuring that the piano never dominated the Vocal Line, but still stood on its own. Chris´ touch was crystal clear and radiant.

Their final Piece was the famous Ave Maria of Schubert and Sophie laid everything in that Song, it expressed all emotions she felt. Christine was deeply moved by Sophie´s warm Mezzo that was shimmering like dark silk.

She smiled warmly at her and for the time being the world around them receded. “The Words of the supplication fit the situation perfectly”, Chris thought, “Only we are two maidens in distress not one as Sir Walter Scott poetized.”
”Ave Maria by Schubert, interpreted by Barbara Bonney

Ave Maria! maiden mild!
Listen to a maiden's prayer!
Thou canst hear though from the wild;
Thou canst save amid despair.
Safe may we sleep beneath thy care,
Though banish'd, outcast and reviled –
Maiden! hear a maiden's prayer;
Mother, hear a suppliant child!
Ave Maria!

Ave Maria! undefiled!
The flinty couch we now must share
Shall seem with down of eider piled,
If thy protection hover there.
The murky cavern's heavy air
Shall breathe of balm if thou hast smiled;
Then, Maiden! hear a maiden's prayer,
Mother, list a suppliant child!
Ave Maria!

Ave Maria! stainless styled.
Foul demons of the earth and air,
From this their wonted haunt exiled,
Shall flee before thy presence fair.
We bow us to our lot of care,
Beneath thy guidance reconciled;
Hear for a maid a maiden's prayer,
And for a father hear a child!
Ave Maria!

(Sir Walter Scott, Ellen´s Third Song)

After the last note was played there was a moment of silence and after a short Pause one person applauded them, and to Sophie´s ultimate surprise it was Dorothea Berger, which smiled warmly at her.

“This is high praise” Sophie thought, as she and Christine bowed before their audience, enjoying the warm applause. Berger was devoted to Perfection only and would have noticed the slightest error, as Sophie had learned since she studied with the Vocal Coach.

Even more so since she and Chris had never rehearsed together. That she and Chris had connected so well was astonishing as if there had been a secret connection between them.

“This was marvellous!” von Winterfeldt told his guests, wiping a tear from his eye. “Such emotion and perfection! Why don´t you take a seat my dear Sophie? Please have a drink and moisten your wonderful vocal chords.”

Sophie accepted the offered Flute with Champaign and took a seat and concentrated on Chris. She felt pity for her, the pressure she surely felt had to be tremendous.

Von Winterfeldt interrupted her train of thought: “I take it that Christine will play now Brahms for us?" He asked Chris, rhetorically.

“As if you didn't know” Christine thought sarcastically, while outwardly beaming at von Winterfeldt. “But of course my dear Carl!” she beamed back. “Don´t overdo it, a small voice whispered in her head.” “Shut up” Chris told the voice firmly.

Christine turned to her Audience: “I will play for you Brahms´ Variations over a Theme of Handel." Chris sat down, closed her eyes took her time to concentrate, let her hands rest on the keyboard without stroking a key. “Focus, this is just a concert. Something you did countless times before.”

Handel-Variations by Brahms, interpreted by Grigory Socolov

She inhaled deeply and began to play: the elegant aria moved in stately quarter notes in 4/
4 time. Twenty five Minutes later she reached the final Variation, and as the final accord stood in the room, there was stunned Silence, nobody applauded this time as if everybody feared to break the spell.

Eventually it was von Winterfeldt who broke it, he applauded an then the others fell in.

“Christine that was absolutely outstanding!” Chris stood, bowed and beamed back: “Asshole” she thought “I feel like at an auction at Sotheby´s. Only that I am to be auctioned off in this Case.” And continued to smile.

“My dear Christine” von Winterfeldt addressed her cordialy “Would you grace us with an encore, maybe Chopin?”

“How could it be anyone else?” she mused; her Audience she told though: “I will play the last three Etudes of Op. 25 for you; they have a special meaning for me and Carl, it was the first time we met at Sylt!” She graced him with a polite smile.

Inwardly Christine congratulated herself as she registered von Winterfeldt´s Reaction. He beamed like a student complimented by his teacher.

It was a bold decision she thought to herself, because playing these three Etudes in a row was like scaling the Mount Everest and the Nanga Parbat in a row without oxygen in a blizzard even under normal circumstances. And the circumstances this evening were anything else but normal. She took a deep breath - concentrated and began to play:

Chris hammered the first chromatic octaves of op. 25/10 in the keyboard.
Grigory Sokolov plays Chopin op. 25/10

And as soon as she began to play, she did not hold back, let all restraints go, threw all caution out of the window, played without a safety net. To hell with caution! Chris´ rendition of the three Etudes laid her entire soul bare for anybody who could hear.

The raging storm on the keyboard mirrored her inner turmoil, her fiery hate for von Winterfeldt degrading her to an object, her love for Robert, for her Friends, for all the people she cared for. Tears began rolling down her cheeks, but she was oblivious to them.

Her Audience listened with rapt Attention as time seemed to come to a standstill.

Chris played the last three Etudes like one Piece, the grand final barely pausing between the single Etudes, storming through them like the Light Brigade at Balaclava:

“Half a league, half a league,
Half a league onward,
All in the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.”

The final Climax was the Etude in C-Minor, both hands consisting of extremely fast ascending and descending arpeggios with frequent modulations.
Boris Berezovsky plays Chopin op.25/12

Sophie watched in awe she felt as if she could read in Chris´ soul, she felt her pain and she felt her power and she felt her love. And her heart went out to her.

Chris thundered the last full accord in the Keyboard with all her Strength, let her hands rest for a moment on the keyboard, inhaling deeply. She felt exhausted and drained, but at the same time cleansed and exalted. The Pianist collected herself, stood up and bowed, appraising the faces of her Audience, and bowed again:

Von Winterfeldt smiling like a madman, Berger indicating with a nod her appreciation, Sieglinde beaming at her and Sophie who regarded her with a warm knowing smile. “She knows exactly, what I have done, what I am going through” – and she had the distinct feeling that the Vocal Coach did as well; Berger smiled warmly at her, no words were necessary. The Music had said it all.

“My dear Christine I must say, this was majestic. It was perfection! My heartfelt thanks for this magical Moment you presented us with.” Von Winterfeldt told her graciously. It cost Chris´ all willpower and self-control to smile and not to hit him squarely between the eyes.

Von Winterfeldt strode across the room and offered her his Arm, Chris accepted politely: “My dear Carl, this was a wonderful evening, but I hope you are not disappointed if I retire to my Quarters, aren´t you? The last days had been demanding.”

To her surprise he had no objections, "I understand perfectly Chris, get some rest your Honour Guard will accompany you. My dear Guests, Christine will retire know, only too understandable. I hope Christine will play for us again soon.”

Then he walked her to the door, Sieglinde and Chris exchanged a look and Sieglinde nodded ever so slightly.

The Adlernest: Christine´s Quarters, late Evening:

Her Guards had already awaited her. When she entered her Quarters Gunhild and Gaia already awaited her to help her undress. Chris just threw herself in the next chair. She barely registered that Gaia gently removed her heels and massaged her feet. Chris sighed contently.

“Thank you Gaia! This feels soo good – would you please unzip me and leave me then.”

“Of course Christine!” the maid replied cordially. Chris stood and turned her back to Gaia, who pulled the Zipper down, the Gown glided down and curled in a heap around her feet. Chris stepped out of it and Gunhild presented her with a silken dressing gown. “Good night Christine!"

"Sleep well!" Gunhild added friendly and left Christine to herself.
Last edited by Caesar73 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by GreyLord »

This may well be the most powerful chapter that I have yet read from you, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. It was made even more poignant but your selection of youtube clips. This builds the intensity to the final confrontation yet more. May your writing continue for many years to come.
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Post by Beaumains »

Great part! I loved how Chris fought with both music and words against von Winterfeldt. Only, somehow I would not be surprised if von Winterfeldt is enjoying this behavior and wants Chris to resist so he can break her. Or is he just too impressed/fangirling towards Chris? I am not sure.

I hope Sophie will endure the rest of the meeting.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

That was a good chapter. Plot moving fast again, as it's all leading to a final confrontation. A little too fast, I think, but if some parts would have been more developed in this chapter (like the dialogues during the dinner), maybe we would have waited more days for a new update.

I, however, still miss the powerful man in the castle, although that ship has sailed long, long ago. Carl von Winterfeldt now cannot stop acting too silly, and way less intelligent that I expected him to be, originally. He ended up just being Christine's.... simp? Things are happening right in front of his nose and he doesn't notice at all. Maybe they were too subtle, and only Sophie could catch them. But since the plot was moving too fast, it's hard to think this is our evil, big final boss. Even his loyal Sieglinde is having her way with Christine, and I'm still pretty sure there will be a valkyries' rebellion soon. One thing is to be overconfident and other is to be just... well, dumb.

(Also, does he really buy Christine's act? I mean, he had to kidnap the woman in order to get his concert? Does he genuinely believe she's happy in the Adlernest and she won't try to escape? Or, like Beaumains said, he's just playing a game to break Christine?)
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Post by NotSeen »

Everyone's mileage will vary, but I can buy von Winterfeldt being oblivious to much of what is happening around him. One of the things that set the whole story in motion was his obsession to get Christine... and now he has her, has the pretty doll he's been after for so long... and it plays the piano so very beautifully!

The way he treated Sophie after having her abducted does tell (to me, anyway) that he may have lost touch with parts of the reality as others see it - namely how people may react to being abducted and kept against their will in his castle. After all, he did profess that his intentions were charitable - for abducting Christine! For anyone to say that to the abductee's face... you'd have to be a bit off your rocker.

Granted, it is possible that he's trying to play everyone else.

I can even buy the potential uprising by the Valkyries. We have seen von Winterfeldt to be (both directly and by proxy) an unreasonably harsh master. There is only so many times that one can use violence to punish understandable failures before the underlings start to grumble... and besides, as much as his 'guests' are prisoners in the castle... are the Valkyries free to leave, either? Or have I missed something?

In the end, I'd put his behavior down to his obsession with Christine... or more like his obsession with the picture he has of her. How accurate will that picture be, I wonder... but before that, I wonder who will be the binder and who will be the bindee when Christine and Sieglinde play the next time around...
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Post by slackywacky »

I needed some time to catch up, lots happening when you miss 4 updates. I love the little Youtube links. It is not always my style, but I don't mind being surprised and open to all kind of musical styles. Waiting breathlessly for the rescue efforts ;)
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
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Post by Caesar73 »

NotSeen wrote: 2 years ago Everyone's mileage will vary, but I can buy von Winterfeldt being oblivious to much of what is happening around him. One of the things that set the whole story in motion was his obsession to get Christine... and now he has her, has the pretty doll he's been after for so long... and it plays the piano so very beautifully!

In the end, I'd put his behavior down to his obsession with Christine... or more like his obsession with the picture he has of her. How accurate will that picture be, I wonder... but before that, I wonder who will be the binder and who will be the bindee when Christine and Sieglinde play the next time around...
I agree with your assessment of von Winterfeldt´s Personality. Indeed he seems to be more infatuated with his image of Chris and not the real Woman. It remains to be seen, how that will work out for him in the end!


Since Music plays a key role in this Saga and I find it difficult to convey the spirit of the Music verbally, I came up with the idea of the youtube-links, letting the Music speak :)
Waiting breathlessly for the rescue efforts ;)
The Rescue Efforts are on their way. Christine´s Friends are working on it and Chris will do some work herself. We will see, if they are successful in the end. We will learn more at the Weekend!

but before that, I wonder who will be the binder and who will be the bindee when Christine and Sieglinde play the next time around...
This question will be answered this Evening MEST :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

NotSeen wrote: 2 years ago but before that, I wonder who will be the binder and who will be the bindee when Christine and Sieglinde play the next time around...

Here is the answer to your question dear [mention]NotSeen[/mention] :) Things are heating up :)

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]nayte4767[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]BeautifulHeart[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention]

The Adlernest: Christine´s Quarters, late Evening:

As soon as she was alone she went in the Bathroom and appraised herself critically in the Mirror and began to freshen up her make-up. Carefully Chris redid her lipstick, took the bottle of perfume, which Sieglinde loved so much:

A few drops behind the ears, between her breasts, under the armpits and she carefully applied some Perfume on her Pubic Hair, which she had trimmed in a Brazilian Landing Strip. Chris smiled coyly. Her long luscious Hair bound into a Ponytail and she was ready. She smiled at her mirror-self: “You do look real good Sweetie!”

Now for the decoration: Chris padded on her stockinged feet back, singing softly to herself “Caro mio ben”, in her suite and programmed first some soft classical music, the Champagne-Cooler stood already on the table. She placed candles strategically around the suite and lit them before dimming down the light.
Cecilia Bartoli accompanied by Yves Thibaudet sings “Caro mio ben”

Chris appraised her work: “Perfect” she smiled to herself. The Stage for “The Seduction of Sieglinde, Part II” was nearly set. “Now for the main exhibit” Despite her exhaustion Chris had enormous fun, she did not know though where she did take the Energy from, she simply did it – and banned all doubts resolutely in a secluded chamber of her mind.

She let the dressing gown falling on the floor and pulled a very short white silken negligée over her head. It reached barely mid-thigh and left nothing to imagination. The soft silk caressed her skin.

Chris sat on the bed, crossed her legs, one dangling seductively, foot whipping. She took the book, which she had ordered from the extensive Library of the Adlernest and began to read in “Dangerous Liaisons”.

She found the famous/ scandalous Novel by Pierre Choderlos De Laclos (1741 – 1803), who had been considered by his contemporaries as scandalous as the Marquis des Sade, oddly fitting for the Occasion, “I am Milady de Winter after all”

She could not help but smiling wickedly. Time trickled by, Minutes, half an hour. She listened, Chris had heard something: Steps of High Heeled feet.

In the wall across her Bed a secret door opened. Sieglinde entered and took in the sight before her: The Candles, the soft Music and Christine on the bed. The Pianist looked up and smiled and laid the book aside, so that Sieglinde could catch a glimpse of the title: Something about Liaisons.

Chris unfolded her legs, her Negligée rode a bit higher, and she placed one leg seductively in one fluid motion about the other again, “Straight from Sharon Stone´s Playbook in Basic Instinct” Christine enjoyed it enormously, teasing Sieglinde. Alone that was worth the effort.

Sieglinde had changed into a short black dress and matching sky high Peep Toe Pumps. Truth to be told, the Dress was very short, displaying Sieglindes well-toned legs.

“Come Prisoner!” she ordered Chris in this sexy husky Voice. “Of Course Mistress, as you command!” Slowly, very slowly Chris unfolded her legs, swung them on the Floor, her feet sinking in the lush Carpet, which felt incredible soft under her nylon clad soles. She stood and sauntered towards Sieglinde.

Sieglinde watched mesmerized as Chris' walked towards her, she did not simply walk, Sieglinde decided, she strode along solemnly: What a sight! Hips swaying, with graceful fluid movements, her hard nipples clearly visible under the Silk, which barely covered her bossom, her bright green eyes never breaking contact.

“I could lose myself in these eyes.” Sieglinde thought. “I am playing with Fire, but that makes it even more worth the risk.” And she discarded any doubts, or caution. It was just Christine and her. “Nothing else matters” she thought.

“Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words, I don't just say
And nothing else matters”
Metallica: “Nothing Else Matters”, Official Music Video from 1991

Christine halted directly in front of her, so short was the distance, that Sieglinde could smell the Perfume and the sweat and the arousal and sense the heat, Chris´ Body was radiating.

Christine, closed the distance between them fully, took her head in both hands and kissed Sieglinde hard and full on the lips, her tongue entwining with hers in a slow dance, exploring her mouth. After an eternity they broke contact, Christine stood back and looked down and stared at Sieglindes feet, as she folded her hands demurely above her lap.

“Mistress, your Prisoner awaits your command.” She murmured.

“Very well Prisoner, bring me a Glass of Champagne, I am thirsty!” Sieglinde commanded.

“As you wish, My Lady.” replied Chris demurely.

While she filled the Glass, Sieglinde took a seat and savoured every curve of Chris´ shapely figure, barely covered by the silken Negligée. She especially enjoyed the view, when Chris turned her back to her, staring longingly at Chris´ firm butt. The blonde Ponytail, reaching well below the shoulder blades.

The Pianist turned and presented the Glass to her “Mistress.” Gablenz took a sip, savoured the taste: “Prisoner” Sieglinde ordered “My feet hurt in those Heels, take care of them”

“At once Mistress!” Chris knelt down pulled a low foot stool near and took Sieglindes right High Heeled Foot in her hands, resting her mistress´s well sculpted calf on her bare thigh. Carefully and slowly, she removed the shoe from Sieglindes foot.

Christine let her hand glide over Sieglindes silky, lightly sweaty, nyloned Sole. Sieglinde moaned contently. “Carry on Prisoner." she whispered huskily.

Sieglinde felt, that Chris tenderly caressed her foot, allowing her touch to glide across her sole, from her heel to the balls of her foot, kneading the soft flesh gently for a while. The nylon felt smooth under her touch.

Chris slipped an ice cube from the champagne bucket into her mouth and began to suck on her big toe first, then taking all toes into her mouth, sucking on them, exploring them with her tongue, taking her time. Sieglinde giggled softly, when Chris Tongue slipped between her toes.

Sieglindes hand glided unto her skirt and her fingers into her wet pussy, enchanted by Chris' hot breath and cool tongue tantalising her senses.

“Prisoner” she gasped breathless “I have another foot." Chris let Sieglindes right foot down on the foot stool and turned her attention to her left foot, worshipping it in the same way as she had the right, even longer and even slower.

Then she took both ankles in her hands and slowly explored each sole, first with feather light kisses, barely brushing her feet with her lips, before slowly caressing every inch of her soles with her ice cooled tongue, kneading her soles, kissing her Mistress´ high Arches.

This slow torture overwhelmed Sieglinde. A deep guttural groan escaped her mouth as the orgasm washed over her, her eyes rolled back, so that one could see their whites.

Chris remained kneeling on the floor, hands folded demurely in her lap, Head bowed down.

Sieglinde came slowly down to earth. This had been one of the best orgasms she had had, ever. She looked at Chris:

She could still not believe it. This dominant woman who kneeled before her had just worshiped her feet. She flexed her soles, wiggled her toes and sighed contentedly.

She regarded Chris´ with a smile: “Prisoner?”

“Yes Mistress?”

“This was glorious! You earned yourself a reward Prisoner!”

“You are to kind Mistress!” Chris kept her head down, gazing at the floor.

“Stand up!”

Christine complied and stood, slowly till she stood before her Mistress. “I enjoy this game, very much so.”, she thought. Sieglinde let her gaze glide lazily over Christine´s Body: From the Crown of her Head, down to her Toes.” “Remove that Negligée!” Sieglinde ordered her Prisoner.

"Anything to please you, My Lady." Christine whispered, bowing her head, trying to sound as submissive as possible, slowly looking up again:

Christine gazed deeply into her mistresses grey eyes, “Those eyes burn through to my soul, leaving me naked before her.” Sieglinde thought as Chris removed slowly first the left shoulder strap of the flimsy garment and then the right: The silken clothing flowed down to the floor and curled around her feet. Underneath the Pianist wore nothing just her hose.

"Mmmmm, she is a cornucopia of delights. Those strong beautiful feet, those full and firm breasts, that tight glorious ass. I could make love to her every day for a thousand years and still find something new to ensnare my soul." Sieglinde had the urge to ravish Chris on the spot, but that would be to fast! No she would not give in to temptation. “We have all the time of the World.”

“You still wear too much Prisoner!” Sieglinde chided her playfully instead.

"I am sooo sorry My Lady." Chris whispered seductively, before she rolled her hose slowly down her legs, so slow, without breaking eye contact, before stepping out of them.

“Put these Pantyhose in your mouth! I don’t want to hear your whining!” Sieglinde commanded. Chris bowed down, took the warm, moist Material and balled it up. The Ball was large. Very large. Slowly Christine pressed and prodded the large soft ball in her Mouth. Finally the ball rested behind her teeth.

Sieglinde was impressed: “She can still close her mouth – and is she smiling?” Aloud she said: Take one of these scarfs, tie a large overhand in it and cleave gag yourself, Prisoner!”

Christine strode to the bed, took one of the large Scarfs. She pressed the large Knot against her lips, pressed the large ball of Hose even deeper in her Mouth, Chris folded the remaining Ends of the Scarf above her lips and knotted the Scarf behind her head. A twinkle in her eyes.

“Very good Prisoner! Take another Scarf and tie it in a band above your lips." Chris took a red silk scarf and did as ordered.

So tight was the Gag that Chris´ cheeks bulged above the tight bands of silk. “Very good Prisoner!” Sieglinde complimented her. “Now your reward!” She stood up and pulled her moist and wet Panties down.

Sieglinde walked to Chris and dangled the Panties before her face. Chris could smell Sieglindes arousal. Sieglinde pulled the Panties over Chris' head till the crotch rested firmly across Chris nose.

The Pianist moaned softly as she smelled the musky scent of Gablenz. Sieglinde rolled first her right then the left stocking down. She took the left stocking and pulled it over Chris´ already panty-covered head. The Nylon obscured Chris ‘features. Another moan, Sieglinde took the second Stocking and wound it around Chris' mouth and nose, pulling it tight and knotting it behind Chris´ Neck.

“This is pure torture.” Chris thought as she inhaled Sieglindes Musky Scent “but I will prevail. I can do this.”

“Listen Prisoner” Sieglinde continued “you will give yourself now a tight crotch rope. Take two Scarves, bind one around your waist and the other one though your crotch, make nice knots in that one!

Five Minutes later Chris inhaled sharply as she pulled the second Scarf through her crotch, the knots pressing into her Pussy. She moaned.

“Now Prisoner! Turn your back to me!” Chris complied.

With confident hands and a racing heart, Sieglinde bound her wrists, palm to palm, with soft cotton rope and then bound her elbows tightly. Her heart melted as Christine moaned softly, when her elbows touched.

Sieglinde wrapped a rope around Chris' body above and below her breasts, and then cinched it between her breasts. Taking a thin cord she wrapped the base of each breast making them swell and redden. Sieglinde let her palms rest on Chris´ Breasts squeezing them gently. Pinching her rock-hard nipples.

Sieglinde helped her prisoner kneel on the bed and then bound and cinched each ankle to its' corresponding thigh, tightly frog tying Christine. Not without touching Chris´ soft soles, gently caressing them, Chris´ soft giggles were heavily muffled of course due to her overstuffed mouth.

Sieglinde knelt before her. She took Chris´ left nipple in her mouth, sucked on it, and played with it, her tongue caressed above and around Chris' left breast. Her prisoner’s moans became louder and more urgent. Sieglinde pulled sharply at the Crotch Rope first one time, then a second. Another moan, then Sieglinde moved to the right breast.

Smiling wickedly Sieglinde gave Chris a playful shove, so that her Prisoner landed on her bound Arms, her pussy easy accessible now, Chris squeaked surprised as she fell on her back. “I want to prolong this” Sieglinde smiled. “Don't go away Chris!” Another moan, which sounded like a muffled protest. Sieglinde took an ice cube out of the Champagne Cooler as she had watched Christine do.

She knelt between Chris legs and let the cube wander around the base of Christ´s breasts and slowly touched the nipples with another cube, till that had melted. The moans of Chris intensified in frequency and intensity. The scent of Gablenz´ Panties and Stocking was intoxicating, the prolonged stimulation driving her mad.

She began to strain forcefully against her bonds. “Calm down Slave, you earned yourself your reward!” Sieglinde whispered softly and knelt between her legs, removing the crotch rope, her tongue exploring Chris´ nether regions skillfully and agonizingly slow.

Christine writhed in ecstasy, she wanted release with all her might she strained against her bonds and moaned into the gag. Sieglinde had skillfully played her, like she, Chris, played the Piano. Her whole body was an erogenous zone by now, every cell in sensorical overdrive.

Her bound breasts were hypersensitive to the slightest touch. Sieglindes hot tongue felt like fire on her already hot slightly sweaty skin.

Chris shuddered as Sieglinde kissed her right sole and let her tongue glide in circles across her heel and upwards …

And then, after what felt like an eternity, Sieglinde allowed her to cum: the mother of all Orgasms washed over her, one wave stronger than the next and she blacked out. Her scream would have shattered glass had she not been so tightly gagged. And this was only the beginning, the overture.

Two hours later: Sieglinde looked down at the peacefully sleeping Christine. Carefully she removed the stocking tied above her face, than she pulled the stocking cap away. Chris face was flustered, her long blonde hair damp and wet.

A while later Chris lay unrestrained before her. Carefully Sieglinde covered the sleeping beauty with the silken sheets. Her face was relaxed and calm. She kissed her softly on the lips “Good night my love!” Sieglinde whispered and left the sleeping Pianist.

It was around four when Christine woke up from a deep dreamless sleep: The Events of the last evening came back to her: The Dinner and what happened after that. "The Seduction of Sieglinde part II had been a tremendous success and she had had one of the best Orgasms of her life. “This is a dangerous game, but not without its rewards." She thought sleepily as she drifted back to sleep and sweet oblivion engulfed her.
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Post by slackywacky »

Interesting chapter. Wondering where this will lead, a dangerous play indeed by Chris.

All this foot worship (your story and some others we read)... it feels like you're all telling me something :lol:
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Oh yes.

Very good chapter. This is, in my opinion, the strength of this story. Chapters like this. A few of the thoughts were a little odd to me, like "I will prevail" (to think it literally in that phrase sounds odd), but all of it was worth for this part. Very descriptive, great pace and, top of all, very, very hot. Christine knows really well how to play with Sieglinde's mind... and Sieglinde knows perfectly how to play with Christine's body. Good job!

I keep wondering what will happen with both Christine and Sieglinde if, IF von Winterfeldt finds out, although I doubt he'll have the intelligence to realize something is happening heh. I want to raise the stake: what if von Winterfeldt caughts them right in the middle of the act? Oh my, the possibilities...
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Post by GreyLord »

Holy Mackerel, Sapphire! That was hot, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. It is going to take a while before I can breath evenly again. This is beyond the habanero pepper, it is beyond the ghost pepper. Perhaps it matches the Carolina Reaper Pepper.

To have Chris sub for me in this manner, I would join the Valkyrie. Or whatever Chris wanted me to do.
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Post by NotSeen »

As others have stated, that was HOOOOOTTT!. I guess I found out who's doing the binding and who's getting bound... or did I? Sure, on the surface it looks like Sieglinde is in charge - she's ordering Chris around and tying her up at will... all the while totally oblivious she's being played like a cheap fiddle. The things lust will make people do... I'm probably reading too much into this (and/or I'm just overly in love with my earlier inventions) but what neither von Winterfeldt nor Sieglinde seem to understand is that there are limits to superficial control. Both are so smitten with their newest toy that neither seem to even entertain the possibility that Christine might be duplicitous.
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Post by Beaumains »

Christine is playing a Bond girl in a great way. Seducing the opponent is such a classic trick, and it shows she will not give up easily. Somehow, I suspect she wants vo Winterfeldt to find out about them to have him break down his Valkyries even further. Lovely plan!
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